Strategic Change Management

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London College of Business and Finance

Assignment Brief
Programme Edexcel BTEC level 7 Diploma / Extended Diploma in
Strategic Management and Leadersip
!nit "# Strategic Cange Management
Tutor $ulian $o%
Date &ssued '(st Fe)ruar% '*(' Date Due '*t Marc '*('
Student Guidelines
(+ ,ou sould -rite tis assignment in report st%le+ Essential parts are
. Title page
. Ta)le of contents
. &ntroduction
. Main )od% of te report clearl% identif%ing te separate tas/s
. Conclusion and recommendation
. 0eference and )i)liograp%
. 1ppendices onl% if relevant and necessar%
'+ &ntroduction sould include terms of reference2 researc metods and a sort
compan% overvie-+
"+ Complete %our report in "3** -ords -it a (*4 level of tolerance+ So- %our -ord
count at te end of te report+ 5ord count excludes title page2 ta)le of contents2
reference page2 appendices and carts or graps included in te )od%+
6+ 0eport sould )e -ord processed and grammaticall% correct+ Pages sould )e
num)ered+ !se Times 7e- 0oman2 font (' and (+3 line spacing+ So- titles and use
)ullet points for a )etter structure and presentation+
3+ List of references citing sources in 8arvard referencing st%le is a must+ 0eference
ma% include )i)liograp% so-ing %our -ider stud% relevant to tis module+
9+ To pass te assignment %ou must acieve a minimum of pass for eac assessment
7+ Te assignment must )e su)mitted )% (7#** on te '7
of Fe)ruar% '*('
London College of Business and Finance
Learning Outcomes
L: ( !nderstand te )ac/ground to organi;ational strategic cange
L: ' !nderstand issues relating to strategic cange in an organisation
L: " Be a)le to lead sta/eolders in developing a strateg% for cange
L: 6 Be a)le to plan to implement models for ensuring ongoing cange
<Ever%)od% as accepted )% no- tat cange is unavoida)le+ But tat still implies tat
cange is li/e deat and taxes it sould )e postponed as long as possi)le and no cange
-ould )e vastl% prefera)le+ But in a period of upeaval2 suc as te one -e are living in2
cange is te norm+< ==Peter F+ Druc/er
Coose an M7C of %our coice -ic is undergoing a cange at present and complete te
follo-ing tas/s+
Section 1
(+ Discuss models of strategic cange -itin %our cosen organisation >1C (+(?
'+ Evaluate te relevance of models of strategic cange to %our organisation in te
current econom% >1C (+'?
"+ 1ssess te value of using strategic intervention tecni@ues in organisations >1C (+"?
te same organisation
Section 2
6+ Examine te need for strategic cange in %our cosen organisation >1C '+(?
3+ 1ssess te factors tat are driving te need for strategic cange in %our organisation
>1C '+'?
9+ 1ssess te resource implications of %our organisation not responding to strategic
cange >1C '+"?
Section 3
7+ Develop s%stems to involve sta/eolders in te planning of cange >1C "+(?
A+ Develop a cange management strateg% -it sta/eolders >1C "+' ?
B+ Evaluate te s%stems used to involve sta/eolders in te planning of cange >1C "+"?
(*+ Create a strateg% for managing resistance to cange >1C "+6?
London College of Business and Finance
Section 4
((+ Develop appropriate models for cange >1C 6+(?
('+ Plan to implement a model for cange >1C 6+'?
("+ develop appropriate measures to monitor progress >1C 6+"?
Please note
&n order to avoid t-o students coosing te same compan%2 %ou MUST inform %our tutor of
%our cosen compan% )efore te commencement of %our -or/+
=========================================== End of 1ssignment========================================

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