10-Kepala Teknik Tambang (KTT)

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PT Permata Energy Resources is a coal exploration and production group based in Indonesia (Sumatra and
Kalimantan). The group has grown substantially and has been the largest privately owned coal mining
company in Sumatera area. Currently, we are looing !or young, energetic and dynamic pro!essional
candidates to "oin our team as position below#
Kepala Teknik Tamang !KTT"#"M$
(Sumatra or Kalimantan)
$nsure that all technical activities o! exploration and exploitation is done in accordance with
$xamine and approve mandatory periodical report submitted to 'inas &ertambangan
$nsuring the implementation o! health ( sa!ety issues around the mine in accordance with
good mining practice
)onitor and evaluate progress o! coal production
$nsuring the achievement o! production targets o! the company
*esponsible and ensure all mining activity running well and comply with all government
regulations and procedures at the site
In charge o! health sa!ety and environment and prepare mining, sa!ety and environment report
)ale, )aximum +, years old
)inimum -. (ten) years experience in mining industry with minimum , (!ive) years in managerial
level (KTT)
Candidate must possess at least a /achelor s 'egree in )ine $ngineering or e0uivalent
&osses &%& (&engawas %perasional &ertama), &%) (&engawas %perasional )adya) and &%1
(&engawas %perasional 1tama) certi!icates or KTT certi!ication
1nderstand mining sa!ety and environment (K2)
3luent in $nglish both oral ( written, !luent in )andarin will be an advantage
Computer 4iterate in using )S o!!ice ( Internet
)anage and control all mining sites operation !or all mining aspect include technical ( non technical
to achieve pro"ect target
)anage and control all civil wor, construction and land compensation
5ell understanding about mining operation (!acility6e0uipment6man power)
7ble to mae pro"ect budget preparation and control
&lease submit your application letter complete with C8, recently photograph to#
Email to% recruitment'permata coal (com
Su)ect % KTT#"M (Sumatra or Kalimantan)

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