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Grade English Mrs. Andrea Middleton
West Point Junior High Email:
Class Web Site: Phone: 801-402-8100

In this interactive class students will learn what it really means to be an author and a reader. Reading, writing and
collaboration are key components of this class. Students will be expected to practice, share and present their discoveries with their
peers daily. Students will explore a variety of authors, genres and writing styles to increase their awareness. The ability to write takes
practice so we will write EVERY day. By practicing, students will not only become better writers they will also develop their
understanding of their own personal writing process. Students will also work to further develop their reading skills so that they can
successfully be used as a tool in real world situations.
MATERIALS: (See materials list) These items must be brought to class EVERY DAY!
inch 3-Ring Binder & loose leaf paper
Composition Notebook
Spiral notebook: college ruled, 70 sheet, single subject
Zipper Pouch with: 1 glue stick, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 black pen, colored pencils
Reading book

Writing assignments, personal reading, tests, written and oral assignments, daily class work, homework, and the student portfolio all
contribute to the students grade. Doing everything that we do, whether it is homework or class work, is very important to the
learning process in English.
There are four major areas in which students will be
Speaking & Listening

READING: Students will be reading and analyzing multiple types of text throughout the year. These will include but not be limited
to: narrative, non-fiction, expository, and poetry. Students will be expected to read in class as well as outside of class.
OUTSIDE READING: Each term students will select a book from a different genre and author to read as a term assignment.
WRITING: Students will participate in a variety of writing activities including research, argumentative, creative, poetry, personal
experience narrative, etc. Each student will go throughout the writing process and will be responsible for offering critiques of other
students work. Many assignments will be completed in class; however, there will also be required at home writing assignments
which will require the use of a computer and the internet. If student does not have access to this at home, they should make
arrangements to use the ones available at the school, public library, etc. Handwritten writing assignments will not be accepted.
SPEAKING AND LISTENING: It is important for students to develop the ability to use communication skills. We will be working
on speaking and listening on a daily basis. The students will be expected to participate in group discussions, answer questions in
whole group settings and give presentations. They will also practice listening to their peers and appropriate skills that are needed for
LANGUAGE: Language skills will be developed throughout the school year in conjunction with reading and writing. As students
become more fluent in their ability to read and write different types of texts they will become more fluent in their ability to write
using the correct conventions. They will develop the ability to express their ideas through writing and speaking as well as increase
their vocabulary skills.
LATE WORK POLICY: Turning work in on time is important and helps students to develop an awareness of time frames
and deadlines. It is also an essential part of taking responsibility for their assignments. However, I do understand that extenuation
circumstances can arise. Students can turn in late work 1-5 days after the due date for 85% of the original points. 6-10 days they will
receive 75% of the original points and 11-14 they will receive 55% of the original points. Late work will not be accepted after 2 weeks.


93 to 100%


80 to 83%


67 to 69%


90 to 92%


77 to 79%


64 to 66%


87 to 89%


74 to 76%


60 to 63%


84 to 86%


70 to 73%


59% or less
ABSENT/MAKEUP WORK POLICY: I will post daily on our class website. If a student is absent they will be able to
access what they missed on the website. There will also be a binder in the classroom that students can access the material they
missed. Students will have the amount of days they missed plus 3 days to turn in work for full credit. After the 3 days the late work
policy will begin.
PLAGIARISM/CHEATING: The school policy as outlined in the student handbook and the English Department Policy on
Plagiarism will be strictly adhered to in this class. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any form and will result in a zero on the
assignment and a U in citizenship. Please see the West Point Jr. High Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating located in the Student
Planner, on the WPJH website, and posted throughout my classroom.
NOVELS AND MOVIES: The following novels may be used: The Wednesday Wars, Freak the Mighty, A Wrinkle in Time, The
Lightning Thief, The Westing Game. The Chinese Cinderella and Bomb! We may also read A Christmas Carol and The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow. Movies may include: Get a Clue, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Disney), and clips from
other Disney movies, as well as clips used to aid in teaching and helping students to relate to the topic we are learning about.

Extra Credit- There are 3 ways students can receive extra credit. In order to be eligible they must have all their assignments turned
Hall/oops passes- (15 points each) Students will be given 2 hall passes and 2 oops passes each term. If they have not used
them, they may turn them in at the end of the term for extra credit.
They may also choose one of the below options:
Personal Journal- (50 points) I will NOT be reading these. However, I will be scanning through it checking dates and the
number of entries. In order to get full points there needs to be at least 30 entries of a page or more as well as dates though
out the term.
Writers Journal- (50 points) Many famous writers keep a small notebook or pocket book that they take with them
everywhere they go. They write down ideas, quotes, song lyrics, interesting facts, conversations, feelings, descriptions, etc
basically anything that can be used later to aid in the writing process can go into it. Students can keep a Writers Journal. To
get full points there will need to be 50 entries and a variety of different kinds of entries.

CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship is based, but is not limited, to the following scoring:
Hactively participates in class in a constructive/meaningful way, while meeting superior standards of citizenship (no
missing assignments, on-task during class, positive influence on others); no tardies.
Gparticipates in class in a meaningful manner and maintains high standards in class work and behavior (no more than
two missing assignments, on-task during class, positive influence on others); no more than one tardy.
Ssatisfactory behavior in class; maintains average standards in class work and behavior (on-task during class, no
disruptive behavior); no more than two tardies.
Nbehaves inappropriately in class on occasion and/or will not participate in class (group work, completion of
assignments, class discussion and note-taking); three tardies and/or excessive unexcused absences; plagiarism (see attached
English Department Policy on Plagiarism and Cheating).
Ubehaves inappropriately and/or disrupts class repeatedly; distractive behavior during class; negative influence on
others; disrespectful towards teacher or peers; excessive missing assignments; more than three tardies and/or excessive
absences; misbehavior for a substitute teacher or plagiarism.
It is the district policy and my classroom policy to notify parents if a student will be receiving a U at the end of each term.
Notification will be made through mid-term report cards OR contact with a parent/guardian by phone or e-mail.
Please sign and return this portion to the teacher for 20 points, due August 29, 2014. Keep the class disclosure for your reference.
I have read the class disclosure and agree to abide by its guidelines.
Student Name (printed) _____________________________________________________ Period: _________
Student Signature _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________
Parents e-mail addresses: __________________________________________________________

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