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Laura Lvange||sta

I|na| Cut ro 7, Adobe rem|ere ro
M|crosoft Word, owero|nt, Lxce|
Adobe CS6
Lxce||ent commun|cat|on, organ|zat|on and
Ab|||ty to mu|t|-task under pressure


Lumberyard roduct|on Ass|stant Iune 2014 - present
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AsslsLlng osL roducers creaLe schedules for edlLors and lnpuL cllenL bllllng lnformaLlon.

Stud|o Crew Member Apr|| 2014- Iu|y 2014
)67568 /-9:23 . /$# 0,$#12'134 56
Asslgned as roducer, ulrecLor, Camera CperaLor and AsslsLanL LdlLor on varlous 8A?CA1
SLudlo cllenL work.

roduct|on Ass|stant Iune 2014
;#<,3#39#1"$%&" +,3:91-23#'= /"#'" > /?33- . /$# 0,$#12'134 56
SupporLed locaLlons deparLmenL by reservlng space for casL and crew, seL up 'noLlce of
lllmlng' slgns, and crowd conLrol.

V|deo roduct|on Intern Ianuary 2014- Apr|| 2014
)67568 /-9:23 . /$# 0,$#12'134 56
AsslsLed as roducer and LdlLor for 8A?CA1 promoLlonal vldeos.

roduct|on Intern Ianuary 2013- May 2013
+)/ /35$@ . A,$#B"4 56
laclllLaLed mlcrophone appllcaLlon for show guesLs, dlsLrlbuLed run-downs Lo sLaff and
LalenL, ensured accuracy of CC llsLs, and malnLalned cleanllness of sLudlo.

8.A. Commun|cat|ons, August 2009- Ianuary 2014
Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy- lullerLon

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