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if (!defined('RAPIDLEECH')) {
class zippyshare_com extends DownloadClass {
public $link;
private $page, $cookie, $fid;
public function Download($link) {
$this->link = $link;
$this->cookie = array('ziplocale' => 'en');
if (!preg_match('@https?://(?:[\w\-]+\.)*zippyshare\.com/\w/(\d+
)@i', $this->link, $this->fid)) html_error('File ID not found at link. Invalid l
$this->fid = $this->fid[1];
if (!empty($_POST['step'])) switch ($_POST['step']) {
case '1': return $this->CheckCaptcha();
case '2': return $this->GetDecodedLink();
$this->page = $this->GetPage($this->link, $this->cookie);
is_present($this->page, '>File does not exist on this server<',
'File does not exist.');
is_present($this->page, '>File has expired and does not exist an
ymore on this server', 'File does not exist.');
$this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($this->page, $this->cookie);
//if (($pos = stripos($this->page, 'getElementById(\'dlbutton\')
.href')) !== false || ($pos = stripos($this->page, 'getElementById("dlbutton").h
ref')) !== false) return $this->GetJSEncodedLink();
if ($this->findJS()) return $this->GetJSEncodedLink();
else return $this->GetCaptcha();
private function GetDecodedLink() {
if (empty($_POST['dllink']) || ($dlink = parse_url($_POST['dllin
k'])) == false || empty($dlink['path'])) html_error('Empty decoded link field.')
$this->cookie = urldecode($_POST['cookie']);
$dlink = 'http://' . parse_url($this->link, PHP_URL_HOST) . $dli
nk['path'] . (!empty($dlink['query']) ? '?' . $dlink['query'] : '');
$fname = urldecode(basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)));
$this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $fname, $this->cookie);
private function findJS() {
if (!preg_match_all('@<script(?:\s[^>]*)?>([^<]+)</script>@i', $
this->page, $scripts)) html_error('No inline JS found at page.');
foreach ($scripts[1] as $script) if (preg_match('@\.getElementBy
[\w\-]+\.)*zippyshare\.com)?/d/'.$this->fid.'@', $script)) {
$this->script = $script;
return true;
return false;

private function GetJSEncodedLink() {
$this->script = rtrim(str_replace(array(').href', "'dlbutton'",
'"dlbutton"', '
'), array(').value', "'T8_dllink'", '"T8_dllink"', "\t\t"), $
if (empty($this->script)) html_error('Error while getting js cod
$T8 = '';
if (preg_match_all('@getElementById[\s\t]*\([\s\t]*[\"\']([a-z][
\w\.\-]*)[\"\'][\s\t]*\)@i', $this->script, $ids) && count($ids[0]) > 1) foreach
(array_unique($ids[1]) as $id) {
if ($id == 'T8_dllink') continue;
if (!preg_match("@<([a-z][a-z\d]*)\s*(?:\w+\s*=\s*[\"\']
>]*[\"\']\s*)*(?:(\s*>[^<>]*</\1)|(/)?[\s]*>)@i", $this->page, $tag)) break; //
If it doesn't found the tag the decode will fail, im not sure if break or contin
$T8 .= (!empty($tag[2]) ? $tag[0].'>' : (empty($tag[3])
? $tag[0].'</'.$tag[1].'>' : $tag[0]));
$this->script = preg_replace('@^\s*(?:function\s+[\$_A-Za-z][\$\
[\$\w]*\.\w+\s*\(\s*[\'\"]\w+[\'\"]\s*\)\.value\s*=\s*[\'\"]{2}\s*;\s*\};?@', ''
, $this->script, 1);
if (preg_match('@^\s*function\s+([\$_A-Za-z][\$\w]*)\s*\(@i', $t
his->script, $funcName) || preg_match('@^\s*(?:var\s+)?([\$_A-Za-z][\$\w]*)\s*=\
s*function\s*\(@i', $this->script, $funcName)) $this->script .= "\n\t\t{$funcNam
$data = $this->DefaultParamArr($this->link, $this->cookie);
$data['step'] = '2';
$data['dllink'] = '';
echo "\n<div style='display:none;'>$T8</div>\n<form name='zs_dco
de' action='{$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']}' method='POST'><br />\n";
foreach ($data as $name => $input) echo "<input type='hidden' na
me='$name' id='T8_$name' value='$input' />\n";
echo("</form>\n<span id='T8_emsg' class='htmlerror' style='textalign:center;display:none;'></span>\n<noscript><span class='htmlerror'><b>Sorry,
this code needs JavaScript enabled to work.</b></span></noscript>\n<script type
='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */\n\tvar T8 = true;\n\ttry {{$this->script}\n\t
} catch(e) {\n\t\t$('#T8_emsg').html('<b>Cannot decode link: [''] '
ssage+'</b>').show();\n\t\tT8 = false;\n\t}\n\tif (T8) window.setTimeout(\"$('fo
rm[name=zs_dcode]').submit();\", 300); // 300 s to make sure that the value was deco
ded and added.\n/* ]]> */</script>\n\n</body>\n</html>");
private function GetCaptcha() {
if (!preg_match('@/d/\d+/(\d+)/[^\r\n\t\'\"<>\;]+@i', $this->pag
e, $dlpath)) html_error('Download Link Not Found.');
if (!preg_match('@Recaptcha\.create[\s\t]*\([\s\t]*\"([\w\.\-]+)
\"@i', $this->page, $cpid)) html_error('reCAPTCHA Not Found.');
//if (!preg_match('@\Wshortencode[\s\t]*:[\s\t]*\'?(\d+)\'?@i',
$this->page, $short)) html_error('Captcha Data Not Found.');
$data = $this->DefaultParamArr($this->link, $this->cookie);
$data['step'] = '1';
$data['dlpath'] = urlencode($dlpath[0]);

$data['shortencode'] = urlencode($dlpath[1]);
$this->reCAPTCHA($cpid[1], $data);
private function CheckCaptcha() {
if (empty($_POST['recaptcha_response_field'])) html_error('You d
idn\'t enter the image verification code.');
$host = 'http://' . parse_url($this->link, PHP_URL_HOST);
$this->cookie = urldecode($_POST['cookie']);
$post = array();
$post['challenge'] = $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'];
$post['response'] = $_POST['recaptcha_response_field'];
$post['shortencode'] = $_POST['shortencode'];
$page = $this->GetPage($host . '/rest/captcha/test', $this->cook
ie, $post, $this->link . "\r\nX-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest");
$body = strtolower(trim(substr($page, strpos($page, "\r\n\r\n"))
if ($body == 'false') html_error('Error: Wrong CAPTCHA Entered.'
elseif ($body != 'true') html_error('Unknown Reply from Server.'
$dlink = $host . urldecode($_POST['dlpath']);
$fname = urldecode(basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)));
$this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $fname, $this->cookie);
// [24-11-2012]
// [05-2-2013]
. - Th3-822
// [04-3-2013]
// [25-3-2014]
// [19-8-2014]

Written by Th3-822. (Only for rev43 :D)

Added support for links that need user-side decoding of the link
Fixed File doesn't exists error msg... - Th3-822
Fixed link decoder function. - Th3-822
Quick fix to decoder function. - Th3-822

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