Website Ndhs Library Orientation 2014 2015

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The NDHS Library

Ms Moore
Fall 2014

8:15 4:30 pm
Pass required during class.
No pass required before
and after school, during
lunch and passing periods.

Show pass

Sign In at desk
The bulldog says
Please respect this space

"aking s#re !o#r I$ is aro#nd !o#r neck%

&emo'ing caps( hats( and hoods

Speaking in )#iet 'oices

*#rning o+ and p#tting awa! de'ices

,ea'ing -ood( drinks( cand!( and g#m on

shel'es inside -ront door .& lea'ing
them in !o#r ackpack%

/ntering or e0iting #sing either door #t

1.* 23**I14 *5&.3456

$oing lirar!7like acti'ities

8eing nice6
Note: Feel free to take your shoes of as long as
your feet dont smell!
inding !oo"s #ou $ant

3se .nline 2atalog

4o to:
2hoose: Library then Library Catalog

P#t in the in-ormation !o# know ao#t

ook !o# want or the t!pe o- ook !o#

Pl#s( !o# can alwa!s ask6

"anaging 9o#r :cco#nt
From .nline 2atalog page( choose Reuest
,og .n
Don%t forget to
Log &ut'
9o# can: p#t ooks on hold
check d#e dates
renew ooks
check -or an!
2hecking o#t materials

I$ is lirar! card

9o#r acco#nt m#st e c#rrent ;no past7d#e


5 item limit can incl#de 3 graphic no'els% ;I-

responsile( will change to #nlimited checko#t<

8ooks d#e in 2 weeks% Please

ha'e respect -or others and t#rn
ooks in on time or re7check them=
it>s simpl! the right thing to do%

$#e date will e on o#tside co'er%

,ost?$amaged materials: &eplacement cost
Printing: 5 pages -ree -or school pro@ects%
:-terwards( A%10?page% 3se print pre'iew
and ask -or permission e-ore printing%

9es( lost ooks
-ollow !o# to the
ne0t grade and?or
(cceptable )o*puter +se
Please keep all cell phones and other electronic de'ices t#rned o+
and .3* .F SI45* as per school r#les%
Please #se headphones?ear#ds to listen to acade*ic related
material onl!%
3se !o#r tech skills -or good rather than e'il: &e-rain -rom changing
:19 comp#ter settings( downloading material( 'iewing personal
photos( and?or accessing inappropriate material%
9o# ma! print #p to B'e pages -or school pro@ects -ree o- charge
:F*/& otaining permission% :dditional pages will cost A%10 per
3na#thoriCed comp#ter games and?or social networking sites are not

)o*ing !ac"'

)o-ee in the *orning .ill be !()/

St#dent co+ee ho#rs: 8:15 D:05%
2o+ee A1%00 2app#ccino A2%00%
8ring !o#r own c#p -or A%50 o+6

lashdri0es are a0ailable for purchase'

A10%00 -or 8 g ;no ta0( no dri'ing to the
Eoin #s on Faceook
and?or *witter6
2l#s F .ther St#+

"anga cl#

8ook cl#s
,isten to anno#ncements and check the
lirar! whiteoards -or dates and times6

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