"I'm Not Afraid of Storms, For I'm Learning To Sail My Ship." - Louisa May Alcott "Knowledge Is Power"

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Are you interested in learning the following oil and gas softwares at affordable price?
ECLIPSE -for Dynamic Reservoir Modeling (!" Analysis #nclusive$
PROSPER & PROSPER - for roduction %ystem Analysis
MBAL & for Material balance %tudy and Decline 'urve Analysis
Excel VBA programming for software development
SAPHIR for Welltet I!ter"ret#tio!
MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC$NET %&'( for )e*elo"i!+ ,er-frie!)l. "etrole,/
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Effecti*e Re"ort Writi!+ #!) Pree!t#tio!2Fi!#l 0e#r Pro3ect
"his training aim at improving and developing s(ills, (nowledge and competence of students
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"oday0s +- industry runs on software/ .eoscientists and etroleum +ngineers use software every
day to solve comple1 geophysical and geological challenges and for reservoir performance analysis/
%tudents will be guided through a number of program e1amples/ As a participant, this training
provides a good overview of the programs0 functionalities and will assist in developing proficiency in
use of the tools/
articipants will underta(e a substantial pro)ect where they will apply the s(ills and (nowledge from
training to a practical problem in the hydrocarbon industry/ 2inal 3ear %tudents also willing to use any
of these softwares will be assisted/
#f you are interested in any of these programs, please feel free to contact me on4
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+mail4 opeyemi/adetula@ymail/com
Im not afraid of storms, for Im learning to sail my ship. Aouisa May Alcott
Knowledge is Power

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