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Environmental science is the study o nature and the acts a!out environment"
#asically environment can !e deined as $all the social, economical, %hysical & chemical
actors that surrounds man' (or) $all a!iotic and !iotic com%onents around man*all livin+
and non livin+ thin+s surrounds man'"
Env" Com%onents can !e divided into !iotic and a!iotic com%onents"
Accordin+ to ancient man the environment ,as the Pancha!oodhas (i"e) air, ,ater, land,
s-y and ener+y" The human ,ere disci%les o nature" They ,ere a!le to %rotect
themselves rom harmul one and %rotect the others" #ut accordin+ to modern man the
env" is only air land and ,ater" E.%loitation o various earth resources to satisy the
increasin+ needs o human %o%ulation has resulted in /) de%letion o various resources o
earth 0) %ollution"
Princi%les o env" education1
/" E.amine the ma2or env" issues
0" discover the root cause
3" develo% %ro!lem solvin+ s-ills
4" %romote co*o%eration in solvin+ %ro!lems
5" em%hasis active %artici%ation in %revention and solution to %ro!lems"
Sco%e o env" science1
/" Studyin+ the interrelationshi% !et,een the com%onents o env"
0" Carryin+ out im%act analysis and env" Audit
3" Preventin+ %ollution rom e.istin+ and ne, industries
4" Sto%%in+ the use o !iolo+ical and nuclear ,ea%ons
5"" Mana+in+ un%redicta!le disasters etc"
Env" Pollution or %ro!lems cannot !e solved !y mere la,s" Pu!lic %artici%ation is an
im%ortant as%ect ,hich serves the env" Protection"
9 %u!lic a,areness o env" Is at inant sta+e
9 3:*4:; o %u!lic o develo%in+ country are a,are o env" Pro!lems !ut they do not
!other a!out it"
9 i+norance and incom%lete -no,led+e has lead to misconce%tions
9develo%ment and im%rovement in std" o livin+ has lead to serious env" Disasters
9de!ate on env" Issues are treated as anti*develo%mental
Reasons or env" I+norance1
/" science, technolo+y and economics ailed to inte+rate the -no,led+e on env" As%ects
in curriculum
0" the decision ma-ers do not %rocess env" An+le o decision ma-in+
3" consideration o economic +ro,th, %overty eradication has lead to env" De+radation
4" only e, develo%mental activities are made considerin+ the env" As%ects"
Need or %u!lic a,areness1
The 6nited Nations Conerence on Environment and Develo%ment held at Reo de
<aneiro in /==0 (%o%ularly -no,n as >Earth Summit?) and ,orld summit on sustaina!le
develo%ment at <ohannes!ur+ in 0::0, have hi+hli+hted the -ey issues o +lo!al
environmental concern" They have attracted the attention o %eo%le"
Any +overnment at its o,n cannot achieve the +oals o clear environment until
the %u!lic %artici%ate in action" Pu!lic %artici%ation is %ossi!le only ,hen the %u!lic is
a,are a!out the ecolo+ical and environmental issues" E+" #an* the litterin+ o %olythene"
Methods to %ro%a+ate env" A,areness1
/" Amon+ students throu+h education @ introducin+ environmental studies in the
0" Amon+ %u!lic throu+h mass media* environmental %ro+rammmes throu+h TA, radio
3" Amon+ decision ma-ers, %lanners, leaders etc"
Role o NBOs
/" Advise the +overnment in interactin+ ,ith +round level %eo%le
0" Or+aniCe %u!lic meetin+s to create environmental a,areness
E+" Recent re%ort o >centre or science and environment? on %ermissi!le limits o
%esticides in cola drin-s"
Pu!lic a,areness is needed in the area
/" study o natural resources*conservation and mana+ement
0" ecolo+y and !iodiversity @ conservation
3" env" Pollution and %revention
4" social issues related to develo%ment and environment
5" human %o%ulation and env"
Any com%onent o the env" 8hich has intrinsic value o its o,n is called as
resource" Any com%onent ,hich can !e transerred in a ,ay such that it !ecomes more
valua!le and useul is termed as resource"
E+" Clean air, clean
Non rene,a!le
Bround ,ater,
Solar ener+y, ,ind
Duman s-ills
Considered to !e
rene,a!le ,ith
considera!le lie
s%an*as lon+ as they
have the ca%acity to
rene, @ unless they
are aected !y
catastro%hes or
Availa!le only in
inite Euantity @
their rate o rene,al
is so slo, that they
are considered as
Considered to !e
availa!le al,ays"
Forests are one o the most im%ortant resources o the ,orld" A%art rom havin+
hi+h commercial im%ortance they %rovide hi+h environmental services also" They act as
a !lan-et on the surace o the earth"
Around /93
o ,orld land area ,as ound to !e orests" /95
o ,orld orests
,ere ound in #raCil and F*G; ,as in Canada and 6SA" #ut the matter under hi+h
concern is the declination o orest cover year !y year"
Commercial uses1 Forests %rovide tim!er, ire ,ood, ood material, resin, +um, non
edi!le oils, dru+s, medicine, ru!!er, i!ers, !am!oo and many other im%ortant items"
Ecolo+ical uses1
/" Production o O.y+en1 Photosynthesis @ earth?s lun+s
0" Reducin+ +lo!al ,armin+ @ sin- or car!on di o.ide
3" 8ild lie ha!itat @ G million s%ecies in tro%ical orests alone
4" Re+ulation o hydrolo+ical cycle @ %revent surace run o @ +iant s%on+es @ 5:*
H:; moisture
5" Soil conservation @ hold solid %articles ti+htly and %revent soil erosion @ ,ind
F" Pollution moderators1 a!sor! to.ic +ases and %uriy air reduce noise %ollution
Duman !ein+s de%end heavily on orests or ood, shelter, ,ood, uel and
medicine ,ith +ro,in+ civiliCation etc" shooted u% resultin+ in lar+e scale minin+,
road !uildin+ and clearin+ o orests"
E.cessive use o charcoal, uel ,ood, e.%ansion o ur!an, a+ricultural and
industrial areas and over+raCin+ have lead to over e.%loitation and ra%id de+radation
o orests"
The total orest area o the ,orld in /=:: ,as G::: million hectares */=G5 @ 0=::
mha @ 0::: @ 03:: mha"
Deorestation rate intem%erate countries are relatively moderate" #ut it is
alarmin+ in tro%ical countries" It is estimated that in ne.t F: years ,e ,ould lose
more than =:; o our tro%ical orest"
Sta!iliCed since /=H0, ,ith a!out :":4; declaration %er year !et,een /=H0 * =:"
Durin+ this %eriod it is estimated that a!out /"44 mha land ,as !rou+ht under
aorestation" As %er our NFP, ,e have a tar+et o achievin+ 33; orest area" #ut ,e
still have only /="0G; o our land area covered !y orests(satellite data)"
/" Shitin+ o Cultivation @ 3:: million %eo%le @ 5 la-h hectares o orest or slash
and !urn culture
0" uel reEuirement
3" ra, materials or industrial use
4" develo%mental %ro2ects
5" +ro,in+ ood needs
F" over+raCin+
/" threatens many ,ild lie s%ecies due to destruction o natural ha!itat
0" !iodiversity is lost alon+ ,ith that +enetic diversity
3" hilly re+ions are made %rone to landslides
4" soil erosion and loss o soil ertility
5" hydrolo+ical cycle is aected
(loss o rainall, lood, drou+ht etc)
River valley %ro2ects ,ith !i+ dams are considered to %lay a -ey role in the
develo%ment o a country" India has lar+e num!er o river valley %ro2ects
/" These dams are re+arded as sym!ol o national develo%ment"
0" %rovides lar+e scale em%loyment o tri!al %eo%le and increase the std" o
livin+ o them
3" contri!ute or economic u%lit and +ro,th
4" hel% in chec-in+ lood
5" +enerate electricity
F" reduce %o,er and ,ater shorta+e
G" %rovide irri+ation ,ater
H" %rovide drin-in+ ,ater to remote areas
=" %romote navi+ation and ishery"
Environmental %ro!lems1
The environmental %ro!lems can !e at u%stream as ,ell as do,nstream
6%stream %ro!lems
/" Dis%lacement o tri!al %eo%le
0" 7oss o lora and auna
3" siltation and sedimentation near reservoir
4" sta+nation and ,ater lo++in+ near reservoir
5" +ro,th o aEuatic ,eeds
F" micro climatic chan+es
G" RIS causes earthEua-es
H" !reedin+ o disease vectors
Do,nstream %ro!lems
/" 8ater lo++in+ and salinity due to over irri+ation
0" micro climatic chan+es
3" salt ,ater intrusion at river mouth
4" loss o ertility due to sediment de%osits
5" out !rea- o vector !orn diseases"
Tim!er e.traction and minin+1
The ma2or activities in orest area are /" tim!er e.traction 0" minin+
The im%ortant eects o tim!er e.traction are
i) thinnin+ o orests
ii) loss o !iodiversity, %articularly tree !readin+ s%ecies
iii) soil erosion and loss o soil ertility
iv) mi+ration o tri!al %eo%le rom one %lace to another in search o ne, orest
v) e.tinction o tri!al %eo%le and their culture
Minin+ is a %rocess o removin+ ores rom area ,hich is very much !elo, the +round
level" Minin+ is done or the e.traction o several minerals o metals li-e Fe, Mn, Au,
A+,etc" The minerals are es%ecially ound in thic- orests"
Minin+ can !e carried out in t,o ,ays
/" Surace minin+
0" under+round minin+ or su!*surace minin+K
The eects o under +round minin+ on orest reserves is com%aratively less than that o
surace minin+
Relation !et,een orest and climate chan+e1
Forests !oth inluence and inluenced !y climate chan+e" They %lay an im%ortant role in
the car!on cycle and the ,ay ,e mana+e orests could si+niicantly aect +lo!al
Forests hold more than 5: %er cent o the car!on that is stored in terrestrial ve+etation and
soil or+anic matter" Dence, deorestation contri!utes si+niicantly to net emissions o
car!on dio.ide into the atm"
I the %redicted +lo!al ,armin+ occurs, the im%act on orests is li-ely to !e re+ionally
varied, dramatic, and lon+*lastin+" Even no,, ,e can see ho, any e.treme ,eather has
+reat im%act on orests" For, the /=== storms in Euro%e caused heavy dama+e to
orests and also to trees outside orest areas"
The Lyoto Protocol on climate chan+e may have a +reat im%act on orest mana+ement"
6nder the Protocol, a country ,ith orests earns emission credits, since its orests a!sor!
car!on dio.ide" These credits are trada!le, that is, a develo%in+ country can sell its
credits to an industrialiCed country that has e.ceeded its Euota o emissions" The latter
,ould invest in aorestation and reorestation %ro2ects in the develo%in+ country"
Sustaina!le orest Mana+ement
Sustaina!le orest mana+ement (SFM) is the use o the ,orld?s orest in such a ,ay that
they continue to %rovide resources in the %resent, ,ithout de%rivin+ uture +enerations o
their use" One o the %rinci%les o SFM is to ully involve local communities in orest
mana+ement" Im%lementin+ this %rinci%le is diicult since orest de%artments are usually
very reluctant to lose their control over orest resources"
SFM has also !ecome an element o climate chan+e ne+otiations" As mentioned earlier,
the Lyoto Protocol ,ould com%ensate countries or the !eneits their orests %rovide to
the ,orld" The industrialiCed countries are ready to su%%ort SFM in develo%in+ countries
so that they can !uy the credits and continue to %ollute the atm"
#y 0:::, /4= countries ,ere en+a+ed in nine international initiatives to develo% and
im%lement criteria and identiy indicators or SFM, coverin+ H5 %er cent o the ,orld?s
orests" There are /4: countries ,ith national %ro+rammes I in various sta+es o
Certiication o orest as comin+ rom sustaina!le orests is another a%%roach
Certiication is a voluntary mar-et*!ased a%%roach that ena!les us to identiy orest
%roducts !ac-ed !y hi+h environmental standards" It ocuses on the Euality o orest
mana+ement rather than on that o orest %roducts"
Three certiication methods are in o%eration1
/" Accreditation !y the Me.ico*!ased Forest Ste,ardshi% Council (FSC)
0" ISO /4::: Environmental Mana+ement System (EMS) similar to ISO =:::
3" Pan*Euro%e Certiication Scheme and national certiication schemes !y individual
Environmental im%acts o over e.traction o mineral resources1
De%endin+ on the conditions o terrain and de%th o ore de%osits 0 ty%es o
minin+ o%erations are carried out" /" o%en cast minin+ and 0" under+round
minin+" In !oth ty%es each ste%s in minin+ %rocessin+ %roduce several
environmental eects such as,
Deorestation ta-es %lace due to removal o ve+etal covers"
Breat volume o de!ris has !een +enerated ,hich disru%t the surace and
+round ,ater circulation" It also reduces the ,ater carryin+ ca%acity o
streams very close to minin+ area
The stac-in+ o over !urden and !uildin+ o s%oil !an-s creates %ro!lems
o landslides
6nder +round ire in coalmines is a haCard that is diicult to control
Minin+ and ore %rocessin+ normally causes air %ollution and ,ater
The acid ,ater +enerated in coalmines can %ose a serious %ro!lem o
,ater %ollution, ,hich adversely aects the lora and auna"
Dee%er e.cavation o +round causes lo,erin+ o ,ater ta!le, ,hich leads
to dryin+ o ,ells or sea ,ater intrusion
In stone Euarries, !lastin+ o roc-s not only annoyin+ the %eo%le near!y,
!ut also cause haCard rom ly roc-s and dusts and dama+e to !uildin+s due to
The dis%osal o ,aste material %roduced ater concentrations o ore create
increase concentration o heavy metals and to.ic elements in the environment"
8ater is an indis%ensi!le resource" Around =G; o ,orld surace is covered ,ith ,ater"
Most o the animals and %lants have F:*F5; o ,ater in their !ody"
6niEue eatures o ,ater
/" Di+h s%eciic heat
0" Di+h latent heat o va%ourisation
3" Bood solvent or o.y+en, nutrients and %ollutants
4" Anomalous e.%ansion on reeCin+
5" Di+h surace tension
Blo!al distri!ution o ,ater is very much random de%endin+ on the +eo+ra%hical
conditions" The availa!ility o ,ater decreases in the ollo,in+ order"
/" Tro%ical rain orest
0" Tem%erate re+ions
3" Deserts
8ater is used or domestic, irri+ation and also industrial %ur%oses
Out o the total availa!le ,ater G5; is used or a+riculture, 0:; or industrial usa+e" In
our country M=3; o ,ater is used or a+ricultural %ur%oses"
Bround ,ater1
="HF; o resh ,ater is +round ,ater and it is 35*5:; +reater than surace ,ater"
AEuier1 The layer o soil ,hich is %ermea!le has the a!ility to store ,ater is called an
aEuier" It is +enerally made u% o +ravel, sand etc"
6nconined aEuier1 it is covered !y %ermea!le layer" The rechar+e o this layer is !y
rainall or sno,melt"
Conined aEuier1 sand,iched !et,een im%ermea!le layers" The rechar+e is throu+h
unconined aEuier layers"
Over utiliCation o +round ,ater1
Over utiliCation o ,ater leads to ra%id de%letion o ,ater resources, +round su!sidence,
lo,erin+ o ,ater ta!le and ,ater lo++in+"

Eects o over utiliCation o +round ,ater1
Reasons1 Economic develo%ment, ra%id industrial +ro,th and %o%ulation e.%losion
The use o +round ,ater and surace ,ater rates ,hich are hi+her than that o
rechar+e ultimately leads to
8ater scarcity
8ater lo++in+
,ater %ollution or contamination
creates declinin+ o ,ater levels
cro%s ailure and reduction in a+ricultural %roduction
over %um%in+ o +round ,ater create drou+ht, amine and ood shorta+e
over %um%in+ o +round ,ater sea ,ater intrusion in coastal aEuiers
land su!sidence may due to over %um%in+ o +round ,ater
river %ollution due to industrial activities and dum%in+ o ,aste into
rivers, ,hich in turn orce to utiliCe the +round ,ater, ultimately leads to over
Clean ,ater is universal ri+ht" It is the res%onsi!ility o everyone to ensure the %urity
o ,ater" 8ater is a valua!le commodity and it has to !e conserved"
Surace ,ater1
8hen eva%oration and trans%iration rates are lo,er than the rainall, surace ,ater
!ody li-e la-e, river, %ond, streams etc" are ormed"
Flood1 over lo, o ,ater, ,henever the ,ater in lo, is +reater than the carryin+
ca%acity o the channels lood occurs"
/" heavy rainall, sno, melt, sudden release o ,ater rom dams"
0" Prolon+ed do,n %our leadin+ to overlo,in+ o rivers and la-es
3" Reduction in carryin+ ca%acity due to o!structions or sediments etc"
4" Deorestation, over+raCin+, minin+ increases ,ater run o
5" Removal o dense orests rom hilly re+ions
/" Su!mer+es the looded area
0" 7oss o soil ertility due to soil erosion
3" E.tinction o civiliCation at costal area
Flood mana+ement1
/" Dams and reservoirs can !e constructed
0" Em!an-ments and %ro%er channel mana+ement
3" Flood ,ay should not !e encroached
4" Forecastin+ or lood ,arnin+
5" Decrease o run o !y iniltration throu+h aorestation or rain ,ater harvestin+
Food resources1
Over+raCin+ modern a+riculture
7and de+radation hi+h yield variety cro%s
Soil erosion micronutrients im!alance
7oss o useul s%ecies nitrate %ollution
Pesticide related %ro!lems
8ater lo++in+
Over+raCin+1 Brass is a +ood !inder o soil" Over+raCin+ leads to loss o ve+etal cover"
Soil +ets com%acted !ecause o e.cess eva%oration o ,ater" 8ater cannot %ercolate into
the soil" Roots cannot %ass into the soil" Soil te.ture is lost, ertility is lost and at last
leads to soil erosion"
Soil erosion1 ,hen uncovered, ,aterless soil is acted u%on !y heavy ,ind and rainall
soil erosion results" This leads to loss o useul s%ecies and many nutrients" Over+raCin+
leads to re%lacement o thorny %lants in the %lace o leay, ruit !earin+ %lants"
DNA1 The usa+e o hi+h yield cro% variety leads to monoculture @ same ty%e o cro% is
%lanted on lar+e scale" In case o any %atho+enic eects, due to e.actly uniorm
condition in the cro% ield, total loss is encountered"
Micronutrient im!alance1 e.cessive use o macronutrients causes micronutrients
im!alance" E." Oinc deiciency aced in Pun2a! and Daryana"
7and is critically im%ortant national resource ,hich su%%orts all livin+ or+anisms
includin+ %lants and animals" The soil %roile o land determines its a!ility to serve
socio*economic needs"
It has !een estimated that more than 5::: million tonnees o to% soil is eroded
annually alon+ ,ith 5 million tones o nutrients" >A!out /93 o this is lost in sea ,hile
the rest in reservoirs and rivers leadin+ to lood"
A!out 3H; o the area in India suers rom moderate to hi+h de+ree o ,ater
!ased erosion" The %er ca%ita availa!ility o land in the country has declined rom /"3G
hectare in /=:/ to :"33 hectare in 0:::" All these lands cannot !e utiliCed or a+ricultural
%ur%ose" Some land ,ould !e reEuired or other activities (to maintain ur!an area)"
Eective ste%s have to !e ta-en or %reventin+ diversion o land suita!le or
sustaina!le armin+ to non*arm uses" Simultaneously, de+raded lands and ,aste lands
have to !e im%roved !y ecolo+ical restoration" The De%artment o 7and Resources ,as
setu% in A%ril /=== !y ministry o Rural Develo%ment to act as nodal a+ency or land
resource mana+ement"
7and De+radation1
7and de+radation is deined as the reduction in soil ca%acity to %roduce in terms o
Euality, Euantity +oods and services" The deinition is also !ased on
/" sustaina!ility or a!ility to %roduce continuously and indeinitely"
0" Euality o land resource that ma-es it sustaina!le or resistant to de+radation
3" carryin+ ca%acity or the num!er o %eo%le and animals the land can normally
su%%ort ,ithout si+niicant stress"
7andsca%es +enerally under+o de+radation !ut are usually com%ensated !y nature?s
inherent recoverin+ a!ility" 8henever de+radation occur e.ceedin+ nature?s restorative
ca%acity, the result ,ill !e a disaster"
Man induced landslides1
The hill slo%es are %rone to land slides, landsli%s, roc-slides etc" These haCardous
eatures have reduced the overall %ro+ress o the re+ion as they o!struct the roads,
communication media and ,ater lo," There are t,o ty%es o slides
/" slides due to natural actors
0" slides induced !y man and his activities
Some o the human activities that cause land slidin+ are
massive deorestation
erratic a+ricultural %ractices
road !uildin+
unscientiic Euarryin+ etc"
en++" Constructions
Soil Conservation1
8ays to reduce soil erosion1
/" Terracin+1 Terracin+ reduces soil erosion on stee% slo%es !y concertin+ the land
into a series o !road, level terraces" This retains ,ater or cro%s at each level and
reduces soil erosion !y ,ater run o"
0" Contour Farmin+1 This method is ado%ted or +ently slo%ed land" This involves
%lantin+ cro%s in ro,s across the contour o +ently slo%ed land"
3" Alley Cro%%in+ or A+ro orestry1 In this method cro%s are %lanted to+ether in
stri%s or alleys !et,een trees and shru!s that can %rovide ruits and uel ,ood"
The trees and shru!s %rovide shade ,hich reduce ,ater loss !y eva%oration and
%reserve soil moisture"
8ind #rea-s or Shelter #elts1 8ind !rea-s and shelter !elts or trees are esta!lished to
reduce ,ind erosion and also or retainin+ soil moisture"
7ivin+ or+anisms cannot !e isolated rom their non*livin+ environment !ecause the later
%rovides materials and ener+y or the survival o the armer" An ecosystem is thereore
deined as a natural unctional ecolo+ical unit com%risin+ o livin+ or+anisms and their
non*livin+ environment that interact to orm a sta!le sel su%%ortin+ system "
E+" Pond, la-e, desert, +rassland, orest, etc"
Ener+y is deined as the ca%acity ot do ,or-" For livin+ or+anisms, it is the !asic orce
res%onsi!le or runnin+ all the meta!olic activities" The lo, o ener+y rom %roducer
level to to% consumer level is called ener+y lo,"
The lo, o ener+y in an ecosystem is unidirectional" It lo,s rom %roducer level to
consumer level and never in the reverse direction"
The %rocess o ener+y lo, involves transer o ener+y rom autotro%hs to various
com%onents o heterotro%hs and hel% in maintainin+ !io diversity" The main source o
ener+y in the ecosystem is sunli+ht" A!out H:; o ener+y is lost durin+ lo, o ener+y
rom one tro%hic level to the ne.t one"
Sun Producer Der!ivores Carnivores To% carnivores Decom%osers
Plants !y %hotosynthesis convert solar ener+y into %roto%lasm" Small her!ivores
consume the ve+eta!le matter and convert into animal matter ,hich in turn eaten !y lar+e
carnivores" This seEuence o eaten and !ein+ eaten , %roduces transer o ood ener+y
-no,n as ood chain"
Producers Consumer I order Consumer II order Decom%osers
(Plants) (Deer) (Ti+er, 7ion) (#acteria, un+i)
The ood relationshi% !et,een various or+anisms is !ein+ de%icted !y lin-in+ all the
%ossi!le %rey and %redators o dierent ood level" In an ecosystem lin-in+ o eedin+
ha!it relations ,ill %rovide a ood ,e!"
Mouse sna-e
Brass Ra!!it Da,-
Brassho%%er 7iCard
The ener+y !iomass and num!er o or+anisms +radually decreases rom the %roducer
level to the consumer level" The total mass o her!ivores in an ecosystem ,ill +enerally
!e less than the total mass o %lants" Similarly the total mass o carnivores ,ill !e less
than the total mass o her!ivores" The +ra%hical re%resentation o the num!er, !iomass
and ener+y o various ener+y levels is called ecolo+ical %yramid" In any ecolo+ical
%yramid the %roducer orms the !ase and the successive levels orm the tires ,hich can
ma-e the a%e."
Ty%es o ecolo+ical %yramids1
a) %yramid o num!ers
!) %yramid o !iomass
c) %yramid o ener+y
E+" Brassland ecosystem @ %yramid o num!er @ u%ri+ht %yramid


Parasite ecosystem @ %yramid o num!er @ inverted %yramid
Deinition1 It is a natural ecosystem consistin+ o dense +ro,th o trees and ,ild animals
Ty%es1 tro%ical @ deciduous, ever+reen, ,et +reen
7ittoral and s,am%s
Su! tro%ical
A!iotic1 soil, sun li+ht, tem%erature etc
#iotic 1 orest trees, shru!s and animals
Producer 1 trees and shru!s
Consumer 1 Primary @ ele%hants, deer etc"
Secondary @ sna-es, !irds, liCards etc
Tertiary @ lions, ti+ers etc

#acteria, un+i
Decom%osers 1 un+i, !acteria
Functional com%onents1
Ecolo+ical %yramids (u%ri+ht)
Deals ,ith ,ater !odies and !iotic communities %resent in them*Classiied as
resh ,ater and marine ecosystems" Fresh ,ater systems are classiied as lentic and lotic
/" Pond ecosystem1 Small resh ,ater ecosystem @ seasonal in nature @ or+anisms1
al+ae, aEuatic %lants, insects, ishes etc" Ponds are very oten e.%osed to
anthro%o+enic %ressure li-e cloth ,ashin+, !athin+, cattle !athin+, s,immin+ etc"
0" 7a-e ecosystem1 #i+ resh ,ater ecosystem @ Oonation or stratiication,
es%ecially durin+ summer is a common one"
To% layer @ shallo,, ,arm, %rone to anthro%o+enic activities @ 7ittoral Cone
Second layer @ enou+h sunli+ht, hi+h %rimary %roductivity @ 7imnetic Cone
Third layer @ very %oor or no sunli+ht @ Proundal Cone
E+" Dal la-e in Srina+ar, Naini la-e in Nainital
Or+anisms1 %lan-tons @ %hyto%lan-ton e+" Al+ae @ Coo%lan-ton e+" Rotiers
Ne-tons @ that s,ims in ,ater e+" Fishes
Neustons @ that loat on the surace o ,ater
#enthos @ that attached to sediments e+" Snails
Ty%es o la-es 1 Many ty%es* oli+otro%hic la-es @ ,ith less nutrient content @
eutro%hic la-es @ ,ith very hi+h nutrient content due to ertiliCer contamination @
desert salt la-es @ that contains hi+h saline ,ater due to over eva%oration @
volcanic la-es @ ormed !y ,ater emitted rom ma+ma due to volcanic eru%tions
@ dystro%hic la-es @ that contains hi+hly acidic ,ater (lo, %D) @ endemic la-es @
la-es that contain many endemic s%ecies @ etc"


3" Streams1 resh ,ater ecosystem ,here ,ater current %lays a ma2or role" O.y+en
and nutrient content are uniorm" Stream or+anisms have to ace e.treme
dierence in climatic conditions !ut they do not suer rom o.y+en deiciency as
%ond and la-e or+anisms" This is !ecause lar+e surace area o runnin+ ,ater
%rovides more o.y+en su%%ly" The animals have very narro, ran+e o tolerance
to,ards o.y+en deiciency" Thus stream are ,orst victims o industrial %ollution"
River ecosystem1 lar+e streams lo,in+ rom mountain hi+hlands are rivers"
Three %hases1 /" mountain hi+hlands @ rushin+ do,n ,ater all o ,ater @ lar+e
Euantity o dissolved o.y+en @ %lants attached to roc-s and ishes that reEuire
more o.y+en are ound" 0" Second %hase @ +entle slo%es o hills @ ,armer @
su%%orts the +ro,th o %lants and ishes that reEuire less o.y+en are seen" 3"
Third %hase1 river sha%es the land @ lots o silts, nutrients are !rou+ht @ de%osited
in %lains and delta @ very rich in !iodiversity"
4" Oceans1 Bi+antic reservoirs o ,ater coverin+ PG:; o earth surace @ 0,5:,:::
s%ecies @ hu+e variety o sea %roducts, dru+s etc" @ %rovide Fe, M+, oils, natural
+as, sand etc" @ ma2or sin-s o car!on di o.ide @ re+ulate !iochemical cycles"
T,o Cones1 coastal Cone @ ,arm, nutrient rich, shallo, @ hi+h sunli+ht @ hi+h
%rimary %roductivity" O%en sea @ a,ay rom continental shel @ vertically
divided in to 3 Cones" /" eu%hotic Cone @ a!undant sunli+ht 0" !athyal
Cone @ dim sunli+ht 3" a!yssal Cone @ dar- Cone @ ,orld?s lar+est
ecolo+ical unit"
Estuary1 coastal area ,here river meet ocean @ stron+ly aected !y tidal actions @
very rich in nutrients @ very rich in !iodiversity also @ or+anisms are hi+hly
tolerant @ many s%ecies are endemic @ hi+h ood %roductivity @ ho,ever to !e
%rotected rom %ollution"
Structural Com%onents1
A!iotic1 %D, nutrients, D"O, tem%, climatic conditions, etc"
#iotic1 Phyto%lan-ton, ishes, snails insects, !irds, etc"
Functional com%onents1
Ecolo+ical %yramid

Ener+y lo,1
Phyto%lan-ton Insects small ishes hu+e ishes
dominated !y +rass @ e, shru!s and trees are also ound @ rainall avera+e !ut erratic @
over+raCin+ leads to desertiication"
Three types de%endin+ on the climate
/" Tro%ical +rass lands @ ound near the !oarders o tro%ical rain orests" E+"
Savannas in Arica" Animals @ Oe!ra, +iraes etc" @ ires are common in dry
seasons @ termite mounds %roduce methane @ leads to ire @ hi+h in
%hotosynthesis @ deli!erate !urnin+ leads to release o hi+h CO0 @ +lo!al
0" Tem%erate +rasslands @ lat and +entle slo%es o hills" Aery cold ,inter and very
hot summer * dry summer ires do not allo, shru!s and trees to +ro, @ soil is
Euite ertile @ cleaned or a+riculture"
3" Polar +rasslands @ ound in arctic %olar re+ion @ or+anism @ arctic ,ol, o., etc" @
A thic- layer o ice remains roCen under the soil surace throu+hout the year @
-no,n as %ermarost @ summer insects and !irds a%%ear"
Structural Com%onents1
A!iotic1 soil %D, nutrients, soil moisture, tem%, climatic conditions, etc"
#iotic1 +rass, cater%illar, !utterly, ,orms, insects, !irds, etc"
Functional com%onents1
Ecolo+ical %yramid


Ener+y lo,1
Brass ,orms Insects small !irds hu+e !irds
#iodiversity is the a!!reviated ,ord or $!iolo+ical diversity' (!io*lie or
livin+ or+anisms, diversity*variety)" Thus !iodiversity is the total variety o lie on
our %lanet, the total num!er o races, varieties and s%ecies" The sum o total o
various ty%es o micro!es, %lants and animals (%roducers, consumers and
decom%osers) in a system"
#iomes can !e considered lie Cones, environment ,ith similar climatic, to%o+ra%hic
and soil conditions and rou+hly com%ara!le !iolo+ical communities (E+" Brassland,
orest)" The !iomes shelter an astoundin+ variety o livin+ or+anisms (rom driest
desert to dri%%in+ rain orest, rom hi+hest mountain to dee%est ocean trenches, lie
occurs in a marvelous s%ectrum o siCe, sha%e, colour and inter relationshi%)" The
variety o livin+ or+anisms, the !iodiversity, ma-es the ,orld !eautiul"
There are /"4 million s%ecies -no,n %resently" #ut !ased on ne, discoveries, !y
research e.%editions, mainly in tro%ics, ta.onomists estimate there are !et,een 3*5:
million dierent s%ecies may !e alive today" Insects ma-e u% more than one hal o
all -no,n s%ecies and may com%rise more than =:; o all s%ecies on earth"
The conce%t o !iodiversity may !e analyCed in 3 dierent levels" They
/ ecosystem diversity
0 s%ecies diversity
3 +enetic diversity
Ecosystem or ecolo+ical diversity means the richness and com%le.ity o a !iolo+ical
community, includin+ tro%ic levels, ecolo+ical %rocesses (,hich ca%ture ener+y), ood
,e!s and material recyclin+"
S%ecies diversity descri!es the num!er o -inds o or+anisms ,ithin individual
communities or ecosystems"
Benetic diversity is a measure o the variety o versions o same +ene ,ithin
individual s%ecies"
#iodiversity Dots%ots1
Most o the ,orld?s !iodiversity are near the eEuator es%ecially tro%ical rain orest
and coral rees" O all the ,orld?s s%ecies, only /:*/5; live in North America and
The Malaysian Peninsula, or instance, has at least H::: s%ecies o lo,in+ %lants,
,hile #ritain, ,ith an area t,ice as lar+e, has only /4:: s%ecies" South America has
0:: ::: s%ecies o %lants"
Areas isolated !y ,ater, desert or mountain can also have hi+h conc" o uniEue
s%ecies and !iodiversity" Ne, Oealand, South Arica and Caliornia are all mid*
latitude area isolated !y !arriers that %revent u% o !iolo+ical communities
rom other re+ion and %roduce rich, unusual collection o s%ecies"
Si+niicance o #iodiversity1
#ios%here is a lie su%%ortin+ system to the human race" Each s%ecies in the
!ios%here has its o,n si+niicance"
It is the com!ination o dierent or+anisms that ena!les the !ios%here to sustain
human race"
#iodiversity is vital or a healthy !ios%here"
#iodiversity is must or the sta!ility and %ro%er unctionin+ o the !ios%here"
#esides these !iodiversity is so im%ortant due to havin+ consum%tive use values,
%roductive use values, social values, ethical values and aesthetic values"
#eneits o !iodiversity1
8e !eneit rom other or+anism in many ,ays" Even insi+niicant or+anisms can
%lay irre%lacea!le roles in ecolo+ical systems or the source o +enes or dru+s that
someday !ecome indis%ensa!le"
Food1 Many ,ild %lant s%ecies could ma-e im%ortant contri!utions to human ood
su%%liers either as they are or as a source o material to im%rove domestic cro%s"
A!out H:,::: edi!le %lants could !e used !y human"
Dru+s and medicine1 7ivin+ or+anisms %rovides many useul dru+s and medicines"
The 6nited Nations Develo%ment Pro+ramme derived rom develo%in+ ,orld %lants,
animals and micro!es to !e more than Q3: !illion %er year"
E+" For natural medicinal %roducts
Penicillin @ un+us is the source @ Anti!iotic
Juinine @ chincona !ar- * Malaria treatment
Mor%hine @ %o%%y !ar- @ Anal+esic
T,enty years !eore, once the dru+s ,ere not introduced, childhood leu-emia ,as
atal" No, the remission rate or childhood leu-emia is ==;"
Ecolo+ical !eneits1
Duman lie is ine.trica!ly lin-ed to ecolo+ical services %rovided !y other
or+anisms" Soil ormation, ,aste dis%osal, air and ,ater %uriication, solar ener+y
a!sor%tion, nutrient cyclin+ and ood %roduction all de%end on !iodiversity" In many
environments, hi+h diversity may hel% !iolo+ical communities to ,ithstand
environmental stress !etter and to recover more Euic-ly than those ,ith e,er
Threats to !iodiversity1
Due to
Da!itat loss
Deorestation activities (cuttin+ trees or
tim!er, removal o medicinal %lants)
Production o hy!rid seeds reEuires ,ild
%lants as ra, material, armers %reer hy!rid reeds, many %lant s%ecies
!ecome e.tinct
Increase in the %roduction o %harmaceutical
com%anies made several num!er o medicinal %lants and s%ecies on the ver+e
o e.tinction"
Removal o orest*cover or road layin+ and
also due to soil erosion
Ille+al trade o ,ild lie
Po%ulation e.%losion, construction o dam,
dischar+e o industrial eluents use o %esticides"
Poachin+ o ,ild lie
Due to %oachin+, ille+al trade and smu++lin+ activities most o our valua!le auna are
under threat or+anised crime has moved into ille+al ,ild lie smu++lin+ !ecause o
hu+e %roit E+" Ti+er, Deer @ or hides, Rhinoceros @ or horns, Ele%hant @ or ivory
tus-, Sea Dorse, Star turtle @ sold to orei+n mar-et"
(E.tinction, the elimination o s%ecies, is a normal %rocess o the natural ,orld"
S%ecies die %ut and are re%laced !y others as %art o evolutionary chan+e"
Duman caused reduction1 The climate chan+e caused !y our release o +reen house
+ases in the atm" could have catastro%hic eects" Duman distur!ance o natural
ha!itat is the lar+est sin+le cause % loss o !iolo+ical diversity" 8oodlands and
+rasslands are converted no, use a!out /:; o the ,orld?s land surace or cro%
%roduction and a!out t,ice the amount or %asture and +rasslands")
Duntin+1 Over harvestin+ is res%onsi!le or de%letion or e.tinction o many s%ecies"
E+" The American %assen+er %i+eon ,as the ,orld?s most a!undant !ird" In s%ite o
this vast %o%ulation, mar-et huntin+ and ha!itat destruction caused the entire
%o%ulation to crash ,ith in 0: years"
Da!itat ra+mentation reduces the !iodiversity !ecause many animals li-e !ears and
lar+e cats reEuire lar+e territories to su!sist" Some orest !irds re%roduce only in dee%
orest or ha!itat ar rom human settlement" A lar+e island or, can su%%ort
more individuals o +iven s%ecies and thereore less li-ely to suer e.tinction due to
+enetic %ro!lems and natural catastro%hes"
Commercial %roducts1
Smu++lin+ o uels, hides, horns and ol- medicines also aect the !iodiversity in an
a!ru%t manner"
Conservation o !iodiversity
In +eneral !iodiversity is +enerally distur!ed !y human activities" To solve the
%ro!lems, it is essential to %rotect our !io diversity !y t,o ,ays"
/" In*situ or on*site conversion
0" E.*situ conservation
In*situ conservation1
Conservation o s%ecies in its natural
ha!itat, in %lace ,here the s%ecies normally occurs
The strate+y involves esta!lishin+ small
or lar+e %rotected areas, called %rotected areas
Today in ,orld, there are =H:: %rotected
areas and /5:: national %ar-s
/" Nature or !ios%here reserves (E+) Nil+iri #io reserve
0" national %ar-s and sanctuaries (E+) Mudumalai, vedanthan+al
3" on arm and home +arden conservation or %lants, ve+eta!les
and ruits to maintain traditional cro% varieties"
E.* situ conservation1
It involves maintenance and !reedin+ o endan+ered
%lant and animal s%ecies under %artially or ,holly controlled conditions in Coos,
+ardens and la!oratories
The crucial issue or conservation is to identiy those
s%ecies ,hich are more at ris- o e.tinction"
/" lon+ term ca%tive !reedin+
0" shorta+e term %ro%a+ation and release
3" animal translocation and re introductions
4" seed !an-
5" re%roductive technolo+y
(i) em!ryo transer technolo+y
(ii) clonin+
#iodiversity and National Environmental la,1
All environmental %ro!lems are re+ional in nature !ut their eects are +lo!al"
Dence environmental %ro!lems cane !e resolved only !y e.tensive co o%eration
amon+ nations" 7a,s serve to achieve +lo!al o!2ective o environmental
Indian la, or conservation o !iodiversity1
The ,ild s%ecies o the +rou% and other related s%ecies constitute a rich +ene %ool
in India" The +overnment o India has enacted la,s or the conservation o
!iolo+ical diversity"
The ha!itat %rotection la,s1
This includes s%ecies %rotection la,s and ha!itat %rotection la,s ,hich indirectly
%rotect and conserve the !iolo+ical diversity and its com%onents"
The ,ild lie (%rotection) Act /=G01
/" to %rotect ,ild animals and !irds ,hich are in the ver+e o e.tinction
0" to %rotect !iolo+ical diversity in %articular and environmental %rotection in
3" or the %rotection o ,ild animals and !irds and or all other matters connected
there o or ancillary and incidental there to"
#ios%here Reserve and the ,ild lie (%rotection) Act /=G01
#ios%here reserves are com%lementary to the e.istin+ net,or- o national %ar-s and
sanctuaries, this act is enacted to %rotect !ios%here"
Marine Pollution
Dum%in+ o ,aste and oil s%illa+e in the oceans or seas, ,hich create threats to marine
ecosystem, is called marine %ollution"
/" ,aste dis%osal
0" oil s%ill
3" thermal %ollution (%lants located near!y coastal areas)
4" shi% !rea-in+ activities
5" aEuaculture %ractices
F" nuclear test conducted in seas and oceans
distur! entire aEuatic or marine ecosystem
oil has suocation eect on most aEuatic animals
smaller animals can !e cau+ht in oil envelo%e and die
thermal %ollution may increase the tem%" o ,ater and DO may !e de%leted
,hich causes dan+er"
There may !e chances or !ioaccumulation and !io ma+niication in the ood
chain due to the dis%osal o non*de+rada!le ,astes
Oil %romotes anaero!ic conditions !y %reventin+ diusion o o.y+en rom air
Dis%osal o radio active ,astes cause chronic, acute and +enetic dama+e
Aects the recreational activity alon+ the !eaches
Noise Pollution
Sound is mechanical ener+y rom a vi!ratin+ source
6n%leasant and un,anted sound is called noise
Sound can %ro%a+ate throu+h air, liEuid or solid
Sound is %ressure %ertur!ation in the medium throu+h ,hich it travels" Sound %ressure
creates alternate com%ression and rareaction" The num!er o c and r %er unit time is
called reEuency"
Sound %ressure does not %roduce linear im%act on human" A lo+arithmic scale has !een
devised" Noise is measure in terms o SP7 ,hich is a lo+ ratio o sound P to a std" P" It
has a dimensionless unit deci!el (d#)" The international reerence P is 0I/: %o,er *5
Pa" Sound can aect ears either !y loudness or !y %itch (reEuency)" The CPC# has
recommended the %ermissi!le noise levels or various %laces"
Area Permissi!le
noise level(d#)
Day Ni+ht
Industrial G5 G:
Commercial F5 55
Residential 55 45
Silent Oone 5: 4:
Sounds and their deci!el scale1
/" Roc-et en+ine @ /H: d#
0" <et %lane ta-e o @ /5: d#
3" Threshold o %ain @ /4: d#
4" Recorded music (ma.) @ /3: d#
5" Construction ,or-s, ne,s %a%er %ress @ /:: d#
F" Motor cycle @ =: d#
G" Ordinary conservation @ G:9H: d#
H" Air conditionin+ unit9 7i+ht traic @ F: d#
=" Normal livin+ room @ 5: d#
/:" 7i!rary or sot ,his%er @ 3: #
//" Threshold o hearin+ @ : d#
Sources o noise %ollution1
/" Industrial units
0" Trans%ortation modes
3" Construction activities
4" Cele!rations
5" Electric home a%%liances
Nan2in+ @ /:5 d#
Rome @ =: d#
Calcutta @ H5 d#
Mum!ai @ H0 d#
Delhi @ H: d#
Eects o noise %ollution1
Intereres communication
Dearin+ dama+e (=: d#)
Physiolo+ical and Psycholo+ical disorders
Noise %ollution durin+ Di,ali1
The environmental (%rotection) (0
amendment) Rule /=== has +iven the %ermissi!le
limit o noise level %roduced rom ire crac-ers to !e /05 d#" Accordin+ to recent test
re%orts on ire crac-ers !y National Physical 7a!oratory, the ire crac-ers availa!le in the
mar-et %roduce noise !eyond the %ermissi!le limit"
Atom !om! @ /35*/3H d#
Dydro+en !om! @ '
The 6nion Bovernment and all the state +overnments shall ollo, the +uidelines o
amendment H= o env" (Protection) Rule /=HF ramed under Env" (Protection) Act /=HF
,hich says
/" The manuacture, sale or use o ire crac-ers +eneratin+ noise level
e.ceedin+/05d# shall !e %rohi!ited"
0" For 2oined ire crac-ers the limit is ta-en as 5lo+ /: (N) d#R ,here NS no" o
crac-ers 2oined to+ether
3" The use o ire crac-ers shall not !e %ermitted e.ce%t !et,een F"::a"m and
4" No crac-ers !urnin+ is %ermitted in9near silent Cone @ areas near hos%itals,
educational institutions, courts, reli+ious %laces, etc"
5" The State Education Resource Centre shall ta-e a%%ro%riate ste%s to educate
students a!out the ill eects o air and noise %ollution"
Control o noise %ollution1
Reduction in source o noiseK
Noise ma-in+ machines should !e -e%t in containers ,ith sound a!sor!in+
Pro%er oilin+ ,ill reduce noise rom machinery
6sin+ silencers @ i!rous material
Plantin+ trees
7e+islation can %revent e.cess sound %roduction, unnecessary horn !lo,in+
It is an atm" condition ,here certain su!stances are %resent in conc" ,hich can
cause undesira!le eects on man and his environment"
E." Bases, %articulate matter, radioactive su!stances etc"
Baseous %ollutants @ sul%hur o.ides, nitro+en o.ides, car!on o.ides, volatile or+anic
Particulate %ollutants @ smo-e, dust, soot, umes, aerosol, liEuid dro%lets, %ollen +rains
Radio active %ollutants @ Radon 000, Iodine /3/, Sr =:
Sources o air %ollution
Natural sources man made sources(anthro%o+enic)
/" Aolcanic eru%tion thermal %o,er %lants (ly ash, SO0)
0" Forest ires industrial units
3" #iolo+ical decay vehicle emission*
(CO*GG;, DC*/4;, NOI*H;)*
(Deavy duty diesel vehicles* more
Petrol vehicles @ CO & DC)
4" Sea salt s%ray ossil uel !urnin+
5" Pollen +rains o lo,ers A+ricultural activities
Metallur+ical %lants (SO0, CO0)
FertiliCer %lants
Te.tile mills
Pa%er and %ul% mills
Classiication o air %ollutants1
Air %ollutants
Accordin+ to ori+in Accordin+ to state o matter
Primary %ollutants secondary %ollutants
(SO0, NOI, smo-e) (PAN, SO3, aldehydes)
Baseous air %articulate air
%ollutants %ollutants
(CO0, NOI) (dust, mist)
Indoor air %ollution1
Radon is an im%ortant air %ollutant" It can !e emitted rom !uildin+ materials li-e
!ric-s, concrete, tiles etc" ,hich are derived rom soil containin+ radium" #urnin+ o
uel %roduce %ollutants li-e CO, SO0, soot and many other li-e ormaldehyde,
!enCo(a)%yrene (#AP) are to.ic and harmul or health" #AP is also ound in ci+arette
smo-e and is considered to cause cancer" A %erson usin+ ,ood as uel or coo-in+
inhales #AP eEuivalent to 0: %ac-ets o ci+arette a day"
Eects o air %ollution1
Eects on human1
Duman res%iratory system has a num!er o mechanisms or %rotection rom air
%ollution" #i++er %articles (P /: micro m) can !e tra%%ed !y the hairs and stic-y
muscus linin+ in the nose"
S. No. o!!utant Sources Effects on hu"an
/ Aldehydes Thermal
decom%osition o ats
and oils
Irritates nasal and res%iratory tracts
0 Ammonia Chemical %rocesses,
dye ma-in+,
e.%losives and
6%%er res%iratory %assa+e
3 Arsenic Coal and oil urnaces Dama+es -idney, cause 2aundice,
lun+ and s-in cancer
4 Car!on Mono.ide Motor e.hausts, oil
and coal urnaces
dama+es lun+s and heart
5 Cadmium oil and coal urnaces Dama+es -idney
F Chlorine Chemical industries Attac-s res%iratory trac-s, mucous
G Dydrocar!ons 6n!urnt +asoline
Fo+ ormed ,ith com!ination o
NO. aects res%iratory system
H Dydro+en Sulide Se,a+e treatment,
Irritates eyes, causes nausea, !ad
= Nitro+en o.ides Motor vehicle
/: OCone Photochemical
Eye irritation, a++ressive asthma
// Sul%hur dio.ide Coal and oil
O!structs !reathin+, irritates eyes
/0 Sus%ended solids Industrial
Eye irritation, asthma, air
suocation, lun+ cancer
Control o air %ollution1
/" 6sin+ non conventional ener+y
0" 6sin+ !io ilters
3" Plantin+ more trees
4" Reducin+ vehicle e.hausts
5" 6sin+ less %ollutin+ uels
F" 6sin+ mass trans%ort
G" Removal o %articulate matter usin+ electrostatic %reci%itator, cyclone ilter etc"
H" Settin+ o industries o EIA
=" Removal o NOI rom vehicle e.haust
Breen house eect and +lo!al ,armin+1
The raise o earth?s surace tem%erature due to intense +reen house eect is called +lo!al
Over the last century, the level o car!on dio.ide in the atm" Das increase !y 05;, the
level o nitrous o.ide !y /=; and the level o methane !y /::;" These 3 ma2or +lo!al
,armin+ +ases are released into the atm" !y !urnin+ o ossil uels, industrialiCation,
minin+, deorestation, e.haust rom increasin+ automo!iles and other anthro%o+enic
/" Increase eva%oration o surace ,ater @ inluence climate chan+e
0" 7eads to declinin+ !iodiversity
3" Meltin+ o mountain +laciers and %olar ice, ,hich cause rise in sea level
4" Chan+e the climate and rainall @ reduction in ood %roduction
5" The !iolo+ical %roductivity o ocean also decreased due to ,armin+ o earth?s
F" 8ith more car!on dio.ide in the air, the %lants ,ill +ro, !i++er ,ith increase in
yield and resultin+ in the soils +ettin+ %oor Euality
G" I %ro%er %recautions are not ta-en, the conc" O +reen house +ases may dou!le in
the atm" ,ith in ne.t 5: years, and ,ill ma-es the avera+e +lo!al tem%" to 45
OCone layer de%letion1
OCone is an im%ortant chemical s%ecies %resent in the stratos%here" Its conc" is a!out /:
%%m" It acts as a %rotective shield or the lie on the earth" OCone is %roduced and also
!ro-en do,n !y %hotochemical reactions, thus maintainin+ eEuili!rium"
Causes or oCone layer de%letion1
/" Chlorine released rom CFC and #romine released rom halo+ens are the most
im%ortant chemicals associated ,ith oCone layer de%letion
0" The halo+ens are used in ore e.tin+uishers and CFC are e.tensively used in air
conditioners and reri+erators"
3" Methyl !romide used durin+ %ac-a+in+ o ruits to %revent !acterial action lo,s
out into the atm" as soon as the %ac-in+ is o%ened" This cause heavy dama+e to
4" Di+h altitude aircrats and chemicals emitted !y industrial %lants and automo!iles
/" Mar-ed rise in cause s-in cancer
0" Dama+e immune system
3" Eye ailment such as cataract
4" Shorter lie o %aints and %lastics
5" Restricted +ro,th and cro% dama+e
F" Destruction o aEuatic lie
Presence o orei+n im%urities (or+anic, inor+anic, !iolo+ical) in such Euantities
so as to constitute a health haCard !y lo,erin+ the ,ater Euality and ma-in+ it unit or
Point source E.1 lo, o ,ater %ollutants rom se,era+e system, industrial
eluent etc"
Non*%oint source E.1 a+ricultural land (%esticides, ertiliCers, minin+,
construction sites)
Classiication o ,ater %ollutants1
/" sus%ended matter
0" thermal dischar+e
3" %atho+ens (!acteria, un+i, %rotoCoa un+i)
4" natural or+anic %ollutants
5" synthetic or+anic %ollutants
F" inor+anic chemicals
G" radioactive ,aste, oil, sediments
Eects o ,ater %ollution
/" O!2ectiona!le colour and odour is unacce%ta!le and unsuita!le or drin-in+ and
other %ur%oses"
0" hi+hly tur!id and very hard ,ater is un%leasant to drin-, ood %rocessin+
3" acid and al-aline ,ater cause serious health %ro!lem
4" ,ater !orne inectious enteric disease li-e ty%hoid, cholera, dysentery, are the
%redominant health haCard arisin+ rom drin-in+ contaminated ,ater
5" radioactive %ollution enter human !ody throu+h ood and +et accumulated in
thyroid +land, liver, !ones and muscles
F" !iode+rada!le ,aster de%lete D O in the receivin+ stream, aect the lora cause
creates anaero!ic conditions
G" non !iode+rada!le ,aste and %esticides travel the ood chain and ultimately reach
human ,here they accumulate in atty tissues
H" thermal dischar+e in stream de%letes D O
=" %hos%hate, nitrate, %romote the +ro,th o al+ae and encoura+e eutro%hication
/:" Industrial eluents result in addition o %oisonous chemicals such as arsenic,
mercury, lead may reach human !ody throu+h contaminated ood"
Control measure o ,ater %ollution
/" lay do,n standard or
a" drin-in+ ,ater
!" dis%osal o ,aste ,ater into ,ater course9se,er9land
0" monitorin+
3" treatment
a" domestic treatment
iltration, %D ad2ustment
!" ,aste ,ater treatment
%reliminary treatment
%rimary treatment
secondary treatment
advanced treatment
8aste land reclamation1
Any land ,hich is not %ut to o%timal use is deined as ,aste land" The ,aste
land do not ulill their lie sustain %otential ,asteland contri!utes a!out
0:"/G; o the total +eo+ra%hical area o India"
Reasons or ormation
Over +raCin+ and over e.%loitation
To.ic eluent dischar+ed rom se,a+e and industrial ,astes
Minin+ activities destroy orest and cultiva!le land
6se o %esticides also %roduce ,asteland
Erosion, desertiication, ,ater lo++in+ also de+rade land
8astelands can !e reclaimed !y the ollo,in+ ,ay
Conservin+ the soil @ land is !rou+ht under ve+etal cover" This
can !e done !y +ro,in+ +rasses and shru!s
To reclaim the land9soil, eective %artici%ation o the %eo%le,
voluntary a+encies and +overnment is very im%ortant
Consumerism reers to the consum%tion o resources !y the %eo%le" Early human
societies used to consume much less resources" #ut the consumerism has increased
to a very lar+e e.tent" Consumerism is related to !oth %o%ulation siCe and increase
in demands due to chan+e in lie style"
Po%ulation has increased tremendously" 8orld #an- estimates our %o%ulation to
reach // !illion !y 0:45" T,o ty%es o conditions o %o%ulation and consumerism
/" Peo%le over @ %o%ulation1 8hen there are more %eo%le than availa!le ood,
,ater and other resources in an area @ causes de+radation o limited resources @
%overty and under nourishments" 7o, Develo%ed Countries (7DC) are more %rone
to these conditions" There is less %er ca%ita consum%tion althou+h the overall
consum%tion is hi+h"
0" Consum%tion over @ %o%ulation1 These conditions occur in more develo%ed
countries (MDC)" Po%ulation siCe is smaller !ut the resource consum%tion is hi+h
due to lu.urious lie style (i"e") %er ca%ita consum%tion is hi+h" More consum%tion
o resources lead to hi+h ,aste +eneration @ +reater is the de+radation o the
Accordin+ to Paul Ehrlich and <ohn Dodlren model
Overall environmental im%act S no" o %eo%le . %er ca%ita use o resources .
,aste +enerated %er unit o resources
Parameter MDC 7DC
No" o %eo%le lo, Di+h
Per ca%ita consum%tion o
hi+h 7o,
8aste +enerated hi+h 7o,
Over all environmental im%act o these t,o ty%es o consumerism may !e same or
even +reater in case o MDC"
Com%arison o consum%tion and ,aste +eneration
Parameter Blo!al value ;
6SA India
Po%ulation 4"G /F
Production o +oods 0/ /
Ener+y use 05 3
Pollutants and ,astes 05 3
CFC Production 00 :"G
/=G0 <une 5
@ Environment ,as irst discussed as an a+enda in 6N conerence on
Duman Environment" There ater every year 5
<une is cele!rated as Environment Day"
Constitutional Provisions1
Added in /=GF @ Article 4HA @ $The state shall endeavor to %rotect and im%rove the
environment and to sae+uard orests and ,ildlie o the country'
Article 5/A (+)1 $It shall !e the duty o every citiCen o India to %rotect and im%rove the
natural environment includin+ orests, la-es, rivers and ,ildlie and to have com%assion
or livin+ creatures'"
#y these t,o articles one constitution ma-es environment %rotection and conservation as
one o our undamental duties"
7and mar- in the history o ,ildlie le+islation"
/=GF the %o,ers are transerred rom state to central +overnment"
TI # o 8 7K ,as created in /=50 in our country ,hich ater 87A, /=G0, too- u% the tas-
o settin+ National %ar-s and sanctuaries"
8ildlie T%rotectionK Act
/ Deines ,ild lie related terminolo+y"
0 Provide a%%ointments o advisory #oard, ,ildlie ,arden, their %o,ers & duties etc"
3 Prohi!ition o huntin+ o endan+ered s%ecies T,as irstK mentioned"
4 7ist o endan+ered s%ecies is %rovided"
5 Buides central 0:: authorities"
F Provides +rants or settin+ u% o national %ar-s, ,ild lie sanctuaries etc"
G The Act im%oses !an on trade & commence o scheduled animals"
H Provides le+al %roves to oicers to %unish the oenders"
= Provide ca%tive !reedin+ %ro+ramme or endan+ered s%ecies"
Many conservation %ro2ects or endan+ered s%ecies ,ere started under this act"
7ion /=G0R
Ti+ers /=G3
Crocodile T/=G4KR
Deer /=H/"
Forest (conservation) Act, /=H:
It deals ,ith conservation o orest and includes reserve orest, %rotected orest and any
orest land irres%ective o o,nershi%"
Salient eatures
/" State +overnment can use orest only orestry %ur%ose"
0" Provision or conservation o all ty%es o orests" Advisory committee a%%ointed
or undin+ conservation
3" Ille+al non*orest activity ,ithin a orest area can !e immediately sto%%ed under
this act"
Non orest activity means clearin+ land or cash*cro% a+riculture, minin+ etc"
Do,ever construction in orest or ,ild lie or orest mana+ement is e.em%ted rom
non orestry activity"
/==0 Amendment1
/" This amendment allo,s transmission lines, seismic surveys, e.%loration drillin+
and hydro electric %ro2ect in orest area ,ithout cuttin+ trees or ,ith limited cuttin+ o
trees @ %rior a%%roval CB to !e sou+ht"
0" 8ild lie sanctuaries, National %ar-s etc" are %rohi!ited rom e.%loration e.ce%t
,ith CB %rior a%%roval"
3" Cultivation o coee, ru!!er, tea (cash cro%), ruit !earin+ trees, oil yieldin+ trees,
trees o medicinal values are also %rohi!ited in reserved orest area ,ith out %rior
a%%roval rom CB" Das this may create im!alance to ecolo+y o the orest"
4" Tusser (a ty%e o sil- yieldin+ insect) cultivation in orest area is allo,ed since it
discoura+es monoculture %ractices in orests and im%roves !iodiversity"
5" Plantation o mul!erry or rearin+ sil- ,orm is %rohi!ited"
F" Pro%osal sent to CB or non*orestry activity must have a cost !eneit analysis and
environmental im%act statement (EIS)"
8ater (%revention and control o %ollution) Act /=G41
Maintainin+ and restorin+ the ,holesomeness o ,ater !y %reventin+ and controllin+
its %ollution" The salient eatures and %rovisions o Act are summed as ollo,s"
/" Maintenance and Restoration o Juality @ surace and +round ,ater
0" Esta!lishment o central PC# and state PC#
3" Coners %o,ers and unctions to CPC# and SPC#
4" The act %rovides or unds, !ud+ets, accounts and audits o the CPC# & SPC#
5" The act %rovides %enalties or the deaulters and duties and %o,ers
/" Advices CB in matters @ %revention and control o ,ater %ollution
0" Co ordinates SPC# and %rovide technical assistance and +uidance
3" Trainin+ %ro+rams or %revention and control o %ollution !y mass media and
other ,ays
4" Pu!lishes statistical and technical details a!out %ollution
5" Pre%ares manual or treatment and dis%osal o se,era+e and trade eluents
F" 7ays std or ,ater Euality %arameters
G" %lans nation*,ide %ro+rams or %revention, control or a!atement o %ollution
H" 7a!oratories or analysis o ,ater, se,a+e or trade eluents
SPC# has similar unctions as SPC# and +overned !y CPC#
/" SPC# advises state +overnment ,"r"t" location o any industry that mi+ht %ollute
0" 7ays std or eluents to ta-e sam%les rom streams, ,ells or trade eluents or
se,a+e %assin+ throu+h an industry" Sam%les ta-en are analysed at reco+niCed
la!s" I the sam%le is not conirmin+ to the ,ater Euality std, then the unit is
3" Every industry to o!tain consent rom PC# !eore commencin+ an eluent unit
!y a%%lyin+ in %rescri!ed orm ,ith ee"
Air (Prevention & Control o Pollution) Act, /=H/
Salient eatures
/" Prevention, control and a!atement o air %ollution
0" Air %ollution has !een deined as the %resence o any solid, liEuid or +aseous
su!stance (includin+ noise) in the atmos%here in such a concentration that may !e
or tend to !e harmul to human !ein+ or any other livin+ creature or %lants or
%ro%erty or environment"
3" Noise %ollution @ inserted in /=HG
4" CPC# & SPC# similar to ,ater %ollution !oard
5" Section 0: %rovides or emission std to auto mo!ile
F" Section /= %rovides or SB to declare >air %ollution control area? in consultation
,ith SPC#
G" Direction o PC# can !e a%%ealed in the a%%ellate authority"
Environment (Protection) Act, /=HF
CB is to ta-e action to %rotect and im%rove environment and SB to co ordinate actions"
CB to set u%
/" Std o Euality o Kair, ,ater or soil
0" Ma.imum %ermissi!le limits o concentration o %ollutants (includin+ noise
3" %rocedures and sae +uard or handlin+ haCardous items
4" Prohi!ition o usin+ haCardous items
5" Prohi!ition and restriction o certain industries in certain area
F" Procedure and sae +uard or %revention o accidents
Environment (Protection) Rules, /=HF
SPC# is to ollo, the +uidelines %rovided in schedule AI" Some are as ollo,s
/" Advises industries or treatin+ the ,aste ,ater and +ases @ use o technolo+y @
achieve %rescri!ed std"
0" Encoura+e recyclin+ and reusin+ the ,astes
3" Encoura+e recovery o !io+as, ener+y and reusa!le matter
4" Dischar+e o eluents and emissions into environment is %ermitted !y SPC# ater
ta-in+ into account ca%acity o the receivin+ ,ater !ody
5" To em%hasiCe clean technolo+y to increase uel eiciency and decrease
environmental %ollutants
The act %rovides or environmental Audit or chec-in+ com%lyin+ ,ith the
environmental la,s and re+ulations"
/" Tar+et o 33; o land to !e covered !y orest not achieved
0" Rivers turnin+ to o%en se,ers
3" #i+ to,ns and cities %olluted
4" 8ild lie endan+ered
5" EFP (Eluent Treatment Plant) or Air Pollution Control devices are e.%ensive @
leads to closure o units" Bovernment should %rovide su!sidy or small units"
F" Pollution control la,s not !ac-ed u% !y %olicy %ronouncements or +uidelines
G" Chairman o PC# @ %olitical nominee" Dence %olitical intererence"
H" Involvin+ %u!lic in decision ma-in+ envisa+ed !y %olicy statement o the ministry
o environment and orest (/==0) is only in %a%er"
Dra, !ac-s o ,ild lie (%rotection) act
Fall out o Stoc-holm conerence not localiCed
O,nershi% certiicate o animals article @ ille+al tradin+
Trade throu+h < & L" This act not a%%lica!le to <&L
Oender to +et 2ust 3 years im%risonment and or Rs"05:::9* ine"
Dra, !ac-s o the orest (conservation) act /=H:
Inheritance o e.%loitative and consumerist elements o the #ritish %eriod
Tri!al %eo%le (i"e") inha!itants o orest are let !y the act
Instead o attractin+ %u!lic su%%ort (tri!al) it has intri+ued in the human ri+hts"
Protection o trees, !irds and animals have mar+inaliCed %oor %eo%le"
Reasons or the e.%onential +ro,th1
Stone a+e @ Euite sta!le
Drou+hts, out!rea- o diseases lead to human deaths" /4
century A"D e.%erienced lar+e
scale mortality due to %la+ue @ a!out 5:; o %eo%le in Asia and Euro%e died due to the
Science and technolo+ical advancement has increased the e.%ectancy o human" Peo%le
started livin+ ,ith +ood sanitation ood and medical acilities increase in %o%ulation
e.%onentially" In a+riculture !ased amilies children are said to !e assets ,ho hel% the
%arents in ields" Thereore, in develo%in+ countries the %o%ulation increase is at a rate o
3"4; %er year"
Po%ulation characteristics and variation amon+ nations1
/" E.%onential +ro,th1 /,3,5UU I a Euantity varies !y a i.ed ; /:V/, /:V0 etc"
0" Dou!lin+ Time Td S G:9r 0;
3" Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is /"= develo%in+ countries" 4"G develo%in+ countries
and F"/ in /=5:
4" Inant mortality1 ; o inants died out o those !orn in a year last 5: years"
5" Re%lacement level1 6nder lo, lie e.%ectancy and hi+h inant mortality 0"G in
develo%in+ countries and 0 in develo%ed countries"
F" 7ie e.%ectancy1 The avera+e no" o years a ne, !orn !a!y is e.%ected to live"
The lie e.%ectancy o +lo!al males and emales has risen rom 4: to 55"5 years"
In India 00"F and 03"3 in /=:: & F:"3 and F:"5 in 0:::"
In <a%an and S,eden GG*GG"4 & H0*H4 years"
Po%ulation e.%losion1
Po%ulation e.%losion means the tremendous increase in the num!er o %eo%le" It is a
-no,n act that the increase o %o%ulation is %layin+ vital role o all environmental
dama+e" Most o our natural resources are under threat !ecause o the %o%ulation +ro,th"
I the e.%loitation o resource is +oin+ on in this trend, the resources ,ill !e e.haust
shortly" Po%ulation e.%losion increase disease, economic ineEuity and environmental
a!use" Thereore ,e need %o%ulation sta!iliCation to achieve +ood health, education and
Reason or %o%ulation e.%losion1
/" Increase in !irth rate in develo%ed countries due to illiteracy
0" Invention o modern medical acilities reduces mortality rate"
Duman ri+hts1
/" Duman ri+hts means that a human !ein+ must en2oy on this earth
0" Foundation o human ,as laid in /3
century" #ut %ositive ho%es or all %eo%le
or a ha%%y, di+niied and secured livin+ condition ,ee raised only ater
$6niversal Declaration o Duman Ri+hts (6NDDR) !y 6NO on /:/0"/=4H
3" It hi+hli+hts on %rotection to all individuals a+ainst in2ustice and human ri+ht
4" 6NDDR deines s%eciic ri+hts to lie, li!erty, security, reedom o thou+ht,
association, reedom o movement ri+ht o eEual %ay or eEual ,or-, ri+ht to orm
or 2oin union, ri+ht to health care, education etc"
5" 6niversal declaration ri+hts are universal !ut dis%arity !et,een develo%in+ and
develo%ed countries"
F" Poverty and %o%ulation leads to violation o human ri+hts"
8DO estimates
*One out o every ive is malnourished, lac-s clean drin-in+ ,ater, lac-s hy+ienic
conditions and health acilities"
*one out o 3 lac- uel or coo-in+
*/95 is des%erately %oor
*every year 4: million %eo%le die due to contaminated ,ater
G" Acute scarcity o em%loyment
H" Merit o universal education and child la!our %revention is o much less
im%ortance than his stru++le or e.istence
=" Develo%ed and develo%in+ country +ive im%ortance only to >res%ect to human
ri+hts? and >non social @ economic ri+hts? res%ectively"
Environment and human health1
Environment is deined as man alon+ ,ith his surroundin+s, ,hich consists o !iotic,
a!iotic and sociolo+ical com%onents" Thereore, ,hen ,e cause dan+er to these
com%onents, ,hich surrounds us, they in turn aect our health"
The environmental dan+ers created !y man are many1 Po%ulation e.%losion, unre+ulated
ur!aniCation, creatin+ ,ater, air and landsca%e %ollution, deorestation, desertiication,
use o %esticides in a+riculture etc" Every one o these has im%lications or the health o
the individual as ,ell as society as a ,hole" None can !e i+nored !ecause the scale o
%otential calamity is increasin+ day !y day"
Dealth haCards may !e arisin+ rom1 ,ater contamination or %ollution, air %ollution, use
o %esticides enters throu+h ood chain, radiation eect o nuclear ,ater, diseases caused
rom im%ro%er dis%osal o solid ,astes and also due to noise %ollution"
Environmental Ethics
Over e.%loitation o orests, land, ,ater as ,ell as various livin+ com%onents o
!ios%here and ailure to tac-le the %ro!lem o %ollution and environmental
de+radation are e.%osin+ the humanly to the thread o a +lo!al environment crisis"
It em%hasis that real develo%ment cannot occur unless the strate+ies ,hich are
ormulated are im%lemented are environmentally sustaina!le" Even thou+h our
+overnment is ormulatin+ several rules, re+ulations, %olicies, la,s, it is the duty o
each and every one to %rotect our nature"
Thereore human !ein+s are ethically res%onsi!le or the %reservation o the
,orld?s ecolo+ical inte+rity" The environment ethics literally means conscious eorts
to %rotect environment and to maintain its sta!ility rom the %ollutants" Follo,in+ are
some o the ,ays to sae+uard environment"
/" To sacriice the consum%tion o some o the +ood ,hich reduces environment
0" MinimiCe the resource utiliCation and conservation
3" Ado%t sustaina!le and ecoriendly develo%ment" (E+) reduction o ,aste,
recyclin+, ,aste mana+ement and harvestin+ non conventional ener+y
I ,e chan+e as individuals then the society ,ill also chan+e !y itsel" The
society is nothin+ !ut an e.tension o the individual"
Education is one o the most im%ortant tools in !rin+in+ a!out socioeconomic and
cultural %ro+ress o a country" The o!2ective o education should not !e merely coachin+
the students to +et throu+h the e.ams ,ith +ood results and +et some +ood 2o!"
Education does not sim%ly mean acEuirin+ inormation !ut usin+ the resources ,ithin the
limits o ethical value"
The scientiic and technolo+ical advancements have shrun- the ,orld into a villa+e" #ut
in the drive to develo%ment man has !ecome too materialistic, sel centered and over
am!itious" Aalue !ased education has a very si+niicant role in %rovidin+ %ro%er
direction to youth to inculcate %ositive attitude and to teach them the distinction !et,een
ri+ht and ,ron+" It teaches them to !e com%assionate, %eace lovin+, hel%ul, +enerous
and tolerant so that they can move to,ards more harmonious, %eaceul, en2oya!le and
sustaina!le uture" Aalue education hel% in arrivin+ value !ased 2ud+ements !ased on
%ractical understandin+ o various natural %rinci%les"
Aalue education increases a,areness a!out our national history, our cultural herita+e,
national %ride, constitutional ri+hts and duties, national inte+ration, aommunity
develo%ment and environment"
It is crucial to the retention o national identity, %eaceul and harmonious society"
Education should +ive overall develo%ment o the student %ersonality" The main o
education is to %roduce citiCens ,ith sound character and health" Bood citiCens are the
only ho%e or the %ro+ress and %ros%erity o the country" 7ie !ased u%on +ood %rinci%les
is an essential reEuisite"
Thereore moral education should !e included in the school curriculum" The curriculum
should %rovide enou+h o%%ortunity or %u%ils to acEuire a considera!le amount o
-no,led+e that is essential or morally res%onsi!le livin+ in our democratic society"
Aalue education shall %re%are individuals or %artici%ation in social lie and acce%tance o
social rules"
Schools should %rovide a healthy environment or sharin+ res%onsi!ilities o community
lie and relationshi%s"
Aalue !ased environmental education1
Environmental education is somethin+ that every %erson should !e ,ell versed ,ith" The
%rinci%les o ecolo+y and undamentals o environment hel% to create a sense o earth
citiCenshi% and a sense o care or the earth and its resources * a sense o commitment
to,ards the mana+ement o the resources in a sustaina!le ,ay so that our children and
+rand children too have a sae and clean %lanet"
Follo,in+ the Su%reme Court directives /==H environmental education has !een included
in the curriculum ri+ht rom the school sta+e to university level" The o!2ective o it is to
ma-e everyone environment literate" 7et us see ho, environmental education can !e
made value !ased one"
/" Pre%aration o te.t !oo-s materials on environmental education @ to !uilt a
%ositive attitude to,ards environmental actors"
0" Social values li-e love, tolerance, com%assion can !e ,oven into env" Education"
This ,ill hel% to nurture all orms o lie and !iodiversity"
3" Cultural and reli+ious values1 Our culture and reli+ions teach us not to e.%loit
nature @ !ut to %erorm such unctions ,hich %ro2ect and sacred nature" Thereore
these values can !e added u% ,ith env" Education"
4" Env" Education should stress on earth centric vie,s rather than human centric
vie, such that it include the ethical values"
5" Blo!al values1 Stress on the conce%t human is %art o nature and all natural
%rocesses are inter lin-ed and they are in harmony" I this harmony is distur!ed it
may lead to im!alance in ecolo+y and catastro%hic results"
F" S%iritual values1 hi+hli+hts on sel contentment, disci%line, reduction o ,ants etc"
This ,ill reduce our consumerist a%%roach
I the mentioned values are incor%orated in env" education, the +oal o sustaina!le
develo%ment and env" conservation can !e easily attained" Aalue !ased env"
education can !rin+ a!out a total transormation o our mind set, our attitudes and
lie style to %rotect nature"

Com%uter !ased instruments or environment studies1
There are several on*line use instruments !y ,hich data can !e collected automatically at
i.ed interval o time"
/" Instruments or monitorin+ and analysis o meteorolo+ical %arameters, the
acoustic soundin+ system, radar is used
0" Atomic a!sor%tion s%ectro%hotometer (AAS) @ %erorms com%le. chemical and
heavy metal analysis in ,ater and ,aste ,ater"
3" Inductive cou%led %lasma s%ectrometer (ICPS), attached ,ith %o,erul com%uters
to acilitate easy mani%ulations, is used or ,aste ,ater analysis"
A%%lication o com%uters in the ield o Environment & human health1
/" 6n-no,n %arameters can !e stimulated !y com%uter techniEues
0" EIA(Environmental Im%act Assessment) %ro!lems can !e analyCed
3" Inventories o emission sources are com%iled and maintained
4" Net*,or- analysis, statistical analysis and the status o environmental %ollutions
can !e hi+h li+hted
5" Com%rehensive administrative system can !e develo%ed !y usin+ com%uter
net,or- techniEues"
F" Remote sensin+*Bra%hical Interace System are useul or coral ree ma%%in+ and
ocean resources" They are also useul to access the loss o !iodiversity9hot s%ots

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