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Social Welfare Indices:

A. Education

Marconi has 15 elementary schools and only 2 public high schools.
Because of this, most of the residents of Marconi finished elementary
education but only a few finished high school.

B. Housing

Most of the houses in the barangays are constructed with only light
materials. Since Barangay Paras is the town proper, this is the only
place where most of the houses are built with the combination of
strong and light materials.

C. Electrification

Power supply is limited thats why every household uses oil lamps and
candles as their light source. Because of inadequate power supply,
electricity is not always available, most often during the latter part of
the day.

Environmental Indices:

A. Water Supply

Level III water supply is not common in Marconi. Because of this, almost
all of the households in this municipality use deep wells, pumps and
open wells as their water supply system. Only the town proper,
Barangay Paras, makes use of Level II water supply.

B. Human and Household Waste Disposal

Most of the households have sanitary toilets but there are still some that
have unsanitary toilet conditions and even no toilet at all. Diarrhea is
the second leading cause of morbidity in this area caused by the
residents unsanitary practice. Only a few percent of the wastes are
being collected while some are burnt.

C. Food Establishments

There are a total of 50 food establishments in Marconi. Only more than
half have sanitary permits and have attended the food safety seminar.
Also, only a few were issued with health certificates, which may cause
the rampant diarrhea cases in this place.


Since farming and fishing are Marconis major sources of livelihood,
fresh and dried fish, vegetables and fruits are the usual diets of the
residents. Less than half of children aged 0-9 are also underweight.

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