Intra-Frequency Cell Reselection Parameters Specification: Huawei Huawei

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Intra-frequency Cell

Reselection Parameters
Prepared by:
HUAWEI Radio Network Plannin !epart"ent
Intra-frequency Cell Reselection Parameters Specification
1. Intra-frequency cell reselection parameters specification........................................................3
Huawei Confidential 2 of 5
Intra-frequency Cell Reselection Parameters Specification
1. Intra-frequency cell reselection parameters specification
Parameters Value Meaning
Qoffset2sn 0 0dB
Min RX level -58 -115dBm
Hysteesis2 2 !dB
"nta-fe#uen$y $ell esele$tion t%es%old & 12dB
Resele$tion delay time 1 1'
Min #uality level -18 -18dB
Step 1: (M)' sevin* $ell measuement +$,"o - "nta-fe#uen$y $ell esele$tion t%es%old . Min
#uality level
Step 2: (M)' nei*%/o $ell measuement R'C0 1 Min RX level and
(M)' nei*%/o $ell measuement +$,"o 1 Min #uality level
Step 3: (M)' nei*%/o $ell measuement +$,"o 2 Qoffset2sn 1 (M)' sevin* $ell measuement
+$,"o . Hysteesis2
Step : Resele$tion delay time
Step !: )i**e (M)' sevin* $ell to (M)' nei*%/o $ell esele$tion
Parameters specification:
Step1: (M)' sevin* $ell measuement +$,"o - "nta-fe#uen$y $ell esele$tion t%es%old . Min
#uality level
(M)' sevin* $ell measuement +$,"o3 t%e measuement +$,"o value in (M)' sevin* $ell.
"nta-fe#uen$y $ell esele$tion t%es%old3 )%es%old fo inta-fe#uen$y $ell esele$tion. 4%en t%e
#uality 5C0"CH +$,"o measued /y (+6 of t%e sevin* $ell is lowe t%an t%e t%es%old 7lus Min
#uality level of t%e $ell8 t%e inta-fe#uen$y $ell esele$tion 7o$edue will /e stated.
9alue an*e3 -1& : 10.
0%ysi$al value an*e3 -32 : 20; ste73 2.
0%ysi$al unit3 dB.
Min #uality level3 Minimum e#uied #uality level $oes7ondin* to t%e C0"CH +$,"o. (+
$an $am7 on t%e $ell only w%en t%e C0"CH +$,"o measued is la*e t%an t%e value of t%is
7aamete; it will affe$t t%e $all setu7 su$$ess ate.
Huawei Confidential 3 of 5
Intra-frequency Cell Reselection Parameters Specification
9alue an*e3 -2! : 0.
0%ysi$al unit3 dB.
Step 2: (M)' nei*%/o $ell measuement R'C0 1 Min RX level and
(M)' nei*%/o $ell measuement +$,"o 1 Min #uality level
Min RX level3 Minimum e#uied R<lev value of t%e (M)' =>> nei*%/oin* $ell.
9alue an*e3 -58 : -13.
0%ysi$al value an*e3 -115 : -25; 5-583-115; -5?3-113; ...8 - 13 3 25 6.
0%ysi$al unit3 dBm.
Step 3: (M)' nei*%/o $ell measuement +$,"o 2 Qoffset2sn 1 (M)' sevin* $ell measuement
+$,"o . Hysteesis2
Qoffset2sn3 Cell offset used fo C0"CH +$,@o duin* $ell esele$tion. "t $an /e used to $%an*e t%e
$ell ed*e. )%e *eate t%is 7aamete is set8 t%e smalle t%e 7o/a/ility of sele$tin* t%e nei*%/oin*
9alue an*e3 -50:50.
0%ysi$al unit3 dB.
Hysteesis 23 )%e %ysteesis fo (M)' sevin* $ell measuement +$,"o. "t is used fo $ell
esele$tion 7o$ess. )%e *eate t%e value is8 t%e less is t%e 7o/a/ility of esele$tin* t%e (M)'
nei*%/oin* $ell
9alue an*e3 0:20
0%ysi$al value an*e3 0 : !0; ste73 2.
0%ysi$al unit3 dB.
Step 4: Reselection delay time
Resele$tion delay time3 "f t%e si*nal #uality of a nei*%/oin* $ell is /ette t%an t%e sevin* $ell
duin* t%e s7e$ified time of t%is 7aamete8 t%e (+ will esele$t t%e nei*%/oin* $ell. "t is used to
avoid 7in*-7on* esele$tion /etween diffeent $ells.
9alue an*e3 0:31
Huawei Confidential ! of 5
Intra-frequency Cell Reselection Parameters Specification
0%ysi$al unit3 se$ond.
Step 5: Trigger UMTS serving cell to UMTS neighbor cell reselection
Huawei Confidential 5 of 5

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