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Fiche dexploitation pour lpisode :

PodCaz audio:
#168. Global cities: Melbourne

Langue : Anglais
Public : Lyce
Niveau CECRL : B1-B2

Prediction 1 : Mark will be telling you about Melbourne his hometown .

Let us first brainstorm a few ideas about this city . How much do you know about it ? ( Try to locate it on
the map below , make guesses about its population ,industries activities ...)

Prediction 2 : Mark calls Melbourne a global city. Can you explain why ? suggest a definition ?
While listening :
1 ) Facts and figures :
Number of inhabitants :
First wave of immigration :
date :
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Acadmie de la Runion Acadmie de la Runion Acadmie de la Runion Acadmie de la Runion

countries people came from : ( circle the ones you actually hear)
Hungry Italy Hungary Romania Greece Austria
Second wave of immigration :
date :
reason why a lot of Vietnamese came to Melbourne :
Third wave of immigration :
continent people have come from recently :
2 ) Fill in the gaps :
There are many Greeks in Melbourne. I think Melbourne has the ________ largest Greek population
outside of _________.
There is also a very large __________ population in Melbourne and every year I think in __________
when the Chinese _________ the Chinese New _____ they hold a big _________ in Chinatown.

3) Explain now why Mark calls Melbourne a global city :

After listening :

1. Search the web for more information about Melbourne and to check the guesses made before
2. Search the web for information about another global city. Write a short summary and share the
information with the rest of the class.

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