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Major Works Data Sheet

Biographical information about the author: (Cite source[s])
/ 2

Historical / Cultural Aspects of the e!t:
/ 2
Characteristics of the genre:
Author: _________________________
Date of Publication: _______________
Genre: __________________________
#lot summar$:
/ "&
'a(or )or*s +ata ,heet #age 2
-uotes ,ignificance Conte!t
+escribe the author.s st$le: /!amples that 0emonstrates the st$le 1ith parenthetical citations:

Memorable Quotes
'a(or )or*s +ata ,heet #age 2
,ignificance 3ole(s) A0(ecti4es Name (s)
'a(or )or*s +ata ,heet #age 5
)or*(s) Cite0
,ignificance of en0ing/closing scene
+iscussion -uestions:
,etting an0 ,ignificance ,ignificance of opening scene
,$mbols: 6ehicle an0 enor
,pecific hemes

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