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23456758737 79: ;7!!75
Answer all the questions.

Question 1

(a) Diagram 1(a) shows a number line.

Determine the value of x , y and x + y.

3 Marks
Answer :

x : .

y :

x + y : .. -12 + (-3)
-12 3 = -15

(b) (i) Calculate the valu of and express the answer as a


Answer :

13 0.6 / 0.75
13 0.8 = 12.2

(b) (ii) Adlis money is three times Johns money. Anita has RM200 less than John.
The total amount of their money is RM 1 550.
How much does each of them have ?
Answer :
Adlis money : RM 1050
Johns money : RM 350
Anitas money : RM150
JOHN = X , ADLI = 3X , ANITA = X - 200
X + 3X+ X- 200 = 1550
5X 200 = 1550
5X = 1550 +200
X = 1750 / 5 = 350
4 Marks

%&'()*&'+,- ./01
23456758737 79: ;7!!75
( c) A chess club had 60 members and 40% of the members were boys.
Later, 12 boys and 8 girls joined the club.
What percent of the members now are girls ?

Answer :
40% X 60 = 24 BOYS
GILRS = 60 24 = 36 GIRLS
TOTAL MEMBERS = (24 + 12) + (36 + 8)
= 80 members
% girls = 44/80 x 100%
= 55%

3 Marks
Question 2

(a) Match with the correct answer.

Answer :



iii. 3

3 Marks

(b) Complete thw following steps by fillinf in the correct answers.

Answer :


"() =>?)-' ,>**>@ *A='+B=)
>C / &@D E
"() BH+*) C&,'>H >C FG +-
"() (+I()-' ,>**>@ C&,'>H >C
FG J /K &@D L0 +-
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23456758737 79: ;7!!75

4 Marks
(c) Puan Habibah has 15m cloth. She uses it to make 6 curtains and 4 tablecloths.
Each curtain requires 1.35m of cloth and each tablecloth requires 80 cm of cloth.
What is the length, in m, of the remaining cloth ?
Answer :
Curtains = 6 x 1.35m = 8.1m
Tablecloths = 4 x 0.8 m = 3.2 m
Remaining = 15m ( 8.1 + 3.2)m
= 3.7m
3 Marks
Question 3

(a) In the answer space, mare ( !) for the correct name of the polygon and ( " )
for the incorrect name of the polygon.
Answer :

3 Marks
(b) (i) In the diagram below, LMN and RST are straight lines.
Find te value of p.
Answer :

< RMN = 180 135 = 45
<RSN = 180 60 = 120
p= 360 45 95 120
= 100


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