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Survey Questionnaire about Reading Newspaper

Name Sunmeet Age: 19_years Gender: (F)

Occupation/Profession: student Place: _New Delhi_ Marital status: __single_
1) Do you read newspapers: Yes No
If yes, then how often:
Daily More than once in a week
Once in a week fortnightly
2) !ic! newspaper do u read "please mention t!e name):
General:____The in!"_ an!#or Financial:____$T________
#) $!roug! w!ic! mode do u read news%
News%a%ers Online &oth
&) 'f newspapers( !y%
$asy to rea! $asy to carry
Don*t own Internet#+, -se! to rea!ing %rinte! for.
)) 'f online( !y%
/a(es ti.e $asy access
0ario"s o%tions of news%a%ers1 Free of cost
*) !ic! language newspaper do you prefer
2egional 3ang"age
$nglish in!i
+) Do you t!in, t!at 2&-+ news c!annels !a.e a/ected t!e newspaper
Yes No
0) 1an, t!e following "on t!e scale of 1 to 12 w!ere 1 is most important
and 12 is least) according to your preference to read a particular
+rice14 '(aila)ility15
,ontent#Matter co(ere!1 6 Gla.o"r17
O8ers1 9 /"%%le.ents16:
3ang"age1; /tan!ar! of lang"age1<
$ntertain.ent1= 3ayo"t an! For.at1>
3) 4or w!ic! of t!e following decisions you trust t!e information
pro.ided 5y t!e newspapers
Making investment
Electing government
Buying products
Rating institutions
ealth related
Movie ratings
!thers "please mention# i$ any%_____________________
12) Do you read ad.ertisements from t!e newspapers Yes
11) 6a.e you gi.en ad.ertisement in any news paper% Yes
If yes, in which______________________________
!at factors do u loo, into 5efore deciding in w!ic! newspaper you
want to place your ad.ertisement%
+rice w?r?t %lace, %o%"larity, o8ers if any, lang"age, a(aila)ility

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