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MAY 2013 P/ID 6038/MEX

Time : Three hours Maximum : 80 marks

PART A (8 5 = 40 marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions.
1. What is learning curve? Mention three types of
learning curves.
2. Define job rotation. Explain its pros and cons.
3. What do you understand by career development
cycle? Explain.
4. Elucidate the concept of 'succession planning'.
What are the obstacles in it?
5. State the need for managerial development.
6. Enumerate the role of HRD functions.
7. Explain the components of a MD programme.
8. Differentiate between seminars, conferences and
9. Write a short note on Audio Visual lessons.

P/ID 6038/MEX 2
10. State the need and uses of manuals and handouts.
11. Explain the nature and value of sensitivity
12. Identify the role of productivity councils related to
PART B (4 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
13. "Assessing training and development needs is one
of the most important aspects in effective training
and development system. Discuss this statement
and suggest steps for assessing training and
development needs.
14. Describe the objectives, structures and functions of
training department.
15. Compare and contrast the career development in
IT Vs traditional manufacturing companies.
16. Explain the systems approach to HRD. Examine
the relevance of Role Analysis to HRD.
P/ID 6038/MEX 3
17. Enumerate the various off the job training
techniques used in an organisation.
18. "Training in India is a mere ritual" critically
evaluate this statement. Discuss Government
policy on training and development.

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