Geometry Syllabus

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Geometry 2014-2013 age 1 of 2

Un|vers|ty n|gh Schoo| Academy

Course Cradlng Culdellnes and Classroom LxpecLaLlons

ueparLmenL: MaLhemaLlcs
Course name: Geometry
1exLbook: !"#$%&'()#* ,-(.-/#01 2)/3-.)/$45 6$/3 2-)%$%&
1eachers: !. 8anks [ennlfer.banks[ hLLp://mrs[
1. PackworLh Llffany.hackworLh[ hLLp://
A. Lacey amanda.|aceyQsouthf|e| http:]]ms|acey216.weeb|
M. Sanford marLln.sanford[ hLLp://
M. WhlLon mlchael.whlLon[ hLLp://

Course Descr|pt|on: 1hls ls a geomeLry course deslgned Lo lnLroduce sLudenLs Lo Lhe sLudy of flgures ln Lwo and
Lhree dlmenslons. lL ls based on geomeLrlc prlnclples generaLed by deflnlLlons, posLulaLes and Lheorems. 1he
course provldes sLudenLs wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon and skllls Lo wrlLe slmple deducLlve proofs and undersLand
geomeLrlc relaLlonshlps. SLudenLs wlll apply prlnclples Lo make and LesL con[ecLures. SLudenLs wlll galn an
undersLandlng of geomeLrlc relaLlonshlps. SLaLlsLlcs and daLa analysls are lncorporaLed lnLo Loplcs LhroughouL Lhe
year as sLudenLs use measures of cenLral Lendency Lo descrlbe daLa and algebralc expresslons Lo model and solve
real llfe problems. AC1/MML ob[ecLlves wlll be lncorporaLed LhroughouL Lhe year.
Goa|s: SLudenLs wlll develop Lhe ablllLy Lo:
uemonsLraLe Lhe concepLs and meLhods of deducLlve reasonlng.
8ecome famlllar wlLh sLraLegles LhaL are useful ln solvlng geomeLry problems.
ConLlnue Lo develop problem-solvlng skllls by maklng and supporLlng con[ecLures.
Lxpress geomeLrlc ldeas and supporL con[ecLures effecLlvely. 8oLh verbally and wrlLLen.
ConLlnue Lo lmprove cooperaLlve skllls and Leamwork Lhrough group asslgnmenLs and lnLeracLlons.

Semester Grade Cr|ter|a: Lach card mark|ng grade wlll be welghLed based on Lhe followlng:
23 Pomework and Classwork
10 Culzzes and/or WrlLlng
63 1esLs and/or ro[ecLs
1he steps for ca|cu|at|ng a mark|ng per|od grade are as fo||ows:
1. llnd Lhe percenL for each caLegory separaLely. An example would be: 1he sLudenL recelved 99 of Lhe 103 nW
polnLs, Lhe percenL ls: 99]10S = 0.9428S7 = 94.28S7. Slmllarly for qu|zzes Lhe sLudenL earned a LoLal of 38 of Lhe
63 polnLs posslble, and Lherefore: S8]6S = 0.892307 = 89.2307. llnally for tests Lhe sLudenL earned 177 of Lhe
200 polnLs. 177]200 = 0.88S = 88.S.
2. 8ased on Lhe welghLlng, calculaLe Lhe marklng perlod grade. 1he example conLlnued:
0.2S*(94.28S7) + 0.10*(89.2307) + 0.6S*(88.S) = 90.01 = A-
I|na| course grades wlll be deLermlned by asslgnlng 30 welghL Lo each card marklng perlod and 10 Lo Lhe flnal
(or mld-year) examlnaLlon. 1he sLeps Lo calculaLe a semesLer grade are shown below:
1. Asslgn a leLLer grade Lo Lhe welghLed average for each marklng perlod based on Lhe followlng Lable:
94-100 90-93 88-89 84-87 80-83 78-79 74-77 70-73 68-69 64-67 60-63 <S9
A A- 8+ 8 8- C+ C C- u+ u u- l
2. Asslgn Lhe followlng honor polnLs Lo each leLLer grade:
A A- 8+ 8 8- C+ C C- D+ D D- I
4.00 3.66 3.33 3.00 2.66 2.33 2.00 1.66 1.33 1.00 0.66 0.00
3. Lach card marklng counLs for 30 and Lhe cumulaLlve SemesLer Lxam counLs for 10 of Lhe semesLer grade:
0.3*CM1+0.3*CM2+0.3*CM3+0.1*SemLxam=Semester Grade
1st CM 2nd CM 3rd CM I|na| Lxam 1ota| Grade
A- 8+ 8- 8+ 3.2333 Closer Lo 3.333!8+*
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;<=> ?0%1 ".)0&%5./% 0$$#3/$ %1. '+*$.$% +.%%.& 3&0-.9
Geometry 2014-2013 age 2 of 2
Student kespons|b|||t|es:
ln Lhls course Lhe sLudy of maLhemaLlcs lnLenslfles and sLudenLs wlll be expecLed:
1o accepL responslblllLy for Lhelr own learnlng.
1o dlscuss soluLlons and explaln Lhelr reasonlng Lo oLhers.
1o keep a compleLe noLebook, lncludlng class asslgnmenLs, homework, noLes, LesLs, and qulzzes.
1o come Lo class prepared Lo parLlclpaLe and sLudy.
1o brlng Lhelr book, noLebook, paper, pencll and a graphlng calculaLor Lo class.
1o have a calculaLor on a dally basls. 1he maLhemaLlcs deparLmenL recommends Lhe 1l-84 lus (or 1l-83)
for all of our sLudenLs. 1hls calculaLor provldes Lhe Lechnology LhaL ls mosL approprlaLe for Lhe
maLhemaLlcs LaughL ln hlgh school and ln Lhe early years of college. (lease do nC1 purchase a 1l 83 or 1l-
86 slnce Lhese calculaLors are nC1 very user frlendly and are ouLdaLed. lease do noL purchase Lhe 1l 89
or any oLher CAS" calculaLor slnce Lhese are noL allowed on ln class LesLs or AC1/MML exams.)
All work asslgned Lo lndlvldual sLudenLs ls expecLed Lo be Lhelr own producL. ln Lhe evenL LhaL
collaboraLlon Look place when lnapproprlaLe, as ln Laklng a LesL, a zero wlll be glven Lo each sLudenL and
Lhe parenLs wlll be conLacLed for vlolaLlon of Lhls pollcy.
1o come Lo class on Llme Lo galn Lhe mosL from each class. 1he SouLhfleld ubllc Schools aLLendance
pollcy wlll be followed for absences and Lardles.
1o sLay afLer (or before) school wlLh Lhelr Leacher for exLra help when necessary.
1o follow Lhe SouLhfleld ubllc Schools 8oard of LducaLlon ollcles and Lhe unlverslLy Plgh School
Academy Code of ConducL for dress code, elecLronlc devlces, haLs, lu's, planners, eLc.

Make up work:
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo make up all work mlssed due Lo absence from class for any reason. SLudenLs wlll be
glven Lhe number of class perlods mlssed Lo Lurn ln mlssed asslgnmenLs and class work. LxLenuaLlng
clrcumsLances may requlre Leachers and sLudenL Lo negoLlaLe reasonable Llme llnes for maklng up work LhaL boLh
can accepL.

Late work po||cy:
LaLe work ln general ls unaccepLable for any reason oLher Lhan absence from school.

n|nts for success:
Success ln maLhemaLlcs depends on dolng maLhemaLlcs on a regular basls. LlsLenlng ln class and worklng Lo
undersLand Lhe concepLs durlng class ls lmporLanL. 1haL ls noL enough wlLhouL dally wrlLLen work, pracLlclng Lhe
skllls and aLLempLlng Lo do Lhe problem solvlng. 1hls relnforces Lhe concepLs and makes Lhem your own. 1o Lhls
end, homework wlll be asslgned aL almosL every class meeLlng. ?our regular rouLlne should lnclude Lhe followlng
ln order Lo be successful:
llsLen ln class
Lake noLes ln class, keep Lhem ln order wlLh daLes and Loplcs wrlLLen aL Lhe Lop of Lhe page
Lry every problem
glve your besL every day
brlng your asslgnmenLs and maLerlal Lo class every day
ask quesLlons when you need clarlflcaLlon
revlew one day's asslgnmenL before beglnnlng a new one

We look forward Lo a pleasanL and producLlve year learnlng maLhemaLlcs.

Mlss Amanda Lacey

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