WT G Assignment 3 Fa 131

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Dimensions of Culture Program DOC 1: Diversity

http://marshall.ucsd.edu/doc/doc1/ Fall Quarter 2013

Writing Assignment #3: Analyzing Written and Visual Texts

Required Texts:
Martin Luther King, Jr.s essay Where Are We?
Newsreel video: Troops Patrol L.A. found on Youtube:

Due: Monday, November 18, to your TA in lecture [revised]

What to do: Write a well-organized compare and contrast analysis of these two texts.
Your assignment should include the following parts:

Historical Frame:
In an initial paragraph, write a concise and objective description of the Watts Riots. You
may use Takaki and/or lecture notes to briefly contextualize this historical event.

In the next few paragraphs, make an argument for how and why these two texts provide
different interpretations of the Watts riots. Then, defend your argument by using well-
chosen examples from both texts and analyzing them.

To strengthen your analysis, make every effort to define and apply relevant keywords and
concepts from lectures and other DOC 1 readings.

Conclude your assignment by explaining the significance of these different interpretations
about which you have just written.

A successful assignment will:
Be approximately 750 words or 2-3 pages in length. However, there is no set
paragraph requirement for the assignment.
Be typed, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins, 11 or 12 point font, with an
appropriate heading and title
Be edited for basic spelling and punctuation errors
Place all examples in their proper historical context (including dates, events, etc.)
Use appropriate racial terminology for the 21
Follow UCSDs guidelines for Academic Integrity:

WtgAssignment#3FA13 revised 11/06/13

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