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Using exactly 140 characters (like a tweet-character=a
letter, a space, punctuation) introduce yourself without
saying your name. Create your tweet on the provided index
card. Possible things to
include: sports you play, extracurricular,
something (school-appropriate) you
did this summer, where you work,
how many siblings you have, etc..
I am a graduate of UNC graduate, but attended Duke for
my Masters degree in Teaching. I am the first person in my
family to attend college. I am from a small town in Western
NC. My husband and I have a Pit Bull name Ryder.

Enter class every day possible with a
positive attitude.
Arrive to class on time every day.
Come to class prepared with completed
assignments, necessary materials, texts,
handouts, or notes.
Behave in a manner that exhibits pride
and a sense of ownership for your own
Grow as an independent and responsible
Respect yourself, your classmates, and
your teacher.
When you enter the class late you will sign in
at door. The consequences for tardies are as
1. Parent Contact/Policy Reminder
2. Parent Contact/Policy Reminder
3. Parent Contact/ Administration Referral/
Lunch Detention
4. Administration Referral/ 1 Period of ISS
5. Administrative Referral/ 1 Day of ISS
6. Administrative Referral/ 2 days of OSS

You get (3) passes for the semester. Once
the roster is complete I will post your class
roster on the back of the door. Each time
you go to the bathroom, I will make note
of it on the door. After (3) times I will cross
your name out and you are done for the
semester. Ask to use the bathroom you
cannot go unless you have a green pass
signed by me. Bathroom pass= water
fountain, trip to locker, bathroom.
All passes should be returned to Mrs.
Martinez once you get back in the room.

1. Warning
2. Second Warning
3. Referral to Administration
I will never take away your phone. I will
not touch your property, but please be

No food, candy, or drinks are allowed in
my classroom. You are allowed to have
a bottle of water. If you bring food or a
drink into my class I will ask you to
place it on my desk until the end of the
period. If you cannot comply with this
you will need to throw it away.

35% Speeches
35% Daily Classwork and
20% Tests
10% Homework
*Please hold on to all returned graded
assignments until the end of a quarter.
If you are absent, you can check the
folders hanging on the wall when you
return for all missing work. You have (5)
days to get missing work back to me
until the 0 is permanent.
Special Cases:
Excessive absences

Aint nothing free in life.
Tickets can be earned.
Tickets can be shared.
Tickets can be cashed in.
Tickets cannot be duplicated.
See poster for pricing.
Thanks for your business!
Period: 7:30-8:55
Period: 11:00-1:00
Period: 1:05-2:30

We will work bell to bell. Your success
is vital and we need to work tirelessly
to achieve greatness.
Call Me (at Southern).
Email me.
Check our website
On the back of your Twitter index card
write two sentences or qualities of
what makes a good speech.

Using your red and green sticky
notes: write the things the speaker
does well on the green sticky and the
things the speaker does not do well
on the red sticky.

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