Power of One List

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Abraham Lincoln 16

US president, won the American Civil War
Adam Smith 18
century political economist, wrote Wealth of Nations
Admiral Charles Howard British naval commander, defeated Spanish Armada
Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson 18
century British admiral, national hero
Admiral John Jellicoe British WWI admiral
Admiral Karl Dnitz German U-boat commander, successor to Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler leader of Nazi Germany, architect of genocide
Albert Einstein theoretical physicist, Nobel prize winner
Alessandro Volta - Italian physicist known for the invention of the battery
Alexander Fleming - Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist
Alexander Graham Bell Victorian inventor of the telephone
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, established the Nobel prizes
Andy Warhol 20
century American artist
Anne last Stuart monarch
Anne Boleyn second wife of Henry VIII, executed
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier - French nobleman and chemist
Antony van Leeuwenhoek - the Father of Microbiology
Arthur Bomber Harris WWII British bomber commander
Ayatollah Khomeini 20
century leader of Irans Islamic revolution
Babe Didrikson Zaharias - American athlete
Benito Mussolini WWII fascist dictator of Italy
Benjamin Disraeli Victorian British Conservative prime minister
Benjamin Franklin American revolutionary, diplomat, inventor
Bill Clinton 42
US president
Bonnie Parker - Bonnie and Clyde
Bruce Lee - martial artist and action film actor
Captain James Cook 18
century explorer, navigator
Catharine of Aragon 1
wife of Henry VIII, mother of Mary (Bloody)
Catherine de Medici Italian-born French queen & regent
Catherine the Great Russian empress for more than 30 years
Charles Darwin Victorian naturalist, formulated theory of evolution
Charles de Gaulle 20
century French general, president, national hero
Charles Dickens Victorian author
Charles I king of England, Scotland & Ireland, executed
Charles II king of England, Scotland & Ireland, restored the monarchy
Charles Parnell 19
century Irish nationalist leader
Che Guevara Argentine/Cuban revolutionary leader
Chiang Kai-shek 20
century Chinese nationalist leader
Ching Shih - also known as Cheng I Sao, a prominent pirate in middle Qing China
Christopher Columbus Italian explorer, discovered the Americas, 15
Clara Barton - founded the American Red Cross
Copernicus astronomer, said earth orbits the sun
Cosimo de Medici great Florentine ruler, founder of Medici dynasty
David Livingstone Victorian era British missionary, explorer in Africa
David Lloyd George British statesman, WWI prime minister
Douglas MacArthur US WWII general
Duke of Wellington 18
century British general, national hero
Dwight D. Eisenhower WWII American general, 34
US president
Edward Jenner - pioneer of smallpox vaccine
Edward VI king of England, only son of Henry VIII
Edward VII 20
century king of England, heir to Victoria
Edward VIII 20
century king of England, abdicated
El Greco (Dominicos Theotocpoulos)
Eleanor Roosevelt - longest-serving First Lady of the United States
Elizabeth Blackwell - Scottish botanical illustrator and author
Elizabeth I Tudor queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII, caused British golden age
Elizabeth II reigning queen of England
Emily Bronte - English novelist and poet
Emily Davison 20
century militant suffragette
Emmeline Pankhurst leader of British suffragette campaign to win the vote for women
Emperor Hirohito Japanese emperor during WWII
Enrico Fermi - Italian physicist, quantum theory, nuclear and particle physics
Erasmus Dutch writer, scholar, humanist of the Reformation
Erich Ludendorff German WWI general, Nazi sympathizer
Ernest Hemingway - American author and journalist
Ernest Rutherford - New Zealand-born British physicist, the father of nuclear physics
Erwin Rommel - German field marshal of World War II
Eva Peron - served as the First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952
Ferdinand de Lesseps 19
century administrator, built the Suez Canal
Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese explorer for Spain, first European to cross Pacific
Fidel Castro 20
century revolutionary, president of Cuba
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery British WWII general
Florence Nightingale Victorian era British pioneer of nursing
Francis Bacon Renaissance philosopher, statesman, scientist
Francis Ferdinand - Archduke of Austria-Hungary
Francisco Goya 18
century Spanish artist
Francisco Pizarro - Spanish conquistador
Frank Whittle 20
century pioneer of the jet engine
Franklin D. Roosevelt 32
US president, statesman, leader during Great Depression, WWII
Frederic Chopin - Polish composer and virtuoso pianist
Galileo Galilei Italian Renaissance scientist, philosopher
General Charles Gordon Victorian era British military hero, killed at Khartoum
General Douglas Haig British WWI commander
George C. Marshall US WWII general, politician, creator of the Marshall Plan
George H.W. Bush 41
US president
George Harrison - lead guitarist of the Beatles
George I first Hanoverian (German) king of England
George II 18
century king of England, expanded British empire
George III 18
century king of England, lost the American colonies
George Lucas - American film director, screenwriter, and producer
George Orwell 20
century journalist, author, wrote 1984
George Patton great American WWII general
George Sand - French novelist and memoirist
George V king of England during WWI
George VI king of England during WWII, father of Elizabeth II (reigning queen)
George W. Bush 43
US president
George Washington US revolutionary, general, first US president
Georgi Zhukov great WWII Soviet general
Gertrude B. Elion - American biochemist and pharmacologist
Golda Meir - the fourth Prime Minister of Israel
Gregor Mendel - founder of the modern science of genetics
Gregory Pincus - co-invented the combined oral contraceptive pill
Guglielmo Marconi - Italian inventor and electrical engineer
Harriet Tubman - African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy
Harry S. Truman 33
US president, ordered atomic bombings of Japan
Heinrich Himmler Nazi, head of the SS, architect of genocide
Heinrich Schliemann - German pioneer of field archaeology
Helen Keller - first deafblind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree
Henry Ford - founder of the Ford Motor Company
Henry Kissinger 20
century US academic, politician, Nobel prize winner
Henry Stanley Victorian explorer, journalist, African colonialist
Henry VII king of England, first Tudor monarch
Henry VIII Tudor king of England, initiated English Reformation
Hernando Corts Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec empire
Ho Chi Minh 20
century Vietnamese revolutionary leader
Indira Gandhi - Prime Minister of India
Irena Sendler - served in the Polish Underground
Isaac Newton 17
century mathematician, physicist, discovered gravity
Isabella I - queen of Castile and Len
Isoroku Yamamoto great Japanese WWII admiral, architect of Pearl Harbor attack
James Clerk Maxwell - formulated theory of electromagnetic radiation
James I - King of Scotland, England and Ireland
James Watt 18
century pioneer of steam technology
Jane Addams - social worker leader in womens suffrage
Jane Goodall - British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace
Jawaharlal Nehru first prime minister of independent India
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 18
century French political philosopher
Joan of Arc - heroine of France and a Roman Catholic saint
Johann Sebastian Bach - German composer and musician
Johannes Gutenberg - inventor of movable-type mechanical printing in Europe
Johannes Kepler - German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer
John Adams American revolutionary & president
John Cabot 15
century Italian explorer, discovered North America
John Calvin - French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation
John F. Kennedy 35
US president during the Cold War, assassinated
John Keats 19
century Romantic poet
John Locke - one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers
John Maynard Keynes influential 20
century economist
John Stuart Mill 19
century British philosopher, economist & social reformer
John. F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States
Joseph Lister - pioneer of antiseptic surgery
Joseph Stalin WWII Soviet leader, dictator
Juan Carlos I - King of Spain
Juan Sebastian Elcano - completed the first circumnavigation after Magellan's death
Juana La Loca - queen of Castile and Aragon
Julia Child - American chef, author, and television personality
Kaiser Wilhelm II - the last German Emperor and King of Prussia
Karl Marx 19
century German philosopher, developed theory of intl communism
Kim Jong Un - supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Kofi Annan - seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations
Konrad Adenauer post-WWII German chancellor
Lady Jane Grey 16
century queen of England, reigned for 9 days, executed
Leon Trotsky Russian revolutionary, exiled & assassinated on Stalins command
Leonardo da Vinci Italian Renaissance artist, inventor
Leonhard Euler - Swiss mathematician and physicist
Lord Baden Powell - founder of the modern Scouting movement
Lord Byron 19
century Romantic poet
Lord Horatio Kitchener British WWI general, mobilized mass armies
Lord Louis Mountbatten last viceroy of British India
Lorenzo de Medici (Lorenzo the Magnificent) great Florentine ruler, grandson of Cosimo
Louis Daguerre - invention of the daguerreotype process of photography
Louis Pasteur French chemist, biologist, proved the germ theory of disease
Louis XIV king of France, made France dominant on the continent
Louis XV king of France, policies precipitated French Revolution
Louis XVI king of France, executed during French Revolution
Louisa Mae Alcott - American novelist
Ludwig von Beethoven - German composer and pianist
Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Soviet sniper during World War II
Madam C. J. Walker - American entrepreneur and philanthropist
Mao Zedong Chinese communist leader, founder of Peoples Republic of China
Marco Polo 13
century Venetian explorer of China
Marcus Garvey 20
century civil rights activist
Margaret Mead - American cultural anthropologist
Margaret Sanger - American birth control activist
Margaret Thatcher 20
century British Conservative prime minister
Marie Antoinette queen of France, wife of Louis XVI, executed
Marie Curie 19
century scientist, winner of two Nobel prizes
Martin Luther German theologian, inspired the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther King, Jr. 20
century US civil rights leader, assassinated
Mary Baker Eddy - founder of Christian Science
Mary I (Bloody Mary) first queen of England in her own right, persecuted Protestants
Mary II 17
century queen of England, co-ruler with William III (of Orange)
Mary Wollstonecraft - English writer, philosopher, and advocate of womens rights
Mary, Queen of Scots queen of Scotland, executed by Elizabeth I
Max Planck - theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory
Maximilien Robespierre French revolutionary leader, Reign of Terror leader, executed
Michael Collins Irish republican leader, soldier & politician
Michael Faraday 19
century inventor, electrical pioneer
Michelangelo great Italian Renaissance artist
Mikhail Gorbachev - seventh and last leader of the Soviet Union
Mohandas Gandhi 20
century leader of Indias independence movement
Mother Teresa - Roman Catholic nun and missionary of Albanian origin
Muhammed Ali - founder of modern Egypt
Napoleon Bonaparte 18
century emperor of France, general
Nelson Mandela first democratically-elected black president of South Africa
Neville Chamberlain pre-WWII British Conservative prime minister
Niccolo Machiavelli - Italian politician based in Florence during the Renaissance
Nicholas II last tsar of Russia, executed by the Bolsheviks
Nicolaus Copernicus - Renaissance mathematician and astronomer
Nikita Khrushchev Cold War Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Nikolaus August Otto - inventor an early internal-combustion engine
Oliver Cromwell English revolutionary, regicide & lord protector
Orville or Wilbur Wright - two American brothers, inventors, and aviation pioneers
Osama bin Laden - founder of al-Qaeda
Otto von Bismarck first chancellor of united Germany, 19
Pablo Picasso 20
century Spanish artist
Pancho Villa - prominent Mexican Revolutionary generals
Paul von Hindenburg 20
century German general, politician
Pearl S. Buck - American writer and novelist in China
Percy Bysshe Shelley 19
century Romantic poet
Peter the Great - Tsar of Russia
Philip II - King of Spain
Philippe Ptain French WWI general, leader of Vichy collaborationist govt
Pitt the Younger British prime minister during the Napoleonic Wars
Pol Pot 20
century Cambodian communist leader, architect of genocide
Rembrandt 17
century Dutch artist
Rene Descartes - French philosopher, mathematician and writer
Richard Branson - founder of Virgin Group
Richard Nixon 37
US president, resigned after Watergate scandal
Robert E. Lee great Confederate Civil War general
Ronald Reagan 40
US president, brought collapse of the Soviet Union
Rosa Parks - African-American civil rights activist
Rosalind Franklin - British biophysicist and X-ray crystallographer
Rudyard Kipling 19
century British writer, Nobel prize winner
Sacagawea - Lemhi Shoshone woman, who accompanied the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Saddam Hussein - President of Iraq
Sally Ride - American physicist and astronaut
Sigmund Freud 19
century pioneer of psychoanalysis
Simon Bolivar - Venezuelan military leader who led revolt against the Spanish
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 19
century author, created Sherlock Holmes
Sir Francis Drake Elizabethan mariner, explorer, privateer (pirate)
Sir Walter Raleigh Tudor era British explorer, favorite of Elizabeth I
Steve Jobs - American inventor, co-founded Apple Inc
Stevie Wonder - American musician
Susan B. Anthony - American social reformer and suffragist
T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) British writer, soldier, WWI Arab revolt leader
Theodore Roosevelt 26
US President
Thomas Cranmer architect of English Reformation, advisor to Henry VIII
Thomas Edison - American inventor and businessman
Thomas Fairfax English Civil War general, Parliamentarian
Thomas Hobbes 17
century British political philosopher
Thomas Jefferson US revolutionary, 3
US president, author of Declaration of Independence
Thomas Malthus 19
century economist, developed theories of population growth
Thomas More Tudor chancellor, resisted Englands break with papacy
Thomas Wolsey statesman, lord chancellor to Henry VIII
Thor Heyerdahl - Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer
Tokugawa Ieyasu Japanese warrior, statesman & founder of Tokugawa dynasty of shoguns
Tony Blair British Labour prime minister
Ulysses S. Grant 18
US president, victorious Civil War general
Vasco da Gama Portuguese explorer, navigator, 16
Victoria great queen of England, longest reigning British monarch
Vincent Van Gogh Dutch post-Impressionist artist
Vladimir Lenin Russian revolutionary, leader of the Soviet Union
Voltaire - French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher
Werner Heisenberg - German theoretical physicist and a key creator of quantum mechanics
William Conrad Rontgen - produced and detected X-rays
William Harvey - first to describe the circulation of blood
William III king of England, Scotland, Ireland, deposed James II
William Shakespeare Elizabethan playwright, poet
William T. G. Morton - American dentist who demonstrated use of inhaled ether as a surgical anesthetic
William Tyndale 16
century theologian, translated the bible into English
William Wordsworth 18
century Romantic poet
Willy Brandt post-WWII German chancellor, Nobel prize winner
Winston Churchill statesman, WWII British prime minister, national hero
Wislawa Szymborska - Polish poet, essayist, and translator
Wolfgang Mozart - prolific and influential composer of the Classical era
Woodrow Wilson 28
US president, during WWI, proposed League of Nations
Yuri Gagarin - Soviet pilot and cosmonaut
William T. G. Morton - American dentist who demonstrated use of inhaled ether as a surgical anesthetic

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