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Historical Figure Facebook Assignment

The purpose is to create a Facebook page for a historical fgure. Your group has until
Tuesday to complete the research and construction of the Facebook page. Use this sheet to
complete your research before you begin constructing the page and fnding pictures. Please
use the template provided.

Create a HISTORICALLY ACCURATE Facebook page for a istorical !gure using
te follo"ing
Name of historical fgure at the top of the page
1 Profle Picture of your historical fgure
nformation !orner"#asic nformation
Net$ork % &eligion
#irthday % 'ometo$n
Political ()liation
Friends !orner*
% pictures of people $ho are"$ould be friends $ith your fgure
The +all
Post , signifcant facts on The +all. These facts need to highlight important events
your historical fgure is famous for. -ach comment must be about a separate event
and include the date. The comment can be from your fgure or from someone
associated $ith your fgure.
Personal nformation* .(t least / of each0
(ctivities % Favorite #ooks
nterests % Favorite T1 2ho$s
Favorite 3usic % Favorite 3ovies
!ontact nformation* .You may need to make this up40
Phone Number*
-mail address
Photos* .N--5 60
(lbums* .N--5 70
&roup 'ember (ames$ 8888888888888888888888888888888 Historical Figure$
Historical Figure Cecklist
)ro!le )icture *+ points, 8888888888
Information Corner-.asic Information *+ points eac,
.e creati/e0
You ma1 a##
3ui44es2 Icons
5 an1ting
tat "ill
enance 1our
Net$ork 8888888888
#irthday 8888888888
Political ()liation 8888888888
&eligion 8888888888
'ometo$n 8888888888
Frien#s Corner *+ points per picture,
, Pictures 8888888888
Te 8all *+ points per fact,
, 2ignifcant Facts 8888888888
)ersonal Information 5 9 eac *+ points per,
(ctivities 8888888888
nterests 8888888888
3usic 8888888888
3ovies 8888888888
T1 2ho$s 8888888888
#ooks 8888888888
Contact Information *+ points eac,
(ddress 8888888888
Phone Number 8888888888
-mail 8888888888
)otos *:, *+ points eac, 8888888888
Albums *+, *+ points eac, 8888888888
I(FOR'ATIO( 'UST .E ACCURATE .-9cept for address and favorite T1 sho$s: books0
TOTAL 1;; points

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