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Gabrielle Rothman

August 27, 2014

English 2010
Note Book 1

5f. Can you imagine walking home from work and running into this inspection sign, a spot
where you pulled aside to be examined and thrown into a torrent of medical equipment being
waved over you and around you? You discover that you are indeed have the deadly virus that is
wiping out so many of your fellow countrymen; Ebola. Your family is notified and you are
placed in quarantine. A small little hut where the walls are peeling and everything smells like
death. Soon your poor conditions and lack of proper medical treatment slowly progresses the
disease and your family and friends see your body dragged from your room in a white tarp. So
many have died that the only way to know which grave is whose are make shift grave markers.
What has been done and what more can be done to aid those in West Africa? Who is brave
enough to face a deadly virus by force?

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