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Lesson Plan

Lain Alex ADAM - Student Teacher Lesson Plan Murdoch University

Day: Thursday
Class: SC 44
Subject: Science

Date: 28th August 2014
No. of Students: 15-20
Year Level: Year 10
Topic: Adaptation
Start Time:
Finish Time:
Students Prior Knowledge and Experience:
Watched documentary on evolution, completed human evolution worksheets

Learning Purposes:

- To have the students understand
what adaption is and its purpose in
evolution and environment
- For the students to be exposed to
the 3 different types and what
each means
- To have the students think about
what adaptations could be
possible in the future
- To identify and apply knowledge
to some inferential questions to
ensure recognition of the concept

Student Evaluation:

Students will be asked to share what they
have come up with for their answers, thus
demonstrating their understanding of the
topic and the task.
Students will be required to share the
reading by reading out loud a passage from
the information sheet to increase the
possibility of it all sinking in.

EXTRA: Students can write a short story
about how theyd survive if the planet was
suddenly covered with water and there was
no land.

Preparation and Resources:

- Information Worksheets [made up by student teacher]
- Question Worksheets [made up by student teacher]
- Extra Writing Sheet (should it be required)
Some thinking required

12:07 - 12:10
(3-4 mins)

Explanation of what is to happen

Whilst children are sitting at desks, explain that they will need a PEN and
introduce the task by explaining what is to happen and what is expected.
- Reiterate rules for classroom work (e.g. focus, no talking).
- Mention that the sheet will be read by the students aloud and
that if there are not volunteers, people will be picked.
- Discuss that it is important that they attempt all questions.
- No specific right or wrong answers just need to think logically.
- Tell them to ask for help if needed by putting their hand up.
- Whiteboard may need to be used for further explanation/visuals.
Hand out WORKSHEET PACKAGES whilst going through the explanation.
Have students explain what they are doing before they begin to ensure they
are clear on the instruction.

Lesson Plan
Lain Alex ADAM - Student Teacher Lesson Plan Murdoch University

12:10 - 12:16
(6 mins)

12:16 - 12:30
(15 mins)

12:31 - 12:37
(6 mins)

Main Body
Reading of the information sheet

Students will take turns to read aloud the information from the provided
INFORMATION WORKSHEET to ensure they are listening more
appropriately and are more engaged in the text. Increases interaction
with the topic.

Attempting and answering the question sheet

Students will need to read through the questions about adaptation on
their QUESTION WORKSHEET, think about the possibilities, and answer as
many questions as they can in the allotted time. There are 9 questions
total. Some will not complete all of the questions and may only do a
couple whereas some may complete them all and some may do most.

If students do finish, they can be given an extra sheet of paper to write a
short story or dot points about how theyd adapt or what theyd do for
survival if the world was covered in water and there was no land.
Alternatively, as this is only a half hour lesson and this may be too time
consuming, they could draw organisms or evolution related drawings on
the paper such as a human with adaptations.

Seeking understanding and grasp of the topic

Pick people to share the answers to their questions
Put away books/materials, prepare for next lesson.

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