Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra: by Maha-Rishi Parasara

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Brihat Parasara Hora sastra

by Maha-rishi Parasara
Brahma Rishi Vasishta was kul guru of Dasharatha Maha Raja of Ramayana. Sage Vashishta had !! sons. "ll of them were killed by a
Rakshasa influen#ed by Sage Vishwamitra. Sage Vashita #ould not retaliate as he was a Brahma Rishi who has #on$uered anger. %n grief
he tired to do sui#ide. "fter failing to end his life by many methods he #ame ba#k home sadly. He heard a small &oi#e telling the Vedas.
'here he found his eldest son Shakti(s wife "drisyanti. His daughter-in-law was )regnant and the small #hild inside her was #hanting the
Vedas. Parasara was born to Shakti )osthumously. He )erformed a great sa#rifi#e to destroy the Rakshasas* for a Rakshasa had killed his
father. He be#ame a Maha Rishi e+)ert in astrology. 'he word Parasara means the &i&ifier of the dead.

,n#e* while #rossing a ri&er* he #al#ulated that a great )erson #ould be born now. He e+)ressed his desire to the ferry girl* but she was
relu#tant. He #on&in#ed her that no blame would atta#h to her and that she would regain her &irginity after the a#t. "t last she #onsented* on
the #ondition that the odor of fish that #lung to her -for she had been born inside a fish.* be #hanged to fragnan#e. 'his girl was none other
than Satya&ati* who was later married to /ing Shantanu.

'hey were united in an islet in the middle of the ri&er. 'his a#t was hidden from the )rying eyes of the world* with the aid of a mist* #reated by the yogi# )owers of
Parasara. " son was born immediately to her. Sin#e this was a di&ine birth* the #hild grew to adulthood in minutes and after )romising his mother that he would
return when&er she had a need for him* left to study the s#ri)tures with his father. 'his #hild was Vyasa* who later #om)osed the Mahabharata. Sin#e he was dark
and born in an island he is also known as /rishna-dark.-Dwai)ayana -born in an island.. Sage Vyas(s son is Sukha Brahma Rishi.

0h. . 'he 0reation

% )rostrate before the lotus-feet of 1ord Vighneswara* offs)ring of 2ma* the #ause of destru#tion of sorrow* who is ser&ed by Mahabhutas -the fi&e great elements of
the uni&erse. et#.* who has the fa#e of a tusker and who #onsumes the essen#e of /a)ittha and 3ambu fruits. -4. ,ffering his obeisan#e to all-knowing Maharishi
Parasar and with folded hands* Maitreya said5 6, &enerable Maharishi* 3yotish* the su)reme limb of the Vedas* has three di&isions* &i7. Hora* 8anita and Samhita.
"mong the said three di&isions Hora* or the general )art of 3yotish is still more e+#ellent. % desire to know of its glorious as)e#ts from you. Be )leased to tell me*
how this 2ni&erse is #reated9 How does it end9 :hat is the relationshi) of the animals* born on this earth* with the hea&enly bodies9 Please s)eak elaborately; <-
=. Maharishi Parasar answered. , Brahmin* your $uery has an aus)i#ious )ur)ose in it for the welfare of the 2ni&erse. Praying 1ord Brahma and Sri Saras&ati* his
)ower -and #onsort. and Surya* the leader of the 8rahas and the #ause of 0reation* % shall )ro#eed to narrate to you the s#ien#e of 3yotish* as heard through 1ord
Brahma. ,nly good will follow the tea#hing of this Vedi# S#ien#e to the students* who are )ea#efully dis)osed* who honour the )re#e)tors -and elders.* who s)eak
only truth and are godfearing. :oeful fore&er* doubtlessly* will it be to im)art knowledge of this s#ien#e to an unwilling student* to a heterodo+ and to a #rafty
)erson. >-?. Sri Vishnu* who is the 1ord -of all matters.* who has undefiled s)irit* who is endowed with the three 8unas* although he trans#ends the gri) of 8unas
-8unatita.* who is the "uthor of this 2ni&erse* who is glorious* who is the 0ause and who is endowed with &alour* has no beginning. He authored the 2ni&erse and
administers it with a $uarter of his )ower. 'he other three $uarters of Him* filled with ne#tar* are knowable only to the )hiloso)hers -of maturity.. 'he Prin#i)al
@&ol&er* who is both )er#e)tible and im)er#e)tible in Vasude&a. 'he %m)er#e)tible )art of the 1ord is endowed with dual )owers* while the Per#e)tible with tri)le
)owers. A-<. 'he three )owers are Sri Shakti -Mother 1akshmi. with Satt&a-8un* Bhu Shakti -Mother-@arth. with Rajo-8un and Bil Shakti with 'amo-8un. ")art
from the three* the fourth kind of Vishnu* influen#ed by Sri Shakti and Bhoo Shakti* assumes the form of Shankarshan with 'amo-8un* of Pradyumna with Rajo-
8un and of "nirudh with Satt&a-8un. C-D. Mahatatwa* "hamkar and "hamkar Murti and Brahma* are born from Shankarshan* Pradyumna and "nirudh*
res)e#ti&ely. "ll these three forms are endowed with all the three 8unas* with )redominan#e of the 8un due to their origin. =->. "hamkar is of three #lasses* i.e.
with Satt&i#* Rajasi# and 'amasi# dis)ositions. Di&ine #lass* sensory organs and the fi&e )rimordial #om)ounds -s)a#e* air* fire* water and earth. are* res)e#ti&ely*
from the said three "hamkaras. ?!. 1ord Vishnu* #ou)led with Sri Shakti* rules o&er the three worlds. 0ou)led with Bhoo Shakti* He is Brahma #ausing the
2ni&erse. 0ou)led with Beel Shakti* He is Shi&a* destroying the 2ni&erse. ?-?4. 'he 1ord is in all beings and the entire 2ni&erse is in Him. "ll beings #ontain both
3i&atma and Paramatmansas. Some ha&e )redominan#e of the former* while yet some ha&e the latter in )redominan#e. Paramatmans is )redominant in the
8rahas* &i7. Surya et#. and Brahma* Shi&a and others. 'heir )owers* or #onsorts too ha&e )redominan#e of Paramatmans. ,thers ha&e more of 3i&atmans.

0h. ?. 8reat %n#arnations

. Maitreya5 6, Maharishi Parasar* are the in#arnations of Vishnu* &i7. Sri Ram* Sri /rishn et#.* endowed with 3i&ans9 ?. Maharishi Parashar5 6, Brahmin* the four
in#arnations* &i7. Ram* /rishn* Barasimh and Varah are wholly with Paramatmans. 'he other in#arnations -than these* out of the ten. ha&e in them 3i&ans too. A-4.
'he unborn 1ord has many in#arnations. He has in#arnated* as the > -Ba&a. 8rahas to bestow on the li&ing beings the results due to their /armas. He is 3anardan.
He assumed the aus)i#ious form of 8rahas to destroy the demons -e&il for#es. and sustain the di&ine beings. <-D. Erom Surya the in#arnation of Ram* from 0andr
that of /rishn* from Mangal that of Barasimh* from Budh that of Buddha* from 8uru that of Vaman* from Sukr that of Parashuram* from Sani that of /urma
-'ortoise.* from Rahu that of Varah -Pig. and from /etu that of Meen -Eish. o##urred. "ll other in#arnations than these also are through the 8rahas. 'he beings
with more Paramatmans are #alled di&ine beings. =-A. 'he beings with more 3i&atmans are -mortal. beings. 'he high degree of Paramatmans from the 8rahas*
&i7. Surya et#. did in#arnate* as Ram* /rishn et#. "fter #om)leting the mission* the Paramatmansas -of the res)e#ti&e. 8rahas again merge -in the res)e#ti&e.
8rahas. 'he 3i&atma )ortions from the 8rahas take births* as human beings and li&e their li&es a##ording to their /armas and again merge in the 8rahas. "nd at
the time of 8reat Destru#tion the 8rahas as well merge in 1ord Vishnu. 'he one* who knows of all these* will be#ome &ersed in the knowledge of the )ast* )resent
and future. :ithout a knowledge of 3yotish these #annot be known. Hen#e* e&eryone should ha&e a knowledge of 3yotish* )arti#ularly the Brahmin. 'he one* who*
de&oid of knowledge of 3yotish* blames this Vedi# S#ien#e will go to the hell #alled FRaura&a( and will be reborn blind.

0h. A. 8rah 0hara#ters and Des#ri)tion

. Maitreya5 6, Maharishi* you ha&e affe#tionately e+)lained about the in#arnations of 8rahas. Bow kindly detail their #hara#ters and dis)ositions. ?-A. Parasar5 6,
Brahmin* listen to the a##ount of )la#ement of the hea&enly bodies. ,ut of the many luminous bodies sighted in the skies some are stars* yet some are 8rahas.
'hose* that ha&e no mo&ements* are the Bakshatras -asterisms.. 4-C. 'hose are #alled F8rahas(* that mo&e through the Bakshatras -or stellar mansions. in the
7odia#. 'he said 7odia# #om)rises of ?D Bakshatras #ommen#ing from "sh&ini. 'he same area is di&ided in ? )arts e$ual to ? FRashis( #ommen#ing from Mesh.
'he names of the 8rahas #ommen#e from Surya. 'he Rashi rising is known* as F1agn(. Based on 1agn and the 8rahas* joining and de)arting from ea#h other* the
nati&e(s good and bad effe#ts are dedu#ted. "ddition from Santhanam till Sloka D. 'he names of the ?D Bakshatras are "sh&ini* Bharani* /rittika* Rohini* Mrigasira*
"rdra* Punar&asu* Pushya* "slesha* Magha* Pur&a)halguni* 2ttara)halguni* Hasta* 0hitra* Swati* Vishaka* "nuradha* 3yeshtha* Mula* Pur&ashadh* 2ttarashadh*
Shra&ana* Dhanishtha* Satabhisha* Pur&abhadra* 2ttarabhadra* Re&ati. 1agn is a &ery im)ortant )oint in the horos#o)e. %t is the Rashi* that rises in the @ast* on
the latitude of birth. 'he a))arent rising of a Rashi is due to the rotation of the earth on its own a+is at a rate of motion* #ausing e&ery degree of the 7odia#
seemingly as#end on the eastern hori7on. "))ro+imately* two hours are re$uired for a Rashi to )ass &ia the hori7on* thereby e&ery degree taking four minutes to
as#end. 'his duration* howe&er* is a#tually de)endent on the #on#erned latitude. "#tually Surya has no motion. His motion is an a))arent one* as &iewed from the
rotating earth. ,ther 8rahas* in#luding the nodes* ha&e &aried rates of motion. 'he a&erage daily motions of the 8rahas* whi#h are not* howe&er standard* are* as
follows5 Surya * 0andr A-<* Mangal A!-4<(* Budh C<-!!(* Sukr C?-=?(* 8uru <-<(* Sani ?(* RahuG/etu A(. :ith su#h different motions* a 8rah forms &arious
Drishtis with others. 'hese Drishtis through longitudinal distan#es ha&e a great deal of utility in 3yotish. 'his is what Maharishi Parashar suggests to be #onsidered.
D. Details -of astronomi#al nature. of stars ha&e to be understood by general rules* while % narrate to you about the effe#ts of 8rahas and Rashis. =->. 'he )ositions
of the 8rahas for a gi&en time be taken* as )er Drikganit. "nd with the hel) of Rashi durations* a))li#able to the res)e#ti&e )la#es* 1agn at birth should be known.
Bow* % tell you about the #astes* des#ri)tions and dis)ositions of the 8rahas. !. Bames of 8rahas. 'he names of the nine 8rahas* res)e#ti&ely* are Surya* 0andr*
Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* Sani* Rahu and /etu. . Benefi#s and Malefi#s. "mong these* Surya* Sani* Mangal* de#reasing 0andr* Rahu and /etu -the as#ending
and the des#ending nodes of 0andr. are malefi#s* while the rest are benefi#s. Budh* howe&er* is a malefi#* if he joins a malefi#. "ddition from Santhanam till Sloka
?-A. :hen 0andr is ahead of Surya* but within ?!* she has medium strength. Between ?! to ?4! she is &ery aus)i#ious*- see F"tishubha)red(.. Erom ?4! to !
she is bereft of strength. 'his is Ha&anas( &iew* &ide P. D! of my @nglish 'ranslation of Sara&ali. 'his &iew is* howe&er* related to 0andr(s strength* or otherwise*
while waning 0andr -/rishna Paksh* dark half. is a malefi# and wa+ing 0andr -Shukla Paksh* bright half. is a benefi#. Should 0andr be Huti with a benefi#* or
re#ei&ing a Drishti from a benefi#* she turns a benefi#* e&en if in a waning state. "s regards Budh* we ha&e #lear instru#tions from Maharishi Parashar* that he
be#omes a malefi#* if he joins a malefi#. %f waning 0andr and Budh are together* both are benefi#s. ?-A. 8rah go&ernan#es. Surya is the soul of all. 0andr is the
mind. Mangal is one(s strength. Budh is s)ee#h-gi&er* while 8uru #onfers /nowledge and ha))iness. Sukr go&erns semen -)oten#y.* while Sani denotes grief. 4-
<. 8rah #abinet. ,f royal status are Surya and 0andr* while Mangal is the "rmy #hief. Prin#e-a))arent is Budh. 'he ministerial 8rahas are 8uru and Sukr. Sani is
a ser&ant. Rahu and /etu form the 8rah "rmy. C-D. 0om)le+ions of 8rahas. Surya is blood-red. 0andr is tawny. Mangal* who is not &ery tall is blood-red* while
Budh(s hue is akin to that of green grass. 'awny* &ariegated and dark are 8uru* Sukr and Sani in their order. =. Deities of 8rahas. Eire -"gni. -9.* :ater -Varuna.*
Subrahmanya -1ord Shi&a(s son* following 8anesh.* Maha Vishnu* %ndra* Sha#hi De&i -the #onsort of 1ord %ndra. and Brahma -9. are the )residing deities of the D
8rahas in their order. >. 8ender of the 8rahas. Budh and Sani are neuters. 0andr and Sukr are females* while Surya* Mangal and 8uru are males. ?!. Primordial
#om)ounds. 'he Pan#habhutas* s)a#e* air* fire* water and earth* are* res)e#ti&ely* go&erned by 8uru* Sani* Mangal* Sukr and Budh. ?. 0astes of 8rahas. 8uru
and Sukr are Brahmins. Surya is a royal 8rah* while 0andr and Budh belong to #ommer#ial #ommunity. Sani rules the Sudras -4th #aste.. ??. Satt&i# 8rahas are
the luminaries and 8uru* Sukr and Budh are Rajasik* while Mangal and Sani are 'amasi#. ?A. Des#ri)tion of Surya. Surya(s eyes are honey-#oloured. He has a
s$uare body. He is of #lean habits* bilious* intelligent and has limited hair -on his head.. ?4. Des#ri)tion of 0andr. 0andr is &ery windy and )hlegmati#. She is
learned and has a round body. She has aus)i#ious looks and sweet s)ee#h* is fi#kle-minded and &ery lustful. ?<. Des#ri)tion of Mangal. Mangal has blood-red
eyes* is fi#kle-minded* liberal* bilious* gi&en to anger and has thin waist and thin )hysi$ue. ?C. Des#ri)tion of Budh. Budh is endowed with an attra#ti&e )hysi$ue
and the #a)a#ity to use words with many meanings. He is fond of jokes. He has a mi+ of all the three humours. ?D. Des#ri)tion of 8uru. 8uru has a big body* tawny
hair and tawny eyes* is )hlegmati#* intelligent and learned in Shastras. ?=. Des#ri)tion of Sukr. Sukr is #harming* has a s)lendourous )hysi$ue* is e+#ellent* or
great in dis)osition* has #harming eyes* is a )oet* is )hlegmati# and windy and has #urly hair. ?>. Des#ri)tion of Sani. Sani has an ema#iated and long )hysi$ue*
has tawny eyes* is windy in tem)erament* has big teeth* is indolent and lame and has #oarse hair. A!. Des#ri)tion of Rahu and /etu. Rahu has smoky a))earan#e
with a blue mi+ )hysi$ue. He resides in forests and is horrible. He is windy in tem)erament and is intelligent. /etu is akin to Rahu. A. Primary ingredients -or Sa)th
Dhatus.. Bones* blood* marrow* skin* fat* semen and mus#les are* res)e#ti&ely* denoted by the 8rahas5 Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani. A?.
"bodes of the 8rahas. 'em)le* watery )la#e* )la#e of fire* s)ort-ground* treasure-house* bed-room and filthy ground5 these are* res)e#ti&ely* the abodes for the
se&en 8rahas from Surya onward. AA. 8rah )eriods. "yan* Muhurta* a day -#onsisting day and night.* Ritu* month* fortnight and year5 these are the )eriods allotted
to the 8rahas from Surya to Sani. A4. 'astes of the 8rahas. Pungent* saline* bitter* mi+ed* sweet* a#idulous and astringent are* res)e#ti&ely* tastes lorded by
Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani. A<-A=. Strengths of 8rahas. Strong in the @ast are Budh and 8uru. Surya and Mangal are so in the South* while
Sani is the only 8rah* that deri&es strength in the :est. 0andr and Sukr are endowed with &igour* when in the Borth. "gain* strong during night are 0andr* Mangal
and Sani* while Budh is strong during day and night. 'he rest -i.e. 8uru* Surya and Sukr. are strong only in daytime. During the dark half malefi#s are strong.
Benefi#s a#$uire strength in the bright half of the month. Malefi#s and benefi#s are* res)e#ti&ely* strong in Dakshinayan and 2ttarayan. 'he 1ords of the year*
month* day and Hora -hour of 8rah. are stronger than the other in as#ending order. "gain* stronger than the other in the as#ending are Sani* Mangal* Budh* 8uru*
Sukr* 0andr and Surya. A>-4!. Related to trees. Surya rules strong trees -i.e. trees with stout trunks.* Sani useless trees* 0andr milky trees -and rubber yielding
)lants.* Mangal bitter ones -like lemon )lants.* Sukr floral )lants* 8uru fruitful ones and Budh fruitless ones. 4-44. ,ther matters. Rahu rules the out#aste* while
/etu go&erns mi+ed #aste. Sani and the nodes indi#ate ant-hills. Rahu denotes multi-#oloured #lothes and /etu rags. 1ead and blue gem belong to Rahu and /etu.
Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani in their order go&ern red silken* white silken* red* bla#k silken* saffron* silken and multi-#oloured robes. 4<-4C.
Seasons of 8rahas. Vasanta* 8reeshma* Varsh* Sarad* Hemanta and Sisir are the si+ Ritus -or seasons.* res)e#ti&ely* go&erned by Sukr* Mangal* 0andr* Budh*
8uru and Sani. Rahu and /etu denote = months and A months* res)e#ti&ely. 4D. Dhatu* Mool and 3i&a Di&isions. Dhatu 8rahas are Rahu* Mangal* Sani and 0andr*
while Surya and Sukr are Mula 8rahas. Budh* 8uru and /etu rule 3i&as. 4=. "ge. ,ut of all the 8rahas Sani is the eldest. He bestows ma+imum number of years in
Baisargik Dasha. 4>-<!. @+altation and Debilitation. Eor the se&en 8rahas* from Surya on* the e+altation Rashis are* res)e#ti&ely* Mesh* Vrishabh* Makar* /anya*
/ark* Meen and 'ula. 'he dee)est e+altation degrees are* res)e#ti&ely* !* A* ?=* <* <* ?D and ?! in those Rashis. "nd in the se&enth Rashi from the said
e+altation Rashi ea#h 8rah has its own debilitation. 'he same degrees of dee) e+altation a))ly to dee) fall. <-<4. "dditional Dignities. %n Simh the first ?! degrees
are Surya(s Mooltrikon* while the rest is his own Bha&a. "fter the first A degrees of e+altation )ortion in Vrishabh* for 0andr* the rest is her Mooltrikon. Mangal has
the first ? degrees in Mesh* as Mooltrikon with the rest therein be#oming sim)ly his own Bha&a. Eor Budh* in /anya the first < degrees are e+altation 7one* the
ne+t < degrees Mooltrikon and the last ! degrees are own Bha&a. 'he first one third of Dhanu is the Mooltrikon of 8uru* while the remaining )art thereof is his own
Bha&a. Sukr di&ides 'ula into two hal&es kee)ing the first* as Mooltrikon and the se#ond* as own Bha&a. Sani(s arrangements are same in /umbh* as Surya has in
Simh. <<. Batural Relationshi)s. Bote the Rashis* whi#h are the ?nd* 4th* <th* =th* >th and ?th from the Mooltrikon of a 8rah. 'he 8rahas ruling su#h Rashis are
its friends* a)art from the 1ord of its e+altation Rashi. 1ords other than these are its enemies. %f a 8rah be#omes its friend as well* as its enemy -on a##ount of the
said two #om)utations.* then it is neutral* or e$ual. <C. 'em)orary Relationshi)s. 'he 8rah* )osited in the ?nd* Ard* 4th* !th* th* or the ?th from another*
be#omes a mutual friend. 'here is enmity otherwise. -'his a))lies to a gi&en 3anm /undali. <D-<=. 0om)ound Relationshi). Should two 8rahas be naturally and
tem)orarily friendly* they be#ome e+tremely friendly. Eriendshi) on one #ount and neutrality on another #ount make them friendly. @nmity on one #ount #ombined
with affinity on the other turns into e$uality. @nmity and neutralshi) #ause only enmity. Should there be enmity in both manners* e+treme enmity is obtained. 'he
3yotishi should #onsider these and de#lare horos#o)i# effe#ts a##ordingly. <>-C!. Ratio of @ffe#ts. " 8rah in e+altation gi&es fully good effe#ts* while in Mooltrikon it
is bereft of its aus)i#ious effe#ts by one fourth. %t is half benefi#ial in its own Bha&a. %ts benefi#en#e is one fourth in a friendly Rashi. %n an e$ual(s Rashi one eighth
of aus)i#ious dis)osition is useful. 'he good effe#ts are nil in debilitation* or enemy(s #am). %naus)i#ious effe#ts are $uite re&erse with referen#e to what is stated.
C-C4. Bon-luminous 2)a8rahas -Sub-8rahas.. "dd 4 Rashis A degrees and ?! minutes of ar# to Surya(s longitude at a gi&en moment to get the e+a#t )osition of
the all inaus)i#ious Dhoom. Redu#e Dhoom from ? Rashis to arri&e at Vyati)at. Vyati)at is also inaus)i#ious. "dd si+ Rashis to Vyati)at to know the )osition of
Pari&esh. He is e+tremely inaus)i#ious. Dedu#t Pari&esh from ? Rashis to arri&e at the )osition of 0ha) -%ndra Dhanus.* who is also inaus)i#ious. "dd C degrees
4! minutes to 0ha)* whi#h will gi&e /etu -2)a/etu.* who is a malefi#. By adding a Rashi to 2)a/etu* you get the original longitude of Surya. 'hese are the 8rahas*
de&oid of s)lendour* whi#h are malefi#s by nature and #ause affli#tion. C<. @ffe#ts of Sub-8rahas. %f one of these affli#ts Surya* the nati&e(s dynasty will de#line*
while 0andr and 1agn* res)e#ti&ely* asso#iated with one of these* will destroy the longe&ity and wisdom. So de#lared 1ord Brahma* the 1otus-Born. CC-C>.
0al#ulations of 8ulik et#. 'he )ortions of Surya et#. u) to Sani denote the )eriods of 8ulik and others. Di&ide the day duration -of any week day. into eight e$ual
)arts. 'he eighth )ortion is 1ord-less. 'he se&en )ortions are distributed to the se&en 8rahas #ommen#ing from the 1ord of the week day. :hi#he&er )ortion is
ruled by Sani* will be the )ortion of 8ulik. Similarly make the night duration into eight e$ual )arts and distribute these* #ommen#ing from the 1ord of the <th -by.
week. Here again* the eighth )ortion is 1ord-less* while Sani(s )ortion is 8ulik. Surya(s )ortion is /aal* Mangal(s )ortion is Mrityu* 8uru(s )ortion is Hamaghantak
and Budh(s )ortion is "rdha)rahar. 'hese durations differently a))ly to different )la#es -#ommensurate with &ariable day and night durations.. D!. 8ulik(s Position.
'he degree* as#ending at the time of start of 8ulik(s )ortion -as abo&e.* will be the longitude of 8ulik at a gi&en )la#e. Based on this longitude only* 8ulik(s effe#ts
for a )arti#ular nati&ity be estimated. D-D4. 0al#ulation of Prana)ad. 0on&ert the gi&en time into Vighatis and di&ide the same by <. 'he resultant Rashi* degrees
et#. be added to Surya* if he is in a Mo&able Rashi* whi#h will yield Prana)ad. %f Surya is in a Ei+ed Rashi* add ?4! degrees additionally and* if in a Dual Rashi* add
?! degrees in furtheran#e to get Prana)ad. 'he birth will be aus)i#ious* if Prana)ad falls in the ?nd* <th* >th* 4th* !th* or th from the natal 1agn. %n other
Bha&as Prana)ad indi#ates an inaus)i#ious birth. Botes. "rdha)rahar* Hamaghantak* Mrityu* /aal and 8ulik are the < /aal Velas* suggested by Maharishi
Parashar. 'he day duration* a##ording to altitude* is di&ided into eight e$ual )arts. 'he eighth )ortion is unlorded. 'he first )ortion is allotted to the weekday 1ord.
,ther )ortions follow in the order of weekday 1ords. :e #onsider < )ortions of 8rahas* ignoring that of 0andr and Sukr. 'he )ortions of Surya* Mangal* Budh* 8uru
and Sani are* res)e#ti&ely* #alled /aal* Mrityu* "rdha)rahar* Hamaghantak and 8ulik. %n the #ase of night the durations* or G=th )arts are allotted in a different
order. 'he first )ortion goes to the 8rah* ruling the <th weekday 1ord* #ounted from the day in $uestion. 'he others follow in the usual order. Here again* the =th
)art is 1ord-less. 'he )ortions of 8rahas from /aal to 8ulik are the same in nomen#lature in the night also. /eeranuru BataRaja of 3atakalankaram -'amil &ersion.
gi&es Rashis of dignities for these 2)a8rahas and 8ulik et#. -2)a8rah I 8ulik et#.5 @+altation* Debilitation* Swakshetra -own Rashi.. Dhoom5 Simh* /umbh*
MakarJ Vyati)at5 Vris#hik* Vrishabh* MithunJ Pari&esh5 Mithun* Dhanu* DhanuJ %ndra#ha)5 Dhanu* Mithun* /arkJ 2)a/etu5 /umbh* Simh* /arkJ 8ulik5 -* -* /umbhJ
Hamaghantak5 -* -* DhanuJ "rdha)rahar5 -* -* MithunJ /aal5 -* -* MakarJ Mrityu5 -* -* Vris#hik. Erom Surya to Sani no one is e+alted in the abo&e-mentioned e+altation
Rashis* nor debilitated in the abo&e-mentioned debilitation Rashis. ,ut of the < /aal Velas* &i7. 8ulik et#.* four e+#e)t /aal -related to Surya. ha&e their own Rashi
system in the res)e#ti&e Rashis* ruled by their fathers. 8ulik* son of Sani* has /umbh* as his own Bha&a. 8uru(s son* Hamaghantak* has it in Dhanu. "rdha)rahar*
Budh(s son* is in own Rashi* if in Mithun. Mrityu* son of Mangal* has Vris#hik* as own Bha&a. %t is not known* why /aal* a son of Surya shifted to Makar* a Rashi of
his brother -Sani.* lea&ing his father(s Simh. ,b&iously* Sani has gi&en his Mooltrikon to his son 8ulik* while he ga&e Makar -a se#ondary Rashi. to his Fbrother(

0h. 4. Kodia#al Rashis Des#ribed

-?. %m)ortan#e of Hora. 'he word Hora is deri&ed from "horatr after dro))ing the first and last syllables. 'hus Hora -1agnas. remains in between "horatr -i.e. day
and night. and after knowing Hora the good and bad effe#ts of a nati&e be known. Sri Vishnu* the %n&isible is 'ime )ersonified. His limbs are the ? Rashis*
#ommen#ing from Mesh. A. Bames of Rashis. 'he ? Rashis of the 7odia# in order are Mesh* Vrishabh* Mithun* /ark* Simh* /anya* 'ula* Vris#hik* Dhanu* Makar*
/umbh and Meen. 4-4L. 1imbs of /aal Purush. /aal Purush -or 'ime )ersonified. has his limbs* as under with referen#e to the ? Rashis* res)e#ti&ely5 Head* fa#e*
arms* heart* stoma#h* hi)* s)a#e below na&el* )ri&ities* thighs* knees* ankles and feet. <-<L. 0lassifi#ation of Rashis. Mo&able* Ei+ed and Dual are the names
gi&en to the ? Rashis in order. 'hese are again known* as malefi# and benefi#* su##essi&ely. Similarly are male and female. Mesh* Simh and Dhanu are bilious.
Vrishabh* /anya and Makar are windy. Mithun* 'ula and /umbh are mi+ed* while the rest are )hlegmati#. C-D. Mesh des#ribed. 'he Mesh is blood-red in
#om)le+ion. lt has a )rominent -big. )hysi$ue. %t is a $uadru)ed Rashi and strong during night. %t denotes #ourage. %t resides in the @ast and is related to kings. %t
wanders in hills and )redominates in Rajo-8un -the se#ond of the three #onstituent $ualities and the #ause of great a#ti&ity in li&ing beings.. %t rises with its ba#k -a
Prishtodaya Rashi. and is fiery. %ts ruler is Mangal. =. Vrishabh des#ribed. Vrishabh(s #om)le+ion is white and it is lorded by Sukr. %t is long and is a $uadru)ed
Rashi. %t has strength in night and resides in the South. %t re)resents &illages and businessmen. "n earthy Rashi* Vrishabh rises with its ba#k. >->L. Mithun
des#ribed. 'he Rashi Mithun rises with its head and re)resents a male and a female* holding a ma#e and lute. %t li&es in the :est and is an airy Rashi. %t is a bi)ed
Rashi as well and is strong in nights. %t li&es in &illages and is windy in tem)erament. %t has an e&en body with a green -grass like. hue. %ts ruler is Budh. !-. /ark
des#ribed. 'he Rashi /ark is )ale-red. %t resorts to forests and re)resents Brahmins. %t is strong in nights. %t has many feet -i.e. it is a #enti)ede Rashi. and has a
bulky body. %t is Satt&i# in dis)osition -seen in gods. and it is a watery Rashi. %t rises with its ba#k and is ruled by 0andr. ?. Simh des#ribed. Simh is ruled by Surya
and is Satt&i#. %t is a $uadru)ed Rashi and a royal Rashi. %t resorts to forests and rises with its head. %t has a large* white body. %t resides in the @ast and is strong
during daytime. A-4. /anya des#ribed. 'his Rashi is a hill-resorter and is strong in daytime. %t rises with its head and has a medium build. %t is a bi)ed Rashi and
resides in the South. %t has grains and fire in its hands. %t belongs to the business #ommunity and is &ariegated. %t relates to hurri#anes -FPrabharanjani(.. %t is a
Virgin and is 'amasi# -a dis)osition of demons.. %ts ruler is Budh. <-CL. 'ula des#ribed. 'ula is a Seershodaya Rashi* rising with its headJ 'ula is strong in
daytime. %t is bla#k in #om)le+ion and is )redominant with Rajo-8un. %t relates to the western dire#tion and resorts to land. %t is destru#ti&e* or mis#hie&ous
-FDhatin(.. %t re)resents Sudras* or the 4th Varna. %t has a medium build )hysi$ue and is a bi)ed Rashi. %ts 1ord is Sukr. Vris#hik des#ribed. Vris#hik has a slender
)hysi$ue and is a #enti)ede Rashi. %t denotes Brahmins and resides in holes. %ts dire#tion is Borth and it is strong in daytime. %t is reddish-brown and resorts to
water and land. %t has a hairy )hysi$ue and is &ery shar) -or )assionate.. Mangal is its ruler. D-=L. Dhanu des#ribed. 'he Rashi Dhanu rises with its head and is
lorded by 8uru. %t is a Satt&i# Rashi and is tawny in hue. %t has strength in night and is fiery. " royal Rashi* Dhanu is bi)ed in first half. %ts se#ond half is $uadru)ed.
%t has an e&en build and adores an ar#h. %t resides in the @ast* resorts to land and is s)lendourous. >-?!. Makar des#ribed. Makar is lorded by Sani and has
)redominan#e of 'amo-8un -a dis)osition* seen in demons.. %t is an earthy Rashi and re)resents the southern dire#tion. %t is strong in nights and rises with ba#k. %t
has a large body. %ts #om)le+ion is &ariegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. %ts first half is $uadru)ed and its se#ond half footless* mo&ing in water. ?-
?L. /umbh des#ribed. 'he Rashi /umbh re)resents a man holding a )ot. %ts #om)le+ion is dee)-brown. %t has medium build and is a bi)ed Rashi. %t is &ery strong
in daytime. %t resorts to dee) water and is airy. %t rises with its head and is 'amasi#. %t rules Sudras* the 4th Varna and the :est. %ts 1ord is Sani* Surya(s offs)ring.
??-?4. Meen des#ribed. Meen resembles a )air of fish* one tailed with the head of the other. 'his Rashi is strong at night. %t is a watery Rashi and is )redominant
with Satt&a-8un. %t denotes resoluteness and is a water-resorter. %t is footless and has a medium build. %t rules the Borth and rises with both head and ba#k. %t is
ruled by 8uru. 'his is how the twel&e Rashis* ea#h of A! degrees e+tent* are des#ribed to e&aluate gross and s)e#ifi# effe#ts. ?<-A!. Bishek 1agn. , e+#ellent of
Brahmins* now is a ste) e+)lained to arri&e at the Bishek 1agn* when the natal 1agn is known. Bote the angular distan#e between Sani and Mandi -8ulik.. "dd this
to the differen#e between the 1agn Bha&a -Madhya* or #us). and the >th Bha&a -#us).. 'he resultant )rodu#t in Rashis* degrees et#. will re)resent the months*
days et#.* that ela)sed between Bishek and birth. "t birth* if 1agn 1ord is in the in&isible half -i.e. from 1agn #us) to des#endental #us).* add the degrees et#.*
0andr mo&ed in the )arti#ular Rashi* o##u)ied by her* to the abo&e-mentioned )rodu#t. 'hen 1agn at Bishek #an be worked out and the good and bad*
e+)erien#ed by the nati&e in the womb* #an be guessed. ,ne #an also guess with the hel) of Bishek 1agn effe#ts* like longe&ity* death et#. of the )arents.

0h. <. S)e#ial 1agnas

. ,h e+#ellent of the Brahmins* % e+)lain below again some s)e#ial 1agnas* &i7. Bha&a 1agn* Hora 1agn and 8hati 1agn. ?-A. Bha&a 1agn. Erom sunrise to the
time of birth e&ery < 8hatis -or ?! minutes. #onstitute one Bha&a 1agn. Di&ide the time of birth -in 8hatis* Vighatis et#.. from sunrise by < and add the $uotient et#.
to Surya(s longitude* as at sunrise. 'his is #alled Bha&a 1agn. 4-<. Hora 1agn. "gain from sunrise till the time of birth Hora 1agn re)eats itself e&ery ?L 8hatis -i. e.
C! minutes.. Di&ide the time )ast u) to birth from sunrise by ?L and add the $uotient et#. in Rashis* degrees and so on to the longitude of Surya* as at the sunrise.
'his will yield Hora 1agn in Rashi* degrees et#. C-=. 8hati 1agn -8hatik 1agn.. Bow listen to the method of working out 8hati 1agn. 'his 1agn #hanges along with
e&ery 8hati -?4 minutes. from the sunrise. Bote birth time in 8hatis and Vighatis. 0onsider the number of 8hatis )ast* as number of Rashis* or 8hati 1agnas. 'he
Vighatis be di&ided by ? to arri&e at degrees and minutes of ar#* )ast in the said 8hati 1agn. 'he )rodu#t so arri&ed in Rashis* degrees and minutes be added to
Surya(s longitude* as at sunrise* to get the e+a#t lo#ation of 8hati 1agn. So say Maharishis* like Barada. >. 2se of S)e#ial 1agnas. /ee)ing the 8rahas at birth* as
it is* )re)are &arious Bha&a /undalis with res)e#t to ea#h s)e#ial 1agn and analy7e* as done for the natal 1agn. !-AL. Varnad Dasha. % now detail Varnad
Dasha* just by knowing whi#h one #an deal with the longe&ity of a nati&e. %f the natal 1agn is an odd Rashi* #ount dire#tly from Mesh to natal 1agn. %f the natal 1agn
is an e&en Rashi* #ount from Meen to the natal 1agn in the re&erse order. Similarly* if the Hora 1agn is an odd one* #ount from Mesh to Hora 1agn in dire#t order. %f
the Hora 1agn is an e&en one* #ount from Meen to Hora 1agn in the re&erse order. %f both the )rodu#ts are odd Rashis* or e&en Rashis* then add both the figures. %f
one is odd and the other is e&en* then know the differen#e between the two )rodu#ts. %f the latest )rodu#t in this )ro#ess is an odd one* #ount so many Rashis from
Mesh in a dire#t mannerJ if an e&en one* #ount so many Rashis from Meen in re&erse order. 'he Rashi so known will be the Varnad for 1agn. 4-<. @ffe#ts of
Varnad. Bow listen to the use of the abo&e. ,ut of the two* &i7. natal 1agn and Hora 1agn* whi#he&er is stronger* from there Varnad starts. %f the natal 1agn is an
odd Rashi* the #ounting of Dashas is #lo#kwise* otherwise anti#lo#kwise. 1agn Dasha years will e$ual the number of Rashis* inter&ening between the natal 1agn
and Varnad. Similarly for other Bha&as. C-?!. @ffe#ts of Varnad -#ont... Should a /on from 1agn(s Varnad be o##u)ied* or drishtied by a malefi#* the nati&e will li&e
only u) to the Dasha of the said Rashi. 3ust* as the Rudra 8rah in Sool Dasha is #a)able of #ausing e&ils* the abo&e-mentioned 8rahas related to Varnad(s /on be
treated. 'he Varnad 1agn be #onsidered* as natal 1agn* while the Dth from Varnad will denote the longe&ity of the s)ouse* the th longe&ity of elder brothers and
sisters* the Ard longe&ity of younger brothers and sisters* the <th the longe&ity of sons* the 4th longe&ity of mother and the >th longe&ity of father. 'he Dasha of the
Sool Rashi will infli#t greater e&ils. ?-?4. @ffe#ts of Varnad -#ont... Similar assessments be made with referen#e to the Varnad of ea#h Bha&a* #ommen#ing the
first* and the e&ils and goods due to a nati&ity be known. 'hese Varnad Dashas are only for Bha&as -Rashis. and not their o##u)ants. 'he sub )eriod of ea#h
Dasha will be one twelfth of the Dasha and the order will also be #lo#kwise* or anti-#lo#kwise* as e+)lained earlier. 'he natal 1agn is to be #al#ulated a##ording to
birth )la#e* while Bha&a 1agn* Hora 1agn et#. are #ommon to all )la#es

0h. C. 'he Si+teen Di&isions of a Rashi

. , Maharishi Parasar* % ha&e known from you about the 8rahas* Rashis and their des#ri)tions. % desire to know the details of &arious di&isions of a Rashi* will you
)lease narrate. ?-4. Bames of the C Vargas. 1ord Brahma has des#ribed C kinds of Vargas -Di&isions. for ea#h Rashi. 1isten to those. 'he names are Rashi*
Hora* Dreshkan* 0haturthans* Sa)tans* Ba&ans* Dashans* D&adashans* Shodashans* Vimshans* 0hatur&imshans* Sa)ta&imshans* 'rimshans* /ha&edans*
"ksha&edans and Shashtians. <-C. Rashi and Hora. 'he Rashi* owned by a 8rah* is #alled its /shetra. 'he first half of an odd Rashi is the Hora* ruled by Surya.
:hile the se#ond half is the Hora of 0andr. 'he re&erse is true in the #ase of an e&en Rashi. Half of a Rashi is #alled Hora. 'hese are totally ?4* #ounted from
Mesh and re)eated twi#e -at the rate of ?. in the whole of the 7odia#. D-=. Dreshkan. ,ne third of a Rashi is #alled Dreshkan. 'hese are totally AC* #ounted from
Mesh* re)eating thri#e at the rate of ? )er round. 'he st* <th and the >th Rashis from a Rashi are its three Dreshkanas and are* res)e#ti&ely* lorded by Barada*
"gasthya and Dur&ash. >. 0haturthans. 'he 1ords of the 4 /endras from a Rashi are the rulers of res)e#ti&e 0haturthans of a Rashi* #ommen#ing from Mesh.
@a#h 0haturthans is one fourth of a Rashi. 'he deities* res)e#ti&ely* are Sanak* Sanand* /umar and Sanatan. !-. Sa)tans. 'he Sa)tans -one se&enth of a
Rashi. #ounting #ommen#es from the same Rashi in the #ase of an odd Rashi. %t is from the se&enth Rashi thereof* while an e&en Rashi is #onsidered. 'he names
of the se&en di&isions in odd Rashis are /shaar /sheer* Dadhi* 8hrith* %kshu* Ras* Madhya and Suddh 3al. 'hese designations are re&ersed for an e&en Rashi. ?.
Ba&ans. 'he Ba&ans #al#ulation are for a Mo&able Rashi from there itself* for a Ei+ed Rashi from the >th thereof and for a Dual Rashi from the <th thereof. 'hey go
by designations De&a -di&ine.* Manushya -human. and Rakshasa -de&ilish. in a su##essi&e and re)etiti&e order for a Mo&able Rashi. -Manushya* Rakshasa and
De&a are the order for a Ei+ed Rashi* while Rakshasa* Manushya and De&a are a Dual Rashi(s order. A-4. Dashans. Starting from the same Rashi for an odd
Rashi and from the >th with referen#e to an e&en Rashi* the ! Dashansas* ea#h of A degrees* are re#koned. 'hese are )resided o&er by the ten rulers of the
#ardinal dire#tions* &i7. %ndra* "gni* Hama* Rakshasa* Varuna* Vayu* /uber* %san* Brahma and "nanth in #ase of an odd Rashi. %t is in the re&erse order* that these
)residing deities are re#koned* when an e&en Rashi is gi&en. <. D&adashans. 'he re#koning of the D&adashans -one twelfth of a Rashi* or ?L degrees ea#h.
#ommen#es from the same Rashi. %n ea#h Rashi the )residentshi) re)eats thri#e in the order of 8anesh* "sh&ini /umar* Hama and Sar)a for the ?
D&adashansas. C. Shodashans -or /alans.. Starting from Mesh for a Mo&able Rashi* from Simh for a Ei+ed Rashi and from Dhanu for a Dual Rashi* the C
Shodashansas -Cth )art of a Rashi* i.e. of M<?(A!;. are regularly distributed. 'he )residing deities of these re)eat in the order Brahma* Vishnu* Shi&a and Surya
four times in the #ase of an odd Rashi. %t is re&erse in the #ase of an e&en Rashi* that these ruling deities are understood. D-?. Vimshans. Erom Mesh for a
Mo&able Rashi* from Dhanu for a Ei+ed Rashi and from Simh for a 0ommon Rashi5 this is how the #al#ulations of Vimshansas -G?!th of a Rashi* or MA!( ea#h. are
to #ommen#e. 'he )residing deities of the ?! Vimshansas in an odd Rashi are* res)e#ti&ely5 /ali* 8auri* 3aya* 1akshmi* Vijaya* Vimal* Sati* 'ara* 3&alamukhi*
S&eta* 1alita* Bagalamukhi* Pratyangir* Sha#hi* Raudri* Bha&ani* Varad* 3aya* 'ri)ura and Sumukhi. %n an e&en Rashi these ?! deities* res)e#ti&ely* are Daya*
Megha* 0hinnasi* Pisa#hini* Dhuma&athi* Matangi* Bal* Bhadr* "run* "nal* Pingal* 0hu#h#huk* 8hora* Vaarahi* Vaishna&i* Sita* Bhu&anes&ari* Bhaira&i* Mangal
and ")arajit. ??-?A. 0hatur&imshans. 'he 0hatur&imshans -G?4th )art of a Rashi* or M<( ea#h. distribution #ommen#es from Simh and /ark* res)e#ti&ely* for an
odd and an e&en Rashi. %n the #ase of an odd Rashi the ruling deities re)eat twi#e in the order of Skand* Parusdhar* "nal* Vishwakarma* Bhag* Mitr* Maya* "ntaka*
Vrisha-Dwaja* 8o&inda* Madan and Bhima. Re&erse these from Bhima twi#e to know the deities for the 0hatur&imshans in an e&en Rashi. ?4-?C. Sa)ta&imshans
-Bakshatrans* or Bhans.. 'he Sa)ta&imshans 1ords are* res)e#ti&ely* the )residing deities of the ?D Bakshatras* as under5 Dastra -"sh&ini /umar.* Hama* "gni*
Brahma* 0andr* %sa* "dhiti* 3i&a* "hi* Pitar* Bhag* "ryama* Surya* '&asht* Marut* 0hakragni* Mitr* Vasa&a* Rakshasa* Varuna* Vishwade&a* 8o&inda* Vasu*
Varuna* "ja)* "hirbuddhnya and Pushya. 'hese are for an odd Rashis. 0ount these deities in a re&erse order for an e&en Rashi. 'he Sa)ta&imshans distribution
#ommen#es from Mesh and other Mo&able Rashis for all the ? Rashis. ?D-?=. 'rimshans. 'he 'rimshans 1ords for an odd Rashi are Mangal* Sani* 8uru* Budh
and Sukr. @a#h of them in order rules <* <* =* D and < degrees. 'he deities* ruling o&er the 'rimshansas* are* res)e#ti&ely* "gni* Vayu* %ndra* /uber and Varuna. %n
the #ase of an e&en Rashi the $uantum of 'rimshans* 8rah lordshi) and deities get re&ersed. ?>-A!. /ha&edans -or 0hat&arimshans* G4!th )art of a Rashi.. Eor
odd Rashis #ount from Mesh and for an e&en Rashi from 'ula in res)e#t of /ha&edansas -ea#h of 4<( of ar#.. Vishnu* 0andr* Mari#hi* '&asht* Dhata* Shi&a* Ra&i*
Hama* Haksh* 8andhar&* /aal and Varuna re)eat su##essi&ely* as )residing deities* in the same order for all Rashis. A-A?. "ksha&edans -G4<th )art of a Rashi..
Mesh* Simh and Dhanu are the Rashis* from whi#h the distributions* res)e#ti&ely* #ommen#e for Mo&able* %mmo&able and 0ommon Rashis. %n Mo&able Rashis
Brahma* Shi&a and VishnuJ in %mmo&able Rashis Shi&a* Vishnu and Brahma and in 0ommon Rashis Vishnu* Brahma and Shi&a re)eat < times the )residentshi)
o&er these "ksha&edansas. AA-4. Shashtians -GC!th )art of a Rashi* or half a degree ea#h.. 'o #al#ulate the Shashtians 1ord ignore the Rashi )osition of a 8rah
and take the degrees et#. it tra&ersed in that Rashi. Multi)ly that figure by ? and di&ide the degrees by ?. "dd to the remainder* whi#h will indi#ate the Rashi* in
whi#h the Shashtians falls. 'he 1ord of that Rashi is the 8rah* ruling the said Shashtians. %n odd Rashis the names of Shashtiansas are . 8hora* ?. Rakshasa* A.
De&a* 4. /uber* <. Haksh* C. /indar* D. Bhrasht* =. /ulaghna* >. 8aral* !. Vahni* . Maya* ?. Purishak* A. ")am)athi* 4. Marutwan* <. /aal* C. Sar)a* D.
"mrit* =. %ndu* >. Mridu* ?!. /omal* ?. Heramba* ??. Brahma* ?A. Vishnu* ?4. Maheshwara* ?<. De&a* ?C. "rdr* ?D. /alinas* ?=. /shitees* ?>. /amalakar* A!.
8ulik* A. Mrityu* A?. /aal* AA. Da&agni* A4. 8hora* A<. Hama* AC /antak* AD. Suddh* A=. "mrit* A>. Purna0andr* 4!. Vishadagdha* 4. /ulanas* 4?.
Vamshakshaya* 4A. 2t)at* 44. /aal* 4<. Saumya* 4C. /omal* 4D. Sheetal* 4=. /araladamshtr* 4>. 0andramukhi* <!. Pra&een* <. /aal)a&ak* <?. Dhannayudh* <A.
Birmal* <4. Saumya* <<. /rur* <C. "tisheetal* <D. "mrit* <=. Payodhi* <>. Brahman* C!. 0andraRekha -%nduRekha.. 'he re&erse is the order for e&en Rashis in so
mu#h* as these names are #ased. 8rahas in benefi# Shashtiansas )rodu#e aus)i#ious* while the o))osite is true in #ase of 8rahas in malefi# Shashtiansas. 4?-<A.
Varg 0lassifi#ation. Maitreya* e+)lained now are the sum effe#ts of #lassifi#ations of different di&isions -or Vargas* so far narrated.. 'hese are four kinds* &i7. Shad
Varg* Sa)th Varg* Dasha Varg and Shodasha Varg. %n the ShadVarg #lassifi#ation the Varg designations are /imshuk* Vyanjan* 0hamar* 0hatr and /undal*
a##ording to a 8rah being in ? to C #ombinations of good Vargas. Be+t is the Sa)th Varg* in whi#h these #lassifi#ations #ontinue in the same manner u) to si+
#ombinations of good Vargas* the Dth additional Varg getting #lassified* as Mukut. %n the Dasha Varg s#heme the designations #ommen#e from Parijata et#.* su#h
as ? good Vargas - Parijatha* A 2ttama* 4 8o)ur* < Simhasan* C Para&ata* D De&aloka* = Brahmaloka* > Sakra&ahana and ! Vargas - Shridham. %n the Shodasha
Varg s#heme the #ombinations of Vargas go with designations thus5 two good Vargas - Bhedak* A /usum* 4 Baga)ush)a* < /anduk* C /erala* D /al)a Vriksha* =
0handan Vana* > Purna0andr* ! 2#h#haisra&a* Dhan&antari* ? Suryakant* A Vidrum* 4 0hakra-Simhasan* < 8olok and C Vargas - Sri Vallabh. %n these
di&isions the di&isions* falling in the 8rah(s e+altation Rashi* Mooltrikon Rashi* own Rashi and the Rashis* owned by the 1ord of a /endra from the "rudha 1agn*
are all to be #onsidered -as good Vargas.. 'he di&isions of a #ombust 8rah* defeated 8rah* weak 8rah and a 8rah in bad "&asthas* like Sayan* be all ignored to
be aus)i#ious* for these destroy the good Hogas.

0h. D. Di&isional 0onsiderations

-=. 2se of the C Di&isions. Bow % will e+)lain the use of these si+teen di&isions. 'he )hysi$ue from 1agn* wealth from Hora* ha))iness through #o-born from
Dreshkan* fortunes from 0haturthans* sons and grandsons from Sa)tans* s)ouse from Ba&ans* )ower -and )osition. from Dashans* )arents from D&adashans*
benefits and ad&ersities through #on&eyan#es from Shodashans* worshi) from Vimshans* learning from 0hatur&imshans* strength and weakness from
Sa)ta&imshans* e&il effe#ts from 'rimshans* aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious effe#ts from /ha&edans and all indi#ations from both "ksha&edans and Shashtians5 these
are the #onsiderations to be made through the res)e#ti&e Vargas. 'he Bha&a* whose 1ord is in a malefi# Shashtians* will diminishJ so say 8arga and others. 'he
Bha&a* whose 1ord is in a benefi# Shodashans* flourish. 'his is how the C Vargas are to be e&aluated. >-?. "fter assessing the ?! )oint strength of the
as#ending degree* of other Bha&as and of the 8rahas* the good and bad effe#ts be de#lared. % e+)lain below the method of knowing the Vimso)ak strength -?!
)oint strength.* just by knowing whi#h an idea of the results of a#tions of this birth and of former birth will #learly emerge. 'he 8rahas from Surya on get full
strength* when in e+altation* or in own Rashi and are bereft of strength* when in the Dth -from e+altation.. %n between the strength be known by the rule of three
)ro#ess. %n the #ase of a 8rah* owning two Rashis* distin#tion of )la#ement in oddGe&en Rashi identi#al with own Rashi be made. A-C. Hora* Dreshkan and
'rimshans @ffe#ts. 8uru* Surya and Mangal gi&e -)ronoun#ed. effe#ts in the Hora of Surya. 0andr* Sukr and Sani do so* when in 0andr(s HorasJ Budh is effe#ti&e
in both the Horas. %n the #ase of an e&en Rashi the Hora of 0andr will be )owerful in effe#ts* while Surya(s Hora in an odd Rashi will be so. Eull* medium and nil will
be the effe#ts* res)e#ti&ely* in the beginning middle and the end of a Hora. Similar a))li#ations be made for a Dreshkan* 'uryans* Ba&ans et#. "s for 'rimshans
effe#ts* Surya is akin to Mangal and 0andr is akin to Sukr. 'he effe#ts* a))li#able to Rashi* will a))ly to 'rimshans. D->. Vimsho)ak Bal. 'he Shad Vargas
#onsist of Rashi* Hora* Dreshkan* Ba&ans* D&adashans and 'rimshans. 'he full Bal for ea#h of the di&isions* res)e#ti&ely* are C* ?* 4* <* ? and . 'his is the
Vimsho)ak Bal* relating to Shad Varg di&ision. "dding the Sa)tans to the Shad Vargas* we get Sa)t Varg* the Vimsho)ak Bal for whi#h is <* ?* A* ?L* 4L* ? and .
'hese are gross strengths* while subtle ones should be understood by e+a#t )ositions. ?!. "dd Dashans* Shodashans and Shashtians to the said Sa)t Varg
Di&isions to get the s#heme of Dasha Varg. 'he Vimsho)ak Bal in this #onte+t is A for Rashi* < for Shashtians and for the other = di&isions L ea#h. ?-?<. :hen
the C di&isions -Shodash Varg S#heme. are #onsidered together* the Vimsho)ak s#ore goes thus5 Hora * 'rimsans * Dreshkan * Shodashans ?* Ba&ans A*
Rashi AL* Shashtians 4 and the rest of the nine di&isions ea#h a half. 'he Vimsho)ak Bal remains as ?!* only when the 8rah is in own Bha&a Vargas. ,therwise*
the total strength from ?! de#lines to = in Pramudit Vargas* to < in Shant Vargas* to ! in S&asth di&isions* to D in Duhkhit Vargas and to < in /hal Vargas.
-'hese figures are #alled Varg Vishwa. ?C-?D. Vimsho)ak Pro)ortional @&aluation. Multi)ly the figure due to full strength for the di&ision by the Varg Vishwa and
di&ide by ?! to get the e+a#t strength of the 8rah. %f the total is below <* the 8rah will not be #a)able of gi&ing aus)i#ious results. %f it is abo&e <* but below !* the
8rah will yield some good effe#ts. 1ater on u) to < it is indi#ati&e of medio#re effe#t. " 8rah with abo&e < will yield wholly fa&ourable effe#ts. ?=-?>. ,ther
Sour#es of Strength. Maitreya* there are other kinds of sour#es* as % e+)lain below. 8rahas in the Dth from Surya will be fully effe#ti&e. ,ne with an identi#al
longitude in #om)arison to Surya(s will destroy the good effe#ts. Rule of three )ro#ess be a))lied to the 8rah in between these )ositions. A!-A?. Dasha effe#ts with
Vimsho)ak Bal. Maitreya* after assessing the Vimsho)ak Bal through the &arious di&isions* the rising and setting of the 8rahas be #onsidered. 'he Vimsho)ak Bal
is #lassified under Purna* "tiPurna* Madhya* "tiMadhya* Heen* "tiHeen* Swal)a and "tiSwal). 'hus should be #lassified the Vimsho)ak Bal and the Dasha )eriod
results de#lared a##ordingly. AA-AC. /endras* /onas et#. defined. , Maitreya* listen to other matters* whi#h % am e+)laining. 'he /endras are s)e#ially known* as
1agn -the as#endent.* Bandhu Bha&a* Hu&ati Bha&a -the des#endant. and /arm Bha&a -mid-hea&en.. Dhan* Putr* Randhr and 1abh Bha&a are Pana)haras
-su##edents.* while Sahaj* "ri* Dharm and Vyaya Bha&a are #alled ")oklimas -#adents.. Putr and Dharm Bha&a are known by the name /on -or trine.. @&il Bha&as*
or Dusthan Bha&as are "ri* Randhr and Vyaya Bha&a. 0haturasras are Bandhu and Randhr Bha&a. Sahaj* "ri* /arm and 1abh Bha&a are 2)a#haya Bha&as. AD-
A=. Bames of Bha&as. 'hanu* Dhan* Sahaj* Bandhu* Putr* "ri* Hu&ati* Randhr* Dharm* /arma* 1abh and Vyaya are in order the names of Bha&as. % e+)lained these
briefly and lea&e it to you to gras) more* a##ording to your intelligen#e. "s deli&ered by 1ord Brahma* some further information is added thus -i.e. in the following
&erses.. A>-4A. %ndi#ations from Bha&as. Dharm Bha&a and the >th from Surya deal with one(s father. :hate&er effe#ts are to be known from the /arm and 1abh
Bha&a* be also known from similar Bha&as* #ounted from Surya. :hate&er results are to be known from Bandhu* 'anu* Dhan* 1abh and Dharm should also be
known from the 4th of 0andr* from /ark Rashi itself and from the ?nd* th and >th from 0andr* res)e#ti&ely. :hate&er has to be known through Sahaj Bha&a* be
also analy7ed through the Ard from Mangal. 'he Cth from Budh be also #onsidered in regard to indi#ations* deri&able from "ri Bha&a. 'he <th from 8uru* the Dth
from Sukr and both the =th and ?th from Sani stand for #onsideration* res)e#ti&ely* in res)e#t of offs)ring* s)ouse and death. 'he 1ord of the Bha&a is e$ually
im)ortant* when estimating the indi#ations of a )arti#ular Bha&a.

0h. =. Drishtis of the Rashis

-A. Rashi Drishtis. , Maitreya* now detailed are the Drishtis* emanating from the Rashi Mesh et#. @&ery Mo&able Rashi drishties the A Ei+ed Rashis* lea&ing the
Ei+ed Rashi adja#ent to it. @&ery Ei+ed Rashi gi&es Drishti to the A Mo&able Rashis* barring the adja#ent Mo&able Rashi. "nd a 0ommon Rashi gi&es a Drishti to
the other three 0ommon Rashis. 'he 8rah in a Rashi gi&es the same Drishti* as the Rashi -in whi#h the 8rah is. does. 4-<. Dristhis of the 8rahas. " 8rah in a
Mo&able Rashi gi&es a Drishti to the other A Ei+ed Rashis* lea&ing the Ei+ed Rashi ne+t to it. " 8rah in a Ei+ed Rashi does not gi&e a Drishti to the ne+t Mo&able
Rashi* but the remaining A Mo&able Rashis. 'he one in a 0ommon Rashi gi&es a Drishti to the remaining A 0ommon Rashis. Simultaneously a 8rah in the Rashi*
that re#ei&es a Drishti* is also subje#ted to the Drishti #on#erned. C->. Diagram of Dristhis. "s de)i#ted by 1ord Brahma* % now narrate the diagram of Drishtis* so
that Drishtis are easily understood by a mere sight of the diagram. Draw a s$uare* or a #ir#le marking the = dire#tions -4 #orners and 4 $uarters thereof.. Mark the
7odia#al Rashis* as under5 Mesh and Vrishabh in @ast* Mithun in the Borth-@ast* /ark and Simh in the Borth* /anya in the Borth-:est* 'ula and Vris#hik in the
:est* Dhanu in the South-:est* Makar and /umbh in the South and Meen in the South-@ast. "ddition Santhanam till 0h. >. 'he Drishtis -as )er the earlier Slokas.
#an be shown in a s$uare diagram* or #ir#ular diagram -as )er #on&enien#e..

0h. >. @&ils at Birth

. , Brahmin* first of all estimate the e&ils and #he#king fa#tors thereof through 1agn and then de#lare the effe#ts of the ? Bha&as. ?. @&ils* #ausing )remature
end* e+ist u) to the ?4th year of one(s age. "s su#h* no definite #al#ulation of life s)an should be made till su#h year of age. A-C. Short-life 0ombinations -u) to
Sloka ?A.. Should 0andr be in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a and re#ei&es a Drishti from a malefi#* the #hild will die soon. %f in the )ro#ess there be a Drishti from a
benefi#* it may li&e u) to =. %f a benefi# is retrograde in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* re#ei&ing a Drishti from a malefi#* death will o##ur within a month of birth. 'his
is true* only when 1agn is not o##u)ied by a benefi#. Should Putr Bha&a be o##u)ied by Sani* Mangal and Surya jointly* -early. death of mother and brother will
#ome to )ass. Mangal* )la#ed in 'anu* or in Randhr Bha&a and be yuti with Sani* or Surya* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from a malefi#* being bereft of a Drishti from a
benefi#* will )ro&e a sour#e of -immediate. death. D-. %f Sani and Mangal gi&e a Drishti to 1agn* as the luminaries are yuti with Rahu -elsewhere.* the #hild will li&e
a fortnight. %mmediate death of the #hild along with its mother will o##ur* if Sani is in /arm Bha&a* 0andr in "ri Bha&a and Mangal in Hu&ati Bha&a. ,ne will
immediately go to the abode of Hama* if Sani is in 'anu Bha&a* while 0andr and 8uru are in their order in Randhr and Sahaj Bha&a. ,nly a month will be the s)an
of one(s life* who had Surya in Dharm Bha&a* Mangal in Hu&ati Bha&a and 8uru and Sukr in 1abh Bha&a. "ll 8rahas -any 8rah. in Vyaya Bha&a will be the sour#e
of a short life* s)e#ifi#ally the luminaries* Sukr and Rahu. But the Drishti of these four 8rahas -on Vyaya Bha&a. will #ountera#t su#h e&ils. ?. 0andr is #a)able of
#ausing early end* if she is with a malefi# in Hu&ati* Randhr* or 'anu Bha&a and unrelated to a benefi#. A. @arly death will #ome to )ass* if there be a birth in the
morning* or e&ening jun#tions* or in a Hora* ruled by 0andr* or in 8andanta* while 0andr and malefi#s o##u)y /endras from 1agn. 4. Definition of Sandhya. A
8hatis before the sight of the semi dis# -half. of the rising Surya and a similar duration* following Surya(s set* are #alled* as morning twilight and e&ening twilight*
res)e#ti&ely. <. @arly Death. Should all the malefi#s be in the oriental half* while benefi#s are in the o##idental half* early death of one born in Vris#hik* will follow.
%n this #ase there is no need of any rethinking. C. Malefi# in Vyaya and "ri Bha&a* or in Randhr and Dhan Bha&a* while 1agn is hemmed between other malefi#s*
will bring early death. D. Malefi#s* o##u)ying 'anu and Hu&ati Bha&a* while 0andr is yuti with a malefi# with no relief from a benefi#* will also #ause )remature
death. =. @arly death will be infli#ted on the nati&e* if de#reasing 0andr is in 'anu Bha&a* while malefi#s #a)ture Randhr Bha&a and a /endra. 'here is no doubt
about that. >. 0andr in 'anu* Randhr* Vyaya* or Hu&ati Bha&a and hemmed between malefi#s will #onfer )remature death. ?!. Should 0andr be in 'anu Bha&a*
hemmed between malefi#s* while Hu&ati* or Randhr Bha&a has a malefi# in it* he will fa#e immediate death along with his mother. ?. Should Sani* Surya and
Mangal be in Vyaya* Dharm and Randhr Bha&a without Drishti from a benefi#* the #hild will fa#e instant death. ??. :ith a malefi# in Hu&ati Bha&a* or in the rising
Dreshkan* while de#reasing 0andr is in 'anu Bha&a* death be e+)erien#ed early. ?A. 'he life s)an of the #hild will be either ? months* or C months only* if all
8rahas de&oid of strength are relegated to ")oklima Bha&as. ?4. @&ils to Mother -u) to Sloka AA.. 'he mother of the nati&e will in#ur e&ils -will die soon.* if 0andr at
birth re#ei&es a Drishti from three malefi#s. Benefi#s* gi&ing a Drishti to 0andr* will bring good to the mother. ?<. Should Dhan Bha&a be o##u)ied by Rahu* Budh*
Sukr* Surya and Sani* the #hild(s birth has been after its father(s death* while e&en the mother will fa#e early death. ?C. %f 0andr is in the Dth* or the =th from a
malefi#* be herself with a malefi# and re#ei&es a Drishti from a strong malefi#* )redi#t mothers end to be early. ?D. 'he #hild will not li&e on mother(s milk* but on
that of she-goat* if Surya is e+alted* or debilitated in Hu&ati Bha&a. ?=. Should a malefi# be in the 4th* identi#al with an inimi#al Rashi* #ounted from 0andr* while
there is no benefi# in a /endra* the #hild will lose its mother in a )remature manner. ?>. Malefi#s in "ri and Vyaya Bha&a will bring e&ils to mother. 'he #hild(s father
will re#ei&e similar effe#ts* if Bandhu and /arm Bha&a are #a)tured by malefi#s. A!. Budh in Dhan Bha&a* while malefi#s o##u)y 'anu and Vyaya Bha&a5 this Hoga
will destroy the entire family. A. 8uru* Sani and Rahu* res)e#ti&ely* )osited in 'anu* Dhan and Sahaj Bha&a will #ause mother(s death early. A?. Doubtlessly the
mother will gi&e u) the #hild* if it has malefi#s in /onas* #ounted from the de#reasing 0andr. Bo benefi# shall be yuti with the said malefi#s. AA. %f Mangal and Sani
are together in a /endra with referen#e to 0andr and o##u)y one and the same Ba&ans* the #hild will ha&e two mothers. Het it will be short-li&ed. A4. @&il to Eather
-u) to Sloka 4?.. ,ne(s father will in#ur early death* if Sani* Mangal and 0andr in their orders are in 'anu* Hu&ati and "ri Bha&a. A<. 'he nati&e will at the time of his
marriage lose his father* if 8uru is in 'anu Bha&a* while Sani* Surya* Mangal and Budh are together in Dhan Bha&a. AC. @arly loss of father will take )la#e* if Surya
is with a malefi#* or is hemmed between malefi#s* as there is another malefi# in the Dth from Surya. AD. Remote will be the )ossibility of one(s father sustaining* if
Surya is in Hu&ati* while Mangal is in /arm and Rahu is in Vyaya Bha&a. A=. @arly and troubled will be one(s father(s death* if Mangal is in /arm Bha&a identi#al
with his enemy(s Rashi. A>. 0andr in "ri Bha&a* Sani in 'anu Bha&a and Mangal in Hu&ati Bha&a5 this array of hea&enly bodies at birth will not ensure a long s)an
of life for the father. 4!. %f Surya re#ei&es a Drishti from Sani and be in Mesh* or in Vris#hik Ba&ans* the father would ha&e gi&en u) the family before birth of the
#hild* or would ha&e )assed away. 4. %f Bandhu* /arm and Vyaya Bha&a are all o##u)ied by malefi#s* both the )arents will lea&e the #hild to its own fate and
wander from )la#e to )la#e. 4?. 'he father will not see the nati&e till his -the nati&e(s. ?Ard year* if Rahu and 8uru are together in an inimi#al Rashi identi#al with
'anu* or Bandhu Bha&a. 4A-4<. Parents. Surya is the indi#ator of father for all beings* while the mother is indi#ated by 0andr. Should Surya re#ei&e a Drishti from
one* or more malefi#s* or be hemmed between them* this will #ause e&ils to father. Similarly 0andr be #onsidered in res)e#t of mother. Malefi#s in the Cth* the =th*
or the 4th from Surya will bring inaus)i#ious results about the father. Malefi#s in su#h )la#es from 0andr will be ad&erse for the mother. 'he strength* or otherwise
of the o##u)ants #on#erned be suitably estimated.

0h. !. "ntidotes for @&ils

. 'hose are the e&ils -due to a nati&e.. % now narrate the antidotes for su#h e&ils as well* whi#h will be hel)ful to assess the e+tent of inaus)i#iousness. ?. Should
one among Budh* 8uru and Sukr be in an angle from 1agn* all e&ils are destroyed* as Surya eliminates darkness. A. 3ust as a single re&erential obeisan#e before
1ord Shi&a* the 'rident holder frees one from all sins* a single* but strong 8uru in 1agn will ward off all the e&ils. 4. 1agn 1ord is singly #a)able of #ountera#ting all
e&ils* if he is strongly )la#ed in an angle* just as 1ord Shi&a* the holder of the Bow destroyed the three #ities* built of gold* sil&er and iron for the demons by Maya.
<. "ll e&ils are destroyed* if a benefi# drishties 1agn of one born during the night in the bright half. Similarly a malefi#(s Drishti on 1agn of one born during day time
in the dark half. C. Surya in Vyaya will #onfer a hundred-year life s)an on one born in 'ul 1agn. D. %t will )ro&e aus)i#ious for the mother as well as the nati&e* if
Mangal joins* or is drishtied by 8uru. =. %f malefi#s are surrounded by benefi#s* while angles* or trines are themsel&es benefi#-o##u)ied* e&ils disa))ear soon. Bot
only this* e&ils will not follow from the Bha&as #on#erned.

0h. . 3udgement of Bha&as

. , Maharishi Parashar* % ha&e #ome to know of the e&ils and antidotes thereof from you. Please tell me* what is to be dedu#ed from ea#h Bha&a. ?. %ndi#ations of
'anu Bha&a. Maharishi Parashar re)lies. Physi$ue* a))earan#e* intelle#t -or the organ of intelligen#e* i.e. brain.* #om)le+ion of the body* &igour* weakness*
ha))iness* grief and innate nature are all to be guessed through the as#ending Rashi. A. %ndi#ations of Dhan Bha&a. :ealth* grains -food et#..* family* death*
enemies* metals* )re#ious stones et#. are to be understood through Dhan Bha&a. 4. %ndi#ations of Sahaj Bha&a. Erom Sahaj Bha&a know of the following5 &alour*
ser&ants -attending et#..* brothers* sisters et#.* initiatory instru#tions -2)adesh.* journey and )arent(s death. <. %ndi#ations of Bandhu Bha&a. 0on&eyan#es*
relati&es* mother* ha))iness* treasure* lands and buildings are to be #onsulted through Bandhu Bha&a. C. %ndi#ations of Putr Bha&a. 'he learned should dedu#e
from Putr Bha&a amulets* sa#red s)ells* learning* knowledge* sons* royalty -or authority.* fall of )osition et#. D. %ndi#ations of "ri Bha&a. Maternal un#le* doubts
about death* enemies* ul#ers* ste)-mother et#. are to be estimated from "ri Bha&a. =. %ndi#ations of Hu&ati Bha&a. :ife* tra&el* trade* loss of sight* death et#. be
known from Hu&ati Bha&a. >. %ndi#ations of Randhr Bha&a. Randhr Bha&a indi#ates longe&ity* battle* enemies* forts* wealth of the dead and things* that ha&e
ha))ened and are to ha))en -in the )ast and future births.. !. %ndi#ations of Dharm Bha&a. Eortunes* wife(s brother* religion* brother(s wife* &isits to shrines et#. be
known from Dharm Bha&a. . %ndi#ations of /arm Bha&a. Royalty -authority.* )la#e* )rofession -li&elihood.* honour* father* li&ing in foreign lands and debts are to
be understood from /arm Bha&a. ?. %ndi#ations of 1abh Bha&a. "ll arti#les* son(s wife* in#ome* )ros)erity* $uadru)eds et#. are to be understood from 1abh Bha&a.
A. %ndi#ations of Vyaya Bha&a. Erom Vyaya Bha&a* one #an know about e+)enses* history of enemies* one(s own death et#. 4-C. Pros)erity* or "nnihilation of a
Bha&a. Predi#t )ros)erity of the Bha&a* whi#h is yuti with* or drishtied by a benefi#. "lso* when its 1ord is in Hu&a&astha* or Prabuddha&astha* or in /ismara&astha*
or in /arm Bha&a* the Bha&as well-being is indi#ated. 'he Bha&a* whi#h is not drishtied by its 1ord* or* whose 1ord is with a malefi# 8rah* or with one of the 1ords
of e&il and su#h other Bha&as -i.e. Ard* Cth* =th* th and ?th.* or is defeated in a war between 8rahas* or is in one of the three "&asthas* &i7* Vriddha&astha*
Mrita&astha and Su)ta&astha.

0h. ?. @ffe#ts of 'anu Bha&a

-?. Physi#al #omforts. Should 1agn 1ord be yuti with a malefi#* or be in Randhr* Cth* or ?th* )hysi#al feli#ity will diminish. %f he is in an angle* or trine there will be
at all times #omforts of the body. %f 1agn 1ord is in debilitation* #ombustion* or enemy(s Rashi* there will be diseases. :ith a benefi# in an angle* or trine all
diseases will disa))ear. 1agn(s angles -i.e. Bandhu* Hu&ati* or the !th.* or its trine -Putr* Dharm.* #ontaining a benefi#* is a )owerful remedy for all* related to
health. A. 'here will not be bodily health* if 1agn* or 0andr be drishtied by* or yuti with a malefi#* being de&oid of a benefi#s Drishti. 4. Bodily Beauty. " benefi# in
1agn will gi&e a )leasing a))earan#e* while a malefi# will make one bereft of good a))earan#e. Eeli#ity of the body will be enjoyed* if 1agn is drishtied by* or yuti
with a benefi#. <-D. ,ther Benefits. %f 1agn 1ord* Budh* 8uru* or Sukr be in an angle* or in a trine* the nati&e will be long li&ed* wealthy* intelligent and liked by the
king. Eame* wealth* abundant )leasures and #omforts of the body will be a#$uired* if 1agn 1ord is in a Mo&able Rashi and be drishtied by a benefi# 8rah. ,ne will
be endowed with royal marks -of fortune.* if Budh* 8uru* or Sukr be in 1agn along with the 0andr* or be in angle from 1agn. %f Budh* 8uru* or Sukr be in 4th* Dth* or
!th from 1agn* or be in the #om)any of 0andr in 1agn* the nati&e will enjoy royal fortunes. =. 0oiled Birth. %f there be a birth in one of Mesh* Vrishabh and Simh
1agnas* #ontaining either Sani* or Mangal* the birth of the #hild is with a #oil around a limb. 'he #orres)onding limb will be in a##ordan#e with the Rashi* or Ba&ans*
rising. >. Birth of 'wins. 'he nati&e* who has Surya in a $uadru)ed Rashi* while others are in Dual Rashis with strength* is born* as one of the twins. !. 'o Be
Burtured by 'hree Mothers. %f Surya and 0andr join in one and the same Bha&a and fall in one Ba&ans* the nati&e will be nurtured by three different mothers for the
first three months from its birth and will later on be brought u) by its father and brother. -FBhratri( a)art from meaning a brother #alls for inter)retation* as a near
relati&e in general. . %m)ortant. 'he learned in 3yotish should base the effe#ts on 0andr also* as are a))li#able to 1agn. Bow e+)lained are #lues to know of
ul#ers* identity marks et#. on one(s )erson. ?-4. De#anates and Bodily 1imbs. Head* eyes* ears* nose* tem)le* #hin and fa#e is the order of limbs* denoted -by
the &arious Bha&as.* when the first de#anate of a Rashi as#ends. %n the #ase of the se#ond de#anate as#ending the order is ne#k* shoulder* arm* side* heart*
stoma#h and na&el. 'he order for the third de#anate as#ending is )el&is* anusG)enis* testi#les* thigh* knee* #alf and foot. 'he )ortion already risen indi#ates left side
of the body -while the one yet to rise* i.e. the in&isible half* denotes the right side of the body.. <. 1imbs "ffe#ted. 'he limb* related to a malefi# by o##u)ation* will
ha&e ul#ers* or s#ars* while the one* related to a benefi#* will ha&e a mark -like moles et#.. So say the 3yotishis. -"lso see Sloka C* 0h. 4 of Sara&ali* whi#h states*
that a malefi#* or a benefi#* if be in own Rashi* or Ba&ans* the effe#ts will be right from birth. %n other #ases it will be in the #ourse of one(s life* that these effe#ts will
#ome to )ass.

0h. A. @ffe#ts of Dhan Bha&a

-?. 0ombinations for :ealth. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* listen to me* s)eaking on the effe#ts of Dhan Bha&a. %f the 1ord of Dhan is in Dhan* or is in an angle* or
in trine* he will )romote one(s wealth -or monetary state.. Should he be in "riG=thG?th* finan#ial #onditions will de#line. " benefi# in Dhan will gi&e wealth* while a
malefi# instead will destroy wealth. A. ,ne will be wealthy* if 8uru is in Dhan* as the 1ord of Dhan* or is with Mangal. 4. %f Dhan 1ord is in 1abh* while the 1ord of
1abh in Dhan* wealth will be a#$uired by the nati&e. "lternately these two 1ords may join in an angle* or in a trine. <. %f the 1ord of Dhan is in an angle* while 1abh
1ord is in a trine thereof* or is drishtied by* or yuti with 8uru and Sukr* the subje#t will be wealthy. C-D. Hogas for Po&erty. ,ne will be )enniless* if the 1ord of Dhan
Bha&a is in an e&il Bha&a* while the 1ord of 1abh Bha&a is also so )la#ed and Dhan Bha&a is o##u)ied by a malefi#. 'here will be )enury right from birth and the
nati&e will ha&e to beg e&en for his food* if the 1ords of Dhan and 1abh Bha&a are both #ombust* or with malefi#s. =. 1oss of :ealth through the /ing. Should the
1ords of Dhan and 1abh Bha&a be relegated to "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* while Mangal is in 1abh Bha&a and Rahu is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will lose his
wealth on a##ount of royal )unishments. >. @+)enses on 8ood "##ounts. :hen 8uru is in 1abh* Sukr is in Dhan and a benefi# is )la#ed in Vyaya Bha&a* while
Dhan(s 1ord is yuti with a benefi#* there will be e+)enses on religious* or #haritable grounds. !. Eame et#. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in own Rashi* or is e+alted* the nati&e
will look after his )eo)le* will hel) others and also will be#ome famous. . @ffortless "$uisition. %f Dhan(s 1ord is yuti with a benefi# and is in a good di&ision* like
Para&atans* there will be effortlessly all kinds of wealth in the nati&e(s family. -6Para&atansdau; of the te+t denotes Para&at* or su#h other higher Vargas5 Dhan(s
1ord should be in Para&atans* or in De&alokans* Brahmalokans* Sakra&ahanans* or Sridhamans in the Dash Varg s#heme. ?. @yes. %f Dhan 1ord is endowed with
strength* the nati&e will )ossess beautiful eyes. Should the said 8rah be in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* there will be disease* or deformity of eyes. A. 2ntruthful
Person. %f Dhan Bha&a and its 1ord are yuti with malefi#s* the nati&e will be a talebearer* will s)eak untruth and will be affli#ted by windy diseases.

0h. 4. @ffe#ts of Sahaj Bha&a

. , Brahmin* % now tell you about Sahaj Bha&a. Should Sahaj Bha&a be yuti with* or drishtied by a benefi#* the nati&e will be endowed with #o-born and be
#ourageous. ?. %f Sahaj(s 1ord along with Mangal drishties Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy good results* due to Sahaj Bha&a. "lternati&ely these two 8rahas may
be in Sahaj itself. A. Destru#tion at on#e of #o-born will #ome to )ass* if the said ? 8rahas are together with a malefi#* or in a Rashi* owned by a malefi#. 4-4L.
Eemale and Male 0o-born. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is a female 8rah* or* if Sahaj Bha&a be o##u)ied by female 8rahas* one will ha&e sisters* born after him. Similarly male
8rahas and male Rashis denote younger brothers. Should it be of mi+ed nature* #o-born of both se+es will be obtained. 'hese effe#ts be de#lared after assessing
the strength and weakness of the #on#erned. <-C. Should Sahaj(s 1ord and Mangal be together in Randhr Bha&a* destru#tion of #o-born will result. Ha))iness in
this res)e#t will #ome to )ass* if Mangal* or Sahaj(s 1ord is in an angle* or in a trine* or in e+altation* or friendly di&isions. D-. Bumber of Brothers and Sisters. %f
Budh is in Sahaj Bha&a* while Sahaj(s 1ord and 0andr are together* as the indi#ator -Mangal. joins Sani* the effe#ts are5 there o##urred the birth of an elder sister
and there will be younger brothers. Eurthermore* the third brother will die. Should Mangal be yuti with Rahu* while Sahaj(s 1ord is in his debilitation Rashi* there will
be loss of younger brothers andGor sisters* while three elder brothers andGor sisters were attained by the nati&e. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in an angle* while the signifi#ator
-Mangal. is e+alted in a trine and be yuti with 8uru* ? will be the number of total #o-born. ,ut of these two elders and the Ard* the Dth* the >th and the ?th of the
younger #o-born will be shortli&ed* while si+ of the said twel&e will be longli&ed. ?-A. 'here will be #o-born* if Vyaya(s 1ord -some te+ts read* as 1abh(s 1ord.
joins Mangal and 8uru* while Sahaj Bha&a is o##u)ied by 0andr. %f 0andr is lonely )la#ed in Sahaj Bha&a with Drishti of male 8rahas* there will be younger
brothers* while the Drishti of Sukr denotes younger sisters. 4. "d&erse 8rahas. Surya in Sahaj Bha&a will destroy the )reborn. 'he afterborn will be destroyed* if
Sani is found in Sahaj Bha&a. %n the same situation Mangal will destroy both the )reborn and later-born. <. "fter estimating the strength and weakness of su#h
Hogas* the effe#ts* related to brothers and sisters* be announ#ed.

0h. <. @ffe#ts of Bandhu Bha&a

. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* thus ha&e been briefly told the effe#ts of Sahaj Bha&a. Bow listen to the results* related to Bandhu Bha&a. ?. Housing 0omforts.
,ne will ha&e residential #omforts in full degree* if Bandhu is o##u)ied by its 1ord* or by 1agn(s 1ord and be drishtied by a benefi#. A. Mis#ellaneous. Should Putr(s
1ord be in his own Bha&a* or in own Ba&ans* or in e+altation* the nati&e will be endowed with #omforts* related to lands* #on&eyan#es* houses et#. and musi#al
instruments. 4. Housing 0omforts. %f /arm(s 1ord joins Bandhu(s 1ord in an angle* or in a trine* the nati&e will a#$uire beautiful mansions. <. Relati&es. Should Budh
be in 1agn* while Bandhu(s 1ord* being a benefi#* is drishtied by another benefi#* the nati&e will be honoured by his relati&es. C. 1ong-li&ing Mother. %f Bandhu
Bha&a is o##u)ied by a benefi#* while its 1ord is in his e+altation Rashi* as the indi#ator of mother is endowed with strength* the nati&e will ha&e a long-li&ing
mother. D. Ha))iness of Mother. 'he nati&e(s mother will be ha))y* if Bandhu(s 1ord is in an angle* while Sukr is also in an angle* as Budh is e+alted. =.
Nuadru)eds. Surya in Bandhu* 0andr and Sani in Dharm and Mangal in 1abh Bha&aJ this Hoga will #onfer #ows and buffaloes on the nati&e. >. Dumbness. Should
Bandhu Bha&a be a Mo&able one* while its 1ord and Mangal are together in "ri* or Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be dumb. !-4. 0on&eyan#es. %f 1agn(s 1ord is a
benefi#* while Bandhu(s 1ord is in fall* or in 1abh Bha&a and the signifi#ator -Sukr. is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will obtain #on&eyan#es in his ?th year. Should
Surya be in Bandhu Bha&a* as Bandhu(s 1ord is e+alted and be with Sukr* one will a#$uire #on&eyan#es in his A?nd year. %t will be in the 4?nd year* that one will be
endowed with #on&eyan#es* if Bandhu(s 1ord joins /arm(s 1ord in his -4th 1ord(s. e+altation Ba&ans. "n e+#hange between 1abh(s and Bandhu(s 1ords will #onfer
#on&eyan#es in the ?th year. " benefi#* related to Bandhu Bha&a -and to its 1ord.* will bring with him aus)i#ious effe#ts -regarding #on&eyan#es.* while a malefi#
will )rodu#e only malefi# effe#ts -in res)e#t of #on&eyan#es.. Should a benefi# be in Bandhu* drishti Bandhu* or in yuti with the 1ord of Bandhu* or a Drishti on the
1ord of Bandhu Bha&a* then the nati&e will be ha))y with #on&eyan#es and be free from a##idents and dangers. " malefi#* re)la#ing the said benefi#* will #ause
losses* #on#erning &ehi#les and redu#e one to se&ere a##idents.

0h. C. @ffe#ts of Putr Bha&a

-A. , Brahmin* now % tell you the effe#ts* related to Putr Bha&a. %f the 1ords of 1agn and Putr are in their own Rashis* or in an angle* or in a trine* one will enjoy
thorough ha))iness through his #hildren. Should Putr(s 1ord be in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* there will be no offs)ring. Should the 1ord of Putr be #ombust* or
be with malefi#s and be weak* there will be no #hildrenJ e&en* if )er #han#e issues are obtained* they will only $uit the world soon. 'he Huti of Putr(s 1ord with
1agn(s 1ord in a good Bha&a will ensure early obtainment of #hildren a)art from ha))iness through them. %f they join in an e&il Bha&a* they will )ro&e a defe#t in this
res)e#t. 4. %f Putr(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* as 1agn(s 1ord is yuti with Mangal* the nati&e will lose his &ery first #hild* whereafter his female will not be fertile to yield an
offs)ring. <. Should Putr(s 1ord be in fall in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* while Budh and /etu are in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e(s wife will gi&e birth to one #hild only. C.
%f Putr(s 1ord is in fall and be not in Drishti to Putr* while Sani and Budh are in Putr* the nati&e(s wife will gi&e birth to one #hild only. D. Should Dharm(s 1ord be in
1agn* while Putr(s 1ord is in fall and /etu is in Putr along with Budh* obtainment of )rogeny will be after a great deal of ordeal. =. %f Putr(s 1ord is in "ri* Randhr* or
Vyaya Bha&a* or be in an inimi#al Rashi* or be in fall* or in Putr itself* the nati&e will beget issues with diffi#ulty. >. Should Putr Bha&a be owned by Sani* or Budh
and be o##u)ied* or drishtied by Sani and Mandi* one will ha&e ado)ted issues. !. Should Surya and 0andr be together in a Rashi and in the same Ba&ans* the
nati&e will be brought u) by three mothers* or two fathers. . "do)ted issue is indi#ated* if Putr is tenanted by si+ 8rahas* while its 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a and
0andr and 1agn are endowed with strength. ?. 'here will be many #hildren* if Putr(s 1ord is strong* while Putr is drishtied by strong Budh* 8uru and Sukr. A. %f
Putr(s 1ord is with 0andr* or is in her De#anate* the nati&e will beget daughtersJ so say 3yotishis. 4. %f Putr(s 1ord is in a Mo&able Rashi* while Sani is in Putr* as
Rahu is with 0andr* the #hild -so born. is of $uestionable birth. <. 2ndoubtedly the nati&e is born of other(s loins* if 0andr is in the =th from 1agn* while 8uru is in
the =th from 0andr. Malefi#(s Drishti* or Huti is essential in this Hog. C. %f Putr(s 1ord is e+alted* or be in Dhan* Putr* or Dharm Bha&a* or be yuti with* or drishtied by
8uru* obtainment of #hildren will be there. D. ,ne will obtain #hildren* that will indulge in mean deeds* if Putr is o##u)ied by three* or four malefi#s* while Putr(s
1ord is in fall. " benefi# -in#luding Budh. in Putr is e+#luded in the said #ombination. =. %f Putr is o##u)ied by 8uru* while its 1ord is with Sukr* one will obtain an
offs)ring in his A?nd* or AArd year. >. Should Putr(s 1ord be in an angle along with 8uru* the /arak* one will beget a #hild at the age of A!* or AC. ?!. %f 8uru is in
Dharm Bha&a* while Sukr is in the >th from 8uru along with 1agn(s 1ord* one will beget a #hild at the age of 4!. ?. 'he nati&e will at the age of A? lose his #hild* if
Rahu is in Putr* Putr(s 1ord is in Huti with a malefi# and 8uru is in debilitation. ??. 'here will be loss of #hildren at AA and AC* if a malefi# is in the <th from 8uru*
while another is in the <th from 1agn. ?A. Should Mandi be in 1agn* while 1agn(s 1ord is in fall* grief on a##ount of loss of #hild at the age of <C will #ome to )ass.
?4-A?. Bumber of 0hildren. 'here will be ! sons* if Bandhu Bha&a and "ri Bha&a are o##u)ied by malefi#s* while Putr(s 1ord is in dee) e+altation* joining 1agn(s
1ord* as 8uru is with another benefi#. Bine will be the number of sons* that one will beget* if 8uru is in dee) e+altation* as Rahu is with Dhan(s 1ord and Dharm is
o##u)ied by its own 1ord. 'here will be eight sons* if 8uru is in Putr* or Dharm Bha&a* while Putr(s 1ord is endowed with strength and Dhan(s 1ord is in /arm
Bha&a. Sani in Dharm Bha&a* while Putr(s 1ord is in Putr itself* gi&es D sons* out of whi#h twins will be born twi#e. %f Putr(s 1ord is in Putr in Huti with Dhan(s 1ord*
there will be birth of D sons* out of whi#h A will )ass away. ,nly one son is denoted* if there be a malefi# in Putr Bha&a* while 8uru is in the <th from Sani* or &i#e
&ersa. %f Putr Bha&a has a malefi# in it* or* if Sani is in the <th from 8uru* the nati&e will beget offs)ring only through his se#ond* or third wife. Should Putr be
o##u)ied by a malefi#* while 8uru is yuti with Sani in Putr Bha&a* as 1agn(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a and Putr(s 1ord is yuti with Mangal* one will li&e long* but lose his
#hildren one after the other* as they are born.

0h. D. @ffe#ts of "ri Bha&a

. , Brahmin* following are the effe#ts* )rodu#ed by "ri Bha&a* relating to diseases* ul#ers et#. 1isten to this attenti&ely. ?. 2l#ersGBruises. Should "ri(s 1ord be in
"ri itself* or in 1agn* or Randhr* there will be ul#ers* or bruises on the body. 'he Rashi* be#oming "ri Bha&a* will lead to the knowledge of the #on#erned limb. A-<.
Relati&es "ffe#ted. 'he /arak of a relati&e* or the 1ord of su#h a Bha&a* joining "ri(s 1ord* or being in "ri* or Randhr Bha&a* indi#ates ul#ersGbruises to su#h a
relati&e* like father. Surya with su#h lordshi) and in su#h a Bha&a denotes su#h affe#tation of head* 0andr of the fa#e* Mangal of the ne#k* Budh of the na&el* 8uru
of the nose* Sukr of the eyes* Sani of the feet and the Rahu and /etu of the abdomen. C. Ea#ial Diseases. Should 1agn(s 1ord be in a Rashi of Mangal* or of Budh
and has a Drishti on Budh* there will be diseases of the fa#e. D-=L. 1e)rosy. Mangal* or Budh* ha&ing ownershi) of the as#ending Rashi and joining 0andr* Rahu
and Sani* will #ause le)rosy. %f 0andr is in 1agn* whi#h is not howe&er 0an#er* and be with Rahu* there will o##ur white le)rosy. Sani in )la#e of Rahu will #ause
bla#k le)rosy* while Mangal similarly will affli#t one with blood-le)rosy. >-?L. Diseases in 8eneral. :hen 1agn is o##u)ied by the 1ords of "ri and Randhr Bha&a
along with Surya* the nati&e will be affli#ted by fe&er and tumours. Mangal* re)la#ing Surya* will #ause swelling and hardening of the blood &essels and wounds and
hits by wea)ons. Budh so featuring will bring in billious diseases* while 8uru in similar #ase will destroy any disease. Similarly Sukr will #ause diseases through
females* Sani windy diseases* Rahu danger through low-#aste-men and /etu na&el diseases. 0andr in Huti with the 1ords of "ri and Randhr Bha&a will infli#t
dangers through water and )hlegmati# disorders. Similar estimates be made from the res)e#ti&e signifi#ators and Bha&as for relati&es* like father. A->L '%M%B8
,E %11B@SS. 'he nati&e will be affli#ted by illness throughout life* if Sani is with Rahu* while "ri 1ord and Cth Bha&a are yuti with malefi#s. ,ne will suffer from
-se&ere. fe&er at the age of C and at the age of ?* if Mangal is in "ri* while "ri 1ord is in Randhr. %f the 0andr is in DhanuGMeen* while 8uru is in "ri from 1agn* one
will suffer from le)rosy at the age of > and ??. %f Rahu is in "ri* 1agna 1ord is in Randhr and Mandi is in an angle* #onsum)tion will trouble the nati&e at the age of
?C. S)leenary disorders will be e+)erien#ed at the age of ?> and A!* if the 1ords of Cth and ?th are in e+#hange of their Rashis. Sani and 0andr together in "ri will
infli#t blood-le)rosy at the age of 4<. %f Sani is with an inimi#al )lanet* while 1agn 1ord is in 1agn itself* windy disorders -like rheumatism. will trouble the nati&e at
the age of <>. ?!-??. 2BE,R'2B"'@ H@"RS. Should 0andr be yuti with "ri 1ord* while the =th 1ord is in "ri and the ?th 1ord is in 1agn* the nati&e will be
troubled by animals at the age of eight. , Brahmin* if Rahu is in "ri* while Sani is in Randhr from the said Rahu* the #hild will ha&e danger through fire at the age of
and ?* while in Sahaj year birds will bring some e&ils. ?A-?<. 2BE,R'2B"'@ H@"RS -#ontinued.. Danger through water will ha&e to be feared during Putr and
Dharm years* if Surya is in "ri* or Randhr* while 0andr is in Vyaya from the said Surya. Sani in Randhr* as Mangal is in Hu&ati* all #ause small-)o+ in /arm year
and in A!th year of age. %f =th 1ord joins Rahu in an angleGtrine from Randhr Bha&a and be in Randhr in Ba&amsa* the subje#t will be troubled by swelling of blood
&essels* urinary disorders et#. during the =th year and the ??nd year. ?C. 1,SS 'HR,28H @B@M%@S. 1oss of wealth will #ome to )ass during the Ast year* if
1abh and Cth 1ords e+#hange their Rashis. ?D. %B%M%0"1 S,BS. ,ne(s own sons will be his enemies* if Putr 1ord is in "ri* while "ri 1ord is with 8uru.
Simultaneously Vyaya 1ord should be in 1agn. ?=. E@"R ER,M D,8S. 'here will be fear from dogs during the !th and >th year* if the 1agna 1ord and the Cth
1ord are in e+#hange.

0h. =. @ffe#ts of Hu&ati Bha&a

. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* listen to me* detailing the effe#ts of the Dth Bha&a. %f Hu&ati 1ord is in his own Rashi* or in e+altation* one will deri&e full ha))iness
through his wife -and marriage.. ?. S%0/ :%E@. Should Hu&ati 1ord be in "ri* =th* or Vyaya* the wife will be si#kly. 'his howe&er does not a))ly to own Bha&a* or
e+altation )la#ement* as abo&e. A. @+#essi&eO1ibidinousnessGDeathOofO:ife. %f Sukr is in Hu&ati* the nati&e will be e+#eedingly libidinous. %f Sukr yuti a malefi# in any
Bha&a* it will #ause loss of wife. 4-<. 'H@ D'H 1,RD. Should Hu&ati 1ord be endowed with strength and be yuti with* or be drishtied by a benefi#* the nati&e will be
wealthy* honourable* ha))y and fortunate. 0on&ersely* if Hu&ati 1ord is in fall* or is #ombust* or is in an enemy(s Rashi* one will a#$uire si#k wi&es and many wi&es.
C. P12R"1%'H ,E :%V@S. %f Hu&ati 1ord is in a Rashi of Sani* or of Sukr and be drishtied by a benefi#* there will be many wi&es. Should Hu&ati 1ord be )arti#ularly
in e+altation* the same effe#ts will #ome to )ass. D-=L. MlS0@11"B@,2S M"''@RS. 'he nati&e will befriend barren females* if Surya is in Hu&ati. 0andr therein
will #ause asso#iation with su#h female* as #orres)onding to the Rashi* be#oming Hu&ati. Mangal* )la#ed in Hu&ati* will denote asso#iation with marriageable girls
-those with menses.* or with barren females. Budh indi#ates harlots* mean females and females* belonging to traders( #ommunity. :ife of a Brahmin* or a )regnant
female will be in the nati&e(s asso#iation* if 8uru is in Hu&ati. Base females and females* ha&ing attained their #ourses* are denoted by Sani* RahuG/etu in Hu&ati.
=->L. Mangal denotes a female with attra#ti&e breasts. Sani indi#ates si#k and weak s)ouse. 8uru will bring a s)ouse with hard and )rominent breasts. Sukr will
bring one with bulky and e+#ellent breasts. !-AL. Malefi#s in Vyaya and Dth* while de#reasing 0andr is in Putr denote* that the nati&e will be #ontrolled by
s)ouse* who will be inimi#al to the ra#e -or family.. %f Hu&ati Bha&a is o##u)ied* or owned by SaniGMangal* the nati&e will beget a harlot* as his s)ouse* or he will be
atta#hed to other illegally. Should Sukr be in a Ba&amsa of Mangal* or in a Rasi of Mangal* or re#ei&e a Drishti from* or be yuti with Mangal* the nati&e will 6kiss; the
)ri&ate )arts of the female. %f Sukr is so related to Sani* the nati&e will 6kiss; the )ri&ate )arts of the male. 4-<. :,R'HH SP,2S@. 'he nati&e will beget a
s)ouse endowed with -the se&en )rin#i)al. &irtues* who will e+)and his dynasty by sons and grandsons* if the Dth 1ord is e+alted* while Hu&ati is o##u)ied by strong
1agna 1ord and a benefi#. C. @V%1S ', SP,2S@. %f Hu&ati Bha&a* or its 1ord is yuti with a malefi# the nati&e(s wife will in#ur e&ils* es)e#ially* if Hu&ati Bha&a* or
its 1ord is bereft of strength. D. 1,SS ,E SP,2S@. %f Hu&ati 1ord is de&oid of strength and is relegated to "ri* =th* or Vyaya* or* if Hu&ati 1ord is in fall* the nati&e(s
wife will be destroyed -i.e. she will die early.. =. 1"0/ ,E 0,B328"1 E@1%0%'H. %f 0andr is in Hu&ati* as Hu&ati 1ord is in Vyaya and the /araka -indi#ator Sukr.
is bereft of strength* the nati&e will not be endowed with marital ha))iness. >-?. P12R"1l%H ,E :%V@S. ,ne will ha&e two wi&es* if Hu&ati 1ord is in fall* or in a
malefi# Rashi along with a malefi#* while Hu&ati Bha&a* or the Dth Ba&amsa belong to a eunu#h )lanet. %f Mangal and Sukr are in Hu&ati* or* if Sani is Hu&ati* while
the 1ord of 1agn is in Randhr* the nati&e will ha&e A wi&es. 'here will be many wi&es* if Sukr is in a Dual Rashi* while its 1ord is in e+altation* as Hu&ati 1ord is
endowed with strength. ??. '%M@ ,E M"RR%"8@ -u)to Sloka A4.. %f Hu&ati 1ord is in a benefi#(s Bha&a -or in Dharm* as Subha Rashi so means.* while Sukr is
e+alted* or is in own Rashi* the nati&e will marry at the age of <* or >. ?A. %f Surya is in Hu&ati* while his dis)ositor is yuti with Sukr* there will be marriage at Dth* or
th year of age. ?4. Sukr in Dhan* while Hu&ati 1ord is in 1abh will gi&e marriage at the age of !* or C. ?<. Marriage will take )la#e during the th year* if Sukr is
in an angle from 1agn* while 1agn 1ord is in Makar* or /umbh. ?C. 'he nati&e will marry at ?* or l>* if Sukr is in an angle from the 1agna* while Sani is in Hu&ati
#ounted from Sukr. ?D. Should Sukr be in Hu&ati from 0andr* while Sani is in Hu&ati from Sukr* marriage will be in the =th year. ?=. Marriage will be in the <th
year* if Dhan 1ord is in 1abh* while 1agn 1ord is in /arm. ?>. "n e+#hange between the 1ords of Dhan and 1abh will bring marriage A years after birth. A!. ,nes
??ndG?Dth year will #onfer marriage* if Sukr is in Hu&ati from the =th Bha&a -i.e. Dhan from 1agna.* while his dis)ositor is yuti with Mangal. A. Should Hu&ati 1ord
be in Vyaya* while the natal 1ord is in Hu&ati in Ba&amsa* marriage will be in ?ArdG?Cth year of age. A?. @ither the ?<th year* or the AArd year will bring marriage* if
Randhr 1ord is in Hu&ati* as Sukr is in Ba&amsa 1agna. AA. Should Sukr be in Dharm from Dharm -i.e. in Putr Bha&a.* while Rahu is in one of the said Bha&as -i.e.
in PutrGDharm.* marriage will take )la#e during Ast* or AArd year. A4. 'he nati&e will marry at A!* or ?D* if Sukr is in 1agn* while the Dth 1ord is in Hu&ati itself. A<-
A>. '%M%B8 ,E :%E@(S D@"'H. 1oss of wife will o##ur in the =th year* or AArd year of age of the nati&e* if Hu&ati 1ord is in fall* while Sukr is in Randhr. ,ne will
lose his s)ouse in his >th year* if Hu&ati 1ord is in the =th* while Vyaya 1ord is in Hu&ati. 'he nati&e(s wife will die within three days of marriage due to snake bite* if
the nati&e has Rahu in Dhan and Mangal in Hu&ati. %f Sukr is in Randhr* while his dis)ositor is in a Rashi of Sani* death of wife will take )la#e during the nati&e(s
?th* or ?st year of age. Should the as#endat 1ord be in his Rashi of debilitation* as Dhan 1ord is in Randhr* loss of wife will o##ur in the Ath year of age. 4!-4.
'HR@@ M"RR%"8@S. Should 0andr be in Hu&ati from Sukr* while Budh is in Hu&ati from 0andr and Randhr 1ord is in Putr -from the 1agna.* there will be marriage
in /arm year followed by another in the ??nd year and yet another in the AArd year. 4?. D@"'H ,E :lE@. lf "ri* Dth and =th are in their order o##u)ied by Mangal*
Rahu and Sani* the nati&e(s wife will not li&e -long..

0h. >. @ffe#ts of Randhr Bha&a

. 1ong 1ife. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* listen to me s)eak on the effe#ts of Randhr Bha&a. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in an angle* long life is indi#ated. ?. Short 1ife.
Should Randhr(s 1ord join 1agn(s 1ord* or a malefi# and be in Randhr itself* the nati&e will be short li&ed. A. Sani and /arm(s 1ord about 1onge&ity. Similarly
#onsider Sani and /arm(s 1ord in the matter of longe&ity. /arm(s 1ord is in Randhr along with a malefi# 8rah andGor 1agn(s 1ord. 4-D. 1ong 1ife. 'here will be long
life* if "ri(s 1ord is in Vyaya* or* if "ri(s 1ord is in "ri* as Vyaya(s 1ord is in Vyaya* or* if "ri(s 1ord and Vyaya(s 1ord are in 1agn and Randhr. %f the 1ords of Putr*
Randhr and 'anu Bha&a are in own Ba&ansas* own Rashis* or in friendly Rashis* the nati&e will enjoy a long s)an of life. Should the 1ords of 1agn* Randhr and
/arm Bha&a and Sani are all dis)osed se&erally in an angle* in a trine* or in 1abh Bha&a* the subje#t will li&e long. 1ike these* there are many other Hogas* dealing
with the issue of longe&ity. 'he strength and weakness of the 8rahas #on#erned be estimated in de#iding longe&ity. =-A. Short 1ife. ,ne(s s)an of life will be
between ?! and A? years* if 1agn(s 1ord is weak* while Randhr(s 1ord is an angle. 'he nati&e will only be short-li&ed* if Randhr(s 1ord is in fall* while Randhr Bha&a
has a malefi# in it and 'anu Bha&a is bereft of strength. Death will be instant at birth* if Randhr Bha&a* Randhr(s 1ord and Vyaya Bha&a are all #onjun#t malefi#s.
Malefi#s in angles andGor trines and benefi#s in "ri andGor Randhr Bha&a* while 'anu Bha&a has in it Randhr(s 1ord in fall5 this Hoga will #ause immediate end. %f
Putr and Randhr Bha&a and Randhr(s 1ord are all #onjun#t malefi#s* the life s)an will be &ery brief. :ithin a month of birth* death will befall the #hild* if Randhr(s
1ord is in Randhr itself* while 0andr is with malefi#s and be bereft of benefi#ial Drishti. 4-<. 1ong 1ife -again.. ,ne will be long-li&ed* if 1agn(s 1ord is in e+altation*
while 0andr and 8uru are* res)e#ti&ely* in 1abh and Randhr Bha&a. %f 1agn(s 1ord is e+#eedingly strong and re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* whi#h is )la#ed in an
angle* the )erson #on#erned will be wealthy* &irtuous and long-li&ed.

0h. ?!. @ffe#ts of Dharm Bha&a

-. 0ombinations for Eortunes. , Brahmin* now listen to the effe#ts of Dharm Bha&a. ,ne will be fortunate -or affluent.* if Dharm(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a with
strength. -?. Should 8uru be in Dharm Bha&a* while Dharm(s 1ord is in an angle and 1agn(s 1ord is endowed with strength* one will be e+tremely fortunate. A.
Eortunate -"ffluent. Eather. %f Dharm(s 1ord is with strength* as Sukr is in Dharm* while 8uru is in an angle from 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e(s father is fortunate. 4.
%ndigent Eather. %f Dharm(s 1ord is debilitated* while the ?nd andGor the 4th from Dharm Bha&a is o##u)ied by Mangal* the nati&e(s father is )oor. <. 1ong-li&ing
Eather. Should Dharm(s 1ord be in dee) e+altation* while Sukr is in an angle from 'anu Bha&a and 8uru is in the >th from Ba&ans 1agn* the father of the nati&e will
enjoy a long s)an of life. C. Royal Status for Eather. %f Dharm(s 1ord is an angle and re#ei&es a Drishti from 8uru* the nati&e(s father will be a king endowed with
#on&eyan#es* or be e$ual to a king. D. :ealthy and Eamous Eather. Should Dharm(s 1ord be in /arm Bha&a* while /arm(s 1ord re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#
the nati&e(s father will be &ery ri#h and famous. =->. Virtuous and De&oted to Eather. Should Surya be in dee) e+altation* as Dharm(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the
nati&e will be &irtuous* dear to the king and de&oted to father. %f Surya is in a trine from 1agna* while Dharm(s 1ord is in Hu&ati in yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from
8uru* the nati&e will be de&oted to his father. !. Eortunes et#. "#$uisition of fortunes* #on&eyan#es and fame will follow the A?nd year of age* if Dharm(s 1ord is in
Dhan* while Dhan(s 1ord is in Dharm. . %nimi#al to Eather. 'here will be mutual enmity between the father and the nati&e* if 1agn(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* but
with the 1ord of "ri. Eurther* the nati&e(s father will be of #ontem)tible dis)osition. ?. Begged Eood. %f /arm(s 1ord and Sahaj(s 1ord are bereft of strength* while
Dharm(s 1ord is in fall* or #ombust the nati&e will go begging for his food. A-?<. 0ombinations for Eather(s Death. 'he father of the nati&e would ha&e )assed away
)rior to the nati&e(s birth* if Surya is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* as Randhr(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* Vyaya(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a and "ri(s 1ord is in Putr
Bha&a. Should Surya be in Randhr Bha&a* while Randhr(s 1ord is in Dharm* the nati&e(s father will )ass away within a year of his birth. %f the 1ord of Vyaya Bha&a
is in Dharm Bha&a* while Dharm(s 1ord is in its debilitation Ba&ans* the nati&e(s father will fa#e his end during the Ard* or the Cth year of the nati&e. Death of father
will o##ur in the ?nd* or the ?th year* if 1agn(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* as Randhr(s 1ord is with Surya. Should Rahu be in the =th from Dharm* as Surya is in the
>th from Dharm* death of father will take )la#e in the Cth* or the =th year of the nati&e. %f Sani is in the >th from 0andr* as Surya is with Rahu* the nati&e(s father
will die in the Dth* or the >th year of the nati&e. 'he nati&e in his 44th year will lose his father* if Dharm(s 1ord is in Vyaya* as Vyaya(s 1ord is in Dharm. %f 1agn(s
1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* as 0andr is in Surya(s Ba&ans* the nati&e in his A<th* or 4st year will lose his father. ,ne will lose his father in the <!th year* if Surya*
being the 1ord of Dharm* is #onjun#t Mangal and Sani. %f Surya is in the Dth from Dharm Bha&a* as Rahu is in the Dth from Sahaj Bha&a* the Cth* or ?<th year of the
nati&e will be fatal for father. %f Sani is in the Dth from Randhr Bha&a* as Surya is in the Dth from Sani* the ages of ?* ?C* or A! will be fatal for the father. %f Dharm(s
1ord is in its debilitation Rashi* while his dis)ositor is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will lose his father at the age of ?C* or A!. 'hus the 3yotishis may know the effe#ts.
?C. Eortunes. ,ne will enjoy abundant fortunes* if Sukr is in dee) e+altation and be in the #om)any of Dharm(s 1ord* as Sani is in Sahaj. ?D-?=. Eortunate Periods.
"bundant fortunes be a#$uired after the ?!th year* if Dharm has 8uru in it* as its 1ord is in an angle from 1agn. Should Budh be in his dee) e+altation* as Dharm(s
1ord is in Dharm itself* abundant fortunes will be earned after the ACth year. ?>. Should 1agn(s 1ord be in Dharm* as Dharm(s 1ord is in 1agn and 8uru is in Hu&ati*
there will be gains of wealth and #on&eyan#es. A!. 1a#k of Eortunes. %f Rahu is in the >th from Dharm Bha&a* as his dis)ositor is in Randhr Bha&a and Dharm(s
1ord is in fall* the nati&e be de&oid of fortunes. A. Eood by Begging. Should Sani be in Dharm Bha&a along with 0andr* as 1agn(s 1ord is in fall* the nati&e will
a#$uire food by begging. A?. , Brahmin* these are the effe#ts related to Dharm Bha&a. % ha&e e+)lained briefly. 'hese may be estimated with the hel) of the state
of the 1ords of 1agn and Dharm Bha&a and in other manners as well.

0h. ?. @ffe#ts of /arm Bha&a .

% now e+)lain the effe#ts of /arm Bha&a. 1isten to these* o Maitreya* in the words of Brahma* 8arga and others. ?. Paternal Ha))iness. %f /arm(s 1ord is strong and
in e+altation* or in its own RashiGBa&ans* the nati&e will deri&e e+treme )aternal ha))iness* will enjoy fame and will )erform good deeds. A. %f /arm(s 1ord is de&oid
of strength* the nati&e will fa#e obstru#tions in his work. %f Rahu is in an angle* or in a trine* he will )erform religious sa#rifi#es* like 3yotishtoma. 4. %f /arm(s 1ord is
with a benefi#* or be in an aus)i#ious Bha&a* one will always gain through royal )atronage and in business. %n a #ontrary situation* only o))osite results will #ome to
)ass. <. Should /arm and 1abh Bha&a be both o##u)ied by malefi#s* the nati&e will indulge only in bad deeds and will defile his own men. C. %f the 1ord of /arm
Bha&a is relegated to Randhr Bha&a along with Rahu* the nati&e will hate othersJ be a great fool and will do bad deeds. D. %f Sani* Mangal and /arm(s 1ord are in
Hu&ati* as Hu&ati(s 1ord is with a malefi#* the nati&e will be fond of #arnal )leasures and of filling his belly. =-! Should /arm(s 1ord be in e+altation and be in the
#om)any of 8uru* as Dharm(s 1ord is in /arm the nati&e will be endowed with honour* wealth and &alour. ,ne will lead a ha))y life* if 1abh(s 1ord is in /arm and
/arm(s 1ord is in 1agn* or* if the 1ord of /arm Bha&a is yuti with the 1ord of 1abh Bha&a in an angle. Should /arm(s 1ord in strength be in Meen along 8uru* the
nati&e will doubtless obtain robes* ornaments and ha))iness. . Should Rahu* Surya* Sani and Mangal be in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will in#ur #essation of his
duties. ?. ,ne will be learned and wealthy* if 8uru is in Meen along with Sukr* while 1agn(s 1ord is strong and 0andr is in e+altation. A. Should /arm(s 1ord be in
1abh* while 1abh(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a and Sukr is in /arm* the nati&e will be endowed with )re#ious stones. 4. %f the /arm(s 1ord is e+alted in an angle* or a
trine and is yuti with 8uru* or re#ei&es a Drishti from 8uru* one will be endowed with deeds. <. Should /arm(s 1ord be in 1agn along with 1agn(s 1ord* as 0andr is
in an angle* or in a trine* the nati&e will be interested in good deeds. C. %f Sani is in /arm Bha&a along with a debilitated 8rah* while /arm Bha&a in the Ba&ans
/undali is o##u)ied by a malefi#* the nati&e will be bereft of a#ts. D. ,ne will indulge in bad a#ts* if /arm(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* while Randhr(s 1ord is in /arm
Bha&a with a malefi#. =. ,bstru#tions to the nati&e(s a#ts will #ro) u)* if /arm(s 1ord is in fall* as both /arm Bha&a and the !th from /arm Bha&a ha&e malefi#
o##u)ations. >-?. 0ombinations for Eame. ,ne will be endowed with fame* if 0andr is in /arm Bha&a* while /arm(s 1ord is in a trine from /arm Bha&a and
1agn(s 1ord is in 1agn(s angle. Similar effe#ts will #ome to )ass* if 1abh(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* while /arm(s 1ord is strong and gi&es a Drishti to 8uru. Eame will
#ome to the nati&e* if /arm(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* as 1agn(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a and 0andr is in Putr Bha&a. ??. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* thus ha&e
been told about the effe#ts of /arm Bha&a in a brief manner. ,ther related effe#ts be guessed by you based on the relationshi) of the 1ords of 1agn and of /arm

0h. ??. @ffe#ts of 1abh Bha&a

. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* % now e+)lain effe#ts relating to 1abh Bha&a* the aus)i#iousness of whi#h Bha&a will make one ha))y at all times. ?. Should 1abh(s
1ord be in 1abh itself* or be in an angle* or in a trine from 1agn* there will be many gains. Similarly* if 1abh(s 1ord is e+alted* though in #ombustion there will be
many gains. A. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* while Dhan(s 1ord is in an angle along with 8uru* the gains will be great. 4. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* while
1abh Bha&a is o##u)ied by a benefi#* the nati&e will gain ?!!! Bishkas in his ACth year. <. %f 1abh(s 1ord is yuti with a benefi# in an angle* or in a trine* the nati&e
will a#$uire <!! Bishkas in his 4!th year. C. 'he nati&e will own C!!! Bishkas* if 1abh Bha&a is o##u)ied by 8uru* while Dhan Bha&a and Dharm Bha&a are*
res)e#ti&ely* taken o&er by 0andr and Sukr by )osition. D. Should 8uru* Budh and 0andr be in the th from 1abh* the nati&e will be endowed with wealth* grains*
fortunes* diamonds* ornaments et#. =. ,ne will gain !!! Bishkas in his AArd year* if 1abh(s 1ord is in 1agn and 1agn(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a. >. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in
Dhan Bha&a* as Dhan(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* one will amass abundant fortunes after marriage. !. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* as Sahaj(s 1ord is in 1abh
Bha&a* one will gain wealth through #o-borns and will be endowed with e+#ellent ornaments. . 'here will be no gains in s)ite of numerous efforts* if 1abh(s 1ord is
in fall* in #ombustion* or be in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a with a malefi#.

0h. ?A. @ffe#ts of Vyaya Bha&a

-4. , Brahmin* now % tell you about the effe#ts of Vyaya Bha&a. 'here will be e+)enses on good a##ounts* if Vyaya(s 1ord is with a benefi#* or in his own Bha&a* or
e+alted* or* if a benefi# o##u)ies Vyaya. ,ne will own beautiful houses and beds and be endowed with su)erior s#ented arti#les and )leasures* if 0andr ha))ens to
be Vyaya(s 1ord and be e+alted* or be in its own Rashi andGor Ba&ans* or in 1abhGDharmGPutr Bha&a in RashiGBa&ans. 'he said nati&e will li&e with ri#h #lothes and
ornaments* be learned and 1ordly. <-C. "nd* if Vyaya(s 1ord is in "ri* or Randhr Bha&a* or be in enemy(s Ba&ans* in debilitation Ba&ans* or in Randhr Bha&a in
Ba&ans* one will be de&oid of ha))iness from wife* be troubled by e+)enses and de)ri&ed of general ha))iness. %f he be in an angle* or trine* the nati&e will beget a
s)ouse. D. 3ust as these effe#ts are deri&ed from 'anu Bha&a in regard to the nati&e* similar dedu#tions be made about #o-borns et#. from Sahaj and other Bha&as.
=. 8rahas )la#ed in the &isible half of the 7odia# will gi&e e+)li#it results* while the ones in the in&isible half will #onfer se#ret results. >. %f Rahu is in Vyaya along
with Mangal* Sani and Surya* the nati&e will go to hell. Similar effe#t will o##ur* if Vyaya(s 1ord is with Surya. !. %f there is a benefi# in Vyaya* while its 1ord is
e+alted* or is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* one will attain final eman#i)ation. . ,ne will wander from #ountry to #ountry* if Vyaya(s 1ord and
Vyaya Bha&a are with malefi#s and Vyaya(s 1ord gi&es a Drishti to* or re#ei&es a Drishti from malefi#s. ?. ,ne will mo&e in his own #ountry* if Vyaya(s 1ord and
Vyaya Bha&a are with benefi#s and Vyaya(s 1ord gi&es a Drishti to* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. A. @arnings will be through sinful measures* if Vyaya is
o##u)ied by Sani* or Mangal et#. and is not re#ei&ing a Drishti from a benefi#. 4. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Vyaya* while Vyaya(s 1ord is in 1agn with Sukr* e+)enses will
be on religious grounds.

0h. ?4. @ffe#ts of the Bha&a 1ords

. @ffe#ts of 1agn(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka ?.. Should 1agn(s 1ord be in 1agn itself* the nati&e will be endowed with )hysi#al ha))iness and )rowess.
He will be intelligent* fi#kle-minded* will ha&e two wi&es and will unite with other females. ?. %f the 1agn(s 1ord is in Dhan* he will be gainful* s#holarly* ha))y*
endowed with good $ualities* be religious* honourable and will ha&e many wi&es. A. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will e$ual a lion in &alour* be
endowed with all kinds of wealth* be honourable* will ha&e two wi&es* be intelligent and ha))y. 4. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with
)aternal and maternal ha))iness* will ha&e many brothers* be lustful* &irtuous and #harming. <. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e medio#re
)rogeni# ha))iness* will lose his first #hild* be honourable* gi&en to anger and be dear to king. C. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a and related to a malefi# the nati&e
will be de&oid of )hysi#al ha))iness and will be troubled by enemies* if there is no benefi# Drishti. D. %f 1agn(s 1ord is a malefi# and is )la#ed in Hu&ati Bha&a* the
nati&es wife will not li&e -long.. %f the 8rah in $uestion is a benefi#* one will wander aimlessly* fa#e )enury and be deje#ted. He will alternati&ely be#ome a king -if
the said 8rah is strong.. =. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be an a##om)lished s#holar* be si#kly* thie&ish* be gi&en to mu#h anger* be a gambler
and will join others( wi&es. >. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be fortunate* dear to )eo)le* be a de&otee of Sri Vishnu* be skilful* elo$uent in s)ee#h
and be endowed with wife* sons and wealth. !. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with )aternal ha))iness* royal honour* fame among
men and will doubtlessly ha&e self-earned wealth. . %f 1agn(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will always be endowed with gains* good $ualities* fame and many
wi&es. -?. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a and is de&oid of benefi# Drishti andGor Huti* the nati&e will be bereft of )hysi#al ha))iness* will s)end unfruitfully and be
gi&en to mu#h anger. A. @ffe#ts of Dhan(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka ?4.. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with sons and
wealth* be inimi#al to his family* lustful* hard-hearted and will do others( jobs. 4. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be wealthy* )roud* will ha&e two* or
more wi&es and be bereft of )rogeny. <. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be &alorous* wise* &irtuous* lustful and miserlyJ all these* when related to a
benefi#. %f related to a malefi#* the nati&e will be a heterodo+. C. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will a#$uire all kinds of wealth. %f Dhan(s 1ord is
e+alted and is yuti with 8uru* one will be e$ual to a king. D. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be wealthy. Bot only the nati&e* but also his sons will be
intent on earning wealth. =. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a along with a benefi#* the nati&e will gain wealth through his enemiesJ if Dhan(s 1ord is yuti with a malefi#*
there will be loss through enemies a)art from mutilation of shanks. >. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be addi#ted to others( wi&es and he will be a
do#tor. %f a malefi# is related to the said )la#ement by yuti with Dhan(s 1ord* or by Drishti* the nati&e(s wife will be of $uestionable #hara#ter. ?!. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in
Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with abundant land and wealth. But he will ha&e limited marital feli#ity and be bereft of ha))iness from his elder brother.
?. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be wealthy* diligent* skilful* si#k during #hildhood and will later on be ha))y and will &isit shrines* obser&ing
religious #ode et#. ??. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be libidinous* honourable and learnedJ he will ha&e many wi&es and mu#h wealth* but he will
be bereft of filial ha))iness. ?A. %f Dhan(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e all kinds of wealth* be e&er diligent* honourable and famous. ?4. %f Dhan(s 1ord
is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be ad&enturous* be de&oid of wealth and be interested in other(s wealth* while his eldest #hild will not kee) him ha))y. ?<. @ffe#ts
of Sahaj(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka AC.. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e self-made wealth* be dis)osed to worshi)* be &alorous and
be intelligent* although de&oid of learning. ?C. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be #or)ulent* de&oid of &alour* will not make mu#h efforts* be not
ha))y and will ha&e an eye on others( wi&es and others( wealth. ?D. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with ha))iness through #o-born
and will ha&e wealth and sons* be #heerful and e+tremely ha))y. ?=. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* wealthy and intelligent* but will
a#$uire a wi#ked s)ouse. ?>. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e sons and be &irtuous. %f in the )ro#ess Sahaj(s 1ord be yuti with* or re#ei&es a
Drishti from a malefi#* the nati&e will ha&e a formidable wife. A!. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will be inimi#al to his #o-born* be affluent* will not be well
dis)osed to his maternal un#le and be dear to his maternal aunt. A. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be interested in ser&ing the king. He will not
be ha))y during boyhood* but the end of his life he will be ha))y. A?. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be a thief* will deri&e his li&elihood ser&ing
others and will die at the gate of the royal )ala#e. AA. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will la#k )aternal bliss* will make fortunes through wife and will
enjoy )rogeni# and other )leasures. A4. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e all lands of ha))iness and self-made wealth and be interested in
nurturing wi#ked females. A<. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* then nati&e will always gain in trading* be intelligent* although not literate* be ad&enturous and will
ser&e others. AC. %f Sahaj(s 1ord is in Vyaya* the nati&e will s)end on e&il deeds* will ha&e a wi#ked father and will be fortunate through a female. AD. @ffe#ts of
Bandhu(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka 4=.. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with learning* &irtues* ornaments* lands*
#on&eyan#es and maternal ha))iness. A=. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy )leasures* all kinds of wealth* family life and honour and be
ad&enturous. He will be #unning in dis)osition. A>. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be &alorous* will ha&e ser&ants* be liberal* &irtuous and
#haritable and will )ossess self-earned wealth. He will be free from diseases. 4!. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in Bandhu* the nati&e will be a minister and will )ossess all
kinds of wealth. He will be skilful* &irtuous* honourable* learned* ha))y and be well dis)osed to his s)ouse. 4. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be
ha))y and be liked by all. He will be de&oted to Sri Vishnu* be &irtuous* honourable and will ha&e self-earned wealth. 4?. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e
will be de&oid of maternal ha))iness* be gi&en to anger* be a thief and a #onjurer* be inde)endent in a#tion and be indis)osed. 4A. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in Hu&ati
Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with a high degree of edu#ation* will sa#rifi#e his )atrimony and be akin to the dumb in an assembly. 44. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in
Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of domesti# and other #omforts* will not enjoy mu#h )arental ha))iness and be e$ual to a neuter. 4<. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in
Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be dear to one and all* be de&oted to 8od* be &irtuous* honourable and endowed with e&ery land of ha))iness. 4C. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is
in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy royal honours* be an al#hemist* be e+tremely )leased* will enjoy )leasures and will #on$uer his fi&e senses. 4D. %f Bandhu(s
1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e fear of se#ret disease* he will be liberal* &irtuous* #haritable and hel)ful to others. 4=. %f Bandhu(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a
the nati&e will be de&oid of domesti# and other #omforts* will ha&e &i#es and be foolish and indolent. 4>. @ffe#ts of Putr(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka C!.. %f
Putr(s 1ord is in 1agn* the nati&e will be s#holarly* be endowed with )rogeni# ha))iness* be a miser* be #rooked and will steal others( wealth. <!. %f Putr(s 1ord is in
Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e many sons and wealth* be a )ater familias* be honourable* be atta#hed to his s)ouse and be famous in the world. <. %f Putr(s
1ord is in Sahaj* the nati&e will be atta#hed to his #o-born* be a tale bearer and a miser and be always interested in his own work. <?. %f Putr(s 1ord is in Bandhu
Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* endowed with maternal ha))iness* wealth and intelligen#e and be a king* or a minister* or a )re#e)tor. <A. %f Putr(s 1ord is in Putr
Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e )rogeny* if related to a benefi#J there will be no issues* if malefi# is related to Putr(s 1ord* )la#ed in Putr Bha&a. Putr(s 1ord in Putr
Bha&a will* howe&er* make one &irtuous and dear to friends. <4. %f Putr(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will obtain su#h sons* who will be e$ual to his enemies* or
will lose them* or will a#$uire an ado)ted* or )ur#hased son. <<. %f Putr(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be honourable* &ery religious* endowed with
)rogeni# ha))iness and be hel)ful to others. <C. %f Putr(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will not ha&e mu#h )rogeni# ha))iness* be troubled by #ough and
)ulmonary disorders* be gi&en to anger and be de&oid of ha))iness. <D. %f Putr(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be a )rin#e* or e$ual to him* will author
treatises* be famous and will shine in his ra#e. <=. %f Putr(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy a Raj Hog and &arious )leasures and be &ery famous. <>. %f
Putr(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be learned* dear to )eo)le* be an author of treatises* be &ery skilful and be endowed with many sons and wealth. C!. %f
Putr(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be bereft of ha))iness from his own sons* will ha&e an ado)ted* or )ur#hased son. C. @ffe#ts of "ri(s 1ord in Various
Bha&as -u) to Sloka D?.. %f "ri(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be si#kly* famous* inimi#al to his own men* ri#h* honourable* ad&enturous and &irtuous. C?. %f
"ri(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be ad&enturous* famous among his )eo)le* will li&e in alien #ountries* be ha))y* be a skilful s)eaker and be always
interested in his own work. CA. %f "ri(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be gi&en to anger* be bereft of #ourage* inimi#al to all of his #o-born and will ha&e
disobedient ser&ants. C4. %f "ri(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid maternal ha))iness* be intelligent* be a tale bearer* be jealous* e&il-minded and
&ery ri#h. C<. %f "ri(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e flu#tuating finan#es. He will in#ur enmity with his sons and friends. He will be ha))y* selfish and kind.
CC. %f "ri(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e enmity with the grou) of his kinsmen* but be friendly to others and will enjoy medio#re ha))iness in matters* like
wealth. CD. %f "ri(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be de)ri&ed of ha))iness through wedlo#k. He will be famous* &irtuous* honourable* ad&enturous and
wealthy. C=. %f "ri(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be si#kly* inimi#al* will desire others( wealth* be interested in others( wi&es and be im)ure. C>. %f "ri(s
1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will trade in wood and stones -FPashan( also means )oison. and will ha&e flu#tuating )rofessional fortunes. D!. %f "ri(s 1ord is in
/arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be well known among his men* will not be res)e#tfully dis)osed to his father and will be ha))y in foreign #ountries. He will be a gifted
s)eaker. D. %f "ri(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will gain wealth through his enemies* be &irtuous* ad&enturous and will be somewhat bereft of )rogeni#
ha))iness. D?. %f "ri(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will always s)end on &i#es* be hostile to learned )eo)le and will torture li&ing beings. DA. @ffe#ts of
Hu&ati(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka =4.. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will go to others( wi&es* be wi#ked* skilful* de&oid of #ourage and
affli#ted by windy diseases. D4. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e many wi&es* will gain wealth through his wife and be )ro#rastinating in nature.
D<. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will fa#e loss of #hildren and sometimes with great diffi#ulty there will e+ist a li&ing son. 'here is also the )ossibility
of birth of a daughter. DC. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the wife of the nati&e will not be under his #ontrol. He will be fond of truth* intelligent and religious. He
will suffer from dental diseases. DD. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be honourable* endowed with all -i.e. se&en )rin#i)al. &irtues* always delighted
and endowed with all kinds of wealth. D=. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will beget a si#kly wife and he will be inimi#al to her. He will be gi&en to anger
and will be de&oid of ha))iness. D>. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with ha))iness through wife* be #ourageous* skilful and
intelligent* but only affli#ted by windy diseases. =!. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be de)ri&ed of marital ha))iness. His wife will be troubled by
diseases* be de&oid of good dis)osition and will not obey the nati&e. =. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e union with many women* be well
dis)osed to his own wife and will ha&e many undertakings. =?. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will beget a disobedient wife* will be religious and
endowed with wealth* sons et#. =A. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will gain wealth through his wife* be endowed with less ha))iness from sons et#.
and will ha&e daughters. =4. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will in#ur )enury* be a miser and his li&elihood will be related to #lothes. His wife will be a
s)endthrift. =<. @ffe#ts of Randhr(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka >C.. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of )hysi#al feli#ity and will
suffer from wounds. He will be hostile to gods and Brahmins. =C. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of bodily &igour* will enjoy a little
wealth and will not regain lost wealth. =D. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of fraternal ha))iness* be indolent and de&oid of ser&ants and
strength. ==. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the #hild will be de)ri&ed of its mother. He will be de&oid of a house* lands and ha))iness and will doubtlessly
betray his friends. =>. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be dull witted* will ha&e limited number of #hildren* be long-li&ed and wealthy. >!. %f Randhr(s
1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will win o&er his enemies* be affli#ted by diseases and during #hildhood will in#ur danger through snakes and water. >. %f Randhr(s
1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e two wi&es. %f Randhr(s 1ord is yuti with a malefi# in Hu&ati Bha&a* there will surely be downfall in his business. >?. %f
Randhr(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be long-li&ed. %f the said 8rah is weak* being in Randhr Bha&a* the longe&ity will be medium* while the nati&e will
be a thief* be blameworthy and will blame others as well. >A. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will betray his religion* be a heterodo+* will beget a
wi#ked wife and will steal others( wealth. >4. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of )aternal bliss* be a talebearer and be bereft of
li&elihood. %f there is a Drishti in the )ro#ess from a benefi#* then these e&ils will not mature. ><. %f Randhr(s 1ord along with a malefi# is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e
will be de&oid of wealth and will be miserable in boyhood* but ha))y later on. Should Randhr(s 1ord be yuti with a benefi# and be in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be
long-li&ed. >C. %f Randhr(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will s)end on e&il deeds and will in#ur a short life. More so* if there be additionally a malefi# in the said
Bha&a. >D. @ffe#ts of Dharm(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka !A.. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in 1agn* the nati&e will be fortunate* will be honoured by the king* be
&irtuous* #harming* learned and honoured by the )ubli#. >=. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be a s#holar* be dear to all* wealthy* sensuous and
endowed with ha))iness from wife* sons et#. >>. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with fraternal bliss* be wealthy* &irtuous and
#harming. !!. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy houses* #on&eyan#es and ha))iness* will ha&e all kinds of wealth and be de&oted to his
mother. !. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with sons and )ros)erity* de&oted to elders* bold* #haritable and learned. !?. %f Dharm(s
1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy meagre )ros)erity* be de&oid of ha))iness from maternal relati&es and be always troubled by enemies. !A. , Brahmin* %f
Dharm(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e beget ha))iness after marriage* be &irtuous and famous. !4. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will not be
)ros)erous and will not enjoy ha))iness from his elder brother. !<. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with abundant fortunes* &irtues
and beauty and will enjoy mu#h ha))iness from #o-born. !C. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be a king* or e$ual to him* or be a minister* or an
"rmy #hief* be &irtuous and dear to all. !D. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy finan#ial gains day by day* be de&oted to elders* &irtuous and
meritorious in a#ts. !=. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will in#ur loss of fortunes* will always s)end on aus)i#ious a#ts and will be#ome )oor on
a##ount of entertaining guests. !>. @ffe#ts of /arm(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka ?!.. %f /arm(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be s#holarly*
famous* be a )oet* will in#ur diseases in boyhood and be ha))y later on. His wealth will in#rease day by day. ! %f /arm(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be
wealthy* &irtuous* honoured by the king* #haritable and will enjoy ha))iness from father and others. . %f /arm(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy
ha))iness from brothers and ser&ants* be &alorous* &irtuous* elo$uent and truthful. ?. %f /arm(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* be always
interested in his mother(s welfare* will 1ord o&er #on&eyan#es* lands and houses* be &irtuous and wealthy. A. %f /arm(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be
endowed with all kinds of learning* he will be always delighted and he will be wealthy and endowed with sons. 4. %f /arm(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will be
bereft of )aternal bliss. "lthough he may be skilful* he will be bereft of wealth and be troubled by enemies. <. %f /arm(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be
endowed with ha))iness through wife* be intelligent* &irtuous* elo$uent* truthful and religious. C. %f /arm(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of
a#ts* long-li&ed and intent on blaming others. D. %f /arm(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* one born of royal s#ion will be#ome a king* whereas an ordinary nati&e will be
e$ual to a king. 'his )la#ement will #onfer wealth and )rogeni# ha))iness et#. =. %f /arm(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be skilful in all jobs* be &alorous*
truthful and de&oted to elders. >. %f /arm(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with wealth* ha))iness and sons. He will be &irtuous* truthful and
always delighted. ?!. %f /arm(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will s)end through royal abodes* will ha&e fear from enemies and will be worried in s)ite of
being skilful. ?. @ffe#ts of 1abh(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka A?.. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be genuine in dis)osition* be ri#h*
ha))y* e&en-sighted* be a )oet* be elo$uent in s)ee#h and be always endowed with gains. ??. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with all
kinds of wealth and all kinds of a##om)lishments* #haritable* religious and always ha))y. ?A. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be skilful in all jobs*
wealthy* endowed with fraternal bliss and may sometimes in#ur gout )ains. ?. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will gain from maternal relati&es* will
undertake &isits to shrines and will )ossess ha))iness of house and lands. ?<. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* edu#ated and &irtuous. He
will be religious and ha))y. ?C. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will be affli#ted by diseases* be #ruel* li&ing in foreign )la#es and troubled by enemies.
?D. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will always gain through his wife(s relati&es* be liberal* &irtuous* sensuous and will remain at the #ommand of his
s)ouse. ?=. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will in#ur re&ersals in his undertakings and will li&e long* while his wife will )rede#ease him. ?>. %f 1abh(s
1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be fortunate* skilful* truthful* honoured by the king and be affluent. A!. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be
honoured by the king* be &irtuous* atta#hed to his religion* intelligent* truthful and will subdue his senses. A. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will gain in
all his undertakings* while his learning and ha))iness will be on the in#rease day by day. A?. %f 1abh(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will always de)end on
good deeds* be sensuous* will ha&e many wi&es and will befriend barbarians. AA. @ffe#ts of Vyaya(s 1ord in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka 44.. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in
'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be a s)endthrift* be weak in #onstitution* will suffer from )hlegmati# disorders and be de&oid of wealth and learning. A4. %f Vyaya(s 1ord
is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will always s)end on inaus)i#ious deeds* be religious* will s)eak sweetly and will be endowed with &irtues and ha))iness. A<. %f
Vyaya(s 1ord is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of fraternal bliss* will hate others and will )romote self-nourishment. AC. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in Bandhu
Bha&a* the nati&e will be de&oid of maternal ha))iness and will day by day a##rue losses with res)e#t to lands* #on&eyan#es and houses. AD. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in
Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be bereft of sons and learning. He will s)end* as well as &isit shrines in order to beget a son. A=. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* the
nati&e will in#ur enmity with his own men* be gi&en to anger* be sinful* miserable and will go to others( wi&es. -A>. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will
in#ur e+)enditure on a##ount of his wife* will not enjoy #onjugal bliss and will be bereft of learning and strength. 4!. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e
will always gain* will s)eak affably* will enjoy a medium s)an of life and be endowed with all good $ualities. 4. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will
dishonour his elders* be inimi#al e&en to his friends and be always intent on a#hie&ing his own ends. 4?. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will in#ur
e+)enditure through royal )ersons and will enjoy only moderate )aternal bliss. 4A. %f Vyaya 1ord is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will in#ur losses* be brought u) by
others and will sometimes gain through others. 44. %f Vyaya(s 1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will only fa#e hea&y e+)enditure* will not ha&e )hysi#al feli#ity* be
irritable and s)iteful. 4<-4=. Mis#ellaneous. , Brahmin* those are the effe#ts of Bha&a 1ords* whi#h are to be dedu#ed* #onsidering their strengths and
weaknesses. %n the #ase of a 8rah* owning two Bha&as* the results are to be dedu#ted based on its two lordshi)s. %f #ontrary results are thus indi#ated* the results
will be nullified* while results of &aried nature will #ome to )ass. 'he 8rah will yield full* half* or a $uarter of the effe#ts a##ording to its strength being full* medium
and negligible* res)e#ti&ely. 'hus % ha&e told you about the effe#ts* due to Bha&a 1ords in &arious Bha&as.

0h. ?<. @ffe#ts of Bon-1uminous 8rahas

. 'hus % ha&e e+)lained the effe#ts of the se&en 8rahas* &i7. Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* Sani* Rahu and /etu. Bow % tell you about the effe#ts of
non-luminous 8rahas. ?. @ffe#ts of Dhum in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka A.. %f Dhum is in 1agn* the nati&e will be &aliant* endowed with beautiful eyes* stu)efied
in dis)osition* unkind* wi#ked and highly short-tem)ered. A. %f Dhum is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be si#kly* wealthy* de&oid of a limb* will in#ur humiliation at
royal le&el* be dull witted and be a eunu#h. 4. Dhum is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be intelligent* &ery bold* delighted* elo$uent and be endowed with men and
wealth. <. %f Dhum is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be grie&ed on a##ount of being gi&en u) by his female* but will be learned in all Shastras. C. %f Dhum is in Putr
Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e limited )rogeny* be de&oid of wealth* be great* will eat anything and be bereft of friends and Mantras. D. %f Dhum is in "ri Bha&a* the
nati&e will be strong* will #on$uer his enemies* be &ery brilliant* famous and free from diseases. =. %f Dhum is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be )enniless* be e&er
sensuous* skilful in going to others( females and be always de&oid of brillian#e. >. %f Dhum is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be bereft of #ourage* but be
enthusiasti#* be truthful* disagreeable* hardhearted and selfish. !. %f Dhum is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed sons and fortunes* be ri#h* honourable*
kind* religious and well dis)osed to his relati&es. . %f Dhum is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with sons and fortunes* be delighted* intelligent* ha))y
and truthful. ?. %f Dhum is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with wealth* grains and gold* be beautiful* will ha&e knowledge of arts* be modest and be
skilful in singing. A. %f Dhum is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be morally fallen* will indulge in sinful a#ts* be interested in others( wi&es* addi#ted to &i#es* unkind
and #rafty. 4. @ffe#ts of Vyati)at in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka ?<.. %f Vyati)at -also known in short* as Pat. is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be troubled by
miseries* be #ruel* will indulge in destru#ti&e a#ts* be foolish and will be dis)osed to his relati&es. <. %f Vyati)at is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be morally
#rooked* be bilious* will enjoy )leasures* be unkind* but grateful* be wi#ked and sinful. C. %f Vyati)at is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be firm in dis)osition* be a
warrior* be liberal* &ery ri#h* dear to the king and be head of an "rmy. D. %f Vyati)at is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with relati&es et#.* but not sons
and fortunes. =. %f Vyati)at is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be )oor* be #harming in a))earan#e* will ha&e imbalan#es of )hlegm* bile and wind* be hard-hearted
and shameless. >. %f Vyati)at is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will destroy his enemies* be )hysi#ally mighty* skilful in use of all kinds of wea)ons and in arts and be
)ea#eful in dis)osition. ?!. %f Vyati)at is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be bereft of wealth* wife and sons* will subdue to females* be miserable* sensuous*
shameless and friendly to others. ?. %f Vyati)at is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e deformity of eyes* be ugly* unfortunate* s)iteful to Brahmins and be
troubled by disorders of blood. ??. %f Vyati)at is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e many kinds of business and many friendsJ he will be &ery learned* well
dis)osed to his wife and he will be elo$uent. ?A. %f Vyati)at is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be religious* )ea#eful* skilful in religious a#ts* &ery learned and far-
sighted. ?4. %f Vyati)at is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be e+tremely o)ulent* be honourable* truthful* firm in )oli#y* endowed with many horses and be interested in
singing. ?<. %f Vyati)at is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be gi&en to anger* asso#iated with many a#ti&ities* disabled* irreligious and hate his own relati&es. ?C.
@ffe#ts of Paridhi -or Pari&esh. in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka AD.. %f Paridhi is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be learned* truthful* )ea#eful* ri#h* endowed with
sons* )ure* #haritable and dear to elders. ?D. %f Paridhi is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be wealthy* #harming* will enjoy )leasures* be ha))y* &ery religious and be
a 1ord. ?=. %f Paridhi is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be fond of his wife* be &ery #harming* )ious* well dis)osed to his men* be a ser&ant and be res)e#tful of his
elders. ?>. %f Paridhi is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be wonder-stru#k* hel)ful to enemies as well* kind* endowed with e&erything and be skilful in singing. A!. %f
Paridhi is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be affluent* &irtuous* s)lendourous* affe#tionate* religious and dear to his wife. A. %f Paridhi is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will be
famous and wealthy* be endowed with sons and )leasures* be hel)ful to all and will #on$uer his enemies. A?. %f Paridhi is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e
limited number of #hildren* be de&oid of ha))iness* be of medio#re intelligen#e* &ery hard-headed and will ha&e a si#kly wife. AA. %f Paridhi is in Randhr Bha&a* the
nati&e will be s)iritually dis)osed* )ea#eful* strong-bodied* firm in de#ision* religious and gentle. A4. %f Paridhi is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with
sons* be ha))y* brilliant* &ery affluent* be de&oid of e+#essi&e )assion* be honourable and be ha))y with e&en a iota. A<. %f Paridhi is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will
be &ersed in arts* will enjoy )leasures* be strong-bodied and be learned in all Shastras. C. %f Paridhi is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy )leasures through
women* be &irtuous* intelligent* dear to his )eo)le and will suffer disorders of digesti&e fire. AD. %f Paridhi is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will always be a s)endthrift*
be miserable* firm and will dishonour elders. A=. @ffe#ts of 0ha) -%ndr Dhanus* or /odanda* u) to Sloka 4>.. %f 0ha) is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed
with wealth* grains and gold* be grateful* agreeable and de&oid of all a#tions. A>. %f 0ha) is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will s)eak affably* be &ery ri#h* modest*
learned* #harming and religious. 4!. %f 0ha) is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be a miser* be &ersed in many arts* will indulge in thie&ing* be de&oid of some limb
and be unfriendly. 4. %f 0ha) is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* endowed with $uadru)eds* wealth* grains et#.* be honoured by the king and be de&oid
of si#kness. 4?. %f 0ha) is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be s)lendourous* far-sighted* )ious* affable and will a#$uire )ros)erity in all his undertakings. 4A. %f 0ha) is
in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will destroy his enemies* be ha))y* affe#tionate* )ure and will a#hie&e )lentifulness in all his undertakings. 44. %f 0ha) is in Hu&ati Bha&a*
the nati&e will be wealthy* endowed with all &irtues* learned in Shastras* religious and agreeable. 4<. %f 0ha) is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be interested in
others( P?AQ jobs* be #ruel* interested in others( wi&es and ha&e a defe#ti&e limb. 4C. %f 0ha) is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will )erform )enan#e* will take to
religious obser&ations* be highly learned and be famous among men. 4D. %f 0ha) is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with many sons* abundant wealth*
#ows* buffaloes et#. and will be famous among men. 4=. %f 0ha) is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will gain many treasures* will be free from diseases* &ery fiery in
dis)osition* affe#tionate to his wife and will ha&e knowledge of Mantras and wea)ons. 4>. %f 0ha) is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be wi#ked* &ery honourable* e&il
in dis)osition* shameless* will go to other(s females and be e&er )oor. <!. @ffe#ts of Dhwaj -Sikhi* or 2)a/etu. in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka C.. %f Dhwaj is in
'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be skilful in all bran#hes of learning* be ha))y* effi#ient in s)ee#h* agreeable and be &ery affe#tionate. <. %f Dhwaj is in Dhan Bha&a*
the nati&e will be a good and affable s)eaker* be s)lendourous* will write )oetry* be s#holarly* honourable* modest and endowed with #on&eyan#es. <?. %f Dhwaj is
in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be miserly* #ruel a#ts* thin-bodied* )oor and will in#ur se&ere diseases. <A. %f Dhwaj is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be #harming*
&ery &irtuous* gentle* interested in Vedi# /nowledge and be always ha))y. <4. %f Dhwaj is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* will enjoy )leasures* be &ersed in
arts* skilled in e+)edients* intelligent* elo$uent and will res)e#t elders. <<. %f Dhwaj is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will be ominous for material relati&es* will win o&er his
enemies* be endowed with many relati&es* &aliant* s)lendourous and skilful. <C. %f Dhwaj is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be interested in gambling* be sensuous*
will enjoy )leasures and will befriend )rostitutes. <D. %f Dhwaj is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be interested in base a#ts* be sinful* shameless* will blame others*
will la#k in marital ha))iness and will take other(s side. <=. %f Dhwaj is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will wear badges* be delighted* hel)fully dis)osed to all and he
will be skilled in religious deeds. <>. , Brahmin* if Dhwaj is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with ha))iness and fortunes* be fond of females* be
#haritable and will befriend Brahmins. C!. %f Dhwaj is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will e&er a#$uire gains* be &ery religious* honourable* affluent* fortunate* &aliant and
skilled in sa#rifi#ial rites. C. %f Dhwaj is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be interested in sinful a#ts* be &aliant* untrustworthy* unkind* interested in others( females
and be short-tem)ered. C?. @ffe#ts of 8ulik in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka DA.. %f 8ulik is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be affli#ted by diseases* be lustful* sinful*
#rafty* wi#ked and &ery miserable. CA. %f 8ulik is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be unsightly in a))earan#e* miserable* mean* gi&en to &i#es* shameless and
)enniless. C4. %f 8ulik is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be #harming in a))earan#e* will head a &illage* be fond of &irtuous men and be honoured by the king. C<. %f
8ulik is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be si#kly* de&oid of ha))iness* sinful and affli#ted due to windy and billious e+#esses. CC. %f 8ulik is in Putr Bha&a* the
nati&e will not be )raise-worthy* be )oor* short-li&ed* s)iteful* mean* be a eunu#h* be subdued by his wife and be a heterodo+. CD. %f 8ulik is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e
will be de&oid of enemies* be strong-bodied* s)lendourous* liked by his wife* enthusiasti#* &ery friendly and hel)ful in dis)osition. C=. %f 8ulik is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the
nati&e will subdue to his s)ouse* be sinful* will go to others( females* be ema#iated* de&oid of friendshi) and will li&e on his wife(s wealth. C>. %f 8ulik is in Randhr
Bha&a* the nati&e will be troubled by hunger* be miserable* #ruel* &ery mu#h short-tem)ered* &ery unkind* )oor and bereft of good $ualities. D!. %f 8ulik is in Dharm
Bha&a* the nati&e will undergo many ordeals* be ema#iated* will )erform e&il a#ts* be &ery unkind* sluggish and be a talebearer. D. %f 8ulik is in /arm Bha&a* the
nati&e will be endowed with sons* be ha))y* will enjoy many things* be fond of worshi))ing gods and fire and will )ra#ti#e meditation and religion. D?. %f 8ulik is in
1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will enjoy women of #lass* be a leader of men* be hel)ful to his relati&es* be short stature and be an em)eror. DA. %f 8ulik is in Vyaya Bha&a*
the nati&e will indulge in base deeds* be sinful* defe#ti&e-limbed* unfortunate* indolent and will join mean )eo)le. D4. @ffe#ts of Prana)ad(s Position with referen#e
to 1agn and in Various Bha&as -u) to Sloka =<.. %f Prana)ad is in 'anu Bha&a* the nati&e will be weak* si#kly* dumb* lunati#* dull witted* defe#ti&e-limbed* miserable
and ema#iated. D<. %f Prana)ad is in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with abundant grains* abundant wealth* abundant attendants* abundant #hildren and
be fortunate. DC. %f Prana)ad is in Sahaj Bha&a* the nati&e will be injurious -or mis#hie&ous.* )roud* hard-hearted* &ery dirty and be de&oid of res)e#t for elders. DD.
%f Prana)ad is in Bandhu Bha&a* the nati&e will be ha))y* friendly* atta#hed to females and elders* soft and truthful. D=. %f Prana)ad is in Putr Bha&a* the nati&e will
be ha))y* will do good a#ts* be kind and &ery affe#tionate. D>. %f Prana)ad is in "ri Bha&a* the nati&e will be subdued by his relati&es and enemies* be shar)* will
ha&e defe#ti&e digesti&e fire* be wi#ked* si#kly* affluent and short-li&ed. =!. %f Prana)ad is in Hu&ati Bha&a* the nati&e will be green-eyed* e&er libidinous* fier#e in
a))earan#e* be not worth res)e#t and be ill-dis)osed. =. %f Prana)ad is in Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will be affli#ted by diseases* be troubled and will in#ur misery
on a##ount of the king* relati&es* ser&ants and sons. =?. %f Prana)ad is in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be endowed with sons* be &ery ri#h* fortunate* #harming* will
ser&e others and be not wi#ked* but be skilful. =A. %f Prana)ad is in /arm Bha&a* the nati&e will be heroi#* intelligent* skilful* be an e+)ert in #arrying out royal orders
and will worshi) gods. =4 %f Prana)ad is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be famous* &irtuous* learned* wealthy* fair-#om)le+ioned and atta#hed to mother. =<. %f
Prana)ad is in Vyaya Bha&a* the nati&e will be mean* wi#ked* defe#ti&e-limbed* will hate Brahmins and relati&es and suffer from eye diseases* or be one-eyed. =C-
=D. , Brahmin* these are the effe#ts for Dhum et#. Before de#laring these results* the effe#ts of Surya and other 8rahas should be wisely #on#ei&ed by their
)ositions* relations and Drishtis a)art from their strength* or weakness.

0h. ?C. @&aluation of Drishtis of 8rahas

. , 8lorious* it is said* that Drishtis -of 8rahas. and their strengths are to be known in de#iding the effe#ts. How many kinds are these9 Please #larify doubts. ?-<.
Drishtis of the 8rahas. , Brahmin* % ha&e earlier stated Drishtis* based on Rashis. 'he other kind is between 8rahas* whi#h % detail below. Ard and !th* <th and
>th* 4th and =th and lastly Dth. ,n these )la#es the Drishtis in#rease gradually in slabs of $uarters* i.e R* L* S and full. 'he effe#ts will also be )ro)ortionate. "ll
8rahas gi&e a Drishti to the Dth fully. Sani* 8uru and Mangal ha&e s)e#ial Drishtis* res)e#ti&ely* on the Ard and the !th* the <th and the >th and the 4th and the
=th. 'he an#ient )re#e)tors ha&e e+)lained these* whi#h ordinary. By subtle mathemati#al #al#ulations these Drishtis will ha&e to be #learly understood* as under.
C-=. @&aluation of the Drishtis of the 8rahas. Dedu#t the longitude of the 8rah -or Bha&a.* that re#ei&es a Drishti* from that of the 8rah* whi#h gi&es the Drishti. %f
the sum e+#eeds si+ Rashis* dedu#t the sum again from ! Rashis. 0on&ert the latter sum into degrees and di&ide by two. 'he resultant )rodu#t is Drishti /ona -or
as)e#tual angle.. %f the differen#e is in e+#ess of < Rashis* ignore the Rashis and multi)ly the degrees et#. by ?* whi#h is the &alue of the Drishti. %f the differen#e is
in e+#ess of 4 Rashis* dedu#t it from < Rashis* and the resultant degees et#. be#ome the Drishti &alue. %f the differen#e is in e+#ess of A Rashis* dedu#t it from 4
Rashis and -in#rease A! by. hal&e the )rodu#t to get the Drishti &alue. %f the differen#e is abo&e ? Rashis* ignore the Rashis and add < to the degrees et#. to get
the Drishti &alue. %f it is in e+#ess of one Rashi* ignore the Rashis and di&ide the degrees by ? to get the Drishti &alue. >-!. S)e#ial #onsideration for Sani(s
Drishtis. , Brahmin* if Sani is the 8rah* that gi&es a Drishti* find out the differen#e between him and the 8rah* that re#ei&es the DrishtiJ if the sum is abo&e Rashi*
multi)ly the degrees et#. by ? to get the Drishti &alue. %f the sum is abo&e nine Rashis* the degrees to ela)se be doubled to get the Drishti &alue. %f the sum is abo&e
? Rashis* the degrees et#. be hal&ed and dedu#ted from C!. %f the sum e+#eeds = Rashis* add to the degrees et#. a figure of A! to get the Drishti &alue. %n other
#ases* the sums be )ro#essed* as e+)lained earlier. . S)e#ial #onsideration for Mangal(s Drishtis. Dedu#t the longitude of Mangal from that of the 8rah* that
re#ei&es the Drishti. %f the sum is A Rashis I #* or D Rashis I #* the degrees et#. be redu#ed from C!. %f it is abo&e ? Rashis* the degrees et#. be in#reased by half
of it and su)eradd <. %f the sum is C Rashis* one Ru) is the &alue. ?. S)e#ial #onsideration for 8uru(s Drishtis. Dedu#t the longitude of 8uru from that of the 8rah*
that re#ei&es the Drishti from 8uru. %f the resultant sum is A Rashis I #* or D Rashis I #* hal&e the degrees et#. and in#rease it by <. %t the sum is 4 Rashis I #* or
= Rashis I #* the degrees et#. be subtra#ted from C!. 'his will be the Drishti &alue. 'he sum* being in #onformity with others than these* be treated* as stated

0h. ?D. @&aluation ,f Strengths

Shad Bal #onsists of the following5 Sthan Bal -)ositional.* Dig Bal -dire#tional.* /aal Bal -'em)oral.* in#lusi&e of "yan Bal -e$uino#tial.* 0hesht Bal -motional.*
Baisargika Bal -natural.* Drik Bal -as)e#tual.. 'hese strengths are #om)uted for the se&en 8rahas from Surya to Sani. 'he nodes are not #onsidered. Sthan Bal
#om)rises of the following #onsiderations5 2#h#h Bal -e+altation.* Sa)t Vargaj Bal -strength a##ruing out of )ositions in Rashi* Hora* Dreshkan* Sa)tans* Ba&ans*
D&adashans and 'rimshans.* ,jhayugmaRashians Bal -a#$uired by )la#ement in odd* or e&en Rashi and in odd* or e&en Ba&ans.* /endradi Bal -due to )la#ement
in /on* or Pana)hara* or ")oklima Bha&a.* Dreshkan Bal -due to )la#ement in first* se#ond* or third de#anate of a Rashi.. /aal Bal #om)rises of the following
subdi&isions5 Bathonnata Bal -diurnal and no#turnal.* Paksh Bal -fortnight.* 'ribhag Bal -due to dayGnight being made in A )arts.* Varsh* Maas* Dina and Hora Bal
-Varsh - astrologi#al year* Maas - month* Dina - weekday and Hora - )lanetary hour.* "yan Bal -e$uino#tial.* Hudhdh Bal -due to )artaking in war between 8rahas..
-L. Sthan Bal -u) to Sloka C.. Eirstly 2#h#h Bal. Bow about the strengths by #lasses )ositional* tem)oral et#. Dedu#t from the longitude of the 8rah its -dee).
debilitation )oint. %f the sum is less than C Rashis* #onsider it* as it isJ if it e+#eeds C Rashis* dedu#t the same from ? Rashis. 'he sum so got be #on&erted into
degrees et#. and di&ided by A* whi#h is the 8rah(s 2#h#h Bal in Viru)as. ?-4. Sa)t Vargaj Bal. %f a 8rah is in its Mooltrikon Rashi* it gets 4< Viru)as* in S&asth
Rashi A! Viru)as* in Pramudit Rashi ?! Viru)as* in Shant Rashi < Viru)as* in Din Rashi ! Viru)as* in Duhkhit Rashi 4 Viru)as and in /hal Rashi ? Viru)as.
Similarly these &alues o##ur for the other C di&isional o##u)ations* &i7. Hora* Dreshkan* Sa)tans* Ba&ans* D&adashans and 'rimshans. :hen all these are added
together the 8rah(s Sa)t Vargaj Bal emerges. 4L. ,jhayugmaRashians Bal. @a#h of Sukr and 0andr in e&en Rashis and others in odd Rashis a#$uire a $uarter of
Ru)a. 'hese are a))li#able to su#h Ba&ansas also. <. /endradi Bal. " 8rah in a /on gets full strength* while one in Pana)hara Bha&a gets half and the one in
")oklima Bha&a gets a $uarter* as /endradi Bal. C. Dreshkan Bal. Male* female and herma)hrodite 8rahas* res)e#ti&ely* get a $uarter Ru)a a##ording to
)la#ements in the first* se#ond and third de#anates. D-DL. Dig Bal. Dedu#t Bandhu Bha&a -Badir. from the longitudes of Surya and Mangal* Hu&ati Bha&a from that
of 8uru and Budh* /arm Bha&a from that of Sukr and 0andr and lastly 1agn from that of Sani. %f the sum is abo&e =! degrees* dedu#t the sum from AC!. 'he sum
arri&ed in either way be di&ided by A* whi#h will be Dig Bal of the 8rah. =->. /aal Bal -u) to Sloka D.. Eirstly Bathonnata Bal. Eind out the differen#e between
midnight and the a))arent birth time* whi#h is #alled 2nnata. Dedu#t 2nnata from A! 8hatis to obtain Bata. Double the Bata in 8hatis* whi#h will indi#ate identi#al
Bata Bal for 0andr* Mangal and Sani. Dedu#t the Bata from C! to know the 2nnata Bal of Surya* 8uru and Sukr. Budh* irres)e#ti&e of day and night* gets full
Bathonnata Bal. !-. Paksh Bal. Dedu#t from 0andr(s longitude that of Surya. %f the sum e+#eeds C Rashis* dedu#t the same from ?. 'he )rodu#t so obtained
be #on&erted into degrees et#. and di&ided by A* whi#h will indi#ate the Paksh Bal of ea#h of the benefi# 8rahas. 'he Paksh Bal of benefi# should be dedu#ted from
C!* whi#h will go to ea#h malefi#* as Paksh Bal. ?. 'ribagh Bal. ,ne Ru)a is obtained by Budh in the first GA )art of day time* by Surya in the se#ond GA )art of
the day and by Sani in the last GA )art of the day. Similarly 0andr* Sukr and Mangal get full Bal in the first* se#ond and last GA )arts of the night. 8uru gets this Bal
at all times. A. Varsh-Maas-Dina-Hora Bal. <* A!* 4< and C! Viru)as are in order gi&en to Varsh 1ord* Maas 1ord* Dina 1ord and Hora 1ord. Baisargika Bal has
already been e+)lained. 'he Varsh 1ord is the 1ord of the day* on whi#h the astrologi#al year of birth starts. 'o #al#ulate this we first need the number of days* )ast
from the beginning of 0reation* the "hargan. "##ording to late Re&. @bene7er Burgess* who translated Surya Siddhanta in @nglish* as on 3anuary * =C!* the
number of days* )ast from the beginning of 0reation are D4*4!4*!=*<DA. Di&ide the number of days* )ast from the day of 0reation till the day of birth* by C!.
Reje#t remainder and multi)ly the $uotient by A. %n#rease the )ost-multi)lied )rodu#t by and di&ide by D. 'he remainder will indi#ate the week day* on whi#h the
astrologi#al year* gi&ing birth to the nati&e* o)ened. Remainder indi#ates Sunday* ? Monday and so on. Maas 1ord. Di&ide the same "hargan by A! and the
$uotient indi#ates months* )assed from 0reation to birth. 'he #om)leted months be multi)lied by ? and in#reased by . 'he latter sum should be di&ided by D and
the remainder indi#ates* on whi#h day the birth month began. 0ontinuing with the same #ase* we di&ide C<?>< by A!. Nuotient is ?DC. 'his sum multi)lied by ?
and in#reased by denotes 4A<A. Di&iding 4A<A by D* we get a remainder of C* denoting Eriday. 'hat is* the month of birth began on Eriday and the Maas Bal goes
to Sukr* the 1ord of Eriday. Dina 1ord. 'hough the week day of birth #an be known from e)hemeris* or )er)etual #alendars* we better ado)t the method )res#ribed*
whi#h will #onfirm* if the "hargan followed is #orre#t. 'he number of days* as arri&ed abo&e* indi#ating "hargan* be di&ided by D and the remainder will indi#ate the
week day of birth. Hora Bal. Hora means )lanetary hour. @a#h day from sunrise to sunrise is di&ided into ?4 e$ual )arts of one hour. 'hese Horas are ruled by the
D 8rahas from Surya to Sani. 'he first Hora of the day is ruled by the 1ord of the week day. 'he ?nd one is ruled by the 1ord of the Cth week day* #ounted from the
first ruler. 'he Ard Hora is ruled by the 1ord of the Cth week day* #ounted from the ?nd Hora 1ord. Similarly it )ro#eeds in the same manner* till the first Hora of the
ne+t day is taken o&er by the 1ord of that day himself. :hi#he&er 8rah rules the birth Hora* gets the Hora Bal. Horas are to be #al#ulated for mean lo#al time and
not standard time of births. 4. Baisargika Bal. Di&ide one Ru)a by D and multi)ly the resultant )rodu#t by to D se)arately* whi#h will indi#ate the Baisargika Bal*
due to Sani* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* 0andr and Surya* res)e#ti&ely. <-D. "yan Bal. 4<* AA and ? are the /handas for #al#ulating "yan Bal. "dd "yanans to
the 8rah and find out the Bhuja -distan#e from the nearest e$uino+.. "dd the figure* #orres)onding to the Rashi -of the Bhuja. to the Bhuja. 'he degrees et#. of the
Bhuja should be multi)lied by the figure* #orres)onding to the highest of the left out /handas and di&ided by A!. "dd the resultant )rodu#t to the sum* obtained
earlier. 0on&ert this to Rashi* degrees* minutes and se#onds. %f 0andr and Sani are in 'ula* or ahead* add to this A Rashis and* if in Mesh to /anya* redu#e from
this A Rashis. Similarly it is re&erse for Surya* Mangal* Sukr and 8uru. Eor Budh A Rashis are always additi&e. 'he resultant sum in Rashi* degrees and minutes be
di&ided by A to get the "yan Bal in Ru)as. Botes. "yan Bal #an be found out on the following sim)le formula5 "yan Bal T C!U-?AM?D( V /ranti.G-4CM<4(. T -?AM?D(W
/ranti.U.?D>A. 'he following )oints ha&e to be remembered in res)e#t of /rantis. :hen 0andr* or Sani ha&e southern /ranti* or* when Surya* Mangal* 8uru* or
Sukr ha&e northern /ranti* take )lus. %n a #ontrary situation in res)e#t of these C 8rahas* take minus. "s far as Budh is #on#erned* it is always )lus. /rantis -or
de#linations. #an be as#ertained from a standard modern e)hemeris. Surya(s "yan Bal is again multi)lied by ? whereas for others the )rodu#t arri&ed in Viru)as is
#onsidered* as it is. =. Motional Strength for Surya and 0andr. Surya(s 0hesht Bal will #orres)ond to his "yan Bal. 0andr(s Paksh Bal will itself be her 0hesht Bal.
>. Drik Bal. Redu#e one fourth of the Drishti Pinda* if a 8rah re#ei&es malefi# Drishtis and add a fourth* if it re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#. Su)er add the entire
Drishti of Budh and 8uru to get the net strength of a 8rah. ?!. :ar Between 8rahas. Should there be a war between the starry 8rahas* the differen#e between the
Shad Balas of the two should be added to the &i#tor(s Shad Bal and dedu#ted from the Shad Bal of the &an$uished. ?-?A. Motions of 8rahas -Mangal to Sani..
@ight kinds of motions are attributed to 8rahas. 'hese are Vakr -retrogression.* "nu&akr -entering the )re&ious Rashi in retrograde motion.* Vikal -de&oid of
motion.* Mand -somewhat slower motion than usual.* Mandatar -slower than the )re&ious.* Sama -somewhat in#reasing in motion.* 0har -faster than Sama. and
"ti#har -entering ne+t Rashi in a##elerated motion.. 'he strengths* allotted due to su#h = motions are C!* A!* <* A!* <* D.<* 4< and A!. ?4-?<. Motional Strength
for Mangal et#. "dd together the mean and true longitudes of a 8rah and di&ide the one by two. Redu#e this sum from the Seeghro#h -or a)ogee. of the 8rah. 'he
resultant )rodu#t will indi#ate the 0hesht /endra -or Seeghr /endra. of the 8rah from ? Rashis. 'he Rashi* degrees and minutes so arri&ed should be #on&erted
into degrees* minutes et#. and di&ided by A* whi#h will denote the motional strength of the 8rah. 'hus there are si+ sour#es of strength* #alled Sthan Bal* Dig Bal*
/aal Bal* Drik Bal* 0hesht Bal and Baisargika Bal. ?C-?>. Bha&a Balas. 'hus % e+)lained about the strengths of the 8rahas. Dedu#t Hu&ati Bha&a from the Bha&a* if
the Bha&a ha))ens to be in /anya* Mithun* 'ula* /umbh* or the first half of Dhanu. %f Mesh* Vrishabh* Simh* or first half of Makar* or the se#ond half of Dhanu
ha))en to be the Bha&a* dedu#t Bandhu Bha&a from it. Should the Bha&a be in /ark* or in Vris#hik* dedu#t from it 1agn. Dedu#t /arm Bha&a from the Bha&a*
ha))ening to fall in Makar se#ond half* or Meen. 0on&ert the )rodu#t so obtained into degrees et#. and di&ide by A to get Bha&a Bal. %f the balan#e in the )ro#ess of
dedu#ting Badir* Meridian* 1agn* or Hu&ati e+#eeds C Rashis* dedu#t it again from ? Rashis* before #on&erting into degrees and di&iding by A. 'he )rodu#t after
di&ision should be in#reased by one fourth* if the Bha&a in $uestion re#ei&es a benefi# Drishti. %f the Bha&a re#ei&es a malefi# Drishti* one fourth should be redu#ed.
%f 8uru* or Budh gi&e a Drishti to a Bha&a* add that 8rah(s Drik Bal also. "nd then su)eradd the strength* a#$uired by the 1ord of that Bha&a. 'his will be the net
Bha&a Bal. A!-A. S)e#ial Rules. 'he Bha&as* o##u)ied by 8uru and Budh will ea#h get an addition of Ru)a* while ea#h of the Bha&as* o##u)ied by Sani*
Mangal and Surya* suffer Ru)a redu#tion. < Viru)as will ha&e to be added to the Bha&as* falling in Seershodaya Rashis* if birth ha))ens to be in day time* to the
Bha&as* falling in Dual Rashis* if birth ha))ens to be in twilight and to the Bha&as* falling in Prishtodaya Rashis* if birth be in night time. A?-AA. Shad Bal
Re$uirements. A>!* AC!* A!!* 4?!* A>!* AA! and A!! Viru)as are the Shad Bal Pindas* needed for Surya et#. to be #onsidered strong. %f the strength e+#eeds the
abo&e-mentioned &alues* the 8rah is deemed to be &ery strong. %f a 8rah has the re$uired Shad Bal* it will )ro&e fa&ourable to the nati&e by &irtue of its strength.
Howe&er* Sani(s e+treme strength will gi&e long life as well as miseries. A4-AC. 8uru* Budh and Surya are strong* if ea#h of their Sthan Bal* Dig Bal* /aal Bal*
0hesht Bal and "yan Bal are* res)e#ti&ely* C<* A<* <!* ? and A! Viru)as. 'he same re$uired for 0andr and Sukr are AA* <!* A!* !! and 4!. Eor Mangal and
Sani these are >C* A!* 4!* CD and ?!. AD-A=. Bha&a @ffe#ts. , Brahmin* thus the &arious sour#es of strengths be gathered together and effe#ts de#lared. :hate&er
Hogas* or effe#ts ha&e been stated with res)e#t to a Bha&a* will #ome to )ass through the strongest 8rah. A>-4!. @ligibility of %ssue Eruitful Predi#tions. , Maitreya*
the words of one* who has a#hie&ed skill in mathemati#s* one* who has )ut in industrious efforts in the bran#h of grammar* one* who has knowledge of justi#e* one*
who is intelligent* one* who has knowledge of geogra)hy* s)a#e and time* one* who has #on$uered his senses* one* who is skilfully logi#al -in estimation. and one*
who is fa&ourable to 3yotish* will doubtless be truthful.

0h. ?=. %sht and /asht Balas

. Bow % narrate the benefi# and malefi# tenden#ies of the 8rahas* based on whi#h the Dasha effe#ts #an be de#ided. ?. @+altation Rays. Dedu#t the 8rah(s
debilitation )oint from its a#tual )osition. %f the sum e+#eeds C Rashis* dedu#t from ? Rashis. 'he said sum should then be in#reased by Rashi. 'he degrees et#.
be multi)lied by ?* whi#h* when #onsidered along with Rashis* will indi#ate the 2#h#h Rasmi of the 8rah. A-4. 0hesht Rasmi. 0hesht Rasmis are to be #al#ulated
from 0hesht /endr similar to 2#h#h Rasmi #om)utations. 'he 0hesht /endras of 8rahas from Mangal to Sani ha&e already been e+)lained. "dd A Rashis to
Sayan Surya -i.e. with "yanans.* whi#h will be the 0hesht /endr for Surya. 'he sidereal longitude of Surya should be dedu#ted from 0andr to get 0andr(s 0hesht
/endr. %f the 0hesht /endr -for any 8rah. is in e+#ess of C Rashis* dedu#t it from ? Rashis. "dd Rashi and multi)ly the degrees et#. by ?* whi#h will indi#ate the
0hesht Rasmi of the 8rah. <. Benefi# and Malefi# Rays. "dd the 2#h#h Rasmis and 0hesht Rasmis together and di&ide by two. 'he result will be aus)i#ious rays
-Subh Rasmis.. Dedu#t from = the Subh Rasmis to obtain inaus)i#ious rays -"subh Rasmis.. C. %sht and /asht 'enden#ies. Redu#e from ea#h of 0hesht Rasmi
and 2#h#h Rasmi. 'hen multi)ly the )rodu#ts by ! and add together. Half of the sum will re)resent the %sht Phala -benefi# tenden#y. of the 8rah. Redu#e %sht
Phala from C! to obtain the 8rah(s /asht Phala -malefi# tenden#y.. D->. %sht and /asht and Sa)t Varg Phal. C!* 4<* A!* ??* <* =* 4* ? and ! are the Subhankas
-Subha 8riha Pankthis* benefi# )oints.* due to a 8rah(s )la#ement* res)e#ti&ely* in e+altation* Mooltrikon* own* great friend(s* friend(s* neutral* enemy(s* great
enemy(s and debilitation Rashi. %f Subhanka is dedu#ted from C!* "subhanka -"subh Pankthi* inaus)i#ious )oints. will emerge. , Brahmin* in other Vargas these
are hal&ed. !. " 8rah is #onsidered aus)i#ious in the first fi&e of the said )la#es. %n the si+th )la#e it is neutral* i.e. neither good nor bad. "nd in the other three
)la#es it is inaus)i#ious. -?. Bature of @ffe#ts* due to Dig Bal et#. 'he dire#tional strength of a 8rah is itself re)resentati&e of the effe#ts* due to the dire#tionJ
and /aal Bal itself is indi#ati&e of effe#ts* due to the day. :hate&er $uantum of Dig Bal et#. are obtained by a 8rah* will be the e+tent of aus)i#ious effe#ts*
a#$uirable on a##ount of that strength. Dedu#ting those figures from C!* the e+tent of inaus)i#iousness is known. %f aus)i#iousness is more in the #ase of a 8rah(s
strength* the Dasha and Bha&as* related to that 8rah will be aus)i#ious. 'hese are #on&erse* if inaus)i#iousness is )redominant. A-4. Sa)t Varg Phal and %sht
and /asht -0ontinued.. 'he &arious strengths -i.e. the other C Vargas. be multi)lied by the res)e#ti&e 8rah(s Shad Bal Pinda* whi#h will indi#ate the aus)i#iousness
of the Varg #on#erned. "us)i#ious* or inaus)i#ious as)e#t will be by multi)lying the Subh* or "subh Pankthi. Similarly aus)i#ious* or inaus)i#ious effe#ts will be
known by multi)lying the aus)i#ious* or inaus)i#ious strength by the res)e#ti&e Pankthi. <-?!. @ffe#ts of a Bha&a. 'he strength of a Bha&a and its 1ord ha&e
already been e+)lained. 'he a#tual effe#ts will be a #ombination of Bha&a strength and its 1ord(s strength. %f there is a benefi# in the Bha&a add the same to the
aus)i#ious effe#ts and dedu#t from inaus)i#ious effe#ts* whi#h will denote the inaus)i#ious effe#ts. %f a malefi# is in the Bha&a* re&erse the )ro#ess* i.e. add
inaus)i#ious effe#ts and dedu#t aus)i#ious effe#ts. Similarly Drishtis and Balas. %f a 8rah is e+alted* or with su#h a dignity* add aus)i#ious effe#ts and redu#e
inaus)i#ious effe#ts. Eor debilitation et#. it is #on&erse. %n "shtak Varg add Bindus -aus)i#ious )oints. and dedu#t /aranas -inaus)i#ious )oints.. %f a Bha&a e+tends
to two Rashis* the re#tifi#ation will be done* as )er both the 1ords. %n that #ase* whi#he&er Rashi has more Bindus* that Rashi will yield more fa&ourable results*
#on#erning that Bha&a. %f both the Rashis ha&e more aus)i#ious Bindus* take the a&erage. 'hus the aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious effe#ts of a Bha&a be understood.

0h. ?>. Bha&a Padas

-A. Method of Bha&a 0al#ulation. , Brahmin* % shall now tell you about the Padas -"rudhas. for Bha&as and 8rahas as well* as laid down by the earlier
Maharishis. 'he Pad of 1agn will #orres)ond to the Rashi* arri&ed at by #ounting so many Rashis from 1agn(s 1ord* as he is away from 'anu Bha&a. Similarly
Padas for other Bha&as be known through their 1ords. 'he word 6Pad; e+#lusi&ely denotes the Pad for 1agn. Bames of the ? "rudhas are 1agn Pad - "rudh of
'anu Bha&a* Dhan of Dhan* Vikram -Bhratru. of Sahaj* Matru -Sukh. of Bandhu* Mantra -Putr. of Putr* Rog -Satru. of "ri* Dar -/alatr. of Hu&ati* Maran of Randhr*
Pitru of Dharm Bha&a* /arm of /arm* 1abh of 1abh* Vyaya of Vyaya. 4-<. S)e#ial @+#e)tions. 'he same Bha&a* or the Dth from it does not be#ome its Pad. :hen
the Pad falls in the same Bha&a* the !th therefrom be treated* as its Pad. Similarly* when the Dth be#omes the Pad of a Bha&a* the 4th from the original Bha&a in
$uestion be treated* as its Pad. %f the ruler of a Bha&a be in the 4th from the Bha&a* then the &ery Bha&a o##u)ied be noted* as the Pad. C-D. Padas for 8rahas.
Bote the )osition of a 8rah and see how many Rashis away is its own Rashi with referen#e to its )osition. 0ount so many Rashis from the said own Rashi and the
resultant Rashi will be#ome the "rudh of the 8rah. %f a 8rah owns two Rashis* or* if a Rashi is owned by two 8rahasJ #onsider the stronger and de#lare effe#ts
a##ordingly. =-. Pad and Einan#e -u) to Sloka <.. , Brahmin* % now tell you of some effe#ts of 8rahas* based on Pad. %f the th from 1agn Pad is o##u)ied* or
re#ei&es a Drishti from a 8rah the nati&e will be ha))y and ri#hJ wealth will #ome through &arious means* if a benefi# is related* as abo&e. " malefi# will #onfer
wealth through $uestionable means. %f there be both a benefi# and a malefi#* it will be through both means. %f the 8rah in $uestion be in e+altation* or in own Rashi
et#.* there will be )lenty of gains and )lenty of ha))iness. ?. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* if the ?th from 1agn Pad does not re#ei&e a Drishti* as the th from
1agn Pad re#ei&es a Drishti from a 8rah* then the gains will be uninterru)ted. A-<. , Brahmin* the $uantum of gains will #orres)ond to the number of 8rahas in*
or gi&ing a Drishti to the th from 1agn Pad. %f there is "rgala for the said th* there will be more gains* while a benefi# "rgala will bring still more gains. %f the said
benefi#* #ausing "rgala is in his e+altation Rashi* the gains will be still higher. %f the said th re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi# from 1agn* the >th et#.* gains will
in#rease in the as#ending order. %n all these #ases* the ?th from Pad should simultaneously be free from malefi# asso#iation. " benefi#* )la#ed in 1agn* gi&ing a
Drishti to the th from "rudh 1agn will be still benefi#ial. %f the Drishti is from the >th from 1agn* it will #onfer mu#h more gains. C-D. Pad and Einan#ial 1osses
-u) to Sloka ?.. %f the ?th from 1agn Pad re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with both benefi#s and malefi#s* there will be abundant earnings* but )lenty of
e+)enses. 'he benefi# will #ause through fair means* malefi# through unfair means and mi+ed 8rahas through both fair and unfair means. =. %f the ?th from 1agn
Pad is #onjun#t Surya* Sukr and Rahu* there will be loss of wealth through the king. 0andr* gi&ing a Drishti to -the said trio in the said Bha&a.* will s)e#ifi#ally #ause
more su#h losses. >. %f Budh is in the ?th from 1agn Pad and is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* similarly there will be e+)enses through )aternal
relati&es. " malefi# so related to the said Budh will #ause loss of wealth through dis)utes. ?!. , Brahmin* if 8uru is in the ?th from 1agn Pad* re#ei&ing a Drishti
from others* the e+)enses will be through ta+es and on the )erson himself. ?. , Brahmin* if Sani is in the ?th from 1agn Pad along with Mangal and re#ei&es a
Drishti from others* the e+)enses will be through one(s #o-born. ??. 8ainful Sour#es. :hate&er sour#es of e+)enses are indi#ated abo&e with referen#e to the ?th
from 1agn Pad* gains through similar sour#es will o##ur* if 1abh Bha&a so features with referen#e to 1agn Pad. ?A. 'he Dth Bha&a from Pad -u) to Sloka ?D.. %f
Rahu* or /etu is )la#ed in the Dth from 1agn Pad* the nati&e will be troubled by disorders of the stoma#h* or by fire. ?4. Should there be /etu in the Dth from 1agn
Pad* re#ei&ing a Drishti from* or being yuti with another malefi#* the nati&e will be ad&enturous* will ha&e -)rematurely. grey hair and a big male organ. ?<. Should
one* two* or all three of 8uru* Sukr and 0andr be in the Dth from 1agn Pad* the nati&e will be &ery wealthy. ?C. :hether a benefi#* or a malefi#* if be e+alted in the
Dth from 1agn Pad* the nati&e will be affluent and be famous. ?D. , Brahmin* these Hogas* as narrated by me with referen#e to the Dth from 1agn Pad* should also
be #onsidered from the ?nd of 1agn Pad. ?=. "nyone of Budh* 8uru and Sukr being e+alted in the ?nd from 1agn Pad and being with strength will make the subje#t
ri#h. ?>. 'he Hogas so far stated by me with referen#e to 1agn Pad be similarly e&aluated from /arakans as well. A!-AD. 8eneral. %f Budh is in the ?nd from "rudh
1agn* the nati&e will 1ord o&er the whole #ountry. Sukr in the ?nd from 1agn Pad will make one a )oet* or a s)eaker. %f the Dar Pad falls in an angle* or in a trine*
#ounted from 1agn Pad* or* if 1agn Pad and Dar Pad both ha&e strong 8rahas* the nati&e will be ri#h and be famous in his #ountry. %f the Dar Pad falls in the CthG
=thG?th from 1agn Pad* then the nati&e will be )oor. %f 1agn Pad and the Dth therefrom* or an angle* a trine* an 2)a#haya therefrom is o##u)ied by a strong 8rah*
there will be ha))iness between the husband and wife. %f 1agn Pad and Dar Pad are mutually in /endras* or /onas* there will be amity between the #ou)le. %f these
be in mutually CthG=thG?th* doubtlessly mutual enmity will #ro) u). , Brahmin* similarly mutual relationshi)* or gain* or loss through son et#. be known* based on
1agn Pad and the relati&e Bha&a Pad. %f 1agn Pad and Dar Pad are mutually angular* or Ard and th* or in /onas* the nati&e will be a king* ruling the earth. Similar
dedu#tions be made with referen#e to mutual )ositions of 1agn Pad and Dhan Pad.

0h. A!. 2)a Pad

-C. , Brahmin* now % tell you about 2)a Pad* the aus)i#iousness of whi#h will #onfer on the nati&e ha))iness from )rogeny* wife et#. 'he Pad of 1agn* as
dis#ussed earlier* is of )rime im)ortan#e. 2)a Pad is #al#ulated for the Bha&a* following the natal 1agn. 'his 2)a Pad is also #alled 8aun Pad. , e+#ellent of the
Brahmins* if 2)a Pad is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi# 8rah* one will obtain full ha))iness from )rogeny and s)ouse. Should the 2)a Pad be in a
malefi#(s Rashi* or re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with a malefi#* one will be#ome an as#eti# and go without a wife. %f -in the said #ir#umstan#es. there be a
benefi# Drishti -on 2)a Pad* or the related malefi#.* or a yuti* de)ri&al of s)ouse will not #ome to )ass. %n this #ase Surya* being e+alted* or in a friendly Rashi* is
not a malefi#. He is a malefi#* if in debilitation* or in an enemy(s Rashi. Botes. Regarding 2)a Pad #al#ulations* there are more than two &iews on the same Sloka of
Maharishi Parashar* or an identi#al Sutra from 3aimini. %n this te+t* the word F"nu#har( is used* whi#h denotes Fthe Bha&a* following the 1agn at birth(. Bormally this
is Vyaya Bha&a. Howe&er* when we study other #ommentaries on 3aimini -0haukhambh Hindi edition.* we are taught* that it is Vyaya Bha&a in the #ase of an odd
Rashi as#ending and it is Dhan Bha&a in the #ase of an e&en Rashi as#ending. "##ordingly the Pad for the ?th* or the ?nd from 1agn is #alled 2)a Pad. %n
#al#ulating 2)a Pad the rules mentioned in &erses 4 and < of the )re&ious #ha)ter be ke)t in mind. D-?. @ffe#t from the ?nd from 2)a Pad. %f the ?nd from 2)a
Pad is a benefi# Rashi* or re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with a benefi#* the same good results -as for wife and sons. will #ome to )ass. %f there is a 8rah in the
?nd from 2)a Pad in its debilitation Rashi* or debilitation "ns* or is yuti with a debilitated* or malefi# 8rah* there will be destru#tion of wife. %f the said o##u)ant be in
its e+altation Rashi* or Ba&ans* or re#ei&es a Drishti from another 8rah* there will be many #harming and &irtuous wi&es. ,h Brahmin* if Mithun ha))ens to be the
?nd from 2)a Pad* then also there will be many wi&es. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* if the 2)a Pad* or the ?nd therefrom be o##u)ied by its own 1ord* or* if the said
1ord is in his other own Bha&a* the death of wife will be at ad&an#ed age. A-<. :ife from the ?nd of 2)a Pad -u) to Sloka ??.. %f a 8rah being #onstant indi#ator
of wife -i.e. the Dth 1ord* or Sukr. is in its own Bha&a* there will be loss of wife only at a later stage. %f the 1ord of 2)a Pad* or the #onstant signifi#ator of wife is in
e+altation* the wife will be from a noble family. Re&erse will be the #ase* if he is debilitated. , Brahmin* if the ?nd from 2)a Pad is related to a benefi#* the wife will
be beautiful* fortunate and &irtuous. C. Should Sani and Rahu be in the ?nd from 2)a Pad* the nati&e will lose his wife on a##ount of #alumny* or through death.
D. 'he nati&e(s wife will be troubled by disorder of blood* leu#orrhoea -Pradar. et#.* if Sukr and /etu are in the ?nd from 2)a Pad. =. Budh with /etu in the ?nd
from 2)a Pad will #ause breakage of bones* while Rahu* Sani and Surya will #ause distress of bones. >-??. Budh and Rahu in the ?nd from 2)a Pad will gi&e a
stout-bodied wife. %f the ?nd from 2)a Pad ha))ens to be one of Budh(s Rashis and is tenanted by Mangal and Sani* the wife of the nati&e will suffer from nasal
disorders. Similarly a Rashi of Mangal* be#oming the ?nd from 2)a Pad and o##u)ied by Mangal and Sani* will #ause nasal disorders to one(s wife. 8uru and Sani
will* if be in the ?nd from 2)a Pad* #ause disorders of ears andGor eyes to the wife. %f Budh and Mangal are )la#ed in the ?nd from 2)a Pad other than their own
Rashis* or* if Rahu is with 8uru in the ?nd from 2)a Pad* the nati&e(s wife will suffer from dental disorders. Sani and Rahu together in one of Sani(s Rashis* whi#h is
the ?nd from 2)a Pad* will #ause lameness* or windy disorders to the nati&e(s wife. 'hese e&ils will not #ome to )ass* if there ha))ens to be a Huti with* or a Drishti
from a benefi# -or from another benefi# in the #ase of affli#tion being #aused by a benefi# himself.. ?A-?AL. , Brahmin* all these effe#ts be dedu#ed from the natal
1agn* 1agn Pad* the Dth from 2)a Pad and the 1ords thereof. So say Barada and others. ?<-?=. "bout Sons. %f Sani* 0andr and Budh are together in the >th from
one of the said )la#es -Sloka ?A.* there will be no son at all* while Surya* 8uru and Rahu so )la#ed will gi&e a number of sons. 0andr so )la#ed will gi&e a son*
while a mi+ture of 8rahas will delay the obtainment of a son. 'he son* #aused by the Huti of Surya* 8uru and Rahu* will be strong* &alorous* greatly su##essful and
will destroy enemies. %f Mangal and Sani are in the said >th* there will be no son* or a son will be obtained by ado)tion* or brother(s son will #ome in ado)tion. %n all
these #ases odd Rashis will yield many sons* while e&en Rashis will #ause only a few. ?>-A!. Many Sons and Many Daughters. , Brahmin* if Simh ha))ens to be
2)a Pad and re#ei&es a Drishti from 0andr* there will be a limited number of #hildren. Similarly /anya will #ause many daughters. A. 0o-born form 1agn Pad -u)
to Sloka AC.. Rahu and Sani in the Ard* or the th from 1agn Pad will destroy the #o-born of the nati&e. Rahu and Sani in the th will indi#ate the destru#tion of
elder brothers andGor sisters and in the Ard younger ones. A?. %f Sukr is in the Ard* or the th from 1agn Pad* there would ha&e been an abortion to the mother
earlier. Same is the effe#t* if Sukr is in the =th from natal 1agn* or from 1agn Pad. AA-AC. 'hese are the effe#ts* o Brahmin* as stated by Maharishis for the Ard and
the th from 1agn Pad. Should 0andr* 8uru* Budh and Mangal be in the Ard* or the th from 1agn Pad* there will be many &alorous #o-born. Should Sani and
Mangal be in the Ard* or the th from 1agn Pad* or gi&e Drishtis thereto* younger and elder #o-born will* res)e#ti&ely* be destroyed. %f Sani is alone in one of the
said Bha&as* the nati&e will be s)ared* while the #o-born will die. /etu in the Ard* or the th will gi&e abundant ha))iness from one(s sisters. AD. ,ther Matters from
1agn Pad -u) to Sloka 4A.. %f the Cth from 1agn Pad is o##u)ied by a malefi# and is bereft of a Huti with* or a Drishti from a benefi#* the nati&e will be a thief. A=. %f
Rahu is in the Dth* or the ?th from 1agn Pad* or gi&es a Drishti to one of the said Bha&as* the nati&e will be endowed with s)iritual knowledge and be &ery
fortunate. A>. %f Budh is in 1agn Pad* the nati&e will 1ord o&er a whole #ountry* while 8uru will make him a knower of all things. Sukr in this #onte+t denotes a
)oetGs)eaker -also see 0h. ?>* &erse A!.. 4!. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* if benefi#s o##u)y the ?nd from 2)a Pad* or from 1agn Pad* the nati&e will be endowed
with all kinds of wealth and be intelligent. 4. ,ne will surely be#ome a thief* if the 1ord of the ?nd from 2)a Pad is in Dhan Bha&a and is there yuti with a malefi#
8rah. 4?-4A. , Brahmin* if Rahu is in the ?nd from the 1ord of the Dth* #ounted from 2)a Pad* the nati&e will ha&e long and )roje#ted teeth. /etu in the ?nd from
the 1ord of the Dth* #ounted from 2)a Pad* will #ause stammering and Sani in the ?nd from the 1ord of the Dth* #ounted from 2)a Pad* will make one look ugly.
Mi+ed will be the effe#ts* if there are mi+ed 8rahas.

0h. A. "rgala* or %nter&ention from 8rahas

. , Maharishi Parashar* you ha&e told of aus)i#ious effe#ts* related to "rgala. /indly narrate its #onditions and effe#ts. ?->. Eormation of "rgala. Maitreya* %
e+)lain below "rgala to know the definite effe#ts of Bha&as and 8rahas. 8rahas in the 4th* ?nd and the th #ause "rgalas* while obstru#tors of the "rgala will be
those in the !th* ?th and Ard from a Bha&a* or a 8rah. %f the "rgala #ausing 8rah is stronger than the obstru#ting one* the former will )re&ail. ,r* if the number of
"rgalas are more than the obstru#ting 8rahas* then also the "rgala will )re&ail. %f there are A* or more malefi#s in the Ard they will #ause Vi)reet "rgala -more
effe#ti&e inter&ention.* whi#h will also be harmless and be &ery fa&ourable. 'he <th is also an "rgala )la#e* while the 8rah in the >th will #ountera#t su#h "rgala. "s
Rahu and /etu ha&e retrograde motions* the "rgalas and obstru#tions be also #ounted a##ordingly in a re&erse manner. Maharishis say* that the "rgala* #aused by
one 8rah* will yield limited effe#t* by two medium and by more than two* e+#ellent effe#ts. "rgalas should be #ounted from a Rashi* or a 8rah* as the #ase may be.
'he "rgala* whi#h is unobstru#ted will be fruitful* while the one duly obstru#ted will go astray. 'he "rgala effe#ts will be deri&ed in the Dasha )eriods of the Rashi*
or 8rah #on#erned. Botes. F"rgala( in Sanskrit is figurati&ely used to denote an im)ediment* or obstru#tion. Some suggest* that the "rgala obstru#tion )la#es are
#ountable from the "rgala )la#e instead of from the original )la#e* or 8rah. 'his is not logi#al and a glan#e into 8o#har Vedha -obstru#tions during transits. will
#onfirm our findings. !. S)e#ial. 'he "rgala* #aused by )la#ement of a 8rah in the first one fourth )art of the Rashi* is #ountered by another* )la#ed in the 4th
$uarter of the res)e#ti&e obstru#ti&e Rashi. Similarly ?nd $uarter(s "rgala is eliminated by the Ard $uarter )la#ement of another 8rah. Botes. %f the "rgala #ausing
8rah and the obstru#ting 8rah are in the res)e#ti&e $uarters* the obstru#tion will #ome to )ass. ,therwise not. -D. "rgala @ffe#ts. Should there be "rgala for the
"rudh Pad* for the natal 1agn and for the Dth from both* the nati&e will be famous and fortunate. " malefi#* or a benefi#* #ausing unobstru#ted "rgala* gi&ing a
Drishti to 1agn will make one famous. Similarly a malefi#* or a benefi#* #ausing unobstru#ted "rgala* gi&ing a Drishti to Dhan Bha&a denotes a#$uisition of wealth
and grains* to Sahaj Bha&a ha))iness from #o-born* to Bandhu Bha&a residen#es* $uadru)eds and relati&es* to Putr Bha&a sons* grand sons and intelligen#e* to
"ri Bha&a fear from enemies* to Hu&ati Bha&a abundant wealth and marital ha))iness* to Randhr Bha&a diffi#ulties* to Dharm Bha&a fortunes* to /arm Bha&a royal
honour* to 1abh Bha&a gains and to Vyaya Bha&a e+)enses. 'he "rgala by benefi#s will gi&e &arious kinds of ha))iness* while benefi# effe#ts will be meddling with
malefi# "rgalas. "rgala by both benefi#s and malefi#s will yield results. Botes. . "rgala #an be #aused by a benefi#* whi#h is known* as Subh "rgala. 'his "rgala
#an be from a malefi# also* so that the benefi#* #ausing "rgala* stalls the malefi# role. %f the benefi#(s "rgala is obstru#ted by another* then the benefi# will be#ome
ineffe#ti&e in "rgala and the first-mentioned malefi# will o)erate freely. ?. "rgala #an be by a malefi# with referen#e to a benefi#* so that the nati&e does not enjoy
good effe#ts* due to the benefi#. 'his is Pa) -malefi#. "rgala. %f the "rgala is eliminated by a benefi#* or a malefi#* then the first mentioned benefi# will be at liberty
to a#t* a##ording to his own dis)osition. =. Should there be -unobstru#ted. "rgala for 1agn* Putr and Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will doubtlessly be#ome a king and

0h. A?. /arakatwas of the 8rahas

-?. % now detail below "tma /arak et#.* obtainable from among the D 8rahas* &i7. Surya to Sani. Some say* that Rahu will be#ome a /arak* when there is a state
of similarity in terms of longitude between -two. 8rahas. Het some say* that the = 8rahas* in#luding Rahu* will ha&e to be #onsidered irres)e#ti&e of su#h a state. A-
=. "tma /arak Defined. "mong the 8rahas from Surya et#. whi#he&er has tra&ersed ma+imum number of degrees in a )arti#ular Rashi is #alled "tma /arak. %f the
degrees are identi#al* then the one with more minutes of ar# and* if the minutes are also identi#al* then the one with higher se#onds of ar#* ha&e to be #onsidered.
%n that #ase these three are #alled "nthya /arak* Madhya /arak and 2)akheta. %n the #ase of Rahu dedu#t his longitude in that )arti#ular Rashi from A!. 'he
/arakas will ha&e to be de#ided* as abo&e and* as )er further rules gi&en below. ,ut of these /arakas* "tma /arak is the most im)ortant and has a )rime say on
the nati&e* just as the king is the most famous among the men of his #ountry and is the head of all affairs and is entitled to arrest and release men. >-?.
%m)ortan#e of "tma /arak. , Brahmin* as the minister #annot go against the king* the other /arakas* &i7. Putr /arak* "matya /arak et#. #annot )redominate o&er
"tma /arak in the affairs of the nati&e. %f the "tma /arak is ad&erse* other /arakas #annot gi&e their benefi# effe#ts. Similarly* if "tma /arak is fa&ourable* other
/arakas #annot )redominate with their malefi# influen#es. A-D. ,ther /arakas. 'he 8rah ne+t to "tma /arak in terms of longitude is #alled "matya /arak.
Similarly following one another in terms of longitude are Bhratru /arak* Matru /arak* Pitru /arak* Putr /arak* 8nati /arak and Stri /arak. 'hese are 0har /arakas*
or in#onstant signifi#ators. Some #onsider Matru /arak and Putr /arak* as identi#al. %f two 8rahas ha&e the same longitude* both be#ome the same /arak* in whi#h
#ase there will be a defi#it of one /arak. %n that #ir#umstan#e #onsider #onstant signifi#ator in the #onte+t of benefi#Gmalefi# influen#e for the #on#erned relati&e. =-
?. 0onstant /arakatwas. % narrate below the #onstant /arakatwas* as related to the 8rahas. 'he stronger among Surya and Sukr indi#ates the father* while the
stronger among 0andr and Mangal indi#ates the mother. Mangal denotes sister* brother-in-law* younger brother and mother. Budh rules maternal relati&e* while
8uru indi#ates )aternal grand father. Husband and sons are* res)e#ti&ely* denoted by Sukr and Sani. Erom /etu note wife* father* mother* )arents-in law and
maternal grand father. 'hese are #onstant /arakatwas. ??-?4. Bha&as Related. 'hese #onstant signifi#an#es are deri&able from the Bha&as* #ounted from the said
#onstant /arakatwas. 'he >th from Surya denotes father* the 4th from 0andr mother* the Ard from Mangal brothers* the Cth from Budh maternal un#le* the <th from
8uru sons* the Dth from Sukr wife and the =th from Sani death. 'he learned should #onsider all these and de#lare related effe#ts a##ordingly. ?<-A!. Hog /arakas.
, Brahmin* % make below a )assing referen#e to Hog /arakas -mutual #o-workers.. 8rahas be#ome Hog /arakas* if they are in mutual angles identi#al with own
Rashis* e+altation Rashis* or friendly Rashis. %n /arm Bha&a a 8rah will be signifi#antly so. 8rahas sim)ly -not being in friendly* own* or e+altation Rashis. in 1agn*
Bandhu and Hu&ati Bha&a do not be#ome su#h Hog /arakas. @&en* if they be )la#ed in other Bha&as* but with su#h dignities* as mentioned* shall be#ome Hog
/arakas. :ith su#h 8rahas e&en a )erson of mean birth will be#ome a king and be affluent. ,ne born of royal s#ion* then will surely be#ome a king. 'hus the
effe#ts be de#lared* #onsidering the number of su#h 8rahas and the order the nati&e belongs to. A-A4. Bha&a Signifi#an#e. % now narrate the signifi#an#e of the
Bha&as. 'anu Bha&a denotes the soul -self.* Dhan family* finan#e* wife et#.* Sahaj younger brothersGsisters* Putr )rogeny and Hu&ati wife. %t is also said* that a
8rah in Putr be#omes a /arak for wife. 'he /arakatwas of the Bha&a in order are Surya* 8uru* Mangal* 0andr* 8uru* Mangal* Sukr* Sani* 8uru* Budh* 8uru and
Sani. A<-AD. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* after knowing the merits of 'anu Bha&a et#. the good and bad effe#ts #an be de#lared. "ri* Randhr and Vyaya are 'rikas*
Dusthan* or malefi# Bha&as. Sahaj* "ri* /arm and 1abh are 2)a#hayas. Dhan* Putr* Randhr and 1abh are Pana)haras and Sahaj* "ri* Dharm and Vyaya are
")oklimas. "sso#iation with 'rikas will infli#t e&ils. /endras and /onas -Putr and Dharm. are aus)i#ious Bha&as* the asso#iation with whi#h turns e&en e&il into
aus)i#iousness. -"lso see 0h. A4 for more information.

0h. AA. @ffe#ts of /arakans

. , Brahmin* as laid down by 1ord Brahma* % now tell you about the effe#ts of /arakans identi#al with Mesh et#. -/arakans is the Ba&ans* o##u)ied by the "tma
/arak 8rah. ?-=. /arakans in Various Rashis. %f "tma /arak ha))ens to be in Mesh Ba&ans* there will be nuisan#e from rats and #ats at all times. " malefi# joining
will further in#rease the nuisan#e. Should "tma /arak be in Vrishabh Ba&ans* ha))iness from $uadru)eds will result. Should "tma /arak be in Mithun Ba&ans* the
nati&e will be affli#ted by it#h et#. Should "tma /arak be in /ark Ba&ans* there will be fear from water et#. %f "tma /arak ha))ens to be in Simh Ba&ans* fear will be
from tiger et#. %f "tma /arak ha))ens to be in /anya Ba&ans* it#h* #or)ulen#e* fire et#. will #ause trouble* while* if "tma /arak is in 'ula Ba&ans* he will make one
a trader and skilful in making robes et#. Vris#hik Ba&ans* holding "tma /arak* will bring troubles from snakes et#. and also affli#tion to mother(s breasts. 'here will
be falls from height and #on&eyan#es et#.* if it is Dhanu Ba&ans* that is o##u)ied by "tma /arak. Makar Ba&ans in this res)e#t denotes gains from water dwelling
beings and #on#h* )earl* #oral et#. %f it is /umbh Ba&ans* holding "tma /arak* the nati&e will #onstru#t tanks et#. "nd in Meen Ba&ans the "tma /arak will grant
final eman#i)ation. 'he Drishti of a benefi# will remo&e e&ils* while that of a malefi# will #ause no good. >-. , Brahmin* if there be only benefi#s in /arakans and
the Ba&ans of 1agn re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* the nati&e will undoubtedly be#ome a king. Should the /endrasG/onas from the /arakans be o##u)ied by
benefi#s* de&oid of malefi# asso#iation* the nati&e will be endowed with wealth and learning. 'he #ombination of benefi# and malefi# influen#e will in this #onte+t
yield mi+ed results. %f the 2)akheta -2)a8rah* &ide 0h.A? Sloka <. is in its e+altation* or own* or friendly Rashi and is de&oid of a Drishti from a malefi#* the nati&e
will go to hea&en after death. ?. %f the "tma /arak is in the di&isions of 0andr* Mangal* or Sukr* the nati&e will go to others wi&es. ,therwise the #ontrary will
)re&ail. A-=. @ffe#ts of 8rahas in the /arakans. , Brahmin* if Surya is in the /arakans* the nati&e will be engaged in royal assignments. %f the full 0andr is there*
he will enjoy )leasures and be a s#holar* more so* if Sukr gi&es a Drishti to the /arakans. %f strong Mangal is in /arakans* he will use the wea)on s)ear* will li&e
through fire and be an al#hemist. Should strong Budh be /arakans* he will be skilful in arts and trading* be intelligent and edu#ated. 8uru in /arakans denotes one*
doing good a#ts* endowed with s)iritualism and Vedi# learning. ,ne will be endowed with a longe&ity of !! years* be sensuous and will look after state affairs* if
Sukr is in /arakans. Sani in /arakans will gi&e su#h li&elihood* as due to the nati&es family. Rahu in /arakans denotes a thief* a bowman* a ma#hinery maker and a
do#tor* treating )oisonous affli#tions. %f /etu be in /arakans* one will deal in ele)hants and be a thief. >-??. Rahu-Surya in /arakans. Should Rahu and Surya be
in /arakans* there will be fear from snakes. %f a benefi# gi&es a Drishti to Rahu-Surya in /arakans* there will be no fear* but a malefi# Drishti will bring death
-through ser)ents.. %f Rahu and Surya o##u)y benefi# Shad Vargas* being in /arakans* one will be a do#tor* treating )oisonous affli#tions* while the Drishti from
Mangal on Rahu-Surya in /arakans denotes* that the nati&e will burn either his own house* or that of others. Budh(s Drishti on Rahu-Surya in /arakans will not
#ause the burning of one(s own house* but that of others. %f Rahu and Surya ha))en to be in /arakans and are in a malefi#(s Rashi* re#ei&ing a Drishti from 8uru*
one will burn a house in one(s neighbourhood* while the Drishti of Sukr will not #ause su#h an e&ent. ?A-?4. 8ulik in /arakans. Should the full 0andr gi&e a Drishti
to 8ulik* )la#ed in the /arakans* the nati&e will lose his wealth to thie&es* or will himself be a thief. %f 8ulik is in /arakans* but does not re#ei&e a Drishti from others*
one will administer )oison to others* or will himself die of )oisoning. Budh(s Drishti in this #onte+t will gi&e large testi#les. ?<-?>. @ffe#ts of Drishtis on /etu in
/arakans. %f /etu is in /arakans* re#ei&ing a Drishti from a malefi#* ones ears will be se&ered* or one will suffer from diseases of the ears. Sukr* gi&ing a Drishti to
/etu in /arakans* denotes one* initiated into religious order. ,ne will be de&oid of strength* if Budh and Sani gi&e a Drishti to /etu in /arakans. %f Budh and Sukr
gi&e a Drishti to /etu in /arakans* one will be the son of a female sla&e* or of a female remarried. :ith Sani(s Drishti on /etu in /arakans one will )erform )enan#e*
or be a ser&ant* or will be a )seudo-as#eti#. Sukr and Surya together* gi&ing a Drishti to /etu in /arakans* will make one ser&e the king. 'hus* o Brahmin* are told
briefly the effe#ts of /arakans. A!-A. @ffe#ts of the ?nd from /arakans. %f the ?nd from /arakans falls in the di&isions of Sukr* or Mangal* one will be addi#ted to
others( wi&es and* if Sukr* or Mangal gi&e a Drishti to the ?nd from /arakans* the tenden#y will last till death. %f /etu is the ?nd from /arakans in a di&ision of Sukr*
or Mangal* addi#tion to other(s wi&es will not )re&ail* while the )osition of 8uru will #ause su#h an e&il. Rahu in the ?nd from /arakans will destroy wealth. A?.
@ffe#ts of the Ard from /arakans. " malefi# in the Ard from /arakans will make one &alorous* while a benefi# in the Ard from /arakans will make one timid. AA-A<.
@ffe#ts of the 4th from /arakans. %f the 4th from /arakans ha))ens to be o##u)ied by Sukr and 0andr* one will own large buildings* like )ala#es et#. Similar is the
effe#t of an e+alted 8rah in the said 4th. " house* made of stones* is denoted by the o##u)ation of the 4th from /arakans by Rahu and Sani. Mangal and /etu in
the 4th from /arakans indi#ate a house* made of bri#ks* while 8uru in the 4th from /arakans denotes a house* made of wood. Surya in the 4th from /arakans will
gi&e a house of grass. %f 0andr is in the 4th from /arakans* one will ha&e union with his wife in an un#om)ounded house. AC-4!. @ffe#ts of the <th from /arakans. %f
Rahu and Mangal are in the <th from /arakans* one will suffer from a )ulmonary #onsum)tion* more so* if 0andr gi&es them a Drishti. 'he Drishti of Mangal on the
<th from /arakans will bring boils* or ul#ers* /etu(s Drishti on the <th from /arakans will #ause dysentery and other diseases* #aused by -im)ure. water. %f Rahu
and 8ulik ha))en to be in the <th from /arakans* there will be fear from mean )eo)le and )oison. Should Budh be in the <th from /arakans* the nati&e will be an
as#eti# of the highest order* or one* holding staff. Surya in the <th from /arakans denotes one* using a knife. Mangal in the <th from /arakans denotes one* using a
s)ear. Sani denotes a bowman* if Sani is )la#ed in the <th from /arakans. Rahu in the <th from /arakans denotes a ma#hinist. /etu in the <th from /arakans
denotes a wat#h maker. Sukr in the <th from /arakans will make one a )oet and an elo$uent s)eaker. 4-4<. @ffe#ts of /arakans and the <th from there. %f 8uru
and 0andr are in /arakans* or the <th thereof* the nati&e will be an author. Sukr will make one an ordinary writer* while Budh will indi#ate* that the writing skills are
less than those of an ordinary writer. Should 8uru be alone* one will be a knower of e&erything* be a writer and be &ersed in Vedas and Vedanta )hiloso)hy* but not
an oratorian* or a grammarian. Mangal denotes a logi#ian* Budh a Mimamsaka -follower of /arma Mimansa.* Sani indi#ates* that one is dull-witted in the assembly*
Surya denotes* that one is a musi#ian* 0andr denotes a follower of Sankhya )hiloso)hy -of Maharishi /a)ila* who enumerated ?< true )rin#i)les with em)hasis on
final bliss. and indi#ates* that one is &ersed in rhetori#s and singing and /etu* or Rahu denotes* that one is a 3yotishi. Should 8uru be related to the )ositions of
/arakans* or the <th from there* while the /arakans is #aused by others than him* the effe#ts* as stated* will effe#ti&ely #ome to )ass. Some say* that the ?nd from
/arakans should also be similarly #onsidered. 4C. @ffe#ts of the Cth from /arakans. %f the Cth from /arakans is o##u)ied by a malefi#* the nati&e will be an
agri#ulturist* while he will be indolent* if a benefi# is in the Cth from /arakans. 'he Ard from /arakans should also be similarly #onsidered. 4D-4=. @ffe#ts of the Dth
from /arakans. %f 0andr and 8uru are in the Dth from /arakans* the nati&e will beget a &ery beautiful wife. Sukr in the Dth form /arakans denotes a sensuous wife*
while Budh in the Dth from /arakans indi#ates a wife* &ersed in arts. Surya in the Dth from /arakans will gi&e a wife* who will be #onfining domesti# #ore* while Sani
in the Dth from /arakans denotes a wife of a higher age bra#ket* or a )ious andGor si#k wife. Rahu in the Dth from /arakans will bring a widow in marriage. 4>.
@ffe#ts of the =th from /arakans. %f a benefi#* or the 8rah* owning the =th from /arakans* ha))ens to be in the =th from /arakans* the nati&e will be long-li&ed*
while a malefi#* )la#ed in the =th from /arakans* will redu#e the life s)an. DrishtiGHuti of both benefi#s and malefi#s will yield a medium s)an of life. <!-<C. @ffe#ts
of the >th from /arakans. %f the >th from /arakans re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is o##u)ied by a benefi#* the nati&e will be truthful* de&oted to elders and atta#hed to
his own religion. %f a malefi# gi&es a Drishti to* or o##u)ies the >th from /arakans* one will be atta#hed to his religion in boyhood* but will take to falsehood in old
age. %f Sani and Rahu* one will betray his elders and be ad&erse to an#ient learning. %f 8uru and Surya* one will betray his elders and will be disobedient to them.
Should Mangal and Sukr gi&e a Drishti to* or o##u)y the >th from /arakans and are joining in si+ identi#al Vargas* a female* ill-related to the nati&e* will die. Budh
and 0andr gi&ing a Drishti to* or o##u)ying the >th from /arakans and joining in si+ identi#al Vargas will #ause im)risonment of the nati&e* due to asso#iation with a
female not of his own. %f 8uru is alone* related to the >th from /arakans by Drishti* or by Huti* the nati&e will be addi#ted to females and be de&oted to sensual
enjoyments. <D-C!. @ffe#ts of the !th from /arakans. %f the !th from /arakans re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is #onjoined by a benefi#* the nati&e will ha&e firm
ri#hes* be saga#ious* strong and intelligent. " malefi#* gi&ing a Drishti to the !th from /arakans* or o##u)ying this Bha&a* will #ause harm to his )rofession and
de)ri&e him of )aternal bliss. Budh and Sukr* gi&ing a Drishti to the !th from /arakans* or #onjoining this Bha&a* will #onfer many gains in business and will make
him do many great deeds. Surya and 0andr* gi&ing a Drishti to the !th from /arakans* or #onjoining this )la#e and re#ei&ing a Drishti from* or be in Huti with 8uru*
the nati&e will a#$uire a kingdom. C-C?. @ffe#ts of the th from /arakans. %f the th from /arakans re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with a benefi#* the nati&e will
enjoy ha))iness from #o-born a)art from gaining in e&ery undertaking of his. %f a malefi# is in the th from /arakans* the nati&e will gain by $uestionable means*
be famous and &alorous. CA-D4. @ffe#ts of the ?th from /arakans. %f the ?th from /arakans has a benefi#* the e+)enses will be on good a##ount* while a malefi#
in the ?th from /arakans will #ause bad e+)enses. %f the ?th from /arakans is &a#ant* then also good effe#ts will follow. %f there ha))ens to be a benefi# 8rah in
e+altation* or in own Bha&a in the ?th from /arakans* or* if /etu is so )la#ed and re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with a benefi#* one will attain hea&en after
death. ,ne will attain full enlightenment* if /etu is in the ?th identi#al with Mesh* or Dhanu and re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#. %f /etu is in the ?th from
/arakans* re#ei&ing a Drishti from a malefi#* or is there yuti with a malefi#* one will not attain full enlightenment. %f Surya and /etu are in the ?th from /arakans*
the nati&e will worshi) 1ord Shi&a. 0andr and /etu denotes a worshi)er of 8auri. Sukr and /etu of 1akshmi and a wealthy )erson. Mangal and /etu of 1ord
Subramanya. Rahu will make one worshi) Durga* or some mean deity. /etu alone denotes Subramanya(s* or 8anesh(s worshi))er. %f Sani is in the ?th from
/arakans in a malefi#(s Rashi* one will worshi) mean deities. Sukr and Sani in the ?th from /arakans in a malefi#(s Rashi will also make one worshi) mean
deities. Similar inferen#es #an be drawn from the Cth Ba&ans* #ounted from "matya /arak(s Ba&ans. D<-DC. Mis#ellaneous Matters -u) to Sloka =4.. , Brahmin* if
there are two malefi#s in a /on from /arakans* the nati&e will ha&e knowledge of Mantras and 'antras -formulas for the attainment of su)er-human )owers.. %f a
malefi# simultaneously gi&es a Drishti to two malefi#s in a /on from /arakans* the nati&e will use his learnings of Mantras and 'antras for male&olent )ur)oses*
while a benefi#(s Drishti will make him use the learnings for )ubli# good. DD-=4L. %f 0andr is in the /arakans* re#ei&ing a Drishti from Sukr* the nati&e will be an
al#hemist and* if re#ei&ing a Drishti from Budh the nati&e will be a do#tor #a)able of #uring all diseases. %f 0andr is in the 4th from /arakans and re#ei&es a Drishti
from Sukr* the nati&e will be affli#ted by white le)rosy. %f re#ei&ing a Drishti from Mangal* the nati&e will ha&e blood and bilious disorders and* if re#ei&ing a Drishti
from /etu* the nati&e will suffer from bla#k le)rosy. Should Rahu and Mangal be in the 4th* or <th from /arakans* the nati&e will suffer from )ulmonary #onsum)tion
and* if simultaneously there ha))ens to be 0andr(s Drishti on the 4th* or the <th* this affli#tion will be #ertain. Mangal alone in the 4th* or the <th will #ause ul#ers. %f
/etu is in the 4th* or the <th* one will suffer from dysentery and affli#tions* due to -im)ure. water. Rahu and 8ulik will make one a do#tor* #uring )oisonous
affli#tions* or will #ause troubles through )oison. Should Sani be alone in the 4th* or <th* the nati&e will be skillful in ar#hery. /etu lonely )la#ed in the 4th* or the <th
will make one a maker of wat#hes et#. Budh lonely )la#ed in the 4th* or the <th will make one an as#eti# of the highest order* or an as#eti#* holding staff. Rahu*
Surya and Mangal* res)e#ti&ely* in these )la#es denote a ma#hinist* a knife user and a s)ear* or arrow user. =<-=C. 0andr and 8uru in the /arakans* or in the <th
therefrom denotes a writer well &ersed in all bran#hes of learning. 'he grade of writershi) will #om)arati&ely des#end in the #ase of Sukr and e&en further in the
#ase of Budh. =D->?L. 8rahas in the <th from /arakans. Should Sukr be in the <th from /arakans* the nati&e will be elo$uent and a )oet. 8uru denotes* that he be
an e+)onent and be all knowing* but be unable to s)eak in an assembly. He will be further a grammarian and a s#holar in Vedas and 2)anishads. Sani will make
one ineffe#ti&e in an assembly* while Budh will make him skilful in /arma Mimansa. Mangal in /arakans* or the <th therefrom will make one justi#e* while 0andr in
/arakans* or the <th from there denotes a Sankhya Hogi* a rhetori#* or a singer. Surya in the <th from /arakans will make one learned in Vedanta and musi#. /etu
will make one a mathemati#ian and skilful in 3yotish. Should 8uru be related to the said /etu* these learnings will be by inheritan#e. "ll these as well a))ly to ?nd
and Ard from /arakans and to the /arakans itself a)art from a))lying to the <th from /arakans. >A->AL. Should /etu be in the ?nd* or Ard from /arakans* the
nati&e will be defe#ti&e in s)ee#h* more so* if a malefi# gi&es a Drishti to /etu* as abo&e. >4->>. %f malefi#s be in /arakans* "rudh 1agn and the ?nd and =th from
these )la#es* there will be /emadrum Hog* the effe#ts of whi#h will be still se&erer* if 0andr(s Drishti ha))ens to be there. 'he effe#ts* due for these Hogas* will
#ome to )ass in the Dasha )eriods of the Rashis* or 8rahas #on#erned. /emadrum Hog will o)erate additionally* if there are malefi#s in the ?nd and =th from the
Rashi* whose Dasha will be in #urren#y. 'he results of su#h Hog will also be inaus)i#ious. %f the ?nd and =th in the /undali* #ast for the beginning of a Dasha* ha&e
malefi#s* then also /emadrum )re&ails throughout the Dasha.

0h. A4. Hoga /arakas

. , Brahmin* thus % ha&e told you about the effe#ts* deri&able through /arakans. Bow listen to the effe#ts* arising out of lordshi)s of 8rahas o&er Bha&as. ?-D.
Bature due to 1ordshi)s of 8rahas. Benefi#s* owning /endras* will not gi&e benefi# effe#ts* while malefi#s* owning /endras* will not remain inaus)i#ious. 'he 1ord
of a /on will gi&e aus)i#ious results. 'he 1ord of 1agn is s)e#ially aus)i#ious* as 1agn is a /endr* as well as a /on. Putr and Dharm Bha&a are s)e#ially for wealth*
while Hu&ati and /arm Bha&a are s)e#ially for ha))iness. "ny 8rah* owning Sahaj* "ri* or 1abh Bha&a* will gi&e e&il effe#ts. 'he effe#ts* due to the 1ords of Vyaya
and Randhr Bha&a* will de)end on their asso#iation. %n ea#h grou) the signifi#an#e will be in the as#ending order. Randhr(s 1ord is not aus)i#ious* as he owns the
?th from Dharm Bha&a. %f the 1ord of Randhr Bha&a simultaneously owns Sahaj* Hu&ati* or 1abh Bha&a* he will )ro&e s)e#ifi#ally harmful* while his simultaneous
ownershi) of a /on will bestow aus)i#ious effe#ts. 'he 8rah* owning a )redominant Bha&a* will stall the effe#ts* due to another* owning a less signifi#ant Bha&a
and will gi&e his own results. Randhr(s lordshi) of Surya and 0andr is not e&il. =-!. Batural Benefi#s and Malefi#s. 8uru and Sukr are benefi#s* while 0andr is
medio#re in benefi#e and Budh is neutral -a benefi#* when asso#iated with a benefi# and a malefi#* when related to a malefi#.. Malefi#s are Surya* Sani and
Mangal. Eull 0andr* Budh* 8uru and Sukr are stronger in the as#ending order. :eak 0andr* Surya* Sani and Mangal are stronger -in malefi# dis)osition. in the
as#ending order. %n re&ealing malefi#en#e* due to rulershi) of /endras* 0andr* Budh* 8uru and Sukr are signifi#ant in the as#ending order. -?. 1ordshi)s of
/endras and /onas. %f there be an e+#hange between a 1ord of a /endr and a 1ord of a /on* or* if a 1ord of a /endr is yuti with a 1ord of a /on in a /endr* or in a
/on* or* if a 1ord of a /on is in a /endr* or &i#e &ersa* or* if there ha))ens to be a full Drishti between a 1ord of a /endr and a 1ord of a /on* they #ause a Hog.
,ne born in su#h a Hog will be#ome a king and be famous. A. %f one and the same 8rah gets the lordshi)s of a /on* as well as a /endr* or* if a 8rah is in a /endr*
or in a /on* it will )ro&e s)e#ially a Hog /arak. 4. 1ordshi) of /endr. %t has been said* that a malefi#* owning a /endr* will be#ome aus)i#ious* whi#h is true* only
when it simultaneously 1ords o&er a /on and not by merely owning a /endr. <. %f the 1ords of a /endr* or a /on own simultaneously an e&il Bha&a* he does not
#ause a Raj Hog by mere relations sti)ulated -as )er 0h. A4* Slokas and ?.. C. Rahu and /etu. Rahu and /etu gi&e )redominantly the effe#ts* as due to their
yuti with a Bha&a 1ord* or* as due to the Bha&a they o##u)y. D. %f Rahu andGor /etu are in /endr* re#ei&ing a Drishti from* or in asso#iation with the 1ord of a /on*
or of a /endr* it will be#ome Hog /arak. =. , Maharishi Parashar* )lease narrate* a##ording to the Rashis rising* as to whi#h 8rah is a Hog /arak and whi#h is
inaus)i#ious. >-??. 8rahas and Mesh 1agn. , Brahmin* listen to these with e+am)les. @&en though Mangal is the 1ord of Randhr Bha&a* he will be hel)ful to
aus)i#ious 8rahas. Sani* Budh and Sukr are malefi#s. "us)i#ious are 8uru and Surya. 'he mere Huti of Sani with 8uru will not )rodu#e aus)i#ious effe#ts
-although they own a /on and a /endr.. %f 8uru is at the dis)osal of a malefi#* he will surely gi&e inaus)i#ious results. Sukr is a dire#t -inde)endent. killer. Sani et#.
will also infli#t death* if asso#iated with an ad&erse 8rah -Sukr.. ?A-?4. 8rahas and Vrishabh 1agn. 8uru* Sukr and 0andr are malefi#s. Sani and Surya are
aus)i#ious. Sani will #ause Raj Hog. Budh is somewhat inaus)i#ious. 'he 8uru grou) -8uru* 0andr and Sukr. and Mangal will infli#t death. ?<-?C. 8rahas and
Mithun 1agn. Mangal* 8uru and Surya are malefi#s* while Sukr is the only aus)i#ious 8rah. 'he Huti of 8uru with Sani is similar to that for Mesh 1agn. 0andr is the
)rime killer* but it is de)endant on her asso#iation. ?D-?=. 8rahas and /ark 1agn. Sukr and Budh are malefi#s* Mangal* 8uru and 0andr are aus)i#ious. Mangal is
#a)able of #onferring a full-fledged Hog and gi&ing aus)i#ious effe#ts. Sani and Surya are killers and gi&e effe#ts* a##ording to their asso#iations. ?>-A!. 8rahas
and Simh 1agn. Budh* Sukr and Sani are malefi#s. "us)i#ious effe#ts will be gi&en by Mangal* 8uru and Surya. 8uru(s Huti with Sukr -though* res)e#ti&ely* /on
and /endr 1ords. will not )rodu#e aus)i#ious results. Sani and 0andr are killers* who will gi&e effe#ts* a##ording to their asso#iations. A-A?. 8rahas and /anya
1agn. Mangal* 8uru and 0andr are malefi#s* while Budh and Sukr are aus)i#ious. Sukr(s Huti with Budh will )rodu#e Hog. Sukr is a killer as well. Surya(s role will
de)end on his asso#iation. AA-A4. 8rahas and 'ula 1agn. 8uru* Surya and Mangal are malefi#s. "us)i#ious are Sani and Budh. 0andr and Budh will #ause Raj
Hog. Mangal is a killer. 8uru and other malefi#s will also a#$uire a dis)osition to infli#t death. Sukr is neutral. A<-AC. 8rahas and Vris#hik 1agn. Sukr* Budh and
Sani are malefi#s. 8uru and 0andr are aus)i#ious. Surya* as well as 0andr are Hog /arakas. Mangal is neutral. Sukr and other malefi#s a#$uire the $uality of
#ausing death. AD-A=. 8rahas and Dhanu 1agn. ,nly Sukr is inaus)i#ious. Mangal and Surya are aus)i#ious. Surya and Budh are #a)able of #onferring a Hog.
Sani is a killer* 8uru is neutral. Sukr a#$uires killing )owers. A>-4!. 8rahas and Makar 1agn. Mangal* 8uru and 0andr are malefi#s* Sukr and Budh are aus)i#ious.
Sani will not be a killer on his own. Mangal and other malefi#s will infli#t death. Surya is neutral. ,nly Sukr is #a)able of #ausing a su)erior Hog. 4-4?. 8rahas and
/umbh 1agn. 8uru* 0andr and Mangal are malefi#s* while Sukr and Sani are aus)i#ious. Sukr is the only 8rah* that #auses Raj Hog. 8uru* Surya and Mangal are
killers. Budh gi&es meddling effe#ts. 4A-44. 8rahas and Meen Bha&a. Sani* Sukr* Surya and Budh are malefi#s. Mangal and 0andr are aus)i#ious. Mangal and
8uru will #ause a Hog. 'hough Mangal is a killer* he will not kill the nati&e -inde)endently.. Sani and Budh are killers. 4<-4C. 8eneral. 'hus the aus)i#ious and
inaus)i#ious effe#ts* deri&able through the 8rahas* due to their lordshi)* a##ording to the rising Rashi* ha&e to be estimated. ")art the effe#ts* due to Babhash
Hogas et#.* should also be known* whi#h % narrate* as under.

0h. A<. Babhash Hogas

-?. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* e+)lained below are A? Babhash Hogas* whi#h ha&e a total of =!! different &arieties. 'hese #onsist of A "sraya Hogas* ? Dala
Hogas* ?! "kriti Hogas and D Sankhya Hogas. A-C. Bames of Babhash Hogas. 'he A "sraya Hogas are Rajju* Musala and Bala Hogas. 'he ? Dala Hogas are Maal
and Sar)a. 'he ?! "kriti Hogas are 8ada* Sakat* Shringatak* Vihag* Hal* Vajr* /amal* Va)i* Hu)* Shar* Shakti* Danda* Bisk* /oot* 0hatr* Dhanushi -0ha).* "rdh*
0andr* 0hakr and Samudr Hogas. 'he D Sankhya Hogas are Vallaki* Daam* Paash* /edara* Sool* Huga and 8ola Hogas. 'hus these are A? in total. D. Rajju*
Musala and Bala Hogas. "ll the 8rahas in Mo&able Rashis #ause Rajju Hog. "ll the 8rahas in Ei+ed Rashis #ause Musala Hog. "ll the 8rahas in Dual Rashis
#ause Bala Hog. =. Maal and Sar)a Hogas. %f A /endras are o##u)ied by benefi#s* Maal Hog is )rodu#ed* while malefi#s so )la#ed will #ause Bhujang* or Sar)a
Hog. 'hese Hogas* res)e#ti&ely* )rodu#e benefi# and malefi# results. >-. 8ada* Sakat* Vihag* Shringatak* Hal* Vajr and Ha& Hogas. %f all the 8rahas o##u)y two
su##essi&e /endras* 8ada Hog is formed. Sakat Hog o##urs* when all the 8rahas are dis)osed in 1agn and Hu&ati Bha&a. %f all #onfine to Bandhu and /arm
Bha&a* then Vihag Hog o##urs. "ll 8rahas in 1agn* Putr and Dharm Bha&a #ause Shringatak Hog* while all 8rahas in Dhan* "ri and /arm Bha&a* or in Sahaj*
Hu&ati and 1abh Bha&a* or in Bandhu* Randhr and Vyaya Bha&a #ause Hal Hog. Vajr Hog is #aused by all benefi#s in 1agn and Hu&ati Bha&a* or all malefi#s in
Bandhu and /arm Bha&a. %n a #ontrary situation* i.e. all benefi#s in Bandhu and /arm Bha&a* or all malefi#s in 1agn and Hu&ati Bha&a* Ha& Hog is generated. ?.
/amal and Va)i Hogas. %f all the 8rahas are in the 4 /endras* /amal Hog is )rodu#ed. %f all of them ha))en to be in all the ")oklimas* or in all the Pana)haras*
Va)i Hog o##urs. A. Hu)* Shar* Shakti and Danda Hogas. %f all the D 8rahas are in the 4 Bha&as* #ommen#ing from 1agn* they #ause Hu) Hog* if from Bandhu*
Shar Hog o##urs* if from Hu&ati* Shakti Hog o##urs and* if from /arm* Danda Hog is formed. 4. Bauka* /oot* 0hatr and 0ha) Hogas. %f all the 8rahas o##u)y the
se&en Bha&as from 1agn* Bauka Hog o##urs* if from Bandhu* /oot Hog is formed* if from Hu&ati* 0hatr Hog o##urs and* if from /arm* 0ha) Hog o##urs. Here again
the 8rahas should o##u)y se&en #ontinuous Bha&as. Nuoted from Sara&ali. %f the se&en 8rahas o##u)y #ontinuously se&en Bha&as* #ommen#ing from a Bha&a*
whi#h is not angular to the 1agna* the Hoga )rodu#ed is known* as "rdh 0andra Hoga. <. 0hakr and Samudr Hogas. %f all the 8rahas o##u)y si+ alternati&e
Rashis* #ommen#ing from 1agn* 0hakr Hog is formed. Samudr Hog is )rodu#ed* if all 8rahas o##u)y si+ alternati&e Rashis* #ommen#ing from Dhan Bha&a. C-D.
Sankhya Hogas. %f all 8rahas are in one Rashi* 8ola Hog is formed* if in ?* Huga Hog is formed* if in A* Sool Hog o##urs* if in 4* /edara Hog o##urs* if in <* Paash
Hog is formed* if in C* Daam Hog o##urs and* if in D* Veena Hog is )rodu#ed. Bone of these se&en Hogas will be o)erable* if another Babhash Hog is deri&able. =.
@ffe#ts of Babhash Hogas -u) to Sloka <!.. Rajju Hog. ,ne born in Rajju Hog will be fond of wandering* be #harming* will earn in foreign #ountries. He will be #ruel
and mis#hie&ous. >. Musala Hog. ,ne born in Musala Hog will be endowed with honour* wisdom* wealth et#.* be dear to king* famous* will ha&e many sons and be
firm in dis)osition. ?!. Bala Hog. ,ne born in Bala Hog will ha&e une&en )hysi$ue* be interested in a##umulating money* &ery skilful* hel)ful to relati&es and
#harming. ?. Maal Hog. ,ne born in Maal Hog will be e&er ha))y* endowed with #on&eyan#es* robes* food and )leasures* be s)lendourous and endowed with
many females. ??. Sar)a Hog. ,ne born in Sar)a Hog will be #rooked* #ruel* )oor* miserable and will de)end on others for food and drinks. ?A. 8ada Hog. ,ne
born in 8ada Hog will always make efforts to earn wealth* will )erform sa#rifi#ial rites* be skilful in Shastras and songs and endowed with wealth* gold and )re#ious
stones. ?4. Sakat Hog. ,ne born in Sakat Hog will be affli#ted by diseases* will ha&e diseased* or ugly nails* be foolish* will li&e by )ulling #arts* be )oor and de&oid
of friends and relati&es. ?<. Vihag Hog. ,ne born in Vihag Hog will be fond of roaming* be a messenger* will li&e by se+ual dealings* be shameless and interested in
$uarrels. ?C. Shringatak Hog. ,ne born in Shringatak Hog will be fond of $uarrels and battles* be ha))y* dear to king* endowed with an aus)i#ious wife* be ri#h and
will hate women. ?D. Hal Hog. ,ne born in Hal Hog will eat a lot* will be &ery )oor* will be miserable* agitated* gi&en u) by friends and relati&es. He will be a ser&ant.
?=. Vajr Hog. ,ne born in Vajr Hog will be ha))y in the beginning and at the end of life* be &alorous* #harming* de&oid of desires and fortunes and be inimi#al. ?>.
Ha& Hog. ,ne born in Ha& Hog will obser&e fasts and other religious rules* will do aus)i#ious a#ts* will obtain ha))iness* wealth and sons in his mid-life. He will be
#haritable and firm. A!. /amal Hog. ,ne born in /amal Hog will be ri#h and &irtuous* be long li&ed* &ery famous and )ure. He will )erform hundreds of aus)i#ious
a#ts and he will be a king. A. Va)i Hog. ,ne born in Va)i Hog will be #a)able of a##umulating wealth* be endowed with lasting wealth and ha))iness and sons* be
free from eye affli#tions and will be a king. A?. Hu) Hog. ,ne born in Hu) Hog will ha&e s)iritual knowledge and will be interested in sa#rifi#ial rites. He will be
endowed with a wife* be strong* interested in fasts and other religious obser&ations and be distinguished. AA. Shar Hog. ,ne born in Shar Hog will make arrows* be
head of a )rison* will earn through animals* will eat meat* will indulge in torture and mean handiworks. A4. Shakti Hog. ,ne born in Shakti Hog will be bereft of
wealth* be unsu##essful* miserable* mean* la7y* long li&ed* interested and skilful in war* firm and aus)i#ious. A<. Danda Hog. ,ne born in Danda Hog will lose sons
and wife* will be indigent* unkind* away from his men and will ser&e mean )eo)le. AC. Bauka Hog. ,ne born in Bauka Hog will deri&e his li&elihood through water*
be wealthy* famous* wi#ked* wret#hed* dirty and miserly. AD. /oot Hog. ,ne born in /oot Hog will be a liar* will head a jail* be )oor* #rafty* #ruel and will li&e in hills
and fortresses. A=. 0hatr Hog. ,ne born in 0hatr Hog will hel) his own men* be kind* dear to many kings* &ery intelligent* ha))y at the beginning and end of his life
and be long-li&ed. A>. 0ha) Hog. ,ne born in 0ha) Hog will be liar* will )rote#t se#rets* be a thief* be fond of wandering* forests* be de&oid of lu#k and be ha))y in
the middle of the life. 4!. "rdh 0andr Hog. ,ne born in "rdh 0andr Hog will lead an "rmy* will )ossess a s)lendourous body* be dear to king* be strong and
endowed with gems* gold and ornaments. 4. 0hakr Hog. ,ne born in 0hakr Hog will be an em)eror* at whose feet will be the )rostrating kings* heads* adoring
gem studded diadems. 4?. Samudr Hog. ,ne born in Samudr Hog will ha&e many )re#ious stones and abundant wealth* be endowed with )leasures* dear to
)eo)le* will ha&e firm wealth and be well dis)osed. 4A. Veena Hog. ,ne born in Veena Hog will be fond of songs* dan#e and musi#al instruments* be skilful* ha))y*
wealthy and be a leader of men. 44. Daamini Hog. ,ne born in Daamini Hog will be hel)ful to others* will ha&e righteously earned wealth* be &ery affluent* famous*
will ha&e many sons and gems* be #ourageous and red-lettered. 4<. Paash Hog. ,ne born in Paash Hog will be liable to be im)risoned* be skilful in work* be
de#ei&ing in dis)osition* will talk mu#h* be bereft of good $ualities and will ha&e many ser&ants. 4C. /edara Hog. ,ne born in /edara Hog will be useful to many* be
an agri#ulturist* be truthful* ha))y* fi#kle-minded and wealthy. 4D. Sool Hog. ,ne born in Sool Hog will be shar)* indolent* bereft of wealth* be tortuous* )rohibited*
&aliant and famous through war. 4=. Huga Hog. ,ne born in Huga Hog will be hereti#* be de&oid of wealth* be dis#arded by others and be de&oid of sons* mother
and &irtues. 4>. 8ola Hog. ,ne born in 8ola Hog will be strong* be de&oid of wealth* learning and intelligen#e* be dirty* sorrowful and miserable. <!. "n#estors say*
that the results* due to said -Babhash. Hogas* will be felt throughout in all the Dasha )eriods.

0h. AC. Many ,ther Hogas

-?. Benefi# and Malefi# Hogas. %f there be a benefi# in 1agn* Subh Hog is )rodu#ed* while a malefi# in 1agn #auses "subh Hog. Benefi#s in both Vyaya and Dhan
Bha&a #ause Subh Hog. Malefi#s in both Vyaya and Dhan Bha&a #ause "subh Hog. ,ne born in Subh Hog will be elo$uent* #harming and &irtuous* while his
#ounter)art will be sensuous* will do sinful a#ts and will enjoy -swallow. others( wealth. A-4. 8aj /esari Hog. Should 8uru be in a /endr from 1agn* or from 0andr
and be yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from benefi#* a&oiding at the same time debilitation* #ombustion and inimi#al Rashi* 8aj /esari Hog is #aused. ,ne born in
8aj /esari Hog will be s)lendourous* wealthy* intelligent* endowed with many laudable &irtues and will )lease the king. <-C. "mal Hog. %f there be e+#lusi&ely a
benefi# in the !th from 1agn* or 0andr* "mal Hog e+ists. "mal Hog will #onfer fame* lasting till 0andr and stars e+ist and will make the nati&e honoured by the
king* enjoy abundant )leasures* #haritable* fond of relati&es* hel)ful to others* )ious and &irtuous. D-=. Par&at Hog. Benefi#s in /endras will )rodu#e Par&at Hog* as
Hu&ati and Randhr Bha&a are &a#ant* or are o##u)ied by only benefi#s. ,ne born in Par&at Hog will be wealthy* elo$uent* #haritable* learned in Shastras* fond of
mirth* famous* s)lendourous and be the leader of a #ity. >-!. /ahal Hog. Should Bandhu(s 1ord and 8uru be in mutual /endras* while 1agn(s 1ord is strong* /ahal
Hog o##urs. "lternati&ely Bandhu(s 1ord* being in his own* or e+altation Rashi* should be yuti with /arm(s 1ord. %n effe#t the nati&e will be energeti#* ad&enturous*
#harming* endowed with a #om)lete "rmy* #onsisting of #hariots* ele)hants* horses and infantry and he will 1ord o&er a few &illages. -?. 0hamar Hog. %f 1agn(s
1ord is e+alted in a /endr and re#ei&es a Drishti from 8uru* 0hamar Hog is formed. 'his Hog also o##urs* if two benefi#s are in 1agn* or Dharm* or /arm* or Hu&ati
Bha&a. 'he effe#ts of 0hamar Hog are5 the nati&e will be a king* or honoured by the king* long li&ed* s#holarly* elo$uent and &ersed in all arts. A-4. Shankh Hog.
%f 1agn(s 1ord is strong* while the 1ords of Putr and "ri Bha&a are in mutual /endras* then what is known* as Shankh Hog* is )rodu#ed. "lternati&ely* if 1agn(s 1ord
along with /arm(s 1ord is in a Mo&able Rashi* while Dharm(s 1ord is strong* Shankh Hog is obtained. ,ne born with Shankh Hog will be endowed with wealth*
s)ouse and sons. He will be kindly dis)osed* )ro)itious* intelligent* meritorious and long-li&ed. <-C. Bhairi Hog. %f Vyaya* 'anu* Dhan and Hu&ati Bha&a are
o##u)ied* as Dharm(s 1ord is strong* the nati&e obtains Bhairi Hog. "gain another kind of Bhairi Hog is formed* if Sukr* 8uru and 1agn(s 1ord are in a /endr* while
Dharm(s 1ord is strong. 'he results of Bhairi Hog are5 the nati&e will be endowed with wealth* wife and sons. He will be a king* be famous* &irtuous and endowed
with good beha&iour* ha))iness and )leasures. D. Mridang Hog. %f 1agn(s 1ord is strong and others o##u)y /endras* /onas* own Bha&as* or e+altation Rashis*
Mridang Hog is formed. 'he nati&e #on#erned will be a king* or e$ual to a king and be ha))y. =. Shrinath Hog. %f Hu&ati(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a* while /arm(s 1ord
is e+alted and yuti with Dharm(s 1ord* Shrinath Hog takes )la#e. 'he nati&e with Shrinath Hog will be e$ual to 1ord De&endra -god of gods.. >-?!. Sharad Hog.
Should /arm(s 1ord be in Putr Bha&a* while Budh is in a /endr* as Surya with strength is in Simh* Sharad Hog is formed. 'his will again be obtained* if 8uru* or
Budh is in a /on to 0andr* while Mangal is in 1abh Bha&a. ,ne born in either kind of Hog will obtain wealth* s)ouse and sons* be ha))y* s#holarly* dear to the king*
)ious and &irtuous. ?-??. Matsya Hog. Benefi#s in Dharm and 'anu Bha&a* mi+ed 8rahas in Putr Bha&a and malefi#s in Bandhu and Randhr Bha&a5 this array of
8rahas at birth will )rodu#e Matsya Hog. %n effe#t the nati&e will be a 3yotishi* be a synonym of kindness* be &irtuous* strong* beautiful* famous* learned and )ious.
?A-?4. /urm Hog. %f Putr* "ri and Hu&ati Bha&a are o##u)ied by benefi# 8rahas identi#al with own Bha&a* or e+altation* or friendly Rashi* while malefi#s are in
Sahaj* 1abh and 'anu Bha&a* in own Bha&a* or in e+altation* /urm Hog is formed. 'he results of /urm Hog are5 the nati&e will be a king. be #ourageous* &irtuous*
famous* hel)ful* ha))y. He will be a leader of men. ?<-?C. /hadg Hog. Should there be an e+#hange of Rashis between the 1ords of Dhan and Dharm Bha&a* as
1agn(s 1ord is in a /endr* or in a /on* /hadg Hog is obtained. ,ne with /hadg Hog will be endowed with wealth* fortunes and ha))iness* be learned in Shastras*
be intelligent* mighty* grateful and skilful. ?D-?=. 1akshmi Hog. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in a /endr identi#al with his Mooltrikon Rashi* or own Rashi* or in e+altation* while
1agn(s 1ord is endowed with strength* 1akshmi Hog o##urs. 'he nati&e with 1akshmi Hog will be #harming* &irtuous* kingly in status* endowed with many sons and
abundant wealth. He will be famous and of high moral merits. ?>-A!. /usum Hog. Sukr in a /endr* 0andr in a /on along with a benefi# and Sani in /arm Bha&a5
these 8rahas thus #ause /usum Hog for one born in a Ei+ed Rashi as#ending. Su#h a nati&e will be a king* or e$ual to him* be #haritable* will enjoy )leasures* be
ha))y* )rime among his ra#e men* &irtuous and red-lettered. A-A?. /alanidhi Hog. %f 8uru is )la#ed in Dhan* or Putr Bha&a and re#ei&es a Drishti from Budh and
Sukr* /alanidhi Hog is #aused. %n effe#t the nati&e will be &irtuous* honoured by the kings* bereft of diseases* be ha))y* wealthy and learned. AA-A4. /al)a Drum
Hog. Bote the following four 8rahas5 1agn(s 1ord * the dis)ositor of 1agn(s 1ord -a.* the dis)ositor of the 8rah 6a; -b.* the Ba&ans dis)ositor of the 8rah 6b;. %f all
these are dis)osed in /endras and in /onas from 1agn* or are e+alted* /al)a Drum Hog e+ists. ,ne with /al)a Drum Hog will be endowed with all kinds of wealth*
be a king* )ious* strong* fond of war and mer#iful. A<-AC. 'rimurthi Hogas. 0ounted from Dhan(s 1ord* if benefi#s o##u)y the ?nd* ?th and =th* Hari Hog is formed.
%f the 4th* >th and =th with referen#e to the Rashi* o##u)ied by Hu&ati(s 1ord* are o##u)ied by benefi#s* Hara Hog is obtainable. Brahma Hog is generated* if*
#ounted from 1agn(s 1ord* benefi#s are in the 4th* !th and th Rashis. ,ne born in anyone of the said three Hogas will be ha))y* learned and endowed with
wealth and sons. AD. 1agn "dhi Hog. Should benefi#s be in Hu&ati and Randhr Bha&a* #ounted from 1agn and be de&oid of Huti with andGor Drishti from malefi#s*
1agn "dhi Hog is )rodu#ed* making one a great )erson* learned in Shastras and ha))y. A=-A>. @ffe#ts of 1agn(s 1ord(s Di&ision Dignities. 1agn(s 1ord in Parijatans
will make one ha))y* in Vargottama will gi&e immunity to diseases* in 8o)urans will make one ri#h with wealth and grains* in Simhasanans will make one a king* in
Para&atans will make one a s#holar* in De&alokans will make one o)ulent and endowed with #on&eyan#es and in %ra&atans will make one famous and honoured by
kings. -Vargottama indi#ates a 8rah* o##u)ying the same Rashi and the same Ba&ans.

0h. AD. 0andr(s Hogas

. %f 0andr with referen#e to Surya is in a /endr* one(s wealth* intelligen#e and skill will be little* if in a Pana)hara* will be meddling* if in a ")oklima* will be
e+#ellent. ?-4. %n the #ase of a day birth* if 0andr* )la#ed in its own Ba&ans* or in a friendly Ba&ans* re#ei&es a Drishti from 8uru* one will be endowed with wealth
and ha))iness. ,ne born at night time will enjoy similar effe#ts* if 0andr is in its own Ba&ans* or in a friendly Ba&ans* re#ei&ing a Drishti from Sukr. %n a #ontrary
situation* the Drishti from 8uru* or from Sukr on 0andr will make one go with little wealth* or e&en without that. <. "dhi Hog from 0andr. %f benefi#s o##u)y the =th*
Cth and Dth* #ounted from 0andr* "dhi Hog obtains. "##ording to the strength of the )arti#i)ating 8rahas* the nati&e #on#erned will be either a king* or a minister* or
an "rmy #hief. C. Dhan Hog. Should all the -three. benefi#s be 2)a#haya* #ounted from 0andr* one will be &ery affluent. :ith two benefi#s* )la#ed in the Ard* the
Cth* the !th and the th* one will ha&e medium effe#ts in regard to wealth. %f a single benefi# is there* the wealth will be negligible. D-!. Suna)h* "na)h and
Duradhar. %f there is a 8rah other than Surya* in the ?nd from 0andr* Suna)h Hog is formed* if in the ?th from 0andr* "na)h Hog is formed and* if in the ?nd and
?th from 0andr* Duradhar Hog is #aused. ,ne with Suna)h Hog will be a king* or e$ual to a king* endowed with intelligen#e* wealth* fame and self-earned wealth.
,ne born in "na)h Hog will be a king* be free from diseases* &irtuous* famous* #harming and ha))y. ,ne born in Duradhar Hog will enjoy )leasures* will be
#haritable and endowed with wealth* #on&eyan#es and e+#ellent ser&ing for#e. -A. /ema Drum Hog. @+#luding Surya* should there be no 8rah with 0andr* or in
the ?nd andGor ?th from 0andr* or in a /endr from 1agn* /ema Drum Hog is formed. ,ne born in /ema Drum Hog will be &ery mu#h re)roa#hed* will be bereft of
intelligen#e* learning* redu#ed to )enury and )erils.

0h. A=. Surya(s Hogas

. Vesi* Vosi and "bhaya#hari Hogas. Barring 0andr* if a 8rah among Mangal et#. be in the ?nd from Surya* Vesi Hog is formed* if in the ?th from Surya* Vosi Hog
is formed and if in both the ?nd and the ?th from Surya* 2bhaya#hari Hog is #aused. ?-A. @ffe#ts of Vesi* Vosi and 2bhaya#hari Hogas. ,ne born in Vesi Hog will
be e&en sighted* truthful* long-bodied* indolent* ha))y and endowed with negligible wealth. ,ne born with Vosi Hog will be skilful* #haritable and endowed with
fame* learning and strength. 'he 2bhaya#hari nati&e will be a king* or e$ual to a king and be ha))y. 4. Benefi#s* #ausing Vesi* Vosi* or 2bhaya#hari Hogas* will
gi&e the abo&e-mentioned effe#ts* while malefi#s will )rodu#e #ontrary effe#ts

0h. A>. Raj Hog

-?. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* % now narrate below the Raj Hogas* making one entitled to royal honour. 'hese were told to Par&ati by 1ord Shi&a on#e u)on a
time* the gist of whi#h is* as follows. A-<. Raj Hogas are to be known from the /arakans 1agn and the natal 1agn. ,n the one hand the )air of "tma /arak and Putr
/arak should be #onsidered and on the other hand the natal 1agn(s 1ord and Putr(s 1ord should be taken into #onsideration. 'he effe#ts* due to su#h asso#iation*
will be full* or a half* or a $uarter* a##ording to their strengths. C-D. Maha Raj Hog. Should 1agn(s 1ord and Putr(s 1ord e+#hange their Rashis* or* if "tma /arak and
Putr /arak -0har. are in 1agn* or in Putr Bha&a* or in the e+altation Rashi* or in own Rashi* or in own Ba&ans* re#ei&ing a Drishti from a benefi#* Maha Raj Hog is
)rodu#ed. 'he nati&e so born will be famous and ha))y. =. %f 1agn(s 1ord and "tma /arak are in 'anu* Putr* or Hu&ati Bha&a* yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from a
benefi#* a Raj Hog is formed. >-!. Should there be benefi#s in the ?nd* the 4th and the <th* #ounted either from 1agn(s 1ord* or from "tma /arak Rashi* one will
be#ome a king. Similarly malefi#s in the Ard and Cth from 1agn(s 1ord* or from "tma /arak Rashi will make one a king. . ,ne will be related to royal #ir#les* if
Sukr is the /arakans* or in the <th there from* or in 1agn* or in "rudh 1agn* re#ei&ing a Drishti from* or yuti with 8uru* or 0andr. ?. @&en* if a single 8rah gi&es a
Drishti to the natal 1agn* or Hora 1agn* or 8hatik 1agn* the nati&e will be#ome a king. A-4. %f the Shad Vargas of 1agn are o##u)ied* or re#ei&e a Drishti from one
and the same 8rah* a Raj Hog is doubtlessly formed. "##ordingly* if the Drishti is full* half* or one fourth* results will be in order full* medium and negligible. <. %f
the A 1agnas -natal* Hora and 8hatik. are o##u)ied by 8rahas in e+altation* or in own Rashi* or* if the natal 1agn* the Dreshkan 1agn and the Ba&ans 1agn ha&e
e+alted 8rahas* Raj Hog is formed. C. %f 0andr and a benefi# are in the "rudh 1ang* as 8uru is in the ?nd from the natal 1agn and both these )la#es are re#ei&ing
Drishtis from 8rahas in e+altation* or 8rahas in own Rashi* there will be a Raj Hog. D. %f 1agn* Dhan and Bandhu Bha&a are o##u)ied by benefi#s* while a malefi#
is in Sahaj Bha&a* one will be#ome a king* or e$ual to a king. =. 'he nati&e will be wealthy* if one among 0andr* 8uru* Sukr and Budh is e+alted in Dhan Bha&a.
>. %f "ri* Randhr and Sahaj Bha&a are o##u)ied by debilitated 8rahas* as 1agn(s 1ord is e+alted* or is in own Bha&a and gi&es a Drishti to 1agn* there is a Raj
Hog. ?!. "gain a Raj Hog is formed* if "ri(s* Randhr(s and Vyaya(s 1ords are in fall* or in inimi#al Rashis* or in #ombustion* as 1agn(s 1ord* )la#ed in his own Rashi*
or in its e+altation Rashi* gi&es a Drishti to 1agn. ?. %f /arm(s 1ord* )la#ed in his own Bha&a* or in its e+altation Rashi* gi&es a Drishti to 1agn* a Raj Hog is formed.
Similar is the #ase* if benefi#s are in /endras. ??. %f the "tma /arak 8rah is in a benefi#(s RashiGBa&ans* the nati&e will be wealthy. %f there are benefi#s in /endras
from /arakans 1agn* he will be#ome a king. ?A. %f the "rudh 1agn and Dar Pad are in mutual /endras* or in mutual SahajG1abh Bha&as* or in mutual /onas* the
nati&e will doubtlessly be#ome a king. ?4. %f two* or all of Bha&a* Hora* 8hatik 1agnas are re#ei&ing a Drishti from e+alted 8rahas* a Raj Hog is formed. ?<. %f
Bha&a* Hora and 8hatik 1agnas* their Dreshkanas and Ba&ansas* or the said 1agnas and their Ba&ansas* or the said 1agnas and their Dreshkanas re#ei&e a
Drishti from a 8rah* a Raj Hog is formed. ?C-?D. %f "rudh Pad is o##u)ied by an e+alted 8rah* )arti#ularly 0andr in e+altation* or by 8uru andGor Sukr -with* or
without e+altation.* while there is no "rgala by a malefi#* the nati&e will be#ome a king. %f the "rudh Pad is a benefi# Rashi* #ontaining 0andr* while 8uru is in Dhan
Bha&a* the same effe#t will )re&ail. ?=. @&en* if one among "ri(s* Randhr(s and Vyaya(s 1ords* being in debilitation* gi&es a Drishti to 1agn* there will be a Raj Hog.
?>-A. 'he nati&e will be#ome a king* if a 8rah* ruling Bandhu* /arm* Dhan* or 1abh* gi&es a Drishti to 1agn* while Sukr gi&es a Drishti to the th from "rudh 1agn*
as "rudh 1agn is o##u)ied by a benefi#. 'he same effe#t will be obtained* if a debilitated 8rah gi&es a Drishti to 1agn and is )la#ed in "ri* or Randhr Bha&a. "gain
similar result will )re&ail* if a debilitated 8rah* )la#ed in Sahaj* or 1abh Bha&a* gi&es a Drishti to 1agn. A?. % now tell you of the Raj Hogas* based on the 8rahas with
different dignities and on the Drishtis and Hutis of the 8rahas. AA-A4. Dharm(s 1ord is akin to a minister and more es)e#ially Putr(s 1ord. %f these two 8rahas
mutually gi&e a Drishti* the nati&e will obtain a kingdom. @&en* if these two are yuti in any Bha&a* or* if they ha))en to be )la#ed in mutually Dth )la#es* one born of
royal s#ion will be#ome a king. A<. 'he nati&e will attain a kingdom* if Bandhu(s 1ord is in /arm Bha&a and /arm(s 1ord is in Bandhu Bha&a and* if these 8rahas
gi&e a Drishti to Putr(s and Dharm(s 1ords. AC. %f the 1ords of Putr* /arm* Bandhu and 1agn are yuti in Dharm Bha&a* one will be#ome a ruler with fame* s)reading
o&er the four dire#tions. AD. Should the 1ord of Bandhu* or of /arm Bha&a join either the Putr(s 1ord* or Dharm(s 1ord* the nati&e will obtain a kingdom. A=. %f Putr(s
1ord is in 1agn* Bandhu* or /arm Bha&a* yuti with Dharm(s 1ord* or 1agn 1ord* the nati&e will be#ome a king. A>. Should 8uru be in his own Rashi identi#al with
Dharm Bha&a and yuti with either Sukr* or Putr(s 1ord* the nati&e will obtain royal status. 4!. 'wo and a half 8hatis from mid-day* or from mid-night is aus)i#ious
time. " birth during su#h an aus)i#ious time will #ause one to be a king* or e$ual to him. 4. Should 0andr and Sukr be mutually in Sahaj and 1abh Bha&a and
re#ei&ing Drishtis from ea#h other* while they are )la#ed elsewhere* a Raj Hog is obtained. 4?. Should 0andr* endowed with strength* be Vargottans and re#ei&es a
Drishti from four* or more 8rahas* the nati&e will be#ome a king. 4A. ,ne will be#ome a king* if 1agn in 2ttamans re#ei&es a Drishti from four* or more 8rahas* out
of whi#h 0andr should not be one. 44. %f one* or two* or three 8rahas are in e+altation* one of a royal s#ion will be#ome a king* while another will be e$ual to a king*
or be wealthy. 4<. %f four* or fi&e 8rahas o##u)y their e+altation Rashis* or Mooltrikon Rashis* e&en a )erson of base birth will be#ome king. 4C. %f si+ 8rahas are
e+alted* the nati&e will be#ome em)eror and will enjoy &arious kinds of royal )ara)hernalia. 4D. @&en* if one among 8uru* Sukr and Budh is in e+altation* while a
benefi# is in a /endr* the nati&e will be#ome a king* or be e$ual to him. 4=. %f all benefi#s are relegated to /endras* while malefi#s are in Sahaj* "ri and 1abh Bha&a*
the nati&e* though may be of mean des#ent* will as#end the throne.

0h. 4!. Hogas Eor Royal "sso#iation

. %f /arm(s 1ord is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from the dis)ositor of "matya /arak* or e&en* if /arm(s 1ord is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from "matya /arak
himself* the nati&e will be a #hief in the king(s #ourt. ?. %f /arm and 1abh Bha&a are de&oid of malefi# o##u)ation and de&oid of Drishti from a malefi#* while 1abh
Bha&a re#ei&es a Drishti from its own 1ord* the nati&e will be a #hief in the king(s #ourt. A. Should "matya /arak and the dis)ositor of "tma /arak be together* the
nati&e will be endowed with great intelligen#e and will be a king(s minister. -F/arakendr( is inter)reted here* as the dis)ositor of "tma /arak. Similarly F"matyesa(
means the dis)ositor of "matya /arak. 4. %f "tma /arak is strong and is with a benefi#* or "matya /arak is in its own Bha&a* or in e+altation* one will surely be#ome
a king(s minister. <. 'here is no doubt in one(s be#oming a king(s minister and famous* if "tma /arak is in 'anu* or Putr* or Dharm Bha&a. C. %f "tma /arak* or
"matya /arak is )la#ed in a /endr* or in a /on* the nati&e will beget royal mer#y* royal )atronage and ha))iness thereof. D. Should malefi#s be in the Ard and the
Cth from "tma /arak* or from "rudh 1agn* or in Sahaj and "ri Bha&a* one will be#ome "rmy #hief. =. %f "tma /arak is in a /endr* or in a /on* or in e+altation* or in
its own Bha&a and gi&es a Drishti to Dharm(s 1ord* the nati&e will be a king(s minister. >. %f the 1ord of the Rashi* where 0andr is )la#ed be#omes "tma /arak and*
if this 1ord is )la#ed in 'anu Bha&a along with a benefi#* the nati&e will be#ome a king(s minister at his ad&an#ed age. !. Should the "tma /arak be in Putr*
Hu&ati* /arm* or Dharm Bha&a and ha))en to be with a benefi#* one will earn wealth through royal )atronage. . %f the "rudh of Dharm Bha&a ha))ens to be itself
the 3anm 1agn* or* if "tma /arak is )la#ed in Dharm Bha&a* the nati&e will be asso#iated with royal #ir#les. ?. ,ne will gain through royal asso#iation* if 1abh
Bha&a is o##u)ied by its own 1ord and is de&oid of a Drishti from a malefi#. 'he "tma /arak should at the same time be yuti with a benefi#. A. "n e+#hange of
Rashis between /arm(s 1ord and 1agn(s 1ord will make the nati&e asso#iated with the king in a great manner. 4. %f Sukr and 0andr are in the 4th from /arakans
1agn* the nati&e will be endowed with royal insignia. <. Should 1agn(s 1ord* or the "tma /arak be yuti with Putr(s 1ord and be in a /endr* or in a /on* the nati&e
will be a king* or minister.

0h. 4. 0ombinations for :ealth

. % now tell you of s)e#ial #ombinations* gi&ing wealth. ,ne born to these Hogas will surely be#ome wealthy. ?. Hogas for 8reat "ffluen#e -u) to Sloka =.. Should a
Rashi of Sukr be Putr Bha&a and be o##u)ied by Sukr himself* while Mangal is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will obtain great ri#hes. A. Should a Rashi of Budh be Putr
Bha&a and be o##u)ied by Budh himself* as 1abh Bha&a is o##u)ied by 0andr* Mangal and 8uru* the nati&e will be &ery affluent. 4. Should Simh be Putr Bha&a
and be o##u)ied by Surya himself* as Sani* 0andr and 8uru are in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be &ery affluent. <. Should Surya and 0andr be in 1abh Bha&a* as
Sani is in Putr Bha&a identi#al with his own Bha&a* the nati&e will be &ery affluent. C. Should 8uru be in Putr Bha&a identi#al with his own Rashi* as Budh is in 1abh
Bha&a* the nati&e will be &ery affluent. D. %f a Rashi of Mangal ha))ens to be Putr Bha&a with Mangal therein* while Sukr is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be#ome
&ery affluent. =. %f /ark ha))ens to be Putr Bha&a* #ontaining 0andr therein* while Sani is in 1abh Bha&a* the nati&e will be#ome &ery affluent. >. Hogas for :ealth
-u) to Sloka <.. Should Surya be in Simh identi#al with 1agn and be yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from Mangal and 8uru* one will be wealthy. !. Should 0andr
be in /ark identi#al with 1agn and be yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from Budh and 8uru* one will be wealthy. . Should Mangal be in 1agn identi#al with his own
Rashi and be yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from Budh* Sukr and Sani* the nati&e will be ri#h. ?. Should Budh(s Rashi be 1agn with Budh therein and should Budh
be yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from Sani and 8uru* the nati&e will be ri#h. A. Should 8uru be in 1agn identi#al with his own Rashi and be yuti with* or re#ei&ing
a Drishti from Budh and Mangal* the nati&e will be ri#h. 4. %f Sukr ha))ens to be in 1agn identi#al with his own Rashi and be yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from
Sani and Budh* one will be wealthy. <. %f Sani is in his own Rashi identi#al with 1agn and re#ei&ing a Drishti from* or being yuti with Mangal and 8uru* the nati&e
will be wealthy. C. ,ther Nualified 8rahas. Dharm(s 1ord and Putr(s 1ord are #a)able of bestowing wealth. Similarly 8rahas* yuti with Dharm(s 1ord andGor Putr(s
1ord are #a)able of bestowing wealth. 'here is no doubt* that these 8rahas will gi&e wealth during their Dasha )eriods. D. 'he Hogas* mentioned abo&e -u) to
Sloka C. should be delineated after knowing fa&ourable* or unfa&ourable dis)ositions of the )arti#i)ant 8rahas and their strength and weakness. =->. @ffe#ts of
the Di&isional Dignities of the 1ords of /endras. %f the 1ord of a /endr is in Parijatans* the nati&e will be liberal* if in 2ttamans* will be highly liberal* if in 8o)urans*
will be endowed with )rowess* if in Simhasanans* will be honourable* if in Para&atans* will be &alorous* if in De&alokans* will be head of an assembly* if in
Brahmalokans* will be a sage and* if in %ra&atans* will be delighted and be #elebrated in all $uarters. ?!-??. @ffe#ts of the Di&isional Dignities of Putr(s 1ord. %f Putr(s
1ord is in Parijatans* the nati&e will take to the bran#h of learning* befitting his ra#e* if in 2ttamans* will ha&e e+#ellent learning* if in 8o)urans* will re#ei&e world-
wide honours* if in Simhasanans* will be#ome a minister* if in also Para&atans* will be endowed with Vedi# /nowledge* if in De&alokans* will be a /arm Hogi
-)erformer of a#tions* worldly and religious rites.* if in Brahmalokans* will be de&oted to the 1ord and* if in %ra&atans* will be )ious. ?A-?D. @ffe#ts of the Di&isional
Dignities of Dharm(s 1ord. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in Parijatans* the nati&e will &isit holy )la#es* if in 2ttamans* has been &isiting holy )la#es in the )ast births and he will
do the same within this life-time* if in 8o)urans* will )erform sa#rifi#ial rites* if in Simhasanans* will be mighty and truthful* #on$uerer of his senses and will
#on#entrate only on the Brahman* gi&ing u) all religions* if in Para&atans* will be the greatest of as#eti#s* if in De&alokans* will be an as#eti#* holding a #udgel
-1agudi.* or he will be a religious mendi#ant* that has renoun#ed all mundane atta#hments and #arrying three long sta&es* tied together* in his right hand -'ridandin.
and* if in Brahmalokans* will )erform "swamedh Hagya -Horse Sa#rifi#e. and will attain the state of 1ord %ndra* if in %ra&atans* will be a synonym of Dharma* or
&irtues just* as 1ord Ram and Hudhishtira. ?=. 1ords of /endras and /onas Related. 'he /endras are known* as Vishnu Sthanas -Bha&as of 1ord Vishnu.* while
the /onas are #alled 1akshmi Sthanas. %f the 1ord of a /endr establishes a relationshi) with the 1ord of a /on* a Raj Hog is obtained. -" si+th kind of relationshi)
#an also be e+tended in this #onte+t to Ba&ans )ositions* though there is no s)e#ifi# #lassi# san#tion for this. Eor e+am)le in the #ase of a Makar nati&e Mangal in
the Ba&ans of Sukr and Sukr in the Ba&ans of Mangal will #onfer a su)erior Raj Hog. 'his form of relationshi) will be e$ually su)erior* like the first A relationshi)s*
mentioned in the earlier )aragra)h.. ?>-A4 @ffe#ts of the Di&isional Dignities of Related 1ords of /endras and 1ords of /onas. %f the 1ord of a /endr and the 1ord of
a /on* ha&ing a relationshi)* as indi#ated in Sloka ?=* ha))en to be in Parijatans* the nati&e will be king and will )rote#t men* if in 2ttamans* will be an e+#ellent
king* endowed with ele)hants* horses* #hariots et#.* if in 8o)urans* will be a tiger of kings* honoured by other kings and* if in Simhasanans* will be an em)eror*
ruling o&er the entire earth. :ith the said Raj Hog relationshi) of the said 8rahas in Simhasanans were born Harish 0andr* Manu* Bali* "gni De&a and many
em)erors. %n the )resent Huga so born is Hudhishtira -Dharm Raj of Mahabharat.. Sali&ahana(s birth and that of others will also #ome with this Hog. :ith su#h
1ords* )la#ed in Para&atans* Manu et#. were born. 'he %n#arnations of 1ord Vishnu took )la#e* when su#h 1ords were )la#ed in De&alokans. :ith su#h 1ords*
)la#ed in Brahmalokans* 1ord Brahma was born and* )la#ed in %ra&atans* the Swayambhu Manu was born. -Manu is the first of the 4 Manus* identified* as the
se#ond #reator* who )rodu#ed the Praja)atis. 'o Manu the #ode of laws* Manu Smriti is as#ribed..

0h. 4?. 0ombinations for Penury

. , 1ord* you ha&e stated many Hogas* related to a#$uisition of wealth. Please tell me su#h Hogas* #ausing utter )o&erty. ?. 'he nati&e will be )enniless* if 1agn(s
1ord is in Vyaya Bha&a* while Vyaya(s 1ord is in 1agn along with the 1ord of a Marak* or re#ei&es a Drishti from su#h a 8rah. A. 'he nati&e will be )enniless* if
1agn(s 1ord is in "ri Bha&a* while "ri(s 1ord is in 1agn* yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from a Marak 1ord. 4. Should 1agn* or 0andr be with /etu* while 1agn(s 1ord
is in Randhr Bha&a* the )erson #on#erned will be )enniless. <. %f 1agn(s 1ord along with a malefi# is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* while Dhan(s 1ord is in an
enemy(s Rashi* or in debilitation* e&en a nati&e of royal s#ion will be#ome )enniless. C. %f 1agn(s 1ord is yuti with the 1ord of "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* or with
Sani and* if 1agn(s 1ord is de&oid of a Drishti from a benefi#* the nati&e will be )enniless. D. Should Putr(s and Dharm(s 1ords be* res)e#ti&ely* found in "ri and
Vyaya Bha&a and re#ei&e a Drishti from Marak 8rahas* the nati&e will be )enniless. =. %f malefi#s* e+#e)ting the 1ords of /arm and Dharm Bha&a* ha))en to be in
1agn* asso#iated with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from Marak 8rahas* one will be#ome )enniless. >. Bote the 8rahas* that are ruling the Rashis* o##u)ied by the 1ords
of "ri* Randhr and Vyaya Bha&a. %f the said dis)ositors are in su#h e&il Bha&as in turn and are asso#iated with* or re#ei&e a Drishti from malefi#s* the nati&e will be
miserable and indigent. !. 'he 1ord of the Ba&ans* o##u)ied by 0andr* joining a Marak 8rah* or o##u)ying a Marak Bha&a* will make one )enniless. . Should
the 1ord of the natal 1agn and that of the Ba&ans 1agn be yuti with* or re#ei&e a Drishti from Marak 8rahas* one will be )enniless. ?. %f inaus)i#ious Bha&as are
o##u)ied by benefi#s* while aus)i#ious Bha&as are o##u)ied by malefi#s* the nati&e will be indigent and will be distressed e&en in the matter of food. A. " 8rah*
asso#iated with one of the 1ords of "ri* Randhr and Vyaya Bha&a* being bereft of a Drishti from the 1ord of a /on* will in its Dasha )eriods #ause harm to the
nati&e(s finan#ial as)e#ts. 4. %f the =thG?th from "tma /arak* or RandhrGVyaya Bha&a re#ei&e a Drishti from the "tma /arak(s Ba&ans 1ord and the 1ord of 3anma
1agn* the nati&e will be bereft of wealth. <. 'he nati&e will be a s)endthrift* if the ?th from "tma /arak re#ei&es a Drishti from the dis)ositor of "tma /arak* or* if
Vyaya Bha&a re#ei&es a Drishti from the 1ord of 1agn. C-=. Bow % tell you some Hogas for )o&erty along with #onditions of their nullifi#ations. Should Mangal and
Sani be together in Dhan Bha&a* the nati&e(s wealth will be destroyed. Should Budh gi&e a Drishti to Mangal and Sani in Dhan Bha&a* there will be great wealth.
'here is no doubt in it. Surya in Dhan Bha&a* re#ei&ing a Drishti from Sani* will #ause )enury* while* if Surya is in Dhan Bha&a and does not re#ei&e a Drishti from
Sani* ri#hes and fame will be obtained. 'he same effe#ts -)o&erty. will be de#lared* if Sani is in Dhan Bha&a* re#ei&ing a Drishti from Surya.

0h. 4A. 1onge&ity

. , Maharishi Parashar* you ha&e dealt with #ombinations for wealth and )o&erty. /indly detail methods of as#ertaining the life-s)an of human beings. ?-A. ,
Brahmin* for the benefit of mankind % narrate methods of as#ertaining longe&ity. /nowing that longe&ity is diffi#ult e&en for gods. Many e+)onents ha&e laid down
&arious methods of longe&ity #al#ulations. Eollowing is the summary of su#h s#hools of thought. 4-=. Pindayu. 'he 8rahas #ontribute to longe&ity* a##ording to their
being in e+altation* or debilitation and also based on their strengths and weaknesses and )ositions in "sh&ini et#. and in the &arious Rashis. Eirst of all Pindayu is
based on the )ositions of the 8rahas. , Brahmin* listen #arefully to what % say5 >* ?<* <* ?* <* ? and ?! are the number of years* #ontributed by the 8rahas*
from Surya et#.* when in e+altation. 'hese are half of the abo&e in debilitation. "nd* if the 8rahas are in between e+altation and debilitation* the rule of three
)ro#ess should be used. Dedu#t the a#tual )osition of the 8rah from its dee) e+altation )oint. %f the )rodu#t is less than C Rashis* dedu#t it again from ? Rashis.
'he )rodu#t #on#erned should be multi)lied by the number of years allotted to the 8rah and di&ided by ? to get the 8rah(s a#tual #ontribution. >. Re#tifi#ations.
@+#e)ting Sukr and Sani* the #ontributions* made by others* should be hal&ed* if they are e#li)sed by Surya. ,ne third should be redu#ed* if the 8rah is in its
inimi#al Rashi. 'his does not a))ly to the one in retrogression -see Vakra 0haram.. !-. Dedu#tions for 8rahas in the Visible Half of the Kodia#. Eull* half* one
third* one fourth* one fifth and one si+th are the dedu#tions of #ontributions* made by malefi#s* )la#ed in the &isible half of the 7odia#. Benefi#s in su#h #ases lose
only half of what malefi#s lose. Should there be more than one 8rah in a Bha&a* the dedu#tion* due to the strongest* will only )re&ail and not dedu#tions* due to
other 8rahas in that )arti#ular Bha&a. :aning 0andr is a benefi# for this )ur)ose. ?-A. Malefi#s in 1agn. %n #ase 'anu Bha&a is o##u)ied by malefi#s* ado)t the
following )ro#edure. 0on&ert 1agn(s S)huta into minutes of ar# and multi)ly it by the years et#.* #ontributed by the o##u)ant* and di&ide by ?C!!. 'he years et#.
so arri&ed be dedu#ted from the res)e#ti&e #ontribution* whi#h will be the net s)an* donated by the 8rah. %f there is benefi#(s Drishti on 1agn* #ontaining malefi#s*
then the loss is only half. 4-<. 1agn(s 0ontribution. 'he number of years* #ontributed by 1agn* will #orres)ond to the number of Rashis it gained -from Mesh.*
while the degrees 1agn has gained in the )arti#ular Rashi will also #orres)ondingly donate -A!M T l year.. %f the 1agn(s 1ord in the Ba&ans is stronger than 1agn(s
1ord* then the #ontribution should be #om)uted only based on the number of Ba&ansas gained -from Mesh.* otherwise the #om)utation will be for the Rashi 1agn.
C-D. Bisargayu. , Brahmin* now % tell you about Bisargayu. * ?* >* ?!* =* ?! and <! are the years* allotted to 0andr* Mangal* Budh* Sukr* 8uru* Surya and Sani
from the )eriod of birth. =->. "nsayu. Bow % will tell you about "nsayu #ontributions by 1agn and 8rahas. 'he years #orres)ond to the number of Ba&ansas*
#ounted from Mesh. Multi)ly the longitude in $uestion by !=. %f the )rodu#t e+#eeds ?* e+)unge multi)les of ? and #onsider the final )rodu#t in Rashis* degrees
et#.* as years* months et#. ?!-??. 'he same redu#tions* as )er Pindayu* a))ly to "nsayu as wellJ i.e. half for a #ombust 8rah* one third for inimi#al )la#ement and
the ones* due for )la#ements in the half of the 7odia#* #ounted from the ?th ba#kwards. Some s#holars suggest further #orre#tions for "nsayu* &i7. to in#rease
threefold the #ontribution of a 8rah in e+altation* or in own Bha&a and double the #ontribution* if the #ontributor is in his own Ba&ans* or in his own Dreshkan. %f
doubling and trebling is warranted* only trebling be done. %n #ase of redu#tions also only hal&ing is to be done* if both hal&ing and redu#ing a third are re$uired. 'hat
is how the final life-s)an of men be understood. ?A. 1onge&ity for ,ther 1i&ing Beings. Eor other li&ing beings as well su#h #om)utations #an be made. 'he said
figure should be multi)lied by the figure* #orres)onding to its full s)an of life and di&ided by the figure* #orres)onding to the full s)an of life for human beings. ?4-?>.
Eull 1ife S)an of Various 1i&ing Beings. Bow %(ll tell you about the full life-s)an figures for &arious li&ing beings. 8ods and sages enjoy endless life-s)an -in
astronomi#al )ro)ortions* as against ordinary mortals.. 'he full life-s)an of eagles* owls* )arrots* #rows and snakes is one thousand years. Eor fal#on* monkey*
bear and frog the full s)an of life is A!! years. Demon(s full life-s)an is <! years* while it is ?! for human beings* A? for horses* ?< for donkeys and #amels* ?4 for
o+en and buffaloes* ?! for )ea#o#ks* C for goats and rams. 4 for swans* ? for #u#koo* dog and do&e* = for hens et#. and D for birds et#. A!-A. 0hoi#e of
1onge&ity. % ha&e narrated A different methods of longe&ity. 1isten to me about the #hoi#e among the three systems. "##ording to whi#h of the three* 1agn* Surya*
or 0andr is stronger than the other two* "nsayu* Pindayu* or Bisargayu should be* res)e#ti&ely* #hosen. A?. Doubtful 0ases. %f two among 1agn* Surya and 0andr
gain e$ual strength* then longe&ity should be worked out* as )er both systems and the a&erage of both should be #onsidered. %f all the three are e$ually strong* the
a&erage of the three should be #onsidered. AA-4!. ,ther 0lues to 1onge&ity. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* % will now gi&e you details of other methods in the matter
of longe&ity* as under. 'his is based on the )ositions of 1agn(s 1ord* Randhr(s 1ord* Sani* 0andr* natal 1agn and Hora 1agn. 'hese si+ are grou)ed into three
grou)s thus5 the 1ords of 1agn and of Randhr Bha&a on the one hand* Sani and 0andr on the other hand and the natal 1agn and Hora 1agn on yet the other hand.
,ut of a grou) of two* if the two are in Mo&able Rashis* long life is denoted. ,ne in a Ei+ed Rashi and the other in a Dual Rashi will also bestow long life. ,ne in a
Mo&able Rashi and the other in a Ei+ed Rashi will gi&e medium life. %f both are in Dual Rashis* then again medium life will be obtained. Short life is denoted* if one is
in a Mo&able Rashi* as the other is in a Dual Rashi* or* if both are in Ei+ed Rashis. 'he ty)e of life* denoted by three* or two grou)s be only #onsidered. %f the three
grou)s denote different s#ales* then the one* indi#ated by the )air of natal 1agn and Hora 1agn should be only #onsidered. %n #ase of three different indi#ations* if
0andr is in 1agn* or Hu&ati Bha&a* then the one* indi#ated by the Sani-0andr )air will only #ome to )ass. 4-44. Eurther 0larifi#ations. %f long life is denoted by all
the said three grou)s* the s)an is ?! years* if by two grou)s* it is != years and* if only by one grou) it is > years. %f medium life is arri&ed at by three grou)s* it is
=! years* if indi#ated by ? grou)s* it is D? years and* if by one grou)* it is C4 years. %f short life is denoted by the said three grou)s* it is only A? years* if indi#ated by
two grou)s* the life-s)an is AC years and* if by one grou)* the life-s)an is 4! years. 'hese are re#tified* as under. 4<-4C. Re#tifi#ations. %f the #ontributor is in the
beginning of a Rashi* his donation will be full and it will be nil* if he is at the end of a Rashi. Eor intermediary )la#ements rule of three )ro#ess will a))ly. "dd the
longitudes of the #ontributors and the sum so arri&ed at must be di&ided by the number of #ontributors. 'he latest )rodu#t should be multi)lied by the number of
basi# years and di&ided by A!. 'his will yield the net longe&ity. 4D. S)e#ial Rule for Sani. Should Sani be a #ontributor* the #lass of longe&ity de#lines. Some
ad&o#ate #ontrarily an in#rease of #lass in this #onte+t. %f Sani is in its own Rashi* or in e+altation* #hange in #lass will not o##ur. @&en* if he re#ei&es a Drishti from*
or is yuti with only a malefi#* no #hange o##urs. 4=. S)e#ial Rule for 8uru. %f 8uru is in 1agn* or in Hu&ati Bha&a and re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with only
benefi#s* the #lass of longe&ity will in#rease. 4>-<!. %n#rease and Eall in 0lass of 1onge&ity. Erom &ery short life to short life* from short life to medium life* from
medium life to long life and from long life to e+tremely long life are the in#reases in the #lassifi#ation of longe&ity* when 8uru warrants an in#rease. 'he re&erse is
true* if Sani warrants a fall in the s)an of life. <. -Maitreya says. Hou ha&e narrated &arious kinds of longe&ity #om)utations. Please fa&our me by denoting subtle
#lasses thereof and )oor and long life-s)ans. <?. -Maharishi Parashar re)lies. 'hese are se&en-fold* &i7. Bal Risht* Hog Risht* short* medium* long* su)er-natural
-Di&ya. and immortality -"mritayu.. <A-<4. 'he life-s)an in Bal Risht is = years* in Hog Risht ?! years* in short* medium and long li&es* res)e#ti&ely* A?* C4 and ?!
years. Su)er-natural life-s)an is !!! years. "bo&e this su)er-natural life-s)an of !!! years it is "mritayu* whi#h #an be a#$uired only by those* who deser&e it.
<<. 1imitless 1onge&ity. Should /ark be 1agn with 8uru and 0andr therein* while Sukr and Budh are in /endras and others are in Sahaj* "ri and 1abh Bha&a* the
nati&e will obtain limitless longe&ity. <C. Su)er-Batural 1onge&ity. ,ne ha&ing benefi#s in /endras andGor /onas* while malefi#s are in Sahaj* "ri and 1abh Bha&a
will obtain su)er-natural life-s)an. Randhr Bha&a in this #ase should be one of the Rashis* owned by a benefi#. <D. 1i&ing until the @nd of the Huga. ,ne born in
/ark 1agn will li&e till the end of the Huga* if 8uru is in a /endr and ha))ens to be in 8o)urans* while Sukr is in a /on and ha))ens to be in Para&atans. <=. 1i&ing
the 1ife-S)an of a Sage. 8uru in Simhasanans* being in 1agn* Sani in De&alokans and Mangal in Para&atans. %f these are so* one will enjoy the life-s)an* as due to
a sage. <>. 8ood Hogas in#rease the life-s)an and bad Hogas de#rease the same. Hen#e % tell you su#h Hogas* as to know of full* medium and short s)an
#ombinations. C!. %f a /endr #ontains a benefi#* while 1agn(s 1ord is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* or 8uru in )arti#ular* the nati&e will li&e a full
s)an of life. C. Should 1agn(s 1ord be in a /endr yuti with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from 8uru and Sukr* full life-s)an will result. C?. %f at birth three 8rahas are
e+alted* out of whi#h the 1ords of 1agn and Randhr Bha&a are in#lusi&e* as Randhr Bha&a is de&oid of a malefi# in it* full life-s)an will result. CA. 1ong life is
denoted* if three 8rahas are in Randhr Bha&a* in e+altation* own* or friendly di&isions* while 1agn(s 1ord is strong. C4. %f Sani* or 1agn(s 1ord is yuti with any e+alted
8rah* long life will result. C<. 1ong life will be enjoyed* if malefi#s are in Sahaj* "ri and 1abh Bha&a* while benefi#s are in /endras. CC. %f "ri* Hu&ati and Randhr
Bha&a are o##u)ied by benefi#s* while malefi#s are in Sahaj and 1abh Bha&a* full life-s)an will follow the birth. CD. %f Randhr(s 1ord is friendly to Surya* while
malefi#s are in "ri and Vyaya Bha&a* as 1agn(s 1ord is in a /endr* the nati&e will li&e the full s)an of life. C=. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* if a malefi# is in Randhr
Bha&a* while /arm(s 1ord is e+alted* one will be long-li&ed. C>. 1ong life will follow* if 1agn is a Dual Rashi* while 1agn(s 1ord is in a /endr* or in e+altation* or in a
/on. D!. Should 1agn be a Dual Rashi* while two malefi#s are in a /endr with referen#e to a strong 1agn(s 1ord* long life is indi#ated. D-DA. %f the stronger among
1agn(s 1ord and Randhr(s 1ord is )la#ed in a /endr* long life is indi#ated and* if in a Pana)hara* medium life is indi#ated* if in ")oklima* short life will #ome to )ass.
"##ording to 1agn(s 1ord being friendly* neutral* or inimi#al to Surya* long* medium* or short life will result. D4. Should Mangal and Sahaj(s 1ord* or Randhr(s 1ord
and Sani be #ombust* or be yuti with malefi#s* or re#ei&e a Drishti from malefi#s* there will be short life. D<. %f 1agn(s 1ord is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* yuti
with malefi#s and de&oid of Huti with andGor Drishti from a benefi#* short life will #ome to )ass. DC. %f malefi#s are in /endras* de&oid of Huti with* or a Drishti from
benefi#s* while 1agn(s 1ord is not strong* only short life will result. DD. , e+#ellent of Brahmins* if Vyaya and Dhan Bha&a are o##u)ied by malefi#s and de&oid of a
Drishti from a benefi#* or of Huti with a benefi#* the nati&e will be short-li&ed. D=. %f the 1ords of 1agn and Randhr Bha&a are bereft of dignities and strength* short
life will #ome to )ass. %f the 1ords of 1agn and Randhr Bha&a are hel)ed by others* while being so* medium life-s)an will #ome to )ass.

0h. 44. Marak 8rahas

. , Maharishi Parashar* you ha&e mentioned a lot about longe&ity. Be kind enough to throw light on Marakas* or killers. ?-<. , Brahmin* Sahaj and Randhr Bha&a
are the two Bha&as of longe&ity. 'he Bha&as* related to death* are the ?th from ea#h of these* i.e. Dhan and Hu&ati Bha&a are Marak Bha&as. A. ,ut of the two*
Dhan Bha&a is a )owerful Marak Bha&a. 'he 1ords of Dhan and Hu&ati Bha&a* malefi#s in Dhan and Hu&ati Bha&a and malefi#s* yuti with Dhan(s 1ord and yuti with
Hu&ati(s 1ord are all known* as Marakas. 'he major and sub-)eriods of these 8rahas will bring death on the nati&e* de)ending on whether he is a long life* medium
life* or short life )erson. C-D. 'he Dasha of a benefi# 8rah* related to Vyaya(s 1ord may also infli#t death. @nd may des#end on the nati&e in Randhr(s 1ord(s Dasha.
'he Dasha of a 8rah* whi#h is an e+#lusi&e malefi#* may also #ause death. >. Should Sani be ill-dis)osed and be related to a Marak 8rah* he will be the first to kill
in )referen#e to other 8rahas. !-4. , Brahmin* % tell you further about Marakas. Barrated earlier are three kinds of life-s)ans* &i7. short* medium and long. Short
life is before A? years* later on u) to C4 it is medium life and from C4 to !! it is long life. Beyond !! the longe&ity is #alled su)reme. , e+#ellent of the Brahmins* it
is im)ossible to de#ide u)on longe&ity till the nati&e is ?! years old. 'ill su#h year the #hild should be )rote#ted by sa#red re#itations* religious offerings -of 8hi et#..
to #onse#rated fire* as )res#ribed in the Vedas et#. and through medi#al treatments* for )remature death may des#end on the #hild due to sins of father and
mother* or of its own -in the )re&ious birth.. <-?. % further mention about the Marak 8rahas. ,ne born with short life #ombinations may fa#e death in the Dasha*
denoted by Vi)at star -Ard from the birth star.* one of medium life may die in the Dasha* denoted by Pratyak star -<th from the birth star.. %n the Dasha* denoted by
Vadh star -Dth from the birth star.* one with long life may obtain his end. 'he Dasha of the 1ord of the ??nd Dreshkan* or ?Ard* or Ard* or <th* or Dth asterisms may
also #ause death. 'he 1ords of the ?nd and the ?th* #ounted from /ark* may bring death. 'his is true* when 0andr is a malefi#. %f he ha))ens to be a benefi#*
there will be diseases -not death.. Death may #ome to )ass in the Dasha of "ri(s 1ord and in the sub)eriods of "ri(s* Randhr(s andGor Vyaya(s 1ords. Should there
be many Marakas and* if these Marakas are strong* there will be diseases* miseries et#. in major and sub-)eriods. 'hus these are Marakas and are )rimarily
related to bring death u)on the nati&e. "##ording to their dis)ositions there may be death* or diffi#ulties. ??-?4. Rahu and /etu* as Marakas. %f Rahu* or /etu are
)la#ed in 'anu* Hu&ati* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* or ha))en to be in the Dth from a Marak 1ord* or are )la#ed with su#h a 8rah* they a#$uire )owers of killing in
their major* or sub-)eriods. Eor one born in Makar* or in Vris#hik* Rahu will be a Marak. Should Rahu be in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* he will gi&e diffi#ulties in
his Dasha )eriods. He will not* howe&er* do so* if Rahu re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with a benefi#. ?<-A. Sahaj Bha&a and Death. , e+#ellent of Brahmins* if
Surya* being with strength* is in Sahaj Bha&a* one will obtain his death* due to a king -legal )unishments.. 0andr in Sahaj Bha&a will #ause death* due to
tuber#ulosis* while wounds* wea)ons* fire and thirst will #ause death through Mangal in Sahaj Bha&a. %f Sahaj Bha&a re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is o##u)ied by Sani
and Rahu* death will be through )oison* water* or fire* or fall from heights* or #onfinement. Death will surely #ome to des#end through inse#ts* or le)rosy* if 0andr
and 8ulik o##u)y* or gi&e a Drishti to Sahaj Bha&a. Budh* gi&ing a Drishti to* or o##u)ying Sahaj Bha&a* will bring death* followed by fe&er. 8uru in Sahaj Bha&a* or
gi&ing a Drishti to Sahaj Bha&a* will #ause death by swelling* or tumours. 2rinary diseases will #ause death* if Sukr is in* or gi&es a Drishti to Sahaj Bha&a. Many
8rahas* gi&ing a Drishti to* or o##u)ying Sahaj Bha&a* will bring death through many diseases. A?. %f Sahaj Bha&a is o##u)ied by a benefi#* death will be in an
aus)i#ious )la#e -like a shrine. and* if Sahaj Bha&a is o##u)ied by a malefi#* death will be in sinful )la#es. Mi+ed o##u)ation of Sahaj Bha&a will yield mi+ed results
with regard to the )la#e of death. AA. 0ons#iousness will )re&ail at the time of death* if 8uru* or Sukr are )la#ed in Sahaj Bha&a. :ith other 8rahas in Sahaj Bha&a
there will be un#ons#iousness before death. A4. "##ording to Sahaj Bha&a being a Mo&able* a Ei+ed* or a Dual Rashi* death will be* res)e#ti&ely* in a foreign )la#e
-other than nati&e birth )la#e.* in one(s own house* or on the way. A<-AC. ,##u)ants of Randhr Bha&a. Bote the o##u)ant of Randhr Bha&a. %f it is Surya* death will
be through fire* if 0andr is in Randhr Bha&a* through water* if Mangal* through wea)ons* if Budh* through fe&er* if 8uru* through diseases* if Sukr* through hunger
and* if Sani* through thirst. AD. %f Randhr Bha&a is o##u)ied by* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* while Dharm(s 1ord is yuti with a benefi#* the nati&e will die in a
shrine. %f Randhr Bha&a is o##u)ied by* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a malefi#* while Dharm(s 1ord is yuti with a malefi#* death will be in a )la#e* other than a shrine.
A=-A>. Eate of the Human Physi#al System. Should there be a benefi#(s Dreshkan in Randhr Bha&a -??nd Dreshkan.* the body will be burnt in fire -as )res#ribed in
Shastras.. %f a malefi#(s Dreshkan ha))ens to be in Randhr Bha&a* the body will be thrown away in water. %f the Dreshkan in Randhr Bha&a is owned by a mi+ed
8rah* the dead body will only dry u). %f the Dreshkan in Randhr Bha&a is a ser)ent Dreshkan* the body will be eaten away by animals* #rows et#. 4!. Ser)ent
Dreshkanas. 'he ?nd and Ard Dreshkan in /ark* the initial one in Vris#hik and the last one in Meen are designated* as ser)ent Dreshkanas. 4-4?. Pre-natal
"bode. , e+#ellent of Brahmins* the stronger of the two luminaries* Surya and 0andr* o##u)ying a Dreshkan of 8uru* denotes the des#ent from the world of gods.
%f the stronger of the luminaries o##u)ies the Dreshkan of Sukr* or 0andr* the des#ent is from the world of the Manes* if the stronger of the two luminaries is in the
Dreshkan of Surya* or Mangal* the des#ent is from the world of Hama -world of the death. and* if in Dreshkan of Budh* or Sani* the des#ent is from the hell. 4A-4<.
"s#ent after Death. "##ording to the following 8rahas in Vyaya* Hu&ati* "ri* or Randhr Bha&a* the nati&e will attain one of the different worlds after death5 8uru
hea&en* 0andr* or Sukr the world of Manes* Mangal andGor Surya earth -rebirth.* Budh andGor Sani hell. %n #ase the said Bha&as are not o##u)ied* the nati&e will go
to the world* indi#ated by the stronger of the Dreshkan 1ords* related to "ri and Randhr Bha&a. 'he relati&e 8rah(s e+altation et#. will denote the high* medium and
low status the nati&e will obtain in the said world. 4C. ,ther 8rahas and Rashis* be#oming Marakas* are being dis#ussed in the #ha)ter* related to Dashas.

0h. 4<. "&asthas of 8rahas

. , Maharishi Parashar* you ha&e earlier stated* that the "&asthas* or states of the 8rahas are to be #onsidered in the #onte+t of the effe#ts of the 8rahas. Be so
kind to tell me about this. ?. , e+#ellent of Brahmins* &arious kinds of "&asthas of the 8rahas ha&e been e+)ounded. ,ut of these* % will gi&e you the summary of
Baal -infant. and other states of the 8rahas. A. Baal* /umar* Hu&* Vriddh and Mrit "&astha -Baal "di "&asthas.. %nfant* youthful* adoles#ent* old and dead are the
states of the 8rahas* )la#ed in the as#ending order at the rate of si+ degrees in odd Rashis. %n the #ase of e&en Rashis this arrangement is in re&erse order.
-Vriddh - "d&an#ed* Mrit - %n e+tremis. 4. Results. ,ne fourth* half* full* negligible and nil are the grades of the results* due to a 8rah in infant* youthful* adoles#ent*
old and dead "&asthas. <. "wakening* Dreaming and Slee)ing States. %f a 8rah is in its own Rashi* or in e+altation* it is said to be in a state of awakening
-alertness.. %n the Rashi of a friend* or of a neutral it is in dreaming state* while in an enemy(s Rashi* or in debilitation it is in a state of slee)ing. C. "##ording to a
8rah* being in "wakening* Dreaming* or Slee)ing states* the results* due to it will be full* medium* or nil. D. ,ther /inds of States. 'here are nine kinds of other
"&asthas* &i7. Di)t* Swasth* Pramudit* Shanta* Din* Vikal* Duhkhit* /hal and /o). =-!. %f a 8rah is in its e+altation Rashi* it is in Di)t "&astha* if in its own Rashi* it
is in Swasth* if in a great friend(s Rashi* it is in Pramudit* if in a friendly Rashi* it is in Shanta* if in a neutral Rashi* it is in Din* if a 8rah is yuti with a malefi#* it is in
Vikal* if is in an enemy(s Rashi* it is in Duhkhit* if in a great enemy(s Rashi* it is in /hal and* if a 8rah is being e#li)sed by Surya* it is in /o). De)ending on su#h a
state of the 8rah* the Bha&a* o##u)ied by it will obtain #orres)onding effe#ts. -=. Het other "&asthas. 1ajjit* 8ar&it* /shudhit* 'rushit* Mudit and /shobhit are the
other kinds of "&asthas* due to the 8rahas. Pla#ed in Putr Bha&a* if a 8rah is asso#iated with Rahu* or /etu* or with Surya* Sani* or Mangal* it is in 1ajjit "&astha. %f
a 8rah is in e+altation* or in Mooltrikon* it is 8ar&it. %f a 8rah is in an enemy(s Rashi* or yuti with an enemy* or re#ei&es a Drishti from an enemy* or e&en* if a 8rah
is yuti with Sani* the "&astha is /shudhit. %f a 8rah is in a watery Rashi and re#ei&es a Drishti from a malefi#* but does not re#ei&e a Drishti from a benefi#* the
"&astha is #alled 'rushit. %f a 8rah is in a friendly Rashi* or is yuti with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* or is yuti with 8uru* it is said to be in Mudit "&astha. %f a
8rah is yuti with Surya and re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is yuti with a malefi#* or re#ei&es a Drishti from an enemy* it is said to be in /shobhit. 'he Bha&as* o##u)ied
by a 8rah in /shudhit* or in /shobhit* are destroyed. >-?A. 'he learned should estimate the effe#ts* due to a Bha&a* in the manner* #ited abo&e* after as#ertaining
the strength and weakness. :eak 8rahas #ause redu#tion in good effe#ts* while stronger ones gi&e greater effe#ts. %f a 8rah* )osited in /arm Bha&a* is in 1ajjit*
/shudhit "&astha* or /shobhit "&astha* the )erson will always be subje#ted to miseries. %f a 8rah in Putr is in 1ajjit* there will be destru#tion of )rogeny* or there will
be only one sur&i&ing #hild. Surely the wife of the nati&e will die* if there is a 8rah in Hu&ati in /shobhit* or in 'rushit "&astha. ?4-?>. @ffe#ts of 8ar&it* Mudit* 1ajjit*
/shobhit* /shudhit and 'rushit "&astha. " 8rah in 8ar&it "&astha will #ause ha))iness through new houses and gardens* regalhood* skill in arts* finan#ial gains at
all times and im)ro&ement in business. " 8rah in Mudit "&astha will gi&e residen#es* #lothes* ornaments* ha))iness from lands and wife* ha))iness from relati&es*
li&ing in royal )la#es* destru#tion of enemies and a#$uisition of wisdom and learning. " 8rah in 1ajjit will gi&e a&ersion to 8od* loss of intelligen#e* loss of #hild*
interest in e&il s)ee#hes and listlessness in good things. " 8rah in /shobhit will gi&e a#ute )enury* e&il dis)osition* miseries* finan#ial deba#les* distress to feet and
obstru#tion to in#ome* due to royal wrath. " 8rah in /shudhit will #ause downfall* due to grief and )assion* grief on a##ount of relati&es* )hysi#al de#line* troubles
from enemies* finan#ial distress* loss of )hysi#al strength and an e#li)sed mind* due to miseries. " 8rah in 'rushit "&astha will #ause diseases through asso#iation
with females* leading o&er wi#ked deeds* loss of wealth* due to one(s own men* )hysi#al weakness* miseries* #aused by e&il )eo)le and de#line of honour. A!-AD.
0al#ulation of Shayan "di "&asthas. Bow % will tell you of the "&asthas* &i7. Shayan* 2)a&esan* Betra)ani* Prakash* 8aman* "gaman* Sabh* "gam* Bhojan* Britya
1i)s* /autuk and Bidr and the 0hesthas of su#h "&asthas. Bote the number of the star* o##u)ied by the 8rah* for whi#h an "&astha is to be #al#ulated. Multi)ly that
number by the number* denoted by the 8rah -Surya to Sani D.. 'he figure so arri&ed at should again be multi)lied by the number of the Ba&ans* where the 8rah
is in. "dd to this the number of the birth asterism -ruling star* the one* o##u)ied by 0andr.* the number of 8hatis of birth and the number of Rashis* 1agn gained
from Mesh -Mesh * Vrishabh ? and so forth.. 'his figure should be di&ided by ? and the remainder will indi#ate the #orres)onding "&astha of the 8rah. 'he sub-
state in the said "&astha #an be found out in the following way. Multi)ly the figure -Sayan to Bidr ?.* denoted by the "&astha #on#erned* by the same figure and
in#rease it by the figure* denoted by the "nka &alue for the first syllable of the nati&e(s )ersonal name. Di&ide the )rodu#t so obtained by ?. 'he remainder thereof
should be further in#reased by #onstant additi&es of the 8rahas in the following way5 Surya <* 0andr ?* Mangal ?* Budh A* 8uru <* Sukr A* Sani A* Rahu -/etu. 4.
'he )rodu#t so arri&ed at should be di&ided by A. %n the )ro#ess of #al#ulation* if it ha))ens* that the remainder is * it is Drishti* if ?* it is 0hesht and* if !* it is
Vi#hesht. Botes. Shayan "di are of su)reme im)ortan#e* as #om)ared to the other kinds of "&asthas. %n )la#e of Ba&ans* gi&en abo&e* some translators inter)ret
the word "ns* as degree* o##u)ied by the 8rah* whi#h is ob&iously not #orre#t. %n this #onne#tion the reader(s attention is drawn to Balabhadr(s Hora Ratna* 0h. A*
wherein the author* Balabhadr himself* gi&es an e+am)le for Surya* being in the Dth Ba&ans of Simh and thus he #onsidered only D* as multi)lier. He $uotes
"dhibhut Sagara* as his authority for #al#ulation of Sayan "di. "gaman "&astha is known* as 8amane#h#h by some e+)onents. "nka &alue is for a* ka* #ha* 9 a*
dha* bha and &a* ? for i* kha* ja* 9ha* na* ma and sha* A for u* ga* jha* ta* )a* ya and sa* 4 for e* gha* 9 a* tha* )ha* ra and sa* < for o* #a* 9ha* da* ba* la and ha. A=-
A>. @ffe#ts of 0hesht et#. %f the sub-state is Drishti in an "&astha* the results* being stated for the "&astha* will be medium* the effe#ts will be full in 0hesht and
negligible in Vi#hesht. 'he good and bad effe#ts of 8rahas should be de#i)hered* based on the strength and weakness of the 8rahas. %n e+altation the 8rahas
re&eal effe#ts in a )ronoun#ed manner* due to "&asthas. 4!-<. @ffe#ts of Surya(s "&asthas. %f Surya is in Sayan "&astha* the nati&e will in#ur digesti&e defi#ien#y*
many diseases* stoutness of legs* bilious &itiation* ul#er in the anus and heart strokesJ if in 2)a&esan* will suffer )o&erty* will #arry loads* will indulge in litigations*
be hard-hearted* wi#ked and will lose in his undertakingsJ if is in Betra)ani* will always be ha))y* wise* hel)ful to others* endowed with )rowess and wealth* &ery
ha))y and will gain royal fa&oursJ if in Prakash* will be liberal in dis)osition* ha&e )lenty of wealth* be a signifi#ant s)eaker in the assembly* will )erform many
meritorious a#ts* be greatly strong and endowed with #harming beautyJ if in 8aman* will be dis)osed to li&e in foreign )la#es* be miserable* indolent* bereft of
intelligen#e and wealth* be distressed* due to fear and will be short-tem)eredJ if in "gaman* will be interested in others( wi&es* be de&oid of his own men* be
interested in mo&ements and skilful in doing e&il deeds* be dirty* ill-dis)osed and will be a talebearerJ if in Sabh* will be dis)osed to hel) others* be always endowed
with wealth and gems* be &irtuous* endowed with lands* new houses and robes* be &ery strong* &ery affe#tionate to his friends and &ery kindly dis)osedJ if in "gam*
will be distressed* due to enemies* fi#kle-minded* e&il-minded* ema#iated* de&oid of &irtuous a#ts and into+i#ated with )rideJ if in Bhojan* will e+)erien#e )ains in
joints* will lose money on a##ount of others( females* will ha&e strength* de#lining off and on* be untruthful* will in#ur head-a#hes* eat remnant food and will take to
bad waysJ if in Britya 1i)s* will be honoured by the learned* be a s#holar* will ha&e knowledge of )oetry et#. and will be adored by kings on the earthJ if is /autuk*
will always be ha))y* will be endowed with Vedi# /nowledge and will )erform Hagyas* will mo&e amidst kings* ha&e fear from enemies* will be #harming-fa#ed and
be endowed with knowledge of )oetryJ if in Bidr* will ha&e a strong tenden#y towards being drowsy* will li&e in foreign -distant. )la#es* will in#ur harm to his wife and
will fa#e finan#ial destru#tion. Surya in 2)a&esan will make one an artisan* bla#k in #om)le+ion* de&oid of learning and miserable. ,ne will ser&e others. %n
Betra)ani there will be all kinds of ha))iness* if Surya is in Putr* Dharm* /arm* or Hu&ati. %n other Bha&as Betra)ani of Surya will gi&e eye diseases and enmity with
all. %f Surya is in Prakash* the nati&e will be meritorious* religious and liberal* will enjoy )leasures* be e$ual to a )rin#e and will enjoy the status of /uber* the 8od of
wealth. Howe&er* the Prakash of Surya* )la#ed in Hu&ati* or Putr will #ause loss of the first #hild and will )rodu#e many litigations. %f Surya is in 8aman* the nati&e
will in#ur disease of the feet and will be &ery mean. %f in "gaman* Surya in Vyaya* or in Hu&ati will destroy )rogeny and will gi&e &ery limited wealth. %f in "gam*
Surya will gi&e many miseries* an ugly a))earan#e and foolishness. Howe&er* he will gi&e wealth. Surya in Bhojan in Dharm will #ause many hindran#es to s)iritual
and religious undertakings. %n other Bha&as Surya in Bhojan will #ause head and ear diseases* a)art from joint )ains. 'hough Maharishi Parashar states* that the
nati&e with Surya in /autuk "&astha will ha&e fear from enemies* Bal Bhadr e+em)ts su#h e&il effe#t for the "ri Bha&a )osition. Surya in /autuk in other Bha&as will
gi&e a number of daughters* two wi&es* it#h* e+#ellen#e* liberality et#. %f Surya is in Bidr* the nati&e will be )redis)osed to in#ur )iles and ele)hantiasis* will
e+)erien#e a la#k of )ea#e and he will be liable to lose his first #hild. <?-CA. @ffe#ts of 0andr(s "&asthas. %f 0andr is in Sayan* the nati&e will be honourable*
sluggish* gi&en to se+ual lust and he will fa#e finan#ial destru#tionJ if in 2)a&esan* will be troubled by diseases* be dull-witted* not endowed with mentionable
wealth* will be hard-hearted* will do unworthy a#ts and will steal others( wealthJ if in Betra)ani* will be troubled by great diseases -long lasting in nature.* be &ery
garrulous* wi#ked and will indulge in bad deeds. Should 0andr be in Prakash* the nati&e will be famous in the world* will ha&e his &irtues e+)osed through royal
)atronage* will be surrounded by horses* ele)hants* females and ornaments* will &isit shrines. %f 0andr is in 8aman with de#reasing rays* the nati&e will be sinful*
#ruel and always troubled by affli#tions of sight. %f 0andr is in 8aman with in#reasing rays* the nati&e will be distressed* due to fear. %f 0andr is in "gaman* the
nati&e will be honourable* will suffer diseases of the feet* will se#retly indulge in sinful a#ts* will be )oor and de&oid of intelligen#e and ha))inessJ if in Sabh* will be
eminent among men* honoured by kings and kings of kings* will be &ery beautiful* will subdue the )assion of women and will be skilful in se+ual a#ts* will be
&irtuousJ if in "gam* will be garrulous and &irtuous and* if the said 0andr is of dark fortnight* the nati&e will ha&e two wi&es* he will be si#k* highly wi#ked and &iolentJ
if in Bhojan* will be endowed with honour* #on&eyan#es* attendants* so#ial status* wife and daughters* )ro&ided 0andr is Eull FPurna(J if in Bhojan and is of dark
fortnight* aus)i#ious effe#ts will fail to #omeJ if in Britya 1i)s and is endowed with -fortnightly. strength* will be strong* will ha&e knowledge of songs and will be a
#riti# of beauty of thingsJ if in Britya 1i)s and of dark fortnight* i.e. not endowed with strength* the )erson will be sinfulJ if in /autuk* the nati&e will attain kingshi)*
lordshi) o&er wealth and skill in se+ual a#ts and in s)orting with harlots. Should wa+ing 0andr* being yuti with 8uru* be in Bidr* the nati&e will be $uite eminent. %f
wa+ing 0andr is in Bidr* but de&oid of 8uru(s Huti* the nati&e will lose his wealth on a##ount of females and female ja#kals will be #rying around his abode -as
though it were a #emetery.. C4 D<. @ffe#ts of the "&asthas of Mangal. %f Mangal is in Sayan* the nati&e will be troubled by wounds* it#h and ul#er. %f Mangal is
)la#ed in 2)a&esan* the nati&e will be strong* sinful* untruthful* eminent* wealthy and bereft of &irtues. %f Mangal is )la#ed in 1agn and ha))ens to be in Betra)ani*
there will be )enuryJ if )la#ed in other Bha&as* Betra)ani will #onfer rulershi) of a #ity. Should Mangal be in Prakash* the nati&e will shine with &irtues and will be
honoured by the king. Mangal in Prakash in Putr will #ause loss of #hildren and of wife. %f Mangal is in Prakash in Putr and ha))ens to be there with Rahu* a se&ere
-)ositional. fall will des#end on the nati&e. Should Mangal be in 8aman* the nati&e will be always roaming* will ha&e fear of multi)le ul#ers* will in#ur
misunderstandings with females* will be affli#ted by boils* it#hes et#. and will in#ur finan#ial de#line. %f Mangal ha))ens to be in "gaman "&astha* the nati&e will be
&irtuous* endowed with )re#ious gems* will adore a shar) sword* will walk with the gait of an ele)hant* will destroy his enemies and will remo&e the miseries of his
)eo)le. %f Mangal is )la#ed in Sabh and ha))ens to be in e+altation* the nati&e will be skilful in #ondu#ting wars* will hold the flag of righteousness aloft and will be
wealthyJ if Mangal ha))ens to be in Sabh in Putr* or Dharm* the nati&e will be bereft of learningJ if Mangal is in Sabh in Vyaya* #hildlessness and no wife and no
friends will resultJ if Mangal is in other Bha&as in Sabh* the nati&e will be a s#holar in a king(s #ourt -)oet laureate.* be &ery wealthy* honourable and #haritable. %f
Mangal is in "gam* the nati&e will be de&oid of &irtues and good deeds* will be distressed by diseases* will a#$uire diseases of the root of the ears -F/aran
Mularogam( I FPadamulam 2rumulam( et#.. and se&ere gout )ains* will be timid and will befriend e&il lot. %f Mangal is with strength* while in Bhojan "&astha* the
nati&e will eat sweet-foodJ if de&oid of strength* will indulge in base a#ts and be dishonourable. %f Mangal is in Britya 1i)s* the nati&e will earn wealth through the
king and will be endowed with fullness of gold* diamonds and #orals in his houseJ if in /autuk* will be #urious in dis)osition and will be endowed with friends and
sonsJ if in /autuk and simultaneously e+alted* will be honoured by the king and the &irtuous and will be &irtuous himselfJ if in Bidr* will be short-tem)ered* de&oid of
intelligen#e and wealth* will be wi#ked* fallen from &irtuous )ath and troubled by diseases. Should Mangal be in 2)a&esan in 1agn* the nati&e will be e+tremely
sinful and he will in#ur se&eral diseases* will be indigent and not )ea#eful. %f 2)a&esan o##urs for Mangal in Dharm* the nati&e will lose his whole wealth a)art from
his wife and )rogeny. Mangal in Betra)ani in 1agn will gi&e )o&erty and will destroy the nati&e(s wife and )rogenyJ if Mangal is in Betra)ani in other Bha&as* this
#onfers on the nati&e all kinds of wealth and ha))iness from wife and #hildren. 'he Dhan* or Hu&ati )osition of Mangal in Betra)ani will #ause fear from lions and
snakes a)art from gi&ing earnings from lands. Eurthermore the nati&e(s wife will )rede#ease him. Should Mangal be in Prakash in Putr* or in Hu&ati* the nati&e will
lose his wife and all #hildren. %f Mangal is )la#ed in Putr in Prakash and is yuti with Sani* the nati&e will kill #ows. Should Mangal be in 8aman in 1agn* the nati&e
will be a#ti&e in his assignments* will in#ur diseases of the joints* burning )ains in the eyes and will obtain dental affli#tions and the like* he will ha&e fear from dogs
and will adore the guise of a female. %n other Bha&as Mangal in 8aman will bring royal fa&ours* leadershi) and lu+uries of life. Mangal in "gaman will #ause )iles
and diseases of the re#tum. %f Mangal is in Bhojan* or in Sayan in Putr* or in Randhr* there will be untimely death for the nati&e. %n other Bha&as Bhojan of Mangal
will #onfer wealth. Should Mangal be in Britya 1i)s and ha))ens to be in 1agn* Dhan* Hu&ati* or /arm* the nati&e will re#ei&e all kinds of ha))inessJ there will be
miseries in abundan#e* if Mangal is in Britya 1i)s and )la#ed in Randhr* or Dharm* a)art from in#urring untimely death. %n other Bha&as Britya 1i)s of Mangal will
make the nati&e akin to /uber. Mangal in Hu&ati* or in Dharm in /autuk will gi&e se&eral diseases and death of the first #hild and wife. %n other Bha&as /autuk will
#onfer s#holarshi)* &arious kinds of wealth* two wi&es and more female #hildren. %n Bidr Mangal in 1agn* Dhan* Sahaj* Dharm* /arm* or 1abh will gi&e s#holarshi)*
foolishness and )o&erty. Putr* or Hu&ati )la#ement of Mangal in Bidr will gi&e many miseries and many male #hildren. Should Rahu join Mangal in Bidr in any
Bha&a* the nati&e will ha&e many wi&es* be miserable and will suffer from some diseases on the surfa#e of the feet. DC-=C. @ffe#ts of Budh(s "&asthas. Should
Budh in Sayan be in 1agn* the nati&e will be lame and will ha&e reddish eyes -like the bla#k bee.J if Budh is in Sayan in other Bha&as* the nati&e will be addi#ted to
li#entious -disregarding #ertain rules. )leasures and be wi#ked. %f Budh is in 2)a&esan in 1agn* the nati&e will )ossess -the se&en )rin#i)le. &irtuesJ if Budh in
2)a&esan is in 1agn* re#ei&ing a Drishti from a malefi#* or Drishtis from malefi#s* or is yuti with malefi#s* )enury will resultJ if Budh in 2)a&esan is in 1agn* re#ei&ing
a Drishti from a benefi#* or Drishtis from benefi#s* or is yuti with benefi#s* finan#ial ha))iness will follow. %f Budh is in Betra)ani* the nati&e will be de&oid of learning*
wisdom* well wishers and satisfa#tion* but he will be honourableJ if Budh is in Putr in Betra)ani* the subje#t will be bereft of ha))iness from wife and sons* will be
endowed with -more. female #hildren and will gain abundant finan#e through royal )atronage. %f Budh is in Prakash* the nati&e will be #haritable* mer#iful and
meritorious* he will #ross the boundaries of o#ean in res)e#t of many bran#hes of learning* he will be endowed with the great fa#ulty of dis#rimination and will
destroy e&il )eo)leJ if in 8aman* will &isit the #ourts of kings on many o##asions and 8oddess 1akshmi will dwell in his abodeJ if in "gaman* the same effe#ts* due
to his being in 8aman* will fru#tifyJ if in Sabh and ha))ens to be in e+altation* will be affluent and meritorious at all times* will be e$ual to /uber* or will be a king* or
a minister* will be de&oted to 1ord Vishnu and 1ord Shi&a* will be &irtuous and will attain full enlightenment. Should Budh be in "gam* the nati&e will ser&e base men
and will gain wealth thereby* will ha&e two sons and one fame bringing daughter. %f Budh is in Bhojan* the nati&e will fa#e finan#ial losses through litigations* will
)hysi#ally lose on a##ount of fear from the king* will be fi#kle-minded and will be bereft of )hysi#al and #onjugal feli#ityJ if in Britya 1i)s* will be endowed with
honour* #on&eyan#es* #orals -gems et#..* sons* friends* )rowess and re#ognition in assembly* due to his s#holarshi)J if Budh in Britya 1i)s "&astha is in a malefi#(s
Rashi* the nati&e will be addi#ted to )rostitutes and will long for li#entious )leasures. %f Budh is in /autuk in 1agn* the nati&e will be skilful in musi#J if Budh is in
Hu&ati* or Randhr with /autuk* the nati&e will be addi#ted to #ourte7ansJ if Budh in /autuk is )la#ed in Dharm* the nati&e will be meritorious and attain hea&ens after
death. %f Budh is in Bidr* the nati&e will not enjoy #omfortable slee)* will be affli#ted by ne#k* or ne#k joint FSamadhi( diseases* will be de&oid of #o-born* affli#ted by
miseries galore* will enter into litigations with his own men and will lose wealth and honour. =D->=. @ffe#ts of 8uru(s "&asthas. %f 8uru is in Sayan* the nati&e will be
strong* but will s)eak in whis)ers* he will be &ery tawny in #om)le+ion* will ha&e )rominent #heeks and will ha&e fear from enemiesJ if in 2)a&esan* will be
garrulous and &ery )roud* will be troubled by the king and enemies and will ha&e ul#ers on the feet shanks* fa#e and handsJ if in Betra)ani* will be affli#ted by
diseases* be de&oid of wealth* fond of musi# and dan#es* libidinous* tawny in #om)le+ion and will be atta#hed to )eo)le of other #astesJ if in Prakash* will enjoy
&irtues* will be ha))y* s)lendourous and will &isit holy )la#es* de&oted to 1ord /rishnaJ if 8uru in Prakash is e+alted* will attain greatness among men and will be
e$ual to /uberJ if in 8aman* will be ad&enturous* ha))y on a##ount of friends* s#holarly and endowed with Vedi# learning and with &arious kinds of wealthJ if in
"gaman* ser&ing for#e* e+#ellent women and the goddess of wealth will ne&er lea&e the nati&e(s abodeJ if in Sabh* will attain #om)arability with 8uru -8od of
s)ee#h. in the matter of s)ee#h* will be endowed with su)erior #orals* rubies and wealth* will be ri#h with ele)hants* horses and #hariots and will be su)remely
learnedJ if in "gam* will be endowed with &arious #on&eyan#es* honours* retinue -many )ersons will take good #are of him.* #hildren* wife* friends and learning* will
be e$ual to a king* e+tremely noble* fond of literature and will take to the )ath of the &irtuousJ if in Bhojan* will always beget e+#ellent food and horses* ele)hants
and #hariots* while 1akshmi* the 8oddess of :ealth* will ne&er lea&e his houseJ if in Britya 1i)s* will re#ei&e royal honours* be wealthy* endowed with knowledge of
moral law FDharma( and 'antra* will be su)reme among the learned and be a great grammarianJ if in /autuk* will be #urious in dis)osition* &ery ri#h* will shine* like
Surya in his #ir#les* be e+#eedingly kind* ha))y* honoured by the kings* endowed with sons* wealth and just dis)osition* will be &ery strong and he will be a s#holar
in the king(s #ourtJ if in Bidr* will be foolish in all his undertakings* will suffer irredeemable )enury and will be de&oid of righteous a#ts. >>-!. @ffe#ts of Sukr(s
"&asthas. %f Sukr is in Sayan* the nati&e* although strong* will in#ur dental disease* he will be &ery short-tem)ered* bereft of wealth* will seek union with #ourte7ans
and be li#entiousJ if in 2)a&esan* will be endowed with a multitude of nine gems -FBa&amin Vraja(. and golden ornaments* be e&er ha))y* will destroy enemies and
will be honoured by the king* will ha&e highly in#reased honoursJ if in Betra)ani in 1agn* Hu&ati* or /arm* there will be loss of wealth on a##ount of affli#tions of the
sense of sight -hea&y medi#al e+)enses* due to se&ere eye diseases.J if Betra)ani o##urs* when Sukr is in other Bha&as* the nati&e will own large houses. Should
Sukr be in Prakash in its own Rashi* in its e+altation Rashi* or in a friendly Rashi* the nati&e will s)ort* like a lofty ele)hant* will be e$ual to a king and be skilful in
)oetry and musi#. %f Sukr is in 8aman* the nati&e will not ha&e a long-li&ing mother* will lament o&er se)aration from his own )eo)le and will ha&e fear from
enemiesJ if in "gaman* will #ommand abundant wealth* will undertake to &isit su)erior shrines* will be e&er enthusiasti# and will #ontra#t diseases of the hand and
footJ if in Sabh* will earn eminen#e in the king(s #ourt* will be &ery &irtuous* will destroy enemies* be e$ual to /uber in wealth* will be #haritable* will ride on horses
and will be e+#ellent among menJ if in "gam* there will be no ad&ent of wealth* but there will be troubles from enemies* se)aration from #hildren and relati&es*
diseases and la#k of )leasures from the wife. Should Sukr be in Bhojan* the nati&e will be distressed* due to hunger* diseases and many kinds of fear from
enemiesJ if Sukr is in /anya in Bhojan* the nati&e will be &ery ri#h and will be honoured by s#holars. %f Sukr is in Britya 1i)s* the nati&e will be skilful in literature and
intelligent* will )lay musi#al instruments* like lute* tabla et#.* be meritorious and &ery affluentJ if in /autuk* will be e$ual to 1ord %ndra* will attain greatness in the
assembly* be learned and will ha&e 1akshmi always dwelling in his abodeJ if in Bidr* will be interested in ser&ing others* will blame others* be heroi#* garrulous and
will be wandering all o&er the earth. -??. @ffe#ts of Sani(s "&asthas. %f Sani is in Sayan* the nati&e will be troubled by hunger and thirst* will in#ur diseases in
boyhood and later on he will be#ome wealthyJ if in 2)a&esan* will be troubled greatly by enemies* will #ontra#t dangers* will ha&e ul#ers all o&er the body* will be
self-res)e#ted and will be )unished by the kingJ if in Betra)ani* will be endowed with a #harming female* wealth* royal fa&our and friends* will ha&e knowledge of
many arts and will be an elo$uent s)eakerJ if in Prakash* will be &ery &irtuous* &ery wealthy* intelligent* s)orti&e* s)lendourous* mer#iful and de&oted to 1ord Shi&aJ
if in 8aman* will be &ery ri#h and endowed with sons* will grab enemy(s lands and will be a s#holar at royal #ourtJ if in "gaman* will be akin to a donkey -foolish. and
bereft of ha))iness from wife and #hildren* will always roam )itiably without anybody(s )atronageJ if in Sabh* the nati&e will ha&e sur)rising )ossessions of
abundant )re#ious stones and gold* will be endowed with great judi#ial -)oliti#al. knowledge and will be e+tremely brilliantJ if in "gam* will in#ur diseases and will
not be skilful in earning royal )atronageJ if in Bhojan* will enjoy tastes of food* will be weak-sighted and will be fi#kle-minded* due to mental delusionJ if in Britya
1i)s* will be righteous* e+tremely o)ulent* honoured by the king and bra&e* heroi# in the field of warJ if in /autuk* will be endowed with lands and wealth* will be
ha))y* endowed with )leasures through #harming females and learned in )oetry* arts et#.J if in Bidr* will be ri#h* endowed with #harming &irtues and &alorous* will
destroy e&en fier#e enemies and will be skilful in seeking )leasures through harlots. ?A-A4. @ffe#ts of Rahu(s "&asthas. %f Rahu is in Sayan* the nati&e will
e+)erien#e miseries in abundan#e* but* if Rahu in Sayan is )la#ed in Vrishabh* Mithun* /anya* or Mesh* the nati&e will be endowed with wealth and grains. %f Rahu
is in 2)a&esan* the nati&e will be distressed* due to ul#ers* will be endowed with royal asso#iation* be highly honourable and e&er de&oid of finan#ial ha))inessJ if in
Betra)ani* will be troubled by eye diseases* will ha&e fear from wi#ked )eo)le* snakes and thie&es and will in#ur finan#ial de#lineJ if in Prakash* will a#$uire a high
)osition* will )erform aus)i#ious a#ts and will obtain ele&ation of his finan#ial state* will be highly &irtuous* a #hief in the king(s #ourt* #harming* like freshly formed
#louds -that will #ause soon rain. and will be &ery )ros)erous in foreign )la#esJ if in 8aman* will be endowed with numerous #hildren* be s#holarly* wealthy*
#haritable and honoured by the kingJ if in "gaman* will be &ery irritable* bereft of intelligen#e and wealth* #rooked* miserly and libidinousJ if in Sabh* will be
s#holarly* miserly and endowed with many &irtues* wealth and ha))inessJ if in "gam* will be always mentally distressed* will ha&e fear from enemies and litigations
with enemies* be bereft of his own men* will fa#e finan#ial destru#tion and will be #rafty and ema#iatedJ if in Bhojan* will be distressed without food and dull-witted*
will not be bold in his a#ts and will be bereft of #onjugal and )rogeni# ha))inessJ if in Britya 1i)s* will #ontra#t a serious disease* whi#h seems diffi#ult to subdue*
will ha&e affli#ted eyes and will ha&e fear from enemies* will de#line finan#ially and righteouslyJ if in /autuk* will be de&oid of a )osition -)la#e.* be interested in
others( females and will steal others( wealthJ if in Bidr* will be a re)ository of &irtues* will be endowed with wife and #hildren* be bold* )roud and &ery affluent. A<-
4C. @ffe#ts of /etu(s "&asthas. %f /etu is in Sayan in Mesh* Vrishabh* Mithun* or /anya* there will be )lenty of wealthJ if /etu is in Sayan in other Rashis* in#reased
diseases will follow. %f /etu is in 2)a&esan* the nati&e will suffer from ul#ers and will ha&e fear from enemies* windy diseases* snakes and thie&es. Should /etu be
in Betra)ani* the nati&e will #ontra#t eye diseases and will ha&e fear from wi#ked )eo)le* snakes* enemies and )eo)le of royal family. %f /etu is in Prakash* the
nati&e will be wealthy and righteous* will li&e in foreign )la#es* be enthusiasti# and genuine and will ser&e the kingJ if in 8aman* will be endowed with many sons
and abundant wealth* be s#holarly* &irtuous* #haritable and e+#ellent among menJ if in "gaman* will in#ur many diseases* will fa#e loss of wealth* will hurt -others.
with his teeth -FDanta 8hatin(.* be a tale bearer and will blame othersJ if in Sabh* will be garrulous* &ery )roud* miserly* li#entious and skilful in e&il bran#hes of
learningJ if in "gam* will be a notorious sinner* will enter into litigations with his relati&es* will be wi#ked and troubled by diseases and enemiesJ if in Bhojan* will
always be distressed with hunger* )enury and diseases and will roam all o&er the earthJ if in Britya 1i)s* will be distressed* due to diseases* will ha&e a floral mark
on the eye -white of the )u)il.* will be im)ertinent and wi#ked and will )lan e&ilsJ if in /autuk* will seek union with dan#ing females -)rostitutes.* will suffer )ositional
dis)la#ement* will take to e&il )aths and will roam all o&erJ if in Bidr* will be endowed with wealth and #orns* will be &irtuous and will s)end his time s)orti&ely. 4D.
8eneral @ffe#ts -u) to Sloka <<.. , Brahmin* if a benefi# 8rah is in Sayan* there will be benefi# effe#ts at all times* a##ording to the learned. 4=. %f a malefi# is in
Bhojan* e&erything will be destroyed and there is no need of a se#ond thought. 4>. Should a malefi# in Hu&ati be in Bidr* aus)i#ious effe#ts will follow* )ro&ided*
that there is no Drishti from another malefi#. <!. De#lare without a se#ond thought aus)i#ious effe#ts* following the lo#ation of a malefi# in Putr Bha&a* but only
with Bidr* or in Sayan. <. 2ntimely death* due to royal wrath* will #ome to )ass* if there is a malefi# in Randhr Bha&a in Bidr* or in Sayan. <?. %f in the #ase of a
malefi# in Randhr Bha&a in Bidr* or Sayan there ha))ens to be a benefi# Drishti* or the Huti of a benefi#* -untimely. death will be in the ri&er 8anges* i.e. 8angeti#
belt* shrines et#. <A. %f there is a malefi# in /arm in Sayan* or Bhojan* the nati&e will fa#e many miseries on a##ount of his own deeds. <4. , e+#ellent of the
Brahmins* doubtlessly a Raj Hog will #ome to )ass* if 0andr is in /arm in /autuk* or Prakash. <<. 'hus the good and bad effe#ts should be guessed* assessing
the strength and weakness of the 8rahas* #on#erning all the Bha&as.

0h. 4C. Dashas of 8rahas

. Maitreya said. , Venerable Maharishi ParasharX Hou are omnis#ient. 'here is no subje#t* with whi#h you are not #on&ersant. 'herefore now )lease fa&our me
with guidan#e about the different kinds of Dashas -)eriods. of the &arious 8rahas. ?-<. Maharishi Parashar re)lied. , BrahminX Dashas are of many kinds. "mongst
them Vimshottari is the most a))ro)riate for the general )o)ula#e. But the other Dashas* followed in s)e#ial #ases* are "stottari* Shodshottari* Dwadashottari*
Pan#hottari* Shatabdik* 0haturashiti-sama* Dwisa)tati-sama* Shastihayani* Shat-trimshat-sama. ,ur an#ients ha&e des#ribed these different kinds of Dashas*
based on Bakshatras. C-. , BrahminX Some Maharishis ha&e made a mention of /ala and 0hakr Dasha* but they ha&e re#ogni7ed the /ala 0hakr Dasha* as
su)reme. 'he other kinds of Dashas* )ro)agated by the sages* are 0har* Sthir* /endr* /arak* Brahma 8rah* Manduk* Shul* Hogardh* Drig* 'rikon* Rashi*
Pan#hswara* Hogini* Pind* Bausargik* "sht Varg* Sandhya* Pa#hak* 'ara et#. But in our &iew all these Dashas are not a))ro)riate. Vimshottari ?-4. Beginning
from /ritika* the 1ords of Dashas are Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Rahu* 8uru* Sani* Budh* /etu and Sukr in that order. 'hus* if the Bakshatras from /ritika to the 3anm
Bakshatr are di&ided by nine* the remainder will signify the 1ord of the #ommen#ing Dasha. 'he remaining Dashas will be of the 8rahas in the order* gi&en abo&e.
%n /ali Huga the natural life-s)an of a human being is generally taken* as ?! years. 'herefore Vimshottari Dasha is #onsidered to be the most a))ro)riate and the
best of all Dashas. <. 'he )eriods of Dashas of Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Rahu* 8uru* Sani* Budh* /etu and Sukr are C* !* D* =* C* >* D* D and ?! in that order.
C. 'o find out the remainder of the Dasha* o)erating at the time of birth* first find out the e+)ired )ortion of the Dasha of the #on#erned 8rah. 'his is done* as
follows. Multi)ly the Dasha )eriod of the 8rah #on#erned by the )eriod of the stay of 0andr in 3anm Bakshatr* that has e+)ired and di&ide that amount by the total
)eriod of the stay of 0andr in that Bakshatr. 'he figure in years* months et#. so arri&ed at will be the e+)ired )eriod of the Dasha. %f this figure is dedu#ted from the
total )eriod of the Dasha* we will get the balan#e of Dasha at the time of birth. "shtottari D-?!. Maharishi Parashar said. , Brahmin* the sages ha&e re#ommended
the ado)tion of "shtottari* when Rahu not being in 1agn* in any other /endr* or 'rikon to the 1ord of the 1agn. Erom 4 Bakshatras from "rdra #ommen#es the
Dasha of Surya* from A after that begins the Dasha of 0andr* 4 after that will bring the Dasha of Mangal* A after that the 1ord of Dasha will be Budh* 4 therefrom will
ha&e Sani* as the Dasha 1ord* A thereafter the 1ord will be 8uru* Rahu will be the 1ord of the Dasha 4 Bakshatras after that and then Sukr will take o&er the
lordshi) of the Dasha A Bakshatras from the last one mentioned abo&e. 'he 1ord of the Dasha at birth will be determined by #ounting in this order u) to the 3anm
Bakshatr. 'he duration of "shtottari Dasha for Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* Sani* 8uru* Rahu and Sukr are C* <* =* D* !* >* ? and ? in that order. 'hus in
this Dasha system only = 8rahas )lay the role of Dasha 1ords* /etu ha&ing been denied this )ri&ilege. ?-??. 'he Dashas of the &arious 8rahas ha&e been
s)e#ified abo&e. %n the #ase of malefi# 8rahas the Dasha s)an of one Bakshatr is R of the Dasha of the 8rah. %t is GArd in the #ase of benefi#s. 'hus the e+)ired
)ortion of the Dasha is #al#ulated* a##ording to the method* followed for Vimshottari Dasha* by multi)lying the Bhayat* i.e. the e+)ired )eriod of the stay of 0andr in
the 3anm Bakshatr* by the Dasha )ortion of the 3anm Bakshatr and di&iding it by Bhabhog* i.e. the total )eriod of the stay of 0andr in the 3anm Bakshatr. 'hen the
balan#e of Dasha at birth #an also be as#ertained. %f 2ttarashadha ha))ens to be the 3anm Bakshatr* the duration of its first three Padas is taken* as Bhabhog and
the Dasha #al#ulations should be done a##ordingly. 'he Dasha and #al#ulations for "bhijit Bakshatr are done by taking the 4th Pad of 2ttarashadha )lus the <th
)art of the beginning of Shra&an. Eor Shra&an the Bhabhog would be the total of its duration in 8hatikas minus the G<th )art of the beginning of Shra&an.
Shodshottari ?A. %t will be ad&isable to ado)t the Shodshottari* if the birth is in the day in /rishna Paksh -dark half of the month.* or at night in Shukla Paksh -bright
half.. ?4-?C. 'he Dasha may be ado)ted* when the 1agn is in the Hora of 0andr with birth in the /rishna Paksh* or* when 1agn is in the Hora of Surya with birth in
the Shukla Paksh. 0ount the number of Bakshatras from Pushya to the 3anm Bakshatr. Di&ide this number by =. 'he remainder will indi#ate the Dashas of Surya*
Mangal* 8uru* Sani* /etu* 0andr* Budh and Sukr. 'he Dashas of the abo&e 8rahas are of * ?* A* 4* <* C* D and = years. Dwadashottari ?D-?=. 'his
Dasha system will be a))ro)riate for one* whose 1agn is in the Ba&ans of Sukr. 0ount from 3anm Bakshatr to Re&ati. Di&ide this number by =. 'he remainder will
indi#ate the Dasha of the 8rah #on#erned. 'he Dasha order is Surya* 8uru* /etu* Budh* Rahu* Mangal* Sani* 0andr. 'he Dashas will be of D* >* * A* <* D* >
and ? years of the 8rahas. Pan#hottari -?>-A!. 'his Dasha is #onsidered suitable for those* whose 1agn is /ark and also in the /ark D&adashans. 0ount from
"nuradha u) to the 3anm Bakshatr and di&ide the number by D. 'he remainder will indi#ate the Dasha. 'he order of the Dasha 1ords is Surya* Budh* Sani* Mangal*
Sukr* 0andr and 8uru. 'he Dashas of the 8rahas are ?* A* 4* <* C* D and = years. Shatabdik -A-A?. 'his Dasha system has been #onsidered a))ro)riate*
if 1agn is Vargottama. 'his ha))ens* when 1agn in the Rashi /undali and the Ba&ans 1agn are in the same Rashi. -AA-A4. 0ount from Re&ati to the 3anm Bakshatr
and di&ide this number by se&en. 'he remainder will indi#ate the 1ords of Dashas in this order5 Surya* 0andr* Sukr* Budh* 8uru* Mangal and Sani. 'heir Dashas
will be of <* <* !* !* ?!* ?! and A! years. 0haturashiti-sama A<-AC. 0haturashiti-sama Dasha is #onsidered a))ro)riate in #ases* where the /arm(s 1ord is )la#ed
in /arm. 0ount from Swati to the 3anm Bakshatr and di&ide this number by D. 'he remainder will indi#ate the Dasha 1ords in the following order5 Surya* 0andr*
Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani. 'he Dasha )eriod of ea#h 8rah is ? years. Dwisa)tati-sama AD-A>. 'his Dasha system is #onsidered suitable in #ases*
where the 1ord of 1agn is in 1agn* or in Hu&ati. 0ount from Mul to the 3anm Bakshatr and di&ide the number by =. 'he remainder will determine the Dasha 1ords in
the following order5 Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* Sani and Rahu. %n this Dasha system all the eight 8rahas ha&e Dashas of > years ea#h. Shastihayani
4!-4. 'his Dasha may be ado)ted in #ases* where Surya is )osited in 1agn. 'he order of Dasha 1ords in this system is* as follows5 8uru* Surya* Mangal* 0andr*
Budh* Sukr* Sani and Rahu. 'he following shows the Bakshatras* falling under the &arious Dasha 1ords. 'he Dashas of 8uru* Surya and Mangal are of ! years.
'he remaining 8rahas ha&e Dashas of C years ea#h. 8uru -"sh&ini* Bharani* /ritika* Punar&asu.* Surya -Rohini* Mrigashira* "rdra* 2."shadha.* Mangal -Pushya*
"slesha* Magha* Re&ati.* 0andr -P.Phalguni* 2.Phalguni* Hast.* Budh -Swati* Vishakah* "nuradha.* Sukr -3yeshtha* Mul* P."shadha.* Sani -"bhijit* Shra&an*
Dhanishtha.* Rahu -Shatabhisha* P.Bhadra* 2.Bhadra.. Shat-trimshat-sama 4?-4A. 0ount from Shra&an to the 3anm Bakshatr and di&ide the number by =. 'he
remainder et#. will indi#ate the Dasha 1ords* whose order will be* as follows5 0andr* Surya* 8uru* Mangal* Budh* Sani* Sukr and Rahu. 'heir Dashas will be * ?*
A* 4* <* C* D and = years. %f the birth is during the day and 1agn is in the Hora of Surya and* if the birth is at night and 1agn is in the Hora of 0andr* ado)tion of this
system would be )referable. /aal 44-4>. < 8hatikas before the sight of the semi-disk of the setting Surya and < 8hatikas after that and < 8hatikas before and after
the rising of Surya* that is ! 8hatikas in the e&ening and ! 8hatikas in the morning* res)e#ti&ely. 'he total )eriod of both these Sandhyas -twilight. is said to be
?! 8hatikas. 'he ?! 8hatikas of the night ha&e been gi&en the name Purna and the ?! 8hatikas of the day ha&e been gi&en the name Mugdha. 'he Sandhya at
the time of sunrise is #alled /handa and the Sandhya at the time of sunset is said to be Sudh. Both of these Sandhyas are of ! 8hatikas ea#h. %f the birth is in
Purna* or Mugdha* its )ast 8hatikas should be multi)lied by ? and the )rodu#t should be di&ided by <. 'he figure so arri&ed at should be #on&erted into years*
months et#. By multi)lying it by the serial number of Surya and other 8rahas in their normal order* we will get the /aal Dasha of these 8rahas. %f the birth is during
Sandhya* then its )ast 8hatikas should be multi)lied by 4 and the )rodu#t di&ided by <. 'he figure so arri&ed at in terms of years* months et#. should be multi)lied
by the serial number of Surya and the other 8rahas to get the /aal Dasha of all the nine 8rahas. 0hakr <!-<. %f the birth is at night* the Dasha will #ommen#e from
1agn Rashi. %f the birth is during the day* the Dasha will start from the Rashi* in whi#h the 1ord of 1agn is )la#ed. %f the birth is during Sandhya* the Dasha will begin
from the Rashi of the se#ond Bha&a. 'he Dasha of ea#h Rashi is ! years. "s it is the Dasha system of the ? Rashis in the Kodia#* it has been named* as 0hakr
Dasha. /aal 0hakr <?-<A. Maharishi Parashar said. , BrahminX Bow* after making obedien#e to 1ord Shi&a* % shall des#ribe the /ala 0hakr Dasha. :hate&er was
related by 1ord Shi&a to 8oddess Par&ati* is being e+)lained by me for the use of sages to be utili7ed for the welfare of the )eo)le. <4-<<. By drawing &erti#al and
hori7ontal lines* )re)are ? /undalis* Sa&ya and ")sa&ya* of ? a)artments -/osthas. ea#h. Erom the se#ond /ostha in ea#h /undali fi+ the Rashis Mesh*
Vrishabh* Mithun* /ark* Simh* /anya* 'ula* Vris#hik* Dhanu* Makar* /umbh* Meen. 'hen Bakshatras may be in#or)orated in the manner* indi#ated hereafter.
'hese /undalis* indi#ati&e of the ? Rashis* are #alled /ala 0hakr. <C-<=. :rite "sh&ini* Bharani and /ritika in the Sa&ya 0hakr and Rohini* Mrigashira* "rdra in
the ")sa&ya. 'hen in#or)orate the three following Bakshatras* Punar&asu* Pushya and "slesha in the Sa&ya and Magha* Pur&a)halguni and 2ttara)halguni in the
")sa&ya. 'hen in#or)orate the three following* Hast* 0hitra and Swati in the Sa&ya and Vishakah* "nuradha and 3yeshtha in the ")sa&ya. 'hen in#or)orate Mul*
Pur&ashadha and 2ttarashadha in the Sa&ya and Shra&an* Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha in the ")sa&ya. Einally in#or)orate the last three Bakshatras*
Pur&abhadra)ad* 2ttarabhadra)ad and Re&ati in the Sa&ya 0hakr. Bow there will be < Bakshatras in the Sa&ya and ? Bakshatras in the ")sa&ya* -be#ause for
the ? Rashis there are ? Padas of A Bakshatras* the Ba&ansas.. 'he Padas of "sh&ini* Punar&asu* Hast* Mul* Pur&abhadra)ad* /ritika* "slesha* Swati*
2ttarashadha and Re&ati of the Sa&ya should be re#koned in the same manner* as the Padas of "sh&ini. <>. Bow % shall des#ribe in detail* how the Deha and 3i&a
should be re#koned in the Padas -$uarters. of the Bakshatras. C!. %n the first Pad of "sh&ini Mesh is indi#ati&e of Deha -body. and Dhanu is indi#ati&e of 3i&a -life..
"nd the 1ords of Mesh* Vrishabh* Mithun* /ark* Simh* /anya* 'ula* Vris#hik and Dhanu are 1ords of the Dashas in the order* as des#ribed before. C. %n the
se#ond Pad of "sh&ini Makar is Deha and Mithun is 3i&a and the 1ords of the nine Rashis from Makar to Mithun are 1ords of the Dashas. C?. %n the third Pad of the
ten Bakshatras* beginning from "sh&ini* Vrishabh is Deha and Mithun is 3i&a. 'he 1ords of the Rashis Vrishabh* Mesh* Meen* /umbh* Makar* Dhanu* Mesh*
Vrishabh and Mithun are 1ords of the Dashas in that order. CA-C4. Eor the 4th Pad of the ! Bakshatras* beginning from "sh&ini* /ark is Deha and Meen is 3i&a
and the 1ords of the nine Rashis from /ark to Meen are the 1ords of Dashas. C<. %n the four Padas of the < Bakshatras* Bharani* Pushya* 0hitra* Pur&ashadha and
2ttarabhadra)ad* Deha and 3i&a are the same* as for Bharani. CC. %n the first Pad of Bharani Vris#hik is Deha and Meen is 3i&a and the 1ords of the Rashis
Vris#hik* 'ula* /anya* /ark* Simh* Mithun* Vrishabh* Mesh and Meen are the 1ords of Dashas in this order. CD. %n the ?nd Pad of Bharani /umbh is Deha and
/anya is 3i&a and the 1ords of /umbh* Makar* Dhanu* Mesh* Vrishabh* Mithun* /ark* Simh and /anya are the 1ords of Dashas in that order. C=. %n the Ard Pad of
Bharani 'ula is Deha and /anya is 3i&a and 1ords of the Rashis 'ula* Vris#hik* Dhanu* Makar* /umbh* Meen* Vris#hik* 'ula and /anya are the Dasha 1ords in this
order. C>. %n the 4th Pad of Bharani /ark is Deha and /umbh is 3i&a and the 1ords of the Rashis /ark* Simh* Mithun* Vrishabh* Mesh* Meen* /umbh* Makar and
Dhanu are the Dasha 1ords in this order. D-D?. , BrahminX % ha&e thus gi&en you the des#ri)tion of Sa&ya 0hakr. Bow % shall gi&e the des#ri)tion of ")sa&ya
0hakr. Pre)are a similar #hart of ? a)artments and from the ?nd a)artment onwards )la#e the Rashis from Vris#hik onwards in the re&erse order. %n this #hart
Deha and 3i&a would be the same for Rohini* Magha* Vishakah and Shra&an* as for Rohini. DA-DC. %n the first Pad of Rohini /ark is Deha and Dhanu is 3i&a. 'he
1ords of the Rashis Dhanu* Makar* /umbh* Meen* Mesh* Vrishabh* Mithun* Simh and 'ula will be the Dasha 1ords in this order. %n the ?nd 'ula will be Deha and
/anya the 3i&a and the 1ords of the Rashis /anya* 'ula* Vris#hik* Meen* /umbh* Makar* Dhanu* Vris#hik and Vris#hik will be the Dasha 1ords. %n the Ard /umbh
will be Deha and /anya 3i&a. 'he 1ords of the Rashis /anya* Simh* /ark* Mithun* Vrishabh* Mesh* Dhanu* Makar and /umbh will be the Dasha 1ords. %n the 4th
Vris#hik will be Deha and Meen 3i&a and the 1ords of the Rashis Meen* Mesh* Vrishabh* Mithun* Simh* /ark* /anya* 'ula and Vris#hik will be the 1ords. DD. %n the
4 Padas of the ")sa&ya Bakshatras Mrigashira* "rdra* Pur&a)halguni* 2ttara)halguni* "nuradha* 3yeshtha* Dhanishtha and Shatabhisha the Deha and 3i&a and
the Dasha 1ords will be the same* as for Mrigashira. D=-=. %n the first Pad of Mrigashira /ark is Deha and Meen is 3i&a and the 1ords of the Rashis Meen* /umbh*
Makar* Dhanu* Vris#hik* 'ula* /anya* Simh and /ark will be the Dasha 1ords in this order. %n the ?nd Vrishabh is Deha and Mithun is 3i&a and the 1ords of the
Rashis Mithun* Vrishabh* Mesh* Dhanu* Makar* /umbh* Meen* Mesh and Vrishabh will be the Dasha 1ords. %n the Ard Makar is Deha and Mithun is 3i&a and the
1ords of the Rashis Mithun* Simh* /ark* /anya* 'ula* Vris#hik* Meen* /umbh and Makar will be the Dasha 1ords. %n the 4th Mesh will be Deha and Dhanu 3i&a and
the 1ords of the Rashis Dhanu* Vris#hik* 'ula* /anya* Simh* /ark* Mithun* Vrishabh and Mesh will be the Dasha 1ords. =?. Maharishi Parashar said. , BrahminX
'he des#ri)tion of the Deha and 3i&a of the Padas of the ")sa&ya Bakshatras and the Dasha 1ords is the same* as narrated by 1ord Mahade&a to 8oddess
Par&ati. =A. Maitreya said. , Venerable Maharishi ParasharX Bow )lease guide me about the Dasha s)ans of the Dasha 1ords* des#ribed by you. Please also
demonstrate* how the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* its e+)ired and the remaining )eriods at the birth are to be #al#ulated. =4. Maharishi Parashar said. <* ?* D* >*
!* C and 4 years are the Dasha s)ans of Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani. =<-=C. 'he s)an of life of a )erson is determined from the Padas
-"nsas. of the Bakshatr at the time of birth* or the time of $uery and the years allotted to the > Rashis* #ommen#ing from it -the Pad of the Bakshatr.. Some sages
are of the &iew* that the )erson will enjoy full s)an of life -Purna "yu.* if his birth is at the #ommen#ement of the Padas* will ha&e middle s)an of life -Madhaya "yu.*
if the birth is in the middle of the Padas and short s)an of life -F"la) "yu(.* or will fa#e death-like sufferings* if the birth is at the end of the Padas of the Bakshatr. =D-
==. "##ording to this )rin#i)le* we should be a#$uainted with the Padas of the Bakshatras. Bow % shall tell you* how the #al#ulations are made* a##ording to the
)ro)ortion of the Padas of a Bakshatr. 'he number of "sh&ini et#.* whi#he&er may be the )ast Bakshatras* should be di&ided by A. 'hereafter the remainder should
be multi)lied by 4. 'o the figure so made a&ailable the Pad of the )resent Bakshatr should be added. 'he )rodu#t will be the Ba&ans from Mesh onwards. =>. 'he
number of years -Purna "yu. are* as under. Eor the "ns in Mesh !! years* in Vrishabh =< years* in Mithun =A years* in /ark =C years. 'he number of years will be
the same for Rashis* situated the <th and >th to them. >!->. Multi)ly the )ast 8hatikas* Palas et#. of the Pad of the Bakshatr* in whi#h a )erson is born* by the
e+isting Dasha years and di&ide it by <. 'he result will indi#ate the e+)ired )eriod of the Dasha in years* months et#. By dedu#ting it from the total number of years
allotted* we get the balan#e of Dasha at birth. 'he Dasha should be taken* as #ommen#ing from that Rashi. >?. Multi)ly the )ast 8hatikas* Palas et#. of the )resent
Pad of the Bakshatr by the number of years and di&ide the )rodu#t by the fourth )art of Bhabhog. 'he years et#. so obtained may then be dedu#ted from the total
Dasha )eriod. 'he result will be the balan#e of Dasha at birth in years* months et#. >A. 'he )ast /alas -minutes. of the Ba&ans* in whi#h 0andr may be )la#ed*
should be multi)lied by the years* allotted to the Dasha and the )rodu#t should be di&ided by ?!!. 'he resulting years et#. will be the e+)ired )ortion of the Dasha.
By dedu#ting them from the total number of years the balan#e of the Dasha at birth is obtained. >4-><. %n the Sa&ya 0hakr the first "ns is #alled Deha and the last
3i&a. 'he o))osite is the #ase in the ")sa&ya 0hakr. 'herefore the #al#ulations should be based on the Deha et#. in the Sa&ya 0hakr and on the 3i&a et#. in
")sa&ya. :e gi&e below the Sa&ya and ")sa&ya /aal 0hakr 0harts. Eor @+am)le. 'he birth is in Mrigashira 4th Pad. %t is in the ")sa&ya /aal 0hakr. 'he 1ord of
Deha is Mangal and that of 3i&a is 8uru. 'he Bhabhog of Mrigashira is <>GA -<> 8hatikas A Palas. and Bhayat is <=G< -<= 8hatikas < Palas.. R of the Bhabhog
#omes to 4G<?G44. 'hat would be the &alue of one Pad. Multi)lying this by A will get 8hatikas of A Padas* namely 44GA=G<. Dedu#ting this from Bhayat* the )ast
8hatikas* Palas et#. of the 4th Pad will be AGACG4<. 'he full Dasha years are !!. Multi)lying this by AGACG4< we get A!!GAC!!G4<!! T ACG<. 'his di&ided by
< will gi&e the e+)ired )eriod at birth* namely >! years and > months. See the /aal 0hakr. 'here we #ount from 3i&a et#. to Deha. %n the 4th Pad of Mrigashira 3i&a
is in Dhanu and Deha in Mesh. 'herefore* by dedu#ting the total of years from Dhanu to Mithun* namely DD* from >! years > months* we get the e+)ired )eriod of
Vrishabh* namely A years and > months. By dedu#ting this from the )resent C years of Sukr* we will get ? years and A months* as the balan#e of Dasha at birth.
"##ordingly* like Vimshottari Dasha* the order of Dasha will be Vrishabh* Mesh* Dhanu* Vris#hik et#. Eor @+am)le. Su))ose* that at the time of birth of a )erson in
/ritika Bakshatr the longitude of 0andr -0andr S)ast. is r4M<!(. 'his #on&erted into /alas will be ?!>! at birth. 'he Dasha should be taken* as #ommen#ing from
that. Di&ide the /alas by =!! - Bakshatr.. 'he result will be the ?nd Bakshatr* namely Bharini and the remainder will be 4>!. 'hese will be the )ast /alas of
/ritika. 'here are ?!! /alas in one Pad -Ba&ans.. Di&ide 4>!* the )ast /alas of /ritika* by ?!!. :e will then get ?* as )ast Padas and the remainder >! will
re)resent the )ast /alas of the )resent Bakshatr. By multi)lying this by =A* the Dasha years* we will get D4D!* whi#h* di&ided by ?!!* will indi#ate the e+)ired
)ortion of the Dasha* as AD years* 4 months and C days. By dedu#ting the years of Dehans* #ommen#ing from Vrishabh* in the order Vrishabh* Mesh* Meen*
/umbh -CVDV!V4 T AD.* we will get ! years* 4 months and C days. 'his will be the e+)ired )ortion of Makar. Dedu#ting this from 4* the Dasha )eriod of Makar*
we get the balan#e of the Dasha of Makar* namely A years* D months and ?4 days. See in this #onne#tion the Sa&ya /aal 0hakr. 8ati of Rashis in the /aal 0hakr
>C->=. 'here are three kinds of mo&ements -8ati. of the Rashis in the /aal 0hakr* namely Manduki* Markati and Simha&lokan. 'he mo&ement of one Rashi by
jum)ing o&er one Rashi is known* as Manduki 8ati. Ba#kward mo&ement to the )re&ious Rashi is #alled Markati 8ati. 'he mo&ement of a Rashi to the <th and >th
Rashi is said to be Simha&lokan. >>-!!. Mo&ement from /anya to /ark and from Simh to Mithun is Manduki 8ati. Mo&ement from Simh to /ark is Markati 8ati.
Mo&ement from Meen to Vris#hik and from Dhanu to Mesh is #alled Simha&lokan 8ati. @ffe#ts of Dashas of Rashis* as a Result of these 8ati !-!?. 'he effe#ts
of the Dasha of the Rashis with Manduki 8ati in the Sa&ya 0hakr are distress to friends* relations* )arents and elders and there is likely to be #ause for trouble from
)oison* wea)ons* thie&es and enemies. %n the Manduki Dasha of the 8ati of a Rashi from Simh to Mithun there is the likelihood of the death of the mother* or self*
trouble from 8o&ernment and )ossibility of brain fe&er. !A. 'he effe#ts of the Dasha of Rashi with Markati 8ati in the Sa&ya 0hakr are loss of wealth* agri#ultural
)rodu#ts and animals* death of father* or an elderly #lose relation and feeling of lethargy. !4-!<. 'he effe#ts of the Dasha of the Rashis with Simha&lokan 8ati in
the Sa&ya 0hakr are )ossibility of injury from animals* loss of amity with friends* distress to near relations* drowning in a well* fall from animals* )ossibility of harm
from )oison* wea)ons and diseases and destru#tion of residential dwelling. !C-!=. %n the Dasha of the Rashis with the Manduki 8ati in the ")sa&ya 0hakr the
effe#ts will be distress to wife and #onditions* loss of #hildren* )ossibility of fe&erish #onditions and loss of )osition. %n the Dasha of the Rashis with the Markati 8ati
there may be danger from watery )la#es* loss of )osition* distress from father* )unishment from 8o&ernment and wandering in the forestsJ with the Simha&lokan
there may be destru#tion of the dwelling and death of father et#. !>-. %f the mo&ement is from Meen to Vris#hik* the nati&e may suffer from fe&erJ if from /anya
to /ark* there may be loss of brothers and kinsmenJ if from Simh to Mithun* there may be ill health of the wifeJ if from Simh to /ark* the nati&e may dieJ if from
Dhanu to Mesh* there may be death of un#les and similar relations. %f the Rashi is yuti with a malefi#* ad&erse #onditions may be e+)e#ted in the Dasha of the
Rashi. Ea&ourable effe#ts will be felt in its Dasha* if the Rashi is yuti with a benefi#. ?-A. , BrahminX %n the /aal 0hakr Dasha fa&ourable and unfa&ourable
effe#ts may be )redi#ted* after taking into a##ount the dire#tions of the Rashis and 8rahas. 4->. %f the mo&ement is from /anya to /ark* good results are
reali7ed in )la#es* lo#ated in the @ast and at that time journeys to the )la#es in the Borth )ro&e fruitful. 2nfa&ourable effe#ts will be felt in )la#es* lo#ated in the
:est and the South. %t will be ad&isable not to undertake journeys in those dire#tions in the Dasha of these Rashis. %f the mo&ement is from Simh to Mithun* no
journey should be undertaken to )la#es* lo#ated in the @ast. Howe&er* the journeys to the South-:est will )ro&e fruitful in the Dasha of those Rashis. %f the
mo&ement is from /ark to Simh* journeys during that )eriod to the South will )ro&e unfa&ourable and result in loss and the nati&e has to return from the South to the
:est. %f the mo&ement is from Meen to Vris#hik* there will distress* if the nati&e goes to the Borth. 'he same would ha))en* if the mo&ement is from Dhanu to
Makar. 'here may be ill health* im)risonment* or death* if the mo&ement is from Dhanu to Mesh. 'here may be gains* #omforts and )ro)erty and marriage* if the
mo&ement is from Dhanu to Vris#hik. %t will not be ad&isable to undertake journeys to the :est during the related )eriod* if the mo&ement is from Simh to /ark.
Ea&ourable results should be )redi#ted* if the Rashis are yuti with benefi#s and ad&erse* if the Rashis are yuti with malefi#s. ?!-??. "##ording to the abo&e-
mentioned /aal 0hakr* the )erson* born in the "nsas of the &arious Rashis* will be* as under. Mesh "ns bra&e and a thief* Vrishabh wealthy* Mithun learned* /ark
king* Simh res)e#ted by king* /anya learned* 'ula minister* or ad&iser* Dhanu sinful* /umbh businessman* Meen wealthy. ?A-?=. %f the Deha* or 3i&a Rashis are
yuti with Surya* Mangal* Sani* or Rahu* the nati&e will die. :orse results may be e+)e#ted* if the Deha and 3i&a Rashis are yuti with two* or all of them. %f there is a
malefi# in Deha Rashi* the nati&e suffers ill healthJ a malefi# in a 3i&a Rashi will make the nati&e &ery timid. %f the Deha andGor 3i&a Rashi are yuti with two malefi#s*
there will be distress and diseases. 'hree malefi#s in the Deha andGor 3i&a Rashi will #ause )remature death. Eour malefi#s in the Deha and 3i&a Rashi will #ause
definite death. %f both the Deha and 3i&a Rashis are o##u)ied by malefi#s* there will be fear from king and thie&es and death of the nati&e. %f Surya is in the Deha* or
3i&a Rashi* there will be danger from fire. 0andr in the Deha* or 3i&a Rashi will #ause danger from water* Mangal fear from wea)ons* Budh fear from windy troubles*
Sani fear from 8ulma -a disease.* Rahu and /etu fear from )oison. %f the Deha* or 3i&a Rashis are o##u)ied by Budh* 8uru and Sukr* the nati&e will be wealthy* will
enjoy all kinds of #omforts and will ha&e good health. Mi+ed results may be e+)e#ted* if the Deha and 3i&a Rashis are o##u)ied by both benefi#s and malefi#s. ?>-
A!. %n the Dasha of the Rashis* owned by malefi#s* the body and soul will be in distress. 'he effe#ts will be fa&ourable in the Dasha of the Rashis* owned by
benefi#s. %f a malefi# Rashi is o##u)ied by a benefi# 8rah* or* if a benefi# Rashi is o##u)ied by a malefi# 8rah* the effe#ts will be of a mi+ed nature. @ffe#ts of /aal
0hakr Dasha of the Rashis in 1agn and other Bha&as. A-A?. %n the /aal 0hakr Dasha of the Rashi in 1agn the body remains healthy and the nati&e s)ends a life
with many kinds of #omforts. %f the 1agn Rashi is a benefi# one* the good effe#ts are reali7ed fully. %f the 1agn Rashi is a malefi# Rashi* there is likelihood of ill
health. %f a 8rah in e+altation* or in its own Rashi o##u)ies 1agn* the nati&e is res)e#ted by the king* or go&ernment and a#$uires wealth. AA-A4. %n the 0hakr
Dasha of the Rashi in Dhan the nati&e re#ei&es good food* enjoys ha))iness of wife and #hildren* gains wealth* a#hie&es )rogress in the edu#ational s)here*
be#omes a #le&er #on&ersationalist and mo&es in good so#iety. %f the Rashi be a benefi#* good effe#ts are reali7ed in full* otherwise the effe#ts would be of a mi+ed
nature. A<-AC. Ha))iness from #o-borns* &alour* )atien#e* #omforts* a#$uisition of gold* ornaments and #lothes and re#ognition by the king* or go&ernment* are
the effe#ts in the /aal 0hakr Dasha of the Rashi in Sahaj. %f the Rashi is a benefi#* the good results are reali7ed in full* otherwise ad&erse effe#ts may also be
e+)erien#ed. AD-A=. 8ood relations with kinsmen* a#$uisition of land* houses* or a kingdom* #on&eyan#es and #lothes and enjoyment of sound health* are the
effe#ts of the 0hakr Dasha of the Rashi in Bandhu. %f the Rashi is a benefi# one* the good effe#ts are reali7ed in full. %f it is a malefi# Rashi* ad&erse results are also
e+)erien#ed. A>-4!. Being blessed with wife and #hildren* fa&ours from 8o&ernment* enjoyment of sound health* good relations with friends* a#hie&ement of
fame* good )rogress in the edu#ational s)here* )atien#e and &alour are the effe#ts of the 0hakr Dasha of the Rashi in Putr. %f the Rashi is a benefi# one* the good
results are enjoyed in full. %f the Rashi is a malefi# one* ad&erse effe#ts are also e+)erien#ed. 4-4?. Danger from the king* fire and wea)ons and the )ossibility
of suffering from diabetes* 8ulma and jaundi#e are the effe#ts in the 0hakr Dasha of the Rashi in "ri. %f the Rashi is a malefi# one* the abo&e ad&erse effe#ts will be
e+)erien#ed in full. 'here will be some mitigation of the e&il effe#ts in the #ase of a benefi# Rashi. 4A-44. Marriage* #onjugal ha))iness* being blessed with
#hildren* gain of agri#ultural )rodu#ts* #ows and #lothes* fa&ours and re#ognition from the king and a#hie&ement of fame* are the effe#ts in the 0hakr Dasha of the
Rashi in Hu&ati. 'he benefi#ial results will be e+)erien#ed in full* if the Rashi is a benefi# one. Meagre good effe#ts will be reali7ed in the #ase of a malefi# Rashi.
4<-4C. Destru#tion of a residential house* distress* loss of wealth* )o&erty and danger from enemies are the effe#ts of the 0hakr Dasha of the Rashi in Randhr.
'he ad&erse effe#ts will be reali7ed in full* if the Rashi is a malefi# one. Some mitigation in e&il effe#ts may be e+)e#ted in the #ase of a benefi# Rashi. -4D-<D. Y
Y0har <=-CC. Bow % will tell you about the working out of the Dasha years of Vris#hik and /umbh. %f both the 1ords of the two Rashis* Vris#hik and /umbh* are
)la#ed in their own Rashis* their Dasha will be of ? years. ,therwise the Dasha will be of the number of years* indi#ated by the number* #ounted from that Rashi to
the Rashi* o##u)ied by its 1ord. %f one 8rah be in his own Rashi and the other in any other Rashi* the Dasha will be of the number of years #ounted* from the abo&e
first Rashi to the other. %f the 1ords are in different Rashis* the #ounting is to be done u) to the Rashi* whi#h is stronger. 'he Rashi* whi#h has a 8rah* )la#ed in it*
is #onsidered more )owerful than the Rashi without a 8rah in it. %f both are with 8rahas in them* the one with more 8rahas would be #onsidered more )owerful. %f
both Rashis are o##u)ied by an e$ual number of 8rahas* the strength of the Rashi itself should be taken into a##ount. 'he )rin#i)le for #onsidering the Bal of the
Rashi is* that the Ei+ed Rashi is #onsidered stronger than the Mo&able one and the Dual Rashi is #onsidered more )owerful than the Ei+ed Rashi. %f there is
e$uality in the strength of the Rashis* then to determine the number of years of Dasha #ounting should be done u) to the Rashi with bigger number. %f one Rashi is
o##u)ied by a 8rah in e+altation* the #ounting should be done u) to that Rashi only. %n addition should be added in the number of years in the #ase of a Rashi
with an e+alted 8rah and should be dedu#ted from the number of years in the #ase of a Rashi with a 8rah in debilitation. 'he )redi#tion should be made after
#al#ulating the Dashas in this manner. CD. %f the Rashi in Dharm Bha&a is in an odd Pad* the #ounting should be from the Rashi in the 1agn onwards. 'he #ounting
would be in the re&erse order* if the Pad is e&en. 'he Dashas of Rashis ha&e to be fi+ed* kee)ing this in &iew. Eor @+am)le. %n the abo&e 'ula is the Rashi in
Dharm Bha&a in an odd Pad. "mongst the 1ords of 1agn* Sani and Rahu* Rahu is asso#iated with a 8rah. 'herefore Rahu is more )owerful than* Sani. 'herefore
#ounting should be done u) to Rahu. /umbh is in e&en Pad* therefore #ounting has to be done from /umbh u) to Rahu in the re&erse order* by whi#h the 0har
Dasha for /umbh would #ome to = years. Mesh is in odd Pad. 'herefore the 0har Dasha for Mesh will be one year. 'he Dasha of other Rashis should be
#al#ulated in the same manner. Sthir C=-C>. Maharishi Parashar said. Bow % am going to des#ribe the Sthir Dasha. %n this Dasha system D* = and > years are the
Dasha s)ans of the Mo&able -0har.* Ei+ed -Sthir. and Dual -D&is&a Bha&a. Rashis. %n this system the Dasha of the ? Rashis begins from the Brahm 8rah "shrit
Rashi. 'he Dashas are #ounted onwards from the odd Rashis and in the re&erse order from the e&en Rashis. D!-DA. Maitreya said. , great SageX Bow )lease
enlighten me how the Brahm 8rah is )i#ked out in a #hart. Maharishi Parashar said. Erom amongst the 1ords of "ri* Randhr and Vyaya the 8rah* who may )ossess
the greatest strength and is )la#ed in 1agn* or in Hu&ati with strength* the one* )la#ed in an odd Rashi within si+th Bha&a from the Bha&a #on#erned* is #alled the
Brahm 8rah. 'he 1ord of Randhr in Randhr is also a##e)ted* as Brahm 8rah. %f Sani* or RahuG/etu obtain Brahmat&a -$ualifi#ations of Brahm 8rah.* they be#ome
Brahm 8rah. %f a number of 8rahas obtain Brahmat&a* the one with the largest number of degrees would be#ome Brahm 8rah. %f there is )arity in the degrees of
su#h 8rahas* the most )owerful amongst them would be#ome Brahm 8rah. Hogardha D4. 'he s)ans of Dashas of the Rashis in the Hogardha Dasha system are
half of the total of the s)ans of 0har and Sthir Dashas. 'he Dasha will #ommen#e from the Rashi of 1agn* or Hu&ati* whi#he&er is stronger. 'he order of the Dashas
of the ? Rashis will be #ounted onwards* if the o)ening Dasha Rashi is an odd one. %f it be an e&en Rashi* the Dashas will be in re&erse order. /endradi D<-DC.
%n this system there are Dashas of Ei+ed Rashis in the /endr et#. from 1agn* or from Hu&ati* whi#he&er is stronger. %f 1agn* or Hu&ati with strength is )la#ed in an
odd Rashi* the /endr et#. are #ounted in the onward order. %f it be in an e&en Rashi* the #ounting will be in the ba#kward* or re&erse order. %n them also the Dashas
would be in the order of #om)arati&e strength of the Rashis. 'he order of Dashas would be the same* as re#koned from the "tma /arak. 'he s)ans of Dashas
would be the same* as they are in the 0har Dasha. %n #al#ulating the years of Dashas of 8rahas* #ounting is done from the 8rah to his own Rashi. 'he years of
Dashas would be the number* arri&ed at by #ounting u) to the Rashi of the 8rah* whi#h is stronger* or more in number. DD. %f a 8rah owns two Rashis* the Dasha
years will be e$ual to the number* whi#h is greater* when #ounted from the Rashi* o##u)ied by him. Botes. 2nder this system Dashas are of two kinds* namely
1agn /endradi and "tma /arak /endradi. 'here are also /endradi Rashi Dasha* or /endradi 8rah Dasha in both the Dasha systems* mentioned abo&e. /arak
D=. 'he system* under whi#h the first Dasha is of the "tma /arak and the subse$uent Dashas are of the remaining D /arakas in their order is known* as /arak
Dasha. %n this system the Dasha years are e$ual to the number of Rashis* #ounted from 1agn u) to the /arak #on#erned. Manduk D>-=!. 2nder the Manduk
Dasha system the Dasha #ommen#es from 1agn* or Hu&ati Bha&a* whi#he&er is stronger. %f the Rashi of #ommen#ement is an odd Rashi* the Dashas of A
Mo&able* A Ei+ed and A Dual Rashis will be #ounted in the onwards order. 'hey will be in the re&erse order in the #ase of an e&en Rashi. %n this system the Dasha
years will be the same* as in Sthir Dasha. %n this system e&ery Dasha is of the ne+t Ard Rashi. Shula =-=?. Some sages ha&e designed the Shula Dasha for
determining the time of death. %n this system the Dasha #ommen#es from Dhan* or Randhr* whi#he&er is stronger. %f the Rashi is an odd one* the order of the
Dasha Rashis will be onwards. %t will be ba#kwards in the #ase of an e&en Rashi. 'he Dasha years in this system are* as ado)ted for the Sthir Dasha. 'here is a
)ossibility* that death a))ears in the Dasha of the Marak Rashi* whi#h has greater strength. 'rikon =A-=4. %n this system the first Dasha #ommen#es from the
strongest amongst the Rashis in /on -'rikon. to 1agn -'anu* Putr and Dharm.. 'his system is similar to the 0har Dasha. Here also the Dashas of the Rashis will be
in the onwards order in the #ase of odd Rashis and in the re&erse order in the #ase of e&en Rashis. 'he Dasha years will be similar to that of 0har Dasha. %t has
been named 'rikon be#ause of the #ommen#ement of the Dasha from the Rashis in /onas. Dirga =<-=D. %n this system the order of the Dashas is* as follows5
the Rashi* o##u)ying Dharm* the Rashis* re#ei&ing a Drishti from the Rashi in Dharm* the Rashi in /arm* the Rashis* re#ei&ing a Drishti from the Rashi in /arm* the
Rashi in 1abh and the Rashis* re#ei&ing a Drishti from the Rashi in 1abh. "s this system is mostly based on Drishtis* it has been named* as Dirga Dasha. 'hree
different )ro#esses are ado)ted for the Mo&able* Ei+ed and Dual Rashis from Dharm* /arm and 1abh. "##ording to them* Rashi* whi#h re#ei&es a Drishti from the
Mo&able Rashi* is #ounted ba#kwards and the Rashi* re#ei&ing a Drishti from the Ei+ed Rashi* is #ounted onwards. %n the #ase of the Dual Rashi* if it is odd* the
#ounting is onwards and the order is ba#kwards in #ase of an e&en Rashi for the Rashis* re#ei&ing a Drishti. Botes. 'he intention is* that from the )oint of &iew of
Drishti the )ro#ess of Rashi* re#ei&ing a Drishti* should be started from the Rashi* whi#h is nearest. %n this #onne#tion readers may refer to Rashi Drishtikathan
"dhyaya* 0h. =* Verse > and the table after that. 1agnadi Rashi Dasha ==-=>. %n this system there are Dashas of all the ? Rashis* in#luding 1agn* in e&ery
Bakshatr. 0onse$uently the Bhayat at birth may be multi)lied by ? and then the )rodu#t should be di&ided by Bhabhog. 'he Rashi* degree et#. so a&ailable may
be added to the longitude of 1agn. Erom the Rashi* be#oming a&ailable by doing so* will start the Dashas of the ? Rashis. -%f that Rashi is odd* the #ounting will be
onwards. %t will be in the re&erse order* if the Rashi is e&en. >!. Eor finding the balan#e of Dasha at birth* multi)ly the e+)ired degree et#. by the Dasha years of
the first Dasha Rashi and di&ide it by A!. 'he years et#. so arri&ed at may be dedu#ted from the Dasha years. 'he result will indi#ate the balan#e of Dasha at birth
in years* months et#. Pan#h Swar Dasha >->4. Beginning from "karadhi < Swaras -a* i* u* e* o.* write underneath them the Varnas in C lines. 1ea&e out the
letters Fna(* FZa( and Fna(* be#ause they are not used in names. %f they are found in any name* Fga( may be substituted for Fna(* Fja( for FZa( and Fda( for Fna( for working
out the Dashas and making )redi#tions. %n this manner the Swar* under whi#h the first Varna of the name of the nati&e is found* will determine the order of the
Dashas of the fi&e Swaras. Dashas are of ? years for all the fi&e Swaras. %n the Dasha of e&ery Swar there will be "ntar Dashas of all the fi&e Swaras in the same
order. Hogini ><->>. Maharishi Parashar said. , BrahminX % ha&e already gi&en you the des#ri)tion of Pan#h Swar Dasha. Bow % will a#$uaint you with the Hogini
Dasha* as des#ribed by 1ord Mahade&a. 'here are = Hoginis* namely Mangal* Pingal* Dhanya* Bhramari* Bhadrika* 2lka* Siddha and Sankat. 0andr* Surya* 8uru*
Mangal* Budh* Sani* Sukr and Rahu are born from them. "dd A to the 3anm Bakshatr and di&ide it by =. 'he remainder will indi#ate the Hogini Dasha of Mangal*
et#. 'he Dashas are of * ?* A* 4* <* C* D and = years. 'he balan#e of Dasha at birth should be worked out from the Bhayat and Bhabhog et#.* as already e+)lained
earlier. Pind* "ns and Bisarg ?!-?!?. 'he Pind* "ns and Bisarg Dasha will be the same* as Pindayu* "nsayu and Bisargayu* the method of determination of whi#h
has already been e+)lained )re&iously. 'he order of Dashas will be* as follows. 'he first will be of 1agn* Surya* or 0andr* whoe&er is stronger. 'he subse$uent
Dashas will be of 8rahas in /endr to them* then of 8rahas in Pana)hara Bha&as and lastly in ")oklima Bha&as. 'he Dashas and "ntar Dashas of 1agn and the
se&en 8rahas will also be in the same order. ?!A. 'he effe#ts of these Dashas will be in a##ordan#e with "shtak Varg Bal* whi#h subje#t will be dealt with later.
'hese Dashas are also #alled "shtak Varg Dashas. Sandhya ?!4. Sandhya is the D&adashans "yurdaya of the Param "yurdaya -ma+imum )ossible life-s)an.. %n
Sandhya Dasha the Dasha of all the Rashis from 1agn onwards is of G? the years of Param "yurdaya. Pa#hak Dasha in Sandhya Dasha ?!<-?!C. By multi)lying
the Dasha years of Sandhya Dasha by C and di&iding the )rodu#t by A* the years* months et#. so arri&ed at may be )ut in one a)artment of a 'able. 'hereafter
half of these years* months et#. may be written in the ne+t three a)artments. 'he remaining = a)artments may be filled in by one third of the aforesaid years*
months et#. %n this manner Pa#hak Dasha in Sandhya Dasha of e&ery Bha&a #an be worked out and )redi#tions may be made from it. 'ar ?!D-?!>. , BrahminX
Some sages ha&e gi&en #onsideration to 'ar Dasha* whi#h is like Vimshottari. %n this Dasha 3anm* Sam)at et#. in their order re)la#e Surya* 0andr et#.* )la#ed in
/endras. 'his Dasha is a))lied in those #ases only* where there are 8rahas in /endras. %f there are a number of 8rahas* the first Dasha will belong to the
strongest amongst them. ?!. , BrahminX % ha&e now #om)leted the des#ri)tion of the different kinds of Dashas. % will gi&e the des#ri)tion of their "ntar Dashas
-sub-)eriods. later.

0h. 4D. @ffe#ts of Dashas

. Maitreya said. , Maharishi ParasharX Hou ha&e told me about the different kinds of Dashas. Bow be kind enough to enlighten me with the effe#ts of Dashas. ?.
Maharishi Parashar re)lied. , BrahminX 'here are two kinds of effe#ts of Dashas5 general and distin#ti&e. 'he natural #hara#teristi#s of the 8rahas #ause the
general effe#ts and the distin#ti&e effe#ts are reali7ed by their )la#ements et#. A-4. 'he effe#ts of the Dashas of the 8rahas are in a##ordan#e with their strength.
'he effe#ts of a 8rah in the first Dreshkan are reali7ed at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha. 'he 8rah in the se#ond Dreshkan makes its effe#ts felt in the middle of
the Dasha. 'he effe#ts of the 8rah in the third Dreshkan are e+)erien#ed at the end of the Dasha. %f the 8rah is retrograde* these effe#ts would be in the re&erse
order. 'he Dasha effe#ts of Rahu and /etu* who are always retrograde* will always be reali7ed in the re&erse order. <-C. 'he effe#ts are fa&ourable* if at the
#ommen#ement of the Dasha the Dasha 1ord is in 1agn* in his e+altation* own* or a Shant Rashi. 'he results are unfa&ourable* if the Dasha 1ord is in "ri* Randhr*
or Vyaya Bha&a* in his debilitation* or in an inimi#al Rashi. D-. During the Dasha of Surya there is a#$uisition of wealth* great feli#ity and honours from the
8o&ernment* if at the time of birth Surya is in his own Rashi* in his e+altation Rashi* in a /endr* in 1abh* be asso#iated with the 1ord of Dharm* or the 1ord of /arm
and strong in his Varg. 'he nati&e will be blessed with a son -#hildren.* if Surya is with the 1ord of Putr. 'he nati&e will a#$uire ele)hants and other kinds of wealth*
if Surya is asso#iated with the 1ord of Dhan. 'he nati&e will enjoy #omforts of #on&eyan#es* if Surya is asso#iated with the 1ord of Bandhu. He attains a high
)osition* like that of "rmy 0hief* by the benefi#en#e of the king and enjoys all kinds of ha))iness. 'hus during the Dasha of a strong -and fa&ourable. Surya there
are a#$uisitions of #lothes* agri#ultural )rodu#ts* wealth* honours* #on&eyan#es et#. ?-<. During the Dasha of Surya there will be an+ieties* loss of wealth*
)unishment from 8o&ernment* defamation* o))osition by kinsmen* distress to father* -in.aus)i#ious ha))enings at home* distress to )aternal and maternal un#les
et#.* an+iety and inimi#al relations with other )eo)le for no reason whatsoe&er* should Surya be in his Rashi of debilitation* be weak in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or be
asso#iated with malefi# 8rahas* or with the 1ord of "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. 'here will be some fa&ourable effe#ts at times* if in the abo&e situations Surya re#ei&es a
Drishti from benefi# 8rahas. 'he effe#ts will always be unfa&ourable* when malefi# 8rahas gi&e a Drishti to Surya. C-??. , BrahminX "fter des#ribing the effe#ts of
the Dasha of Surya in brief* % will now #ome to the effe#ts of Vimshottari Dasha of 0andr. During the Dasha of 0andr from its #ommen#ement to the end there will
be o)ulen#e and glory* good fortune* gain of wealth* aus)i#ious fun#tions at home* dawn of fortune* attainment of a high )osition in 8o&ernment* a#$uisition of
#on&eyan#es* #lothes* birth of #hildren and a#$uisition of #attle* should 0andr be in her e+altation* in her own Rashi* in /endr* in 1abh* Dharm* or Putr* be
asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s* be fully )owerful and is asso#iated with the 1ord of /arm* Dharm* or Bandhu. 'here will be e+traordinary gains
of wealth and lu+uries* if su#h a 0andr is in Dhan Bha&a. ?A-?C. Should 0andr be waning* or in her debilitation Rashi* there will be loss of wealth in her Dasha. %f
0andr is in Sahaj* there will be ha))iness off and on. %f 0andr is asso#iated with malefi#s* there will be idio#y* mental tension* trouble from em)loyees and mother
and loss of wealth. %f waning 0andr is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or is asso#iated with malefi#s* there will be inimi#al relations with 8o&ernment* loss of wealth*
distress to mother and similar e&il effe#ts. %f a strong 0andr is )la#ed in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya there will be troubles and good times off and on. ?D-A?. %f Mangal is in
his e+altation* in his Multrikon* in his own Rashi* in /endr* in 1abh* or Dhan Bha&a with strength* in a benefi# "ns -Ba&ans. and is asso#iated with a benefi#* there
will be during his Dasha a#$uisition of kingdom -attainment of a high administrati&e* or )oliti#al )osition in 8o&ernment* gain of wealth and land* re#ognition by
8o&ernment.* gain of wealth from foreign #ountries and a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es and ornaments. 'here will also be ha))iness and good relations with #o-borns.
%f Mangal with strength is )la#ed in a /endr* or in Sahaj* there will be gain of wealth through &alour* &i#tory o&er enemies* ha))iness from wife and #hildren. 'here
will* howe&er* be a )ossibility of some unfa&ourable effe#ts at the end of the Dasha. AA. %f Mangal is in his debilitation Rashi* weak* in an inaus)i#ious Bha&a* or is
asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from malefi#s* there will be in his Dasha loss of wealth* distress and similar unfa&ourable effe#ts. A4-A>L. %n order to #larify
the effe#ts of the Dasha of Rahu % shall first mention the e+altation and debilitation Rashis of Rahu and /etu. 'he e+altation Rashi of Rahu is Vrishabh. 'he
e+altation Rashi of /etu is Vris#hik. 'he Multrikonas of Rahu and /etu are Mithun and Dhanu. 'he own Rashis of Rahu and /etu are /umbh and Vris#hik. Some
sages ha&e e+)ressed the &iew* that /anya is the own Rashi of Rahu and Meen is the own Rashi of /etu. Should Rahu be in his e+altation Rashi et#.* there will be
during the Dasha of Rahu great ha))iness from a#$uisition of wealth* agri#ultural )rodu#ts et#.* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es with the hel) of friends and
8o&ernment* #onstru#tion of a new house* birth of sons -#hildren.* religious in#linations* re#ognition from 8o&ernment of foreign #ountries and gain of wealth*
#lothes et#. %f Rahu be asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s* be in a benefi# Rashi and be in 'anu* Bandhu* Hu&ati* /arm* 1abh* or Sahaj* there will
be during his Dasha all kinds of #omforts by the benefi#en#e of the 8o&ernment* a#$uisition of wealth through a foreign 8o&ernment* or so&ereign and feli#ity at
home. 4!-4A. %f Rahu is in Randhr* or Vyaya Bha&a* there will be during his Dasha all kinds of troubles and distress. %f Rahu is asso#iated with a malefi#* or a Marak
8rah* or is in his debilitation Rashi* there will be loss of )osition* destru#tion of his residential house* mental agony* trouble to wife and #hildren and misfortune of
getting bad food. 'here will be loss of wealth at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* some relief and gain of wealth in his own #ountry and distress and an+ieties
during the last )ortion of the Dasha. 44. Bow % am going to des#ribe the effe#ts of the Dasha of 8uru* the great benefi# and )re#e)tor of the 8ods. 4<-4=. %f 8uru is
in his e+altation* his own Rashi* his Multrikon* in /arm* Putr* or Dharm Bha&a* in his own Ba&ans* or in his e+alted Ba&ans* there will be during his Dasha5
a#$uisition of kingdom* great feli#ity* re#ognition by 8o&ernment* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es and #lothes* de&otion to deities and Brahmins* ha))iness in res)e#t of
his wife and #hildren and su##ess in the )erforman#e of religious sa#rifi#es -oblations.. 4>-<. %f 8uru is in his debilitation Rashi* #ombust* asso#iated with malefi#s*
or in "ri* or Randhr* there will be during his Dasha loss of residential )remises* an+iety* distress to #hildren* loss of #attle and )ilgrimage. 'he Dasha will gi&e some
unfa&ourable effe#ts at its #ommen#ement only. During the later )art of the Dasha there will be good effe#ts* like gain of wealth* awards from and re#ognition by
8o&ernment. <?. Bow % will des#ribe to you the effe#ts of the Dasha of Sani* who is #onsidered the &ilest and most inferior amongst all the 8rahas. <A-<C. %f Sani is
in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or in Multrikon* or friendly Rashi* in his own* or e+alted Ba&ans and in Sahaj* or 1abh* there will be during his Dasha re#ognition
by 8o&ernment* o)ulen#e and glory* name and fame* su##ess in the edu#ational s)here* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es and ornaments et#.* gain of wealth* fa&ours
from 8o&ernment* attainment of a high )osition* like 0ommander of an "rmy* a#$uisition of a kingdom* bene&olen#e of goddess 1akshmi* gain of )ro)erty and birth
of #hildren. <D-C!. %f Sani is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* in his debilitation Rashi* or #ombust* there will be during his Dasha ill effe#ts from )oison* injury from
wea)ons* se)aration from father* distress to wife and #hildren* disaster* as a result of dis)leasure of 8o&ernment* im)risonment et#. %f Sani re#ei&es a Drishti from*
or is asso#iated with a benefi#* is )la#ed in a /endr* or in a 'rikon* in Dhanu* or in Meen* there will be a#$uisition of a kingdom* #on&eyan#es and #lothes. C. Bow %
am going to des#ribe the effe#ts of the Dasha of Budh* who is #alled a /umar -in his teens. amongst all the 8rahas. C?-C<. %f Budh is in his e+altation* in his own* in
a friendly Rashi* or in 1abh* Putr* or Dharm* there will be during his Dasha a#$uisition of wealth* gain of re)utation* im)ro&ement in knowledge* bene&olen#e of
8o&ernment* aus)i#ious fun#tions* ha))iness from wife and #hildren* good health* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations* )rofits in business et#. %f Budh re#ei&es a
Drishti from a benefi#* is in Dharm* or is the 1ord of /arm* the aforesaid benefi#ial results will be e+)erien#ed in full and there will be great feli#ity all-round. CC-D!. %f
Budh is asso#iated with a malefi#* there will be during his Dasha )unishment by 8o&ernment* inimi#al relations with kinsmen* journey to a foreign #ountry*
de)enden#e on others and the )ossibility of urinary troubles. %f Budh is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* there will be loss of wealth* due to indulgen#e in las#i&ious
a#ti&ities* )ossibility of suffering from rheumatism and jaundi#e* danger of thefts and male&olen#e of 8o&ernment* loss of land and #attle et#. "t the #ommen#ement
of the Dasha of Budh* there will be gains of wealth* betterment in the edu#ational s)here* birth of #hildren and ha))iness. %n the middle of the Dasha* there will be
re#ognition from 8o&ernment. 'he last )art of the Dasha will be distressful. D. Bow % will tell you about the Dasha of /etu* who is a headless trunk -/abandha.
amongst all the 8rahas. D?-DD. %f /etu is in a /endr* a 'rikon* or in 1abh* in a benefi# Rashi* in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi* there will be during his Dasha
#ordial relations with the king* desired headshi) of a #ountry* or &illage* #omforts of #on&eyan#es* ha))iness from #hildren* gain from foreign #ountries* ha))iness
from wife and a#$uisition of #attle. %f /etu is in Sahaj* "ri* or 1abh* there will be in his Dasha a#$uisition of a kingdom* good relations with friends and o))ortunities
for the a#$uisition of ele)hants. "t the #ommen#ement of the /etu Dasha there will be Raj Hog. During the middle )ortion of the Dasha there will be )ossibilities of
fearfulness and in the last )art there will be sufferings from ailments and journeys to distant )la#es. %f /etu is in Dhan* Randhr* or Vyaya* or re#ei&es a Drishti from
a malefi#* there will be im)risonment* destru#tion of kinsmen and residential )remises and an+ieties* #om)any of menials and diseases. D=. Bow % will des#ribe the
effe#ts of the Dasha of Sukr* who is the in#arnate of into+i#ation* e#stasy* delight and )ride amongst all the 8rahas. D>-=?. %f Sukr is in his e+altation* in his own
Rashi* or in a /endr* or a 'rikon* there will be during his Dasha a#$uisition of fan#y #lothes* ornaments* #on&eyan#es* #attle and land et#.* a&ailability of sweet
)re)arations e&ery day* re#ognition from the so&ereign* lu+urious fun#tions of songs and dan#es et#. by the bene&olen#e of 8oddess 1akshmi. %f Sukr is in his
Multrikon* during his Dasha there will definitely be a#$uisition of a kingdom* a#$uisition of a house* birth of #hildren and grand#hildren* #elebration of marriage in the
family* attainment of a high )osition* like the 0ommander of an "rmy* &isits of friends* re#o&ery of lost wealth* )ro)erty* or kingdom. =A-=4L. %f Sukr is in "ri*
Randhr* or Vyaya* there will be during his Dasha inimi#al relations with kinsmen* distress to wife* losses in business* destru#tion of #attle and se)aration from
relations. =<-=D. %f Sukr is in Bandhu* as 1ord of Dharm* or /arm* there will be during his Dasha attainment of rulershi) of a #ountry* or &illage* )erforman#e of )ious
deeds* like building of reser&oirs and tem)les and gi&ing grains et#. in #harity* a&ailability of sweet )re)arations e&ery day* &igor in work* name and fame and
ha))iness from wife and #hildren. ==-=>. Similar are the effe#ts of Sukr in his sub-)eriods. %f Sukr is 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati* there will be during his Dasha )hysi#al
)ains and troubles. 'o get alle&iation from those troubles the nati&e should )erform Shatarudriya* or Mrityunjaya 3a)a in the )res#ribed manner and gi&e in #harity
a #ow* or female buffalo.

0h. 4=. Distin#ti&e @ffe#ts of the Bakshatr Dasha* or of the Dashas of the 1ords -Vimshottari. of &arious Bha&as

. %f the 1ord of /arm is )la#ed in an aus)i#ious Bha&a in his e+altation Rashi et#.* his Dasha effe#ts will be fa&ourable. 'he effe#ts will be ad&erse* if the 1ord of
/arm is in his debilitation Rashi and o##u)ies an inaus)i#ious Bha&a. 'his )ro&es* that an inaus)i#ious 8rah in his e+altation Rashi et#. will not )rodu#e
unfa&ourable results* if )la#ed in an aus)i#ious Bha&a and a benefi#* being in his debilitation Rashi and being )la#ed in an inaus)i#ious Bha&a* will )rodu#e
ad&erse effe#ts. Bow % will des#ribe the effe#ts of the Dasha of the 1ords of &arious Bha&as* who are related to ea#h other. ?-4. 'here will be )hysi#al well-being in
the Dasha of the 1ord of 1agn* distress and )ossibility of death in the Dasha of the 1ord of Dhan* unfa&ourable effe#ts in the Dasha of the 1ord of Sahaj* a#$uisition
of house and land in the Dasha of the 1ord of Bandhu* )rogress in edu#ational s)here and ha))iness from the #hildren in the Dasha of the 1ord of Putr and danger
from enemies and ill health in the Dasha of the 1ord of "ri. <-=. 'here will be distress to wife and the )ossibility of the death of the nati&e in the Dasha of the 1ord of
Hu&ati* the )ossibility of death and finan#ial losses in the Dasha of the 1ord of Randhr* im)ro&ement in the edu#ational s)here* religious-mindedness and
une+)e#ted gains of wealth in the Dasha of the 1ord of Dharm* re#ognition from and awards by the 8o&ernment in the Dasha of the 1ord of /arm* obsta#les in
gains of wealth and the )ossibility of diseases in the Dasha of the 1ord of 1abh and distress and danger from diseases in the Dasha of the 1ord of Vyaya. " 8rah*
)la#ed in an aus)i#ious Bha&a* like 'rikon et#.* at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* )rodu#es fa&ourable results in his Dasha. 'he 8rah* )la#ed in "ri* Randhr* or
Vyaya at that time* yields only ad&erse results during his Dasha. %t is therefore essential* that the )la#ement of a 8rah at the time of birth and at the #ommen#ement
of the Dasha should both be taken into a##ount for the assessment of the Dasha effe#ts. 4-DL. 'he Dasha of "ri(s* Randhr(s* or Vyaya(s 1ord also be#omes
fa&ourable* if they get asso#iated with the 1ord of a 'rikon. %f the 1ord of a /endr is in a 'rikon* or the 1ord of a 'rikon is in a /endr* the Dasha of the 8rah* yuti with
either of them* be#omes fa&ourable. 'he Dasha of a 8rah* re#ei&ing a Drishti from the 1ord of a /endr* or 'rikon is also fa&ourable. %f Dharm(s 1ord is in 1agn and
1agn(s 1ord is in Dharm* the Dashas of both of them will )rodu#e e+tremely benefi#ial results. 'here will be a#$uisition of a kingdom in the Dashas of 1agn(s 1ord
and /arm(s 1ord* if /arm(s 1ord is in 1agn and 1agn(s 1ord is in /arm. =-?!. 'he Dasha of Sahaj(s* "ri(s and 1abh(s 1ord* of the 8rahas* )la#ed in Sahaj* "ri and
1abh and of the 8rahas* yuti with the abo&e* will )ro&e unfa&ourable. 'he Dasha of the 8rahas* asso#iated with the 1ords of Marak Bha&as* namely Dhan and
Hu&ati* in Dhan* or Hu&ati and the Dashas of the 8rahas* )la#ed in Randhr* will )rodu#e unfa&ourable effe#ts. 'hus the Dashas should be #onsidered fa&ourable*
after taking into a##ount the )la#ement of a 8rah and his relationshi) of one 8rah with the other. -Rahu and /etu gi&e fa&ourable results in Sahaj* "ri and 1abh..

0h. 4>. @ffe#ts of the /aal 0hakr

-<. Maharishi Parashar said. , BrahminX % am now going to des#ribe to you the effe#ts of the /aal 0hakr Dasha. During the Dasha of the Rashi* owned* or
o##u)ied by Surya* there will be ill health* due to the blood* or bile troublesJ Y 0andr* there will be gain of wealth and #lothes* name and fame and birth of #hildrenJ
Y Mangal* there will be bilious fe&er* gout and woundsJ Y Budh* there will be a#$uisition of wealth and birth of #hildrenJ Y 8uru* there will be in#rease in the
number of #hildren* a#$uisition of wealth and enjoymentJ Y Sukr* there will be a#$uisition of learning* marriage and gain of wealthJ Y o##u)ied by Sani* there will
be all kinds of ad&erse ha))enings. 'he @ffe#ts of the Dashas on the Basis of the Ba&ans of ea#h Rashi C-D. %n the /aal 0hakr Dasha of Mesh in Mesh Ba&ans
there will be distress* due to troubles* #aused by the )ollution of blood. %n the Dasha of Mesh in the Ba&ans of Vrishabh there will be in#rease in wealth and
agri#ultural )rodu#t. %n the Ba&ans of Mithun there will be ad&an#ement of knowledge. %n the Ba&ans of /ark there will be a#$uisition of wealth* in the Simh Ba&ans
danger from enemies* in the /anya distress to wife* in the 'ula kingshi)* in the Vris#hik death and in the Dhanu a#$uisition of wealth. Su#h will be the effe#ts of the
> Padas of Mesh. %n assessing the net effe#ts the nature of the 8rah* o##u)ying the Rashi* should also be taken into a##ount. =-!. %n the Dasha of Makar Ba&ans
in Vrishabh there will be tenden#y to )erform undesirable deeds along with more ad&erse effe#ts. %n the /umbh Ba&ans there will be )rofits in business* in the
Meen su##ess in all &entures* in the Dasha of Vris#hik Ba&ans danger from fire* in the Dasha of 'ula Ba&ans re#ognition from 8o&ernment and re&eren#e from all*
in the Dasha of /anya Ba&ans danger from enemies* in the Dasha of /ark Ba&ans distress to wife* in the Dasha of Simh Ba&ans diseases of eyes and in the
Dasha of Mithun Ba&ans obsta#les in earning li&elihood. Su#h will be the effe#ts of the > Ba&ansas of Vrishabh. Similar inter)retation should be made of further
&erses on this subje#t. -?. %n Mithun in the Dasha of the Vrishabh "ns there will be a#$uisition of wealth* in the Dasha of Mesh "ns atta#ks of fe&er* in the
Dasha of Meen "ns affe#tionate relations with maternal un#le* in the Dasha of /umbh "ns in#rease in the number of enemies* in the Dasha of Makar "ns danger
from thie&es* in the Dasha of Dhanu "ns in#rease in the sto#k of wea)ons* in the Dasha of Vrishabh "ns injury by some wea)on and in the Dasha of Mithun "ns
enjoyment. A-<. %n /ark in the Dasha of /ark "ns there will be distress* Y Simh dis)leasure of the so&ereign* Y /anya re&eren#e from kinsmen* Y 'ula
benefi#en#e* Y Vris#hik #reation of obsta#les by father* Y Dhanu in#rease of learning and wealth* Y Makar danger from water* Y /umbh in#rease in the
)rodu#tion of agri#ultural )rodu#ts and in the Dasha of the Meen "ns a#$uisition of more wealth and enjoyment. C-D. %n Simh in the Dasha of the Ba&ans of
Vris#hik there will be distress and dis)utes* Y 'ula e+traordinary gains* Y /anya gains of wealth* Y /ark danger from wild animals* Y Simh birth of a son* Y
Mithun in#rease of enemies* Y Vrishabh gains from sale of #attle* Y Mesh danger from animals and in the Dasha of Meen "ns journeys to distant )la#es. =->. %n
/anya in the Dasha of /umbh "ns there will be a#$uisition of wealth* Y Makar finan#ial gains* Y Dhanu mingling with kinsmen* Y Mesh ha))iness from mother*
Y Vrishabh birth of #hildren* Y Mithun in#rease in enemies* Y /ark lo&e with some woman* Y Simh aggra&ation of diseases and in the Dasha of /anya "ns birth
of #hildren. ?!-??. %n 'ula in the Dasha of 'ula "ns there will be finan#ial gains* Y Vris#hik good relations with kinsmen* Y Dhanu ha))iness from father* Y Makar
dis)utes with mother* Y /umbh birth of a son and finan#ial gains* Y Meen entanglement with enemies* Y Vris#hik dis)utes with women* Y 'ula danger from
water and in Dasha of /anya "ns more finan#ial gains. ?A-?4L. %n Vris#hik in the Dasha of /ark "ns there will be finan#ial gains* Y Simh o))osition to the king* Y
Mithun a#$uisition of land* Y Vrishabh finan#ial gains* Y Mesh danger from re)tiles* Y Meen danger from water* Y /umbh )rofits in business* Y Makar )rofits in
business* Y Makar )ossibility of suffering from diseases and in the Dasha of Dhanu "ns finan#ial gains. ?<-?D. %n Dhanu in the Dasha of Mesh "ns there will be
finan#ial gains* Y Vrishabh a#$uisition of more land* Y Mithun su##ess in &entures* Y /ark su##ess all round* Y Simh in#rease in the a##umulated wealth* Y
/anya dis)utes* Y 'ula finan#ial gains* Y Vris#hik affli#tion with diseases* Y Dhanu ha))iness from #hildren. ?=-?>. %n Makar in the Dasha of Makar "ns there will
be ha))iness from #hildren* Y /umbh gain of agri#ultural )rodu#ts* Y Meen well being* Y Vris#hik danger from )oison* Y 'ula finan#ial gains* Y /anya in#rease
in enemies* Y /ark a#$uisition of )ro)erty* Y Simh danger from wild animals and in the Dasha of Mithun "ns danger of falling from a tree. A!-A?. %n /umbh in the
Dasha of Vrishabh "ns there will be finan#ial gains* Y Mesh diseases of the eyes* Y Meen journeys to distant )la#es* Y /umbh in#rease in wealth* Y Makar
su##ess in all kinds of &entures* Y Dhanu more enemies* Y Mesh loss of ha))iness and enjoyment* Y Vrishabh death* Y Mithun well being. AA-A4L. %n the Meen
in the Dasha of /ark "ns there will be in#rease in wealth* Y Simh re#ognition by 8o&ernment* Y /anya finan#ial gains* Y 'ula gains from all sour#es* Y Vris#hik
fe&er* Y Dhanu more enemies* Y Makar #onjugal dis)utes* Y /umbh danger from water and in the Dasha of Meen "ns good fortune all-round. %n this manner on
the /aal 0hakr* )re)ared on the basis of Pad of the 3anm Bakshatr* the Dashas of the Ba&ans Rashis and their duration #an be assessed and )redi#tion #an be
made for the whole life of the nati&e. "))ro)riate remedial measures -re#itation of Mantras* oblations et#.. should be taken to alle&iate the ad&erse effe#ts* #aused
by malefi# Dashas. A<-AD. 'he effe#ts of Dasha in Raj Hog et#. ha&e already been des#ribed in Vol. % of this book. 'he same should be a))lied in a judi#ious
manner in the /aal 0hakr. 'hese are in brief effe#ts of /aal 0hakr Dasha.

0h. <!. @ffe#ts of the 0har et#. Dashas

-A. Maharishi Parashar said. , BrahminX % ha&e already des#ribed the 0har et#. Dashas. Bow % am going to tell you the effe#ts of these Dashas. 'he effe#ts of the
Dashas of the Rashis should be judged from the strength of the 1ords of Rashis and whether they are benefi#s* or malefi#s. %f the 1ord of a Rashi )ossesses full
strength* the effe#ts of the Dasha of the Rashi will be reali7ed in full. 'he effe#ts of the Dasha will be of medium nature* if the strength is medium. %f the 1ord of
Rashi )ossesses little strength* the effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed a##ordingly. 4-!. %f there are malefi#s in the =th* the <th and the >th from a Dasha Rashi* the effe#ts
of the Dasha of that Rashi will be distressful. %f there are malefi#s in the Ard and the Cth from a Dasha Rashi* the effe#ts of the Dasha will be &i#tory o&er enemies
and ha))iness. %f there are benefi#s in the Ard and the Cth from the Dasha Rashi* there will be defeat in its Dasha. %f there are benefi#s* or malefi#s in the th from
the Dasha Rashi* there will be #on$uests and ha))iness in the Dasha. %f the Dasha Rashi is o##u)ied by* or is owned by a benefi#* the effe#ts of its Dasha will be
benefi#ial. %f a Dasha Rashi* owned by a benefi#* is o##u)ied by a malefi#* fa&ourable effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed in the first )art of the Dasha and they will be
ad&erse in the latter )art. %f a Dasha Rashi* owned by a malefi# is o##u)ied by a benefi#* the effe#ts of the Dasha will be the same. " Dasha Rashi* owned and
o##u)ied by a malefi# will always yield unfa&ourable results. 'he re&erse will be the #ase in the #ase of the Dasha Rashi* owned and o##u)ied by a benefi#. %f a
Dasha Rashi* owned by a benefi#* is o##u)ied by both benefi# and malefi# 8rahas* the effe#ts of Dasha will be ad&erse in its first )art and fa&ourable in the latter
)art. -D. 'he assessment of the effe#ts of the Dasha of the Dasha Rashi should be made after taking into a##ount the dis)osition of the 8rahas in the Rashi at
birth and the dis)osition of 8rahas during the Dasha. %f the Dasha Rashi is well dis)osed both at the time of birth and during its Dasha* the benefi#ial results will be
reali7ed in full. %f it is ill-dis)osed during the Dasha* the effe#ts will be of mi+ed nature. %f the Dasha Rashi is ill-dis)osed both at the time of birth and during its
Dasha* only e&il effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed. =->. 'he effe#ts of the Dasha will be fa&ourable* if it is o##u)ied by a benefi# and there is also a benefi# in the Rashi
)re&ious to it. %f the Rashi is o##u)ied by a malefi#* the effe#ts will be of ad&erse nature. %f there are benefi#s in Putr and Dharm* the effe#ts of its Dasha will be
fa&ourable. 'he re&erse will be the #ase* if Putr and Dharm are o##u)ied by malefi#s. ?!-?. /umbh* Vrishabh* Simh and Vris#hik are Badhak Bha&as for the four
Mo&able Rashis5 Mesh* /ark* 'ula and Makar. %n other words the th Rashi to a Mo&able Rashi is its Badhak Bha&a. %f there is a malefi# in the Bha&a* o##u)ied
by its 1ord* or in Badhak Bha&a of that Rashi* there will be o##asions of great sorrow* im)risonment and diseases during the Dasha. ??. 'he Dasha of a Rashi will
be fa&ourable* if it is o##u)ied by its own 1ord* or an e+alted 8rah. 'he Dasha of a Rashi* not o##u)ied by any 8rah* will be ad&erse. ?A-?<. 'here will be great
danger* im)risonment during a journey* dis)leasure of 8o&ernment and danger from enemies in the Dasha and "ntar Dasha of the Rashi* from whi#h its Badhak
Bha&a* Vyaya* "ri and Randhr are o##u)ied by Rahu. 'here will be loss* due to the dis)leasure of the king and danger therefrom in the "ntar Dasha of the Rashi*
that is o##u)ied by Surya* Mangal* Rahu and Sani. 'here will be the )ossibility of death* if the <th and the >th from the "ntar Dasha Rashi are o##u)ied by a
debilitated* or malefi# 8rah. ?C-?=. 'here will be enjoyment* a#$uisition of #hiefshi) of a town* or &illage* birth of a son* finan#ial gains* well-being* dawn of fortune*
attainment of the )osition of a 0ommander of an "rmy and )rogress all-round* if there is an e+alted 8rah in the 'rikon from the "ntar Dasha Rashi. 'here will be in
his Dasha finan#ial gains* well-being and birth of a son* if the 8rah* who is the 1ord of the Dasha* ha))ens to be in a benefi# Rashi and re#ei&es a Drishti from
8uru. ?>-A?. Vrishabh* 'ula* Makar* /umbh and Mithun are the inimi#al Rashis of Surya. 'he inimi#al Rashis of 0andr and other 8rahas may be re#koned
similarly. %f a 8rah is in an inimi#al Rashi* his Dasha will be full of ad&ersities. 'he effe#ts of the Dasha of Rashis and 8rahas should be judged after taking into
a##ount the abo&e rules. AA-A4. 'he Dashas of that 8rah will be fa&ourable* who is Raj Hog /arak* who is dis)osed between two benefi#s -that is there are
benefi#s in the ?nd and the ?th Bha&as to that 8rah. and who has benefi#s in the ?nd* Ard and 4th Bha&as from him. " malefi# 8rah be#omes fa&ourable* if he is
dis)osed between benefi#s. A<-AC. 'he whole of the Dasha of a 8rah* who is related to a friendly and benefi# 8rah at the #ommen#ement and the end of the
Dasha* will be fa&ourable. %n an unfa&ourable Dasha the "ntar Dasha of a benefi# -8rah* or Rashi. be#omes fa&ourable. 'he Dasha of a 8rah* or Rashi* who has
benefi#s in the <th* or the >th from it* is also fa&ourable. %n this manner the effe#ts of the Dasha should be judged* after taking into a##ount the dis)ositions of the
8rah* or Rashi at the #ommen#ement and at the end of the Dasha. AD-A>. 'he Dasha of the 8rahas and Rashis* who ha&e benefi#s in the 'rikon from them is
fa&ourable. %f the Dasha of a benefi# Rashi #ommen#es in a benefi# Rashi* it will be &ery fa&ourable. %f an e&il Dasha #ommen#es in a benefi# Rashi* it is also
fa&ourable. 'herefore the #ommen#ement of a Dasha should always be ke)t in &iew in assessing the results of the Dasha. 'here will be loss of fortune* if at the
#ommen#ement of the Dasha there is a malefi# Rashi* or* if the 1ord of the Dasha Rashi is in debilitation. 4!-4. 'here will be loss of fortune* wealth and
agri#ultural )rodu#ts and infli#tion with disease during the Dasha of the Rashi* o##u)ied by a debilitated 8rah* or* if there is a debilitated 8rah in the <th from it* or in
the >th from it* or whose 1ord is debilitated* or related to a debilitated 8rah. 4?. Eour Rashis from /umbh and four Rashis from Vris#hik belong to Rahu and /etu*
res)e#ti&ely. %f Rahu and /etu are in any one of the aforesaid Rashis* the Dasha will be )rodu#ti&e of benefi#ial results. 4A-4<. %f a 8rah* whose Dasha is otherwise
#onsidered fa&ourable* is )la#ed in a Marak Bha&a* or* if the Rashi* in whi#h his Dasha #omes to an end* re#ei&es a Drishti from Sukr* or 0andr* there will be in his
Dasha dis)leasure of go&ernment and loss of wealth. 4C-4D. 'here will be loss of e&erything* im)risonment* death* e+ile from the #ountry and great distress at the
end of the Dasha of Rahu. 'he abo&e effe#ts will definitely be reali7ed* if there are malefi#s in the <th and the >th from Rahu. Benefi#ial and ad&erse effe#ts should
be )redi#ted in this manner. 4=-<!. 'he same would be the effe#ts in the Dasha of the Rashi* o##u)ied by malefi#s* like Rahu et#. 'he asso#iation of a Marak 8rah
with the Rashi at the time of #ommen#ement of its Dasha is not )rodu#ti&e of good effe#ts. %f su#h a 8rah is Rahu* there will be im)risonment* or loss of wealth. <-
<?. 'he natural #hara#teristi#s of the Bha&a* o##u)ied by Rahu* are harmed at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha. %f su#h a Bha&a is Dhan* there will be loss of
wealth. %f 0andr and Sukr are in Vyaya* there will be losses* due to the dis)leasure of go&ernment. %f Mangal and /etu are so dis)osed* there will be death* or
danger from fire. 'here will be a#$uisition of a kingdom* if Sukr and 0andr are in Dhan at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha. 'his means* that the effe#ts of the
Bha&a* in whi#h 0andr and Sukr are )la#ed at the #ommen#ement and end of a Dasha* are strengthened. 'hus their dis)osition in "ri* Randhr and Vyaya will
)rodu#e only ad&erse effe#ts. <A-<<. Similarly the sages ha&e des#ribed the effe#ts of the Bha&a with "rgal. %f there is an aus)i#ious "rgal #ausing benefi#* or
malefi# 8rah of a Rashi and 1agn re#ei&es a Drishti from him* that Rashi will )re&ail. Here 1agn is the se#ondary #ondition. %f the 8rah* #ausing uninterru)ted "rgal*
gi&es a Drishti to a Rashi* that Rashi will )re&ail. %n other words good effe#ts will be deri&ed in the Dasha of that Rashi. 'he Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h does not
re#ei&e a Drishti from an aus)i#ious "rgal* or the Dasha of a Rashi with Vi)reet "rgal will not be fa&ourable. 'he Dasha of that Rashi* whi#h re#ei&es a Drishti from
a benefi#* will be fa&ourable. <C-<>. Einan#ial gains will be deri&ed in the Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h is o##u)ied by its benefi# 1ord* or by an e+alted 8rah* who
re#ei&es a Drishti from him. 'here will be loss of wealth* if su#h a 8rah is in the ?th Bha&a to the Rashi -or Bha&a.. 'here will be destru#tion of all good effe#ts*
distress to #hildren and father and mental agony in the Dasha of the Rashi* if there are malefi#s in the <th and the >th from the Rashi. @&il effe#ts will be
e+)erien#ed in the Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h is o##u)ied by Randhr(s 1ord* Vyaya(s 1ord* Surya* Mangal* or Sani. C!-CA. 'he Dasha of the Rashi will #ause
distress to #hildren* e+ile to a foreign #ountry and #ontinuous disturban#es in life* if Rahu and /etu are in the 'rikon to the Rashi. 'here will be danger from
enemies* from the king and disease in the Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h is so )osited* that the Cth and the =th from it are o##u)ied by malefi#* debilitated* or #ombust
8rahas. 'here will be destru#tion of house* land and agri#ultural fields* if there is a malefi#* or debilitated 8rah in the 4th from the Rashi. 'here will be loss of
house* due to negligen#e* if su#h a 8rah is Mangal. 'here will be heart )ain and danger from go&ernment* if the 8rah is Sani and there will be losses all round and
danger from )oison and thie&es* if the 8rah is Rahu. C4-CCL. 'here will be )ilgrimage to holy )la#es in the Dasha of the Rashi* who has Rahu in the !th to it.
'here will be gain of earnings* religious rites* gain of wealth* renown for good deeds and su##ess in efforts and &entures in the Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h is so
)osited* that the !th* the th and the >th from it are o##u)ied by benefi#s. 'here will be birth of #hildren* ha))iness from wife and re#ognition by the 8o&ernment
in the Dasha of the Rashi* from whi#h the <th* the Dth and the >th are o##u)ied by benefi#* or e+alted 8rahas. During the Dasha of the Bha&as -Rashis.* o##u)ied
by Putr(s* 1abh(s* /arm(s* Bandhu(s* Dharm(s and 1agn(s 1ord* there will be growth of these Bha&as. 'he good effe#ts will be in )ro)ortion to the strength of the
Bha&as and the 8rahas* o##u)ying them. CD-D!. %n the Dasha of a Rashi -Bha&a. there will be well-being* in#rease in o)ulen#e and glory and de&otion to deities
and Brahmins* if it is o##u)ied by 8uru* Sukr* or the 1ord of a 'rikon. 'here will be a#$uisition of more #on&eyan#es and #attle et#. in the Dasha of the Rashi
-Bha&a.* whi#h is so )osited* that the 4th from it is o##u)ied by an e+alted 8rah* or 1ord of a 'rikon. 0andr there will gi&e things* like grains* 8hi et#. Eull 0andr will
fa&our with a treasure and jewels et#. Sukr there* will )ro&ide enjoyment from musi# et#. D-D?. 'here will be enjoyment of the )alan$uin-like #on&eyan#e in the
Dasha of the Rashi -Bha&a.* from whi#h the 4th is o##u)ied by 8uru. 'here will be su##ess in all &entures* great o)ulen#e and glory* a#$uisition of a kingdom
during the Dasha of a Rashi -Bha&a.* whi#h has the Hog of the 1ord of 1agn* Dharm(s 1ord* /arm(s 1ord* an e+alted 8rah* or benefi#s. 'he effe#ts of the Dashas of
&arious Bha&as should be judged in this manner. DA-DD. 'he effe#ts of the Dashas of ea#h Rashi* or 8rah -Bakshatr Dasha. de)end on their = different kinds of
#onditions. 'hey are dee) e+altation* e+altation* dis)ositions on their either side* Multrikon* own* "dhimitr* 'atkalik Mitra(s* neutral* enemy(s* "dhisatru(s Rashi*
dee) debilitation* debilitated* or enemy(s Varg* own Varg* dis)osition in a /endr* dis)osition in a 'rikon* defeated in war between 8rahas* dee) #ombustion. D=-
=AL. "#$uisition of kingdom* enjoyment and a#$uisition of more )ro)erty are the effe#ts of the whole Dasha of the 8rah* who is in dee) e+altation and is fully
e$ui))ed with all the si+ kinds of strength* great o)ulen#e and glory with some )ossibility of affli#tion with disease are the effe#ts of the 8rah* )la#ed in his Rashi of
e+altation. 'he Dasha of a 8rah in dee) debilitation is #alled Rikt. Diseases* loss of wealth and danger of death are the effe#ts of the Dasha of su#h a 8rah. 'he
Dasha of the 8rah* who is in a #ondition in between dee) e+altation and dee) debilitation is known* as "&rohini -des#ending.. 'he Dasha of the 8rah in e+altation*
or in a friend(s Rashi is #alled Madhya -of middle order.. 'his Dasha also yields moderately good effe#ts. 'he Dasha of a 8rah* )la#ed in a #ondition in between
dee) debilitation and dee) e+altation* is #alled Rohini -as#ending.. 'he Dasha of a 8rah* )la#ed in between the debilitated and enemy Ba&ans is #alled "dham
-e&il.. Dangers of &arious kinds* distress and sorrows are the results of the Dasha of su#h a 8rah. 'hese Dashas gi&e results* a##ording to their nomen#lature. =4-
=D. 'he Dashas of other 8rahas be#ome aus)i#ious and augment the fortune* if the 1ord of Dharm and 8uru are in any way related with Hog* /endr* or the Bha&a
#on#erned et#. 'he 8rah with Hog of good fortune at birth )rodu#es good effe#ts* when he is free from retrogression and be#omes dire#t. 'he weakness* inabilities
and Hogas of other 8rahas should also be taken into a##ount in judging their effe#ts. "ll those Dashas gi&e full* medium and little effe#ts in a##ordan#e with the
dis)osition of the 8rahas in the /endr* Pana)hara and ")oklima. ==-=>L. 'he 8rahas in Shirshodaya* 2bhayodaya and Prishthodaya Rashis* yield their results*
res)e#ti&ely* at the #ommen#ement* in the middle and at the end of the Dasha. "ll the 8rahas yield aus)i#ious results in the "ntar Dasha of Baisargik -natural*
#onstant. and 'atkalik -a##ording to )osition. friends. 'he results will be ad&erse in the "ntar Dasha of inimi#al 8rahas. "ntar Dashas of Rashis >!->C. 'here are
"ntar Dashas of the ? Rashis* #ommen#ing from the Rashi* in whi#h the 1ord of the Dasha is )la#ed. 'here will be aus)i#ious results* like a#$uisition of kingdom
in the "ntar Dasha of a Rashi* whi#h is o##u)ied by its own 1ord* or a friendly 8rah. 'here will be inaus)i#ious results* like loss of wealth* dis)utes* danger from
diseases et#. in the "ntar Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h may be "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or is o##u)ied by a malefi#* debilitated 8rah* or a 8rah* )la#ed in an inimi#al
Rashi. 'he Rashi* whi#h #ontained more aus)i#ious marks in the "shtak Varg will yield benefi# effe#ts in its "ntar Dasha. "d&erse will be the effe#ts of the "ntar
Dasha of the Rashi* whi#h #ontains more inaus)i#ious marks. Eor assessing the results the Rashi* from whi#h the Dasha #ommen#es* should be treated* as 1agn
and the Bha&as thereafter should be assumed to ha&e the #hara#teristi#s* as if they are so from 1agn. 'hus the ?nd Bha&a from that Rashi will be the Bha&a of the
wealth* the Ard of #o-borns and so on. 'here will be gains* or losses of Dhatus et#.* assigned to the Rashis and the 8rahas* in the "ntar Dasha of the Rashis
#on#erned. %n judging the effe#ts of the "ntar Dashas of the 8rahas their benefi# and malefi# nature* relations with the malefi#* or benefi#* Drishtis on them and
their dis)osition in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya et#. should all be ke)t in &iew. >D. 'he results of the "ntar Dasha(s Pratyantar Dashas of the Rashis should be assessed
in the manner* e+)lained in this #ha)ter.

0h. <. :orking out of "ntar Dashas of 8rahas and Rashis in Vimshottari et#. Dasha systems

. Eor finding out the s)an of the "ntar Dasha of a 8rah in the Dasha of the same* or another 8rah multi)ly the Dasha years of the former with the Dasha years of
the latter and di&ide the )rodu#t by the total Dasha years of all the 8rahas. Eor finding out the s)an of the Pratyantar Dasha of the same* or any other 8rah in the
"ntar Dasha of another 8rah multi)ly the years et#. of the "ntar Dasha with the Dasha years of the other 8rah and di&ide the )rodu#t by the total Dasha years of
all the 8rahas. 'he figure so a&ailable in months et#. will re)resent the Pratyantar Dasha of the former. ?. %n e&ery Dasha the first "ntar Dasha belongs to the 1ord
of the Dasha. 'hen the further "ntar Dashas belong to the other = 8rahas in the same order* as followed for the Dashas. 'he same a))lies to Pratyantar Dasha.
'he "ntar Dashas of 0har 8rahas in 0har et#. Dasha A-4. 'he "ntar Dashas of the 0haradi /endradi Dasha of the 8rahas are worked out by di&iding the Dasha
years by >. 'he first Dasha will in&ariably be of the 1ord of the Dasha. 'hereafter there will be "ntar Dashas of 8rahas* )la#ed in /endras* Pana)haras and
")oklimas* res)e#ti&ely* a##ording to their strength. "ntar Dashas of Rashis <. 'he "ntar Dashas of Rashis is worked out by di&iding the Dasha years by ?.
Pratyantar Dashas of the "ntar Dashas are also #al#ulated in the same manner. C. 'he "ntar Dashas will start from the Dasha Rashi* or from the Rashi Dth
therefrom* whi#he&er is stronger. 'he "ntar Dashas are in the onwards order* if the Dasha Rashi is odd and in the re&erse order* if it is e&en. D-?. , BrahminX Bow
% will a#$uaint you with the s)e#ial #hara#teristi#s of the order of the "ntar Dashas of the Rashis. %f the Dasha Rashi is a Mo&able one* the "ntar Dashas of the ?
Rashis are in the onwards* or re&erse order. %f the Dasha "sraya Rashi is a Ei+ed one* the "ntar Dashas will start from it and thereafter there will be an "ntar
Dasha of e&ery si+th Rashi. %f the Dasha "shraya Rashi is a Dual one* the first "ntar Dasha will belong to it. 'hereafter there will be "ntar Dashas of Rashis in
/endr to it* Rashis in /endr to the <th from it and Rashis in /endr to the >th from it. %n the #ase of all kinds of Rashis* namely Mo&able* Ei+ed* or Dual* the order will
be onwards* if the Dasha "sraya Rashi is an odd one and in the re&erse order* if it is an e&en one. 'he so #alled Dasha "sraya Rashi is known* as Pak Rashi. %n
the first order Rashi* whi#h is Pak Rashi* is also #alled Bhog Rashi. 1ater* if the Dasha Prad Rashi is e&en* then the Bhog Rashi will be that* whi#h is at the same
Rashi distan#e* as the Dasha "sraya Rashi is from the Dasha Prad Rashi. Eor the 0har* Sthir and 'rikon Dasha* the Pak and Bhog should be determined in this
manner. %f Pak and Bhog Rashis are asso#iated with malefi#s* there will be )ain in the body and mental agony. 'here will be enjoyment* if they are asso#iated with
benefi#s. %n the /aal 0hakr Dasha* like the Vimshottari Dasha system* the s)an of Dasha should be multi)lied by the s)an of the Dasha of the Rashi* whose "ntar
Dasha is re$uired and the )rodu#t should be di&ided by the total Dasha years of -all. the Rashi-s.. 'he years* months et#. as arri&ed at will re)resent the "ntar
Dasha of the Rashi #on#erned. A-C. Bow % will tell you the method of working out the "ntar Dashas in the Pinda* "ns and Bisarg Dashas. 'he 1ord of Dasha is
Dasha Pa#hak of full )art* the 8rah* asso#iated with* is Pa#hak of L )art* the 8rah in 'rikon from him is Pa#hak of lGA )art and the 8rah in the 4th and =th from him
are Pa#hak of R )art* the 8rah in the Dth from him is Pa#hak of lGD )art of the Dasha. Bo 8rah in any other Bha&a is "ntar Dash Pa#hak. %n this manner there are
"ntar Dasha Pa#hakas in the abo&e-mentioned Bha&as from the &arious Bha&as* in#luding 1agn. %n any of su#h Bha&as* if there are more than one 8rah* then the
one* who is the strongest amongst them will be the Pa#hak. 'ake the fra#tions and redu#e them in e$ui&alent fra#tions with a #ommon denominator. "dd u) the
ali$uot )arts of the Dasha* re)resentati&e of the &arious numerators* lea&ing out the denominators. 'he "ntar Dashas will be arri&ed at* when the &arious ali$uots
are #on&erted into years* months et#. within the main Dasha and di&ided by the abo&e sum. -'he #al#ulations* gi&en abo&e* are not the literal translation of the te+t
in the &erses #on#erned* but their a#tual meaning and sense. 'his has been got #onfirmed by #he#king u) with similar information* gi&en in /alyana Varma(s
Sara&ali and Varamihir(s Brihat 3atak.

0h. <?. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of Surya -Vimshottari.

-A. 8ood effe#ts* like a#$uisition of wealth and grains et#.* are deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in his own Dasha* if Surya is e+alted* in his own Bha&a* in
1abh* in a /endr* or in a 'rikon. "d&erse results will be e+)erien#ed* if Surya is debilitated* or in an inaus)i#ious Bha&a* or Rashi. Medium effe#ts will be reali7ed* if
Surya is in other houses. %f Surya is the 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati* there will be danger of )remature death* or death-like sufferings. 'he remedial measures to be
ado)ted are Mrityunjaya 3a)a* or the worshi) of Surya -by re#itation of a))ro)riate Mantras* #harity et#... 4-C. Eun#tions* like marriage et#.* gain of wealth and
)ro)erty* a#$uisition of a house* of land* #attle and #on&eyan#es et#. will be the effe#ts of the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of Surya* if 0andr is in a /endr* or
in a 'rikon. 'here will be marriage of the nati&e* birth of #hildren* benefi#en#e of and fa&ours from kings and fulfillment of all ambitions* if 0andr is in his e+altation
Rashi* or in his own Rashi. D-!. Distress to wife and #hildren* failures in &entures* dis)utes with others* loss of ser&ants* antagonism with the king and destru#tions
of wealth and grains will be the effe#ts* if 0andr is waning* or is asso#iated with malefi#s. @ffe#ts* like danger from water* mental agony* im)risonment* danger from
diseases* loss of )osition* journeys to diffi#ult )la#es* dis)utes with #o)ar#eners* bad food* trouble from thie&es et#.* dis)leasure of the king* urinary troubles* )ains
in the body will be e+)erien#ed* if 0andr is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. -?L. 1u+uries* #omforts* )leasures* dawn of fortune -Bhagyodaya.* in#rease in the
enjoyment from wife and #hildren* a#$uisition of kingdom* )erforman#e of marriage and religious fun#tions* gain of garments* land and #on&eyan#e and birth of
#hildren and grand#hildren will be the aus)i#ious effe#ts* if there are benefi#s in the st* the >th* or a /endr from the 1ord of the Dasha. A-4. 2n)alatable food* or
#ourse food* e+ile to outside )la#es et#. will be the effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha* if 0andr is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if 0andr is
weak. 'here will be )remature death* if 0andr is the 1ord of a Marak Bha&a. 'o a#$uire )ea#e and #omfort* the remedial measure is gi&ing in #harity of a white #ow
and a female buffalo -Mahishi.. <-=. "us)i#ious effe#ts* like a#$uisition of land* gain of wealth and grains* a#$uisition of a house et#. will be deri&ed in the "ntar
Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Surya* if Mangal is in his e+altation Rashi* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* or in a 'rikon. "ll-round gains* attainment of the )osition
of a 0ommander of the "rmy* destru#tion of enemies* )ea#e of mind* family #omforts and in#rease in the number of #o-borns will be the effe#ts* if Mangal is yuti
with the 1agn(s 1ord. >-?!. Brutality* mental ailment* im)risonment* loss of kinsmen* dis)utes with brothers and failure in &entures will result* if Mangal is in the =th*
or in the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* if Mangal is asso#iated with malefi#s* or* if Mangal is without dignity and strength. ?-??. Destru#tion of wealth by the
dis)leasure of the king will be the effe#t* if Mangal is in his debilitation Rashi* or be weak. Diseases of the mind and body will result* if Mangal is the 1ord of Dhan*
or Hu&ati Bha&a. Re#o&ery from ill health* in#rease in longe&ity and su##ess in ad&entures are )ossible* if remedial measure* like re#itation of Vedas* 3a)a and
Vrashotsarg are )erformed in the )res#ribed manner. ?A-?CL. %n the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Surya* if Rahu is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon from 1agn*
there will be in the first two months loss of wealth* danger from thie&es* snakes* infli#tion of wounds and distress to wife and #hildren. "fter ? months inaus)i#ious
effe#ts will disa))ear and enjoyment and #omforts* sound health* satisfa#tion* fa&ours from the king and go&ernment et#. will be the fa&ourable effe#ts* if Rahu is
yuti with benefi#s* or* if Rahu is in the Ba&ans of a benefi#. Re#ognition from the king* good fortune* name and fame* some distress to wife and #hildren* birth of a
son* ha))iness in the family et#. will be deri&ed* if Rahu is in an 2)a#haya from 1agn* if Rahu is asso#iated with a Hog /arak* or is )la#ed aus)i#iously from the
1ord of the Dasha. ?D-?>. %m)risonment* loss of )osition* danger from thie&es and snakes* infle#tion of wounds* ha))iness to wife and #hildren* destru#tion of
#attle* house and agri#ultural fields* diseases* #onsum)tion -8ulma - enlargement of the skin.* dysentery et#. will be the results* if Rahu is weak* or is in the =th* or
in the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. A!-A. "d&erse effe#ts* like )remature death and danger from snakes will be deri&ed* if Rahu is in Dhan* or Hu&ati* or* if
Rahu is asso#iated with the 1ords of either of these Bha&as. :orshi) of 8oddess Durga* 3a)a* gi&ing in #harity of a bla#k #ow* or female buffalo are the remedial
measures for alle&iation of the abo&e e&il effe#ts* or total es#a)e from them. A?-AAL. Marriage of the nati&e* fa&ours by the king* gain of wealth and grains* birth of
a son* fulfillment of the ambitions by the benefi#en#e of the so&ereign and gain of #lothes will be the aus)i#ious effe#ts* deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in the
Dasha of Surya* if 8uru is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon to 1agn* in his e+altation Rashi* in his own Rashi* or in his own Varg. A4-AC. "#$uisition of a kingdom* #omforts
of #on&eyan#e* like )alan$uin -motor #ar in the )resent times.* gain of )osition et#. will result* if 8uru is the 1ord of Dharm* or /arm. Better fortune* #harities*
religious in#linations* worshi) of deities* de&otion to )re#e)tor* fulfillment of ambitions will be the aus)i#ious effe#ts* if 8uru is well )la#ed with referen#e to the 1ord
of the Dasha. AD-A>. Distress to wife and #hildren* )ains in the body* dis)leasure of the king* non-a#hie&ement of desired goals* loss of wealth* due to sinful deeds*
mental worries et#. will result in his "ntar Dasha* if 8uru is in the Cth* or in the =th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or is asso#iated with malefi#s. 8i&ing in #harity gold*
a tawny-#oloured #ow -/a)ila 8aya.* worshi) of %sht 1ord -%sht De&. are the remedial measures to obtain alle&iation of the e&il effe#ts and to a#hie&e good health
and ha))iness. 4!-4?. Destru#tion of foes* full enjoyment* some gain of grains* aus)i#ious fun#tions* like marriage et#. at home will be the good effe#ts* deri&ed in
the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Surya* if Sani is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon from 1agn. :ell-being* a#$uisition of more )ro)erty* re#ognition by the king*
a#hie&ement of renown in the #ountry* gain of wealth from many sour#es will be the effe#ts* if Sani is in his e+altation* in his own* in a friendly Rashi and* if Sani is
yuti with a friendly 8rah. 4A-44. Rheumatism* )ains* fe&er* dysentery-like disease* im)risonment* loss in &entures* loss of wealth* $uarrels* dis)utes with
#o)ar#eners* #laimants et#. will be the effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha* if Sani is in the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or is asso#iated with malefi#s. 4<-4D.
'here will be loss of friends at the #ommen#ement* good effe#ts during the middle )art and distress at the end of the Dasha. %n addition to other e&il effe#ts there
will be se)aration from )arents and wandering* if Sani be in his Rashi of debilitation. %f Sani is the 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati* there will be danger of )remature death.
8i&ing in #harity bla#k #ow* buffalo* goat and Mrityunjaya 3a)a* are the remedial measures for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts of the "ntar Dasha. 'hese
measures hel) to a#hie&e ha))iness and gain of wealth and )ro)erty. 4=-4>L. "#$uisition of a kingdom* enthusiasm and &i&a#ity* ha))iness from wife and
#hildren* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#e through the benefi#en#e of the so&ereign* gain of #lothes* ornaments* )ilgrimage to holy )la#es* a#$uisition of a #ow et#. will be
the good effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Surya* if Budh is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon from 1agn. <!-<L. Budh be#omes &ery benefi#ial* if he
gets asso#iated with the 1ord of Dharm. Re&eren#e from and )o)ularity amongst )eo)le* )erforman#e of )ious deeds and religious rites* de&otion to the )re#e)tor
and deities* in#rease in wealth and grains and birth of a son* will be the aus)i#ious effe#ts* if Budh is in Dharm* Putr* or /arm. <?-<AL. Marriage* offering of
oblations* #harity* )erforman#e of religious rites* name and fame* be#oming famous by assuming another name* good food* be#oming ha))y* like %ndra* by
a#$uiring wealth* robes and ornaments will be the effe#ts* if Budh is in an aus)i#ious Bha&a* like a 'rikon et#. from the 1ord of the Dasha. <4-<D. Body distress*
disturban#e of )ea#e of mind* distress to wife and #hildren* will be the e&il effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of Budh* if he is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of
the Dasha -Budh #annot be in the Cth* or the =th from Surya.. 'here will be e&il effe#ts at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* some good effe#ts in the middle
)art of the "ntar Dasha and the )ossibility of dis)leasure of the king and e+ile to a foreign #ountry at the end of the Dasha. %f Budh is the 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati*
there will be )ains in the body and atta#ks of fe&er. Eor relief from the e&il effe#ts and to regain good health and ha))iness the remedial measures are the re#itation
of Vishnu Sahasranam and gi&ing in #harity grains and an idol* made of sil&er. <=-<>. Body )ains* mental agony* loss of wealth* danger from the king* $uarrels with
the kinsmen will be the effe#ts of the "ntar Dasha of /etu in the Dasha of Surya. %f /etu is asso#iated with the 1ord of 1agn* there will be some ha))iness at the
#ommen#ement* distress in the middle )art and re#ei)t of the news of death at the end of the "ntar Dasha. C!-C. Diseases of teethe* or #heeks* urinary troubles*
loss of )osition* loss of friends and wealth* death of father* foreign journey and troubles from enemies will be the results* if /etu is in the =th* or the ?th from the
1ord of the Dasha. C?-C4. Benefi#ial effe#ts* like ha))iness from wife and #hildren* satisfa#tion* in#rease of friends* gain of #lothes et#. and renown will be deri&ed*
if /etu is in Sahaj* "ri* /arm* or 1abh. %f /etu is 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati -or is in any of those Bha&as.* there will be danger of )remature death. 'he remedial
measures for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts are re#itation of Mantras of 8oddess Durga -Shat 0handi Path. and gi&ing a goat in #harity. C<-C=. Marriage and
ha))iness* as desired from wife* gain of )ro)erty* tra&els to other )la#es* meeting with Brahmins and the king* a#$uisition of kingdom* ri#hes* magnanimity and
majesty* aus)i#ious fun#tions at the home* a&ailability of sweet )re)arations* a#$uisition of )earls and other jewels* #lothes* #attle* wealth* grains and #on&eyan#es*
enthusiasm* good re)utation et#. are the aus)i#ious effe#ts of the "ntar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Surya* if Sukr is )la#ed in a /endr* or in a 'rikon* or* if Sukr
is in his e+altation Rashi* in his own Rashi* in his own Varg* or in a friendly Rashi. C>-DA. Dis)leasure of the king* mental agony and distress to wife and #hildren will
be the effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr* if he is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'he effe#ts of the "ntar Dasha would be moderate at its
#ommen#ement* good during the middle )ortion and e&il effe#ts* like disre)ute* loss of )osition* inimi#al relations with kinsmen and loss of #omforts* will be deri&ed
at the end. %f Sukr is the 1ord of Hu&ati -and Dhan.* there will be )ains in the body and the )ossibility of suffering from diseases. 'here will be )remature death* if
Sukr is asso#iated with "ri(s* or Randhr(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a* Rudra 3a)a and gi&ing in
#harity a tawny #ow* or female buffalo.

0h. <A. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of 0andr

-?L. "#$uisition of horses* ele)hants and #lothes* de&otion to deities and )re#e)tor* re#itation of religious songs in )raise of 8od* a#$uisition of a kingdom*
e+treme ha))iness and enjoyment and name and fame will be the benefi#ial results in the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in her own Dasha* if she is )la#ed in her e+altation
Rashi* her own Rashi* in a /endr* or in a 'rikon* or is asso#iated with the 1ord of Dharm* or /arm. A-C. 1oss of wealth* loss of )osition* lethargy* agony* antagonism
towards the king and ministers* distress to mother* im)risonment and loss of kinsmen will be the e&il effe#ts in her "ntar Dasha* if 0andr is in her debilitation Rashi*
if 0andr is asso#iated with malefi#s* or* if 0andr is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. %f 0andr is the 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati* or is asso#iated with Randhr(s* or with Vyaya(s
1ord* there will be )ains in the body and danger of )remature death. 'he remedial measures are gi&ing in #harity of a tawny-#oloured #ow* or female buffalo. D-=L.
"d&an#ement of fortune* re#ognition by the go&ernment* gain of #lothes and ornaments* su##ess in all efforts* in#rease in agri#ultural )rodu#tion and )ros)erity at
home and )rofits in business will be the fa&ourable effe#ts of the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of 0andr* if Mangal is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon. 8reat
ha))iness and enjoyment of #omforts will be deri&ed* if Mangal is in his e+altation Rashi* or in his own Rashi. >-?. Distress to the body* losses at home and in
agri#ultural )rodu#tion* losses in business dealings* antagonism* or ad&erse relations with ser&ants -em)loyees. and the king* se)aration from kinsmen and hot
tem)erament will be the e&il effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal* if he is )la#ed in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya from 1agn* be asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from
malefi#s in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. A-4. 'here will be some aus)i#ious results at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha of Rahu
in the Dasha of 0andr* but later there will be danger from the king* thie&es and snakes* distress to #attle* loss of kinsmen and friends* loss of re)utation and mental
agony* if Rahu is )la#ed in a /endr* or in a 'rikon. <-C. Su##ess in all &entures* gain of #on&eyan#es* garments et#. from the king et#. in the South-:est dire#tion
will be deri&ed* if Rahu in his "ntar Dasha re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s* if Rahu is in Sahaj* "ri* /arm* or 1abh* or* if Rahu is yuti with a Hog /arak 8rah. D-=.
1oss of )osition* mental agony* distress to wife and #hildren* danger of diseases* danger from the king* s#or)ions and snakes et#. will ha))en* if Rahu is weak and
is )la#ed in the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. >-?. Pilgrimage to holy )la#es* &isits to sa#red shrines* benefi#en#e* in#lination towards #haritable
deeds et#. will be the results* if Rahu is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* or in the Ard* or the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will be body troubles -)hysi#al
affli#tions.* if Rahu is in Dhan* or in Hu&ati. Rahu 3a)a and gi&ing a goat in #harity are the remedial measures for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts in the "ntar
Dasha of Rahu. ??-?4L. "#$uisition of a kingdom* aus)i#ious #elebrations at home* gains of #lothes and ornaments* re#ognition from the king benefi#en#e of the
%sht 1ord -%sht De&ata.* gains of wealth* land* #on&eyan#es* su##ess in all &entures by the benefi#en#e of the king will be the benefi#ial effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of
8uru in the Dasha of 0andr* if 8uru is )la#ed in a /endr* or in a 'rikon to 1agn* or* if 8uru is in his own* or in his e+altation Rashi. ?<-?=L. Destru#tion of )re#e)tor
-and father et#.. and #hildren* loss of )osition* mental agony* $uarrels* destru#tion of a house* #on&eyan#es and agri#ultural land will be the e&il effe#ts in his "ntar
Dasha* if 8uru is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* if 8uru is #ombust* in his debilitation Rashi* or be asso#iated with malefi#s. 8ains of #attle* grains* #lothes and ha))iness
from brothers* a#$uisition of )ro)erty* &alour* )atien#e* oblations* #elebrations* like marriage et#.* gain of a kingdom et#. will be the fa&ourable effe#ts* if 8uru is in
Ard* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. ?>-A. @ffe#ts* like un)alatable food* journeys to )la#es away from the homeland* will be deri&ed* if 8uru is weak and
is )la#ed in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from 0andr. 'here will be good effe#ts at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha and distress at its end. 'here will be
)remature death* if 8uru is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. Remedial measures for obtaining relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are re#itation of Shi&a Sahasranam 3a)a
and gi&ing gold in #harity. A?-A4. @ffe#ts* like birth of a son* friendshi)* gain of wealth and )ro)erty* )rofits in business with the hel) of Sudras* in#rease in
agri#ultural )rodu#tion* gains from son* ri#hes and glory by the benefi#en#e of the king* will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of 0andr* if
Sani is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon from 1agn* or* if Sani is in his own Rashi* in his own Ba&ans* in his e+altation Rashi* if Sani re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is asso#iated
with benefi#s* or* if Sani is in 1abh with strength. A<-A<L. @ffe#ts* like &isits to holy )la#es* bathing in holy ri&ers et#.* the #reation of troubles by many )eo)le and
distress from enemies* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani* if Sani is in "ri* Randhr* Vyaya* or Dhan* or* if Sani is in his debilitation Rashi. AC-A=. @ffe#ts* like
enjoyments and gains of wealth some times* while o))osition* or $uarrels with wife and #hildren at other times* will be reali7ed* if Sani is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon
from the 1ord of that Dasha* or is endowed with strength. %f Sani is in Dhan* Hu&ati* or Randhr* there will be )hysi#al distress. 'he remedial measures to be ado)ted
for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a* gi&ing in #harity a bla#k #ow* or female buffalo. A>-4. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of wealth* re#ognition by
the king* gain of #lothes et#.* dis#ussions on Shastras gain of knowledge from so#iety with learned and holy )eo)le* enjoyments* birth of #hildren* satisfa#tion*
)rofits in business* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#e and ornaments et#. will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of 0andr* if Budh is in a /endr* or in
a 'rikon* if Budh is in his own Rashi* in his own Ba&ans* or in his e+altation Rashi* endowed with strength. 4?-4AL. @ffe#ts* like marriage* oblations -Hagya.*
#harities* )erforman#e of religious rites* #lose relations with the king* so#ial #onta#ts with men of learning* a#$uisition of )earls* #orals* Mani -jewels.* #on&eyan#es*
#lothes* ornaments* good health* affe#tions* enjoyments* drinking of Soma Rasa and other tasty syru)s et#. will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Budh* if he is in a
/endr* or in a 'rikon* or in the th* or in the ?nd from the 1ord of the Dasha. 44-4C. Pains in the body* loss in agri#ultural &entures* im)risonment* distress to wife
and #hildren will be the inaus)i#ious effe#ts* if Budh be in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or be in his debilitation Rashi. %f Budh is the 1ord
of Dhan* or Hu&ati* there will be fear of fe&er. 'he remedial measures to be ado)ted for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts are re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam
and gi&ing a goat in #harity. 4D-4=. @ffe#ts* like gain of wealth* enjoyment* ha))iness to wife and #hildren* religious in#lination et#.* will arise in the "ntar Dasha of
/etu in the Dasha of 0andr* if /etu is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* or Sahaj and is endowed with strength. 'here will be some loss of wealth at the #ommen#ement of the
"ntar Dasha. 1ater all will be well. 4>-4>L. 8ain of wealth* #attle et#. will be the effe#ts* if /etu is in a /endr* in the >th* the <th* or the th from the 1ord of the
Dasha and is e$ui))ed with strength. 'here will be loss of wealth at the end of the "ntar Dasha. <!-<?. 'here will be obsta#les in &entures* due to interferen#e by
enemies and $uarrels* if /etu be in the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is asso#iated with malefi#s. %f /etu is in Dhan* or in
Hu&ati* there will be danger of affli#tion of the body with diseases. Mrityunjaya 3a)a will gi&e relief in all the e&il effe#ts and will ensure gain of wealth and )ro)erty
with the benefi#en#e of 1ord Shi&a. <A-<<. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* gaining of #lothes* ornaments* #attle* #on&eyan#es et#.* ha))iness to wife and
#hildren* #onstru#tion of a new house* a&ailability of sweet )re)arations e&ery day* use of )erfumes* affairs with beautiful women* sound health et#. will be
e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of 0andr* if Sukr is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* in 1abh* Bandhu* or Dharm* or in his e+altation Rashi* or in his own
Rashi. <C. Physi#al soundness* good re)utation* a#$uisition of more land and houses* will result* if Sukr is yuti with the 1ord of the Dasha. <D-<DL. 'here will be
loss of landed )ro)erty* #hildren* wife and #attle and o))osition from go&ernment* if Sukr is in his debilitation Rashi* #ombust* or re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is
asso#iated with malefi#s. <=-C!. %f Sukr is in Dhan in his e+altation Rashi* or in his own Rashi* or is there* asso#iated with the 1ord of 1abh* there will be a#$uisition
of an underground hidden treasure* gain of land* enjoyment* birth of a son et#. "d&an#ement of good fortune* fulfillment of ambitions with the benefi#en#e of the
king* de&otion to deities and Brahmins* gain of jewels* like )earls et#. will result* if Sukr is yuti with Dharm(s* or 1abh(s 1ord. C. "#$uisition of more house )ro)erty
and agri#ultural land and gain of wealth and enjoyment will be the good effe#ts* if Sukr is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon from the 1ord of the Dasha. C?. De)ortation to
foreign lands* sorrows* death and danger from thie&es and snakes will be the results* if Sukr is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. CA-C4.
'here will be danger of )remature death* if Sukr be the 1ord of the ?nd* or Dth. 'he remedial measures to be ado)ted for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts are
Rudra 3a)a and gi&ing in #harity a white #ow and sil&er. C<-CD. Re#o&ery of a lost kingdom and wealth* ha))iness in the family* a#$uisition of &illages and land with
the kind assistan#e of one(s friends and the king* birth of a son* benefi#en#e of 8oddess 1akshmi* will be the benefi#ial results in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in the
Dasha of 0andr* if Surya is in his e+altation Rashi* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* or in Putr* or in Dharm* or in 1abh* or in Dhan* or in Sahaj. "t the end of the "ntar
Dasha there is the likelihood of atta#ks of fe&er and lethargy. C=-D!. Danger from the go&ernment* thie&es and snakes* affli#tion with fe&er and troubles in foreign
journey are the likely results* if Surya is in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. %f Surya is the 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati* there will be sufferings from fe&er in
his "ntar Dasha. :orshi) of 1ord Shi&a is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts.

0h. <4. @ffe#ts of "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of Mangal

-?L. @ffe#ts* like gains of wealth by the benefi#en#e of the king* benefi#en#e of 8oddess 1akshmi* re#o&ery of a lost kingdom and of wealth* birth of a son* will
arise in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in his own Dasha* if he is in a /endr* in Putr* in Dharm* in 1abh* in Sahaj* or in Dhan* or be asso#iated with the 1ord of 1agn. A-
4. Eulfillment of ambitions by the benefi#en#e of the king and a#$uisition of a house* land* #ow* buffalo et#. will be the effe#ts* if Mangal is in his e+altation* in his
own Rashi* or in his own Ba&ans and is endowed with strength. <-<L. 2rinary troubles* wounds* danger from snakes and the king will be the results* if Mangal is in
Randhr* or Vyaya* or is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from malefi#s. C-=. 'here will be mental agony and body )ains* if Mangal is the 1ord of Dhan* or
Hu&ati. 1ord Shi&a will gi&e relief by restoring health and )ro&iding gains of wealth and ha))iness* if the )erson #on#erned )erforms Rudr 3a)a and gi&es a red-
#oloured bull in #harity. >-!L. @ffe#ts* like re#ognition from go&ernment* gain of house* land et#.* ha))iness from son* e+traordinary )rofits in business* bathing in
holy ri&ers* like 8anges and foreign journeys* will be the aus)i#ious effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Mangal* if Rahu is in his Multrikon* in his
e+altation Rashi* in a /endr* in 1abh* Putr* or Dharm and is asso#iated with benefi#s. -4. Danger from snakes* wounds* destru#tion of #attle* danger from
animals* diseases* due to imbalan#e of bile and wind* im)risonment et#. will be the results* if Rahu is in Randhr* or Vyaya* or re#ei&es a Drishti from* or is
asso#iated with malefi#s. 'here will be loss of wealth* if Rahu is in Dhan and great danger of )remature death* if he is in Hu&ati. 'he remedial measure to be
ado)ted to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are Baga Puja* offering food to Brahmins and Mrityunjaya 3a)a. 'hey will hel) in the )rolongation of longe&ity.
<-C. @ffe#ts* like good re)utation and renown* honours by go&ernment* in#rease in wealth and grains* ha))iness at home* gain of )ro)erty* ha))iness from wife
and #hildren et#. will be reali7ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in the Dasha of Mangal* if 8uru is in Dharm* or Putr* in a /endr* or in 1abh* or in Dhan* or* if 8uru is in
his e+alted* or own Ba&ans. D->L. "#$uisition of a house* land* well-being* gain of )ro)erty* sound health* good re)utation* gains of #attle* su##ess in business*
ha))iness to wife and #hildren* re&eren#e from go&ernment* gain of wealth et#. will be benefi#ial effe#ts* if 8uru is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* or in the th from the
1ord of the Dasha* or* if 8uru is asso#iated with the 1ord of Dharm* /arm* or Bandhu* or 1agn* or* if 8uru is in a benefi# Ba&ans et#. ?!-??. Danger from thie&es*
snakes* wrath of the king* bilious diseases* o))ression by goblins -Prot.* loss of ser&ants and #o-borns* will be e&il effe#ts* if 8uru is in "ri* Randhr* or in Vyaya* or*
if 8uru is in his debilitation Rashi* or* if 8uru is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from malefi#s* or* if 8uru is otherwise weak. 'here will be suffering from fe&er*
or danger of )remature death* if 8uru is the 1ord of Dhan. 'he remedial measure to be ado)ted to #ombat the abo&e e&il effe#ts is re#itation of Shi&a Sahasranam.
?A-?<. @ffe#ts* like re#ognition from the king* in#rease in re)utation* gain of wealth and grains* ha))iness from #hildren and grand#hildren* in#rease in the number
of #ows et#. will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Mangal* if Sani is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* in his Multrikon* in his e+alted* or his own
Ba&ans* or* if Sani is asso#iated with the 1ord of 1agn* or* if Sani is asso#iated with benefi#s. Results will generally fru#tify on Saturdays in the month of Sani. ?C-
?CL. Danger from Ha&ana kings -foreign dignitaries.* loss of wealth* im)risonment* )ossibility of affli#tion with diseases* loss in agri#ultural )rodu#tion will result* if
Sani is in his debilitation Rashi* or in an enemy Rashi* or* if Sani is in Randhr* or in Vyaya. ?D-?>L. @ffe#ts* like great danger* loss of life* wrath of king* mental
agony* danger from thie&es and fire* )unishment by the king* loss of #o-borns* dissensions amongst members of the family* loss of #attle* fear of death* distress to
wife and #hildren* im)risonment et#. will be felt* if Sani is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord and is asso#iated with malefi#s. A!-A?. 'here will be journeys to foreign lands*
loss of re)utation* &iolent a#tions* loss from sale of agri#ultural lands* loss of )osition* agony* defeat in battle* urinary troubles et#.* if Sani is in a /endr* in the th*
or in the <th from the 1ord of the Dasha. AA-A<. @ffe#ts* like death* danger from the king and thie&es* rheumatism* )ains* danger from the enemy and members of
the family* will be e+)erien#ed* if Sani is in the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha and is asso#iated with malefi#s. 'here will be relief from the e&il effe#ts
by the benefi#en#e of 1ord Shi&a* if Mrityunjaya is )erformed in the )res#ribed manner. AC-ADL. @ffe#ts* like asso#iation with )ious and holy )ersons* )erforman#e
of "jaya 3a)a* #harities* obser&an#e of religious rites* gain of re)utation* in#lination towards di)loma#y* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations* a#$uisition of
#on&eyan#es* #lothes and #attle et#.* #onferment of authority in the king(s retinue* su##ess in agri#ultural )roje#ts et#.* will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of
Budh in the Dasha of Mangal* if Budh is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon from 1agn. A=-A>. Diseases of heart* im)risonment* loss of kinsmen* distress to wife and #hildren*
destru#tion of wealth and #attle et#. will result* if Budh is in his debilitation Rashi* if Budh is #ombust* or* if Budh is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. 4!-4!L. 'here will be
journeys to foreign lands* in#rease in the number of enemies* affli#tion with many kind of ailments* antagonism with the king* $uarrels with kinsmen et#.* if Budh be
asso#iated with the 1ord of the Dasha. 4-4AL. Eulfillment of all ambitions* gain of wealth and grains* re#ognition by the king* a#$uisition of a kingdom* gain of
#lothes and ornaments* atta#hment to many kind of musi#al instruments* attainment of the )osition of a 0ommander of an "rmy* dis#ussions on Shastras and
Puranas* gain of ri#hes to wife and #hildren and benefi#en#e of 8oddess 1akshmi will be the &ery aus)i#ious results* if Budh is in a /endr* or 'rikon from the 1ord
of the Dasha* or* if Budh is in his e+altation Rashi. 44-4<L. @ffe#ts* like defamation* sinful thinking* harsh s)ee#h* danger from thie&es* fire and the king* $uarrels
without reason* fear of atta#ks by thie&es and da#oits -armed robber bands. during tra&els* will be deri&ed* if Budh is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from Mangal* or
is asso#iated with malefi#s. 4C-4D. 'here will be a )ossibility of #riti#al illness in the "ntar Dasha of Budh* if he is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. Remedial measures to
obtain relief from these e&il effe#ts are re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam and gi&ing a horse in #harity. 4=-4>L. Benefi#en#e of the king* gain of wealth* little gains of
land at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha and substantial later* birth of a son* #onferment of authority by go&ernment* gain of #attle et#. will be the results in the
"ntar Dasha of /etu in the Dasha of Mangal* if /etu is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* in Sahaj* or 1abh* or* if /etu is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s.
<!-<L. Birth of a son* in#rease in re)utation* benefi#en#e of 8oddess 1akshmi* gains of wealth from em)loyees* attainment of the )osition of a 0ommander of an
"rmy* friendshi) with the king* )erforman#e of oblations* gains of #lothes and ornaments et#. will be the benefi#ial effe#ts* if /etu is a Hog /arak and is endowed
with strength. -/etu assumes the role of a Hog /arak* if he is yuti with a Hog /arak 8rah -1ord of a /endr and a 'rikon... <?-<4. @ffe#ts* like $uarrels* tooth trouble*
distress from thie&es and tigers* fe&er* dysentery* le)rosy and distress to wife and #hildren et#. will be e+)erien#ed* if /etu is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the
1ord of the Dasha. %f /etu is in Dhan* or in Hu&ati* there will be diseases* disgra#e* agony and loss of wealth. <<-<CL. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* great
enjoyment and #omfort of lu+uries* gain of ele)hants* horses* #lothes et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Mangal* if Sukr is in a /endr to
1agn* if Sukr is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi* or* if Sukr is 1agn(s* Putr(s* or Dharm(s 1ord. %f Sukr is related to 1agn(s 1ord* there will be ha))iness to wife
and #hildren* o)ulen#e and glory and in#reased good fortune. <D-C!. 8ain of )ro)erty* #elebrations on the birth of a son* gain of wealth from the em)loyer*
a#$uisition of a house* land* &illages et#. by the benefi#en#e of the so&ereign* will be the results* if Sukr is in the <th* the >th* the th* or the ?nd from the 1ord of
the Dasha. %n the last )art of the Dasha there will be fun#tions of songs and dan#es and bathing in holy water. %f Sukr is #onne#ted with* or related to the 1ord of
/arm* there will be #onstru#tion of wells* reser&oirs et#. and )erforman#e of religious* #haritable and )ious deeds. C-C?. 'here will be sorrows* )hysi#al distress*
loss of wealth* danger from thie&es and the king* dissensions in the family* distress to wife and #hildren and destru#tion of #attle* if Sukr be in the Cth* the =th* or the
?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or be asso#iated with malefi#s. CA. %f Sukr be the 1ord of the ?nd* or the Dth* there will be )ains in the body in his "ntar Dasha. Eor
regaining good health the remedial measure to be ado)ted is gi&ing a #ow* or female buffalo in #harity. C4-CC. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es* gain of
re)utation* birth of a son* growth of wealth* ami#able atmos)here in the family* sound health* )oten#y* re#ognition by the the king* e+traordinary )rofits in business
and audien#e with the king et#. will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Mangal* if Surya is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or* if Surya is
in a /endr* in a 'rikon* or in 1abh along with /arm(s 1ord and with 1abh(s 1ord. CD-CDL. Distress to the body* agony* failure in &entures* )ossibilities of suffering
from troubles in the forehead* fe&er* dysentery et#. will be the effe#ts* if Surya is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if Surya is asso#iated
with malefi#s. C=-C>. 'here will be atta#ks of fe&er* danger from snakes and )oison and distress to son* if Surya be the 1ord of the ?nd* or the Dth. 'he remedial
measure to gain good health and wealth is to )erform worshi) of Surya in the )res#ribed manner. D!-DA. "#$uisition of more kingdom* gain of )erfumes* #lothes*
#onstru#tion of reser&oirs* shelters for #ows et#.* #elebrations of aus)i#ious fun#tions* like marriage et#.* ha))iness to wife and #hildren* good relations with
)arents* a#$uisition of )ro)erty by the benefi#en#e of the so&ereign* su##ess in the desired )roje#ts will be the effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of
Mangal* if 0andr is in her e+altation Rashi* or in her own Rashi* or in a /endr* or in Dharm* or in Bandhu* or in /arm* or in 1agn along with the 1ords of those
Bha&as. 'he good effe#ts will be reali7ed in full* if 0andr is wa+ing. :aning 0andr will redu#e the im)a#t of the effe#ts to some e+tent. D4-DC. 'he effe#ts* like
death* distress to wife and #hildren* loss of lands* wealth and #attle and danger of a war et#. will be e+)erien#ed* if 0andr is in his debilitation Rashi* or* if 0andr is
in his enemy Rashi* or* if 0andr is in "ri* in Randhr* or in Vyaya from 1agn* or from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will be the )ossibility of )remature death* distress
to the body and mental agony* if 0andr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to be ado)ted to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts* are re#itation
of Mantras of the 8oddess Durga and the 8oddess 1akshmi.

0h. <<. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of Rahu

-4. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* enthusiasm* #ordial relations with the king* ha))iness from wife and #hildren and in#rease in )ro)erty* will be deri&ed in
the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Rahu* if Rahu is in /ark* Vris#hik* /anya* or Dhanu and is in Sahaj* "ri* /arm* or 1abh* or is yuti with a Hog /arak 8rah in
his e+altation Rashi. <-C. 'here will be danger from thie&es* distress from wounds* antagonism with go&ernment offi#ials* destru#tion of kinsmen* distress to wife
and #hildren* if Rahu is in Randhr* or Vyaya* or be asso#iated with malefi#s. D. %f Rahu is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord* or is in Dhan* or Hu&ati* there will be distress and
diseases. 'o obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts Rahu should be worshi))ed -by re#itation of his Mantras. and by gi&ing in #harity things* #onne#ted with* or
ruled by Rahu. =-?L. @ffe#ts* like gain of )osition* )atien#e* destru#tion of foes* enjoyment* #ordial relations with the king* regular in#rease in wealth and )ro)erty*
like the growth of 0andr of the bright half of the month -Shukla Paksh.* gain of #on&eyan#e and #ows* audien#e with the king by )erforming journey to the :est* or
South-@ast* su##ess in the desired &entures* return to one(s homeland* doing good for Brahmins* &isit to holy )la#es* gain of a &illage* de&otion to deities and
Brahmins* ha))iness from wife* #hildren and grand #hildren* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations daily et#. will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in the Dasha
of Rahu* if 8uru is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in his own Ba&ans* or in his e+alted Ba&ans* or* if 8uru is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon with referen#e to 1agn. A-
4L. 1oss of wealth* obsta#les in work* defamation* distress to wife and #hildren* heart disease* entrustment of go&ernmental authority et#. will result* if 8uru is in
his debilitation Rashi* is #ombust* is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* is in an enemy Rashi* or is asso#iated with malefi#s. <-D. 'here will be gains of land* good food*
gains of #attle et#.* in#linations towards #haritable and religious work et#.* if 8uru is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* the th* the ?nd* or the Ard from the 1ord of the Dasha
and is endowed with strength. =-?!. 1oss of wealth and distress to body will result* if 8uru is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if 8uru
is asso#iated with malefi#s. 'here will be danger of )remature death* if 8uru is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he )erson will get relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and
enjoy good health by the benefi#en#e of the 1ord Shi&a* if he worshi)s his idol* made of gold. ?-?4. @ffe#ts* like )leasure of the king for de&otion in his ser&i#e*
aus)i#ious fun#tions* like #elebration of marriage et#. at home* #onstru#tion of a garden* reser&oir et#.* gain of wealth and #attle from well-to-do )ersons* belonging
to the Sudra #lass* loss of wealth #aused by the king during journey to the :est* redu#tion in in#ome* due to lethargy* return to homeland* will be deri&ed in the
"ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Rahu* if Sani is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in his Multrikon* in Sahaj* or in 1abh. ?<-?C. Danger
from menials* the king and enemies* distress to wife and #hildren* distress to kinsmen* dis)utes with the #o)ar#eners* dis)utes in dealings with others* but sudden
gain of ornaments* will result* if Sani is in his debilitation Rashi* in his enemy(s Rashi* or in Randhr* or Vyaya. ?D-?>. 'here will be heart disease* defamation*
$uarrels* danger from enemies* foreign journeys* affli#tion with 8ulma* un)alatable food and sorrows et#.* if Sani is in the Cth* the =th* or the ?th from the 1ord of
the Dasha. Premature death is likely* if Sani is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. Remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and to regain good health is
gi&ing a bla#k #ow* or a she-buffalo in #harity. A!-AA. "us)i#ious effe#ts* like Raj Hog* well being in the family* )rofits and gain of wealth in business* #omforts of
#on&eyan#es* marriage and other aus)i#ious fun#tions* in#rease in the number of #attle* gain of )erfumes* #omforts of bed* women et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar
Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Rahu* if Budh is in his e+altation Rashi* in a /endr* or in Putr and* if Budh is endowed with strength. 8ood results* like Raj Hog*
benefi#en#e of the king and gain of wealth and re)utation* will be reali7ed )arti#ularly on :ednesday in the month of Budh. A4-A<. Sound health* %sht Siddhi*
attending dis#ourse on Puranas and an#ient history* marriage* offering of oblations* #harities* religious in#lination and sym)atheti# attitude towards others will
result* if Budh is in a /endr* in the th* Ard* >th* or !th from the 1ord of the Dasha. AC-A=. 'here will be o))robrium -Binda. of deities and Brahmins by the nati&e*
loss of fortune* s)eaking lies* unwise a#tions* fear from snakes* thie&es and the go&ernment* $uarrels* distress to wife and #hildren et#.* if Budh is in "ri* Randhr* or
Vyaya* or* if Budh re#ei&es a Drishti from Sani. A>. %f Budh is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord* there will be fear of )remature death. Remedial measure to obtain relief from
the abo&e e&il effe#ts is re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam. 4!-4. During the "ntar Dasha of /etu in the Dasha of Rahu there will be journeys to foreign #ountries*
danger from the king* rheumati# fe&er et#. and loss of #attle. %f /etu is yuti with Randhr(s 1ord* there will be distress to the body and mental tension. @njoyment*
gain of wealth* re#ognition by the king* a#$uisition of gold et#. will be the results* if /etu is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. 4?-4?L. 'here will
be %sht Siddhi* if /etu is related to the 1ord of 1agn. %f he is asso#iated with the 1ord of 1agn* there will definitely be gain of wealth. 'here will also definitely be
in#rease in the number of #attle* if /etu is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon. 4A-4<. @ffe#ts* like danger from thie&es and snakes* distress from wounds* se)aration from
)arents* antagonisti# relations with kinsmen* mental agony et#. will be deri&ed* if /etu is without strength in Randhr* or Vyaya. %f /etu is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord*
there will be distress to the body. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is gi&ing a goat in #harity. 4C-4DL. @ffe#ts* like gains of wealth
through Brahmins* in#rease in the number of #attle* #elebrations for the birth of a son* well-being* re#ognition from go&ernment* a#$uisition of a kingdom* attainment
of a high )osition in go&ernment* great enjoyment and #omforts et#. will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of Rahu* if Sukr is with strength in
a /endr* in a 'rikon* or in 1abh. 4=-<!L. 0onstru#tion of a new house* a&ailability of sweet )re)arations* ha))iness from wife and #hildren* asso#iation with friends*
gi&ing of grains et#. in #harity* benefi#en#e of the king* gain of #on&eyan#es and #lothes* e+traordinary )rofits in business* #elebration of 2)asayan #eremony of
wearing the sa#red thread -3anou. et#. will be the aus)i#ious results* if Sukr be in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in is e+alted* or in his own Ba&ans. <-<AL.
'here will be diseases* $uarrels* se)aration from one(s son* or father* distress to kinsmen* dis)utes with #o)ar#eners* danger of death to oneself* or to one(s
em)loyer* unha))iness to wife and #hildren* )ain in the stoma#h et#.* if Sukr is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* in his debilitation* or in an enemy(s Rashi* or* if Sukr is
asso#iated with Sani* Mangal* or Rahu. <4-<<L* @njoyments from )erfumes* bed* musi# et#.* gain of a desired obje#t* fulfillment of desires will be the results* if
Sukr is in a /endr* in a 'rikon* in the th* or in the !th from the 1ord of the Dasha. <C-<>. @ffe#ts* like danger from the wrath of Brahmins* snakes and the king*
)ossibility of affli#tion with diseases* like sto))age of urine* diabetes* )ollution of blood* anaemia* a&ailability of only #oarse food* ner&ous disorder* im)risonment*
loss of wealth* as a result of )enalties* or fines* im)osed by go&ernment* will be deri&ed* if Sukr is asso#iated with malefi#s in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of
the Dasha. 'here will be distress to wife and #hildren* danger of )remature death to oneself* if Sukr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. Remedial measures to obtain relief
from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are worshi) of 8oddess Durga and 8oddess 1akshmi. C!-CL. @ffe#ts* like #ordial relations with the king* in#rease in wealth and grains*
some )o)ularityGres)e#t* some )ossibility of be#oming head of a &illage et#.* will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Rahu* if Surya is in his
e+altation* in his own Rashi* in 1abh* in a /endr* or in a 'rikon* or in his e+alted* or own Ba&ans. C?-CAL. 'here will be good re)utation and en#ouragement and
assistan#e by go&ernment* journeys to foreign #ountries* a#$uisition of the so&ereignty of the #ountry* gains of ele)hants* horses* #lothes* ornaments* fulfillment of
ambitions* ha))iness to #hildren et#.* if Surya is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from 1agn(s* Dhan(s* or /arm(s 1ord. C4-C<. Ee&ers* dysentery* other
diseases* $uarrels* antagonism with the king* tra&els* danger from foes* thie&es* fire et#. will be the results* if Surya is in his debilitation Rashi* or* if Surya is in the
Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. CC. :ell-being in e&ery way and re#ognition from kings in foreign #ountries will be the results* if Surya is in a /endr* in
a 'rikon* in the Ard* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. CD. 'here will be danger of #riti#al illness* if Surya is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. :orshi) of Surya is the
remedial measure* re#ommended to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts. C=-D!. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* res)e#t from the king* gains of wealth*
sound health* gains of garments and ornaments* ha))iness from #hildren* #omforts of #on&eyan#es* in#rease in house and landed )ro)erty et#.* will be deri&ed in
the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of Rahu* if 0andr is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* 'rikon* or in 1abh* or* if 0andr is in a friendly Rashi*
re#ei&ing a Drishti from benefi#s. D-D?. Benefi#en#e of the 8oddess 1akshmi* all-round su##ess* in#rease in wealth and grains* good re)utation and worshi) of
deities will be the results* if 0andr is in the <th* >th* in a /endr* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. DA-D<. 'here will be the #reation of disturban#es at home
and in the agri#ultural a#ti&ities by e&il s)irits* leo)ards and other wild animals* danger from thie&es during journeys and stoma#h disorders* if 0andr is bereft of
strength in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will the )ossibility of )remature death* if 0andr is Dhan(s* or Vyaya(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure
to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is to gi&e in #harity a white #ow* or a female buffalo. DC-DDL. @ffe#ts* like the re#o&ery of a lost kingdom and re#o&ery of
lost wealth* )ro)erty at home and in#rease in agri#ultural )rodu#tion* gain of wealth* blessings by the household deity -%sht De&.* ha))iness from #hildren*
enjoyment of good food et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Rahu* if Mangal is in 1abh* Putr* or Dharm* or* if Mangal is in a /endr* if
Mangal re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s* or* if Mangal is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi. D=-D>L. 'here will be a#$uisition of red-#oloured garments* journeys*
audien#e with the king* well-being of #hildren and em)loyer* attainment of the )osition of a 0ommander of the "rmy* enthusiasm and gain of wealth through
kinsmen* if Mangal is in a /endr* in the <th* >th* Ard* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. =!-=?. Distress to wife* #hildren and #o-borns* loss of )osition*
antagonisti# relations with #hildren* wife and other #lose relations* danger from thie&es* wounds and )ain in the body et#. will result* if Mangal is in the Cth* =th* or
?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* re#ei&ing a Drishti from malefi#s. =A. 'here will be lethargy and danger of death* if Mangal is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he
remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is gi&ing a #ow* or a bull in #harity.

0h. <C. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of 8uru

-AL. @ffe#ts* like so&ereignty o&er many kings* &ery well endowed with ri#hes* re&ered by the king* gains of #attle* #lothes* ornaments* #on&eyan#es* #onstru#tion
of a new house and a de#ent mansion* o)ulen#e and glory* dawn of fortune* su##ess in &entures* meetings with Brahmins and the king* e+traordinary )rofits from
the em)loyer and ha))iness to wife and #hildren* will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in his own Dasha* if 8uru is in his e+altation Rashi* in his own
Rashi* in a /endr* or 'rikon. 4-<L. "sso#iation with the menials* great distress* slander by #o)ar#eners* wrath of the em)loyer* danger of )remature death*
se)aration from wife and #hildren and loss of wealth and grains will be the results* if 8uru is in his debilitation Rashi* in his debilitated Ba&ans* or in "ri* Randhr* or
Vyaya. C-D. 'here will be )ains in the body* if 8uru is the 1ord of Hu&ati -or of Dhan.. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and to get
fulfillment of ambitions is re#itation of Rudr 3a)a and Shi&a Sahasranam. =-L. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* gain of #lothes* ornaments* wealth* grains*
#on&eyan#es* #attle and )osition* ha))iness from son and friends et#.* gains s)e#ially of a blue-#oloured horse* journey to the :est* audien#e with the king and
re#ei)t of wealth from him* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of 8uru* if Sani is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* or 'rikon
endowed with strength. ?-4. 1oss of wealth* affli#tion with fe&er* mental agony* infli#tion of wounds to wife and #hildren* inaus)i#ious e&ents at home* loss of
#attle and em)loyment* antagonism with kinsmen et#. will be results* if Sani is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* if Sani is #ombust* or* if Sani is in an enemy(s Rashi. <-
<L. 'here will be gain of land* house* son and #attle* a#$uisition of ri#hes and )ro)erty through the enemy et#.* if Sani is in /endr* 'rikon* the th* or in the ?nd
from the 1ord of the Dasha. C-D. @ffe#ts* like loss of wealth* antagonisti# relations with kinsmen* obsta#les in industrial &entures* )ains in the body* danger from
the members of the family et#. will be reali7ed* if Sani is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if Sani is asso#iated with a malefi#. =->. 'here will
be fear of )remature death* if Sani is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from these e&il effe#ts and to enjoy sound health are
re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam and gi&ing in #harity a bla#k #ow* or a female buffalo. ?!-?L. @ffe#ts* like gains of wealth* bodily feli#ity* a#$uisition of a kingdom*
gain of #on&eyan#es* #lothes and #attle et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of 8uru* if Budh is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or in
/endr* in 'rikon* or* if Budh is asso#iated with the 1ord of the Dasha. ??-??L. 'here will be in#rease in the number of enemies* loss of enjoyment and #omforts*
loss in business* affli#tion with fe&er and dysentery* if Budh re#ei&es a Drishti from Mangal. ?A-?4 8ains of wealth in his own #ountry* ha))iness from )arents and
a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es by the benefi#en#e of the king will result* if Budh is in a /endr* in the <th* or >th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if Budh is in his
e+altation Rashi. ?<-?C. 'here will be loss of wealth* journeys to foreign #ountries* danger from thie&es while tra&eling* wounds* burning sensations* eye troubles*
wanderings in foreign lands* if Budh is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if Budh is asso#iated with a malefi# without re#ei&ing a Drishti from a
benefi#. ?D-?=. Distress without reason* anger* loss of #attle* loss in business* fear of )remature death et#. will be the results* if Budh be asso#iated with a malefi#*
or malefi#s in "ri* in Randhr* or in Vyaya. ?>-?>L. 'here will be enjoyment* gains of wealth* #on&eyan#es and #lothes at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha*
e&en if Budh is asso#iated with a malefi#* but re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#. "t the end of the Dasha* howe&er* there will be loss of wealth and bodily distress.
A!-A. Premature death may be e+)e#ted* if Budh is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he most effe#ti&e and benefi#ial remedial measure for )rolongation of longe&ity and
to obtain relief from other e&il effe#ts is re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam. A?-A?L. Moderate enjoyment* moderate gain of wealth* #oarse food* or food* gi&en by
others* food* gi&en at the time of death #eremonies and a#$uisition of wealth through undesirable means will be the results* in the "ntar Dasha of /etu in the Dasha
of 8uru* if /etu is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#. AA-A4. @ffe#ts* like loss of wealth by the wrath of the king* im)risonment* diseases* loss of
)hysi#al strength* antagonism with father and brother and mental agony* will be e+)erien#ed* if /etu be in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or be
asso#iated with malefi#s. A<-ACL. "#$uisition of a )alan$uin* ele)hants et#.* benefi#en#e of the king* su##ess in the desired s)heres* )rofits in business* in#rease
in the number of #attle* gain of wealth* #lothes et#. from a Ha&ana king -Muslim dignitary. will be the aus)i#ious effe#ts* if /etu is in the <th* >th* 4th* or !th from
the 1ord of the Dasha. AD-A=. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if /etu is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord -or* if /etu is in Dhan* or in Hu&ati. 'he remedial measure to obtain
relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is )erforman#e of Mrityunjaya 3a)a in the )res#ribed manner. A>-4A. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es* like )alan$uin*
ele)hants et#.* gain of wealth by the benefi#en#e of the king* enjoyment* gain of blue and red arti#les* e+traordinary in#ome from journeys to the @ast* well-being in
the family* ha))iness from )arents* de&otion to deities* #onstru#tion of reser&oirs* #harities et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr* if Sukr is in a /endr*
'rikon* or in 1abh* or* if Sukr is in his own Rashi and re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#* or from benefi#s. 44-44L. @&il effe#ts* like $uarrels* antagonism with
kinsmen* distress to wife and #hildren* will be felt* if Sukr is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or 1agn* or* if Sukr is in his debilitation Rashi. 'here
will be $uarrels* danger from the king* antagonism with the wife* dis)utes with the father-in-law and with brothers* loss of wealth et#.* if Sukr is asso#iated with Sani*
or Rahu* or with both. 4<-4DL. 'here will be gain of wealth* ha))iness from wife* meeting with the king* in#rease in the number of #hildren* #on&eyan#es and #attle*
enjoyment of musi#* so#iety with men of learning* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations* gi&ing hel) and assistan#e to kinsmen et#.* if Sukr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in
the ?nd from the 1ord of the Dasha. 4=-<!. 1oss of wealth* fear of )remature death* antagonism with wife et#. will be e+)erien#ed* if Sukr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s
1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from these e&il effe#ts is gi&ing a tawny-#oloured #ow* or a female buffalo in #harity. <-<A. 8ain of wealth* re&eren#e*
ha))iness and a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es* #lothes* ornaments et#.* birth of #hildren* #ordial relations with the king* su##ess in &entures et#. will be the aus)i#ious
results in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of 8uru* if Surya is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* 'rikon* or in Sahaj* 1abh* or Dhan and be
endowed with strength. <4-<<L. @ffe#ts* like ner&ous disorder* fe&er* la7iness* or relu#tan#e in the )erforman#e of good deeds* indulgen#e in sins* antagonisti#
attitude towards all* se)aration from kinsmen and distress without reasons* will be e+)erien#ed* if Surya is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or* if Surya is in the Cth* =th* or
?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. <C-<D. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Surya is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e
e&il effe#ts and to enjoy good health is re#itation of "dhitya Hridaya Path. <=-C!L. @ffe#ts* like re&eren#e from the king* o)ulen#e and glory* ha))iness from wife
and #hildren* a&ailability of good food* gain of re)utation by )erforman#e of good deeds* in#rease in the number of #hildren and grand#hildren* #omforts by the
benefi#en#e of the king* religious and #haritable in#linations et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of 8uru* if 0andr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or
in 1abh* or* if 0andr is in her e+altation* or in her own Rashi and* if 0andr is full and strong and in an aus)i#ious Bha&a from the 1ord of the Dasha. C-CA. 'here
will be loss of wealth and kinsmen* wanderings in foreign lands* danger from the king* thie&es* $uarrels with #o)ar#eners* se)aration from a maternal un#le*
distress to mother et#.* if 0andr is weak* or is asso#iated with malefi#s* or* if 0andr is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or* if 0andr is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of
the Dasha. C4. Physi#al distress will be e+)erien#ed* if 0andr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e effe#ts is Durga
Sa)tashati Path. C<-CC. @ffe#ts* like the #elebration of fun#tions* su#h as marriage et#.* gain of land* or &illages* growth of strength and &alour and su##ess in all
&entures* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of 8uru* if Mangal is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or in his e+alted* or own Ba&ans. CD-C=.
'here will be gain of wealth and grains* a&ailability of good sweetish )re)arations* )leasure of the king* ha))iness from wife and #hildren and other aus)i#ious
effe#ts* if Mangal is in a /endr* 'rikon* in 1abh* or Dhan and is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. C>-D. 1oss of wealth and house* eye trouble
and other inaus)i#ious effe#ts will be the results* if Mangal is in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if Mangal is in his debilitation Rashi* asso#iated with*
or re#ei&ing a Drishti from malefi#s. 'he effe#ts will be )arti#ularly ad&erse at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha. 'here will be some mitigation of e&il effe#ts
later. 'here will be )hysi#al distress and mental agony* if Mangal is the 1ord of Dhan* or Hu&ati. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts
and to get gains of wealth and )ro)erty is to gi&e a bull in #harity. D?-D<. @ffe#ts* like atta#hment to Hog* gain of wealth and grains during the first fi&e months*
so&ereignty o&er a &illage* or #ountry* meeting with a foreign king* well-being in the family* journeys to distant lands* bathing in holy )la#es* will be deri&ed in the
"ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of 8uru* if Rahu is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in his Multrikon* or* if Rahu is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if Rahu re#ei&es a
Drishti from the 1ord of a /endr* or* if Rahu is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi#. DC-D=. Danger from thie&es* snakes* the king* wounds* troubles
in domesti# affairs* antagonism with #o-borns and #o)ar#eners* bad dreams* $uarrels without reason* danger from diseases et#. will result* if Rahu is asso#iated
with a malefi#* if Rahu is in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. D>-=!. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Rahu is in Dhan* or in Hu&ati. 'he remedial
measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a and gi&ing a goat in #harity.

0h. <D. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of Sani

-A. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* ha))iness from wife and #hildren* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es* like ele)hants* gain of #lothes* attainment of the )osition of
a 0ommander of the "rmy by the benefi#en#e of the king* a#$uisition of #attle* &illages and land et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of
Sani* if Sani is in his own* in his e+altation Rashi* or in dee) e+altation* or* if Sani is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if Sani is a Hog /arak. 4-<L. Eear* or danger from the
king* getting infli#ted with injuries with some wea)on* bleeding gums* dysentery et#. will be the e&il effe#ts at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* if Sani is in Randhr*
or Vyaya* or* if Sani is asso#iated with malefi#s in his debilitation Rashi. 'here will be danger from thie&es et#.* going away from the homeland* mental agony et#. in
the middle )ortion of the Dasha. 'he last )art of the Dasha will yield benefi#ial results. C-D. 'here will be danger of )remature death* if Sani is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s
1ord. 1ord Shi&a will afford )rote#tion and render relief* if Mrityunjaya 3a)a is )erformed in the )res#ribed manner. =-. @ffe#ts* like re&eren#e from the )eo)le*
good re)utation* gain of wealth* #omforts of #on&eyan#es et#.* in#lination towards )erforman#e of religious sa#rifi#es -Hagyas.* Raj Hog* bodily feli#ity* enthusiasm*
well-being in the family* )ilgrimage to holy )la#es* )erforman#e of religious rites* listening to Puranas* #harities* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations et#.* will be
deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of Sani* if Budh is in a /endr* or 'rikon. ?-AL. "#$uisition of a kingdom* gain of wealth* headshi) of a &illage will
be the effe#ts at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* if Budh is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya from 1agn* or from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if Budh is asso#iated with
Surya* Mangal and Rahu. "ffli#tion with diseases* failure in all &entures* an+iety and feeling of danger et#. will be e+)erien#ed in the middle )ortion and in the last
)art of the Dasha. 4-<. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Budh is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and
to regain enjoyment in life are re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam and gi&ing grains in #harity. C-=. @&il effe#ts* like loss of )osition* dangers* )o&erty* distress*
foreign journeys et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of /etu in the Dasha of Sani* e&en if /etu is in his e+altation* in his own* in a benefi# Rashi* or in a /endr*
or 'rikon* or* if /etu is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. %f /etu is related to the 1agn(s 1ord* there will be gain of wealth and enjoyment and
bathing in holy )la#es and &isit to a sa#red shrine at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha. >->L. 8ain of )hysi#al strength and #ourage* religious thoughts*
audien#e with the king -high dignitaries of go&ernment* like )resident* )rime minister* go&ernor* ministers. and all kinds of enjoyments will be e+)erien#ed* if /etu is
in a /endr* in a 'rikon* in the Ard* or th from the 1ord of the Dasha. ?!-?L. Eear of )remature death* #oarse food* #old fe&er* dysentery* wounds* danger from
thie&es* se)aration from wife and #hildren et#.* will be the results* if /etu is in Randhr* or Vyaya from 1agn* or from the 1ord of the Dasha. ??-?A. 'here will be
)hysi#al distress* if /etu is in Dhan* or Hu&ati. Remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and to regain enjoyments of life by the benefi#en#e of
/etu is gi&ing a goat in #harity. ?4-?DL. @ffe#ts* like marriage* birth of a son* gain of wealth* sound health* well-being in the family* a#$uisition of a kingdom*
enjoyments by the benefi#en#e of the king* honours* gain of #lothes* ornaments* #on&eyan#e and other desired obje#ts* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr
in the Dasha of Sani* if Sukr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in 1abh* asso#iated with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from benefi#s. %f during the )eriod of "ntar Dasha of Sukr 8uru
is fa&ourable in transit* there will be dawn of fortune and growth of )ro)erty. %f Sani is fa&ourable in transit* there will be Raj Hog effe#ts* or the a##om)lishment of
Hog rites -Hog 'riya Siddhi.. ?=-?>. Distress to wife* loss of )osition* mental agony* $uarrels with #lose relations et#. will be the results* if Sukr is in his debilitation
Rashi* if Sukr is #ombust* or* if Sukr is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. A!-AL. Eulfillment of ambitions by the benefi#en#e of the king* #harities* )erforman#e of religious
rites* #reation of interest in the study of Shastras* #om)osition of )oems* interest in Vedanta et#.* listening to Puranas* ha))iness from wife and #hildren will be
e+)erien#ed* if Sukr is in Dharm* 1abh* or /endr from the 1ord of the Dasha. A?-A4. 'here will be eye trouble* fe&ers* loss of good #ondu#t* dental )roblems* heart
disease* )ain in arms* danger from drowning* or falling from a tree* antagonism towards relations with the offi#ials of go&ernment and brothers* if Sukr is in the Cth*
=th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. A<-AC. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Sukr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the
abo&e e&il effe#ts and to regain enjoyment and good health is by the benefi#en#e of 8oddess Durga and the )erforman#e of Durga Sa)tashati Path and gi&ing a
#ow* or a female buffalo in #harity. AD-A=L. @ffe#ts* like good relations with one(s em)loyer* well-being in the family* ha))iness from #hildren* gain of #on&eyan#es
and #attle et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Sani* if Surya is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or* if Surya is asso#iated with
Dharm(s 1ord* or* if Surya is in a /endr* or 'rikon* asso#iated with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from benefi#s. A>-4. 'here will be heart disease* defamation* loss of
)osition* mental agony* se)aration from #lose relati&es* obsta#les in industrial &entures* fe&ers* fears* loss of kinsmen* loss of arti#les* dear to the )erson* if Surya is
in Randhr* or Vyaya* or* if Surya is in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 4?. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Surya is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he
worshi) of Surya is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts. 4A-4<. @ffe#ts* like gains of #on&eyan#e* garments* ornaments* im)ro&ement
of fortune and enjoyments* taking #are of brothers* ha))iness in both maternal and )aternal homes* in#rease in #attle wealth et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha
of 0andr in the Dasha of Sani* if 0andr is full* in her e+altation* or in her own Rashi* or in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in the th from the Dasha 1ord* or* if 0andr
re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. 4C-4=L. 'here will be great distress* wrath* se)aration from )arents* ill health of #hildren* losses in business* irregular meals*
administration of medi#ines* if 0andr is waning* if 0andr is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es Drishti from malefi#s* or* if 0andr is in his debilitation Rashi* or* if 0andr is in
malefi# Ba&ans* or* if 0andr is in the Rashi of a malefi# 8rah. 'here will* howe&er* be good effe#ts and some gain of wealth at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar
Dasha. 4>-<!L. @njoyment of #on&eyan#es and garments* ha))iness from kinsmen* ha))iness from )arents* wife* em)loyer et#. will be the results* if 0andr is in a
/endr* 'rikon* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. <-<?. @ffe#ts* like slee)iness* lethargy* loss of )osition* loss of enjoyments* in#rease in the number of
enemies* antagonism with kinsmen* will be e+)erien#ed* if 0andr is weak and is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. <A-<4. 'here will be lethargy
and )hysi#al distress* if 0andr is Dhan(* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and )rolongation of longe&ity are Ha&an
and gi&ing jaggery* 8hi* ri#e* mi+ed with #urd* a #ow* or a female buffalo in #harity. <<-<D. @ffe#ts* like enjoyments* gain of wealth* re&eren#e from the king* gain of
#on&eyan#es* #lothes and ornaments* attainment of the )osition of a 0ommander of the "rmy* in#rease in agri#ultural and #attle wealth* #onstru#tion of a new
house* ha))iness to kinsmen* will be deri&ed from the &ery #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Sani* if Mangal is in his e+altation* in his
own Rashi* or* if Mangal is asso#iated with 1agn(s 1ord* or with the Dasha 1ord. <=-C!. 'here will be loss of wealth* danger of wounds* danger from thie&es*
snakes* wea)ons* gout and other similar diseases* distress to father and brothers* $uarrels with #o)artners* loss of kinsmen* #oarse food* going away to foreign
lands* unne#essary e+)enditure et#.* if Mangal is in his debilitation Rashi* or #ombust* or in Randhr* or Vyaya and asso#iated with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from
malefi#s. C-C?. 8reat distress* de)enden#e on others and fear of )remature death* may be e+)e#ted* if Mangal is in Dhan* or* if Mangal is Hu&ati(s* or Randhr(s
1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are )erforman#e of Ha&an and gi&ing a bull in #harity. CA-C4. @ffe#ts* like $uarrels* mental
agony* )hysi#al distress* agony* antagonism with the sons* danger from diseases* unne#essary e+)enditure* dis#ord with #lose relations* danger from the
go&ernment* foreign journeys* loss of house and agri#ultural lands* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Sani* if Rahu not be in his house of
e+altation* or any other aus)i#ious )osition. C<-CD. @njoyment* gains of wealth* in#rease in agri#ultural )rodu#tion* de&otion to deities and Brahmins* )ilgrimage to
holy )la#es* in#rease in #attle wealth* well-being in the family will be the results at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* if Rahu is asso#iated with 1agn(s 1ord*
or a Hog /arak 8rah* or* if Rahu is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi* or* if Rahu is in a /endr* or 1abh from 1agn* or from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will be
#ordiality with the king and ha))iness from friends in the middle )ortion of the "ntar Dasha. C=-C=L. 'here will be a#$uisition of ele)hants* o)ulen#e and glory*
#ordial relations with the king* gains of &aluable #lothes* if Rahu is in Mesh* /anya* /ark* Vrishabh* Meen* or Dhanu. C>-D!. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Rahu
is asso#iated with Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a and gi&ing a goat in #harity. D-
DAL. @ffe#ts* like su##ess all-round* well-being in the family* gain of #on&eyan#es* ornaments and #lothes by the benefi#en#e of the king* re&eren#e* de&otion to
deities and the )re#e)tor* asso#iation with men of learning* ha))iness from wife and #hildren et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in the Dasha of Sani* if
8uru is in a /endr* or in a 'rikon* or* if 8uru is asso#iated with 1agn(s 1ord* or* if 8uru is in his own* or in his e+altation Rashi. D4-D<L. Results* like death of the
near relations* loss of wealth* antagonism with the go&ernment offi#ials* failure in )roje#ts* journeys to foreign lands* affli#tion with diseases* like le)rosy et#.* will be
e+)erien#ed* if 8uru is in his debilitation Rashi* or* if 8uru is asso#iated with malefi#s* or* if 8uru is in "ri* Sahaj* or Vyaya. DC-D=. 'here will be o)ulen#e and glory*
ha))iness to wife* gains through the king* #omforts of good food and #lothes* religious-mindedness* name and fame in the #ountry* interest in Vedas and Vedanta*
)erforman#e of religious sa#rifi#es* gi&ing grains et#. in #harity* if 8uru is in the <th* >th* th* ?nd* or /endr from the 1ord of the Dasha. D>-=!. "ntagonism with
kinsmen* mental agony* $uarrels* loss of )osition* losses in &entures* loss of wealth* as a result of im)osition of fines* or )enalties by go&ernment* im)risonment
distress to wife and son will be the results* if 8uru is weak and is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. =-=?. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* agony*
death of the nati&e* or any member of the family* if 8uru is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are re#itation of
Shi&a Sahasranam and gi&ing gold in #harity.

0h. <=. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of Budh

-AL. 8ain of jewels* like )earls et#.* learning* in#rease in ha))iness and )erforman#e of )ious deeds* su##ess in the edu#ational s)here* a#$uisition of name and
fame* meeting with new kings* gain of wealth and ha))iness from wife* #hildren and )arents will be the effe#ts in the "ntar Dasha of Budh in his own Dasha* if Budh
is )la#ed in his e+altation Rashi* or is otherwise well )la#ed. 'here will be loss of wealth and #attle* antagonism with kinsmen* diseases* like stoma#h )ains* )iety in
dis#harging duties* as a go&ernment offi#ial* if Budh is in his debilitation Rashi et#.* or* if Budh is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or* if Budh is asso#iated with malefi#s. 4-
<. Distress to wife* death of members of the family* affli#tion with diseases* like rheumatism and stoma#h )ains et#. will result* if Budh is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord.
Remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts* is re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam. C-=L. @ffe#ts* like )hysi#al fitness* little gain of wealth*
affe#tionate relations with kinsmen* in#rease in #attle wealth* in#ome from industries* su##ess in the edu#ational s)here* a#$uisition of name and fame* honours*
audien#e with the king and joining a ban$uet with him* #omforts of #lothes et#.* will be e+)erien#ed* if /etu is asso#iated with benefi#s in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if
/etu is yuti with 1agn(s 1ord* or with a Hog /arak. 'he same will be the results* if /etu is in a /endr* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha. >-. Eall from a
#on&eyan#e* distress to son* danger from the king* indulgen#e in sinful deeds* danger from s#or)ions et#.* $uarrels with the menials* sorrow* diseases and
asso#iation with menials et#. will be the results* if /etu is yuti with malefi#s in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. ?. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if /etu
is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts* is gi&ing a goat in #harity. A-<L. @ffe#ts* like in#lination to )erform
religious rites* fulfillment of all ambitions through the hel) of the king and friends* gains of agri#ultural lands and ha))iness et#. will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of
Sukr in the Dasha of Budh* if Sukr is in a /endr* in 1abh* in Putr* or in Dharm. 'here will be a#$uisition of a kingdom* gain of wealth and )ro)erty* #onstru#tion of a
reser&oir* readiness to gi&e #harities and to )erform religious rites* e+traordinary gain of wealth and gains in business* if Sukr is in a /endr* in the <th* >th* or th
from the 1ord of the Dasha. C-DL. Heart disease* defamation* fe&ers* dysentery* se)aration from kinsmen* )hysi#al distress and agony will result* if Sukr is weak
in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord* or the Dasha. =->. 'here will be fear of )remature death* if Sukr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain
relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is to re#ite Mantras of 8oddess Durga. ?!-??. @ffe#ts* like dawn of fortune by the benefi#en#e of the king* ha))iness from friends
et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Budh* if Surya is in his own* or in his e+altation Rashi* or in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in Dhan* or 1abh*
or in his e+alted* or own Ba&ans. 'here will be a#$uisition of land* if Surya re#ei&es a Drishti from Mangal and #omforts of good food and #lothes* if su#h a Surya
re#ei&es a Drishti from 1agn(s 1ord. ?A-?4. Eear* or danger from thie&es* fire and wea)ons* bilious troubles* heada#hes* mental agony and se)aration from friends
et#. will be the results* if Surya is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya from 1agn* or from the 1ord of the Dasha and* if Surya is weak and asso#iated with Sani* Mangal and
Rahu. ?<. 'here will be fear of )remature death* if Surya is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. :orshi) of Surya is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il
effe#ts. ?C-?D. 'he Hog be#omes &ery strong for benefi#ial effe#ts* if in the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of Budh 0andr is in a /endr* or 'rikon from 1agn* or*
if 0andr is in her e+altation* or in her own Rashi* asso#iated with* or re#ei&ing a Drishti from 8uru* or* if 0andr is a Hog /arak herself. 'hen there will be marriage*
birth of a son and gain of #lothes and ornaments. ?=-?>L. %n the #ir#umstan#es* mentioned abo&e* there will also be #onstru#tion of a new house* a&ailability of
sweetish )re)arations* enjoyment of musi#* study of Shastras* journey to the South* gains of #lothes from beyond the seas* gain of gems* like )earls et#. A!-AL.
'here will be )hysi#al distress* if 0andr is in her debilitation* or in an enemy(s Rashi. %f 0andr is in a /endr* 'rikon* in the Ard* or th from the 1ord of the Dasha*
there will be at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha &isits to sa#red shrines* )atien#e* enthusiasm and gains of wealth from foreign #ountries. A?-AA. Danger
from the king* fire and thie&es* defamation* or disgra#e and loss of wealth on a##ount of wife* destru#tion of agri#ultural lands and #attle et#. will be the results* if
0andr is weak and is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. A4-A<. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if 0andr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'here will be
relief* )rolongation of longe&ity and restoration of #omforts by the benefi#en#e of 8oddess Durga* if the Mantras of the 8oddess are re#ited in the )res#ribed
manner and #lothes are gi&en in #harity. AC-A=L. @ffe#ts* like well-being and enjoyments in the family by the benefi#en#e of the king* in#rease in )ro)erty* re#o&ery
of a lost kingdom et#.* birth of a son* satisfa#tion* a#$uisition of #attle* #on&eyan#es and agri#ultural lands* ha))iness from wife et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar
Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Budh* if Mangal is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if Mangal is aso#iated with 1agn(s 1ord. A>-4!L.
Physi#al distress* mental agony* obsta#les in industrial &entures* loss of wealth* gout* distress from wounds and danger from wea)ons and fe&er et#. will be the
results* if Mangal be asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from malefi#s in Randhr* or in Vyaya. 4-4?. 'here will be gain of wealth* )hysi#al feli#ity* birth of a son*
good re)utation* affe#tionate relations et#. with kinsmen et#.* if Mangal re#ie&es a Drishti from benefi#s in a /endr* 'rikon* or in the th from the 1ord of the
Dasha. 4A-44L. %f Mangal be asso#iated with malefi#s in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* there will be distress* danger from kinsmen* wrath of the king
and fire* antagonism with the son* loss of )osition at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* enjoyments and gains of wealth in the middle )ortion of the "ntar
Dasha* danger from the king and loss of )osition at the end of the "ntar Dasha. 4<-4C. 'here will be fear of )remature death* if Mangal is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord.
'he remedial measures to be ado)ted to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a and gi&ing a #ow in #harity. 4D-4>. @ffe#ts* like re&eren#e
from the king* good re)utation* gain of wealth* &isits to sa#red shrines* )erforman#e of religious sa#rifi#es and oblations* re#ognition* gain of #lothes et#.* are
deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Budh* if Rahu is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if Rahu is in Mesh* /umbh* /anya* or Vrishabh. 'here will be some
e&il effe#ts at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* but all will be well later. <. 'here will be an o))ortunity to ha&e #on&ersation* or a meeting with the king* if
Rahu is in Sahaj* Randhr* /arm* or 1abh. %n this )osition* if Rahu be asso#iated with a benefi#* there will be a &isit to a new king. <?-<A. Pressure of hard work* as a
go&ernment fun#tionary* loss of )osition* fears* im)risonment* diseases* agony to self and kinsmen* heart disease* loss of re)utation and wealth* will be the results*
if Rahu is asso#iated with a malefi#* or malefi#s in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. <4-<<. 'here will be fear of )remature death* if Rahu is in Dhan* or in
"ri. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts* are re#itation of Mantras of 8oddess Durga and 8oddess 1akshmi in the )res#ribed manner
and gi&ing a tawny-#oloured #ow* or female buffalo in #harity. <C-<=L. @ffe#ts* like )hysi#al feli#ity* gain of wealth* benefi#en#e of the king* #elebration of
aus)i#ious fun#tions* like marriage et#.* at home* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations* in#rease in #attle wealth* attending dis#ourses on Puranas et#.* de&otion to
deities and the )re#e)tor* interest in religion* #harities et#.* worshi) of 1ord Shi&a et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in the Dasha of Budh* if 8uru is in
a /endr* 'rikon* or in 1abh* or* if 8uru is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi. <>-C. Dis#ord with king and kinsmen* danger from thie&es et#.* death of )arents*
disgra#e* )unishment from go&ernment* loss of wealth* danger from snakes and )oison* fe&er* losses in agri#ultural )rodu#tion* loss of lands et#.* will be the results*
if 8uru is in his debilitation Rashi* is #ombust* or is in "ri* Randhr* or in Vyaya* or* if 8uru is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from Sani and Mangal. C?-CAL.
'here will be ha))iness from kinsmen and from one(s son* enthusiasm* in#rease in wealth and name and fame* gi&ing grains et#. in #harity* if 8uru is in a /endr*
'rikon* or in the th from the 1ord of the Dasha and* if 8uru is endowed with strength. C4-C4L. "gony* an+iety* danger from diseases* antagonism with wife and
kinsmen* wrath of the king* $uarrels* loss of wealth* danger from Brahmins will be the results* if 8uru is weak and* if 8uru is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of
the Dasha. C<-CC. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if 8uru is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord* or* if 8uru is in Dhan* or Hu&ati. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from
the abo&e e&il effe#ts are re#itation of Shi&a Sahasranam and gi&ing a #ow and gold in #harity. CD-C=L. @ffe#ts* like well-being in the family* a#$uisition of a
kingdom* enthusiasm* in#rease in #attle wealth* gain of a )osition* &isits to sa#red shrines et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Budh* if
Sani is in his e+altation* his in his own Rashi* or in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in 1abh. C>-D!L. Danger from enemies* distress to wife and #hildren* loss of thinking
)ower* loss of kinsmen* loss in &entures* mental agony* journeys to foreign lands and bad dreams will be the results* if Sani is in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of
the Dasha. D-D?. 'here will be fear of )remature death* if Sani is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and
to regain sound health are )erforman#e of Mrityunjaya 3a)a and gi&ing a bla#k #ow and female buffalo in #harity.

0h. <>. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of /etu

-?L. @ffe#ts* like ha))iness from wife and #hildren* re#ognition from the king* but mental agony* gain of land* &illage et#. will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of /etu
in his own Dasha* if /etu is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if /etu is related to Dharm(s* /arm(s* or Bandhu(s 1ord. A-4. Heart disease* defamation* destru#tion of wealth
and #attle* distress to wife and #hildren* instability of mind et#. will we be the results* if /etu is in his debilitation Rashi and* if /etu is in Randhr* or Vyaya along with
a #ombust 8rah. <-C. 'here will be danger from diseases* great distress and se)aration from kinsmen* if /etu is related to Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord* or* if /etu is in
Dhan* or Hu&ati. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are )erforman#e of Durga Sa)tashati 3a)a and Mrityunjaya 3a)a. D->L. @ffe#ts*
like benefi#en#e from the king* good fortune* gain of #lothes et#.* re#o&ery of lost kingdom* #omforts of #on&eyan#es et#.* &isits to sa#red shrines and gain of lands
and &illages by the benefi#en#e of the king* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr in the Dasha of /etu* if Sukr is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or* if Sukr is
asso#iated with /arm(s 1ord in a /endr* or 'rikon and there will be dawn of fortune* if in su#h )osition he is asso#iated with Dharm(s 1ord also. !-. Sound
health* well-being in the family and gains of good food and #on&eyan#es et#. will be the results* if Sukr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in the Ard* or th from the 1ord of
the Dasha. ?-4. 'here will be $uarrels without any #ause* loss of wealth* distress to #attle* if Sukr is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. %f Sukr is
in his debilitation Rashi* or* if Sukr is asso#iated with a debilitated 8rah* or* if Sukr is in "ri* or Randhr* there will be $uarrels with kinsmen* heada#hes* eye troubles*
heart disease* defamation* loss of wealth and distress to #attle and wife. <. Physi#al distress and mental agony will be #aused* if Sukr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord.
'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are )erforman#e of Durga Path and gi&ing a tawny-#oloured #ow* or female buffalo in #harity. C-
D. 'he effe#ts* like gains of wealth* benefi#en#e of the king* )erforman#e of )ious deeds and fulfillment of all ambitions* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya
in the Dasha /etu* if Surya is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or* if Surya is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi# in a /endr* 'rikon* or in 1abh.
=->L. Danger from the king* se)aration from )arents* journeys to foreign lands* distress from thie&es* snakes and )oison* )unishment by go&ernment*
antagonism with the friends* sorrows* danger from fe&er et#. will be the results* if Surya is asso#iated with a malefi#* or malefi#s in Randhr* or in Vyaya. ?!-?.
'here will be )hysi#al fitness* gain of wealth* or the birth of a son* su##ess in )erforman#e of )ious deeds* headshi) of a small &illage et#.* if Surya is in a /endr*
'rikon* in the ?nd* or th from the 1ord of the Dasha. ??-?4. ,bsta#les in a&ailability of food* fears and loss of wealth and #attle will be the results* if Surya is
asso#iated with e&il 8rahas in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will be distress at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha with some mitigation at
its end. 'here will be fear of )remature death* if Surya is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts and to regain
#omforts by the benefi#en#e of Surya is to gi&e a #ow and gold in #harity. ?<-?=. @ffe#ts* like re#ognition from the king* enthusiasm* well-being* enjoyments*
a#$uisition of a house* lands et#.* abnormal gains of food* #lothes* #on&eyan#es* #attle et#.* su##ess in business* #onstru#tion of reser&oirs et#. and ha))iness to
wife and #hildren* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of /etu* if 0andr is in her e+altation* in her own Rashi* in a /endr* 'rikon* in 1abh* or in
Dhan. 'he benefi#ial results will be reali7ed fully* if 0andr is wa+ing. ?>-A!. 2nha))iness and mental agony* obsta#les in &entures* se)aration from )arents* losses
in business* destru#tion of #attle et#. will be #aused* if 0andr is in her debilitation Rashi* or in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. A-AA. 'here will be the a#$uisition of a #ow* or
#ows* land* agri#ultural lands* meeting kinsmen and the a#hie&ement of su##ess through them* in#rease in #ows milk and #urd* if 0andr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in
the th from the 1ord of the Dasha and* if 0andr is endowed with strength. 'here will be aus)i#ious results at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* #ordial
relations with the king in the middle )ortion of the "ntar Dasha and danger from the king* foreign journey* or journeys to distant )la#es at its end. A4-AC. 1oss of
wealth* an+iety* enmity with kinsmen and distress to brother* will be the results* if 0andr is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. %f 0andr is Dhan(s*
Hu&ati(s* or Randhr(s 1ord* there will be fear of )remature death. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e effe#ts are re#itation of Mantras of 0andr
and gi&ing in #harity things* #onne#ted with 0andr. AD-A>. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of land* &illage et#.* in#rease in wealth and #attle* laying out of a new garden* gain
of wealth by the benefi#en#e of the king* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of /etu* if Mangal is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* if Mangal
is asso#iated with* or* re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. %f Mangal is related to Dharm(s* or /arm(s 1ord* there will definitely be gain of land and enjoyment. 4!. 'here
will be re#ognition from the king* great )o)ularity and re)utation and ha))iness from #hildren and friends* if Mangal is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in the Ard* or th from
the 1ord of the Dasha. 4-4?. 'here will be fear of deathGdisaster during a foreign journey* diabetes* unne#essary troubles* danger from thie&es and the king and
$uarrels* if Mangal is in the =th* ?th* or ?nd from the 1ord of the Dasha. %n the abo&e #ir#umstan#es amidst e&il effe#ts there will be some aus)i#ious effe#ts also.
4A-44. High fe&er* danger from )oison* distress to wife* mental agony and fear of )remature death will be the results* if Mangal is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. By the
benefi#en#e of Mangal there will be enjoyment and gain of )ro)erty* if* as a remedial measure* a bull is gi&en in #harity. 4<-4D. @ffe#ts* like in#rease of wealth and
gain of wealth* grains* #attle* lands* &illage from a Ha&an king* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of /etu* if Rahu is in his e+altation* his own*
in a friends Rashi* or in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in 1abh* or Sahaj* or Dhan. 'here will be some trouble at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* but all will be well later.
4=-<!. Ere$uent urination* weakness in the body* #old fe&er* danger from thie&es* intermittent fe&er* o))robrium* $uarrels* diabetes* )ain in stoma#h will be the
results* if Rahu is asso#iated with a malefi# in Randhr* or in Vyaya. 'here will be distress and danger* if Rahu is in Dhan* or in Hu&ati. 'he remedial measure to
obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is Durga Sa)tashati Path. <-<4. @ffe#ts* like in#rease in wealth and grains* benefi#en#e of the king* enthusiasm* gain of
#on&eyan#es et#.* #elebration* like birth of a son at home* )erforman#e of )ious deeds* Hagyas* #on$uest of the enemy and enjoyments* will be deri&ed in the "ntar
Dasha of 8uru in the Dasha of /etu* if 8uru is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or is asso#iated with 1agn(s* Dharm(s* or /arm(s 1ord in a /endr* or 'rikon. <<-<C.
Danger from thie&es* snakes and wounds* destru#tion of wealth* se)aration from wife and #hildren* )hysi#al distress et#. will be the results* if 8uru is in his
debilitation Rashi* or in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. 'hough some good effe#ts may be felt at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* there will be only ad&erse results
later. <D-<=L. 'here will be gains of many &arieties of garments* ornaments by the benefi#en#e of the king* foreign journeys* taking #are of kinsmen* a&ailability of
de#ent food* if 8uru is asso#iated with a benefi# in a /endr* 'rikon* in the Ard* or th from the 1ord of the Dasha. <>-C!. Eear of )remature death will be #aused* if
8uru is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a and re#itation of Shi&a Sahasranama. C-
C?L. @ffe#ts* like distress to oneself and one(s kinsmen* agony* in#rease in #attle wealth* loss of wealth* as a result of im)osition of fines by go&ernment*
resignation from the e+isting )ost* journeys to foreign lands and danger of thie&es during tra&elling* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of /etu*
if Sani is de)ri&ed of strength and dignity. 'here will be loss of wealth and lethargy* if Sani is in Randhr* or Vyaya. CA-C<. Su##ess in all &entures* ha))iness from
the em)loyer* #omforts during journeys* in#rease in ha))iness and )ro)erty in ones own &illage* audien#e with the king et#. will be the results* if Sani is in a 'rikon
in Meen* in 'ula* in his own Rashi* or* if Sani is in an aus)i#ious Ba&ans* or is asso#iated with a benefi# in a /endr* 'rikon* or in Sahaj. -"##ording to Brihat 3atak*
Sani in 'ula* Meen* Dhanu* Makar and /umbh in 1agn gi&es Raj Hog.. CD-C=. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* agony* obsta#les in &entures* lethargy* defamation*
death of )arents* if Sani is asso#iated with a malefi#* in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. Eear of )remature death may be e+)e#ted* if Sani is
Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts are )erforman#e of Ha&an with sesame seeds -'il. and gi&ing a bla#k
#ow* or female buffalo in #harity. C>-D. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of a kingdom* enjoyments* #harities* gain of wealth and land* birth of a son* #elebration of religious
fun#tions and fun#tions* like marriage suddenly* well-being in the family* gain of #lothes* ornaments et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Budh in the Dasha of
/etu* if Budh is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or* if Budh is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi. D?. 'here will be asso#iation with men of learning* dawn of fortune and
listening to religious dis#ourses* if Budh is asso#iated with Dharm(s* or /arm(s 1ord. DA-D4L. "ntagonism with go&ernment offi#ials* residing in other )eo)le(s
houses* destru#tion of wealth* #lothes* #on&eyan#es and #attle will be the results* if Budh is asso#iated with Sani* Mangal* or Rahu in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. 'here
will be some benefi#ial effe#ts at the #ommen#ement of the Dasha* still better results in the middle* but inaus)i#ious at the end. D<-DC. 'here will be good health*
ha))iness from one(s son* o)ulen#e and glory* a&ailability of good food and #lothes and abnormal )rofits in business* if Budh is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in the th
from the 1ord of the Dasha. DD-D>. Distress* unha))iness and troubles to wife and #hildren and danger from the king may be e+)e#ted at the #ommen#ement of the
"ntar Dasha* if Budh is weak in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will* howe&er* be &isits to sa#red )la#es in the middle of the Dasha. Eear of
)remature death will be #aused* if Budh is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is re#itation of Vishnu

0h. C!. @ffe#ts of the "ntar Dashas in the Dasha of Sukr

-?L. @ffe#ts* like gain of wealth* #attle et#. through Brahmins* #elebrations in #onne#tion with the birth of a son* well-being* re#ognition from the king* a#$uisition of
a kingdom* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sukr in his own Dasha* if Sukr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or in 1abh and* if Sukr is endowed with strength. A-C.
0onstru#tion of a new house* a&ailability of sweet )re)arations* ha))iness to wife and #hildren* #om)anionshi) with a friend* gi&ing grains et#. in #harity*
benefi#en#e of the king* gain of #lothes* #on&eyan#es and ornaments* su##ess in business* in#rease in the number of #attle* gain of garments by )erforming
journeys in the western dire#tion et#. will be the results* if Sukr is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or* if Sukr is in his e+alted* or own Ba&ans. D-=. 'here will be
a#$uisition of a kingdom* enthusiasm* benefi#en#e of the king* well-being in the family* in#rease in the number of wi&es* #hildren and wealth et#.* if Sukr is
asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a benefi# and is in a friendly Ba&ans* in Sahaj* "ri* or 1abh. >-!. Danger from thie&es et#.* antagonisti# relations with
go&ernment offi#ials* destru#tion of friends and kinsmen* distress to wife and #hildren may be e+)e#ted* if Sukr is asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from a
malefi# in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya. . 'here will be fear of death* if Sukr is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. Remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts
are Durga Path and gi&ing a #ow in #harity. ?. 'here will be a )eriod of agony* wrath of the king* $uarrels with the #o)ar#eners et#. in the "ntar Dasha of Surya in
the Dasha of Sukr* if Surya is in any Rashi* other than his e+altation* or debilitation Rashi. -'his &erse does not a))ear to be #orre#tly worded* be#ause Surya does
)rodu#e good effe#ts in a )osition* other than e+altation* or debilitation. 'he )osition is #orre#tly stated in the 0howkambh &ersion of this &erse. A-<. @ffe#ts* like
a#$uisition of a kingdom and wealth* ha))iness from wife and #hildren* ha))iness from em)loyer* meeting with friends* ha))iness from )arents* marriage* name
and fame* betterment of fortune* birth of a son et#.* will be e+)erien#ed* if Surya is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* 'rikon* in Dhan* or 1abh* or in
/endr* 'rikon* in the ?nd* or th from the 1ord of he Dasha. C-=. Distress* agony* distress to members of the family* harsh language* distress to father* loss of
kinsmen* wrath of the king* danger at home* many diseases* destru#tion of agri#ultural )rodu#tion et#. will be the results* if Surya is in "ri* Randhr* or Vyaya* or* if
Surya is in his debilitation* or in an enemy(s Rashi. >-?!. 'here will be e&il influen#e of the 8rahas* if Surya is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. :orshi) of Surya is the
remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts. ?-??. @ffe#ts* like gain of wealth* #on&eyan#es* #lothes by the benefi#en#e of the king* ha))iness in
the family* great o)ulen#e and glory* de&otion to deities and Brahmins* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 0andr in the Dasha of Sukr* if 0andr is in her
e+altation* or in her own Rashi* or is asso#iated with the 1ord of Dharm* benefi#s* or with /arm(s 1ord* or* if 0andr is in a /endr* 'rikon* or 1abh. ?A-?AL. %n the
abo&e #ir#umstan#es there will also be asso#iation with musi#ians and men of learning and re#ei&ing of de#orations* gain of #ows* buffaloes and other #attle*
abnormal )rofits in business* dining with brothers et#. ?4-?CL. 1oss of wealth* fears* )hysi#al distress* agony* wrath of the king* journeys to foreign lands* or
)ilgrimage* distress to wife and #hildren and se)aration from kinsmen will be the results* if 0andr is in her debilitation Rashi* is #ombust* or is in "ri* Randhr* or
Vyaya* or* if 0andr is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. ?D-?>. 'here will be so&ereignty o&er a )ro&in#e* or &illage by the benefi#en#e of the king*
#lothes et#.* #onstru#tion of a reser&oir* in#rease in wealth et#.* if 0andr is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in the Ard* or th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will be
)hysi#al fitness at the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha and )hysi#al distress in its last )ortion. A!-AL. @ffe#ts* like a#$uisition of kingdom* )ro)erty* #lothes*
ornaments* land and desired obje#ts* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Sukr* if Mangal is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in 1abh* or* if Mangal
is in his e+altation Rashi* or is in one of his own Rashis* or is asso#iated with the 1agn(s* Dharm(s* or /arm(s 1ord. A?-A4. 'here will be fe&er from #old* diseases
-like fe&er. to )arents* loss of )osition* $uarrels* antagonism with the king and go&ernment offi#ials* e+tra&agant e+)enditure et#.* if Mangal is in "ri* Randhr* or
Vyaya* or* if Mangal is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. A<. Physi#al distress* losses in )rofession* loss of &illage* land et#. will be the results* if
Mangal is the Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. AC-ADL. @ffe#ts* like great enjoyment* gain of wealth* &isits of friends* su##essful journeys* gain of #attle and land et#.* will
be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Sukr* if Rahu is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in 1abh* or* if Rahu is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi* or is
asso#iated with* or re#ei&es a Drishti from benefi#s. A=-A>. @njoyments* destru#tion of enemy* enthusiasm and benefi#en#e of the king will be the results* if Rahu is
in Sahaj* or "ri* or /arm* or 1abh. 8ood effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed u) to < months from the #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha* but at the end of the Dasha there
will be danger from fe&ers and indigestion. 4!-4L. %n the abo&e #ir#umstan#es* e+#e)t for obsta#les in &entures and journeys and worries* there will be all
enjoyment* like those of a king. 3ourneys to foreign lands will bring su##ess and the )erson will return safely to his homeland. 'here will also be blessings from
Brahmins and aus)i#ious results #onse$uent to &isits to holy )la#es. 4?-44. 'here will be inaus)i#ious effe#ts on oneself and one(s )arents and antagonism with
)eo)le* if Rahu be asso#iated with a malefi# in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. Physi#al distress will be #aused* if Rahu is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he
remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is Mrityunjaya 3a)a. 4<-4=. @ffe#ts* like re#o&ery of the lost kingdom* a#$uisition of desired grains*
#lothes and )ro)erty et#.* re&eren#e from one(s friend and the king and gain of wealth* re#ognition from the king* good re)utation* gain of #on&eyan#es* asso#iation
with an em)loyer and with men of learning* industriousness in the study of Shastras* birth of a son* satisfa#tion* &isits of #lose friends* ha))iness to )arents and son
et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of 8uru in the Dasha of Sukr* if 8uru is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* or in a /endr* or 'rikon to 1agn* or to the 1ord of
the Dasha. 4>-<!. 'here will be danger from the king and from thie&es* distress to oneself and to kinsmen* $uarrels* mental agony* loss of )osition* going away to
foreign lands and danger of many kinds of diseases* if 8uru is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha and be asso#iated with a malefi#. <. 'here will be
)hysi#al distress* if 8uru is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts is Mrityunjaya 3a)a. <?-<4. @ffe#ts* like great
enjoyments* &isits of friends and kinsmen* re#ognition from the king* birth of a daughter* &isits to holy )la#es and sa#red shrines* #onferment of authority by the
king* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha of Sani in the Dasha of Sukr* if Sani is in his e+altation* in his own Rashi* in a /endr* 'rikon* or in his own Ba&ans. <<-<D.
'here will be lethargy and more e+)enditure than in#ome* if Sani is in his debilitation Rashi. Many kinds of distresses and troubles at the #ommen#ement of the
"ntar Dasha* like stress to )arents* wife and #hildren* going away to foreign lands* losses in )rofession* destru#tion of #attle et#.* will be the results* if Sani is in
Randhr* or 1abh* or Vyaya* or* if Sani is in the =th* th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Sani is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. <=-
<>. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il effe#ts* are Ha&an with sesame seeds -'il.* Mrityunjaya 3a)a* Durga Sa)tashati Path -by oneself* or
through a Brahmin.. C!-C?. @ffe#ts* like dawn of fortune* birth of a son* gain of wealth through judgement of #ourt* listening to stories from the Puranas* asso#iation
with )ersons* #om)etent in )oetry et#.* &isits of #lose friends* ha))iness from em)loyer* a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations et#.* will be deri&ed in the "ntar Dasha
of Budh in the Dasha of Sukr* if Budh is in a /endr* or 'rikon* or in 1abh -from 1agn* or from the 1ord of the Dasha.* or is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi. CA-
C<. %f Budh is in the Cth* =th* or ?th from the 1ord of Dasha* or* if Budh is weak* or is asso#iated with a malefi#* there will be agony* loss of #attle* residen#e in
other )eo)le(s houses and losses in business. 'here will be some good effe#ts at the #ommen#ement* moderate in the middle )ortion and distress from fe&er et#.
at the end of the "ntar Dasha. CC. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if Budh is Dhan(s* or Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measure to obtain relief from the abo&e e&il
effe#ts is the re#itation of Vishnu Sahasranam. CD-C=. "us)i#ious effe#ts* like a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations* abnormal gains in )rofession and in#rease in
#attle wealth* will be deri&ed from the &ery #ommen#ement of the "ntar Dasha of /etu in the Dasha of Sukr* if /etu is in his e+altation* or in his own Rashi* or is
related to a Hog /arak 8rah* or* if /etu is )ossessed of )ositional strength. -%t is not laid down anywhere* in whi#h Bha&a /etu does get )ositional strength.. C>-
C>L. %n the abo&e #ir#umstan#es there will be definite &i#tory in war at the end of the "ntar Dasha. Moderate results will be e+)erien#ed in the middle )ortion of the
"ntar Dasha and sometimes there will also be the feeling of distress. D!-D?. 'here will be danger from snakes* thie&es and wounds* loss of )ower of thinking*
heada#he* agony* $uarrels without any #ause* or reason* diabetes* e+#essi&e e+)enditure* antagonism with wife and #hildren* going away to foreign land* loss in
&entures* if /etu is in the =th* or ?th from the 1ord of the Dasha* or* if /etu is asso#iated with a malefi#. DA-D4. 'here will be )hysi#al distress* if /etu is Dhan(s* or
Hu&ati(s 1ord. 'he remedial measures to obtain relief from the abo&e effe#ts are Mrityunjaya 3a)a and gi&ing a goat in #harity. Remedial measures for a))easing
Sukr will also )ro&e benefi#ial.

0h. C. @ffe#ts of Pratyantar Dashas in "ntar Dashas

. By multi)lying the years et#. of the "ntar Dasha of the 8rahas se)arately by the Dasha years of ea#h 8rah and by di&iding the )rodu#t by the total s)an of the
Vimshottari Dasha* namely ?! years* we will arri&e at the Pratyantar Dasha of ea#h 8rah. ?. Surya-Surya -Pratyantar Dasha of Surya in the "ntar Dasha of
Surya.. "rgument with other )ersons* loss of wealth* distress to wife* heada#he et#. 'he abo&e are general effe#ts. Su#h inaus)i#ious effe#ts will not be )rodu#ed*
if Surya is in a 'rikon et#.* if Surya is the 1ord of an aus)i#ious Bha&a* or is in a aus)i#ious Bha&a and in a benefi# Varg. "ll other Pratyanta effe#ts should be
judged in this manner. A. Y-0andr. @+#itement* $uarrels* loss of wealth* mental agony et#. 4. Y-Mangal. Danger from the king and from wea)ons* im)risonment
and distress from enemies and fire. <. Y-Rahu. Disorder of )hlegm* danger from wea)ons* loss of wealth* destru#tion of a kingdom and mental agony. C. Y-8uru.
Vi#tory* in#rease in wealth* gains of gold* garments* #on&eyan#es et#. -D. Y-Sani. 1oss of wealth* distress to #attle* e+#itement* diseases et#. =. Y-Budh.
"ffe#tionate relations with kinsmen* a&ailability of good food* gains of wealth* religious-mindedness* re&eren#e from the king. >. Y-/etu. Danger to life* loss of
wealth* danger from the king* trouble with enemies. !. Y-Sukr. Moderate effe#ts* or some gains of wealth may be e+)e#ted. . 0andr-0andr. "#$uisition of land*
wealth and )ro)erty* re&eren#e from the king and a&ailability of sweetish )re)arations. ?. Y-Mangal. :isdom and dis#retion* re&eren#e from the )eo)le* in#rease
in wealth* enjoyments to kinsmen* but there will be danger from an enemy. A. Y-Rahu. :ell-being* gain of wealth from the king and danger of death* if Rahu is
yuti with a malefi#. 4. Y-8uru. @njoyments* in#rease in dignity and glory* gain of knowledge through the )re#e)tor* a#$uisition of a kingdom and a#$uisition of
gems et#. <. Y-Sani. Bilious troubles* loss of wealth and name and fame. C. Y-Budh. Birth of a son* a#$uisition of a horse and other #on&eyan#es* su##ess in
edu#ation* )rogress* gain of white garments and grains. D. Y-/etu. Nuarrels with Brahmins* fear of )remature death* loss of ha))iness and distress all-round. =.
Y-Sukr. 8ain of wealth* enjoyments* birth of a daughter* a&ailability of sweet )re)arations and #ordial relations with all. >. Y-Surya. 8ain of ha))iness* grains and
garments* &i#tories e&erywhere. ?!. Mangal-Mangal. Danger from enemies* $uarrels and fear of )remature death on a##ount of blood diseases. ?. Y-Rahu.
Destru#tion of wealth and kingdom -fall of go&ernment.* un)alatable food and $uarrels with the enemy. ??. Y-8uru. 1oss of intelligen#e* distress* sorrows to
#hildren* fear of )remature death* negligen#e* $uarrels and no fulfillment of any ambition. ?A. Y-Sani. Destru#tion of the em)loyer* distress* loss of wealth* danger
from enemies* an+iety* $uarrels and sorrows. ?4. Y-Budh. 1oss of intelligen#e* loss of wealth* fe&ers and loss of grains* garments and friends. ?<. Y-/etu. Distress
from diseases* lethargy* )remature death* danger from the king and wea)ons. ?C. Y-Sukr. Distress from 0handal* sorrows* danger from the king and from
wea)ons* dysentery and &omiting. ?D. Y-Surya. %n#rease in landed )ro)erty and wealth* satisfa#tion* &isits of friends* ha))iness all-round. ?=. Y-0andr. 8ains of
white garments et#. from the southern dire#tion* su##ess in all &entures. ?>. Rahu-Rahu. %m)risonment* disease* danger of injuries from wea)ons. A!. Y-8uru.
Re&eren#e e&erywhere* a#$uisition of #on&eyan#es* like ele)hants et#.* gain of wealth. A. Y-Sani. Rigorous im)risonment* loss of enjoyments* danger from
enemies* affli#tion with rheumatism. A?. Y-Budh. 8ain in all &entures* abnormal gain through wife. AA. Y-/etu. 1oss of intelligen#e* danger from enemies*
obsta#les* loss of wealth* $uarrels* e+#itement. A4. Y-Sukr. Danger from a Hogini* danger from the king* loss of #on&eyan#es* a&ailability of un)alatable food* loss
of a wife* sorrow in the family. A<. Y-Surya. Danger from enemies* fe&ers* distress to #hildren* fear of )remature death* negligen#e. AC. Y-0andr. @+#itement*
$uarrels* worries* loss of re)utation* fear* distress to father. AD. Y-Mangal. Se)ti# boil in the anus -Bhagandhar.* distress* due to a bite and )ollution of blood* loss
of wealth* e+#itement. A=. 8uru-8uru. "#$uisition of gold* in#rease in wealth et#. A>. Y-Sani. %n#rease in lands* #on&eyan#es and grains. 4!. Y-Budh. Su##ess in
the edu#ational s)here* a#$uisition of #lothes and gems* like )earls et#.* &isits of friends. 4. Y-/etu. Danger from water and thie&es. 4?. Y-Sukr. Se&eral kinds of
learning* gain of gold* #lothes* ornaments* well-being and satisfa#tion. 4A. Y-Surya. 8ain from the king* friends and )arents* re&eren#e e&erywhere. 44. Y-0andr.
Bo distress* gain of wealth and #on&eyan#es* su##ess in &entures. 4<. Y-Mangal. Danger from wea)ons* )ain in anus* burning in the stoma#h* indigestion* distress
from enemies. 4C. Y-Rahu. "ntagonism with menials -0handaldhi. and loss of wealth and distress through them. 4D. Sani-Sani. Physi#al distress* $uarrels* danger
from menials. 4=. Y-Budh. 1oss of intelligen#e* $uarrels* dangers* an+iety about a&ailability of food* loss of wealth* danger from enemy. 4>. Y-/etu. %m)risonment
in the #am) of the enemy* loss of luster* hunger* an+iety and agony. <!. Y-Sukr. Eulfillment of ambitions* well-being in the family* su##ess in &entures and gains
therefrom. <. Y-Surya. 0onferment of authority by the king* $uarrels in the family* fe&ers. <?. Y-0andr. De&elo)ment of intelligen#e* inauguration of big a &enture*
loss of luster* e+tra&agant e+)enditure* asso#iation with many women. <A. Y-Mangal. 1oss of &alour* distress to son* danger from fire and enemy* distress from bile
and wind. <4. Y-Rahu. 1oss of wealth* #lothes* land* going away to foreign lands* fear of death. <<. Y-8uru. %nability to )re&ent losses* #aused by women*
$uarrels* e+#itement. <C. Budh-Budh. 8ain of intelligen#e* edu#ation* wealth* #lothes et#. <D. Y-/etu. 0oarse food* stoma#h troubles* eye troubles* distress from
bilious and blood disorders. <=. Y-Sukr. 8ains from a northern dire#tion* loss of #attle* a#$uisition of authority from go&ernment. <>. Y-Surya. 1oss of s)lendour
and distress through diseases* distress in the heart. C!. Y-0andr. Marriage* gain of wealth and )ro)erty* birth of a daughter* enjoyments all-round. C. Y-Mangal.
Religious-mindedness* in#rease in wealth* danger from fire and enemies* gain of red #lothes* injury from a wea)on. C?. Y-Rahu. Nuarrels* danger from wife* or
some other woman* danger from the king. CA. Y-8uru. "#$uisition of a kingdom* #onferment of authority by the king* re&eren#e from the king* edu#ation*
intelligen#e. C4. Y-Sani. Bilious and windy troubles* injuries to the body* loss of wealth. C<. /etu-/etu. Sudden disaster* going away to foreign lands* loss of wealth.
CC. Y-Sukr. 1oss of wealth through a non-Hindu king* eye troubles* heada#he* loss of #attle. CD. Y-Surya. "ntagonism with friends* )remature death* defeat*
e+#hange of arguments. C=. Y-0andr. 1oss of grains* )hysi#al distress* misunderstanding* dysentery. C>. Y-Mangal. %njury from wea)ons* distress from fire*
danger from menials and enemies. D!. Y-Rahu. Danger from women and enemies* distress* #aused by menials. D. Y-8uru. 1oss of friends* wealth and
garments* o))robrium in the house* troubles from e&erywhere. D?. Y-Sani. Death of #attle and friends* )hysi#al distress* &ery meagre gain of wealth. DA. Y-Budh.
1oss of understanding* e+#itement* failure in edu#ation* dangers* failure in all &entures. D4. Sukr-Sukr. 8ains of white #lothes* #on&eyan#es* gems* like )earls et#.*
asso#iation with beautiful damsel. D<. Y-Surya. Rheumati# fe&er* heada#he* danger from the king and enemies and meagre gain of wealth. DC. Y-0andr. Birth of a
daughter* gain of #lothes et#. from the king* a#$uisition of authority. DD. Y-Mangal. Blood and bile troubles* $uarrels* many kinds of distresses. D=. Y-Rahu.
Nuarrels with wife* danger* distress from the king and enemies. D>. Y-8uru. "#$uisition of kingdom* wealth* garments* gems* ornaments and #on&eyan#e* like
ele)hants et#. =!. Y-Sani. "#$uisition of donkey* #amel* goat* iron* grains* sesame seeds* )hysi#al )ains. =. Y-Budh. 8ains of wealth* knowledge* authority from
the king* gain of money* distributed by others. =?. Y-/etu. Premature death* going away from homeland* gains of wealth at times.

0h. C?. @ffe#ts of Sukshmantar Dashas in Pratyantar Dashas

. 'he Sukshmantar Dasha is arri&ed at by multi)lying the )eriods of Pratyantar Dasha se)arately for ea#h 8rah by the Dasha years of that 8rah and then by
di&iding the )rodu#t by ?!. ?. Surya-Surya -Sukshm Dasha of Surya in Pratyantar Dasha of Surya.. 8oing away from homeland* danger of death* loss of )osition*
losses all-round. A. Y-0andr. De&otion towards deities and Brahmins* interest in )ious deeds* affe#tionate relations with friends. 4. Y-Mangal. %ndulgen#e in sinful
deeds* distress from #ruel enemies* bleeding. <. Y-Rahu. Danger from thie&es* fire and )oison* defeat in war* religious in#lination. C. Y-8uru. Re#ognition by
go&ernment* res)e#ted by go&ernment em)loyees* be#oming fa&ourite of the king. D. Y-Sani. 0ausing trouble to res)e#ted )ersons and Brahmins by theft and by
other bold deeds* going away from ones own )la#e* mental agony. =. Y-Budh. 8ains of fan#y garments* asso#iation with a beautiful damsel* sudden su##ess in
&entures. >. Y-/etu. "#hie&ement of glory through wife and em)loyees* loss of wealth* #omforts from ser&ants. !. Y-Sukr. Ha))iness from son* friends and wife*
a#$uisition of many kinds of )ro)erties. . 0andr-0andr. 8ain of ornaments and land* re&eren#e* re#ognition from the king* anger* glory. ?. Y-Mangal. Distress*
antagonism with the enemy* stoma#h troubles* death of father* troubles* due to imbalan#e of wind and bile. A. Y-Rahu. Disharmony with friends and kinsmen*
going away from homeland* loss of wealth* im)risonment. 4. Y-8uru. ,)ulen#e and glory with royal symbols* birth of a son* gain of )ro)erty* enjoyments all-
round. <. Y-Sani. :rath of the king* loss of wealth in business dealings* danger from thie&es and Brahmins. C. Y-Budh. Re&eren#e from the king* gain of wealth*
gain of #on&eyan#e from a foreign land* in#rease in the number of #hildren. D. Y-/etu. 1oss in the li&elihood* earned by sale et#.* grains* medi#ines* #attle et#.*
danger from fire and the sun(s rays -sun-stroke.. =. Y-Sukr. Marriage* gain of a kingdom* land* garments* ornaments* re)utation et#. >. Y-Surya. 'roubles*
losses in &entures* destru#tion of grains and #attle* )hysi#al distress. ?!. Mangal-Mangal. Sorrows on a##ount of loss of lands* e)ile)sy* im)risonment*
unha))iness. ?. Y-Rahu. Physi#al distress* danger from the )eo)le -due to un)o)ularity.* loss of wife and #hildren* danger from fire. ??. Y-8uru. De&otion
towards deities* Mantra Siddhi* re&eren#e from the )eo)le* enjoyments. ?A. Y-Sani. Release from im)risonment* ha))iness on a##ount of wealth* gains of #lothes
and ser&ants. ?4. Y-Budh. 0omforts of 0hatr* 0hamar et#. -re#ei&ing res)e#t* as that of a king.* breathing troubles. ?<. Y-/etu. %ndulgen#e in undesirable deeds
at the instan#e of others* one always remains filthy. ?C. Y-Sukr. @njoyment with women of #hoi#e* gain of wealth* food et#. ?D. Y-Surya. :rath of the king* distress
through Brahmins* failure in &entures* odium in )ubli# -1oka Bindha.. ?=. Y-0andr. Piousness* gain of wealth* de&otion towards deities and Brahmins* danger from
diseases. ?>. Rahu-Rahu. 'endering to #reate turbulen#e by )eo)le* la#k of wisdom in )erforman#e of duties* affli#tion of the mind. A!. Y-8uru. "ffli#tion with a
#hroni# disease* )o&erty* but re&ered by the )eo)le and the religious-mindedness. A. Y-Sani. 8ain of wealth through unfair means* wi#ked* or mean nature*
)erforming other )erson(s duties* undesirable asso#iation. A?. Y-Budh. %n#rease in desires for se+ual a#ts with women* elo$uen#e* hunger* )hysi#al distress. AA.
Y-/etu. Politeness* loss of re)utation* im)risonment* #old heartedness* loss of )ubli# money. A4. Y-Sukr. Ereedom from im)risonment* gain of )osition and
wealth. A<. Y-Surya. Settling down in foreign lands* affli#tion with 8ulma* e&en tem)erament* #omforts of #on&eyan#es. AC. Y-0andr. 8ain of gems -money.*
wealth* edu#ation* atta#hment to )rayers* good beha&ior and de&otion towards deities. AD. Y-Mangal. Eleeing after defeat* anger* im)risonment* indulgen#e in
thefts and stealing. A=. 8uru-8uru. Banishment of sorrows* in#rease in wealth* )erforming Ha&an* de&otion to 1ord Shi&a* gains of #on&eyan#e* marked with royal
symbols. A>. Y-Sani. ,bsta#les in fasting* agony* foreign journeys* loss of wealth* antagonism with kinsmen. 4!. Y-Budh. Su##ess in edu#ation* in#rease in
intelligen#e* re&eren#e from the )eo)le -)o)ularity.* gains of wealth* all sorts of enjoyments and #omforts at home. 4. Y-/etu. /nowledge* glory* learning* study of
Shastras* worshi) of 1ord Shi&a* Ha&an* de&otion toward )re#e)tor. 4?. Y-Sukr. Re#o&ery from diseases* enjoyments* gain of wealth* ha))iness from wife and
#hildren. 4A. Y-Surya. 'roubles of wind and bile* stoma#h )ains through imbalan#e of )hlegm and Rasas. 44. Y-0andr. 8lory with umbrella with royal symbols*
#elebrations on the birth of a son* distress in eyes and stoma#h. 4<. Y-Mangal. "dministration of )oison by wife* im)risonment* danger from diseases* going away
to foreign lands* #onfusion and misunderstandings. 4C. Y-Rahu. Danger from thie&es* snakes and s#or)ions* diseases and distress. 4D. Sani-Sani. 1oss of wealth*
diseases* like rheumatism et#.* destru#tion of the family* taking meals se)arately from the family* full of sorrows. 4=. Y-Budh. Profits in business* )rogress in
edu#ation* in#rease in wealth and lands. 4>. Y-/etu. 'urbulen#e by thie&es* le)rosy* loss of li&elihood* )hysi#al )ains. <!. Y-Sukr. ,)ulen#e and glory* learning
the use of wea)ons* birth of a son* #oronation* good health and fulfillment of all ambitions. <. Y-Surya. :rath of the king* $uarrels in the family* )hysi#al distress.
<?. Y-0andr. De&elo)ment of intelligen#e* inauguration of a big )roje#t* loss of luster* e+tra&agan#e* ha))iness from wife and #hildren. <A. Y-Mangal. 1oss of
luster* e+#itement* burning in the stoma#h* misunderstanding* $uarrels and wind and bile disorders. <4. Y-Rahu. Death of )arents* agony* e+tra&agan#e* failure in
&entures. <<. Y-8uru. "#$uisition of gold #oins* re&eren#e from the )ubli#* in#rease in wealth and grains* a#$uisition of 0hatr with royal symbols. <C. Budh-Budh.
Dawn of fortune* re&eren#e from the king* in#rease in wealth and )ro)erty and affe#tionate relations with all. <D. Y-/etu. Danger from fire* agony* distress to wife*
#oarse food and immoral tenden#ies. <=. Y-Sukr. 8ain of #on&eyan#es* wealth* grains* )rodu#ed in water* good re)ute and enjoyments. <>. Y-Surya. %njuries*
wrath of the king* #onfusion in the mind* diseases* loss of wealth* ridi#ule in )ubli#. C!. Y-0andr. 8ood fortune* stability of mind* re&eren#e from the king* gains of
)ro)erty* &isits of friends and the )re#e)tor. C. Y-Mangal. Danger from fire and )oison* idio#y* )o&erty* #onfusion of mind* e+#itement. C?. Y-Rahu. Danger from
fire and snakes and the &i#tory o&er an enemy -with diffi#ulty.* o))robrium from goblins -e&il* mis#hie&ous s)irit.. CA. Y-8uru. 0onstru#tion of a house* interest in
#harities* #omforts and enjoyments* in#rease in o)ulen#e* gain of wealth from the king. C4. Y-Sani. Profits in business* )rogress in edu#ation and in#rease in
wealth* marriage* #ir#umambien#e of #om)rehensi&eness. C<. /etu-/etu. Ha))iness from wife and #hildren* )hysi#al troubles* )o&erty* begging. CC. Y-Sukr.
Ereedom from diseases* gains of wealth* de&otion towards Brahmins and the )re#e)tor* union with members of the family. CD. Y-Surya. Nuarrels* loss of land*
residen#e in foreign lands* disaster u)on friends. C=. Y-0andr. Promotion in ser&i#e* &i#tory in war* good re)utation in )ubli#. C>. Y-Mangal. Danger of falling down
from a horse et#.* distress from thie&es and the wi#ked* suffering from 8ulma and heada#he. D!. Y-Rahu. Destru#tion of wife* father et#.* defamation* due to
asso#iation with a wi#ked woman* &omiting* blood )ollution* bilious diseases. D. Y-8uru. "ntagonism with the enemy* in#rease in )ro)erty and o)ulen#e* distress*
due to losses in #attle* wealth and agri#ultural )rodu#tion. D?. Y-Sani. %maginary distress* little #omfort* fasting* antagonism with wife* indulgen#e in falsehood. DA.
Y-Budh. 2nion and se)aration from many kinds of )eo)le* distress to the enemy* in#rease in wealth and )ro)erty. D4. Sukr-Sukr. Destru#tion of enemies*
enjoyments* #onstru#tion of tem)les of 1ord Shi&a et#. and reser&oirs. D<. Y-Surya. "gony in mind and heart* #onfusion of mind* wanderings* both losses and
gains at different times. DC. Y-0andr. Sound health* in#rease in wealth* su##ess in &entures through business dealings* )rogress in edu#ation and in#rease of
intelligen#e. DD. Y-Mangal. %dio#y* danger from an enemy* going away from one(s homeland* danger from diseases. D=. Y-Rahu. Danger from fire and snakes*
destru#tion of kinsmen* resignation from )osition -ser&i#e et#... D>. Y-8uru. Su##ess in &entures* in#rease in wealth and agri#ultural )rodu#tion* abnormal )rofits
from )ur#hase and sale business. =!. Y-Sani. Distress from an enemy* sorrows* destru#tion of #attle* loss of )ersons* belonging to the 8otra of the nati&e and
elders -)re#e)tors.. =. Y-Budh. %n#rease in wealth with the assistan#e of kinsmen* gain of wealth through business* ha))iness from wife and #hildren. =?. Y-
/etu. Danger from fire* distress from diseases* distress in mouth* eyes and forehead* loss of a##umulated wealth* mental agony.

0h. CA. @ffe#ts of Prana Dashas in Sukshma Dashas

. %f we multi)ly the Sukshma Dasha s)ans by the Dasha years of ea#h 8rah and di&ide the )rodu#t by ?!* we will get the Prana Dasha. -?. Surya-Surya. %nterest
in unnatural se+ual inter#ourse* danger from thie&es* fire and the king* )hysi#al distress. A. Y-0andr. @njoyments* a&ailability of good food* de&elo)ment of
intelligen#e* o)ulen#e and glory* like that of a king* by the benefi#en#e of generous )eo)le. 4. Y-Mangal. "ntagonism with the king with the #onni&an#e of others*
dangers and great losses. <. Y-Rahu. Hunger* danger from )oison* loss of wealth* as a result of )unishment by the king. C. Y-8uru. Su##ess in many edu#ational
s)heres* gain of wealth* su##ess in &entures* as a result of the e+#hange of &isits with the king and Brahmins. D. Y-Sani. %m)risonment* death* e+#itement*
obsta#les and losses in &entures. =. Y-Budh. Eeeding from the kings kit#hen* a#$uisition of 0hatr and 0hamar with royal symbols* attainment of the )osition of a
high dignitary in go&ernment. >. Y-/etu. 1oss of wealth* due to $uarrels with the )re#e)tor -elders.* wife and kinsmen. !. Y-Sukr. Re#ognition* or re&eren#e from
the king* in#rease in wealth* ha))iness from wife and #hildren* enjoyments from eating and drinking. . 0andr-0andr. Ha))iness from wife and #hildren* gain of
wealth and #lothes* Hog Sidhi. ?. Y-Mangal. 0onsum)tion* le)rosy* destru#tion of kinsmen* bleeding* #reation of turbulen#e by friends and goblins. A. Y-Rahu.
Danger from snakes* #reation of turbulan#e by e&il s)irits* weakness of eyesight* #onfusion of mind. 4. Y-8uru. 8rowth of religious-mindedness* forgi&eness*
de&otion towards deities and Brahmins* good fortune* meeting with near and dear ones. <. Y-Sani. 2ne+)e#ted and sudden )hysi#al distress* #reation of troubles
by enemies* weakness of eyesight* gain of wealth. C. Y-Budh. 8ift of 0hamar and 0hatr by the king* a#$uisition of a kingdom* e&en-mindedness in )eo)le. D. Y-
/etu. Danger from wea)ons* from fire* from an enemy and from )oison* stoma#h troubles* se)aration from wife and #hildren. =. Y-Sukr. "#$uisition of friends and
wife* gain of wealth from foreign lands* all kinds of enjoyments. >. Y-Surya. Brutality* in#rease in anger* fear of death* agony* going away from the homeland*
dangers. ?!. Mangal-Mangal. Nuarrels with the enemy* im)risonment* bilious and blood )ollution troubles. ?. Y-Rahu. Se)aration from wife and #hildren* distress*
as a result of o))ression by kinsmen* fear of death* )oison. ??. Y-8uru. De&otion towards deities* gain of wealth* #om)eten#e in Mantra rituals. ?A. Y-Sani.
Danger from fire* death* loss of wealth* loss of )osition* but good relations with kinsmen. ?4. Y-Budh. 8ains of s)lendid garments* ornaments* marriage. ?<. Y-
/etu. Eear of falling down from a high )la#e* eye troubles* danger from snakes* loss of re)utation. ?C. Y-Sukr. 8ain of wealth* re&eren#e amongst )eo)le*
enjoyment of many kinds of lu+uries. ?D. Y-Surya. Ee&ers* luna#y* loss of wealth* wrath of the king* )o&erty. ?=. Y-0andr. 0omforts of good food and garments*
distress from heat and #old. ?>. Rahu-Rahu. 1oss of taste in eating* danger from )oison* loss of wealth through rashness. A!. Y-8uru. Physi#al well-being*
fearlessness* gain of #on&eyan#e and $uarrels with menials. A. Y-Sani. Danger from fire* diseases* loss of wealth through menials* im)risonment. A?. Y-Budh.
De&otion towards the )re#e)tor and in#rease of wealth through his benefi#en#e* good $ualities and well #ultured. AA. Y-/etu. "ntagonism with wife and #hildren*
going away from home* loss of wealth through rashness. A4. Y-Sukr. "#$uisition of 0hatr* 0hamar* #on&eyan#es et#.* su##ess in all &entures* worshi) of 1ord
Shi&a* #onstru#tion of a house. A<. Y-Surya. "ffli#tion with )iles* wrath of the king* loss of #attle. AC. Y-0andr. De&elo)ment of mental )owers and intelligen#e*
)o)ularity* &isits of )re#e)tors* danger of #ommitting sins. AD. Y-Mangal. Dangers from menials and fire* loss of )osition* disaster* filthiness and meanness. A=.
8uru-8uru. Ha))iness* in#rease in wealth* )erforman#e of Ha&an* worshi) of 1ord Shi&a* a#$uisition of 0hatr and #on&eyan#es. A>. Y-Sani. Eailure in fasting*
unha))iness* going away to foreign lands* loss of wealth* antagonism with kinsmen. 4!. Y-Budh. Progress in edu#ation* in#rease in intelligen#e* ha))iness to wife
and #hildren* )o)ularity* gain of wealth. 4. Y-/etu. ,)ulen#e and glory* learnedness* gain of knowledge of Shastras* worshi) of 1ord Shi&a* )erforman#e of
Ha&an* de&otion towards )re#e)tor. 4?. Y-Sukr. Ereedom from diseases* enjoyments* in#rease in wealth* ha))iness from wife and #hildren. 4A. Y-Surya.
Disorders of wind* bile and )hlegm* )ains* due to disorders of jui#es in the body. 44. Y-0andr. "#$uisition of 0hatr with royal symbol* o)ulen#e and glory* in#rease
in #hildren* eye and stoma#h troubles. 4<. Y-Mangal. Danger of administration of )oison by wife* im)risonment* foreign journeys* #onfusion of mind. 4C. Y-Rahu.
Distress from diseases* troubles from thie&es* danger from snakes* s#or)ions et#. 4D. Sani-Sani5 1oss of luster* due to fe&ers* le)rosy* stoma#h troubles* danger of
death from fire. 4=. Y-Budh. 8ain of wealth and grains* )rofits in business* re&eren#e* de&otion towards deities and Brahmins. 4>. Y-/etu. Death-like distress*
#reation of turbulen#e by e&il s)irits* insult from a woman* other than one(s wife. <!. Y-Sukr. @njoyments through wealth* son and benefi#en#e of the king*
)erforman#e of Ha&anas* marriage et#. <. Y-Surya. 'roubles in the eyes and forehead* danger from snakes and enemies* loss of wealth* distress. <?. Y-0andr.
Sound health* birth of a son* relief* thri&ing strength* de&otion towards deities and Brahmins. <A. Y-Mangal. "ffli#tion with 8ulma* danger from enemy* danger of
death during hunting* danger from snakes* from fire and from )oison. <4. Y-Rahu. 8oing away from the homeland* danger from the king* bewit#hment* taking of
)oison* troubles from wind and bile. <<. Y-8uru. "ttainment of the )osition of a 0ommander in the "rmy* gain of land* asso#iation with as#eti#s* re&eren#e from the
king. <C. Budh-Budh. %n#rease in enjoyments* wealth and religious-mindedness* e&en-mindedness in all li&ing beings. <D. Y-/etu. Danger from thie&es* from fire
and from )oison* death-like suffering. <=. Y-Sukr. Su)rema#y o&er others* in#rease in wealth* re)utation and religious-mindedness* de&otion to 1ord Shi&a*
ha))iness from son. <>. Y-Surya. "gony* fe&ers* luna#y* affe#tionate relations with wife and kinsmen* re#ei)t of stolen )ro)erty. C!. Y-0andr. Ha))iness from
wife* birth of a daughter* gain of wealth and enjoyments all-round. C. Y-Mangal. 'enden#y to indulge in nefarious a#ti&ities* )ain in eyes* teeth and stoma#h* )iles*
danger from death. C?. Y-Rahu. 8ain of #lothes* ornaments and wealth* se)aration from one(s own )eo)le* antagonism with Brahmins* delirium. CA. Y-8uru.
Sublimately* )rogress in edu#ation* in#rease in wealth and good $ualities* )rofits in business. C4. Y-Sani. Danger of death from thie&es* )o&erty* beggary. C<.
/etu-/etu. Danger of fall from a #on&eyan#e* $uarrels with the enemy* #ommitting a murder inad&ertently. CC. Y-Sukr. 8ain of land and #on&eyan#e* ha))iness*
destru#tion of enemy* in#rease in #attle wealth. CD. Y-Surya. Danger from fire and enemy* loss of wealth* mental agony* death-like suffering. C=. Y-0andr.
De&otion towards deities and Brahmin* journeys to distant )la#es* gain of wealth and ha))iness* eye and ear troubles. C>. Y-Mangal. Bilious troubles* enlargement
of &eins* delirium* antagonism with kinsmen. D!. Y-Rahu. "ntagonism with son and wife* going away from home* loss in &entures* due to rashness. D. Y-8uru.
%njuries from wea)ons* wounds* heart disease* se)aration from wife and #hildren. D?. Y-Sani. 0onfusion of mind* tenden#ies towards nefarious deeds*
im)risonment on a##ount of addi#tions -in drugs et#..* distress. DA. Y-Budh. @njoyments of bed* )erfumery* ornaments and sandal* good food and a&ailability of all
kinds of #omforts. D4. Sukr-Sukr. 1earning* de&otion to deities* satisfa#tion* gain of wealth* in#rease in the number of #hildren. D<. Y-Surya. 8ood re)utation in
)ubli#* loss of ha))iness in res)e#t of #hildren* heat troubles. DC. Y-0andr. De&otion towards deities* #om)eten#e* relief by the a))li#ation of Mantras* in#rease in
wealth and fortune. DD. Y-Mangal. Ee&ers* wounds* ringworms* it#hes* de&otion towards deities and Brahmins. D=. Y-Rahu. Distress from an enemy* eye and
stoma#h troubles* antagonism with friends. D>. Y-8uru. 8ood longe&ity* sound health* ha))iness from wealth* wife and #hildren* a#$uisition of 0hatr and
#on&eyan#es. =!. Y-Sani. Danger from the king* loss of ha))iness* #riti#al disease* #ontro&ersy with menials. =. Y-Budh. Satisfa#tion* re&eren#e from the king*
gains of land and wealth from many dire#tions* in#rease in enthusiasm. =?. Y-/etu. 1oss of life* wealth and re)utation* only some money is left for #harities and

0h. C4. @ffe#ts of "ntar Dashas in the /ala 0hakr

. Maharishi Parashar said. Bow % am going to des#ribe to you the effe#ts of "ntar Dashas in the /ala 0hakr Dasha* as related by 1ord Shi&a to the 8oddess
Par&ati. ?. Dasha of Mesh "ns. 'here will be wounds and fe&er in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal in the Dasha of Mesh "ns. %n the same Dasha and "ntar Dasha of the
Rashis* owned by Budh* Sukr* 0andr and 8uru* all kinds of ha))iness will be enjoyed. Danger from an enemy will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dasha of Surya. A-<.
Dasha of Vrishabh "ns. @ffe#ts* like $uarrels and diseases* will be e+)erien#ed in "ntar Dasha of Sani. 'here will be gains of edu#ation and )hysi#al feli#ity in the
"ntar Dasha of 8uru* going away from home* death* or distress from fe&ers in the "ntar Dasha of Mangal and gains of garments* ha))y asso#iation with women in
the "ntar Dashas of the Rashis* owned by Sukr and Budh. Danger from the king and &iolent animals may be e+)e#ted in the "ntar Dasha of Rashi* owned by
Surya. C-!. Dasha of Mithun "ns. 'he effe#ts in the "ntar Dashas of the Rashis #on#erned will be* as follows. Sukr - gain of wealth and garments. Mangal - death
of )arents* danger* fe&er* wounds and tra&els to distant )la#es. 8uru - in#rease in intelligen#e* su##ess in edu#ation* o)ulen#e and glory* )o)ularity and affe#tion
towards others. Sani - foreign journeys* diseases* fear of death* loss of wealth and kinsmen. Budh - su##ess in edu#ation* gains of garments et#.* ha))iness from
wife and #hildren and re&eren#e from all $uarters. -C. Dasha of /ark "ns. 'he effe#ts in the &arious "ntar Dashas of the Rashis #on#erned will be* as follows.
0andr - ha))iness from wife and #hildren* gain of wealth and re&eren#e from the )ubli#. Surya - danger from enemies* animals and the royal family* mental agony
and fear of diseases. Budh and Sukr - ha))iness from wife* #hildren and friends* in#rease in wealth* )o)ularity and name and fame. Mangal - danger from )oison*
wea)ons and diseases* like fe&er. 8uru - gains of wealth* )hysi#al feli#ity* honours from the king. Sani - rheumatism* danger from snakes and s#or)ions and
distress of all kinds. D-?. Dasha of Simh "ns. Y Mangal - diseases of the mouth* bilious fe&er and danger from wea)on. Budh and Sukr - gain of #lothes*
ha))iness from wife and #hildren. 0andr - danger from fall from some height* meagre gains of wealth* foreign journeys. Surya - danger from enemies* fe&ers* loss
of wisdom* fear of death. 8uru - gains of wealth and grains* benefi#en#e of the king and Brahmins* )rogress in edu#ation. ??-?C. Dasha of /anya "ns. Y Sani -
many kinds of troubles* tra&els to distant )la#es* fe&ers* distress from hunger. 8uru - gains of wealth through the benefi#en#e of the king* arri&al of friends and
kinsmen and su##ess in edu#ation. Mangal - bilious fe&er* tra&els to distant )la#es* danger from fire and from wea)ons. Budh* Sukr and 0andr - gains of wealth
through sons and em)loyees* many enjoyments. Surya - tra&el to distant lands* danger from diseases* $uarrels with kinsmen* danger of assaults by wea)ons. ?D-
A. Dasha of 'ula "ns. Y Sukr - wisdom* #omforts* ha))iness from wife and #hildren and from wealth* garments et#. Mangal - distress to father* enmity with
friends* danger from disease of forehead* fe&ers* )oison* wea)ons et#. 8uru - gain of wealth* a#$uisition of a kingdom* )erforman#e of religious rites* honours from
the king and ha))iness all-round. Sani - tra&els to distant )la#es* #riti#al diseases* loss in the agri#ultural s)here* danger from enemies. Budh - birth of a son* gain
of wealth* ha))iness from one(s wife* joy* dawn of fortune. A?-AA. Dasha of Vris#hik "ns. 'he following effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed in the "ntar Dashas of the
Rashis #on#erned. 0andr* Budh and Sukr - gain of wealth and grains in different ways* freedom from diseases* enjoyments of many kinds. Surya - danger from
enemies* loss of wealth* distress to father* danger from wild and &iolent animals. Mangal - troubles from wind and bile* wounds* danger from fire and from wea)ons.
8uru - gains of wealth* grains*. and gems* de&otion towards deities and Brahmins* benefi#en#e of the king. Sani - loss of wealth* se)aration from kinsmen* mental
an+iety* danger from enemies* diseases. A4-4!. Dasha of Dhanu "ns. 'he following effe#ts will be deri&ed in the &arious "ntar Dashas of the Rashis* owned byY
Mangal - heart burn* fe&ers* #old* diseases of the mouth* many kinds of troubles. Sukr* Budh and 0andr - in#rease in wealth and )ro)erty and fortune* )rogress in
edu#ation* destru#tion of enemies* ha))iness from the king. Surya - loss of wife and wealth* $uarrels* danger from the king* tra&els to distant lands. 8uru - #harity*
self-mortifi#ations* honours from the king* in#rease in religious-mindedness* ha))iness from wife* gain of wealth. 4-44. Dasha of Makar "ns. 'he following effe#ts
will be e+)erien#ed in the &arious "ntar Dashas of the Rashis* owned byY Sani - wrath of Brahmins* deities and the king* loss of kinsmen* abandonment of the
homeland. Sukr* Budh* 0andr and 8uru - de&otion towards deities* self-mortifi#ation* honours from the go&ernment. Mangal - disease of the forehead* assaults on
hands and feet* danger from dysentery* blood )ollution and bilious troubles. Sani - loss of father and kinsmen* fe&ers* danger from the king and the enemies. 4<-4>.
Dasha of /umbh "ns. Y Sukr - many kinds of edu#ational attainments* gains of )ro)erty* ha))iness from wife and #hildren* sound health and in#rease in wealth.
Mangal - fe&ers* danger from fire and from enemies* distress from enemies and mental agony. Sani - danger of troubles from wind* bile and )hlegm* $uarrels*
foreign journey* danger of suffering from tuber#ulosis. 8uru - freedom from ill health* ha))iness* honours from the king and joy. Budh - ha))iness from wife*
#hildren and wealth* joy* in#rease in good fortune. <!-<<. Dasha of Meen "ns. Y 0andr - in#rease in wisdom and edu#ational attainments* ha))iness from wife*
freedom from disease* asso#iation with friends* joy and ha))iness. Surya - $uarrels with kinsmen* danger from thie&es* mental agony* loss of )osition. Budh and
Sukr - &i#tory in war* birth of a son* gains of land and #attle* in#rease in wealth. Mangal - bilious troubles* dissension with members of the family* danger from
enemies. 8uru - gain of wealth and grains* ha))iness from wife* honours from the king* name and fame. Sani - loss of wealth* mental agony* abandonment of the
homeland on a##ount of asso#iations with )rostitutes. <C-<=. Maharishi Parashar said to Maitreya. , BrahminX 'he effe#ts of "ntar Dashas in the /ala 0hakr*
whi#h ha&e been des#ribed abo&e* are based on Sa&ya 0hakr. 'he effe#ts of "ntar Dashas in the Dashas of the Rashis in the ")sa&ya 0hakr ha&e to be
assessed* after taking into a##ount the benefi# and malefi# natures of the 1ords of the Rashis. Peo)le ha&e to enjoy the good* or suffer the bad results* a##ording to
their good* or bad a#tions in the )re&ious births. @&erybody suffers* or enjoys a##ordingly. 'he )e#uliarity in this res)e#t is* that inaus)i#ious results ha&e been
as#ribed to malefi#s. But* if during the "ntar Dasha the 8rah #on#erned is a friend of the 1ord of the Dasha* the results of the "ntar Dasha will be fa&ourable. %f the
8rah #on#erned is a benefi#* but an enemy of the 1ord of the Dasha* his "ntar Dasha effe#ts will not )ro&e fa&ourable. 'his is how the "ntar Dasha effe#ts ha&e to
be analy7ed and #on#lusions arri&ed at.

0h. C<. @ffe#ts of Dashas of Rashis in the "nsas of the Various Rashis

-A. 'he following will be the effe#ts in the Dashas of Rashis in Mesh "ns. Mesh - distress from diseases* #aused by blood )ollution* Vrishabh - in#rease in grain
)rodu#tion* Mithun - dawn of knowledge -8yanodaya.* /ark - in#rease in wealth* Simh - danger from enemies* /anya - ha))iness from wife* 'ula - ministershi)*
Vris#hik - danger of death* Dhanu - gains of wealth. 4-<L. Y Vrishabh "ns. Makar - tenden#y to indulge in sinful a#tions* /umbh - )rofits in business* Meen -
su##ess in all &entures* Vris#hik - danger from fire* 'ula - honours from the king* /anya - danger from enemies* /ark - distress to wife* Simh - eye troubles* Mithun -
danger from )oison. C-=. Y Mithun "ns. Vrishabh - gains of wealth* Mesh - fe&er* Meen - affe#tionate relations with maternal un#le* /umbh - in#rease in enemies*
Makar - danger from thie&es* Dhanu - )rogress in edu#ation* Mesh - assaults from enemies* Vrishabh - $uarrels* Mithun - ha))iness. >-!L. Y /ark "ns. /ark -
enjoyments* Simh - danger from the king* /anya - ha))iness from kinsmen* 'ula - good re)utation* Vris#hik - distress from father* Dhanu - gain of knowledge and
wealth* Makar - disgra#e in )ubli#* /umbh - loss in business* Meen - tra&els to distant lands. -A. Y in Simh "ns. Vris#hik - $uarrels* distress* 'ula - gain of
wealth* ha))iness* /anya - in#rease in wealth and grains* /ark - danger from animals* Simh - both ha))iness and sorrows* Mithun - in#rease in enemies* Vrishabh
- gain of )ro)erty* ha))iness* Mesh - distress* Meen - long journey. 4-<L. Y /anya "ns. /umbh - gain of wealth* Makar - in#rease in wealth* Dhanu - ha))iness
from brothers* Mesh - ha))iness from mother* Vrishabh - ha))iness from sons* Mithun - danger from enemies* /ark - affe#tionate relation with wife* Simh -
in#rease in ill health* /anya - birth of a son. C-=. Y 'ula "ns. 'ula - gain of wealth* Vris#hik - ha))iness from brothers* Dhanu - ha))iness from brothers and
un#les* Makar - distress to mother* /umbh - )rofits in business* Meen - gain of )ro)erty* ha))iness* Vris#hik - distress to wife* 'ula - danger from water* /anya -
in#rease in )ro)erty and ha))iness. >-?!L. Y Vris#hik "ns. /ark - loss of wealth* Simh - danger from go&ernment* Mithun - gain of lands* Vrishabh - in#rease in
wealth* Mesh - distress on a##ount of blood )ollution* Meen - ha))iness* /umbh - )rofits in business* Makar - loss of wealth* Dhanu - gain of )ro)erty* ha))iness.
?-?A. Y Dhanu "ns. Mesh - gain of wealth* Vrishabh - gain of lands* Mithun - su##ess in all &entures* /ark - gain of )ro)erty* ha))iness* Simh - all #omforts*
/anya - $uarrels* 'ula - )rofits in business* Vris#hik - danger from diseases* Dhanu - ha))iness to sons. ?4-?<L. Y Makar "ns. Makar - birth of a son* /umbh -
in#rease in wealth* Meen - well-being* Vris#hik - danger from animals* 'ula - gain of wealth* /anya - danger from enemies* /ark - gain of wealth* Simh - danger
from enemies* Mithun - danger from )oison. ?C-?=. Y /umbh "ns. Vrishabh - in#rease in wealth* Mesh - eye troubles* Meen - tra&els to distant lands* /umbh -
in#rease in wealth* Makar - su##ess in all &entures* Dhanu - in#rease in knowledge and learning* Mesh - loss of ha))iness* Vrishabh - danger of death* Mithun -
gains of )ro)erty* ha))iness. ?>-A. Y Meen "ns. /ark - in#rease in wealth* Simh - assistan#e from the king* /anya - in#rease in wealth and grains* 'ula - )rofits
in business* Vris#hik - distress from fe&er* Dhanu - in#rease in knowledge and wealth* Makar - antagonism with wife* /umbh - danger from water* Meen - all kinds
of enjoyments. A?. 'here is no doubt* that obser&an#e of remedial measures in the form of )res#ribed Maharishi Hagyas destroys the e&il effe#ts of the inaus)i#ious
Dashas and yield ha))iness.

0h. CC. "shtakaVarg

-4. Maitreya said5 6, Venerable SageX Hou ha&e des#ribed many kinds of effe#ts* relating to the 8rahas and Bha&as* after in#or)orating the &iews of many sages
and "#haryas* but it is not )ossible to say with #ertainty* if a )arti#ular effe#t is $uite #orre#t* after #onsidering the #ontradi#tions in the effe#ts by the mo&ements of
the &arious 8rahas. "s be#ause of sinful deeds* #ommitted by )eo)le in /aliyuga* their minds ha&e be#ome blunt* be kind enough to des#ribe a method* whi#h
would enable e&en the shallow minded )ersons to as#ertain their ha))iness and sorrows and determine their longe&ity on the basis of the )ositions of the 8rahas
in transit.; <-C. 'he sage re)lied5 6, BrahminX Hou ha&e )ut a &ery intelligent $uestion. % will now des#ribe the Shastra for the benefit of all* the Shastra* in whi#h
there will be no #ontradi#tions in judging the effe#ts of ha))iness and sorrows and for determination of the longe&ity. Hou now listen to me #arefully. D-. %f the ?
Bha&as* in#luding 1agn* are o##u)ied by* or as)e#ted by benefi# 8rahas* they yield aus)i#ious results* a##ording to their #hara#teristi#s* but this ha))ens* where
the 8rahas #on#erned are in their e+altation Rashi* own Rashi* or )osited in a benefi# Bha&a. 'here will be no good effe#ts* if su#h 8rahas are in de)ression* or
)osited in an inaus)i#ious Bha&a. Similarly the Bha&as* asso#iated with* or as)e#ted by malefi#s in de)ression* or )osited in malefi# Bha&as* yield ad&erse results*
a##ording to their #hara#teristi#s. %f su#h 8rahas be in their e+altation Rashi* the effe#ts will not be ad&erse. 'his is how the general effe#ts ha&e been des#ribed by
the Dai&ajnas. % ha&e only re)eated those effe#ts. 'he main )ur)oses of this 3yotish Shastra are to determine the longe&ity and joys and sorrows of the )eo)le* but
be#ause the mo&ements of the 8rahas are so subtle* e&en sages* like Vashista and Brihas)ati* ha&e not been able to be $uite definite in this res)e#t. 'hen how
#an a #ommon man* )arti#ularly in /aliyuga* do so. ?. 'here are two di&isions* or )arts of the 3yotish Shastra* namely general and )arti#ular. % ha&e already dealt
with the general )art. % now #ome to the other )art* whi#h deals with this subje#t in )arti#ular. A-<. "s the effe#ts of the twel&e Bha&as are judged from 1agn and
0andr* effe#ts of the twel&e Bha&as and the &arious 8rahas are judged in the same manner. 'herefore the inaus)i#ious )la#es from the se&en 8rahas* named* as
/aran* beginning from Surya and 1agn -total =.* should be marked by dots -Bindus. and aus)i#ious )la#es* named* as Sthan* by small &erti#al lines -Rekhas. and
on the basis of their assessment should the judgment of the horos#o)e and )redi#tions be made.; Botes. 'he abo&e arrangement is known* as "shtakaVarg. 'he
meaning of "shtakaVarg is literally the grou) of eight things. %n other words it is the #ombination of the good and bad )ositions of a 8rah with referen#e to the
se&en 8rahas and 1agn. So it is the #ombination of the benefi# and malefi# marks -the Rekhas and the Bindus. in a )lanet(s #hart with referen#e to the )osition of
the eight 8rahas -here 1agn is to be treated* as a 8rah.. C. Ei&e 8rahas in st* ?nd* =th* Ard and the ?th Bha&as from Surya are /aran)rad -dot signifi#ators..
Similarly four 8rahas in the Dth and 4th* three 8rahas in the Cth and >th* si+ 8rahas in the <th* ? 8rahas in the !th and one 8rah in the th are dot signifi#ators.
D->. 'hus 1agn* 0andr* 8uru* Sukr and Budh in the st* ?nd and =th from SuryaJ Surya* Mangal* Sani* 0andr and 8uru in the ?thJ Budh* 0andr* Sukr* 8uru in
the 4thJ 1agn* 0andr* Sukr in the >thJ Surya* Sani and Mangal in the CthJ 1agn* Budh* 8uru and 0andr in the DthJ Sukr in the thJ Surya* Sani* Sukr* 8uru and
Mangal in the ArdJ 8uru and Sukr in the !thJ Surya* Sani* 0andr* 1agn Mangal and Sukr in the <th are /aran)rad* or dot indi#ators. ?!-??. %n 0andr(s "shtakaVarg
C 8rahas in the >th and the ?nd* < 8rahas in the 4th* =th and the st* one 8rah in the !th and the Ard* 4 8rahas in the <th* A 8rahas in the Cth and the Dth and
st* eight in the ?th are /aran)rad. 'hus 1agn* Surya* Mangal* Sani and Sukr* these fi&e in the stJ 1agn* Budh* Surya* 0andr* Sani and Sukr* these C in the ?ndJ
8uru in the ArdJ Surya* Sani* 0andr* 1agn and Mangal* these < in the 4thJ Sukr* Budh* 8uru* these A in the CthJ Mangal* 1agn and Sani* these A in the DthJ Mangal*
1agn* Sani* Sukr and 0andr* these fi&e in the =thJ 1agn* Surya* Mangal* Sani* Budh and 8uru* these C in the >thJ Sani only in the !thJ none in the thJ all the
eight in the ?th from their own )la#es are /aran)rad. 'hese 8rahas in the other Bha&as are Rekha)rad -line signifi#ators.. ?A-?D. %n the "shtakaVarg of Mangal C
8rahas in the ?th* 4th and Dth* < 8rahas in the <th* C 8rahas in the ?nd* D 8rahas in the >th* < 8rahas in the st and =th* 4 8rahas in the Ard* A 8rahas in the
!th and ? 8rahas in the Cth are /aran)rad. %n the th no 8rah is /aran)rad. %n other words all the 8rahas in the th from their own )la#es are Rekha)rad. 'hus
Surya* 0andr* Budh* 8uru and Sukr* these fi&e in the stJ 1agn* Surya* 0andr* Budh* 8uru and Sani* these C in the ?ndJ Sukr* Mangal* 8uru and Sani* these 4 in
the ArdJ Surya* 0andr* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and 1agn* these C in the 4thJ 0andr* Mangal* 8uru* Sukr and 1agn* these < in the <thJ Mangal and Sani* these ? in the CthJ
Budh* 0andr* Surya* Sukr* 8uru and 1agn* these C in the DthJ Budh* 0andr* Surya* 1agn and 8uru* these fi&e in the =thJ Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr
and 1agn* these D in the >thJ Sukr* 0andr and Budh* these A in the !thJ none in the thJ Surya* Sani* Budh* 0andr* 1agn and Mangal* these C in the ?th from
their own )la#es are /aran)rad. ?=-A!. %n the "shtakaVarg of Budh A 8rahas in the st* ?nd* 4th* !th* Cth and >th* ? 8rahas in the =th* C 8rahas in the Ard and
the Dth* none in the th* < 8rahas in the <th and ?th are /aran)rad. 'hus Surya* 0andr and 8uru* these A in the stJ 8uru* Surya and Budh* these A in the ?ndJ
1agn* Surya* Mangal* Sani* 0andr and 8uru* these C in the ArdJ Budh* Surya and 8uru* these A in the 4thJ 8uru* Mangal* 0andr* Sani and 1agn* these < in the <thJ
Sukr* Sani and Mangal* these A in the CthJ Budh* 0andr* 1agn* Surya* Sukr and 8uru* these C in the DthJ Budh and Surya* these ? in the =thJ 8uru* 0andr and
1agn* these A in the >thJ Surya* 8uru and Sukr* these A in the !thJ none in the thJ 1agn* 0andr* Mangal* Sani and Sukr these < in the ?th from their own )la#es
are /aran)rad. A-A4. %n the "shtakaVarg of 8uru one 8rah in the ?nd and th* ? 8rahas in the !th* D 8rahas in the ?th* 4 8rahas in the Cth* < 8rahas in the
=th and Ard* A 8rahas in the remaining Bha&as are /aran)rad. 'hus Sukr* 0andr and Sani* these A in the stJ Sani in the ?nd and thJ 1agn* Mangal* 0andr* Budh
and Sukr* these < in the ArdJ Surya* 8uru and Mangal* these A in the <thJ Sukr* Sani and 0andr* these A in the 4thJ Budh* Sukr and Sani* these A in the DthJ 8uru*
Mangal* Surya and 0andr* these 4 in the CthJ all e+#e)t Sani* these D in the ?thJ 0andr and Sani* these ? in the !thJ Sani* Mangal and 8uru* these A in the >thJ
1agn* Sani* Sukr* 0andr and Budh* these < in the =th from their own )la#es are /aran)rad. A<-A=. %n the "shtakaVarg of Sukr ? 8rahas in the <th* =th and Ard* <
8rahas in the st* ?nd* ?th* !th* = 8rahas in the Dth* C 8rahas in the Cth* one in the >th* A in the 4th* none in the th are /aran)radas. 'hus Surya* Mangal*
Budh* 8uru and Sani* these < in the st and the ?ndJ all the = 8rahas in the DthJ 8uru and Surya* these ? in the ArdJ Surya and Mangal* these ? in the <thJ Surya in
>thJ Surya* Budh and 8uru* these A in the 4thJ Mangal and Budh* these ? in the =thJ Sukr* Surya* 0andr* Sani* 1agn and 8uru* these C in the CthJ none in the thJ
1agn* Sani* Budh* Sukr and 8uru* these < in the ?thJ 1agn* Mangal* Budh* 0andr* Surya* these < in the !th from their own )la#es are /aran)radas. A>-4?. %n the
"shtakaVarg of Sani D 8rahas in the ?nd* Dth* >th* C 8rahas in the =th* 1agn and 4th* 4 8rahas in the !th* Ard and ?th* one 8rah in the Cth* < 8rahas in the <th*
none in the th are /aran)radas. 'hus 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani* these C in the 4th and the stJ 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* Sani and
1agn* these D in the ?nd and the DthJ Surya* 0andr* Mangal* 8uru* Sukr* Sani and 1agn* these D in the >thJ 0andr* 8uru* Sukr and Sani* these 4 in the !thJ 8uru*
Surya* Budh and Sukr* these 4 in the ArdJ Surya in the CthJ 1agn* 0andr* Sani* Surya* these 4 in the ?thJ Sukr* Surya* 0andr* Budh and 1agn* these < in the <thJ
0andr* Mangal* 8uru* Sukr* Sani and 1agn* these C in the =thJ none in the th from their own )la#es are /aran)radas. 'he remaining )la#es are Rekha)radas
and are aus)i#ious. 4A-4<. 'he sage said. Bow % will des#ribe the aus)i#ious Bha&as for the benefit of the "#haryas. %n the "shtakaVarg of Surya5 Sani* Mangal
and Surya in the ?nd* =th and stJ 8uru and Budh in the <thJ Budh* 0andr and 1agn in the ArdJ 1agn* Surya* Sani and Mangal in the 4thJ 1agn* Surya* Sani*
Mangal* Budh and 0andr in the !thJ Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sani and 1agn in the thJ 1agn* Sukr and Budh in the ?thJ 1agn* Sukr* Budh* 8uru and
0andr in the CthJ Surya* Mangal* Sani and Sukr in the DthJ Surya* Mangal* Sani* Budh and 8uru in the >th from their own )la#es are Rekha)radas. 4C-4=. %n the
"shtakaVarg of 0andr5 Budh* 0andr and 8uru in the stJ 8uru and Mangal in the ?ndJ Budh* Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Sani* Sukr and 1agn in the ArdJ 8uru* Sukr and
Budh in the 4thJ Mangal* Budh* Sukr and Sani in the <thJ Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Sani and 1agn in the CthJ Surya* 0andr* 8uru* Budh and Sukr in the DthJ Surya*
Budh and 8uru in the =thJ Sukr and 0andr in the >thJ Surya* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* 0andr* 1agn and Mangal in the !th and all the = 8rahas in the th from their own
)la#es are Rekha)radas. Bo 8rah is Rekha)rad in the ?th. 4>-<!. %n the "shtakaVarg of Mangal5 1agn* Sani and Mangal in the stJ Mangal in the ?ndJ 1agn*
Budh* 0andr and Surya in the ArdJ Sani and Mangal in the 4thJ Budh and Surya in the <thJ Budh* 0andr* 8uru* Surya* 1agn and Sukr in the CthJ Sani and Mangal in
the DthJ Sani* Mangal and Sukr in the =thJ Sani in the >thJ Mangal* Surya* 8uru* Sani and 1agn in !thJ all in the th and 8uru and Sukr in the ?th from their own
)la#es are Rekha)radas. <-<?. %n the "shtakaVarg of Budh5 1agn* Sani* Mangal* Sukr and Budh in the stJ 1agn* Mangal* 0andr* Sukr and Sani in the ?ndJ Sukr
and Budh in the ArdJ 1agn* 0andr* Sani* Sukr and Mangal in the 4thJ Budh* Sani and Sukr in the <thJ 8uru* Budh* Surya* 0andr and 1agn in the CthJ Mangal and
Sani in the DthJ Mangal* Sani* 1agn* 0andr* Sukr and 8uru in the =thJ Sani* Mangal* Surya* Budh and Sukr in the >thJ 1agn* Sani* Mangal* Budh and 0andr in the
!thJ all in the th and 8uru* Budh and Surya in the ?th from their own )la#es are Rekha)radas. <A-<<. %n the "shtakaVarg of 8uru5 1agn* Mangal* Surya and
Budh in the st and 4thJ 8uru* 1agn* Mangal* Surya* Budh* 0andr and Sukr in the ?ndJ Sani* 8uru and Surya in the ArdJ Sukr* 0andr* 1agn* Budh and Sani in the
<thJ Sukr* 1agn* Budh and Sani in the CthJ 1agn* Mangal* 8uru* Surya and 0andr in the DthJ 8uru* Surya and Mangal in the =thJ Sukr* Surya* 1agn* 0andr and
Budh in the >thJ 8uru* Budh* Mangal* Surya* Sukr and 1agn in the !thJ all e+#e)t Sani in the th and Sani in the ?th from their own )la#es are Rekha)radas. <C-
<=. %n the "shtakaVarg of Sukr5 1agn* Sukr and 0andr in the stJ 1agn* Sukr and 0andr in the ?ndJ 1agn* Sukr* 0andr* Budh* Sani and Mangal in the ArdJ 1agn*
Sukr* 0andr* Sani and Mangal in the 4thJ 1agn* Budh* 0andr* 8uru* Sani and Sukr in the <thJ Budh and Mangal in the CthJ none in the DthJ Sukr* Surya* 0andr*
8uru* 1agn and Sani in the =thJ all e+#e)t Surya in the >thJ Sukr* 8uru and Sani in the !thJ all in the thJ Mangal* 0andr and Surya in the ?th from their own
)la#es are Rekha)radas. <>-C!. %n the "shtakaVarg of Sani5 Surya and 1agn in the stJ Surya in the ?ndJ 1agn* 0andr* Mangal and Sani in the ArdJ 1agn and Surya
in the 4thJ 8uru* Sani and Mangal in the <thJ all e+#e)t Surya in the CthJ Surya in the DthJ Surya and Budh in the =thJ Budh in the >thJ Surya* Mangal* 1agn and
Budh in the !thJ all in the thJ Mangal* Budh* 8uru and Sukr in the ?th from their own )la#es are Rekha)radas. C-C4. %n the "shtakaVarg of 1agn A 8rahas in
the st and 4th* ? 8rahas in the Ard* < 8rahas in the ?nd* C 8rahas in the <th* =th* >th and ?th* one 8rah in the !th* th and Cth and all e+#e)t 8uru in the Dth
are /aran)radas. 'hus 1agn* Surya and 0andr in the stJ 1agn* Mangal* 0andr* Surya and Sani in the ?ndJ 8uru and Budh in the ArdJ 1agn* 0andr* Mangal* Budh*
Sani and Surya in the <thJ 1agn* 0andr and Mangal in the 4thJ Sukr in the CthJ all e+#e)t 8uru in the DthJ 1agn* Surya* 0andr* Mangal* 8uru and Sani in the =thJ
1agn* Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh and Sani in the >thJ Sukr in the !th and thJ 1agn* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani in the ?th from their own )la#es are
/aran)radas. C<-C=. %n the "shtakaVarg of 1agn5 Sani* Budh* Sukr* 8uru and Mangal in the stJ Budh* 8uru and Sukr in the ?ndJ 1agn* Surya* 0andr* Mangal*
Sukr and Sani in ArdJ Surya* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani in the 4thJ 8uru and Sukr in the <thJ all e+#e)t Sukr in the CthJ 8uru in the DthJ Budh and Sukr in the =thJ
8uru and Sukr in the >thJ all e+#e)t Sukr in the !thJ all e+#e)t Sukr in the th and Surya and 0andr in the ?th from their own )la#es are Rekha)radas. C>. %n the
#harts of "shtakaVarg /aran is signified by a Bindu* or dot -!. and Sthan by a Rekha)radas* or line -.. /aran is inaus)i#ious* while Sthan is aus)i#ious. D!-D?. 'o
identify the aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious Bha&as in the "shtakaVarg a #hart should be )re)ared with 4 hori7ontal lines and ten &erti#al lines. 'he form of the #hart
so )re)ared will #onsist of D a)artments. %n this #hart in the first line in#or)orates the names of the se&en 8rahas and 1agn. %n the first #olumn write the numbers
of all the ? Bha&as. "fter this mark dots under the 8rah and against the /aran)rad Bha&as. By doing so the /aran)rad Bha&as of all the = 8rahas* in#luding 1agn*
will be#ome known #learly and whene&er the "shtakaVarg 8rah will )ass in transit the dot-marked Bha&as* he will yield unfa&ourable results. %n his transit to other
Bha&as he would gi&e fa&ourable effe#ts.'he following table shows the dots in the "shtakaVarg of Surya.

0h. CD. 'rikon Shodhana in the "shtakaVarg

-?. 'he sage said. , BrahminX "fter )re)aring the "shtakaVarg of all the 8rahas* in#luding 1agn* 'rikon Shodhana has to be done for ea#h Rashi. " 'rikon is
made of three Rashis e$uidistant from ea#h other. 'hus Mesh* Simh and Dhanu* Vrishabh* /anya and Makar* Mithun* 'ul and /umbh* /ark* Vris#hik and Meen
form the 'rikonas of the Rashis. A-<. 'he 'rikon Shodhana -re#tifi#ation. should be done by writing the Rekhas in the "shtakaVargas of Surya et#. under the
Rashis Mesh et#. "mongst the 'rikon Rashis the Rashi* whi#h has lesser number of Rekhas* should be allotted Rekhas* arri&ed at by dedu#ting its number of
Rekhas from the greater number of Rekhas of the three 'rikon Rashis. Bo 'rikon Shodhana is ne#essary* if any of the 'rikon Rashis has no Rekha. Shodhana
should be done* if all the three of them ha&e e$ual number of Rekhas* that is a 7ero should be written against all of them. 'hereafter @kadhi)atya Shodhana should
be done in the same manner* des#ribed later. -Eor Shodhana of the "shtakaVarg of a 8rah the first thing to be done is to see* in whi#h Rashi the 8rah is )osited.
Beginning from that Rashi* the names of the ? Rashis should be written and then the names of the 8rahas* )osited in them* should be mentioned against them.
'hereafter the Rekhas* gained by that Rashi* should be written below them and the number* a#hie&ed after Shodhana* below it.

0h. C=. @kadhi)atya Shodhana in the "shtakaVarg

-<. @kadhi)atya Shodhana is done after writing the numbers for Rashis* arri&ed at by 'rikon Shodhana. @kadhi)atya Shodhana is done* if both the two Rashis*
owned by a 8rah* ha&e gained a number after 'rikon Shodhana. @kadhi)atya Shodhana is not to be done* if one Rashi has got a number and the other is bereft of
any number. 'he following are the rules for @kadhi)atya Shodhana. %f both the Rashis are without a 8rah and the 'rikon Shodhana numbers are different* both
should be gi&en the smaller number. %f both the Rashis are with 8rahas* no Shodhana is to be done. %f amongst the two Rashis one is with a 8rah and a smaller
'rikon re#tified number and the other is without 8rah with a bigger number* dedu#t the smaller number from the bigger number and the number of the Rashi with
8rah should be ke)t un#hanged. %f the Rashi with the 8rah has a bigger number than that of the Rashi without 8rah* the Shodhana should be done of the number
of the Rashi without 8rah and the number of the Rashi with 8rah should be ke)t un#hanged. %f both the Rashis are without 8rahas and )ossess the same
numbers* Shodhana of both the numbers should be done and the re#tified numbers should be redu#ed to 7ero. %f one Rashi is with 8rah and the other is without
any 8rah* the number of the latter should be redu#ed to 7ero. Surya and 0andr own one Rashi only* their numbers should be ke)t un#hanged. C. "fter doing
@kadhi)atya Shodhana* Pinda Sadhana should be taken in hand.

0h. C>. Pinda Sadhana in the "shtakaVarg

-4. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX "fter #om)leting the 'rikon and @kadhi)atya Shodhana in the "shtakaVargas of all the 8rahas* the re#tified number should be
multi)lied by the measure of the Rashi. %f there be any 8rah in any Rashi* the re#tified number should be multi)lied by the measure of the 8rah also. 'hen* after
multi)lying the re#tified number of ea#h Rashi* the )rodu#ts should be added u). 'he total so arri&ed at will be Pinda of that 8rah. 'he multi)les of Rashis are !
for Vrishabh and Simh* = for Mithun and Vris#hik* D for Mesh and 'ul* C for Makar and /anya. 'he multi)liers of the remaining Rashis are the same* as their
numbers. -Rashiman 0hakr. Mesh D* Vris !* Mith =* /ark 4* Simh !* /any C* 'ula D* Vrsk =* Dhan >* Maka <* /umb * Mina ?. 'he multi)liers of 8rahas are !
for 8uru* A for Mangal* D for Sukr* C for Budh* Surya* 0andr and Sani. -8rahman 0hakr. Surya <* 0andr <* Mangal =* Budh <* 8uru !* Sukr D* Sani <.

0h. D!. @ffe#ts of the "shtakaVarg

-C. 'he matters to be #onsidered from Surya and other 8rahas are* as follows. Surya - the soul -"tma.* nature* )hysi#al strength* joys and sorrows and father.
0andr - mind* wisdom* joy and mother. Mangal - #o-borns* strength* $ualities and land. Budh - business dealings* li&elihood and friends. 8uru - nourishment of the
body* learning* son -#hildren.* wealth and )ro)erty. Sukr - marriage* enjoyments* #on&eyan#e* )rostitution and se+ual inter#ourse with women. Sani - longe&ity*
sour#e of maintenan#e* grief* danger* losses and death. 'he following )ro#edure should be ado)ted to as#ertain the effe#ts of a house. Multi)ly the number of
Rekhas with the Hog Pinda -Rashi Pinda )lus 8rah Pinda.* #onne#ted with the "shtakaVarg of that 8rah and di&ide the )rodu#t by ?D. 'he remainder will denote
the number of the Bakshatr. During the transit of Sani in that Bakshatr the Bha&a #on#erned will be harmed. D->. 'he >th house from Surya at the time of birth
deals with father. 'he Rekhas of that Rashi* as marked in Surya(s "shtakaVarg* should be multi)lied by the Hog Pinda and the )rodu#t be di&ided by ?D. 'he
remainder will denote the number of Bakshatr. 'he father will be in distress* or he will otherwise suffer* when Sani in transit )asses through the Bakshatr. @&en*
when Sani )asses in transit the 'rikon Bakshatras* father* or relati&es* like father* may die* or suffer. Botes. By di&iding the ?D Bakshatras in three e$ual )arts* the
st* !th and >th fall in 'rikon from ea#h other. Surya is Pitra/arak -signifi#ator of father.. 'herefore all about father is as#ertained from the Surya(s "shtakaVarg.
!-. %f the "shtakaVarg Rekha number is multi)lied by the Hog Pinda and the )rodu#t is di&ided by ?* the remainder will denote the Rashi* through whi#h* or
through the Rashis in 'rikon to it* the transit of Sani will #ause harm* or unfa&ourable effe#ts to father. Death of the father may o##ur* if the Dasa )re&ailing at that
time be unfa&ourable. %f the Dasa be fa&ourable* father will fa#e only ad&erse effe#ts. -?-< "rishta to Eather. ?-4. 'he death of the father may be e+)e#ted* if
Rahu* Sani* or Mangal are in the 4th from Surya at the time of transit of Sani through any of the abo&e three Rashis -'rikon Rashis.. 'he death of the father will
#ome to )ass by su#h transit* if at that time Sani* asso#iated* or as)e#ted by a malefi#* be in the >th from 1agn* or 0andr andGor the Dasa of the 1ord of the 4th
from 1agn be in o)eration. 'he death does not take )la#e* if a fa&ourable Dasa be in for#e at the time of Sani(s transit. 'his should be ke)t in mind by the 3yotishis*
while making )redi#tions. <. %f the Rashi of 1agn of the nati&e be the =th Rashi from 1agn of the father* or* if the 1ord of the =th from father(s 1agn be in 1agn of
the nati&e* he takes o&er all the res)onsibilities of his father after the latter(s death. C-=. 'he father enjoys ha))iness in the Dasa of the 1ord of the 4th from 1agn.
'he nati&e is obedient to his father* if the 1ord of the 4th be in 1agn* or the th* or in the th* or !th from 0andr. %f the birth be in the Ard Rashi from 1agn* or
0andr of the father* the nati&e makes )ro)er use of the wealth* inherited from his father. %f the birth be in the !th Rashi from 1agn* or 0andr of the father* the
nati&e will inherit all the good $ualities of his father. %f the 1ord of the !th be in 1agn* the nati&e will be more distinguished than his father. >-?!. Bo aus)i#ious
fun#tions* like marriage et#.* should be )erformed in the month of Rashis -that is* when Surya transits that Rashi.* whi#h has more number of dots in Surya(s
"shtakaVarg. 'he same a))lies to the Sam&atsar of that Rashi -that is* when the mean 8uru transits that Rashi.. "us)i#ious fun#tions should be )erformed* when
Surya* or the mean 8uru transits the Rashi* whi#h has more Rekhas in Surya(s "shtakaVarg. ?-?A. %n the same manner no aus)i#ious fun#tions should be
)erformed during the transit of 0andr in the Rashi* whi#h has larger number of dots in 0andr(s "shtakaVarg. 0onsideration* regarding mother* house and &illage*
should be done from the 4th Bha&a from 0andr. 'herefore multi)ly the number of Rekhas in the "shtakaVarg of 0andr by the Hog Pinda of that "shtakaVarg and
di&ide the )rodu#t by ?D. 'he death of* or distress to mother may be e+)e#ted* when Sani )asses in transit through the Bakshatr* denoted by the remainder. 'hen
di&ide the )rodu#t by ?. 'he death of the mother may o##ur* when Sani transits the Rashi* denoted by the remainder. Distress to mother may be )redi#ted* when
Sani transits the Bakshatras* or Rashis in 'rikon to Bakshatr and Rashi* indi#ated abo&e. ?4-?D. 0onsideration of brothers -#o-borns.* &alour and )atien#e is done
from Mangal(s "shtakaVarg. %f the number of Rekha is larger in any Rashi after 'rikon Shodhana* there will be gains of land* ha))iness from wife and great
ha))iness to brother* when Mangal )asses through that Rashi in transit. %f Mangal be weak* the brothers will be short li&ed. 'here will be distress to brothers* when
Mangal transits a Rashi without Rekhas. Here also the Hog Pinda of Mangal should be multi)lied by the number of Rekhas in the "shtakaVarg and the )rodu#t be
di&ided se)arately by ?D and ?. 'he remainders will denote the Bakshatr and Rashi. 'he brother will suffer* whene&er Sani transits that Bakshatr* or Rashi -or the
'rikon Bakshatras* or Rashis.. ?=-?>. 0onsideration in regard to family* maternal un#le and friends should be done from the 4th Bha&a from Budh. 'he family et#.
will enjoy ha))iness during the transit of Budh(s "shtakaVarg. "fter )erforming 'rikon and @kadhi)atya Shodhana in Budh(s "shtakaVarg* the ha))iness* or
distress of the family should be )redi#ted from the transit of Sani through the resultant Bakshatr and Rashi -and those in 'rikon to them.. A!-AA. "ll about
knowledge* religious in#linations of the nati&e and son -)rogeny. is to be as#ertained from the <th Bha&a from 8uru. %f the Rekhas in the <th Bha&a from 8uru are
larger in number in the "shtakaVarg* there will be great ha))iness in res)e#t of )rogeny. %f the dots are larger in number* the ha))iness in res)e#t of )rogeny will
be meagre. 'he number of #hildren are e$ual to the number of Rekhas in the <th Bha&a -from 8uru.* )ro&ided it is not the Rashi of debilitation of 8uru* or his
enemy(s Rashi. %n that #ase the number of #hildren will be &ery limited. 'he number of #hildren is also e$ual to the number of Ba&ams* in whi#h the 1ord of the <th
from 8uru is )osited. Multi)ly the Hog Pinda of 8uru by the number of Rekhas in the "shtakaVarg and di&ide the )rodu#t se)arately by ?D and ?. 'he remainders
will denote the Bakshatr and Rashi. 'ransit of Sani through that Bakshatr and its 'rikon Bakshatras and of that Rashi and its 'rikon Rashis will be inaus)itious.
During that )eriod the knowledge* learning and religious a#ti&ities of the nati&e will also be ad&ersely affe#ted. A4-AC. 'here will be gain of wealth* land and
ha))iness and marriage* whene&er Sukr )asses in transit through the Rashis* whi#h ha&e larger number of Rekhas in the "shtakaVarg of Sukr. 'hese gains will be
from the dire#tions of the Dth Rashi from Sukr and of its 'rikon Rashis. 'he effe#ts should be judged in the manner* already e+)lained earlier* after multi)lying the
Rekhas in the Dth Bha&a from Sukr by the Hog Pinda. AD-4!. 'he =th Bha&a from Sani signifies death* as well as longe&ity. "ssessment about longe&ity should be
made from that Bha&a through the "shtakaVarg. 'herefore )redi#t distress to the nati&e in the year* e$ual to the number of Rekhas in the "shtakaVarg from 1agn
u) to Sani. 'he year* e$ual to the number of Rekhas from Sani u) to 1agn* will also be of distress. %f in the year* e$ual to the total of the abo&e Rekhas* "rishta
Dasa be also in o)eration* there #an be )ossibility of death of the nati&e. 4-4?. Multi)ly the Hog Pinda by the number of Rekhas in the "shtakaVarg and di&ide the
)rodu#t by ?D. 'he death of the nati&e will take )la#e* when Sani )asses in transit through the Bakshatr* denoted by the remainder* or its 'rikon Bakshatras. "gain*
di&ide the )rodu#t by ?. 'he nati&e will fa#e danger of death* when Sani )asses in transit through the Rashi* denoted by the remainder* or through its 'rikon
Rashis. 4A-44. 'he results will be fa&ourable* when Sani )asses in transit through Rashis* whi#h ha&e larger number of Rekhas in Sani(s "shtakaVarg. Sani(s
transit through Rashis* whi#h ha&e larger number of dots* will )rodu#e only e&il effe#ts.

0h. D. Determination of 1onge&ity through the "shtakaVarg

-4. 'he sage said. % will now des#ribe the method of determining longe&ity from the "shtakaVarg. Eor this )ur)ose the "shtakaVargas of 1agn and all the 8rahas
ha&e to be studied. 'he Rekhas in all the Rashis ha&e been allotted s)e#ifi# s)ans of life. 'he Rashi* whi#h has no Rekhas* has been allotted ? days* that with one
Rekha gets lL days* one day for Rashi with ? Rekhas* half day for Rashi with A Rekhas* DL days for Rashi with 4 Rekhas* ? years for Rashi with < Rekhas* 4 years
for Rashi with C Rekhas* C years for Rashi with D Rekhas and = years for Rashi with = Rekhas. %n this manner the s)ans of life should be worked from Rekhas in all
the "shtakaVargas. Half of the sum total of all will be the longe&ity* based on "shtakaVarg.

0h. D?. "ggregational "shtakaVargas

-?. 'he sage said. , BrahminX :rite down a Rashi /undali with ? Bha&as* in#luding 1agn. 'hen insert the total of the Rekhas in all the "shtakaVargas of the
8rahas in the Rashi #on#erned. 'he "shtakaVarg with su#h Rekhas is #alled the Samuday "shtakaVarg* or the aggregational "shtakaVarg. Erom this should be
judged good and ad&erse effe#ts of the Rashi /undali. A-<. %n the aggregational "shtakaVarg the Rashi* whi#h has more than A! Rekhas* gi&es fa&ourable effe#ts*
that* ha&ing between ?< and A! Rekhas* )rodu#es medium effe#ts and that Rashi* who has less than ?< Rekhas* yields ad&erse effe#ts. "us)i#ious fun#tions* like
marriage et#.* should be )erformed* when the 8rah* on whose basis the time and date of fun#tions are )erformed* mo&es into the Rashi with fa&ourable effe#ts.
'he Rashi* whi#h is )rodu#ti&e of ad&erse effe#ts should be a&oided for these )ur)oses. Eor e+am)le* the strength of 0andr -0andraBal. is generally a##e)table for
all aus)i#ious fun#tions. 'herefore aus)i#ious fun#tions should be )erformed* or started* when 0andr is in the Rashi with ma+imum number of Rekhas. 'he 8rah in
the Rashi with fa&ourable number of Rekhas )rodu#es aus)i#ious effe#ts and the 8rah in the Rashi with unfa&ourable number of Rekhas yields e&il results. C-CL.
"mongst the ? Bha&as more than A! Rekhas ad&an#e the effe#ts of a Bha&a* between ?< and A! Rekhas )rodu#e medium effe#ts and the effe#ts of the Bha&a*
whi#h #ontains less than ?< Rekhas* get damaged. Botes. Erom the abo&e rules it #an be inter)reted* that* if there are less than ?< Rekhas in Cth* =th and ?th
Bha&a* their effe#ts be#ome fa&ourable. 'he effe#ts will be#ome ad&erse* if these Bha&as #ontain more than ?< Rekhas. D-=. %f in a Rashi /undali there are larger
number of Rekhas in the th than those in !th and there are smaller number of Rekhas in the ?th than those in the th and 1agn #ontains largest number of
Rekhas* the nati&e will be wealthy and will enjoy all kinds of #omforts and lu+ury. >-!. Di&ide the ? Bha&as in A se#tions. 'here will be sufferings and distress in
that )art of the life* whi#h is re)resented by the se#tion of the Rashi /undali with more malefi#s. 'here will be ha))iness et#.* in the )art of the life* re)resented by
the se#tion of the Rashi /undali* #ontaining more benefi#s. 'here will be mi+ed results in that area of life* when the relati&e se#tion of the Rashi /undali has e$ual
number of benefi#s and malefi#s. 'he Bha&as from 1agn u) to the 4th signify #hildhood* those from <th to =th youth and those from the >th to ?th re)resent old
age. -?=. 'here will be danger of death in the month of the Rashi -)eriod of Surya(s transit in that Rashi.* whi#h has D* or less than D Rekhas in the Samudaya
"shtakaVarg. 'o ward off this e&il effe#t ?! 'olas of gold and ? hea)s of sesame seeds* resembling the sha)e of a mountain* should be gi&en in #harity. Y
)ossibility of death Y* Y =. 'uladan of #am)hor is re#ommended to obtain relief from this e&il effe#t. Y danger of snakes Y* Y >. " #hariot with D horses should
be gi&en in #harity Y. Y danger from wea)ons Y* whi#h #ontains ! Y. "n armour together with Vajra should be gi&en in #harity to ward off Y. Y danger of
disgra#e for no #ause Y* Y . "n idol of the moon* made of ! 'olas of gold* should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y danger of death from drowning Y* Y ?. 1and full
of #ro)s should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y danger of death from wild and &iolent animals Y* in whi#h there are A Y. " Shaligram Shila should be gi&en in #harity Y.
Y danger of death Y* Y 4. " Varah Murti* made of gold* should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y danger of the wrath of the king Y* Y <. "n ele)hant should be gi&en
in #harity Y. Y danger of "rishta -#alamity* disaster* or misfortune. Y* Y C. " /al)a Vriksha* made of gold* should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y danger from
diseases Y* that has D Y. " #ow and jaggery should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y danger of #onfli#t Y* Y =. " #ow* jewels* land and gold should be gi&en in #harity
Y. Y )ossibility of banishment from the homeland Y* whi#h has > Y. Eamily deity should be worshi))ed Y. Y loss of intelligen#e Y* Y ?!. 8oddess Saraswati
should be worshi))ed Y. Y distress from diseases Y* that has ? Y. " hea) of grains* sha)ed* like a mountain* should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y distress to
kinsmen Y* Y ??. 8old should be gi&en in #harity Y. 'he nati&e will be in distress Y* Y ?A. "n idol of the sun* made of D 'olas of gold* should be gi&en in #harity
Y. Y death of the kinsmen Y* Y ?4. ! #ows should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y loss of wisdom Y* Y ?<. 8oddess Saraswati should be worshi))ed Y. Y loss of
wealth Y* Y ?C. 8old should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y loss of wealth Y* Y ?D. Sri Sukta 3a)a should be )erformed Y. Y losses in se&eral ways Y* Y ?=.
Ha&ana of Surya should be )erformed Y. Y an+ieties all-round Y* Y ?>. 8hi* #lothes and gold should be gi&en in #harity Y. Y gains of wealth and grains et#. Y*
Y A!. ?>. 'here will be all-round in#rease in wealth* ha))iness in res)e#t of #hildren and enjoyments in the Sam&atsar* month and Bakshatr of the Rashi* whi#h
has more than A! Rekhas. Y in#rease in wealth* )ro)erty* #hildren and good re)utation* if the Rashi has more than 4! Rekhas. A!-A. 'he Rashi* whi#h is
aus)i#ious in "shtakaVarg Samudaya* is #onsidered aus)i#ious for all aus)i#ious fun#tions. 0onse$uently the aus)i#iousness of "shtakaVarg should be got
#he#ked before )erforming any fun#tion* like marriage et#. %f a Rashi is not aus)i#ious in "shtakaVarg* then its aus)i#iousness should be #he#ked from transit
effe#ts. %t is not ne#essary to #he#k transit effe#ts* if a Rashi is aus)i#ious in "shtakaVarg. 'hus the aus)i#iousness of the Rashi in the "shtakaVarg should be
#onsidered* as )aramount.

0h. DA. @ffe#ts of the Rays of the 8rahas

-?. 'he sage said. , BrahminX Bow % am going to tell you about the number of rays of the 8rahas. :hen Surya et#. are in their dee) e+altation )oint* their rays
are5 Surya !* 0andr >* Mangal <* Budh <* 8uru D* Sukr = and Sani <. 'he rays are nil* when these 8rahas are in dee) debilitation* the number of rays would be
)ro)ortionate with the number of Rashi. 'he following method is to be ado)ted for as#ertaining the )ro)ortionate number of rays. Dedu#t the debilitation Rashi et#.
of the 8rah* whose rays are to be as#ertained* from his longitude. %f the remainder is less than C Rashis it should be multi)lied by the number of rays of that 8rah*
mentioned abo&e and the )rodu#t should be di&ided by C. 'he result will denote the number of rays of that 8rah. %n #ase after dedu#tion the remainder is more than
C Rashis* then it should be dedu#ted from ?. 'he other )ro#edure will remain the same. A-D. 'he Sage said. , MaitreyaX ,ther "#haryas ha&e re#ommended
further #orre#tion of the number of rays* worked out in the manner des#ribed abo&e. 'he #orre#tions ha&e to be made* as follows. %f the 8rah be in his e+altation
Rashi* the number of rays as#ertained should be trebled. Y Mooltrikon* Y doubled. Y own Rashi* Y multi)lied by A and the )rodu#t be di&ided by ?. Y Rashi of
his "dhimitr -great friend.* Y multi)lied by 4 and the )rodu#t be di&ided by A. Y Bha&a of a friend* Y multi)lied by C and the )rodu#t be di&ided by <. 'he number
of rays as#ertained should be hal&ed* if the 8rah be in the Bha&a of his enemy. %f he be in the Bha&a of his "dhi-Shatru -great enemy.* the number of rays
as#ertained should be multi)lied by ? and the )rodu#t be di&ided by <. Bo #orre#tion is to be made* if the 8rah is in the Bha&a of a neutral. 'he effe#ts should be
de#lared after #om)utation of the net number of rays of ea#h 8rah. =-=. 'he effe#ts* )rodu#ed by the number of rays of 8rahas* are gi&en below. Between and <
)oor and unha))y* e&en if born in an eminent family. Between C and ! )oor* #arrier of loads and without wife and #hildren. meagre wealth and few #hildren. ?
meagre wealth* idiot and wi#ked. A thief. 4 wealthy* )rote#tor and maintainer of se&eral families* learned and obser&er of the traditions of the family. < head of
the family* a#hie&es )rofi#ien#y in many kinds of learnings* good $ualities. 'his is what 1ord Brahma has said. C most distinguished in the family. D em)loyer of
many ser&ants. = maintainer of large family. > )ossessor of name and fame. ?! blessed with a large family and kinsmen. ? maintainer and )rote#tor of <!
)ersons. ?? #haritable and kind. ?A well #ultured and ha))y. Between ?4 and A! healthy* )owerful* fa&ourite of the king* s)lendourous* )ossessor of a large family.
Between A and 4! minister and maintainer and )rote#tor of !! to !!! )ersons. Between 4! and <! king. < and abo&e )owerful so&ereign. >. 'he effe#ts
should be )redi#ted* a##ording to the number of rays of the 8rahas at the time of birth* after taking into a##ount the status of the nati&e. ?!. Eor e+am)le* if the rays
are more than <! in number* one born a /shatriya king(s family will be#ome a )owerful so&ereign* one born in a Vaishya family will be#ome a king -or high
dignitary.* one born in Sudra family will be#ome wealthy and one born in a Brahmin family will be#ome &ery learned and will obser&e all religious norms. ?.'he
effe#ts of the 8rahas* mo&ing from their debilitation to e+altation* are full. 'he effe#ts of the 8rahas* mo&ing from their e+altation to debilitation* will be lesser than
des#ribed abo&e. ??-?A. "us)i#ious and inaus)i#ious effe#ts of all the 8rahas are a##ording to the number of rays they )ossess. 'he )redi#tion will not be #orre#t
without the knowledge of the effe#ts of the rays. 'herefore it is im)erati&e* that in the judgment of Rashi /undalis and de#laring results the effe#ts of the number of
rays of the 8rahas be taken into a##ount.

0h. D4. @ffe#ts of the Sudarshana 0hakr

-A. Maharishi Parasara said to Maitreya. , BrahminX Bow % will im)art to you the knowledge of a great se#re#y and su)erior im)ortan#e* whi#h was #ommuni#ated
to me by 1ord Brahma himself for the benefit of the world. 'his is a 0hakr by the name of Sudarshana* through whi#h De&ajnas will be able to )redi#t the
fa&ourable and unfa&ourable results for e&ery year* e&ery month and e&ery day from the time of birth to the time of death of a )erson. 1isten to this &ery intently. 4.
, BrahminX 'ake a )oint and from it draw three #ir#les. :ithin the #ir#les draw ? lines* so as to )ro&ide ? Bha&as within ea#h #ir#le. 'his is how Sudarshana
0hakr is drawn. <-C. %n the first #ir#le -innermost. )la#e the ? Bha&as from 1agn with 8rahas* )osited there. %n the #ir#le ne+t to the innermost #ir#le )la#e the ?
Bha&as from the Rashi of 0andr with the 8rahas in them. %n the third #ir#le )la#e the ? Bha&as from the Rashi of Surya with 8rahas in them. 'hus there will be A
Rashis in ea#h Bha&a of the 0hakr. D->. 'he signifi#ant as)e#t of this 0hakr is* that 1agn* 0andr and Surya re)resent the first Bha&a. 'he ?nd* Ard et#. u) to ?th
from 0andr and Surya will deal with the same subje#t* as they do* when re#koned from 1agn. 'hen the results should be assessed* a##ording to the 8rahas in
ea#h Bha&a. %n this form of Rashi /undali Surya is #onsidered aus)i#ious in the first Bha&a and inaus)i#ious* or malefi# in other Bha&as. 'he malefi#s do not
)rodu#e e&il effe#ts* if they are in their e+altation Rashi. %n this manner )redi#tions should be made* after #onsidering the benefi# and malefi# natures of the 8rahas*
their dis)osition and as)e#ts from and on them. !. " Bha&a gets ad&an#ement* if it is o##u)ied* or as)e#ted by the 1ord* or a benefi#. 'he Bha&a* whi#h is
o##u)ied* or as)e#ted by a malefi#* is harmed. -A. 'he effe#ts of a Bha&a will be in a##ordan#e with the 8rah o##u)ying it* or in a##ordan#e with the 8rah
as)e#ted* if no 8rah is in o##u)ation of the Bha&a. 'he effe#ts of a Bha&a* o##u)ied by a benefi#* will be aus)i#ious and the Bha&a* o##u)ied by a malefi#* will be
inaus)i#ious. @ffe#ts of the as)e#ts will be the same. %f a Bha&a is influen#ed both by benefi#s and malefi#s* the results will de)end on the majority amongst the
benefi#s and malefi#s. %f the number of benefi#s is larger than the number of malefi#s* the results will be aus)i#ious. %f re&erse is the #ase* inaus)i#ious* or e&il
effe#ts may be e+)e#ted. %f there are e$ual number of malefi#s and benefi#s* those with greater strength will influen#e the results of that Bha&a. Mi+ed results
should be de#lared* if there be no differen#e in the strength of malefi#s and benefi#s. 'he same would a))ly to as)e#ts. 4. 'he effe#ts should be de#lared*
a##ording to its 1ord* if the Bha&a is neither o##u)ied* nor as)e#ted by a 8rah. <-C. " natural benefi# loses his bene&olen#e* if he is in more malefi# Vargas.
Similarly a natural malefi# loses his male&olen#e* if he is in more benefi# Vargas -Sa)taVarg.. " 8rah(s own Rashi* his e+altation Rashi and benefi# Vargas are
#onsidered aus)i#ious. "nd malefi# and the Vargas of an enemy and debilitated Rashi are #onsidered inaus)i#ious. D. 'he sage said* that the results should be
de#lared only after assessing the aus)i#iousness and inaus)i#iousness of all the Bha&as. =. Maitreya asked. , Venerable sageX /indly enlighten me on one )oint.
%f all the Bha&as are judged in a##ordan#e with the Sudarshana 0hakr* why many learned sages ha&e ad&o#ated de#laration of effe#ts from the Bha&as* re#koned
from 1agn in Rashi /undali9 >-?!. 'he sage re)lied. 'he results should be de#lared in a##ordan#e with the Sudarshana 0hakr* only when Surya and 0andr being
in se)arate Rashis different from the Rashi of 1agn. %f amongst 1agn* Surya and 0andr* all the three* or two of them are in the same Rashi* the judgment of effe#ts
should be made from the Rashi /undali only. -?-?A. 'he sage said. , BrahminX Bow % will tell you about the effe#ts* )rodu#ed e&ery year and e&ery month by the
twel&e Bha&as in their Dasas and "ntardasas* a##ording to Sudarshana 0hakr. 2nder this system e&ery one of the twel&e Bha&as* beginning from the st* is
allotted a Dasa )eriod of one year. 'hus e&ery year in ? years a Bha&a be#omes 1agn of the year and the remaining be#ome ?nd* Ard and so on. @&ery year
e&ery Bha&a will ha&e "ntardasa of one month. By following the method of 1agn of the year here also* there will be a 1agn of the month. 'he first "ntardasa will be
of the first Bha&a and then will follow for ? months the "ntardasas of the other Bha&as* e&ery Bha&a assuming the role of 1agn by turn. @&ery Bha&a gets
Pratyantar Dasa of ?L days and Vidasa of ?L 8hatikas. 'he same method is to be ado)ted for judging the effe#ts of Bha&as in Pratyantar Dasas and Vidasas.
?4-?C. "t the time of #ommen#ement of a Dasa* if there be benefi# in the st* 4th* Dth* !th* <th* >th and =th* fa&ourable effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed in the
#on#erned year* month et#. 'he Bha&a* whi#h is o##u)ied by only Rahu* or /etu* be#omes harmful. 'he same will be the fate of the Bha&a* whi#h is o##u)ied by a
larger number of malefi#s. %f there be benefi#s in Bha&as other than the ?th* or Cth* the Bha&a #on#erned will )rodu#e fa&ourable effe#ts. %n other words* if the
benefi#s be in the ?th* or Cth from the Bha&a #on#erned* unfa&ourable effe#ts will be deri&ed in the related year* month et#. %f there be malefi#s in the Ard* Cth and
th from the Bha&a* assuming the role of 1agn* then these three Bha&as will )rodu#e aus)i#ious results. 'he effe#ts #an be as#ertained for e&ery year* month et#.
in this manner. 'he total number of years in Vimsottari Dasa are ?! years. "fter e&ery ? years the same method of determining the Dasas* "ntardasas et#. has
to be re)eated for 1agn and other Bha&as. ?D-?=. "fter as#ertaining the effe#ts of the years* months et#. in a##ordan#e with the Sudarshana 0hakr* assessment of
effe#ts for the years* months et#. should be made on the basis of "shtakaVarg. 'he benefi#* or malefi# effe#ts will be full* if the assessment from both )rodu#es the
same results. %f they are different* the #om)arati&e strength of both should be taken into a##ount to de#lare the final results.

0h. D<. 0hara#teristi# Eeatures of Pan#hmaha)urushas

-?. 'he sage said. , MaitreyaX Bow % will relate to you the #hara#teristi# features of Pan#hmaha)urushas. :hen Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani* being in their
own* or e+altation Rashi* be in /endra to 1agn* they gi&e rise to Ru#haka* Bhadra* Hamsa* Mala&ya and Sasa Hogas. 'hese Hogas are #alled Pan#hmaha)urusha
Hogas and the )ersons* born in these Hogas* are known Pan#hmaha)urushas. A-D. 'he Ru#haka nati&e )ossesses a long fa#e* he is &ery enthusiasti#* has
s)otless lustre* is )owerful* has attra#ti&e brows* bla#k hair and is fond of all things. He lo&es to fight wars* is of dark-red #om)le+ion* is &i#torious o&er enemies* is
dis#riminating* is )rote#tor of thie&es and has #ruel tem)erament and slender thighs. He is a de&otee of Brahmins* has marks of Veena* Varg* Dhanus* Pasha and
Vrasha Rashis in his hands along with 0hakr Rekha. He is well &ersed in o##ult s#ien#es. He is !! "nguls in height* his waste has the #ir#umferen#e* e$ual to the
length of his fa#e and is !!! /arshas in weight. He* as ruler of Sahya#hala and Vindhya Pradesh* dies* after attaining the age of D!* by fire or wea)ons. Botes.
'he old Ru)ee had the weight of /arsha. 4 /arshas are e$ual to one Pala and A!! Palas make one 'ula* a##ording to "markosha. ?! 'ulas are e$ual to one
Bhara. =-?. 'he Bhadra nati&e is s)lendourous* like a lion* has &ery de&elo)ed #hest -or #hest with well de&elo)ed mus#les.* has the gait of an ele)hant* has long
and thi#k arms* is learned in all res)e#ts. He is well &ersed in Hog )erforman#e* is Satt&a-8uni and has beautiful feet* mousta#hes and head. He is fond of lu+uries
and #omforts and has marks of Sankha -#on#h.* 0hakr* 8ada* arrow* ele)hant* Dhwaja -flag. and Hala -)lough. in his hands and feet. He is well &ersed in
Shastras* has bla#k and #urly hair* )ossesses inde)endent nature and is )rote#tor of his family. His friends share in the enjoyment of his wealth. He is ?! tulas in
weight. He li&es ha))ily with his wife and #hildren and* as ruler of Madhya Desha* li&es for one hundred years. A-C. 'he Hamsa nati&e has &oi#e* like a Hamsa*
has a handsome a))earan#e and well de&elo)ed nose. He is a king with )hlegmati# tem)erament* honey-like tawny-#oloured eyes* red-#oloured nails* shar)
intelligen#e* sturdy #heeks* round forehead and beautiful feet. He has marks of Matsya -fish.* "nkush -the iron hook* with whi#h ele)hants are dri&en.* Dhanus
-bow.* Sankh* /amal -lotus. in his hands and feet. He is &ery )assionate and his lust remains unfulfilled. He is >C "nguls in height. He is fond of swimming and
)laying games in watery )la#es. He enjoys life fully and* as ruler of a land* situated between the 8anges and Hamuna* dies after attaining the age of !! years. D-
>. 'he Mala&ya nati&e has beautiful li)s and a slender waist. He is lustrous* like 0andr* and has fragran#e in his body. He is of ordinary red #om)le+ion* has a
medium stature and #lean and beautiful teeth. His &oi#e is like that of an ele)hant and his arms are long enough to rea#h u) to his knees. His fa#e is thirteen
"nguls in length and ten "nguls in breadth. He li&es ha))ily for se&enty years* as ruler of Sindhu and Malwa* and then lea&es for his hea&enly abode. ?!-??. 'he
Sasa nati&e has small si7ed teeth and fa#e* but his body is not small. He is &alorous. He has a slender waist and beautiful thighs. He is wise and enjoys wandering
in forests and mountains. He is well &ersed in the loo)holes of the enemy. He is li&ely* &irile and fond of women. He usur)s other )eo)le(s wealth. He has marks of
Mala -garland.* Veena* Mridanga -musi#al instruments. and wea)ons in his hands and feet. He rules ha))ily o&er se&eral )arts of the earth and then lea&es for his
hea&enly abode at the age of D!.

0h. DC. @ffe#ts of the @lements

. 'he sage said. , BrahminX Bow % will tell you about the effe#ts of the fi&e elements5 s)a#e* air* fire* water and earth. ?. S)a#e* air* fire* water and earth are ruled
by 8uru* Sani* Mangal* Sukr and Budh. 'he effe#ts are e+)erien#ed in )ro)ortion to the intensity of the &arious elements. A-4. 'he nati&e will ha&e tem)erament*
a##ording to the greater strength of the 8rah at the time of birth. 8uru* Sani* Mangal* Sukr and Budh will* res)e#ti&ely* gi&e s)a#ial -etheral.* airy -windy.* fiery*
watery and earthy tem)erament. %f all of them* or many of these 8rahas ha&e e$ual strength* the tem)erament will be of a mi+ed #hara#ter. <. %f Surya be endowed
with strength* the nati&e will ha&e fiery tem)erament. %f 0andr be strong* the nati&e will ha&e watery tem)erament. "ll the 8rahas in #ourse of their Dasa endow the
nati&e with bodily lustre* relating to their elements. C. 'he #hara#teristi# features of the )erson with fiery tem)erament are5 distressed with hunger* restless* lean
and thin body* learned* #onsumes a large $uantity of food* shar)* fair-#om)le+ioned and )roud. D. Y earthy5 emits fragran#e of #am)hor and lotus* is fond of
lu+uries* #omforts and enjoyments and is )ermanently ha))y* forgi&ing and has a dee) &oi#e* like a lion. =. Y etheral5 a#$uainted with semasiology* e+)ert in
di)loma#y* brilliant* learned* unmasked fa#e and long stature. >. Y watery5 is lustrous* #an sustain burdens* is soft-s)oken* king* has many friends and is learned.
!. Y airy5 #haritable* full of anger* fair #om)le+ion* fond of wandering* &i#torious o&er enemies* king and has lean )hysi$ue. . :hen the fire element is
)redominant in a )erson* his fa#e and body e+hibit lustre* like gold and he has ha))y-looking eyes. He a#hie&es su##ess in all his &entures* is &i#torious o&er his
enemies and gets gains of wealth. ?. Y earth* the body of the )erson emits &arious kinds of fragran#es. His nails* hair and teeth are are #lean. He gets gains of
ha))iness and wealth and is religious-minded. A. Y ether* the )erson is a #le&er #on&ersationalist and be#omes ha))y by learning to songs et#. 4. Y water* the
)erson(s body is slender* he enjoys good health and tasty food and is ha))y on that a##ount. <. Y air* the body is filthy. 'he )erson be#omes an idiot and suffers
from rheumatism* sorrows and agonies. C. 'he sage said. , BrahminX 'he effe#ts of the elements* whi#h % ha&e des#ribed abo&e* will be reali7ed in full* if the
8rahas #on#erned are endowed with ade$uate strength. %f they are weak* the effe#ts will be redu#ed in )ro)ortion to their weakness. D. %f the 8rah #on#erned is in
his debilitation Rashi* or be )la#ed in an inaus)i#ious Bha&a* the elemental effe#ts will be ad&erse* that is* o))osite to the effe#ts* des#ribed abo&e. %f a 8rah is
without strength* his elemental effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed only in imagination. =. %f a )erson(s time* date and )la#e of birth is not known* he should determine the
Dasa of a 8rah from the effe#ts* mentioned abo&e and* if he is fa#ing e&il effe#ts* he should take a))ro)riate remedial measures to a))ease the 8rah #on#erned.

0h. DD. @ffe#ts of the 8unas

-4. 'he 8reat Sage Parasara said. , BrahminX :hen the Satt&a-8uni 8rahas are )redominant* the )erson born is Satt&a-8uni and of good #hara#ter. :hen Rajo-
8una -)assion of lo&e and )leasure. is )redominant* the )erson born is Rajo-8una and intelligent. :hen the 'amo-8una -attribute of darkness. is )redominant* the
)erson born is stu)id. :hen at the time of birth all the 8rahas are of e$ual dominan#e* the )erson has a mi+ture of all the attributes. 'he )ersons -#reatures. so
born are #lassified* as 2ttama -most e+#ellent.* Madhyama -of intermediate ty)e.* "dhama -des)isable. and 2daseena -indifferent* or neutral. in that order. 'hus
there are four kinds of animate beings -Prani.. % will relate their attributes* whi#h ha&e been des#ribed by Barada and other sages. <. 'he natural attributes of
)ersons* belonging to 2ttam #lass* are )ossession of #ontrol o&er organs of )er#e)tion and mind* sim)li#ity* truthfulness* )atien#e and satisfa#tion. C. Valour*
s)lendour* )atien#e* #le&erness* not retreating in war and )rote#ting the holy men are the natural attributes of )ersons* belonging to Rajo-8una. D. 8reed*
falsehood* idio#y* la7iness and doing ser&i#e of others are the inborn attributes of )ersons* who belong to "dham #lass. =. @ngagement in agri#ulture and business*
)rote#tion of #attle and s)eaking both truth and lies are inborn attributes of )ersons* belonging to 2daseena #lass. >. , MaitreyaX 0lassify the )eo)le* as 2ttama*
Madhyama* "dhama and 2daseena after obser&ation of the attributes* des#ribed abo&e. " )erson should be #onsidered a))ro)riate for a job* a##ording to his
attributes. !. %f amongst Satt&a* Rajas and 'amas any attribute is the most dominant* it is #onsidered the most )redominant of all. ,therwise all ha&e e$ual effe#ts.
. 'he affe#tionate relationshi) between an em)loyer and em)loyee and man and women will be in&ariable and stable* if they )ossess the same attributes. ?. ,
MaitreyaX "mongst the abo&e four #lasses of )ersons* if there is any kind of relationshi) of e&en "dhama with 2daseena* of 2daseena with Madhyama and of
Madhyama with 2ttama* there will be mutual affe#tion and ha))iness. A. %f the bridegroom has better attributes than the bride and the master has better attributes
than the ser&ant* there will be mutual affe#tion -regard for ea#h other. and ha))iness. %f the bride* or the ser&ant )ossesses better attributes* the relationshi)s will
be full of bitterness. 4. 'he attributes of the nati&e are de)endent on his father and mother* his time of birth and the )ersons* he gets asso#iated with. 'hese are
the root #auses of 2ttama et#. $ualities* )ossessed by him. 'he attributes* endowed by the time of the birth and asso#iations* are stronger than those* re#ei&ed
from the )arents. <. 0onse$uently the )erson is embellished with the attribute Satt&a* Rajas* or 'amas* whi#he&er is )redominant at the time of birth. 'he
)redi#tions should therefore be made after taking into a##ount the time of birth. C. 'he Su)reme 1ord of the 2ni&erse* who is indestru#tible and omni#ient* is the
/al. He is the 0reator* Prote#tor and Destroyer of all mo&able and immo&able. D. 'hese three fa#ulties of 1ord /al are #alled nature. Di&ided by these fa#ulties*
the im)er#e)tible 1ord /al is also )er#e)tible. =. %n a##ordan#e with the self-#reated $ualities by the Per#e)tible form of 1ord /al* there are four kinds of limbs*
namely 2ttama* Madhyama* 2daseena and "dhama. >. Erom the 2ttama* Madhyama* 2daseena and "dhama )arts are #reated 2ttama* Madhyama* 2daseena
and "dhama ty)es of #reatures. ?!. 'he 2ttama )art of 1ord /al is the head* Madhyama )art both arms and #hest* thighs form the 2daseena )art and the feet fall
in the "dhama )art. ?. 'his is how a differentiation is made between #lasses of mo&ables and immo&ables* a##ording to attributes and the )arts* from whi#h the
#reations are made. ??. 'he 0hatur&idha -four sided. 1ord /al has thus #reated this 0hatur&idha uni&erse in #onsonan#e with his own attributes.

0h. D=. 1ost Horos#o)y

-?. Maitreya said. , SageX Hou ha&e so far des#ribed the aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious effe#ts to be enjoyed* or suffered by a )erson on the basis of the time of
birth* but #an the aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious be as#ertained* when the time of birth is not known9 /indly tell me* if there is any way to sol&e this )roblem. A-4. 'he
Sage said. Hour $uestion is a good one and is for the benefit of the world at large. 0onsidering your atta#hment* % will tell you about this )roblem also. %f any* or all
amongst the Sam&atsar* "yana* Ritu* month* Paksha* 'ithi* Bakshatr* 1agn* Rashi* or "msas et#. of the birth are not known* these #an be as#ertained from Prasna
1agn -Nuery #hart.. <-C. 'he Sam&atsar of the birth of the $uerist will be the same* as that of the Rashi in the Dwadasams* in whi#h the Prasna 1agn falls -8uru will
be in that Rashi at birth.. Saumyayan -2ttarayan - the northern #ourse of Surya. will be in the first Hora of 1agn and Hamyayan -Dakshinayan - the southern #ourse
of Surya. will be in its se#ond Hora. 'he Ritu -season. may be determined with referen#e to the 1ord of the Drekkan* in whi#h 1agn falls. Shishir will be indi#ated by
the Drekkan of Sani* 8rishma by that of Surya and Mangal* Vasanta by that of Sukr* Varsha by that of 0andr* Sharad by that of Budh and Hemanta by that of 8uru.
D. %f there be any #ontradi#tion in the "yana and Ritu* the Ritu may be determined from Budh in )la#e of Mangal* from Sukr in )la#e of 0andr and from Sani in )la#e
of 8uru. =->. "fter the Ritu be#omes known take the first )art of the Drekkan* as its first month and latter )art* as the ne+t month of the Ritu. 'hen from the e+)ired
"msas of the Drekkan determine )ro)ortionately the 'ithi* or the "msas of Surya. 'he %stakal* indi#ated by the "msas -degrees. of Surya* will be the time of the
birth of the $uerist. Erom the %stakal so #al#ulated ha&e to be worked out the longitudes of the 8rahas and Bha&as -8rah S)ast and Bha&a S)ast.. Predi#tions
should then be made in a##ordan#e with the dis)ositions of the Bha&as and 8rahas. !. Maitreya asked. , SageX 8uru returns to the same Rashi after e&ery ?
years. 'hen from whi#h #ir#le of 8uru should Sam&atsar be determined. -?. 'he Sage said in re)ly. , MaitreyaX :hen there is any doubt about the Sam&atsar*
take the a))ro+imate age of the $uerist and add multi)les of ? to the differen#e between the Rashi of the 8uru at the time of $uery and his Rashi at the time of
birth. 'he figure so arri&ed at should be taken* as the )ossible number of years and the Sam&atsar should be determined a##ordingly. %f by adding ? there may
a))ear to be differen#e in age* the )osition of 8uru should be fi+ed* a##ording to guessed a))ro+imate age* in the 'rikon Rashi* <th* or >th of the Prasna 1agn* as
may be found feasible. 'hen* taking that* as the Sam&atsar* the "yana* Ritu et#. should be worked out a##ordingly in the manner already e+)lained. A. Maitreya
asked again. , SageX How will the time of birth be known after as#ertaining the month and the "msas et#. of Surya. Please e+)lain this for the benefit of the
)eo)le. 4-C.'he Sage said. "fter as#ertaining the Rashi* "msas et#. of Surya at the time of birth* the longitude of Surya -Surya S)ast. should be worked out for
the ne+t day after the number of days* taken by Surya after entering into the Rashi* whi#h will be e$ual to the e+)ired "msas of Surya. 'hen the differen#e between
the longitudes of this rising Surya and Surya at the time of birth should be #on&erted into /alas and multi)lied by C!. 'he )rodu#t should be di&ided by Surya S)ast*
#on&erted into /alas. 'he 8hatikas et#. so be#oming a&ailable will re)resent the %stakal of the birth before and after sunrise. %f the longitude of the %sta Surya be
more than that of the rising Surya* the %stakal of the birth will be so mu#h after the sunrise. %f the longitude of the %sta Surya be less than that of the rising Surya* the
%stakal of the birth will be so mu#h before the sunrise.

0h. D>. "s#etism Hogas

. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX Bow % will des#ribe to you the Hogas* leading to as#etism* under the influen#e of whi#h the )ersons gi&e u) their homes and be#ome
initiated in some holy order. ?-A. 'he Hog for as#etism is formed* when four* or more 8rahas* )ossessed of strength* o##u)y a single Bha&a. 'he )erson born will
be#ome a 'a)as&i* a /a)ali* he will be wearing a red robe* be one* who kee)s a Danda -staff.* Hati* he will be kee)er of a 0hakr* or he will be a naked Sanyasin*
a##ording to the 8rah* whi#h is the strongest of the grou)5 Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* or Sani. %f a number of 8rahas are endowed with strength* the
holy order of the one* strongest amongst them* is a##e)ted. Botes. 'here is a similar &erse in Varahamihir(s Brihat 3atak* whi#h* translated into @nglish reads* as
under. 6%f at birth* four* or more 8rahas* )ossessed of strength* o##u)y a single Bha&a* the )erson born will be#ome a Sakya* 3ee&ika* Bhikshu* a Vriddha* or 8uru*
a 0harak* a Birgrantha* or Visa&a* a Vanyasana* or Vana)rastha* a##ording to whi#h of the 8rahas is the strongest 8rah of the grou)5 Mangal* Budh* 8uru* 0andr*
Sukr* Sani* or Surya. %f the strongest 8rah be #on$uered in )lanetary war by another 8rah* or 8rahas at the time of birth* the )erson will relin$uish that stage of
as#eti# life and re&iew to his )re&ious #ondition of life.; " Vana)rastha is a religious man* engaged in the )ra#ti#e of rigorous and de&out )enan#e -i.e. he will be a
'a)as&i.J a Vi&as is a naked as#eti# -that is dwelling in hills and forests.. " Bhikshu is an illustrious as#eti# with a single staff for his symbol* engaged e&er and
anon in the #ontem)lation of truths of the sa#red s#ri)tures. " 0harak is a religious mendi#ant* wandering o&er many #ountries. " Shakya is an as#eti# of the
Buddhist #lan. " 8uru is a #elebrated tea#her* endowed with royal s)lendour. " 3ee&ika is a garrulous and gluttonous mendi#ant. 4. %f strong 8rahas* #a)able of
leading to as#etism* be obs#ure by Surya(s rays -that is they be #ombust.* the )erson born* in s)ite of ha&ing re&eren#e for the holy order* will not be#ome initiated
in that holy order. Botes. Brihat 3atak adds in this #onne#tion* that* if the 8rahas referred to abo&e be o&er#ome in )lanetary war and be as)e#ted by other 8rahas*
the )erson #on#erned will seek admission into the holy order without su##ess. <. %f the other 8rahas lose their strength -in s)ite of being in their e+altation Rashis
et#..* as a result of #ombustion with Surya* the nati&e will enter the holy order* as signified by Surya* that is* he will be#ome a 'a)as&i. C. %f the 1ord of the Rashi*
o##u)ied by 0andr -3anm Rashi.* ha&ing no as)e#t of other 8rahas on himself* as)e#ts Sani* the nati&e gets initiated into the holy order of the 8rah* who is
stronger amongst the two. D. %f the 1ord of the Rashi* o##u)ied by 0andr* be de&oid of strength and is as)e#ted only by Sani* the nati&e be#omes initiated into the
holy order* signified by Sani -Birgranthas* naked as#eti#s.. =. %f 0andr be in the de#anate of Sani* or in the Ba&ams of Sani* or Mangal and be as)e#ted by Sani*
the nati&e be#omes an as#eti# and enters the holy order* signified by Sani. >. 'here is )lanetary war* if Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr and Sani are together -within one
degree of ea#h other.* Sukr is the #on$uerer* whether he is in Borth* or South* but amongst the other four only one* who is in the Borth* is the #on$uerer and that in
the South is #onsidered defeated in the )lanetary war. !. %f the 8rah* who leads the nati&e to as#etism* is #on$uered in )lanetary war by another 8rah* or 8rahas
at the time of birth* the )erson will relin$uish the holy order* in whi#h he be#omes initiated. . Maitreya asked. , Venerable SageX %f there be many 8rahas* who
are signifi#ators for as#etism* then* whi#h holy order the nati&e will get initiated into9 ?. Maharishi Parasara re)lied. , BrahminX %f all the 8rahas be )ossessed of
strength* the nati&e enters into the holy orders of all the 8rahas. A. 'he nati&e gets initiated into the holy order of the 8rah* whose Dasa gets into o)eration at first.
'hen he relin$uishes this holy order of this 8rah at the #ommen#ement of the Dasa of the ne+t 8rah and a##e)ts the holy order* signified by him. 4. :hen 8uru*
0andr and 1agn are as)e#ted by Sani and 8uru o##u)ies the >th* the )erson* born in the Rajayog* will be#ome a holy illustrious founder of a system of )hiloso)hy
-holy order.. <. :hen Sani o##u)ies the >th from 1agn and is not as)e#ted by any 8rah* the )erson* )ossessed of Rajayog* will take himself to the holy order*
before be#oming a 1ord of men. %f there be no Rajayog the nati&e be#omes an as#eti# -religious wanderer..

0h. =!. Eemale Horos#o)y

. Maitreya asked. , SageX Hou ha&e des#ribed the effe#ts of many kinds. Bow be kind enough to throw light on Stri 3atak -female horos#o)y.. ?. Maharishi
Parasara re)lied. :hat a good $uestionX 1isten to what % am going to tell you about the Rashi /undalis of females. "ll the effe#ts* that ha&e been des#ribed till now
in the #ase of male horos#o)ies* will a))ly to females also. Matters* relating to her )hysi#al a))earan#e* should be determined from 1agn* those* relating to
#hildren* from the <th Bha&a* fortune for the husband from the Dth and death of the husband -widowhood. should be dedu#ed from the =th. 'hose effe#ts* whi#h are
im)ossible to as#ribe to the female* should be de#lared to be a))li#able to her husband. Brihat 3atak. 6,f the effe#ts* that ha&e been des#ribed till now in the #ase
of male horos#o)es and those* that may be found in female horos#o)es* suitable to females* should be de#lared* as a))li#able to them alone. 'he rest should be
as#ribed to their husbands. 'he death of the husband is to be dedu#ed through the =th )la#e -from 1agn* or 0andr* whi#he&er is stronger.. Matters* relating to her
a))earan#e* beauty et#.* should be determined from 1agn and the Rashi* o##u)ied by 0andr. %t is from the Dth )la#e -from 1agn* or 0andr.* that her welfare
-ha))iness. and the nature of the husband should be as#ertained.; Mantreswara(s Phaldee)ika. 6:hate&er effe#ts are de#lared for men* they are entirely
a))li#able to women too. 'he woman(s )ros)erity and ha))iness ha&e to be dedu#ed from the =th )la#e -from 1agn* or 0andr* whi#he&er is stronger.. 0hildren
should be de#lared from the >th Bha&a and matters* relating to her a))earan#e* beauty et#.* should be determined from 1agn. %t is from the Dth )la#e* that her
welfare -)ower of influen#ing her husband. and the nature of the husband should be as#ertained* while her asso#iation and #hastity should be )redi#ted from an
e+amination of the 4th Bha&a. Benefi#s in those Bha&as )rodu#e good results* while malefi#s in the abo&e Bha&as are )rodu#ti&e of e&il* unless they ha))en to
own the Bha&as* in whi#h #ase the effe#ts will be good.; 3atak Parijata. :hate&er effe#ts may a##rue from the horos#o)es of females* a))li#able only to men*
should be as#ribed to the husband. 'he good and e&il* affe#ting their )erson* should be #al#ulated from 0andr and 1agn* whi#he&er of them is stronger. %t is from
the Dth Bha&a from 1agn* or 0andr* that all* that is worthy* or unworthy in the husband should be as#ertained and the death of the husband is foretold through the
=th. "ll this should be well weighed by the strength* or weakness of the 8rahas* benefi# and malefi#. Before an announ#ement is made* of 1agn and 0andr find*
whi#h is stronger. %t is with referen#e to this* that the lu#k* beauty and strength of the women should be announ#ed. 0hildren and wealth in abundan#e should be
de#lared through the >th Bha&a therefrom. :edded ha))iness* or otherwise should be gathered from the =th and husband(s fortune from the Dth. Some 3yotishis
o)ine* that the well-being* or the re&erses of the husband #an be determined from the >th. <. %f at the time of birth of a woman 1agn and 0andr are in e&en Rashis*
the woman will be truly feminine in #hara#ter. She will )ossess e+#ellent $ualities* be of steadfast #hara#ter* beautiful and )hysi#ally fit. C. %f 1agn and 0andr are in
odd Rashis* she will be mas#uline in form and mas#uline in bearing and* if they be asso#iated with* or as)e#ted by malefi#s* she will be de&oid of good $ualities
and be sinful. D. %f amongst 1agn and 0andr one be in an e&en Rashi and the other be in an odd one* the woman #on#erned should be de#lared to )artake the
#hara#teristi#s of both male and female. 'he $ualities of 1agn* or 0andr will be more )redominant* a##ording to their strength. =. , BrahminX 'he effe#ts in res)e#t
of women would )arti#ularly de)end on the Rashi and 'rimsams of 1agn* or 0andr* whi#he&er is stronger. >-C. :hen 1agn* or 0andr is in a Rashi* belonging to
Mangal* the woman* born in a 'rimsams of Mangal* will ha&e illi#it relations with a man before marriage. %f she be born in 'rimsams of Sukr* she will be#ome
un#haste after marriageJ if of Budh* she will be full of guile and ade)t in #onjurationJ if the 'rimsams be of 8uru* she will be worthy and &irtuousJ she will be menial*
or sla&e* if birth be in a 'rimsams of Sani. Y in a Rashi* owned by Budh* the female* born in a 'rimsams of Mangal* will be full of guile* will be a hard-workerJ if the
'rimsams be of Sukr* will be )ossessed of good $ualitiesJ if of Budh* will be of the nature of herma)hroditeJ if of 8uru* will be #haste. %n a Rashi* owned by Sukr* a
female* born in a 'rimsams of Mangal* will be de)ri&edJ if the 'rimsams be of Sukr* will be well known and )ossessed of e+#ellent $ualitiesJ if of Budh* will be
skilled in all artsJ she will be endowed with all good $ualities* if born in a 'rimsams of 8uruJ she will remarry* if born in a 'rimsams of Sani. :hen 1agn* or 0andr
ha))ens to be in a Rashi* owned by 0andr and the 'rimsams of birth is owned by Mangal* the female born will be self-willed and un#ontrolledJ she will be un#haste
and of loose #hara#ter* if born in a 'rimsams of SukrJ will be skilled in arts and handiwork* if of BudhJ will be gifted with all e+#ellent $ualities* if of 8uruJ will be#ome
a widow* if of Sani. Y* owned by Surya and the 'rimsams of birth be owned by Mangal* the female born will be &ery talkati&eJ she will be &irtuous* if born in a
'rimsams of SukrJ will bear mas#uline features* if of BudhJ will be #haste and &irtuous* if of 8uruJ will be un#haste* if of Sani. :hen the rising Rashi* or the Rashi*
o##u)ied by 0andr* is owned by 8uru* the female* born in a 'rimsams of Mangal* will be endowed with many good $ualitiesJ she will be Puns#hali* if born in a
'rimsams of SukrJ will be well &ersed in many s#ien#es* if of BudhJ will be endowed with all good $ualities* if of 8uruJ will not indulge mu#h in se+ual inter#ourse* if
of Sani. :hen 1agn* or the Rashi* o##u)ied by 0andr* belongs to Sani* the female* born in a 'rimsams of Mangal* will be a maid-ser&antJ she will be learned
-barren* a##ording to Brihat 3atak.* if born in a 'rimsams of SukrJ will be #ruel and immoral* if of BudhJ will be de&oted to her husband* if of 8uruJ will be un#haste
-addi#ted to men of low #aste* a##ording to Brihat 3atak.* if of Sani. D-?. %f the Dth Bha&a be without a 8rah -without strength. and without benefi# as)e#t* the
female born will ha&e a #oward and #ontem)tible wret#h for her husband. :hen the Dth Bha&a is a mo&eable Rashi* the husband will always be away from home. %f
Budh and Sani be in the Dth Bha&a* the husband of the woman #on#erned will be im)otent. %f Surya o##u)ies the Dth Bha&a* the woman #on#erned is abandoned
by her husband. %f Mangal be in the Dth* the female #on#erned be#omes a widow in her #hildhood. %f Sani be in the Dth* she li&es to an old age* remaining
unmarried. %f there be a malefi#* she be#omes a widow* while young. %f there be a benefi# in the Dth* the female born will enjoy marital ha))iness and will be #haste.
%f there be both benefi#s and malefi#s in the Dth* both benefi# and e&il effe#ts will be e+)erien#ed. %f Mangal be in the Ba&ams of Sukr and Sukr be in the Ba&ams of
Mangal* the female #on#erned will ha&e illi#it relations with other men. %f in this Hog 0andr be in the Dth* the female #on#erned enters into illi#it #onne#tions at the
instan#e of her husband. ??-?<. %f at woman(s birth the Dth Bha&a* or the setting Ba&ams be that of Mangal* the husband will be fond of other women and will be of
an iras#ible tem)er. %f it be a Rashi* or Ba&ams of Budh* her husband will be &ery learned and #le&er. %f it be a Rashi* or Ba&ams of 8uru* the husband of the
woman #on#erned will be of great merit and will ha&e )assions under his #ontrol. %f it be a Rashi* or Ba&ams of Sukr* her husband will be fortunate* &ery good-
looking and liked by women. %f the Rashi* or Ba&ams belongs to Sani* her husband will be an old man and a fool. %f the Rashi* or Ba&ams be Simh* her husband will
be e+#eedingly soft in his dis)osition and will be &ery hard-working. %f the Dth Bha&a* or the setting Ba&ams be a Rashi* owned by 0andr* the husband of the
woman will be lo&e-si#k and gentle. %f there be different Rashis and Ba&amsas in the Dth* the effe#ts will be of a mi+ed nature. 'he effe#ts of the Rashis and
Ba&amsas will de)end on their strength. ?C-?>. %f in a female(s horos#o)e Surya be in the =th* the nati&e will be unha))y* )o&erty-stri#ken* of deformed limbs and
without faith in religion. %f 0andr be in the =th* the woman #on#erned will be of a defe#ti&e &agina* will ha&e ugly breasts* with sinister eyes* without robes* or
ornaments* si#kly and will be defamed in the so#iety. %f Mangal* the nati&e will be of weak #onstitution* si#kly* widow* ugly-looking and full of sorrows and agonies. %f
Budh* she will be without faith in religion* timid* de&oid of wealth* self-res)e#t and good $ualities and she will be $uarrelsome. A!-AA. %f in a female(s horos#o)e
8uru be in the =th* the woman #on#erned will be shameless and without &irtue* will ha&e few #hildren* fatty hands and feet* will be abandoned by her husband and
be gluttonous. %f Sukr be in the =th* she will be fond of )leasures* de&oid of sym)athy* religion* wealth* will be dirty and de#e)ti&e. %f Sani* the woman #on#erned will
be of wi#ked dis)osition* dirty* de#e)ti&e and de&oid of #onjugal harmony. %f Rahu* she will be ugly* without marital ha))iness* #ruel-hearted* si#kly and un#haste.
A4. 'he woman will be barren* if in her Rashi /undali 0andr and Sukr be asso#iated with Sani* or Mangal and the <th Bha&a be o##u)ied* or as)e#ted by a malefi#.
A<. %f the Dth be in the Ba&ams of Mangal* the &agina will be diseased. %f the Dth be the Ba&ams of a benefi#* she will ha&e a well formed female organ and will be
belo&ed by her husband. AC. %f Mithun* or /anya 1agn in a female(s horos#o)e is o##u)ied by Sukr and 0andr* the woman #on#erned li&es ha))ily and is e$ui))ed
with all kinds of #omforts in her father(s house. AD. %f 0andr* Budh and Sukr be in 1agn* the woman #on#erned is endowed with many good $ualities and ha))iness.
%f 8uru be in 1agn* she is ha))y* wealthy and has #hildren. A=. %f the =th Bha&a be Simh* or /ark and Surya and 0andr be both )la#ed there* the woman #on#erned
will be barren. %f the =th be Mithun* /anya* or /ark and Budh and 0andr be )osited there* the female nati&e will ha&e only one #hild. A>. 'he woman #on#erned will
be definitely barren* if 1agn be Mesh* Vris#hik* Makar* or /umbh and 0andr and Sukr be )osited there* as)e#ted by malefi#s. 4!. 'he woman #on#erned will gi&e
birth to an already dead #hild* if the Dth be o##u)ied by Rahu and Surya* or 8uru and Rahu be in the =th and the <th be o##u)ied by malefi#s. 4. 'he woman
#on#erned will not be able to #on#ei&e* if 8uru and Sukr be asso#iated with Mangal in the =th* or Mangal be with Sani in the =th. 4?. 'he woman #on#erned
be#omes a destru#tor of her husband(s family and her father(s family* if at her birth 0andr and 1agn be subje#ted to Pa)a /artari Hog -dire#t malefi#s in ?th and
retrograde malefi#s in ?nd.. 4A. 'he woman* whose birth takes )la#e under the following #onditions* is named* as Visha /anya. Day of birth Sunday* Bakshatr
"slesha* ?nd 'ithiJ Saturday* /rittika* Dth 'ithiJ 'uesday* Satabhisha* ?th 'ithi. 44. 'he woman will be Visha /anya* if at birth 1agn be o##u)ied by a malefi# and a
benefi# and two 8rahas be in inimi#al Rashis. 4<. Visha /anya gi&es birth to a #hild already dead. She has a defe#ti&e generati&e organ and is bereft of robes*
ornaments et#. 4C. 'he e&il effe#ts of Visha /anya are destroyed* if the 1ord of the Dth is a benefi#* or a benefi# 8rah be in the Dth from 1agn* or 0andr. 4D. 'he
woman born be#omes a widow* if Mangal be in the ?th* 4th* Dth* or =th from 1agn* without as)e#t by* or asso#iation with any benefi#. 4=-4>. 'he Hog* whi#h
#auses the woman to be#ome widow also #auses a male nati&e to be#ome a widower. %f the man and woman* )ossessing this Hog* join in wedlo#k* the Hog #eases
to ha&e any effe#t. <!-<. %f at a woman(s birth the rising Rashi be that of Sukr and the rising Ba&ams be of Sani -/umbh* a##ording to Brihat 3atak. and* if Sukr
and Sani as)e#t ea#h other* or are o##u)ying ea#h other(s Ba&ams* she will be affli#ted with too mu#h lust and will allay her fire of )assion with the hel) of other
females* a#ting the )art of a male. <?. :hen 8uru* Mangal* Budh and Sukr are strong and* when the rising Rashi is an e&en one* the woman born will be learned in
Shastras and an e+)ounder of the Vedanta Philoso)hy. <A. :hen a malefi# 8rah is in the Dth and some 8rah in the =th* the woman #on#erned will be#ome an
as#eti#. <4. 'he woman dies before her husband* when in her nati&ity there is a benefi# in the =th* without as)e#t by* or asso#iation with a malefi#. <<. %f at the birth
of a woman there are e$ual number of benefi#s and malefi#s and they )ossess the same strength* she without doubt will lea&e for her hea&enly abode along with
her husband.

0h. =. @ffe#ts of 0hara#teristi# Eeatures of Parts of :oman(s body.

-?. Maitreya said. , Venerable SageX % ha&e been fully enlightened by the aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious effe#ts* des#ribed by you with referen#e to the 3anm 1agn
in a female(s horos#o)e. Bow % re$uest you to fa&our me with knowledge of aus)i#ious and inaus)i#ious effe#ts with referen#e to the #hara#teristi# features of the
&arious )arts of a woman(s body. Maharishi Parasara re)lied. , BrahminX Bow % will tell you what 1ord Shi&a narrated to 8oddess Par&ati in this regard. A-4. "
woman* whose soles are e&en* smooth* soft* well de&elo)ed* warm and shining in )ink #olour* without mu#h )ers)iration* will be enjoying full ha))iness* befitting
her se+. 'he one* whose soles are without )ink #olour* hard* dry* #oarse* une&en* sha)ed* like a winnowing basket and bereft of flesh* will suffer misery. <-C. 'he
woman* who has marks of #on#h* Swastika* 0hakr* lotus* flag* fish* umbrella and a long line* rising u)wards in her soles* be#omes a $ueen and enjoys great
ha))iness and #omforts. 'he one* who )ossesses marks* like those of snake* rat and #row* is bereft of wealth and suffers misery. D. 'he girl* whose nails of toes
are shining in )ink #olour* smooth* raised and round* enjoys great ha))iness and #omforts. Bla#kish and torn nails denotes misery. =. Raised* full* well de&elo)ed*
smooth and round great toe indi#ates ha))iness. 'he one* whi#h is small* irregular in sha)e and flat* denotes misery. >. 'he woman(s toes* whi#h are soft* thi#k*
round and well de&elo)ed are #onsidered aus)i#ious. %f the toes are long* she will be of loose morals. 'hin toes indi#ate )o&erty. !-C. ,ther effe#ts about the toes
are* as under. Short - short life. Short and long and irregular in sha)e - )ro#urer and guileful. Elat - maid-ser&ant. S)a#ed more than a&erage - bereft of wealth.
'oes* o&erla))ing one o&er the other - widow and de)endent on others. %f dust is thrown u)* when she walks - un#haste and brings defame to all the three families
-her father(s* mother(s and husband(s.. %f the smallest toe does not tou#h the ground - she will destroy her husband and marry anotherJ %f the middle toe and the one
ne+t to it does not tou#h the ground - widow. Eirst toe -ne+t to great toe. longer than the great toe - she will de&elo) illi#it #onne#tion with a man before marriage
and will be of loose morals. D. %f the ba#k of the feet of a woman is raised* without )ers)iration* soft and smooth* she will be#ome a $ueen. %f the indi#ations are
#ontrary* she will be )o&erty-stri#ken. She will be fond of tra&elling* if the ba#k )art of the feet be &eined. Hair on that )ortion of feet denote* that she will be a maid
ser&ant. %f the feet be bony* or without flesh* she will ha&e a defe#ti&e se+ual organ. =. %f the heels are e&en* the woman #on#erned will ha&e a well formed and
desirable se+ual organ. %f the heels be stout* she will ha&e a defe#ti&e se+ual organ. %f the heels be high* she will be un#haste. 1ong heels indi#ate misery. >. 1egs
-)ortion below knees.. @&en* smooth* e&enly sha)ed* round* without hair* good looking and without &eins showing u) are Rashis* that the woman will be a $ueen.
?!. Round* smooth* firm knees are aus)i#ious indi#ations. %f the knees be bony* the woman #on#erned will be of loose moral #hara#ter. %f the knees be loose* she
will be )o&erty-stri#ken. ?. %f the thighs are round* like the trunk of an ele)hant* #lose to ea#h other* soft and without hair* the woman #on#erned will be a $ueen. %f
the thighs are flat and hairy* she will be )o&erty-stri#ken and a widow. ??-?A. :aist. 0ir#umferen#e e$ual to the width of ?4 fingers with well de&elo)ed hi)s
indi#ate* that the woman will be fortunate. " waist* whi#h is flat* long* without flesh* #a&ed in* or hairy* forebodes widowhood and misery. ?4. Raised* fleshy and
wides)read hi)s in a woman are aus)i#ious in effe#ts. %f they are #ontrary* they indi#ate inaus)i#iousness. ?<-?D. Se+ual organ. Hidden #litoris* )ink-#oloured*
#ur&ed* like the ba#k of a tortoise* soft* hairy* sha)ed* like the leaf of a Pi)al tree and smooth is highly aus)i#ious. %f sha)ed* like the feet of a deer* or o)ening of an
o&en with hard hair and with raised #litoris* it indi#ates e&il. %f the left side of the se+ual organ of a woman is raised* she will beget more female #hildren and* if the
right side is raised* more boys. %f the organ is sha)ed* like a #on#h* she will be barren. ?=. Portion below the na&el. " soft* s)read out and slightly raised Vasti is
aus)i#ious. Hairy* &eins* showing u) and full of lines -folds* or wrinkles. indi#ates inaus)i#iousness. ?>. " na&el dee) with right turns is )rodu#ti&e of good effe#ts.
'he na&el raised* with left turns and with knots is inaus)i#ious. A!-A. " stoma#h well s)read indi#ates a well formed se+ual organ and many sons. %f the stoma#h
of a woman resembles that of a frog* her son will be#ome a king. %f a woman has a raised stoma#h she will be #hildless. %f the stoma#h is wrinkled* she will be#ome
an as#eti#. %f it has #ir#ular folds* she will be#ome a maid-ser&ant. A?. %f the )ortion* #o&ering the ribs* is e&en* well de&elo)ed and soft* aus)i#ious effe#ts may be
e+)e#ted. %t will be inaus)i#ious* if it is raised* hairy and full of &eins. AA. 'he #hest of a woman* whi#h is e&en and hairless is aus)i#ious. :ide s)read and hairy
#hest is inaus)i#ious. A4-AC. 'he breasts of a woman signify good lu#k* if they are of e$ual si7e* fleshy* round and firm* but #lose together. 'hey are unlu#ky* if they
are thi#k in front* are not #lose together and without flesh. Raised right breast indi#ates* that she will ha&e sons. Raised left breast indi#ates* that she will ha&e
daughters. %f the )ortion* surrounding the ni))les* is round* good-looking and bla#kish* she will enjoy good lu#k. Pressed in and unusually small breasts indi#ate bad
lu#k. AD. Shoulders. @&en* well built u) and without joints showing u) are Rashis of good lu#k. Raised* hairy and without flesh are unlu#ky. A=. 'he arm)its* if soft*
with thin hair* well de&elo)ed and smooth are aus)i#ious. 'hose* whi#h are dee)* without flesh* )ers)iring and with &eins* showing u) are inaus)i#ious. A>-4!.
"rms* in whi#h the bones do not show u) and whi#h are soft jointed* hairless without ob&ious &eins* straight and round are aus)i#ious. 'hose without flesh* hairy*
small* with ob&ious &eins and irregular in sha)e are inaus)i#ious. 4. %f the thumbs of the woman are sha)ed* like a lotus bud* they are aus)i#ious. %f they are
without flesh and irregular in sha)e* they are inaus)i#ious. 4?-4A. %f the )alms of the woman are )ink-#oloured* raised in the middle* with fingers #lose together -with
no holes between them.* soft and ha&e &ery few lines* she enjoys ha))iness and all #omforts. %f the )alms are full of lines* she will be#ome a widow. %f there are no
lines* she will be )o&erty-stri#ken. %f the &eins show u) in the )alms* she will li&e on alms. 44. %f the ba#ks of the hands of a woman are well built* soft and hairless*
she will enjoy aus)i#ious effe#ts. %t will be otherwise* if the ba#ks of the hands are with &eins* showing u)* dee) and hairy. 4<-4D. 1ines on the )alm. " woman
enjoys ha))iness and all #omforts* if there is a #learly marked* )ink-#oloured* #ir#ular* smooth* full and dee) line -)erha)s line of life is meant.. %f there is mark of a
fish* she will be &ery lu#ky. She will be wealthy with mark of Swastika. She will be a $ueen with mark of a lotus. She will be the mother of a king* if she has marks of
#on#h* umbrella and tortoise. 4=-<!. 'he woman* who has lines* forming the sha)es of a balan#e* ele)hant* bull* or horse* be#omes the wife of a businessman. 'he
woman* who has lines* forming the sha)e of a house* or Vajra is lu#ky and gi&es birth to a son* who be#omes learned in Shastras. 'he woman* who has lines*
forming the sha)es of a #hariot* a )lough* or a yoke* be#omes the wife of a farmer. She will be#ome a $ueen* if she has lines* forming the sha)e of 0hamar*
"nkush* trident* sword* ma#e* Shakti* or trum)et. <-<?. %f in the )alm of a woman there is a line* whi#h* starting from the root of the thumb goes u) to the root of
the little finger* she be#omes a widow. %f there are lines* forming the sha)e of a #row* a frog* a ja#kal* a wolf* a s#or)ion* a snake* a donkey* a #amel and a #at* the
woman #on#erned suffers misery. <A-<4. %f the fingers of a woman are tender with good-looking )halanges* ta)ering at the end and without hair* they are
#onsidered aus)i#ious. %f they are &ery small* without flesh* irregular* widely s)a#ed* with hair and with more than usual )halanges* or without )halanges* they
indi#ate misery. <<. %f the nails of the fingers are )ink-#oloured* raised and sha)ed well at the to)* they are aus)i#ious. De)ressed* dirty-looking* or yellow* or white-
#oloured nails* or nails with s)ots are inaus)i#ious. <C. %f the ba#k of the woman is fleshy and well de&elo)ed with flesh* it is aus)i#ious. 'he ba#k with hair*
irregular in built and with &eins showing u) is inaus)i#ious. <D-<=. 'he ne#k of a woman with three lines -folds.* with bones not ob&ious* round* well de&elo)ed and
tender is aus)i#ious. " thi#k ne#ked woman be#omes a widow. "n irregularly built ne#k indi#ates* that the woman #on#erned will be#ome a maid-ser&ant. Elat
ne#ked woman will be barren. " woman with a small ne#k is #hildless. <>. " straight* well de&elo)ed* somewhat raised throat is aus)i#ious. ,ne without flesh* with
&eins ob&ious* with hair and irregular in built is inaus)i#ious. C!. Pink-#oloured* tender and firm #hin is aus)i#ious. " broad #hin with hair and #lefts is unlu#ky. C.
Raised* firm and round #heeks are aus)itious. 'he ones* whi#h are hard-skinned* de)ressed and without flesh are indi#ati&e of misfortune. C?. %f the mouth of a
woman is of normal si7e* firm* round* emitting fragran#e* smooth and good-looking* it is indi#ati&e of good lu#k. %f otherwise* it will be inaus)i#ious. CA-C<. %f the
lower li) of a woman is red* like a lotus* smooth* di&ided in the middle and good looking* she be#omes a $ueen. %f it be without flesh* #oarse* long* dry and bla#kish*
it is indi#ati&e of misery and widowhood. %f the u))er li) of a woman is )ink-#oloured* smooth and slightly raised in the middle* it is indi#ati&e of ha))iness and good
fortune. %f otherwise* it will be inaus)i#ious. CC-CD. " woman* whose teeth are smooth* milk white* A? in number and whose u))er and lower teeth* though e$ual in
si7e* are slightly raised* will be lu#ky. %f lower teeth are more in number* are yellow* or bla#k-#oloured* fier#e looking* widely s)a#ed and double* they are indi#ati&e
of misfortune. C=-C>. %f the tongue of a woman is red and soft* she enjoys great ha))iness and #omforts. 0a&ed in the middle and s)read out in front indi#ates
misery. :hite tongue indi#ates death in water. Dark tongue indi#ates $uarrelsome nature. 'hi#k tongue denotes )o&erty. 1ong tongue denotes one* who is
omni&orous. 1ong and broad tongue denotes luna#y. D!-D. Palate red* like lotus* soft and smooth - good lu#k* white - widowhood* yellow - as#etism* bla#k -
barrenness* dry - large family. D?. :hen a woman laughs* if her #heeks are raised and teeth are not &isible* she will be lu#ky. %f it is otherwise* she will not be lu#ky.
DA-D4. %f the nose of a woman is e&enly round and has small nostrils* it is aus)i#ious. %f the nose is thi#k in its front )art and flat in the middle* it is inaus)i#ious. %f
the ti) of the nose is red* or shrunken* widowhood is indi#ated. Elat nose indi#ates engagement in a menial job. 'oo small* or too large nose denotes $uarrelsome
nature. D<-DD. Bla#k )u)ils with #ow(s milk like white )ortion of the eye* large and broad* smooth* with bla#k eyelashes are lu#ky Rashis. Raised eyes show short
life. Round eyes denote loose moral #hara#ter. Honey-#oloured eyes indi#ate good fortune and ha))iness. 'he eyes* like those of a )igeon* indi#ate wi#kedness.
@yes* like those of an ele)hant* indi#ate misery. %f the left eye is blind* adulterous tenden#y will manifest. Blindness of the right eye indi#ates barrenness. D=. "
woman with soft* bla#k* #om)a#t eyelashes with thin hair is fortunate. @yelashes thi#k* s#attered and with tawny-#oloured hair indi#ate misery. D>. %f the eyebrows
of a woman are round* sha)ed* like a bow* smooth* bla#k* not joined and with soft hair* she is blessed with ha))iness and fame. =!. @ars of a woman long with a
round turn indi#ate #hildren and ha))iness. Small* une&enly sha)ed* &ery thin* with &eins* showing u)* #ause her misery. =-=?. 'he forehead of a woman without
&eins* showing through* without hair* sha)ed* like a half-moon* e&en* with e$ual to three fingers are Rashis of a fortunate woman* blessed with husband and
#hildren. Rashi of Swastika on the forehead denotes a $ueen. Very long* highly raised and hairy forehead #auses misery. =A. Head of a woman high and round* like
that of an ele)hant* is indi#ati&e of ha))iness. " head* whi#h is s)read out* flat* big and une&en* indi#ates misery. =4-=<. 'he hair of a woman are indi#ati&e of good
fortune. %f they are soft* bla#k* long* thin and yellow* they indi#ate misfortune. But honey-#oloured hair of a fair #om)le+ioned woman and bla#k hair of a dark
#om)le+ioned woman are also #onsidered aus)i#ious. Most of the #hara#teristi# features* des#ribed in this #ha)ter* a))ly to men also.

0h. =?. @ffe#ts of Moles* Marks* Signs et#. for Men and :omen

. Maharishi Parasara said. , MaitreyaX Bow % will des#ribe to you the effe#ts of moles* marks* s)ots and signs* found on the body of women and men. ?-A. " mole*
s)ot* or figure* formed by hair on the left side of a woman and right side of a man is aus)i#ious. %f there is mole on the #hest of a woman* she will be fortunate. "
woman* who has a red mark* like a mole et#.* on her right breast* begets many #hildren and she is blessed with all kinds of enjoyments and #omforts. 4. 'he
woman* who has a red mark -mole. on her left breast* begets only one son. <. 'he woman* who has a mole on her right breast* begets many daughters and sons.
C. 'here will be gain* or a#$uisition of a kingdom* if there* as is a red mole et#. on the forehead* or in the middle of -between. the eyebrows. 'he )erson will enjoy
sweetish )re)arations* if there is su#h a mark on the #heeks. D-!. 'he woman* who has a red mark -mole et#.. on her nose* be#omes #onsort of a king. %f the mark
be bla#kish* the woman #on#erned be#omes an adulteress* or widow. "ll the marks below the na&el are aus)i#ious for both men and women. %f there be moles et#.
on the ears* #heeks* or ne#k of a man* his first issue will be male and he will enjoy good fortune and ha))iness. 'he man* who has moles et#. in the thighs* suffers
misery. . 'he woman* who has the sign of trident on her forehead* be#omes a $ueen. Su#h a mark on the forehead of a man makes him a king. ?. " right-
turned #ir#ular hair formation on heart* na&el* hands* right )art of the ba#k and in the )ortion between se+ organ and na&el is aus)i#ious. 1eft-turned formation is
inaus)i#ious. A-4. Su#h a hair formation on the waist and )ri&ate )arts )ro&es inaus)i#ious. %f su#h a formation be on the stoma#h* the woman #on#erned will
be#ome a widow. %f it be in the #enter of the ba#k she will be#ome an adulteress. %t will be inaus)i#ious* if it be on the ne#k* forehead* or #enter of the head. <. "
man with indi#ations of short life will get his longe&ity )rolonged by marrying a woman with aus)i#ious* or lu#ky marksGsymbols.

0h. =A. @ffe#ts of 0urses in the Pre&ious Birth

-A. Maitreya said. , Venerable SageX Hou ha&e a#$uainted me with effe#ts* e+)erien#ed by men and women in a number of ways. "##ording to Shastras* the soul
of a )erson does not rest in )ea#e after his death* if he is not blessed with a son. :hat sin does a )erson #ommit to remain without a son9 "nd what are the
remedial measures to be ado)ted by him to get a son9 /indly enlighten me about this. 4. Maharishi Parasara re)lied. % will now tell you* whate&er 1ord Shi&a told
8oddess Par&ati in this res)e#t. <. 8oddess Par&ati said to 1ord Shi&a. , my 1ordX :hat is the sin* whi#h #auses destru#tion of #hildren amongst men. Please tell
me* what are the Hogas for su#h an effe#t and what are the remedial measures to )rote#t the #hildren9 C. 1ord Shi&a re)lied5 , De&iX Hou ha&e asked a &ery
rele&ant $uestion. Bow % will tell you the Hogas for loss of #hildren and the re$uisite remedial measures. D. " )erson will be without a son* if 8uru* the 1ord of 1agn
and the 1ord of the <th are all de&oid of strength. =. 'he same will ha))en* if Surya* Mangal* Rahu and Sani* endowed with strength* be in the <th and the
signifi#ator for #hildren* namely 8uru and 1ord of the <th et#. be bereft of strength. >-C. 'here will be no male issue* due to the #urse of a ser)ent* if at birth Rahu
is in the <th* as)e#ted by MangalJ the 1ord of <th is asso#iated with Rahu and 0andr is in the <th and is as)e#ted by SaniJ the signifi#ator for #hildren -8uru. is
asso#iated with Rahu* the 1ord of the <th is de&oid of strength and the 1ord of 1agn is with MangalJ the signifi#ator for #hildren is asso#iated with Mangal* 1agn is
o##u)ied by Rahu and the 1ord of the <th is in Cth* =th* or ?thJ Budh* as 1ord of the <th* being in the Ba&ams of Mangal* is asso#iated with Mangal and 1agn is
o##u)ied by Rahu and 8ulikaJ the <th is Mesh* or Vris#hik and the 1ord of the <th is asso#iated with Rahu* or BudhJ the <th is o##u)ied by Surya* Sani* Mangal*
Rahu* Budh and 8uru and the 1ords of the <th and 1agn are de&oid of strengthJ the 1ord of 1agn* or 8uru is asso#iated with Rahu and the 1ord of the <th is in
#onjun#tion with Mangal. D->. Remedial measures should be ado)ted to obtain )rote#tion from the e&il effe#ts of the abo&e Hogas. 'hese are getting an idol of
Baga -ser)ent. Raja* made in gold and* after worshi))ing it in a##ordan#e with )res#ribed )ro#edure* gi&ing in #harity a #ow* some land* sesame seeds and gold
et#. By ado)ting these measures the 1ord of Ser)ents will be gratified and by his benefi#en#e the )erson #on#erned will be blessed with a son and the lineage of
his family will be )rolonged. ?!-A!. 'here will be no male issue* as a result of the #urse of the father in the )re&ious birth* if at birth of the nati&e Surya in his
debilitation Rashi and in the Ba&ams of Sani is hemmed in between malefi#s in the <th Bha&aJ Surya* as 1ord of the <th* )osited in a 'rikon with a malefi#* is
hemmed in between malefi#s and is also as)e#ted by a malefi#J 8uru o##u)ies the Rashi of Surya* the 1ord of the <th is with Surya and 1agn and the <th are
o##u)ied by malefi#sJ 1ord of 1agn* de&oid of strength* is in the <th and the 1ord of the <th is #ombust and 1agn and the <th are o##u)ied by malefi#sJ there is
e+#hange of Bha&as between 1ords of the <th and the !th and 1agn and the <th are o##u)ied by malefi#sJ Mangal* as the 1ord of the !th* is asso#iated with the
1ord of the <th and 1agn* the <th and the !th are o##u)ied by malefi#sJ 1ord of the !th is in the Cth* =th* or ?th* 8uru is in a malefi# Rashi and the 1ord of 1agn
and the <th are asso#iated with malefi#sJ Surya* Mangal and Sani are in 1agn and the <th and Rahu and 8uru are in the =th and the ?thJ Surya is in the =th* Sani
in the <th* the 1ord of the <th is asso#iated with Rahu and 1agn is o##u)ied by a malefi#J 1ord of ?th is in 1agn* 1ord of =th in <th and 1ord of !th in =thJ 1ord of
Cth is in <th* 1ord of !th in Cth and 8uru is asso#iated with Rahu. A-AA. 'o get deli&eran#e form the #urse of the father the remedial measures are )erforman#e of
Shraddha at 8ayaJ to feed ten thousand* one thousand* or !! Brahmins* as one #an affordJ /anyadana -to )erform the marriage of a girl.J gi&ing a #ow in #harity.
By obser&ing these remedial measures* the )erson #on#erned be#omes free from the #urse and the family lineage is )rolonged by the birth of sons* grandsons et#.
Bote. %n this #ha)ter* where the words F#hildlessness( and Fissue-lessness( are used* they should be inter)reted to mean want of male issue* be#ause it is the male
issue* who by )erforming the last rites of his father and mother ensures eternal )ea#e to their souls. A4-<!. " )erson will be without a male issue* as a result of
#urse of the mother* if at birth 0andr* as 1ord of the <th is in her debilitation Rashi* or is hemmed in between malefi#s and 4th and <th are o##u)ied by malefi#sJ
Sani is in th* 4th is o##u)ied by malefi#s and 0andr is )osited in the <th in her debilitation RashiJ 1ord of <th is in Cth* =th* or ?th* 1ord of 1agn in his debilitation
Rashi and 0andr is asso#iated with malefi#sJ 1ord of <th is in =th* Cth* or ?th* 0andr in a malefi# Ba&ams and there are malefi#s in 1agn and in <thJ 1ord of <th
and 0andr* asso#iated with Sani* Rahu and Mangal* are in <th* or >thJ Mangal* as 1ord of 4th is asso#iated with Sani and Rahu and <th and 1agn are o##u)ied by
Surya and 0andr* res)e#ti&elyJ 1ords of 1agn and <th are in Cth* 1ord of 4th in =th and 1agn is o##u)ied by 1ord of =th and !thJ 1agn is o##u)ied by the 1ords of
Cth and =th* 1ord of 4th is in ?th and 0andr and 8uru* asso#iated with malefi#s* are in the <thJ 1agn is hemmed in between malefi#s* waning 0andr is in Dth and
4th and <th are o##u)ied by Rahu and Sani* res)e#ti&elyJ there is e+#hange of Bha&as between 1ords of <th and =th and the 1ord of 4th and 0andr are in Cth* =th*
or ?thJ /ark 1agn is o##u)ied by Mangal and Rahu and 0andr and Sani are in <thJ Mangal* Rahu* Surya and Sani are in 1agn* <th* =th and ?th* res)e#ti&ely* and
the 1ords of 1agn and 4th are in Cth* =th* or ?thJ Mangal* Rahu and 8uru are in =th and Sani and 0andr are in <th. Eor release from this #urse and to beget a male
issue the )erson #on#erned should take bath in the sea with bridge of ro#ks between %ndia and Sri 1anka* re#ite one 1akh 8ayatri Mantras* gi&e in #harity things*
#onne#ted with e&il 8rahas* feed Brahmins and go round a Pi)al tree !!= times. By )erforming these remedial measures* he will not only beget a son* the lineage
of family will also be )rolonged. <-C. " )erson will be without a male issue* as result of the #urse of the brother* if at birth 1ord of Ard with Rahu and Mangal is in
<th and 1ords of 1agn and <th are in =thJ 1agn and <th are o##u)ied by Mangal and Sani* res)e#ti&ely* the 1ord of Ard is in >th and Mangal* the signifi#ator for
brothers* is in =thJ 8uru in his debilitation Rashi is in Ard* Sani in <th and 0andr and Mangal are in =thJ 1ord of 1agn is in ?th* Mangal in <th and 1ord of <th*
asso#iated with a malefi#* in =thJ 1agn and the <th are hemmed in between malefi#s and the 1ord of 1agn and <th are in Cth* =th* or ?thJ the Ard is o##u)ied by the
1ord of !th along with a malefi# and a benefi# is with Mangal in <thJ the <th in a Rashi of Budh is o##u)ied by Sani and Rahu and Budh and Mangal are in ?thJ
the Ard is o##u)ied by the 1ord of 1agn* the 1ord of Ard o##u)ies the <th and 1agn* Ard and <th are with malefi#sJ 1ord of Ard is in =th and 8uru is asso#iated with
Sani in <thJ 1ord of =th is in <th along with the 1ord of Ard and Mangal and Sani are in =th. C?-C4. 'he )erson #on#erned will* without doubt* get release from the
#urse* will be blessed with a son and the )rolongation of his family lineage will be ensured* if the following remedial measures are ado)ted. He should obser&e the
0andryana fast after listening to Haribansa Puran. He should )lant a sa)ling of Pi)al in front of Saligram on the banks of the 0a&eri ri&er* or on the 8anga* or
Mahanadi and offer )rayers to it. He should gi&e ! #ows in #harity through his wife. He should gi&e in #harity land with mango trees* )lanted on it. C<-C=. " )erson
will be without a male issue* as a result of the #urse of the maternal un#le* if at birth the <th is o##u)ied by Budh* 8uru* Mangal and Rahu and Sani is in 1agnJ the
<th is o##u)ied by the 1ords of 1agn and of <th along with Sani* Mangal and BudhJ 1agn is o##u)ied by a #ombust 1ord of Cth* Sani is in Dth and 1ord of 1agn is
asso#iated with BudhJ 1ords of 1agn and 4th are in 1agn and 0andr* Budh and Mangal are in <th. C>-D!. 'o get release from the #urse and for being blessed with a
son and for ensuring the )rolongation of the lineage of the family the following remedial measures are to be ado)ted. %nstallation of an idol of 1ord Vishnu.
0onstru#tion of a dee)* or ordinary well* dam* or reser&oir* or all of them. D-D=. %f a )erson* mad with )ower and wealth* insults a Brahmin* he remains without a
male issue in the ne+t birth. " )erson will be without a male issue* as a result of the #urse of a Brahmin* if at birth Rahu is in 8uru(s Rashi and 8uru in <thJ 1ord of
>th is in <th and 1ord of <th in =th along with 8uru* Mangal and RahuJ 1ord of >th is in his debilitation Rashi and 1ord of ?th* asso#iated with Rahu* is in <thJ 8uru
is in his debilitation Rashi* Rahu in 1agn* or <th and 1ord of <th in Cth* =th* or ?thJ 1ord of <th and 8uru* asso#iated with malefi#s* are in =th* or the 1ord of <th*
asso#iated with Surya and 0andr* is in =thJ 8uru* being in the Ba&ams of Sani* is asso#iated with Sani and Mangal and the 1ord of <th is in ?thJ 8uru is
asso#iated with Sani in 1agn and Rahu is in >th* or Rahu is with 8uru in ?th. 'hese are Hogas* whi#h re&eal the #urse of Brahmin in the )re&ious birth. D>-=. 'o
obtain relief from the e&il effe#ts of the abo&e Hogas the remedial measures are to obser&e 0andrayana fast and to do )enan#e three times and to gi&e in #harity a
#ow and fi&e gems with gold* after feeding Brahmins* a##ording to one(s means and gi&ing them )resents in #ash. 'hen the )erson will be released from the #urse
and will be endowed with ha))iness. =?->?. " )erson does not beget a male issue* as a result of the #urse of the wife* if at birth 1ord of 1agn is in <th* Sani in the
Ba&ams of 1ord of Dth and 1ord of <th in =thJ 1ord of Dth is in =th* 1ord of ?th in <th and 8uru is asso#iated with a malefi#J Sukr is in <th* 1ord of Dth in =th and <th
is o##u)ied by a malefi#J the ?nd and <th are o##u)ied by a malefi# and 1ord of Dth is in =thJ Sukr is in >th* 1ord of Dth in =th and 1agn and <th are o##u)ied by
malefi#sJ Sukr is 1ord of >th* 1ord of <th is in an inimi#al Rashi and 1ord of 1agn and Dth and 8uru are in Cth* =th* or ?thJ the <th is Vrishabh* or 'ul* o##u)ied by
Surya and 0andr and ?th* 1agn and ?nd are o##u)ied by malefi#sJ Sani and Sukr are in Dth* 1ord of =th is in <th and 1agn is o##u)ied by Surya and RahuJ
Mangal o##u)ies ?nd* 8uru is in ?th and Sukr and Rahu are in <thJ 1ords of ?nd and Dth are in =th* Mangal and Sani o##u)y <th and 1agn* res)e#ti&ely* and 8uru
is asso#iated with a malefi#J Rahu is in 1agn* Sani in <th* Mangal in >th and 1ords of <th and Dth are in =th. >A->4. 'he )erson #on#erned gets release from the
#urse and is blessed with a son* if he )erforms the marriage of an unmarried girl* or* if su#h a girl is not a&ailable* a gold idol of the 1akshminarayana* fertile #ow* a
bed* ornaments and garments to a Brahmin #ou)le. Botes. "##ording to our &iew* F/anyadana( does not mean gi&ing a girl in #harity* but hel)ing in the
)erforman#e of the marriage of an unmarried girl* not his own daughter. ><-!<. %f the )erson* whose duty is to do so* does not )erform Shraddha of his father* or
mother in his )re&ious birth* the de)arted soul is formed into an e&il s)irit and he is de)ri&ed of a male issue in the ne+t birth. 'his is re&ealed by the following
Hogas at birth. Sani and Surya in <th* waning 0andr in Dth and Rahu and 8uru in ?thJ Sani* as 1ord of <th in =th* Mangal in 1agn and 8uru in =thJ Malefi#s are in
1agn* Surya in ?th* Mangal* Sani and Budh are in <th and the 1ord of <th is in =thJ Rahu is in 1agn* Sani in <th and 8uru in =thJ Sukr* 8uru and Rahu are in 1agn*
asso#iated with 0andr and Sani and the 1ord of 1agn are in =thJ 1ord of <th and 8uru are in their debilitation Rashis* as)e#ted by debilitated 8rahasJ Sani is in
1agn* Rahu in <th* Surya in =th and Mangal in ?thJ 1ord of Dth is in Cth* =th* or ?th* 0andr is in <th* Sani and 8ulika are in 1agnJ 1ord of =th along with Sani and
Sukr is in <th and 8uru is in his debilitation Rashi. !C-!=. 'he )erson #on#erned gets release from the #urse and is blessed with a son* if he undertakes the
following remedial measures. Performan#e of a Pinda Dana* Rudra "bhisheka* gi&ing in #harity a gold idol of Brahma* a #ow* a &essel* made of sil&er and a
Beelamani* feeding Brahmins and gi&ing them )resents in #ash. !>-. %f a )erson is de)ri&ed of a male issue* as a result of male&olen#e of 8rahas at birth* he
will be blessed with a son* if he undertakes the following remedial measures. :orshi))ing 1ord Shi&a* if the harm is* as a result of the male&olen#e of Budh and
SukrJ re#iting of Santan 8o)al Mantra* wearing and worshi))ing a))ro)riate Hantra and taking suitable medi#ines* if the #hildlessness is a result of the
male&olen#e of 8uru and 0andrJ /anya Dana* if the #hildlessness is due to male&olen#e of RahuJ worshi))ing of 1ord Vishnu* if it is due to male&olen#e of SuryaJ
Rudriya 3a)a* if it is due to the male&olen#e of Mangal and Sani. 1istening with de&otion to Haribansh Puran remo&es all kinds of blemishes and blesses the )erson
#on#erned with a son.

0h. =4. Remedial Measures from the Male&olen#e of 8rahas

. Maitreya said. , Venerable SageX Please des#ribe for the good of mankind the remedial measures for a))easement of the male&olent 8rahas. ?. 'he Sage
re)lied. % ha&e already des#ribed the names and #hara#teristi# features and $ualities of the 8rahas. 3oys and sorrows of all the #reatures in the world are
de)endent on these 8rahas. 'herefore )ersons desirous of )ea#e* wealth and )ros)erity* rainfall* good health and longe&ity should worshi) the 8rahas -by
)rayers* re#itation of Mantras* #harity et#... A-<. Eor the )ur)ose of worshi))ing them the idols of Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* Sani* Rahu and /etu
should be made of #o))er* S)hatika -ro#k #rystal.* red sandal wood* gold -both Budh and 8uru.* sil&er* iron* glass and bell metal* res)e#ti&ely. "lternati&ely the
sket#hes of all the abo&e 8rahas should be drawn in the #olours* belonging to them* on a )ie#e of #loth by sandal et#. and they should be )la#ed in their own
dire#tions. C. 0ontem)late of Surya well adorned with two arms* seated on a lotus* with a lotus flower in one hand* red-#oloured* like lotus and aboard a #hariot of
se&en horses. D. 0ontem)late of 0andr white-#oloured* dressed in white robes* with two arms* #arrying a ma#e in one hand and a Vara in the other* adorned with
white-#oloured ornaments and aboard a #hariot of ten horses. =. 0ontem)late of Mangal with a red ne#kla#e* dressed in red-#oloured robes* with four arms*
#arrying Shakti* Shoola* 8ada -ma#e. and Vara and mounted on a lamb. >. 0ontem)late of Budh with a yellow-#oloured garland* dressed in yellow robes* with four
arms* #arrying a sword* a shield* a ma#e and Vara* mounted on a lion. !. 0ontem)late of 8uru* as yellow #om)le+ion and Sukr of fair #om)le+ion* both with four
arms* #arrying a Danda* "kshasutra* /amandal and Vara. . , MaitreyaX 0ontem)late of Sani with the lustre* like that of %ndraneela* with four arms* #arrying
Shoola* bow* arrow and Vara* mounted on a donkey. ?. 0ontem)late of Rahu with a hideous fa#e* with four arms* #arrying a sword* a shield* a Shoola and a Vara*
blue-#oloured and mounted on a lion. A. 'here are many /etus. "ll of them are of smoky #olour* with two arms* #arrying a ma#e and a Vara* with a hideous fa#e
and mounted on a donkey. 4. "ll the idols should be so made* that they are != fingers tall by one(s own fingers. Botes. Su#h a measurement is taken from the
middle finger. <-C. Dedi#ate with de&otion to the 8rah #on#erned the flowers and garments of the #olour* belonging to him* sandal* Dee)* 8uggul et#.* his metal
and the grains* dear to him and distribute all these things to Brahmins to a))ease the 8rah. D-?!. 'he Mantras of all the 8rahas and the )res#ribed number of
their re#itation are gi&en below. 'he re#itation of Mantras should be done after worshi))ing the 8rahas* as indi#ated in &erses <-C. 8rah Mantra )res#ribed
number5 Surya D!!!* 0andr !!!* Mangal !!!* Budh >!!!* 8uru >!!!* Sukr C!!!* Sani ?A!!!* Rahu =!!!* /etu D!!!. ?-??. Ha&an should be
)erformed with "ak* Palash* /hair* 0hir#hiri* Pi)al* 8oolar* Shami wood )ie#es* Doob and /ush* for Surya* 0andr* Mangal* Budh* 8uru* Sukr* Sani* Rahu and
/etu* res)e#ti&ely* mi+ed with honey* 8hi* #urd* or milk. 'he number of offerings to the sa#red fire is !=* or ?=. ?A-?4. 'o a))ease Surya and the other eight
8rahas Brahmins should be fed with -#ream. of ri#e #ooked with jaggery* ri#e #ooked in milk* Ha&ishya* )addy #ooked in milk* #urd and ri#e* ri#e with 8hi* ri#e
#ooked with )owder of sesame seeds* ri#e #ooked with meat* ri#e #ooked with #ereals* res)e#ti&ely. ?<. 'o a))ease Surya and other 8rahas the things to be gi&en
in #harity are #ow with #alf* #on#h* bullo#k* gold* robes* horse* bla#k #ow* wea)ons made of iron and goat* res)e#ti&ely. ?C-?D. 'he 8rah* who is the #ause of
ad&erse effe#ts to a )erson at any time* should be handled by worshi) and a))easing -of the bene&olent ones.* be#ause Brahma has blessed the 8rahas with the
boon 6Do to the )ersons* who worshi) you;. "nd the de&elo)ment and )rogress and downfall of the )eo)le and the #reation and destru#tion of the uni&erse are all
under the administration and authority of the 8rahas. 'herefore they are most &enerable.

0h. =<. %naus)i#ious Births

-4. 'he Venerable Sage said. , MaitreyaX Bow % will des#ribe to you the #ir#umstan#es* in whi#h the births are inaus)i#ious in s)ite of 1agn and the 8rahas being
well dis)osed. "lthough 1agn may be well dis)osed* births will be inaus)i#ious* if they take )la#e on "ma&asya -last day of the /rishna Paksha.* on 0haturdasi
-4th 'ithi.* in /rishna Paksha -dark half of the month.* in Bhadra /aran* in the Bakshatr of the brother* in the Bakshatras of father and mother* at the time of entry
of Surya in a Rashi* the time of Pata* at the time of solar and lunar e#li)ses* at the time of Vyati Pata* in 8andantas of all the three kinds* in Hamaghant*
'ithikshaya* in Dagdha Hog et#. 'he birth of a son after three daughters and birth of a daughter after three sons and the birth of a freak are inaus)i#ious. But there
are remedial measures for obtaining relief from the e&il effe#ts of su#h births* whi#h are being des#ribed in the following #ha)ters.

0h. =C. Remedies for "ma&asya Birth

->. 'he Sage Parasara said. , MaitreyaX 'he )erson* born on "ma&asya* is always )o&erty stri#ken. %t is therefore essential to ado)t remedial measures to obtain
relief from the e&il effe#ts of su#h births* whi#h are* as follows. 'ake a /alash -water &essel. and then )ut in it fresh lea&es of 8oolar -wild fig.* Vata -banyan.* Pi)al*
mango and Beema -mango. trees and #o&er it with two )ie#es of #loth. 'hen install the /alash in the South-:est dire#tion after re#iting Y et#. and Y et#. Mantras.
'hen worshi) the idols of Surya and 0andr* ruling deities of "ma&asya* made of gold and sil&er* mi+ed with #o))er* res)e#ti&ely* by re#itation of Y et#. Mantras for
Surya and Y et#. Mantras for 0andr C* or < times. 'hereafter )erform Ha&an with !=* or ?= oblations of the mi+ture of )res#ribed fuels -Y. and #ooked food
-0haru. with re#itation of Mantras of Surya and 0andr. 1ater s)rinkle the water on the #hild* that is born and his )arents and offer in #harity gold* sil&er and a bla#k
#ow together with feeding the Brahmins* a##ording to one(s means. By )erforming these remedial rites the #hild born gains freedom and )rote#tion from the e&il
effe#ts of the birth on "ma&asya

0h. =D. Remedies from Birth on /rishna 0haturdashi

-A. 'he Sage said. Di&ide the s)an of 0haturdashi in C )arts. 'he birth in the first )art is aus)i#ious. Se#ond )art #auses destru#tion* or death of father. 'hird )art
#auses death of the mother. Eourth )art takes away the maternal un#le. Eifth )art destroys the entire family -/hula - generation.. Si+th )art #auses loss of wealth* or
destru#tion -death. of the nati&e. 'herefore it is essential to take immediate remedial measures to es#a)e these e&il effe#ts. 4-<. Ha&e an idol of 1ord Shi&a* made
of one /arsha -e$ual in weight to the former sil&er Ru)ee. of gold* or of weight one #an afford. 'he idol should ha&e a Bew Moon on the forehead* ha&e a white
garland round the ne#k* ha&e three eyes -one being on the forehead.* be dressed in white robes* be seated on a bull* be two-armed and #arry Vara and "bhaya. C-
A. 'hen after in&o#ation with Varun Mantra worshi) should be )erformed by #hanting Y et#. Mantras. 'hereafter a /alash should be )la#ed in the Borth-@ast
dire#tion with #hanting of F%mah Mai Varun(* F'an '&a Hami(* F'&an Bai "gni( Mantras* followed by 3a)a of Y et#. and FBhadra "gni Y( Suktas and the #hanting of Y
Mantra. 'hen* after s)rinkling water o&er the idol of 1ord Shi&a -"bhisheka.* the nine 8rahas should be worshi))ed. 'his should be followed by Ha&an* by using
8hi* )owder of sesame seeds* 2rda* Sarson and wood )ie#es of Pi)al* Pakar* Palas and /hadir trees. !=* or ?= oblations should be made se)arately for the nine
8rahas. 'hereafter* along with #hanting of Y et#. Mantras* Ha&an should be )erformed with sesame seeds for the nine 8rahas. 1astly the water of the /alash
should be s)rinkled on the nati&e and his )arents and the Brahmins should be fed* a##ording to means.

0h. ==. Remedies from Birth in Bhadra and %naus)i#ious Hogas

-?. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX Bow % am going to des#ribe the remedial measures for relief from the e&il effe#ts of birth in Bhadra* 'ithi /shaya* Vyati)ata*
Paridha* Vajra et#. inaus)i#ious Hogas and Hamaghants et#. 'he remedial rites should be )erformed on the day* when the same inaus)i#ious Hog o)erates again.
A-<. 'he remedial rites are to be )erformed in the following order by the )arents of the #hild in the abo&e inaus)i#ious Hogas. Puja of 1ord Vishnu and other deities
on an aus)i#ious day and aus)i#ious 1agn on the ad&i#e of a )rofi#ient 3yotishi* burning of Dee) with 8hi in a Shi&a tem)le* "bhisheka of 1ord Shi&a* going round
a Pi)al tree != times )rolongs longe&ity and )erform Ha&an with != oblations along with the re#ital of FVaisneh Raratma#hityadhi( Mantra of 1ord Vishnu and
feeding Brahmins to the best of one(s means. 'he obser&an#e of these remedial measures will gi&e deli&eran#e to the nati&e from all the e&il effe#ts of his
inaus)i#ious birth and he will enjoy ha))iness.

0h. =>. Remedies from Bakshatr Birth

-D. 'he Sage Parasara said. , MaitreyaX %f the birth takes )la#e in the Bakshatras of the brother and the )arents* death takes )la#e* without doubt* of the brother
and the father* or mother* or they ha&e to undergo death-like suffering. 'herefore % am going to des#ribe the remedial measures to be ado)ted to es#a)e from these
e&il effe#ts. 'he remedial rites should be )erformed in a Muhurta* when 0andr and stars are fa&ourable on a day* on whi#h there is no Rikta-Bhadra Dosha. 'he
remedial rites should be )erformed in the following order. %nstal an idol of the 3anm Bakshatr on a /alash in the Borth-@ast dire#tion from the fire. 0o&er it with a
red )ie#e of #loth and then war) two )ie#es of #loth round it. :orshi) the idol by #hanting the Mantras of the 3anm Bakshatr. "##ording to one(s 8otra* )erform
Ha&an != times with the re#itation of the same Mantra* fa#ing the fire* with 8hi and other Ha&an material. 'hen the )riest* )erforming the Puja* should s)rinkle
water on the )arents and brother -whoe&er is #on#erned.. 8i&e )resents in #ash -Dakshena. to the )riest and his #olleagues* asso#iated with the #eremony* to the
best of one(s means and then feed the Brahmins to the best of one(s means.

0h. >!. Remedies from Sankranti Birth

-?. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX 'he names of the Sankranti on the se&en days of the week* beginning from Sunday* are 8hora* Dha&ankshi* Mahodari* Manda*
Mandakini* Mishra and Rakshasi. 'he )erson* born at the Sankranti -entry of Surya in a new Rashi.* is )oor and unha))y* but he be#omes well-to-do and ha))y* if
remedial measures are undertaken. % am now going to des#ribe the remedial measures to nullify these e&il effe#ts. A-C. 'he Hagya of the nine 8rahas should be
)erformed to obtain relief from the e&il effe#ts of the birth at Sankranti. " #lean s)ot in the eastern )art of the house should be )urified by besmearing with #ow
dung. 'hen )re)are three se)arate hea)s of the following5 < Dronas -=! Seers. of )addy -Sadhi.* ?L Dronas -4! Seers. of ri#e* R Dronas -?! Seers. of sesame
seeds -'il.. ,n these hea)s of grains make a figure of lotus with eight lea&es -"shtamdhal. and then de#orate them with flowers. "fter doing this* sele#t and in&ite a
)riest* who is well &ersed in the )erforman#e of religious rites and re#itation of Mantras. D-=. 'he religious rites are then to be )erformed in the following order.
%nstall /alashas without any holes on all the three hea)s and )ut in ea#h of them water from holy )la#es* Sa)tamrattika* Shataushadhi* Pan#ha)alla&a and
Pan#haga&ya. 'hen wra) the /alashas with )ie#es of #loth. Pla#e small earthen )ots* wra))ed with thin #loth* on the /alashas. 'hen install the idol of Sankranti
along with the idol of "dhide&a and Pratyadhide&a. -Here Surya is "dhide&a and 0andr Pratyadhide&a.. 'heir idols should be )la#ed on either side of the main idols
of Sankranti. 'wo robes may be gi&en* as offering to ea#h of the idols. Perform worshi) of all the three idols* a##ording to the )res#ribed )ro#edure. 'he main idol
should be worshi))ed with the #hanting of F'rayambakam(* FHajam Hai( et#.* the idol of Surya with Mantra F2t Surya( and the idol of 0andr with Mantra
F")ayayasha&a( et#. 'he worshi) should be )erformed with Shodsho)#har* or Pan#ho)#har* as may be )ossible. "fter tou#hing the main idol* Mrityunjaya 3a)a
should be re#ited !!=* !=* or ?= times* as may be )ossible. Make a small )latform in the :est of the installed /alashas* kindle fire on it and )erform the
)res#ribed rites. 'hen )erform Ha&an !!=* !=* or ?= times with Samidha* 8hrit -8hi. and 0haru -)owder of 'il. within one(s means along with #hanting of
F'rayambakam( et#. Mantra. =. "gain )erform Ha&an* first with the fuel of sesame seeds along with re#itation of Mrityunjaya Mantra. "fter )erforming another
S&istkrita Ha&an* s)rinkle the holy water on the #hild born and his )arents. 1astly feed as many Brahmins* as one #an afford. By )erforming the remedial rites*
des#ribed abo&e* the e&il effe#ts are nullified and the nati&e and his )arents enjoy ha))iness.

0h. >. Remedies for Birth in @#li)ses

-4. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX " )erson* whose birth takes )la#e at the time of solar* or lunar e#li)se* suffers from ailments* distress and )o&erty and fa#es
danger of death. 'herefore % am going to des#ribe for the benefit of the mankind the remedial measures* re$uired to be undertaken to nullify the abo&e e&il effe#ts.
'he remedial rites are to be )erformed in the following order. 'he following idols should be got )re)ared* a##ording to one(s means5 in gold an idol of the deity of
the Bakshatr* in whi#h the e#li)se takes )la#e -regarding deities of Bakshatras* see Fnotes( of &erse =* 0h. A* Vol. %.J in gold an idol of Surya* if the birth takes )la#e
during solar e#li)seJ in sil&er an idol of 0andr* if the birth takes )la#e during lunar e#li)seJ in lead an idol of Rahu. Besmear a #lean s)ot on the ground -in the
house. with #ow dung* #o&er it with a new -unused. beautiful )ie#e of #loth and install the three idols on it. Make offerings of the following to the idols5 in #ase of
birth during solar e#li)se all things dear to Surya and red-#oloured "kshat -"kshata - ri#e.* red sandal* a garland of red-#oloured flowers* red #lothes et#.J in #ase of
birth during a lunar e#li)se all things dear to 0andr and white sandal* white flowers* white #lothes et#.J for Rahu bla#kish #lothes* bla#kish flowers et#.J white flowers
for the deity of the Bakshatr* in whi#h the e#li)se takes )la#e. 'he worshi) should be )erformed* as follows5 of Surya with the #hanting of F"krishnim( et#. MantraJ of
0andr with the #hanting of F%made&a( et#. MantraJ of Rahu with Dur&a -a kind of grass. and with the #hanting of F/ayanshi#atra( et#. Mantra. 'hereafter Ha&an
should be )erformed* as follows5 with the fuel of "ak wood )ie#es for SuryaJ with the fuel of Palas tree wood )ie#es for 0andrJ with Dur&a for RahuJ with Pi)al tree
wood )ie#es for the deity of the Bakshatr. S)rinkle the holy water of the /alash on the #hild born -and his )arents.. ,ffer worshi)ful regards to the )riest*
)erforming the remedial rites and lastly feed as many Brahmins* as )ossible within one(s means. By )erforman#e of the remedial rites in the manner des#ribed
abo&e* e&il effe#ts of the inaus)i#ious birth are wi)ed and the nati&e enjoys ha))iness and is blessed with good fortune.

0h. >?. Remedies from 8andanta Birth

. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX 8andanta is of three kinds* namely of 'ithi* Bakshatr and 1agn. Birth* tra&elling and )erforman#e of aus)i#ious fun#tions* like
marriage et#.* during 8andanta are likely to #ause death of the )erson #on#erned. ?. , MaitreyaX 'he last ? 8hatikas of Purna 'ithi -<th* !th* <th. and the first ?
8hatikas of Banda 'ithi -st* Cth* th. are known* as 'ithi 8andanta. A. Similarly the last two 8hatikas of Re&ati and first two 8hatikas of "sh&ini* the last two
8hatikas of "slesha and first two 8hatikas of Magha and the last two 8hatikas of 3yeshtha and first two 8hatikas of Mula are known* as Bakshatr 8andanta. 4.
'he last half 8hatika of Meen and first half 8hatika of Mesh* the last half 8hatika of /ark and first half 8hatika of Simh* the last half 8hatika of Vris#hik and first half
8hatika of Dhanu are known* as 1agn 8andanta. <. "mongst these 8andantas the last C 8hatikas of 3yeshtha and first = 8hatikas of Mula are known* as "bhukta
Mula. C-=. Bow % will tell you the remedial measures to be ado)ted to release the #hild* born during 8andanta* from its e&il effe#ts. 'he father should see the #hild
born only on the morning ne+t to the end of the days of Sutaka* or on any aus)i#ious day after the )erforman#e of the remedial measures. 'he remedial measures
are gi&ing a bullo#k in #harity in the #ase of 'ithi 8andanta* gi&ing a #ow with #alf in #harity in the #ase of Bakshatr 8andanta* gi&ing gold in #harity in the #ase of
1agn 8andanta* )erforming "bhisheka of the #hild along with father* if the birth is in the first )art of 8andanta and along with mother* if the birth is in the se#ond
)art of 8andanta. >-. Performan#e of Puja on the holy /alash of the idol of the deities of 'ithi -in #ase of 'ithi 8andanta.* Bakshatr -in #ase of Bakshatr
8andanta. and 1agn -in #ase of 1agn 8andanta.* made of C Masas* = Masas* or 4 Masas of gold* as may be )ossible* followed by Ha&an and "bhisheka*
a##ording to )ro#edure already des#ribed earlier. "t the end as many Brahmins* as may be )ossible within one(s means* should be fed. 'hese remedial measures
will ensure long life* good health and )ros)erity for the #hild. Botes. 2nless one is himself fully #on&ersant with the )erforman#e of religious rites* the remedies*
re#ommended in this #ha)ter* earlier and later #ha)ters* should be got )erformed by and under the dire#tions of a learned )riest* be#ause the full effe#ts will be
deri&ed* if the rites are )erformed #orre#tly and a##ording to the )ro#edure* )res#ribed in the religious s#ri)tures on this subje#t.

0h. >A. Remedies for "bhukta Mula Birth

-?. 'he Sage Parasara said. 'he ruling deity of 3yeshtha is %ndra and the ruling deity of Mula is Rakshasa. "s both the deities are inimi#al to ea#h other* this
8andanta is #onsidered* as the most e&il. " boy* or girl* born during the )eriod of "bhukta Mula* should either be abandoned* or the father should not see the fa#e
of the #hild for = years. Bow % shall des#ribe the remedial measures to obtain deli&eren#e from the e&il effe#ts of birth during this e+tremely inaus)i#ious )eriod. A-4.
%n &iew of the e+tremely inaus)i#ious effe#ts of birth during "bhukta % shall first des#ribe the remedial measures to obtain relief from Mula. 'he religious remedial
rites should be )erformed after the ?th day after the birth* the ne+t 3anm Bakshatr day* or on an aus)i#ious day* when 0andr and the stars are fa&ourable. <-=.
@re#t a #ano)y -Manda). with four ar#hed gateways* embellished with festoons* on a sa#red s)ot* besmeared with #ow dung )aste* to the @ast* or Borth of the
house. Pre)are there a )it -/und.* or )la#e there a s$uare &essel of #lay* or metal for )erforming Ha&an. 'hen* a##ording to one(s means* )re)are* or get )re)ared
an idol of Rakshasa of C* =* or 4 Masas of gold* as may be )ossible within one(s means. 'he idol should be with a horrible-looking fa#e* bla#k in #olour* with two
heads* two arms* #arrying a sword and a shield and seated on a dead body. >. %n the absen#e of an idol a )ie#e of gold of the weight* mentioned abo&e* should be
used for worshi)* as gold is dear to all the deities. !-?!. 'hereafter the remedial rites should be )erformed in the following order. Sele#t a learned )riest to )erform
the religious rites* a##ording to the )res#ribed )ro#edure. %nstall a /alash and )ut in it Pan#haga&ya -fi&e arti#les* yielded by a #ow* namely milk* #urd* 8hi* dung
and urine.* Shataushadhi and water of the holy ri&er -8anga et#... 'hen install the idol of the Rakshasa of Mula* fa#ing :est* on an earthen )ot -Dhata. with one
hundred tiny holes. "fter )la#ing bamboo lea&es on it* )erform the worshi) of the idol by offering it white flowers* sandal and #lothes et#. "lso )erform worshi) of its
"dhide&a %ndra and Pratyadhide&a 3al. 'hen )erform Ha&an to a))ease the deities. "##ording to one(s means* !!=* or != oblations should be offered in the
Ha&an. "fter this to obtain deli&eren#e from death Mrityunjaya Mantra et#. should be re#ited and )rayers offered to all the deities for the )ur)ose of "bhisheka. 'he
father* mother and the #hild should thereafter take bath from the water of the two /alashas. 'hen the )arents* dressed in white #lothes and with white sandal )aste*
besmeared on their foreheads* should gi&e a #ow with #alf* as a Dakshina to the #hief )riest and feed the other )riests and Brahmins* a##ording to one(s means.
1astly* after re#iting the FHata)a)an( et#. -see &erse >. Mantra* the father* mother and the #hild should see the refle#tion of their fa#es in the -melted. 8hi. By the
)erforman#e of the remedial rites in the manner des#ribed all e&il effe#ts of the birth during "bhukta Mula are #om)letely wi)ed out.

0h. >4. Remedies from 3yeshtha 8andanta Birth

-<. 'he Sage said. , MaitreyaX Bow % will des#ribe to you the remedial measures to be ado)ted to ensure relief from the e&il effe#ts of 3yeshtha 8andanta. 'he
ere#tion of a #ano)y -Mandhu).* installation of /alash* sele#tion of a )riest et#. will be done in the same manner* as has been re#ommended for the "bhukta Mula
in the )re&ious #ha)ter. %n this #eremony %ndra will be the deity-in-#hief* "dhide&a will be "gni and the Pratyadhide&a will be Rakshasa. C. 'hen the remedial rites
should be )erformed in the following order. %nstall on a /alash* full of )addy ri#e* an idol of gold with %ndra* seated on "ira&at with Vajra "nkusha in his hands.
Perform worshi) of the #hief deity %ndra along with that of the "dhide&a and the Pratyadhide&a with the re#itation of their a))ro)riate Mantras. Perform Ha&an*
"bhisheka and then feed the Brahmins in a##ordan#e with one(s means. %n addition to the abo&e* after doing %ndrasukta and Mrityunjaya 3a)as* )rayers may be
offered to %ndra. 'hese measures will wi)e out the e&il effe#ts of the 8andanta. D. %n #ase the )erforman#e of remedial rites* des#ribed abo&e* is beyond the means
of any )erson* he should gi&e a #ow in #harity. 'his will also a))ease the deities and )romote relief from the e&il effe#ts of the 8andanta. Be#ause the gi&ing of a
#ow in #harity has been #onsidered a su)erior remedial measure than gi&ing in #harity all the lands* belonging to a )erson. =->. "##ording to )res#ribed remedial
measures* A #ows are to be gi&en in #harity in the #ase of 3yeshtha-Mula and "slesha-Magha 8andantas* ? #ows in Re&ati-"sh&ini 8andantas and #ow in other
8andantas* or in any inaus)i#ious Hog. %f #ow* or #ows are not a&ailable* their a#tual &alue should be gi&en in #ash to a Brahmin. !. " girl* born in 3yeshtha
Bakshatr* destroys -is the #ause of death of. the elder brother of her husband and a girl* born in fourth $uarter of Vishaka Bakshatr* destroys her husband(s
younger brother. 'herefore a #ow should be gi&en in #harity at the time of the marriage of su#h girls to wi)e out the abo&e-mentioned e&il effe#ts. -A. " boy* or
girl* born in the ?nd* Ard* or 4th $uarter of "slesha Bakshatr* destroys hisGher mother-in-law and a boy* or a girl* born in st* ?nd* or Ard $uarter of Mula Bakshatr*
be#omes the destroyer of hisGher father-in-law. 'herefore suitable measures* as may be )ossible within one(s means* should be taken at the time of the marriage of
su#h boys and girls. 'here will be no e&il effe#t* if the husband has no elder brothers.

0h. ><. Remedies from Birth of a Daughter after 'hree Sons

-?. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX % will now tell you about other kinds of inaus)i#ious births. 'he birth of a daughter after the birth of three sons* or the birth of a son
after the birth of three daughters is ominous for both the maternal and )aternal families of su#h #hildren. 'herefore remedial measures* des#ribed below* may be
taken to get deli&eran#e from these e&il effe#ts. A->. 'he rites should be )erformed on the morning ne+t to the last day of Sutak* or on any other aus)i#ious day in
the following order. "fter sele#ting a )riest and some Brahmins to )erform the remedial religious rites* the )riest* after )aying obeisan#e to the nine 8rahas* should
install four /alashas on a hea) of )addy* )la#e the idols of Brahma* Vishnu* Mahesha and %ndra* made of gold* on them and )erform their worshi) in the )res#ribed
manner. " Brahmin -an assistant of the )riest.* after taking bath et#.* should re#ite four Rudra Suktas and the whole of Shanti Sukta. 'he )riest should )erform
Ha&an with Samidha* 8hi and sesame seeds !!=* !=* or ?= times with the re#itation of the )res#ribed Mantras of Brahma* Vishnu* Mahesha and %ndra.
S&istkrata and Purnahuti and "bhisheka of the #hild with his family should be done and )resents in #ash should be gi&en to the )riest and his assistants* a##ording
to one(s means. 'he Brahmins should be fed. 'he father and the mother of the #hild should see their refle#tions in the 8hi* ke)t in a bron7e &essel. 1astly grains
and #lothes should be distributed to the )oor and the needy. By the )erforman#e of the abo&e remedial rites the e&il effe#ts are wi)ed out and the #hild and his
)arents et#. enjoy ha))iness.

0h. >C. Remedies from 2nusual Deli&ery

-A. 'he Sage said. , BrahminX % will now tell you about inaus)i#ious and unusual deli&eries by women* whi#h are ominous for the &illage* town and the #ountry.
'hese may be of the following kinds. Deli&ery of a #hild ?* A* or 4 months earlier* or later from the a))ro+imate due date. Deli&ery of a #hild without hands* feet* or
any other limbs* without head* or with two heads. Deli&ery of an animal-sha)ed being by a woman* or a human-sha)ed being by an animal. 4-<. Deli&eries of these
kinds by women* or #ows et#. in a house are ominous for all the members of the family* li&ing there. 'herefore remedial measures are essential for obtaining relief
from their e&il effe#ts. 'he best remedial measure will be to abandon -turn out from the Bha&a. su#h women and animals -#ows* mares et#... C->. %t is #onsidered
inaus)i#ious for a girl to be#ome )regnant* or to deli&er a #hild in her <th* or Cth year from birth. %f a #ow deli&ers* when Surya is in Simh* or a female buffalo
deli&ers* when Surya is in Makar* they are disasterous to their owner and the )erson* who looks after them. 'herefore either su#h #ow* or buffalo should be gi&en
away to a Brahmin* or suitable remedial measures should be taken to es#a)e from the abo&e-mentioned e&il effe#ts. 'he remedial measures to be ado)ted are the
same* as gi&en in &erses A-> in 0h. ><. !. 'hus* whene&er there is any kind of "ristha* ado)tion of a))ro)riate remedial measures will ensure long life* ha))iness
and )ros)erity for the )erson #on#erned.

0h. >D. 0on#lusion

-4. Maharishi Parasara said. , BrahminX % ha&e des#ribed to you the 3yotish Shastra* as narrated by 1ord Brahma to the Sage Barada and by Barada to
Shaunaka and other Sages* from whom % re#ei&ed the knowledge of this Shastra. % ha&e narrated the same 3yotish Shastra* whi#h % learnt from them. Do not im)art
the knowledge of this Shastra to one* who is insignifi#ati&e* slanders* or #alumniates others* nor to one* who is not intelligent* is wi#ked and unknown to you. 'ea#h
this su)reme Vedanga 3yotish Shastra only to one* who is gentle and amiable* de&oted* truthful* brilliant and well known to you. <-C. ,nly that )erson* who
)ossesses ade$uate knowledge of time and the )ositions of 8rahas and Bakshatras* #an understand this Hora Shastra. ,nly that )erson* who has #om)lete
knowledge of the Hora Sastra and who is truthful* #an make #orre#t fa&ourable* or unfa&ourable )redi#tions. D. ,ne* who reads* or listens with attention and
de&otion to this most e+#ellent Hora Shastra* be#omes long-li&ed and is blessed with in#rease in his strength* wealth and good re)utation. =->. 'hus was narrated
by Maharishi Parasara to Maitreya this no&el Horasastra* #ontaining in&aluable and un#ommon material from an#ient s#ri)tures on 3yotish* for the benefit of the
world at large. "fterwards it #ame into usage on the earth and re#ei&ed re&eren#e from all. !-?<. %n these &erses ha&e been des#ribed the subje#t matters of all
the #ha)ters* #ontained in this book and their im)ortan#e.

,m tat sat

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