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Phone: (916) 529-8191

Adam Freas

OBJ ECTIVE: To pursue my Ed.D in Educational Leadership at the University of
the Pacific with the interest of developing a research skill set as a change agent
and advocate for students in the community college system and beyond.

Masters of Science, Counseling-Emphasis in Career Counseling
Sacramento State University Spring 2006

Bachelors of Arts, Communications
Sacramento State University Spring 1999

Co-Founder / Team Member Low End Theory Collaborative
04/2006 - Current
Created a non-profit that focuses on utilizing non-traditional pathways to
engage youth in personal development
Developed a mens support group using Hip Hop music as a therapeutic
Coordinated team members in the implementation of an annual Hip-Hop
Education conference for high school and college level students.
Created Hip Hop based curriculum that can be implemented into various
educational systems

Counselor - EOPS Program Sacramento City College
Manage a student caseload focusing on educational planning, personal
counseling and career development
Coordinate the fostering futures program that focuses on supporting
emancipated foster youth entering the Sacramento City College campus
Develop diverse programming opportunities that engage the EOPS
population into exploring personal development, educational goals and
career objectives

Adjunct Instructor Sacramento City College
07/2006 Current
Instructed Human Career Development courses with a focus on self
exploration, motivation, and goal setting
Created and implemented a college success course with a Hip-Hop cultural
emphasis used to engage a diverse student body.

Adjunct Counselor Sacramento City College
Co-Coordinated the UP-Rising program where the focal point is providing
transfer support to underrepresented student populations through a
proactive approach of campus outreach, counseling and workshops.
Collaborated with various campus programs to promote educational
opportunities for students such as transfer programs, academic support as
well as physical and mental support services
Worked with students in one-on-one and group settings to address
academic and personal goals in higher education.

Adjunct Counselor / Instructor San J oaquin Delta College
06/2007 - Current
Instructed Guidance courses that focused on the Career Development
Counseled students focusing on their educational plan, career, and
personal goals at San J oaquin Delta College.

Adjunct Faculty Instructor Sierra College
01/2007 - Current
Instructed two sections of Personal Development 6, Career Exploration,
with a focus on the Career Developmental Process.

Adjunct Counselor [International Education] Peralta Community College
01/2007 Current
Complete Educational plans for individual students, keeping them in
accordance with their F-1 visa Student status.
Help students, from over 400 countries, understand the American Higher
educational system to assist in easing their transition into the United

Instructor EOP&S Summer Bridge CSU, Sacramento
06/2006 07/2006
Instructed the Learning Skills 79 course focusing on college success and
individual student development
Created course curriculum with an emphasis on diversity, self-efficacy and
life skills
Coordinated campus tours, presentations and information that assisted in
creating a sense of belonging

Career Counselor Graduate Intern CSU, Sacramento Career Center
01/2006 Current
Co-managed Career Center South, a new, full service satellite Career
Center. Schedule and conduct individual career counseling sessions,
facilitate career development workshops, implement marketing strategies
to increase student usage, upgrade technology to deliver state-of-the-art
services, and actively participate in weekly staff meetings.
Developed and facilitated Career development workshops for academic
classes, campus clubs and EOP&S freshman seminars.
Counseled students individually on the career decision making process by
assessing his/her interests, abilities, values and achievements
Created and implement marketing strategies and outreach to promote the
Career Center as a vital student resource

Student Personnel Assistant Sacramento City College, Sacramento, CA
07/2005- 06/2006
Co-Instructed Human Career Development course with a focus on self
exploration, immediate and long range goals, and problem solving
Conducted one-on-one counseling services in the areas of academic,
personal and career development for approximately 2000 at-risk students.
Collaborated with 5 RISE counselors in reformatting and restructuring the
programs student outreach. Developed new marketing plan that uses
emails, phone calls.
Created counselor case load so that all RISE students will be seen
individually by the counselors.
Coordinated and facilitated Freshman student orientations for
approximately 200 basic skills students; coordinated student panels
comprised of RISE students, student government representatives; to talk
with new students, conduct campus tours, teach career decision making
and goal setting skills, and arrange for all students to meet individually
with a counselor who will register the students

Career Counseling Assistant CSU, Sacramento Career Center
Participated in Career Counseling Process and theory training
Counseled Walk in clients; resume critiques, interview skills, job search
skills, Assessment administration and interpretation

Field Representative I UC Davis, Extension Davis, CA
Co-coordinated in the management of the operational and logistical
aspects of Extension classes.
Ordered materials, gave class overview, information on upcoming classes
and accepted class fees for approximately 500 classes.
Provided enrollment verification and services to meet individual student
educational goals in certificate and general programs.

Teacher Alicante School Sacramento, CA
Implemented counseling techniques to mutually identify environmental
factors that may be physically and or mentally harmful.
Composed Individual Educational Plans, and treatment strategies along
side educators, administrators, therapist, counselors and families
Created level, age, and ability appropriate lesson plans
Maintained student records, and kept daily progress log of growth towards
desired goals.

Team Leader Americorps, Inc. Chicago, IL
Provided counseling services and academic assistance to inner city, at-
risk High School students.
Facilitated a variety of youth orientated trainings, which included, Conflict
Resolution and Diversity Training
Hired and trained students from low-income at-risk areas as Boys and
Girls Club Mentors.
Handled collaborative tutoring effort with the University of Chicago and
Chicago Parks and Recreation department
Supervised youth Mapping and Public Relations in efforts to establish a
record of student friendly community resources

Columbia University Hip-Hop Think Tank - Fall 2012 & 2013
Northern CA Foster Youth Consortium UC Davis Spring 2012
CRC CASSL Colloquium Strategies to Empower Student Success, Cosumnes
River College, Sacramento, CA, - Summer 2011
Youth Detention Facility Training, Sacramento, CA, - Spring 2011
Peralta Counselor Training In-Service Laney College - Spring 2007
Blackboard eLearning Introductory Workshop SCC - Fall 2006
Adjunct Counselor Training Cosumnes River College - Fall 2006
Los Rios Faculty Diversity Internship Training - Spring 2006
Certified True Colors Assessment Facilitator - Fall 2005
UC Davis Staff Development - Student Advising Certificate - Fall 2004
CSU, Sacramento ID 197 Training & Leadership for Advisors - Spring 2004


Blueprint Foster Youth Conference Los Angeles Spring 2013, 2014
Emerge Summit for Young Professionals Sacramento Spring 2014
CSU Counselor Conference Fall 2012, 2013, 2014
CCCEOPSA Statewide Conference Fall 2013
Rock The School Bells Education Conference Skyline College Spring 2012,
Los Rios Foster Youth Liaisons Meeting, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento,
CA, Spring 2011
2011 California Foster Youth Education Summit, Sacramento, CA, Spring 2011
Services Without Borders Conference Addressing Resources for Emancipated
Foster Youth Sierra College Rocklin, CA - Spring 2009
Flex SCC Dr. Lemoine Linguistics / Education & Underrepresented
Populations - Sacramento, CA - Spring2009
LRCA Annual Conference - Sacramento, CA - Spring 2009
UC Counselor Conference - SF, CA[Fall 08 - Spring 2009
First Year Experience: CSU, Sacramento Conference - Sacramento, CA - Fall
Creating a Blueprint [Building support for students from Foster Care on Higher
Education Campuses] San J ose, CA - Fall 2008
CCCEOPSA Conference SF, CA - Fall 2008
CSU Counselor Conference - San J ose, CA - Fall 2008

Presenter / Committee

Coordinator Rock The School Bells Sacramento City College Fall 2013

Presenter Rock The School Bells Dreams - Skyline College Spring 2012,
2013, 2014

Presenter Hip-Hop Education Think Tank Hip-Hop Counseling and
Community Engagement Columbia University NY Fall 2012

Presenter A2Mend Conference Can I Kick It? Yes You Can Oakland, CA -
Spring 2012

Presenter Umoja Conference The Message Long Beach, CA - Spring

Presenter UOP Black Student Union Cultivating Youth Leadership Conference
Stockton, CA - Fall 1200

Presenter Health Education & Career Conference Sacramento City College
Sacramento, CA - Sum 2010

Presenter ICDC The Art of Career Counseling using J azz & Hip-Hop LA, CA
- Fall 2009

Presenter - Growing Wiser, Stronger, & Informed III Summit Black Student
Union Conference - Monterey Trails High School Elk grove, CA - Spring 2009

Presenter - A2MEND Conference [The 2nd Annual African American Male
Summit] The Turning Point: Refining the K-16 Pipeline Long Beach, CA -
Spring 2009]

Presenter Migrant Education Conference
CSU, Sacramento Sacramento, CA - Sum 2009

Co-Chair, Entertainment Committee, International Career Development
Conference - Sacramento, CA Fall 2007

Presenter - Infochino, A Bottomless Cup of J oe at the Mountain Pacific
Association of Counselors and Employers Conference, Seattle, Washington -
December 2006

Presenter - "You Have the Recipe! Now What?" at the
California Association for Counseling and Development Conference, Laney
College, Oakland, California, - J une 2006

MBTI, Strong, True Colors, Elevations, Values Card Sorts

Co-Coordinated a 17-day International Student Service project [Belize],
which is a leadership program that facilitated college students from under-
represented populations to Fundraise, do Community Outreach and travel
abroad as a community service educators.

Co-created Respect Integrity Self-Empowerment through Education
(R.I.S.E.) program from theoretical to implementation, targeting at-risk
students for a 2 week community college survival skills program to be
integrated with UC, Davis.

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