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1) "Where is he?" .

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2) "What are you doing?" .
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3) "Why did you go out last night?" .
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4) "Who was that beautiful woman?" .
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5) "How is your mother?" .
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6) "What are you going to do at the weeend?" .
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2!) "Ha"e you studied re#orted s#ee$h
before?" .
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%) "Where will you li"e after
graduation?" .
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&) "What were you doing when ' saw
you?" .
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() "How was the )ourney?" .
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1!) "How often do you go to the
$inema?" .
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11) "*o you li"e in +ondon?" .
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12) "*id he arri"e on time?" .
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13) "Ha"e you been to ,aris?" .
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14) "-an you hel# me?" .
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15) ".re you woring tonight?" .
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16) "Will you $ome later?" .
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1%) "*o you lie $o/ee?" .
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1&) "'s this the road to the station?" .
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1() "*id you do your homewor?" .
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