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Course: Reading

Level: 7
Teacher: Mrs. Jandernoa
Website: email:
We will study a variety of texts in this reading class. Texts will vary from short stories dramas !oems
nonfiction !ieces and others. The course will consist of class and small grou! discussions reader"
res!onse essays vocabulary building and tests over each unit. #ecause a large !ortion of the course will
include class discussions$ students will be ex!ected to contribute to class discussion in a !ositive
effective manner and will be graded accordingly.
%n addition to reading class novels we will have time for free choice reading on a wee&ly basis. 'tudents
will be ex!ected to read a number of (choice) boo&s to build reading stamina and !ractice &ey reading
s&ills such as identifying &ey ideas and details inter!reting and analy*ing craft and structure integrating
&nowledge and ideas as well as wor&ing to read a range of text com!lexities.
%t will be assumed that all students follow the '.+.,.-. classroom ex!ectations at all times and for all
courses. We will elaborate on these ex!ectations as a class and decide which other rules would be most
beneficial to create a !ositive learning environment in our classroom.
Grade Break Down:
,ssignments and assessments will be varied throughout the course but each different assignment will
have a different im!act on the grade.
./0 " tests
1/0" 2ui**es
130" !artici!ation
4ou will be given 567/ !oints each wee& if you come to class !re!ared and on time each day.
4ou may earn additional !oints for !ositively contributing to class discussions.
130" homewor&
Tardies will not be tolerated. %f you are late to class you will be mar&ed as such.
8ood and drin&s are not allowed in the classroom 9to &ee! our six"legged friends out of the
Materials to Bring to Class:
;urrent text
8older 9to &ee! class wor& and homewor&:
Additional elp:
%f you ever need additional hel! % can always wor& with you during lunch6recess if you as&. #ut
you have to let me &now. % will also be in my classroom before school 97:./ish: and after school
9until >:./ish:
Goals for Reading Class:
1. Read closely to determine what the text says and make logical inferences from it; cite
specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn
from the text.
2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
3. nalyze how and why individuals! events! or ideas develop and interact over the
course of a text.
". #nterpret words and phrases as they are used in a text! including determining
technical! connotative! and figurative meanings! and analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or tone.
$. nalyze the structure of texts! including how specific sentences! paragraphs! and
larger portions of the text %e.g.! a section! chapter! scene! or stanza& relate to each
other and the whole.
'. ssess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
(. #ntegrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats.
). *valuate the argument and specific claims in a text! including the validity of the
reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.
+. nalyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to ,uild
knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
1-. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and

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