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Ask the Night

Laying in restless wonder,

Gaze glassing the starlit sky into
Ponderous panes,
I strain,
Emboldened by incessant ignorance
I go on, filled with, fueled by the questions,
Oh the questions!
The elusive baits that lure,
The friendly foes of my solace
Taunting with unremitting simplicity.

I ask the night
And as nights unapologetic veil
Rejects my humble inquiries
Still I strain, I reach, I grasp.
I hurl my soul towards the infinite.
I ask in search of much
And receive back but a vain clutch,
A feeble clasp of the inscrutable,
A faded image, a glimpse
Of the ethereal mysterys
Fragmented traces hanging in the stars.

By Aaron Hillman

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