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Lesson plan Model

Date: October 8th Level: 6th grade

Skill: Speaking – Writing - Reading

Expected Outcomes: The students will be able to produce simple sentences with the new vocabulary
related to adjectives and their opposites

Resources: Whiteboard – Books – Copybooks

Time Comments

Greet the students – Call 20 min We check the homework at loud and on the board.
the Row – Check
homework – They
remember the contents of
the last class.

Core of the class

15 min.
Pre-stage The objectives of the class are to show the students the
Contents of the class – vocabulary related to adjectives and their opposites.
Laura’s world “We’re on

While-stage Some students interpret the story; the other students follow the
They observe the story of story in silence. They answer the questions related to the text –
the book, they make 30 min. They find opposites of some adjectives in the story.
predictions of the story–
They work with their books

Post-stage They answer exercise Nº 3 and 4 from the activity book – They
They do activities from the share answers at loud and on the board – They write a
activity book - Share 20 min. description of themselves on their notebooks, some students
answers with the class – share answers with the class.
They describe themselves
with the adjectives learned.

They share with the class 5 min.
the new words that they

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