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CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students


Concrete Materials & Structural Integrity Research Unit
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Cape Town

Unit Director
Professor Mark Alexander
Unit Leaders
Professor Pilate Moyo
Associate Professor Hans Beushausen

Policies and rules for postgraduate students, 2014

1. General
The Concrete Materials & Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) is an active
Research Unit within the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town.
The units work is focused on durability of concrete structures, structural health monitoring,
structural integrity assessment, and repair and rehabilitation strategies for concrete
structures. Work in these areas involves laboratory investigations, field measurements and
advanced numerical modelling. The integration of laboratory work, field measurements and
computational modelling of materials and structures places the group in a unique position to
develop realistic and practical solutions.

CoMSIRU students must complete an annual EBE Faculty Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU), which forms the basis of the contract between their supervisor and themselves. This
is a very important document and must be taken seriously.

2. Study and research programme for MSc students
Students participating in the CoMSIRU postgraduate study and research programme
generally register for the following option:

MSc (Eng) by coursework and thesis, in which a minimum of 60 credits must be obtained
from courses & 120 credits from thesis.

However, CoMSIRU MSc (Eng) students must take at least 76 credits of course work
(excluding a suitable Research Methodology enrichment course). This is to ensure that the
theoretical foundations are properly in place.

Relevant thesis topics are suggested by the academic staff of CoMSIRU, and can be
modified based on special interests of the students. Research for the thesis may include the
components of desk-top study, experimental work, site-based work, and numerical
modelling. As part of the Faculty requirements for the thesis, students must prepare a
scientific paper for publication in an international technical journal.
CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

MSc Structural Engineering and Materials

Compulsory Core Courses (students must take at least 2 of these)
CIV5113S: Structural Dynamics with Applications 16 credits
MEC5063Z: An Introduction to Finite Elements 12 credits
CIV5108Z: Advanced Mechanics of Materials 16 credits

Elective Core Courses (students must take at least 1 of these)
CIV5006Z: Advanced Structural Concrete Engineering 16 credits
CIV5112S: Stability and Design of Steel Structures 16 credits

Specialist Elective Courses (to make up sufficient credits)
CIV5002Z: Structural Concrete Properties and Practice 16 credits
CIV5100F: Plate and Shell Structures 16 credits
CIV5055Z: Structural Performance Assessment 16 credits
MEC5064Z: Finite Element Analysis 16 credits

Enrichment Course (students must take this course)
CHE5055Z: Research Communication and methodology 16 credits
CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

MSc Civil Infractructure Management and Maintenance

Compulsory Core Course

CIV5067Z Advanced Infrastructure Management 20 credits

Elective Core Courses

CIV5119Z Structural performance assessment and monitoring 20 credits
CIV5116Z Durability and condition assessment of concrete structures 20 credits
CIV5120Z Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures 20 credits
CIV5118Z Safety of Special Structures 20 credits
CIV5115Z Bridge Management and Maintenance 20 credits
CON5016Z Project Planning and Implementation 20 credits
CON5014Z Project Management & Systems Theory 20 credits

Specialist Elective Courses: Enrichment only

CIV5002Z: Structural Concrete Properties and Practice 16 credits
CIV5113S: Structural Dynamics with Applications 16 credits
MEC5064Z: Finite Element Analysis 16 credits

Enrichment course: Students strongly advised to take this course
CHEM5055Z: Research Communication and methodology 16 credits

Additional courses can be selected from the postgraduate programme of the University of
Stellenbosch or from CERECAM at UCT.

3. Tutoring and teaching assistance
MSc and PhD students in CoMSIRU are required to tutor undergraduate courses allocated to
them. In addition, PhD students may be required to provide teaching assistance in
undergraduate and postgraduate courses. MSc students can only tutor ONE undergraduate
course per semester, unless there is a shortage of tutors.

4. Funding policy for postgraduate students
4.1 General
This section outlines the funding mechanisms for Post-Graduate students. CoMSIRUs
research is funded mainly through grants from the National Research Foundation (NRF),
Postgraduate Funding Office, and industry. A substantial component of these funds is used
to fund postgraduate research students. This is in line with the research unit values which
include the training of high level manpower.

CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

ALL students are expected to provide some of their own funding (self-funding). This will be
easier for some than others, and therefore we are flexible on this. However, as a guide, we
expect students to contribute 20% or more of the TOTAL funding for any year. This also
applies to foreign students (i.e. non-SA or non-SADC students). In particular, foreign PhD
students will be required to provide some self-funding.

Table 1 shows basic annual funding that we consider is needed for students admitted to
CoMSIRU. All students joining CoMSIRU are expected to do some work in the laboratory
and field, and also contribute to the Departments undergraduate programme by tutoring in
various courses, for which payment is made. On occasions, students may be asked by their
supervisors to contribute to desk top research or administrative tasks.

(Table 1 on next page)
CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

Table 1: Anticipated funding allocations for postgraduate students

Source Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

80 000 65 000

Each case
will be
on its
2. Other
, e.g.
5 000 5 000
3. Tutorial work
10 000 10 000
95 000 80 000

120 000
2. Other

5 000+
3. Tutorial work

and teaching

15 000+
140 000+

Base funding refers to the sum of: a) CoMSIRU funding generated by CoMSIRU
from the C&CI, NRF, URC, industry support and other sources; b) Self-funding by the
student (20% min. as a guide). Additional funding obtained on the students own
initiative will need to be declared, and will form part of the Base bursary funding.

All South African and SADC students are required to apply for a C&CI Student
Bursary. This forms part of the CoMSIRU funding, and is not an additional award.

All South African students are required to apply for an NRF Bursary. This also
forms part of the CoMSIRU funding, and is not an additional award.

All Non-South African students are required to
a. Apply for the EBE Faculty international Student Bursary, to offset the
International Fee. In cases where the EBE Faculty Bursary does not fully meet
the International Fee (excluding the IAPO fee), CoMSIRU will meet the
difference up to a maximum of R20000.
b. Apply for the University International and Refugee Bursary. This also forms
part of the CoMSIRU funding, and is not an additional award.

Students who receive special UCT awards (e.g. Ninham Shand Scholarship), will be
entitled to retain this over and above their CoMSIRU allocation, provided it is declared
and at the discretion of the supervisors.

Other funding refers to reimbursements that students receive for non-thesis related
laboratory or desk-top work, such as consulting work, testing of concrete specimens
from industry, administrative work, etc. The amount given in the table is a guideline
only. The actual funding paid out to the student depends on the actual work done. It is
the responsibility of the student to consult their supervisor and request work if they
wish to receive the amount specified in the table. Supervisors will make every effort to
CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

provide sufficient work so that students can earn the amount specified - provided the
students request such work and perform the work allocated satisfactorily.
Note that all students are expected to assist in the laboratory or during site visits from
time to time. If this work is in the nature of training to assist with research, no
payment can be expected. However, if this is in the nature of industry work, then
payment will be received at student rates and will form part of Other Funding.

Students will be paid for tutorial work on a monthly basis (February November)
directly by the Department. The amount shown is an average based on tutoring one
UG course per semester.

PhD Students will be expected to undertake more substantial teaching assistance in
support of CoMSIRUs academics. This could include direct lecturing, acting as Chief
Tutor, etc. This will be negotiated with CoMSIRU and the department.

4.2 Funding rules
4.2.1 Students are encouraged to find funding from other sources:
- additional lab or field work provided this is approved by the programme leaders
- additional scholarships by local or international institutions

4.2.2 Where deemed necessary, adjustments to the funding will be made in either year of
study. ALL funding is dependent on continued funding from our various sources and
sponsors, and therefore may change if circumstances dictate.

4.2.3 Continued funding of students is dependent on:
- Satisfactory research progress as shown by regular student submissions of
progress reports as required by the supervisors, and of acceptable quality
- Satisfactory progress in course work (refer to faculty guidelines)
- Satisfactory conduct at all times. This includes attendance at all CoMSIRU
seminars, timely submission of all required documents, responsible conduct in the
laboratory, maintaining proper relationships with supervisors, and maintaining
professional conduct.

4.2.4 Tuition fees
Tuition fees will be deducted from the funding paid out to the student.

4.2.5 C&CI Scholarships
C&CI Scholarships are regarded as a part of CoMSIRU funding support, irrespective
of whether or not a letter is received from C&CI confirming the award.

4.3 Medical Insurance
All international (IAPO) students are obliged to take out Medical Insurance annually. This is
not covered by UCT or CoMSIRU. The amount can either be paid directly by the student to
the Insurance provider, or arrangements can be made through the CoMSIRU Administrator
(Elly), and the amount will form part of the annual funding.

Students who have their own insurance arrangements must provide written proof.

CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

4.4 Period of study
In line with UCT norms:
MSc students are expected to complete their full degree programme (including their
thesis) within 18-24 months.
PhD students are given up to 4 years to complete, preferably 3 years.

Funding cannot be guaranteed beyond these periods, but each case will be dealt with on its

4.5 Payment schedule
- Tutor salaries Paid on the 25
of the month following submission of time sheets
(deadline end of previous month) directly into bank account.

- CoMSIRU funding Funding is paid through the Post Graduate Funding Office
(usually mid-end March and mid-end July)

- CoMSIRU industry funding Paid on the 25
of the month (usually 3 monthly
April, July, October, December) directly into bank account.

5. Student expectations and privileges
CoMSIRU students should remember that they are now in effect professionals and
professional conduct is expected from them at all times. Reference to this is made in
4.2.3 above.

Students are also granted privileges such as a working space, PCs, printing, etc., which
should be respected.

In particular, CoMSIRU students are expected to be at UCT and in their offices at
normal working times. Work from home privileges will only be granted by arrangement
with the supervisor.

6. Other CoMSIRU Policies
See the Appendixes for the following policies
Peer review of student writing.
Submission of key elements such as literature reviews
Regular. Progress meetings/reports. Scheduled by Elly and meet with main
supervisor regularly

V.1 February 2014
CoMSIRU General rules for postgraduate students

APPENDIX 1: Student Writing Peer Review Guidelines

APPENDIX 2: Submission of Key Elements

APPENDIX 3: Regular Progress Meetings/Reports

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