Official Script Format

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La Petite Teet Official Script Format

- Times New Roman. Font size 12.

- All text aligned on left margin.
- or!ing title in caps.
- "#aracter list $in order of appearance% at top of script after t#e title and a do&'le
- "#aracters referred to '( same name t#ro&g#o&t script
- "#aracter names in script in all caps. $)o not need all caps if t#e names are part of
- Stage directions in italics. *f t#e stage directions are em'edded in or aligned wit#
dialog&e+ t#e( s#o&ld also 'e in parent#eses.
- )o&'le space 'etween different c#aracters, lines of dialog&e.
OR-*N. T*TL/ FOR T0*S S-/T"0
ALL*SON illiams
1*LL2 illiams
"AT0/R*N/ T&rner
)AN T&rner
This is the initial setting information for this sketch.
ALL*SON3 0e( 1ill(+ t#is is m( first line. (ALLISON walks in accordance with the
stage directions found here. BILLY also does things that are noted here.)
1*LL23 No !idding+ Allison4 T#is is m( first line+ '&t it,s act&all( t#e second line of t#e
s!etc# as a w#ole4

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