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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Eastern Samar
Office of the Vice-Mayor


1 Approve request for copy of resolution,
ordinance, minutes of proceedings and
other public documents produced by the
Legislative Department

a. Acceptance, recording and
transmittal of the request to the

b. Perusal and signature of the Vice-

c. Return to the requesting party for
payment at the Treasurers Office
and presentation to the Records
Clerk at the SP Secretariat

3 minutes

5 minutes

2 minutes

Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

2 Approve request for the use of the Session

a. Acceptance, verification of
schedule for vacancy or conflict,
recording and transmittal of the
request to the Vice-Mayor [If there
is conflict of schedule, the
requesting party is courteously

b. Perusal and signature of the Vice-
Mayor for requests falling on
available dates

c. Release of approved request to
the requesting party

3 minutes

5 minutes

2 minutes

Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

3 Approve request for inclusion in the Order
of Business during session

a. Acceptance, checking for
attachments if necessary,
recording and transmittal of
complete request to the Vice-
Mayor; otherwise the request is
returned for completion of
necessary attachments

b. Perusal and signature of the Vice-

c. Return to the requesting party
for/or transmittal to the SP

3 minutes

7 minutes

2 minutes

Alberto C Acampado

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Alberto C Acampado
Ronald C. Alibe
4 Approve solicitation for Financial
Assistance [other than AICS]

a. Acceptance, recording and
transmittal to the Vice-Mayor of
solicitation letter or resolution

b. Perusal and resolution of the
solicitation by the Vice-Mayor

c. If funds are not available
requesting party is courteously
instructed to visit other
government offices.

d. If funds are available, the In-
Charge performs the next step [see
No. 5].

3 minutes

7 minutes

5 minutes


Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando

5 Approve Transfer of Funds for various
needs by barangays, schools and other
authorized organizations

a. Encoding and printing of
Memorandum of Agreement

b. Release of MOA and giving of
instructions to requesting party for
the necessary signatures and the
next steps

c. Acceptance, recording and
transmittal to the Vice-Mayor of
the MOA that has been signed by
the requesting party

d. Perusal and signature of the Vice-

e. Release of the MOA to the
requesting party for notarization
and submission to the Budget

10 minutes

3 minutes

3 minutes

7 minutes

2 minutes

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Jennifer E. Quio

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio


6 Provide assistance to those requesting for
Financial Assistance [Aid to Individuals in
Crisis Situation - AICS]

a. Acceptance and perusal of
Certificate of Eligibility [Indigency]
from the CSWDO

b. If funds are available, the
necessary amount that can be
provided on the Certificate. If
funds are not available requesting
party is courteously instructed to
visit other government officials or

c. Release of the certificate to the
requesting party

3 minutes

2 minutes

1 minute

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando
7 Sign documents [OBR, Vouchers, Leave
Application, and others] for various needs

a. Acceptance, recording and
transmittal of the document to the

b. Perusal and signature of the Vice-

c. Release of the document to the
requesting party or forwarding to
the next office

3 minutes

5 minutes

2 minutes

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Jacquelyn A. Gayoso
Maria Dina D. Rando
Ronald C. Aljibe

8 Sign Resolutions, Ordinances and
Appropriations Ordinances

a. Acceptance, recording and
transmittal of the document to
the Vice-Mayor

b. Perusal and signature of the Vice-

c. Transmittal to the SP Secretary or
release to the Messenger who
brought the document for

3 minutes

5 minutes

2 minutes

Maria Dina D. Rando
Jennifer E. Quio

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Ronald C. Aljibe

9 Approve Legislative Orders and Job Orders

a. Acceptance, recording and
transmittal of the document to
the Vice-Mayor

b. Perusal and signature of the Vice-

c. Release to the authorized person
who brought the document for

3 minutes

5 minutes

2 minutes

Jennifer E. Quio
Maria Dina D. Rando

VM Fidel V. Anacta, Jr.

Jennifer E. Quio
Maria Dina D. Rando

10 Assist barangay officials and other
individuals who request for help in the
crafting of communications, ordinances,
resolutions, and other documents

a. Acceptance and discussion on the
request for assistance

b. Recording of the request

c. Drafting and printing of requested

d. Release of requested document

5 minutes

2 minutes

1 hour

2 minutes

VM Fidel V Anacta, Jr.
Alberto C Acampado

Alberto C Acampado

Alberto C Acampado

Alberto C Acampado

Recommending Approval Approved by

City Vice-Mayor City Mayor

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