Art Showcase and Sharing Web Portal Part - I

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080470116003 Introduction

Chapter 1
Key Concepts
1.1 Project Summary
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Scope
1.4 Technoloies and !iterature "e#ie$
VVP (IT) 1
080470116003 Introduction
Traditional art $as paper % pen &ased. There $ere art e'hi&itions and art allerias $hich used
to present these art (orms. )ot all artists could ha#e reach to such (acilities.
*ith ro$th o( Internet+ there is #ery hih demand o( an online solution (or sho$casin+
sharin and endorsin art (orms created &y masses throuh lo&e. There is a reater need to
&rea, eoraphical limitations o( artists. -rtists deser#e to sho$case their art (orms .either
traditional or diital &y nature/ on the internet.
This pro&lem $hich is &ein dealt upon+ re0uires de#elopment o( a $e& &ased plat(orm $hich
$ould ena&le artists around the $orld to share and sho$case their art $or,s. This art $or,s
needs to &e classi(ied under appropriate cateories. -s an social oriented site+ this solution
must pro#ide (acilities (or iteration and communication &et$een users. Thus+ (acilities li,e
comments+ ratins+ pri#ate messain+ etc $ould &e a part o( the system. This pro&lem also
needs the solution to ha#e an administrati#e area (rom $here manaement o( $hole $e&site
can &e done.
1The primary o&jecti#e is to pro#ide a dynamic+ $ell2ser#ice oriented+ user (riendly+
(le'i&le to use and hih 0uality $e& application to ma,e the user satis(action.3
-rtists ha#e a #ery reater need o( this system. They need to share their art $or,s.
4urrent 5ethods o( such art sho$casin are traditional &y nature and not #ery
6lder methods are eoraphically limited to certain location+ there is a need to
lo&ali7e this concept
Traditional method are not interacti#e and8or user (riendly+ there is a need to ma,e an
interacti#e solution
To pro#ide ser#ices e((iciently.
VVP (IT) 2
080470116003 Introduction
To ma,e the user satis(ied &y pro#idin easy to use inter(aces.
To present the comple' array o( ser#ices and (unctions $ithin a sinle application.
To pro#ide 0uality raphics and $ell e'plained content (or the customers to ma,e their
$or, easy.
To pro#ide a 0ualitati#e $e& application to cope up $ith the rapidly chanin
technoloical $orld.
This art $or,s needs to &e classi(ied under appropriate cateories. -s an social
oriented site+ this solution must pro#ide (acilities (or iteration and communication
&et$een users. Thus+ (acilities li,e comments+ ratins+ pri#ate messain+ etc $ould &e
a part o( the system. This pro&lem also needs the solution to ha#e an administrati#e
area (rom $here manaement o( $hole $e&site can &e done.
This is an online $e& &ase arts sho$case and sharin. It is only limited to people $ho are
ha#in internet access and a cell phone. This $e& site $ould &e only used (or artists+ admin
and users. This project strictly (ollo$s company9s re0uirement. It is up to the company to
moneti7e it and ma,e pro(it (rom the project.
A+o,t past syste-
Traditional art $as paper % pen &ased. There $ere art e'hi&itions and art allerias $hich used
to present these art (orms. )ot all artists could ha#e reach to such (acilities.
:#er since aes+ artists ha#e &een loo,in (or $ays to sho$case their art (orms. ;ein a&le to
sho$case some $or, is one o( the major moti#ations (or artists to ,eep creatin ne$ art
$or,s. Traditionally+ $e ha#e &een ha&ituated to #isit 1-rt <alleries3 $here art (orms (rom
#arious artists are sho$cased. ;ut+ apart (rom that+ there is practically nothin else $hich may
help artists to et e'posure. This system may seem per(ect. ;ut+ $e people in eneral ha#e
nelected many (acts a&out it.
VVP (IT) 3
080470116003 Introduction
=irstly+ art alleries are not (or e#eryone> 2 ;oth (or artists and (or eneral pu&lic. )ot e#ery
artists ets chance to sho$case their art (orms at a allery. -lso+ not e#ery person oes to a art
Ina&ility o( -rt alleries to i#e real e'posure to artists is just one #ery small part o( the
pro&lem>> There are many other pro&lems that today?s artists are (acin. !i,e+ (or e'ample+ $e
ha#e $itnesses lo&ali7ation in e#ery sinle (ield. ;ut (or artists+ they still do not ha#e a
centrali7ed plat(orm to share their arts and idea $ith $hole $orld and not just local pu&lic.
<lo&ali7ation is no more a lu'ury (or artists+ it is their need. - need $hich as,s (or solid
*ith ro$th o( Internet+ there is #ery hih demand o( an online solution (or sho$casin+
sharin and endorsin art (orms created &y masses throuh lo&e. There is a reater need to
&rea, eoraphical limitations o( artists. -rtists deser#e to sho$case their art (orms .either
traditional or diital &y nature/ on the internet.
-s a response to a&out mentioned re0uirement+ company is $or,in on a 16nline art %
raphics sharin portal3 $hich ena&les artists to sho$case their art (orms on a $e&2&ased
plat(orm. This script $ould rouhly manae users .artists/+ art (iles+ cateories+ comments+
ratins+ etc.
Techno.o/0es Use1 C,rrent Syste-
P@P has &een #ery e((ecti#e and reconi7ed as major player (or $e& application de#elopment
in last (e$ years. P@P is $idely used and #ery e((icient $ith 5ySA! data&ase.
*e e'tensi#ely use custom P@P Prorammin technoloy (or ser#er side scriptin alon $ith
open source applications that are (eature rich+ secure+ scala&le and ine'pensi#e.
VVP (IT) 4
080470116003 Project 5anaement
Chapter 2
Key Concepts
2.1 Project Plannin % Schedulin
2.2 "is, 5anaement
2.3 :stimation
VVP (IT) 5
080470116003 Project 5anaement
The project plannin $as carried out &y our project leader $ith the hiher manaement
considerin all the (easi&ility analysis+ such as Technical (easi&ility+ time schedule (easi&ility+
Implementation (easi&ility and economic (easi&ility.
Project plannin esta&lishes a plan (or the so(t$are enineerin $or, that (ollo$s. It descri&es
the technical tas,s to &e conducted+ the ris,s that are li,ely+ the resources that $ill &e re0uired+
the $or, product to &e produces+ and a $or, schedule.
Project schedulin is an acti#ity that distri&utes estimated e((ort across the planned project
duration &y allocatin the e((ort to speci(ic so(t$are enineerin tas,s. It is important to note+
ho$e#er+ that the schedule e#ol#es o#ertime. Burin early staes o( project plannin+ a
macroscopic schedule is de#eloped. This type o( schedule identi(ies all so(t$are (rame$or,
acti#ities and the product (unctions to $hich they are applied. -s the project ets under $ay+
each entry on the macroscopic schedule is re(ined into a detailed schedule. @ere+ speci(ic
so(t$are tas,s .re0uired to accomplish an acti#ity/ are identi(ied and scheduled.
2.1.1 Pro2ect De3e.op-ent Approach # J,st040cat0on
The so(t$are process (ollo$ed in this project is )ater4a.. Process Mo1e.. "easons (or usin
*ater(all Process 5odel areC
So(t$are process models o(ten represent a net$or,ed se0uence o( acti#ities+ o&jects+
trans(ormations+ and e#ents that em&ody strateies (or accomplishin so(t$are e#olution.
Such models can &e used to de#elop more precise and (ormali7ed descriptions o( so(t$are li(e
cycle acti#ities. Their po$er emeres (rom their utili7ation o( a su((iciently rich notation+
synta'+ or semantics+ o(ten suita&le (or computational Processin.
VVP (IT) 6
080470116003 Project 5anaement
*0/,re 2.1 )ater4a.. Process Mo1e.
The 5ater4a.. -o1e. cons0sts o4 the 4o..o50n/ phases
De40n0t0on st,1y 6 ana.ys0s.
"esearch is &ein conducted and to &rainstorm a&out the so(t$are to et clear $hat the
purpose o( the so(t$are.
VVP (IT) 7
080470116003 Project 5anaement
$as0c 1es0/n.
It clearly $or,ed out $hat happened durin the (irst phase unearthed. In this phase+ the
customer put on paper and has &een i#en to the shape o( the proram. This phase is set to
deli#er $hat it has to do. Technical desin 8 detail desin. Dsin the &asic desin can &e
thouht o( an actual proram. In this phase determines ho$ the (unctionality de(ined in the
&asic desin $ill &e reali7ed. )o$ is also a place su&di#ision in enineerin units such as
prorams+ modules and (unctions.
Constr,ct0on 6 0-p.e-entat0on.
@ere (urther in project report there is the source code o( prorams $ritten.
It chec,s $hether the so(t$are is &uilt riht to the desins. -lso at this stae errors that
sur(aced in earlier staes made.
The system is ready and tested. It $ill ho$e#er ta,e the company to &e put into use. This is
done in this phase.
In the $ater(all model phases to &e properly sealed (irst &e(ore proceedin to the ne't
stae. It is &elie#ed that the phases are correct &e(ore proceedin to the ne't phase.
The $ater(all model lay the emphasis on documentation. In the ne$er so(t$are
de#elopment methodoloies ma,es it less documentation. This means that $hen ne$
people in the project+ and people lea#e it is di((icult to trans(er ,no$lede. This
disad#antae is not the traditional $ater(all model. It is a straiht(or$ard method. The
$ay o( $or,in ensures that there are speci(ic phases. This tells you $hat stae it
is. 6ne can use this method o( milestones. 5ilestones can &e used to monitor the
proress o( the project to estimate.
VVP (IT) 8
080470116003 Project 5anaement
The $ater(all model is $ell ,no$n. 5any people ha#e e'perienced+ so there miht &e
easy to $or,. *hen (re0uent portions o( the so(t$are product to &e deli#ered this
i#es the customer con(idence+ &ut also the so(t$are de#elopment team.
)hy 5e ,se17
<ettin the re0uirements and desin out o( the $ay (irst also impro#es 0ualityE it?s much
easier to catch and correct possi&le (la$s at the desin stae than at the testin stae+ a(ter all
the components ha#e &een interated and trac,in do$n speci(ic errors is more comple'.
=inally+ &ecause the (irst t$o phases end in the production o( a (ormal speci(ication+ the
$ater(all model can aid e((icient ,no$lede trans(er $hen team mem&ers are dispersed in
di((erent locations.
2.1.2 Pro2ect
The so(t$are project manaement process &eins $ith the set o( acti#ities that are
collecti#ely called project plannin. The o&jecti#e o( so(t$are project plannin is to pro#ide a
(rame$or, that ena&les the administrator to ma,e reasona&le estimates o( resources+ cost and
Tas8 *ro- Date To Date
0F80182012 2080182012
2180182012 3180382012
Besinin 0F80282012 0680482012
Implementation 1680282012 0680482012
Testin and
0680482012 1280482012

Ta+.e 2.1 Pro2ect P.ann0n/
VVP (IT) 9
080470116003 Project 5anaement
M0.estones an1
5anaement needs in(ormation. -s so(t$are is tani&le+ this in(ormation can only &e
pro#ided as documents that descri&e the state o( the so(t$are &ein de#eloped $ithout this
in(ormation it is impossi&le to jude proress at di((erent phases and there(ore schedules can
not &e determined or updated. 5ilestone is an end point o( the so(t$are process acti#ity. -t
each milestone there should &e (ormal output such as report that can &e represented to the
5ilestones are the completion o( the outputs (or each acti#ity.
Beli#era&les are the re0uirements de(inition and the re0uirements speci(ication.
5ilestone represents the end o( the distinct+ loical stae in the project.
5ilestone may &e internal project results that are used &y the project manaer to chec,
Beli#era&les are usually 5ilestones &ut re#erse need not &e true.
VVP (IT) 10
080470116003 Project 5anaement
*e ha#e di#ided the so(t$are process into acti#ities (or the (ollo$in milestone that should &e

Ta+.e 2.2 M0.estones an1
VVP (IT) 11
So4t5are Process Act030ty M0.estone
Pro2ect Project schedule
Re9,0re-ent Co..ect0on Dser re0uirements+ System "e0uirements
Data 4.o5 ana.ys0s B=B+ System (lo$
1.Bata&ase desin
2.Dser Inter(ace desin
System Besin Bocument
1.4ode (or i#in security
2.4ode (or reports
-ccess "ihts
"eports <eneration
Test0n/ Settin #alidations and error messaes
080470116003 Project 5anaement # Respons0+0.t0es
Ta+.e 2.& # Respons0+0.t0es O4 each Tea- Me-+ers
VVP (IT) 12
Sr. No. Na-e *,nct0ona. Area Ro.e
1 Gemini <anatra Dser side e'pected
*e&site !andin H
home pae.
Dser "eistration %
Dpload -rt =ile %
6ther static contents
2 -#ani Solan,i -dmin side e'pected
Bash &oard .
4ontent Ieri(ication.
Bata 5anaement.
=la "eports.
4on(iuration and
080470116003 Project 5anaement
2.1.& Sche1,.e Representat0ons
The tentati#e Project Schedule is as (ollo$s.
Sr.No Tas8s *ro- Date To Date
1 !iterature Study 0F20122012 2020122012
2 System -nalysis 2120122012 3120322012
3 System Besin 0F20222012 0620422012
4 Implementation 1620222012 0620422012
F Testin 0620422012 1220422012
6 <o on !i#e.chanes/ 1320422012 1F20422012
Ta+.e 2.' Pro2ect Sche1,.e
VVP (IT) 13
080470116003 Project 5anaement
"is, manaement consists o( a series o( steps that help a so(t$are de#elopment team to
understood and manae uncertain pro&lems that may arise durin the course o( so(t$are
de#elopment and can plaue a so(t$are project.
"is,s are the danerous conditions or potential pro&lems (or the system $hich may damae
the system (unctionalities to #ery hih le#el $hich $ould not &e accepta&le at any cost. so in
order to ma,e our system sta&le and i#e its 100J per(ormance $e must ha#e identi(y those
ris,s+ analy7e their occurrences and e((ects on our system and must pre#ent them to occur.
2.2.1 R0s8 I1ent040cat0on
"is, identi(ication is a (irst systematic attempt to speci(y ris,s to project plan+ schedulin
resources+ project de#elopment. It may &e carried out as a team process usin &rainstormin
Techno.o/y R0s8 Technical ris,s concern implementation+ potential desin+ inter(acin+
testin+ and maintenance pro&lems.
Bata&ase 4orruptness
<ar&ae 4ollection
Peop.e R0s8s These ris,s are concerns $ith the team and its mem&ers $ho are ta,in part in
de#elopin the system.
!ea,in an important data
=ailure o( the administration
!ac, o( ,no$lede
!ac, o( clear product #ision
Technical sta(( con(lict
Poor communication &et$een people
Too.s R0s8s These are more concerned $ith tools used to de#elop the system.
VVP (IT) 14
080470116003 Project 5anaement
Tools containin #irus.
!enera. R0s8s <eneral "is,s are the ris,s $hich are concerned $ith the mentality and
"apidly chanin re0uirements.
!ac, o( resources can cause reat harm to e((iciency and timely
4hanes in customer9s re0uirements can cause a reat harm to
implementation+ desinin and schedule o( de#elopin the system.
Insu((icient plannin and tas, identi(ication.
Becision ma,in con(licts.
2.2.2 R0s8 Ana.ys0s
VVP (IT) 15
080470116003 Project 5anaement
R0s8 Type R0s8 Descr0pt0on6Ca,ses Pro+a+0.0ty E44ects
@ard$are (ailure+ team
mem&er+ hard$are
In case o( a ser#er crash+ there
are still the &ac,up tapes o( the
!o$ @ih
Auality not reached The A-2leader has to ,eep a
siht on all documents and
code to ensure the 0uality o(
the deli#era&les.
!o$ @ih
"apidly 4hane in
5ore num&er o( 4hanes in
customer9s re0uirements
ma,es reat chanes in
structure o( modules
5edium Tolera&le
Illness+ i#in up *e are only t$o mem&ers (or
this project so that i( someone
&ecomes ill+ it &ecome #ery
critical situation (or us.
!o$ @ih
Ta+.e 2.: R0s8 Ana.ys0s
2.2.& R0s8 P.ann0n/
VVP (IT) 16
080470116003 Project 5anaement
R0s8 Type Re-e10es6P.ans
@ard$are =ailure ;ac, up must &e ta,en at each speci(ic inter#al.
Schedule Slippae "eorani7e team so that there is proper understandin
o( the project and ser#ices and people there(ore
understand each other9s jo&.
Auality not reached Short meetins are arraned at the end o( $ee, to
analy7e the proress le#el o( each mem&er9s $or, in
coordination to reach the optimum 0uality.
"apidly 4hane in
=or this ris, $e must ha#e to analy7e ne$
re0uirements and accordin to that proper chanes
Ta+.e 2.; R0s8 P.ann0n/
2.&.1 E44ort Est0-at0on
VVP (IT) 17
080470116003 Project 5anaement
:((ort estimation $as done &y ,eepin in mind all the modules o( the project as BSS uses data
(rom all the modules o( the project and prepares the report.
The major part o( the BSS module $as preparin report+ searchin (or re0uired #ouchers and
receipts $hich ha#e &een enerated and pro#idin user the list o( all that data (or $hich user
has selected particular search criterion.
:((ort $as re0uired to assem&le data (rom all the modules and interate them into the BSS
2.&.2 Cost Est0-at0on
The ;usiness model (ollo$ed here to de#elop the application aims at cost e((ecti#e &udet.
The tareted application aims at the company $ho cannot spend much on the project
de#eloped (or their con#enience. The cost e((ecti#eness o( the application $as the important
(actor $hich had to ta,en care o( throuh out the application de#elopment. The application
uses some o( the &est 6pen Source resources currently used in this era (or de#elopment.
These not only cuts do$n the cost &ut also helps in &ein porta&le.
The 4ost :stimation $as done in t$o cateories $hich $ereC
@ard$are DsedC
So(t$are DsedC
)otepad KK
5y SA!
P@P ;ein an open source medium (or the de#elopers it ma,es it lot easier
to de#elop and pro#ide the same (or the user at the almost no cost.
VVP (IT) 18
080470116003 System "e0uirements Study
Chapter &
Key Concepts
3.1 Dser 4haracteristics
3.2 @ard$are8So(t$are "e0uirements
3.3 4onstraints
VVP (IT) 19
080470116003 System "e0uirements Study
1. A1-0n0strator =Top Mana/e-ent>
This user is !e#el 21 user+ the head o( this $e&2site.
@as all the access and pri#ilees to use the $hole application.
This !e#el o( user can modi(y all the in(ormation and In(ormation can &e manaed
&y this le#el user.
2. Re/0stere1 User =Pop (ea1> ?
This is the !e#el22 user+ $ho can access all the ser#ices pro#ided &y this $e&2site.
@as the access to retrie#e and modi(y the in(ormation &elons only to his8her
&. %0s0tor User C 2
This is the le#el 3 Dser.
@e8she $ill not &e a&le to update e'istin or insert any ne$ In(ormation.
They can only see ser#ices pro#ided &y our $e&site.
(ar15are Inter4ace
Ser3er Con40/,rat0on
4on(iurationC Pentium Processor
2.13 <@7 or hiher
2 <; "-5 or hiher
120 <; @ard Bis, or hiher
4B2"65 or BIB2"65 Bri#e
Super I<- 5onitors .800L600/
VVP (IT) 20
080470116003 System "e0uirements Study
6peratin SystemC *indo$s MP+ !inu'+ 5-4
C.0ent Con40/,rat0on
4on(iurationC Pentium H III or @iher
4F0 5@7 Processor or hiher
F12 5; "-5 or hiher
80 <; @BB or hiher
Super I<- 5onitors .800L600/

6peratin SystemC *indo$s MP
So4t5are Inter4ace
De3e.op-ent S01e Too.s
=ront :nd Tools C P@P 5N -B5I)
;ac, :nd Tools C SA! ser#er
Bocumentation Tools
2 5S Iisio 2007
2 5icroso(t *ord 2007
*e& &ro$ser
2 Internet :'plorer 7.0 or hiher
2 5o7illa =ire(o' 2.0 or hiher
C.0ent S01e
*e& &ro$ser
2 Internet :'plorer 7.0 or hiher
2 5o7illa =ire(o' 2.0 or hiher
6peratin System
2 *indo$s O8 or @iher
VVP (IT) 21
080470116003 System "e0uirements Study
&.&.1 (ar15are Constra0nts
*e ha#e ta,en P@P 5N-B5I) as =ront2:nd and SA! S:"I:" as our ;ac,2:nd Tool so
the installation o( 5icroso(t Iisual ;asic re0uires a minimum o( F12 5; "-5 and the
processor $ith 1.F <@7 speed as recommended in the hard$are re0uirements.
The <raphics Dser Inter(ace is &est #ie$ed in 800L600 "esolution.
&.&.2 Para..e. Operat0ons
-t a time more than one user can access the application.
&.&.& Inter4ace
User Inter4ace
The user2inter(ace is $ith a internet &ro$ser is must &e re0uired to access the
(ar15are Inter4ace
The internet connection is re0uired &et$een the computer the ser#er that is hostin
the $e&site.
So4t5are Inter4ace
The application $ill &e interactin $ith the )otepad KK and *amp Ser#er that
&oth o( the thins must &e a#aila&le on the ser#er
&.&.' Ass,-pt0on an1 Depen1enc0es
The entire so(t$are depends on end2users operation. They should possess enouh
,no$lede to $or, $ith the system. Trainin $ill &e i#en to end2users (or this purpose.
VVP (IT) 22
080470116003 System "e0uirements Study
:nd2Dser is the person ha#in enouh ,no$lede (or the project operation.
The P4 on $hich this so(t$are is used must meet its minimum re0uirements in terms o(
hard$are and so(t$are.
6nly -dministrator person has all the pri#ilees.
The data&ase is correct and up2to date e#ery Time.
The a#aila&ility and relia&ility o( the system is at the le#el $hat user $ants in.
The user o( the system must &e$are a&out the #arious (unctionalities o( the system and
all the operations o( it.
&.&.: Sa4ety # Sec,r0ty Concerns
The Sa(ety o( the system is a&out orani7ation part o( concern as the system is oin to &e
used in there &ut the solution (or the sa(ety o( the system + the source o( this so(t$are $ill &e
,ept at more than one place $ith Dser id+ pass$ord and also in the 4B "65 in case o(
system crash.
*e ha#e tried to secure the system (rom any unauthori7ed access &y pro#idin di((erent users
a di((erent user id as per his or her desination.
I( user is -dmin .Top 5anaement/+ he8she $ill ha#e all the access+ pri#ilees and constraints
to use this system.
VVP (IT) 23
080470116003 System "e0uirements Study
@e8She can access the entire data&ase details. @e8she is a&le to modi(y or delete any record or
details (rom the data&ase.
6ther users ha#e limited access accordin to their desination in the orani7ation. ;ecause o(
limited pri#ilees these other users $ill not &e a&le to modi(y or delete other details or records
o( orani7ation.
VVP (IT) 24
080470116003 System -nalysis
Chapter '
Key Concepts
4.1 Study 6( 4urrent System
4.2 Pro&lem % *ea,ness o( 4urrent System
4.3 "e0uirement 6( )e$ System
4.4 =easi&ility Study
4.F "e0uirements Ialidations
4.6 =unctions 6( )e$ System
4.7 Bata 5odellin
4.8 =unctions % ;eha#iour 6( )e$ System
4.O 5ain 5odules 6( )e$ System
VVP (IT) 25
080470116003 System -nalysis
In this phase+ the analysis o( the $hole project is done i.e. ho$ the project $ill &e de#eloped+
$hat the $hole project $ill contain and ho$ all the (unctions that are included in this project
$ill $or,. -ll these thins $ill &e #isuali7ed+ conceptuali7ed and put on the paper $or,
$hich $ill ta,e the &ody o( the actual project $or,.
The $or,in o( the $hole project $or, $ill &e descri&ed &y Bata =lo$ Biarams+ 4lass
Biarams+ Dse 4ase Biarams+ etc. so that the prior idea o( the actual (unctionality i( the
project+ the (unctions o( di((erent modules and classes and the user inter(ace o( the project can
&e #isuali7ed.
The current scenario o( the company $as &ased on the des,top and $e& application made up
(or shape (ile handlin and manipulation. -ll the di((erent ,inds o( projects that $ere oin on
into the company $ere either the des,top applications or the $e& applications and $ere made
usin the tools li,e Iisual 4KK+ I; .):T+ 4P .):T+ -sp.)et+ P@P etc. This so(t$are $ere
pro#idin the (unctionalities to #ie$ the shape (iles+ to create shape (iles+ to per(orm #arious
operations upon the shape (iles li,e 7oomin+ pannin+ clippin etc.+ to ha#e layers o( more
than one shape (iles at a time etc. -s such the current projects dealt $ith the shape (ile
handlin on the $e& &asis.
This is an online project. It is only limited to people $ho are ha#in internet access . This
$e&site $ould &e only used (or do$nloadin and uploadin -"T (or a users+ it is in no $ay
use(ul (or any other use. This project strictly (ollo$s client9s re0uirements. It is up to the
client to moneti7e it and ma,e pro(it (rom the project.
VVP (IT) 26
080470116003 System -nalysis
This project is (or client. 6ur responsi&ility is to (ul(ill all client re0uirements. -part (rom that+
$e do not participate in any matter o( the client. =eature list has &een attached.
Non?*,nct0ona. Re9,0re-ents
Per4or-ance Re9,0re-ents
To &uild customer relationships &y settin mutually satis(yin oals &et$een
orani7ation and customers+ esta&lishin and maintainin customer rapport and
producin positi#e (eelins in your orani7ation and (or the customers.
Sa4ety Re9,0re-ents
I( someone $ho is unauthori7ed cannot use this system. =or chec,in
authentication o$n DserId and pass$ord is re0uired &e(ore ettin access o(
=easi&ility study is carried out $hene#er there is a comple' pro&lem or opportunity+ it is a (act
a preliminary in#estiation $hich emphasi7es the 1!oc, underta,en to determine the
possi&ility or pro&a&ility o( either impro#in the e'istin system or de#elopin a completely
ne$ system. It helps to o&tain an o#er#ie$ o( the pro&lem and to et rouh assessment o(
$hether (easi&le solutions e'ist. There is essential to a#oid committin lare resources to a
project and the repent on it later.
Nee1 4or 4eas0+0.0ty st,1y
The (easi&ility study is needed to
-ns$er the 0uestion $hether a ne$ system is to &e installed or notQ
Betermine the potential o( the e'istin system.
Impro#e the e'istin system.
Rno$ $hat should &e em&edded in the ne$ system.
Be(ine the pro&lems and o&jecti#es in#ol#ed in a projects
-#oid costly repairs at a later larer stae $hen the system is implemented.
-#oid the Shard$are approach9. I.e. ettin a computer (irst and then decidin
@o$ to use it.
Techn0ca. 4eas0+0.0ty
VVP (IT) 27
080470116003 System -nalysis
-"T <allery is one o( the (ast ro$in sites.
It is easy to use.
-#aila&le throuh internet.
-ny 6ne can use no need technoloy ,no$lede.
Dser can upload and do$nload the art imaes % it9s in(ormation.
T0-e sche1,.e 4eas0+0.0ty
To de#elop the project accordin the time schedule.
=irst do re0uirement speci(ication and analysis.
Then create data&ase o( project.
-(ter that create desin o( project+ then codin.
Then+ last testin o( the (inal project.
Operat0ona. 4eas0+0.0ty
"emo#es manual $or,.
)o chance (or manual error &ecause Bata .result/ is directly (etch (rom result (ile.
)o e'tra prorammin or other s,ills are re0uired
=aster *or,
"educe "epetition o( *or, &y sa#in 0uic, notes
Econo-0c 4eas0+0.0ty
To et the art imaes % #ideos (ree (rom this site.
There is no need o( special trainin to use this so(t$are.
)o e'tra hard$are cost.
VVP (IT) 28
080470116003 System -nalysis
- re0uirements #alidation is concerned $ith sho$in that the re0uirements actually de(ine
the system+ $hich the customer $ants.
"e0uirements #alidation is important &ecause errors in a re0uirements document can lead
to e'tensi#e re$or, costs $hen they are su&se0uently disco#ered.
'.:.1 Re9,0re-ent %a.01at0on Chec8s

*e ha#e done &elo$ #alidation chec,s
%a.010ty chec8s @ Chec8 $hether the in(ormation entered is in #alid (ormat
Cons0stency chec8s @ "e0uirements in a document is not con(lictin.
Co-p.eteness chec8s @ The re0uirements document includes re0uirement+ $hich
de(ine all (unctions+ and constraints intended &y the system user.
Rea.0s- chec8s @ Dsin ,no$lede o( e'istin technoloy+ the re0uirements are
chec,ed to ensure that they could actually &e implemented.
%er040a+0.0ty @ The re0uirements are i#en in #eri(ia&le manner .e..C Dsin
0uanti(ia&le measures/ to reduce disputes &et$een client and de#eloper.
'.:.2 Re9,0re-ent %a.01at0on Techn09,es
*e ha#e used (ollo$in Ialidation Techni0ues
Re9,0re-ent Re30e5 @ *e &oth and also our team leader analy7ed the
re0uirements systematically.
Prototyp0n/ @ In this approach to #alidation+ an e'ecuta&le model o( the system is
demonstrated to our clients. So &y doin this they can chec, $hether the considered
re0uirements satis(y their needs.
Test?case /enerat0on @ "e0uirements should ideally &e testa&le. I( a test is di((icult
or impossi&le to desin+ this usually means that the re0uirements $ill &e di((icult to
implement and should &e reconsider. *e ha#e (ound such re0uirements.
VVP (IT) 29
080470116003 System -nalysis
'.;.1 Use?Case D0a/ra-
In the early staes o( a de#elopment project+ use case diarams descri&e real2$orld acti#ities
and moti#ations.

VVP (IT) 30
080470116003 System -nalysis
*0/,re '.;.1 Use?Case D0a/ra-
'.A.1 C.ass D0a/ra-
*0/ '.A.1. Use?Case D0a/ra- o4 Art Sho5case # Shar0n/
VVP (IT) 31
080470116003 System -nalysis
'.A.2 Syste- Act030ty
*0/.'.A.2 Act030ty D0a/ra- o4 Art Sho5case# Shar0n/
VVP (IT) 32
080470116003 System -nalysis
'.A.& Data D0ct0onary
Art Users

Ta+.e '.A.&.1 Art Ta+.e '.A.&.2 Users

VVP (IT) 33
080470116003 System -nalysis
Cate/or0es Co--ents *a3o,r0tes

Ta+.e '.A.&.' Cate/or0es Ta+.e '.A.&.: Co--ents Ta+.e '.A.&.; *a3o,r0tes
"08e?D0s.08e Messa/es Re9,estB.o/

Ta+.e '.A.&.A .08eB10s.08e Ta+.e '.A.&.C Messa/es Ta+.e '.A.&.D Re9,estB.o/
Contacts Rat0n/s

Ta+.e '.A.&.1E Contacts Ta+.e '.A.&.11 Rat0n/s
VVP (IT) 34
080470116003 System -nalysis
'.C.1 ConteFt @ *.o5 D0a/ra-
*0/ '.C.1.1 ConteFt @4.o5 D0a/r- 4or Art Sho5case # Shar0n/
'.C.2 Data?*.o5 D0a/r- .e3e.?1
VVP (IT) 35
080470116003 System -nalysis
*0/,re '.C.2.1 D*D "e3e.?1 D0a/ra-
"o/0n 1ata 4.o5 10a/ra-=.e3e. 2>
VVP (IT) 36
080470116003 System -nalysis
*0/,re '.C.2.2 "o/0n 1ata 4.o5 10a/ra-=.e3e. 2>
Data -ana/e-ent 1ata 4.o5 10a/ra-=.e3e.?2>
VVP (IT) 37
080470116003 System -nalysis
*0/,re '.C.2.& Data -ana/e-ent 1ata 4.o5 10a/ra-=.e3e.?2>
Re/0strat0on 1ata 4.o5 10a/ra-=.e3e. 2>
VVP (IT) 38
080470116003 System -nalysis
*0/,re '.C.2.' Re/0strat0on 1ata 4.o5 10a/ra-=.e3e. 2>
'.C.& Contro. *.o56Se9,ence D0a/ra-
VVP (IT) 39
080470116003 System -nalysis
*0/,re '.C.&.1 Contro. 4.o56Se9,ence D0a/ra- 4or Art Sho5case # Shar0n/
VVP (IT) 40
080470116003 System -nalysis
User s01e eFpecte1 o,tco-e
Section 1C *e&site !andin H home pae.
)a#iation area C !in,s (or reistration+ upload+ &ro$se+ contact+ etc.
4ontent area C This could sho$ list o( recently uploaded art (iles+ also popular ones
li,e the ones $ith most ratin+ most comments+ most re#ie$s+ etc.
6ther sections C @ome pae $ould interate a corner (or lo in and other use(ul lin,s
Section 2C Dser "eistration % Pro(ile
Dser reistrationC (ull name+ user name+ email+ ender+ city state country+ interests+
education+ past $or,s+ etc.
Dser pro(ilesC #ie$+ search and edit pro(ile. Inter user pri#ate messain and
communication. Sho$ online users+ sho$ top users etc.
Section 3C Dpload -rt =ile % ;ro$se
Dpload imae art (ile+ upload #ideo art (ile
;ro$se (iles in cateories+ ad#anced searchC &y name+ si7e+ date+ user+ re#ie$s+
comments+ ratins+ do$nloads+ tas+ etc.
Section 4C 6ther static contents
This is collection o( other static paesC a&out us+ history+ terms o( ser#ice+ etc.
A1-0n s01e eFpecte1 o,tco-e
Section 1C Bash&oard
VVP (IT) 41
080470116003 System -nalysis
Bash&oard $ould 0uic,ly sho$ all the statistics o( the $e&site. Total num&er o( users+
total art (iles+ total up loaders+ total comments+ total re#ie$s+ etc. $ould &e sho$n.
Bash&oard $ould also pro#ide 0uic, lin,s to other (acilities o( $e&site.
Section 2C 4ontent Ieri(ication
Sho$ ne$ly uploaded imaes+ sho$ ne$ly uploaded #ideos. :dit+ delete or acti#ate
ne$ly uploaded imaes and8or #ideos.
Section 3C Bata 5anaement
Sho$ all users+ all imaes+ all #ideos+ and all cateories.
-dd+ delete+ acti#ate+ deacti#ate+ &an+ un&an users+ content+ cateories+ etc.
Section 4C =la "eport
Dser can i#e (la to that art i( they (eel that this art is inappropriate .So that i( any
(la i#en to the art this in(ormation a&out the art is re(lected at the admin side.So that
admin can #eri(y it.
VVP (IT) 42
080470116003 System Besin
Chapter :
Key Concepts
F.1 Bata&ase Besin8Batastructure Besin
F.2 System Procedural Besin
F.3 Input86utput % Inter(ace Besin
F.4 System -rchitectural Besin
VVP (IT) 43
080470116003 System Besin
*0/,re :.1.1 Data+ase Des0/n Ta+.e?re.at0onsh0p D0a/ra-
VVP (IT) 44
080470116003 System Besin
:.2.1 A./or0th- 4or Metho1
A1-0n s01e

Step 1 6pen the Dtility *e& Site.
Step 2 I( you are an administrator+ loin into $e&site $ith your user id and pass$ord.
Step 2 a -(ter success(ul loin+ the administrator can appro#e the map &y analy7in it.
Step & See the total num&er ho$ many users ha#e reistered.
Step ' See ho$ many arts ha#e &een uploaded &y the users % can #eri(y them.
Step : -dmin can also add8delete8edit cateories o( the art.
Step ; -dmin can also see the (la report o( the arts .
Step A See the (eed&ac, o( di((erent persons.
User S01e
Step 1 6pen the Dtility *e& Site.
Step 2 I( you are a reistered user+ loin into $e&site $ith your user id and pass$ord.
Step 2 a -(ter success(ul loin+ the user can see his8her pro(ile pae.
Step & Dser can edit his8her pro(ile i( they $ant.
Step ' Dser has riht (or upload an art+ to ma,e photo allery.
Step : Dser can i#e comment on art also i#e ratins+ li,e8disli,e to it.
Step ; Dser can add art to their (a#ourite arts also can delete them.
Step A Dser can share their art.
VVP (IT) 45
080470116003 System Besin
:.&.1 O4 *or-sG Reports an1 Inter4ace
Samples o( (orms are displayed at Chapter C under the title o( the Screen Shots.
:.&.2 Access Contro. an1 Sec,r0ty
A.. R0/htHs are 50th ,ser
In this system only administrator can add or edit all contents details or reistered user detail.
6nly admin can see all in(ormation so none user can et other user9s detail.
:.&.& State?Trans0t0on D0a/ra-
VVP (IT) 46
080470116003 System Besin
*0/,re :.&.1 "o/0n State Chart D0a/ra-
VVP (IT) 47
080470116003 System Besin

*0/,re :.'.1 &?t0er arch0tect,re D0a/ra-
The 32Tier architecture has the (ollo$in three layersC
C.0ent "ayer
This is the top most le#el o( the application. The presentation tier displays in(ormation related to
such ser#ices as &ro$sin merchandise+ purchasin+ and shoppin cart contents. It communicates
$ith other tiers &y outputtin results to the &ro$ser8client tier and all other tiers in the net$or,.
$,s0ness "o/0c "ayer
The loic tier is pulled out (rom the presentation tier and+ as its o$n layer+ it controls an
application9s (unctionality &y per(ormin detailed processin.
Data+ase "ayer
This tier consists o( Bata&ase Ser#ers. @ere in(ormation is stored and retrie#ed. This tier ,eeps
data neutral and independent (rom application ser#ers or &usiness loic. <i#in data its o$n tier
also impro#es scala&ility and per(ormance.
VVP (IT) 48
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
Chapter ;
Key Concepts
6.1 Implementation :n#ironment
6.2 Proram85odules Speci(ication
6.3 Security =eatures
6.4 4odin Standards
6.F Sample 4odin
VVP (IT) 49
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
This system is $e& &ased sinle user system that can &e easily run on anny
laptops8Bes,tops i( user has &ro$ser installed in it.
The system is <DI &ased system $hich is simple and user (riendly.
Dsers ha#e their username and pass$ords.
-dmin has all the rihts to access the ser#ices o( this $e&site.
This system $ill &e used &y e#ery people and he or she $ill not (ace any pro&lem to
use it &ecause it has a &etter <DI $hich is user (riendly.
There is no re0uirement o( hiher ,no$lede to use this system or understand its (lo$
o( $or,in+ as $e made its <DI simple as much as possi&le.
User s01e eFpecte1 o,tco-e
*e&site !andin H home pae.
Dser "eistration % Pro(ile
Dpload -rt =ile % ;ro$se
6ther static contents
A1-0n s01e eFpecte1 o,tco-e
4ontent Ieri(ication
Bata 5anaement
=la "eport
VVP (IT) 50
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
!ocally data&ase+ no net$or, access needed so secure (rom outdoor threats.
6nly admin has riht to add ne$ user to system.
-dmin #eri(y art $hich is uploaded &y the user once he8she #eri(ied the art then user
can see it their pro(ile.
=or inappropriate art user can i#e (la to that so that admin is
6ne has no authority to #ie$ other user9s pro(ile so con(identiality should &e
P@P de#elopment assures that no crashes o( system $hile $or,in.
Bata&ase sa#ed on *amp ser#er (rom application so in case o( system (ailure $e can
et our data &ac,.
Contro. Str,ct,res
These include i(+ (or+ $hile+ s$itch+ etc. 4ontrol statements should ha#e one space
&et$een the control ,ey$ord and openin parenthesis+ to distinuish them (rom
(unction calls. Nou are stronly encouraed to al$ays use curly &races e#en in
situations $here they are technically optional.
4 style comments .8L L8/ and standard 4KK comments .88/ are &oth (ine. Dse o(
Perl8shell style comments .P/ is discouraed.
P(P Co1e Ta/s
-l$ays use TQphp QU to delimit P@P code+ not the TQ QU shorthand. This is re0uired
(or P@P compliance and is also the most porta&le $ay to include P@P code on
di((erin operatin systems and setups.
%ar0a+.e Na-es 2
Dse all lo$er case letters. Dse ?V? as the $ord separator.
A.0/n-ent o4 Dec.arat0on $.oc8s
;loc, o( declarations should &e alined.
One State-ent Per "0ne 2 There should &e only one statement per line unless the
statements are #ery closely related.
VVP (IT) 51
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
There are+ o( course+ some e'ceptions to the use o( templates. =or e'ample+ $hen returnin
lare sets o( 5ySA! data into a ta&le+ it is o(ten much (aster to display the results o(
mys0lV(etchVassoc./ directly usin echo.
There could &e many more points $hich should &e considered $hile $ritin your P@P
proram. 6#er all intension should &e to &e consistent throuhout o( the code prorammin
and $e can (ollo$ any codin standard. Nou can de#ice your o$n standard i( you li,e
somethin di((erent. *e ha#e implemented these standards (or our codin.
VVP (IT) 52
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
i(.>isset.XV<:TY?artVid?Z// header.WlocationCinde'.phpW/E
Xrt [ ne$ ratin.WartVidW+WuidW/E
Xd[ ne$ d&o./E
Xd2Udml.Wupdate art set aV#ie$s[aV#ie$sK1 $here aVid[W.XV<:TY?artVid?Z/E
XartVres[Xd2Uet.Wselect L (rom art+cateories $here catVid[aVcatVid and aVid[W.
XV<:TY?artVid?Z.W and aV#eri(ied[1W/E
XcomVres [ Xd2Uet.Wselect L (rom comments+users $here comVuid [ uVid and comVaid [ W.
XV<:TY?artVid?Z.W order &y comVid descW/E
Xallo$Vldl [ (alseE
Xallo$V(a# [ (alseE
i(.isset.XVS:SSI6)Y?uid?Z// \
XldlVres [ Xd2Uet.Wselect L (rom li,eVdisli,eVlo $here ldlVuid [ W.XVS:SSI6)Y?uid?Z.W and
ldlVaid [ W.XV<:TY?artVid?Z/E
X(a#Vres [ Xd2Uet.Wselect L (rom (a#ourites $here (VuVid [ W.XVS:SSI6)Y?uid?Z.W and
(VartVid [ W.XV<:TY?artVid?Z/E
i(.mys0lVnumVro$s.XldlVres/ [[ 0/ Xallo$Vldl [ trueE
i(.mys0lVnumVro$s.X(a#Vres/ [[ 0/ Xallo$V(a# [ trueE ]
T>B64TNP: html PD;!I4 W288*3488BTB M@T5! 1.0 Transitional88:)W
VVP (IT) 53
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
Thtml 'mlns[WhttpC88$$$.$3.or81OOO8'htmlWU
TtitleU-rt <alleryT8titleU
Tlin, hre([Wcss8style.cssW rel[WstylesheetW type[Wte't8cssW 8U
Tscript type[Wte't8ja#ascriptW src[Wjs8j0uery.jsWUT8scriptU
Tdi# class[WmainWU
Tdi# class[W&lo,VheaderWU
Tdi# class[WheaderWU
Tdi# class[WlooWU
Tdi# class[WmenuWU
Tdi# class[WclrWUT8di#U
Tdi# class[WclrWUT8di#U
VVP (IT) 54
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
Tdi# class[WclrWUT8di#U
Tdi# class[WheaderVte'tV&2WU
Th2UTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVtitle?Z QUT8h2U
Tdi# class[WclrWUT8di#U
Tdi# class[W&odyVresi7e2WU
Tdi# class[W&odyVtop2WU
Tdi# class[W&odyV&ottomWU
Tdi# class[W&odyWU
Tdi# class[W&odyVsmallWUT&rUT&rU
TQphp i(.isset.XVS:SSI6)Y?uid?Z//\
X(a#Vres [ Xd2Uet.Wselect L (rom (a#ourites $here (VuVid [ W.XVS:SSI6)Y?uid?Z.W and
(VartVid [ W.XV<:TY?artVid?Z/E
echoWTim src[?imaes8#ie$V( heiht[?3F? $idth[?3F?U%n&spE%n&spETa
hre([?(a#ourites.php?UT&iUTuUT&UIie$ 5y =a#ouritesT8&UT8uUT8&iUT8aUT&rUT&rUWE
VVP (IT) 55
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
echoWTim src[?imaes8do$ heiht[?3F? $idth[?3F?U%n&spE%n&spETa
hre([?(orce(ullydo$nload.phpQaid[W.XV<:TY?artVid?Z.W?UT&iUTuUT&UBo$nload -rt
ImaeT8&UT8uUT8&iUT8aUT&rUT&rUWE ]
T&UBetailsT8&U Thr $idth[W100JWU
Tta&le class[Wta&leW $idth[W100JWU
TtrU Ttd $idth[W40JWUT&UTitleT8&UT8tdU
Ttd $idth[W60JWU TQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVtitle?Z QU T8tdU
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?catVnm?Z QUT8tdU
TtrUTtdU%n&spET8tdUT8trU TtrU
TtdUT&UImae si7eT8&UT8tdU
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVimVsi7e?Z QUT8tdUT8trU
TtrU TtdUT&UBateT8&UT8tdU
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVdate?Z QUT8tdU
VVP (IT) 56
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aV$idth?Z.W ' W.XartVro$Y?aVheiht?ZEQUT8tdU
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVdate?Z QUT8tdU
T&UStatisticsT8&UThr $idth[W100JWU
Tta&le class[Wta&leW $idth[W100JWUTtrU
Ttd $idth[W40JWUT&U4ommentsT8&UT8tdU
Ttd $idth[W60JWUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVcomments?Z QUT8tdU
VVP (IT) 57
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aV#ie$s?Z QUT8tdU
TtrUTtdUT&U=a#ouritesT8&UT8tdU TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aV(a#?Z QUT8tdU
TtdUTQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVdo$nloads?Z QUT8tdU
TtrUTtd #alin[WtopWUT&U"atinsT8&UT8tdUTtdU4urrent "atinC TQphp echo Xrt2
UcalcVratin./E QU T&rU 1 Star IoteC TQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVr1?Z QU T&rU
2 Star IoteC TQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVr2?Z QU T&rU
3 Star IoteC TQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVr3?Z QU T&rU
4 Star IoteC TQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVr4?Z QU T&rU
F Star IoteC TQphp echo XartVro$Y?aVrF?Z QU
VVP (IT) 58
080470116003 Implementation Plannin % Betails
T&USharinT8&UThr $idth[W100JWU
Tdi# class[W&odyVsmallV&2WU
T&UShare Nour -rtT&UT&rUT&rU
Tdi# class[WaddthisVtool&o' addthisVde(aultVstyle addthisV32'32VstyleWU
Ta class[WaddthisV&uttonVpre(erredV1WUT8aU
Ta class[WaddthisV&uttonVpre(erredV2WUT8aU
Ta class[WaddthisV&uttonVpre(erredV3WUT8aU
Ta class[WaddthisV&uttonVpre(erredV4WUT8aU
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