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English Book Vocabulary

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1. The colours

Brown Marr Orange Taronja Purple Lila
Blue Blau Green Verd Yellow Groc
Red Vermell Black Negre White Blanc

English Book Vocabulary
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2. The days of the week
Monday Dilluns
Tesday Dimarts
Wednesday Dimcres
Thursday Dijous
Friday Divendres
Saturday Dissabte
Sunday Diumenge

3. The seasons
Spring Primavera
Summer Estiu
Autumn Tardor
Winter Hivern

4. The Family

Mother (Mum) Mare
Father (Dad) Pare
Brother Germ
Sister Germana
Uncle Tiet
Aunt Tieta
Cousin Cos/na
Grandad (Grandpa) Avi
Grandmother (Granny) via

English Book Vocabulary
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5. The Numbers
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two
24 twenty-four
25 twenty-five
26 twenty-six
28 twenty-eight
29 twenty-nine
30 thirty
40 fourty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eigthy
90 ninety
100 hundred

6. The body
Head Cap
Shoulders Espatlles
Arms Braos
Hands Mans
Fingers Dits
Legs Cames
Knees Genolls
Foot Peus
Toes Dits del peu
Hair Cabell
Eyes Ulls
Ears Orelles
Nose Nas
Mouth Boca
English Book Vocabulary
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7. Places in the city

Bookshop Botiga de
Flower shop Floristeria
Shoe store Sabateria
Bakery Forn de pa
Toyshop Botiga de
Pet shop Botiga
Beauty saloon Sal de
bellesa (perruqueria i
Market mercat
Department store
Grans magatzems
Bank Banc
Station Estaci (ten o
Museum Museu
Police station Policia
Fire station Bombers
Parking Aparcament
Hospital Hospital
Post office Correus
Library Biblioteca
Park Parc
School Escola

English Book Vocabulary
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8. Telling the time
It is 10 ockock.
Sn els 10 en punt.
Its one quarter past 10.
Passa un quart de les 10.
Its half past 10.
Sn les 10 i mitja.
It is a quarter to 11.
Falta un quart per les 11.

9. The house
Garden Jard
Hall Entrada
Kitchen Cuina
Living room Sala destar
Dinning room Menjador
Bedroom Habitaci / dormitori
Bathroom Lavabo

10. The food
Vegetables Verdura
Fruit Fruita
Apple Poma
Pear Pera
Peach Prssec
Strawberries Maduixes
Banana Pltan
English Book Vocabulary
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Salad Amanida
Pasta Pasta
Soup Sopa
Spaghetti Espaguetis
Macarroni Macarrons
Bread Pa
Cereal Cereals
Rice Arrs
Legumes Llegums
Eggs Ous
Fish Peix
Meat Carn
Sausages Salsitxes
Hot-dogs -
Chips Patates fregides
Potatoes Patates
Crisps Crispetes
Biscuits Galetes
Chocolate Chocolata
Sugar Sucre
Cake Pasts
Ice-cream Gelat
Pizza Piza
Hamburger Hamburgueses
Sweets Llaminadures
11. The clothes
Jeans Texans
Trousers Pantalons
Skirt Faldilla
Track Suit Xandall
T-shirt Samarreta
Shirt Camisa
Jumper Jersei
Jacket Jaqueta
Dress Vestit
Socks Mitjons
Shoes Sabates
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12. The animals
Dog/Puppy Gos
Cat/Kitten Gat
Bird Ocell
Duck nec
Hen Gallina
Penguin Ping
Pig Porquet
Horse Cavall
Cow Vaca
Sheep Ovella
Wolf Llop
Fox Guineu

13. At school
Table Taula
Chair Cadira
Book Llibre
Notebook Llibreta
Pencilcase Estoig
Pen Boli
Pencil Llpis
Crayons Colors
Rubber Goma
Sharpener Maquineta
Folder Carpeta

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