Gas Turbines

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Gas Turbines

Joule (Constant Pressure) Cycle

Shown above is a simple gas turbine layout. Filtered air is drawn into the system and
compressed to about 6 bar. It passes through to the combustion chamber where fuel is introduced and
combustion occurs. The hot gas passes through the turbine through to the exhaust. In passing through
the turbine it provides motive force for driving the compressor and external requirements.
Advantages and disadvantages
Most modern gas turbine installations are based on aero industry design with suitable marinisation. This
taes the form substantially of material changes with respect to the poorer quality fuel used and increased
sulphur content.
Specific fuel consumptions of !6"g#$h are possible with simple installations. %eat
recuperation from the exhaust and gas inlet temperatures of 6&"'( can improve this to )*"g#$h.
$here inlet temperatures can be increased to +)""'( this falls further to )""g#$#h. ,ery
special materials are required to mae this possible with ceramic and cooled metallic blades being fitted
This compares to the +-"g#$h possible in some large slow speed diesel installations. The advantage of
the gas turbine falls mainly around its compact si.e/ low weight and reduced maintenance requirements
0as turbine plant was very much out of favour for a long time due to its poor fuel consumption.
1mergency generators and fire pumps saw some applications. $ith improved performance and more
flexible plant design2 controllable pitch propellers and electrical drives2 the much reduced engine si.e and
high power to weight has seen some operators specify this plant especially for high speed ferries
Modern Design
The above shows a typical layout of a marine gas turbine with thermal efficiency of !*2-"3.
The 45x ouput is about +#+" that of a marine slow speed diesel. The turbine inlet temperature is up to
+)""'( and requires critical blade design and material choice.
Shown is a single comuster/ in reality there will be several equally spaced around the
Specific fuel consumption is about )&6 g#$h

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