Language Gender and Culture 2

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Please grab your composition books.

After the bell please

begin on your bell work, vocab, which you will see on the next
Write down the word, definition, and then put it in a sentence.
Kindle: (v) to start (a fire) burning : to stir up : to bring into being : to cause to
glow : to catch fire : to flare up : to become animated : to become illuminated
Noxious: (adj) harmful to living things
Placid: (adj) not easily upset or excited : not moving much : calm and steady
Remuneration: (n) an amount of money paid to someone for the work that
person has done
Talisman: (n) an object (such as a ring or stone) that is believed to have magic
powers and to cause good things to happen to the person who has it
Unit 2
Essential Question: How can an language, gender, and culture be influenced
by authors, society, and itself.
Quickwrite 1: One or two generations ago, men and women seemed to have firmer codes for how
to behave: men could be loud and assertive, but women were expected to dress modestly and to
use a feminine voice. Do you think these rule for male and female behavior still hold true today?
Quickwrite 2: Families have their own rules for how male and female members should talk and
behave. Think back to the advice you have heard in your family or to the rules you have noticed
family members following. Describe the communication styles of talking and behaving for men
and women in your family.
Quickwrite 3: Although tennis fans seem to find it normal that male tennis players grunt when they
swing the racket forcefully, many sports journalists have complained that when female tennis
players grunt during a hard swing, it is distracting from the game. What do you suspect is behind
their objection? Explain your reasoning.
Quickwrite 4: How do American women typically speak in their conversations? Consider volume
and pitch of voice, choice of words, body posture, closeness of speakers, eye contact, use of
hands while speaking, and so on. Now consider the way American men typically speak.
Please turn to a neighbor and take turns sharing your
responses to the vocabulary.
Make sure each person has a chance to share.
Tell your partner what quickwrite you were responding
to before sharing your response.
If you would like to check out some videos on gender I recommend:

BNV14 - Cape Town "Womanhood Hotline"
BNV14 - Denver "Feminism"
BNV 2013 Finals Round #4 - Washington D C

Latin communicatus, past participle of communicare to impart, participate,
from communis common
First Known Use: 1526
: the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or
exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone
: a message that is given to someone : a letter, telephone call, etc.
communications : the ways of sending information to people by using technology

Effective means of communication Ineffective means of communication

What do you think Tannens writing will be about based on the title of her article:
His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness.
Think to yourself first.
Now share with a partner.

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