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A potion made from ground Red Herbs that restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A potion made from ground Red and Yellow Herbs that restores ^000088about 105 HP
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A potion made from ground Yellow Herbs that restores ^000088about 175 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777713^000000
A potion made from ground White Herbs that restores ^000088about 325 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A potion made from ground Blue Herbs that restores ^000088about 60 SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A potion which cures ^000088Poison^000000, ^000088Silence^000000, ^000088Blind^0
00000 and ^000088Confusion^000000 effects.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A weak medicinal herb which heals wounds.
^000088Recovers a little HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A valuable medicinal herb which efficiently heals wounds.
^000088Recovers a little HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A valuable medicinal herb which greatly heals wounds.
^000088Recovers a little HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777777^000000

A very valuable medicinal herb whose unique aroma gratifies one's spirit.
^000088Recovers a little SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A valuable medicinal herb which ^000088counteracts the effects of poison^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A round, edible fruit that, when eaten once a day, keeps the doctor away.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A sweet tasting tropical fruit made famous by its use in slapstick comedy and pr
actical jokes.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Clustered berries with smooth skin that can be fermented to make wine.
^000088Recovers a small amount of SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
An orange root that is supposedly good for your vision. Despite the Beta Caroten
e, kids don't care much for it.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Anael's favorite. Can be fried, baked, boiled, mashed, even eaten.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A leg of meat that's been cooked to near perfection.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A sweet product made by bees that is endowed with yummy flavor and medicinal use
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP and SP^000000.

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Pasteurized and bottled cow milk that is chock full of bovine goodness.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Leaf cut from a Hinalle Plant which has a cool, fresh scent. It can ease pain an
d reinvigorate.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Leaf cut from an Aloe plant.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A shiny, purple fruit picked from the boughs of the Mastela tree.
^000088Recovers a great amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Blessed water used in sacred ceremonies.
^000088Cures the Curse status^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A mystic remedy for all illnesses.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Highly nutritious jelly secreted by honeybees. Used to feed bee larva and future
queen bees.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000; ^000088Recovers 250 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Processed food that is normally fed to monsters.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.

Weight : ^77777715^000000
A confection of sugar, chocolate and other flavorings. Kids love it!
^000088Recovers 45 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A striped cane of peppermint candy. Sugar daddies love it!
^000088Recovers 105 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled apple juice that's easy to digest.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled banana juice that's easy to digest.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled grape juice that's easy to digest.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled carrot juice that's easy to digest.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A large orange fruit grown from a vine that's used in baking pies and a few othe
r dishes.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Deliciously frosty ice cream that can cause brain freeze if you eat too much too
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777778^000000

Sterilized food that has been fortified with vitamins and minerals. Some Cute Pe
ts will feed on this.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A warm, scrumptious cookie.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A sweet slice of cake covered in icing and topped with a cherry.
^000088Recovers a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Food intended for Falcons, but it's actually tasty enough for humans to eat.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Food manufactured to feed Peco Pecos, but will suffice for desperately hungry hu
mans as well.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A sweet and crunchy snack usually available during certain times in Japan.
^000088Recover 325 ~ 405 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Cake made of rice decorated in 3 colors, red, white and green.
^000088Recover 325 ~ 405 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A raw, fresh fish.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A condensed Red Potion.
Weight : ^7777772^000000

A condensed Yellow Potion.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A condensed White Potion.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A palatable food with an unique scent.
^000088Restores a small amount of SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A kind of plant root used as food. It's advised to eat this slowly with water, o
r to bake it beforehand.
^000088Restores a great amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
A snack made out of rice that doesn't contain any fat. Some women love having th
is snack.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An Eastern delicacy, in which various types of raw fish is placed on top of rice
The rice is marinated in vinegar then wrapped in dried seaweed.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A typical food which is usually presented at Idul Fitri feast day of Ramadan mom
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A type of dough that is filled with ground meat, usually served hot.
People living in eastern countries have enjoyed eating this food for a long time
Weight : ^7777775^000000

Soft and warm rice cake.

Weight : ^7777778^000000
A type of food that is made of rice powder. There are many recipes to make this
food, all of them absolutely delicious.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A thin stick of rice cake which is moist and sticky.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bag of sliced rice cake. Can be cooked in various ways.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fried and ground Cacao that is solidified with Milk and cacao paste. Delicious a
nd bittersweet.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A collection of chocolates that are gathered and arranged to make a beautiful it
em. This is often used in courtship, and sometimes even used effectively.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
White chocolate which is used to propose to a girl by a boy during White Day.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
A white cacao.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
A cheese that was put in between bread with sauces and other stuff before it was
added with sweet potatoes and butter to be make into Domino Swiss Pizza.
It taste soft and sweet as if it melted in your mouth. This is the double layere
d Pizza made by Domino, the high quality pizza maker.
[To be send]
Weight : ^77777715^000000

A cheese that was put in between bread with sauces and other stuff before it was
added with sweet potatoes and butter to be make into Domino Swiss Pizza.
It taste soft and sweet as if it melted in your mouth. This is the double layere
d Pizza made by Domino, the high quality pizza maker.
[To be send]
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A lump of rice which can be eaten for lunch.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A delicious multi-vitamin drink. It is without caffeine and good for your health
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A type of soup which is regarded as one of the three famous soups in the world.
It has a spicy, sweet and sour taste with shrimps, lemons and chilies.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A shellfish which has a long tail and many legs.
When cooked, the color of body changes into red and its flesh is very tasty with
an unique scent.
^000088Recovers a little HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A bright yellow fruit with very sour juice and a fresh scent.
^000088Recovers a little SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
An exclusive Red Potion for Novices!
^000088Restore a little HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A candy which is rumored to bring luck to whomever eats it.
Weight : ^7777773^000000

A candy cane which is rumored to bring luck to whomever eats it.

Weight : ^7777774^000000
A cookie which is rumored to bring luck to whomever eats it.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A kind of drink made from chocolate and milk from one of the Royal Court Dessert
Specialist's recipes.
Although the Dessert Chef wishes for people to drink this treat elegantly, it's
usually gulped down, enjoyed with hand sloppily placed on the waist.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
An egg from a bird. It's full of nutrition, making it an ideal food for growing
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A piece of sweet cake with icing and a cherry on top. Made in celebration of Rag
narok's second anniversary.
^000088Restores a suitable amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A thorned tree fruit with fresh scent.
^000088Restore a small amount of HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Dried grains that are commonly used in the cuisines of many countries.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A red berry that is renown for its slightly sweet and sour taste, and is best ea
ten fresh.
^000088Recover a little SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000

A fresh fish that can be cooked in a variety of ways.

^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A staple food made from flour or meal mixed with other dry and liquid ingredient
s, usually combined with a leavening agent, and kneaded, shaped into loaves, and
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
An edible, fleshy fungi of the class Basidiomycota, characteristically having an
umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A Citrus, round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind having a sweetish, acidic
^000088Recover a small amount of HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Made traditional cookery of ketupat served to celebrate idul fitri feast day of
This cookery is very high nutritious and delicious can improve body vitality.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A bowl filled with hot, hearty fish broth and a generous helping of fish cake.
Weight : ^7777776^000000
A sausage with delicious smell and taste. Tastes even better if you eat it with
some wheat beer.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Magnificat^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A piece of mother's cake that can even warm hearts.
Restores ^000088about 325 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A freshly scented, thorny fruit from a tree.
^000088Restore a small amount of HP and SP^000000
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A noodle dish from a far nation, made from water and flour. Many tastes can be a
chieved using various sauces.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A flour dough with yeast, spread into a circle and baked after putting on variou
s ingredients.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Looks so yummy that you will feel like to have a bite instantly.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Pancake with roe. Traditional taste will remind one of luxurious Russian fairs a
nd walkings.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000 ; ^000088Recovers HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Fragrant pancake with jam. Tasty babushkino strawberry jam - as in the childhood
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000 ; ^000088Recovers HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Fragrant pancake with honey. It's very sweet.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000 ; ^000088Recovers HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Fragrant pancake with sour cream. It such simple, but such substantial.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000 ; ^000088Recovers HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000

Fragrant pancake with mushroom. The substantial food, which it is pleasant and i
s useful to eat in this cold weather.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000 ; ^000088Recovers HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
It seems someone made a mistake to coat a fresh strawberry with a chocolate.
Even its look is not excellent, let's think about someone's earnestness.
^000088Recovers a small amount of SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
This very soft chocolate is overflowed with the love.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A potion made from ground Red Herbs that restores ^000088about 45 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion made from ground Red and Yellow Herbs that restores ^000088about 105 HP
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted fly's wing that instantly sends its user to a random spot when wave
d in the air.
^000088Instant teleport^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to his Save Point wh
en waved in the air.
^000088Instant teleport to character's Save Point^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to op
en it to find out.
Weight : ^77777720^000000

A twig which contains the mysterious power of eternity. It can summon a living c
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A medicine made from ground Mint that is used to ease pain and relax muscle tens
ion. It's a popular painkiller because of its potency.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A basic herbal emollient made from Aloe extract. Despite its stench and sour tas
te, it's addictive if regularly eaten.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic tast
e is full of life.
^000088Fully restores HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Seed from the Yggdrasil tree which holds our world together. It has a weird, ene
rgizing pungence.
^000088Restores one half of Maximum HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A forbidden talisman that can reanimate the dead, resulting in a walking corpse
or undead zombie.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Leaf from the Yggdrasil tree which maintains the mortal coil. It can bring life
to fallen characters.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A magnifying glass used for scrutinizing objects.
^000088Appraises unidentified items and equipment^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A disposable, miniature blast furnace that can be easily carried. Used to manufa
cture metals.

Weight : ^77777720^000000
A disposable hammer made out of well-tempered steel.
Necessary tool in crafting ^000088Level 1 Weapons^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A disposable hammer made out of pure gold.
Necessary tool in crafting ^000088Level 2 Weapons^000000.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A disposable hammer made out of Oridecon.
Necessary tool in crafting ^000088Level 3 Weapons^000000.
Weight : ^77777740^000000
An antique album in which the power of a mysterious Card item is contained.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An old purple box holding contents that are a mystery until it is opened.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A rolled up piece of parchment, now brittle with age, on which faded text can sc
arcely be read.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
An apple that isn't ripe enough for humans to eat. Poring finds it to be very ta
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A small bottle of orange juice. Drops finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An herb that is too bitter for the human palate. Poporing finds it to be very ta

Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000

Weight : ^7777775^000000
A fragrant carrot colored with all the hues of the rainbow. Lunatic finds it to
be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A rather suave looking earthworm gifted with womanizing debonairness. Picky find
s him to be quite delicious.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A rotting, dirty fish that attracts flies. Chonchon finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A rusty piece of iron that would only interest scavengers and vermin. Steel Chon
chon finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A fetid drink made of monster blood. Hunter Fly finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Sweet, luscious, full bodied milk. Savage Babe finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A tough, chewy bone that has been dried in the sun. Baby Desert Wolf finds it to
be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A flower that has been miraculously blessed with the gift of song. Rocker is ine
xplicably drawn to its sweet melodies.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A dewy, green moss that grows in cool places. Spore finds it quite delectable.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000

Weight : ^7777775^000000
A plant that contains poisons that would harm most living creatures. Poison Spor
e is known to savor its flavor.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An earthworm that stopped caring about its figure years ago. Peco Peco loves the
way that it tastes.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A baked sweet potato with an appetizing scent. Smokie loves eating this.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A premium quality banana grown in the tropics. Yoyo finds it irresistible; forev
er will it be his one weakness.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A trophy awarded to the bravest of Orcs. Orc Warriors are compelled to claim it
as their very own.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An old, heartfelt letter that has never been delivered since it has no recipient
. Munak is inexplicably drawn to this item.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A generations old broom that is handed down within a family. Dokebi is drawn to
it for some reason.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A silver knife that is a symbol of a virgin's chastity. Sohee loves collecting t
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A fancy, intricately decorated bracelet. Isis is lured by its regal beauty.

Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000

Weight : ^7777775^000000
A stone that softly glimmers with faint light. Petite is drawn to its gentle spa
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A contract drawn in darkness. Deviruchi is compelled to claim this item as its o
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A forbidden book in which the secret for summoning high level demons is detailed
. Baphomet Jr. can not resist its power.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A portable incubator that is used to hatch Cute Pet monster eggs.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A box containing some sort of present.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A potent medicine that stimulates concentration.
Temporarily increases Attack Speed.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special tonic that combats the effects of drowsiness.
Temporarily increases Attack Speed.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Acolyte, Priest, Bard and Dancer^000000
Remarkably powerful medicine that stimulates circulation and amplifies quickness
Temporarily increases Attack Speed.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, TaeKwon Class, Mage, Wiz

ard, Rogue^000000
A symbol of solidarity that evokes a feeling of nobility to those who see it.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
An old book rumored to be enchanted by a girl whose name has been forgotten with
time. For some reason, Bongun is drawn to it.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A candle that may have a mysterious purpose.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A soft apron that is double stitched for better quality. Is the favorite item of
the Alice monster.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A badge made out of bronze that was used in an ancient Asian country.
It was given to government officials who went on business trips and they could u
se this badge to rent horses anywhere.
^000088Temporarily increases Movement Speed^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Traditional Korean rice cake.
^000088Restores 10% of Maximum HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains a gift.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A box which contains a gift.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A box which contains a gift.

Weight : ^77777720^000000
A box which contains a gift.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A red envelope which is given to children on New Year's Day.
It seems to contain something that will make its recipient very happy.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A soup made with pieces of rice cake.
It is said that having a bowl of this soup on New Year's Day will make you one y
ear older.
Young children would abuse this custom to reach legal driving age until the law
was changed.
It was made during New Year's Day, and has since rotten with the passing of time
. It is currently uneatable.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A bag filled with gold coins.
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A coin made of gold.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A bag filled with bronze coins.
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A coin made of bronze.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A coin made of mythril.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A coin made of silver.

Weight : ^7777774^000000
A bag filled with silver coins.
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A coin made of platinum.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A skeleton shaped bottle which contains deadly poison.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An herbal medicine from an old eastern country that is rumored to cure every ill
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A carnation which is given to parents or teachers on special occasions.
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A picture album of memories of the wedding ceremony or honeymoon.
(Married people only)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A magical drink which increases attack strength when it is taken.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An enchanted herb which increases Magical attack strength when eaten.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A tropical delicacy known as the king of fruits. It's big, green and heavy, and
is covered in thorns.
Its odor may offend some people, but it tastes delicious.
ATK + 10, MATK + 10

Weight : ^77777730^000000
A word which means 'September' in a desert country, the month of a holy moon.
During the holy month, everyone fasts and lives in an ascetic fashion.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Earth Spike^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Earth Spike^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Cold Bolt^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Cold Bolt^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Fire Bolt^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Fire Bolt^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Lightning Bolt^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.

Cast ^008800Level 5 Lightning Bolt^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Soul Strike^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Soul Strike^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 1 Fire Ball^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Fire Ball^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 1 Fire Wall^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Fire Wall^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 1 Frost Diver^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A trap that uses sticky, sweet scented liquid to lure and ensnare Thief Bugs. Ha
ndy if bugs are totally infesting a home.
Weight : ^77777720^000000

Bottled blood from a freshly slain beast. It's usually used to lure other animal
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A common plant with a mildly curative effect, its leaves can give a nice and smo
othing sensation.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rare plant with curative properties that only grows deep in the forest during
certain times of the year.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A plant with three heart shaped leaves that is plentiful in meadows.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An extremely rare clover with four leaves. Legends say that merely holding a Fou
r Leaf Clover is a sign of great fortune to come.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious plant that sings melancholic songs under a full moon. Legend says i
t's a woman grieving over the loss of her lover that has been reborn.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A white flower containing oils that can relieve pain and aches. Strangely, only
a few remember how to use it to cause memory loss.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It's a flower with very strong scent, so it is used for a spice for some dishes.
It can cause hallucinations if you overeat it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Rarely seen by humans, this flower supposedly shines brilliantly under the light
of the moon.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delicate and fragile plant that is still in the early stages of growth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An ordinary, thornless wildflower that doesn't have any particular scent.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An empty bottle that can be used for carrying liquid.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Merely owning this gloriously resplendent gem is said to be a sign of being chos
en by fate to wield great power.
Weight : ^777777100^000000
An enchanted crystal that is used in conjunction with certain magic spells. Once
used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
An enchanted crystal that is used in conjunction with certain magic spells. Once
used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
An enchanted crystal that is used in conjunction with certain magic spells. Once
used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A dark red jewel that is the birthstone for people born in January.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A purple jewel that is the birthstone for people born in February.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A clear, sky blue jewel that is the birthstone for people born in March.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A brilliant, green jewel that is the birthstone for people born in May.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A pink jewel that is the birthstone for people born in June.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A deep maroon jewel that is the birthstone for people born in July.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A ruby containing mysterious powers.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An onyx with alternating brown and white bands of shard. It's the birthstone for
people born in August.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A dark blue gem that is the birthstone for people born during September.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A gem displaying an array of brilliant colors that is the birthstone for people
born in October.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A golden gem that is the birthstone for people born in November.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A dazzling white-blue gem that is the birthstone for the month of December.

Weight : ^77777710^000000
A small, twinkling and transparent gem that can be sold at a good price.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A medium size, sparkling transparent gem that can be sold at a high price.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A huge, dazzling gem that can be sold at an outrageous price.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A damaged diamond with obvious imperfections that won't sell for much Zeny.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A red frame that would make a nice present.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Ancient Korean porcelain made of blue ceramic and crafted by a true master.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A clean, white plate crafted by a Chinese master. It's a nice present for the la
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A black colored ladle, made out of an especially strong glowing material.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A case for containing pencils. It'd be a nice gift for artists, writers, student
s and the like.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Make-up for rich women that is made of extracts from plants and animals. When ap
plied to the skin, it shines in a lustrous, attractive red color.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute cotton doll that's a favorite for little girls.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll made to resemble a Poring monster. Everyone likes it for its cuteness.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll made in the image of a Chonchon monster.
Most people feel a little repulsed by this doll.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll that looks just like a Spore monster.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A bunch of flowers that is given to express love, thanks or appreciation.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A small bouquet thrown by brides during the wedding ceremony. The single woman w
ho catches it is the next to be married, supposedly.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A toy for young boys that's sort of like a marble. But not really.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A gorgeous mirror made with polished crystal that is considered an essential for
every woman.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A symbol of eternal love, this enchanted rose will never wither. However, it is

rare and expensive.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sculpted out of ice by masters in the Arctic, this unique and beautiful rose mak
es a great gift.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A doll made to resemble Baphomet, enemy of all that is righteous. It is a dollma
ker's masterpiece.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll made to resemble Osiris, king of darkness. Without a doubt, it is a dollm
aker's masterpiece.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll made to resemble Rocker, the grasshopper that loves to play its violin in
the fields.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll made to resemble one of the Yoyos. These intelligent monkeys live in grou
ps and are very familiar with humans.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A doll made to resemble Smokie, the raccoon that ^333333possibly^000000 has the
power of invisibility.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Raw ore that mostly consists of Oridecon metal.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Raw ore that mostly consists of Elunium metal.
Weight : ^77777720^000000

A braided pigtail that has been cut from the head of a young girl.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Some roots from trees can be used as medicine, but most of them are fibrous enou
gh to be used as rope.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Merely a severed reptile's tongue.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tail severed from a scorpion.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Some stems from plants can be used to in making certain medicines.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A single scale from a Worm Tail monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A viscous plant substance used in the production of certain types of goods.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Frog eggs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small crystallization created by some monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Familiar's sharpened tooth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A clump of monster fur and fuzz that can be used to make thread and fabric.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Skin from a larva that has been shed or peeled off.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bird's feather that can be used in decor or in fabric creation.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp talon from a bird's foot.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A webbed foot cut from a monster's hind leg.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Animal hide that can be used in making clothes, coverings or beddings.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A claw severed from a wolf's paw.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A spore discharged from a mushroom.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cuspid wrenched out of from a gruesome Orc's jaw.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Baphomet's horn is a symbol representing evil.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Butterfly wing powder that sparkles with the power of fantasy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bird's beak. Waste not want not.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scales from a snake that can be used to make some rather flamboyant clothes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Antennae that serve as sense organs for insects.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A heart which will never stop beating. It contains some sort of dreadful power.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Old, dirty bandage that's so soiled, it's almost worthless.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small sculpture that serves as the token for every true Orc Warrior.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bone taken from an Undead skeleton.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that is buried with the dead. It contains gems and someone's mementos.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard shell that used to protect a monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shell-like piece of tough monster skin that is covered with hard scales.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp, poisonous fang from a monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Mysteriously sticky liquid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A stinger from a hornet or bee.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Rocker's hind leg.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ring placed in a cow's nose so that it can be steered more easily.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A prehensile tail from a Yoyo.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A solid, durable shell taken from a monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A "U" shaped piece of iron fitted on a horse's hoof for its protection.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A leaf that gives Smokies the power to change form and become invisible.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard, spiral shaped shell used by Snails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Hard and sharp horn from a monster's head.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A lazy bear's foot that supposedly has an unique flavor and the power to restore
male vigor.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A feather that boasts full, lustrous barbs used for making clothes of the highes
t quality.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The heart of a mermaid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fish monster's fin.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A sharp needle from a Muka cactus monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A heart constructed entirely out of stone.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shimmering, reflective scale.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Shed skin from worms and insects.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Part of a fish's breathing apparatus.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A putrid, incredibly pungent corpse's nail.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A complete set of corpse's teeth. Well, as complete as it can get.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A nasty scale with a horribly offensive odor.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A crustacean's claw.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The shell of a marine mollusk.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A flexible, prehensile and boneless appendage.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scale that is much sharper than a razor.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard crab shell that smells horrible.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard shell taken from a dead clam.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Muscular and fatty clam tissue that can be cooked in all sorts of ways.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard shell that obviously failed to protect a turtle.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An emblem given to an Orc Warrior that is proof of his heroism.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A valuable metal in bullion form. It's used to make coins, jewelry and gaudy fal
se teeth.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
This colorless liquid is the secret behind the addictiveness of beers and wine.
200 Proof.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A liquid with unique scientific properties. It's difficult to mix in water and i
s normally diluted in a solution.

Weight : ^7777773^000000
A liquid with interesting characteristics and many possible applications.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A mixture of chemical substances that can only be produced by geniuses.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A special compound that has applications that can only be understood by keen min
ds schooled in science.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Red colored dye that is made from grinded Red Herbs.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Yellow colored dye that is made out of ground Yellow Herbs.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Blue colored dye that is made from ground Blue Herbs.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Green colored dye that is made out of ground Green Herbs.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Orange colored dye that is made from grinding Red and Yellow Herbs together.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Purpled colored dye that is made by grinding Blue and Red Herbs.
Weight : ^77777715^000000

White colored dye that is made out of grinded White Herbs.

Weight : ^77777715^000000
Black colored dye made from various grinded herbs.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Pure Oridecon metal. Widely known as the Blessed Metal, it can increase the dama
ge of weapons once welded to them.
Used to temper ^000088Level 3 and 4 weapons^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A very light, non-toxic metal used for refining and toughening ^000088Armor^0000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A smithing tool on which heated metals are placed so that they can be shaped by
hammering. Used in the making of common products.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
An anvil, made of pure Oridecon, that's used to make quality goods.
Weight : ^77777770^000000
An anvil, made of pure Gold, that's used in the manufacture of high quality prod
Weight : ^77777790^000000
An anvil, made of pure Emperium, that's used to manufacture products of the high
est quality.
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A vivid red ore that glows from inside with an orange yellow light. Possesses th
e ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property and can form the enchanted stone, Flame Heart, whe
n refined.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

A sky colored ore that glows with the light of the deep ocean depths. Possesses
the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property and forms the enchanted stone, Mystic Frozen, w
hen refined.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A lemon colored ore that contains a pale, greenish light. Possesses the ^009900W
ind^000000 Property and forms the enchanted stone, Rough Wind, when refined.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A blue-green ore imbued with a faint, mesmerizing light. Possesses the ^996600Ea
rth^000000 Property and forms the enchanted stone, Great Nature, when refined.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A dark red, heart shaped stone enchanted with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A light blue, crystal stone enchanted with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A pale green, lightning bolt shaped stone imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Pro
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A citrus colored, bud shaped stone enchanted with the ^996600Earth^000000 Proper
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Malleable, silver-white metal that's very light weight and easy to temper. Commo
nly used to create arms and other goods.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An iron and carbon alloy known for its structural durability and usually used in
the crafting of high-quality arms.

Weight : ^77777710^000000
A small stellar crystal, fallen from the heavens, which can be used to craft str
engthened weapons.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Stardust which can form a Star Crumb after being refined.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An impure ore that forms Iron after being refined.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A black mineral substance that can form Steel once it is combined with Iron.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A token which shows a knight's loyalty to his lord.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A hammer for the Blacksmith class that is used for refining.
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A spell book containing powerful, ancient magic.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A mysterious necklace that is rumored to possess the power of clairvoyance.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A necklace given from a master once one earns the honor of joining the Assassin
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A figure of a hand that contains great religious symbolism.

Weight : ^7777772^000000
A metal that can be used to strengthen and upgrade ^000088Level 1 Weapons^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A metal that can be used to strengthen and upgrade ^000088Level 2 Weapons^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Some skin from the neck of a lizard which lives in the desert.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bug shell that reflects the colors of the rainbow.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tough, sharp jaw from an ant.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tongue cut from a monster.
It has a disgusting coating of sticky saliva.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A thin rat's tail.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Whiskers from a mole.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mole's claw that is sturdy enough to dig into the ground.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A woody stem from a tree that's useful for lumber.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Lustrous, well brushed hair cut from some virgin.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Horns from a Dokebi which are rumored to bring great fortune to their owner.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A set of tails that used to belong to a Nine Tail fox. But not anymore, apparent
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tail severed from a fish monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Bottled black fluid from Marse the squid that seems to have failed its purpose o
f providing self defense.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sticky spider's web made of surprisingly strong threadlike fibers.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tough, woody shelled nut from an oak tree.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sharp, hollow quills used to cover and protect some porcupine. Soft, furry, nice
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Bristly, tough hair cut from a wild boar.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tiger's hide that's soft, furry, nice and feral.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tiger's paw that's widely known to the elderly as the King of Invigorators.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp, front limb severed from a Mantis.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A carnivorous flower with a digestive system very much like the humans.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Roots, which resemble human legs, that almost look capable of walking.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Hair cut from a Kobold that appears bristly but is actually downy soft.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dragon's cuspid that is sharp enough to pierce through dragon scales.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An iridescent dragon's scale that is tough enough to protect from weather and mo
st forms of harm.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tail cut off from a dragon that, sadly, will never grow back.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Horns sliced off the head of a little demon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Wings from a little demon which look like those of a small bat.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A moustache shaved off an old dwarf that has somehow maintained its entire shape
and form.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A portable case with glass panes that allow some contained light to illuminate d
ark areas.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hind leg that has been cut from a bug.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A thick, sharpened fingernail from an Orc.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cuspid pulled out of a cursed Orc's mouth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ceremonial mask used by an ancient shaman.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp forelimb claw removed from a scorpion.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Medusa's head that, naturally, looks pretty sad and depressed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Some of Medusa's hair, which is essentially just a bunch of snakes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A traditional skirt that symbolizes virginity.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bunch of tough, strong tendons.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A weird organic clump that seems to be the brain for a Marine Sphere monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A single, functioning cell taken from some monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp, serrated tooth pulled from the mouth of a giant deep sea fish.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A set of fat lips cut from a giant deep sea fish.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shed skin peeling from an earthworm.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cubic grain of sand that brightly sparkles.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Bottled powder from the wings of a moth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A set of wings cut from a moth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of nearly transparent fabric.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful lock of golden human hair.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle of sand that sparkles like the stars and is usually found in witch broo
m bristles.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A pumpkin with a carved, spooky face.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp cuspid yanked from some monster's mouth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ring placed into a horse's pierced nose to help steer it in a certain direction.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Necessary item for Trap related skills.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tree trunk of wood with an excellent grain.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tree trunk of wood that is nice and solid.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tree trunk of wood that is pretty low quality.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sticky, smelly and poisonous mushroom that's commonly used in medicinal purpos
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rubbery scented, gooey mushroom commonly used in medicinal purposes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A test tube that contains some sort of unidentified fluid.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
It's a personal letter written by Mahnsoo, chief of the Merchant Guild.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 2485741
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 2328137
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 2989396
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 2191737
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 3012685

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 3487372
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 3318702
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery voucher with the serial number : 3543625
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small, wooden box marked with the word "Fragile".
Weight : ^777777120^000000
A small, wooden box marked with the word "Fragile".
Weight : ^777777120^000000
A small, wooden box marked with the word "Fragile".
Weight : ^777777120^000000
A special, one-time use ticket that allows you to use any of the Kafra Services
free of charge.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A test tube that contains an unidentified substance.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A test tube that contains an unidentified substance.
Weight : ^7777773^000000

A test tube that contains an unidentified substance.

Weight : ^7777773^000000
A test tube that contains Morocc solution.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A test tube that contains Payon solution.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A test tube that contains an unidentified substance.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A small, wooden box marked with the word "Fragile".
Weight : ^777777120^000000
An empty test tube that can be used to contain some kind of solution.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
An empty bottle that can be used to contain potions.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A short lock of braided hair.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A set of hands taken from the face of a clock.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A round shell that looks like it has been rolled up.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A worn, tattered page torn from an old book.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Wrist restraints that are usually used on prisoners.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old, used prison uniform.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A basic one-handed sword.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A basic one-handed sword.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A basic one-handed sword.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with a rounded blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000

An one-handed sword with a rounded blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with a rounded blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777753^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777753^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with a thick, flat blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777753^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with an elegant blade and crossguard.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000

Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with an elegant blade and crossguard.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with an elegant blade and crossguard.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A strong, swift one-handed sword with a curved blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A strong, swift one-handed sword with a curved blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A strong, swift one-handed sword with a curved blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000

A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A straight bladed sword that the Japanese samurai depended on during battle.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japan
ese samurai.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japan
ese samurai.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
One of the most powerful one-handed swords, the Tsurugi was favored by the Japan
ese samurai.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000

Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed sword with an elaborately designed hilt.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed, ancient Korean sword that is said to have the mysterious power to
control minds.
INT + 3
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
Crafted by Orcish smiths and used by Orc Warriors, this one-handed sword is symb
olic to the Orc tribe.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An one-handed sword with an elaborately designed hilt.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A heavy one-handed cavalry sword with a slightly curved blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000

A heavy one-handed cavalry sword with a slightly curved blade.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed, ancient Korean sword that is said to have the mysterious power to
control minds.
INT + 3
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A powerful one-handed sword with a decoratively wavy, flame-like blade.
It has great power.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
An one-handed sword topped with several extra edges for making wounds deeper and
more unsightly.
Increases damage against Demi-Human monster by 5%
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Double Attack^000000.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Cold Bolt^000000.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Cold Bolt^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
^880000Freeze^000000 enemies by 5% chance when hit.
^880000Freeze^000000 its owner by 1% chance when used.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000

An one-handed sword with an extremely sharp blade that can cause the ^880000Coma
^000000 effect by low chance.
Places ^880000Curse^000000 effect on its target by a 3% chance.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Fire Bolt^000000.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Fire Bolt^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed sword which looks just like a pair of scissors.
Increase damage inflicted on Plant monster by 25%.
Pierces Defense of Plant monster.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed sword popularized by its use by sea adventurers.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Bash^000000.
STR + 2
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed sword adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spi
rit and vigor.
Regains 1% of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack.
Drains 15 SP from its owner every 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000

Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
The one-handed sword of Arthurian legend, it supposedly selects its owner by its
own will to wield its holy powers.
INT + 5
LUK + 10
DEX - 1
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed sword similar to the legendary twig which was rumored to have murd
ered Baldur, the God of Light.
Increase damage inflicted on ^777777Ghost^000000 Property by 15%.
Causes ^880000Stone Curse^000000 effect to enemies by 0.1% chance.
DEX + 3
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An one-handed sword said to bring a horrific fate to whoever wields it.
Drains 35 HP from its owner every 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A giant one-handed sword used by ancient Korean war generals.
Increase damage inflicted on Boss monster by 5%.
Increase damage received from normal monster by 10%.
All Stats + 2
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000

An one-handed, formless sword imbued with the ^777777Ghost^000000 Property that
can derange the enemy's mind.
Drains 30% of target's SP by a low chance.
Drain 1 SP from its owner on each attack.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Ghost^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A sword that has a beautiful, transparent blade and a hilt adorned with a prince
ly jewel.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777104^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777768^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An enchanted sword that draws ore out from fallen monsters.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
An extremely sharp, thin bladed sword that is very efficient when slicing fish t
o make Japanese cuisine.
Increases Sushi drop chance when killing Fish monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A sword that symbolizes the Lord's holy retribution.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^777777135^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000

A common, humbly made sword that is intended for the use of those without any sp
ecial sword expertise.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A common, humbly made sword that is intended for the use of those without any sp
ecial sword expertise.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A special sword whose blade is made from a fallen meteorite.
During the night, the blade part is said to shine brightly like a star.
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 5% chance.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A powerful one-handed sword with a decoratively wavy, flame-like blade.
It has great power.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
A fearsome sword that has slain many a warriors in battle.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

A fearsome sword that has slain many a warriors in battle.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A fearsome sword that has slain many a warriors in battle.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A straight bladed sword that can be brutally swung just like a baseball bat.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A mighty, yet awfully basic, two-handed sword.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

A mighty, yet awfully basic, two-handed sword.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A mighty, yet awfully basic, two-handed sword.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A sword with a wide, double sided blade.
DEF + 5
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Sword wielded by mighty ^333366GOD-POING^000000, the lawless heroine.
INT + 20, LUK + 20
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A sword with a wide, double sided blade.
DEF + 5
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Large, double-edged broad sword that was used by the Scottish highlanders.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
An oriental sword named after a legendary Japanese swordsmith.
^880000Curse^000000 its owner by a low chance.
Critical Rate + 30%, Increases Attack Speed by 8%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
An oriental sword that is the masterpiece of an ancient Japanese smith.
Decreases all Defense applied on owner by two-third.
Increases Attack Speed by 2%.
Flee Rate + 30, STR - 5
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A giant sword, rumored to be made from a dragon's tooth, that can easily cut thr
ough dragon scales.
Increases damage inflicted on Dragon monster by 15%.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
[^000088Dragon Slayer & Dragon's Breath Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A two-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Lightning Bolt^000000 on the ene
my when attacking.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
An enormous, two-handed sword.

Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 20%, but increases damage re
ceived from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A sword with an unique, "S" shaped hilt.
VIT + 5, DEF + 10
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777175^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
An enormous, two-handed sword.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Large, double-edged broad sword that was used by the Scottish highlanders.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An oriental sword named after a legendary Japanese swordsmith.
Has a low chance of cursing its wielder.
Critical Rate + 30%, Increases Attack Speed by 8%.

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777204^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 20%, but increases damage re
ceived from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A massive sword used by Atroce. It seems to big for ordinary guys.
Critical Rate + 10%
[^008800Base Strength >= 80^000000]
Add a small chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
A weapon to incise wild beast's muscles with ease.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Decrease Agi^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^880000External Bleeding^000000 on the enemy whe
n attacking.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000

Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A two-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Lightning Bolt^000000 on the ene
my when attacking.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A gruesome sword used to behead criminals judged with the death penalty.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 20%, but increases damage re
ceived from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A giant sword, rumored to be made from a dragon's tooth, that can easily cut thr
ough dragon scales.
Increases damage inflicted on Dragon monster by 15%.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
[^000088Dragon Slayer & Dragon's Breath Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
This is known as the sword of a brave man from the orient.
Perfect Dodge +10.
If player is Job Level 70 (If player is a Rune Knight job level needs to be 50)
has a chance of receiving ATK + 50 for 10 seconds when receiving Physical Damage
If upgrade level is 9 +, skill cast time and after-casting delay decreases by 20
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000

Property: ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Transcendent Swordman only^000000
A magical sword which releases a dismal black aura.
When dealing physical damage, has a low chance of gaining CRI +100 and ATK +50 f
or 5 seconds.
Recover 100 HP when killing an enemy.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property: ^777777Ghost^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Transcendent Swordman Class^000000
A Two-handed Sword made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for
battles against Demi-Humans.
STR + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A Two-handed Sword made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for
battles against Demi-Humans.
CRI + 20
Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Increases Critical damage by 20%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A huge violet Two-Handed Sword that's made from the Twin Swords of Naght Sieger.
When attacking there is a chance that for 5 seconds you will completely disregar
d the defense of the opponent.
Has a chance of autocasting ^FF0000Lv. 3 Meteor Storm^000000 and/or ^FF0000Lv. 5
Frost Nova^000000 with each physical attack.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777275^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777780^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Transcendent Swordman Class^000000
All present for the destruction of weapons that exist cursed.
The sword is the curse of his master, and is the owner and make someone unhappy.
STR + 5, AGI + 2
Perfect Dodge + 20
Add small chance to yourself and the enemy will get a random status effect When
physically attacking.
When Physically attacking, an area 11 * 11 area will get hit for 100% damage whi
le you regain 100% damage worth of HP.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Area becomes 15 * 15, and you will do 200% damage to the area while you regainin
g 200% damage worth of HP.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 70%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Concentration^000000 when dealing ph
ysical damage.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Aura Blade^000000 when dealing physi
cal damage.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
A sword that can only be obtained from masterful sword training.
The sword is said to be stronger when wielded by a master swordsman.
If the player has mastered the Bash Skill, Bash Damage +50%.
If the player has mastered the Bowling Bash Skill, Bowling Bash Damage +50%.
STR + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

A straight sword formed like a claymore. The grip is adorned in red, the symbol
of a high-ranking knight.
[^008800Base Strength >= 95^000000]
ATK + 20.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777380^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Large, double-edged broad sword that was used by the Scottish highlanders.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
A wide bladed two hand sword that shines with red light.
Every 2 refine on the weapon increases ASPD by 1.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777280^000000
Weight : ^777777340^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Swordman Class^000000
A two hand sword created by the Paradise Group for beginner swordman.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777162^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A two hand sword created by the Paradise Group.
The sword is suitable for intermediate users.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

^000088Rental Item^000000
A gruesome sword used
to behead criminals judged with the death penalty.
Pierces Defense of
Demi-Human monsters.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monsters by 20%, but increases damage r
eceived by Demi-Human monsters by 10%.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A cold blue color sword crafted from the other world mineral Bradium.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
AGI + 3, MaxHP - 10%.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777280^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class^000000
A two hand sword created by the Paradise Group.
The sword is suitable for advanced users.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A fish used as a cutlass for it's long knife-life shape. It is cold to the touch
Increase Critial Damage by 50%. CRIT + 20.
Chance of freezing target.
If Base Level is over 100, ATK + 50.
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000

A simple knife.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777717^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A simple knife.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777717^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A simple knife.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777717^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A knife used for cutting enemies.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A knife used for cutting enemies.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A knife used for cutting enemies.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777743^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777743^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777743^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An ancient knife used by highlanders in Scotland.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777759^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An ancient knife used by highlanders in Scotland.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777759^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An ancient knife used by highlanders in Scotland.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777759^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha

nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

Knife used for stabbing.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777773^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
Knife used for stabbing.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777773^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
Knife used for stabbing.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777773^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A long, thin blade that is known to be used as a concealed weapon by Assassins.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777787^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A long, thin blade that is known to be used as a concealed weapon by Assassins.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777787^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A long, thin blade that is known to be used as a concealed weapon by Assassins.

Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777787^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A strong dagger that is usually crafted by traditional artisans.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A lethal knife made of a special metal that can easily cut straight into the hea
rt of an enemy.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777118^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A knife with a gold handle that is said to bring great fortune to whoever holds
Perfect Dodge + 20, LUK + 5.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000

Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A powerful dagger that is specially constructed to destroy the enemy's weapon by
a low chance.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An incredibly sharp dagger built to puncture and destroy an enemy's armor by a l
ow chance.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A lethal knife made of a special metal that can easily cut straight into the hea
rt of an enemy.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777118^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A blade created to cut down stubborn weeds.
Add a 15% resistance against Plant monster.
Increases damage inflicted on Plant monster by 15%.
Pierces Defense of Plant monster.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

Military combat knife made for battles against Demi-Human monster.

Add a 10% resistance against Demi-Human monster, but increases damage received f
rom Demon monster by 10%.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A domestic knife used for cooking by housewives.
Critical Rate + 30%
Increases damage against Demi-Human monsters by 3%.
Add a 50% additional chance of dropping Meat each time a Brute monster is killed
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An ice pick that's usually used for piercing solid ice or wood.
Deals more damage depending on the target's Defense.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A formal dress dagger, engraved with luxurious emblems, that's usually worn on s
pecial occasions.
INT + 5
MATK + 105
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger commonly used by Assassins.
Slightly increases Attack Speed.
Maximum SP + 15%
Maximum HP + 20%

Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A ceremonial dagger that possesses the power to defeat evil and is used in perfo
rming exorcisms.
Pierces Defense of Demon monster.
Add a 5% resistance against Demon monster.
Increases damage from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger imbued with lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul.
Regain 3 SP with each attack.
Maximum SP + 10%
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger that symbolizes the potential of Alchemy.
Add a low chance of transforming all monsters, aside from Boss monsters, with ea
ch attack.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Alchemist^000000
A specialty dagger made by a small, mysterious, desert dwelling tribe.
Increases damage inflicted on ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 10%.
Increases damage inflicted on ^009900Wind^000000 Property by 10%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class

, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

A cursed dagger forged out of monster tooth that is known to cause insanity to w
hoever may wield it.
Decreases all defenses applied to its owner by half.
Flee Rate + 10
Perfect Dodge + 5
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger that steals Zeny from monsters upon their defeat.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777764^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dreadful dagger whose blade has been soaked in toxin.
Enable a high chance of inflicting the ^880000Poison^000000 status with each att
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777764^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A beautiful dagger that is rumored to have been used by an ancient princess to p
rotect herself.
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger possessed by evil and given power by hatred and malice.
Curse an enemy by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000

Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A dagger that has a high chance to do critical damage to a target.
Increases Critical Rate.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777755^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
An exclusive Main Gauche for new adventurers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A dagger blessed with holy water that can be very effective in combat against ev
il forces.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
A wide bladed dagger that was crafted by Italian artisans.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A wide bladed dagger that was crafted by Italian artisans.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000

This dagger has been used many times as a poker, and ended up being enchanted wi
th a ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
A dagger made from a mysterious black stone called "Obsidian". Although the blad
e is made from stone, it cuts well.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
A dagger used by fishermen to catch shellfish and oysters from the ocean.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
A set of Arabian style blades that are worn on the back of both hands or on the
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A set of Arabian style blades that are worn on the back of both hands or on the
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000

A set of daggers in which the blades are positioned above the knuckles for use i
n close range combat.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A set of daggers in which the blades are positioned above the knuckles for use i
n close range combat.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A specially made katar with two blades that move like scissors to reveal a third
blade from within.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A specially made katar with two blades that move like scissors to reveal a third
blade from within.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar fashioned from a cold, sharp icicle.
Inflict the ^880000Freeze^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar sculpted from earth.

Inflict the ^880000Blind^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.

Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar molded from an inferno.
Inflict the ^880000Silence^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar forged with the power of stormy winds.
Inflict the ^880000Sleep^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar crafted from a ghoul's femur that still radiates a dark, deathly aura.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Property : ^777777Undead^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A lethal katar that has been perfectly designed to carry out quick assassination
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 50%.
DEF + 3
Flee Rate + 5
Perfect Dodge + 2
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000

A double bladed katar. When you get cut with this weapon, the wound can not be m
ended, causing you to slowly die.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 3%).
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar made by a leech, by combining many of the anger and curse left by the de
^880000Curse^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 2%).
Critical Rate - 1
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777151^000000
Weight : ^777777125^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Although this katar has an increased number of slots, it is hard to handle and i
s known to cause injury to those who wield it.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 yourself when attacking (Success Chance 0.1%).
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
This katar, known for being effective against humans, is rumored to give a besti
al roar when drenched in blood, hence its name.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Flee Rate - 160, Perfect Dodge - 160
Reduces natural HP and SP recovery by 100%.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A lethal katar that has been perfectly designed to carry out quick assassination
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 50%.
DEF + 3
Flee Rate + 5

Perfect Dodge + 2
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A lethal katar that has been perfectly designed to carry out quick assassination
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 70%.
DEF + 3
Flee Rate + 5
Perfect Dodge + 2, Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777189^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar made of a huge beast. Striked enemy can not recover from the made damage
When the weapon's special ability activates by small chance, the target will rec
eive a very dangerous wound, causing effects of ^008800Heal, Sanctuary, and Poti
on Pitcher^000000 effectiveness by 20%.
Some recovery items will have their effective reduced by 20%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Then the recovery effects will have its effectiveness reduced by 40% instead of
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777145^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
Katar made of dragon's scale that is very effective in battle.
Every attack you do has a chance of causing all enemies within 5 x 5 cell around
you (PBAoE) to receive a random status ailment.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
The affected area of Dragon Fear increases to 11 x 11 around the caster.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000

Katar with a rotating drill instead of blade. It seems as it would break any arm
or in its way.
Small chance to force de-equip everything the target has.
HIT + 30
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
A katar that enables long range attack with fearsome power.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause ^880000External Bleeding^000000 sta
tus ailment to all enemies within 5 x 5 (PBAoE) cells around you.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
The range is increasing to 11 x 11.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
This katar, known for being effective against humans, is rumored to give a besti
al roar when drenched in blood, hence its name.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Recovery HP +3 each 5 seconds.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A katar made by a leech, by combining many of the anger and curse left by the de
Add a 50% chance of auto casting ^880000Curse^000000 effect on an enemy.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777179^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar fashioned from a cold, sharp icicle.
Inflict the ^880000Freeze^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar sculpted from earth.
Inflict the ^880000Blind^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar molded from an inferno.
Inflict the ^880000Silence^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar forged with the power of stormy winds.
Inflict the ^880000Sleep^000000 status on enemies by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000

A particularly modified Katar created for battles against Demi-Humans. It makes
for a battlefield full of blood and terrible crimes if equipped by a Master Assa
Str + 1, Dex + 1, Luk + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 70%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A particularly modified Katar created for battles against Demi-Humans. It can be
used for terrible crimes if equipped by a Master Assassin.
Str + 1, Dex + 1, Luk + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 70%.
Increases Critical damage by 20%.
Increases Attack Speed(delay after attacking reduces by 5%)
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 70%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
When dealing physical damage there's a chance that the weapon will awaken and gr
ant max attack speed for 3 seconds.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 70%.
Increases critical attack against Demi-Human monster by 20%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds a 5% chance critical damage to Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1

[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]

When dealing physical damage there's a chance that the weapon will awaken and gr
ant max attack speed for 3 seconds.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Katar Of Speed.
Increases 25% damage with Sonic Blow skill.
ASPD + 3%.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777175^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A katar glimmering with dark light. Appears to require considerable power to wie
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Grimtooth^000000 by 10%.
When performing a physical melee attack, there is a small chance of casting Soni
c Blow level 1, or the highest level the player knows.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
An unusually designed katar. Symbolizes the eternal cycle of Karma.
HIT + 10 when Katar Mastery is fully learned.
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Meteor Assault^000000 by 20%.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A specially made katar with two blades that move like scissors to reveal a third
blade from within.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000

A high speed sharp bladed special designed katar.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Increase Hit Success rate depending on Base Luck.
Increase HIT by 1 for every 2 LUK.
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
A Katar used by Guillotine Cross to punish traitors within the guild.
Increase damage on Demi-Human monsters by 50%.
Increase damage of Cross Impact by 30%.
DEX + 2, FLEE -30.
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777140^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000

1 ATK + 10 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
When landing a regular physical hit it reduces DEF/MDEF of the target to 1 for 5
seconds. Does not affect skills.
Refine of the item increases attack speed.
Type : ^777777Katar
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
This weapon doesn't affect targets health but instead drains 10% of targets SP.
Does not affect skills.
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 ATK + 5 / 1% .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
A common axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777738^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A common axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777738^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A common axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777738^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
An axe crafted by Orcish smiths for Orcish warriors.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Assassin^000000
A heavy, broad bladed hatchet used by butchers.
Adds 5% damage to the Demi Human monster.
Add a 30% additional chance of dropping Meat each time a Brute monster is killed
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000

A bloodthirsty axe that has aided many warriors in battle.
DEX + 2, LUK + 2
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777420^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777776^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Blacksmith, Alchemist^000000
An axe that summons the power of the wind, giving it unprecedented speed.
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Not much is known about the mysterious Golden Axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
An axe crafted by Orcish smiths for Orcish warriors.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Assassin^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 75%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Attack Speed + 5%.
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Critical Wound^000000 when dealing
physical damage.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Critical Wound^000000 when using ski
ll Mammonite.
Attack Speed + 5%.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A high quality axe painted in red. It is said to make a peculiar sound when swun
g in battle.
[^008800Base Lucky >= 90^000000]
ATK + 20
[^008800Base Dexterity >= 90^000000]
CRIT + 5
[^008800Base Lucky or Base Dexterity >= 90^000000]
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Mammonite^000000 by 15%.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An axe crafted by Orcish smiths for Orcish warriors.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 70%.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Assassin^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
STR + 2.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777777^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Assassin^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A light axe imbued with the Wind property which can be hurled at enemies.
Enables use of
^008800Tomahawk Throwing^000000.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Merchant Classes^000000

^000088Rental Item^000000
A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness.
STR + 10, Holy property,
Enables use of Lvl 3 Heal Increases damage inflicted
on Devil monsters by 3%. Increases Movement Speed.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777229^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///^000000
A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000

A really big hammer.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A really big hammer.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A really big hammer.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A powerful axe that lives up to its mighty appearance.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A powerful axe that lives up to its mighty appearance.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A powerful axe that lives up to its mighty appearance.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000

A two-handed, double bladed axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A two-handed, double bladed axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A two-handed, double bladed axe.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A terrifying axe that is said to fill the entire battlefield with blood once it
cuts flesh.
Increases Movement Speed when equipped.
STR + 10
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777400^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A humongous, double bladed axe.
^008800Mammonite^000000 skill will shove its target 5 cells back when Great Axe
is equipped.
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 15% chance.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777187^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An axe which is said to eradicate the darkness in mislead hearts and guide them

to the afterlife.
Increases Critical Attack on Undead monster by 50%.
Causes ^880000Coma^000000 effect on Demon monster by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777230^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness.
Increases damage inflicted on Demon monster by 3%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Heal^000000.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777230^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An axe used for the mass slaughter of enemy forces.
Pierces Defense of Brute monster.
Causes ^880000Coma^000000 effect on Brute monster by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A light axe imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property which can be hurled at e
Enables use of ^008800Throw Tomahawk^000000.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A huge guillotine blade welded to a handle for active decapitation.
Causes ^880000Coma^000000 effect on Demi-Human monster.
Regain 2 SP for each attack on a Demi-Human monster and 20 SP for each killed De
mi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777215^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777744^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A gigantic and ridiculously heavy axe that requires great strength to use it pro
Decrease Attack Speed by 40%.
SP cost of All Skills is doubled.
[^008800Base Strength >= 95^000000]
ATK + 340
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 30% chance when receiving damage.
Add a 5% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^777777600^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A gigantic and ridiculously heavy axe that requires great strength to use it pro
Decrease Attack Speed by 40%.
SP cost of All Skills is doubled.
[^008800Base Strength >= 95^000000]
ATK + 340
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 30% chance when receiving damage.
Add a 5% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^777777600^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness.
Increases damage inflicted on Demon monster by 3%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Heal^000000.
STR + 10
Bonus : Increased Movement Speed 25%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777229^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A terrifying axe that is said to fill the entire battlefield with blood once it
cuts flesh.
Matk + 20%, Attack Speed + 5%.

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777205^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A light axe imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property which can be hurled at e
Enables use of ^008800Throw Tomahawk^000000.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An effective battle axe in hand to hand fight. Its long blade gives you chills.
Reduces damage received from Medium-sized monsters by 13%.
Reduces damage received from Large-sized monsters by 15%.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
This special two hand axe was crafted by a great blacksmith and it seems to be c
apable of destroying any type of armor.
Critical Rate + 20, Attack Speed + 5%
Critical Rate increases depending on the weapon's refinement rate.
[^008800Whitesmith, Creator^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Hammerfall^000000 on the enemy when
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777175^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Hurricane shaped massive two handed axe. The power of hurricane lie hidden in an
orb at the center of the axe.
Reduces damage received from Medium-sized monsters by 10%.
Damage reduction from Medium-sized monsters will increase depending on the refin
ement rate of this weapon.

Attack Speed increases depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.

Every time you attack, small chance to cause damage and a 7 cell knockback effec
t to all enemies within 15 x 15 (PBAoE) cell around you.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777332^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A humongous, double bladed axe.
STR + 5, HIT + 20
Inflict the ^880000Stun^000000 status on targets by a high chance.
^008800Mammonite^000000 damage increased by 20%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777215^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A terrifying two-handed axe that is said to stimulate the nerves in order to kil
l Demi-Humans, once it's in the wearer's hands.
STR + 3
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Ignores physical defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A terrifying two-handed axe that is said to stimulate the nerves in order to kil
l Demi-Humans, once it's in the wearer's hands.
STR + 3
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
When attacking, has a chance to destroy your enemy's armor by 100% for 3 seconds
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A sturdy, two-handed axe created for fighting multiple enemies at once.

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 70%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Add 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Critical Wound^000000 when dealing
physical damage.
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Attack Speed + 10%.
Increases 5% Chance to casting Critical Wound when dealing physical damage.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Critical Wound^000000 when using ski
ll Mammonite.
Class : ^777777Two Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Increases damage against Undead monster by 10%.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Blessing^000000 on the enemy when at
Class : ^777777Two Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
An axe crafted by a man using an ore given by the ancient god of smithing.
It is said that only one skilled in metalworking can properly wield this axe.
If the player has mastered Smith Dagger, ATK + 10.
If the player has mastered Smith Sword, ATK + 10.
If the player has mastered Smith Two-hand Sword, ATK + 10.
If the player has mastered Smith Knuckle, ATK + 10.
If the player has mastered Smith Spear, ATK + 10.
If the player has mastered Smith Axe, ATK + 10.
If the player has mastered Smith Mace, ATK + 10.
VIT + 2
Class : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000

A hammer crafted from the spirit ore Bradium.
Additional 5% chance to ^880000Stun^000000 when using the skill Hammer Fall.
The chance to ^880000Stun^000000 with Hammer Fall increases by 2% per refine on
the weapon.
Class : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777210^000000
Weight : ^777777270^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Whitesmith^000000
A gigantic and ridiculously heavy axe that requires great strength to use it pro
[^008800Base Strength >= 95^000000]
ATK + 400
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 30% chance when receiving damage.
Decreases ASPD by 25%. SP cost of All Skills is doubled.
Add a 5% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An incredibly large axe that appears impossible to swing.
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Cart Termination^000000 by 15%.
[^008800Base Strength >= 95^000000]
HIT + 10, ASPD + 3 %
Class : ^777777Two Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777330^000000
Weight : ^777777400^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A two-handed, double bladed axe.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Two Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Two Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777195^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A large axe made by a blacksmith from the fires of a volcano.
Chance of inflicting Burn status when dealing physical damage. Risk of targeting
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777190^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans. Swordsman Class, Trans. Merchant Class^000000
An axe made of artic ice.
Chance of inflicting Cold status when dealing physical damage. Risk of targetin
g yourself.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777190^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans. Swordsman Class, Trans. Merchant Class^000000
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
1 ATK + 14 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
This weapon doesn't affect the targets health but instead drains 10% of the targ
ets SP. Does not affect skills.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000

Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
40% , 30% .
+6 , , 80% .
+9 , 60% .
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777300^000000
Weight : ^777777550^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
1 ATK + 7 .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
40% .
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep h
olding on to it, though.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777728^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep h
olding on to it, though.

Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777728^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A light spear that can be thrown in an attack. It'll probably be safer to keep h
olding on to it, though.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777728^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A basic spear that allows slightly longer ranged melee attacks.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777744^000000
Weight : ^77777785^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A basic spear that allows slightly longer ranged melee attacks.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777744^000000
Weight : ^77777785^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A basic spear that allows slightly longer ranged melee attacks.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777744^000000
Weight : ^77777785^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers.

Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A legendary spear that is known for its ability to never miss its target.
Has a 25% chance of performing a guided attack that a target can't evade.
HIT + 30
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

A special spear imbued with the ^996600Earth^000000 Property.
Maximum HP + 800
Maximum SP - 50
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear that has been made to puncture any armor worn by enemies.
Increases damage inflicted on ^777777Neutral^000000 Property by 25%
Pierces Defense of its target.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777785^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with the power to drain the souls of enemies it has defeated.
Regains 1 SP with each attack and 5 SP each time an enemy is killed.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
An axe head mounted on a long pole, this weapon was especially made to break thr
ough thick armored plates.
STR + 1, INT + 2, DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777380^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A legendary spear that is known for its ability to never miss its target.
Has a 25% chance of performing a guided attack that a target can't evade.
HIT + 30
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
An axe head mounted on a long pole, this weapon was especially made to break thr
ough thick armored plates.
STR + 1, INT + 2, DEX + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777195^000000
Weight : ^777777480^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A sword made with a holy horn. Has capacity to remove poison, and it is said bei
ng pierced by this spear causes you to bleed non-stop.
Small chance to cause ^880000External Bleeding^000000 status ailment on the targ
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Detoxify^000000.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088+ Valkyrja's Shield^000000]
Whenever you take damage, small chance to auto-spell ^008800Level 2 Assumptio^00
0000 on yourself.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
A spear with end that looks like a hook. By pushing or pulling the target, it ma
kes them difficult to move around.
Every time you attack, 5% chance to cause ^880000Stun^000000 on the target.
Increases damage done against Demi-Human type monsters by 20%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Pierce^000000.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
A spear designed specifically to hunt. The end tip looks like a leaf. This spear
focused on using its weight to bring damage rather than to piercing the enemy.
Ignores DEF of Brute type monsters.
If you kill a Brute type monster, small chance to receive Meat.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Joint Beat^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777420^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spear that has been made to puncture any armor worn by enemies.
Increase damage inflicted on Medium size monster by 20%.
Pierces Defense of its target.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777149^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A special spear made for charging at the enemy's position. It is especially desi
gned for battles against Demi-Humans.
STR + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
If worn by Crusader or Paladin, Increase in attack speed(Delay after attacking r
educes by 20%)
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 95%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Attack Speed + 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
[^008800Lord Knight Class^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Critical Wound^000000 when attacking

with Pierce skill

[^008800Crusader Class^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Gloria^000000 when attacking to the
Attack Speed + 5%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A good long spear.
Increases 25% damage with Magnum Break skill.
STR + 2.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A sword made with a holy horn. Has capacity to remove poison, and it is said bei
ng pierced by this spear causes you to bleed non-stop.
Small chance to cause ^880000External Bleeding^000000 status ailment on the targ
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Detoxify^000000.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088+ Valkyrja's Shield^000000]
Whenever you take damage, small chance to auto-spell ^008800Level 2 Assumptio^00
0000 on yourself.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
A spear designed specifically to hunt. The end tip looks like a leaf. This spear
focused on using its weight to bring damage rather than to piercing the enemy.
Ignores DEF of Brute type monsters.
If you kill a Brute type monster, small chance to receive Meat.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Joint Beat^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777420^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A long spear that is generally issued to foot soldiers.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 70%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777774^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A weapon consisting of an axe head mounted on a long pole that is designed to br
eak through thick armor.
STR + 1, INT + 2, DEX + 1
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777195^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A beautiful spear with the Rune Kingdom Insignia engraved on it.
MATK + 40
Increases damage of ^008800Cannon Spear^000000 and ^008800Vanishing Point^000000
by 20%. Every 2 refine increases the damage by an additional 3%.
[^000088+ Imperial Guard^000000]
Increases damage of ^008800Grand Cross^00000 and ^008800Ray of Genesis^000000 by
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Royal Guard Only^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A very thin aluminum carte sharp spear.
Max SP - 100, Increase damage of Cannon Spear by 10%. Increase damage of Cannon
Spear every 3rd refine.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Royal Guard^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase damage on Demi-Human by 60%.
[^333399Refine Rate +6 or higher^000000]
Increase damage of Pinpoint Attack & Hundred Spears by 80%.
[^333399Refine Rate +9 or higher^000000]
Increase damage on Demi-Human by 30%.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^77777785^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
Topped with a curved blade and puncturing spike, this spear can topple a mounted
warrior in the hands of a highly skilled expert.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Topped with a curved blade and puncturing spike, this spear can topple a mounted
warrior in the hands of a highly skilled expert.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Topped with a curved blade and puncturing spike, this spear can topple a mounted
warrior in the hands of a highly skilled expert.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000

Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a huge sword-like spearhead.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777104^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a huge sword-like spearhead.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777104^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a huge sword-like spearhead.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777104^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear topped with a double edged blade with two side blades.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777124^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear topped with a double edged blade with two side blades.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777124^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear topped with a double edged blade with two side blades.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000

Attack : ^777777124^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A triple pronged spear that can also be used for fishing.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a steel spike and axe-blade which enable both piercing and hacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000

Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A heavy scythe that is usually carried by the Grim Reaper.
Critical Rate + 30%
HIT + 10
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear with a hooked blade that has proven its versatility in battle.
Increases damage inflicted on Brute monster by 10%.
Increases damage against Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777183^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Thunder Storm^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Causes ^880000Silence^000000 effect to enemies by 2% chance.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A legendary spear owned by the tragic soldier, Longinus.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human and Angel monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear that radiates with the warm, glowing light of pure holiness.
Increases damage inflicted on Boss monsters by 5%.

Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Heal^000000.

Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Soul Strike^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear imbued with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property and enchanted with the power
to summon flame.
STR + 3
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Fire Ball^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A high quality, two-handed staff that amplifies psychic power.
INT + 5, AGI + 2, MATK + 200
[^000088Soul Staff & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Rumored to have been crafted by an ancient wizard, this staff contains awesome e
INT + 6, DEX + 2, MATK + 200
[^000088Wizardry Staff & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777240^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A spear created from the body of a dead giant sea creature, topped with a jagged
blade that leaves deep wounds.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
10% additional damage on Boss monster.
[^000088Gaebolg & Dragon's Breath Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000

Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Not much is known about the mysterious Equestrian's Spear.
Weapon Range + 1
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777370^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A heavy scythe that is usually carried by the Grim Reaper.
Critical Rate + 30%
HIT + 10
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A formidable two handed spear which the creator sacrificed himself in order to m
ake it.
The spear attempts to dominate the owner's soul.
Increases damage done against ^777777Shadow^000000 Property, Demon and Undead ty
pe monsters by 20%.
Reduces damage received from ^777777Shadow^000000 Property, Demon and Undead typ
e monsters by 10%.
If the target enemy dies, ^000088Recovers 50 HP^000000.
Small chance to cause Chaos on yourself.
[^000088Phantom Spear & Seal of Red Silk Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Auger shaped spear that is effective at attacking enemy's weak points.
Ignores DEF of the target.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Pierce^000000 on the enemy when a
Increases damage done against Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
A strong two handed spear that has been made to exact vengeance upon a monster,
to the point where the creator has thrown away his own life to make it.
Because the spear has its own will, it frequently tries to take over the body of
its wielder.
Increases damage done against ^777777Shadow^000000 Property, Demon and Undead ty
pe monsters by 20%.
Reduces damage received from ^777777Shadow^000000 Property, Demon and Undead typ
e monsters by 10%.
If the target enemy dies, ^000088Recovers 50 HP^000000.
Small chance to cause Chaos on yourself.
[^000088Phantom Spear & Seal of Red Silk Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear created from the body of a dead giant sea creature, topped with a jagged
blade that leaves deep wounds.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
10% additional damage on Boss monster.
[^000088Gaebolg & Dragon's Breath Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A spear imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Thunder Storm^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Causes ^880000Silence^000000 effect to enemies by 2% chance.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A Two-handed Spear made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for
battles against Demi-Humans.
Str + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength to Demi-Human monsters by 25%.

Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters.

Class : ^777777Two Handed Spear^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A Spear created from the Mammonths Fang. It's very hard hence hard to use but, s
ince the end of the spear isn't sharp, its better to just pierce people with it
then cut with it.
AGI + 2, ASPD + 3%
Causes ^880000Bleeding^000000 effect to enemies or ^008800Level 1 Joint Beat^000
000 on enemy when attacking.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Spear Stab^000000.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
Seems like a 2 handed spear that looks like one of the Ancient Temple Holders. A
small version of it.
ASPD - 10%. DEF increases by Refine Rate.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777560^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Lord Knight Class^000000
Is said to look like the 2 handed Three Branch Spear, this spear is very light a
nd usable.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777112^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 70%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
[^008800Lord Knight Class^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Critical Wound^000000 when attacking
with Pierce skill

[^008800Crusader Class^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Gloria^000000 when attacking to the
Attack Speed + 5%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spear that is commonly used by mounted knights.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 50%.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
, .
100% , 50% .(
100 ATK + 30 .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000

ASPD - 10, SP - 600 on unequip.
20 .
[^333399Base STR 1201000000]
Increase ATK + 300.
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777772000^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^777777140^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
1 ATK + 12 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase physical damage to Demi-Human by 80%.
[^333399Refine Rate +6 or higher1000000]
Increase Clashing Spiral damage by 100%,
Increase Overbrand damage by 50%.
[^333399Refine Rate +9 or higher1000000]
Chance of reflecting magical and phyiscal damage, chance of casting Magic Mirror
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777450^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 ATK + 6 .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000

A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777723^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777723^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
A heavy bludgeon that makes a handy weapon in a pinch.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777723^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000

Attack : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
Basically a big hammer with spikes, this mace is excellent for breaking all sort
s of things.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777754^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
Basically a big hammer with spikes, this mace is excellent for breaking all sort
s of things.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777754^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
Basically a big hammer with spikes, this mace is excellent for breaking all sort
s of things.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777754^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very inti
midating weapon.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777769^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very inti
midating weapon.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777769^000000

Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
With a spiked metal ball that freely swings from a chain, a flail is a very inti
midating weapon.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777769^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A metal club topped with a solid steel ball that's covered in spikes.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A metal club topped with a solid steel ball that's covered in spikes.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A metal club topped with a solid steel ball that's covered in spikes.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A deadly mace topped with 3 extremely sharp blades on its end.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A deadly mace topped with 3 extremely sharp blades on its end.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000

Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A deadly mace topped with 3 extremely sharp blades on its end.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A simple flail that consists of a thin mace attached to a chain of iron links.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A simple flail that consists of a thin mace attached to a chain of iron links.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A simple flail that consists of a thin mace attached to a chain of iron links.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777784^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A huge, unwieldy club that can knock enemies unconscious.
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 1% chance.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A flail, entirely covered in spikes, that swings wildly and haphazardly in battl

Decrease the users DEF to 1/3 of its normal rate.
Critical Rate + 40%
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A mace forged out of pure gold.
Increases damage inflicted on Undead monster by 10%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A long, thin mace built like a spear.
Add a 10% resistance against Long Range attacks.
Capable of damaging enemies up to 3 cells away from its owner.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A hefty mace with curved, sharp blades.
Increases damage inflicted on Undead monster by 15%.
Receive 5% more Experience Points from Undead monsters.
Causes ^880000Coma^000000 effect on Undead by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A heavy and powerful iron mace with a rounded top.
Increases damage against Undead, Demi-Human and ^996600Earth^000000 Property by
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000

A cruciform mace that was blessed by the pope of the Rune Midgard kingdom.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Turn Undead^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Regain 1 SP for each attack on an Undead monster and 3 SP for each killed Undead
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A heavy, round headed mace intended for use in athletic competitions, but has pr
oven to be effective in battle.
Weapon Range + 1
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777778^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A facsimile of the mighty hammer wielded by Thor, god of thunder.
Increases Attack Speed.
DEX + 40, STR + 15
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^777777600^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A heavy tool with many practical applications.
Enable a chance of randomly inflicting the ^880000Stun, Blind, Poison, Freeze^00
0000 statuses with each attack.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A huge, unwieldy club that can knock enemies unconscious.
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 10% chance.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
Any man holding the Warrior's Balmung will gather new inner strength.
All Stats + 5
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A heavy tool with many practical applications.
Enable a chance of randomly inflicting the ^880000Stun, Blind, Poison, Freeze^00
0000 statuses with each attack.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A hammer that was used by Hollgren to refine weapons and armor.
It looks bulky and powerful, but it doesn't seem to be fully dependable.
Every time you attack the enemy, small chance to destroy their weapon or armor b
y 10%.
[^000088+ Whitesmith Card^000000]
Very high chance to destroy enemy's equipment, and small chance to destroy your
own by 1%.
[^008800Base Strength >= 44^000000]
Damage calculation becomes ATK + 44
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777744^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A heavy and powerful iron mace with a rounded top.
Increases damage against Undead Property by 40%.
Increases damage inflicted on Demon monster by 40%.
Increases damage against Demi-Human type monsters by 30%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777193^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A flail, entirely covered in spikes, that swings wildly and haphazardly in battl
Decrease the users DEF to 1/3 of its normal rate.
Critical Rate + 40%
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A mace forged out of pure gold.
Increases damage inflicted on Undead monster by 10%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A cruciform mace that was blessed by the pope of the Rune Midgard kingdom.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Turn Undead^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Regain 1 SP for each attack on an Undead monster and 3 SP for each killed Undead
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A giant mace of silver made for exorsisms.
Adds 10% damage to ^777777Demon, Shadow^000000 Property monsters by 10%.

Adds 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Signum Crusis^000000 when physical attack
. The level of Signum Crusis will increased followed by the upgrade level.
Adds 1% chance ATK + 50 during 20 seconds when physical attack.
When refined to +11 or above, the weapon will cast Signum Crusis Lv 10.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A deadly mace that is usually worn by the best fighter; it seems to be capable o
f damaging through an enemy's armor.
It is especially designed for battles against Demi-Humans.
STR + 1, DEX + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^00
A deadly mace that is usually worn by the best fighter; it seems to be capable o
f damaging through an enemy's armor.
It is especially designed for battles against Demi-Humans.
STR + 1, DEX + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
When melee attacking, has a chance to inflict the ^FF0000Stun^000000 effect for
6 secs.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^00
A big dark fry pan that looks like its met its age.
[^008800Base Strength >= 77^000000]
ASPD + 4%, Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 15% chance.
When a Brute, Plant or Fish Type monster is killed, 5% Chance to drop a food ite
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Acolyte Class^000000

A flanged, solid club that is effective for simple smashing.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777757^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 75%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Attack Speed + 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Adds a chance to ^880000Stun^000000 opponents when dealing physical damage.
Attack Speed + 5%.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^00
^000088Rental Item^000000
Mace of Insanity.
Increases 25% damage with Cart Revolution skill.
STR + 2.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A powerful hammer crafted from a meteorite.
The clergy believe the hammer has been blessed with sacred power.
For each level of Divine Protection, Heal Amount + 1%.
For each level of Mace Mastery, CRIT + 2%.
INT + 1, LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000

A huge iron spike shoots out into a target, then retracted.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777450^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
A book that's been put together sturdily enough to be wielded as a weapon in an
emergency situation.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book containing a compilation of ancient and sacred writings.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A marble tablet on which the wise words of the ancients have been engraved and i
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^0000FFWater^000
000 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^996600Earth^000
000 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000

Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^FF0000Fire^0000
00 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^009900Wind^0000
00 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book that details prophesies concerning the end of the world.
Increases damage on ^996600Earth^000000, ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000
and ^009900Wind^000000 Property enemies by 7% and ^777777Holy^000000 Property e
nemies by 5%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A cute diary in which the innermost thoughts of a young girl have been recorded,
but you can never bear to open it.
Increases damage on Bongun monster by 150%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book in which the origin and history of dragons is written. It's a treasure th

at is said to be passed among the dragon race.

INT + 3
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
^000088Recover 10 SP every time you kill a Dragon monster.^000000
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book made by the wise sage, who wrote his findings and knowledge in the form o
f a diary.
MATK + 160
[^008800Base Strength >= 50^000000]
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
[^008800Base Intelligence >= 70^000000]
Increases MATK + 5%
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A thick and heavy hardcover book that could really do some hurt if swung around.
STR + 3, DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book containing the History of many wars and the dreams of the strategists tha
t took part in them.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Blessing^000000 on the user when
If the user has ^008800Blessing^000000, it will cast it at the user level.
INT + 3
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A book made by the wise sage, who wrote his findings and knowledge in the form o
f a diary.
MATK + 140, increases Attack Speed by 5%.

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A gigantic encyclopedia produced by X company in Prontera, known mostly for its
sharp and hard edges. It is so hard to the point that people who got hit by the
edges of this book often ask "Did you guys install 3 carat Diamond on this?".
MATK + 100, INT + 3, DEX + 2, Critical Rate + 20.
Critical Rate bonus is further increased by +1 per 5 base LUK.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book containing names, used by the agents of death. There are times when the b
ook of the dead is circulated in this world because they have dropped the book i
n the realm of the living. There are tons of names written in here, and there se
ems to be names of people you might know well ... It says Holg ... <Can not see
clearly due to paper being torn>.
MATK + 15%, STR + 3, INT + 3, LUK - 20.
Add a 0.1% chance of auto casting ^880000Coma^000000 effect on Demi-Human monste
Attack Speed increased depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
[^008800Sage, Professor^000000]
There is a 2% chance to cause damage and ^880000Curse^000000 status ailment to e
very enemies in the screen they are in.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777137^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
MATK + 15%, Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A thick and heavy hardcover book that could really do some hurt if swung around.
STR + 5, DEX + 2, MATK + 100
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777168^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^0000FFWater^000
000 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^996600Earth^000
000 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^FF0000Fire^0000
00 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A hefty book with a hard cover that has been enchanted with the ^009900Wind^0000
00 Property.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000

This helps students study and build a stroung foundation of using magic.
If you're having trouble with using... - Author : Sage Shawn.
MATK + 160, INT + 3, SP Recovery + 5%
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book with a Very impressive phrase,'There is no royal road to learning,' on it
s cover.
"Practice makes perfect. If you keep trying, you'll be an expert before you know
MATK + 140
[^000088+ Mage Coat^000000]
MDEF + 8, Maximum SP + 10%, INT + 4
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A battlefield book written by ancient strategists from a far east country. It is
still being studied by many militarists.
STR + 2, INT + 1, MATK + 125
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A battlefield book written by ancient strategists from a far east country. It is
still being studied by many militarists.
STR + 1, INT + 2, MATK + 125
Ignores Magical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 25%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000

MATK + 155
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 80%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
+6 Upgrade : Ignore Magical Defense of Demi-Humans +5%, ^ff0000[Slaughter]^00000
0 Lv 1 (Damage bonus of Slaughter increases up to the upgrade level 14.)
+9 Upgrade : When physically attacking, has a chance of adding Atk +200 for 3 se
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
MATK + 155
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 80%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Increases MATK + 5%.
Reduces casting time by 5%.
Aftercast Delay - 5%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Book Of Prayer.
VIT + 2. MDEF + 10.
Max SP + 10%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
A book containing names, used by the agents of death. There are times when the b
ook of the dead is circulated in this world because they have dropped the book i
n the realm of the living. There are tons of names written in here, and there se
ems to be names of people you might know well ... It says Holg ... <Can not see
clearly due to paper being torn>.
MATK + 15%, STR + 3, INT + 3, LUK - 20.
Add a 0.1% chance of auto casting ^880000Coma^000000 effect on Demi-Human monste
Attack Speed increased depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
[^008800Sage, Professor^000000]
There is a small chance to cause damage and ^880000Curse^000000 status ailment t
o every enemies in the screen they are in.

Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777137^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A gigantic encyclopedia produced by X company in Prontera, known mostly for its
sharp and hard edges.
It is so hard to the point that people who got hit by the edges of this book oft
en ask "Did you guys install 3 carat Diamond on this?".
MATK + 100, INT + 3, DEX + 2, Critical Rate + 20.
CRI bonus increases according to the wearer's LUK.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
The diary of a great
sage that was published without him ever knowing.
MATK +20%, Increases
Attack Speed by 5%
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Book^000000 Attack Strength : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage,
Taekwon Master^000000
MATK + 110
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Sage, Star Gladiator^000000
, 4 . []
MATK + 160, DEX + 1.
3 , %,
5 SP .
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sorcerer^000000
MATK + 20.
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
MATK + 125.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase Heals effectiveness based on Base Level.
[^333399Refine Rate +6 or higher^000000]
Removes re-use delay for Lauda Agnus, Lauda Ramus & Clearance,
Increase SP Cost of mentioned skills by 60.
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase physical damage to Demi-Human by 80%, bypasses 30% DEF.
Increase physical damage to Demi Human by 1% per refine level.
[^333399Refine Rate +9 or higher^000000]
Chance to increase attack by 200 for 3 seconds when dealing physical damage.
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

MATK + 10.
1 ATK + 5 / MATK + 2 .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
5% .
5% .
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
"^339999The Real Holy Cross^000000"
A simple magic wand.
MATK + 30
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A simple magic wand.
MATK + 30
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A simple magic wand.
MATK + 30
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A rough-hewn wand that's effective enough for the casting of magic spells.
INT + 1, MATK + 45
Class : ^777777Rod^000000

Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A rough-hewn wand that's effective enough for the casting of magic spells.
INT + 1, MATK + 45
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A rough-hewn wand that's effective enough for the casting of magic spells.
INT + 1, MATK + 45
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel.
INT + 2, MATK + 70
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel.
INT + 2, MATK + 70
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel.
INT + 2, MATK + 70
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy.
INT + 3, MATK + 95
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy.
INT + 3, MATK + 95
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
An ornate, elegantly crafted wand that grants powerful magical energy.
INT + 3, MATK + 95
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A rare staff that can convert psychic energy into brute strength.
Consumes 2 SP with each Physical attack.
STR + 10, MATK + 100
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A shamanic wand topped with a goat's skull that enhances magic attack power.
INT + 3, MATK + 105
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
Since evil spirits possess this wand of human bone, its suffocatingly accursed a

ura can be sensed by those who wield it.

INT + 4, MATK + 110
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Undead^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff containing a wind fairy that grants its user the essence of speed.
MATK + 115
Reduce Casting Time by 5%.
[^000088Eagle Wing & Wing Staff Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff created as an united effort of the Mage Guild and the Prontera Church, t
hat is intended to support their trainees for undergoing hardship.
There are two types of this staff.
DEX + 2, MATK + 120, Maximum HP + 300
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff created as an united effort of the Mage Guild and the Prontera Church, t
hat is intended to support their trainees for undergoing hardship.
There are two types of this staff.
DEX + 3, MATK + 120, Maximum HP + 400
[^000088Survivor Manteau & slotted Survivor's Rod Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff created as an united effort of the Mage Guild and the Prontera Church, t
hat is intended to support their trainees for undergoing hardship.
There are two types of this staff.
INT + 2, MATK + 120, Maximum HP + 300
Class : ^777777Rod^000000

Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff created as an united effort of the Mage Guild and the Prontera Church, t
hat is intended to support their trainees for undergoing hardship.
There are two types of this staff.
INT + 3, MATK + 120, Maximum HP + 400
[^000088Survivor Manteau & slotted Survivor's Rod Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff that hypnotizes the Novice and makes him feel like he is a great Wizard.
INT + 1, MATK + 120
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A staff that hypnotizes the Novice and makes him feel like he is a great Wizard.
INT + 1, MATK + 120
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A rare staff that can convert psychic energy into brute strength.
Consumes 1 SP with each Physical attack.
STR + 10, INT + 4, MATK + 100
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

A staff created with a skull of a powerful Lich. The curse eminating from this s
taff will threaten to all those who dare to threaten the wielder of this staff.
MATK + 170, INT + 1, DEX + 1
Whenever you take a Physical Damage, small chance to cause ^880000Curse^000000 s
tatus ailment to every enemies in the screen. This chance is increased depending
on the refinement rate of this weapon.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
You will receive bonus MATK + 3%, Maximum SP + 300.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Property : ^777777Undead^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Acolyte Class^000000
A staff made with a branch from the tree Yggdrasil, created with the sole purpos
e to heal. The staff has something inscribed in ancient language, saying "Mubeun
gjangsugiwon", or "Forever free of disease, and have a long life".
MATK + 105
Amount recovered by ^008800Heal and Sanctuary^000000 skill will increase dependi
ng on the refinement level of this weapon.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A staff with a jewel in it that causes shockwave every once in a while. The shoc
kwave sometimes nullifies enemy's magic defense.
MATK + 145, INT + 4
When you attack using magical ability, it will ignore 10% of their MDEF and deal
s damage accordingly. The amount ignored will increase depending on the refineme
nt rate of this weapon.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Acolyte Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
INT + 4, MATK + 120
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A staff created as an united effort of the Mage Guild and the Prontera Church, t
hat is intended to support their trainees for undergoing hardship.
There are two types of this staff.
DEX + 4, MATK + 145, Maximum HP + 500
Impossible to refine this item.
[^000088Survivor Manteau & slotted Survivor's Rod Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff once used by a very gentle man somewhere a long ago.
A very narrow sword is hidden inside the staff.
MATK + 125, DEX + 1
[^000088+ Magician Hat^000000]
DEX + 2, INT + 2, SP Recovery + 5%. Each refine increases MATK by 1%.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage, Acolyte, Soul Linker Class^000000
A staff made of Crystal. It shines beautifully by the light.
This staff also can help the holder recover from damage.
MATK + 125, INT + 3
Increased recovery skill effect + 5%.
When performing a Magical attack, there's a small chance recover SP and HP.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class^000000
A holy stick which is made of Rune of Odin, speciallized for exorcism.
MATK + 140, Reduce Casting Time of ^008800Holy Light, Turn Undead, and Magnus Ex
orcismus^000000 by 25%.
[^000088Sacred Scripture & Holy Stick Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A Rod that has been modified for brave magicians who face enemies in battle.
It is especially designed for battles against Demi-Humans.
MATK + 125, INT + 4, DEX + 3
Ignores Magic Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 25%.
Enables a 5% chance to inflict the Stun effect when using magical attacks.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack Strength : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A Rod that has been modified for brave magicians who face enemies in battle.
It is especially designed for battles against Demi-Humans.
MATK + 125, INT + 3, DEX + 3
Increases Magic Damage against Demi-Human monsters by 15%.
Enables a 5% chance to inflict the Stun effect when using magical attacks.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack Strength : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A Rod that is intended to heal people during battle.
It provides special treatment to serious wounds.
MATK + 125
Increases the Recovery Rate of Heal, Sanctuary by 14% when they are cast by the
Restores 5 SP every 10 sec.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack Strength : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A Rod that is intended to heal people during battle.
It has been optimized to heal more rapidly.
MATK + 125, INT + 3, DEX + 2
Reduces Cast Delay by 15%.
Restores 5 SP every 10 sec.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack Strength : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A strong magical staff covered by sharp thorned vines.
MATK + 160, INT + 3, DEX + 3
Each refine adds magic defense bypassing to your magic attacks.
Each refine reduces the aftercast delay of your skills.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage, Acolyte^000000
A magical rod that enables you to keep draining the enemies mentality.
MATK + 170, INT + 3, DEX + 2
Recovery SP + 8%
There is a small chance while magically attacking, on a radius 11 * 11 of your c
ell and drain every enemies SP by 20%.
If Refine rate is 10, the area becomes 19 * 19 and you drain every enemies SP by
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Acolyte Class^000000
A staff made with a branch from the tree Yggdrasil, created with the sole purpos
e to heal. The staff has something inscribed in ancient language, saying "Mubeun
gjangsugiwon", or "Forever free of disease, and have a long life".
MATK + 125
Increases 15% chance to yourself by ^008800Heal and Sanctuary^000000 skill.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A simple magic wand.
MATK + 32
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

MATK+ 135
Increases magical attack against Demi-Human monster by 15%.
Adds 25% magical defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Each refine increases MATK + 1%.
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Increases magic defense bypassing by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Increases MATK + 5%.
Decreases cast time by 5%.
Decreases aftercast delay by 5%.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
MATK + 135
Increases the effectiveness of your Heal and Sanctuary skills by 14%.
Skill Aftercast Delay - 10%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Increases the effectiveness of your Heal by 5%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Blessing^000000.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Heal^000000 when using skill Heal.
[^333399Refine Rate 10^000000]
Increases the effectiveness of your Heal by 10%.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Staff Of Darkness.
Decreases casting time by 5%.
MATK + 15%. INT + 2.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff made from the wood of a tree long exposed to magic power. The staff hold
s vast magic power, and at times almost looks like an old vagrant.
INT + 4. MATK + 155
INT bonus increases if refined past + 6, at the cost of reduced Max HP and Max S
[^333399Refine Rate 6^000000]
INT + 1, MaxHP - 200, MaxSP - 100.

[^333399Refine Rate 7^000000]

INT + 2, MaxHP - 400, MaxSP - 200.
[^333399Refine Rate 8^000000]
INT + 3, MaxHP - 600, MaxSP - 300.
[^333399Refine Rate 9^000000]
INT + 4, MaxHP - 800, MaxSP - 400.
[^333399Refine Rate 10^000000]
INT + 5, MaxHP - 1000, MaxSP - 500.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A staff with a jewel in it that causes shockwave every once in a while. The shoc
kwave sometimes nullifies enemy's magic defense.
MATK + 15%, INT + 4
When you attack using magical ability, it will ignore 10% of their MDEF and deal
s damage accordingly. The amount ignored will increase depending on the refineme
nt rate of this weapon.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Acolyte Class^000000
A staff created with a skull of a powerful Lich. The curse eminating from this s
taff will threaten to all those who dare to threaten the wielder of this staff.
MATK + 20%, INT + 1, DEX + 1
Whenever you take a Physical Damage, small chance to cause ^880000Curse^000000 s
tatus ailment to every enemies in the screen. This chance is increased depending
on the refinement rate of this weapon.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
You will receive bonus MATK + 3%, Maximum SP + 300.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Property : ^777777Undead^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Acolyte Class^000000
Decorated with animal tails, it symbolizes a staff frequently used by a great ma
Strengthens the ice element magic, Storm Gust.
MATK + 180, INT + 4
Each refine increases MDEF + 1 and damage with ^008800Storm Gust^000000 by 1%.
If refined to + 10, reduce ^008800Storm Gust^000000 cast time by 8%.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class^000000
A staff topped with the red symbol of the Prontera cathedral.
Used by high-ranking members of the clergy.
MATK + 175, INT + 4
A chance of auto casting ^008800Blessing^000000 if ^008800Heal^000000 is learned
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Acolyte Class^000000
A short conductor's baton encrusted with a stabilizing gemstone.
MATK + 175, INT + 2, DEX + 1
If character has learned ^008800Dragonology^000000, SP Cost is reduced by 1%, IN
T + 3.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class^000000
A staff crafted using a magic stone from the Lapine tribe.
Each refine decreases fixed cast time by 1% (does not stack with other fixed cas
t time effects).
MATK + 180.
Class : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Mage Class, Acolyte Class^000000
A staff created by the Paradise Group. It's an item suitable for beginners.
INT + 2, MATK + 125
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class^000000

An intermediate level rod created by the Paradise Group.
INT + 3, MATK + 150
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class^000000
MATK + 15%, INT + 2, AGI + 1.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
MATK + 100.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A staff that converts physical power into psychic energy.
Reduces ^008800Psychic Wave^000000 variable cast time by 3 seconds, but increase
s the cost of Psychic Wave by 60 sp.
Each refine above +6 increases ^008800Psychic Wave^000000 attack power by 2%, bu
t decreases MaxHP by 2%.
When unequipping the weapon, you lose 100 SP.
MATK + 170.
Class : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sorcerer^000000
A staff that radiates a lovely light.
MATK + 160, INT + 2.
Increases heal amount by 10%.
[^000088Affection Robe, Affection Shoes, & Affection Shawl Equip Set^000000]
Increases heal amount by 25%, increases heal SP cost by 20.

Decreases the aftercast delay of ^008800Sacrament, Lauda Ramus, and Lauda Agnus^
000000 by 2 seconds.
Class : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
INT + 4, MATK + 170
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

MATK + 160.
SP .
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000

A Staff that radiates concern for the welfare of others.
MATK + 180, INT + 4.
Increase Heal by 20%.
, , 45% , SP 50 .
Reduce re-use delay of Sacrament, Lauda Agnus & Lauda Ramus by 3 seconds.
Type : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
Drain 5% SP from target when attacking. Does not affect skills.
INT + 10, MATK + 50, MDEF + 20.
Increase SP consumption of skills by 100.
[^333399Refine Rate +6 or higher^000000]
Increase SP drain.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Staff^000000

Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777High Wizard Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 100.
10% .
5% .
Type : ^777777Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A common bow.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A common bow.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A common bow.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777729^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000

An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777729^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777729^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A simply constructed bow that offers well balanced performance.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A simply constructed bow that offers well balanced performance.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A simply constructed bow that offers well balanced performance.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000

A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A specially made bow that uses a firing mechanism to launch arrows at enemies.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A powerful siege weapon that is, in essence, a huge crossbow.
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A bow made famous by its use by Goongso, a legendary Korean archer that used thi
s bow's power to smite his enemies.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A powerful siege weapon that is, in essence, a huge crossbow.
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A bow made famous by its use by Goongso, a legendary Korean archer that used thi
s bow's power to smite his enemies.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000

Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A mighty bow that can only be effectively used by Hunters and Snipers.
If equipped together with Hunting Arrow, increases damage by 50%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter^000000
A bow, created just for Thieves, that has great attacking range.
Weapon Range + 6
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief^000000
A bow imbued with the sacred essence of Rudra, one of the ancient gods.
Add a 50% resistance to the ^880000Poison^000000, ^880000Curse^000000, ^880000Si
lence^000000, ^880000Confusion^000000 and ^880000Blind^000000 statuses.
Enables the use of ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and ^008800Level 1 Cure^000000.
INT + 5
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
A rapid fire crossbow that can shoot many arrows in a short span of time.
Weapon Range + 4
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief, Hunter, Rogue^000000
A giant bow which was used in ancient battles.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777777^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter, Bard, Dancer^000000
A bow crafted out of moonstone with an attached blade that allows its user to bl
ock and counter enemy attacks.
The drawback is that this bow is quite heavy.
[^333399Refine Rate 0~6^000000]
DEF + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 7~8^000000]
DEF + 3
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
DEF + 5
[^000088Lunatic Brooch & Luna Bow Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter^000000
A bow made in shape of a dragon wing. It is supposedly made from a dragon bone,
and can cause deadly damage to dragons.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
3% chance to get Oridecon Arrow upon killing Dragon monsters.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A bow that was made by a wandering bard, by remodeling an instrument. It has a b
eautiful curve and appearance, so it clears the user's spirit.
INT + 2,
SP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter, Bard, Dancer^000000
A mighty bow that can only be effectively used by Hunters and Snipers.
If equipped together with Hunting Arrow, increases damage by 50%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter^000000

A giant bow which was used in ancient battles.
Weapon Range + 4
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777777^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter, Bard, Dancer^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A giant bow which was used in ancient battles.
Inflict 20% more damage with Long Range Physical attack.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777194^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter, Bard, Dancer^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A bow imbued with the sacred essence of Rudra, one of the ancient gods.
Enables the use of ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and ^008800Level 1 Cure^000000.
INT + 5
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
A burning bow that seems it is not possible to grab.
Add a 10% resistance to the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
If equipped together with Fire Arrow, increases damage by 25%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
A frozen bow. It is uncertain if it can be pulled to shoot an arrow.
Small chance to ^880000Freeze^000000 the target.
If equipped together with Crystal Arrow, increases damage by 25%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000

Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
A bow that looks like it is made in a natural way, making it look like it looks
quite natural.
Small chance to ^880000Blind^000000 the target.
If equipped together with Stone Arrow, increases damage by 25%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
A light bow that seems to have a potential to cause a whirlwind.
When the user receives a Physical Damage, small chance to auto-spell ^008800Leve
l 5 Wind Blade^000000.
If equipped together with Wind Arrow, increases damage by 25%.
[^008800Base Intelligence >= 40^000000]
Add a high chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Wind Blade^000000.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
A bow used by the Orc Archers. It is very large and looks very powerful.
Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Steel Arrow.
If equipped together with Steel Arrow, increases damage by 50%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
A slim and smooth bow which is speciallized for double attack.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Double Strafing^000000 level 1 on the ene
my when doing a Physical Attack.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Dou
ble Strafing^000000.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A beautiful bow that shaped as pure white wings spreaded.
When attacking there is a chance of boost ASPD by 7% for 7 seconds. Higher refin
e boosts the chance of occurance.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A Crossbow that has been designed to deal more damage to Demi-Human monsters.
DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief Class^000000
A Crossbow that has been designed to deal more damage to Demi-Human monsters.
DEX + 2, INT + 10
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief Class^000000
A soft bow made by the tentacles of Nepentis.
While using Double Strafing, small chance to Arrow Repel at the same time.

Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A long long time ago, in the Eastern lands, there was a Hero who killed people w
ith a cursed bow.
LUK - 2
^880000Curse^000000 on an enemy with Long Range Physical attack. (Success Chance
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^777777125^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Archer Class^000000
An average bow that is mostly used for small game hunting.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777749^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 55%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Increases your critical damage by 2 times the refine rate.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Increases damage of ^008800Double Strafing^000000 skill by 20%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
The devil's bow.
Increases 25% damage with Double Strafe skill.
DEX + 2.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue^000000

A red bow made in the form of a soaring falcon. It's designed so that skills may
be performed elegantly.
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Sharp Shooting, Double Strafe, Arrow Re
pel^000000 by 10%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A bow made to mimic those of ancient forest guardians.
DEX + 2.
If equipped together with Elven Arrow, increases damage by 50%.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Archer Class^000000
A bow created by the Paradise Group. It's been restructured so its easy to use b
y beginner archers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777782^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief Class, Rogue^000000
A practical bow crafted by the Paradise Group. It's a little trickier to use, so
more suitable for intermediate users.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief Class, Rogue^000000
DEX + 2.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief Class, Rogue^000000
A common arrow.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow tipped with a silver point enchanted with the power of holiness.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
A flaming arrow that will inflict ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property damage.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
An arrow constructed from hardened steel.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow made of blue crystal imbued with the power of Water.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
An arrow enchanted by the power of the Wind.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
An arrow made of stone imbued with the power of the Earth.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000

A shining arrow that doesn't have a discernable shape.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Ghost^000000
A thick, heavy arrow.
Inflict the ^880000Stun^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow enchanted with the power of ice.
Inflict the ^880000Freeze^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
An arrow that explodes with a flash of light upon impact.
Inflicts the ^880000Blind^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow enchanted with curse magic.
Inflict the ^880000Curse^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An old, rusty arrow.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Poison^000000
An arrow whose tip has been dipped in lethal poison.
Inflict the ^880000Poison^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Poison^000000

An arrow with topped with a serrated blade.
Increases Critical Rate.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A very powerful arrow made out of Oridecon.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow that is said to have the might to counter evil.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
An arrow imbued with the power of darkness.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
An arrow that can render targets unconscious.
Inflict the ^880000Sleep^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow coated with a chemical that will paralyze a target's mouth.
Inflict the ^880000Silence^000000 status on targets by a low chance.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Forged out of iron, this arrow will inflict more damage than one crafted of wood
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

A throwing knife that has venomous properties.
When thrown at enemies, there is a possibility it will ^880000Poison^000000 them
Class : ^777777Throwing Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An arrow made from a metal that has the power to destroy evil, blessed and cover
ed in holy water.
Increase damage on Demon monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
An arrow crafted by the elves from an ancient tree.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
An arrow crafted specifically with hunting large animals in mind.
Class : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Mass produced arrows for War of Emperium.
Increase range damage on Demi-Human by 70% when used with Vellum Crossbow.
Type : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property: ^777777Neutral^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Mass produced arrows for War of Emperium.
Increase range damage on Demi-Human by 40% when used with Vellum Crossbow.
Type : ^777777Arrow^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property: ^777777Neutral^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000

A common, yet effective claw that's also known as the "Tiger Fang".
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A common, yet effective claw that's also known as the "Tiger Fang".
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A protective covering that shields the back of the hand and forearm, and has rai
sed studs for offensive purposes.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A protective covering that shields the back of the hand and forearm, and has rai
sed studs for offensive purposes.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Silver, spiked knuckles with diamond studs that are usually worn by the best fig
hters in a tribe.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Silver, spiked knuckles with diamond studs that are usually worn by the best fig
hters in a tribe.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000

A weapon made in the form of a human fist which effectively inflicts damage on e
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A weapon made in the form of a human fist which effectively inflicts damage on e
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A weapon with three long steel claws that have proven effective in close combat.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777786^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A weapon with three long steel claws that have proven effective in close combat.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777786^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Claws shaped like human fingers with long, sharp nails.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777797^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Claws shaped like human fingers with long, sharp nails.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777797^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A claw blessed by Zephyrus, god of the west wind.
Inflicts 5% additional damage on Undead monster and 10% additional damage on ^99
6600Earth^000000, ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000 and ^009900Wind^000000
Property enemies.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A claw imbued with the essence of madness.
Increases Attack Speed.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A blood stained weapon created from the claws of Garm, keeper of the door to the
Maximum HP - 2%
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 2%).
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777152^000000
Weight : ^77777755^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A claw imbued with the essence of madness.
Increases Attack Speed.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A claw blessed by Zephyrus, god of the west wind.
Inflicts 5% additional damage on Undead monster and 10% additional damage on ^99

6600Earth^000000, ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000 and ^009900Wind^000000

Property enemies.
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777159^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A knuckle made with magma. It appears like any other knuckles, but it sometimes
gets very hot to the point it could melt anything in contact with it. However, t
he inside of this knuckle has been designed specifically so it won't burn the us
er's hands.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Flame Launcher^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A knuckle made with an icicle. It appears like any other knuckles, but it someti
mes gets very cold to the point it could freeze anything in contact with it. How
ever, it seems to have no effect at all to the user.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Frost Weapon^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A knuckle made with the power of lightning. It appears like any other knuckles,
but it sometimes cause massive shock to the enemies. Due to the specifically des
igned components inside of the knuckles, the user is not affected.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Lighting Loader^000000 on the ene
my when attacking.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000

A knuckle made with the spirit of the earth. It appears like any other knuckles,
but it sometimes eminates powerful aura that could destroy any enemies in your
way. While the power of the earth shows absolute cruelty toward the enemies, the
wielder will only feel the warmth and kindness of the goddess of the earth.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Seismic Weapon^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
The special spells of blessing written on this battle gloves causes Monks that f
ollow the path of the God to bring about much stronger damage.
^008800Raging Trifecta Blow^000000 damage increased by 15%.
^008800Raging Quadruple Blow^000000 damage increased by 15%.
^008800Raging Thrust^000000 damage increased by 20%.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Battle Gloves used by combatants in the field of battle. Its wearer is never exh
austed because it brings unlimited power once worn.
STR + 2, AGI + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Each physical attack adds the chance of auto casting ^FF0000Zen^000000 skill.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Battle Gloves used by combatants in the field of battle. Its wearer is never exh
austed because it brings unlimited power once worn.
STR + 2, INT + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Reduces ^FF0000Guillotine Fist^000000 casting time by 25%.
When attacking, and weapon awakening in consistent probability,
Has a chance of negating ^FF0000Guillotine Fist^000000 Variable Casting Time 100
% for 6 secs.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777780^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A hard and sharp knuckle that was made from Hels Leon's 3 Horns.
Adds a chance autocast ^008800Level 1 Joint Beat^000000.
Adds a chance autocast ^008800Level 1 Occult Impact^000000 when using skill Chai
n Crush.
Adds a chance autocast ^008800Level 1 Call Spirit^000000 when received physicall
y attacking.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Champion^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 95%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Occult Impact^000000 when dealing ph
ysical damage.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Decrease Agility^000000 when dealing
physical damage.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 95%.
Adds 25% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
When casting the skill [Fury], there's a chance that the skills [Dangerous Soul
Collect] and [Guillotine Fist] will temporarily have their cast time removed.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Knuckle of monk.

Increases 25% damage with Finger Offensive skill.

INT + 2.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A weapon made in the form of a human fist which effectively inflicts damage on e
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A flashy knuckle carved from a gold dragon.
Increases ^008800Earth Shaker^000000 and ^008800Sky Net Blow^000000 damage by 20
Increases the SP cost of all skills by 5%.
Each refine above +6 decreases the SP cost of skills by 1%.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777142^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sura Only^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase physical damage on Demi-Human by 100%.
[^333399Refine Rate +8 or higher^000000]
Increse damage to Demi-Human by 20%.
[^333399Refine Rate +10 or higher^000000]
Auto-cast 'Zen' after 'Fury' & remove cast time of 'Guillotine Fist'
Consume 500 HP every 3 seconds.
Type : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
The classical stringed instrument favored by Rocker, the grasshopper monster who
'd rather play music than do actual work.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
The classical stringed instrument favored by Rocker, the grasshopper monster who
'd rather play music than do actual work.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A small, stringed instrument used in Baroque, Classical, country and folk music.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A small, stringed instrument used in Baroque, Classical, country and folk music.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A classical plucked string instrument that is incredibly difficult to tune and a

Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A classical plucked string instrument that is incredibly difficult to tune and a
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A six stringed musical instrument that is played by plucking the strings with fi
ngers or a pick.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777142^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A six stringed musical instrument that is played by plucking the strings with fi
ngers or a pick.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777142^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A stringed instrument known for the beautiful sound of each note that is played.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777114^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A stringed instrument known for the beautiful sound of each note that is played.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777114^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777727^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A traditional chordophone, favored by the aristocracy in days past, which plays
deep, subtle notes.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777126^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A traditional chordophone, favored by the aristocracy in days past, which plays
deep, subtle notes.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777126^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
An electric guitar which amplifies its user's power.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Jupitel Thunder^000000.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Jupitel Thunder^000000 on the en
emy when attacking.
INT + 2, AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A magically dazzling guitar that bewitches its user to play passionate songs onc
e it's held in his hands.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A guitar which makes a depressing sound when strummed, and is said to have been
played by a bard who spent his entire life in complete loneliness.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
According to rumor, this quaint guitar can be used to communicate with stones an
d even the very earth itself.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A magical guitar which fills the one who plays it with a desire for traveling.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777727^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
An ancient lute that is seen in some oriental towns such as Payon, Amatsu or Gon
Its playing technique has been long lost and nobody in these days knows how to p
lay it properly.
Inflict 10% more damage with Musical Strike and Arrow Vulcan.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A musical instrument designed to play low notes.
Every time the enemy dies, ^000088Recovers 3 SP^000000.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Seismic Weapon^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Whenever you attack, small chance to cause Chaos around all enemies within 5 x 5
(PBAoE) cells around you.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Clown^000000
The legendary guitar known for when the player finally snaps out of stupor, you'

ve already finished your performance.

When equipped, Attack Speed is fixed at 190. Reduces natural HP regeneration rat
e by 100%. Loses 50 HP per every 5 second. Reduces DEX by massive rate.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Clown^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Clown^000000
An ancient lute that is seen in some oriental towns such as Payon, Amatsu or Gon
Its playing technique has been long lost and nobody in these days knows how to p
lay it properly.
Inflict 10% more damage with Musical Strike and Arrow Vulcan.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A guitar which was created to encourage armies amidst battle.
It looks useful for battles against Demi-Humans.
DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A guitar which was created to encourage armies amidst battle.
It looks useful for battles against Demi-Humans.
DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Increase Damage of Arrow Vulcan by 20%.

Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A Large low voiced Violin Instrument. The strings have 4 Lines and shows a silen
t but relaxing tone for group bands.
AGI + 2, DEX + 3
The ^008800Musical Strike^000000 skill shoves the enemy 2 cells back.
The ^008800Arrow Vulcan^000000 skill shoves the enemy 3 cells back.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Clown^000000
A harp made by the strong tentacles of Nepentis.
INT + 2
Add small chance to ^880000Stun^000000 on the enemy when using ^008800Musical St
The probability of inflicting stun effect increases if the Refining Level is ove
r 9.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Clown^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 95%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Tarot Card^000000 on the monster whe
n using skill Arrow Vulcan.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
The legendary guitar known for when the player finally snaps out of stupor, you'
ve already finished your performance.
When equipped, Attack Speed is fixed at 100. Reduces natural HP regeneration rat

e by 100%. Loses 25 HP per every 5 second. Reduces DEX by massive rate.

Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Clown^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A six stringed musical instrument that is played by plucking the strings with fi
ngers or a pick.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777177^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
A wind instrument crafted from the solid trunk of a plant.
Decreases the variable casting time of ^008800Deep Sleep Lullaby^000000 and ^008
800Windmill Rush^000000 by 2 seconds.
For each refine above +6, decreases the SP cost of those skills by 4 sp.
MATK + 50.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Minstrel Only^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Musical Instrument^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Bard^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000

A strong, thick cord composed of tightly braided fiber.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A strong, thick cord composed of tightly braided fiber.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A standard whip that's perfect for adventuring Dancers.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A standard whip that's perfect for adventuring Dancers.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip made of a flexible wire attached to an iron handle.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip made of a flexible wire attached to an iron handle.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777716^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000

A whip with a spiked ball attached at the end.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip with a spiked ball attached at the end.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip fashioned out of an animal's tail that is said to bring good luck.
LUK + 3
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip fashioned out of an animal's tail that is said to bring good luck.
LUK + 3
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A fairly common and very normal whip.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A fairly common and very normal whip.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000

A hefty whip made from toughened snakeskin.
DEX + 5, AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
Constructed purely of thorny stems from rosebushes, this whip has a 50% chance o
f inflicting the ^880000Poison^000000 status on its target with each attack.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Property : ^777777Poison^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A powerful whip made of steel chain for heavy duty battles.
Critical Rate + 5%
Flee Rate + 10
Perfect Dodge + 2
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777744^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip made from the tough leather of a ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monster.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip created from enchanted icicles that are eternally frozen.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000

A whip fashioned out of tough tree roots that have been braided together.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A skipping rope with wooden handles.
Critical Rate + 20%
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A wire in which blade fragments are interwoven, making this whip as sharp as a s
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 3%).
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip with awesome power. Don't even go there with your imagination!
Inflict 10% more damage with Throw Arrow and Arrow Vulcan.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
Electricity passes through this whip. Be careful not to electrocute yourself!
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
Made of a creature that gives out electric energy. The surface is slippery and f
eels weird.
INT + 2, AGI + 2

Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Jupitel Thunder and Arrow Vulcan^
000000 on the enemy when attacking.
The skill level of the ^008800Arrow Vulcan^000000 changes depending on the refin
ement rate of this weapon.
When refined to + 11 or above, you'll cast level 10.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gypsy^000000
A whip made with a foot of the famous western sea witch. It says it steals your
life essence, so be careful of the witch.
Whenever the enemy dies, ^000088Recovers 5 SP^000000.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Frost Nova^000000 on an enemy whe
n the user receives Physical Damage.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause ^880000Silence^000000 to all enemie
s within 5 x 5 (PBAoE) cells around you.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gypsy^000000
A whip that gives awards to oneself after working so hard.
Every time you attack, small chance to use AGI Up on yourself. The level of AGI
Up cast depends on the refinement rate of this weapon.
When refined to + 11 or above, you'll cast level 10.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gypsy^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gypsy^000000
A whip with awesome power. Don't even go there with your imagination!

Inflict 10% more damage with Throw Arrow and Arrow Vulcan.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
An especially made whip for battling against Demi-Humans; this whip is strong en
ough to cut their flesh.
DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Whip^00000
Attack Strength : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
An especially made whip for battling against Demi-Humans; this whip is strong en
ough to cut their flesh.
DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Increase Arrow Vulcan Damage by 20%.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
The strong tentacles of Nepentis brings forth, a hard yet soft rope.
INT + 2
Add small chance to ^880000Frozen^000000 on the enemy when using ^008800Throw Ar
If Refining level is over 9, the probability of inflinting Freeze gets higher.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gypsy^000000
At the end of the rope is a power that enables enemies to back off.
The users hit by this rope have nothing they can do but back off by its powers.
AGI + 2, DEX + 3
The ^008800Throw Arrow^000000 skill shoves the enemy 2 cells back.
The ^008800Arrow Vulcan^000000 skill shoves the enemy 3 cells back.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000

Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gypsy^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 95%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Tarot Card^000000 on the monster whe
n using skill Arrow Vulcan.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Phenomena Whip.
Increases 25% damage with Throw Arrow skill.
DEX + 2.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A whip with a spiked ball attached at the end.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
A whip crafted from the flexible stem of a plant.
Decreases the variable casting time of ^008800Deep Sleep Lullaby^000000 and ^008
800Swing Dance^000000 by 2 seconds.
For each refine above + 6, decreases the SP cost of those skills by 4 sp.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wanderer Only^000000

A whip created from a magically enchanted rose that radiates the smell of roses.
When dealing physical damage there is a chance to trigger ^008800Level 1 Voice o
f Siren^000000.
INT + 2, AGI -2, MATK + 130.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wanderer Only^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Whip^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Dancer^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
A tremendously powerful Two-handed Staff that can only be wielded by someone who
is spiritually strong.
MATK+280, INT+3, AGI+10.
Reduce casting time of Amplify Magic by 50%.
Increase MATK by 1% for every 2 upgrade levels, but raising the upgrade level al
so increase SP consumption.
Has a chance of auto casting Lv.5 Jupiter Thunder with each enemy attack; this c
hance can be increased by raising the weapon's upgrade level.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777High Wizard^000000
This staff can be separated in two parts. It gives a holy strength when these tw
o parts are intersected to make a cross.

MATK + 210, DEX + 4

Reduces damage received from Undead and Demon type monsters by 15%.
[^000088+ Spiritual Ring^000000]
MATK + 10%, DEX + 2, and further reduces the damage received from Undead and Dem
on type monsters by 10%, for total of 25% reduction.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
MATK+ 210
Increases magical attack against Demi-Human monster by 15%.
Adds 25% magical defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Each refine increases MATK + 1%.
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
MATK + 5%.
^fa8072[Desctruction]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Safety Wall^000000 when casting ^00
8800Level 10 Lord of Vermillion, Meteor Storm, Storm Gust^000000 on yourself.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
Two handed staff that seems to be possesing a tremendous power. The owner of the
staff has to have a strong spiritual strength to use this staff properly.
MATK + 280, INT + 3, AGI + 10
Reduces casting time of Amplify Magic by 50%.
Refinement in multiples of 2 (+2, +4, +6, +8, +10) increases MATK by 1%.
SP taken by all skills will increase depending on the refinement rate of this we
Small chance to cast ^008800Level 5 Jupitel Thunder^000000 whenever you are atta
cked physically. This chance depends on the refinement rate of this weapon.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777High Wizard^000000
A figure of the golden dragon that controls time and space sits atop this staff.
Magical energy is focused and condensed into the crystal sphere.
Although impressive in appearance, this staff can be quite heavy to wield.
MATK + 240. INT + 3, MaxHP + 300.
INT + 1, MaxHP 50 every two upgrades on the weapon.
A chance to active MATK + 12%, SP Cost + 20% after using magical attack for 5 se

Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Carved with the figure of Thea, Goddess of the Divine Light.
MATK + 220, INT + 6, VIT + 2
A chance to recover 200 SP after using ^008800Heal^000000.
Increase MATK by 1% for every upgrade past + 2.
Class : ^777777Two-handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Acolyte Class^000000
A staff that possesses holy force and holds bright sunshine in it.
INT + 6.
SP + 150, MATK + 18%.
Class : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777190^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class^000000
A magic staff that holds the power of blowing wind.
Increases ^008800Jupitel Thunder^000000 attack power by 12%.
INT + 3, MATK + 230
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088Golden Lord Staff, Golden Lord Robe, Golden Lord Shoes, & Golden Lord Or
b Equip Set^000000]
Increases damage of Wind element magic by 40%.
Decreases damage of Warth element magic by 30%.
Decreases resistance to Warth element attacks by 50%.
Class : ^777777Two-Handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A magic staff that holds the power of freezing ice.
Increases ^008800Cold Bolt^000000 and ^008800Frost Diver^000000 attack power by
INT + 3, MATK + 230
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088Aqua Staff, Aqua Robe, Aqua Shoes, & Aqua Orb Equip Set^000000]

Increases damage of Water element magic by 40%.

Decreases damage of Wind element magic by 30%.
Decreases resistance to Wind element attacks by 50%.
Class : ^777777Two-Handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Water^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A magic staff that holds the power of burning fire.
Increases ^008800Fire Bolt^000000 and ^008800Fire Ball^000000 attack power by 10
INT + 3, MATK + 230
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088Crimson Staff, Crimson Robe, Crimson Shoes, & Crimson Orb Equip Set^0000
Increases damage of Fire element magic by 40%.
Decreases damage of Water element magic by 30%.
Decreases resistance to Water element attacks by 50%.
Class : ^777777Two-Handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A magic staff that holds the power of the magnificent earth.
Increases ^008800Earth Spike^000000 and ^008800Heavens Drive^000000 attack power
by 10%.
INT + 3, MATK + 230
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088Forest Staff, Forest Robe, Forest Shoes, & Forest Orb Equip Set^000000]
Increases damage of Earth element magic by 40%.
Decreases damage of Fire element magic by 30%.
Decreases resistance to Fire element attacks by 50%.
Class : ^777777Two-Handed Staff^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Earth^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
30% .
INT + 5, MATK + 270.
, , , 60%
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property: ^777777^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

, 30% .
INT + 5, MATK + 270.
, , , 60%
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

, 30% .
INT + 5, MATK + 270.
, , , 60%
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
, 30% .
INT + 5, MATK + 270.
, , , 60%
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
MATK + 70.
MATK + 30 .
MATK + 20 .
1 MATK + 10 / 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 MATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
MATK + 220.
Increase magic damage to Demi-Human by 25%.
Bypass 25% of Demi-Human DEF.
[^333399Refine Rate +6 or higher^000000]
Increase magic damage to Demi-Human by 25%
[^333399Refine Rate +6 or higher^000000]
Reduce variable cast time by 20% amd fixed cast time by 0.2 seconds.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

MATK + 70.
MATK + 15 .
MATK + 10 .
1 MATK + 5 .
20 : BaseLv 10 MATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 130.
20% .
5% .
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
, ''
MATK + 280, INT + 20.
, '' .
, ' ' .

Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777//^000000

, ,
MATK + 320, INT + 25, DEX + 25.
, '' ' 1Lv' .
, '' .
Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
A square shield that is small, yet effective in combat.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A square shield that is small, yet effective in combat.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A rounded shield that readily absorbs impact from attacks.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Cla
ss, Bard, Dancer^000000
A rounded shield that readily absorbs impact from attacks.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Cla
ss, Bard, Dancer^000000
A well crafted shield which most kinds of attack can not penetrate.

Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A well crafted shield which most kinds of attack can not penetrate.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A shield with a surface constructed of mirror that might reflect harmful magic.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Star Gladiator^000000
A shield with a surface constructed of mirror that might reflect harmful magic.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Star Gladiator^000000
A magic book filled with long, impractical spells that is so large, it can actua
lly be used just like a shield.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2
[^000088Pocket Watch & Eye Patch & Memory Book Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A blessed guard with God's symbol engraved on it.
VIT + 2, MDEF + 2
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Required Level : ^77777768^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000
A symbolic shield, rumored to have been given from God to his messenger.
INT + 2, VIT + 3, MDEF + 3
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777120^000000

Weight : ^777777160^000000
Required Level : ^77777783^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000
An exclusive shield for new adventurers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A cute shield made out of a special metal for Novices.
Add a 20% resistance against property attacks (All except ^777777Neutral^000000)
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A stone shield which Thor obtained by killing Hrungnir, king of giants.
It possesses the powers of giants which rival the might of the gods.
Receive 5% less damage from Large size monster.
[^000088+ Odin's Blessing & Magni's Cap^000000]
STR + 2, DEF + 5, MDEF + 5
[^008800Swordman Class^000000]
Additional DEF + 6
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A shield used by Gna, the messenger of Freyja, when she served as a Valkyrie.
Add a 20% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^777777Sha
dow^000000 and ^777777Undead^000000 Property.
MDEF + 5
[^000088+ Odin's Blessing & Frigg's Circlet^000000]
Additional DEF + 2 and MDEF + 5
Additional DEF decrease by Frigg's Circlet and Valkyrja's Shield refine rate.
Additional MDEF increase by Frigg's Circlet and Valkyrja's Shield refine rate.
[^000088Long Horn, Valkyrja's Shield Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Super Novice Guardian Angel's shield which contains holy power that can nullify

Reduce 5% damage from Demon monster.

[^000088Angelic Protection, Angel's Reincarnation, Angelic Guard, Angelic Cardig
an & Angel's Kiss Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice Types^000000
A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that is padded with
a steel plate for increased defense and durability.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that is padded with
a steel plate for increased defense and durability.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that has been enhan
ced with high Magic Defense by a gifted artisan.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A wrist protector, designed exclusively for the Ninja class, that has been enhan
ced with high Magic Defense by a gifted artisan.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A magic book filled with long, impractical spells that is so large, it can actua
lly be used just like a shield.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2
[^000088Pocket Watch & Eye Patch & Memory Book Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000

A magnificent platinum shield. Some say the shield reflects negative spells.
Reduces damage taken from Medium / Large-sized monsters by 15%.
Reduces damage taken from Undead type monsters by 10%. This effect stacks if the
Undead monster also happens to be Medium or Large.
Whenever you receive a Magical Damage there is small chance to reflect all offen
sive magic against you at 40% chance for 2 seconds.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^77777768^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A shiny round shaped steel plate used for serving foods.
Reflect of all Magical Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it (Success Chan
ce 5%).
MDEF + 2
[^000088+ Orlean's Gloves^000000]
Reduces casting time by 10%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A rough shield with dozens of spikes. It seems that an aggressor would rather ge
t hurt.
MDEF + 2
[^000088+ Horn of the Buffalo^000000]
Attack Speed is increased by 10%, Reflect 5% of all Physical Damage back to the
enemy which inflicted it.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A massive shield that firmly withstands any kind of attack.
However, the owner receives extra damage since the shield lacks in absorbing the
Can never be knocked back. Receives 20% additional damage from all physical and
magical sources.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000

MDEF + 2, Reflect 5% of all Physical Damage and Magical Damage back to the enemy
which inflicted it (Success Chance 2%).
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Reduces damage from enemies by 25%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A symbolic shield, rumored to have been given from God to his messenger.
INT + 2, VIT + 3, MDEF + 3
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777140^000000
Required Level : ^77777783^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000
A thick book contained basic skills for clerics.
HP, SP Recovery + 3%, INT + 1
[^000088+ Holy Stick^000000]
Inflict 20% more damage with ^008800Magnus Exorcismus^000000.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Turn Undead^000000 on an enemy when
the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A big and thick cross-shaped shield. STR + 1
Increases damage of ^008800Rapid Smiting, and Shield Boomerang^000000 by 30%, In
crease SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000
A thick book which is full of unknown letters. It seems published in series.

MDEF + 3, INT + 2, Add a chance of auto casting ^880000Stun^000000 on an enemy w

hen the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A Magical Shield that has a strong resistance against every attack that an oppon
ent tries to deal you.
Reduced 20% damage from the monster.
Reflects 1% of Physical Attack
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A shield designed to be used in jousting on horseback in tournaments,
providing the best defense if used with a spear.
ATK + 1%
[^000088Long Horn & Battle Hook or Hunting Spear Equip Set^000000]
DEF + 2, ATK + 4%.
[^008800Lord Knight Class^000000]
Attack Speed -5%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
A sturdy shield built with an intricate arrangement of Naga Scales.
The scales are so sharp that even by mistakenly touching it you could be cut.
MDEF + 3
When receiving physical damage there's low chance physical damage will be reflec
ted to the attacker for 5 seconds.
The chance for the reflect rate is around 3% for each refine.
The reflect damage increases only up to +10. When refined above +11, every furth
er two refine increase the duration of reflect by 1 second.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
A small shield which is wearable with black arms.
[^000088Shadow Guard & Shadow Walk Equip Set^000000]
Add a 2% chance of inflicting Blind on the target when doing a melee attack.
Add a 20% chance for when receiving physical damange, the user receive Flee +20
for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777752^000000

Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Stalker^000000
AGI + 2, Reduce 10% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Kyrie Eleison^000000 on the user
when receives Physical Damage.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A shield used by Gna, the messanger of Freyja while she served as a Valkyrie.
Add a 30% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
MaxHP + 5%
Add a 20% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 and ^0000FFWater^000000 Property
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
A solid shield crafted from Bradium.
Increases ATK of Shield Boomerang by 60%.
AGI - 1, MaxHP + 500
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777798^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
Allows you to shoot burning flames at an opponent.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
MaxSP + 2%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Reduces damage taken from Medium sized monsters by 25%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Reduces damage taken from Medium sized monsters by 25%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Reduces damage taken from Medium sized monsters by 25%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual shield granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Reduces damage taken from Medium sized monsters by 25%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Reduce 10% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A heavy shield created from a mix of silver and iron.
It is dazzling when it reflects light.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777722^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An all round useful round shaped shield.
It gets its high defense value from layers of elunium.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777722^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job^000000
A strong shield crafted from a unique metal found in the other world, layered in
such a way that that it looks like a blooming flower.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Swordman Class^000000
A Guard molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Buckler molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class, Thief Cla
ss, Bard, Dancer^000000
A Shield molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
MaxHP + 400.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A beautiful shield with the insignia of the Rune Kingdom engraved.
MDEF + 5.
Increases ^008800Shield Press^000000 damage by 20%.
Each refine above +6 increases the skill attack power by an additional 2%.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Royal Guard Only^000000
An ancient book of holy verses handed down in the clergy, at the time a very pop
ular series.
Enables casting of the skill "Odin's Power" Lv 1.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000

5% , 9 5% .
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777280^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773 ^000000

INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
INT 120 MATK + 10, MaxHP + 800.
4 , ,
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

MDEF + 5, " 2Lv" .
5% .
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777140^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
A shield that has internal resistance.
Decrease damage by 5% from dark and fire type monsters
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Req Lev : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A square shaped exotic shield. There is a Gem which is specialized to defense Ph
ysical force.
If it refined over 5, will give 1% tolerance on property "nothing" attack
(This bonus would work up to +12, 7%)
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Sturdy yet light, practical shield made from rattan.
1% damage decrease from boss monsters per
3 refinement.
If Kalasag, Buwaya Sack Cloth, Bakonawa Scale Armor, and Bangungot Boots of Nigh
tmare are obtained,
Damage decreased by 30%, and MHP increases at +20%, and MSP by +10% by from all
monsters within Philippine Localizing.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Sturdy yet light, practical shield made from rattan.
1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 3 refinement.
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
. , .
FLEE + 5.
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000

Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

. ,
, 5 ATK + 100, FLEE - 50.
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
. , .
1 , 2% .
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 15.
MAXHP + 100, MAXSP + 100.
15% .
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
MAXHP + 200.
20% .
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 25.
MAXSP + 200.
10% .

Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
' ' , .
MDEF + 5.
30% .
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

' ' , . .
VIT + 20, MDEF + 10.
30% .
, 60 [ ] .
[ ] ', , , , , , , , , '
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773^000000
"^339999The Shield of all Shields^000000"
Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light.
Increases resistance to ^880000Blind^000000 status by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Glasses with special, darkened lenses that block ultraviolet light.
Increases resistance to ^880000Blind^000000 status by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Prescription glasses worn to compensate for defects in vision.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Sturdy goggles worn by ocean divers.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A transparent veil worn by brides on the day of their wedding.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job^000000
A floral decoration used to adorn the head.
Reduces damage from Plant monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairpin made from indigo blue satin that wards off harmful magic.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairpin made from indigo blue satin that wards off harmful magic.
MDEF + 3

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple hair band that holds hair in place quite neatly. It's a very cute look
for girls, but dudes, on the other hand.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A common, ivory colored bandana.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A patch used to cover one eye.
[^000088Pocket Watch & Eye Patch & Memory Book Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair band that gives one the appearance of having ears like a cat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair band that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbo
l of extremely good luck.
LUK + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fragrant hair band crafted from only the daintiest of flowers.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A stiff, squarish formal hat usually worn by clerics.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to othe
Add a 10% resistance to the ^880000Silence^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask that is worn by people with the flu to prevent spreading sickness to othe
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple, pink hat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple, pink hat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A small, tight fitting headdress made of fine silk.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of goggles designed for pilots in order to reduce vision impairment when
travelling at very high speeds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
A pair of goggles designed for pilots in order to reduce vision impairment when
travelling at very high speeds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide d
ecent defense.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
A brimless hat that offers very little in the way of fashion, but does provide d
ecent defense.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
This steel helmet, made in the style worn by roman soldiers, offers great protec
tion, covering most of the head.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
This steel helmet, made in the style worn by roman soldiers, offers great protec
tion, covering most of the head.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A jeweled headdress that wards off harmful magic.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A jeweled headdress that wards off harmful magic.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful mag
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A jeweled, metal band worn on the head that wards off the effects of harmful mag
MDEF + 3

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient
king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Male Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
A red, pompom topped cap that is associated with Santa Claus's legend.
It brings luck and magic protection to whoever wears it.
MDEF + 1, LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Bandit Beard
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

An aristocratically stylish lens that is worn for only one eye.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A white colored moustache, symbol of experience and well aged sophistication.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
High quality sunglasses that effectively block glare from the sun.
Add a 10% resistance to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pair of glasses that make the wearer's eyes look like they're spinning without
Add a 15% resistance to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A dark colored and very stylish hat that was popularized by smooth crooners.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A helmet forged from pure gold which blocks attacks effectively, but is also una
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ivory hat worn by classy men during classy occasions.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A broad brimmed casual hat, usually worn by cowboys and ranchers, that is rustic
ally stylish.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A small decorative crown, fashioned out of pure gold, worn by members of nobilit
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A small, decorative ribbon for the head.
Maximum SP + 20
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A ceremonial hat worn by monks that contains a sacred force which offers protect

ion from evil.

MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A mystic hat, made specifically for wizards, which amplifies psychic power.
Maximum SP + 100
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower.
Reduces damage from Insect monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headband adorned with what appears to be the wings of an angel.
It contains holiness that blesses the wearer's soul and offers protection from d
ark forces.
Reduces damage from Demon monster by 3%.
AGI + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear that look like the wings of a Demon.
Demonic power increases the wearer's strength and offers protection from sacred
Reduce damage taken from Angel monster by 3%.
STR + 1, MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A helmet, made to look like mighty goat horns, that can increase the strength of
its wearer.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator^
A pristinely white horn worn on the forehead that makes one look like an unicorn
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headband with two dangerously fashionable spikes.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Cla
ss, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator^000000
A headgear topped with a fashionably experimental propeller.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Glasses worn by true sophisticates.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A squad cap issued by the Prontera Military.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A fashion accessory used in clown or town drunk disguises.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask patterned after the one worn by a fencer of legendary repute who always k
ept his identity as a wealthy don secret.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An exact replica of the turban worn by Munak, complete with a queue and talisman
Reduces damage from Undead monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This mask marked with an "X" is a popular fashion item for bona fide street toug
Add a 15% resistance to the ^880000Silence^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Specialized face armor that protects the jaw and teeth in battle.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A narrow, short roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in thin paper.
Reduces damage from Insect monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice (Parental Advisory Needed)^00000
A refined, wooden pipe used for smoking high quality tobacco.

Reduces damage from Insect monster by 3%.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice (Parental Advisory Needed)^00000
A delicate flower that is placed in the mouth for romantic seduction.
Reduces damage from Plant monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A slender leaf that is placed in the mouth for a seductive look.
Reduces damage from Plant monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of glasses that are worn on the head for a more charming appearance, inst
ead of vision related purposes.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A signpost that declares its wearer's desire that people should stop whatever th
ey are doing.
Causes catastrophes during wedding ceremonies.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headband worn by doctors in the past during medical examinations.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A traditional Japanese headpiece associated with the afterlife.
Increase resistance to ^777777Ghost^000000 Property by 10%.
AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A boldly red bandana that was possibly left over from the 80's.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pair of glasses with lenses that are angled up and outward.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cap worn by nurses both great and small.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A simple mask with a smile carved into it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A wick-like ornament worn on top of the head for a dangerous look.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A rustic hat knit from rough reeds and bamboos that shields against the rain and
the glare of the sun.

Ssaurabi, the ancient Korean warrior, was known to wear one of these.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mysterious mask traditionally worn by opera phantoms.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A spiritual symbol that typically appears over the heads of those who are holy.
Increases resistance to the ^777777Holy^000000 Property by 15%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Ear coverings, linked by a headband, that protect the wearer's ears from the col
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A set of deer antlers that humans, finally, can proudly wear.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top o
f a friend's head, from a long distance.
DEX + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look.
For some, it is an incredible turn-on.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A bandana that is the mark of the lawless pirates of the oceans.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mask that expresses anguish and despair born from insanity.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat which looks just like fecal matter that is guaranteed to end a date on a t
ragic note.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Traditional Korean headdress worn during funeral ceremonies by the bereaved fami
ly and close friends.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A black leather mask, shaped like butterfly wings, that increases damage inflict
ed upon Demi-Human monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A durable mask made from a fat metal plate that is usually worn by welders and B
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
A stage prop that creates the illusion that the wearer has a knife sticking out
of his head.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A small, star shaped hairclip that makes a great present for ladies.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A face mask that is worn by those who have trouble sleeping.
Add a resistance to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A special optical tool that enables one to observe objects from a great distance
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
A mask worn by Goblins to scare and intimidate unsuspecting enemies.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Large insect antennae that humans can wear.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hardy helmet that was crafted by the most expert of Orcish smiths.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A simple, sturdily made shirt of cotton.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple, sturdily made shirt of cotton.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A jacket made out of mediocre leather.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A jacket made out of mediocre leather.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A light, comfortable suit made just for young adventurers.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000

Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A light, comfortable suit made just for young adventurers.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cloak that is simple, yet elegant.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A cloak that is simple, yet elegant.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A long coat that provides remarkable warmth in cold weather.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777742^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A long coat that provides remarkable warmth in cold weather.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777742^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A fur coat that is actually made using hides from Lunatics.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^777777230^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Armor constructed of solid metal plates that have been padded on the inside for
[^000088Padded Armor & Armor Charm Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^777777280^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000

Armor constructed of solid metal plates that have been padded on the inside for
[^000088Padded Armor & Armor Charm Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^777777280^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
Heavy mail made entirely of polished, metal chain links.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^777777330^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
Heavy mail made entirely of polished, metal chain links.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^777777330^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
Heavy, solid armor made of durable plates of impenetrable metal.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^777777450^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Heavy, solid armor made of durable plates of impenetrable metal.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^777777450^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Formal clothing made in a Renaissance style that evokes thoughts of romance and
INT + 1, MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777759^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
A jacket covered in fake, yet glamorous, rhinestones that is favored by hipsters

and lounge singers.

Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^880000Blind^000000 status to enemies with each
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777758^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A formal suit for males.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A finely woven, silk robe that has been enchanted with magic.
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Clas
s, Soul Linker^000000
A finely woven, silk robe that has been enchanted with magic.
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Clas
s, Soul Linker^000000
A blessed outer garment worn by clerics for religious ceremonies.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777724^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A blessed outer garment worn by clerics for religious ceremonies.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777724^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A robe that has been baptized with saintly power.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000

Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A robe that has been baptized with saintly power.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
A robe that emanates an aura of holiness.
Increases resistance to Demon monster by 15%.
And resistance against ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 10%.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777757^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A simple set of armor carved out of solid wood.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A simple set of armor carved out of solid wood.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Skintight, form fitting clothing that allows easy movement.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777727^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
Skintight, form fitting clothing that allows easy movement.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777727^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000

A robe knit out of silver thread.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777723^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A robe knit out of silver thread.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777723^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
An exclusive robe for Mage Class characters that contains magic power.
MDEF + 5, INT + 1
[^000088Ancient Sorcery & Mage Coat Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Extremely light clothes outfitted with many pockets, making it handy for stashin
g stolen goods.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
Extremely light clothes outfitted with many pockets, making it handy for stashin
g stolen goods.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
An ancient Japanese assassin suit. Allows its wearer to move faster and with mor
e stealth than they normally could.
AGI + 1, MDEF + 3
[^000088Ninja Suit & Shinobi Sash Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777758^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000

A wedding dress that is immaculately white.
MDEF + 15
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
A risky undergarment that is comfortable to wear, but offers very little in the
way of defense.
[^000088Undershirt & Pantie Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777722^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A piece of armor that covers the chest of a Novice.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
An extremely heavy piece of armor worn by members of the Legion.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777779^000000
Weight : ^777777550^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000
An extremely heavy piece of armor worn by members of the Legion.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777779^000000
Weight : ^777777550^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Crusader^000000
A robe which aids its wearer in reducing magic casting time.
Reduce Casting Time by 3%. MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wizard, Sage, Soul Linker^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000

Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^996600Earth^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000

Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
An armor that is enchanted with the ^996600Earth^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An exclusive armor for new adventurers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
The main component of the Hermod Armor set.
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Stone Buckler & Magni's Cap Equip Set^000000]
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Valkyrja's Shield & Frigg's Circlet Equip Set^000000]
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Falcon Muffler & Fricco's Shoes Equip Set^000000]
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Vidar's Boots & Vali's Manteau Equip Set^000000]
[^000088Odin's Blessing & Ulle's Cap Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777753^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An armor that was accidentally enchanted by Goibne the blacksmith when he spille
d the mystic ale of life all over it.
VIT + 2, Maximum HP + 10%
[^000088Goibne's Helm, Goibne's Armor, Goibne's Greaves & Goibne's Spaulders Equ
ip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777758^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Required Level : ^77777754^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Super Novice Guardian Angel's robe.
MDEF + 20
[^000088+ Angelic Protection, Angel's Reincarnation, Angelic Guard, Angelic Card
igan & Angel's Kiss^000000]
Maximum HP + 900, Maximum SP + 100
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Assumptio^000000 on the user when
the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice Types^000000
A blessed holy robe that protects its wearer from being tainted by evil.
Add a 80% resistance against ^880000Blind^000000.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
A set of shining white armor worn by Valkyries, the battle maidens that serve th
e god Odin.
All Stats + 1
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^008800Mage, Archer, Acolyte Class^000000]
Increase resistance to ^880000Silence^000000 status by 50%.
[^008800Swordman, Merchant, Thief Class^000000]
Increase resistance to ^880000Stun^000000 status by 50%.
[^000088Valkyrie Helm & Valkyrja's Armor & Valkyrja's Manteau & Valkyrja's Shoes
Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^777777280^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A winged dress that is said to have been worn by an angel.
It makes you feel very lucky when you wear it.
LUK + 4
Impossible to refine this item.
[^000088Angeling Pin, Angel's Dress Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An ancient Japanese assassin suit. Allows its wearer to move faster and with mor
e stealth than they normally could.
AGI + 1, MDEF + 3
[^000088Ninja Suit & Shinobi Sash Equip Set^000000]
Maximum HP + 300
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777758^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000

A robe which aids its wearer in reducing magic casting time.
Reduce Casting Time by 3%.
MDEF + 4
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wizard, Sage, Soul Linker^000000
A type of traditional outfit. It brings out the hidden powers of the wearer thro
ugh its spiritual power.
All Stats + 5
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A type of traditional outfit. It brings out the hidden powers of the wearer thro
ugh its spiritual power.
All Stats + 5
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A type of traditional outfit. It brings out the hidden powers of the wearer thro
ugh its spiritual power.
All Stats + 3
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A plate armor made of a meteoric stone that consists of unkown substances.
Add a 30% resistance to the ^880000Stun^000000 and ^880000Freeze^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class^000000
An uniform that belonged to a chef that had excessive love of cleanliness.
Nobody could stop him while he was talking about cuisines.
Increases magic casting time by 15%. Makes your casting uninteruptable.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000

Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A holy garment that was produced through series of religious rituals.
Add a 5% resistance to the ^880000Curse, Silence, Stun, Stone Curse, Sleep^00000
0 status.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
Sniping suits helps required muscles to move effectively for shooting an arrow.
Reduces necessary time to shoot arrows and helps to achieve improved accuracy.
Critical Rate + 6, Bonus (LUK/10) Critical Rate depending on your LUK rate.
MDEF + 5, Reduces after-cast skill delay by 23%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777742^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A special Armor made of a pure gold mixture. According to legend you will gain m
agical strength whilst wearing this.
MDEF + 4
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Cash Items^000000
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item. Indestructible.
[^000088Freya's Clothes & Freya's Boots & Freya's Manteau & Freya's Crown Equip
Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Enables use of ^008800Level 10 Frost Nova^000000.
Maximum HP + 20%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
HP + 300, SP + 30
ATK + 10, AGI + 1

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A risky undergarment that is comfortable to wear, but offers very little in the
way of defense.
[^000088Undershirt & Pantie Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777722^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An exclusive robe for Mage Class characters that contains magic power.
MDEF + 5, INT + 1
[^000088Ancient Sorcery & Mage Coat Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A robe that emanates an aura of holiness.
Increases resistance to Demon monster by 15%.
And resistance against ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 10%.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777757^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A robe which is decorated with unknown letters. The wearer feels like they're le
arning a new language.
Maximum SP + 150, MDEF + 5
Reduces skill delay by 10%. Increases heal effectiveness by 6%.
[^000088+ Diablos Ring^000000]
ATK + 3%, MATK + 3%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777757^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Archer, Trans Mage, Trans Acolyte Class^000000
An Armor which is made of unknown metal in human-world. Misterious power is hide
d in the armor.
STR + 2, DEX + 1, Maximum HP + 150, Add a 5% resistance against ^880000Stun, Sto

[^000088+ Diablos Ring^000000]

ATK + 3%, MATK + 3%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777779^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordsman, Trans Merchant, Trans Thief Class^00000
Designed for brave warrior who faces against enemies at the forefront. It brings
multiple effects when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi human monster by 2%.
Max HP + 150. MDEF + 2.
[^000088Battle Greaves & Captain's Manteau Equip Set^000000]
Increases damage received from all Non-Demi-Human monster by 3 times.
VIT + 3, Maximum HP + 12%,
Increases Heal and Item recovery by 10%.
When attacking physically, there is a chance to recover 6000 HP over 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777757^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Taekwon^000000
Designed to be used by outstanding warrior who has a remarkable attack skill. It
brings multiple effects when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi human monster by 2%.
MaxHP + 150. MDEF + 2.
[^000088Combat Greaves & General's Manteau Equip Set^000000]
STR + 3, MaxHP + 12%,
Increases Mammonite damage by 20%.
Increases HP Restoration of ^FF0000Heal^000000 and ^FF0000Potion Pitcher^000000
by 10%.
Increases damage from Non-Demi-Human monsters times 3.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
If you desire to move more quickly, this might help. It gives off multiple effec
ts when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 2%.
MaxHP + 150, MDEF + 2.
When equipped with Battle Greaves and Captain's Manteau,
AGI + 3. MaxHP + 12%.
Increase in attack speed(delay after attacking reduces by 5%),
Critical Rate + 5%,
ASPD + 5%.
Increases damage from Non-Demi-Human monsters times 3.
When attacking physically has a chance of restoring 3,000 HP per second for 10 s

Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777741^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class^000000
A Battle Robe that helps increase the possibility of survival. It gives off mult
iple effects when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 2%.
MaxHP + 150, MDEF + 2.
When equipped with Combat Boots and Commander's Manteau,
INT + 3. MaxHP + 12%.
Adds 20% resistance to ^FF0000Stun^000000.
Increases damage from all Non-Demi-Human monsters times 3.
When receiving physical damage, has a chance of enchanting Armor with the Ghost
property for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777736^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Designed to be used by responsible warriors who take charge of the survival of t
he guild or party.
It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 2%.
MaxHP + 150, MDEF + 2.
When equipped with Combat Boots and Commander's Manteau,
INT + 3. MaxHP + 12%.
Reduces ^FF0000Holy Light^000000 Variable Casting Time by 50%.
Increases damage from all Non-Demi-Human monsters times 3.
Increases HP Restoration of ^FF0000Heal^000000 and ^FF0000Sanctuary^000000 by 6%
when they are cast by the wearer.
When receiving physical damage, has a chance of enchanting Armor with the Ghost
property for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
If you desire to become an accurate and efficient warrior in battle, this might
It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 2%.
MaxHP + 150, MDEF + 2.
When equipped with Combat Boots and Commander's Manteau,
DEX + 3, MaxHP + 12%.
Reduces long ranged Damage by 10% and cast delay by 25%.
Increases damage from all Non-Demi-Human monsters times 3.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000

Defense : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
If you are a true Gunslinger, you might want this suit! It gives off multiple ef
fects when compounded as a set.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 2%.
MHP + 150, MDEF + 2.
When equipped with Battle Boots and Sheriff's Manteau,
DEX + 3, MaxHP + 12%.
Reduces long ranged Damage by 10% and cast delay by 25%.
Increases damage from all Non-Demi-Human monsters times 3.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Brynhild is one of the valiant valkyries, meaning 'The Warrior's Armor'.
Increases MaxHP by 20 times your base level, and MaxSP by 5 times your base leve
Increases physical damage by 10%, and increases your magic attack power by 10%.
MDEF + 10
The player wearing this cannot be knocked back.
Cannot be refined, cannot be destroyed.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A Tunic that has been granted additional tolerance against certain properties.
Decreases 20% damage from ^777777Neutral^000000 and ^777777Water^000000 property
MDEF + 5. MaxHP + 800. Cannot be Frozen.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777738^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An armor that allows the master to regain his life by taking the enemies
HP, SP Natural Recovery is Disabled.
When unequipped, you lose 100 SP.
When a monster is defeated from Physical or Magical Attacks, it recover 60 HP an
d 6 SP.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777767^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A mysterious armor that can change its abilities depending on its owner.
Increases HP and SP depending by base level.
Adds a chance immune from all magic skill for 2 sec When receiving magical attac
[^008800Swordsman, Merchant, Thief^000000]
DEF + 3
[^008800Magician, Archer, Acolyte^000000]
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
An armor that allows you to keep running at your top speed.
While it might look like a normal running shirt it has the durability of a piece
of armor.
VIT + 1. Recovery HP + 5%.
Increases the effectiveness of your heal and potion pitcher by 3%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
Clothes worn in the middle east to bear the regions climate.
AGI + 1
FLEE + 5, ASPD + 2%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777736^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
An armor created by the scales of the Nagas. On close inspection you can see var
ious large cuts across the scales.
MDEF + 2
Adds a chance ATK + 20 for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
Newly developed Tights from the Rekenber Corporation that improves on the design
of regular tights.
MDEF + 2. Perfect Dodge + 3
Class : ^777777Armor^000000

Defense : ^77777738^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Archer Class^000000
A powerful holy armor bestowed to those who pledge themselves to the Goddess.
When wearing this armor you recover from wounds much faster than normal.
MDEF + 5, VIT + 2.
Natural HP Recovery Rate + 50%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Required Level : ^77777782^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
STR + 2, VIT + 2, HP + 200
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Call Spirit^000000 on the user wh
en receives Physical Damage.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A light, comfortable suit made just for young adventurers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
HP + 20%
Add a 7% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
[^000088Glorious Shoes & Glorious Muffler Equip Set^000000]
ATK, MATK +5%. Can't be frozen.
Increases Heal, Sanctuary, and Potion Pitcher effectiveness by 3%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777781^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
HP + 600, SP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

HP + 500
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Sniping suits helps required muscles to move effectively for shooting an arrow.
Reduces necessary time to shoot arrows and helps to achieve improved accuracy.
Critical Rate + 6, Bonus (LUK/10) Critical Rate depending on your LUK rate.
MDEF + 5, Reduces after-cast skill delay by 23%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777742^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A vest crafted from the mane of a dragon.
MDEF + 3
[^000088+ Dragon Manteau^000000]
AGI + 5, FLEE + 15
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job except Novice^000000
Cute, feminine shoes that are a part of the standard schoolgirl's uniform. Fortu
nately, these are unisex.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Cute, feminine shoes that are a part of the standard schoolgirl's uniform. Fortu
nately, these are unisex.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A pair of shoes made of supple, high quality leather.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of shoes made of supple, high quality leather.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of heavy leather boots, padded with Lunatic fur, that is suited to warrio
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
s, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator, Gunslinger^000000
A pair of heavy leather boots, padded with Lunatic fur, that is suited to warrio
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
s, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator, Gunslinger^000000
A pair of feminine high heeled shoes made of fine crystal. Usually, these are wo
rn only on special occasions.
LUK + 5, MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
These steel shackles were clamped on the ankles to prevent some prisoner from es
[^000088Shackles & Bloodied Shackle Ball Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Striped high heeled shoes said to have been worn by a wicked witch since they en
hanced her magical powers.
MDEF + 5

Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Named after Odin's trusty steed, these shoes also mimic Sleipnir's powers.
Increase Movement Speed.
Maximum HP and SP + 20%
SP Recovery + 15%, MDEF + 10
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Steel boots which offer dependable foot protection.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777727^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
Steel boots which offer dependable foot protection.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777727^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
Light, sturdy shoes with steel covers to protect its wearer's feet from harm.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777722^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Exclusive shoe for new adventurers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A pair of slippers which enhances a girl's cuteness. Secretly worn by pretty boy
LUK + 3, MDEF + 3

Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of shoes made exclusively for brand new adventurers.
Maximum HP + 5%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A pair of shoes that were blessed by Freyr, the god of earth and the son of Njor
His blessing would release its owner from pain.
AGI + 2
Increase value of Red, Orange, Yellow and White Potion by 20%.
[^000088+ Odin's Blessing, Falcon Muffler^000000]
Maximum HP and SP + 5%
AGI + 3
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of boots that were worn by Vidar, the son of Odin, when he killed the Fen
rir Wolf.
These represent the great physical and mental strength Vidar displayed in that e
pic final battle.
Maximum HP and SP + 9%
[^000088+ Odin's Blessing, Vali's Manteau^000000]
VIT + 5
HP and SP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of shoes rumored to be forged by Goibne in response to competition from h
is rival, Dulb.
MDEF + 3, Maximum HP + 5%, Maximum SP + 5%
[^000088Goibne's Helm, Goibne's Armor, Goibne's Greaves & Goibne's Spaulders Equ
ip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777754^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

Heavenly sandals worn by the Guardian Angel of Super Novices.
Maximum HP + 100
[^000088Angelic Protection, Angel's Reincarnation, Angelic Guard, Angelic Cardig
an & Angel's Kiss Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice Types^000000
A pair of shoes worn by the Valkyries, Odin's battle maidens.
These shoes grow more powerful as the wearer improves his own abilities.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^008800Mage, Archer, Acolyte Class^000000]
Maximum HP + 5 * Base Level
[^008800Swordman, Merchant, Thief Class^000000]
Maximum SP + 2 * Job Level
[^000088Valkyrie Helm & Valkyrja's Armor & Valkyrja's Manteau & Valkyrja's Shoes
Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
Jeweled, golden strapped sandals that offer a casual, yet fashionable, comfort
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
Shoes that seem to be wrong somewhere. The intention of the maker to perfect the
shoes can be seen but it seems to be a failure.
Maximum HP / Maximum SP + 20%.
Maximum HP / Maximum SP reduced by 1% per refine rate.
Added +1 DEF for every 2 refinement.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
This pair of shoes was especially designed to be used in slippery areas with wat
erpoof coating.
Increases resistance to ^0000FFWater^000000 Property attacks by 5%.
[^000088+ Wool Scarf^000000]
HP Recovery + 5%.
Increase Maximum HP by 10%.

Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
Boots made of firm but light leather. Just wearing it arouses a desire to run.
AGI + 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Bonus AGI + 2
[^000088Crest of the Rider & Black Leather Boots Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
This shadow walker is made of dark force. The creator of this shoes put a spell
to protect the wearer when the danger is near.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Cloaking^000000 on the user when
the user receives Magical Damage.
If the player has ^008800Level 4 Cloaking^000000 or above, higher level skill is
MDEF + 10
[^000088Shadow Cuard [1] Combo^000000]
Add a 2% chance of inflicting Blind on the target when doing a melee attack.
Add a 20% chance for when receiving physical damage, the user receive Flee +20 f
or 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A special Footgear made of a pure gold mixture. According to legend you will gai
n magical strength whilst wearing these.
MDEF + 4
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Cash Items^000000
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
[^000088Freya's Clothes & Freya's Boots & Freya's Manteau & Freya's Crown Equip
Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Enables use of ^008800Level 10 Frost Nova^000000.
Maximum HP + 20%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000

Defense : ^77777722^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Solidly crafted Steel Boots that are especially made for those seeking the Golde
n Key.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Thief Clas
Solidly crafted Steel Boots that are especially made for those seeking the Golde
n Key.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice Class, Mage Class, Acolyte Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Maximum HP + 7%, Maximum SP + 7%
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Striped high heeled shoes said to have been worn by a wicked witch since they en
hanced her magical powers.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mysterious boots that automatically adjusts its size as the wearer's size. It
seems alive.
Increases Maximum HP by 10 times base Level.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
A pair of boots made of light, resilient leather that makes you want to run when
you wear them.
AGI + 1

[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]

Bonus AGI + 2
[^000088Crest of the Rider & Black Leather Boots Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A Greave that optimizes the quality of one's ability for battle.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 1%.
MaxHP + 100. MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Footwear^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Taekwon, St
ar Gladiator^000000
Shoes that are comfortable and solidly made for battle.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 1%.
MaxHP + 100. MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Footwear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Archer Class, Soul Linker^000
They don't look any different than other boots, but they are designed exclusivel
y for Gunslingers.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 1%.
MaxHP + 100. MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Footwear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A shoes that imitated the form from kitty's paws. It gives you a feeling that yo
u can move as swiftly as cats.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Cat Cry^000000.
FLEE + 5, AGI + 1
Item locked except for storage.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000

Shoes that were made with complex design and very soft skin to show how fun your
legs could be with these.
MaxHP + 17% , MaxSP + 8%.
Every 10 seconds, your HP goes up by 20, SP goes up by 3.
Class : ^777777Shoes^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
You could achieve your top running speed with ease with this pair of shoes on,
though be sure to tie them up good and make sure they fit firmly on your feet.
AGI + 1. Recovery HP + 5%
[^000088Sprint Mail & Spring Ring Equip Set^000000]
Max HP and Max SP + 7%.
Reduces casting time by 3%, Reduces the aftercast delay of your skills by 15%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
A sandals received as a gift from Comodo Environmental Commission.
It seems to match perfect with Comodo beach.
STR + 1, INT + 1, AGI + 1
Add a 10% resistance to the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
^8B4513FLEE +5 when worn with Beach Manteau^000000.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
LUK + 2
Increases 10% recover HP/SP.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Quagmire^000000 on the user when
receives Physical Damage.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A waterproof boots.
Reduces casting duration for 2 seconds.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
HP + 10%

Add a 4% resistance against Demi-Human monster.

[^000088Glorious Shoes & Glorious Muffler Equip Set^000000]
ATK, MATK +5%. Can't be frozen.
Increases Heal, Sanctuary, and Potion Pitcher effectiveness by 3%.
Class : ^777777Shoes^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777781^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
HP, SP + 5%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
HP + 5%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Shoes that seem to be wrong somewhere. The intention of the maker to perfect the
shoes can be seen but it seems to be a failure.
Maximum HP / Maximum SP + 20%.
Maximum HP / Maximum SP reduced by 1% per refine rate.
Added +1 DEF for every 2 refinement.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000

A woven shoe crafted from the wood of the tree of life.
The shoes are incredibly comfortable and the power of life spreads throughout yo
ur whole body.
MaxHP + 10%
Recover 30 HP every 10 seconds.
Increases recovery from the heal skill and recovery items by 5%.
MDEF + 3, VIT + 2
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Job except novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A pair of spiritual sandals granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 8%, MaxSP + 8%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000

Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
HP + 100, MDEF + 1.
Natural HP/SP Recovery Rate + 10%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777717^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Boots supplied only to members of the Paradise Group.
It's optimal for advendurers walking long distances without trouble.
Recovery HP + 10%. Recovery SP + 2%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Boots supplied only to members of the Paradise Group.
It's optimal for advendurers walking long distances without trouble.
Recovery HP + 12%. Recovery SP + 4%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Boots supplied only to members of the Paradise Group.
It's optimal for advendurers walking long distances without trouble.
Recovery HP + 14%. Recovery SP + 6%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Shoes molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A Boots molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777721^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Archer Clas
s, Taekwon, Star Gladiator, Gunslinger^000000
A Greave molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
Named after Odin's trusty steed, these shoes also mimic Sleipnir's powers.
Increase Movement Speed.
Maximum HP and SP + 20%
SP Recovery + 15%, MDEF + 10
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Let the ass-kicking commence!
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
MaxHP + 10%, MaxSP + 5%.
Reduce 2% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
[^000088No Fear Underwear & No Fear Belt Set^000000]
Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Comfortable shoes designed specifically for dancing.
AGI + 1, ASPD + 2.
Reduces the SP cost of ^008800Swing Dance^000000 by 32.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^777777105^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wanderer Only^000000
Long gold colored shoes that hold the power of wind.
MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Wind element resistance + 15%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
Long navy blue colored shoes that hold the power of water.
MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Water element resistance + 15%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
Long red colored shoes that hold the power of fire.
MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Fire element resistance + 15%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
Long blue green colored shoes that hold the power of earth.
MDEF + 2, Max HP + 500, Earth element resistance + 15%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives o
n the battlefield.
Max HP + 500.
Increases resistance to Demi-Human enemies by 10%,
but increases damage from all other enemies by 10%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000

Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hord
es of demons.
Max SP + 150.
Increases resistance to attacks from Demon and Undead monsters by 10%,
but increases damage from all other monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
VIT + 1, AGI + 1.
Increases HP recovery rate by 28%.
Increases SP recovery rate by 12%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^777777 20^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MaxSP + 40.
8 1 MaxHP % .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
MaxSP + 40.
8 1 AGI + 1 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
LUK + 3, MaxSP + 30.
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000

Required Level : ^777777100^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
FLEE + 3, INT + 2.
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
' ' .
AGI + 2.
SP 10 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
INT + 2, MaxSP + 5%.
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
MDEF + 1.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
2% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
MDEF + 5.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
1% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///////^000000
MDEF + 10.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.

1% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
Ominous boots emitting Bangungot's revenge and powerful hatred of humans.
MDEF +1 increase per 1 refinement. Speed increased with 14 refinement and above.
Class : ^777777Shoes^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Ominous boots emitting Bangungot's revenge and powerful hatred of humans.
MDEF +1 increase per 1 refinement. Speed increased with 12 refinement and above.
Class : ^777777Shoes^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
MAXHP + 150, MAXSP + 150.
/ 5% .
25% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MAXHP + 200, MAXSP + 100.
10% .
25% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.

MAXHP + 100, MAXSP + 200.

5% .
25% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A simple, soft garment that covers the head and neck.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple, soft garment that covers the head and neck.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A long, loose cape-like garment that protects its wearer from harsh weather.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, TaeKwon, St
ar Gladiator^000000
A long, loose cape-like garment that protects its wearer from harsh weather.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, TaeKwon, St
ar Gladiator^000000

A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An old, worn-out cape that can protect its wearer from mystical harm, no matter
how powerful it may be.
MDEF + 10
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A manteau which protects its wearer from the elements.
VIT + 10
[^000088+ slotted Survivor's Rod^000000]
Maximum HP + 300
MATK - 5%, MATK increase by Survivor's Rod refine rate.
Increase resistance from ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by refine rate *
However, the MATK bonus and neutral resistance increases only to +10.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777755^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
An exclusive garment for new adventurers.
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 20%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A manteau which is worn by soldier skeletons.
STR + 2, DEX + 2, LUK + 2
INT - 3, VIT - 3, AGI - 4
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A cute, durable and lightweight manteau for beginning adventurers.

Reduce 10% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.

Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A faint, transparent robe decorated with a beautiful pattern worn by celestial m
aidens when they fly through the heavens.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of heavy shoulder coverings that provide effective protection in combat.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A robe which once helped the god Odin in escaping from a fatal threat.
[^000088+ Wing Staff^000000]
Increase Movement Speed by 25%.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A muffler owned by Freyja, daughter of Njord, that was often borrowed by Loki.
Wearing it makes its wearer as nimble as a falcon in flight.
Flee Rate + 15, Perfect Dodge + 5
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Falcon Muffler & Fricco's Shoes Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A manteau once owned by Vali, son of Odin. It represents Vali's fighting spirit
which allowed him to defeat Hoedr the warrior despite his blindness.
Reduce 15% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Vidar's Boots & Vali's Manteau Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A shawl marked with ancient conjuration patterns, that is one of the three keys
for releasing the seal that binds Morpheus.
Maximum SP + 10%, MDEF + 3
[^000088Morpheus's Hood, Morpheus's Shawl, Morpheus's Ring & Morpheus's Bracelet
Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A manteau made from gray crow feathers that were enchanted through the power of
Morrigane, whose incarnation is the gray crow.
LUK + 2, Perfect Dodge + 8
[^000088Morrigane's Helm, Morrigane's Manteau, Morrigane's Belt & Morrigane's Pe
ndant Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Goibe's very first creation, his most prized and precious armor.
Reduce 10% of Long Range Physical attack.
VIT + 1, MDEF + 2
[^000088Goibne's Helm, Goibne's Armor, Goibne's Greaves & Goibne's Spaulders Equ
ip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777711^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777754^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Super Novice Guardian Angel's warm and comfortable cardigan.
HP Recovery + 5%
[^000088Angelic Protection, Angel's Reincarnation, Angelic Guard, Angelic Cardig
an & Angel's Kiss Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable.
MDEF + 1
[^000088+ Pantie^000000]
AGI + 5, Flee Rate + 10
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000

Weight : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Lightweight armor made from 100% real cotton that is actually quite durable.
MDEF + 1
[^000088+ Pantie^000000]
AGI + 5, Flee Rate + 10
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A manteau that is worn by the Valkyries, Odin's battle maidens.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^008800Mage, Archer, Acolyte Class^000000]
Perfect Dodge + 5
Additional Perfect Dodge can be earned by Refining, and is equal to the Refine R
ate * 2.
[^008800Swordman, Merchant, Thief Class^000000]
Reflect 5% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Additional Reflect Damage can be earned by Refining, and is equal to the Refine
Rate * 2.
However, the perfect dodge or damage reflect will only increase up to + 10 refin
[^000088Valkyrie Helm & Valkyrja's Armor & Valkyrja's Manteau & Valkyrja's Shoes
Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A garment that gives warm and sticky feelings as if experiencing a dragon's brea
Reduces damage received from Dragon type monsters by 15%.
[^000088+ Dragon Slayer or Dragon Killer or Gae Bolg^000000]

Increases damage on Dragon monster by 5%.

Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A scarf made of best quality wool. Cozy and comfortable when tried.
MDEF + 4
[^000088Tidal Shoes & Wool Scarf Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777711^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A symbol known to be used by the people who loved to run. Just wearing it arouse
s a desire to run.
AGI + 2
[^000088+ Black Leather Boots^000000]
Increases Flee Rate + 10.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A symbol known to be used by the people who loved to run. Just wearing it arouse
s a desire to run.
AGI + 2
[^000088+ Black Leather Boots^000000]
Increases Flee Rate + 10.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A mysterious cape with protective spell. Converts the wearer's magic tolerance t
o DEF.
Whenever you receive a Physical Damage, there is a small chance to reduce all in
coming Physical Damage by 20% for 2 seconds, but also reduces your MDEF by 20% d
uring that 2 seconds.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class, Trans Thief

A mysterious cape with protective spell. Converts the wearer's DEF to MDEF.
MDEF + 3
Whenever you receive a Magical Damage, there is a small chance to reduce all inc
oming Magical Damage by 20% for 2 seconds, but also reduces your DEF by 20% duri
ng that 2 seconds.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Archer Class, Trans Acolyte Clas
^000088Cash Items^000000
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 15%.
[^000088Freya's Clothes & Freya's Boots & Freya's Manteau & Freya's Crown Equip
Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Enables use of ^008800Level 10 Frost Nova^000000.
Maximum HP + 20%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Reduces damage from ^777777Neutral^000000 Property by 17%. Flee Rate + 17
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A mantaeu that will increase the survival rate of its user under any condition.
VIT + 10, MDEF + 10
Impossible to refine this item.
[^000088+ slotted Survivor's Rod^000000]
MATK + 5%, Increase resistance from ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 25
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777717^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Lucifer's skin, cursed by devil's language. It seems threw on the back.
MDEF + 2, Maximum HP + 200, Flee Rate + 10
Class : ^777777Garment^000000

Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A manteau that endless dark shape is waving on it. Only the man who overcame the
fear can put on this manteau.
Reduces ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage by 5%. Maximum HP + 100
Increases Physical Damage when facing Satan Morroc by 10%.
[^000088+ Diablos Boots^000000]
Maximum HP + 6%
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
A dignified, splendid Manteau that is provided to any warrior who brings great h
onor from the battlefield.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 1%.
MaxHP + 50. MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777728^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Taekwon, St
ar Gladiator^000000
A Manteau that is provided to superior commander who has a outstanding ability o
f supporting in rear base.
Add a 1% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
Max HP + 50. MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Archer Class, Soul Linker^000
A Manteau imbued with tension and mystery spirit of the desolate wilderness.
Add a 1% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
Max HP + 50. MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Wings created using all the light in the world. Its name means "Light of the God
Reduces damage from melee attacks of all elements by 30%.

FLEE + 30, MDEF + 5.

Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Teleport^000000.
Cannot be refined, cannot be destroyed.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A flaming manteau that burns in both red and blue colors, but does not harm its
Maximum HP + 5%. MDEF + 2
MATK + 1%. Increases damage against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters by 2%.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A Soft Manteau that has been blessed by a Wind Fairy.
It is said to allow the wearer to be protected from danger.
FLEE + 13, Reduce 13% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Perfect Dodge + 1
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777733^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The skin of a Tendrillion which has various plants growing on it.
Increases 5% resistance from the monster to ^0000FFWater^000000 and ^996600Earth
^000000 property attacks.
Increases 5% resistance from Plant and Brute monster.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
A newly designed armor from the Prontera Church exclusive for priests to protect
the priests who hunt demons.
MDEF + 3
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on yourself when the use
r receiving physical damage.
If you know a higher level of heal, you will cast that level instead.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777High Priest^000000

A manteau received as a gift from Comodo Environmental Commission.
It seems to match perfect with Comodo beach.
STR + 1, INT + 1
Add a 10% resistance to the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
^8B4513FLEE +5 when worn with Beach Sandals^000000.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
DEX + 2, FLEE + 10
Reduce 10% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders.
Add a 10% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
MaxHP + 10%
Resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^777777Holy, Shadow^
000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
HP + 5%
Add a 5% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
[^000088Glorious Shoes & Glorious Muffler Equip Set^000000]
ATK, MATK +5%. Can't be frozen.
Increases Heal, Sanctuary, and Potion Pitcher effectiveness by 3%.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777781^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A nice muffler which increase your concentration by protecting you from wild win
d around a fishing spot.
Reduced casting time for 2 second per hours.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A symbol known to be used by the people who loved to run. Just wearing it arouse
s a desire to run.
AGI + 2
[^000088+ Black Leather Boots^000000]
Increases Flee Rate + 10.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A mysterious cape with protective spell. Converts the wearer's DEF to MDEF.
MDEF + 3
Whenever you receive a Magical Damage, there is a small chance to reduce all inc
oming Magical Damage by 20% for 2 seconds, but also reduces your DEF by 20% duri
ng that 2 seconds.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Mage Class, Trans Archer Class, Trans Acolyte Clas
A manteau crafted from the mane of a dragon.
AGI + 1, MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job except Novice^000000
A coat crafted from the skin dropped by the monster Nidhoggur.
It seems unexpectedly powerful.
Add a 7% resistance to all Elements.
Increases SP by Level/3 + (Refine Rate * 10).
When dealing physical damage there's a 1% chance that you'll recover 1% of your
damage as SP.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Flee Rate + 15, Reduce 15% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000

Required Level : ^77777720^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Flee Rate + 15, Reduce 15% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Flee Rate + 15, Reduce 15% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual scarf granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Flee Rate + 15, Reduce 15% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
FLEE + 10. MDEF + 1.
Reduce 10% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A manteau given only to members of the Paradise Group. It makes you look really
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A Hood molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Muffler molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A Manteau molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Taekwon, St
ar Gladiator^000000
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A colorful beach towel used as protection from the sun.
MDEF +3, FLEE +7
Resistance to Neutral property attacks +7%,
Class : ^777777Robe^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088 ^000000
. ' ' .
UOVV 15, NWVU 2.

Oe1 .
. .
: ^777777^000000 : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
AGI + 1
Increases damage of ^008800Cross Impact^000000 by 5%.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every 3rd Job^000000
An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives o
n the battlefield.
Perfect Dodge + 5.
When being attacked has a chance to activate ^008800Level 1 Renovatio^000000 on
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hord
es of demons.
FLEE + 5.
Add a chance cast ^008800Level 2 Oratio^000000 on the enemy when dealing physica
l damage.
If you know a higher level of Oratio, you will cast that level instead.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
FLEE + 12.
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^777777 18^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
White wings of a holy Archangel.

Slot : ^7777771^000000
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MaxHP + 2%, 10%.
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
FLEE + 10, CRI + 10.
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777716^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
A backpack befitting of any hero.
Enables the use of level 1 Greed
If refined to +7 or higher and base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 90 or
-Str -> Attack +20
-Int -> Magic Attack +30
-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property +5
-Agi -> Aspd +8%
-Dex -> Ranged Attack +5
-Luk -> Inflict 10% more critical attack.
If refined to +9 or higher and base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 90 or
-Str -> Attack +30
-Int -> Magic Attack +50
-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property +10
-Agi -> Aspd +8% & Aspd +1
-Dex -> Ranged Attack +10
-Luk -> Inflict 15% more critical attack.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
FLEE + 12, 1 1% .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Required Level : ^777777100^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
FLEE, ATK 1 2 .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
' ' .
AGI + 2, FLEE + 10, 7 FLEE + 20.
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
INT + 2.
7 1 .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000


1Lv . 30 , SP 2,
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/^000000
MDEF + 1.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
2% .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
MDEF + 10.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
1% .

Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1.
Base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 20 or higher,
-Str -> Attack + 1
-Int -> Magic Attack + 1
-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property + 1%
-Agi -> Increase ASPD (After Attack delay -1%)
-Dex -> Ranged Attack +1%
-Luk -> Inflict 1% more critical attack.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
//iRO and pRO Description and Effect
//Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
//LUK + 2.
//Increases tolerance to Demi-Human attacks by 10%.
//Increases resistance to the Shadow Property by 30%.
//Increases resistance to the Holy Property by 30%.
//Class : ^777777Garment^000000
//Defense : ^77777718^000000
//Weight : ^77777720^000000
//Required Level : ^7777771^000000
//Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that
cannot rest in peace.
Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement.
10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Clothes tailored from Buwaya's kidnapping sack. Full of vindictive spirits that
cannot rest in peace.
Healing capacity and healing item effect increases 1% per 3 refinement.
10% damage decrease from Water, Earth, Fire and Wind Converter monsters.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A metal band worn on the finger which strangely increases its wearer's strength.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Jewelry, worn on the earlobe, that increases its wearer's intelligence.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A necklace once worn by an ancient queen that enhances the vitality of whoever w
ears it.
VIT + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A specially made covering worn on the hands to improve one's grip on weapons.
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Mystic jewelry that attaches to clothing by means of a pin.
AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A versatile accessory that you can attach to pretty much anything.
Maximum SP + 10
[^000088Clip & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A string of beads used to count the number of repetitions that prayers are recit
LUK + 2, MDEF + 5
[^000088Rosary & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A weird ring adorned with a skull in which the words, "^990000Forever, until dea
th ...^000000" are engraved.
Giving this as a gift might send a mixed message.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fairly common ring made of gold.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple, modest ring fashioned out of silver.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A quaint, pretty ring made of wildflowers.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring adorned with a large "diamond", the rock known to be a girl's best friend
Sadly, these so-called diamonds fetch a hefty price.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Reduces damage from undead monsters by 4%. Gain immunity to poison status.

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A strange ring that curiously raises its wearer's defense.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An esoteric ring which enables its wearer to amplify his hidden power.
Critical Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Gloves blessed with holiness that increases its wearer's intelligence.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Matyr's leash.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A finger accessory for archers which helps improve their accuracy.
Ranged Attack Damage + 3%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
A thief exclusive ring that contains magic that increases a thiefs abilities.
[^008800Base Strength >= 90^000000]

HIT + 10, FLEE + 10.

[^008800Base Agility >= 90^000000]
ATK + 10, CRIT + 10.
[^000088Thief Ring & Cold Heart Equip Set^000000]
Increases physical damage versus medium sized monsters by 8%.
[^000088Thief Ring & Black Cat Equip Set^000000]
Increases physical damage versus large sized monsters by 8%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
An ancient ring.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ancient earring.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ancient necklace.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ancient mitten.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ancient brooch.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000

Required Level : ^77777790^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ancient rosary.
LUK + 1, MDEF + 3
[^000088Rosary & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A simple, very practical belt that has little fashion value.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An easy to wear bracelet made just for young Novices.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A reproduction of the girdle of might that Thor wore to enhance his prodigious s
STR + 40, MDEF + 7
If user has 120 base STR, Increases damage on Boss monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^777777800^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An imitation of the necklace worn by the beautiful goddess Freya.
INT, LUK + 10
MDEF + 5, Increases the effectiveness of ^008800Heal & Sancuary^000000 by 5%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring that is given to a baby that becomes a year old.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
All Stats + 5

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
VIT + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
STR + 2, INT + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A wedding ring for a Groom which symbolizes ever-lasting love.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A wedding ring for a Bride which symbolizes ever-lasting trust.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A beautiful gold ring that was made for Christmas.
Somebody's name is engraved on it.
LUK + 1
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A beautiful silver ring that was made for Christmas.
Somebody's name is engraved on it.
LUK + 1
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An incense bag which is carried to avoid bad things.
STR + 1, LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

An incense bag which is carried to ward off evil.
INT + 1, AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mysterious ring rumored to be worn by Kafra Employees.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A fashionable hip sack which is ideal for merchants who have to carry many goods
with them.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
A beautiful golden ring engraved with the words, 'In celebration of Serin's 17th
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A beautiful golden ring engraved with the words, 'In celebration of Serin's 17th
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A voucher that allows its user to enter Valhala.
It also identifies its user as a chosen warrior who has been tested his qualific
ation by Gods.
It has a tranparent blue lense in the middle with silver ancient letters carved
and looks too powerful and mysterious to be considered as a simple voucher.
Its beauty enraptures people's mind immediately as they see it.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000

Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An enchanted ring that was forged by the dead under the moonlight.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
A carnation bouquet given as gifts to mothers.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
All Stats + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An extremely rare jewel attached to a solid silver chain bracelet which symboliz
es strength, growth, and energy.
Maximum HP + 10
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
All Stats + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring, enchanted with the power of the Fate Stone, that is one of the three key
s for the seal which binds Morpheus.
INT + 1, Maximum SP + 5%
[^000088Morpheus's Hood, Morpheus's Shawl, Morpheus's Ring & Morpheus's Bracelet
Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A bracelet, rumored to be a memento of Morpheus's beloved, that is one of the th
ree keys for the seal which binds Morpheus.
INT + 1, Maximum SP + 5%
[^000088Morpheus's Hood, Morpheus's Shawl, Morpheus's Ring & Morpheus's Bracelet
Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

The belt that Morrigane kept as a memento of CuChulain after he perished in batt
ATK + 5, Critical Rate + 3
[^000088Morrigane's Helm, Morrigane's Manteau, Morrigane's Belt & Morrigane's Pe
ndant Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The pendant that CuChulain gave to Morrigane when they were still in love.
It's symbolic of her endless devotion, as she stood by his side even after he ha
d abandoned her.
STR + 2, Critical Rate + 3
[^000088Morrigane's Helm, Morrigane's Manteau, Morrigane's Belt & Morrigane's Pe
ndant Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A cursed brooch which, ironically, was owned by the goddess of fortune.
Critical Rate + 6%
^880000Curse^000000 yourself when attacking (Success Chance 0.5%).
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Not much is known about the mysterious Sacrifice Ring.
When your HP reaches 0, the ring is destroyed and your HP is restored to 50% (No
t confirmed!)
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A sash that is said to have been owned by a renown ninja.
With its embroidered emblem of nobility, it seems to contain some strange and my
sterious power.
STR + 1, AGI + 1, MDEF + 1
[^000088+ Ninja Suit^000000]
Maximum HP + 300
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000

Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
A heavy steel ball attached to a pair of shackles that was used to prevent priso
ners from escaping in an earlier era.
However, prisoners outfitted with this ball managed to use it as a weapon.
[^000088+ Shackles^000000]
ATK + 50
Reduces damage from Zombie Prisoner and Skeleton Prisoner by 20%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777400^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mysterious, ancient artifact that can endow a normal armor with great defensiv
e power, although it does make the wearer feel very sluggish.
Maximum HP + 50
[^000088+ Padded Armor^000000]
DEF + 5
Maximum HP + 150
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A pass for Regenschirm Laboratory employees that should allow you access around
the lab.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A bracelet on which the Hellion's jewel is affixed in order to seal its evil pow
Maximum HP + 10
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that enables its owner to clear his mind.
MDEF + 3, INT + 2, Maximum SP + 5%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000

An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that grants great strength to its owner.
MDEF + 3, STR + 3, ATK + 10
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that grants agility to the one who wears it.
MDEF + 3, AGI + 3, Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that endows the owner with greater accuracy and dex
MDEF + 3, DEX + 3, HIT + 10
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
A glove made from a strange material. It allows you to hold you're weapon with a
firm grip, increasing the strength and accuracy of attacks.
HIT + 15, STR + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
When it comes to having both good looks and functionality, this is the way to go
DEX + 2, INT + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A symbol of faith to servants of God, this ring possesses a holy power that can
repel evil.
Receive 5% more Experience Points from Undead and Demon monsters.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000

Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A coconut oil lamp in which a dim light that repels evil is burning.
STR + 2, Add a 10% resistance against ^880000Blind^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pair of gloves that enhance the wearer's concentration, enabling him to perfor
m amazing feats of hitting accuracy.
HIT + 5, Critical Rate + 5, DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Celebration item for Woman's day.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
All Stats + 3, SP Recovery + 20%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A gold necklace with the letters "RJC" engraved on it. Made to celebrate some ev
Maximum SP + 10
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring that is made from a mind longing for friend.
It shines beautifully with the power of two people's friendship.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A finger accessory for archers which helps improve their accuracy.

Ranged Attack Damage + 3%.

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
A ring with ^000088"3rd Anniversary"^000000 engraved on it.
This ring will be ^000088destroyed^000000 when the 3rd anniversary event ends.
All Stats + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The one who bears this ring will gain powers that he did not possess before.
ATK + 10, SP Recovery + 3%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A special gold ring engraved with the words "Warrior of Rune Midgard".
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Lord Ring
All Stats + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special Earring given for a mission to get a Crystal monster.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A beautiful ring which contains the spirits of the deceased.
It is said to be able to amplify magic if it comes in contact with spiritual pow
INT + 2, DEX + 1

[^000088+ Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff^000000]

MATK + 6%, DEX + 2
Reduce Casting Time by Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff Refine Rate.
[^000088+ Clip or Rosary^000000]
Inflict 50% more damage against Undead monster with Heal.
Inflict 30% more damage with ^008800Magnus Exorcismus^000000.
SP Recovery + 9%
[^000088Divine Cross & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The power of a fire spirit king resides in this ring. The power of the spirit fl
ows through you when you equip this ring.
It can be paired with the Ring of Resonance.
STR + 2, VIT + 1
ATK + 15
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 10%.
Add a ?% chance of auto casting ^008800All kind of Skills^000000 when attacking.
[^000088+ Ring of Resonance^000000]
The chance of auto casting increases.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
The pair to the Ring of Flame Lord. The two rings resonate togeather, and its sa
id that their abilities are strengthened.
AGI + 2, VIT + 1
MDEF + 2
Add a ?% chance of auto casting ^008800All kind of Skills^000000 when attacking.
[^000088Ring of Flame Lord & Ring of Resonance Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
A ring that holds the power of lesser elemental spirits, but its true effect is
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
It's a special ring to celebrate Republic Day.
All Status + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Water.
Add a 5% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property monsters.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Fire.
Add a 5% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Wind.
Add a 5% resistance against ^009900Wind^000000 Property monsters.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mysterious ring that is blessed by the Spirit of Earth.
Add a 5% resistance against ^996600Earth^000000 Property monsters.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look.
For some, it is an incredible turn-on.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A delicate flower that is placed in the mouth for romantic seduction.
Reduces damage from Plant monster by 3%.
Bonus : Autocasts ^008800Level 1 Status Recovery^000000 when the user receives P

hysical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An esoteric ring which enables its wearer to amplify his hidden power.
Critical Rate + 10%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Jewelry, worn on the earlobe, that increases its wearer's intelligence.
INT + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A metal band worn on the finger which strangely increases its wearer's strength.
STR + 4
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A necklace once worn by an ancient queen that enhances the vitality of whoever w
ears it.
VIT + 4
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A specially made covering worn on the hands to improve one's grip on weapons.
DEX + 4
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Mystic jewelry that attaches to clothing by means of a pin.
AGI + 4
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A string of beads used to count the number of repetitions that prayers are recit
LUK + 4, MDEF + 5
[^000088Rosary & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A strange ring that curiously raises its wearer's defense.
MDEF + 8
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that enables its owner to clear his mind.
MDEF + 3, INT + 2, Maximum SP + 5%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that grants great strength to its owner.
MDEF + 3, STR + 3, ATK + 10
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that grants agility to the one who wears it.
MDEF + 3, AGI + 3, Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An object which seems to be part of the Vesper.
Possesses a mysterious power that endows the owner with greater accuracy and dex
MDEF + 3, DEX + 3, HIT + 10
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A red silk with an intention of a woman saint to seal the evil.
[^000088+ Phantom Spear^000000]
It protects you from the chaos effects of the weapon.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class^000000
A pair of gloves that was once used by a palace chef. It feels like you can immi
tate the chef's way of using hand with this glove equipped on.
DEX + 2, MATK + 3%.
[^000088Orlean's Server & Orlean's Gloves Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
An accessory made with the horn of a wild buffalo. It gives you the feeling that
the power of the wild buffalo is in you.
AGI + 2
[^000088Thorn Shield & Horn of the Buffalo Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000

Beings with ultimate power found a way to maximize their ability based on their
clear understanding of themselves.
But be aware that there are pros and cons.
Reduces after-cast delay by 5% and increases SP taken by all skills by 5%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A special Accessory made of a pure gold mixture. According to legend you will ga
in magical strength whilst wearing this.
MDEF + 4
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special Accessory made of a pure gold mixture. According to legend you will ga
in magical strength whilst wearing this.
Add a chance of gaining Fire Cracker each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Cash Items^000000
Arrest handcuffs. It will not be able to destroy very hardly. The hazard which b
inds the people who is dangerous it is used.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This musical instrument was from a myterious aged man. It sounds very beautiful.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Add a 30% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Fire Bolt^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
These Item can not be traded or given to other players.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A party coin to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of Ragnarok Lucky Coin.
ATK + 5%, MATK 5%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A heavy steel ball attached to a pair of shackles that was used to prevent priso
ners from escaping in an earlier era.
However, prisoners outfitted with this ball managed to use it as a weapon.
ATK + 30
[^000088Shackles & Bloodied Shackle Ball Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A beautiful ring which contains the spirits of the deceased.
It is said to be able to amplify magic if it comes in contact with spiritual pow
INT + 2, DEX + 2
[^000088+ Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff^000000]
MATK + 6%, DEX + 2
Reduce Casting Time by Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff Refine Rate.
[^000088+ Clip or Rosary^000000]
Inflict 50% more damage against Undead monster with Heal.
Inflict 30% more damage with ^008800Magnus Exorcismus^000000.
SP Recovery + 9%
[^000088Divine Cross & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
AGI +3, VIT + 3, LUK + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Accomplished a quest is not a possibility of receiving the case request which it
will have in the certificate again.
The time passes and disappears naturally with the paper of the quality of materi
al which it is drawn up.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A weird ring adorned with a skull in which the words, "^990000Forever, until dea
th...^000000" are engraved.
Giving this as a gift might send a mixed message.
Reduces damage from Undead monster by 1%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A glove which is favorite item among librarians. SP + 20
[^000088+ Book Type + Pocket Watch^000000]
INT + 5, HP + 700, Attack Speed + 5%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wizard, Sage, Soul Linker^000000
A silver-colored watch connected with chain.
[^000088+ Eye Patch + Memory Book^000000]
HP and SP Recovery + 15%, MATK + 7%
[^000088Librarian Gloves & Book Type & Pocket Watch Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class^000000
A crescent-shaped golden shining brooch.
[^000088+ Luna Bow^000000]
DEX + 1, SP + 50, SP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
It will make with the steel and the wrist protection unit which is healthy.
Increase damage with skill ^008800Bash^000000 and ^008800Mammonite^000000 by 6%.

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Merchant Class^000000
Battlegrounds Reward Item.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, HIT + 10, Maximum HP + 500, Maximum SP + 50
Add 1% chance of auto casting ^880000Stun^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Star Gladiator^000000
Battlegrounds Reward Item.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, Flee Rate + 10, Maximum HP + 300, Maximum SP + 80
Add 1% chance of auto casting ^880000Poison^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class^000000
Battlegrounds Reward Item.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, MDEF + 6, Maximum HP + 600
Add 1% chance of auto casting ^880000Silence^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
Battlegrounds Reward Item.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, MDEF + 6, Maximum HP + 600
Add 1% chance of auto casting ^880000Stone^000000 on the enemy when receiving Ph
ysical Damage.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
Battlegrounds Reward Item.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, Critical Rate + 10, Maximum HP + 300, Maximum SP + 80
Add 1% chance of auto casting ^880000Blind^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000

Battlegrounds Reward Item.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, Attack Speed + 10%, Maximum HP + 500, Maximum SP + 50
Add 1% chance of auto casting ^880000Curse^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
A brooch shaped like beautiful white wings for the Icarus members.
SP + 50, DEX + 3
[^000088Renown Archer's Scarf & Feather of Icarus Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A nice arm wrapping red scarf. SP + 50, DEX + 3
[^000088+ Feather of Icarus^000000]
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 25%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
A dried up hand drained of all life. You feel a mysterious power coming from a m
arking on it.
When attacking there is a 3% chance to autocast ^008800Level 1 Critical Wounds^0
HIT + 10, HP Recovery + 20%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The mysterious one letter engraves, the position ring. It will dazzle the eye of
the people as it is beautiful.
Maximum HP + 100, Maximum SP + 100, Increases the effectiveness of heal by 5%.
Increases Physical Damage when facing Satan Morroc by 10%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000

A royal gift to the member of Continental Guard.
Maximum HP + 50, Attack Speed + 3%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
One of the royal gift which is given to the member of Morocc Dispatches.
Maximum SP + 50, Reduce Casting Time by 1%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
One of the royal gift which is given to the member of Morocc Dispatches.
Critical Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A badge rewarded to honorable warriors.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%,
CRI + 10, MaxHP + 300,
MaxSP + 80.
Has a chance of inflicting the Darkness status when receiving long ranged physic
al attacks.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A directive letter about the mission from the canyon battle.
^ff0000It will disappear after 1 hour.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A directive letter about the mission from the arena battle.
^ff0000It will disappear after 1 hour.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

DEX + 3, LUK + 3, MDEF + 2

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
Vit + 3, Increases HP + 10%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
ATK 6%, MATK + 6%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
ATK 5%, MATK + 5%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
ATK 3%, MATK + 3%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A Jewelry Ring that contains a 3 Seal Magic Spell.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and ^008800Level 1 Teleport^000000.
Casting cannot be interrupted.
ALL STATUS + 1. Increases casting time by 10%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A great opportunity to bring their wearers a legendary clip.
Increases 50% drop item from the monster.

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring that contains holy power. It responds to specific abilities and strengthe
ns them.
INT + 2, DEX + 1
When using Heal, Aid Potion, Sanctuary, there is a chance for 3 seconds that giv
es you the ability + 20% Heal more.
MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
When wearing the ring you feel as though you want to go all out until you can't
However, there are risks to using it.
Reduced casting time by 10%. Reduces the aftercast delay of your skills by 5%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
A small corsage in the shape of a Pinguicula.
MDEF + 2, SP + 25
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
An essential asset to assassins. There's rumored to be drops of blood on the end
of the sword.
AGI + 3
[^000088Thief Ring & Cold Heart Equip Set^000000]
Increases damage inflicted on Medium size monster by 8%.
Increases Attack speed by refine rate of your weapon.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
A pendant with markings highly recognized in the underground as that of the rogu
e guild.
DEX + 3

[^000088Black Cat & Thief Ring Equip Set^000000]

Increases damage inflicted on Large size monster by 8%.
Increases HIT and casting time by refine level of your weapon.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Stalker^000000
A craftsman born under a cursed star built this necklace to free himself from th
e curse.
It seems as though this has been refined repeatedly to keep the seal intact.
DEX + 2, LUK - 1, MDEF + 3
When equipped, HP -50 every 10 seconds.
When unequipped, you will lose 300 HP
Add a 2% chance inflict ^880000Curse^000000 on the enemy when received long rang
e attack.
[^000088Cursed Star & Cursed Dryer Equip Set^000000]
Adds 2% chance inflict ^880000Curse^000000 on the enemy. ATK + 25.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777784^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Archer Class^000000
A special glove made from new light composite materials.
AGI + 2, DEX + 1, MDEF + 1
[^000088Linen Glove & Refined Tights Equip Set^000000]
Perfect Dodge + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777712^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice Class, Mage Class, Acolyte Class^000000
The first process should be able to complete the first accessories
to complete the process of the sign.
If the base level is less than or equal to 79, MaxHP + 400, MaxSP + 200
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Neutral Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Undead Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Brute Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Plant Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Insect Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Fish Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Demon Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Demi-Human Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Angel Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Dragon Monster^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A weird ring adorned with a skull in which the words, "^990000Forever, until dea
th...^000000" are engraved.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%
MaxHP + 5%, Increases heal effectiveness by 5%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Sight^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
Fishing Rods with small sized.
Reduces casting duration for 3 seconds.
Class : ^777777Fishing Rod^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Novice Class. If you look at it, somehow you feel
MaxHP + 70.
[^008800Novice Class^000000]
MaxHP + 30.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Swordsman Class.
VIT+ 1.
[^008800Swordsman Class^000000]
DEF + 2.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Acolyte Class.
INT+ 1.
[^008800Acolyte Class^000000]
SP + 50.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Magician Class.
INT + 1.
[^008800Magician Class^000000]
Recovery SP + 5%.

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Archer Class.
DEX + 1.
[^008800Archer Class^000000]
ATK + 10.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Thief Class.
AGI + 1.
[^008800Thief Class^000000]
ASPD + 3%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A figure made representing the Merchant Class.
STR + 1.
[^008800Merchant Class^000000]
CRIT + 5.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increases damage against ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^0000FFWater^000000, ^996600Earth^0
00000, ^009900Wind^000000 Property monsters by 10%.
HP + 300
Attack Speed +5%
Reduce Casting Time by 3%.
Increases Heal, Sanctuary, and Potion Pitcher effectiveness by 5%.
[^000088Battlegrounds Accesories Equip Set^000000]
Attack Power + 5%
Magical Attack + 3%
Increases Heal, Sanctuary, and Potion Pitcher effectiveness by 5%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777781^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
All status + 2
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000

Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
All status + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Fish lure artificially made.
Reduced casting time for 1 second.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cool towel which wipes the sweat from your body.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Decreased SP Consumption when using the skill by 5%.
[^000088Shaman Earring & Shaman's Coif Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 2.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
STR + 2. AGI + 1.
[^000088Dark Knight Mask & Dark Knight Glove Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Attack speed + 2% for 10 seconds.

[^000088Dark Knight Belt & Dark Knight Mask Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring imitating the legendary ring of the Ancient Wise King which used to commu
nicate with an animal.
Rune Midgards's Magical Power, Schubaltzvald's technology, and Arunafeltz's liqu
istic ability are put together in this ring.
By equipping this ring, you can talk freely with the people of the Other World.
MaxHP + 50, MaxSP + 20.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ring with a small jewel. At times the jewel looks like an eye that stares back
at you.
CRIT + 2, MaxSP + 25.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A cute music box which contain the singing crystal in it.
Listen carefully, and you can hear Carols.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pair of gloves that was once used by a palace chef. It feels like you can immi
tate the chef's way of using hand with this glove equipped on.
DEX + 2, MATK + 3%.
[^000088Orlean's Server & Orlean's Gloves Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000

A beautiful ring which contains the spirits of the deceased.
It is said to be able to amplify magic if it comes in contact with spiritual pow
INT + 2, DEX + 1
[^000088+ Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff^000000]
MATK + 6%, DEX + 2
Reduce Casting Time by Wizardry Staff or Soul Staff Refine Rate.
[^000088+ Clip or Rosary^000000]
Inflict 50% more damage against Undead monster with Heal.
Inflict 30% more damage with ^008800Magnus Exorcismus^000000.
SP Recovery + 9%
[^000088Divine Cross & Spiritual Ring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A brooch crafted from the tears of an Aqua Elemental.
Add a 5% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property monsters.
MDEF + 2, MaxHP + 1%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job^000000
An earing crafted from bradium ore that is unusually warp to the touch.
MATK + 5, INT + 1, DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job^000000
A very solid ring crafted from bradium ore.
ATK + 5, STR + 1, VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job^000000
A brooch crafted from bradium ore thats always cold to the touch.
FLEE + 4, AGI + 1
If user has 120 base AGI, CRIT + 4.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job^000000
HIT + 3.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The power of a fire spirit king resides in this ring. The power of the spirit fl
ows through you when you equip this ring.
It can be paired with the Ring of Resonance.
STR + 2, VIT + 1, ATK + 15.
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 10%.
Add a ?% chance of auto casting ^008800All kind of Skills^000000 when attacking.
[^000088+ Ring of Resonance^000000]
The chance of auto casting increases.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
The pair to the Ring of Flame Lord. The two rings resonate togeather, and its sa
id that their abilities are strengthened.
AGI + 2, VIT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Add a ?% chance of auto casting ^008800All kind of Skills^000000 when attacking.
[^000088Ring of Flame Lord & Ring of Resonance Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
STR + 2.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A Green Apple ring for those who have ascended to their third job. It won't be n
ecessary once you are accustomed to your specific job skills.
All Stats +6, but you lose 1 to All Stats every 5 Job Levels until it gives 0 to
All Stats.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every 3rd Job^000000

Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Monk^000000
. .
MHP + 150, MSP + 30.
10Lv, 5Lv .
, 10Lv, 10Lv .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Acceleration'.
AGI + 2.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Hovering'.
AGI + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000

Required item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Self Destruction'.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
Required accessory item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Shape Shift'.
INT + 3.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
Required accessory item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Emergency Cooling'
DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Magnetic Field'.
DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777600^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Neutral Barrier'.
DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^777777800^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic Gear skill 'Repair'.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000

Required item to use the Mechanic Magic gear skill "Stealth Field".
AGI + 3.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000

Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual bracelet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
ALL STATUS + 2, MDEF + 2, SP + 20.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A guide to help experience the basic skill of Swordman.
SP + 100.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A guide to help experience the basic skill of Thief.
SP + 100.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A guide to help experience the basic skill of Acolyte.
SP + 100.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A guide to help experience the basic skill of Archer.
SP + 100.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A guide to help experience the basic skill of Merchant.
SP + 100.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A guide to help experience the basic skill of Magician.
SP + 100.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
INT + 2.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
DEX + 2, AGI + 1.
[^000088Dark Knight Mask & Dark Knight Glove Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
[^000088Dark Knight Mask A & Dark Knight Belt Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Clip molded out of Elunium and pure gold mixture.
MaxHP + 3%. MaxSP + 30.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Enable to use [Greed] skill.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000 DEF: ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs except Novice^000000
A reproduction of the girdle of might that Thor wore to enhance his prodigious s
STR + 40, MDEF + 7
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An imitation of the necklace worn by the beautiful goddess Freya.
LUK + 10, MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000

Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777794^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A ring decorated with a beautiful ruby.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Teleport^000000.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An awesome ring that is only given to the members of the Order of Odin.
Enables use of new skill called "^008800Odin Recall^000000".
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A Jewelry Ring
that contains a
3 Seal Magic Spell.
Enables use of Level 1 Heal
and Level 1 Teleport.
Casting cannot be interrupted.
All Stats +1.
Increases casting time by 10%.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
An esoteric ring that
enables its wearer to amplify his hidden powers.
Critical +10%
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000

^000088Rental Item^000000
An ancient glove.
DEX + 4
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A strange ring that
curiously raises its
wearer's defenses.
DEF +5 , MDEF +5
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
An ancient necklace.
Vit +4
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
An ancient ring.
STR + 4
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
An ancient rosary.
LUK + 4, MDEF +5
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
INT + 2, DEX + 2, MDEF + 2.
Experience + 10%, Drop Rate + 10%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Genetic, Sorcerer only^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
INT + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
SP + 50.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Enables use of new skill called "^008800Return to El Dicastes^000000".
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Strap this on and shut them up!
MDEF + 2, ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
[^000088No Fear Shoes & No Fear Underwear Set^000000]
Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%.
Class : ^777777Footgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A sphere that contains a magic liquid that holds a mysterious magic power.
INT + 3, MDEF + 1, MaxSP + 30.
Increases damage of ^008800Psychic Wave^000000 by 10%.
Increases the SP cost of all skills by 50.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every 3rd Job^000000
Magic gloves made for handling corrosive chemicals, smells a bit like charcoal.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Increases damage of Fire element magic by 10%.
When dealing physical or magic damage, there's a low chance to auto cast ^008800
Level 5 Fire Wall^000000.
Decreases damage of Water element magic by 20%.
Decreases resistance to Water element attacks by 30%.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777125^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every 3rd Job^000000
Morocc twon Hyuke's black tail style. It doesn't seem to be moving.
ASPD + 3%, Critical + 7.
Equip with [Whikebain's Black Ears], extra critical attack damage + 10%.
Equip with [Whikebain's Black Ears], Critical +5 if [Whikebain's Black Ears]'s r
efined more than +7
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

^000088 ^000000
YzhvOE HGI .
HGI 120 , 5% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^000088 ^000000

, 3% .

: ^777777^000000
: ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
Enables use of new skill called "^008800Guardian Recall^000000".
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A wind embued gold colored ornament.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Wind element resistance + 15%.
When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to auto cast ^008800Level
3 Jupitel Thunder^000000.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 2^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A water embued navy blue colored ornament.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Water element resistance + 15%.
When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to auto cast ^008800Level
3 Frost Nova^000000.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 2^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A fire embued red colored ornament.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Fire element resistance + 15%.
When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to auto cast ^008800Level
3 Sight Rasher^000000.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 2^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A earth embued green colored ornament.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Earth element resistance + 15%.

When receiving physical or magic damage, has a chance to auto cast ^008800Level
3 Quagmire^000000.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 2^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
^000088 ^000000
5% .
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
An ancient gold colored ring, rumored to be owned by an ancient wise sage.
VIT + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
Can be enchanted to improve Highness Heal.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 0^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
A ring adorned with a purple jewel that is awarded to the best of those who stud
y in the curch.
INT + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
Can be enchanted to improve Coluceo Heal.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 0^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
A blue ring with a shining mysterious blue ring, worn by the religeous leaders.
DEX + 2, Heal Amount + 2%.
Can be enchanted to improve Heal Amount.
Class : ^777777 Accessory^000000
Defense : ^777777 0^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
A certificate that certifies you as a Cat Game Member. It has the ability to rec
ord matches.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Required Level : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A souvenir from Malangdo, that makes you happy when equipped.
VIT + 1, AGI + 1, DEX + 1, LUK + 1.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, .
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
a necklace for implmenting best of royal palace food.
DEX + 2, MATK + 20.
"when usign with Orleans globe, can have MATK + 20, with Orleans uniform , can h
ave stat casting 15% decrese, when with Orleans server, can have MATK + 2 incres
e for shield 1
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MaxHP + 2%, , SP 5 .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
ATK + 20, MaxSP + 20.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

^000088Rental Item^000000
15% .
ATK, MATK + 15.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
: ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
CRI + 3, SP 5 .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
ATK + 10, MATK + 20.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
' ' .
DEX + 2, 3% .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
INT + 2, + 3.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
. .
MaxSP + 20, CRI + 3.
ATK + 50, 50% , FLEE - 30.
CRI + 4, 40% , MaxHP - 10%.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000

Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
, .
STR + 5, MaxSP + 6%, MaxHP - 6%.
STR 120 , ATK + 30.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
'RWC' .
ATK, MATK + 5%.
, 1% .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

MDEF + 15.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. , SP 60 .
50% .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter Class, Bard Class, Dancer Class^000000
Agimat Tattoo with a huge Alligator pattern. It is told that the one who owns th
is tattoo will possess extreme power.
MATK +7% increase and Fixed Casting 7% decrease.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Agimat Tattoo with a dragon swallowing the moon pattern. It is told that the one

who owns this tattoo will possess extreme power.

ATK +7% and ASPD 10% increase.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Agimat Tattoo with a plump lady pattern. It is told that the one who owns this t
attoo will possess extreme power.
Healing others 4% increase, healing from others 7% increase.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A legend eye that had lost all knowledge and magic instead.
INT + 4, MDEF + 3, casting time + 3%
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Required Applicable Job : ^7777772nd Jobs^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
MDEF + 10.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
STR+10 ATK+1 .
STR 110 ATK + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
INT+10 MATK+1 .
INT 110 MATK + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
AGI+10 FLEE+1 .
AGI 110 + 1
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
VIT+10 MaxHP+50 .
VIT 110 MaxHP + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
DEX+10 HIT+1 .
DEX 110 + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
LUK+10 CRI+1 .
LUK 110 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
STR+10 ATK+1 .
STR 110 ATK + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
INT+10 MATK+1 .
INT 110 MATK + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
AGI+10 FLEE+1 .
AGI 110 + 1
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
VIT+10 MaxHP+50 .
VIT 110 MaxHP + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
DEX+10 HIT+1 .
DEX 110 + 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 20
LUK+10 CRI+1 .
LUK 110 1%
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
SP + 100.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
: ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
SP + 100.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
: ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
/ .
SP + 100.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
: ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MAXHP + 100.
5% .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
/ 5% .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
5% .
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
These points can be exchanged for various goods and services with ^ff0000Grandma
Boxter^000000 at the second floor of the Eden Group Headquarters
Weight : ^7777770^000000
LUK + 2
Perfect Dodge + 1
[^000088Mastering Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 1
Maximum HP + 100
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 700
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 1

HIT + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage of attacks inflicted on ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 1
Critical Rate + 1
Perfect Dodge + 1
[^000088Eclipse Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage of attacks inflicted on Formless monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 1
ATK + 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Flee Rate + 2
[^000088Dragon Fly Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum SP + 80
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 1
Maximum HP + 100
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Maximum HP + 400
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 5%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 400
Maximum SP + 50
[^000088Toad Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 5% chance.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1
Maximum SP + 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 1
ATK + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^880000Blind^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 1
ATK + 5
[^000088Vocal Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 2
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict ^880000Sleep^000000 status when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 10
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 2% chance.
[^000088Skeleton Prisoner Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Flee Rate + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 2

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 2
[^000088Cramp Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 15
Critical Rate + 1
[^000088Vagabond Wolf Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage inflicted upon ^009900Wind^000000 Property enemies by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 10%
[^000088Grand Peco Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 2
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Detoxify^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 20%.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^880000Poison^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HP Recovery + 20%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^880000Silence^000000 status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Teleportation^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^880000Sleep^000000 status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 2
Increase resistance to ^009900Wind^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 20

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Hiding^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Long Range attacks by 35%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^880000Blind^000000 status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant an Armor with the ^777777Ghost^000000 Property.
HP Recovery - 25%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Envenom^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage inflicted upon ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property enemies by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Perfect Dodge + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000.
Increases SP consumption of all skills by 25%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Blesses an Armor with the ^777777Holy^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^880000Freeze^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to the ^009900Wind^000000 Property by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^880000Silence^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Demi-Human monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Plant monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Brute monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on ^880000Poison^000000 Property enemies by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Insect monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on ^996600Earth^000000 Property enemies by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Brute monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to the ^880000Freeze^000000 status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Increase damage on Plant monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on ^0000FFWater^000000 Property enemies by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
SP Recovery + 15%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^777777Undead^000000 Property attacks by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Make a weapon indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Discount^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Insect monster by 30%.
[^000088Grizzly Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^880000Stone Curse^000000 status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^880000Curse^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Skill casting can not be interrupted.
Increase Casting Time by 25%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Fish monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^996600Earth^000000 Property attacks by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage inflicted on Small size monster by 15%.
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Fish monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Magnum Break^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on ^777777Holy^000000 Property enemies by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Critical Rate + 9%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000Confusion^000000 status.
Increase resistance to ^996600Earth^000000 Property attacks by 15%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Cloaking^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant Armors with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^880000Stone Curse^000000 status by 15% and ^996600Earth^
000000 Property attacks by 5%.
DEF + 1
[^000088Bongun & Hyegun Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Critical Rate + 4%
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage inflicted on Medium size monster by 15%.
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Cure^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ranged Attack Damage + 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^880000Poison^000000 an enemy when you Attack (Success Chance 4%).
ATK + 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 10%
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant Armors with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant Armors with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.

DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum SP + 15%
SP Recovery + 3%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant Armors with the ^996600Earth^000000 Property.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 20
Increase damage from ^777777Ghost^000000 Property attacks by 50%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Sight^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Causes ^880000Confusion^000000 on an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain protection from the ^880000Freeze^000000 status and increase resistance to
^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 20
[^000088Ancient Mummy Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Maximum HP and SP + 8%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to the ^880000Poison^000000 Property by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases resistance to the ^880000Poison^000000 status by 20%.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Demon monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000Silence^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^777777Ghost^000000 Property by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant an Armor with the ^880000Poison^000000 Property.
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Enable a 3% chance of gaining 15% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with
each attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to the ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 30%.
Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Causes Double Attack by 5% chance.
If character has learned ^008800Double Attack^000000, this card won't take effec
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Dragon monster by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant Armors with the ^777777Shadow^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Dragon monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 100
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Enable effect of the ^008800Endure^000000 skill so long as the Footgear to which
this card is compounded is equipped.
Maximum HP - 25%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000Stone Curse^000000 status.
Reduce damage from Demon monster by 15%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Demi-Human, Brute, Plant and Insect monster by 7%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage inflicted on Large size monster by 15%.
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000Sleep^000000 status.
AGI + 1
[^000088Nightmare Terror Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Nullify all magic spells, including supportive skills, that target the owner at
the cost of doubling SP Consumption cost when using skills.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 3, Critical Rate + 1%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Undead monster by 20%.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enable faster Movement Speed so long as the Footgear to which this card is compo
unded is equipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Nullify the Gemstone requirement of certain spells at the cost of increasing SP
Consumption by 25% when using skills.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enable a 10% chance of gaining 5% of the damage inflicted upon an enemy as SP wi
th each attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reflect 30% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Demon monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Nullify reduction in damage inflicted on enemies resulting from enemy's size.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Angel monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Steal^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage on Boss monster by 25%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchant Armor with the ^777777Undead^000000 Property.
INT + 1, DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enable faster Attack Speed so long as the weapon to which this card is compounde
d is equipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000Stun^000000 status.
VIT + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enable full HP and SP restoration when resurrected.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce Casting Time by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reflect single target attack Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 50%).
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Endow a weapon with damage that will splash 9 cells around the character with ea
ch attack.
HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill an Insect monster, you can receive a "Box of Thunder".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^333399Refine Rate 0~5^000000]
DEF + 2
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Plant monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Plant monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Apple', 'Banana' or 'Carrot Juice' each time an Insect
monster is killed.
Juice items restore 50% more HP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Asters.
ATK + 5
[^000088+ Shell Fish & Aster^000000]
Inflict 30% more damage on ^0000FFWater^000000 Property enemies.
30% chance of gaining 'Raw Fish' item each time a Fish monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Candy' or 'Candy Cane' each time a Demi-Human monster i
s killed.
Candy and Candy Cane restore 50% more HP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Goblins.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Formless monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Undead monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduces natural HP recovery by 100%.
Gain 100 HP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Flee Rate + 20
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Maximum HP and SP + 10%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Gloria^000000 on the user when th
e user receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Peco Peco^000000]
DEF + 3
VIT + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting '^880000Blind^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Bigfoot^000000]
'^880000Blind^000000' chance increases to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 2
Critical Rate + 7
[^008800Swordman Class^000000]
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Bowling Bash^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points each time a Fish monster is killed.
Receive 20% more damage from Fish monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time an Insect monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting '^880000Curse^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Nightmare^000000]
'^880000Curse^000000' chance increases to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Gain 5 SP each time a Brute monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.

Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Meteor Storm^000000 on an enemy
when the user receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Dark Illusion^000000]
Maximum HP and SP + 20%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP and SP - 10%
Reduce Casting Time by 10%.
[^000088+ Dark Lord^000000]
20% of variable cast time is reduced
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Stone Curse^000000' on an enemy when the
user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of decreasing enemy's SP amount by 10% when attacking.
[^008800Sage, Professor^000000]
Gain 1 SP every time when the user receives Physical attack on enemies.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 20% more damage with Critical attacks.
Drain 1 SP from its owner on each attack.
[^000088+ Wanderer & Wild Rose & Shinobi & Dancing Dragon^000000]
AGI + 5
STR + 5
Intimidate Auto-Spell will not function.
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Movement Speed + 5%
Gain 1 SP every time when attacking.
[^008800Thief Class^000000]
Allows its user to use certain skills without spending Gemstones.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Sleep^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 50% resistance against ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks.
Receive 50% more damage from other property attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Envenom^000000 on an enemy when d
oing a Physical Attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Dragon monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Green Live' each time a Plant monster is killed.
Add a 10% resistance against ^996600Earth^000000 Property attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Flee Rate + 10
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Double Strafing and Arrow Shower^000000.
[^000088Cruiser & Anolian & Alligator & Merman Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
[^000088+ Chonchon^000000]
Flee Rate + 18
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Gain 5 SP each time a Dragon monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting '^880000Silence^000000' on an enemy when the use
r receives Physical Damage.
[^008800Base Vitality >= 77^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting '^880000Silence^000000' is increased to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time a Demon monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 1
[^000088+ Wolf^000000]
Flee Rate + 18
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Golems.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1
[^008800Acolyte Class^000000]
INT + 1
MDEF + 1
[^000088Geographer & Enchanted Peach Tree & Cookie & Seal Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 1
VIT + 1
[^000088Zipper Bear & Hylozoist & Myst Case & Baby Leopard Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Every time you kill a Demon monster, you can receive a "Box of Resentment".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Red Blood' each time a Brute monster is killed.
Add a 10% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Curse^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill an Undead monster, you can receive a "Giggling Box".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Heal^000000 on the user when the
user receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Parasite & Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly^000000]
DEF + 5
MDEF + 5
Maximum HP + 500
Inflict 10% more damage with ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^008800Cold and Lightning Bolt^
000000 skill.
[^008800Mage Class^000000]
MATK + 3%
Reduce Casting Time by 15%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Fish monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Novice, Super Novice^000000]
Add a 20% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Endure^000000 on the user when t

he user receives Physical Damage.

[^000088+ Quve^000000]
Maximum HP + 300
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^880000Stun^000000 on an enemy when the user rec
eives Physical Damage.
[^008800Base Dexterity >= 77^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^880000Stun^000000 is increased to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Crystal Blue' each time a Fish or Shellfish monster is
Add a 10% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Jellopy or Large Jellopy' each time a monster is killed
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 1
[^000088+ Poring^000000]
Flee Rate + 18
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enable its user to detect hidden enemies.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HP and SP Recovery + 10%
[^000088+ Cruiser & Anolian & Alligator & Dragon Tail^000000]
Inflict 20% more damage with Long Range Physical attack.
AGI + 5
DEX + 3
Seeking Attack (which never miss its target) + 20%.
[^008800Archer Class^000000]
Receive 5% more Experience Points from Brute monsters.

Add a chance of auto casting '^880000Coma^000000' on Brute monster when attackin

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^333399Refine Rate 0~5^000000]
MDEF + 7
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting ^880000Stun^000000 on an enemy when the user rec
eives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 20% more damage on ^777777Ghost^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 15
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Fireball^000000 on an enemy when
doing a Physical Attack.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Fir
e Ball^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Brute monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Brute monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining "Old Blue Box" each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining "Gift Box" each time a monster is killed.
[^000088Raggler & Zipper Bear & Hylozoist & Baby Leopard Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Receive 25% less damage from Small size monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum SP + 10%
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Frost Diver^000000 skill.
[^000088Loli Ruri & Parasite & Evil Nymph & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly Card Combo^
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Frost Joker^000000 on an enemy wh
en attacking.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 5, it will cast ^008800Level 5 Frost
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Intimidate^000000 on an enemy whe
n doing a Physical Attack.
[^008800Thief Class^000000]
Flee Rate + 20
[^000088The Paper & Wild Rose & Shinobi & Dancing Dragon Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MDEF + 3
[^000088+ Rocker^000000]
Flee Rate + 18
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Bash^000000 on an enemy when doin
g a Physical Attack.
The target gets knocked back by 5 cells when ^008800Bash^000000 is used.
Receive 100% more damage from Munaks.
[^000088Munak & Hyegun Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Silence^000000' on an enemy when the use
r receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Insect monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining a Food item each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of freezing on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when atta
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Hea
[^000088Geographer & Rideword & Cookie & Seal Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT - 3
Maximum HP + 1000
HP Recovery - 20%
[^000088+ Incubus^000000]
VIT + 4
HP Recovery + 30%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining a Gemstone each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 2
MDEF + 2
[^000088Assaulter & Permeter & Freezer & Heater Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Insect monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Insect monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting '^880000Sleep^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Skeleton^000000]
'^880000Sleep^000000' chance increases to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Add a 20% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill a Brute monster, you can receive a "Box of Storms".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 10
ATK + 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Add a chance of gaining 'Meat' or 'Monster's Feed' each time a Brute monster is
'Meat' and 'Monster's Feed' restore 50% more HP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill a Fish monster, you can receive a "Box of Drowsiness".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1
Reduce Casting Time by 5%.
[^000088+ Alarm & Clock & Punk^000000]
MDEF + 3
DEF + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Cloaking^000000 on the user when
the user receives Physical Damage.
If you equip this without learning ^008800Level 3 Cloaking^000000 or higher, it
only activates when you are next to the wall.
[^000088Wanderer & The Paper & Wild Rose & Dancing Dragon Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 50% less damage from Guardians during War of Emperium hours.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Red Herb', 'Yellow Herb' or 'White Herb' each time a Pl
ant monster is killed.
Herb items restore 50% more HP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 3
[^008800Merchant Class^000000]

Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

[^000088Raggler & Zipper Bear & Hylozoist & Myst Case Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Attention Concentrate^000000 on t
he user when the user receives Physical Damage.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Att
ention Concentrate^000000.
[^000088Cruiser & Alligator & Merman & Dragon Tail Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Angel monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Angel monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
All Stats + 1
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Kyrie Eleison^000000 on the user
when the user receives Physical Damage.
[^008800Base Intelligence >= 99^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Kyrie Eleison^000000 is increased t
o 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 0.3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Impositio Manus^000000 on the u
ser when doing a Physical Attack.
[^000088+ Owl Baron^000000]
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Lightning Bolt^000000 on an enemy
when doing a Physical Attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Lex Aeterna^000000 on an enemy wh
en doing a Physical Attack.
[^000088Owl Duke Card Combo^000000]
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Lightning Bolt^000000 on an enemy
when doing a Physical Attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Receive 10% more Experience Points from Formless monsters. In a shared-party, an
y member can kill the Formless monster, but only the wearer will get the extra E
Receive 20% more damage from Formless monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^333399Refine Rate 0~5^000000]
DEF + 2
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 300
[^008800Base Lucky >= 77^000000]
Increase HP and SP Recovery by 100%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Maximum HP + 800
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 50% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Teleport^000000 on the user when
the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 300
VIT + 1
Add a 20% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Sight^000000 around the user whe
n the user receives Physical Damage.
[^000088Clock Tower Manager & Clock & Punk Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Demi-Human monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Demi-Human monster.
[^000088+ Solider & Permeter & Freezer & Heater^000000]
Add a 0.3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Weapon Perfection^000000 on the
enemy when attacking.
HP Recovery + 50%
Maximum HP + 20%
STR + 10
Add a 30% chance of gaining 'Red Potion' item each time a monster is killed.
[^008800Swordman Class^000000]
Red, Yellow and White Potions restore 50% more HP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Shell Fishes.
ATK + 5
[^000088Crab & Shell Fish Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Signum Crucis^000000 when the use
r receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Mummy^000000]
Seeking Attack (which never miss its target) + 20
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Demon monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Demon monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Receive 25% less damage from Large size monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 40% more damage on Guardians during War of Emperium hours.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 5% less damage from Long Range Physical attack.
[^000088Cruiser & Anolian & Merman & Dragon Tail Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 40% less damage from Boss monster.
Receive 40% more damage from normal monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Receive 25% less damage from Medium size monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Every Orc except Orc Lord and Orc Hero.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill a Demi-Human monster, you can receive a "Box of Panting".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
[^008800Thief Class^000000]
Perfect Dodge + 5
[^000088Wanderer & The Paper & Shinobi & Dancing Dragon Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1
Maximum SP + 50
[^000088Loli Ruri & Parasite & Miyabi Doll & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly Card Combo
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

HP Recovery + 30%
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Add a 20% resistance against ^880000Confusion^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Add a 20% resistance against ^880000External Bleeding^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill a Plant monster, you can receive a "Box of Gloom".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ignore normal monster's defense when attacking.
Reduces natural HP recovery by 100% and drain 666 HP every 10 seconds.
Drain 999 HP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Jupitel Thunder^000000 on the ene
my when attacking.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Jup
itel Thunder^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you kill an Angel monster, you can receive a "Box of Sunlight".
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 1

[^000088+ Lunatic^000000]
Flee Rate + 18
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Dragon monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Dragon monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Sonic Blow^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
[^000088+ Zherlthsh^000000]
ATK + 20
LUK + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT - 3
Maximum SP + 150
SP Recovery - 20%
[^000088+ Succubus^000000]
INT + 4
SP Recovery + 30%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Poison^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Wind of Verdure' each time an Insect monster is killed.
Add a 10% resistance against ^009900Wind^000000 Property attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1
Critical Rate + 3
[^000088Wanderer & The Paper & Wild Rose & Shinobi Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Crabs.
ATK + 5
[^000088Crab & Aster Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time an Undead monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Undead monsters.
Receive 20% more damage from Undead monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 0.1% chance of auto casting '^880000Coma^000000' on an enemy.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^880000Stun, Curse, Silence, Poison, External Bl
eeding^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 2
Inflict 10% more damage with Throw Arrow and Musical Strike.
[^000088Injustice Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^333399Refine Rate 0~5^000000]
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduces natural SP recovery by 100%.
Gain 10 SP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 100 SP as the armor is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Blessing^000000 on the user when
the user receives Physical Damage.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Ble
[^000088+ Rideword & Enchanted Peach Tree & Cookie & Seal^000000]
VIT + 10
Reduce Casting Time by 10%.
[^008800Acolyte Class^000000]
Receive 30% less damage from Demon and Undead monster.
Receive 5% more Experience Points from Demon and Undead monsters.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 30
Drain 1 SP from its owner on each attack.
[^008800Merchant Class^000000]
Make a weapon indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^000088Raggler & Hylozoist & Myst Case & Baby Leopard Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining a restorative item each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 0.2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Call Spirits^000000 on the user
when attacking.
[^008800Acolyte Class^000000]
The chance is increased to 2%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Heal^000000 on the enemy when att
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Perfect Dodge + 5
Flee Rate + 10
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting '^880000Confusion^000000' on an enemy when the u
ser receives Physical Damage.
[^008800Base Strength >= 77^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting '^880000Confusion^000000' is increased to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^333399Refine Rate 0~5^000000]
MDEF + 8
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Maximum SP + 150
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time a Plant monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 5%).
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 30% more damage on Kobolds.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Plant monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

LUK + 2
Inflict 10% more damage with ^008800Holy Light^000000.
[^000088Geographer & Rideword & Enchanted Peach Tree & Seal Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Novice, Super Novice^000000]
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Increase Agility^000000 on the u
ser when the user receives Physical Damage.
[^000088+ Lude^000000]
Maximum SP + 60
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Blind^000000' on an enemy when the user
receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 1% chance of gaining a certain amount of Zeny each time a monster is kille
[^000088+ Tarou^000000]
STR + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Brute monster.
[^000088Anolian & Alligator & Merman & Dragon Tail Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting '^880000Confusion^000000' on an enemy when the u
ser receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Auto Guard^000000 on the user whe
n the user receives Physical Damage.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 10, it will cast ^008800Level 10 Aut

o Guard^000000.
[^000088Clock Tower Manager & Alarm & Punk Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^880000Poison^000000 on an enemy when the user r
eceives Physical Damage.
[^008800Assassin, Assassin Cross^000000]
^880000Poison^000000 chance increases to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 6% chance of auto casting ^880000External Bleeding^000000 on an enemy when
the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 100%
DEF - 50, MDEF - 50
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 10
[^008800Base Strength >= 80^000000]
ATK + 20
[^008800Base Vitality >= 80^000000]
Maximum HP + 3%
[^008800Base Lucky >= 80^000000]
Critical Rate + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 2
Inflict 10% more damage with ^008800Shield Charge and Shield Boomerang^000000 sk
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases damage inflicted on all enemies by 20%.
Add a 3% chance of automatically casting ^008800Level 10 Magnum Break^000000 on
the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000

Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Perfect Dodge + 1
[^000088+ Roda Frog^000000]
Flee Rate + 18
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time a Fish monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time a Neutral monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Add a 5% resistance against ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks.
[^000088Loli Ruri & Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly Card Com
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on Demon monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 15% resistance against ^777777Shadow^000000 and ^777777Undead^000000 Prope
rty attacks.
[^000088Solider & Assaulter & Freezer & Heater Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 10
Flee Rate + 3
[^008800Acolyte Class^000000]

Critical Rate + 9 on Demon and Undead monster.

[^000088Geographer & Rideword & Enchanted Peach Tree & Cookie Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Quagmire^000000 around the user w
hen the user receives Physical Damage.
If the user has mastered the skill at Level 5, it will cast ^008800Level 5 Quagm
[^000088Clock Tower Manager & Alarm & Clock Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Receive 30% less damage from Formless monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting '^880000Stone Curse^000000' on an enemy when the
user receives Physical Damage.
[^008800Base Intelligence >= 77^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting '^880000Stone Curse^000000' is increased to 9%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time an Angel monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 15% more damage with Critical attacks.
[^008800Thief Class^000000]
Critical Rate + 4
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Storm Gust^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Has 20% chance of Freezing an enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Maximum HP + 300
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Inflict 10% more damage with ^008800Bash^000000.
[^000088Solider & Assaulter & Permeter & Heater Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Meteor Storm^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of transforming a monster while fighting.
[^000088+ Raggler & Zipper Bear & Myst Case & Baby Leopard^000000]
Restore 2 SP every time when attacking.
Inflict 20% more damage with ^008800Mammonite^000000.
LUK + 10
[^008800Merchant Class^000000]
Add a chance of gaining "Old Purple Box" each time a monster is killed.
Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%).
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 1
Reflect 5% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Frost Diver^000000 on the enemy w
hen attacking.
[^000088+ Garm^000000]
^008800Frost Diver^000000 chance Increases to 30%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 50% chance of auto casting '^880000Freeze^000000' on an enemy when the use
r receives Physical Damage.
[^000088Garm Baby Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Add a 15% resistance against ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks.
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Napalm Beat^000000.
[^000088Loli Ruri & Parasite & Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Bloody Butterfly Card
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Sushi' or 'Raw Fish' each time a Fish monster is killed
Sushi and Raw Fish items restore 50% more HP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Spell casting can not be interrupted.
Increase Casting Time by 30%.
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Fire Wall^000000.
[^000088Loli Ruri & Parasite & Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Harpy Card Combo^00000
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 15
Critical Rate + 1
[^000088+ Munak & Bongun^000000]
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain 5 SP each time a Demi-Human monster is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
Drain 5 SP as the weapon is unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Never be affected by ^880000Blind^000000 and ^880000Curse^000000 effects.
INT + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Critical Rate + 3
[^008800Swordman Class^000000]
Perfect Dodge + 3

[^000088Solider & Assaulter & Permeter & Freezer Card Combo^000000]

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 5, INT + 1
[^000088+ Rideword & Cookie & Seal^000000]
ATK + 25
STR + 3, Maximum SP + 80
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Signum Crucis^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Inflict 10% more damage with Asura Strike.
[^008800Monk, Champion^000000]
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
Spell casting can not be interrupted.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 30% chance of auto casting '^880000Poison^000000' on an enemy and yourself
when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Long Range attacks by 10%.
10% Resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Earth Spike and Heavens Drive^000000.
-50 SP when unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain immunity to the ^880000External Bleeding^000000 status.
HP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 25
DEF - 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Every 18 Base DEX, you gain 1 VIT.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK - 25
DEF + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage from Undead monster by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Strip Weapon^000000 on enemy when
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Can not be knocked back.
VIT + 3
Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 2
[^000088+ Raggler & Zipper Bear & Muka & Baby Leopard^000000]
STR + 4
Maximum HP and SP + 7%
Inflict 20% more damage with ^008800Mammonite^000000.
Gain 1 SP every time when the user receives Physical attack on the enemies.
[^008800Alchemist, Creator^000000]
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Adrenaline Rush^000000 on the use
r when attacking.
Add a chance of gaining "Glistening Coat" or "Stem" each time a monster is kille
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Tentacle and Cheese Gratin' each time an Insect monster

is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Thunder Storm, Jupitel Thunder and Lord of Ve
-50 SP when unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every 18 Base INT, you gain 1 STR.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Clam Soup' each time a Fish monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Strip Armor^000000 on the enemy w
hen attacking.
[^000088+ Stainer & Wanderer & Wild Rose & Shinobi^000000]
STR + 6
AGI + 4
Inflict 10% more damage with Back Stab.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Strip Armor^000000 on the enemy w
hen attacking if the user has mastered the skill at Level 5.
[^008800Rogue, Stalker^000000]
Intimidate Auto-Spell will not function.
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Pneuma^000000 on the user when th
e user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 3% more damage with ^008800Frost Nova and Storm Gust^000000.
-50 SP when unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Flee Rate + 10
[^333399Refine Rate 0~4^000000]
Additional Flee Rate + 10
Perfect Dodge + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every 10 seconds, you recover 50 HP and 10 SP.
Increases Maximum HP and Maximum SP by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 800, decreases with the Refine Rate.
HP Recovery + 10%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Base Agility >= 90^000000]
Add a 30% resistance against ^880000Silence^000000 and ^880000Stun^000000.
[^008800Base Vitality >= 80^000000]
Add a 50% resistance against ^880000Stone Curse^000000 and ^880000Sleep^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Bomber Steak' each time a Brute monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Cast Cancel^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Berserk^000000.
Maximum HP - 50%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

STR - 6
Increase STR by an amount equal to the refine rate of the equipment this card is
compound on.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Cloaking^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Critical Rate + 10 on Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 10% chance of breaking the enemy's weapon and a 7% chance of breaking the
enemy's armor when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 30
Decreases Attack Speed by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you receive a Magical or a Physical Damage, small chance to auto-spel
l ^008800Level 1 Assumptio^000000 on yourself.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 15% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Lex Divina^000000 on an enemy wh
en the user receives Magical Damage.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ignores MDEF of normal monsters. Slows your casting time by 2x. Reduces SP regen
eration rate by 100%.
Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce Casting Time by 1% per Refine Level of the equipment this card is compund
ed on.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
MATK + 2%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduces HP recovery by 100%.
Add a 5% chance of gaining 20% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with ea
ch attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT - 30
Increases Attack Speed by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every 18 Base AGI, you gain 1 LUK.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT - 5
Increase VIT by an amount equal to the refine rate of the equipment this card is
compound on.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 10
Increase Casting Time by 20%.
[^000088+ Permeter & Freezer & Heater^000000]
INT + 1
STR + 1
DEF + 2
SP Recovery + 10%
Inflict 10% more damage with Shield Chain and Sacrifice.
Reduce Casting Time by 10%.
[^008800Crusader, Paladin^000000]
Blesses an Armor with the ^777777Holy^000000 Property.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases effectiveness of your ^008800Heal, Sanctuary and Potion Pitcher^000000
by 30%.
Increases SP taken by all skills by 15%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK - 5
Increase LUK and Critical Rate + 1% per Refine Level of the equipment this card
is compounded on.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every time you do a Magical attack, it ignores 30% of Boss-type monster's MDEF,
and does damage accordingly.
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
Flee Rate + 10
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a resistance against ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 5%.
Add a Flee Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP - 40%
Maximum SP + 50%
Add a 2% chance of gaining 'Banana' each time a monster is killed.
Double Banana's healing rate.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Fruit Punch' each time a Formless monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Maximum HP and SP + 4%
[^333399Refine Rate 0~4^000000]
Additional Maximum HP and SP + 4%
HP and SP Recovery + 5%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum SP + 40
[^333399Refine Rate 0~4^000000]
Additional Maximum SP + 40
SP Recovery + 5%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Fire Pillar and Meteor Storm^000000.
-50 SP when unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 1
Maximum HP + 10%
[^000088+ Cruiser & Anolian & Alligator & Dragon Tail^000000]
DEX + 5
Inflict 5% more damage with Arrow Vulcan, and inflict 10% more damage with Music
al Strike and Throw Arrow.
[^008800Bard, Dancer, Clown, Gypsy^000000]
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Tarot Card of Fate^000000 on the
enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Maximum HP + 500
HP Recovery + 10%
[^000088+ Miyabi Doll & Evil Nymph & Harpy & Bloody Butterfly^000000]
INT + 3
Inflict 10% more damage with ^008800Heaven's Drive and Thunder Storm^000000.
[^008800Sage, Professor^000000]
Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%).
Add a 1% chance of gaining 'Red Gemstone' or 'Yellow Gemstone' item each time a
monster is killed.
Reduce Casting Time by 20%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Add a 30% chance of auto casting '^880000Confusion^000000' on an enemy and yours

elf when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Spell Breaker^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Herb and Honey Tea' each time a Dragon monster is kille
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gain protection from the ^880000Freeze^000000 status.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Land Protector^000000 around the
user when the user receives Magical Damage.
MDEF - 20
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every 18 Base LUK, you gain 1 AGI.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 5% more damage with ^008800Soul Strike, Napalm Beat, Napalm Vulcan^00000
-50 SP when unequipped.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Elemental Resist Potion' each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 5
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^880000External Bleeding^000000 on the enemy whe
n attacking.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a chance of gaining 'Fried Sweet Potato with Syrup' each time an Angel monst
er is killed.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every 18 Base VIT, you gain 1 DEX.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Every 18 Base STR, you gain 1 INT.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Priest, High Priest^000000]
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Grand Cross^000000 when attacking
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 5
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Decrease Agility^000000 on the en
emy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI - 5
Increase AGI by an amount equal to the refine rate of the equipment this card is
compounded on.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT - 6
Increase INT by an amount equal to the refine rate of the equipment this card is
compounded on.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Whenever you do a Magical attack, 10% additional damage vs. Angel-type enemies.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Deals more damage depending on the target's defense.
Drain 1 SP from its owner on each attack.
DEF - 30, Flee Rate - 30
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Wink of Charm^000000 on an enemy when the
user receives Physical Damage.
[^008800Dancer, Gypsy^000000]
Auto cast chance increases to 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 10
DEF - 5
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Swordman, Merchant, Thief Class^000000]
STR + 2, Maximum HP + 5%
[^008800Mage, Acolyte, Archer Class^000000]
INT + 2, Maximum SP + 5%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduces all skill's after-cast delay by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 30% chance of auto casting ^880000External Bleeding^000000 on an enemy and
yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Reflect single target Magic back at the caster by 2 times the refine rate chance
. When used by a mage type character, MDEF + 3.
However, the reflect chance increases only up to + 10 refine.
[^008800Mage Class^000000]
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Whenever you do a Magical attack, 2% additional damage vs. Demon-type enemies.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Dispell^000000 when attacking.
Make a weapon indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Increases Physical Attack Strength by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase damage inflicted on ^777777Holy^000000 Property, ^777777Shadow^000000 P
roperty, Angel monster, Demon monster by 40%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MATK + 5%, DEF - 10
[^008800Mage Class^000000]
SP + 100
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 15
[^008800Swordman Class^000000]
HP + 500
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 2, For 5 seconds Critical Rate + 100 when attacking to the enemies.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

INT + 2, Reduce Casting Time by 50% for 5 seconds when performing a Magical atta
ck. FLEE Rate + 30
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduces damage from Small, Medium, and Large type monsters by 15%.
For 10 seconds Perfect Dodge + 30 on the user when the user receives Physical or
Magical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MDEF + 10
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Stone Curse^000000.
Increase resistance to ^880000Stone Curse^000000 status by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a low chance of gaining Ice Cream when a monster gets killed.
Ice Cream recovery rate + 100%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce Casting Time of ^008800Cold Bolt^000000 by 25%. Inflict 25% more damage w
ith ^008800Cold Bolt^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 2
For 10 seconds DEF + 10 when the user receives Physical or Magical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Cold Bolt^000000 on the enemy whe
n attacking.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Increases damage against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters by 50%.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Frost Nova^000000 on an enemy wh
en the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and ^008800Level 1 In
crease Agi^000000 on yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase Critical Rate + 15 damage with Long Range Physical attack.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flee Rate + 5, Perfect Dodge + 3
Increase damage on ^0000FFWater^000000 Property enemies by 10%.
Add a Critical Rate + 15 to the Fish monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 5, Increase damage on ^0000FFWater^000000 Property enemies by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Pick Stone^000000 and ^008800Level 1 Throw Stone^0
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 25
When dealing a physical attack there is a small chance that for 10 seconds your
aspd will increase by 100%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Rogue, Stalker^000000]
ATK + 10%, MATK + 10%

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Critical Rate + 5, HIT + 5
Increases ^008800Bowling Bash^000000 damage with an one hand or two handed sword
by 25%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Critical Rate + 5, HIT + 5
Increases ^008800Arrow Shower^000000 damage when used with a bow by 50%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 40% more damage with ^008800Fire Pillar and Meteor Storm^000000.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase ATK, Critical Rate, and HIT every 10 Job Level.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Earthquake^000000 on the user whe
n the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 5% chance of autocast ^008800Level 5 Fire Bolt^000000 on the enemy when at
Add a 5% chance of autocast ^008800Level 5 Fire Ball^000000 on the enemy when at
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 5
Increase damage on ^996600Earth^000000 Property enemies by 10%.
Add a Critical Rate + 15 to the Brute monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce Casting Time of ^008800Fire Bolt^000000 by 25%. Inflict 25% more damage w
ith ^008800Fire Bolt^000000.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases damage on Formless monster by 5%.
A small chance to get Rough Oridecon and Rough Eluminium from Formless monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Recover 50 HP^000000, When killing a monster.
Increase Physical and Magical Damage on Demi-Human monster by 1%.
[^000088Ragged Zombie Card Combo^000000]
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a Critical Rate + 5 to the Demi-Human monster when attacking.
Increase Physical or Magical Damage by 1%.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause ^880000External Bleeding^000000 sta
tus ailment.
[^000088+ Zombie Slaughter^000000]
Gain 2 SP every killing a Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
HIT + 1, Meat recovery rate + 100%.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 1%).
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
[^008800Mage Class^000000]
SP + 100, HP - 100
Inflict 20% more damage with ^008800Soul Strike, Napalm Beat, Napalm Vulcan^0000
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add a 30% resistance against ^880000Stun, Curse, Blind, Stone Curse^000000.
Add a chance of auto casting ^880000Stun, Curse, Blind, Stone Curse^000000 when
the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

[^000088+ Slotted Rod^000000]
INT + 1, Ignores 2% Magical Defense.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MATK + 10%, Maximum SP - 50%
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human and Angel monster by 50%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^009900Wind^000000 Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to ^009900Wind^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^880000Poison^000000 Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to ^880000Poison^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^777777Holy^000000 Property by 20%.

Increases damage dealing to ^777777Holy^000000 Property by 5%.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Decreases damage from ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 20%.
Increases damage dealing to ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1, MATK + 10.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MATK + 100.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 1, MATK + 3.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 25
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
No effect.
"This card is nothing more then a piece of paper that gives you no advantages. Valkyrie," it says.
Collectible card that traders may buy.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
No effect.
"This card is nothing more then a piece of paper that gives you no advantages. Valkyrie," it says.
Collectible card that traders may buy.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

INT + 5
[^008800High Wizard, Warlock Jobs^000000]
Fixed casting time - 50% (does not stack with other fixed cast time effects).
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases damage of Ghost element magic by 30%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 10.
When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your Perfect D
odge will increase by 10.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MATK + 10
When dealing magic damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds your Fixed castin
g time will be reduced by 50% (does not stack with other fixed cast time effects
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase effectiveness of healing skills by 3%.
Increases SP cost of skills by 5%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 1, AGI + 1.
When dealing physical damage, there's a chance that for 4 seconds you will recei
ve CRIT + 20.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 5.
If the armor is refined to +12 or higher, DEF + 20, MaxHP + 10%.
If the armor is refined to +14 or higher, MaxHP + 3%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
CRIT + 5.
If the weapon is refined to +12 or higher, ATK + 35.
If the weapon is refined to +14 or higher, CRIT + 10.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inflict 20% more damage with Critical attacks.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 10.
[^000088+ Two-handed Sword^000000]
If the weapon is refined to +10 or higher, ASPD + 1.
If the weapon is refined to +14 or higher, ASPD + 1.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ranged Attack Damage + 3%.
ATK + 10.
[^000088+ Bow^000000]
If the weapon is refined to +10 or higher, ASPD + 1.
If the weapon is refined to +14 or higher, ASPD + 1.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 2.
[^008800Merchant Jobs^000000]
Increases damage of ^008800Cart Revolution^000000 by 50%, but increases its SP c
ost by 12.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Footgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 10.
When killing a monster, adds a chance to have a poisonous herb drop.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Fish monsters by 10%.

Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage agaisnt Plant monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Dragon monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Brute monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Undead monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Demi-Human monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Formless monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Insect monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases magic damage against Demon monsters by 10%.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

" . - "
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

" . - "
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
After cast delay reduced by 15%
If this card is slotted into a headgear refined to +15 or higher, reduces after
cast delay by 5% more.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increases damage to Fire Property monsters by 25%.
Has a low chance of auto-casting Frost Nova while being attacked.
If this card is slotted into an armor refined to +15 or higher, increases damage
to Fire Property monsters by 10% more.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MaxHP +7%
MaxSP +7%
Every 15 seconds, you recover 50 HP and 10 SP.
If this card is slotted into shoes refined to +15 or higher, every 10 seconds, y
ou recover 10 SP.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shoes^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
absorb 5% SP that inflicted to enemy at regular rate (5%). If refined lv is over
15, absorption rate increase 7% rate.
Class : ^777777card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
can use this without consumption for gemstone.
SP consimption increase 50% if using skill.

If refined level is over 15, SP consumption increase 35% with using skill.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
increase physical damage 20% against monster type of holy, dark, angel, evil .
If refined level is over 15, can get additional physical damage 10% against abov
e type of monster.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MaxHP + 50%, DEF, MDEF - 50.
If refine is over 15,
MaxHP + 75%, DEF, MDEF - 50.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 10%
Chance to automatically cast [Magnum Break] level 10 while attacking
If refined to level 15 or higher : ATK + 5%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
All Stats + 1
Chance to automatically cast [Kyrie Eleison] level 5 when hit
If refined to level 15 or higher : Kyrie Eleison will be level 8
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shoes^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Add the chance of auto casting [Storm Gust] level 1 on enemy when doing Physical
Has 20% chance of Freezing an enemy when attacking.
If refined to level 15 or higher : Chance rate increased.
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MaxHP -60%, MaxSP +50%.
Chance to get Banana when killing a monster.
Banana recovery rate increases by 50%
If refined to level 15 or higher : Bonuses become
MaxHP -50%, MaxSP +50%

Chance to get Banana when killing a monster.

Banana recovery rate +80%
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on : ^777777Shoes^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MATK + 20, MaxSP - 1%.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 2, 3 DEX + 1 .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
30% .
. ()
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 20, MaxHP - 1%.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 3.
10% , 9 5% .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
3% .

2 1% .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
2% .
2 1% .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
20% .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
30% .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Shield^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEF + 50, FLEE - 25.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 2, 3 INT + 1 .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
20% .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 3.
Chance of causing Confusion on target enemy when doing magic damage.
Type : ^777777Card^000000

Compount on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increase critical damage by 15%.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Chance of freezing enemy when doing melee damage.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduce damage taken from Fish type monsters by 10%.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 2.
[^008800Swordsman Class^000000]
Increase STR + 1 every 3 refine.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
FLEE + 10.
Enables usage of Hide level 1 & Raid level 1.
Chance of causing Bleeding effect when using Raid.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Garment^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MaxSP + 5%, MDEF + 50.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MaxHP + 10%, DEF + 100.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MATK + 2%, 2 MATK + 1%, MaxHP - 1%.

Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK + 2%, 2 ATK + 1%, MaxSP - 1%.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 2, 3 LUK + 1 .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 1.
1Lv .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
MaxHP + 12%.
[] 5Lv .
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 1.
ATK + 5, MATK + 5.
Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Headgear^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
" . - "

Type : ^777777Card^000000
Compount on : ^777777Weapon^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 1
STR + 2
STR + 3
STR + 4
STR + 5
STR + 6
STR + 7
STR + 8
STR + 9
STR + 10
INT + 1
INT + 2
INT + 3
INT + 4

INT + 5
INT + 6
INT + 7
INT + 8
INT + 9
INT + 10
DEX + 1
DEX + 2
DEX + 3
DEX + 4
DEX + 5
DEX + 6
DEX + 7
DEX + 8
DEX + 9

DEX + 10
AGI + 1
AGI + 2
AGI + 3
AGI + 4
AGI + 5
AGI + 6
AGI + 7
AGI + 8
AGI + 9
AGI + 10
VIT + 1
VIT + 2
VIT + 3
VIT + 4

VIT + 5
VIT + 6
VIT + 7
VIT + 8
VIT + 9
VIT + 10
LUK + 1
LUK + 2
LUK + 3
LUK + 4
LUK + 5
LUK + 6
LUK + 7
LUK + 8
LUK + 9

LUK + 10
MATK + 1%,
Fixed casting time - 1% (does not stack with other fixed cast time effects).
MATK + 2%,
Fixed casting time - 1% (does not stack with other fixed cast time effects).
FLEE + 6
FLEE + 12
CRI + 5
CRI + 7
ATK + 2%
ATK + 3%
MDEF + 2
MDEF + 4
MDEF + 6
MDEF + 8
MDEF + 10

DEF + 3
DEF + 6
DEF + 9
DEF + 12
HP + 100
HP + 200
HP + 300
HP + 400
HP + 500
SP + 50
SP + 100
SP + 150
Decreases the cooldown time of Highness Heal by 3s.
Reduces the SP cost of Coluceo Heal by 30.
Increases healing effectiveness by 3%.

MATK + 3%
Fixed casting time - 1% (does not stack with other fixed cast time effects).
ASPD + 1
ATK + 15, HIT + 5
ATK + 12, HIT + 4
ATK + 9, HIT + 3
ATK + 6, HIT + 2
MATK + 15, Casting Time - 10%
MATK + 12, Casting Time - 8%
MATK + 9, Casting Time - 6%
MATK + 6, Casting Time - 4%
CRIT + 12, HIT + 4
CRIT + 9, HIT + 3
CRIT + 6, HIT + 2
ATK + 1%
ATK + 18, HIT + 5

ATK + 21, HIT + 5
ATK + 24, HIT + 5
ATK + 27, HIT + 5
ATK + 30, HIT + 5
ATK + 50, HIT + 15
MATK + 18, Casting Time - 10%
MATK + 21, Casting Time - 10%
MATK + 24, Casting Time - 10%
MATK + 27, Casting Time - 10%
MATK + 30, Casting Time - 10%
MATK + 50, Casting Time - 20%
Ranged Attack Damage + 2%
Ranged Attack Damage + 4%
Ranged Attack Damage + 6%
Ranged Attack Damage + 8%

Ranged Attack Damage + 10%
Ranged Attack Damage + 12%
Ranged Attack Damage + 14%
Ranged Attack Damage + 16%
Ranged Attack Damage + 18%
Ranged Attack Damage + 20%, ASPD + 1
ASPD + 2
CRIT + 14, HIT + 5
CRIT + 15, HIT + 6
. .

Used to be a normal stone until it is filled with love.

ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Used to be a normal stone until it is filled with evil spirit.
ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
5% .

5% .
6% . SP 5% .
12% . SP 10% .
20% . SP 15% .
STR + 1.
8 STR + 3 .
9 ATK + 1% .
12 ASPD + 1, 7% .
AGI + 1.
8 AGI + 3 .
9 ATK + 1% .
12 ASPD + 1, 7% .
VIT + 1.
8 VIT + 3 .
9 SP + 1% .
12 ASPD + 1, 7% .
INT + 1.
8 INT + 3 .
9 MATK + 1% .
12 ASPD + 1, 7% .
DEX + 1.
8 DEX + 3 .
9 MATK + 1% .
12 ASPD + 1, 7% .
LUK + 1.
8 LUK + 3 .
9 MaxHP + 1% .
12 ASPD + 1, 7% .
FLEE + 1.

FLEE + 3.
MaxHP + 1%.
MaxHP + 2%.
+ 4%, CRI + 1.
+ 6%, CRI + 2.
+ 8%, CRI + 3.
+ 10%, CRI + 4.
MaxHP + 3%.
MaxHP + 4%.
.( 4%)
SP + 25
SP + 75
.( 6%)
.( 8%)

Adventurers can feel carefree exploring dangerous lands knowing that Kafra gal B
lossom is supporting them back in town.
10% Resistance to fire/wind/water/earth/holy/shadow elements
2% chance to increase resistance to fire/wind/water/earth/holy/shadow elements b
y 10% for 10 seconds when receiving magic damage
Class : ^777777Card^000000
Compound on: ^777777Accessory^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A strange device that was invented by an old craftsman, but has just recently be
en completed by his grandson.
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
This crown, adorned with precious gems, is generally worn by monarchs as a symbo
l of their rule.
INT + 2, LUK + 1, MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A comical hat worn by clowns and jesters that is rumored to protect its wearer f
rom magic.
LUK + 2, MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Ideal for situations when air is poisonous or polluted, this mask supplies pure
oxygen to its wearer.
Increases resistance to the ^880000Poison^000000 status by 20%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A special mask that filters out poisons from the air.
Increases resistance against the ^880000Poison^000000 status by 30%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
70's tough guy style sunglasses that give its wearer a manly swagger.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An exquisitely made circlet, typically worn by rulers or gentry.
STR + 1, INT + 1
LUK + 1, MDEF + 4
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A wreath of wildflowers made by a woman in love.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A durable safety helmet created to offer some protection from accidents.
MDEF + 3
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A traditional headdress worn by native people.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mysterious object, possibly a device, that was discovered in the depths of the
ocean. Nobody knows what it is.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A special headgear created specifically for Lord Kaho ... Whoever he is.
STR + 5, INT + 5
VIT + 10, AGI + 10
LUK + 20, MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777730^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Helmet accessories that look just like fins.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A peculiar hat that makes it wearer look freshly hatched.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone.
Increases damage received from ^777777Shadow^000000 Property attacks by 15%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A fabulous, feathered hat that turns men into womanizers and women into manizers
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777711^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The most recognizable piece of the standard Kafra Employee uniform.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An unique headgear that symbolizes a merchant's grief.
INT + 1, DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^77777738^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000

A hat that is said to have been worn by the god of the sun.
STR + 3, INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777240^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777772nd Class or above^000000
A large piece of cloth, usually polka dotted, that is wrapped around goods which
are then carried on the head.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class^000000
A birthday cake replica that won't fit a Dancer inside, but it's almost just as
much fun to wear it on top of your head. Almost.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A wondrous helmet adorned with angel wings that was made by a smithing genius.
AGI + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777160^000000
Required Level : ^77777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777772nd Class or above^000000
A hat designed to cool a chef's head in a hot kitchen.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show.
INT + 2, Maximum SP + 150
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000

A large, slightly used candlestick that can be worn on the head by via a strap a
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear made in the form of a Spore's head.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A cute and cuddly headgear made in the form of a Panda's head.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A durable safety helmet with a special flashlight attachment for exploring dark
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Cla
A fashionable, wide brimmed hat that's perfect for blocking the glare of the sun
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat created in the form of Smokie, the Raccoon monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hair band with a light bulb attached to it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat created in the form of the Poring monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777738^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hair band with a cross mounted on top.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat made out of half of a nut shell.
Although it's solid and provides excellent defense, it is very delicate. Therefo
re it is may easily break when trying to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster.
STR + 1, INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mysteriously colorful egg shell.
It is impossible to upgrade this item.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777719^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Two red dots that can be worn on the face to give a blushing impression.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute hairpin with a heart attached to it.
Makes its wearer look adorable and charming.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Well-known item which has been rumored to have been worn by a great woman warrio
r in ancient times.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mask rumored to have been worn by a romantic hero with an unknown fate.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Widely stretched wings.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat worn by magicians. Rabbits are usually pulled out of this hat.

Pretty stout, it won't be destroyed easily.

DEX + 1, AGI + 1, Maximum SP + 50
[^000088Gentleman's Staff & Magician Hat Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
A hat worn by the Bongun monster. For some reason, there's an amulet which has b
een torn in half.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pair of fashionable sunglasses.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hairpin in the shape of a crescent.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A striped hair band which is good for preventing hair from covering the eyes.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A head piece made out of a wondrous nutshell that has been cut in half.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A bell which can be used as a necklace, and makes a clear sound when it rings.
It makes its wearer look harmless and adorable.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A blue colored hair band worn with a rakish slant.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A traditional Egyptian head piece that symbolizes the Egyptian gods.
STR + 2
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
An exclusive mask for assassins. Covers most of the face.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Assassin^000000
An exclusive helmet for new adventurers.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
Hairpin with three red berries attached which symbolize the self, family and nei
The stem uniting the three berries together symbolizes society.
This hairpin appears to represent cooperation and trust of humankind.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hair band with tiny little black ears attached. It's a copy of the hair band o
f Wickebine in Morocc.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increase resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat made to look like a teddy bear's face. It makes a nice present.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A festive hat for celebrations and any kind of party.
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairpin with a red flower attached. It helps hold hair in place.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat knitted together with straw.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair accessory which looks just like two crossed band aids.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A leaf which rumored to be worn by the Smokie monster for transformations.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear which looks just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the same smell!
Increase 10% damage against Fish monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear which resembles the horns of Succubus.
INT + 1
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A traditional Mexican hat with a wide, round brim.
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An ear accessory made with Evil Wing.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask rumored to have been worn by certain assassins in order to hide themselve
AGI + 1
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear which symbolizes hot-blooded challenge and battle vigor.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A tribal headgear adorned with a long, white feather.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear which resembles the horns of Incubus.
AGI + 1
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear made of a book topped with an apple. Wear it to learn glamorous postu
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

An ear accessory that looks just like white, beautiful angel wings.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cowboy hat. It makes men look manlier, and is cute when worn by women.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and give
s other wearers street cred.
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A tiny little hairpin shaped like a tulip.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which looks like the face of a sea-otter.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair accessory that looks like an 'X'.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hair ornament worn by ancient queens.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A crown which is made after the one worn by Mistress.
INT + 2, Maximum SP + 100
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear which you can obtain by chance when you put your head for a prolonged
period of time in a dark, damp place.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A big red ribbon made in the style of the one worn by a legendary female shaman
who loved nature.
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear made to look like an annoyed Smokie exhausted by the summer heat.
Adds 20% resistance against ^880000Sleep^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little gir
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask which resembles the face of an Alarm monster.
Adds 50% resistance against ^880000Blind^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mask with a blank expression on it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask with a surprised expression on it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask with an annoyed expression on it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask worn by the Goblin leader. It looks so ferocious, it's ridiculous.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair accessory which is made after Sohee's golden bell.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, usually worn by nuns.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Priest, Assassin^000000
A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, usually worn by nuns.
Maximum SP + 100
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Priest, Assassin^000000
A headgear bestowed only to true Orc Heroes.
STR + 2
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear bestowed only to true Orc Heroes.
STR + 2, VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mask of dark color that is used by the Assassin to cover his face.
It feels that the concious of the heart is eliminated when it is worn.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest, Assassin^000000
A party hat created to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of kRO.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask rumored to make its wearer ferociously aggressive.
STR + 3, Maximum HP + 100
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute cat-looking hat which enhances its wearer's look.
Has a cat tail which emphasizes the appearance.
LUK + 2
MDEF + 10
Reduce 5% of damage taken from Brute monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A banner which has the word 'Sale' written on the surface.
Seems to be useful for opening vending shops.
STR + 1, AGI + 1, LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Blindfold of the Magician Takius. This Blinker is said to have a certain relatio
nship with her history.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special item, bundled with the Ragnarok Battle Package, that makes its wearer
look absent-minded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hairpin adorned with a sunflower.
AGI + 2, Critical Rate + 5%
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A black Blinker. Since it is black in color, it seems that you may not see the l
ight forever if you wear it for a long time.
Protect its user from ^880000Blind^000000.
Add a 2% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An appetizing yet imitated Cake Hat which is created to celebrate the 2nd annive
rsary of Ragnarok.
DEX + 1, Maximum SP + 80
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A festive party hat for celebrating Ragnarok's second anniversary. Given as a sm
all gift to express gratitude to all of RO's loyal players.
... MATK + 3
HIT, FLEE, Perfect Dodge + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A noble headgear created in the proud image of a crunchy toast.
Wearing it makes you feel just like a part of a balanced breakfast.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

This type of cap is known to have been worn by a world famous detective.
It feels like a Pipe would perfectly complement this cap for some reason.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A bonnet favored by women of nobility.
Wearing it supposedly causes inexplicable cravings for tea, but that might just
be an aristocratic thing.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that looks just like a pacifier.
Wearing it really brings you back to the good old days of hanging in the crib.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute looking cap that makes its wearer look just like Galapago the penguin, an
d the rim, which looks like a beak, actually blocks UV rays.
Has a low chance of gaining the 'Anodyne' item each time a monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume ... absolutely perfectly!
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A headgear that finally allows its wearer to express inner rage or slight disgus
Breathe new life into your Bunny and Kitty Band by looking like an angry kitty o
r bunny.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A trendy hat whose design is based on the old style hats that used to be worn by
men enlisted in the military.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A furry hat that is an all time favorite during the winter season.
Increase resistance to the ^880000Freeze^000000 status by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made in the image of a banana peel, the key ingredient for the most basic
practical joke since immemorial times.
Just looking at it causes a primal reaction of pure rage.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Provoke^000000 on the enemy when
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that looks just like a white rose, which enhances the beauty of its wearer
Reduces 2% of the damage taken from Plant monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute headband that looks just like a pair of adorable puppy ears.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat that happens to match the Super Novice costume ... absolutely perfectly!
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A trendy hat whose design is based on the old style hats that used to be worn by
men enlisted in the military.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This mask, which is symbolic of Zherlthsh, mistress of the Glast Heim Undergroun
d Prison, makes its wearer feel like looking down on normal human peons.
Inflicts 5% more damage on Demi-Human monster.
Reduce 5% of the damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Once owned by Magni, son of Thor, the wearer of this cap is supposedly granted a
measure of Magni's awesome might.
STR + 2
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Stone Buckler & Magni's Cap Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A woolen hunting cap once worn by Ulle, god of hunting.
Just wearing it makes you feel like you can hunt down any beast.
DEX + 2, AGI + 1
[^000088+ Odin's Blessing^000000]
[^008800Base Dexterity >= 70^000000]
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A circlet blessed by Frigg, mother of Baldur.
MDEF + 10, INT + 2, Maximum SP + 50
[^000088Odin's Blessing, Valkyrja's Shield & Frigg's Circlet Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hair ornament that was kissed by the Super Novice's Guardian Angel.
SP Recovery + 3%
[^000088Angelic Protection, Angel's Reincarnation, Angelic Guard, Angelic Cardig
an & Angel's Kiss Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A hood that is one of the three keys to the seal which binds Morpheus.
INT + 2
[^000088+ Morpheus's Shawl, Morpheus's Ring, Morpheus's Bracelet^000000]
Additional INT + 5
MDEF + 11, Maximum SP + 20%
Magic spells can not be interrupted.
Increase Casting Time by 25%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777733^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A helm that was once owned by Morrigane, the goddess of war.
The gray image of this helm is well known and can strike fear.
LUK + 2, ATK + 3
[^000088+ Morrigane's Manteau, Morrigane's Belt, Morrigane's Pendant^000000]
STR + 2, LUK + 9, Critical Rate + 13, ATK + 18, Perfect Dodge + 13
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777761^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
One of the few armors that were forged by Goibne the blacksmith.
It is said that the gods valued his armors more than the weapons he had forged.

VIT + 3, MDEF + 3
[^000088+ Goibne's Armor, Goibne's Greaves, Goibne's Spaulders^000000]
VIT + 5, Maximum HP + 15%, Maximum SP + 5%, DEF + 5, MDEF + 15
Receive 10% less damage from ^0000FFWater^000000, ^009900Wind^000000, ^996600Ear
th^000000 and ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property attacks.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777754^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A bird nest that makes you feels like you are going to fly away.
Somehow it has right shape to be worn on top of the head and feels closer to nat
AGI + 2
Reduce damage from Brute monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Head of a fierce animal that lives deep in forests
Enemies tremble and become speechless when encountering this beast.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^880000Silence^000000 on enemies.
MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777772nd Class or above^000000
An iron mask which hides the whole face. You can barely feel any blow with this
The defense power is a great help.
VIT + 3, Maximum HP + 3%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A hat, made especially to look like a certain monster that looks like an angel,
but it hates the whole human race.
Reduce damage taken from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777738^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A lovely Hat made to look like a sheep's head. So cute that it makes the attacke
rs feels bad.
Reflect 5% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
Wearing this gives you the urge to shamelessly bounce around and cackle like a J
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An unique eye protector that seems to increase the wearer's spiritual energy.
Maximum SP + 50
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A new Santa hat redesigned by an artist named "Louise Kim" who searched for some
thing extraordinary.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll made to resemble Alice.
It feels like it's saying "May the force be with you, master!", "Go get em' tige
r!" on the top of your head.
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Inflict the ^880000Sleep^000000 status on yourself by a low chance.
STR + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000

Required Level : ^77777730^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat which bears the symbol of the eyes of guiding spirits.
It is said if you watch it, you may see the eyes move on their own.
Reduce Casting Time by 10%. Increases SP consumption of skills by 20%.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A flower that is said to have beauty like a goddess from a far east country. It
is also used for fortune telling or Chinese medicine.
DEX + 1, INT + 1
MDEF + 5
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pretty ribbon made from a red string with a pink heart in the middle.
Reduces damage from Undead and Demon enemies by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll made to resemble Marionette. Gives you the chills.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A gorgeous and strong helm of an east country general.
VIT + 1
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000

Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Traditional art mask from far eastern country.
Increase resistance to ^880000Silence^000000 status by 30%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
It looks like a normal hat from the outside, but in reality it's modified especi
ally for gamblers.
LUK + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Made especially for the carnival.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
All Stats + 3
Destroyed in 2006.~.~
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Rare pachyderm headgear.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cap worn to keep the sun from your eyes and focus your sight.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made for a national holiday of some western nation.

INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A head decoration made out of shiny silver with a star in the center.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made specially to commemorate an event. Produced in the color of the natio
nal flag.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Increase Movement Speed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cool looking set of headphones that have earmuffs designed to resemble music n
You can listen to your favorite Ragnarok Online music everywhere!
Increase resistance to ^880000Stun^000000 and ^880000Freeze^000000 by 10%.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A heavy looking hat, colored blue with a lot of silver and gems.
Seems to go well with formal events, such as marriage.
Increase resistance to the ^880000Stun^000000 status by 10%.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairpin
Your body
Flee Rate

shaped to look like an Angeling.

feels strangely light when you wear it.
+ 5
Angel's Dress^000000]

INT + 2, LUK + 6, Flee Rate + 5

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Fashionable yet strict-looking sunglasses which is usually worn by the father.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fake white beard which is made according to the beard of father. It's thick an
d strict looking.
ATK + 20
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Mask used by father. Should be very useful when one catches a cold.
MATK + 1%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hardy helmet that was crafted by the most expert of Orcish smiths.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A ceremonial hat worn by monks that contains a sacred force which offers protect
ion from evil.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A helmet forged from pure gold which blocks attacks effectively, but is also una

Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A helmet, made to look like mighty goat horns, that can increase the strength of
its wearer.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator^
A headband with two dangerously fashionable spikes.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class, Thief Cla
ss, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator^000000
An incredibly heavy, yet almost impenetrable helmet constructed of bone.
Increases damage received from ^777777Shadow^000000 Property attacks by 15%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A jeweled coronet said to grant the wisdom of an ancient queen that had worn it.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
A crown adorned with gorgeous jewels that is said to be worn by a wise, ancient
king who will grant his wisdom to the wearer.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Male Only, Every Job Except Novice^000000
A traditional Egyptian head piece that symbolizes the Egyptian gods.
STR + 2
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
An exact replica of the turban worn by Munak, complete with a queue and talisman
Reduces damage from Undead monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat worn by the Bongun monster. For some reason, there's an amulet which has b
een torn in half.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A white bridal mask worn by actors in theatrical work. Its said the make-up make
s it look quite cute.
[^008800TaeKwon Class^000000]
LUK + 2, Critical Rate + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A high class hat with an amazingly stylish look. When the feathers are added, it
simply adds to its splendor.
MDEF + 1
Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The helm worn by those women who served Odin as "Maidens of War", or Valkryies.
The open winged look of the helm symbolizes elite status.
It is said when all the valkyrie gear is equipped, the helm will show its hidden
MDEF + 5
[^000088+ Valkyrja's Armor & Valkyrja's Manteau & Valkyrja's Shoes^000000]
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Rebirth Job except High Novice^000000
A wonderful light green hat slanted slightly to one side. It is rumored to symbo
lize the bravery of a soldier.
Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An ancient Korean hat, which would be worn by high class rulers or judges.
[^008800TaeKwon Class^000000]
AGI + 1, HP Recovery + 3%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A traditional Korean a-yam, usually worn by women, crafted of red silk. The way
the decoration hangs down is beautiful.
[^008800TaeKwon Class^000000]

INT + 1, SP Recovery + 3%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mosaic censorship which blocks out the eyes of a person to protect thier ident
Its also possible to alter their voice.
Increase resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 5%.
MDEF + 1, HIT - 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A traditional Korean Hahoe mask made by carefully carving a smiling face. You ca
n feel the emotions of the wearer just by looking at it.
[^008800TaeKwon Class^000000]
LUK + 1, Perfect Dodge + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Korean traditional mask made to resemble a lion. The threatening look of the m
ask is quite frightning to see.
[^008800TaeKwon Class^000000]
DEX + 2
ATK increases by Refine Rate * 2
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^880000Stun^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A candle used for praying after donating to the temple. You can feel an aura of
the temple holyness on it.
All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A gorgeous head decoration made out of shiny gold with a star in the center.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made for a national holiday of France.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A forboding helmet that hides part of the face. People wearing this have the app
earance of Beelzebub.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A light brown puppy dog. It looks quite cute sitting on your head.
AGI + 1
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Gloria^000000 when attacking.
[^008800Base Agility >= 77^000000]
Add a chance casting ^008800Level 1 Gloria^000000 is increased to 3%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A nest housing a family of birds. You feel the need to protect it from harm.
DEX + 1, AGI + 1
Increase resistance to the ^880000Stun^000000 status by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A captain's hat, full of profound dignity. Once wore by a famous warship leader.
Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A ring of closely knit branches covered with green leaves and beautiful flowers.
Wearing this feels very refreshing.
LUK + 3
Increase resistance to ^880000Blind^000000 and ^880000Curse^000000 by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special decoration geographer designed to rest nicely on your head.
INT + 1
Add 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when the us
er receives Physical Melee Damage.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A blue flower decorated with a beatiful red ribbon. Its said to make girls look
absolutely lovely.
Maximum SP + 30, MDEF + 3
Increases physical damage to the monster by 20% for 2 seconds when the user Rece
ived physical attack.
Reduces MDEF by 20% for 2 seconds.
Increases magical damage to the monster by 20% for 2 seconds when the user Recei
ved magical attack.
Reduces DEF by 20% for 2 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A stylish wide brimmed hat made to keep the sun out of the eyes of a famous perf
orming minstrel.
INT + 1, DEX + 1

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Looks like leaves falling in autumn. You feel something like a brisk autumn bree
ze when you use it.
Maximum HP and SP + 40
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Indonesian independence celebration.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
INT + 1. MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long piece of cloth rolled into a butterfly shape. It's usually worn by girls,
so if a guy wears it, he might be mistaken for a girl.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute bunny doll which can be worn on top of the head.
DEX + 1, Flee Rate + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
India independence celebration hat.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Increase Movement Speed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Marco's favorite hat. Andrea has written the words "His memories to you ..." on
the inside of the hat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Ragnarok event hat cones.
All Stats + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Hat of Pumpkin is a very unique item which makes the wearer look like Pumpkin Ja
All Stats + 2
Add a 5% resistance against ^880000 Demon monster^000000.
Gain a candy item when killing monsters of Demi-Human type by low chance.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask with mischievous expressions, suitable to be worn by kids.
Increases Movement Speed by 5% when equipped.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Deer's nose which resembles Rudolph's brightly shining nose.
Add a 30% resistance against the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Add a low chance of gaining Cookie Bags when a monster gets killed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

An honorable Laurel Wreath that was given to a winner by an emperor of some coun
try in ancient days.
All Stats + 1, MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A tiny romantic white flower.
Reduces damage from Plant monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A dazzling beautiful golden ring which is blessed by an angel. It is given to a
great believer.
Increases resistance to the ^777777Holy^000000 Property by 5%.
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made in the image of a scary magical book which attacks human.
5% chance to absorb 8% HP on Physical attack.
1% chance to absorb 4% SP on Physical attack.
You lose 10 HP per 5 seconds when equipped.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A yellow cap worn to keep the sun from your eyes.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear which looks
It make you feel dizzy
Increases Attack Speed
Reduce Casting Time by

like an angel flapping its wing.

when you wear it, but also makes your body feel light.
by 3%.

INT + 1, AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An adorable hat which is always worn on the side of
If the wearer carries an umbrella with this hat on,
ne is going for a picnic.
MDEF + 7
Increases ATK, MATK 2%, effectiveness of Heal skill
Additional ATK, MATK 1% effectiveness of Heal skill
STR + 1, INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

the wearer will look as if o
1%, when upgraded lv 7 or mo

Strange looking Hair lace.
It seems like one can receive the signal from another planet when you are wearin
g it. However, it's just merely a feel.
The vision of wearer seems to be wider with it.
Maximum HP + 50, Maximum SP + 10
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Ruwach^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Hair lace specially designed for the sexy you!
You will capture the attention of other males when you wear it Sexy rating will
be increased by 100%.
AGI + 2, MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat created with the monster Moonlight Flower in mind.
It is said that it uses 30% of Moonlight Flower's fur, and 70% of Nine Tails fur
Note that you should only use hand washing to clean it.
Wear this with your Nine Tails scarf for the perfect winter fashion!
Automatically cast ^008800Level 1 Increase Agility^000000 by chance when struck

by Physical attack.
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headband adorned with what appears to be the wings of an angel.
It contains holiness that blesses the wearer's soul and offers protection from d
ark forces.
DEX + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 3
Reduces damage from Demon monster by 3%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A headgear that look like the wings of a Demon.
Demonic power increases the wearer's strength and offers protection from sacred
STR + 1, AGI + 1, Flee Rate + 3
Reduces damage from Demon monster by 3%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A helmet, made to look like mighty goat horns, that can increase the strength of
its wearer.
STR + 2
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, TaeKwon, Star Gladiator^
A hair band that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbo
l of extremely good luck.
INT + 2
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 18, Flee Rate + 3
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A refined, wooden pipe used for smoking high quality tobacco.
VIT + 1
Reduces damage from Brute monster by 5%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice (Parental Advisory Needed)^00000
A pair of small red ribbons which can be used to decorate the hair of little gir
Flee Rate + 5
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear which looks just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the same smell!
AGI + 1, DEX + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair accessory which is made after Sohee's golden bell.
AGI + 2
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000

A headgear bestowed only to true Orc Heroes.
STR + 2, VIT + 1
Maximum HP + 10%
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A hat, when equipped, that plays holy music and refresh its wearer.
The wearer of this holy hat is guarded by an angel.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Angelus^000000 when attacking.
MDEF + 2, ...
Add a 10% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear topped with a fashionably experimental propeller.
AGI + 2, DEX + 1, Flee Rate + 10
Reduce Casting Time by Refine Rate %.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster.
STR + 1, INT + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster.
STR + 1, INT + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster.
STR + 1, INT + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and give
s other wearers street cred.
LUK + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and give
s other wearers street cred.
LUK + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A knit beanie that protects from the cold. Makes some wearers look cute and give
s other wearers street cred.
LUK + 1
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show.
INT + 2, SP + 150
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show.
INT + 2, SP + 150
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show.
INT + 2, SP + 150
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show.
INT + 2, SP + 150
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A stylish formal hat that talented magicians usually wear during a show.
INT + 2, SP + 150
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
A hat made from various animal fur. It can function
as earmuffs, keeping your ears warm in the cold.
Its said to be worn traditionally in cold areas.
Increase resistance to the ^880000Freeze^000000 status by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Add a resistance to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increases resistance to ^880000Blind^000000 status by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
AGI + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 3
Reduces damage from Demon monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
AGI + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 3
Reduces damage from Demon monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Add a resistance to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Add a resistance to the ^880000Blind^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000

Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made to resemble the monster, Nine tails. proud of its great heat-retainab
AGI + 1, DEX + 1
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Gloria^000000 on the user when th
e user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made with a cute Lif doll. It makes wearers feel the doll looking down the
It may get popular among people who loves a little girl.
INT + 1
DEF descreases by Refine Rate. MDEF increases by Refine Rate.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made to resemble a little dead deviling which has charming side-spreaded e
Increases 2% more Experience Points each time a monster is killed.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
Increases 1% more Experience Points.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which seems to stack a few of the most popular monster, Poring.
Are they Angeling at the bottom, Masterling in the middle, Poring at the top?
LUK + 3
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Greed^000000 around the user when attacki
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Headband made of Valkyrie's feathers. The power of Valkyrie flows in the person
who equips it.
INT + 1
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when the
user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A halo and a pair of wings that are floating above a head. The item makes the we
arer to look like a spirit that is walking on the earth.
MDEF + 2
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Assumptio^000000 on the user when
the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A fluffy afro style wig which is something teenagers go crazy for. Once you wear
it, you might want to dance.
Add a 30% chance of auto casting ^008800First Aid^000000 on the user when the us
er receives Physical Damage.
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 1%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat made in the form of a big animal found in one oriental country.
The body it grows but kind is pure and it is. It will ask with the long nose and
to inhale it scatters to wide scope.
VIT + 1
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Water Ball^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Aqua Benedicta^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Hat worn by Cookie Xmas, 'the idol of Toy Dungeon'. It covers the ears to prot
ect from cold weather.
AGI + 1
Perfect Dodge + 5, Inflict 5% more damage with Critical attacks.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A head decoration made out of shiny silver with a star in the center.
INT + 2
Increases MATK bonus according to the wearer's JOB LEVEL.
Decreases SP Consumption according to the wearer's JOB LEVEL.
Increases Max SP according to the wearer's JOB LEVEL.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A gorgeous head decoration made out of shiny gold with a star in the center.
STR + 2. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
If worn by Swordman, Merchant or Thief classes and the character's base DEX is l
ower than 55,
DEX bonus increases according to the wearer's JOBLEVEL.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An headgear which is made of many kinds of property rings. It looks very luxurio
us and charming.

Add a 1% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000, ^009900Wind^000000, ^FF0000Fire

^000000 Property.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^880000Curse^000000 on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat which is soul of good weeks.
All Status + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A headgear made in the honor of the legendary archer who shot an apple, on top o
f a friend's head, from a long distance.
DEX + 4
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A hair band that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbo
l of extremely good luck.
MDEF + 5
Bonus : Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A rustic hat knit from rough reeds and bamboos that shields against the rain and
the glare of the sun.
Saurabi, the ancient Korean warrior, was known to wear one of these.
AGI + 3
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
An exquisitely made circlet, typically worn by rulers or gentry.
STR + 3, INT + 3
LUK + 3, MDEF + 4
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear which looks like an angel flapping its wing.
It make you feel dizzy when you wear it, but also makes your body feel light.
Increases Attack Speed by 3%. Reduce Casting Time by 3%.
(Not tradable and not disposable).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Looks like leaves falling in autumn. You feel something like a brisk autumn bree
ze when you use it.
Perfect Dodge + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A heavy looking hat with blue and silver jewery decorations. It will match with
magnificent events.
MDEF + 3
Depends on its Upgrade Level, damage from Boss monsters reduces.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask with mischievous expressions, suitable to be worn by kids.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Provoke^000000 on the enemy when
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Wig with Green, White and Red colors.
Increases Movement Speed when equipped.
DEF + 4
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Hiding^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Wig with Yellow, Orange and Gold Colors.
Increases Movement Speed when equipped.
DEF + 4
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Hiding^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Wig with Pink, White and Purple colors.
Increases Movement Speed when equipped.
DEF + 4
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Hiding^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Wig with Red, White and Black colors.
Increases Movement Speed when equipped.
DEF + 4
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Hiding^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A piece of yellow cloth that has droplets of blood, rumored to be from the shirt
s of the protesters who were at the Bloodless Revolution.
LUK + 2, VIT + 2
Reduces damage from Long Range attacks by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
It?s a piece of ribbon that hangs to one side when worn that was created out of
old Flags that was torn by bullets.
LUK + 2, VIT + 2
Reduces damage from Long Range attacks by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increase resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 30%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A helmet, made to look like mighty goat horns, that can increase the strength of
its wearer.
STR + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A hat created in the form of the Deviruchi monster.
STR + 1, INT + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A cap worn to keep the sun from your eyes and focus your sight.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat with cute little chick on it. It's hopping action is so cute.
Allows usage ^008800Level 2 Double Attack^000000, and if you already know higher
than ^008800Level 2 Double Attack^000000, then the appropriate level will be us
ed instead.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human monster by 3%.
LUK + 2, Maximum HP/SP + 50
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat when equip its just feel calm and concentration.
DEX + 1, AGI + 1, MDEF + 3
HP Recovery + 5%, SP Recovery + 3%
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Vane shaped hairpin. You can find the velocity of the wind with this?
AGI + 2
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Looks like that it has wings of Pecopeco. Can make you move as fast as Pecopeco.
Increase Movement Speed.
Decrease ASPD by 10%.
Increases Variable casting time by 25%.
Premium Users: All Stats + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Head Position : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat recommended to use for vacations. It helps to protect your face from stron
g sunshine.
VIT + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Must-have item for the pretty. Can make users 3 times more beautiful.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Shaped like a Vanilmirs. Cold and soft.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 all 4 types of bolts^000000 on th
e enemy when attacking.
MDEF + 5
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll shaped like a cute rabbit. Can be put on a head.
DEX + 1, Flee Rate + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A kettle on your head guarantees the wearer high defense. If you move too quickl
y, water might be spilled.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Deluge^000000 on the user when at
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Water Ball^000000 on the enemy wh
en attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000

Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Helmet made from Dragon's cranial bone. Has resistences against Dragons.
Reduce damage from Dragon monster by 5%.
Receive 5% more damage from Dragon monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Noodles put on a head. When hungry, this is portable ration. Be careful not to s
poil it.
DEX + 4
Chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Concentration^000000 on the enemy when att
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Shaped like a whisper. It feels like massaged on a face. No sure that it is good
for skin.
AGI + 3, Increase damage from ^777777Ghost^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special Bandana made of a pure gold mixture. According to legend you will gain
magical strength whilst wearing this.
MDEF + 4
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777240^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made to resemble the monster, Nine tails. proud of its great heat-retainab
AGI + 1, CRI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

The mysterious wing which is floating above the head.
All Stats + 1
Recovery SP + 2 per 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fluffy afro style wig which is something teenagers go crazy for. Once you wear
it, you might want to dance.
Receive 5% more damage from ^0000FFWater^000000 and ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An headgear which is made of many kinds of property rings. It looks very luxurio
us and charming.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Scream^000000 on an enemy when th
e user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Fighter hat of legend that was decorated with an emerald.
Only the truly brave can wear it.
Maximum HP + 100
Reflect ?% of all Magical Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it (Success C
hance 3%).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A Ribbon made specially for Day of Victory.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

The hat that resembles a blooming lotus. It is beautiful and graceful.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Wreath, interlaced in the magic fire from the grasses,
Assembled during the day of summer solstice. It protects owner from the evil for
MDEF + 5, Maximum SP + 50
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The purple T-shirt which fit into shadowed human face.
Protect its user from ^880000Blind^000000.
Add a 7% resistance against ^880000Curse^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A small silver knife that is held between your teeth to allow free use of your h
ands. Reward for helping Pirate Captain Wesley during the 2007 4th anniversary c
ATK + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Cash Items^000000
Crown of Goddess Freyja. Transparent crystal in the middle shines in various col
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
[^000088Freya's Clothes & Freya's Boots & Freya's Manteau & Freya's Crown Equip
Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Enables use of ^008800Level 10 Frost Nova^000000.
Maximum HP + 20%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000

Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat made with tropical fruits. It looks delicious.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Wink Charm^000000 when the user r
eceives Physical Damage.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job^000000
Brazilia independence celebration hat.
Increases Movement Speed when equipped.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job^000000
The wool mask which reappears a head style.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Graffiti^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Female Only, Every Job^000000
A hairband decorate with small lamp. Make feel safe when at darkness.
Increase resistance to the ^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 10%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Sight^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairpin make by the biggest Chinese rose. Only can found at Ayothaya.
MDEF + 15
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An ancient helm of Ayothaya's fighter. The braver actually can wear.

STR + 1, Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 5%.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A crown decorate with jewel of love. Rumor who wear it will meet real love.
INT + 1, MATK + 3%. Reduce Casting Time by 3%.
A chance uses skill Heal and Sanctuary.
Increases the effectiveness HP using potion pitcher by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask for playing Hockey when wear it and then feel like hold weapon.
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An equipment can check energy. Look like where come from another world.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Estimation^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fancy umbrella that doesn't need a hand and is very handy during monsoon. It p
revents you getting wet and also gives you a festival mood.
Reduces getting 3% damage from ^0000FFWater^000000 Property Attack.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This sturdy and fireproof light yellow hat is fisherman's favorite. It protects
your head from passing rain or sunlight.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Waterball^000000 on the enemy whe
n attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Ragnarok Online.
Max HP + 6%, Max SP + 6% during the event.
Decreases 6% magical damage from all monster when receives physical attack.
Impossible to refine this item.
After the event period, FLEE + 6.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A blue lovely hat for the love of mother.
LUK + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A very special prize that is given to the Champion of Champions.
All Stats + 2
Add a 5% of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when the user re
ceives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A special bandana that shows the courage of Indonesian patriots.
Add a low chance of gaining Honey when a monster gets killed.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Increase Attack Speed. Enable full HP and SP restoration when resurrected.
Add a 5% of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Heal^000000 on the user when the user re
ceives Physical Damage.
DEF + 4, MDEF + 4, All Stats + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Wonderful Kerchief for that loved.

Flee Rate + 5, MDEF + 2

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
All Stats + 2
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll looks like an angel. It is used as a sacrifice when Blacksmiths perform a
worship for the God.
DEX + 3, Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Grand Cross^000000 on the u
ser when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An unidentified object look like eye.It comes from space and can give out light.
Attack Power + 2%, MATK + 2%, DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A black leather mask, shaped like butterfly wings, that increases damage inflict
ed upon Demi-Human monster by 7%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A headgear bestowed only to true Orc Heroes.

STR + 5, VIT + 3
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
As an ear accessory is made of black wings, feels proud of grace and charisma fr
om devil.
Wearer feels like get mystery power through the wing.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A black Blinker. Since it is black in color, it seems that you may not see the l
ight forever if you wear it for a long time.
Protect its user from ^880000Blind^000000.
Add a 5% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A cute kitty doll which can be worn on top of the head.
MDEF + 15
Increase resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 40%.
Increase resistance to the ^880000Stun^000000 status by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A flamboyant hat worn only by the strongest of pirates.
VIT + 3, INT+ 3
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777714^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A mask that imbued with the sweet whispers of Loki.
Perfect Dodge + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat designed to transmit electric waves. Sometimes it receives electric waves
from external worlds.
MDEF + 5, CRIT + 5, FLEE + 5
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Lightning Bolt^000000.
Adds a chance autocast ^008800Level 5 Thunder Storm^000000 when receive physical
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Angeling hat with the pathetic mind of an Angeling who wants to fly.
LUK + 2
MDEF + 2
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777738^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Poring hat that feels like hopping on top of your head. It brings fortune to t
he wearer.
LUK + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helm with Guild Member wanted ad on it. Won't you join us?
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000

Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helm with a Party Member wanted ad on it. Let's level up together!!
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helm with boyfriend wanted ad on it. Let's introduce her to a boy!
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helm with friend wanted ad on it. Do you have many friends?
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Defolty! Numerous users are using Ka
fra storage more than 20 times a day, fascinated by her smiling face.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Angelus^000000 on the user when the
user receives Physical Damage.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Glaris! Fascinated by her mature app
earance, her advocates call her a teacher.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Recover +50 HP when defeating a monster with a magical attack.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Sorin! Her cute appearance made the
price of this hat rise at the auction place.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
When physically attacking there is a chance that for 10 seconds you'll receive A
TK +50.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Telling! She is such an active and h
ard-working lady. So she became the most favorite Kafra among users.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Increases the effectiveness HP using potion pitcher by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Bennit! She has a boyish look, but h
er hobby is knitting and reading romance novels. She is fully supported by male
users who like the short-cut style.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
When physically attacking there is a chance that for 30 seconds you'll gain ASPD
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra W! There is a rumor that an assassin
association wants to scout her, because there are so many guys who become frigh
tened and faint when she calls them.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Increases physical and magical damage to the undead monster by 5%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helm with a girlfriend wanted ad on it. Let's introduce him to a girl!
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ceremonial hat worn during one's graduation.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A bandana that is the mark of the lawless pirates of the oceans.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Peculiar headgear designed to look like a sunflower.
Reduces damage from Insect monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
It looks like a Poporing, but don't worry about the poison!
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777738^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A hat that is said to have been worn by the god of the sun.
STR + 3, INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777240^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777772nd Class or above^000000
This is a traditional headgear for male Muslims.
When use magic, Reduce Casting Time by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This is a traditional costumes for female Muslims.
When use magic, Reduce Casting Time by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pumpkin hat for celebrating the Halloween Festival. Let's ask for sweets with
wearing this hat.
All Stats + 3. Increase Physical and Magical Attack Strength against Devil Monst
er by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair ornament made from Valkyrie's Feathers and precious gems. Rumored to prot
ect it's wearer from any harm.
MDEF + 10

Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper,Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An ornament wing created by Morgan Stanley's.
AGI + 1, MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Hat of a captain who sails the seven seas.
Increase physical ranged attack power by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Ears of Whikebine's black cat. Very cute.
Increases critical attack damage by 10%.
Adds 5% chance magical defense ignored for 5 seconds when dealing magical damage
FLEE + 10,
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
School scarf from a gang.
ATK + 5
[^008800Rogue Class^000000]
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Gangster's Paradise^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A scroll when Ninjas lay a spell.
Increase MATK by 1%.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helm worn by the Abysmal Knight. While strong against powerful blows, it's wea
k against frail attacks.
Increases 10% resistance from Boss monster when the user receives physical attac
Reduced 10% resistance from Demi-Human monster when the user receives physical a
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A hat used by the Evil Snake Lord. Wearing it makes you feel like an emperor.
STR + 1, INT + 1, AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
What looks like a sunny side up egg on your head is really a furious magnolia mo
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Flasher^000000.
Adds 5% resistance to the ^880000Stun^000000.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This hat is for memorial of 80 year old king to be upon the throne.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A monster Hyegun's hat. It looks nasty and tattered but it has better defense th
an what you thought.
Add a 10% resistance against Demon monster.

MDEF + 3. Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The glistening white feathers collected to make this beautiful headdress.
Add a low chance of gaining Holy Elemental Scroll each time an is killed.
Unable to trade.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The dark feathers collected to make this mysterious headdress.
When killing a monster there is a chance to obtain an Undead Elemental Scroll.
Unable to trade.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hair band made by orchid and it smells like a scent of a flower.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The helmet worned by capable judge. It exsist for justice.
LUK + 1, SP + 30
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magical kitty hat which shows various expressions in its face.
INT + 1. MATK + 3%. Reduces after-cast skill delay by 3%. Maximum SP + 3%. MDEF
+ 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A helm laced with the power of Valkyrie Randgris. It helps its wearer to concent
rate better.
DEX + 3, MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet.
Increases physical damage to the Demi Human monster by 12%.
As your JOB Level increases,the helm grants additional ATK.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A true Orc Hero's headgear. It's so big and heavy that it might hurt your neck.
STR + 2
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Weapon Perfection^000000 on the u
ser when receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An unholy Satanic Chain forged with an incantation.
SP + 120. ^880000Curse^000000 yourself when attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A long smoking pipe used by gentlemen and nobility.
Decreases damage from Demi Human monster by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An energetic Bunny Band perfect for a magic show.
AGI + 3, Add chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Increase Agility^000000 when

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that looks like a balloon full of air.
Each two refine upgrades increase your MATK by 1%.
MATK + 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fish head hat with its mouth opening and closing.
When its mouth is open you can smell a strong odor of fish.
When dealing physical damage there is a small chance to cast ^008800Level 1 Fros
t Weapon^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute hat with a santa poring.
Increases damage against Dark element monsters by 3%,
Reduces damage received from Dark element monsters by 3%.
Impossible to refine this item. MDEF + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute ribbon with small bells attached.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Angelus^000000. VIT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat for hunters! Good Luck!
Rumor who wear it will have a good fortune when hunting monster at the time.
Increases damage inflicted on Brute monster by 10%.
Increases physical attack against Demi human monster by 5%.
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
A cute hat which it protects you from the cold weather and will give you an ultr
a-cute look!
Designed by the famous stylist JB.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Estimation^000000.
Add chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Increase Agility^000000 when attacking
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An adorable hat, it looks like an impish monster YoYo.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Hiding^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
" Happy New Year ". Like a New Year's greeting seems to bring blessed.
Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Ricecake. FLEE + 7, MDEF + 7
Impossible to refine this item.
^000088Exp : 9 AM on February 13.^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairband that gives the appearance of Kafra style and Kitty hairband.
It would look pretty when worn.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat looks like snake on it. You probably fall in love with beautiful young wom
en when you wear it.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Double Attack^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A golden mask rumored to be worn by some ancient Goddess.
HIT + 15, STR + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which comes from the coldness. It protects you from snow storms.
Increase resistance to the ^880000Freeze^000000 status by 30%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
For a busy morning, it its the best heartwarming friend.
When you hold it in your mouth, you feel like you have to quickly rush out.
MaxHP + 100.
When you defeat a monster, there is a small chance that it drops a "Old Purple B
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A gift hat for kids made by a famous Whitesmith who resides in Louyang.
The materials used for the red color of the hat is meant to bring Luck and Fortu
ne to those that wear it.
LUK + 2. Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Red Envelope for a
week at celebration of Imlek.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat which showed that you were falling in love!
You will feel stronger because strength of your love will make you powerful!
Maximum HP & SP + 7%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A souvenir hat to celebarate the 4th Anniversary of Europe Ragnarok Online.
Each refine increases your HP.
Max HP + 100, LUK + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A beautiful headgear with gold ornament and a lovely gemstone in the middle.
DEX + 3, VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Scuba Glasses meant for Divers.
If you wear this on the Ground, people will think you are a person
not taking outside views seriously.
Resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Helmet made by the bones of the Dragons. It's pretty hard and won't be easy to
STR + 2. MDEF + 5.

Add a 5% resistance against ^880000Stun, Bleeding^000000 status.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class^000000
A Mandagora blossoms on top of your head. Unfortunately if you pull it out, it s
hreaks very loudy to you.
VIT + 3. Gives a chance auto casting ^008800Level 5 Scream^000000 on enemy When
recieving physical damage.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans 2nd Class^000000
Anyone wearing a mask to make you look smart.
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Black Framed Glasses. The fashion trend has been changing the picture framed gla
sses, you will also try changing?
INT + 1, MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mischievous fairy image of the helmet's ear.
Perfect Dodge + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A fish that can bite in mouth. It smells bad, but it won't be rot by special pro
Add a 5% chance of getting Fresh Fish when a monster gets killed.

Fresh Fish recovery rate + 25%.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Blue ribbon which is a symbol of the honor student!
Add a 30% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Attention Concentrate^000000 on
the user when the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A gentle Filir. He's way too gentle that he doesn't attack at all.
Reflect 1% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Academy Freshman Hat! If you wear this, you should greet all of members of acade
MaxHP + 80, MaxSP + 10
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
You can get this after you finish 1 course in academy.
MaxSP + 30
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 2, SP + 50
Reduce Casting Time by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000

Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat, symbolizing western frontiers, made to celebrate the festival.
INT + 2 , VIT + 2 , SP + 50
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat in the form of an upside-down paperbag, to celebrate the festival.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 4%.
Add a 4% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000, MaxHP + 100
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairband that immortalizes the precious White Snake.
DEX + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A delicious candy which is good for the children.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The well-fried popcorn into the hat.
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Wind^000000 Property by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
When a field camp in the Roman! Campfire hat!
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 10%.
Adds a chance autocast ^008800Level 5 Fire Ball^000000 on enemy when the user re
ceives Physical Damage.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special hat created to celebrate 5th year anniversary of RO in the Philippines
MDEF, CRI, FLEE, Perfect Dodge + 5
ASPD + 5%. Reduces Cast Time by 5%.
Skill Delay reduced by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Taste of beer after a showerWow~!
Drinking is prohibited for minors!
Perfect Dodge + 5
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Increase Recuperative Power and Level 3 Increase S
piritual Power^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Required Level : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
Parrot hat on the crown. Loud talking parrot might disgust them.
Add a 100% resistance to the ^880000Silence^000000 status.
Automatically cast ^008800Level 1 Scream^000000 by chance when struck by Physica
l attack.
Impossible to refine this item.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Adds 3% physical damage to the monster.
Increases SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

VIT +1. Reduces damage from Plant monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Mask of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire. Rumored to rule a power of the fire.
STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 5
Add a 10% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters.
Reduced a 10% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property monsters.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Sight^000000.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Meteor Storm^000000 on the user when
the user receives Physical Damage.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Fire Bolt^000000 on the user when de
aling physical damage.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headgear which imitates an ears of Ifrit, the spiritual owner of fire.
STR + 1, MDEF + 3
Increases damage of ^008800Fire Bolt, Fire Pillar, Meteor Storm^000000 skill by
Increases damage of ^008800Bash, Magnum Break, Pierce^000000 skill by 2%.
Add a 5% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters.
Reduced a 5% resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property monsters.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
INT + 1 , MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Reduces damage from Demi-Human enemies by 10%.

DEX + 3, Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Fanta Orange Can Hat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Fanta Grape Can Hat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
LUK + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
AGI + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Add a 12% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Dokebi Cute Hat. A hat made to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Thailand Ragnaro
k Online.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]

After the event, recovery HP and SP by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The fire is sacred crown swinger.
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 20%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Fireball^000000.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Chicken is on your head! It might have alarm option for waking you up in the mor
Adds 1% chance STR + 3 for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage.
Adds 1% chance INT + 3 for 10 seconds when dealing magical damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Brazil's National Flag Hat which decorated in front the hat.
[^000088Event Bonus : 10 - 24 September^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The ancient Greek were used during the Olympic Games to resemble a Golden Laurel
Crown of olive leaves.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 1, MaxSP + 80, MDEF + 3.
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
MDEF + 1, MaxSP + 10.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A neat crown of flowers worn at weddings. Long silk ribbons dance and trail behi
nd it.
LUK + 3. MDEF + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The lotus worn on the heads of heavenly maidens.
INT + 1. MDEF + 1
Reduce damage from Insect monsters by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Small ribbons tied to ones hair to accentuate the hairstyle.
SP + 20. Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Small ribbons tied to ones hair to accentuate the hairstyle.
SP + 20. Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

Small ribbons tied to ones hair to accentuate the hairstyle.

SP + 20. Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Small ribbons tied to ones hair to accentuate the hairstyle.
SP + 20. Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A necktie that goes on your head. Seems too inappropriate to wear with Blush.
VIT + 1
HIT - 5, Increases SP Consumption by 5%.
[^000088+ Blush^000000]
ASPD + 3%, increases cast time by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat of a little angel urinating. Somewhat embarassing to wear on the head.
MDEF + 2
When receiving physical damage, chance to cast ^008800Level 1 Recovery^000000 on
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A red comb stuck in the hair.
CRIT + 6
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A piece of candy you hold in your mouth. Remember to brush your teeth afterwards
SP + 5

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairpin designed to look like a footprint of a cat.
FLEE + 5, Perfect Dodge + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made to look like the god of frogs.
It doesn't look much different from ordinary frogs though.
MDEF + 1
Increases physical and magical damage againts Insect monster by 12%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A yellow cardboard box with holes for the eyes.
Wearing this box lets you feel what it's like to play alone.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A yellow cardboard box with holes for the eyes.
Wearing this box lets you feel what it's like to play alone.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The Solar Hat.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Uppper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000

A helmet that exists in Legends, only the Champions of RWC are fit to wear it.
Attack Speed is increased by 10%. ALL STAT + 3
Increases damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Impossible to refine this item.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Uppper^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helmet that exists in Legends, only the Runner-Ups of RWC are fit to wear it.
Attack Speed is increased by 7%. ALL STAT + 2
Increases damage from Demi-Human monster by 3%.
Impossible to refine this item.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Uppper^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helmet that exists in Legends, only the 3rd Placing of RWC are fit to wear it.
Attack Speed is increased by 5%. ALL STAT + 2
Increases damage from Demi-Human monster by 1%.
Impossible to refine this item.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Uppper^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A light brown puppy dog. It looks quite cute sitting on your head.
STR + 1, INT + 1
Adds a chance 100% CRIT for 3 seconds when receive physical attack.
Adds a chance 100% ignore magical defense for 3 seconds when receive magical att
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special decoration geographer designed to rest nicely on your head.
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat recommended to use for vacations. It helps to protect your face from stron
g sunshine.
VIT + 5
^000088Restores 20% HP^000000.
^000088Restores 15% SP^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
It looks like a pet rabbit that you can put on your head. Quite soft!
ATK, MATK + 5.
If upgrade is to 5 or higher, ATK and MATK are increaded by 1 according to the u
pgrade level.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A headband which decorated with a pinwheel.
The person who wear it looks like cool.
^000088Recovery 5% HP & SP^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll shaped like a cute rabbit. Can be put on a head.
DEX + 1, FLEE + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helmet made from a dragon's skull.
ALL STATUS + 2 , MaxHP + 3%
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable. Can be placed in Kafra Storage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Mask of whisper, it looks like a piece of facial mask.
DEX + 3 , Increase resistance from ^777777Ghost^000000 Property attacks by 20%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Spiked Scarf.
VIT + 1.
Increase physical damage from Demi Human monster by 1%.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 1%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Rainbow Scarf.
INT + 1. MDEF + 2.
MATK + 1%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Zaha doll hat which resembles angel of Zaha. It looks great on your head.
INT + 2
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Magnificat^000000.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A clear and wide sky is motivated. if you wear this hat in a gloomy day, you can
feel refresh.
LUK + 2, MDEF + 5.
[^333399Refine Rate 5~10^000000]
LUK Rate increases depending on the weapon's refinement rate.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000

Required Level : ^77777740^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cap of post man who delivers letters with heart.
Magic in the cap protects the wearer not to lose their way.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Teleport^000000.
AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear made by the hard scale of Dragon.
The wearer of this headgear can get the great power of Dragon.
Adds 20% damage to the dragon monster.
Cause a certain abnormal status to all enemies in 5x5 cell when physical attack,
by low chance.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cap which makes the wearer very happy to go on a parade.
Skill delay - 5%.
MDEF + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Reduces casting delay refine level - 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
"One for all and all for one" hat is inscribed as an experience of the Musketeer
STR + 2
When the user receives a Physical Attack, low chance to auto-spell ^008800Level
1 Adrenaline Rush^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An eye cover which has gloomy eyes on it.

It looks fixed, but someone says the eyes moves sometimes.

Never get Blindness. DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A head accessory which is named after Valkyrie Reginleif.
If someone wear this, they can get the bless of god.
Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^777777Unde
ad, Ghost^000000 Property by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Every time you kill a Human monster, low chance to drop Rice cake.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Scissor to cut the crab meat, and processed into the hairpin.
When the user receives a Physical Attack, small chance to auto-spell ^008800Leve
l 1 Cold Bolt^000000.
Every time you kill a Fish or Shellfish monster, low chance to drop Crystal blue
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
-Away From KeyboardA hat doesn't mean a thing in front of the keyboard.
When away, the right to tell friends!
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A mask which made from the face of the cube as motif.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
"Hair ornament made from grandpeco feathers.
Be allowed to acquire only the Patriarch of valor."
STR + 2, MaxHP - 10%.
Increased 15% damage to the monster except Ork Hero.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made by flag of Brazil. A patriot wears it to express his country.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Bash^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Classic Hat.
STR + 2, MaxHP + 300
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MDEF + 3. Adds a 5% resistance against ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks.
[^000088Shaman Ring & Shaman Earring Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
ALL STATUS + 2, Adds resistance to ALL elements by 5%.
Recovery 2% HP per 10 seconds, Recovery 1% SP per 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Attack speed + 5%. ATK + 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
STR + 3
[^000088Dark Knight Belt & Dark Knight Glove Equip Set^000000]
MATK + 10%, INT + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Decreased damage from Boss monster by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Taiwan's soul!
ALL STAT + 5, Add a 5% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
ALL STAT + 1, Add a 5% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Tigers Face.
Decreases damage from Brute monster by 5%.
Increase Physical and Magical Attack Strength against Brute Monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat made to celebrate the 6th Anniversary.
All Status + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
LUK + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
LUK + 1, MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A yellow tredy hat has a "Love Daddy" logo.
Thailand people wear it to admire king.
DEX + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This ceremonial headdress holds the likeness of Anubis, god of the underworld.
It is rumored that it empowers the wearer against powerful divine beings.
Reduce damage from MVPs by 10%.
Increase effectiveness of healing and healing items by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Not many people can stand a hot and steamy sand storm that is from far north Bra

zil. But these natives are well known for standing against heat and humidity wit
h less water and food.
STR + 2.
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A black cap that is usually worn by boys attending schools that require uniforms
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A woolen hunting cap once worn by Ulle, god of hunting.
Just wearing it makes you feel like you can hunt down any beast.
DEX + 2, AGI + 1.
[^000088+ Odin's Blessing^000000]
[^008800Base Dexterity >= 70^000000]
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A traditional Egyptian head piece that symbolizes the Egyptian gods.
STR + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
Covered with mighty power of Thor, the strongest god among a war at Jushin.
A small portion of Thor's mighty power is granted to the one who possesses this
The power within a Skyblue-feather must be used on good purposes,
and the power within a Gray hoof has to be used with caution on every occasion.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Props for the table game. It used to be a tool of gamble.
Sum of the each sides of symmetry is always 7.
LUK + 4
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that imitates the shape of King Tiger.
STR + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Can feel a high dignity of the Northern Wolf Tribe.
It is made out of Wolf King's fur and feels like you've surrounded by some kind
of dignified force when worn.
FLEE + 10, VIT + 5.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Is there anyone in this world who doesn't like pizza??
Even a fierce monster won't be able to refuse this tasty food.
You can provoke monsters by wearing this hat.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Provoke^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Having Ice-cream is the best way to escape the heat!
Be careful, your brain might be frozen!
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Frost Diver^000000.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000

Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The Pride of the Pirate is best expressed with a lurid sea tune, and a sea battl
e for plunder!
Never Forget the hated enemy of the Pirate is always the Ninja, more than any cr
eature of the land the feud of the Ninja and Pirates knows no equal.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The Deadly Necromancer's Essence is embodied in this Hood.
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Dark Strike^000000 on the user wh
en the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat used by magician with his magic.
A bunny popped out from the hat by mistake.
Can't imagine what's going to pop out next.
DEX + 2, AGI + 2, MDEF + 1.
ASPD + 3 %. Reduces after-cast skill delay by 4%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Chinese Wedding Veil.
It also used by the meaning of 'Our Love's Sixth Anniversary'.
MDEF + 10
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat worn by priests when performing a sacrificial rite.
Shape of a hat resembles the ancient fairies of Ashura.

Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Don't Forget Me^000000.

DEX +2, LUK + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increases damage by 5%. MATK + 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increases damage by 5%. MATK + 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which resembles the look of a dominator of the sea, Shark.
Might scare off animals and monsters live in waters.
STR + 1, AGI + 2, MDEF + 1.
Increase damage on ^0000FFWater^000000 Property enemies by 5%.
Resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hand-shape hat made by mud. It feels weird when you wear it.
STR + 2, VIT + 1, MDEF + 3.
Increases damage against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters by 5%.
Increase resistance to ^996600Earth^000000 Property attacks by 5%.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Earth Spike^000000 on an enemy wh
en the user receives Physical Damage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Let's protect the hair!
MDEF + 3, FLEE + 3.

Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 10%.

Reduced damage inflicted on Fish monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A circlet made of samambaia leaf.
Recovery SP by 8%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This diadem honors Aquarius, the 11th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar.
STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increases resistance to ^009900Wind^000000 status by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, ATK + 15.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This crown honors Aquarius, the 11th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar.
STR + 2, FLEE + 10, Increases resistance to ^009900Wind^000000 status by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, ATK + 15.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This diadem honors Pisces, the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar.
INT + 2, MDEF + 5, Increases resistance to ^0000FFWater^000000 status by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, MATK + 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

This crown honors Pisces, the 12th astrological sign in the zodiac calendar.
INT + 2, MDEF + 5, Increases resistance to ^0000FFWater^000000 status by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, MATK + 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
DEX + 1, Increase physical ranged attack power by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sniper^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet.
Adds 12% tolerance against Demi-Human monster.
Increase certain amount of ATK based on wearer's Job level.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
You seems to sing a song like Bard.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
ATK + 4%, MATK + 4%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Reduces after-cast skill delay by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made from scratch lemon fanta cans.
Zero calories and zero sugar is popular for both men and women!
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat created to celebrate the partnership campaign.
DEX + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat created to celebrate the partnership campaign.
VIT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made of flower to celebrate the partnership campaign.
MaxHP + 80, MaxSP + 20
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll molded out of a lady Tanee.

AGI + 2, FLEE + 3, Decreases damage inflicted on ^009900Wind^000000 Property by

Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Banana.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat molded out of a fuzzy Lunatic.
LUK + 5, MDEF + 2, Perfect Dodge + 5.
Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Rainbow Carrot.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Looks like an ugly frog but a handsome price is its inside and waiting for a lad
y who can cure him.
AGI + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
People say it is made of Satan's bone. But nobody can confirm whether it is true
or not.
DEX + 3.
Add a 5% resistance against ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Frost Nova^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A black Raven Cap that has black beak and feathers. It is so black.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A cute dragon is fast asleep on your head.

He wouldn?t wake up whatever you do.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Reflect 1% of all Physical Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
AGI + 1, Perfect Dodge + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
VIT + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF + 3.
Reduce 5% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear that appears to be a spare access card.
Wearing it gives a chance of receiving a certain blank card item with each monst
er killed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Cute kwati tail hat, you can feel the scent of the forest and nature of Kwati.
AGI + 3, Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Tucano with bright yellow beak. It makes you look attractive.
DEX + 3. Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask of the king of the amazon Jungle, known as Jaguar. The person who equip i
t is rumored to receive a blessing of nature.
MDEF + 2.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Crazy Uproar^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual circlet granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 2, SP + 50.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 1st sign of the zodiac, Aries
the Ram.
Attached to the crown is a Diamond gemstone, the birthstone for those born under
this sign.
VIT + 2, Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, VIT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 1st sign of the zodiac, Aries
the Ram.
Attached to the crown is a Diamond gemstone, the birthstone for those born under
this sign.
VIT + 2, Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, VIT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Katyusha small with a pretty flower.
Inflict 15% more damage with ^008800Heaven's Drive and Earth Spike^000000.
Reduced casting time by 25%.
Inflict 1% more damage with ^008800Heaven's Drive and Earth Spike^000000 by 1% p
er refine on the weapon.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The crimson of the roses in your mouth. The thorn which is dangerous to remove?
LUK + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 2nd sign of the zodiac, Tauru
s the Bull.
Attached to the crown is an Emerald gemstone, the birthstone for those born unde
r this sign.
It has been known that those born under the sign of Pisces are most compatible w
ith those born under the Capricorn and Virgo signs.
DEX + 2, Skill delay - 2%.
Increases resistance to the ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEX + 1, MATK + 1%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 2nd sign of the zodiac, Taurus
the Bull.
Attached to the crown is an Emerald gemstone, the birthstone for those born unde
r this sign.
DEX + 2, Skill delay - 2%.
Increases resistance to the ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEX + 1, MATK + 1%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when receive
s physical attack.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Increase Movement Speed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Limited Promo! Summer Festival Grand Circlet! 4 weeks rental item.
STR + 3, INT + 3, MDEF + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Limited Promo! Summer Festival Bunny Band! 4 weeks rental item.
MDEF + 4, Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 9%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Ridiculous Octopus with a gentleman's hat. It feels like it's making fun of me a
s I look at it.
Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Provoke^000000 on the enemy when a

Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which resembles cute Leat Cat. A power to cure is dwelling inside.
AGI + 2, Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Heal^000000 on the user w
hen receives physical attack.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Very warm hat which a monster 'Fur Seal' is wearing.
INT + 1, Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 7%.
Added 25% chance of gaining 'Raw Fish' item each time a Fish monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which resembles the wild cat, Wild Rose.
AGI + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
This hat is a legend to the people from whild festival world.
Add low chance of dropping "Blue Herb" each time a Plant monster is killed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helmet made from a heavy metal.
MaxHP + 100.
Can't Knock Back.
Reduced Resistance from physical and magical attacks by 30%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 1, MaxSP + 50.
Add low probability Level 1~3 random fire bolt skill on the enemy when receives
physical attack.
Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when recei
ves physical attack.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Only the couple which swears a truth one love will be able to use the veil of le
Reduced Casting Time by 3%, Reduced SP consumption of all skills by 3%.
MDEF + 10.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Doll-hat which resembles 'Dolor of Thanatos'. People say that this doll speaks.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A crown that has an eerie feeling of deception.

INT + 4, Reduced Cast time by 10%.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear used by a famous trader in the East. It can felt a strong power
STR + 2, Increase attack speed(Decrease delay 2% after attack).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Bonnet looks like a cute rabbit that made by legendary hat maker.
It looks so soft and weak but it might have extraordinary things inside of it.
INT + 2, Reduces after-cast skill delay by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent Diadem created to pay tribute to the 3rd sign of the zodiac, Gemin
i the Twins.
Attached to the crown is an Alexandrite gemstone, the birthstone for those born
under this sign.
AGI + 2, FLEE + 10, Increases resistance to ^009900Wind^000000 status by 5%.

[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]

HIT + 5, ATK + 15.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent Crown created to pay tribute to the 3rd sign of the zodiac, Gemini
the Twins.
Attached to the crown is an Alexandrite gemstone, the birthstone for those born
under this sign.
AGI + 2, FLEE + 10, Increases resistance to ^009900Wind^000000 status by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
HIT + 5, ATK + 15.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Death Rock singer-style wig.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Frost Joker^000000 on the user whe
n receives physical attack.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute hat which imitated the Savage Babe.
VIT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Mammonite^000000 on the enemy when a
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A popular snack while taking tests. It makes one look more studious but, it's da
ys may be numbered if it stays in somebody's mouth any longer.
HIT + 3.
[^000088+ Model Training Hat^000000]
DEX + 2, DEF + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat made modeled on rice ball. It will give souvenir to you for the picnic.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Mastela Fruit Wine.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
DEX + 3.
[^000088Dark Knight Belt & Dark Knight Glove Equip Set^000000]
... ATK + 3%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that is given to brave sailors.
AGI + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A rustic hat made of bamboo that was worn by a heroic wandering adventurer. It s
hadows your eyes with its wide brim.
AGI + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cance
r the Crab.
Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under th
is sign.
Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 5%. INT + 2.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
MDEF + 1, MATK + 2%. Increase effectiveness of Heal & recovery items by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 4th sign of the zodiac, Cancer
the Crab.
Attached to the crown is a Ruby gemstone, the birthstone for those born under th
is sign.
Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 5%. STR + 2
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEF + 1, ATK + 15, FLEE + 10.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat given only to members of the Paradise Group.
It looks as though it was designed as part of a uniform.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 3%.
HIT + 5, Add a 10% chance of recovery HP/SP when the user receives Physical Dama
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which gives out a smell that mosquitos hates.
Increase damage on Insect monster by 100%.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
ATK + 20, MATK + 20, HIT + 20.
Increase damage on Insect monster by 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which gives out a smell that mosquitos hates.
Increase damage on Insect monster by 100%.
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo th

e Lion.
Attached to the crown is a Peridot gemstone, the birthstone for those born under
this sign.
STR + 2, ATK + 15. Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
FLEE + 10, DEF + 1. Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 4 Warm Mild^0000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 5th sign of the zodiac, Leo t
he Lion.
Attached to the diadem is a Peridot gemstone, the birthstone for those born unde
r this sign.
DEX + 2, ATK + 5. Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 5%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
FLEE + 10, ASPD + 3%.
Has a low chance of adding splash damage on basic attacks for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
LUK + 7, MaxHP + 700, MaxSP + 70.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A turban imported from fire burning desert that used by brave warrior who became
a legend since several centuries ago.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Ear adornments that symbolize rebirth. They have the ability to change its effec
ts depending on the job of the wearer.

[^008800Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Taekwon^000000]

STR + 1.
[^008800Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Ninja, Soul Linker^000000]
INT + 1.
[^008800Archer Class, Gunslinger^000000]
DEX + 1.
[^008800Novice, Super Novice^000000]
HP + 80, SP + 30.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
ATK + 10, MATK + 10, Adds 3% tolerance against Demi-Human monster.
Skill Aftercast Delay - 3%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
Adds 3% tolerance to all property.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Chewing on this deliciously glazed ring-shaped fried cake will make you happy.
MaxHP +100.
Recover 1 HP every 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A horn imbued with spirit of devil. Could feel full of vital force from it.
MDEF + 2.
If worn by Swordman/Merchant/Thief Class, AGI + 2, decrease damage of Neutral ,
Water property by (Job Lv / 14), increase VIT.
If worn by Wizard/Acolyte/Archer Class, INT + 2, DEX + 2, damage of Neutral , Wa
ter property by (Job Lv / 14).
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000

ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
When used with a gold netcafe account, Experience + 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2
When used with a gold netcafe account, Item drop rate + 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 6th sign of the zodiac, Virgo
the Virgin.
Attached to the crown is a Sapphire gemstone, the birthstone for those born unde
r this sign.
DEX + 2. Increases Attack Speed by 1%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
Increases resistance to the ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 5%.
While attacking, has a chance of adding DEX + 20 for 6 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 6th sign of the zodiac, Virgo
the Virgin.
Attached to the crown is a Sapphire gemstone, the birthstone for those born unde
r this sign.
Increases resistance to the ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 5%.
Increases Attack Speed by 3%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
Add a low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Ki Explosion^000000 while physic
ally attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
If you wear this, it feels like you become a fancy Chung aristocrat.
LUK + 3.
When receiving any physical attack, Mammonite Lv5 will be activated at a low rat
(If you have no zeny, it won't be activated.)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Earrings made of ice and other special chemicals.
If you wear these, you can beat off the heat by its cool energy!
LUK + 1.
When receiving any physical attack, Autospell Coldbolt Lv5 will be activated at
a low rate.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat modeled after cute turtle doll.
AGI + 1.
When receiving any physical attack, Autospell reducing agility Lv3 will be activ
ated at a low rate.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A cat doll that you can carry on your head.
If you think you hear it meow or feel it move, it's just an illusion.
MDEF + 15.
+30% defense against Curse status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job, Except Novice^000000
A headgear that looks like flapping angel wings.
It makes you feel might lighter when you wear it, though it also makes you feel
pretty dizzy.
ASPD and Casting Speed + 3%
INT + 1.
Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Just say no.
Especially if you're underage.
VIT + 1.
Reduce damage from Brute class monsters by 5%.
Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novices can't smoke, but as for everyone else...^000000
A pair of small red hairbands that makes girls look really cute when they wear t
FLEE + 5.
Cannot be traded or dropped, but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear that looks just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the same smell!
AGI + 1,

DEX + 1.
Cannot be dropped or traded, but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A flower said to
be as beautiful as
a fairy in a far east
country, and usually
used as a medicinal
herb. DEX + 1, INT + 1
MDEF +5.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute cat-looking hat which enhances its wearer's look.
Has a cat tail which emphasises the appearance.
LUK + 2
MDEF +10
Reduce 5% of damage taken from Brute monsters.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Requirement: ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hare accessory that looks just like bunny ears.
This may seem like inappropriate, risque attire, but only if you travel in those
kinds of circles.
INT + 2.
Cannot be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear fashioned after the horns of a goat that captures the attention of on

It has a certain religious meaning to some people.
STR + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman and
Merchant Classes;
Taekwon Boy, Taekwon
Girl, and Taekwon
Master Jobs^000000
A hat that looks like a sheep's head that is so adorable, an enemy might change
his mind about attacking.
Reflects 5% physical damage.
Impossible to Upgrade Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
This hat makes the wearer feel as if he is floating on air.
AGI + 2, DEX + 1,
Dodge +10.
This headgear's upgrade level affects the percentage of Cast Time reduction.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat adorned with an Alice doll.
When worn, it seems like Alice is cheering you on from the top of your head.
''Be strong, master!''
+10% damage against Demi-Human monsters, and has low chance of casting Sleep on
its wearer.
STR + 1.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every
Job except Novice^000000

A must-have item for those that care about appearances:
it can increase your beauty threefold.
MDEF + 5.
Impossible to Upgrade.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat adorned with a cute chick that brings feelings of joy to those that see it
Adds 3% resistance to Demi-Human and Animal Class monsters.
Cannot be upgraded.
Enables Level 2 Double Attack.
MHP and SP +50
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute hat shaped like a Deviruchi that brings happiness to its wearer and onloo
STR + 1,
INT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Novice^000000
A hairpin that looks like a spinning windmill,but it doesn't generate any power,
AGI + 2.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hairband with PecoPeco wings that lends you a PecoPeco's speed.
Increases Movement Speed,
Decreases ASPD by 10%,
(After attack delay decreases by 5%)
Increases Variable Cast Time by 25%.
Cannot be Dropped, or Traded,
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that's perfect for vacationing, and shields the wearer's face from UV rays
VIT + 1.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pretty red ribbon decorated with a pink heart in the middle.
Reduce damage from Undead and Demon monsters by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A training cap that lends a sense of quiet and stability to the wearer.
DEX + 1, AGI + 1,
MDEF + 3.
Increases HP Recovery by 5% and SP Recovery by 3%.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A cold, soft hat that is shaped like a Vanilmirs.
Has a certain chance of auto-casting a Lv.1 Bolt skill with each melee attack.
Magic Defense +5.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute rabbit doll that can be worn on the head.
DEX + 1, FLEE + 2.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A sturdy pot worn on
the head that overflows with water if shaken.
Has a chance of auto-casting Level 2 Deluge or Level 3 Waterball with each attac
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A helmet made from a dragon's skull that provides protection against dragons.
Decreases damage from Dragon Class monsters by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Delicious noodles worn on the head that can be eaten when food is especially sca

There's nothing like a good bowl of ramen.

DEX + 4.
Has a chance to auto-cast level 1 Dex-Decrease each time the wearer is attacked.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat woven out of yarn that keeps the head warm, but is mostly worn because of
its fashionable look.
LUK + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Level Requirement: ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A small brown-colored dog that sits atop your head. It's so cute you'd be barkin
g mad to remove it.
AGI + 1.
Auto casts Gloria Lv1 with low percent chance; if AGI is over 77, the cast incre
ases to Lv3.
Cannot be upgraded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat that looks like the eyes of a dark mage, which are rumored to blink someti
Reduce Cast Time by 10% and increase SP Consumption by 20%.
MDEF + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Magician Class/Soul Linker^000000
A Poring hat that feels like hopping on top of your head. It brings fortune to t
he wearer.
LUK + 1
Cannot be upgraded and destroyed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A weird item that spreads a strange-shaped beam around the eyes. It seems to hav
e been made in outer space.
ATK, MATK + 2%, DEX + 1
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A crude looking hat that lends a look of cheerfulness and agility, and is covete
d by most skilled magic users.
INT + 2, SP + 150.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Classes, and Soul Linker Job^000000
A sturdy, decorative hat worn by military generals in a far east country.
VIT + 1.
Reduce Demi-Human monster damage by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman and Merchant Classes^000000
A mask rumored to make its wearer ferociously aggressive.
STR + 3
HP + 100
Impossible to Upgrade.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable.
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Wig with red, white and black colors.
When equipped, increases movement speed.
DEF + 4
Enables the use of the skill 'Hiding'Level 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper-Mid^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask shaped like
a Whisper that feels like its always massaging your face so it ^333333might^0000
00 be good for your skin.
AGI + 3.
Increase Ghost damage by 10%.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped, or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A hairband that gives one the appearance of having rabbit ears, a lasting symbol
of extremely good luck.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monsters by 10%.
MDEF + 5
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A small flower made of steel.
Has a low chance to cast Lvl 1
Recovery when its wearer receives physical damage.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A headgear made in honor of the legendary archer known for shooting an apple per
ched on a friend's head from a great distance.

DEX + 4
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^777777^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A fashion accessory that gives ears that vaunted, elvish look.
For some, it is an incredible turn-on.
INT + 1
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
An ancient brooch.
AGI + 4
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet.
Inflicts 12% more damage to Demi-Humans.
Increases ATK based on the wearer's Job Lvl.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A marcher's hat that has sacred energy.
When do physical attack, holy property is given to the weapon for 90 seconds at
a certain rate.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A hat that Dark Snake Lord wears. Feels like being a king when wear this.
INT + 2, AGI + 2, DEX-2.
When do magical attack, have some chance of decreasing the casting time by 50% f
or 5 seconds and FLEE + 30.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
An equipment for safe when you ride a scooter. It's too strong to be broken.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^777777^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
An antique pipe for making a perfect fashion of captain.
When you have it with captain hat, long distance physical attack increases as th
e level of refinement of the pipe.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Low^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A hat is modeled on Imp of mascot in Thor sungeon.
When use physical attack casting LV1 FLAMELAUNCHER as regular chance.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A hat is modeled on Sleeper of monster in Sograt desert.
When use physical attack casting LV1 SEISMICWEAPON as regular chance.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

A hat is modeled on GRYPHON, symbol of brave.
When use physical attack casting LV1 LIGHTNINGLOADER as regular chance.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Increases Attack Speed. Delay - 2%. Casting - 2%.
STR + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra
the Balance.
Attached to the crown is an Opal gemstone, the birthstone for those born under t
his sign.
DEX + 3, Increases resistance to ^009900Wind^000000 status by 7%.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
MATK + 3%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Frost Nova^000000 when physically
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 7th sign of the zodiac, Libra
the Balance. Attached to the crown is an Opal gemstone, the birthstone for thos
e born under this sign.
ATK + 7.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Warm Wind^000000 when physically a
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
FLEE + 5, ATK + 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute headgear made in the form of wing of Filir, the most popular bird-like ho
Increases Attack Speed. Delay - 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MDEF + 5.
[^008800Magician Class^000000]
Casting - 3%.
[^008800Soul Linker^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 1, DEX + 1, LUK+ 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A black hood is decorated with skull model. It makes feel become an angel of dea
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A pumpkin hat for Halloween event.
It has the mysterious power that brings cookies.
MDEF + 5.
When hunting monsters, drops Pumpkin Pie with some chance.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An unusually cute doll of the usually hideous Incarnation of Morocc monster.
Gain 2 SP when killing monsters. Has a low chance of casting Fatal Wound if bein
g melee attacked.
Critical woulds lvl 3 when +9 or higher, and chance to cast Bleeding in a 5x5 ar
ea around wearer when attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A piggy-bank which will make you feel good after saving many coins in it. Its cu
te design will make you to doubt to cut it off to open.
Casting time after performing the skill will be increased 10%.
When defeating a monster, it can get extra Zeny with a set probability.
Cannot be upgraded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 8th sign of the zodiac, Scorpi
o the Scorpion.
Attached to the crown is a Topaz gemstone, the birthstone for those born under t

his sign.
Increased Attack Speed. Delay after attack by 3%.
Increase resistance to ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 5%.
If refined to 7, when attacking, has a chance of autocasting Lv 3 Mild Wind.
If refined to 8, ASPD + 2%. (Delay after attack by 2%)
If refined to 9, has a chance of autocasting Lv 5 Frost Nova.
If refined to 10, ASPD + 2%. (Delay after attack by 2%), ATK + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 8th sign of the zodiac, Scorp
io the Scorpion.
Attached to the crown is a Topaz gemstone, the birthstone for those born under t
his sign.
DEX + 2.
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
DEX + 1, ATK + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This headgear makes you more sensitive and you could get high concentration.
HIT + 10.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A long piece of green satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards o
ff harmful magic.
MDEF + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000

Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000

Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
ALL STATUS + 5, Add a 5% resistance against Demi-Human monster, HP/SP Recovery +
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A red driver's hat decorated by wings.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
If refiend to 7, increase ATK and MATK by 2%.
If refined to 9, aditional increase ATK and MATK by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This is something that many sailors of Alberta wear when sailing through the sev
en seas.
It helps prevent seasickness and its bright color makes it easier to see men who
have fallen overboard.
DEX + 1.
Add a 20% resistance to the ^880000Poison^000000.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

This is a good companion to have when spending months sailing on a ship.

Sailors of Alberta also believe that it is a good luck charm against bad luck an
d curses.
DEX + 1.
Increases resistance to ^880000Curse^000000 status by 20%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
It's what's inside the man that makes him who he really is. Got the Balls for it
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
MaxHP + 700.
Reduce 2% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
[^000088No Fear Shoes & No Fear Belt Set^000000]
Cannot be frozen, Increase EXP Gain by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
No Fear hat shaped signs that are written.
VIT + 1, MaxHP + 100.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
The friendly Potted Muka likes to encourage you by aggravating your opponents!
Enables the use of ^00ff00Level 3 Provoke^000000
Fully Tradable, cannot be upgraded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An adorable snowman on the head! Feel full of winter atmosphere in the air!
STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 3.
Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 7%.
Add low chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Frost Joker^000000 on the user whe
n receives physical and magical attack.

Drop "Buche De Noel, Candy Cane" as low chance when hunt the mosters.
[^333399Refine Rate 8~10^000000]
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Frost Joker^000000.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 9th sign of the zodiac, Sagitt
arius the Archer. Attached to the crown is a Zircon gemstone, the birthstone for
those born under this sign.
DEX + 2, Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 7%.
If refined to 7, ASPD + 2% (after-attack delay)
If refined to 8, AGI + 2.
If refined to 9, ranged attack damage + 5%
If refined to 10, when physically attacking, has a low chance of increasing Dex
and Agi by 10 for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 9th sign of the zodiac, Sagit
tarius the Archer. Attached to the crown is a Zircon gemstone, the birthstone fo
r those born under this sign.
DEX + 2, MDEF + 3,
Increases resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property by 7%.
If refined to 7, spell casting time -3%.
If refined to 8, when using magic attack, has a low chance of autocasting Lvl 1
If refined to 9, additional spell casting time decrease by 2%.
If refined to 10, MATK + 4%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent crown created to pay tribute to the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capri
corn the Goat.
Attached to the crown is a Garnet gemstone, the birthstone for those born under
this sign.
DEX + 2, VIT + 2
If refined to 7 or higher, when melee-attacking, has a chance of auto-casting Lv
1 Mild Wind (Earth endow).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A magnificent diadem created to pay tribute to the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capr
icorn the Goat. Attached to the crown is a Garnet gemstone, the birthstone for t
hose born under this sign.
DEX + 2, MDEF + 5.
Increases resistance to Earth property by 5%.
If refined to 7 or higher, INT + 2.
If refined to 8 or higher, decreases casting time by 3%.
If refined to 9 or higher, increases the effectiveness of Heal and Sanctuary ski
lls by 4%.
If refined to 10 or higher, when attacked, has a low chance of auto-casting Lv 5
Hammer Fall.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base STR, ATK + 10, MATK + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
INT + 1, VIT + 1, MDEF + 5.

Increased heal effectiveness by 5%.

If user has 120 base INT, MATK + 10.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
DEX + 1, AGI + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base AGI, Ranged attack damage + 4%, ASPD + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
STR + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base STR, ATK + 10, CRI + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
INT + 1, AGI + 1, MDEF + 1.
If user has 120 base AGI, ATK + 10, FLEE + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Shadow Chaser^000000
INT + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 5.
Ranged attack damage + 5%.
^008800Windmill Rush, Echo Song^000000 SP cost - 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Minstrel^000000

STR + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base STR, ATK + 5, ASPD + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Genetic^000000
INT + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base DEX, MATK + 10, Variable Cast Time - 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
STR + 1, VIT + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base STR, ATK + 10, HIT + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sura^000000
AGI + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base AGI, ATK + 10, Perfect Dodge + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
INT + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base INT, MATK + 10, FLEE + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Sorcerer^000000

INT + 1, VIT + 2, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base INT, MATK + 10, DEF + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777717^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Royal Guard^000000
INT + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 5.
Ranged attack power + 5%.
^008800Swing Dance, Symphony of Lovers^000000 SP cost - 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Wanderer^000000
STR + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF + 5.
If user has 120 base STR, ATK + 10, CRI + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777712^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mechanic^000000
This cute Sloth must think you look like a tree. At least it warms the top of yo
ur head.
AGI + 2.
Chance to use the skill Sonic Blow lvl 5 when you attack physically in short dis
tance .
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A hat similar to the MVP Duneyrr.
All Stats + 1, MDEF + 5.
2% resistence to human and animal monsters.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000

Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy.
Your sexyness increases to 100 %
AGI + 2, MDEF+3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Dark neat black ribbon.
MDEF + 5.
Resistance to Neutral property attacks +5%. Resistance to Range attacks+ 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Smooth fluffy cap inspired by Homunculus' Amistr.
Vit + 5.
When receiving physical attack, all damage decrease by 20% for 2 seconds(random
chance), MDEF decrease by 20%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Amatsu warrior Samurai wearing mask during the War time.
Increase pysical attack damage + 1%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

The Coronet which is pinky shining.
MaxSP + 25.
When you wear this with Romantic Flower you could get INT + 1, if refined lv is
over 7, you could get MaxSP + 1% in every each lv.
When you wear this with Romantic White Flower, you could get DEX + 1, if refined
lv is over 5, you could get decreased skill delay by 1% in every each lv.
When you wear this with Romantic Leaf, STR + 1, if refined lv is over 3, you wou
ld 1% decreased SP in every each lv.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
A cute pouring that bounces on your head.
AGI +3
Give the wind property into weapon for 3 min when give physical attack in a cert
ain chance.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
This is the hat worn by great Admirals of the navy fleet that defends the port o
f Alberta. Only those who have spent a lot of time helping the people of Alberta
can earn this honorable hat.
10% reduced damage from Demi-Human.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000

Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
This is a navy blue beret worn by the elite soldiers of the Navy of Alberta. It
is very effective when battling pirates on the high seas.
10% reduced damage from Demi-Human.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A bandana usually worn by the first mate of a pirate ship. It commands respect f
rom the crew and is effective when dealing with other pirates.
10% reduced damage from Demi-Human.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A chocolate donut in your mouth. Not only do you look good, but you get to taste
something sweet too!
MaxHP + 50.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Blazing small Sun. Much powerful than it looks. Eye protection recommended.
Skill [Fire Bolt], [Fire Ball] casting time- 5%, Damage + 5%.
Skill [Fire Wall], [Meteo Storm] Damage + 3%.
Skill using SP + 5%.
Refine unavailable.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A replica of the helmet worn by firemen.
Not as durable as the real firemen's helmet.
MDEF + 1
Drops [Empty Bottle], [Ditrimindexta], [Karvodailnirol] in certain rate when def
eating Neutral monsters.

Unable to Refine
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
DEF : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A Blue Arara, symbol of Amazonia Forest.
STR + 2
When having physical attack, it has Attack speed increase by 5% (after having at
tack, delay is decreased by 5%)
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs ^000000
. '' .
10 NZGP 3% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 1048575^000000
' ' Oe3 . 10% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 1048575^000000
A hairpin made by aromatic floral leaf which is known as a first symbol of sprin
Can not be upgraded.
MaxSp + 20, Flee +1
If combines with 'Centimental Flower', give MaxSP + 30, INT + 1.
If combines with 'Centimental Leaf', give Flee +2, LUK + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 %
STR+ 1, INT + 1, DEX + 2,
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%.
If refined to 10, increase ATK and MATK by 2% in addition.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs ^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 %
STR+ 1, INT + 2, DEX + 1,
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%.
If refined to 10, increase ATK and MATK by 2% in addition.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs ^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy. Your sexyness increases to 100 %
STR+ 2, INT + 1, DEX + 1,
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%.
If refined to 10, increase ATK and MATK by 2% in addition.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs ^000000
OFP 1, NSK 100, NHK 30.
'' ZGP 1%.
'' NZGP 1%.
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
: ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000


, , , , ZGP .
, , , NZGP .
, , , SK, HK .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777771^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
Thanatos Mal wore mask. Cute design with high def rate.
Vit + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Mid-Lower ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A hat full of love from Holy Mom. Sacrifice itself to bless you.
Damage from Demi-Human monsters, Undead Monsters + 5%.
With physical attack, activate [Blessing Lv1] with random percentage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper-Mid ^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
1% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^000088Rental item^000000
Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000


^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
, , , , ATK .
, , , MATK .
, , , HP, SP .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
A bright and beautiful hat coordinating a colorful dress.
If refined by +2 or higher : MDEF + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
required level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088 ^000000
10% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^000088 ^000000
20% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^000088 ^000000
30% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^000088 ^000000
40% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
A blushing impression of a bridegroom.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Pretty red ribbon. You can feel the sweetness of love.
All Stats + 2, Reduce 10% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Heal^000000 on the enemy when att
(A chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Heal^000000 if ^008800Level 10 Heal^00
0000 is learned.)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The animal which represents Thailand. The body it grows but kind is pure and it
is. It will ask with the long nose and to inhale it scatters to wide scope.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A bandana which made from affection flower network.Chance of getting Yggdrasilse
ed when a monster gets killed.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

An eye bandage worn by infamous pirates back in the old day. Makes its wearer fe
el out of perspective when worn.
Add a 15% EXP from every monster during the event period.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headband given to the winner. It was said that only a true warrior can wear it
Maximum HP + 15%, SP Recovery + 5%.
These Item can not be traded or given to other players.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The cap which makes you look better in the fest.
Adds chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Tarot Card Of Fate^000000 on the enem
y when attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A helmet worn by exceptionally strong people of Morroc.
Only one who can surmount the fear of facing Satan Morroc can acquire this helm.
Add a 20% resistance against ^880000Stone, Freeze, Stun^000000. Each refine incr
eases resistance by 2%.
However, the resistance increases only up to + 10 refine.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid, Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rebirth 2nd Class or above^000000
A hat that seems to explode at any moment.

Increase Movement Speed, All Stats + 5,

[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 5, VIT + 3, DEX + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A beard that makes you laugh like Santa Clause.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
INT + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An headgear which is made of many kinds of property rings. It looks very luxurio
us and charming. Reduce all damage from Demi-Humans by 10%,
Reduce damage from Water, Fire, Wind by 5%, Reduce damage from Ghost property mo
nsters by 10%, Increase damage against Ghost property Demi-Humans by 50%.
30 days Rental Item.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper,Mid,Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs Except Novice^000000

Classic Hat.
Reduces damage from Small, Medium, and Large type monsters by 5%.
STR + 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat, symbolizing western frontiers, made to celebrate the festival.
ATK + 15, FLEE - 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special emblem that is given to the most popular character.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 3%, All Status + 2, FLEE + 10 ASPD + 1.
It increases the effect of the Heal, Potion Pitcher
and recovery class Potions by 10% when they are cast by the wearer.
MDEF + 3
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which made to celebrate the festival.
^FF0000'Made especially for you.'^000000
All Status + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A Circlet that will be used in Carnival festival
^FF0000'Made especially for you.'^000000
All Status + 3
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
LUK + 4
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 100.
Reduce 7% damage taken from Demi-Human monster.
Reduces damage from undead monsters by 7%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
DEX + 5, AGI + 5.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
ATK + 10%, MATK + 10%.
HP + 1500, MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

STR + 2, AGI + 2
INT + 2, DEX + 2
Attack Speed + 3%.
Reduced cast time by 3%.
MDEF + 5
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
[^000088Event Bonus, will NOT work outside of Event^000000]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An ordinary armor, nobody knows that it can be refined or not.
Item Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Sakkat from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

Enhanced version of Big Ribbon from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Vane Hairpin from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Sunday Hat from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Crown from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Tiara from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Boy's Cap from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000

Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Sunglasses from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Fin Helm from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Blush from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Elven Ears from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
, .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000

: ^777777^000000
: ^7777771^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
, .. !!
RMG 5, ERG - 3.
, 10Oe.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
You will feel like you become a legendary outlaw Robin Hood once you wear it.
Wear it properly, otherwise eye patch will block your vision.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
You will feel like you become a capable doctor once you wear it.
Unlicensed medical service is against the law.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
SK HK 5% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777775^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^00008830 days Rental Item.^000000

A hat that holds spirit of sun.

Reduce Demi-Human damage by 10%.
Add chance to cast Lv1 Sight skill or Lv1 Sight Thrasher when being hit by physical o
agical attacks.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper,Middle^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A colorful egg shell that seems fragile but has mysterious power in it.
Recover HP by 1% in every 10 seconds.
If refined higher than +7, increase FLEE + 2.
If refined higher than +9, recover SP by 1% in every 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^777777-7^000000
Head Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity.
Play all over the ground with amazing vitality!!
STR+ 1, INT+ 1, VIT+ 2, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity.
Throw a great shot with the outstanding strength!!
STR+ 2, INT+ 1, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity.
Make the other team overwhelmed with your smart strategy!!
STR+ 1, INT+ 2, VIT+ 1, DEX+ 2, AGI+ 2, LUK+ 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000

Location : ^777777Upper ^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat which makes you feel the air of festivity.
Fight to death for the moment of glory!!
All Stats + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Enhanced version of Army Cap from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000 Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Kafra Band from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000 Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Sweet Gent from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 10%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000 Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Enhanced version of Zoro Mask from the Midgard Crowd Control event.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human by 2%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000 Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A dark ash imbued with mystery magical power and darkness.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
An essence of fire that is holding pure spirit of Thor, god of thunder.
It has mystery force to restrain of vice and darkness.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A token that certifies aspiration of its owner obeying an evil and proves member
of diabolists.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A pendant that used to be use for confining wandered soul from unknown places.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Doll imbued with Baphomet's curse. It seems like to be compounded with somethi
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Good quality wood. It makes the wooden building it is a tightly good lumber.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Magical Fan that can stir up a strong wind. Let's try it under the cherry blosso
m tree.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Pickaxe which can be used as an weapon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFB^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFC^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFJ^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFM^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFQ^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFT^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFV^
000000" card which is used for special events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Traditional first time allows you to learn the good-natured character "^0000FFZ^
000000" card which is used for special events.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Beautiful Silver colored fur that can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Small, red colored Peaked Hat that can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gray colored Hard Skin. Too hard that it seems impossible to be even processed.
It can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Beautiful long, white colored horn with the very strong magical power.
It can be sold to merchant NPC at a high price.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
17 Carat Diamond.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A towel that helps you remember those that have passed on.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
This written oath professes undying love, loyalty, and union.
Forever in life, and eternally beyond death.
Cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A crystal bearing strong force of darkness.
Blood stain on the surface looks full of darkness. It gives the feeling of evil.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Sealed scroll hiding magical spells.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
The is a record of tracing Raiyan Moore who was the leader of unsealing Satan Mo
rocc along with the investigation of the Crack of Dimension.
Pretty messy for a report to be submitted to the superior office.
Writer: Echinacea, Kid, Rin
Weight : ^7777770^000000
My heart's pounding! Where is the treasure paper?
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"You're lucky to catch! Pierre went before a late!"
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard horn grows on Hilsrion's head.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard horn grows on Tendrilion's head.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very worn-out piece of some part.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An old, decaying stem of a plant.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Rune-Midgard's investigator, Ryosen has filled out this Meeting Invitation. The
agenda and the schedule of the meeting are written.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bundle of files ripped and crumpled everywhere. Some of the papers are stickin
g out of the bunch.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Very nicely sorted document file. A small thanks note is attached on the bottom
of the file.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of raw fish. This is cats' favorite food.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Looks like a part of the expedition's report. Some parts are destroyed and wrink
led that can hardly be recognized.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Strong looking vine. Looks useful for various use.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Looks sturdy branches. In many ways, there seems useless.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter to the close friend, Otto. Lugen wrote a letter since he couldn't spare
any time to meet up with him.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The reply letter to Lugen. You can feel their close friendship.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with various supplies. Many living supplies with the articles of comfort a
re contained.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
NPC coupon can be used to clothing dye.
(Caution : When change jobs, you will lose the effect of the clothing dye and re
turn to your original color.)

Weight : ^7777770^000000
NPC will give this coupon to clothing the dye with original color.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A mineral never found in Midgard. Most labs want to study it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fish called Marlin. But, it looks a bit different from what you saw in a book.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A document that verifying the contract with mercenary.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Unknown ore. Whose identity is hard to possess supernatural powers.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The heads of your favorite girl. Many the people love to purchase a gift for the
ir women.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A symbol of the wealth.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A card with the letter "^0000886^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088Week^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088Year^000000" printed on it.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088Lee^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088Ben^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088Project^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A Moon Snack which has '2' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has '0' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has '8' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Happiness' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Easy' written in the center in Chinese.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Celebration' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A leather from special rabbit . I think anyone who really need it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ancient Scroll Of Shaman.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Broken Sword.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Feather Of Bizofnil.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Mysterious blue mane of the dragon. It is used to decorate for its beautiful col
or and silky touch.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Slightly worn note. Becareful not to lose its pages!
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The one and only tear drop of the Aqua Elemental.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Toolbox consists of portable tools for collecting an ore or a plant.
They include a small rockhammer and a radar.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Roughly collected ore.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Small fragments of the broken stone.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Wild flower easily found in Alfheim.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A coin which can be used in Manuk.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A coin which can be used in Splendide Outpost.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Perfume made by distilled flowers of Alfheim. It smells cozy and nostalgic.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A tiny capsule which contains a cute doll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fragmented Bradium's piece. Laphine were experimenting on it and it's quality is
different from the refined bradium at Manuk.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A Muffler made out of unacquainted materials and technique. It is Manuk's Sapha
tribe's favorite muffler.
It's worn out. The name is inscripted on the tip of muffler.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Completely withered flower. Wonder how it looked when it was at its full-bloom.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Brightly shining jewel with a very small size. Some of rare ones are blessed by
the fairy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Brightly shining jewel with a very small size. Some of rare ones are blessed by
the fairy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bead keeping dusky darness inside. It feels like you could look beyond the uni
verse through it if you look close.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Purified Bradium which is the Ore of the other world. It looks like an Ice, but
it's warm.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A huge magical bloody-red dragon scale. Luckly, it doesn't smell fishy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of crystal which sings and seems enchanted to memorize songs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Draco's Egg about to be hatched. If you take a good care of it, you may have the
chance to see baby draco.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Delicious Traditional Cookies. Adults may like it too.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sweet flower scented alcohol. The scent is enjoyable.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fish that has a back and blue color as the sea. Said to be good for your body.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Pumpkin Pie. The pumpkin has a delectable smell.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A little bigger than snowflakes that it looks like a thin ice cookie.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Baked till just right, rice cake. Really toasty and warm.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Chunks of darkness. I have no idea how that is bunched up.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This attendance card can not be replaced with cash.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Report from Splendide expedition in order to brief atmosphere in Splendide.
Every details about Splendide were written.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Report from Manuk expedition in order to brief atmosphere in Manuk.
Every details about Manuk were written.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Big crystal from some monsters. Rare, but has no value.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Clear and transparent as a gathered up morning dew.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Very well ripened Strawberry. It smells sweet.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sunset colored Cocktail. Not very strong.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Apple flavored pudding. Excellent taste.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Potion for the plants. Healthy plants don't need it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Beautiful flower that is vibrant in life.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An interesting rock that is filled with mana.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Vegetables that are easy to eat. Has a scent of fresh grass.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Beautiful flower that is vibrant in life.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rare gemstone that contains fire magic.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Dumplings that is good for kids to eat, because the size is just right.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Congratulation! Beautiful Succubus will be always with you!" Enable to exchange
it with 1 Succubus Egg.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"Congratulation! Pretty Imp will be always with you!" Enable to exchange it with
1 Imp Egg.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"Congratulation! Cute Chung E will be always with you!" Enable to exchange it wi
th 1 Chung E Egg.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A small brush to paint a delicate picture. Body painting only.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A box that brings a feeling of prosperity. Every time you think about opening it
you resist the temptation. Perhaps a professional ^00FF00"Gift Opener"^000000 c
ould be of assistance.
^FF0000You must be above base level 40 in order to have a Gift Opener open this
You seem to recall seeing such a gal at:
Prontera 164 110
Payon 162 124
Aldebaran 124 114
Juno 179 187
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^FF0000Be sure to open them immediately as they will stop being sold a few hours
prior to the Box Opener Girls being removed which may not be during maintenance
The joyful color of yellow makes you feel strangely happy. Every time you think
about opening it you resist the temptation. Perhaps a professional ^00FF00"Gift
Opener"^000000 could be of assistance.
You seem to recall seeing such a gal at:
Prontera 164 110
Payon 162 124
Aldebaran 124 114
Juno 179 187
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^FF0000This item can only be opened until Aug. 25, 2009^000000
A purity stone that can remove the after effect of the Endless Tower at a time.
You can enter the Endless Tower without any restriction with this item.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Antidote for Guillotine Cross only.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Nightmare Terror tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

"I call upon a creature of the night the name of the moon!" - Sofiel
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Goblin Leader tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Incubus tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Miyabi Ningyo tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Giant Whisper tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Evil Nymph tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Medusa tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Stone Shooter tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Marionette tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Leaf Cat tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A cute pet Dullahan tickets.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Shinobi tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Golem tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cute pet Civil Servant tickets.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Painful tears shed for another person.
Its said that these tears can create miracles.
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Bullets consumed when using skills.
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Fuel used for various skills.
Powerful skills consume a lot of fuel.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
An impossibly cold bullet.
Weight : ^7777770.3^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Key with flashy patterns.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces of a giant bradium. You can feel the mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A very special ticket exchange. Can be swapped to something good if you have.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Hisui golden. The former was like a beautiful horn.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The secret dishes available to the Members Card.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Not sure how you got this
Not sure how you got this
A cute pet Poporing tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Lunatic tickets.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Picky tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Peco-peco tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Savage Babe tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Spore tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Poison Spore tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Chonchon tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Steel Chonchon tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Sky Petite tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Deviruchi tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Isis tickets.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Smokie tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Dokebi tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Baby Desert Wolf tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Yoyo tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Sohee tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Rocker tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Hunter Fly tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Orc Warrior tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Bapho Jr. tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Munak tickets.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Bongun tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Christmas Goblin tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Rice Cake tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Zherlthsh tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cute pet Alice tickets.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This card appears to be defective because it's blank!
The manufacturer may have forgotten to put in it's stats or it may be someone's
cruel joke.
Bring this to the Kafra Staff in the Kafra Headquarters in Aldebaran.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Come visit us in Payon as we amaze you with our Brand new service of adding a Ca
rd slot to normal equipment!
You've never seen something so amazing; Watch as Troy adds a slot with his eyes
closed, it is an adventure for the whole family!
This old advertisement is from many years ago, but it does promise the best of s
ervice from the best item Socket expert the world has ever known.
The map on the 2nd page of the flyer looks like the shop would be north of the g
rain mill in Payon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Fire Bolt'.
Fire attribute magic, the magic of information about Fire Bolt are written in th
e magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Cold Bolt'.
Water attribute magic, the magic of information about Cold Bolt are written in t
he magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Lightening Bolt'.
Wind attribute magic, the magic of information about Lightening Bolt are written
in the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Storm Gust'.
Water attribute magic, the magic of information about Storm Gust are written in
the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Lord Of Vermilion'.
Wind attribute magic, the magic of information about Lord Of Vermilion are writt
en in the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Meteor Storm'.
Fire attribute magic, the magic of information about Meteor Storm are written in
the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Comet'.
Fire attribute magic, the magic of information about Comet are written in the ma
gical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Tetra Vortex'.

Fire, Water, Wind, Stone attribute magic, the magic of information about Tetra V
ortex are written in the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Thunder Storm'.
Wind attribute magic, the magic of information about Thunder Storm are written i
n the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Jupitel Thunder'.
Wind attribute magic, the magic of information about Jupitel Thunder are written
in the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Water Ball'.
Water attribute magic, the magic of information about Water Ball are written in
the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Heaven's Drive'.
Earth attribute magic, the magic of information about Heaven's Drive are written
in the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Earth Spike'.
Earth attribute magic, the magic of information about Earth Spike are written in
the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Earth Strain'.
Earth attribute magic, the magic of information about Earth Strain are written i
n the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Chain Lightning'.
Wind attribute magic, the magic of information about Chain Lightning are written
in the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Crimson Rock'.
Fire attribute magic, the magic of information about Crimson Rock are written in
the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required item to use the Warlock Reading Spellbook skill 'Drain Life'.
Neutral attribute magic, the magic of information about Drain Life are written i
n the magical language.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A coin which symbolizing the spirit of the pegasus knight are engraved.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A seed covered in thorns that would be painful to touch or step on.
Used for genetic skill "Thorn Trap", "Thorn Wall", and "Crazy Weed".
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A disgusting looking seed that emits a red light and appears to be filled with b
lood like liquid.
Used for genetic skill "Blood Sucker".
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000

A purple spore. It can emit purple toxic dust so you have to be careful when han
Used for genetic skill "Spore Explosion".
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A black powder that explodes at high temperatures. It seems stronger than gunpow
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A white powder. It's extremely light and scatters quickly in the air, and is sai
d to be harmless.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A gas to intense eye and nose irritation.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A bottle containing a large quantity of oil. It's definately not edible.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A mandragora flowerpot used in experimentation. Extremely fragile. Definately do
not remove it.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Various colors are mixed into this mysterious dye mixture.
Can be used to dye a Beanie, Drooping Cat, Mage Hat, or Deviruchi Hat to a diffe
rent color.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Upgraded Leaf Cat Ball. Unknown aurora is around the ball.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A pure small bead.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The strongest metal on the midgard continent, and because of its strength is inc
redibly difficult to forge.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
The strongest mineral found in the Ash Vacuum. It seems very difficult to work w
ith, but with research its come to be the best ore for forging weapons.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A high density Carnium used in upgrading armor. Take this to Mighty Hammer in Ed
en Group or Payon next to the Kafra Shop Ladies to help you upgrade armor at +10
and higher.
This Carnium's density guarantees that your armor will NOT break when attempting
to upgrade and if the upgrade attempt fails, it will only downgrade 1 level ins
tead of 3 like a normal Carnium.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A high density Bradium used in upgrading weapons. Take this to Mighty Hammer in
Eden Group or Payon next to the Kafra Shop Ladies to help you upgrade weapons at
+10 and higher.
This Bradium's density guarantees that your weapon will NOT break when attemptin
g to upgrade and if the upgrade attempt fails, it will only downgrade 1 level in
stead of 3 like a normal Bradium.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A famous desert fruit. It's commonly used on hot days in icecream or juice.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Usable for refining +7 and higher weapons (up to + 10). If the item fails to upg
rade, the item is not lost, but instead loses 1 upgrade level.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Usable for refining +7 and higher armor (up to + 10). If the item fails to upgra
de, the item is not lost, but instead loses 1 upgrade level.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A token that can be exchanged for cash items.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A dangerous ingredient that glows with a dark light.
It's an explosive ingredient so handle with care.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A beautiful pitch black powder for various uses.
Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A flavorless and odorless yellow powder.
It burns with an amazing blue flame.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A salt-like white powder with no odor.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A large pot for mixing various foods.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The finest cut of Savage meat.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A long skewer for cooking full roast.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Black coal used as fuel. Adds flavor to food that you cook with it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Blood from a desert wolf for medicinal purposes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An incredibly cold block of ice.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tough piece of meat that is usually boiled or pressed to make more tender.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light but large pan for mixing various ingredients.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ice that has been crushed into a fine powder.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A transparent ice crystal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A famous tropical fruit commonly seen in Comodo.
It looks like it would be sweet.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A stiff tentacle taken from a Drosera from the Arunafeltz region.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tail section of a petite.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Thin white noodles. Popular in the summer.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A basic ingredient for cooking stew and some soups.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tropical fruit with white juice.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light green round fruit that has a sweet fragrance.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fresh fruit that has a sort of sour and sweet flavor.
Be careful cause the outside of the pineapple has sharp thorns.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A guide on how to make apple bombs.
Ingredients : ^000088Apple, Scell, Dark Powder, Detonator^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A guide on how to make pineapple bombs.
Ingredients : ^000088Pineapple, Cactus Needle, 3 Dark Powder, Detonator^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A guide on how to make Coconut bombs.
Ingredients : ^000088Coconut, 2 Dark Powder, Detonator^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A guide on how to make Melon bombs.
Ingredients : ^000088Melon, Sticky Mucus, 2 Dark Powder, Detonator^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A guide on how to make banana bombs.
Ingredients : ^000088Banana, Mold Powder, 4 Dark Powder, Detonator^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A guide book required for the cultivation of Thorny Seeds, Blood Sucker Seeds, a
nd Explosive Mushroom Spores.
Thorny Seed : ^00008810 Thorny Fruit^000000
Blood Sucker : ^00008810 Man Eater Root^000000
Explosive Mushroom Spore : ^00008810 Mushroom Spore, 5 Poison Mushroom Spore, 2
Black Powder^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A guide on how to create Concentrated White Potion Z, Vitata500, and Concentrate
d Ceromain Soup.
Concentrated White Potion : ^00008810 Test Tubes, 5 White Potions^000000
Vitata500 : ^00008810 Test Tubes, 10 White Potions^000000
Concentrated Ceromain Soup : ^00008810 Test Tubes, 15 White Potions^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Gym Pass that can be

given to a special
NPC to learn a skill
that will increase your Maximum Weight
Capacity by 200 for
each skill level.
This special skill
can only be learned
up to Level 10.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
If you give this coupon to the Stylist Dinorah Lacostt at Prontera or Eden Group
Headquarters, she will dye your costume to 1 of 3 different color variations.
^ff0000This item can be traded, stored, and vended^000000"
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The joyful color of yellow makes you feel strangely happy. Every time you think
about opening it you resist the temptation. Perhaps a professional ^00FF00"Gift
Opener"^000000 could be of assistance.
You seem to recall seeing such a gal at:
Prontera 164 110
Payon 162 124
Aldebaran 124 114
Juno 179 187
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^FF0000This item can only be opened until Aug. 25, 2009^000000
Various colors are mixed into this mysterious dye. It is a primary ingredient fo
r dying certain headgears.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This coupon can be exchanged, along with the required materials, to a hair dress
er to change your hairstyle.
^ff0000This item is not required for those who have VIP status^000000.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Concentrated Elunium
that has been buried
deep underground.
Used as a material
to strengthen armor.
Enhances a chance of
successful upgrade.
Only Suhnbi of Payon is

capable of refining with

this material.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Dense Oridecon
that has been buried
deep underground.
Used as a material to
strengthen weapons.
Enhances a chance of
successful upgrade.
Only Suhnbi of Payon is
capable of refining with
this material.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate imbued
with the power of the
invulnerable Ziegfried
which allows its bearer to overcome death.
Revives the dead
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This written oath professes undying love, loyalty, and union.
Forever in life, and eternally beyond death.
^ff0000To use this item on Ymir or Yggdrasil, send a ticket to the GM Team at su with the name of you and your fiancee.
Cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
If you give this coupon to the NPC, she will dye your costume to its original co
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A pumpmkin crushed. Somebody might drop it by mistake.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A cloth worn out. It seems to have been a transparent and clean cloth.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

There's a rumor that when you find and see the man who knows about this stone, h
e would reset your status.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^000088[]^000000 .
"^0000882010 .
' ^000088^000000!'
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^000088^000000 .
"^000088 .
' ^000088^000000!'
Weight : ^7777770^000000

"^000088 2010

Weight : ^7777770^000000
^000088^000000 .
"^000088 ~
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^000088^000000 .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^000088Q .Q^000000 .
"^000088 ! iztmzilp. 2010 .^000000"
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^000088^000000 .
"^000088 ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^000088 ^000000 .
"^000088 .^0000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^000088^000000 .
"^000088 ..
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^000088 ^000000 .
"^000088 2010
Weight : ^7777770^000000
1 .
... .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
5000 .
2010 3 10 .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
2010 3 10 .

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Gemstone with fire property, a small piece split from Red Blood.
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Gemstone with water property, a small piece split from Crystal Blue.
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Gemstone with wind property, a small piece split from Wind of Verdure.
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Gemstone with earth property, a small piece split from Green Live.
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
A badge that is provided to warriors who have brought honor on the Krieger Von M
idgard field.
This badge can be used as KVM Points and exchanged for rewards from the KVM Logi
stic Officer in the Battle Field Waiting Room.
Personal KVM Points will be used before this item is used for the reward require
Speak to a Maroll Battle Recruiter in Prontera, Morocc, Aldebaran, Geffen, Payon
, Lighthalzen or Rachel to be sent to the Battle Field Room.
This item can be stored only.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A purchase-only street stall license published from the Merchant Guild. It has t
he Merchant Guild's stamp on it.(For one time)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tool which is consumed for making a soket. When succeeds in the Soket Enchant,
it disappears.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Vegetable oil from oil palm fruit. It's very heavy!!
Weight : ^77777750^000000
An oil palm fruit. It is used when vegetable oil is made.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A leather of comodo. It is used when weapon or shield is made.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It's a handle of weapon.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
It's a feather of bird called Cendrawasih. It's splendid and has a strong green
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It's a feather used when the 1st Jaty Crown was made. Shows beautiful light.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

New life insurance certificate.
Once you have one, will recover EXP that you might lose when unable to battle.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
a spirit which should have gone to beyond the grave became a crystal due of the
Weight : ^7777770^000000
received a proof that have liberated a spirit. You can get rewards if brings to
the magician
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

. .
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. , , , , ,
Weight : ^777777100^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A perfume made from Scaraba secreted material with odd smell. Feels like all the
scarabas are looking at me.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Oridecon which is blessed by the smith God. When refining weapon with refine Lv
between +6 and +12, weapon won't vanish even if the refine fails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Elunium which is blessed by the smith God. When refining weapon with refine Lv b
etween +6 and +12, armor won't vanish even if the refine fails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000

Suspicious paper out of Strange Box.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A paper which Red Paper rainning on a Green Paper.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A paper wich White paper snowing on a Red paper.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Causal diary that is about ordinary daily life of average kid.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Honest diary that is about right things that good kid has done in a day.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000you cannot trade this item.^000000
You can refine your weapon to + 5 through ^0000FFRefine Master^000000 in ^8B4513
Prontera^000000. - 1 time limited Weight : ^7777770^000000
A Certificate that will ensure that Mighty Hammer, in Eden Group, will not degra
de your Equipment when it is +9 attempting +10.
You must use this in conjunction with the normal HD Ore to take advantage of non
Acquired by buying the Special Groove Pack Crates.
^ff0000Limited Item^000000
Weight : ^7777771^0000000
^ff0000Cannot be traded with others.^000000
Filled with darkness of hatred and jealousy.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .

Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Not available for trade.^000000
A shard of a Holy Rock, recreating the entire Holy rock will help unlock the pas
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Not available for trade.^000000
A key with a secret power that allows access into the Old city of Payon.
Bring this item to the Old Timer in the Eden Group Bar and he can show you the p
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Not available for trade.^000000
A scroll with secret power. This allows access into the memory of Morroc.
Bring this item to the Old Timer in the Eden Group Bar and he can show you the p
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The letter ^0000882^000000 card which could be good for learning letters for the
first time. It's frequently used for event.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The letter ^0000880^000000 card which could be good for learning letters for the
first time. It's frequently used for event.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The letter ^0000881^000000 card which could be good for learning letters for the
first time. It's frequently used for event.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000

. .
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
A sparkling coin minted in the Kafra Headquarters in Aldebaran. These can be exc
hanged for various goods and services.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The Eden group recognizes the bearer of this badge as one who has done great dee
ds. These can be exchanged for various goods and services.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Tikbalang's thick and tough spine. Sell to a collection dealer.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Paper that protects a player from harm's way or casts special abilities.
A faint energy can be felt.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Looks similar to a Large Jellopy but with a shinier crystal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Paper that protects a player from harm's way or casts special abilities.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Bamboo piece trimmed to be pointy. Looks like it was cut tilted from a thick bam
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Bag used to contain sea salt manufactured from the seashore. Said to scare off b
ad spirits.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Cross-shaped ornament made of silver. Used to scare off demons.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Portable spiritual protection made with holy energy from silver and exorcising e
nergy from salt. Used to prevent bad spirits from approaching.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Large caldron made from hard iron. Lets off a rich and full clunk sound when hit
. Used to stun Bakonawa by making loud noises from it instead of cooking with it
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Wholly cleaned out bone was an Evil Spirit Bone purified by Mumbaki to get rid o
f all evilness. Guard dog Vantai especially likes it.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Flower bouquet made to comfort wandering or victimized souls. Offer flowers with
a true heart and the souls may actually rest.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Animal bones with a hint of evil spirit. Won't be able to as dog treats at this
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Hellish silver bracelet. Looks more like a restraint.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Mysteriously colorful flower. Looks like it was made from a rainbow.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Soft and gentle looking elegant flower.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Ordinary flower that can be found anywhere.

Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777770.1^000000

Weight : ^7777770.1^000000

Weight : ^7777770.1^000000

Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Doll made to look like Bakonawa. Cuter than its original.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Doll made to look like Bangungot. Suspicious of the creator's taste.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Doll made to look like Buwaya. Popular among Port Malaya children.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Animal samples collected for a special purpose. Smells nasty.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000Item cannot be traded with other characters.^000000
Belong to a missing Port Malaya villager.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Transparent item which imprisons Bakonawa's Spirit. Rumor says you can see Bakon
awa when held up to moonlight.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Transparent item which imprisons Bangungot's Spirit. Rumor says you can hear Ban
gungot's screeching screams when placed in a dark room.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Transparent item which imprisons Buwaya's Spirit. Rumor says you can hear Buwaya
's angry shrieks when touched with water.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. 5 1 .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item cannot be dropped, traded, mailed or vended.^000000
A material to create Raccoon Hurray Team's [Supert large size Christmas socks]
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item cannot be dropped, traded, mailed or vended.^000000
A material to decorate Raccoon Hurray Team's [Supert large size Christmas socks]
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
110LV .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
120LV .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. ..... .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .... .
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. ...
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 3m, 5m, 10m
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. [] .
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 10 1
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
[ ] .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. 5ml.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000


Weight : ^7777771^000000
Magic Recipe which will teach you how to make a fierce Cacao 99.
It seems like there's a certain place for using this recipe.
^B90000Essencial Ingredients : 99 Cacao beans, 1 Milk.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Magic Recipe which will teach you how to make a cool chocolate drink.
It seems like there's a certain place for using this recipe.
^B90000Essencial Ingredients : 30 Cacao beans, 3 Chocolates, 2 Milk^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
. .
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000

. .
Weight : ^77777750^000000
"" . .
Weight : ^7777772000^000000
"" .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
"" .
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A handful of soft, powdery mould that is strangely silken to the touch.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tooth extracted from the mouth of a proud Orc Warrior.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sticky piece of Anolian skin.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gooey, unpleasant lump of wet, dirty mud.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A skull taken from a corpse.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A wing from a red bat.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A toe nail from a huge, disease ridden rodent.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tough horn that might break, but will never bend.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shell that sparkles with dazzling light.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A stinger ripped out of the body of a steel scorpion.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A monkey's claw that was used to peel many bananas.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A stem with a tough surface that feels like it's covered with thick, protective
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small chunk of a reef formed by corals in clear, tropical waters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old, fragile portrait of a girl that you can't quite identify, although she s
eems very pretty.

Weight : ^77777710^000000
An old leaf that can be used as a bookmark or to remind its owner of something q
uite important.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A spoon that looks like it was used to dig some sort of underground tunnel.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A glove worn when performing executions that has absorbed all sorts of memories
that are related to death and obligation.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A fresh, young twig that evokes feelings of purity and innocence.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A strange object in which the seductive whispers of Loki can be faintly heard.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mother's nightmares that have been given physical form.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A symbol of Hod, the blind god who was tricked into killing his brother Baldur,
god of light.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old hilt broken off a heavy sword.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A blade imbued with a suffocating aura that repels the light.
Weight : ^7777774^000000

A blade stained with blood that can't be cleansed.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A gem that is said to be key to opening the path to the mysterious, ancient land
of Geffenia.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An ornate key that can open what is locked in the Clock Tower.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
The key that can unlock the underground door in the Clock Tower.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
An invitation to an honorable duel.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Admission to watch a duel between honorable combatants.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A claw pried from a Desert Wolf's paw.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old frying pan that has outlived its usefulness.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An eggshell fragment that protected its egg to the final, tragic end.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A clump of spores from a toxic mushroom.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A Christmas stocking from which presents were stolen through a hole made in the
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A phosphorus tipped stick that can be used to start a fire.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp fang dislodged from Garm's mouth.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A coupon that can be redeemed for a service or to receive a discount.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A wound up ball of fluffy knitting yarn.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An identification tag that certifies that its owner is a Novice.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A funnel shaped device that is used to amplify one's voice.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A crystal made entirely of fine sand.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious leather bag that seems to contain a limitless supply of sand.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sand whose grains are so fine that it can not be gathered with bare hands.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

An awesome tonic that brings enormous vigor to the one who imbibes it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Paint that has been endowed with magical qualities.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A set of disassembled parts for making a cart.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An apron worn by the Alice monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Griffon's sharp talon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Just a simple stone that you can pick up around anywhere.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A sturdy mat woven from cotton.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fine, luxurious mat knit woven from very expensive silk.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Old, discarded and crumpled paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A blue crystal that faintly shines with muddled light.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A rare, red mineral.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Animal feces which make a horrible gift for a girl, or anyone for that matter.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A payment statement for the Kafra Employees.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A great bugle made from an animal's horn whose thunderous sound can be heard for
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Impossibly strong thread woven from the sound of a cat's footsteps, woman's mous
tache, stone root, fish spirit, bird sputum and bear sinew.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A ticket that entitles the bearer to use the Kafra Storage one time without payi
ng any fee.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A ticket that entitles the bearer to use the Kafra Teleport Service one time fre
e of charge.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A ticket that entitles the bearer to use the Kafra Pushcart Rental Service one t
ime without incurring the usual fee.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A sturdy, solid turtle's shell.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A feather that is soft enough to be used as stuffing in a quilt.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dragonfly wing.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sea-Otter fur that is soft and downy enough to be used in cloth making.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A miraculous lump of ice that will never melt.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small piece of rock that has been broken from a larger stone.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A burnt piece of wood that seems to have little practical value, despite the fac
t that shops will still buy it for Zeny.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Pieces of armor that have been damaged beyond repair.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A damaged turtle's shell. In ancient times, turtle shells were used to foretell
the future.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Worn out clothes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old, rusty shuriken that has little hope of being thrown by an awesome ninja.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sparkling clear gemstone said to have been formed from the tears of the goddes
s Freya.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A pair of steel gauntlets rumored to have been worn by Thor, god of thunder, whe
n wielding Mjolnir.
Unfortunately, they're impossible to wear.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
An instrument used for torture.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A curious wheel whose actual purpose is truly mysterious.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
An ornament made out of silver which can be used to decorate various things.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
The pure rage of the Valkyries, female warriors in Norse myth, that has condense
d into physical form.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A feather which is rumored to be from an angel's wings.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
The sound of cat footsteps that has been materialized into physical form.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weird facial hair from a woman. Though, it may be possible its owner is a she-ma
Weight : ^77777750^000000

Actual roots from a stone that are a rare commodity since most stones are proven
not to have roots at all.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A transparent blue bottle that contains the spirit of a fish.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A bottle containing bird sputum, a very rare item considering that almost all bi
rds don't even salivate.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A small bunch of amazingly rare bear sinew.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A golden, shining bead that is a symbol of the god of the sun.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Exhaled from a spirit, this breath causes the living to feel an unnatural chill.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A crystal of ice that has fallen from the sky with the snow.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A strange orb that can be used to predict when windstorms will occur.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A conic receptacle that contains a single ripple from the ocean.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A sculpture of a huge billow rushing towards the shore.

Weight : ^77777750^000000
A gorgeous sculpture made by an artist who claimed to be able to sense forms wit
hin the drifting air.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A cogwheel used in a machine.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A strange object with metal pieces attached to it. It could be a piece of a very
large machine.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An unidentified metal fragment.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A chunk of lava that containing minerals.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A stone heart that is aflame with magic.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A live coal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old, worn-out magic scroll that is extremely valuable to the Mage Academy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp leaf.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A rare feather from the wing of a Peco Peco.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious stone rumored to bring nightmares to its owner.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle carrying unidentified liquid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A wing from a phony angel.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A heavenly halo from a phony angel.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An impressive horn from an antelope.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Some dirty fur from an antelope.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of shield that looks strong and durable.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shiny spear blade.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A damaged sword that no longer looks usable.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Smooth, sleek paper that looks suitable for writing love letters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Incredibly sharp, and stout paper that looks as though it could be used like a k
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A broken emblem of Pharaoh that seems to possess some mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A golden masque that is rumored to be worn by an ancient Egyptian king.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A feather from a Harpy. The Harpy's wings are effective in paralyzing its enemie
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Talon from a Harpy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old magic book that is seriously damaged.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of a scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Aerobic bacteria. Often resides on metal chains.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A burning horseshoe. Should probably only be shod on a burning horse.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

An empty pot that carried honey once upon a time, but contains sweet goodness no
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Tussled red hair that looks like it's on fire.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of skin from a dragon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A lump of wet sand.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A claw from a scorpion.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A huge jellopy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with instructions for creating Alcohol.
5 Poison Spore
5 Stem
1 Empty Bottle
1 Empty Test Tube
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with instructions for creating Bottle Grenades.
1 Alcohol
1 Fabric
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A book with instructions for creating Acid Bottles.

1 Immortal Heart
1 Empty Bottle
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with instructions for catching living plants and trapping them in bottles
2 Maneater Blossom
1 Empty Bottle
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with instructions for catching Marine Spheres and trapping them in bottle
1 Detonator
1 Tendon
1 Empty Bottle
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with instructions for creating Glistening Coats.
1 Zenorc's Fang
1 Heart of Mermaid
1 Alcohol
1 Empty Bottle
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with instructions for creating Condensed Potions.
^ff0000Condensed Red Potion:^000000
1 Red Potion
1 Cactus Needle
1 Empty Test Tube
^ffff00Condensed Yellow Potion:^000000
1 Yellow Potion
1 Mole Whiskers
1 Empty Test Tube
^000000Condensed White Potion:^000000
1 White Potion
1 Witch Starsand
1 Empty Test Tube
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A porcelain bowl used for grinding herbs or other substances to make medicine.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle containing a flammable liquid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle holding a highly corrosive acid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle containing a dormant plant.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle containing a dormant Marine Sphere.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle which contains shining liquid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A seed filled with vitality.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Morning dew gathered from Yggdrasil Berries. It glimmers faintly with the gentle
light of life.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An embryo.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An empty tube that can hold a creature.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A book that describes how to create potions.
^ff0000Red Potion:^000000
1 Red Herb
1 Empty Potion Bottle
^ffff00Yellow Potion:^000000
1 Yellow Herb
1 Empty Potion Bottle
^000000White Potion:^000000
1 White Herb
1 Empty Potion Bottle
^0000ffBlue Potion:^000000
1 Blue Herb
1 Scell
1 Empty Potion Bottle
1 Ment
1 Alcohol
1 Empty Bottle
1 Aloe
1 Honey
1 Empty Bottle
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cotton shirt with the Ragnarok logo printed on it.
The owner of this T-shirt can apply for an event by talking to Kurt in front of
the Prontera castle.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ticket which allows its owner to apply for a summer vacation event.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful flower with an unique fragrance. Serves a number of purposes, and ca
n be used in various teas.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter written with loving words by a warm hearted mother to her children.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A polished plate made out of yellow clay.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of bamboo from a bamboo tree.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of yellowish paper with a waxy surface that repels water.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tied bunch of shining human hair.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful but worn-out kimono.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle of poisonous powder which may poison enemies when mixed with water or a
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of skin from the back of a poisonous toad.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A broken shuriken that is no longer useful. Usually, it is a lethal weapon used
by ninjas.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Dark colored mask made from fabric. Used to cover the entire face.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of a broken liquor jar on which the tempting scent of alcohol still ling

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A nose part of the mask that the Tengu monster wears.
The nose attached on this reddish mask is quite long and ugly.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An authorized ticket which allows its owner to enter a prohibited area.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bad smelling piece of skin peeled from a black bear.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bottle which contains cloud crumbs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp, solid feeler.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A peach that is so stout and solid, that it appears it can even withstand blows
from a sword.
Inedible, but might make a good weapon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A transparent celestial robe which is made with very light and soft fabric.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An expensive fabric that is knit with high quality silk threads.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Unidentified piece of steel which is possibly used as a hinge for something.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Wings from a giant butterfly.
However, it does not seem to have the same ability as a butterfly wing.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A talisman with a Yin-Yang symbol carved in the middle of it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A formal suit which is usually worn by the Groom during a wedding ceremony.
Although it enhances its wearer's looks, some people refer to it as a penguin su
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Peeled off leopard skin.
There is a rumor of a man who ruled the jungle, wearing this skin as a loincloth
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp claw extracted from a leopard.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Deep-red bun buster bag.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Long and thin lace used to decorate a gift box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Shiny, beautiful paper used to decorate a gift box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A royal congratulatory certificate given in recognition of defeating monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Pieces of sobbing starlight. It might be possible to assemble them together.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful jewel that was named after a star in the sky.
Sometimes, it seems to show ancient letters from behind.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate that shows its owner donated money to the poor.
Authenticated with Tristan III's signature.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A recommendation letter given to Jamgeum as a token of Sukbong's gratitude for h
er favor.
Jamgeum informed Sukbong of his mother's news.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small paper which is used as a proof of purchase.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A nut from the Cacao tree that is naturally found in warm climes.
It must be dried into cacao beans, fried and then ground to become cacao paste.
Chocolate is made by solidifying the cacao paste with milk. The fat extracted fr
om the cacao paste is used as cacao butter, so it's not ready to eat yet.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A letter written by a younger sister to her brother.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A white key which came from a broken piano.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ticket that is needed to participate in an OX quiz.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A thin trunk which is used by people to climb up to higher places.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mask that is worn during festivals.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tree root that still has soil clinging to it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An artificial heart made out of wood which is used to give life to a Wooden Gole
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An insect husk that seems very hard and stout.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful lamp made with red paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A vane with sharp blades suspected to be used for assassinations.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sprout grown out of a vegetable seed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very soft blade of grass.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tool consisting of a Y-shaped wooden stick with an elastic band between the ar
ms. Used to attack distant objects.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A primitive protector made out of wood that is worn on the shoulders.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tough vine which can be used as rope.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An amazing length of flexible material which returns to its original form after
being stretched.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of wood that seems like it could be made into something.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A pincher from a beetle.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tree branch which can be used in various ways as a simple tool.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Explosive powder.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A piece of jet black cloth that can not be seen in the dark.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A doll which resembles a black cat that almost seems alive.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old, exhausted manteau.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dull edged, rusty kitchen knife stained with blood.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A helm that is said to be worn by Dullahan.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A broken piece of an armor said to be worn by Dullahan.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A broken piece of a stone with writing carved in an ancient language.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A doll hung on a rope that appears to hold some sort of cursed spell.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A packet, made with fabric, that is used to hold needles in place.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cage which is used to hold a bat.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Pieces of a broken needle.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red-colored fabric worn around the neck to protect its wearer from the cold.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sewing tool on which thread is wound.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old, rotten rope.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sock decorated with various colored stripes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Green translucent liquid that is disgustingly sticky.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A clump of chains that are hard to untangle.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gnarl of a tree.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A self-portrait of someone contorting his facial expression.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very mysterious stone, rumored to change normal metals into pure gold.
People have been searching for it for ages. It has a soft, warm, red color.
Note : ^EE0000This item is, apparently, not used anymore in official servers. It
has been replaced with an usable version capable of evolving Homunculus^000000.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A funny lantern made with a pumpkin, carved with a smiley face, containing a lit
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small, round pill that looks like it will taste bitter.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ragnarok Trading Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bar of pure gold which can be used as currency.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A bar of pure silver which can be used as currency.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A bar of pure platinum. Platinum is a very rare metal and is more valuable than
Weight : ^77777730^000000
An ore containing gold which can be purified to make gold.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
An ore containing silver which can be purified to make silver.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
An ore containing mythril which can be purified to make mythril.
Weight : ^77777715^000000

A statue which stands for the comradeship of guilds men.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue honoring the spirit of brave warriors.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue made in recognition of protective warriors.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue symbolizing the spirit of cooperation.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which stands for the spirit of harmony.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue honoring exemplary leadership.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which symbolizes trust.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue honoring the spirit of beginners.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which stands for teamwork.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which describes spirit of assistance.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A statue symbolizing the spirit of unity for a common cause.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which stands for friendship.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue symbolizing peace.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which symbolizes challenge.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which stands for honor.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which stands for sacrifice.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which symbolizes the joy of achievement.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A statue which signifies the spirit of emerging victorious.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An herbal medicine which is used in the eastern countries.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A golden Korean national flag.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A small, square shaped paper which has ^000088""^000000 written on i

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red orb with the word 'Hsien' engraved on, which is told to be from the East S
ea God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A red orb with the word 'State' engraved on, which is told to be from the East S
ea God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A red orb with the word 'Life' engraved on, which is told to be from the East Se
a God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A red orb with the word 'Doctrine' engraved on, which is told to be from the Eas
t Sea God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A red orb with the words 'All Around' engraved on, which is told to be from the
East Sea God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A red orb with the word 'Year' engraved on, which is told to be from the East Se
a God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A red orb with the words 'Good Luck' engraved on, which is told to be from the E
ast Sea God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A folding fan which is very useful in summer.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gem which looks like the eye of a cat. It's very rare and beautiful.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Dry sand which can be easily found on the street.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A decorative horn from a dragon mask.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tooth cut from a dragon mask. It seems to be made from a different material th
an the rest of the mask, which is wooden.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A panty made of tiger skin. It looks warm, yet wild and untamed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A kind of spirit that has a red ribbon on its head.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A soft cloth which is worn around the neck of an infant to protect the chest fro
m spilled milk and baby drool.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Milk that is bottled for infants.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Ragnarok Novice Figure.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A doll which resembles a lump of rice.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A golden necklace made for celebrating RWC.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"The door leading to the great power can be found under the twilight sky from th
e tower of the heaven.
The key to the door will be the grass living under the Sun."
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Paper with writing in an ancient language obtained from 'Sobbing Starlight'.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A message made of pictures doodled by a small child.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A doll made in the appearance of a young girl.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter written by a husband to his wife. It describes how anxious he is about
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The cover of Vita 500, the vitamin C liquid.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Qualifying Pass of Participation for the 1st Intellectual Revolution.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Qualifying Pass of Participation for the 2nd Intellectual Revolution.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Qualifying Pass of Participation for the 3rd Intellectual Revolution.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Qualifying Pass of Participation for the 4th Intellectual Revolution.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Qualifying Pass of Participation for the 5th Intellectual Revolution.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A skein of threads which possesses a holy power within.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A kind of spice in a vivid red color.
Add a spicy taste in food.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enhanced holy yarn that makes you feels as if there's a holy blessing around you
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A solid, beautiful engagement ring in which the profound words 'Slave of Love' a
re engraved.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A gemstone which is also called 'Olivine'.

Symbolizes peace of mind and wisdom.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A pearl gray gemstone which means 'Like Fire'.
Symbolizes motherly love.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A very hard stone which is used to make jewelry.
Symbolizes protection and stability.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A silicate mineral which has a pearly luster.
Symbolizes motivation recovery.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A pinkish quartz which is used as a gemstone or as an ornamental stone.
Symbolizes self-esteem.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A bluish green stone which is commonly used as a gem or an ornamental stone.
Symbolizes mental power.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A topaz which ancient people believed was a form of frozen ice.
Symbolizes communicative conversation and mental calm.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A group of crystalline silicate mineral common in igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Symbolizes cure and restoration.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A common dark mica.
Symbolizes spiritual support.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Two giant leaves that can be used as emergency clothes in a pinch.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A basket made with straws.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An ore containing gems. There are many minerals mixed within the ore, but it wou
ld be possible to extract various gems from it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bunch of short and red threads which seems to be used for decorating the hilt
of a sword.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small boat made with banana leaves and decorated with flowers.
It is used for making a wish or comforting a spirit.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bag made out of straw that is used to store rice.
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A worn out scroll with illegible text written in an ancient language.
The only word you can read is 'Kirkana.'
An emblem which signifies the authority to rule over the nine realms of the dead
Seers can sense its ominous powers.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A strange object which looks like a tiny soul is flickering from within.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A curious object that almost seems alive, especially since it faintly whispers t
o you.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted tonic that causes the loss of key memories of your past.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A crow's wing that can temporarily grant a person the power of flight.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ticket that can be used once to waive the fee for a Peco Peco rental.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ticket that can be used once to waive the fee for riding the Airship.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A crystallization, dropped from monsters, whose name means joyous celebration.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A medal rewarded to honorable witches.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A voucher that allows entrance into Valhalla.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sharp, shiny fragment broken off a dark crystal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A severed bug's leg that is as sharp as a scythe.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A rusty screw that has come off a machine. It might be usable if it were polishe
d enough.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tool used to break rocks or the ground.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A battered iron plate that seems to have fallen off some machine.
It might be handy for covering a hole in another machine.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Very small, dry particles, dispersed widely in the air, are a major cause of env
ironmental pollution.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small piece of a pretty crystal that looks like it has a symbol of an eye in i
ts center.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Poisonous gas that can be very harmful, if not lethal, when inhaled.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This kettle isn't in the best condition, but it can still be used.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A long, thin, pipe-like tube made to transport liquids or gases.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sticky, fluorescent liquid which glows in the darkness.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A flashlight that used to be attached to a miner's helmet.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Written in an ancient, forgotten language, this simple scroll contains the legen
d of Songkran.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small bronze key.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red orb with the word 'Two' engraved on, which is told to be from the East Sea
God's territory.
It is rumored that this orb has very special abilities besides of curing every d
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An extremely rare flower that only blooms in heaven.
It is believed to bring incredibly good luck to its owner.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A solid tablet that is cold to the touch.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"In the town of Prontera, I fell sick. I needed something from the land of trees
to make my blood thick ..."
- The First Man
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"We're on our way now. Soon, we will venture to the desert in high spirits ..."
- The Second Man
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"There is a strange feeling in the air here, almost as if I can do magic myself
- The Third Man

Weight : ^7777771^000000
"We ventured north of the beautiful giant Jolnir flower. That's where we began o
ur journey ..."
- The Fourth Man
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Hellion Revenant Eye.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special ticket that allows its owner to use the Kafra Teleport Service one tim
e for free.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A special ticket that allows its owner to use the Kafra Teleport Service for fre
e a limited amount of times.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A dark oval stone with seven red eyes that's believed to act as a sort of nucleu
s for some monsters.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An old pendant, which seems to have been damaged with age, that makes one shudde
r with a feeling of dread upon looking at it for some inexplicable reason.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A file folder that holds unknown documents.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sealed file folder which seems to hold very important documents within.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A file containing all details of the Shinokas case.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A pair of metal fastenings which seem to be used for identifying experimental sa
They still have the smell of blood remaining on them.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
One of the pieces of Ymir's Heart, which have been used to power the Airships an
d Guardians.
It glows with a strange and unearthly light.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A chart, written in a language you can't recognize, that details the history of
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card for members of the "Secret Wind" organization.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A permit which allows its holder to enter the archive.
The number "738495" is written on the back.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Holding on to this pass will grant you authorization to enter a certain area.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old diary in which many petty, personal secrets have been written.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an
unknown language etched on the surface.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an
unknown language etched on the surface.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an
unknown language etched on the surface.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A marvelous see-through plate that is light, solid and has strange writing in an
unknown language etched on the surface.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown. It has many spikes nailed
on the back.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown. It has many spikes nailed
on the back.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown. It has many spikes nailed
on the back.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A piece of an ancient crest, whose purpose is unknown. It has many spikes nailed
on the back.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An invitation which has the words "Come to the RO Festival and have a wonderful
action figure!" written in a foreign language.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00001^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The number '^FF00002^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00003^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00004^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00005^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00006^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00007^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00008^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF00009^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000010^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000011^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The number '^FF000012^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000013^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000014^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000015^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000016^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000017^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000018^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000019^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000020^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000021^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The number '^FF000022^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000023^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000024^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000025^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000026^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000027^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000028^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000029^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000030^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000031^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The number '^FF000032^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000033^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000034^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000035^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000036^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000037^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000038^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The word "Selamat" is written in the middle of a white paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The word "Hari" is written in the middle of a white paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The word "Kemerdekaan" is written in the middle of a white paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The word "Republik" is written in the middle of a white paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The word "Indonesia" is written in the middle of a white paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The word "Ke-60" is written in the middle of a white paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A misshapen can with some traces of content still within.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Full' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'With' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'RO' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Cake that's inscribed with a letter or word.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Cake that's inscribed with a letter or word.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Cake that's inscribed with a letter or word.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A Moon Cake that's inscribed with a letter or word.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Cake that's inscribed with a letter or word.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Cake that's inscribed with a letter or word.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mystical stone with magical summoning properties. Used in ancient tribal cerem
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A well written letter of recommendation that is recognized by the Assassin Guild
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A written request from the Dandelion Organization, asking you to capture Raiyan
Moore, who is suspected of kidnapping children from the Dandelion daycare center
Request reward : 1 Wrapped Mask
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A written request from Mr. R, asking you to protect him and help complete his re
search, which should help in finding the children missing from Morocc.
Request reward : 1 Jewelry Box
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A manual that teaches how to create a Homunculus Embryo.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A skull in which someone's name has been carved.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A thin, transparent, and shining red key.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A thin, transparent, and shining yellow key.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A thin, transparent, and shining blue key.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A thin, transparent, and shining green key.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A thin, transparent, and shining black key.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious red colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious yellow colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious blue colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious green colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious black colored charm stone in which fantastic powers are stored.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A heavy pile of books.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sturdy, leather pouch used for holding something valuable.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A blank scroll on which magic spells can be written. These blanks were developed
by the Schweicherbil Magic Academy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book with the tagline, "Even Porings can make Elemental Potions with this book
!" on the cover.
The methods for creating Elemental Potions are detailed inside this book.
Author : Pisrik Quve.
^0000FFCold Resist Potion:^000000
3 Heart of Mermaid
1 Blue Gemstone
^009900Thunder Resist Potion:^000000
3 Moth Dust
1 Blue Gemstone
^996600Earth Resist Potion:^000000
2 Large Jellopy
1 Yellow Gemstone
^FF0000Fire Resist Potion:^000000
2 Frill
1 Red Gemstone
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An ornamental accessory of exquisite golden color. It's very valuable and was cr
eated by an otherworldly power.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fragment that holds within its mystery the true meaning of sheer agony.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A fragment that holds within its mystery the true meaning of pure sorrow.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fragment that holds within its mystery the true meaning of intense hatred.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fragment that holds within its mystery the true meaning of unfathomable despai
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A large, yet light, white feather that has a red gleam.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A large, yet light, white feather that has a blue gleam.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dark heart stamped with a bloody seal that has a certain curse placed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The head from a fearsome three-headed dragon that still looks very threatening.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An ancient treasure box filled with old coins, ornaments, and jewelry.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful green bijou that symbolizes the earth. In the East, people believe t
hat this bijou can help wishes come true.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful blue bijou that symbolizes the ocean. In the East, people believe th
at this bijou can help wishes come true.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful red bijou that symbolizes the firey blaze. In the East, people belie
ve that this bijou can help wishes come true.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful green bijou that totally captivates the eye and mind. In the East, p
eople believe that this bijou can help wishes come true.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Its surface is marked with old, dried blood stains.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A broken piece of armor that was worn by a ghostly swordsman.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red dragon's scale that seems to possess some kind of magical power.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A yellow spice that adds an unique scent and flavor to almost any food.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very sweet sauce that accentuates the flavor of foods, but is quite disgusting
when drunk by itself.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special sauce that enhances the savory quality of most foods.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An extremely spicy hot sauce that can make people cry just by smelling it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A spicy flavoring that complements few foods, but is a necessary ingredient for
some dishes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Healthy cooking oil that is used for stir frying or deep frying.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The most precious treasure of Baphomet which is said to bring great luck to the
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An unique card which is usually used to give Felicitation at idul fitri feast da
y of Ramadan.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An express ticket to Niflheim, the realm of the dead that is forbidden to the li
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088A^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088E^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088F^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088H^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088L^000000" printed on it.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088N^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088O^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088P^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088U^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088W^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088Y^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Don't panic even if you are left alone. You will survive with this book, no mat
ter where you are."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 1 Foods.
^ff0000Fried Grasshopper Legs:^000000
5 Grasshopper's Leg
1 Old Frying Pan
1 Cooking Oil
^008040Frog Egg Squid Ink Soup:^000000
1 Bag of Grain
10 Spawn
1 Squid Ink
^ff8040Steamed Crab Nippers:^000000
10 Nipper
10 Green Herb
1 Yellow Potion

^0000ffGrape Juice Herbal Tea:^000000
3 Grape
2 Red Potion
^800000Honey Grape Juice:^000000
1 Honey
2 Grape
1 Red Potion
^400080Fried Monkey Tails:^000000
5 Yoyo Tail
1 Old Frying Pan
1 Cooking Oil
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"The mothers taste that can even cure the mind. For those who miss the warmth of
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 2 Foods.
^ff0000Seasoned Sticky Webfoot:^000000
20 Sticky Webfoot
10 Green Herb
10 Yellow Herb
1 Savory Sauce
^008040Smooth Noodle:^000000
1 Bag of Grain
1 Savory Sauce
5 Jack o' Pumpkin
3 Carrot
^ff8040Assorted Seafood:^000000
10 Clam Flesh
5 Gill
5 Fin
1 Fresh Fish
^0000ffAutumn Red Tea:^000000
5 Blue Herb
10 Red Herb
10 Yellow Herb
^800000Chocolate Mousse Cake:^000000
10 Cacao
1 Piece of Cake
1 Milk
1 China
^400080Mixed Juice:^000000
3 Apple Juice
2 Carrot Juice
1 Grape Juice
2 Orange Juice
Weight : ^7777771^000000

"Bestseller by Rune Midgard's newly wed wives!! Don't miss this chance!! - Also
popular to domestic husbands."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 3 Foods.
^ff0000Bomber Steak:^000000
4 Meat
1 Old Frying Pan
10 Green Herb
5 Red Chile
1 Spicy Sauce
^008040Tentacle Cheese Gratin:^000000
10 Tentacle
10 Cheese
5 Yam
1 Sweet Sauce
^ff8040Clam Soup:^000000
20 Clam Flesh
10 Conch
1 Honey
1 Sweet Sauce
^0000ffHoney Herbal Tea:^000000
2 Honey
10 White Herb
1 Yellow Spice
^800000Fruit Mix:^000000
5 Apple
5 Banana
5 Orange
5 Strawberry
1 Yellow Spice
^400080Fried Sweet Potato:^000000
10 Potato
10 Yam
1 Sweet Potato
1 Sweet Sauce
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Sad story about foods that everyone had to eat. - You are already eating it."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 4 Foods.
^ff0000Herb Marinade Beef:^000000
5 Meat
3 Red Herb
2 Yellow Herb
3 Green Herb
1 Sweet Sauce
1 Lemon

^008040Lutie Cold Noodle:^000000
3 Bag of Grain
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Ice Cubic
10 Carrot
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
^ff8040Seasoned Jellyfish:^000000
30 Tentacle
10 White Herb
10 Soft Blade of Grass
1 Old Frying Pan
20 Squid Ink
^0000ffMorocc Fruit Wine:^000000
10 Strawberry
4 Lemon
10 Orange
2 Alcohol
5 Grape
^800000Cream Sandwich:^000000
5 Bread
15 Milk
10 Cheese
10 Yellow Herb
1 Meat
1 Sweet Sauce
^400080Steamed Ancient Lips:^000000
10 Ancient Lips
10 Raccoon Leaf
10 White Herb
5 Fresh Fish
2 Sweet Sauce
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Reborn as the true chef. Challenge for one spoon from the god!"
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 5 Foods.
^ff0000Lutie Lady's Pancake:^000000
10 Potato
2 Honey
1 Cooking Oil
3 Carrot
1 Bag of Grain
^008040Steamed Bat Wing in Pumpkin:^000000
20 Wing of Red Bat
20 Jack o' Pumpkin
1 Pot
10 Hinalle Leaflet
10 Red Herb
^ff8040Spicy Fried Bao:^000000

20 Bao
10 Yellow Herb
1 Spicy Sauce
1 Red Spice
20 Green Herb
^0000ffMastela Fruit Wine:^000000
4 Mastela Fruit
1 Blue Potion
2 Alcohol
2 Lemon
1 Yellow Spice
^800000Green Salad:^000000
2 Hinalle Leaflet
3 Aloe Leaflet
10 Sharp Leaf
6 Huge Leaf
1 Sweet Sauce
1 Yellow Spice
^400080Fried Scorpion Tails:^000000
20 Scorpion Tail
10 Bug Leg
10 Huge Leaf
2 Old Frying Pan
1 Cooking Oil
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"The man who can make food even in a confined room - There is only one result! F
ood inside the pot!!"
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 6 Foods.
^ff0000Shiny Marinade Beef:^000000
10 Meat
2 Honey
1 Yellow Herb
1 Mastela Fruit
20 Shining Scale
^008040Chile Shrimp Gratin:^000000
20 Red Chile
20 Shrimp
1 Sweet Sauce
20 Lemon
^ff8040Awfully Bitter Bracer:^000000
20 Brown Root
10 Maneater Root
20 Mushroom Spore
1 Edible Mushroom
2 Honey
^0000ffRed Mushroom Wine:^000000
3 Edible Mushroom
3 Grape Juice

20 Mushroom Spore
1 Alcohol
1 Red Spice
^800000Peach Cake:^000000
20 Solid Peach
10 Piece of Cake
10 Cheese
10 Milk
5 Orange Juice
1 Sweet Sauce
^400080Lucky Soup:^000000
5 Reptile Tongue
5 Tongue
10 Clover
10 Witch Starsand
1 Aloe
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"If you are hungry, I will treat you with food even if you are a Poring or Popor
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 7 Foods.
^ff0000Whole Roast:^000000
10 Meat
1 Live Coal
2 Coal
1 Spicy Sauce
15 Trunk
10 White Herb
^008040Steamed Alligator with Vegetable:^000000
10 Anolian Skin
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
10 Carrot
10 Aloe Leaflet
10 Yellow Herb
1 Yellow Spice
^ff8040Sumptuous Feast:^000000
10 Fish Tail
5 Aloe Leaflet
10 Mane
2 Fresh Fish
10 Pet Food
1 Sweet Sauce
^0000ffSpecial Royal Jelly Herbal Tea:^000000
4 Royal Jelly
2 Honey
5 White Herb
10 Hinalle Leaflet
1 Yellow Spice
^800000Soul Haunted Bread:^000000

10 Bread
5 Mastela Fruit
1 Sweet Sauce
5 Ment
5 Amulet
2 Unripe Apple
^400080Assorted Shish Kebob:^000000
10 Scale Shell
5 Gill
10 Soft Blade of Grass
5 Meat
10 Edible Mushroom
10 Clam Flesh
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Right now, there is a wandering chef in Rune Midgard..!! - Emotional epic of ex
treme cooking."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 8 Foods.
^ff0000Bearfoot Special:^000000
20 Bear's Footskin
10 Carrot
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
2 Aloe Leaflet
1 Hinalle Leaflet
1 Savory Sauce
^008040Incredibly Spicy Curry:^000000
1 Aloevera
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Meat
10 Hinalle Leaflet
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
10 Carrot
^ff8040Giant Burito:^000000
20 Fig Leaf
20 Meat
5 Rainbow Carrot
10 Jack o' Pumpkin
1 Savory Sauce
2 Bag of Grain
^0000ffRoyal Family Tea:^000000
4 Prickly Fruit
10 Hinalle Leaflet
3 Yggdrasil Leaf
10 Aloe Leaflet
6 Royal Jelly
1 Yellow Spice
^800000Special Toast:^000000
10 Bread
2 Royal Jelly
5 Meat

10 Strawberry
1 Spicy Sauce
10 Cheese
1 Sweet Sauce
^400080Strawberry Flavored Rice Ball:^000000
10 Strawberry
5 Bag of Grain
10 Fig Leaf
1 Yellow Spice
2 Red Spice
1 Savory Sauce
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Sorrowful journey of a chef who lost his brother and his sense of taste while t
rying to make forbidden legendary food."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 9 Foods.
^ff0000Tendon Satay:^000000
40 Tendon
1 Pot
10 Cheese
1 Spicy Sauce
2 Coal
30 Green Herb
10 Squid Ink
^008040Special Meat Stew:^000000
10 Meat
5 Royal Jelly
20 Shoot
4 Savory Sauce
5 Yellow Herb
10 White Herb
5 Red Herb
^ff8040Ascending Dragon Soup:^000000
10 Dragon Skin
20 Dragon Tail
3 Yggdrasil Leaf
6 Royal Jelly
1 Spicy Sauce
1 Red Spice
1 Fatty Chubby Earthworm
^0000ffTristan XII:^000000
10 Yggdrasil Leaf
10 Orange
5 Alcohol
4 Royal Jelly
2 Blue Potion
1 Yellow Spice
10 Aloe Leaflet
^800000Heavenly Fruit Juice:^000000
5 Unripe Apple

10 Orange
10 Strawberry
1 Red Spice
1 Tropical Banana
5 Grape Juice
2 Alcohol
^400080Blood Flavored Soda:^000000
1 Animal Gore
2 Anodyne
2 Aloevera
2 Alcohol
6 Royal Jelly
1 Red Spice
10 Apple Juice
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"First woman to become the royal chef in the Prontera kingdom history! - Signed
personally by the author."
A very interesting book that includes all the recipes for Level 10 Foods.
^ff0000Steamed Tongue:^000000
20 Tongue
1 Pot
1 Alcohol
2 Aloevera
1 Spicy Sauce
5 Royal Jelly
10 Yggdrasil Leaf
2 Blue Potion
^008040Steamed Desert Scorpions:^000000
20 Scorpion Tail
20 Scorpion Claw
2 Aloevera
3 Yggdrasil Leaf
3 Bitter Herb
10 Royal Jelly
1 Spicy Sauce
1 Pot
^ff8040Immortal Stew:^000000
20 Immortal Heart
10 Memento
1 Yggdrasil Seed
2 Anodyne
10 Heart of Mermaid
2 Spicy Sauce
10 Amulet
2 Bitter Herb
^0000ffDragon Breath Cocktail:^000000
10 Maneater Root
1 Singing Plant
5 Aloe Leaflet
5 Royal Jelly

5 Lemon
5 Prickly Fruit
1 Yggdrasil Berry
10 Blue Herb
^800000Hwergelmir's Tonic:^000000
1 Yggdrasil Berry
10 Ice Cubic
10 Bacillus
4 Royal Jelly
3 Concentration Potion
5 Alcohol
2 Prickly Fruit
1 Illusion Flower
^400080Cooked Nine Tail:^000000
10 Nine Tails
2 Four Leaf Clover
10 Maneater Root
10 Sharp Leaf
4 Yggdrasil Leaf
1 Savory Sauce
1 Yellow Spice
2 Izidor
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A round, fairly deep cooking vessel covered by a lid with a handle in which you
can cook various types of food if the right tools are used.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The key that can be used to release the 8th seal of the ancient city, Geffenia.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Bead that represents a brave warrior. It shines with a golden color.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Pass to the 2nd floor.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Pass to the 3rd floor.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A bottle of fine, sweet scented culinary wine obtained from the Yuno Pub.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delivery package containing a bag of flour and eggs that must be handled very
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An extra key for Kiel Hyre's Cottage that will let you enter through the back do
or, allowing you to avoid the cottage keeper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter that is labeled "To Elly" and closed with a distinctive red seal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A steel box with a tiny keyhole on its lid. Its contents must be what Kiel Hyre
wanted to give to Elly.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A flat, translucent yellow keycard that enables access to the secret path near t
he dormitory on the Kiel Hyre Academy campus.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Elly's golden key which can be used to open a special box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shiny and elegant gold button engraved with a beautiful rose.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A flat, translucent blue keycard that enables access to Allysia's hideout in Kie
l Hyre's factory.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A flat, translucent red keycard that enables access to a specific restricted are

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A peculiar looking metallic fragment.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A keyring that has many of the keys used for the Rosimier Mansion.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A portrait of an elite, high class family with 4 members.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A portrait of beautiful woman named Allysia. Her warm, welcoming smile can be fe
lt in the depths of your heart.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter written by a man with the initials K.H., for a woman named Allysia.
^777777"Please don't believe in James, I'm sure he is lying. I am the one that r
eally loves you.
I may be poor now, but once I succeed in this reseach, I can become even richer
than him!
I beg you, come and see me tonight where we first met. I'll be waiting for you.
--K.H. August 19"^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter addressed to Allysia, and written by a man named James.
^777777"Dearest Allysia, Believe me, I was just as surprised to learn that my fa
mily engaged me to Ms. Cerinee.
I'm sorry I hurt you, but I've decided that you are the one I want. Meet me tomo
rrow night, and we'll run away so that we can finally be together, my love.
--James, August 19th."^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A portrait of a young man that looks fairlydepressed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A complex mechanical device that can disrupt the energy in a robot.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An elaborate toy key made of plastic.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A flat and transparent black key which enables access to a front door.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A square piece of rusty iron.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The engagement ring that belonged to Allysia.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fancy, rainbow colored key that enables access to Kiel Hyre's Factory and Labo
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enigmantic flower that can only be seen within Valhalla, the sacred battlegro
unds of the ancient gods.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dark rune with ancient writing engraved inside it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A burnt part of some device.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An old silver pocket watch.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate given to Monster Race bettors that enable them to check the monste
r on which they wagered.
This can only be use in Hugel's Monster Race Arena.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A medal crafted from a rare and mysterious metal that can only be found in Hugel
These metals can not be traded or given to other players.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A flat, translucent green keycard that enables access to a secret safe.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A magical coin that is extremely valuable to leprechauns, since it can be used t
o fill their famous pots of gold.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Women's Medal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bead, imbued with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property, that is used as a catalyst
by Ninjas when performing some of their skills.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bead, imbued with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property, that is used as a catalyst
by Ninjas when performing some of their skills.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bead, imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property, that is used as a catalyst
by Ninjas when performing some of their skills.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An orb that is used as a catalyst to enable a Ninja to realize his latent abilit
ies and skills.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A ticket that lets you participate in The Summer Festival.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A part of Joshua's missing manuscript. It's full of meaningful content that real
ly touches the soul.
A book written by a novel writer called ^000088Ayala^000000 about how humans can
have better lives if they live as a shared entity.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Indonesian lottery ticket.
A stolen sandal.
[Amatsu Travel Brochure]
The people of Amatsu carry themselves with honor and tranquility.
While visiting the city, make sure to see:
1. The beautiful ^ff0000Water Shrine^000000.
2. The ^ff0000Lord of Amatsu^000000, who is much more open than rulers of other
lands and will talk to visitors and citizens alike.
3. The ^ff0000Legendary Tree^000000, that holds many legends. It is said, that w
hen you propose under its branches your marriage will be blessed.
4. The ^ff0000Coy Pond^000000, located in the wonderful gardens, whose careful b
alance and flow reflect the keeper's state of mind.

[Gonryun Travel Brochure]
Gonryun is a land in the clouds. Being so high in the air affords an unprecedent
ed view of the world and gives a different mindset to those who allow themselves
to think freely.
While visiting the city, make sure to see:
1. The ^ff0000Statue of Gonryun's Greatest Philosopher^000000, that stands proud
ly in the middle of town, ready to inspire great thoughts from all those that ga
ze upon him.
2. The ^ff0000Overlook of the World^000000. There are particular spots that are
exceptionally breathtaking, so please watch your step.
3. The ^ff0000small hill in Gonryun^000000 that is said to have been the Great P
hilosophers favorite meditation spot. See if any grand thoughts take you.
4. The ^ff0000Mini-town^000000 on ground beneath Gonryun that is a lesson agains
t stagnant and small thinking.
[Louyang Travel Brochure]
Louyang is a spiritual country, where the warrior spirit and clear thinking are
highly prized.
While visiting the city, make sure to see:
1. Such wondrous sites such as the ^ff0000Statue of the Man and the Tiger^000000
, that may inspire you to do your best.
2. The ^ff0000Hospital^000000, where the Louyang healers practice their art. The
re, your body will be cured by a system of body manipulations and diet.
3. The beautiful ^ff0000Palace^000000 that is protected by the Great Wall of Lou
yang. It is truly a sight to behold for every visitor.
4. The ^ff0000Tower^000000 where people practice there lungs by shouting from it
. Something to relax after a hard day of martial arts and spirit training.
[Ayothaya Travel Brochure]
Transcend your limitations, and find life's perfect philosophy is Ayothaya's Her
While visiting the city, make sure to see:
1. The ^ff0000Reclining Philosopher Statues^000000, that symbolise Ayothaya's gr
eat Philosophers that all Ayothayans seek to emulate.
2. The ^ff0000Shrine in Ayothaya^000000 and meditate upon your life's journey. K
eep the balance of your mind and body.
3. The ^ff0000Tom Yum Goong Restaurant^000000 where the famous and truly delicio
us soup will refuel your body. Don't leave Ayothaya without sampling the dishes
An album with pictures taken in Amatsu.
Stamped by the official seal of the Rune Midgard Tour Agency.
An album with pictures taken in Gonryun.
Stamped by the official seal of the Rune Midgard Tour Agency.

An album with pictures taken in Louyang.
Stamped by the official seal of the Rune Midgard Tour Agency.
An album with pictures taken in Ayothaya.
Stamped by the official seal of the Rune Midgard Tour Agency.
Fine sand of higher level of process which is filtered from the normal sand. It
is used for the patching up of buildings.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Small coins which are carved with the graphic of cute porings.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The number '^FF000039^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000040^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000041^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000042^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000043^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000044^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
The number '^FF000045^000000' is written on this Lotto Ball.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Something you should kick and place in something called 'net'.
Only a few people are allowed to touch it during the game.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The spiky things on the bottom are there to give more traction while running.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The flag of a western nation, famous for their long parties.
It consists of a green background, a yellow center and a simple blue design.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Coupon used by Bunny Corp. for the Upgrading Challenge Event, equivalent to +7.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Coupon used by Bunny Corp. for the Upgrading Challenge Event, equivalent to +8.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Coupon used by Bunny Corp. for the Upgrading Challenge Event, equivalent to +9.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It will swell up it attaches and the smell me the green stick.

A mind longing for a friend.

Secret Garden.
You are invited to the Secret Garden.
The flower garden member whole aspect key of the secret where the yellow gold co
lor pattern is beautiful.
A mind longing for a friend.
A heart that's frozen over. It's really cold, so be careful and don't hold it wi
th bare hands.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An ice shard in the shape of a scale. It doesn't melt, and is so thin that it's
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It has a red color, similar to blood. Rune letters are written inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A meat that has rotten after lying around too long. You'll certainly have a stom
ach ache if you eat it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sticky poison that you can get from plants. It's pretty strong and used in var
ious places.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A dark oval stone with seven red eyes that's believed to act as a sort of nucleu
s for some monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hat that covers the entire face, but it has two holes that you can see through
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spooky mask that effectively conceals the wearer's identity.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A strong, sturdy hammer imbued with the power of wind.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A lottery ticket that is given to those that make donations to the temple in Rac
hel, Cheshrumnir.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An effeminate diary with the word, 'Bruspetti' written on the cover. Perhaps tha
t is the name of its owner?
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A necklace that was supposedly crafted by skilled Dwarves.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A glowing necklace enchanted with an ancient magic.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A very cold powder enchanted with very powerful ice magic.
You risk freezing youself.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A gem with red color.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A gem with blue color.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A gem with yellow color.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A mythical crystal that is said to dispel any kind of forbidden magic. Only Clou
d Hermits have it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A silk handkerchief made by Zhi Nu (also known as Vega). You can feel the love o
f Zhi Nu toward Niu Lang (also known as Altair) when holding it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A document made to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Ragnarok Online, which can b
e traded in for prizes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jewel rumored to make the one who bears it evil. You feel a powerful force of
Weight : ^7777771^000000
You feel a great evilness, and you fear of becoming evil if you keep staring at
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The first document awarded to those who defeats an evil foe.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The second document awarded to those who defeats an evil foe.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The third document awarded to those who defeats an evil foe.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The fourth document awarded to those who defeats an evil foe.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Spend a cool summer with an IPOD.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'We' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Enjoy' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Moon' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Festival' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Moon Snack which has 'Together' written in the center in Chinese.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A letter from Sonia to Grandma Emma.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A sword made by Giancarlo. It feels like it has some special aura.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sturdy looking shield. It feels like it has some special aura.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Valentina's magical stone. It feels like it has some special aura.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088I^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088D^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088K^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088S^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^000088R^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Invitations Ragnarok party.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fine powder made from a grain called 'Wheat'.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Egg of a kind of bird species. Tasty, nutritious and is very suitable for kid's
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Simple coin. You can obtain it by killing monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An object containing the soul and strength of Pumpkin Jack.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The ticket it could be exchanged with the high-class food.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Looks as a fox.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
The Fox Queen's Heart. You have to keep it very carefully.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Small amount of warm glutinous rice filling.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A roll of special wrapping paper.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Monster in a sealed card. Feel the power of the monster which sealed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Monster in a sealed card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Monster in a sealed card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Crystal monster which is searched for by collectors.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A concentrated Elunium that has been buried deep underground.
Used as a material to make stronger armor.
The rate of refining an armor without breaking it will increase.
Only Suhnbi of Payon is capable of refining with this material.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A concentrated Oridecon that has been buried deep underground.
Used as a material to make stronger weapons.
The rate of refining a weapon without breaking it will increase.
Only Suhnbi of Payon is capable of refining with this material.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate that has the force of invulnerable Ziegfried.
It has been told that a man who possesses this can overcome death.
Revives the dead character.
When player is KO'ed, this item will be consumed and player will be resurrected
on the spot.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special ticket where you can change yours hairstyle with newest model.
One time use only.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

New name for new adventure! A ticket for Name Change Service.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The happiness isn't related to the scores. It explains that you are a quite trou
If you are a cold city student, it's not that serious score!
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The happiness is according to the scores! It explains that you are a decent stud
You are just good sons & daughters!

Weight : ^7777770^000000
There's one rose which is the present for father!
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A small item that wishes for good luck.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A bottle that holds magical power of monster 'Shining Plant'.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Special gear which good for repairing damage machine in the tower clock.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Cutting of gear. You earn to make special Gear of this cutting.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A device that can measure the ground's temperature. However, its readings don't
seem very reliable.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A note written by a Geologist.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Bottled carrot juice that's easy to digest.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled banana juice that's easy to digest.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled apple juice that's easy to digest.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Bottled grape juice that's easy to digest.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
An enchanted crystal that is used in conjunction with certain magic spells. Once
used, it is powerless and immediately destroyed.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The new Nokia 5500 Sport features a stainless body for enhanced durability with
resistance to shock, water, and dust elements. Use for Ragna_Nokia Festival.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^0000FFA^000000" printed on it.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^0000FFR^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A magic recipe for a Handmade Chocolate
It can be used in the certain place where you can cook.
^000088Ingredients :
5 Chocolates, 1 Milk^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A magic recipe for a fresh Strawberry Chocolate.
It can be used in the certain place where you can cook.
^000088Ingredients :
2 Strawberries, 1 Chocolate, 1 White Chocolate^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A magic recipe for a sweet Chocolate Tart.
It can be used in the certain place where you can cook.
^000088Ingredients :
3 Milk, 1 Egg, 1 Flour, 3 Chocolates^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A fermented dry cacao bean.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card with the letter "^0000FFG^000000" printed on it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A peculiar gold coin that doesn't resemble any currency that you can recognize.
Still, it'd make for some impressive bling.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It's a box containing unimaginable wealth that probably belongs to O'Riley the L

Weight : ^77777750^000000
A loan document that includes the amount lended and the signatures of the loaner
and lendee.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A precisely crafted diamond that emits an ominous vibe, it seems that it would b
e incredibly valuable.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A book that contains forbidden secrets of alchemy and magic that is usually kept
safe in Prontera Library.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A strangely shaped emerald that brings an impending sense of great misfortune to
whomever holds it.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The perfectly crafted, intricate, and official royal seal of the King of the Run
e-Midgarts Kingdom.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A ticket from a special doctor in Geffen town with which you can get
HP treatment from his assistant at a field and dungeon.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A ticket from a special doctor in Geffen town with which you can get
HP treatment from his assistant at a field and dungeon.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
It's a symbol of respect and admiration that's given only to those that truly de
serve it.
Some say it's a fair imitation of a police officer's badge.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A certificate proving that the bearer has completed a mission. This certificate
is required to begin a new mission.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of Kaong harvested from Palm Trees.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of Gulaman made from strawberry flavored gelatin.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of "Leche Flan" made from creamy eggs and milk.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of "Ube" made from yummy sweet purple yams.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of Sago made of Tapioca cooked in brown sugar.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of "Langka" made of sweetened Jackfruit.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A jar of "Sweet Beans" made of sweetened Kidney beans.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of "Sweet bananas" made of firm and ripe bananas cooked in sugar syrup.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A jar of "Macapuno" made from young coconut meat cooked in sugar syrup.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A worn-out white cloth that can be sold to Merchant NPCs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A clattering skull that occasionally breaks out in song that can be sold to Merc
hant NPCs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A seemingly useless farming tool that can be sold to Merchant NPCs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An antique crown that was once worn by the ruler of an ancient kingdom, it used
to sparkle with magnificence.
It can be sold to Merchant NPCs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Much of the writing on this note isn't legible since it's badly damaged.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A book whose contents are locked behind a tight seal.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
It's an aged lady, Yaga's magic book which tells about how to practice the stron
gest black art.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It's a marvelous bottle which can put human language into it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The aged lady, Yaga always carries this. It has the marks of being rubbed off.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It has so sticky liquid that makes us feel bad. We can use this as glue by grind
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It's the highest strength adhesive which can stick anything together.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This is unique liquid made by Babayaga. It enables winter not to come again.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Green vegetables is fresh. Food manufactured to feed Spring Rabbit.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Cake which looked to be it is really delicious. Food manufactured to feed Chung

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Type of aquatic creature. Adding the seasoned squid can make the dumpling more d
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Egg yolk. A cooking ingredients. Can be use to make dumpling.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Steamed glutinous rice that is use to make dumpling.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Aquatic botany. The leaf is used to wrap the dumpling.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Strings that is use to tie the dumpling.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A badge indicating that the wearer is currently participated in the war.
It was taken off from a failure of the battle.
Written with big letters as 'You win 'Chung E Egg'!! Please come and get it now!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Written with big letters as 'You win 'Spring Rabbit Egg'!! Please come and get i
t now!"
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A membership card at a training facility that helps you increase your strength.
This card will grant you an one time access to training, just show it to the tra
iner NPC.

A visit will increase your skill level by 1 boosting your weight capacity by 200
per level,
To a maximum of level 10. Increase Carrying Weight skill has 10 levels, and once
It is permanent. However, it is reset once you transcend. After you transcend,
Re-visit the NPC that teaches this ability to learn this back for free at the le
vel you had
Before you transcended. You can level this one at a time.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Golden key to open the box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Silver key to open the box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The box which two hearts are coming to carve in the surface.
It is sinking with the latent heat iron which is strange is two holes.
To inside there probably is a what kind of thing, there is not a possibility of
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Glorious golden key. Typically, the key is not used to it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Brilliant silver key. Typically, the key is not used to it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in

Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The coupon where the person who conveys the sorry be mind is coming to be put in
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Magic apple shines gold.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Oliver Hilpert novel that received the Youngest Literary Award of honor.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Mami's photo album, that contained various pictures of mami who was used to be e
nvoy of Public Relations in morroc.
On the cover, that says "Love and true heart message form Angel Mami, just for y
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Oliver Hilpert's Autograph is on this note.
You can recognize he is poorly bad at handwriting.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
"Ancient weapon - Unknown motivity.
Seclusion - The letter from lady disciple.
Stepmother - Karma in a previous life?"
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dark fragment imbued with gloominess spirit. Once you stare it, you might feel
absorbed into it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dark crystal which is hiding heavy shadows inside of it.
You might feel strongly dangerous power from this crystal. When you close to it,
you could realize something is sucking all the power from near atmosphere.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Exquisite aroma proceeds from the fairytale apple.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pan letter of the young girl where ardent love where comes to feel.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

An enveloped and to receive every string one notebook of the use which keeps.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Only usable by a character level 40 or below. For 30 minutes, grants 3x exp for
30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A brown colored family ring which it wears by Jenoss.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
" Holffar " Received a ^ff0000God's Anvil^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
" Torros " Received a ^ff0000God's Minerals^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
" Gonk " Received a ^ff0000God's Hammer^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
" Lapio " Received a ^ff0000God's Furnaces^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A symbol of Wealth to "Ravela".
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Anvil gold.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A symbol of Courage to "Ravela".

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red colored family ring which it wears by Jenoss.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A green colored family ring which it wears by Jenoss.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A blue colored family ring which it wears by Jenoss.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A symbol of the Faith to "Ravela".
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A symbol of the Peace to "Ravela".
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The necklaces of the Jessur.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Get the musical vibe going with the Nokia 5300 XpressMusic phone. With the dedic
ated music keys that play / pause, forward and rewind, it's easy to be melodious
ly mobile.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
It seems like a piece of Morocc skin. There is burned mark the edge of it.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A tasty green apple. Great food for Goblin.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A wildly barbecued meat. Great food for Deleter.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Well grilled meat skewer. It's looking delicious. Great food for Diabolic.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A drink for the departed soul to outlive in human world. Great drink for Wandere
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious stone that reveals its true power when a real hero has it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It certifies this adventurer have enough power and courage to be a member of Con
tinental Guard.
Continental Guard. Baloq.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A badge that is provided to warrior who brought great honor in the Battle field.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A badge that is provided to warrior who brought great honor in the Battle field.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A clear and transparent gem that reflects light beautifully.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A symbol Battle of virgin in 1866.

Weight : ^77777750^000000
A piece of wrecked armor of Valkyrie, Breunhilt.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Ashes of a hero, Siglude.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
The ring of Andvary that has been protected by the dragon Pavvnir.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
This liquid has a color of red dusk.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
It posseses the power of rising sun.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
The force of moonlight has been gathered.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A group of stars that lies beautifully in night sky.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A piece of crystal that is used as a key of the assessment. It contains a rune a
s a charm against a bad luck towards the assessment.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A flower from Valkyrie Wishmaiden. When it's decorated, the flower as a big fest
ival mood.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

The pieces are painted something. Although it does not look good.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although it does not look good.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although it does not look good.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although it does not look good.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although you don't know further reply.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although you don't know further reply.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although you don't know further reply.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The pieces are painted something. Although you don't know further reply.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
This signal is modified of the soul. ...
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The magic log, which can be used for the bonfire.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

RO together with Wii! Wii raffle ticket.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
RO together with Divx! Divx Player raffle ticket.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RO together with iPod nano! iPod nano raffle ticket.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Joyful Comodo Festival! This Ticket is serviceable only from Comodo Festival.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It thinks a troublesome army song warm mind.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A black cat doll which made by good craftsman.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A candy made with marshmallow. It is formed into a candy of various shapes, and
children like it very much.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

A jelly like confectionary in the shape of a bean. It is made with many flavors,
primarily fruits.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A soft confectionary make from sugar or corn syrup. It is tender and soft.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A Hwang gold which commemorates the a special day.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Very beautiful flower namely affection flower.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Gold bag receive from Baren. Must be deliver with the group protects environment
Certificate from Tidy. Contribute to be with help the group protects environment
A very small bag with Sesame seeds inside.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Fresh water that is pure and clean.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A very small bag with Rice seeds inside.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Beautifully bred Corn which most people like to eat.
Weight : ^7777772^000000

A very small bag with Bean seeds inside.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Light grass that is wet with dew.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A scroll used to summon a very powerfull monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll used to summon monster.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A recovered Treasure box that was Lost by Pirate Captain Wesley many years ago.
Perhaps with his help you can open it. Part of the 2007 4th Anniversary Event.
A shiny golden key which is rumored to be able to open locks enchanted with spel
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Mashenka's red ring. It seems to have a sad story.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Hair of the water fairy Lusalka, who drowned on the eve of her marriage.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A spool wrapped with golden fine thread.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Babayaga's silver spoon stolen by pirates.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A mistery magic book published by MOMOTARO publisher.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A branch broken off from a thornbush.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A flute made by shepherd who has an amazing talent for music.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A broken jade that seems valuable, no one knows who it belongs to.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Arrows make by the great smith in town. Sacred weapon as said by Hou Yi.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Crushes cooked red beans into the form of paste so that it could be made into th
e fillings for cookies or bread.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A present given by Mr.Taeum. A tool used to dry and increase the sugar capacity
of fruits.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Packet which contains certain fruits which posess a hard shell.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Contain certain nutrition loved by chickens. However, the ingredients are unknow
Weight : ^7777772^000000

A cute mug crafted by hand.

Weight : ^77777710^000000
A wood charcoal that was carbonized from the firm wood. It is a type of fuel and
essential for making BBQ.
It's also used to make a gun powder.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A yellow crystalline solid that is also known for the distinctive smell.
It is also used to make a gun powder.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A food additive which tastes salty and a bit refreshing.
It's also used to make a gun powder.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Rama was created five years for the commemorative of the book.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Roy Krasnoyarsk created for the book to celebrate the Day of Thailand.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The book was created to celebrate Constitution Day.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
VV Strong Balmung made by Meow.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
VV Strong Dagger made by Meow.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Jonathan 'family of exchange received a ring.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Jillberriel 'family of exchange received a ring.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Jessur 'family of exchange received a ring.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Jenoss 'received a ring.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The piano keys that can be open and locked.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A new type of ROK Star badge.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A poppy wreath placed at a location of strong personal meaning to
commemorate the memories of events and people that have shaped your life.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hairstyling coupon that's worth a free hairstyling service from Artist Louise
Kim during the event period.
One time use only.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cookie that looks just same as a stolen cookie from the factory.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A cookie that looks just same as a stolen candy from the factory.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hat belongs to Yulia.
Yulia claims that this hat was robbed by a suspicious man while going an errand
at night.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A machine that holds the Essence of Cold, made by the scientist Willis in Morroc
It can holds a Snowman and protects it from heat while the Snowman is outside of
the machine.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An old letter which seems to have been written with heart by someone.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A coin made of bronze. The magic coin will disappear
on March 18,2008 as the Leprechaun's magic leaves the world.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A coin made of silver. The magic coin will disappear
on March 18,2008 as the Leprechaun's magic leaves the world.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Divine force by the potion.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A fragment of memory from Thanatos.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Evidence that you really enjoyed the festival!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A something that contains the power of Dragon.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RWC event ticket. Let's celebrate RWC in Taiwan!
If you give it to RWC event NPC, you would get some gifts.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tribute to luck and fortune throughout the year.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Very large ring. Stink behind him. Everyone can be have this item.
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Basic tools for poison making are all stocked. It's a gift set for you who dream
ed of making poison.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Fragile. You'll get into trouble when attracted by a red beautiful flower and fr
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fragile. The red berry ripened but the fragrance seems like 'it' of a domestic a
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fragile. It's not a green tea even it uses the very end of a young leaf.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fragile. It does not have any scent unlike a beautiful figure.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fragile. The purplish, small, and cute flower seems charming but when you touch,
it's very itchy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fragile. It seems a weed that grows anywhere but it looks dangerous.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A golden crystal. It seems very warm such as sunshine has been put into.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A little branch that is extracted from an old tree grown up in a sacred place.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A trap that is reformed for hunters whose weights were a burden.

Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
The mark of foolish deed like a tag with zombies. You can exchange it for a gift
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Please send it to your girl to show your love.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Please send it to your guy to show your love.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An ordinary paper box.
It looks so flat, it definitely needs some ornaments.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A ticket to Ayothaya Festival.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Summer is here! Summer festival event ticket!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"Ke 64"
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A coin that belongs to the GameMaster.
Rumor has it, if you carry all 30,001 coins you become the King of Rock-Paper-Sc
Two brothers are travelling Midgard in search for all the coins.
A weird silver coin from suspicious women. It is very important to her.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku, bertumpah darah satu, tanah Indonesia"
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku, berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia"
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku.bertanah air satu, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku.berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia. Kami pu
tra dan putri Indonesia mengaku.
berbahasa satu, bahasa Indonesia"
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A piece that illusion left.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A chocolate that you can receive from Cupid to commemorate St.Valentine.
Only one for one person.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
This Geffen Magic Coin can be used with zeny to buy magic items from Geffen Magi
c City Quest.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Mercenary Badge given out during the Midgard Crowd Control Event.
Save this up to trade for headgears with the quest NPC.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Poring Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet In
LUK + 2, CRIT + 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Drops Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Inc
HIT + 3, ATK + 3.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Poporing Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
LUK + 2, Increases resistance against the ^880000Poison^000000 status by 10%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Lunatic Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet I
CRIT + 2, ATK + 2.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Picky Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Inc
STR + 1, ATK + 5.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Chonchon Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
AGI + 1, FLEE + 2.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Steel Chonchon Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC
33Pet Incubator^000000.
FLEE + 6, AGI - 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

An egg in which a Hunter Fly Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pe
t Incubator^000000.
Perfect Dodge + 2, FLEE - 5.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Savage Babe Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33P
et Incubator^000000.
VIT + 1, MaxHP + 50.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Baby Desert Wolf Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33
CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
INT + 1, MaxSP + 20.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Rocker Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet In
HP Recovery - 5%, MaxHP + 25.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Spore Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Inc
HIT + 5, ATK -2.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Poison Spore Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33
Pet Incubator^000000.
STR + 1, INt + 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Peco Peco Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
MaxHP + 150, MaxSP - 10.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Smokie Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet In

AGI + 1, Perfect Dodge + 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Yoyo Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Incu
CRIT + 3, LUK - 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which an Orc Warrior Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33
Pet Incubator^000000.
ATK + 10, DEF - 3.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Munak Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Inc
INT + 1, DEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Dokebi Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet In
MATK + 1%, ATK - 1%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Sohee Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Inc
STR + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which an Isis Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet Inc
ATK + 1%, MATK - 1%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Green Petite Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33
Pet Incubator^000000.
ASPD + 1%, DEF/MDEF -2.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

An egg in which a Deviruchi Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
ATK + 1%, MATK + 1%, MaxHP/MaxSP -3%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Bapho Jr. Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
DEF + 1, MDEF + 1, Adds a 1% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Bongun Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet In
VIT + 1, Adds a 1% resistance against ^880000Stun^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Zherlthsh Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
Increases your magic attack power by 2%.
Increases magical damage to the Demi-Human by 2%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which an Alice Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet In
MDEF + 1,Reduces damage from Demi-Human enemies by 1%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Rice Cake Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
MaxHP - 1%, Increase resistance to ^777777Neutral^000000 Property attacks by 1%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which a Christmas Goblin Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33
CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
HP + 30,Increase resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000 Property by 1%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

An egg in which a Chung E Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet I
DEF + 1, Reduces damage from Demi-Human enemies by 1%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg in which an Eclipse Cute Pet rests. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pet
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Knife Goblin sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Flail Goblin sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Hammer Goblin sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Red Deleter sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^
33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Diabolic sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33C
C33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Wanderer sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33C
C33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A funny egg, that only could be gotten at the time of Imlek. Can be hatched by u
sing a ^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Bacsojin sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33C
C33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Civil Servant sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
MaxSP + 10.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Leaf Cat sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33C
C33Pet Incubator^000000.
Decreases damage from Brute monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Loli Ruri sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33
CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Adds chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when the user
receives Physical Damage.
MaxHP + 3%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Marionette sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^3
3CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
SP Recovery + 3%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Shinobi sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC
33Pet Incubator^000000.
AGI + 2.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Whisper sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC
33Pet Incubator^000000.
FLEE + 7, DEF - 3.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

An egg that has Cute-pet Goblin Leader sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Increases damage against Demi-Human monster by 3%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Wicked Nymph sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
MaxSP + 30, SP Recovery + 5%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Miyabi Ningyo sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
INT + 1, Reduce Casting Time by 3%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Dullahan sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33C
C33Pet Incubator^000000.
CRIT + 5%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Medusa sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC3
3Pet Incubator^000000.
VIT + 1, Increase resistance to ^880000Stone Curse^000000 status by 5%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Stone Shooter sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a
^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Add a 3% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property attacks.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Incubus sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC
33Pet Incubator^000000.
MaxSP + 5%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Golem sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33
Pet Incubator^000000.
HP + 100, FLEE - 5.

Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Nightmare Terror sleeping in it. Can be hatched by usin
g a ^33CC33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Succubus sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33C
C33Pet Incubator^000000.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg that has Cute-pet Imp sleeping in it. Can be hatched by using a ^33CC33Pe
t Incubator^000000.
Increases damage against ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property monsters by 2%.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
It's an egg where cutepet Snow Rabbit has fallen asleep in. With a portable incu
bator, you can wake up a sleeping monster.
During event, exp increases 5% if carried together with Snow Rabbit for hunting.
Class : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
Tikbalang egg. Hatch the egg to awaken the monster with the [Pet Incubator].
Damage to Bakonawa, Bangungot, and Buwaya 10% increase. MDEF + 3.
Type : ^777777Monster Egg^000000
. [ ] .
HP 50% .
: ^777777 ^000000
A pristine helmet made from an animal skull.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Baphomet Jr.^000000
A protective mask for tiny Cute Pets.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Pet : ^777777Chonchon, Steel Chonchon, Hunter Fly^000000

A round, bubble-like helmet that offers magical protection to Cute Pets.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Baby Desert Wolf^000000
A rubber device that helps babies endure teething, but can also be used to silen
ce noisy Cute Pets.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Deviruchi^000000
A multi-colored wig usually worn by clowns.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Dokebi^000000
A hair accessory, said to be worn by an ancient queen, that is fitting for vain,
yet glamorous, Cute Pets.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Isis^000000
A cute ribbon knit from smooth silk that would look cute on a fluffy Cute Pet.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Lunatic^000000
A club that, in the olden days, was used to punish stupidity in classrooms.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Munak^000000
A wildflower whose scent is so nice that even the most savage of warriors will a
dmit to enjoy its fragrance.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Orc Warrior^000000
An old cooking pot that is just perfect (?) for placing on a Peco Peco's head.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Peco Peco^000000

A hairpin decorated with cute little stars.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Green Petite^000000
A cup shaped fragment of eggshell that would fit on top of a baby chick's head.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Picky^000000
A backpack made especially for short, round shaped, bouncy children or Cute Pets
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Poring, Drops, Poporing^000000
A pair of eyeglasses that make its wearer look like a total geek.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Rocker^000000
Green lace that can be worn by a baby, or even a pig.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Savage Babe^000000
A golden bell that can be worn in the hair of an adorable Cute Pet.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Sohee^000000
A pair of crude shorts made from rough tree bark.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Spore, Poison Spore^000000
A circlet made to fit a monkey, just like in the old Monkey Hero tales.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Yoyo^000000

A very stylish crimson muffler inspired by the one worn by a retro hero.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Smokie^000000
A ceremonial sword used by gravekeeper's to lead the dead to the great beyond.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Bongun^000000
A circular shape, headgear for a Goddess.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Bacsojin^000000
Old fashioned gold earring.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Civil Servant^000000
Green silk jewelery pouch. Contains some random stuffs and snack.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Leaf Cat^000000
Red and blue fashionable glasses. It isn't suited for everyone.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Loli Ruri^000000
A headgear that a little girl would like, star shaped.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Marionette^000000
A tassel at the end of a durumagi. Antique feeling.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Shinobi^000000
Accessory only for the dead. Gold and shiny.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Whisper^000000

A badge that indicates of high rank. Has a symbol of a special flower.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Goblin Leader^000000
Oriental accessory that is made of a mysterious green stone.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Wicked Nymph^000000
Everyone needs this for summer. It has a refreshing drawing.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Miyabi Ningyo^000000
A ring that symbolizes one who surpassed death. It feels like metal and it's col
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Dullahan^000000
A symbol of authority of high ranked women. Has a regal sense of feeling.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Medusa^000000
Hairstyle that had huge sensation. It's for outstanding.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Stone Shooter^000000
A mask to disguise yourself in a party. Its gorgeously decorated.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Incubus^000000
It imitated a device for exterior power of an ancient toy. It looks kind of cute
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Golem^000000

Horrifying horn from hell. It only has horrifying feeling not like the unicorn's
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Nightmare Terror^000000
A mask that looks like a wing of a huge black butterfly. It's decorated with bea
utiful symbols.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Succubus^000000
Imp's horn guard. It looks safe.
Class : ^777777Cute Pet Armor^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Pet : ^777777Imp^000000
A book documenting the history of Prontera. There's a whole chapter dedicated to
Tristan III.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A new novel from best selling author, Mihir.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A famous novel by a kRO player that was published in Monthly RO that's entitled
''Genius Chef Orleans Takes on the World!''
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A famous novel by a kRO player that was published in Monthly RO that's about the
Kafra Corporation.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A worn-out, dusty, and badly damaged book that's missing its cover.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A suspicious book stamped with the seal of the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom. The page w
ith information about the author has been torn out.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book published in Arunafeltz, the country that worships the goddess Freya. Thi
s story used to be of mouth, but has been religiously embellished in printed for
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book published in Arunafeltz, the country that worships the goddess Freya. Thi
s story used to be of mouth, but has been religiously embellished in printed for
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book of notes that contains a partial copy of a giant biographical dictionary.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Volume two of the Assassin adventure series written by Mihir, a popular fiction
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Doctor Varmunt's notebook. Short memos are written in hand writing.
Most of them are about Thanatos Tower and Historical relics that he discovered.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
The first report of the expedition with the Commander's seal. The report records
all the information related to ecological environment,
situations of the species and the expedition in another world.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Expedition Report Vol.1, sorted by Abidal. The information on the expedition's s
ettlement and occupation are all written in here.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Expedition Report Vol.2 which reports the crack of dimension and the traces of S
atan Morocc.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Expedition Report Vol.3 which reports the ecological environment and the species
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Expedition Report Vol.4 which reports the internal situation of the expedition a
nd the investigation. It also introdues the future plans.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Splendide Selling Items.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Manuk Selling Items.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Japanese Book 1.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Japanese Book 2.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
From the monthly alchemist publication.
Contains the latest 'Mix Cooking' recipes.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Originally published in a popular monthly alchemist series (Excess HP Vol 12).
A complete guide on boosting vitality.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Originally published in a popular monthly alchemist series (Dream SP Vol 10).
Includes detailed research on boosting SP.

Weight : ^7777775^000000
A singlepath of the study of spirits! 'Earthde Lagon' unravels the mystery of sp
irit magic.
Only Lagon tells you the points of the Spirit Magic! Only the key points are in
'At the moment you open this book you are the upper 1% among the spiritists!!'
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cooking book where you can find creative and yummy chocolate-using desserts' r
The most wanted book for the lovers in between Winter and Spring!
The Author: Arles Orleans, the Chocolate Expert and the famous Patissier.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

" ! .. , !"
1 , .
"^ff0000 : " " [ ] .^000000"
"^ff0000 : .^000000"
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion made from ground Yellow Herbs that restores ^000088about 175 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion made from ground White Herbs that restores ^000088about 325 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion made from ground Blue Herbs that restores ^000088about 60 SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion made from grinded White Herbs that restores about^000088 400~500 HP^000
HP Affected by Regeneration Potion.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A potion made from grinded Blue Herbs that restores about ^000088 50~70 SP^00000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

The plant brings up the spirit.
^000088Recovery 150 SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Flavor of the orange exact in refreshing carbonic acid!
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Flavor of the sweet grape spreads the mouth all the way!
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Karada Meguri-cha.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Black Tea Kochakaden.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
The same taste of the original coca cola without the added sugar.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Although no calorie content, the coca cola it's tasty.
You can taste lightly, the coca cola of 0 kilo calories.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Stimulation of carbon dioxide and unique flavor, not only healing thirst,
but refreshing both heart and body!
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Recovers a very small amount of HP.
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
... [Not For Sale]
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An easy to see fruit found in the tropical region. It's juice is used in many dr
Heals around 300 HP.
Weight : ^77777712^000000
A famous desert fruit. It's commonly used on hot days in icecream or juice.
Heals a small amount of HP.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A potion with a special abilities.
^000088Recover about 400 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A potion that recovers a large amount of HP.
Cursed Silence, Bleeding, and Curse status effects.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Recover about 200 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
^000088Recover about 50 SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
^000088Recover about 400 HP, 50 SP^000000.

Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
^000088Recover about 400 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Re-use Delay : ^7777771 Second^000000
^000088Recover about 600 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777712^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Re-use Delay : ^7777772 Seconds^000000
^000088Recover about 800 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777712^000000
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
Re-use Delay : ^7777773 Seconds^000000
^000088Recover about 1500 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
Re-use Delay : ^7777775 Seconds^000000
^000088Recover about 120 SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
It's the seasoned fried rice mixed with seafoods, meat, and vegitables.
Recovers small amount of HP.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
It's a food you skewer the chopped meat with source on and barbecue it.
Recovers small amount of HP.
Weight : ^7777772^000000

It's a Coconut Juice. Recovers small amount of HP and SP.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

. HP.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. . .
'' .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777773^000000

PvP, , .
, ...
^000088HP 500 , SP 60 ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777778^000000
PvP, , .
^000088HP 10% ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777778^000000
PvP, , .
^000088SP 10% ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777778^000000
. .
^000088HP SP 5% ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777774^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
3 STR + 1.
^000088HP 25 ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
! .
3 AGI + 1.
^000088HP 25 ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
3 VIT + 1.
^000088HP 25 ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
3 DEX + 1.
^000088HP 25 ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
TE .
^000088HP 325 ^000000 .
Weight : ^77777730^000000
TE .
TE .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Candy made according to the shape of mmon. If you stare at it, it will remind yo
u of someone.
^000088Cures every abnormal status^000000. Provide effect of ^008800Level 7 Bles
sing^000000 when used.
^008800Blessing^000000 will not be activated after the event period has ended.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
^000088Restores about 30 SP^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
This is a special food for recreation after fasting ceremony in particular count
It's not for being full up the stomach, but eating slowly and making strengthen
one's health.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It is a special potion for children made by a man who likes children so much.
Recovering HP, it's better than others.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Recovery 700 HP^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
^000088Recovery 100 SP^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
The lean portion of meat located at the lower part of the beef.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088Recovery HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088Recovery HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088Recovery HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

^000088Recovery HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A special taste candy by Julia.
^000088Recovery 45 HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Frost Diver^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A holy paper which was baptized by a noble priest.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Heal^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A holy paper which was baptized by a noble priest.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Heal^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A holy paper which was baptized by a noble priest.
Cast ^008800Level 1 Teleportation^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Normal Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Iron Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Steel Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000

A quiver which contains 500 Oridecon Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Fire Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Silver Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Wind Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Stone Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Crystal Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Shadow Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Immaterial Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Rusty Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A potion which increases the moving speed of a character for a duration.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A potion which decreases the moving speed of a character for a duration.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An entertainment explosive that makes beautiful fireworks in the sky when it is
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A decorative egg, traditionally exchanged with other people, which symbolizes re
birth. Can be used to resurrect dead people.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A bottle of cursed water.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Savory pork that is very tempting.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Delicious beef specially marinated in soy sauce.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A wrapped box that seems to contain a gift.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Most people who see this pretty red pouch are seized by the urge to open it and
see what's inside.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An egg that seems to contain something inside.
According to the custom, balancing one of these eggs on its end without any supp
ort is a sign of good luck.
Weight : ^77777720^000000

An egg that seems to contain something inside.
According to the custom, balancing one of these eggs on its end without any supp
ort is a sign of good luck.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Restores 9% of Maximum HP, but has a 30% chance to get you ^880000Curse^000000 f
or 30 seconds.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Increases Movement Speed for 20 seconds.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Cast ^008800Level 1 Attention Concentrate^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Increases your ATK by 20 for 60 seconds.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Increases your MATK by 20 for 60 seconds.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Imbues the user's weapon with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Enables the user to detect any hidden enemies for 30 seconds.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Restores 9% of Maximum SP, but has a 30% chance to get you ^880000Silence^000000
for 30 seconds.
Weight : ^77777720^000000

A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 1-10.

Weight : ^7777772^000000
A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 11-20.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 21-30.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 31-40.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A sealed box containing a Lotto Ball from numbers 41-45.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A very mysterious stone, rumored to change normal metals into pure gold.
People have been searching for it for ages. It has a soft, warm, red color.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A dish that is easy and convenient for beginner chefs; it has a fresh, grassy ta
ste, strangely enough.
STR + 1
Weight : ^7777776^000000
A dish that looks slightly unappetizing, but its taste and scent are quite pleas
STR + 2
Weight : ^77777750^000000
It looks like an ordinary steak, but it is explosively flavorful and juicy.
STR + 3
Weight : ^77777750^000000

Tender beef that has been marinated with herbs and sauces, using a secret Payon
STR + 4
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A sweet pancake made by Thachentze, the kind lady chef living in Lutie.
STR + 5
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A sweetly scented tea made by mixing herbs and grape juice.
INT + 1
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A tea made with 3 different herbs that give it a refreshingly strong scent, but
also a bland flavor.
INT + 2
Weight : ^77777750^000000
An invigoratingly hot herbal whose flavor is enhanced with the sweetness of hone
INT + 3
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A sweet and sour fruit wine that was invented by a merchant from Morocc. Ladies
love it.
INT + 4
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Wine distilled from Mastela fruit that helps the drinker to maintain clarity of
INT + 5
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A simple dish made from steamed crab nippers and herbs.
VIT + 1
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Assorted seafood that makes people that live near the sea feel very homesick. Un
less, of course, they're eating this food at home.
VIT + 2
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Fresh ocean clams boiled in water make for an excellent tender clam meat soup.
VIT + 3
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Steamed tentacles flavored with herbs and squid ink dressing that, weirdly enoug
h, is a delicious healthy food.
VIT + 4
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A bao that is fried and seasoned with spicy sauce. If you're not used to spicy f
ood, it's not a good idea to eat too many.
VIT + 5
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A soup made with squid ink broth and frog eggs that most people can't eat until
they close their eyes.
AGI + 1
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Incredibly smooth, slick, and slippery noodles that are very difficult to eat.
AGI + 2
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Cheese gratin with steamed tentacles mixed into it for an unique flavor.
AGI + 3
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Spicy, cold noodles garnished with sliced pumpkin.
AGI + 4
Weight : ^77777740^000000

Steamed pumpkin and Red Bat wings wrapped in a Hinale leaflet that have a combin
ed flavor that is indescribable.
AGI + 5
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A special mixed drink of grape juice and honey that has a sweet and sour taste.
DEX + 1
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A special chocolate mousse cake with a smooth luxurious flavor that even Charles
Orleans would be proud of.
DEX + 2
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A mix of various, crisp fruit flavored with light, sweet syrup.
DEX + 3
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A hearty sandwich made with slices of freshly baked bread, ground meat and cream
cheese that is a favorite dish to eat for lunch.
DEX + 4
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A trendy green salad that is topped with sweet Umbala dressing.
DEX + 5
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Lightly spiced monkey tails deep fried in oil that are popular as a side dish fo
r drinking.
LUK + 1
Weight : ^7777776^000000
A cocktail mixed from various fruit juices. If improperly prepared, it will lack
that certain taste.
LUK + 2
Weight : ^77777720^000000

Crunchy, fried sweet potatoes topped with light syrup. Taste very sweet and are
perfect if eaten between meals.
LUK + 3
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A Korean steamed fish with ancient lips wrapped in a fresh leaf that is supposed
ly good for a man's vigor.
LUK + 4
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A fried scorpion tail, which is said to be the most nutritious and tasty part of
a scorpion. There are trace bits of poison, so don't eat too much.
LUK + 5
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A marinated beef dish whose splendorous flavor can only be described as shiny.
STR + 6
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A great meal for meat lovers, this roast is spiced up with a special sauce.
STR + 7
Weight : ^777777100^000000
One of the finest dishes from Louyang, a delicacy made from a bear's meaty foot.
STR + 8
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A fresh and juicy satay made from thick tendons. Only good for the first hour af
ter it's cooked.
STR + 9
Weight : ^777777100^000000
The epitome of Louyang cuisine. It's ingredients may be hard to find, but culina
rily speaking, it's a masterpiece.
STR + 10
Weight : ^777777100^000000

An exotic wine whose secret to its exquisite flavor lies in the red mushrooms it
INT + 6
Weight : ^77777730^000000
An herbal tea mixed with royal jelly that has a pungent scent, but a refreshing
INT + 7
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A sweetly scented tea, one of Charles Orleans's specialties, that is regularly e
njoyed by the royal family.
INT + 8
Weight : ^777777100^000000
One of the most exquisite drinks ever created that was presented in celebration
of the coronation of King Tristan III.
INT + 9
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A cocktail with an unforgettable flavor as impressive as a dragon's breath.
INT + 10
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A strange medicine said to have as much healing power as its bitterness.
VIT + 6
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A magnificent feast fit for gods that would make mortals cry tears of joy.
VIT + 7
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A jumbo sized burrito for jumbo sized appetites, though it is a bit difficult to
VIT + 8

Weight : ^777777100^000000
A spicy soup with dragon meat whose flavor gives one the sensation of flight.
VIT + 9
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A stew with a funky smell that looks quite suspicious, but it really does give t
he feeling of immortality.
VIT + 10
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Shrimp and chile gratin that is so spicy, it burns.
AGI + 6
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A special Umbala dish made with steamed alligator meat wrapped in vegetables.
AGI + 7
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A spicy curry with a spice known to have the flavor of patience. Fortunately, th
e taste is balanced with pumpkin.
AGI + 8
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Louyang's specialty stew laced with all sorts of meat that has a tempting scent.
AGI + 9
Weight : ^777777100^000000
One of the four best dishes in the Sograt Desert, this scorpion dish is cooked u
sing the heat of the desert sands.
AGI + 10
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A sweet and lightly scrumptious cake made with peaches grown in Gonryun.
DEX + 6
Weight : ^77777780^000000

A deliciously sweet bread, haunted by flavor. Makes one's soul seem to soar high
as it melts in the mouth.
DEX + 7
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Large toasted bread garnished with huge amounts of meat, cheese, and vegetables.
It's so big, that it's hard to eat it as one meal.
DEX + 8
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Heavenly tasting juice that makes the drinker feel refreshed and relaxed.
DEX + 9
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Named after the legendary spring believed to be the source of the world's rivers
, this beverage is famous for its amazing taste.
DEX + 10
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A soup that is rumored to bring good luck when it is eaten hot.
LUK + 6
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Marinated meat and vegetables roasted on a skewer.
LUK + 7
Weight : ^77777780^000000
A riceball garnished with strawberries that give it an unexpectedly delicious ta
LUK + 8
Weight : ^77777740^000000
A strangely sweet drink that children seem to like, although the aftertaste is p
retty gross.
LUK + 9

Weight : ^777777100^000000
A rare specialty dish from Payon that bestows luck on those fortunate enough to
eat it.
LUK + 10
Weight : ^77777750^000000
A citrus fruit characterized by its thick rind and small sections.
Generally, it is eaten preserved or in bakery goods, such as fruitcakes. (The ca
ndied peel rather than the fruit is often used in cooking.)
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A long pin for holding meat, fish, or vegetable in position while it is being ro
Weight : ^77777730^000000
An ancient, gnarled branch with a contract written in blood upon the bark that c
an summon stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches.
^00688BUsing it summons 1 Boss monster^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
An unlabeled arrow quiver. Maybe you will figure out what it is when you open it
^00688BUsing it gives you 500 Arrows of a random element^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A beautifully decorated gift set that contains a taming item and Pet Armor.
^00688BUsing it gives you a random Pet Armor and taming item^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A beautiful jewelry box containing an accessory.
^00688BUsing it gives you a random Accessory^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
It's a mask, but what mask is it? You will have to unwrap it to find out.
^00688BUsing it gives you a random Mask^000000.

Weight : ^77777720^000000
A scroll that has been packed and carefully wrapped.
^00688BUsing it gives you a random Magical Scroll^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A wrapped box stamped with the Poring seal. You can faintly hear rustling coming
from inside of it.
^00688BUsing it summons 1 random Poring type monster^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A first aid kit that should contain potions, although they're known to hold othe
r things.
^00688BUsing it gives you a random Potion^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A bundle of food that contains various dishes.
^00688BUsing it gives you a random Food item^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A delicious alcoholic beverage made with exotic fruits found only in the Sograt
Desert. It's very sweet, so people can get drunk off it without realizing it.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A scarlet colored cocktail, favored by the ladies, that gives the drinker the fe
eling of lounging on the beach.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Temporarily enchants the user's weapon with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Temporarily enchants the user's weapon with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Temporarily enchants the user's weapon with the ^996600Earth^000000 Property.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Temporarily enchants the user's weapon with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the ^FF0000Fire
^000000 Property at the cost of increasing damage from the ^0000FFWater^000000 P
roperty for the potion's active duration.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the ^0000FFWate
r^000000 Property at the cost of increasing damage from the ^009900Wind^000000 P
roperty for the potion's active duration.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the ^996600Eart
h^000000 Property at the cost of increasing damage from the ^FF0000Fire^000000 P
roperty for the potion's active duration.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that will temporarily increase the user's resistance to the ^009900Wind
^000000 Property at the cost of increasing damage from the ^996600Earth^000000 P
roperty for the potion's active duration.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Doughy, chewy snacks made out of pine pollen, chestnut flour and honey, which en
hance the flavor of teas.
Embossed with the characters for safety, luck and longevity, these cookies are m
ade to wish good fortune to those who eat them.
Temporarily increases HIT by 30.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
These traditional crackers from a nation in the far East are made of mixed flour
, honey and sweet liquor.
Temporarily adds + 30 to Flee Rate.
Weight : ^7777777^000000

A colorful rice cake that is used as a party food in the far East.
Temporarily adds + 10 ATK and MATK.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A cooking kit that is designed for outdoor use. It's a little crude, but it's al
so portable.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A cooking kit designed for use in the home. It's sophisticated enough for you to
craft meals with that homemade quality.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
A professional cooking kit that only great chefs generally use to make food of p
rofessional quality. These are wasted on mere tyros.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A cooking kit said to be used by chefs working in the royal palace to craft nobl
y exquisite dishes.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
The legendary cooking kit that is said to make any recipe wondrously, sublimely
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A bag, stuffed with various snacks, that generally coveted by those with a sweet
Weight : ^7777777^000000
A drink that is already past its expiration date, and no longer has any potency.
Or does it?
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A small, red bag that magically changes your clothes into a ^000088Santa Suit^00
0000 for 10 minutes.

Weight : ^77777720^000000
One of McDonald's desert menu. Just thinking about McDonald's reminds you of thi
s Ice Cone.
Restores one half of Maximum HP and SP and lets you forget about the heat.
You can only buy it once a day and only until xx.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
A red envelope filled with good fortune, given by married couples to friends and
family to celebrate new beginnings.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A wonderfully refreshing drink that may cause stumbling and regrettably hazy mem
ories of the night before when drank in excess.
^000088Restores one half of Maximum HP and SP^000000, but has a 10% chance of au
to casting '^880000Confusion^000000' on the user.
Weight : ^7777773^000000
If you use it, you can get Chocolate, Candy, Woman Glory or Women's Medal.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
First stage item.
Second stage item.
Third stage item.
Fourth stage item.
Fifth stage item.

A book of magic written by ^000088Ayala^000000.
Increase your AGI by 10 for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A drink that can quench any thirst. Let's drink it cold!
^000088Restores one quarter of Maximum HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Lightning Spheres.
Weight : ^77777735^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Blind Spheres.
Weight : ^77777735^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Poison Spheres.
Weight : ^77777735^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Freezing Spheres.
Weight : ^77777735^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Flare Spheres.
Weight : ^77777735^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 regular Bullets.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Bloody Bullets.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
A bullet cartridge that contains 500 Silver Bullets.
Weight : ^77777725^000000

A box which contains a gift.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 1 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 2 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 3 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 4 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 5 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 6 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 7 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 8 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 9 mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

You can summon the highest level mercenary Archer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 1 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 2 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 3 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 4 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 5 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 6 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 7 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 8 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 9 mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

You can summon the highest level mercenary Swordsman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 1 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 2 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 3 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 4 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 5 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 6 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 7 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 8 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You can summon a Level 9 mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

You can summon the highest level mercenary Spearman.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Holy Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
An HP potion distributed by the Mercenary guild only for Mercenaries.
Can not be used by players.
Effect : ^000088Recovers 1000 HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
An SP potion distributed by the Mercenary guild only for Mercenaries.
Can not be used by players.
Effect : ^000088Recovers 100 SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A box that glows with a mysterious, red color. If you open it, something good ma
y be inside.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A box that glows with a mysterious, green color. If you open it, something good
may be inside.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A moon cake made by grace of moon fairy.
Increase HP and SP Recovery by 50%.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A box that glows with a mysterious, red color. If you open it, something good ma
y be inside.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A sweet and finest moon cake. It makes your body feel light.

^000088Temporarily Increase Movement Speed^000000.

Weight : ^77777730^000000
A special moon cake. It is fragrant and the silver one grade taste is born. When
it eats and the body comes to be light and the impression which comes to be nim
ble holds.
^000088Temporarily Increase Attack Speed, Increase Movement Speed^000000.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Pie made of Pumpkin by Hoirin which gives spiritual strength.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Looks so yummy that you will feel like to have a bite instantly.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A small bundle that reminds you of your hometown, you will feel warmth when hold
it in your hand.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Delicious, pure flavored liquor cookies.
^000088Restores small amount of SP^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A white biscuit that makes you feel full once you??ve eaten it.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A salty flavored biscuit.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Biscuit mixed with the flavor of Vanilla.
LUK + 21

Weight : ^77777710^000000
The tasty smell from the paper.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A Christmas Cake which is only available during the Christmas season.
^000088Recover a small amount of HP^000000.
Cast ^008800Level 3 Magnificat^000000 by chance.
Active Period : ^0000882006 December 11th ~ 2007 January 3rd^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
The criticism which is the possibility of seeing frequently the red box which it
Weight : ^77777720^000000
The epitome of Louyang cuisine. It's ingredients may be hard to find, but culina
rily speaking, it's a masterpiece.
STR + 10 for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
One of the four best dishes in the Sograt Desert, this scorpion dish is cooked u
sing the heat of the desert sands.
AGI + 10 for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cocktail with an unforgettable flavor as impressive as a dragon's breath.
INT + 10 for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Named after the legendary spring believed to be the source of the world's rivers
, this beverage is famous for its amazing taste.
DEX + 10 for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rare specialty dish from Payon that bestows luck on those fortunate enough to
eat it.
LUK + 10 for 30 minutes.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A stew with a funky smell that looks quite suspicious, but it really does give t
he feeling of immortality.
VIT + 10 for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed an
d well composed manual.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A life insurance certificate issued by Kafra Center.
Once the player receives the benefit from this certificate, the item will lose i
ts effect.
If the character dies within the 30 minutes duration, no loss of EXP will be mad
Corrected display suppose to be will not lose any experience the first time you
The effect will disappear after your first KO'.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Tasty and sweet bubble gum.
Within the 30 minutes duration after eating it,
Item drop rate increase by 100% for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Kafra name card issued by the Kafra Center.
The Kafra will be in service once the call is made.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enchanted giant wing which lived in ancient times.
Allows to teleport many people at once to random areas when used by party master
All the party members in the same map will move to the location where the party
leader is sent.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Pressing the button on this stick will flash blinding light that seems to cause
memory loss. Resets the Skill Tree and gives the corresponding number of Skill P

This item can only be used in town, and the character must carry 0 weight, and c
an not be
equipped with a Pushcart, Falcon, or PecoPeco. Can not be used by Novice Class.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A clean convex mirror that can be used to detect the appearance of Boss Monsters
exists in the map.
If the Boss Monster exists, its location will be indicated on the mini map durin
g the active duration of this item.
10 minute duration that is canceled when the player leaves the map or logs out.
Lord of the Dead, and Boss Monsters in the Bio Lab, Ktullanux,Memory of Thanatos
And some other event MVP monsters can not be detected by using this item.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Blessing^000000.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Increase Agility^000000.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
This item consumes 15 HP and will be ineffective if the character has fewer than
15 HP.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Aspersio^000000.
Scroll will get damaged if there is no Holy Water.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Assumtio^000000.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Wind Walk^000000.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Adrenaline Rush^000000.

Caution-This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Caution - If the user is not equipped with an Axe Weapon, the scroll will be gon
e without giving any effect.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A trumpet shape mechanism that can be carried with hand. If you put it near your
mouth when you're talking, it has the ability to send your voice further.
Allows you to broadcast your speech in the server.
Warning - It can be used once every 3 minutes now or the effect will be gone.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Candy Cane which is sweet enough to melt your tongue.
It's far too sweet for humans to eat but Christmas Goblins may like it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Square flat pastry from the milk, the flour, the honey and other products.
The rate of movement and attack is increased for 15 minutes.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Foam beverage of brown color. Looks like home-brewed beer, but nonalcoholic.
Traditionally it is drank out of the figured wineglasses.
^000088Recovers HP and SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
This is the original genuine chocolate! It has 99% Cacao content.
Absolutely the flavor is quite bitter but some maniacs love it.
^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A new type chocolate that a fresh strawberry is coated with a chocolate.
You can taste its sweet flavor with the savor of a fresh strawberry.
^000088Recovers a small amount of SP^000000.
Cast ^008800Level 5 Blessing^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A well-baked tart that filled with fresh-cream blended soft chocolate.

^000088Recovers a small amount of HP^000000.

Cast ^008800Level 5 Angelus^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A dollop of unidentified black thing. If you examine it closely, you may recogni
ze that it is a chocolate.
What happened with this chocolate?
^000088Recovers a small amount of SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
It is old but from when it eats and the stomach disorder is same the day thing.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
It is old but from when it eats and the stomach disorder is same the day thing.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
The box which the color fades very old yellow. What will come out and anyone whi
ch falls it does not know.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A Potion from the Mercenary guild which increases Attack Speed. Can not be used
by players.
Increases the Attack Speed of a players Mercenary by 10%.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A Potion from the Mercenary guild which increases Attack Speed. Can not be used
by players.
Increases the Attack Speed of a players Mercenary by 15%.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A Potion from the Mercenary guild which increases Attack Speed. Can not be used
by players.
Increases the Attack Speed of a players Mercenary by 20%.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Some the gift box which seems old. The silence will not be included pedigree the

deep futures.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A frothy green ale brewed by O'Riley the Leprechaun.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Powerful spirits are sealed within this album.
What will happen if the seal is undone?
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A glass of sweetened fruits and desserts served with crushed ice and lots of mil
k. A Filipino dessert that never fails to help quench the summer heat.
All Stats +3 for 10 minute duration.
Limited to Level 20 or above players.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A box containing Fancy Ball ornament.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A payment statement for the Kafra Employees.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The epitome of Louyang cuisine. It's ingredients may be hard to find, but culina
rily speaking, it's a masterpiece.
STR + 10 for 1 hours.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
One of the four best dishes in the Sograt Desert, this scorpion dish is cooked u
sing the heat of the desert sands.
AGI + 10 for 1 hours.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cocktail with an unforgettable flavor as impressive as a dragon's breath.
INT + 10 for 1 hours.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Named after the legendary spring believed to be the source of the world's rivers
, this beverage is famous for its amazing taste.
DEX + 10 for 1 hours.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rare specialty dish from Payon that bestows luck on those fortunate enough to
eat it.
LUK + 10 for 1 hours.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A stew with a funky smell that looks quite suspicious, but it really does give t
he feeling of immortality.
VIT + 10 for 1 hour.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Item to celebrate 4th anniversary of RO in Philipine.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A white pill that helps your body to overcome cold.
The consumer's HP and SP will be restored by 25%.
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A box containing Bomb Poring. When it used, the Bomb Poring was recalled all.
It does not have to use from amiableness surroundings end.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted tonic that made by a dream flower.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
It's a limited Summer Item. It's cool Summer clothing for outside. If you wear i
t, you'll be like the light and fly away.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Refined the root of the flower of fantasy and the liquid medicine which it made.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A badge made out of bronze that was used in an ancient Asian country.
It was given to government officials who went on business trips and they could u
se this badge to rent horses anywhere.
^000088Temporarily increases Movement Speed^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed an
d well composed manual.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Tasty and sweet bubble gum.
Within the 30 minutes duration after eating it,
Item drop rate increase by 100% for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A life insurance certificate issued by Kafra Center.
Once the player receives the benefit from this certificate, the item will lose i
ts effect.
If the character dies within the 30 minutes duration, no loss of EXP will be mad
Corrected display suppose to be will not lose any experience the first time you
The effect will disappear after your first KO'.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Doughy, chewy snacks made out of pine pollen, chestnut flour and honey, which en
hance the flavor of teas.
Embossed with the characters for safety, luck and longevity, these cookies are m
ade to wish good fortune to those who eat them.
Temporarily increases HIT by 30.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
These traditional crackers from a nation in the far East are made of mixed flour
, honey and sweet liquor.
Temporarily adds + 30 to Flee Rate.
Weight : ^7777777^000000

A colorful rice cake that is used as a party food in the far East.
Temporarily adds + 10 ATK and MATK.
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Foodstuffs prepared for urgent situation. Don't eat too fast, you might be chock
ed with this.
^000088ATK + 15 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Foodstuffs prepared for urgent situation. Don't eat too fast, you might be chock
ed with this.
^000088MATK + 15 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Improved snack A which is convenient for busy life. Don't be sure about the tast
^000088Restores amount of HP by 5%.^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Improved snack B which is convenient for busy life. Don't be sure about the tast
^000088HIT + 33 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Improved snack C which is convenient for busy life. Don't be sure about the tast
^000088FLEE + 33 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^7777777^000000
Only one of Eastern religious groups can be created.
Increases Maximum HP + 5% for 1 hour. Increases HP + 10%.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Created as a vision of the various magic herb pills.

Increases Maximum SP + 5% for 1 hour. Increases SP + 10%.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book that can summon a monster Mimic as a Mercenary. Don't need to feed him th
Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book that can summon a monster Disguise as a Mercenary. He looks little delinq
uent but he is actually nice when you get to know him.
Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A book that can summon a monster Alice as a Mercenary. Don't give her overwork.
Mercenary disappears when its owner has drained all energy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll endowed with undead elemental magic.
When used, grants 20% resistance to ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^FF0000Water^000000, ^FF
0000Wind^000000, and ^FF0000Earth^000000 property attacks for 5 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll endowed with Holy elemental magic.
When used, grants armor attribute for 5 minutes Holy attribute to convert.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains treasure box? This contains a huge treasure cases maybe not ...
Weight : ^77777715^000000
A box contains fancy ball ornament.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes cute.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you want to express your love, or
when you want to say that you're sorry after making a big mistake.

When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to co
mplain about, or when you want to do something awful.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes humorous.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to ta
lk about thats funny.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088HP Recovery + 5%, Enables use of Level 5 Blessing^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088SP Recovery + 5%, Increases Agility Level 5^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088HP Recovery + 20%^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
^000088SP Recovery + 20%^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000

A box contains 1 Rusty Commemorative Coins.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 General Commemorative Coins.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Shining Commemorative Coins.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Shining Commemorative Coins.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Reduced SP Consumption of skills by 15% for 1 hour.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Increased resistance using potion pitcher.
Adds 10% resistance to the ^880000Stun, Freeze, Stone, Sleep, Silence,
Blind, Curse, Poison, Bleeding, Confusion^000000 for 1 hour.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this scroll and your friend Wild Rose will come and help you.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which summons a young noble Doppelganger, however, it's not as strong a
s other monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which summons a beautiful girl, Egnigem Cenia, however, she's not as st
rong as other monsters.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Have some fun pouring the water on you during the Water event!
LUK + 5 for 1 minute.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A branch of cherry blossom Tree with full-blown cherry blossoms.
It feels like your body lightens with rich scent of a flower when you wave it.
FLEE + 10 for 5 minutes.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

Made bigger and be more splendid with many spray of flowers put together. Double
d Scent! Doubled Elegance!
Increases Flee of the party members by 10 for 5 minutes. If not in a party, it w
ill have no effect.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Thick Battle Manual. Exp rate is increased to 50% for 1 hours.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
You have the blessings of the goddess!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The angel's blessing be with you!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
During the winter atmosphere I'd like to look good items!
Warning: You can not turn off the lights!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This item is expected to create an atmosphere of love, please!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A snack sent from Rune-Midgards. Be careful not to let anybody taste the cake wi
thout even asking.
^000088ATK, MATK + 5 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000

A snack sent from Schwartzwald. Ice cold fruit juice quenches your throat and co
ols your whole body.
^000088HIT + 10 , Perfect Dodge + 20 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A snack sent from Arunafeltz. This sandwich helps developing stamina with its sp
icy taste.
^000088Critical + 7 for 10 minutes.^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A pie covered with sweet chocolate. This sure looks not pretty but the taste is
excellent. It reminds you of the taste of homemade pie.
^000088Recovery HP/SP by 5%.^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An enchanted fly's wing that instantly sends its user to a random spot when wave
d in the air.
^000088Instant teleport^000000.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to his Save Point wh
en waved in the air.
^000088Instant teleport to character's Save Point^000000.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A magnifying glass used for scrutinizing objects.
^000088Appraises unidentified items and equipment^000000.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A playstuff which makes beatiful fireworks in the sky when it is lit.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 20 for 1 hour.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

Adds + 10 stat every 20 seconds.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Nice man publisher who can summon scroll! When in use, like publishers, please h
elp! Let's try and shouting.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Beautifull woman publisher who can summon scroll! When in use, like publishers,
please help! Let's try and shouting.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Strong fragance of ginseng. It good for body.
^000088Recover 6% HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Slightly sour smell of the fruit juice. One cup of vitamin and iron.
^000088Recover 6% SP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains rare helm.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Restores 60% HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777735^000000
^000088Restores 30% HP & SP^000000.

Weight : ^77777730^000000
^000088Restores 20% HP & SP^000000.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
The golden corn is really beautiful.
STR + 2, INT + 2, AGI + 2 for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Ragnarok special edition for readers to buy treasure edition box!
Get 1 random item of 5 kinds item.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Rice powder that shines mysteriously. It can make the rice cake dough harder.
Furthermore, you can tame a monster 'Hot Rice Cake' by using this item.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 100 "Special Alloy Trap" inside.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
The official supplement for miners, made by Manuk labs.
Increases 10% physical damage for 10 minutes to monster on Manuk maps.
^000088(Nepenthes,Centipede,Centipede Larva,Hills Lion,Tatacho,Hardrock Mammoth)
Weight : ^7777775^000000
The official nutrient supplement for miners, made by Manuk labs.
Reduced physical and magical damage by 10% for 10 minutes to monster on Manuk ma
^000088(Nepenthes,Centipede,Centipede Larva,Hills Lion,Tatacho,Hardrock Mammoth)
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Carefully sweetened jam from the fruits of the pinguicula.
Increases 10% physical damage for 10 minutes to monster on Splendide maps.
^000088(Pinguicula,Luciola Vespa,Cornus,Naga,Tendril Lion)^000000

Weight : ^7777775^000000
Jam made from luciola vespa's honey mixed with herbs.
Reduced physical and magical damage by 10% for 10 minutes to monster on Splendid
e maps.
^000088(Pinguicula,Luciola Vespa,Cornus,Naga,Tendril Lion)^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Puckery unripe acorn. Better not eat this.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Jelly made out of an unripe acorn flour.
Usually an acron jelly is delicately-flavored, but not this one.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
The official supplement for miners, made by Manuk labs.
Increases 10% magical damage for 10 minutes to monster on Manuk maps.
^000088(Nepenthes,Centipede,Centipede Larva,Hills Lion,Tatacho,Hardrock Mammoth)
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A potion made from concentrated cornus tears. How the tears were obtained is unk
Increases 10% magical damage for 10 minutes to monster on Splendide maps.
^000088(Pinguicula,Luciola Vespa,Cornus,Naga,Tendril Lion)^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Blessing^000000 & ^008800Level 5 Ang
elus^000000 on the wearer.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Crazy Uproar^000000 on the wearer.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A scroll with lots of dungeon & field coordination written on it. You can go to
the place you want by tearing the paper into pieces.

When used allows you to teleport to a specific dungeon or field from the followi
ng list:
"Ice Cave 01","Thor's Volcano Dungeon 01","Abyss Lakes Underground Cave 01","Tha
natos Tower","Lighthalzen","Juperos 02","Geffenia","Kiel Hyre's Academy","Hidden
Temple 03",
"Nifflheim","Sunken Ship 01","Veins Field","Valkyrie Realm","Britoniah Guild","G
reenwood Lake Guild",
"Luina, the satellite of Aldebaran","Schwarzwald Realm","Schwaltzvalt Guild Cast
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Water close to my body. Water's so cool as if it was just taken out of the fridg
A Weapon becomes water-elemental for 90 sec.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A chocolate roll cake in the form of fire wood covered by snow.
When you see it, you can feel Xmas is coming.
Increase the restoration power by 3% for 10 minutes. HIT + 3, CRIT + 7.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
It is rumored that you can get this box once a year.
If you cry, you are excluded from the list.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A costume branded by the artist, Louise Kim.
Its design is similar to you but what matters?
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Shiny glowing winged clothes. Bascojin seems to like it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A fan with wind magic. Civil Servant seems to like it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Tender and soft light-green grass. Leaf Cat likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000

A red juice that has a suspicious smell. Loli Ruri likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Cool sundae. Marionette likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A high quality dagger forge by a blacksmith from Amatsu. Shinobi likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A custom made small coffin. Whisper likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A sloppy looking staff that seems like its made of plastic. Goblin Leader likes
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A lotus that is still a bud. Wicked Nymph likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A old japanese doll that looks like the ones you see on horror movies. Miyabi Do
ll likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A strong alcohol that isn't even opened. Dullahan likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A small decorated mirror. Medusa likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A coconut that's filled with oil. Stone Shooter likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000

Weight : ^7777775^000000
A letter that a girl has written with her heart poured in. Incubus likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Tablet that has strong magic inscribed. Golem likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A contract written in the language of hell. Nightmare Terror likes it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A letter with a boy's heart. He probably put a lot of courage into it.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A flame shaped ice. Strange.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Attack rate + 10% & HIT + 5 for 20 minutes.
Effect disappear upon death.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
Recover 3% HP. Enables use of ^008800Level 2 Gloria^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Recover 3% SP. Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Magnificat^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088^000088Recovery HP & SP + 50%^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Wolf only to hear a high frequency flute. 1 disposable.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll written in an unknown language.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll written in an unknown language.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A magazine of 1000 vulcan rounds.
Weight : ^77777750^000000
The magic is strong swirling rainbow colors.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A strong magic energy is whirling about in rainbow color.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A strong magic energy is whirling about in rainbow color.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A strong magic energy is whirling about in rainbow color.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A rune stone for probationer rune knights.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A rune stone for probationer rune knights.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rune stone for probationer rune knights.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An egg type cute colored package. You might be able to get something.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Recovers the Magic Gear's HP by a fixed ammount.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Recovers the Magic Gear's HP by a fixed ammount.
Weight : ^77777714^000000
Recovers the Magic Gear's HP by a fixed ammount.
Weight : ^77777718^000000
A bowl of Tantan Noodles that Green Maidens find hard to resist.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A very suspicious box. You don't know what will happen when you open it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very suspicious box. You don't know what will happen when you open it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^777777100^000000
Let's have a good time throwing water!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Recovery HP/SP by 5%.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
An egg type cute colored package. You might be able to get something.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
ATK, MATK + 2% for 2 minutes.
Increases recovery from the heal skill and recovery items by 10%.
Effect disappear upon death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Recovery HP/SP by 30%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Blessing^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Scroll enables character type as fire for 10 seconds. Effect lasts after player'
s death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ball which is useful to kill wild rats.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
The first rating pork. A very delicious~
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Anyone can be friends with special pork belly and soju. It makes people relax an
d happy!
Weight : ^7777770^000000
This well written, detailed manual explains High Efficiency battle methods.
Increses experience rate by 100% for 15 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A High Efficiency bubble gum that packs double the punch.
Increases drop rate by 200% for 15 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A well packed gift box. No one knows what is in it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A candy made with guarana fruit. It seem to raise your awareness but be sure not
to eat too much.
Increases your attack speed by a small amount.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with many castle coordinates written. If you tear the scroll at the rig
ht spot, it will warp you to that location.
Allows warp to "Mardol", "Syr", "Horn", "Gefn", "Banadis", "Himinn", "Andlangr",
"Vidblainn", "Hljod", "Skidbladnir".
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A potion that slightly boosts attack speed.

Duration 500 seconds.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that increases Atk a little.
Duration : 500 sec.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A potion that increases Matk a little.
Duration : 500 sec.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A potion that slightly boosts max HP.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that slightly boosts max SP.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small potion that increases MaxHP.
MaxHP slightly increased for 500 sec, HP recovery +1%.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A potion that increases MaxHP.
MaxHP moderately increased for 500 sec, HP recovery +2%.
Weight : ^7777774^000000
A big potion that increases MaxHP.
MaxHP increased by a large amount for 500 sec, HP recovery +5%.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
A small potion that increases MaxSP.
MaxSP slightly increased for 500 sec, SP recovery +2%.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A potion that increases MaxSP.
MaxSP moderately increased for 500 sec, SP recovery +4%.
Weight : ^7777774^000000

A big potion that increases MaxSP.
MaxSP increased by a large amount for 500 sec, SP recovery +8%.
Weight : ^7777778^000000
Recovers a large amount of HP, increases natural HP recovery speed by 20%.
Duration : 500 sec.
Weight : ^777777^000000
A very wild dish made out of a whole Savage with a slight barbecue flavor!
STR + 20.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A deep red colored cocktail containing wolf's blood.
INT + 20.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Meat of a Minor's head. Famous for it's soft and tender textures.
VIT + 20.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Fantastic combination of transparent ice and tea.
DEX + 20.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
One of the best delicacies in Arunafeltz that has a chewy texture.
AGI + 20.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A Geffen delicacy that is decorated with the best part of the Petite, the tail.
LUK + 20.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A black scary thing that smells burnt. It looks like a failure of something, so
it couldn't preserve it's original shape.
Decrease All Status 5 to 10.
Duration : 5 min.
Weight : ^7777775^000000

Recovers SP, natural SP natural speed increased by 20% and MaxSP increased by 5%
Duration : 500 sec.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Increase attack speed a little.
Duration : 500 sec.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An enchanted, giant wing from an ancient creatures.
Enables instant teleportation of many people when used by a Party Master.
This item can be traded and put into storage.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This well written, detailed manual explains effective battle methods.
^000088EXP rate increases to^000000
^000088150% for 30 minutes.^000000
^ff0000This item is character bound.^000000
^ff0000180% for 30 minutes until 12/13/2011^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A life insurance certificate issued by Kafra Headquarters.
This item loses its effect once the player receives its benefit.
If the character dies within 30 minutes after using this item, there will be no
EXP loss penalty.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sweet, tasty bubble gum. Item drop rate increases by 100% for 30 minutes.
^ff0000150% for 30 minutes until 12/13/2011^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Kafra name card issued by the Kafra Headquarters.
Using this card will call up the Kafra Service.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Pressing the button on this stick will flash blinding light that seems to cause
memory loss.

Resets the Skill Tree and gives the corresponding number of Skill Points.
This item can only be used in town, and the character must carry 0 weight,
and cannot be equipped with a Pushcart, Falcon, or PecoPeco. Cannot be used by N
ovice Class.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A teleport scroll that warps you to the Siege Areas.
Valkyrie Realms
Greenwood Lake
Cannot be dropped.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very pricey Louyang dish that tastes absolutely superb.
STR + 10
Duration : 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This scorpion dish is cooked with the heat of the desert sand,
and is one of the four best dishes in Sograt Desert cuisine.
AGI + 10
Duration : 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cocktail whose unforgettable flavor is as potent as the breath of a dragon.
INT + 10
Duration : 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This beverage is named after the legendary spring that is believed to be the sou
rce of the world's rivers,
and is famous for its pure, amazing taste.
DEX + 10
Duration : 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A rare, specialty
Payon dish that bestows luck to those fortunate enough to eat it.
LUK + 10
Duration : 30 minutes.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A funky smelling, suspicious looking stew that really does make you feel like an
immortal when you eat it.
VIT + 10
Duration : 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the towns of the
Rune Midgarts Kingdom.
Locations: "Prontera", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Al De Baran" or "Alberta" w
hen waved in the air.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the towns of the
Schwartzwalt Republic.
Locations: "Juno", "Lighthalzen", Einbroch" or "Hugel" when waved in the air.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the towns of Arun
Locations: "Veins" or "Rachel"
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the island towns
of Rune Midgard.
Locations: "Ayothaya", "Amatsu", "Luoyang", "Kunlun" "Moscovia"
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A teleport scroll that warps you to the Siege Areas.
Valkyrie Realms
Greenwood Lake
Cannot be dropped.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Enables a single cast of Greed.

Caution! -Cannot be used in town. When used, only scroll gets destroyed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A glass of illusion made from morning dew from an Illusion Flower.
Drink the dew to create an illusion that will make it more difficult for enemies
to hit you.
Increases your Perfect Dodge by 20 for 1 minute. Only one may be consumed per 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abrasive that adds sharpness to a weapon.
Increases Critical Rate by 30
Duration : 5 Minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sizeable bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective in healing wounds.
Restores an amount of HP equal of 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds.
Duration : 10 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sizeable bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective in healing wounds.
Restores an amount of HP equal of 7% of your Max HP every 4 seconds.
Duration : 10 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A magic potion made with alchemy and magic.
A Rosary is rumored to be one of the secret ingredients in making this potion.
Increases the HP recovery effect of some potions and the Heal skill by 20%.
Duration : 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A secret potion made using pixie mustache.
Adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks.
Duration : 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A secret potion made using pixie mustache.
Adds 3% resistance to Magical Attacks.
Duration : 1 minute.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A secret potion made using tough dragon scales.
Adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks.
Duration : 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A secret potion made using tough dragon scales.
Adds 3% resistance to Physical Attacks.
Duration : 1 minute.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Blessing has been recorded.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
^ff0000This item is character bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Increase AGI has been recorded.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
This item consumes 15 HP and will be ineffective if the character has fewer than
15 HP.
^ff0000This item is character bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Aspersio has been recorded.
If there is no Holy Water, scroll will be damaged when used.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Assumptio has been recorded.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Wind Walker has been recorded.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Adrenaline Rush has been recorded.
If the user is not equipped with an Axe, the scroll will be when used.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^FF0000This item will be discontinued from sale starting on June 21, 2011^000000
A clean convex mirror that can be used to detect the appearance of Boss Monsters
10 minute duration that is canceled when the player leaves the map or logs out.
Lord of the Dead, and Boss Monsters in the Bio Lab, Ktullanux, Memory of Thanato
s, and some other event MVP monsters cannot be detected by using this item.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Recovers several kinds of abnormal status. Recovers small amount of HP.
(Silence, Bleeding, Poison, Curse, Reverse Orcish, Change Undead)
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Caracas Ring" inside. Available for 3 days.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover In Mouth R" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A notation that a Caroll is memorized.
But nobody knows which song is memorized.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
You can get get an effect of Restore, Endure, or Wing of Butterfly.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
"", "", "", "", "", "", ""
- , 1 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
"", "", "", "", ""
- , 1 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
"", ""
- , 1 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
"", "", "", "", "", "", ""

- , 1 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
^ff0000! ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains Mastela fruit
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"^ff0000Notice - if you have too much weight, item might be lost!^000000"
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
^ff0000! ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
^ff0000! ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
100 . .
^ff0000! ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
^ff0000! ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
^ff0000! ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000

HP, SP 20% .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Beautifully wrapped gift basket filled with goodies to share.

Bring these to the Lucky Dogg at Eden Group and exchange it for 75 Prize Medals.
^0000ffLucky Dogg will stay to take your baskets until April 17th^000000.
Opening it will give you the following:
-5x Lovely Choco-Tart - restores an average amount of HP
-3x Cute Strawberry-Choco -restores an average amount of SP
-4x Chocolate Drink -Restores a high amount of HP and a low amount of SP
-10x Hand-made Chocolate -restores 50hp/50sp
-10x Handmade White Chocolate -restores 50hp/50sp
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Filled with firecrackers for events.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
, .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sorry to waste such valuable food, but I cannot eat something like this.
It looks poisonous!
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A permitted license that's for opening a purchase-only street stall. The Merchan
t Guild's stamp looks like a hand drawing. (For one time)

Weight : ^7777771^000000

100 . .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"^uu0000 - Weight ,

30 . .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
"^uu0000 - Weight ,
Contains all the parts to make a Brysingamen, it is still up to you to get the D
warf to construct it for you.
Can be traded and put into storage.
^FF0000WARNING: This box has no contents if opened on the Valkyrie server.^00000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Contains all the parts to make an Asprika, it is still up to you to get the Dwar
f to construct it for you.
Can be traded and put into storage.
^FF0000WARNING: This box has no contents if opened on the Valkyrie server.^00000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Contains all the parts to make a Brynhild, it is still up to you to get the Dwar
f to construct it for you.
Can be traded and put into storage.
^FF0000WARNING: This box has no contents if opened on the Valkyrie server.^00000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Contains all the parts to make a Sleipnir, it is still up to you to get the Dwar
f to construct it for you.
Can be traded and put into storage.
^FF0000WARNING: This box has no contents if opened on the Valkyrie server.^00000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Contains all the parts to make a Mjolnir, it is still up to you to get the Dwarf
to construct it for you.
Can be traded and put into storage.
^FF0000WARNING: This box has no contents if opened on the Valkyrie server.^00000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Contains all the parts to make a Megingiorde, it is still up to you to get the D
warf to construct it for you.
Can be traded and put into storage.
^FF0000WARNING: This box has no contents if opened on the Valkyrie server.^00000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
3W 1 . 1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
' .
, , , , ZGP .
, , , NZGP .
, , , SK, HK .
: : 1
: Weight : 10
Required Level : 1
: '
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
? 1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
? 1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
? 1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

? 1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
2 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777775^000000
^000088HK 50 ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Elven Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
A quiver which contains 500 Hunting Arrows.
Weight : ^77777725^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Potion contains verious recovery herb juice. Effective for faster wound healing.
Recovers 6% of MaxHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes.
Not available in berserk condition.
^000088When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect
will wear off.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
4 .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Trial product which has been researched from the Geffen Magic Academy for such a
long time.
A magical scroll which is able to 'search what items are on sale and what items
are on purchasing' can locate the searched vendor.
^000088Able to search open vendors only in the same map you're located.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Advanced product from the Geffen Magic Academy than before!
A magical scroll is able to 'search what items are on sale and what items are on
purchasing'. Able to sell or buy items from the searched link!
^000088Able to search open vendors only in the same map you're located.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
: ^77777710^000000
: ^7777771^000000
: ^7777771^000000
: ^7777771^000000
: ^7777771^000000

" ...!"
: ^7777771^000000

" ...!"
: ^7777771^000000

" ...!"
: ^7777771^000000
Advanced product from the Geffen Magic Academy than before!
A magical scroll is able to 'search what items are on sale and what items are on
purchasing'. Able to sell or buy items from the searched link!
^000088Able to search open vendors only in the same map you're located. This ite
m will be deleted after event ends.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
This fun candy won't stop poping in your mouth. Make sure to brush your teeth af
For 1 minute MATK + 30, Hold casting reduce 70%, Casting doesn't end. SP goes do
wn 90 in every 10 seconds.
3 minutes cool down time.
(Hold Casting % effect is only for maximum effect. Reuse delay time is same as S
parkling Candy.)
When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will we
ar off.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

(, , .)
^uu0000 : ,
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^000088Recovery HP & SP + 5%^000000.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000

. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^000088 ^000000
1 . 3 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. !
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Z, Y . .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Z, Y, X , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Y, X, W , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
X, W, V , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
W, V , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
V , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious halter that summon creature to ride on.
^ff0000Cannot be traded with others.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

. .
^000088Recovery HP & SP + 3%^000000.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, .

20 , 10% . ( )
20 20% .
Weight : ^7777775^000000

: ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
200 .
Weight : ^77777750^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
200 .
Weight : ^777777200^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
200 .
Weight : ^777777200^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
200 .
, .
Weight : ^77777750^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
100 . .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 - ,
. E 50 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 5Lv .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

10 LUK + 10, ATK + 20, MATK + 20.
^ff0000 .
Weight : ^7777773^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777773^000000
, , , , 10 .
Weight : ^77777710^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
70 .
"^ff0000 - ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
90 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
110 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
130 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
150 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box given to friends of new recruits that contains 1 Halter Lead. Once opened,
the item inside expires after 30 days.
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
An animal halter lead that summons a creature to ride on.
Mount creatures increase movement speed by 25%.
Cannot attack while on a mount.
^ff0000When this item expires, so does the mount.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 "" .
ASPD + 1, HIT + 5.
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 " " .
25% .
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 "" .
25% .
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 "" .
MATK + 25 .
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 "" .
MATK + 25 .
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 "" .
5% .
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

20 "" .
5Lv, 2% .
^ff0000! .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^77777750^000000
. .
Weight : ^77777750^000000
50 .
(** , PVP, .)
Weight : ^77777720^000000
S 200 .
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A 200 .
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
30 .
(** , PVP, .)
Weight : ^77777720^000000
10 .
(** , PVP, .)
Weight : ^77777720^000000

200 .
(** , PVP, .)
Weight : ^77777720^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.
AGI .^000000
15 . .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, 9 , 9 , , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An album which has only headgear class card on it. this old card album seems to
have mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An album which has only Armor class card on it. this old card album seems to hav
e mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An album which has only Shield class card on it. this old card album seems to ha
ve mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An album which has only Robe class card on it. this old card album seems to have
mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An album which has only Shoes class card on it. this old card album seems to hav
e mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
An album which has only Accessory class card on it. this old card album seems to
have mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
a firework to celebrate 2011 RWC event. when you fire it, you will feel exited f
or 10 sec!
Weight : ^7777772^000000

a firework to celebrate 2011 RWC event. when you fire it, you will feel exited f
or 10 sec!
Weight : ^7777772^000000
An album which has only Weapon class card on it. this old card album seems to ha
ve mysterious power.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Special belt made to control Tikbalang as a servant. Be careful since Tikbalang
will struggle violently when used.
Type : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Common shirt turned inside out. Used to break Tikbalang's curse that makes peopl
e get lost.
Can warp back to the 'Port Malaya' village when used directly.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to op
en it to find out.
It contains Wii Raffle Ticket,Divx Player Raffle Ticket,iPod Nano Raffle Ticket.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A mysterious blue box that seems to hold something inside, but you'll have to op
en it to find out.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
The egg of sanctity. There is something important with it if the egg hatches.
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A pill made from precious herbs and it was believed to be able to prolong the li
fe of the user.
^0000ffRecover full HP^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

An emblem given by the Emperor. Use it; your battle experience rate will increas
e for a certain period.
You will gain double experience for 30 minutes by using it.
Required Level : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Cookie that contains a note of fortune. It is said that the note is used to tell
your fortune.
Provied effect of Cast ^008800Level 5 Gloria^000000 when used.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Cookie that contains a note of fortune. It is said that the note is used to tell
your fortune.
Provide effect of Cast ^008800Level 1 Magnificat^000000 when used.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Cookie that contains a note of fortune. It is said that the note is used to tell
your fortune.
Provide effect of Cast ^008800Level 3 Impositio Manus^000000 when used.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Candy that made from Guyak. Tasty candy that is sweet and sour.
^000088Recover HP and SP by 30%^000000.
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Once eat the pudding while it's cold, it soothes summer heat for a while.
Increases Movement Speed 5 minutes for 2 period of the character.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A special snack which you can have in Midgard party.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Cool green beer brewed in Hugel Moutainous area. It will freezes your soul.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A crystal that glares fearfully. If the one has a courage to break it, it shall
grant the power of monster to the one.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which has the secrets on Bonguns Ability.
If you're able to read it, you will be able to get back Bonguns Item.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A chest that seems to contains something extremely valuable.
Certainly the owner of such a prize would do anything to retain it.
This chest will disappear on March 18,2008 as the Leprechaun's magic leaves the
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Rice cake that made by Indian rice you will be impressed by its taste.
Recovery HP/SP by 15%.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A paralyzing poison.
For 300 seconds, decreases attack speed by -10%, evasion -10%, and movement spee
d by 1/2.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A poison created with leeches.
For 300 seconds, drains HP every second.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A poison that causes loss of memory.
For 300 seconds causes the target to suffer from amnesia. While in amnesia it bl
ocks natural SP recovery, and cannot be canceled via lex divinia or green potion
While in this status you cannot use any skills.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A poison that slows healing.
For 300 seconds, drops the effectiveness of recovery on the target by 20%.
This effect stacks with critical wounds.
Weight : ^7777772^000000

A nerve paralyzing poison.
For 300 seconds, every 3 seconds it causes the damage motion on your character,
interrupting any skills. Skills not interrupted do not receive the effects of yo
ur weapon or cards.
Every 10 seconds will lose 3% of the SP.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A poison that causes a high fever.
For 300 seconds, causes incurable blindness and causes the player to see illusio
ns. Sometimes causes 100 damage which can interupt casting of skills.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A poison made with the dillusional effects of magic mushrooms.
For 300 seconds, every 4 seconds you lose 3% of your HP and involuntarially cast
a random skill.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A poison that lowers the strength of a person.
For 15 seconds, reduces MaxHP by 15%.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
When used, automatically cured of all debuffs and recover 25% of max HP.
Then, for the next 10 seconds you will be immune to all debuff and status ailmen
There are two exceptions,you can still be inflicted with ^880000Stun, Freezing^0
00000 status.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
You use the entire power of a weapon to strike a target with full force.
When used, it will break your weapon.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Summons randomly 2-4 magic shields. These shields can absorb physical and magica
l attacks and have 1000HP each.
Millennium Shields can block hits regardless of their remaining HP.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Increases 1.5 times HP recovery from potion for 1 minute.

Your natural SP recovery is stopped and SP recovery from potion is reduced by 50

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Increases ATK youself and your party members for 3 minutes.
When used, you gain an amount of attack power equal to 7 times the number of pla
yers in your party,
and each of your party members receives 1/4 of the total bonus.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Recover 60 SP every 10 seconds for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
STR + 30 for 4 minutes.
Adds a chance 3 times damage with your blow when dealing non skill short range p
hysical damage.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Strike all targets in a 7x7 area around yourself for physical damage, and knock
them away from yourself.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
For 3 minutes, your skin is hardened and you gain a chance to break the weapons
of targets that strike you.
When you cast this skill it will consume 25% of your HP, and this value will bec
ome the endurance of the skill.
When this value reaches zero, the skill ends. When the effect is used against a
monster, they will receive ATK -25% for 10 seconds.
The effect does not work on boss monsters.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A rune gemstone of high class color.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A rune gemstone which the work in ancient times.
Weight : ^77777710^000000

A rune gemstone which has the impression color.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A rune gemstone which is used generally.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A rune stone that is very rare.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
The rare flower only available around Christmas. Although it look cool, but it c
an recover HP/SP.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box containing a ring which is an exchanging gift for Valentine's Day.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box containing a ring which is an exchanging gift for Valentine's Day.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A sweet chocolate box that is tastefully decorated.
Surely all the best wishes are in it.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A prize that is given to the hottest character who is the winner of the Valentin
e's Day event.

A box that contains 1 "Valentine's Emblem" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Use this item to increase your physical damage against Angel, Holy, and Boss mon
sters by 5% for 30 minutes. This effect persists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to reduce Boss monsters damage by 5% for 30 minutes. This effect p
ersists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to reduce Neutral damage by 5% for 30 minutes. This effect persist
s through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to increase your magical damage by 5% and decrease casting time by
5%. This effect persists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to increase your physical damage by 5% and increase ASPD by 5% for
30 minutes. This effect persists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to increase your Def by 5 and Flee by 10 for 30 minutes. This effe
ct persists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to increase your MDef by 5 and Perfect Dodge by 10 for 30 minutes.
This effect persists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Use this item to increase your MaxHP by 5% and MaxSP by 5% for 30 minutes. This
effect persists through death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. . [20 HGI 10 ]
Weight : ^7777771^000000

. . [20 RMG 10 ]
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. . [20 WVC 10 ]
Weight : ^7777771^000000
. . [20 ZTR 10 ]
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Helm Of Summer in it.
30 days Rental Item.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

30 25% .

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Passion.
1 hour duration.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Fight.
1 hour duration.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Victory.
1 hour duration.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Honor.
24 hours duration.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Passion.
6 hours duration.

Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Fight.
6 hours duration.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box contains 1 Worldcup Hat of Victory.
6 hours duration.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A empty bottle looks like perfect for capturing monster 'Shining Plant'.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Totem with powerful abilities to aggressively fight against demons. Emits powerf
ul, holy energy.
10% increase of physical and magic damage to demon monsters for 20 min.
Weight : ^77777760^000000
a scroll that can summon moster baphomet junior as mercenary
Weight : ^7777771^000000
a scroll that can sommon monster galapago as mercenary .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, 9 , 9 , , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
2011 RWC .

, , 8 , 8 , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, . .
10 ATK, MATK + 30, ( 5%), 5% , MaxHP, MaxS
, 3Lv .
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5, 5, 5 , , , , 1
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
300, 100, 20, 1
, , , , , 1 .
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, , 11 , 11 , 9
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 FLEE + 20, LUK + 10.
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
8Lv , 8Lv , 8Lv 5 .
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
15% .
ATK, MATK + 15.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
: ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5, 5, 5, 5 .
1 !
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
3 . , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
3 . , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000

, .
^000088, , , ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^000088, , ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^000088, , , ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

, , .
^000088, , , , , ^000000 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
1 !
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
1 !
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
1 !
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
Required Level : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box has 50 pcs of rice cake.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
2 , , , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Wind-Type Zodiac scroll
Contains new items such as [Sunglasses] [Baseball Hat] and [Hankie in Mouth]
You might also obtain a [Garm Card]
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Water...soft and yielding, formless and flowing.
Rise up, storm the heavens and rain down upon us!" - Sofiel

Weight : ^7777771^000000
"I am what was, what is, what will be : the Chaos-Bringer! I AM POWER!"
-The Phoenix Aeon
Weight : ^7777771^000000
You know this day is going to be epic! *wink wink* - Geheimnis
Weight : ^77777720^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50, 2 .
"^ff0000 - ,
Weight : ^7777775^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
100, 100, 100 100
"^ff0000 - ,
Weight : ^7777775^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
10 3 MaxHP 4% .
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, 11 , 11 , (), ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, (), , , , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000


^777777 ^000000
: ^7777775^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000


Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
60 Flee 10, + 1 .
Weight : ^77777710^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, 11 , 11 , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Available ^ff0000April 11 - April 24th 2012^000000. The Spring Lucky Pack also c
an be bought at a slight discount via the Spring Lucky Crate which also contains
1 Safe to 10 Certificate.
Grandma Boxter is in and surely she would love some of these items too!
Opening this randomly give you one of the following item sets
- 1x Heroic Desocketing Book
- 1x Slotting Advertisement
- 1x Party Hard Pack
- 1x +20 Basic Food Pack
- 1x Party Buff Scroll Pack
- 1x Class Set Card Album
- 2x Battle Manual X3
- 10x Fencer Scroll
- 30x KVM Badge
- 1500x Prize Medal
- 1x Archangel Wing

- 1x Blue Tiger Mask

- 1x Mini Glasses [1]
- 1x Red Wing Hat [1]
- 1x Taurus Crown
- 1x Taurus Diadem
- 1x Aries Crown
- 1x Aries Diadem
^FF0000This item cannot be traded, but may be stored.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
! !
MDEF + 7.
5% .
7 1 1% .
9 MATK + 7% .
12 MATK + 5% .
, [1] , 10% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A box containing 10 Field Manual books inside.
Field Manual - EXP rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Life Insurances inside.
Life insurance - Within the active duration of 30 minutes, player will not lose
any experience the first time he is KO'ed. Valid for just once.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 tasty Bubble Gums.
Bubble gum - Item drop rate increase by 100% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 INT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 DEX + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 LUK + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Kafra Cards.

Kafra Card - Kafra will be in service when used.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light box containing 10 Giant Fly Wings.
Giant Fly Wing - Allows to teleport many people at once to random areas when use
d by party master.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Neuralizer inside. Please take a care because is fragile.
Neuralizer - Resets the skill tree and gives corresponding points.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Convex Mirrors. Please take a care because is fragile.
Convex Mirror - The person in possession of the mirror can detect the appearance
of the boss monsters.
It has 10 minutes duration and the effect is removed when the player goes out of
the map after using the item or quit the game.
Some of the MVP monsters can not be detected.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Megaphones.
Megaphone - Allows server-wide broadcasting.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Enriched Eluniums.
Enriched Elunium - Rate of refining an armor, without breaking it, will increase
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Enriched Oridecon.
Enriched Oridecon - Rate of refining a weapon, without breaking it, will increas
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Tokens of Ziegfried.
Token of Ziegfried - Revives the dead character when player is KO'ed.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Elegant Shaped Pet Egg Scroll.
(All transfer methods except Trade, Cart, and Kafra Storage are locked)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Transparent Pet Egg Scroll.
(All transfer methods except Trade, Cart, and Kafra Storage are locked)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Elegant Shaped Pet Egg Scroll. User will receive various interesting items.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Transparent Pet Egg Scroll. User will receive various interesting items.
(All transfer methods except Kafra Storage are locked)

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Aspersio^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Sturdy Pet Egg Scroll.
(All transfer methods except Trade, Cart, and Kafra Storage are locked)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Plain Pet Egg Scroll.
(All transfer methods except Trade, Cart, and Kafra Storage are locked)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Odd Shaped Pet Egg Scroll.
(All transfer methods except Trade, Cart, and Kafra Storage are locked)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A solid looking Pet Egg Scroll that might produce a Pink Dropping Kitty.
Can not be traded or dropped.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A regular looking Pet Egg Scroll that might produce a Pink Fur Hat.
Can not be traded or dropped.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A strange looking Pet Egg Scroll that might produce a Mini Propper or White Wiza
rdry Hat.
Can not be traded or dropped.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Infiltrator. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Muramasa. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Excalibur. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Combat Knife. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Dagger of Counter. Please take a care because is frag
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Kaiser Knuckle. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Pole Axe. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Mighty Staff. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Light Epsilon. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ballista. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Sage's Diary. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ashura. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Apple of Archer. Please take a care because is fragil
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bunny Band. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Sakkat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Grand Circlet. Please take a care because is fragile.

Rental period for 14 days.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Elven Ears. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Romantic Flower. Please take a care because is fragil
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Critical Ring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Earring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Necklace. Please take a care because is fragile.

Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Glove. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Brooch. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Rosary. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Safety Ring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 01. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 02. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 03. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 04. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing Level 1 Emergency Call Scroll.
Able to summon 7 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing Level 2 Emergency Call Scroll.
Able to summon 12 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing Level 3 Emergency Call Scroll.
Able to summon 20 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
An Emergency skill Level 1 Scroll.
Able to summon 7 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An Emergency skill Level 2 Scroll.
Able to summon 12 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An Emergency skill Level 3 Scroll.
Able to summon 20 online Guild Member. Only applicable for Guild Leader.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Prontera, Geffen, Al De Baran and
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Payon, Alberta, Morocc and Comodo
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Dragon City, Gonryun, Amatsu and
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Lutie, Umbala and Niflheim.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Juno, Einbroch, Lighthalzen and H
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Rachel,Veins.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that contains the skill of ^008800Teleportation^000000. The word written
on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Prontera, Geffen, Al De Baran and
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that contains the skill of ^008800Teleportation^000000. The word written
on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Payon, Alberta, Morocc and Comodo
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that contains the skill of ^008800Teleportation^000000. The word written
on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Dragon City, Gonryun, Amatsu and
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that contains the skill of ^008800Teleportation^000000. The word written
on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Lutie, Umbala and Niflheim.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that contains the skill of ^008800Teleportation^000000. The word written
on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Juno, Einbroch, Lighthalzen and H
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that contains the skill of ^008800Teleportation^000000. The word written
on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the save point, Rachel,Veins.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious box containing 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining
Evolved Orc Hero Helm or other Evolved Headgear.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious box containing 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining
Succubus Card, Incubus Card or Evolved Headgear.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious box containing 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining
Silver Tiara, Neuralizer or Evolved Headgear.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious box containing 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining
Dark Illusion Card,Dark Lord Card or Neuralizer.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A mysterious box containing 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining
An Injustice Card,Zherlthsh Card,or Evolved Headgear.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mysterious box containing 1 Pet Egg Scroll with the chance of obtaining
Slippers,an Owl Baron Card,or an Owl Duke Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain some dangerous items.
You might get something fairly nice if you use it.
Can not be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pet Egg Scroll that to contain holy items.
You might get something fairly nice if you use it.
Can not be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain items that look special, but are a bit br
You might get something fairly nice if you use it.
Can not be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain some mysterious items.
You might get something fairly nice if you use it.
Can not be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain elegant items.
You might get something fairly nice if you use it.
Can not be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pet Egg Scroll that seems to contain some beautiful items.
You might get something fairly nice if you use it.
Can not be traded or dropped,but can be placed in Kafra Storage.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box designed to preserve its contents,15 White Herbs.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box designed to preserve its contents,15 Blue Herbs.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box designed to retain the sterling condition of the 5 Elunium that is contain
ed inside it.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box designed to retain the sterling condition of the 5 Oridecons that are cont
ained inside it.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 3 Dead Branches that evokes an impending sense of danger.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dagger whose hilt was made when lightning struck the Jujube tree. You can stil
l feel the power of the thunder in it.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777739^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
A dagger made from a dragon fang that can slash a dragon's tough skin without an
y difficulty.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Dragon monsters.
[^000088Dragon Killer & Dragon's Breath Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
A dagger with an unnaturally dark colored blade. Those who hold it instinctively
sense the danger and risk of wielding this weapon.
^880000Blind^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
^880000Blind^000000 yourself when attacking (Success Chance 0.5%).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
This dagger is made by one cowardly assassin, that always had a problem with not
being able to carry a shield.

Out of sheer desperation in wanting to live, he made this dagger.

DEF + 5
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
This dagger is made by one cowardly assassin, that always had a problem with not
being able to carry a shield.
Out of sheer desperation in wanting to live, he made this dagger.
DEF + 5
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000
Not much is known about the mysterious Angelic Wing Dagger.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice^000000
A dagger whose hilt is crafted from black dragon scale, a material rumored to po
ssess the power of darkness.
^880000Curse^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 10%).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A practical mace topped with a hook that can be used to wrench a weapon out of a
n enemy's hands.
Each short range Physical attack has a low chance of destroying the target's wea
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000

A practical mace topped with a hook that can be used to wrench a weapon out of a
n enemy's hands.
Each short range Physical attack has a low chance of destroying the target's wea
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A legendary weapon with extremely sharp blades.
Critical Rate + 3, Attack Speed + 3%
Weapon Range + 1
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind by the gods.
MATK + 50
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind by the gods.
MATK + 50
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A famous sword that is said to be sharp enough to divide oceans or cut through t
he air to make it bleed water.
Critical Rate + 10 on Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000

A famous sword that is said to be sharp enough to divide oceans or cut through t
he air to make it bleed water.
Critical Rate + 10 on Demi-Human monster.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A dagger that has a shining white blade crafted of bone, and is designed for sta
bbing, rather than slashing.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when atta
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777742^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A dagger that has a shining white blade crafted of bone, and is designed for sta
bbing, rather than slashing.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 on the user when atta
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777742^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A dreadful dagger whose blade has been soaked in toxin.
Enable a high chance of inflicting the ^880000Poison^000000 status with each att
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777764^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An ice pick that's usually used for piercing solid ice or wood.
Deals more damage depending on the target's Defense.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000

Weapon Level :
Required Level
Applicable Job
, Thief Class,

: ^77777736^000000
: ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

A specialty dagger made by a small, mysterious, desert dwelling tribe.
Increases damage inflicted on ^996600Earth^000000 Property by 10%.
Increases damage inflicted on ^009900Wind^000000 Property by 10%.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger with an unnaturally dark colored blade. Those who hold it instinctively
sense the danger and risk of wielding this weapon.
^880000Blind^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
^880000Blind^000000 yourself when attacking (Success Chance 0.5%).
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
Any man holding the Warrior's Balmung will gather new inner strength.
All Stats + 5
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777748^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Military combat knife made for battles against Demi-Human monster.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 10%, but increases damage received fro
m Demon monster by 10%.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster.
Drain SP 3%, Maximum SP + 10%
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777129^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class

, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A dagger that has a high chance to do critical damage to a target.
Increases Critical Rate +90%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777209^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Soul Linker^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A legendary dagger that is said to have been given to mankind by the gods.
MATK + 98
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A powerful dagger that is specially constructed to destroy the enemy's weapon by
a low chance.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An incredibly sharp dagger built to puncture and destroy an enemy's armor by a l
ow chance.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A dagger imbued with lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul.

Regain 3 SP with each attack.

Maximum SP + 10%
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
Small, light, and with a blade that is very sharp. Specifically designed to cut
the skin off the human beings.
Every time you attack, small chance to cause ^880000External Bleeding^000000 sta
tus ailment.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman, Trans Mage Class, Trans Archer Class, Tr
ans Merchant Class, Trans Thief Class^000000
This sword was once used in dentistry to heal tooth. If you get attacked by this
sword, you seem to have difficulty in speaking.
Whenever you attack, small chance to cause all enemies within 5 x 5 (PBAoE) cell
s around you to delay their casting time by 20%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
The chance of the effect is increased immensely, as well as increasing PBAoE cel
l effects to 11 x 11, and delays casting time of all enemies within 11 x 11 by 4
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman, Trans Mage Class, Trans Archer Class, Tr
ans Merchant Class, Trans Thief Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000

A dagger made from a dragon fang that can slash a dragon's tough skin without an
y difficulty.
Pierces Defense of Dragon monster.
Receive 10% more Experience Points from Dragon monsters.
[^000088Dragon Killer & Dragon's Breath Equip Set^000000]
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker^000000
A powerful dagger that is specially constructed to destroy the enemy's weapon by
a low chance.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An incredibly sharp dagger built to puncture and destroy an enemy's armor by a l
ow chance.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger commonly used by Assassins.
Slightly increases Attack Speed.
Maximum SP + 15%
Maximum HP + 20%
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777736^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
One of a pair of
[^000088+ Desert
Increases damage
SP + 20, Maximum
7 seconds.

daggers made for the Assassin's Guild.

against large size monsters by 30%.
HP + 5%, HIT + 10, and a small chance of activate 190 ASPD for

Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
One of a pair of daggers made for the Assassin's Guild.
[^000088+ Desert Twilight^000000]
Increases damage against large size monsters by 30%.
SP + 20, Maximum HP + 5%, HIT + 10, and a small chance of activate 190 ASPD for
7 seconds.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin Cross^000000
A dagger especially used for assassinations such as killing Demi-Humans.
Str + 1, Agi + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
If worn by Ninja, Rogue, or Stalker Class characters, it adds MATK + 90.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Th
ief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger especially used for assassinations such as killing Demi-Humans.
STR + 1, AGI + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Has a chance of enchanting compounded weapons with the Occult Impaction skill ef
fect for 6 sec. when attacking.
If worn by Ninja, Rogue, Stalker Class characters, it adds MATK + 90.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class, Th
ief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger that was refined by someones excellence.
STR + 1, AGI + 2, DEX + 1

Back Stab skill + 20%.

Add a small chance ^008800Level 10 Bash^000000 when using Back Stab skill.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Stalker^000000
A Dagger made from the fangs of a Manmmoth.
AGI + 2, ASPD + 3%
Adds 3% chance on yourself the ^880000Bleeding^000000 or ^008800Level 1 Joint Be
at^000000 when attacking.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Magician Class, Trans Archer
Class, Trans Merchant Class, Trans Thief Class^000000
A knife used for cutting enemies.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A French dagger that is usually held in the left hand to parry attacks.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777763^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 75%.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 20%.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Lex Devina^000000 on an enemy when a
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
When using the skill backstab, there's a high chance to cause bleeding to everyo
ne in a 5x5 area.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice Class, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class,
Merchant Class, Thief Class, Ninja, Soul Linker^000000
A strong dagger with a gold handle that is said to bring great fortune to whoeve
r holds it.
Perfect Dodge + 20 , LUK + 5
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
An ice pick that's usually used for piercing solid ice or wood.
Deals more damage depending on the target's Defense.
Adds FLEE + 20 for 10 minutes on the enemy when attacking.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A legendary weapon with extremely sharp blades.
Critical Rate + 10, Attack Speed + 5%.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777155^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A thorny dagger that causes agony beyond normal wounds.
Adds a high chance to ^880000Bleeding^000000 status after using ^008800Back Stab
^000000 on enemy.
Increases damage of ^008800Back Stab^000000 by 15%.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Thief Class^000000
A dagger designed for war. Its saw-like edge is dipped in poison.

Adds a high chance to ^880000Poison^000000 status after using ^008800Sightless R

aid^000000 on enemy.
Increase phyical damage by 10% for 5 seconds when doing non ranged physical atta
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A lethal knife made of a special metal that can easily cut straight into the hea
rt of an enemy.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777153^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant Class
, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
Adds low probability of inflicting stun effect when received physical & magical
Reduced SP consumption of all skills by 5%.
MATK + 5%.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class^000000
A dagger created by the Paradise Group. Suitable for beginners.
MATK + 60
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777124^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A dagger crated by the Paradise Group. Suitable for intermediate handlers.
MATK + 70
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777158^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000

Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class^000000
AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777751^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A dagger imbued with
lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul.
Regain 3 SP
with each attack.
Max SP +10%
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant,
Thief Classes, Soul Linker, and Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A military combat
knife designed for
killing humanoids.
Reduces damage from and increases tolerance to
Demi-Human monsters
by 10%, but increases
damage inflicted by
Devil monsters by 10%.
Restores 3 SP when
hitting a monster.
Max SP +10%.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777129^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes; Soul
Linker and Ninja Jobs^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A legendary dagger

that is said to have

been given to mankind by the gods.
MATK + 15%.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A dagger that has
a high chance of
inflicting critical
damage to its target.
Critical + 90%
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777209^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class,
Soul Linker Job^000000
A black serated dagger crafted by the rogue guild.
Increases the damage of ^008800Fatal Menace^000000 by 30%. Each refine increases
the skill damage by 2% and MATK by 3%.
[^000088+ Black Cat^000000]
HIT + 5, MATK + 5, reduces the SP cost of ^008800Masquerade, Enervation and Gloo
my^000000 by 20.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777142^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Shadow Chaser Only^000000
A dagger used in ancient rituals, it feels as though it holds a mysterious power
MATK + 120, MaxSP + 100, SP Recovery Rate + 5%.
When dealing physical or magical damage there's a low chance to receive the ^880
000Curse^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777107^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant
Class, Thief Class^000000

MATK + 80
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Mercha
nt Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
MATK + 70, Enable a 5% chance of gaining 10% of the damage inflicted on an enemy
as HP with each attack.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777107^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merchant
Class, Thief Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A fish that looks like a Seahorse that can be used in different cuisines, it is
frozen solid.
MATK + 100.
7 ATK + 30.
7 MATK + 20.
100 ATK + 10, MATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Magician Class, Archer Class, Merchant
Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
MATK + 80.
. .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000

Chance to Curse yourself when dealing physical damage. Chance increased dependin
g on refine rate.
MATK + 80.
??? . .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merch
ant Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Reduce target DEF & MDEF to 1 for 5 seconds when doing physical damage. Does not
affect skills.
Increase ASPD depending on refine rate.
Type : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merch
ant Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Type : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

INT + 3.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777799^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

. ,
INT + 3, MATK + 100.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
. .
MATK + 120.
SP 5% .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 ATK + 5 / MATK + 2 .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merch
ant Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 100.
40% .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merch
ant Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
A six chambered revolver that is the most basic weapon for Gunslingers.

HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A six chambered revolver that is the most basic weapon for Gunslingers.
HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A bloody red revolver that is rumored to be cursed.
HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A bloody red revolver that is rumored to be cursed.
HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777745^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A rare revolver that is only produced when it is specially ordered.
The engraving of its creator's name can be used by experts to authenticate this
HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A rare revolver that is only produced when it is specially ordered.
The engraving of its creator's name can be used by experts to authenticate this
HIT - 10

Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A decorative, beautiful golden revolver that commands attention.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Flip Coin^000000 when the user receives
Physical Damage.
Autocast ^008800Coin Flip^000000 will be equal to the ^008800Coin Flip^000000 sk
ill level that the user has learned.
HIT - 10
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A handgun known for high accuracy and firing rate, it is known to be made for th
e lawless one who have gone through many difficult situations with nothing but h
is trusty gun.
Increases HIT and Attack Speed depending on the AGI of the player.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777768^000000
Weight : ^77777758^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A Pistol made for short and medium ranged battles against Demi-Humans.
It seems to be capable of doing damage even through a bulletproof vest.
DEX +2, HIT -10
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
When attacking, and weapon awakening in consistent probability, Has a chance of
Increasing Attack Speed by 100% for 3 seconds.
Class : ^777777Pistol^000000
Attack Strength : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A handgun known for high accuracy and firing rate, it is known to be made for th
e lawless one who have gone through many difficult situations with nothing but h
is trusty gun.
Increases HIT and Attack Speed depending on the AGI of the player. Adds 40% dama

ge to the monster.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 55%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Flip the Coin^000000 when using skil
l Rapid Shower.
Increases damage skill Rapid shower by 2% of refining weapons.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Sharpshooter Revolver.
Increases 25% damage with Desperado skill.
DEX + 2.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A handgun created by the Paradise Group. Easily usable by gunslingers.
HIT - 5.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777744^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A handgun created by the Paradise Group. Suitable for intermediate slingers.
HIT - 5.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000

HIT - 5.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Revolver^000000
Attack : ^7777776^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
1 ATK + 5 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

. .
HIT - 5.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
A practical firearm with a long gun barrel which increases its range and accurac
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000

A high performance rifle whose shots have long range and great power.
HIT + 10, Critical Rate + 10%
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A high performance rifle whose shots have long range and great power.
HIT + 10, Critical Rate + 10%
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
An advanced rifle with reinforced explosive power. Just as the dusk marks the da
y's end, this gun also draws life to a close.
HIT + 10, Critical Rate + 10%
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^77777775^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777756^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A heavy shotgun whose shots sound like flint striking against steel.
Inflicts Splashed damage.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777714^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A dark, stylish shotgun that has been modified so that it rapidly fires bullets
from two muzzles to maximize it power.
Inflicts Splashed damage.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000

As the most powerful, readily available shotgun, this weapon has been nicknamed,
"A Gunslinger's best friend".
Add a 5% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 6 Spread Attack^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
Inflicts Splashed damage.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^777777210^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777724^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A Gatling Gun whose name evokes the image of a lonely traveler.
Class : ^777777Gatling Gun^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777230^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A Gatling Gun imbued with enormous destructive power.
Critical Rate + 10 on Brute monster.
Class : ^777777Gatling Gun^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777768^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A Gatling Gun imbued with enormous destructive power.
Critical Rate + 10 on Brute monster.
Class : ^777777Gatling Gun^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777768^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A top of the line, high performance grenade launcher.
Each short ranged Physical attack has a low chance of destroying an enemy's armo
Class : ^777777Grenade Launcher^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777752^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A top of the line, high performance grenade launcher.
Each short ranged Physical attack has a low chance of destroying an enemy's armo

Class : ^777777Grenade Launcher^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777752^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A grenade launcher that propels bullets with blazing hellfire.
Class : ^777777Grenade Launcher^000000
Attack : ^777777280^000000
Weight : ^777777125^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A sniping rifle with a lengthened barrel for improved accuracy.
Critical Rate + 20, Decreases Attack Speed by 3%.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Tracking^000000 on the enemy when
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A sniping rifle with a lengthened barrel for improved accuracy.
Critical Rate + 20, Decreases Attack Speed by 3%.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Tracking^000000 on the enemy when
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A rifle with a shorter barrel to better suit it for close quarter battles such a
s in the jungle or indoors.
Critical Rate + 4, Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Every 3 Base DEX, you lose 1 HIT.
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A rifle with a shorter barrel to better suit it for close quarter battles such a

s in the jungle or indoors.

Critical Rate + 4, Increases Attack Speed by 10%.
Every 3 Base DEX, you lose 1 HIT.
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
The barrel of the original Gate Keeper is made out of pure Oridecon, making it v
ery durable.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 6 Spread Attack^000000 on the enemy
when attacking.
DEF increases by Refine Rate.
DEX + 1
Inflicts Splashed damage.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777130^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A sawed off shotgun that fires shots more rapidly like a pistol at the cost of r
educed accuracy.
HIT - 5, Increases Attack Speed by 20%.
Splash Damage.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A sawed off shotgun that fires shots more rapidly like a pistol at the cost of r
educed accuracy.
HIT - 5, Increases Attack Speed by 20%.
Splash Damage.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A masterpiece that brings the power of the Rifles to the max. This beautiful gun
steals the heart of the Gunslingers, and its high performance will put a hole t
hrough the heart of the enemy. Only downside is that, due to the fact it is leve
r-action oriented, the Attack Speed is somewhat poor.
HIT + 20, Critical Rate + 50, Attack Speed - 5%.
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000

Attack : ^777777138^000000
Weight : ^77777777^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A Rifle made for short and medium ranged battles against Demi-Humans, that enabl
es a reduction to the targeting delay;
as it is designed to limit the trembling of the shooter's hands.
DEX +2, HIT +10, CRI +10
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Reduce Tracking skill Variable Casting Time by 25%.
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A specialized Gatling Gun made for battles against Demi-Humans; occasionally, it
shoots high-powered bullets.
DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 35%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Has a chance of adding 80 ATK for 6 seconds,
but due to the recoil will drain 120 HP every second.
Class : ^777777Gatling Gun^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
A Shotgun that has a great attack in short ranged battles against Demi-Humans.
It shows a wide variety of strength between each attack.
DEX + 2, Inflicts splash attack.
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 55%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monster by 20%.
Has a chance of adding 80 ATK for 6 seconds,
but drains 100 HP every second.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000

A Grenade Launcher that shows great fire-power in battles against Demi-Humans.

DEX + 2
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 35%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Has a chance of adding 300 ATK for 9 seconds,
but drains 120 HP every second.
Class : ^777777Grenade Launcher^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777300^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A masterpiece that brings the power of the Rifles to the max. This beautiful gun
steals the heart of the Gunslingers, and its high performance will put a hole t
hrough the heart of the enemy. Only downside is that, due to the fact it is leve
r-action oriented, the Attack Speed is somewhat poor.
HIT+ 20, Cri+ 50, Adds 40% damage to the monster.
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 75%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Increases 30% damage of skill Triple Action.
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Decreases casting time of skill Tracking by 25%
Increases the damage of skill Tracking by 3% times the refine of the weapon.
Class : ^777777Rifle^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 35%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Increases 30% damage of skill Triple Action.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Increases physical damage by 1% times the refine of the weapon.
Class : ^777777Gatling Gun^000000
Attack : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 55%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
Splash Attack.
Increases 30% damage of skill Triple Action.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds 5% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Increases the damage of Crowd Control Shot by 2% times the refine of the weapon.
Gives Crowd Control Shot a chance to ^880000Stun^000000 the opponent.
Class : ^777777Shotgun^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi human monster by 35%.
Adds 20% defense to the Demi human monster.
Increases 30% damage of Triple Action skill.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Adds a 5% defense bypassing.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Increases the damage of Gunslinger Mine by 2% times the refine of the weapon.
When attacking there's a chance the weapon will awaken and increase attack speed
by 20% for 20 seconds.
Class : ^777777Grenade Launcher^000000
Attack : ^777777330^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Gunslinger^000000

Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
. .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
. .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
. .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000

Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
A small metal bullet that can be fired from a gun to damage enemies.
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A small silver bullet imbued with holy power.
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
A bloody red bullet which radiates a red light.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777770.2^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the ^009900Wind^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000

A grenade launcher bullet that contains deadly poison.
^880000Poison^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Poison^000000
A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the ^777777Shadow^000000 Property.
^880000Blind^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Shadow^000000
A grenade launcher bullet imbued with the ^0000FFWater^000000 Property.
Class : ^777777Bullet^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property: ^777777Neutral^000000
A cross shaped dagger that is small enough to conceal in your hand.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A shuriken that is rumored to show its true power during a rainstorm.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A shuriken that can be thrown at the speed of light.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000

Required Level : ^77777740^000000

Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A sharp shuriken that is surprisingly as thin as a leaf.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A dreadful shuriken with thorn like barbs that hook into its target, making them
painful to pull out.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A kunai imbued with freezing cold.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
An ^996600Earth^000000 Property kunai that inflicts blunt trauma upon targeted e
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^996600Earth^000000
A ^009900Wind^000000 Property kunai that is especially sharp.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
An explosive kunai that will inflict splashed damage around its target.
Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000
Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
A kunai coated with deadly poison.
^880000Poison^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 5%).

Class : ^777777Throwing Weapon^000000

Attack : ^77777730^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^777777Poison^000000
A small apple loaded with explosive powder.
It doesn't patck much punch but you can get good range.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An explosive crafted with the hard shell of a coconut.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A bomb created with a melon's sweet sticky juice.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A bomb created with a pineapples hard skin that will fragment when it explodes.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770.1^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A hard black lump. It would hurt a bit if you threw it at someone.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A more concentrated black lump. It would hurt considerably.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000

Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
An extremely hard black lump. It would be really bad to be hit by this.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A strange powder. You're not sure what will happen.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A refined Boost500 for throwing. Increases attack speed.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A refined Full Swing K for throwing. Increases attack power.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A refined Manaplus for throwing. Increases magic attack power.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled cure free for throwing. Recovers a large amount.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Muramura M for throwing. Increases max HP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

A remodeled Falmons F for throwing. Increases max SP.

Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 2% HP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 3% HP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 5% HP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777778^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 2% SP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 4% SP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777774^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 8% SP.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777778^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Concentrated White Potion Z for throwing. Recovers a large amount of
HP and boosts natural HP regen.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777777^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Vitata500 for throwing. Recovers a large amount of SP and boosts nat
ural SP regen.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Ceromain Soup for throwing. Recovers a large amount of HP and boosts
attack speed.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Savage Full Roast for throwing. Increases STR.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A Cocktail Warg Blood refined for throwing. Increases INT.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Minor Stew for throwing. Increases VIT.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Siroma Iced Tea for throwing. Increases DEX.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Drosera Herb Salad for throwing. Increases AGI.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

A remodeled Petite Tail Soup for Throwing. Increases LUK.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
A remodeled Black Mass for throwing. Lowers all stats.
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property: ^777777Neutral^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Property: ^777777Neutral^000000


Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
: ^777777100^000000

Type : ^777777 ^000000

Attack : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770.5^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
A famous Huuma Ninja weapon that is shaped like a wing.
AGI - 1, DEX - 2
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777765^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance ?%).
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777742^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance ?%).
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777742^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property Huuma shuriken that sparks like a firecracker when
it strikes enemies.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Fireball^000000 on the enemy when
DEX - 2
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^777777230^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
Huuma calm mind helps the owner to keep his/her calm state of mind in any tense
situation. It helps greatly in battles.
Increases damage of ^008800Throw Huuma Shuriken^000000 skill by 30%.

Casting can not be interrupted.

Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^777777112^000000
Weight : ^777777155^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battl
es against Demi-Humans.
STR + 2, DEX + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battl
es against Demi-Humans.
STR + 2, DEX + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 95%.
Has a chance of increasing Attack Strength to ^FF0000Throw Huuma Shuriken^000000
and ^FF0000Killing Stroke^000000 by 100% for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack Strength : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 95%.
Adds 20% defense bypassing on Demi-Human monster.
MATK + 90
Adds a 5% chance double damage for 10 seconds the skills
^008800Level 1 Final Strike and Level 1 Throw Huuma Shuriken ^000000 When dealin
g physical damage.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 2
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add 100% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Heal^000000 when using skill Fin
al Strike.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Critical Wound^000000 on the monster
when using skill Throw Huuma Shuriken.
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
A ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property Huuma shuriken that sparks like a firecracker when
it strikes enemies.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Fireball^000000 on the enemy when
DEX + 2.
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^777777230^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A heavy, giant shuriken shaped like a bladed wheel.
^880000External Bleeding^000000 an enemy when you attack (Success Chance ?%).
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 80%.
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^77777799^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000
MATK + 50
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Huuma^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja^000000

STR+ 3.
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
Type : ^777777 ^000000

Attack : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

" " .
MATK + 50.
20% .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
, .
MATK + 50.
, 1Lv .( )
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
, .
MATK + 50.
, 1Lv .( )
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5, 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 100.
40% .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
An one-handed sword popularized by its use by sea adventurers.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Bash^000000.
STR + 2
DEF + 1
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
The one-handed sword of Arthurian legend, it supposedly selects its owner by its
own will to wield its holy powers.
INT + 10
LUK + 10
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777199^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An one-handed sword popularized by its use by sea adventurers.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Bash^000000.
STR + 2
DEF + 1
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An one-handed sword adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spi

rit and vigor.

Regains 1% of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack.
Drains 15 SP from its owner every 10 seconds.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A sword whose blade is curved, designed to attack by bypassing the armor of the
Critical Rate + 50%
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A thin sword designed to be easily bent, light, and very elastic.
Attack Speed + 10%
Every time you attack, small chance to cause ^880000Curse^000000 on the enemy.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777125^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777755^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
The adventurers who are brave the item which is provided from the hazard adventu
rer guild.
Increases damage by 50%.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An one-handed sword topped with several extra edges for making wounds deeper and
more unsightly.
Increases damage against Demi-Human monster by 40%
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000

Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An one-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the ^FF0000Fire^000000 Property.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Fire Bolt^000000.
INT + 2, Add a 10% chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Fire Bolt^000000 on the
enemy when attacking.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
An one-handed, formless sword imbued with the ^777777Ghost^000000 Property that
can derange the enemy's mind.
Drains 45% of target's SP by a low chance.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^777777Ghost^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A sword favored by gladiators, it is especially designed for battles against Dem
STR + 1, DEX + 1
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Ignores Physical Defense from Demi-Human monsters by 20%.
Class : ^777777One Handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
A sword favored by gladiators, it is especially designed for battles against Dem
STR + 1, DEX + 1

MATK + 74
Increases Physical Attack Strength towards Demi-Human monsters by 75%.
Class : ^777777One Handed Sword^000000
Attack Strength : ^777777115^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
One of the twin blades wielded by the demon Naght Seiger. The blueish color blad
e is unimaginably sharp.
When dealing physical damage there is a chance that for 5 seconds, you will comp
letely bypass enemy defense.
Enables use of ^008800Level 5 Frost Diver^000000.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^0000FFWater^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
One of the twin blades wielded by the demon Naght Seiger. The reddish color blad
e is unimaginably sharp.
When dealing physical damage there is a chance that for 5 seconds, you will comp
letely bypass enemy defense.
Enables use of ^008800Level 3 Meteor Storm^000000.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^FF0000Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777775^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A magical sword that has the 4 Great Elements within. Enables you to unleash gre
at effects on enemies that are not Water/Wind/Earth or Fire property.
STR + 2, INT + 4, DEX + 1, MATK + 95
Increases damage inflicted on ^777777Neutral^000000 Property by 10%
While doing physical or a certain attack, there is a small chance to auto cast b
olt spells.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class, Trans Thief
An one-handed sword with a rounded blade.

Impossible to refine this item.

Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777759^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 75%.
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 20%.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Lex Devina^000000 on an enemy when a
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Pierces Defense of Demi-Human monster by 5%.
^ff0000[Slaughter]^000000 Lv 1
[^333399Refine Rate 7~10^000000]
Attack Speed + 10%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 2 Critical Wound^000000 when using ski
ll Bash.
Class : ^777777One-Hand Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
INT + 6
MATK + 80
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Adds Refine Level -5 INT.
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Reduces SP consumption of skill by 10%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
INT + 5
Class : ^777777One-Hand Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
INT + 6
MATK + 80
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Adds Refine Level -5 INT.
[^333399Refine Rate 6~10^000000]
Reduces SP consumption of skill by 10%.
[^333399Refine Rate 9~10^000000]
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Lex Devina^000000 when using skill G

[^333399Refine Rate 10^000000]
INT + 5
Class : ^777777One-Hand Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Saber Sacred.
Increases damage against Undead monster by 40%.
Class : ^777777One-Hand Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Rogue Class^000000
A sword used at rite for the heavenly god.
STR + 2, INT + 2.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A slightly shortened sword designed to be easy to use. The hilt is decorated wit
h a ruby.
Adds a low chance damage with ^008800Bash^000000 and ^008800Bowling Bash^000000
by 20% for 15 seconds
when performing a physical melee attack.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Trans Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A powerful one-handed sword with a decoratively wavy, flame-like blade.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
A one handed sword created by the Paradise Group.

Its simple enough that anyone could use it.

Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777147^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
A one handed sword created by the Paradise Group. It's suitable for intermediate
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
STR + 1, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777761^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^0000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A one-handed sword
popularized by its use
by sea adventurers.
Enables use of
^008800Level 5 Bash^000000.
STR + 2
DEF + 1
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman,
Merchant, and
Thief Classes^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A one-handed sword
adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spirit and vigor.
Regains 1% of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack.
Drains 15 SP from its

owner every 10 seconds.

This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777One-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman,
Merchant, and
Thief Classes^000000
A cold blue dagger crafted from the other world mineral Bradium.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
AGI + 1, MaxHP - 5%.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^777777220^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Trans Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 100.
40% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///^000000
A box containing 10 Life Insurance Certificate for 1 hours.
Life insurance - Within the active duration of 60 minutes, player will not lose
any experience the first time he is KO'ed. Valid for just once.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Experience Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Drooping Cat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Majestic Goat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Deviruchi Hat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Executioner. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloody Axe. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Tomahawk. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Rudra Bow. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Cutlus. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Solar Sword. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Swordbreaker. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Mailbreaker. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Moonlight Dagger. Please take a care because is fragi
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Wrench. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Grapes. It's good for your skin.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Royal Jelly. It's good for your health.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 3 Yggdrasil Berry, a fruit that is well-known for longevity.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Helmet Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Garment Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Shield Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Shoes Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Zeny Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 30 Pet Egg Scroll.There's a chance of obtaining a Red Deviruchi
Hat or other item when opening this box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Pet Egg Scroll.There's a chance of obtaining a Red Wizardry
Hat or other item when opening this box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Pet Egg Scroll.There's a chance of obtaining a Pink Drooping
Kitty or other item when opening this box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Pet Egg Scroll.There's a chance of obtaining a Pink Beanie o
r other item when opening this box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Pet Egg Scroll.There's a chance of obtaining an Advanced Min
i Propeller and White Wizardry Hat or others item when opening this box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Light Red Potion. Please take a care because is fragile.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 50 Light Orange Potion. Please take a care because is fragile.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Light Yellow Potion. Please take a care because is fragile.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Light White Potion. Please take a care because is fragile.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 Light Concentration Potion. Please take a care because is fr
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 Light Awakening Potion. Please take a care because is fragil
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 Light Berserk Potion. Please take a care because is fragile.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Meteor Storm Scroll. Feel powerful magic in the box

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Storm Gust Scroll. Feel powerful magic in the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Lord of Vermilion Scroll. Feel powerful magic in th
e box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 1 Lex Aeterna Scroll. Feel holy magic in the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Magnificat Scroll. Feel holy magic in the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Chemical Protection Helm Scroll. Obtain 1 Coating Bo
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Chemical Protection Shield Scroll. Obtain 1 Coating
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Chemical Protection Armor Scroll. Obtain 1 Coating B
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll. Obtain 1 Coating
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 1 Repair Weapon Scroll. Obtain Ore for repair.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Big Bun. Restores Maximum HP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Pill. Restores Maximum SP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Fish Slice. Restores Maximum HP & SP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Chewy Ricecake. Increase ATK 10 for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Pastry. Increase MATK 10 for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll. When used allows you to teleport to
a specific dungeon from the following list:
Nogg Road Dungeon (Magma Dungeon), Mjolnir Dead Pit (Coal Mines), Umbala Dungeon
, Payon Caves, Toy Factory,
Glast Heim Prison, Louyang Dungeon, Kunlun Dungeon, Izlude Undersea Tunnel (Byal
an), Turtle Island, Clocktower 3F,
Clocktower B3F, Glast Heim Sewers 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Pyramid Dungeon 4F, Pro
ntera Culverts 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F,
Somatology Laboratory 1F, Ayotaya Dungeon 2F.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Weapon Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Armor Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Accessory Card Pet Egg Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Weapon Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Armor Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Helmet Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Garment Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Shield Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Shoes Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Accessory Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Weapon Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A scroll which gives you a random of Weapon Card.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Armor Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of Accessory Card.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 PVP Teleport Scroll.
Allow character to teleport to the PVP Room.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light box containing 50 Giant Fly Wings.
Giant Fly Wing - Allows to teleport many people at once to random areas when use
d by party master.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light box containing 100 Giant Fly Wings.
Giant Fly Wing - Allows to teleport many people at once to random areas when use
d by party master.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 DEX + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 DEX + 10 dishes.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 10
A box containing 30 LUK + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 10
A box containing 50 LUK + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 30 Life Insurances inside.
Life insurance - Within the active duration of 30 minutes, player will not lose
any experience the first time he is KO'ed. Valid for just once.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Life Insurances inside.
Life insurance - Within the active duration of 30 minutes, player will not lose
any experience the first time he is KO'ed. Valid for just once.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Convex Mirrors. Please take a care because is fragile.
Convex Mirror - The person in possession of the mirror can detect the appearance
of the boss monsters.
It has 10 minutes duration and the effect is removed when the player goes out of
the map after using the item or quit the game.
Some of the MVP monsters can not be detected.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Convex Mirrors. Please take a care because is fragile.
Convex Mirror - The person in possession of the mirror can detect the appearance
of the boss monsters.
It has 10 minutes duration and the effect is removed when the player goes out of
the map after using the item or quit the game.
Some of the MVP monsters can not be detected.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 10 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 10 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 50 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 10
A box containing 30 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 10
A box containing 50 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 10
A box containing 30 INT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 10
A box containing 50 INT + 10 dishes.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Field Manual books inside.
Field Manual - EXP rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Field Manual books inside.
Field Manual - EXP rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Tokens of Ziegfried.
Token of Ziegfried - Revives the dead character when player is KO'ed.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 Tokens of Ziegfried.
Token of Ziegfried - Revives the dead character when player is KO'ed.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Kafra Cards.
Kafra Card - Kafra will be in service when used.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 50 Kafra Cards.
Kafra Card - Kafra will be in service when used.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 10
A box containing 30 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 10
A box containing 50 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 tasty Bubble Gums.
Bubble gum - Item drop rate increase by 100% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 tasty Bubble Gums.
Bubble gum - Item drop rate increase by 100% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Megaphones.
Megaphone - Allows server-wide broadcasting.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Megaphones.
Megaphone - Allows server-wide broadcasting.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Enriched Eluniums.
Enriched Elunium - Rate of refining an armor, without breaking it, will increase
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Enriched Oridecon.
Enriched Oridecon - Rate of refining a weapon, without breaking it, will increas
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Arrest Handcuffs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing a black color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Ghost
ring card, Angeling card, Dark Lord card,
Flying Angel and others items from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing a Cat Eye like Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Arch
angeling card,

Pharaoh card and others items from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 red color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain House A
uger, Drake card,
Maya card and others items from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing golden color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Pheero
ni card, Doppelganger card,
Osiris Card and others cards from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A black color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet E
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cat eye like Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet Egg
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A golden color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 30 Greed Scroll Box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Greed Scroll Box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 100 Greed Scroll Box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box scroll that contains Evasion Scroll.
Evasion Scroll - Increases Dodge for 30 minutes.
Effect disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box scroll that contains Concentration Scroll.
Concentration Scroll - Increases Accuracy for 30 minutes.
Effect disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 yellow color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Baph
omet card,
Marc card and others cards from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 red color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Orc Lor
d card,
And others cards from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 blue color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Baphom
et card, Pharoah card,
Whisper Boss card and others cards from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 green color Pet Egg Scroll, there are chances to obtain Moonl
ight card,
Phen card and others cards from this pet egg scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A yellow color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet Egg
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A blue color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet Eg
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A green color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet E
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 2 Field Manual, 15
Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Immortal Stew, 2 Field Manual, 15 Level 10 Bl
essing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 2 Hwergelmir's Tonic, 2 Field Manual, 1
5 Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 2 Immortal Stew, 2 Field Manual, 15 Lev
el 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Field Manual, 15 Le
vel 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 2 Field Manual, 24

Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scroll,
20 Level 5 Aspersio Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Steamed Tongue, 4 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 4 Field Manual, 30
Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Steamed Tongue, 4 Immortal Stew, 30 Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 4 Hwergelmir's Tonic, 30 Level 10 Bless
ing Scroll,
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 4 Immortal Stew, 30 Level 10 Blessing S
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 4 Steamed Tongue, 30 Level 10 Blessing
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Steamed Tongue, 4 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 4 Field Manual,
48 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scroll, 40 Level 5 Aspersio Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 T
oken of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Infiltrator. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Muramasa. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Excalibur. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Combat Knife. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Dagger of Counter. Please take a care because is frag
Rental period for 1 day.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Kaiser Knuckle. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Pole Axe. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Mighty Staff. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Light Epsilon. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ballista. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Sage's Diary. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ashura. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Apple of Archer. Please take a care because is fragil
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bunny Band. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Sakkat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Grand Circlet. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Elven Ears. Please take a care because is fragile.

Rental period for 1 day.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Romantic Flower. Please take a care because is fragil
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Rental period for 1 day.
A box containing 1 Refined Critical Ring. Please take a care because is fragile.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Earring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Necklace. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Glove. Please take a care because is fragile.

Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Brooch. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Rosary. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Safety Ring. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 01. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 02. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 03. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 04. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Drooping Cat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Majestic Goat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Deviruchi Hat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Executioner. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloody Axe. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Tomahawk. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Rudra Bow. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Cutlus. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Solar Sword. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Swordbreaker. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Mailbreaker. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Moonlight Dagger. Please take a care because is fragi
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Wrench. Please take a care because is fragile.
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 "Bok Choy".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 "Chung E Cake".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Freya's Clothes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Freya's Boots.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Freya's Manteau.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Freya's Crown.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 25 Field Manual 25% books inside.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 25% for 30 minutes^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 100 Field Manual 100% books inside.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 100% for 30 minutes^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 egg scroll with the chance of obtaining
An Flying Angel, Elven Ears, Zeny Egg Scroll and others.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 egg scroll with the chance of obtaining
An Elephant Hat, Happy Wig, Zeny Scroll and others.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 egg scroll with the chance of obtaining
An Kawaii Ribbon, Lotus, Zeny Scroll and others.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A black color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet E
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cat eye like Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A red color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet Egg
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A golden color Pet Egg Scroll which is said to have chances to give a Super Pet
(Non-tradable and non-discardable).
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A holy, pet egg shaped scroll.
Able to Obtain Chong E egg, Spring Rabbit egg exchange ticket, Pet food and othe
r items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A package box that contains 20 Blessing Scroll, 20 Increase Agility Scroll,
20 Wind Walk Scroll, and 20 Adrenaline Rush Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Gym Membership Cards.
A membership card at a training facility that helps you increase your strength.
This card will grant you an one time access to training, just show it to the tra
iner NPC.
A visit will increase your skill level by 1 boosting your weight capacity by 200
per level,
To a maximum of level 10. Increase Carrying Weight skill has 10 levels, and once
It is permanent. However, it is reset once you transcend. After you transcend,
Re-visit the NPC that teaches this ability to learn this back for free at the le
vel you had
Before you transcended. You can level this one at a time.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Small Life Potion.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 5% of your Maximum HP every 5 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Small Life Potion.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 5% of your Maximum HP every 5 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Small Life Potion.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 5% of your Maximum HP every 5 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Large Life Potion.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 7% of your Maximum HP every 4 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Large Life Potion.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 7% of your Maximum HP every 4 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Large Life Potion.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 7% of your Maximum HP every 4 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Abrasive.
For 5 minutes, the player will receive +30 Critical Rate. This rate is doubled b
y Katar weapons.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Abrasive.
For 5 minutes, the player will receive +30 Critical Rate. This rate is doubled b
y Katar weapons.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Regeneration Potion.
For 30 minutes, the recovery amount from all heal, recovery items, and ^008800Sa
nctuary^000000 is increased by 20% on your character.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Regeneration Potion.
For 30 minutes, the recovery amount from all heal, recovery items, and ^008800Sa
nctuary^000000 is increased by 20% on your character.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll. When used allows you to teleport to
a specific dungeon from the following list:
Nogg Road Dungeon (Magma Dungeon), Mjolnir Dead Pit (Coal Mines), Umbala Dungeon
, Payon Caves, Toy Factory,
Glast Heim Prison, Louyang Dungeon, Kunlun Dungeon, Izlude Undersea Tunnel (Byal
an), Turtle Island, Clocktower 3F,
Clocktower B3F, Glast Heim Sewers 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Pyramid Dungeon 4F, Pro
ntera Culverts 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F,
Somatology Laboratory 1F, Ayotaya Dungeon 2F.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Peco Peco Hairband.
Headgear with Pecopeco's wings on it. It makes wearer to move as fas as Pecopeco
Increases movement speed by 5% when equipped.
Decreases Attack Speed by 10%. Reduce Casting Time by 5%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Red Glasses.
Must-have item for the pretty. Can make users 3 times more beautiful.
INT + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Whisper Mask.
Shaped like a whisper. It feels like massaged on a face. No sure that it is good
for skin.
AGI + 3, Increase damage from ^777777Ghost^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Ramen Hat.
Noodles put on a head. When hungry, this is portable ration. Be careful not to s
poil it.
DEX + 4
Chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Concentration^000000 on the enemy when att
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful box decorated with gold pieces. If you open it, a chance to get rare
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A beautiful box decorated with silver pieces. If you open it, a chance to get ra
re items.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Golden Key.
Golden Key - A Golden key to open the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Golden Keys.
Golden Key - A Golden key to open the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Silver Key.
Silver Key - A Silver key to open the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Silver Keys.
Silver Key - A Silver key to open the box.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Peco Peco Hairband.
Headgear with Pecopeco's wings on it. It makes wearer to move as fas as Pecopeco
Increases movement speed by 5% when equipped.
Decreases Attack Speed by 10%. Reduce Casting Time by 5%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Red Glasses.
Must-have item for the pretty. Can make users 3 times more beautiful.
INT + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Whisper Mask.
Shaped like a whisper. It feels like massaged on a face. No sure that it is good
for skin.
AGI + 3, Increase damage from ^777777Ghost^000000 Property attacks by 10%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Ramen Hat.
Noodles put on a head. When hungry, this is portable ration. Be careful not to s
poil it.
DEX + 4
Chance of auto casting ^008800Level 1 Concentration^000000 on the enemy when att
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Wine Glass Of Illusion.
Wine Glass Of Illusion - Provides +20 Perfect Dodge for 1 minute. Cooldown for 5
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Wine Glass Of Illusion.
Wine Glass Of Illusion - Provides +20 Perfect Dodge for 1 minute. Cooldown for 5
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Scroll Of Shadow Armor.
Scroll Of Shadow Armor - Turns your body element into ^777777Shadow^000000 Prope
rty for 30 minutes. Effect does not disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Scroll Of Shadow Armor.
Scroll Of Shadow Armor - Turns your body element into ^777777Shadow^000000 Prope
rty for 30 minutes. Effect does not disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Scroll Of Shadow Armor.
Scroll Of Shadow Armor - Turns your body element into ^777777Shadow^000000 Prope
rty for 30 minutes. Effect does not disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 5 Scroll Of Holy Armor.

Scroll Of Holy Armor - Turns your body element into ^777777Holy^000000 Property
for 30 minutes. Effect does not disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Scroll Of Holy Armor.
Scroll Of Holy Armor - Turns your body element into ^777777Holy^000000 Property
for 30 minutes. Effect does not disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Scroll Of Holy Armor.
Scroll Of Holy Armor - Turns your body element into ^777777Holy^000000 Property
for 30 minutes. Effect does not disappear upon death.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Small Physical Defense Potion.
Small Physical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Small Physical Defense Potion.
Small Physical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Small Physical Defense Potion.
Small Physical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Large Physical Defense Potion.
Large Physical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 3
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Large Physical Defense Potion.
Large Physical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 3
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Large Physical Defense Potion.
Large Physical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 3
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Small Magical Defense Potion.
Small Magical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 1 m
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Small Magical Defense Potion.
Small Magical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 1 m
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 50 Small Magical Defense Potion.
Small Magical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 1 m
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Large Magical Defense Potion.
Large Magical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 3 m
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Large Magical Defense Potion.
Large Magical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 3 m
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Large Magical Defense Potion.
Large Magical Defense Potion - Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 3 m
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 Field Manual 300%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Blue Herb.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 100 Honey.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 500 Empty Bottles.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 70 Royal Jelly.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing coin 6th Anniversary PC-Cafe Items.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Beginner's Field Manual.
Only usable by a character level 40 or below. For 30 minutes, grants 3x exp for
30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The quest accomplishment bookshelf the envelope which is enclosed.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Nagan. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Brocca. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Survivor's Rod. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Quadrille. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Great Axe. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloody Roar. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Hardcover Book. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Fireblend. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Immaterial Sword. Please take a care because is fragi
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Unholy Touch. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Survivor's Manteau. Please take a care because is fra
Duration : 2 Weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Masquerade. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 2 Weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Helmet of Orc Hero. Please take a care because is fra
Duration : 2 Weeks.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Wing of Diablo. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 2 Weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Dark Blinder. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 2 Weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Drooping Cat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 2 Weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Corsair. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 2 Weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball. Please take a care because is
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Spiritual Ring. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Nagan. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Brocca. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Survivor's Rod. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Quadrille. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Great Axe. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Bloody Roar. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Hardcover Book. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Fireblend. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Immaterial Sword. Please take a care because is fragi
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Unholy Touch. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Survivor's Manteau. Please take a care because is fra
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Masquerade. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Helmet of Orc Hero. Please take a care because is fra
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Wing of Diablo. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Dark Blinder. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Drooping Cat. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Corsair. Please take a care because is fragile.
Duration : 1 Day.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball. Please take a care because is
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Spiritual Ring. Please take a care because is fragile
Duration : 1 Day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Love You Firecracker.
Phrase 'I LOVE YOU!' pops out with Fire cracker.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 White Day Firecracker.
Phrase 'HAPPY WHITEDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Valentine Firecracker.
Phrase 'HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!' pops out with Fire cracker.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Birthday Firecracker.
Phrase 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Christmas Firecracker.
Phrase 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!' pops out with Fire cracker.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 100 Blue Gemstone.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 25 Blue Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 6 kinds of Level 1 Dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 6 kinds of Level 2 Dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 6 kinds of Level 3 Dishes.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing healing potion and speed potion to avoid from the monster. A bo
x that contains 100 Yellow Potion, 10 Speed Potion, 5 Yggdrasil Berry.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 rings inside.
Taming item for 'Knife Goblin'.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 rings inside.
Taming item for 'Flail Goblin'.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 rings inside.
Taming item for 'Hammer Goblin'.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 holy marbles inside.
Taming item for 'Red Deleter'.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 burning stones inside.

Taming item for 'Diabolic'.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 skulls inside.
Taming item for 'Wanderer'.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 Green Apple.
Green Apple - A tasty green apple. Great food for Goblin.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 Barbeques inside.
Barbeque - A wildly barbecued meat. Great food for Deleter.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 Meat Skewer inside.
Meat Skewer - Well grilled meat skewer. It's looking delicious. Great food for D
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 Spirit Liquors inside.
Spirit Liquor - A drink for the departed soul to outlive in human world. Great d
rink for Wanderer.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that glows with a mysterious, green color. If you open it, something good
may be inside.
Weight : ^77777720^000000
RIC booster Power Up, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088Realgar Win
e, Sesame Pastry, Honey Pastry^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Power Up, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088Exorcize He
rb, Sesame Pastry, Honey Pastry^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Resist Pack, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088Resist F
ire and Resist Water^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Resist Pack, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088'Resist
Earth and Resist Wind^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Stat, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088STR + 5, AGI +
5, VIT + 5^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Stat, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088INT + 5, LUK +
5, DEX + 5^000000

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Stat, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088AGI + 5, VIT +
5, DEX + 5^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RIC booster Stat, A box consist of each 3 kinds those are ^000088INT + 5, VIT +
5, DEX + 5^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Dungeon Teleport Scroll II.
When used allows you to teleport to a specific dungeon from the following list:
Thor's Volcano Dungeon F2 "Ice Dungeon Entrance" "..." "Niflheim" "Labyrinth" "J
"..." "Kiel Hyre's School Entrance" "Thanatos Tower Entrance" "The Abyss Lakes E
"Rachel Temple Entrance" "Odin Temple Entrance".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll II.
When used allows you to teleport to a specific dungeon from the following list:
Thor's Volcano Dungeon F2 "Ice Dungeon Entrance" "..." "Niflheim" "Labyrinth" "J
"..." "Kiel Hyre's School Entrance" "Thanatos Tower Entrance" "The Abyss Lakes E
"Rachel Temple Entrance" "Odin Temple Entrance".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Steamed Tongue.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Steamed Desert Scorpions.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Dragon Breath Cocktail.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Hwergelmir's Tonic.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Cooked Nine Tail.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Immortal Stew.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Payment Statement for Kafra Employee.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Field Manual.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 25% for 30 minutes^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Heroic Stone.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain
valuable items in it. Let's check out.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain
valuable items in it. Let's check out.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain
valuable items in it. Let's check out.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mystery travel sack left behind by a legendary adventurer. It seems to contain
valuable items in it. Let's check out.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 5 Yellow Butterfly Wing.

Allows teleportation to any Rune-Midgarts city.
Available cities are Prontera, Geffen, Payon, Morroc, Aldebaran, and Alberta.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Yellow Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any Rune-Midgarts city.
Available cities are Prontera, Geffen, Payon, Morroc, Aldebaran, and Alberta.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Green Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any Schwartzvalt city.
Available cities are Juno, Lighthalzen, Einbroch, and Hugel.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Green Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any Schwartzvalt city.
Available cities are Juno, Lighthalzen, Einbroch, and Hugel.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Red Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any Arunafeltz city.
Available cities are Rachel, and Veins.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Red Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any Arunafeltz city.
Available cities are Rachel, and Veins.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Blue Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any off continent localized city.
Available cities are Ayothaya, Amatsu, Louyang, and Kunlun.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Blue Butterfly Wing.
Allows teleportation to any off continent localized city.
Available cities are Ayothaya, Amatsu, Louyang, and Kunlun.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Candy which are marvelous bounces.
1 minute increase ATK + 20, Attack Speed + 25%, and permanent endure.
Decreases 100HP per 10 seconds. Cooldown for 3 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Candy which are marvelous bounces.
1 minute increase ATK + 20, Attack Speed + 25%, and permanent endure.
Decreases 100HP per 10 seconds. Cooldown for 3 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sealed paper envelope. It seems to be contained important message in it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sealed paper envelope. It seems to be contained important message in it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 4 Field Manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Field Manual,15 Level 10 Blessing Scroll,15 Level 10 Increase A
gility Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Repair Weapon Scroll. Several ore needed to be repaired offers
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains a Hockey mask available during a week.
A mask for playing Hockey when wear it and then feel like hold weapon.
Increase damage on Demi-Human monster by 5%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains Observer available during a week.
An equipment can check energy. Look like where come from another world.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Estimation^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1
A headgear which
It make you feel
Increases Attack

Flying Angel.
looks like an angel flapping its wing.
dizzy when you wear it, but also makes your body feel light.
Speed by 3%. Reduce Casting Time by 3%.

INT + 1, AGI + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Nekomimi.
A cute cat-looking hat which enhances its wearer's look.
Has a cat tail which emphasizes the appearance.
LUK + 2
MDEF + 10
Reduce 5% of damage taken from Brute monster.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Moonowl Cap.
A hat created with the monster Moonlight Flower in mind.
It is said that it uses 30% of Moonlight Flower's fur, and 70% of Nine Tails fur
Note that you should only use hand washing to clean it.
Wear this with your Nine Tails scarf for the perfect winter fashion!
Automatically cast ^008800Level 1 Increase Agility^000000 by chance when struck
by Physical attack.
DEX + 2
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Baby Chick.
A hat with cute little chick on it. It's hopping action is so cute.
Allows usage ^008800Level 2 Double Attack^000000, and if you already know higher
than ^008800Level 2 Double Attack^000000, then the appropriate level will be us
ed instead.
Reduce damage from Demi-Human monster by 3%.
Impossible to refine this item.
MaxHP, MaxSP + 50, LUK + 2.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Beauty Gift Certificates.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Powerful Wizard' card package. Contains 'Bloody Butterfly', 'Parasite', 'Harp
y', 'Miyabi Doll', 'Evil Numph' and 'Loli Ruri' card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Great Priest' card package. Contains 'Rideword', 'Fur Seal', 'Enchanted Peach
Tree', 'Geographer' and 'Cookie' card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Sharp Shooter' card package. Contains 'Cruiser', 'Anolian', 'Merman', 'Dragon
Tail' and 'Alligator' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Brave Warrior' card package. Contains 'Freezer', 'Heater', 'Solider', 'Permet
er' and 'Assaulter' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Big-Hand Thief' card package. Contains 'Sinobi', 'Wander Man', 'Wild Rose', '
The Paper' and 'Dancing Dragon' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Center of Market' card package. Contains 'Mystcase', 'Zipper Bear', 'Raggler'
, 'Baby Leopard', 'Hydro' Card.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Divinity of Clock tower' card package. Contains 'Alarm', 'Clock', 'Punk', 'To
wer Keeper' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A 'Majority of Geffenia' card package. Contains 'Incubus' and 'Succubus' card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A card package containing 'Owl Baron' and 'Owl Duke' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A ghost card package. Contains 'Lude' and 'Quve' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A nightmare card package. Contains 'Nightmare' and 'Nightmare Terror' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Magnolia Cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Plankton cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Marina cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Savage Bebe cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Metaller cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Familiar cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abnormal status card package. Contains 4 Requiem cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Eluminium.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Oridecon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Fire Elemental Converters for your weapon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Water Elemental Converters for your weapon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Wind Elemental Converters for your weapon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Earth Elemental Converters for your weapon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Beginning packages for the people. To help determine which items are identified
for the first fight.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 5 mercenary monster mimic cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 mercenary monster disguise cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 mercenary monster alice cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 mercenary monster mimic cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 mercenary monster disguise cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 mercenary monster alice cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Fish Head Hat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^77777740^000000
A box that contains Santa Poring Cap.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A box that contains Bell Ribbon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
A box which contains 10 Battle Manual,10 Life Insurance,10 Bubble Gum.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 White Drooping Cat,Gray Drooping Cat,Pink Drooping Cat,Blue Dro
oping Cat,Yellow Drooping Cat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 5 Battle Manual,5 Life Insurance,5 Bubble Gum.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Red Deviruchi Hat,White Deviruchi Hat,Gray Deviruchi Hat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains Token of Ziegfried,Bubble Gum,Megaphone,3 Convex Mirror.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Dragon Breath Cocktail,10 Hwergelmir's Tonic,10 Cooked Nine Ta
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sweet and lovely scroll that has something good for you.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Blessing Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Increases Agility Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Assumptio Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Love Angel Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes cute.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you want to express your love, or
when you want to say that you're sorry after making a big mistake.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal

Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Squirrel Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to co
mplain about, or when you want to do something awful.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Gogo Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes humorous.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to ta
lk about thats funny.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 'Koneko Hat' in it.
A magical kitty hat which shows various expressions in its face.
INT + 1. MATK + 3%. Reduces after-cast skill delay by 3%. Maximum HP + 3%. MDEF
+ 3
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 'Baphomet Horns' in it.
A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet.
Increases physical damage to the Demi Human monster by 12%.
As your JOB Level increases,the helm grants additional ATK.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 'Flying Evil Wing' in it.
An unholy Satanic Chain forged with an incantation.
SP + 120. ^880000Curse^000000 yourself when attacking.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 'Gentleman's Pipe' in it.
A long smoking pipe used by gentlemen and nobility.
Decreases damage from Demi Human monster by 2%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 'Bunny Top Hat' in it.
An energetic Bunny Band perfect for a magic show.
AGI + 3, Add chance of auto casting ^008800Level 5 Increase Agility^000000 when
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 'Dark Randgris Helm' in it.
A helm laced with the power of Valkyrie Randgris. It helps its wearer to concent
rate better.
DEX + 3, MDEF + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 'Orc Hero Headdress' in it.
A true Orc Hero's headgear. It's so big and heavy that it might hurt your neck.
STR + 3
Add chance of auto casting ^008800Level 3 Over Thrust^000000 when attacking.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A mouse scroll that captured mouse's nimbleness.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box with cards only for Crusaders.
Contains 'Archdam', 'Permeter', 'Freezer' and 'Heater' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box with cards only for Alchemist.
Contains 'Zipper Bear', 'Baby Leopard', 'Holden', 'Raggler' and 'Muka' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box with cards only for Rogue.
Contains 'Stainer', 'Wanderer', 'Wild Rose', Shinobi' and 'Wickebine Tres' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box with cards only for Bard and Dancer.
Contains 'Cruiser', 'Anolian', 'Dragon Tail', 'Green Ferus' and 'Alligator' Card
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box with cards only for Sage.
Contains 'Yellow Novus', 'Evil Nymph', 'Harpy', 'Miyabi Doll' and 'Bloody Butter
fly' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A gift box with cards only for Monk.
Contains 'Fur Seal', 'Waste Stove', 'Rideword' and 'Cookie' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 'Hill Wind' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 'Laurell Weinder' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 'Red Ferus' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 'Deathword' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 'Pitman' Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Robo Eye.
An unidentified object look like eye. It comes from space and can give out light

ATK, MATK + 2%, DEX + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Maiden's Twin Ribbon.
An unidentified object look like eye. It comes from space and can give out light
Maximum SP + 30, MDEF + 3. Slot [1]
Increases physical damage to the monster by 20% for 2 seconds when the user Rece
ived physical attack.
Reduces MDEF by 20% for 2 seconds.
Increases magical damage to the monster by 20% for 2 seconds when the user Recei
ved magical attack.
Reduces DEF by 20% for 2 seconds.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diadem.
A crown decorate with jewel of love. Rumor who wear it will meet real love.
INT + 1, MATK + 3%. Reduce Casting Time by 3%.
A chance uses skill Heal and Sanctuary.
Increases the effectiveness HP using potion pitcher by 3%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Random item from the scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 Love Angel Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes cute.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you want to express your love, or
when you want to say that you're sorry after making a big mistake.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Squirrel Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 Days.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to co
mplain about, or when you want to do something awful.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Gogo Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 Days.
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes humorous.
To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to ta
lk about thats funny.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box contains essential equipment for Swordman.
Contains "Full Plate [1],Shield [1],Boots [1],Manteau [1],a Pupa Card,a Raydric
Card,2 Clips,Helm [1],a Iron Cane".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box contains essential equipment for Magician.
Contains "Silk Robe [1],Guard [1],Shoes [1],Muffler [1],a Pupa Card,a Phen Card,
2 Clips, a Magician Hat".

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box contains essential equipment for Acolyte.
Contains "Saint's Robe [1],Buckler [1],Shoes [1],Muffler [1],a Pupa Card,a Sohee
card,2 Clips,Biretta [1]".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box contains essential equipment for Archer.
Contains "Tight [1],Gakkung Bow [2],Boots [1],Muffler [1],a Zerom Card,a Whisper
Card,2 Clips, a Apple Of Archer".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box contains essential equipment for Merchant.
Contains " Chain Mail [1],Buckler [1],Boots [1],Manteau [1],a Pupa Card,a Raydri
c Card,2 Clips,a Grief for Greed".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A gift box contains essential equipment for Thief.
Contains "Thief Clothes,Buckler [1],Boots [1],Manteau [1],a Matyr Card,a Whisper
Card,2 Clips,a Ghost Bandana".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Western Outlaw. Rental period for a week.
A handgun known for high accuracy and firing rate, it is known to be made for th
e lawless one who have gone through many difficult situations with nothing but h
is trusty gun.
Increases HIT and Attack Speed depending on the AGI of the player. Adds 40% dama
ge to the monster.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Level Action Rifle. Rental period for a week.
A masterpiece that brings the power of the Rifles to the max. This beautiful gun
steals the heart of the Gunslingers, and its high performance will put a hole t
hrough the heart of the enemy. Only downside is that, due to the fact it is leve
r-action oriented, the Attack Speed is somewhat poor.
HIT+ 20, Cri+ 50, Adds 40% damage to the monster.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 All In One Ring. Rental period for a week.
A Jewelry Ring that contains a 3 Seal Magic Spell.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and ^008800Level 1 Teleport^000000.
Casting cannot be interrupted.
ALL STATUS + 1. Increases casting time by 10%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Spiritual Tunic. Rental period for a week.
A Tunic that has been granted additional tolerance against certain properties.
Decreases 20% damage from ^777777Neutral^000000 and ^777777Water^000000 property
MDEF + 5. MaxHP + 800. Cannot be Frozen.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Recuvative Armor. Rental period for a week.
An armor that allows the master to regain his life by taking the enemies
HP, SP Natural Recovery is Disabled.
When unequipped, you lose 100 SP.
When a monster is defeated from Physical or Magical Attacks, it recover 60 HP an
d 6 SP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box which contains 1 Shell Of Resistance. Rental period for a week.

A Magical Shield that has a strong resistance against every attack that an oppon
ent tries to deal you.
Reduced 20% damage from the monster.
Reflects 1% of Physical Attack.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Silf Manteau. Rental period for a week.
A Soft Manteau that has been blessed by a Wind Fairy.
It is said to allow the wearer to be protected from danger.
FLEE + 13, Reduce 13% of ^777777Neutral^000000 Property damage.
Perfect Dodge + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Refresh Shoes. Rental period for a week.
Shoes that were made with complex design and very soft skin to show how fun your
legs could be with these.
MaxHP + 17% , MaxSP + 8%.
Every 10 seconds, your HP goes up by 20, SP goes up by 3.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Crunch Toast. Rental period for a week.
For a busy morning, it its the best heartwarming friend.
When you hold it in your mouth, you feel like you have to quickly rush out.
MaxHP + 100.
When you defeat a monster, there is a small chance that it drops a "Old Purple B
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ticket Of Identification" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box which contains 5 mochi.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Deporte Doll Hat.
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Defolty! Numerous users are using Ka
fra storage more than 20 times a day, fascinated by her smiling face.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Add a chance of auto casting ^008800Level 10 Angelus^000000 on the user when the
user receives Physical Damage.
Impossible to refine this item. Slot [1]
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Glarice Doll Hat.
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Glaris! Fascinated by her mature app
earance, her advocates call her a teacher.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Recover +50 HP when defeating a monster with a magical attack.
Impossible to refine this item. Slot [1]
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Sorin Doll Hat.
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Sorin! Her cute appearance made the
price of this hat rise at the auction place.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
When physically attacking there is a chance that for 10 seconds you'll receive A
TK +50.
Impossible to refine this item. Slot [1]
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Tailring Doll Hat.

So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Telling! She is such an active and h
ard-working lady. So she became the most favorite Kafra among users.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Increases the effectiveness HP using potion pitcher by 10%.
Impossible to refine this item. Slot [1]
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Vinit Doll Hat.
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra Bennit! She has a boyish look, but h
er hobby is knitting and reading romance novels. She is fully supported by male
users who like the short-cut style.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
When physically attacking there is a chance that for 30 seconds you'll gain ASPD
Impossible to refine this item. Slot [1]
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 W Doll Hat.
So hot! A headgear with the figure of Kafra W! There is a rumor that an assassin
association wants to scout her, because there are so many guys who become frigh
tened and faint when she calls them.
Reduces damage from Demi-Human monster by 5%.
Increases physical and magical damage to the undead monster by 5%.
Impossible to refine this item. Slot [1]
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A box which contains 1 Bubble Gum Low. Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000

A box which contains 1 Lucky clip. Rental period for 1 day.

A great opportunity to bring their wearers a legendary clip.
Increases 50% drop item from the monster.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 iron.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Steel.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Coal.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 30 bottles of poison. Let's treat attention.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
When you cut the seal off this seal with a friend,
you get an unimaginable amount of fun coming to you!
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diary Magic Powder. Available for one week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back

to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Mini Heart Magic Powder. Available for one week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Freshman Magic Powder. Available for one week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Kid Magic Powder. Available for one week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Magic Magic Powder. Available for one week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 JJangu Magic Powder. Available for one week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back

to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diary Magic Powder. Available for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Mini Heart Magic Powder. Available for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Freshman Magic Powder. Available for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Kid Magic Powder. Available for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Magic Magic Powder. Available for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back

to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 JJangu Magic Powder. Available for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 5 Rough Oridecons inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 50 Rough Oridecons inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box with 10 Fire Bottles and 10 Acid Bottles inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Thick Battle Manual. When it used, Exp rate is increased to 50
% for 30 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Tiger Mask.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Pussy Cat Bell.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Alice Hat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Speed Potions.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Speed Potions.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 100 Big Bun.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 500 Big Bun.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 500 Giant Fly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 100 Pill.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 500 Pill.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 25 Siege White Potions and 10 Siege Blue Potions.
Siege White Potion - Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion
Siege Blue Potion - Restores 50-70 SP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Siege White Potions and 20 Siege Blue Potions.
Siege White Potion - Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion
Siege Blue Potion - Restores 50-70 SP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 100 Siege White Potions and 50 Siege Blue Potions.
Siege White Potion - Heals 400~500 Hit Point. HP Affected by Regeneration Potion
Siege Blue Potion - Restores 50-70 SP.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Poison Bottle.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 Poison Bottle.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Evolved Drooping Cat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Evolved Rabbits Headband.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Evolved Helmet Of Orc Hero.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Love Angel Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Squillroll Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Gogo Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Love Angel Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Squillroll Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 Days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Gogo Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 Days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Western Outlaw. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Level Action Rifle. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box which contains 1 All In One Ring. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Spiritual Tunic. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Recuvative Armor. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Shell Of Resistance. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Silf Manteau. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Refresh Shoes. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 1 Crunch Toast. Rental period for a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Robo Eye.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Maiden's Twin Ribbon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diadem.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Fish Head Hat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Santa Poring Cap.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Bell Ribbon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 mercenary monster Mimic cash items.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 mercenary monster Disguise cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 mercenary monster Alice cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 mercenary monster Mimic cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 mercenary monster Disguise cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 mercenary monster Alice cash items.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Beauty Gift Certificates.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Level 1 Repair Weapon Scroll. Obtain Ore for repair.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Repair Weapon Scroll. Several ore needed to be repaired offers
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains a Hockey mask available during a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains Observer available during a week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Yellow Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Yellow Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Green Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Green Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Red Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Red Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Blue Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Blue Butterfly Wing.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Candy which are marvelous bounces.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Candy which are marvelous bounces.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Dungeon Teleport Scroll II.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll II.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Little Angel Dolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Poring 3 Hats.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Nagan.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Brocca.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Survivor's Rod.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Quadrille.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Great Axe.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloody Roar.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Hardcover Book.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Fireblend.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Immaterial Sword.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Unholy Touch.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Survivor's Manteau.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Masquerade.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Helmet of Orc Hero.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Wing of Diablo.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Dark Blinder.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Drooping Cat.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Corsair.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bloodied Shackle Ball.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Spiritual Ring.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Wine Glass Of Illusion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Wine Glass Of Illusion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Scroll Of Shadow Armor.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Scroll Of Shadow Armor.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Scroll Of Shadow Armor.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Scroll Of Holy Armor.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Scroll Of Holy Armor.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Scroll Of Holy Armor.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Small Physical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Small Physical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Small Physical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Large Physical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Large Physical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Large Physical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Small Magical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Small Magical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 50 Small Magical Defense Potion.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Large Magical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Large Magical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Large Magical Defense Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Flying Angel.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Nekomimi.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Moonowl Cap.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 1 Baby Chick.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Peco Peco Hairband.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Red Glasses.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Whisper Mask.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Ramen Hat.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Gym Membership Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Small Life Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Small Life Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Small Life Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Large Life Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Large Life Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Large Life Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 5 Abrasive.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Abrasive.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Regeneration Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Regeneration Potion.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dungeon Teleport Scroll. When used allows you to teleport to
a specific dungeon from the following list:
Nogg Road Dungeon (Magma Dungeon), Mjolnir Dead Pit (Coal Mines), Umbala Dungeon
, Payon Caves, Toy Factory,
Glast Heim Prison, Louyang Dungeon, Kunlun Dungeon, Izlude Undersea Tunnel (Byal
an), Turtle Island, Clocktower 3F,
Clocktower B3F, Glast Heim Sewers 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Pyramid Dungeon 4F, Pro
ntera Culverts 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F,
Somatology Laboratory 1F, Ayotaya Dungeon 2F.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Infiltrator.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Muramasa.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Excalibur.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Combat Knife.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Dagger of Counter.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Kaiser Knuckle.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Mighty Staff.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Light Epsilon.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ballista.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Sage's Diary.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Ashura.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Apple of Archer.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Bunny Band.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Sakkat.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Grand Circlet.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Elven Ears.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Romantic Flower.
Rental period for 14 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Critical Ring.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Earring.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Ring.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Necklace.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Glove.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Brooch.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Rosary.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Safety Ring.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 01.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 02.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 03.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Refined Vesper Core 04.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 2 Field Manual, 15
Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Immortal Stew, 2 Field Manual, 15 Level 10 Bl
essing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 2 Hwergelmir's Tonic, 2 Field Manual, 1
5 Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 2 Immortal Stew, 2 Field Manual, 15 Lev
el 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Field Manual, 15 Le
vel 10 Blessing Scroll,
15 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 2 Steamed Tongue, 2 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 2 Field Manual, 24
Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scroll,
20 Level 5 Aspersio Scroll, 1 Kafra Card, 1 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Steamed Tongue, 4 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 4 Field Manual, 30
Level 10 Blessing Scroll,
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 4 Steamed Tongue, 4 Immortal Stew, 30 Level 10 Blessing Scroll,

30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 4 Hwergelmir's Tonic, 30 Level 10 Bless
ing Scroll,
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 4 Immortal Stew, 30 Level 10 Blessing S
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Dragon Breath Cocktail, 4 Steamed Tongue, 30 Level 10 Blessing
30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 4 Steamed Tongue, 4 Steamed Desert Scorpions, 4 Field Manual,
48 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scroll, 40 Level 5 Aspersio Scroll, 2 Kafra Card, 2 T
oken of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Field Manual books inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Life Insurances inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 tasty Bubble Gums.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 INT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 DEX + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 LUK + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Kafra Cards.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light box containing 10 Giant Fly Wings.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Neuralizer inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Convex Mirrors.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Megaphones.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Enriched Eluniums.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 10 Enriched Oridecon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Tokens of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light box containing 50 Giant Fly Wings.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A light box containing 100 Giant Fly Wings.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 10
A box containing 30 DEX + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
DEX + 10
A box containing 50 DEX + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 10

A box containing 30 LUK + 10 dishes.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
LUK + 10
A box containing 50 LUK + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 10
A box containing 30 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
VIT + 10
A box containing 50 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Life Insurances inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Life Insurances inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Convex Mirrors.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Convex Mirrors.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 10 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 50 Blessing Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 50 Level 5 Adrenaline Rush Scrolls.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls..
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 5 Aspersio Scrolls..
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 10
A box containing 30 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
AGI + 10
A box containing 50 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Level 10 Wind Walk Scrolls.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 10
A box containing 30 INT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
INT + 10
A box containing 50 INT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Field Manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Field Manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 5 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 Token of Ziegfried.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Kafra Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Kafra Card.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 10
A box containing 30 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
STR + 10
A box containing 50 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Bubble Gum.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 5 Bubble Gum.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Megaphone.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Megaphone.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Enriched Elunium.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 Enriched Oridecon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Mystical Amplification scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 30 Mystical Amplification scroll.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Mystical Amplification scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Quagmire Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Quagmire Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Quagmire Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Staff of Healing.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Praccsinos.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special promo Scroll that will be selling just during lovely spring!
It will bring you a sweet smell of good luck!
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Note Headphones.
A cool looking set of headphones that have earmuffs designed to resemble music n
You can listen to your favorite Ragnarok Online music everywhere!
Increase resistance to ^880000Stun^000000 and ^880000Freeze^000000 by 10%.
MDEF + 3. Slot [1].
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The full set equipment for Novice!
That are Helm, Shield, Armor, Shoes.
Rental period for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Yggdrasil Berry, a fruit that is well-known for longevity.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Dead Branches that evokes an impending sense of danger.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 25 Dead Branches that evokes an impending sense of danger.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 2 Field Manual.
Field Manual : ^000088Exp rate is increased to 1.5% for 30 minutes^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 STR + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 AGI + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 VIT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 INT + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 DEX + 10 dishes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 20 LUK + 10 dishes.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Beholder Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Neutral Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Hallow Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Undead Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Clamorous Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Brute Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Chemical Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Plant Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Insecticide Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Insect Monster^000000.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Fisher Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Fish Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Decussate Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Demon Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Bloody Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Demi-Human Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Satanic Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Angel Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 7 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Dragon Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Dragon Monster^000000.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Beholder Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Neutral Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Hallow Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Undead Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Clamorous Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Brute Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Chemical Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Plant Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Insecticide Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Insect Monster^000000.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Fisher Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Fish Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Decussate Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Demon Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Bloody Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Demi-Human Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Satanic Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Angel Monster^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items for 15 days^000000
A box contains 1 "Dragon Ring". Please take a care because is fragile!
A ring that has special power in each shape.
Increases 15% experience from ^000088Dragon Monster^000000.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diary Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Mini Heart Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Freshman Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Kid Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Magic Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 JJangu Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diary Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diary Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Diary Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Kid Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Magic Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 JJangu Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days.
When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back
to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Mystical Amplification scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Mystical Amplification scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Mystical Amplification scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 Quagmire Scroll.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Quagmire Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 50 Quagmire Scroll.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Staff of Healing.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Praccsinos.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%.
Rental period for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Emperium.
Merely owning this gloriously resplendent gem is said to be a sign of being chos
en by fate to wield great power.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Marriage Certificate.
This written oath professes undying love, loyalty, and union.

Forever in life, and eternally beyond death.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Neo Muffler". Available for one week.
A warm scarf that is worn around the neck and shoulders.
Add a 10% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
MaxHP + 10%
Resistance against ^0000FFWater^000000, ^FF0000Fire^000000, ^777777Holy^000000,
^777777Shadow^000000 Property by 5%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Neo Valkyrja's Shield". Available for one week.
A shield used by Gna, the messanger of Freyja while she served as a Valkyrie.
Add a 30% resistance against Demi-Human monster.
MaxHP + 5%
Add a 20% resistance against ^FF0000Fire^000000 and ^0000FFWater^000000 Property
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Neo Skull Ring". Available for one week.
A weird ring adorned with a skull in which the words, "^990000Forever, until dea
th...^000000" are engraved.
ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%
MaxHP + 5%, Reduces after-cast skill delay by 5%.
Enables use of ^008800Level 1 Sight^000000.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains the necessary items to repaired demolished Fortress Gates.
It contains 30 Trunks, 10 Steel, 10 Envertacon, 5 Oridecon.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains the necessary items to rebuild a destroyed Guardian Stone.
It contains 1 Oridecon, 1 Elunium, 30 Stones, 5 Blue Gemstones, 5 Yellow Gemston
es, 5 Red Gemstones.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Clothing Dye Coupon.
(Caution : When change jobs, you will lose the effect of the clothing dye and re
turn to your original color.)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Clothing Dye Coupon with original color.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Clothing Dye Coupon.
(Caution : When change jobs, you will lose the effect of the clothing dye and re
turn to your original color.)
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 Clothing Dye Coupon with original color.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The box including a document verifying the contract with mercenary.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

The box including 5 documents verifying the contract with mercenary.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The box including 10 documents verifying the contract with mercenary.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A happiness from an angel. You will find full of happiness once you open it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A darkness gift from an evil. Handle with care in opening it. Don't provoke the
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Everyone likes surprises. You might be surprised once you open it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Leaves Of Grass.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Mask Of Ifrit".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Ear Of Ifrit".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Filir Hat".

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Angel Of Ghost".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Scuba Mask".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Nekomimi Kafra Headband".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RWC special scroll, it is quite collectable.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
RWC special edition Scroll. It is worth having to remember all honors of RWC eac
h year.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An Ardor Scroll that inspires you to be brave and have a passion.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Gangster Scarf".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ninja's Scroll".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Angel Of Ghost".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Gangster Scarf".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ninja's Scroll".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Phreeoni Scroll".
Phreeoni Scroll - A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Phreeoni.
HIT + 100 for 3 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Ghostring Scroll".
Ghostring Scroll - A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Ghostring.
Gives Ghost property to a character for 1 minute.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Love Scroll. If you are waiting for love, you definitely need this scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Taiwan Bacsojin scroll. If you are lucky, you will be suprised once you open it.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Antenna".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Tiraya Bonnet".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Balloon Hat".
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Holy Sabre" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Book Of Prayer" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Phenomena Whip" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Staff Of Darkness" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Monk Knuckle" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Mace Of Madness" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Spear Of Excellent" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Bow Of Evil" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Katar Of Speed" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Sharpshooter Revolver" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Guild Member Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Party Member Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Boyfriend Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Friend Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Girlfriend Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Holy Marcher Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Guild Member Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing 1 "Party Member Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Boyfriend Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Friend Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Girlfriend Hat" inside. Rental periods for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Holy Marcher Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Spiked Scarf" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Rainbow Scarf" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Various animals are inside of it! Please handle with care, you might get bit!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Brazilian Flag Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 20 "Greed Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 50 "Greed Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 20 "Mental Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 50 "Mental Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 20 "Tyr's Blessing" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 50 "Tyr's Blessing" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 20 "Greed Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 50 "Greed Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 20 "Mental Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 50 "Mental Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 20 "Tyr's Blessing" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 50 "Tyr's Blessing" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 'Tao Gunka Scroll' in it.
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Tao Gunka.
For 3 minutes MaxHP + 100%, DEF -50, MDEF -50.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 'Mistress Scroll' in it.
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Mistress.
Enables of casting certain spells without gemstones for 3 minutes.
Increases SP Consumption of skills by 25%.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 'Orc Hero Scroll' in it.
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Hero.
Immunity to ^880000Stun^000000 for 1 minute.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 'Orc Lord Scroll' in it.
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Lord.
Reflects 30% of all physical damage taken for 3 minutes.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A heart shaped scroll. You will feel warm heart once you open it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.

Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 5 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Goddess Of Blessing" inside.
You have the blessings of the goddess!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Angel Of Blessing" inside.
The angel's blessing be with you!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Snow Powder" inside.
During the winter atmosphere I'd like to look good items!
Warning: You can not turn off the lights!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Small Hearts" inside.
This item is expected to create an atmosphere of love, please!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Extravagant Firework" inside.
Gorgeous and beautiful fireworks. When used in a summer night seems to be romant
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Celestial Axe" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Angeling Potion" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Scream Megaphone" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Dungeon Teleport Scroll 3" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Love Daddy Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Anubis Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Staff Of Piercing" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Lich's Bone Wand" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Long Horn" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Hunting Spear" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Book of the Dead" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Staff of Destruction" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Crest of the Rider" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Mithril Magic Manteau" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Sniping Suit" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Orlean's Gloves" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Spiritual Ring" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Variant Shoes" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Twin Pompom By JB" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Ship Captain Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Red Minstrel Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Bubble Gum" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Small Magical Defense Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Small Physical Defense Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Tyr's Blessing" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Mental Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Scroll of Holy Armor" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Scroll of Shadow Armor" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 2 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Gym Membership Card", 5 "Regeneration Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Gym Membership Card", 20 "Greed Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fancy, beautiful decorated scroll. We can feel Christmas is coming!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Solar Scroll that symbolized the glaring sun.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Twin Pompom By JB" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Ship Captain Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 "Red Minstrel Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Bubble Gum" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Small Magical Defense Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Small Physical Defense Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Tyr's Blessing" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Mental Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Scroll of Holy Armor" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 5 "Scroll of Shadow Armor" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Field Manual", 2 "JOB Battle Manual" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Gym Membership Card", 5 "Regeneration Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Gym Membership Card", 20 "Greed Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ancient Scroll Of Shaman" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Broken Sword" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Feather Of Bizofnil" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 1 New Pagdayaw in it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Fortune Sword" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Ice Pick" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Kamaitachi" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Spirited Guitar" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Doom Slayer" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Huuma Blaze Shuriken" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Odin's Blessing" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Ring of Flame Lord" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Ring of Resonance" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box contains 1 "Student Cap" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Ulle's Cap" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Sphinx Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Honglyun's Sword" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Power Of Thor" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Dice Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "King Tiger Doll Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Wandering Wolf Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Pizza Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Ice Cream Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Pirate's Pride" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Necromancer Hood" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000

Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
A box that contains 1 "Magic Rabbit Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "RO 5th Wedding Anniversary" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ashura Fairy Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Dark Randgris Helm" inside.
A helm laced with the power of Valkyrie Randgris. It helps its wearer to concent
rate better.
DEX + 3, MDEF + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Purple Cowboy Hat" inside.
A hat, symbolizing western frontiers, made to celebrate the festival.
INT + 2 , VIT + 2 , SP + 50

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Dark Randgris Helm" inside.
A helm laced with the power of Valkyrie Randgris. It helps its wearer to concent
rate better.
DEX + 3, MDEF + 1
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Purple Cowboy Hat" inside.
A hat, symbolizing western frontiers, made to celebrate the festival.
INT + 2 , VIT + 2 , SP + 50
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A prize that is given to the hottest character who is the winner of the Valentin
e's Day event.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Carnival Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Carnival Circlet" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A scroll to celebrate the 'Year of Cattle'.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Nightmare Terror Exchange Coupon" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Loli Ruri Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Goblin Leader Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Incubus Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Miyabi Ningyo Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Giant Whisper Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Evil Nymph Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Medusa Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Stone Shooter Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Marionette Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Leaf Cat Exchange Coupon" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Dullahan Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shinobi Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Golem Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Civil Servant Exchange Coupon" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Academy Of Badge" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Academy Freshman Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Academy Completion Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Blue Pajamas Hat" inside.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A box that contains 1 "Pink Pajamas Hat" inside.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shark Hat" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Sting Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shark Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Sting Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Tiara Samambaia" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Aquarius Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Aquarius Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Pisces Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Pisces Crown" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Peacock Feather" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A life insurance certificate issued by Kafra Center.
Once the player receives the benefit from this certificate, the item will lose i
ts effect.
If the character dies within the 60 minutes duration, no loss of EXP will be mad
Corrected display suppose to be will not lose any experience the first time you
The effect will disappear after your first KO'.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll which gives you a random of amount zeny.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potent medicine that stimulates concentration.
Temporarily increases Attack Speed.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A special tonic that combats the effects of drowsiness.
Temporarily increases Attack Speed.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Acolyte, Priest, Bard and Dancer^000000
Remarkably powerful medicine that stimulates circulation and amplifies quickness
Temporarily increases Attack Speed.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777785^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, TaeKwon Class, Mage, Wiz
ard, Rogue^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Meteor Storm^000000. You can
feel the great magical power from it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Storm Gust^000000. You can f
eel the cold magical force from the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Lord of Vermilion^000000. Yo
u can feel the great magical force from the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 1 Lex Aeterna^000000. You can f
eel the power of holy spell from the box.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Magnificat^000000. It has bea
utiful letters written on the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Chemical Protection Helm^0000
00. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Chemical Protection Shield^00
0000. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Chemical Protection Armor^000
000. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Chemical Protection Weapon^00
0000. It has some mysterious letters written on the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 1 Repair Weapon^000000. It has

some mysterious letters written on the scroll.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A delicious looking bun which is big enough for two person to eat together. ^000
088It recovers your HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A very bitter pill. It is made with traditional recipe which has been handed dow
n from the family of who have 5000 years of tradition in pharmacy.
Don't swallow it once. ^000088You should chew it slowly in order to recover your
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A slice of a very rare fish that can barely be caught once a year. It has the sc
ent of blue sea.
^000088It recovers your SP and HP^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A chewy delicious rice cake. It gives you +10 ATK for 30 min.
No one knows why the rice cake has this special function.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A traditional pastry which is made of liquors and grains. It gives you +10 MATK
for 30 min.
No one knows why the pastry has this special function.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with lots of dungeon coordination written on it. You can go to the plac
e you want by tearing the paper into pieces.
When used allows you to teleport to a specific dungeon from the following list:
Nogg Road Dungeon (Magma Dungeon), Mjolnir Dead Pit (Coal Mines), Umbala Dungeon
, Payon Caves, Toy Factory,
Glast Heim Prison, Louyang Dungeon, Kunlun Dungeon, Izlude Undersea Tunnel (Byal
an), Turtle Island, Clocktower 3F,
Clocktower B3F, Glast Heim Sewers 2F, Sphinx Dungeon 4F, Pyramid Dungeon 4F, Pro
ntera Culverts 3F, Amatsu Dungeon 1F,
Somatology Laboratory 1F, Ayotaya Dungeon 2F.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Scroll that contains the incantation of ^008800Teleportation^000000 to PVP Room.

The word written on it can not be identified.
Allow character to teleport to the PVP Room.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Greed scroll that can be used as scroll.
Warning! - Not available in town. When used, it causes damage on the scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Evasion_Scroll - Increases Dodge for 30 minutes.
Effect disappear upon death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Concentration Scroll - Increases Accuracy for 30 minutes.
Effect disappear upon death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed an
d well composed manual.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 25% for 30 minutes^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed an
d well composed manual.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 100% for 30 minutes^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective in healing wounds.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 5% of your Maximum HP every 5 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A small bottle of Yggdrasil Tree Sap that is effective in healing wounds.
For 10 minutes, you regenerate 7% of your Maximum HP every 4 seconds. Can not be
used while in Frenzy.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
An abrasive that adds sharpness to a weapon.
For 5 minutes, the player will receive +30 Critical Rate. This rate is doubled b
y Katar weapons.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A magic potion made with alchemy and magic. A Rosary is rumored to be one of the
secret ingredients in making this potion.
For 30 minutes, the recovery amount from all heal, recovery items,
And ^008800Sanctuary^000000 is increased by 20% on your character.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A glass containing Wine Glass of Illusion who have drunk its, will be create ill
Provides +20 Perfect Dodge for 1 minute. Cooldown for 5 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll containing Scroll of Shadow Armor. This scroll will build shadow armor
for protection.
Turns your body element into ^777777Shadow^000000 Property for 30 minutes. Effec
t does not disappear upon death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll containing Scroll of Holy Armor. This scroll will build holy armor for
Turns your body element into ^777777Holy^000000 Property for 30 minutes. Effect
does not disappear upon death.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A liquid make with skin of dragon.
Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 1 minute.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A liquid make with skin of dragon.
Add a 3% resistance to the Physical attack for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A liquid make with moustache of elf.
Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 1 minute.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A liquid make with moustache of elf.
Add a 3% resistance to the Magical attack for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A manual that explains the effective way of the battle. It is a very detailed an
d well composed manual.
^000088Exp rate is increased to 300% for 30 minutes^000000.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Phrase 'I LOVE YOU!' pops out with Fire cracker.
Flammable. Keep out of reach of children.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Phrase 'HAPPY WHITEDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker.
Flammable. Keep out of reach of children.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Phrase 'HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!' pops out with Fire cracker.
Flammable. Keep out of reach of children.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Phrase 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' pops out with Fire cracker.
Flammable. Keep out of reach of children.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Phrase 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!' pops out with Fire cracker.
Flammable. Keep out of reach of children.
Weight : ^7777772^000000
A dish that is easy and convenient for beginner chefs; it has a fresh, grassy ta
ste, strangely enough.

STR + 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A dish that looks slightly unappetizing, but its taste and scent are quite pleas
STR + 2
Weight : ^7777771^000000
It looks like an ordinary steak, but it is explosively flavorful and juicy.
STR + 3
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A sweetly scented tea made by mixing herbs and grape juice.
INT + 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A tea made with 3 different herbs that give it a refreshingly strong scent, but
also a bland flavor.
INT + 2
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An invigoratingly hot herbal whose flavor is enhanced with the sweetness of hone
INT + 3
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A simple dish made from steamed crab nippers and herbs.
VIT + 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Assorted seafood that makes people that live near the sea feel very homesick. Un
less, of course, they're eating this food at home.
VIT + 2
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Fresh ocean clams boiled in water make for an excellent tender clam meat soup.

VIT + 3
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A soup made with squid ink broth and frog eggs that most people can't eat until
they close their eyes.
AGI + 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Incredibly smooth, slick, and slippery noodles that are very difficult to eat.
AGI + 2
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Cheese gratin with steamed tentacles mixed into it for an unique flavor.
AGI + 3
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special mixed drink of grape juice and honey that has a sweet and sour taste.
DEX + 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special chocolate mousse cake with a smooth luxurious flavor that even Charles
Orleans would be proud of.
DEX + 2
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A mix of various, crisp fruit flavored with light, sweet syrup.
DEX + 3
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Lightly spiced monkey tails deep fried in oil that are popular as a side dish fo
r drinking.
LUK + 1
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A cocktail mixed from various fruit juices. If improperly prepared, it will lack
that certain taste.

LUK + 2
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Crunchy, fried sweet potatoes topped with light syrup. Taste very sweet and are
perfect if eaten between meals.
LUK + 3
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A shinning ring. Goblin(Knife) finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A shinning ring. Goblin(Flail) finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A shinning ring. Goblin(Hammer) finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A rounded shaped red stone. Red Deleter finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A red stone which has the feeling of warmth when touched. Diabolic finds it to b
e very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A remains of someone. Wanderer finds it to be very tasty.
Class : ^777777Taming Item^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
A special cake which made by Thachentze, a cookery from Lutie.
STR + 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Wine distilled from Mastela fruit that helps the drinker to maintain clarity of

INT + 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bao that is fried and seasoned with spicy sauce. If you're not used to spicy f
ood, it's not a good idea to eat too many.
VIT + 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Steamed pumpkin and Red Bat wings wrapped in a Hinale leaflet that have a combin
ed flavor that is indescribable.
AGI + 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A trendy green salad that is topped with sweet dressing add passion eat.
DEX + 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A fried scorpion tail, which is said very dangerous if over eaten.
LUK + 5
Weight : ^7777771^000000
When used allows you to teleport to a specific dungeon from the following list:
Thor's Volcano Dungeon F2 "Ice Dungeon Entrance" "..." "Niflheim" "Labyrinth" "J
"..." "Kiel Hyre's School Entrance" "Thanatos Tower Entrance" "The Abyss Lakes E
"Rachel Temple Entrance" "Odin Temple Entrance".
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Allows teleportation to any Rune-Midgarts city.
Available cities are Prontera, Geffen, Payon, Morroc, Aldebaran, and Alberta.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Allows teleportation to any Schwartzvalt city.
Available cities are Juno, Lighthalzen, Einbroch, and Hugel.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Allows teleportation to any Arunafeltz city.
Available cities are Rachel, and Veins.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Allows teleportation to any off continent localized city.
Available cities are Ayothaya, Amatsu, Louyang, and Kunlun.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A hard candy that feels like its jumping in your mouth when you eat it.
You'll need to remember to brush your teeth after!
1 minute increase ATK + 20, Attack Speed + 25%, and permanent endure.
Decreases 100HP per 10 seconds. Cooldown for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weapon Repair Level 1 is usable with this Scroll. Unknown Writings are Engraved.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Party Blessing has been recorded.
Will cast on all party members within a certain range.
Caution - This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
This item can only be placed in Kafra storage.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 10 Party Increase AGI has been recorded.
Will cast on all party members within a certain range.
Caution - This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
This item can only be placed in Kafra storage.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll in which a single use of Level 5 Party Assumptio has been recorded.
Will cast on all party members within a certain range.
Caution - This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
This item can only be placed in Kafra storage.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with guild castles coordinates. You will be warped to the choosen guild
castle if use the scroll.

If you last more than 1 minute to make a choise, the scroll will be consumed but
the options will be cancelled.
You can choose Neuschwanstein (aldeg_cas01), Hohenschwangau (aldeg_cas02), Nuenb
erg (aldeg_cas03), Wuerzburg (aldeg_cas04), Rothenburg (aldeg_cas05), Repherion
(gefg_cas01), Eeyolbriggar (gefg_cas02 ), Yesnelph (gefg_cas03), Bergel (gefg_ca
s04), Mersetzdeitz (gefg_cas05), Bright Arbor (payg_cas01), Scarlet Palace (payg
_cas02), Holy Shadow (payg_cas03), Sacred Altar (payg_cas04), Bamboo Grove Hill
(payg_cas05), Kriemhild (prtg_cas01), Swanhild (prtg_cas02), Fadhgridh (prtg_cas
03), Skoegul (prtg_cas04), Gondul (prtg_cas05).
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
When it used, Exp rate is increased to 50% for 30 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 10 Mystical Amplification^00000
Caution - This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
It can be traded or put in storage. It cannot be dropped.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Scroll that has the record of using ^008800Level 5 Quagmire^000000.
Attention! This items won't work while above of 4X4 areas.
Caution-- This item won't work while your character is casting a spell or skill.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Unsealed paper full of magic spell related to transferring.
By using the spell, the user can be transferred to a certain place.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box full of something heavy.
Weight : ^77777710^000000
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Phreeoni.
HIT + 100 for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Ghostring.

Gives Ghost property to a character for 1 minute.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A greed scroll which can be used. It's kind of just have to be greedy people to
feel Why?
Warning! Does not invoke in the city. When you use the scroll is the only consum
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that will make you full of spirit.
Increases 10% MaxSP for 30 minutes. SP consumption - 10%.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A potion that possesses the spirit of Tyr, the god of battle.
Increases ATK & 20 MATK for 5 minutes. HIT + 30, Flee Rate + 30
Caution!- Item's active duration and ability will not work properly when it is b
eing used with Honey Pastry, Sesame Pastry and Rainbow Cake.
Item option disappears when its owner has drained all energy.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Tao Gunka.
For 3 minutes MaxHP + 100%, DEF -50, MDEF -50.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Mistress.
Enables of casting certain spells without gemstones for 3 minutes.
Increases SP Consumption of skills by 25%.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Hero.
Immunity to ^880000Stun^000000 for 1 minute.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Scroll that imbued with great force of Monster Orc Lord.
Reflects 30% of all physical damage taken for 3 minutes.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Job Battle Manual - Improves Job exp rate by 25% for 30 minutes. Works in combin
ation with the normal battle manual.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Sumptuous western food.
ALL STATUS + 3 for 1 hour.
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Grand and sumptuous Manchu-Han Imperial Feast.
ALL STATUS + 6 for 1 hour.
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Process (dishes failed).
^000088Recovery HP & SP + 10%^000000.
Weight : ^77777730^000000
A dark armor covered in sharp bones.
STR + 1, MDEF + 3
Adds a 1% chance to cause ^880000External Bleeding^000000 status ailment all pla
yers in a 5x5 area around you.
When dealing physical damage, bypasses 10% defense on Demi-Human and brute type
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class^000000
The main component of the Hermod Armor set.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777799^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000

^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 700.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 700.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 700.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A spiritual robe granted by Freya. It appears very sturdy,
but it will eventually disappear and return to Freya's realm, Folkvangr.
MaxHP + 700.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777777^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
STR + 2, HP + 200, MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777762^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

MDEF + 1.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A uniform for use by Paradise Group Members.
It comes in all kinds of sizes so even tall people are ok.
MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 10.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A uniform for use by Paradise Group Members.
It comes in all kinds of sizes so even tall people are ok.
MaxHP + 200, MaxSP + 20.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777746^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A uniform for use by Paradise Group Members.
It comes in all kinds of sizes so even tall people are ok.
MaxHP + 300, MaxSP + 30, MDEF + 5.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777758^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A radiant pure white robe embroidered with spells.
Fixed casting time - 3% (does not stack with other fixed cast time effects).
Increase effectiveness of healing skills by 5%.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777742^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777722^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
An adventurer suit refined for maximum defense.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777758^000000
Weight : ^777777280^000000

Required Level : ^77777722^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Trans Job^000000
A jet black armor crafted from obsidian ore, decorated with crystal fragments.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777793^000000
Weight : ^777777450^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Swordman Class^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Adventure Suit" inside.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Coat" inside.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777747^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Saint Robe" inside.
MaxHP + 3%, MDEF + 5.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Tight" inside.
MaxHP + 3%, DEX + 1.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Thief Clothes" inside.
MaxHP + 3%, AGI + 1.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Thief Class, Ninja^000000

A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Mail" inside.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777165^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Knight, Crusader^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Formal Suit" inside.
MaxHP + 3%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Made for the best surfer.
STR + 4, INT + 4, MDEF + 3.
Increase 20% the resistance to water property atk.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^000088 ^000000
, ' ' .
Yzhv Oe 20 NSK. Yzhv Oe 5 NHK.
5%, 5% .
. . .
: ^777777^000000 : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A flashy gold colored robe embued with the power of wind.
INT + 1, MDEF + 10.

Decreases ^008800Lord of Vermillion^000000 variable cast time by 3 seconds.

If you have 120 base INT, adds an additional INT + 1.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 40^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777 Wind^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A loose fitting blue colored robe embued with the power of water.
INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
Decreases ^008800Storm Gust^000000 variable cast time by 3 seconds.
If you have 120 base INT, adds an additional INT + 1.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 40^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777 Water^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A fine crafted crimson colored robe embued with the power of fire.
INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
Decreases ^008800Meteor Storm^000000 variable cast time by 3 seconds.
If you have 120 base INT, adds an additional INT + 1.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 40^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777 Fire^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
A conservative blue green colored robe embued with the power of earth.
INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
Decreases ^008800Heaven's Drive^000000 variable cast time by 1 second.
If you have 120 base INT, adds an additional INT + 1.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 40^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Property : ^777777 Earth^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Warlock^000000
An item said to be worn by a priest who in ancient times saved countless lives o
n the battlefield.
INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
Decreases SP cost of ^008800Clementia^000000 by 50.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 22^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Property : ^777777 Holy^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000

An item said to be used by a priest who in ancient times fought against the hord
es of demons.
STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 10.
Increases damage of ^008800Judex^000000 by 30%, but increases SP cost by 40.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 22^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Property : ^777777 Shadow^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
MaxHP + 500, MaxSP + 50, MDEF + 5.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777 Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777 58^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MDEF + 10. Decreases damage from all monsters by 5%.
Add a 15% resistance to the ^880000Stun^000000 and ^880000Freeze^000000 status.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777772^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777()^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777737^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777()^000000
MDEF + 10.
MaxHP % , , 5% .

, , MaxHP + 14%, 10% .

Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000

MDEF + 10.
ATK + 20, FLEE + 17.
, , ATK + 10%. , 100%
10 ASPD + 2.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Rune Knight^000000
LUK + 3, 1Lv.( Lv )
, , , CRI + 15, FLEE + 10.
40% , 20% .
SP 10% .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000

STR + 2, INT + 2.
, , , ATK + 10%, MATK + 10%. STR 120 ATK
1Lv.( Lv )
CRI - 20.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Guillotine Cross^000000
Every prosioner wears this stripe uniform.
According to uniform refined level,increase HIT, FLEE.
Once having with cuffs, can get ATK + 5.
Class : ^777777armor^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The armor that made by power of mythic creature, Boitata

FLEE + 5, MaxHP + 5%, MDEF + 3.

Resist for attribute "NOTHING" bonus 7%
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

' ' .
1 2%, FLEE + 1 .
, , ASPD + 2, 30% ,
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
INT + 2, 1 ATK + 3 .
, , , MaxHP + 15%, + 20,
30% , ASPD - 7.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000

DEX + 1, MaxSP + 30.
, ' ', ''
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777766^000000
Weight : ^77777766^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
MDEF + 5.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
2% .
6 , 12% .
9 , MaxHP + 25% .
, VIT + 5, 15% .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^777777330^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///^000000
MDEF + 10.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.

2% .
6 , + 5, 20% .
9 , MaxHP + 15% .
, DEX + 5, 15% .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///////^000000

MDEF + 20.
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
2% .
6 , FLEE + 5, 15% .
9 , MaxHP + 1000, MaxSP + 100 .
, INT + 5, MDEF + 10, 15%
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777740^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect.
1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement.
All stance gains +1.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Armor made from Bakonawa Scale. Lets off a mysterious moonlight effect.
1% damage decrease from boss monsters per 2 refinement.
All stance gains +2.
Class : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

AGI + 1. 3 AGI 1 .
, AGI + 2 .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000


MaxHP + 15%, MaxSP - 30%.
, ATK + 10%, STR + 2 .

Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777790^000000
Weight : ^777777180^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

. ,
AGI + 1 .
, - 1 .
, + 10, FLEE + 10 .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 15.
MAXHP + 250, MAXSP + 250.
10% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
MAXHP + 450, MAXSP + 50.
15% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 25.
MAXHP + 200, MAXSP + 300.
5% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

AGI + 1. 3 AGI 1 .
, AGI + 2 .
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
Crafted in the shape of the Serpent of Knowledge.
MaxSP + 50
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Acid terror or Demontration^000000 by 2
Increases recovery rate by 10% when using ^008800Aid Potion or Aid Condensed Pot
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
The official suitcase of the Alchemist's society. Its unique design and blazing
red colour is a hit amongst women.
MaxHP + 200
Increases damage when using skill ^008800Acid terror or Demontration^000000 by 2
[^008800Base Strength >= 90^000000]
A chance to ^880000Stun^000000 status by 5%.
Every time you kill a monster, low chance to drop random Potion.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777130^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A huge, unwieldy club that can knock enemies unconscious.
Causes ^880000Stun^000000 effect to enemies by 10% chance.
Increases damage against small, medium, large size monsters by 40%.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777175^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000

Its name means 'Great Echo' in the Manuk tribe language, a rugged heavy mace wit
h a sharp edge on one side.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777175^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^000000
A beginner level mace created by the Paradise Group.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777142^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777726^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^000000
A mace created by the Paradise Group.
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777163^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^000000
INT + 1, AGI + 1.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Acolyte Class^00
A facsimile of the mighty hammer wielded by Thor, god of thunder.
Increases Attack Speed.
DEX + 40, STR + 15
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property : ^009900Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000

Required Level : ^77777795^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A heavy tool with many practical applications.
Enable a chance of
randomly inflicting the ^880000Stun^000000, ^880000Blind^000000, ^880000Poison^0
or ^880000Frozen^000000 statuses with
each attack.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
A new bag created by the Alchemist Society that "A weapon girls love!"
Increases damage of Crazy Weed and Demonic Fire by 20%. Each refine above +6 inc
reases the skill damage by an additional 2%.
MATK + 100
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777102^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Genetic^000000
A mace that holds the power of Judgement.
MATK + 180, STR + 1, INT + 1
When dealing physical or magical damage, increases damage against Demon monsters
by 20%.
[^000088Judgement Robe, Judgement Shoes, & Judgement Shawl Equip Set^000000]
Increases physical and magic damage against Undead monsters by 15%.
Increases damage of ^008800Adoramus^000000 by 100%, but increases the SP cost by
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777172^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000

Required Level : ^77777760^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^000000
15% .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777788^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
5Lv .(5Lv
100 ATK + 20 .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777//^000000

1Lv .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000

MATK + 180, STR + 2, INT + 2.
, 7 40% .
, , , 30% .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777120^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777130^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Arch Bishop^000000

1 ATK + 10 / 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Reduce target DEF & MDEF to 1 for 5 seconds when dealing physical damage. Does n
ot affect skills.
Increase Stun chance and ASPD depending on refine rate.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Chance of removing all healing effects of target when dealing physical damage. D
oes not affect skills.
Increase INT and CRIT depending on refine rate.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 ATK + 5 .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

40% .
5% .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0
A box that contains 1 "Angry Mouth" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lucky Egg" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Claymore" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Jamadhar" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Two-Handed Axe" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lance" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Orcish Axe" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Spike" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Giant Encyclopedia" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Fist" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Guitar" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rante Whip" inside. Available for 7 days.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Damascus" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Flamberge" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Stunner" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lucky" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Claymore" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Jamadhar" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Two-Handed Axe" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lance" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Orcish Axe" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Spike" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Giant Encyclopedia" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Fist" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Guitar" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rante Whip" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Damascus" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Flamberge" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Stunner" inside. Available for 7 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Tanigumi Girl Doll" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lunatic Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Guardian Of Light Wand" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Frog King Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Satanic Bone Helm" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Goddess Of Blessing" inside.
You have the blessings of the goddess!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Angel Of Blessing" inside.
The angel's blessing be with you!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Snow Powder" inside.
During the winter atmosphere I'd like to look good items!
Warning: You can not turn off the lights!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Small Hearts" inside.
This item is expected to create an atmosphere of love, please!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Extravagant Firework" inside.
Gorgeous and beautiful fireworks. When used in a summer night seems to be romant
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Gold Earring" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Green Jewel Bag" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Fashion Glasses" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Hairband Of Stars" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Tassel for Durumagi" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Pet Soul Ring" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Beautiful Badges" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Jade Trinket" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Summer Fan" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ring Of Death" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Queen's Coronet" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Afro" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Masked Ball" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Spring" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Horn Of Hell" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Poring Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Drops Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Poporing Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lunatic Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Picky Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Peco-Peco Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A box that contains 1 "Savage Babe Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Spore Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Poison Spore Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chonchon Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Steel Chonchon Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Sky Petite Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Deviruchi Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Isis Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Smokie Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Dokebi Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A box that contains 1 "Baby Desert Wolf Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Yoyo Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Sohee Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rocker Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Hunter Fly Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Orc Warrior Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Bapho Jr. Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Munak Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Bongun Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Christmas Goblin Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000

A box that contains 1 "Rice Cake Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Zherlthsh Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Alice Exchange Ticket" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Crow Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Baby Dragon Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Angry Mouth" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Magic Rabbit Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Side Cap" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Magic Rabbit Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Side Cap" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Kwati Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Tucano Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Jaguar Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An Halloween Scroll. It is very suspicious Scroll... You should keep it secret.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Shield" inside. Available for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Shield" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Shield" inside. Available for 60 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Shield" inside. Available for 90 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Robe" inside. Available for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Robe" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Robe" inside. Available for 60 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Robe" inside. Available for 90 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Scarf" inside. Available for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Scarf" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Scarf" inside. Available for 60 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Scarf" inside. Available for 90 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Sandals" inside. Available for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Sandals" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Sandals" inside. Available for 60 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Sandals" inside. Available for 90 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Circlet" inside. Available for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Circlet" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Circlet" inside. Available for 60 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Soul Circlet" inside. Available for 90 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Bracelet" inside. Available for 7 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Bracelet" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Bracelet" inside. Available for 60 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Spirit Bracelet" inside. Available for 90 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Tasty Sundae", 1 "Hairband Of Stars" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 5 "Customized Coffin", 1 "Pet Soul Ring" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Romance Of Girl", 1 "Masked Ball" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Tasty Sundae", 1 "Hairband Of Stars" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Customized Coffin", 1 "Pet Soul Ring" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Romance Of Girl", 1 "Masked Ball" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Aries Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Aries Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "RJC Katyusha Flower" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Rose Of Crimson" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Taurus Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Taurus Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Hairband Of Reginleif" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Festival Grand Circlet" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Festival Bunny Band" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Octopus Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Leaf Cat Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Seal Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Wild Rose Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Luxury Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Whikebine's Black Cat Ears" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chicken Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Whikebine's Black Cat Ears" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chicken Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Box with a Dolor Hat inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Crown Of Deceit" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Dragon Arhat Mask" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Tiger Arhat Mask" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Helm Of Valkyrie" inside.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 "Gemini Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Gemini Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Rabbit ears with a little scroll round the eggs.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Activation Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Activation Potion" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Hermode Cap, 1 Aumdura's Benefit and 1 Odin Mask.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Buddha Scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 5 high density bradiums.
A high density Bradium used in upgrading weapons. Take this to Mighty Hammer in
Eden Group or Payon next to the Kafra Shop Ladies to help you upgrade weapons at
+10 and higher.
This Bradium's density guarantees that your weapon will NOT break when attemptin
g to upgrade and if the upgrade attempt fails, it will only downgrade 1 level in
stead of 3 like a normal Bradium.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is excluded from subscription withdrawal or refund.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains 5 high density carniums.
A high density Carnium used in upgrading armor. Take this to Mighty Hammer in Ed
en Group or Payon next to the Kafra Shop Ladies to help you upgrade armor at +10
and higher.
This Carnium's density guarantees that your armor will NOT break when attempting
to upgrade and if the upgrade attempt fails, it will only downgrade 1 level ins
tead of 3 like a normal Carnium.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is excluded from subscription withdrawal or refund.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "High Density Bradium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "High Density Kalunium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 5 "High Density Bradium" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "High Density Kalunium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "High Density Bradium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "High Density Kalunium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Indonesia Beret" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "High Efficiency Battle Manual" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "High Efficiency Bubble Gum" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Cancer Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Cancer Crown" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Hockey Mask" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Observer" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "All In One Ring" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Spiritual Tunic" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Recuvative Armor" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shell Of Resistance" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Silf Manteau" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Refresh Shoes" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Crunch Toast" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Western Outlaw" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lever Action Rifle" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Staff of Healing" inside. Please take a care because is f
Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Praccsinos" inside. Please take a care because is fragile
Rental period for 1 day.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Guild Member Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Party Member Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Boyfriend Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Girlfriend Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Friend Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Claymore" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Two Handed Axe" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Lance" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Jamadhar" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Orcish Axe" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Spike" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Giant Encyclopedia" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Fist" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Guitar" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rante Whip" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Damascus" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Flamberge" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Stunner" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
A box that contains 1 "Angry Mouth" inside. Please take a care because is fragil

Rental period for 1 day.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Deviling incarnation scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Guard" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Guard" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Buckler" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Buckler" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Shield" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Shield" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Shoes" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Shoes" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Boots" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Boots" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Greaves" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Greaves" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Hood" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Hood" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Muffler" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Muffler" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Manteau" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Manteau" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Clip" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Clip" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rune Cloth Circlet" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rune Cloth Circlet" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Adventure Suit" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Adventure Suit" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Coat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Coat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Saint Robe" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Saint Robe" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Tight" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Tight" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Thief Clothes" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Thief Clothes" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Mail" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Mail" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Formal Suit" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Reinforcement Formal Suit" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that cotains 1 Greed Clip.
Enable to use [Greed] skill.
Class : ^777777Accessory^000000 DEF: ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs except Novice^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Leo Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Leo Diadem" inside.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Leo Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Leo Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shooting Star" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Bloody Spear" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Healing Of Staff" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Anti Demon Shield" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Shooting Star" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Bloody Spear" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Healing Of Staff" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Anti Demon Shield" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Satanic Bone Helm" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Desert Princess" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Desert Princess" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Sigrun's Wings" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 "Sigrun's Wings" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Sleipnir R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Megingjard R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Brisingamen R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Mjolnir R" inside. Available for one week.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Virgo Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Ring R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Ring R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An unknown Scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover in Mouth R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover In Mouth R" inside. Available for one weeks
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chewing Bubblegum R" inside. Available for one week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chewing Bubblegum R" inside. Available for one weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Odin Recall R" inside. Available for one week.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Odin Recall R" inside. Available for 30 days.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 30 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll II" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 30 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll II" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 30 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll II" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 30 "Siege Map Teleport Scroll II" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover in Mouth R" inside. Available for two weeks
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover In Mouth R" inside. Available for four week
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover in Mouth R" inside. Available for two weeks
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "4 Leaf Clover In Mouth R" inside. Available for four week

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chewing Bubblegum R" inside. Available for two weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chewing Bubblegum R" inside. Available for four weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chewing Bubblegum R II" inside. Available for two weeks.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Chewing Bubblegum R III" inside. Available for four weeks
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Purified Oridecon" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Purified Oridecon" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Purified Eluminium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Purified Eluminium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Virgo Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Virgo Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Virgo Diadem" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Purified Oridecon" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Purified Oridecon" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 5 "Purified Eluminium" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 "Purified Eluminium" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Midgard Coin" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Midgard Coin" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Ring R" inside. Available for One week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Freya Ring R" inside. Available for One week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A chrysanthemum scroll that represents of beautiful fall season.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Chung Hairpin in it.

If you wear this, it feels like you become a fancy Chung aristocrat.
LUK + 3, MDEF +4, Def+5
When receiving any physical attack, Mammonite Lv5 will be activated at a low rat
(If you have no zeny, it won't be activated.)
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Ice Ear Wing in it.
Earrings made of ice and other special chemicals. If you wear these, you can bea
t off the heat by its cool energy!
LUK + 1.
When receiving any physical attack, Autospell Coldbolt Lv5 will be activated at
a low rate.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
A box that contains 1 Turtle Hat in it.
A hat modeled after cute turtle doll.
AGI + 1.
When receiving any physical attack, Autospell reducing agility Lv3 will be activ
ated at a low rate.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Box that contains 1 Turtle Hat.
Once opened, the Turtle Hat is account bound.
A disgruntled snapping turtle sits above your head. Count your fingers after put
ting this on.
AGI + 1.
Has a low chance of casting Lv. 3 Decrease Agi on your enemy while being physica
lly attacked.

Account Bound.
^FF0000Event Stats from 7/8 - 8/5:
Def +3,
Increases damage to turtle monsters on Turtle Island by 20%.
Decreases damage from turtle monsters on Turtle Island by 20%.
If upgraded to +7 or higher, Adds 25% EXP bonus for any monster killed.^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 500 Giant Fly Wings.
An enchanted, giant wing from an ancient creatures. Enables instant teleportatio
n of many people when used by a Party Master.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 30 Greed Scrolls, which each enable a single cast of Greed.
This scroll has the same restrictions as the normal casting of Greed; some maps
do not allow Greed to be used.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A pack of consumables to
aid the adventurer on the
long journey.
10 Battle Manual
10 Bubble Gum
20 Lv 10 Agi Scroll
20 Lv 10 Blessing Scroll
10 Token Of Siegfried
10 Life Insurance
5 Kafra Card
10 Stew of Immortality
10 Hwegelmir's Tonic
10 Steamed Scorpion
10 Cooked Nine Tail's Tails
10 Steamed Tongue
10 Dragon Breath Cocktail
Adventurer Pack can not be
traded, dropped, or sold;
it can be stored.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 Written Oath of Marriage, to be used on your wedding day.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains:
^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Baphomet Horns^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A headgear made from the horns of Baphomet.
Inflicts 12% more damage to Demi-Humans.
Increases ATK based on the wearer's Job Lvl.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000This package is tradeable.^000000
^ff0000The items inside are not.^000000
Episode 13.1 Poporing Key
2 Battle Manuals
10 Yellow Butterfly Wings
The Episode 13.1 Poporing Key will disappear on ^ff000007/09/09^000000 during ma
at that time, the Episode 13.1 content will be fully available to everyone on Va
A box that contains:
^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Executioner^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A gruesome sword used
to behead criminals judged with the death penalty.
Pierces Defense of
Demi-Human monsters.
Increases damage inflicted on Demi-Human monsters by 20%, but increases damage r
eceived by Demi-Human monsters by 10%.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class :
^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property: ^777777Shadow^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
A box that contains:

^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Cutlas^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A one-handed sword
popularized by its use
by sea adventurers.
Enables use of
^008800Level 5 Bash^000000.
STR + 2
DEF + 1
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes^000000
A box that contains:
^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Moonlight Dagger^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A dagger imbued with
lunar spirit and the power to drain an enemy's soul.
Regain 3 SP
with each attack.
Max SP +10%
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Dagger^000000
Attack : ^77777785^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief Classes, Soul Li
nker, Ninja^000000
A box that contains:
^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Wrench^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A heavy tool with many practical applications.
Enable a chance of
randomly inflicting the ^880000Stun^000000, ^880000Blind^000000, ^880000Poison^0
or ^880000Frozen^000000 statuses with
each attack.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000

A box that contains:

^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Solar Sword^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A one-handed sword
adorned with an engraving of the sun, symbolizing battle spirit and vigor.
Regains 1% of the damage inflicted on its target as HP with each attack.
Drains 15 SP from its
owner every 10 seconds.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777One-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property: ^777777Fire^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Merchant, Thief Classes^000000
A box that contains:
^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Tomahawk^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A light axe imbued with the Wind property which can be hurled at enemies.
Enables use of
^008800Tomahawk Throwing^000000.
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property: ^777777Wind^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman, Merchant Classes^000000
A box that contains:
^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Rudra Bow^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening.
A bow imbued with the
sacred essense of Rudra, one of the ancient gods.
Adds 50% tolerance to the Poison, Curse, Silence,
Chaos and Blind statuses. Enables the use of
^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and
^008800Level 1 Cure^000000. INT + 5
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property: ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue Job^000000
A box that contains:

^000088Rental Item^000000
^6A5ACD1 Poll Axe^000000
Duration: 7 Days after opening
A weapon consisting
of an axe head mounted
on a long pole that
is designed to break
through thick armor.
STR + 1, INT + 2, DEX + 1
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777195^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman Class^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Libra Celestial Crown" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Libra Crown" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Libra Celestial Diadem" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Libra Diadem" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Filir Wings" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Filir Wings" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shaman Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Shaman Hat" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Crown Cap" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Crown Cap" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A Pegasus scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Scorpio Celestial Crown.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Scorpio Celestial Diadem.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Crow Hat" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rage Of Luster" inside.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Triangle Rune Cap" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Rage Of Luster" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Triangle Rune Cap" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An egg glittering as a clean water. Rage of a splendor, It would be included a R
ibbon Of Bride item!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A bough scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "LOve Dad" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Ant Queen Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Ant Queen Crown" inside.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Red Wing Hat
A red driver's hat decorated with white wings.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
If refiend to 7, increase Atk and Matk by 2%.
If refined to 9, aditional increase Atk and Matk by 2%.
Slot : ^7777771^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Head Position : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000Cancellation of purchase or refund is not allowed for this item.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Red Wing Hat
A red driver's hat decorated with white wings.
STR + 1, INT + 1, DEX + 1.
If refiend to 7, increase Atk and Matk by 2%.
If refined to 9, aditional increase Atk and Matk by 2%.
Slot : ^7777771^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Head Position : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000Cancellation of purchase or refund is not allowed for this item.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "NoFear Belts" inside.
Available for 90 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "NoFear Shoes" inside.
Available for 90 days.

^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,

this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "NoFear Underwear" inside.
Available for 90 days.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
An egg shining with a clean water of blood. A rabbit bonit would be poped from t
his egg!
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Christmas Card" inside. Available for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Christmas Card" inside. Available for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Christmas Card" inside. Available for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Christmas Card" inside. Available for 1 week.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 "Snowman Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Snowman Hat" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains the Sagittarius Crown.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains the Sagittarius Diadem.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Sagittarius Crown.
^ff0000Cancellation of purchase or refund for this item is not available.^000000
DEX + 2, Increases resistance to Fire property by 7%.
If refined to 7, Aspd +2% (after-attack delay)
If refined to 8, AGI + 2.
If refined to 9, ranged attack damage +5%
If refined to 10, when physically attacking, has a low chance of increasing Dex
and Agi by 10 for 10 seconds.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Uppper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Sagittarius Diadem.
^ff0000Cancellation of purchase or refund for this item is not available.^000000
DEX + 2, MDEF +3,
Increases resistance to Fire property by 7%
If refine to 7, spell casting time -3%.
If refine to 8, when using magic attack, has a low chance of autocasting Lvl 1 S
If refine to 9, additional spell casting time decrease by 2%.
If refine to 10, Matk +4%.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Uppper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 pair of Elven Sunglasses
Even elves are very cool creatures. So naturally they wear sunglasses.
Increases resistance to Blind status by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Premium Reset Stone" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 "Premium Reset Stone" inside.
^000088Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll that imbued with Drangon spirit.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that cotains 1 Capricorn Crown
DEX + 2, Vit +2
If refined to 7 or higher, when melee-attacking, has a chance of auto-casting Lv
1 Mild Wind (Earth endow).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that cotains 1 Capricorn Crown
DEX + 2, Vit +2
If refined to 7 or higher, when melee-attacking, has a chance of auto-casting Lv
1 Mild Wind (Earth endow).
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that cotains 1 Capricorn Diadem
DEX + 2, MDEF +5.
Increases resistance to Earth property by 5%.
If refined to 7 or higher, INT + 2.
If refined to 8 or higher, decreases casting time by 3%.
If refined to 9 or higher, increases the effectiveness of Heal and Sanctuary ski
lls by 4%.
If refined to 10 or higher, when attacked, has a low chance of auto-casting Lv 5
Hammer Fall.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that cotains 1 Capricorn Diadem
DEX + 2, MDEF +5.
Increases resistance to Earth property by 5%.
If refined to 7 or higher, INT + 2.
If refined to 8 or higher, decreases casting time by 3%.
If refined to 9 or higher, increases the effectiveness of Heal and Sanctuary ski
lls by 4%.
If refined to 10 or higher, when attacked, has a low chance of auto-casting Lv 5
Hammer Fall.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Summer package for last summer vacation! You might get something special!
Weight : ^77777710^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
. .
, 10% .
7 10 30%, + 10.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
. .
, 10% .
7 10 30%, + 10.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 2011 Pagdayaw in it.
An headgear which is made of many kinds of property rings. It looks very luxurio
us and charming. Reduce all damage from Demi-Humans by 10%,
Reduce damage from Water, Fire, Wind by 5%, Reduce damage from Ghost property mo
nsters by 10%, Increase damage against Ghost property Demi-Humans by 50%.
30 days Rental Item.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper,Mid,Lower^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs Except Novice^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll that imbued with burning passion heart.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A scroll that imbued with spirit of legendary Phoenix from Rune-Midgard Kingdom.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .

3 ZGP, NZGP 40 .
6 : 8% . 5
9 : 20% .
12 : .
[KX ]
HK 1 , 5% .
8 : .
9 : 5 HK 2 .
: ^777777^000000 : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///////^0
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .

3 ZGP, NZGP 40 .
6 : 8% . 5
9 : 20% .
12 : .
[KX ]
HK 1 , 5% .
8 : .
9 : 5 HK 2 .
: ^777777^000000 : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///////^0
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Red Bunny Band in it.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Sloth Hat.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Duneyrr Hat.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

. 6
Weight : ^7777771^000000

. 6
Weight : ^7777771^000000

. 6
Weight : ^7777771^000000
! !
Weight : ^77777710^000000
1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .

Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000

Required Level : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777 / / ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .

Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 / / ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
5 1 .
. 1.5O .
2 ZGP, NZGP 2%. 10% .
, Wrhkvoo .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
5 1 .
. 1.5O .
2 ZGP, NZGP 2%. 10% .
, Wrhkvoo .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Blue Arara Hat.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Charming Ribbon
A pretty red ribbon
decorated with a pink
heart in the middle.
Reduce damage from
Undead and Demon
monsters by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Charming Ribbon
A pretty red ribbon
decorated with a pink
heart in the middle.
Reduce damage from
Undead and Demon
monsters by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Yellow Bunny Band in it.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Pink Bunny Band in it.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Green Bunny Band in it.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
() 1 .
7 .
^000088 ^000000
. ' ' .
UOVV 15, NWVU 2.
Oe1 .
. .
: ^777777^000000
: ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

() 1 .
7 .
^000088 ^000000
YzhvOE HGI .
HGI 120 , 5% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777771^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
() 1 .
7 .
^000088 ^000000

, 3% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
() 1 .
7 .
^000088 ^000000
, ' ' .
Yzhv Oe 20 NSK. Yzhv Oe 5 NHK.
5%, 5% .
. . .
: ^777777^000000 : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^77777747^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
, 7% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777775^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
1 .
, 7% .

: ^777777^000000
: ^7777775^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
2010 winter collection, Aributa Scroll. Limited edition only!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 2 .
^000088 ^000000
ZGP 30, SK - 2%.
KX , SK 2%, 2%.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 2 .
^000088 ^000000
NZGP 30, NHK - 2%.
KX , NHK 2%, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 4 .
^000088 ^000000
ZGP 30, SK - 2%.
KX , SK 2%, 2%.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 4 .
^000088 ^000000
NZGP 30, NHK - 2%.
KX , NHK 2%, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Life Ribbon in it. 1 hour duration.
^000088Rental item^000000
Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Life Ribbon in it. 2 hours duration.
^000088Rental item^000000
Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 1 Life Ribbon in it. 4 hours duration.

^000088Rental item^000000
Yellow, green matching cute ribbon item.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Increase the effect of the Heal that its wearer casts by 2%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 1 .
^000088 ^000000
ZGP 30, SK - 2%.
KX , SK 2%, 2%.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 1 .
^000088 ^000000
NZGP 30, NHK - 2%.
KX , NHK 2%, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 2 .
^000088 ^000000
ZGP 30, SK - 2%.
KX , SK 2%, 2%.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 2 .
^000088 ^000000
NZGP 30, NHK - 2%.
KX , NHK 2%, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 4 .
^000088 ^000000
ZGP 30, SK - 2%.
KX , SK 2%, 2%.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 4 .
^000088 ^000000
NZGP 30, NHK - 2%.
KX , NHK 2%, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 1 .
^000088 ^000000

RMG 1, NWVU 2.
2% .
KX , RMG 1, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777772^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 2 .
^000088 ^000000
RMG 1, NWVU 2.
2% .
KX , RMG 1, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777772^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 . 4 .
^000088 ^000000
RMG 1, NWVU 2.
2% .
KX , RMG 1, 2% .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777772^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
3 . .
WVC 2, 2% , 5%.
7 WVC 1, NZGP 30 .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777773^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000

^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
1 .
3 . .
ZTR 2, UOVV 10, 5%.
7 SRG 5, ZGP 30.
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777776^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
2010 winter collection, Flame Scroll. Limited edition only!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Rapid Life Potions in it.
Potion contains verious recovery herb juice. Effective for faster wound healing.
Recovers 6% of MaxHP every 3 seconds for 10 minutes.
Not available in berserk condition.
^000088When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect
will wear off.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
10 1 .
. .
10 3 NSK 6% .
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
10 .
. .
10 3 NSK 6% .
^000088 .^000000
: ^7777771^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^7777771^000000

10 .
. .
10 3 NSK 6% .
^000088 .^000000
: ^7777771^000000
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^7777771^000000
Open the box and receive one of the 12 Zodiac Diadem headgears.
Contains one of the following:
Aries Diadem
Taurus Diadem
Gemini Diadem
Cancer Diadem
Leo Diadem
Virgo Diadem
Libra Diadem
Scorpio Diadem
Sagittarius Diadem
Capricorn Diadem
Aquarius Diadem
Pisces Diadem
Weight : ^7777771^000000

1 .
^uu0000 .^000000 : ^7777771^0000

1 .
^uu0000 .^000000 : ^7777771^0000
1 .
: ^7777771^000000
1 .
: ^7777771^000000
A box contains 10 Magic Candy in it.
This fun candy won't stop poping in your mouth. Make sure to brush your teeth af
For 1 minute MATK + 30, Hold casting reduce 70%, Casting doesn't end. SP goes do

wn 90 in every 10 seconds.
3 minutes cool down time.
(Hold Casting % effect is only for maximum effect. Reuse delay time is same as S
parkling Candy.)
When player's character becomes combat ineffective, the item buff effect will we
ar off.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
10 1 .

. .
1 NZGP + 30, 70% , . 10 HK 90 .
3 .
( % .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^7777771^000000
10 .

. .
1 MATK + 30, 70% , . 10 SP 90 .
3 .
( % .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .

. .
1 MATK + 30, 70% , . 10 SP 90 .
3 .
( % .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Taiwan's September Zodiac Scroll. Limited edition only!
Wish you good luck to get something nice!!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box has 10 PCS of New life insurance certificate.
Once you have one, will recover EXP that you might lose when unable to battle.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade or refund .^000000

Special Scroll for this summer!
You might obtain the Splash Hat!
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Open the box and receive one of the 12 Zodiac Crown headgears.
Contains one of the following:
Aries Crown
Taurus Crown
Gemini Crown
Cancer Crown
Leo Crown
Virgo Crown
Libra Crown
Scorpio Crown
Sagittarius Crown
Capricorn Crown
Aquarius Crown
Pisces Crown
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .

' , ' ,
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .

' , ' ,
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .

' , ' ,
^000088 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .

' , ' ,
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
a scroll for celebrating indepence in Brazil. You can expect the items.
^ff0000this item cannot be refund.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Riding halter. Item will be available for a week.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Riding halter. Item will be available for a week.
^ff0000This item is not refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
5% .
LUK + 5, MDEF + 3, HIT + 10, 5% .
7 ,
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
5% .
LUK + 5, MDEF + 3, HIT + 10, 5% .

7 ,
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Alice Doll
A hat adorned with an
Alice doll. When worn,
it seems like Alice is
cheering you on from
the top of your head.
''Be strong, master!''
+10% damage against
Demi-Human monsters,
and has low chance of
casting Sleep on
its wearer.
STR + 1.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Crescent Helm
A sturdy, decorative
hat worn by military
generals in a far
east country. Vit +1.
Reduce Demi-Human
monster damage by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Location : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman and
Merchant Classes^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Crescent Helm
A sturdy, decorative
hat worn by military
generals in a far
east country. Vit +1.
Reduce Demi-Human
monster damage by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Location : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000
Weight : ^777777300^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordman and
Merchant Classes^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Dragon Skull
A helmet made from
a dragon's skull that
provides protection
against dragons.
Decreases damage
from Dragon Class
monsters by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Dragon Skull
A helmet made from
a dragon's skull that
provides protection
against dragons.
Decreases damage
from Dragon Class
monsters by 5%.
Cannot be Dropped,

or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Drooping Bunny
A cute rabbit doll that can be worn on the head.
DEX + 1, Flee +2.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Drooping Bunny
A cute rabbit doll that can be worn on the head.
DEX + 1, Flee +2.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Evolved Blue Fish
A headgear that looks
just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the
same smell! AGI + 1,
DEX + 1. Cannot be
dropped or traded,
but can be placed
in Kafra Storage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000

Required Level : ^77777750^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Evolved Blue Fish
A headgear that looks
just like a scrumptious fish. It even has the
same smell! AGI + 1,
DEX + 1. Cannot be
dropped or traded,
but can be placed
in Kafra Storage.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Evolved Pair of Red Ribbon
A pair of small
red hairbands that
makes girls look
really cute when they
wear them. Flee +5.
Cannot be traded or
dropped, but can be
placed in Kafra Storage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Evolved Pair of Red Ribbon
A pair of small
red hairbands that
makes girls look
really cute when they
wear them. Flee +5.
Cannot be traded or
dropped, but can be
placed in Kafra Storage.
Impossible to Upgrade

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Evolved Pipe
Just say no.
Especially if
you're underage.
Vit +1. Reduce
damage from Brute
class monsters by 5%.
Cannot be traded or
dropped, but can be
placed in Kafra Storage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novices can't smoke, but as for everyone else...^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Evolved Pipe
Just say no.
Especially if
you're underage.
Vit +1. Reduce
damage from Brute
class monsters by 5%.
Cannot be traded or
dropped, but can be
placed in Kafra Storage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novices can't smoke, but as for everyone else...^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Hibiscus
A flower said to
be as beautiful as
a fairy in a far east

country, and usually

used as a medicinal
herb. DEX + 1, INT + 1
MDEF +5.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Hibiscus
A flower said to
be as beautiful as
a fairy in a far east
country, and usually
used as a medicinal
herb. DEX + 1, INT + 1
MDEF +5.
Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Jumping Poring
A Poring hat that feels like hopping on top of your head. It brings fortune to t
he wearer.
LUK + 1
Cannot be upgraded and destroyed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Jumping Poring

A Poring hat that feels like hopping on top of your head. It brings fortune to t
he wearer.
LUK + 1
Cannot be upgraded and destroyed.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Kettle Hat
A sturdy pot worn on
the head that overflows with water if shaken.
Has a chance of autocasting Lv.2 Deluge
or Lv.3 Waterball
with each attack.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Kettle Hat
A sturdy pot worn on
the head that overflows with water if shaken.
Has a chance of autocasting Lv.2 Deluge
or Lv.3 Waterball
with each attack.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Magic Eyes

A hat that looks like the eyes of a dark mage, which are rumored to blink someti
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 10% and increase SP Consumption by 20%.
MDEF + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Magician Class/Soul Linker^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Magic Eyes
A hat that looks like the eyes of a dark mage, which are rumored to blink someti
Reduce Variable Casting Time by 10% and increase SP Consumption by 20%.
MDEF + 5.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Magician Class/Soul Linker^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Mini Propeller
This hat makes the
wearer feel as if he
is floating on air.
AGI + 2, DEX + 1,
Dodge +10. This
upgrade level affects
the percentage of
Cast Time reduction.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Mini Propeller

This hat makes the
wearer feel as if he
is floating on air.
AGI + 2, DEX + 1,
Dodge +10. This
upgrade level affects
the percentage of
Cast Time reduction.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Puppy Hat
A small brown-colored dog that sits atop your head. It's so cute you'd be barkin
g mad to remove it.
AGI + 1.
Auto casts Gloria Lv1 with low percent chance; if AGI is over 77, the cast incre
ases to Lv3.
Cannot be upgraded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Puppy Hat
A small brown-colored dog that sits atop your head. It's so cute you'd be barkin
g mad to remove it.
AGI + 1.
Auto casts Gloria Lv1 with low percent chance; if AGI is over 77, the cast incre
ases to Lv3.
Cannot be upgraded.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 Sheep Hat
A hat that looks like
a sheep's head that is
so adorable, an enemy
might change his mind
about attacking. Reflects 5% physical damage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Sheep Hat
A hat that looks like
a sheep's head that is
so adorable, an enemy
might change his mind
about attacking. Reflects 5% physical damage.
Impossible to Upgrade
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Acolyte Class^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Tiger Mask
A mask rumored to make its wearer ferociously aggressive.
STR + 3
HP +100
Impossible to Upgrade
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper, Mid^000000

Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Vacation Hat
A hat that's perfect
for vacationing, and
shields the wearer's
face from UV rays.
VIT +1. Cannot
be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Vacation Hat
A hat that's perfect
for vacationing, and
shields the wearer's
face from UV rays.
VIT +1. Cannot
be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Vane Hairpin
A hairpin that looks
like a spinning windmill, but it doesn't generate
any power, though. AGI + 2. Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Vane Hairpin
A hairpin that looks
like a spinning windmill, but it doesn't generate
any power, though. AGI + 2. Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Vanilmirth Hat
A cold, soft hat that is shaped like a Vanilmirth.
Has a certain chance
of auto-casting a Lv.1
Bolt skill with each
melee attack. Magic
Defense +5. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Vanilmirth Hat
A cold, soft hat that is shaped like a Vanilmirth.
Has a certain chance
of auto-casting a Lv.1
Bolt skill with each
melee attack. Magic
Defense +5. Cannot be upgraded. Indestructible.

Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Water Lily Crown
A training cap that
lends a sense of
quiet and stability
to the wearer.
DEX +1, AGI + 1,
Magic Defense +3.
Increases HP Recovery
by 5% and SP Recovery by 3%. Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Water Lily Crown
A training cap that
lends a sense of
quiet and stability
to the wearer.
DEX +1, AGI + 1,
Magic Defense +3.
Increases HP Recovery
by 5% and SP Recovery by 3%. Cannot be upgraded.
Cannot be Dropped,
or Tradable
Can be placed in Kafra Storage
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains 1 Pink Beanie
A hat woven out of
yarn that keeps the
head warm, but is
mostly worn because
of its fashionable
look. LUK + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Level Requirement: ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Pink Beanie
A hat woven out of
yarn that keeps the
head warm, but is
mostly worn because
of its fashionable
look. LUK + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777735^000000
Level Requirement: ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Green Ribbon
A long piece of green satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards o
ff harmful magic.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Head Position : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Green Ribbon
A long piece of green satin tied together into a neat little ribbon that wards o

ff harmful magic.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Head Position : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Gray Deviruchi Hat
A cute hat shaped
like a Deviruchi that
brings happiness
to its wearer and
onlookers. STR + 1,
INT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Novice^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Gray Deviruchi Hat
A cute hat shaped
like a Deviruchi that
brings happiness
to its wearer and
onlookers. STR + 1,
INT + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Level Requirement: ^77777764^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Novice^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Blue Drooping Cat
A cat doll that you
can carry on your
head. If you think
you hear it meow
or feel it move, it's
just an illusion.

MDEF +15. +30% defense

against Curse status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Level Requirement: ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Novice
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Blue Drooping Cat
A cat doll that you
can carry on your
head. If you think
you hear it meow
or feel it move, it's
just an illusion.
MDEF +15. +30% defense
against Curse status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Level Requirement: ^777777None^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except Novice
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Fantastic Wig
Wig with red, white and black colors.
When equipped, increases movement speed.
Enables the use of the skill 'Hiding' Lv1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper-Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Fantastic Wig
Wig with red, white and black colors.
When equipped, increases movement speed.
Enables the use of the skill 'Hiding' Lv1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper-Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Yellow Mage Hat
A crude looking
hat that lends a
look of cheerfulness
and agility, and is
coveted by most
skilled magic users.
INT + 2, SP +150.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Classes, Soul Linker Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Yellow Mage Hat
A crude looking
hat that lends a
look of cheerfulness
and agility, and is
coveted by most
skilled magic users.
INT + 2, SP +150.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Position: ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Classes, and Soul Linker Job^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (23 )

^000088Rental Item^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (1 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. . .

CRI + 20, 50% .

100 ATK + 50 .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. . .
CRI + 20, 50% .
100 ATK + 50 .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (1 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
, .
100% , 50% . (
100 ATK + 30 .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
, .
100% , 50% . (
100 ATK + 30 .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000

Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000

Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (1 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. . .
MATK + 100.
7 ATK + 30.
7 MATK + 20.
100 ATK + 10, MATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Magician Class, Archer Class, Merchant
Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. . .
MATK + 100.
7 ATK + 30.
7 MATK + 20.
100 ATK + 10, MATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Magician Class, Archer Class, Merchant
Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (1 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
5Lv .(5Lv
100 ATK + 20 .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777//^000000

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
5Lv .(5Lv
100 ATK + 20 .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777//^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (1 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
LUK + 3, 50% .
100 20% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
LUK + 3, 50% .
100 20% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (1 )

^000088Rental Item^000000
. 1
AGI + 3, 5 ASPD + 2.
100 20% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter Class, Bard Class, Dancer Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
^000088Rental Item^000000
. 1
AGI + 3, 5 ASPD + 2.
100 20% .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter Class, Bard Class, Dancer Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box which contains a blessed weapon ore.
Oridecon which is blessed by the smith God.
When refining weapon with refine level between +6 and +12, weapon won't vanish e
ven if the refine fails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
A box which contains a blessed weapon ore.
Oridecon which is blessed by the smith God.
When refining weapon with refine level between +6 and +12, weapon won't vanish e
ven if the refine fails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
A box which contains a blessed armor ore.
Elunium which is blessed by the smith God.
When refining weapon with refine level between +6 and +12, armor won't vanish ev
en if the refine fails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000

A box which contains a blessed armor ore.
Elunium which is blessed by the smith God. When refining weapon with refine Lv b
etween +6 and +12, armor won't vanish even if the refine fails.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also,
this item is not refundable.^000000
A scroll for celebrating holloween day. can have random item.
^ff0000Cannot be traded.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 . 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 . 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777772^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .

Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )

^000088Rental Item^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 . (15 )

^000088Rental Item^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (23 )
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (3 )
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . (7 )
Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing
1 Neuralizer
Pressing the button
on this stick will
flash blinding light
that seems to cause
memory loss. Resets
the Skill Tree and
gives the corresponding number of Skill Points.
This item can only be
used in town, and the
character must carry
0 weight, and cannot be equipped with a Pushcart,
Falcon, or PecoPeco.
Cannot be used by
Novice Class.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box containing
1 Neuralizer
Pressing the button
on this stick will
flash blinding light
that seems to cause
memory loss. Resets
the Skill Tree and
gives the corresponding number of Skill Points.
This item can only be
used in town, and the
character must carry
0 weight, and cannot be equipped with a Pushcart,
Falcon, or PecoPeco.
Cannot be used by
Novice Class.
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 . .

Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
40 . .

Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
asgard scroll
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .

' , ' ,
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .

' , ' ,
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
STR+10 10 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
STR+10 50 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
AGI+10 10 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
AGI+10 50 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
VIT+10 10 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
VIT+10 50 . .

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
INT+10 10 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
INT+10 50 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
DEX+10 10 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
DEX+10 50 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
LUK+10 10 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
LUK+10 50 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
! 10 . .
- 30 1 , .
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
! 50 . .
- 30 1 , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 . .
- , 1 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 . .
- , 1 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 . .
- ,
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
100 . .
- ,
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 . !
- MVP .
10 , .
, , ,
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 . !
- MVP .
10 , .
, , ,
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 50 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

10 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 50 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 50 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 50 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 1 .
- 30 50% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 10 .

- 30 50% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
- 30, 100% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
- 30, 100% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 . .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .

- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . !
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
5 30 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
5 30 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .

"" " " " " " " " " "
- , 3 , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
"" " " " " " " " " "
^ff0000 .^000000
- , 3 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 , 200 , 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
30 20% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
30 20% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
10 5 MaxHP 5% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .

10 5 MaxHP 5% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
10 4 MaxHP 7% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .
10 4 MaxHP 7% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
- 1 + 20. 5 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
- 1 + 20. 5 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
- 30 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

30 .
- 30 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
- 30 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 .
- 30 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
II 5 .
2 " " " " "" "" "" "" "
^ff0000 .^000000
- , 3 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
II 10 .
2 " " " " "" "" "" "" "
^ff0000 .^000000
- , 3 , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 . .
1 ATK + 20, + 25%, . 10 HP 100 .
3 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 . .
1 ATK + 20, + 25%, . 10 HP 100 .
3 .

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 5 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

1 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10Lv 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10Lv 50 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5Lv 10 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5Lv 50 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 .
! - . , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .
! - . , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 .
30 MaxSP 10% , SP 10% .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .
30 MaxSP 10% , SP 10% .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 .
5 ATK, MATK 20 . 30, 30 .
! - , , , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .
5 ATK, MATK 20 . 30, 30 .
! - , , , .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
JOB 1 .
30 25% .

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
JOB 10 .
30 25% .

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
10 .

. .
"", "", "", "", "", "", "

Weight : ^7777771^000000
- , 3 , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
30 .

. .
"", "", "", "", "", "", "
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- , 3 , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .

. .
, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- , 3 , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 .

. .
, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- , 3 , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- +10 , ! ( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- +10 , ! ( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000 .^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- +10 , ! ( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
Weight : ^7777771^000000
- +10 , ! ( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
- +7 , ! , +10
( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
- +7 , ! , +10
( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
5 .
- +7 , ! ,
( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
- +7 , ! ,
( 1 .)
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .
. .
10 3 MaxHP 6% .
^000088 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
10 .

. .
1 MATK + 30, 70% , . 10 SP 90 .
3 .
( % .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 . ! , 7 .
+ 30%
( 8% )
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777204^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
INT +10
LUK +10
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777199^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

/ 10%/ 10%
SP 3 , MaxSP +10%
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777129^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777//////
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

+ 90%
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.

Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000

Attack : ^777777209^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/ ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

SP - 1
STR + 10 ,INT + 4, MATK + 120
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777165^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^ ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
. .

STR + 10, 3
3% ,
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777229^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/ ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777194^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
MATK + 140, .( 5% )
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777135^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
. .
MATK + 98
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ninja Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

AGI + 4.
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

DEF + 8 , MDEF + 8
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 2 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
( 5% ). 5% .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

5LV( ) .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777148^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

. .
, 20%
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777149^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .

, 40% , 30%.
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777193^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
5 .
INT + 2, 5 .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 2 .

7% .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 2 .

STR + 5, VIT + 3.
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 2 .
MDEF + 15, 40%, 10%.
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . ! , 7 .
, , .
ATK + 30.
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
5% .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. 5 .
1 .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777735^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
3 .
1 . .
ALL STATUS + 1. 10% .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .

MaxHP + 800. .
20% . MDEF + 5
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777738^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
HP, SP . , SP 100 .
, 60 HP 6 SP .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777767^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
20% .
1% .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
. .
FLEE + 13, 13% . + 1
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777733^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
MaxHP 17% , MaxSP 8% .
10 HP 20, SP 3 .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
Agi Hit . 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.

Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
HIT+ 20, Cri+ 50, 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777170^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/ ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777200^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .

, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 7 .
, , 50% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777220^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 70% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777///^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
. ,
Matk + 100, INT + 3, DEX + 2, CRI + 20.
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Claw^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 40%.
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777177^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777153^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/////^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000

Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .

10% .
, , 40% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^777777175^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 .
, .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
20% .
PC , 2LV, ATK + 10, M
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 . , 7 .
, .
PC , SP 1 , ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^777777145^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 7 .
Matk + 100.
, 18% .
PC , .
, 5% .
PC ATK + 10, MATK + 10.
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
: ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000^
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 1 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
PC 2% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 2 .
^000088Rental Item^000000

ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
PC 2% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 4 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
PC 2% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 1 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. !
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
PC 5% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 2 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. !
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
PC 5% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 4 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
. !
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, MDEF + 2.
PC 5% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 1 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 30, HP - 2%.
PC , HP + 2%, + 2%, All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 2 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 30, HP - 2%.
PC , HP + 2%, + 2%, All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 . , 4 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 30, HP - 2%.
PC , HP + 2%, + 2%, All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 1 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 30, MaxSP - 2%.
PC , MaxSP + 2%, 2% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 2 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 30, MaxSP - 2%.
PC , MaxSP + 2%, 2% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 4 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
MATK + 30, MaxSP - 2%.
PC , MaxSP + 2%, 2% , All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 1 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
2% .
PC , 2% , INT + 2, INT
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 2 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
2% .
PC , 2% , INT + 2, INT
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . , 4 .
^000088Rental Item^000000
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
2% .
PC , 2% , INT + 2, INT
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000


^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 .
. ,
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
. ,
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 30
, , .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777////,^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777765^000000
Weight : ^77777765^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777715^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777721^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/////^000000
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777779^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777713^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000

Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777///^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%. MaxSP + 30.
Type : ^777777Accessory^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777725^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777747^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .

MaxHP + 3%, MDEF + 5.

Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%, DEX + 1.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777732^000000
Weight : ^77777725^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%, AGI + 1.
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^777777165^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777// ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 .
MaxHP + 3%
Type : ^777777Armor^000000
Defense : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777715^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Fine sun, Rainbow, Rain cloud, Lighting cloud each.
^ff0000Once this item opened, cannot be refunded.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains
1 Costume-Yellow Hat
A simple yellow hat with a long feather in it. Fashionistas wear it to the side
lest they be shunned.
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Charlie hat, Charlie beard.
^ff0000Once this item opened, cannot be refunded.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains
1 Costume-Singing Bird
A newly hatched baby bird chirps it's tunes on a twig of dreams.
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains Chicken beak and Cocks comb.
^ff0000Once this item opened, cannot be refunded.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

A box that contains
1 Costume-Mini Crown
A mini red crown affixed to a headband and worn off to the side. Though not a tr
ue symbol of royalty, this crown does have a regal air about it.
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MATK + 10, 0.1 .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
4 . .

Weight : ^7777770^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
22 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box has a archangel wing inside.
White and big wings of archangel.
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
required level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000Once this item opened, cannot be refunded..^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 1 Heroic Backpack
A backpack befitting of any hero.
Enables the use of level 1 Greed
If refined to +7 or higher and base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 90 or
-Str -> Attack +20
-Int -> Magic Attack +30
-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property +5
-Agi -> Aspd +8%
-Dex -> Ranged Attack +5
-Luk -> Cri +10
If refined to +9 or higher and base stats (without modifiers) is equal to 90 or
-Str -> Attack +30
-Int -> Magic Attack +50
-Vit -> Tolerance to Neutral Property +10
-Agi -> Aspd +8% & Aspd +1
-Dex -> Ranged Attack +10
-Luk -> Cri +15
Class : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777720^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 . (23 )
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains
Costume-Butterfly Ears
Have the appearance of wearing the wings of a butterfly as your ears with this a
Class : ^777777Middle^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains
1 Costume-Bolt Ears
You can look like you just rolled off the assembly line with these bolt-on ear a

Class : ^777777Middle^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special scroll for valentine.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll that enchanted with power of Boitata. Player can get random item.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, 5 . .
- .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 1 St_Patrick's_Hat.
^ff0000This item is not available for refund or cancel of purchase.^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Special Scroll for celebrating Pices.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
a box having 10 Pices Scroll
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 . () 1 !
20 "" .
ASPD + 1, HIT + 5.
! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 . () 1 !
20 " " .
25% .

! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 . () 1 !
20 "" .
25% .
! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 . () 1 !
20 "" .
MATK + 25 .
! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 . () 1 !
20 "" .
MATK + 25 .
! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 .
20 "" .
5% .
! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
() 10 . () 1 !
20 "" .
5Lv, 2% .
! .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
^ff0000 " ", .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
6% . ( 6%)
MDEF + 2.
, , , , 2 ATK 1% .
, , , 2 MATK 1% .
, 1 1% .
[PC ]
All Stats + 1, 10% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, , , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 of each colored Butterfly Wings and 10 Dungeon Teleport S
^ffff00Yellow Butterfly Wing^000000:
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the towns of the
Rune Midgarts Kingdom.
Locations: "Prontera", "Geffen", "Payon", "Morroc", "Al De Baran" or "Alberta" w
hen waved in the air.
Warning: If no town is selected, the item will disappear.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^00ff00Green Butterfly Wing^000000:
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the towns of the
Schwaltzwalt Republic.
Locations: "Juno", "Lighthalzen", Einbroch" or "Hugel" when waved in the air.
Warning: If no town is selected, the item will disappear.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Red Butterfly Wing^000000:
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the towns of Arun
Locations: "Veins" or "Rachel"
Warning: If no town is selected, the item will disappear.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^0000ffBlue Butterfly Wing^000000:
An enchanted butterfly's wing that instantly sends its user to the island towns
of Rune Midgard.
Locations: "Ayothaya", "Amatsu", "Luoyang", "Kunlun"
Warning: If no town is selected, the item will disappear.
Weight : ^7777771^000000

Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
2 . .
AGI + 2, FLEE + 10.
. .
7 ATK + 15, ( 5% )
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has poison bottle 50. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has poison bottle 100. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A demolition specialist's starter kit, designed to help with creation of Acid Bo
Contains 50 each of the following:
-Acid Bottle
-Bottle Grenade
^ff0000This item will be available initially for one week as a test, if it prove
s viable it may remain in the shop.^000000.
^ff0000unable to trade with other account.^000000
^ff0000Cannot be refunded once opened.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has fire bottle 100 and acid bottle 100. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has fire bottle 500 and acid bottle 500. must careful on dealing with.

^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has Superb Fish Slice 50. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has Superb Fish Slice 100. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has Superb Fish Slice 500. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has empty bottle 10. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has empty bottle 100. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000 unable to trade with other account.^000000
A box has empty bottle 500. must careful on dealing with.
^ff0000once opens, cannot refund .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000Available for sale until March 26, 2012.
Can only be placed in storage.^000000
May cause unrestrained delight from the receiver of Gift Baskets, Each March and
Groove pack contains:
2 Gift Baskets which have delightful chocolates!
And randomly:
-1x Safe to 7 Chance Box,
-1x Battle Manual x3,
-25x Mystical Amplification Scrolls,
-1x Heroic Desocketing Book,
-1x 4 Leaf Clover in Mouth.
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000Not available for trade.^000000
A Box containing 1 Crown of Yggdrasil
^ff0000This item is not available for refund or cancel of purchase.^000000
Item Description:
A Crown woven from Yggdrasil's Branches which represents new life after a sacrif
MDEF + 3,
Increases the effectiveness of received healing 10%
Increases the effectiveness of healing skills by 2%
If refined by +7 or higher : +5% Healing effectiveness
If refined by +9 or higher : +3% Healing effectiveness
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special scroll to celebrate the month of Gemini. You would get Gemini Diadem,
Salamander Card, Freyja's Overcoat, Boys Cap, Gang's Scarf and also other valuab
le items.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing ten Gemini Diadem Scrolls.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 ATK + 10 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

1 ATK + 14 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 ATK + 12 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MATK + 20.
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
MATK + 70.
MATK + 30 .
MATK + 20 .
1 MATK + 10 / 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 MATK + 10 .

Type : ^777777Rod^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merch
ant Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 ATK + 5 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 ATK + 10 / 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
ATK + 20.
1 ATK + 7 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
1 ATK + 12 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
1 ATK + 10 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Katar^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Assassin^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
1 ATK + 14 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Two-Handed Axe^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777200^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
1 ATK + 12 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Spear^000000
Attack : ^777777105^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
MATK + 20.
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Book^000000
Attack : ^77777745^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Priest Class / Sage Class / Taekwon Master^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
MATK + 70.
MATK + 30 .
MATK + 20 .
1 MATK + 10 / 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 MATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Rod^000000

Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777One-Handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Mage Class, Archer Class, Merch
ant Class, Thief Class, Soul Linker, Ninja^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
1 ATK + 5 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777735^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
1 ATK + 10 / 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777Mace^000000
Attack : ^77777780^000000
Weight : ^77777780^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Novice, Swordsman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class^0
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 1 .
ATK + 20.
1 ATK + 7 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
1 ATK + 12 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 50 HD Oridecon
High Density Oridecon that has been buried deep underground.
Used as a material to strengthen weapons currently from refine levels 7 through
This item's density ensures that refine attempts will not break the weapon and i
f the attempt fails it will only downgrade by 1.
Only a Blacksmith named Mighty Hammer in Payon can use this ore to refine.
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 50 HD Elunium
High Density Elunium that has been buried deep underground.
Used as a material to strengthen armor currently from refine levels 7 through 9.
This item's density ensures that refine attempts will not break the armor and if
the attempt fails it will only downgrade by 1.
Only a Blacksmith named Mighty Hammer in Payon can use this ore to refine.
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box that contains 10 Gym Passes
A Gym Pass that can be given to a special NPC to learn a skill that will increas
e your^FFFFFF Maximum Weight Capacity^000000 by 200 for each skill level.

This special skill can only be learned up to Level 10.

Weight : ^7777771^000000
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
A special scroll to celebrate the month of Gemini. You can get a valuable item s
uch as Gemini Crown, Dark Snake Lord Card, Elven Ears, Gentleman's Pipe, Hawk Ey
es etc.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A box containing 10 piece of Gemini Crown Scroll.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Capricorn sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Aquarius sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Available from March 9 - April 3
Randomly Gives one of the 3 Marching hats.
^ff0000The Box is not tradable, but the hats inside may be traded and vended nor
Box Weight : ^7777771^000000
Parade Hat Description:
A hat by those leading the way to celebrations.
MDEF +2,
Increases tolerance to Stun by 10%.
When being physically attacked, has a chance of auto-casting Lv 5 Angelus or Lv
1 Assumptio on onself.
If the user is an Acolyte, Priest , High Priest or Arch Bishop class, will autocast Lv 1 Lex Aeterna when using Heal Skill on an enemy.
^ff0000This item can be traded, stored, and put into a cart^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Classes^000000
Holy Marching Hat Description:
A marching hat with holy angel wings affixed to the sides made famous by a right
eous Rune Midgardian band.
INT + 1, DEX + 1, MDEF +5.
If refined to +7 or higher, increases Heal effectieness by 5%.
If refined to +9 or higher, Matk +5 and increases Heal effectiveness by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000

Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Evil Marcher Hat Description:
A dark marching hat worn by members of an undead band from Niffleheim.
STR + 2. Attack +2% to all monsters.
If refined to +7 or higher, Critical +10%.
If refined to +9 or higher, the Attack and ranged attack damage increases by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A scroll with the Aries sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.
AGI .^000000
ASPD 10 .
15 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Inside are some old favorites as well as some fresh outta the factory items like
Headgears created by our very own Adventurers.
^0000FFS Class: 1 Black Frame Glasses [1]^000000
^00FF00A Class: 2000 Prize Medal^000000
^00FF00A Class: 1 Super Summer Hat Pack^000000
^00FF00A Class: 5 Battle Manual X3^000000
^00FF00B Class: 1 Mercury Riser^000000
^0000CCB Class: 1 Ancient Horn^000000
^0000CCB Class: 1 Sprout Hat^000000
^CC0000C Class: Virgo Crown^000000
^CC0000C Class: Virgo Diadem^000000
^CC0000C Class: 250 Valor Badges^000000
^00CC00D Class: 1 Slotting Advertisement^000000
^00CC00D Class: 2 Bloody Branch^000000
^00CC00D Class: 1 Party Buff Scroll Pack^000000

^00CC00D Class: 10 Spearman Scroll 10^000000

^00CC00D Class: 5 Girl's Naivety^000000
A scroll with the Taurus sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with numerous stars.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000this item is not allowed to be traded.^000000
A box that contains an immuned shield
A square shaped exotic shield. There is a Gem which is specialized to defense Ph
ysical force.
If it refined over 5, will give 1% tolerance on property "nothing" attack
(This bonus would work up to +12, 8%)
Class : ^777777Shield^000000
Defense : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000once you open this box, this item won't be refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000this item is not allowed to be traded.^000000
A box that contains an Black_Devil_Mask
A creepy shaped mask that covers half of face. it seems that has no difficulties
on vision as it has hole on eye part.
All Stats + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000once you open this box, this item won't be refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000this item is not allowed to be traded.^000000
A box that contains a Cat_Ears_Beret
a cute beret that feels cat is wearing it because of its ear decoration.
ATK + 5%.
If it refined over 5, will give 1% bonus on physical attack to "Human" type and
receive less damage from "Human" type.
(This bonus would work up to +12, 7%)

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000once you open this box, this item won't be refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000this item is not allowed to be traded.^000000
A box that contains Red_Bread_Hat
cute girl style red bread hat.
MATK + 5%, MDEF + 5.
If it refined over 5, will give 1% bonus on magical attack to "Human" type and r
eceive less damage from "Human" type.
(This bonus would work up to +12, 7%)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000once you open this box, this item won't be refundable.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.
AGI .^000000
ASPD 10 .
15 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
This Special Crate not only contains 5 March Groove Packs, it also contains a sp
ecial Safe to 10 Certificate, which allows Mighty Hammer to not degrade equipmen
t on a failure, increasing your ability to +10 equipment.
^ff0000Available until March 27.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 30, 6, 1
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 30, 6, 1
^ff0000 .^000000

Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 30, 6,
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Cancer sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Leo sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Virgo sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Libra sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A scroll with the Scorpio sign fixed upon it.
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

, , , , ,
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 .

, . .
10 ATK, MATK + 30, ( 5%), 5% , MaxHP, MaxS
, 3Lv .
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
20 2011 RWC 1 .

, . .
10 ATK, MATK + 30, ( 5%), 5% , MaxHP, MaxS
, 3Lv .
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
1 ATK + 10 / MATK + 5, 1% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
Type : ^777777 ^000000
Attack : ^77777755^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 1 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
30 .
5 FLEE + 20, LUK + 10.
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

30 1 .
5 FLEE + 20, LUK + 10.
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 .
HP 150% .
1 MaxHP + 80 .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. 10 . 3
- 30 50% .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
JOB 10 . 3 .
30 25% .

^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

5 .
, .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, .
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . 3 .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, , , , ,
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 1 .
10 3 MaxHP 4% .
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
50 .
10 3 MaxHP 4% .
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

50 1 .
10 3 MaxHP 4% .
^000088 .^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
The Getting Lucky Box contains many items of pure win. It is advised to use with
Getting Lucky Box is not meant to be consumed internally.
Opening this randomly give you one of the following item sets
- 1x Heroic Desocketing Book
- 1x Heroic Backpack
- 1x Elephant Hat
- 1x Scarlet Rose
- 1x Koneko Hat
- 1x Aquarius Crown
- 1x Aquarius Diadem
- 1x Heart Eyepatch
- 1x Party Hard Pack
- 1x Party Buff Scroll Pack
- 1x +20 Basic Food Pack
- 3x Battle Manual X3
- 10x Mental Potion
- 10x Spearman Scroll 10
- 1500x Prize Medal
^FF0000This item cannot be traded, but may be stored.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
1 . " "
All Stats + 1.
STR 20 ATK + 1,
INT 20 MATK + 1,
VIT 20 1%,
AGI 20 ( 1% ),
DEX 20 1% ,
LUK 20 1% .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777718^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
, 5 . .
- .
- .
^ff0000 .^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
A crate that contains ^0000CC6 Spring Lucky Boxes^000000 & ^0000CC1 Safe to 10 C
^ff0000This item and the box inside is account bound.^000000
The Spring Lucky Box contains many items of pure win. It is advised to use with
Spring Lucky Box is not meant to be consumed internally.
Opening this randomly give you one of the following item sets
- 1x Heroic Desocketing Book
- 1x Slotting Advertisement
- 1x Party Hard Pack
- 1x +20 Basic Food Pack
- 1x Party Buff Scroll Pack
- 1x Class Set Card Album
- 2x Battle Manual X3
- 10x Fencer Scroll
- 30x KVM Badge
- 1500x Prize Medal
- 1x Archangel Wing
- 1x Blue Tiger Mask
- 1x Mini Glasses [1]
- 1x Red Wing Hat [1]
- 1x Taurus Crown
- 1x Taurus Diadem
- 1x Aries Crown
- 1x Aries Diadem
^FF0000This item cannot be traded, but may be stored.^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic gear skill "Arm Cannon".
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic gear skill "Arm Cannon".
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Holy^000000

Required item to use the Mechanic Magic gear skill "Arm Cannon".
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Dark^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic gear skill "Arm Cannon".
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Ghost^000000
Required item to use the Mechanic Magic gear skill "Arm Cannon".
Class : ^777777Shell^000000
Attack : ^777777250^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Property : ^777777Neutral^000000
^000088Rental Items^000000
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777190^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter, Bard, Dancer^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
A bow imbued with the
sacred essense of Rudra, one of the ancient gods.
Adds 50% tolerance to the Poison, Curse, Silence,
Chaos and Blind statuses. Enables the use of
^008800Level 1 Heal^000000 and
^008800Level 1 Cure^000000. INT + 5
This item cannot be Dropped or Traded.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777185^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Property: ^777777Holy^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue Job^000000
A small bow infused with a mysterious power.
Reduces the SP cost of Severe Rainstorm by 10 sp.

INT + 4, MATK + 100.

Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777775^000000
Weight : ^777777170^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777105^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773rd Job Archer Class^000000
Impossible to refine this item.
Class : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777140^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Rogue^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Crabs usually, live in sand or mud but this is used as a bow for some odd reason
LUK + 3, Critical Damage + 50%.
If Base level is over 100, ranged physical damage + 20%.
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
Spotty eel that appeared on Malangdo beach. It is
traighten itself. That is why we can use it as an
AGI + 3, if distant phsiycal attack, ASPD + 2 for
If Base level is over 100, ranged physical attack
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777180^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Hunter Class, Bard Class,

always elastic and trying to s

5 seconds.
+ 20%.

Dancer Class^000000

Increases damage of Triangle Shot depending on refine level as well as increasin
g SP consumpation of the skill.
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Shadow Chaser^000000

Increase the damage of Arrow Storm depending on refine level as well as increasi
ng SP consumption of the skill.
If Base AGi is 120, add + 1 ASPD.
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777160^000000
Weight : ^77777790^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^777777110^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger^000000
A bow made from a sturdy vine stem of the underworld.
Has a chance of activating Fiber Lock while attacking.
DEX + 1.
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^777777120^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Ranger, Maestro & Wanderer^000000
Increase ATK + 7 & ranged physical damage by 2% per refine level.
If Base level is + 70, increase ATK by 10. Increase ATK + 10 for levels beyond 7
ATK + 20.
1 ATK + 7 / 2% .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777760^000000
Weight : ^77777760^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Reduce target SP by 4% every hit. Does not affect skills.
ASPD - 5.
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue Class^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase damage on Demi-Human by 30%. Increase damage by 1% per refine level.

Bypass DEF by 30%. Increase DEF bypass by 1% per refine level.

Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777110^000000
Weight : ^777777110^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

ATK + 10.
1 ATK + 3 / 1% .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^77777750^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777Bow^000000
Attack : ^777777120^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Archer Class, Thief, Rogue Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088 ^000000
60% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
^000088 ^000000
80% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000

^000088 ^000000
100% .
^uu0000 .^000000
: ^777777^000000 : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
MaxHP, MaxSP + 10%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
. .
MaxHP + 1%.
'' 25% .
'' .
PC All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
MaxHP + 10%, MaxSP + 10%.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^777777400^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
It's known to be made after elf's ear. You can have the feeling of elves playing
around under the greenwood.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All jobs except Novice class^000000

A hat which is very unique and rare, made from the sheet of the legendary birds
feather, Garuda.
Reduces damage from all type of monster by 5%.
LUK + 5, MDEF + 3, HIT + 10, Reduca casting delay by 5%.
When upgrade more than 7, there's a certain chance to get Fruit of Mastela when
attaking monsters. If refined more 1 lv, increase the chance by more 1%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All jobs except Novices^000000
A special cap with a neon sign above, dedicated to celebrating RWC 2010 in Indon
Increase resistance against human type monster by 10%, CRI + 10.
Increase the healing effect of Red Potion and White Potion by 100%.
LUK + 5, ASPD + 1, ATK, MATK + 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777715^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All jobs except Novices^000000
These are the bloodstained wings of a fallen angel acquired from the Betrayal of
Emperium event.
Reduce 10% damage from Demi-Humans.
Can't be refined.
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
These are the bloodstained feathers of a fallen angel acquired from the Betrayal
of Emperium event.
When worn with Bloody Angel Wings: Increase damage to Angels by 3%, MaxHP +2%, M
axSP +1%
Item Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Mid^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

OFP + 2.
Oe1 .
: ^777777^000000
: ^7777770^000000
: ^777777 ^000000
: ^77777730^000000
: ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
A hat given only to members of the Paradise Group.
It looks as though it was designed as part of a uniform.
When dealing physical damage there's a high chance that for 5 seconds you will g
ain ATK + 10.
When dealing magic damage there's a high chance that for 5 seconds you will gain
MATK + 10.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^77777760^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

STR + 1
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000

STR + 1
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
Reduces damage from Plant and Brute enemies by 5%.
Increases damage to Plant and Brute enemies by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Equipped on : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

a four leaf clover. you might feel green grass smell.
you might have a luck soon.
LUK + 1, MaxSP + 20.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777lower ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A dark marching hat worn by members of an undead band from Niffleheim.
STR + 2. Attack +2% to all monsters.
If refined to +7 or higher, Critical +10%.
If refined to +9 or higher, the Attack and ranged attack damage increases by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
. .
VIT + 1, LUK + 1, MDEF + 4.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 5, MATK + 5, ASPD + 1, 20%, +5%.
( % .)
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
There's something wavering in the eyes. Is it possible to wear in head?
when killing monsters, get a pumpkin pie at the regular drop rate.
During Event All Stats + 2, MDEF + 5, and
Get bonus effect if it is equipped with Smile,Hahoe mask,Alarm mask, Phantom of
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000

Required level : ^77777745^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
''. .
INT + 2, MDEF + 5.
5% . 1 1% .
7 5% . MATK + 2% .
9 MATK + 5% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Wild rose hat with rapid movement
MaxHP - 10%, ASPD + 3%.
With 'Fish in Mouth', Adds a chance to automatically cast [Greed]
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777upper-mid ^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Req Lev : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Desperate mask of thanatos,cute but evasion
LUK - 5, FLEE + 4.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle-low ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Req Lev : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A doll revived permeter turtle.
increase Solider, permeter, freezer, assulter ,heater, turtle general damage 20%
Class : ^777777head gear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute hairband with an outstanding blue-laced ribbon.
INT + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required level : ^77777710^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A hat looks like bee with unique stripe pattern.
MDEF + 3.
Increases Physical and magical damage to Insect type monsters by 5%
Increases Resistance to Insect type monsters by 5%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A colorful mask that hide owner's identification,
there's a rumor that it make feel exciting when wears.
STR + 1, ATK + 5%, Delay decrease 1% , refined will be MAXHP + 100 per 1
Skill 'Mamer Night', 'Throwing money' will increase Damage 20% .
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper mid ^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
MATK + 10, 0.1 .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
FLEE + 6
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Once you have a mind to overcome sweet allure, can have power.
MDEF + 3. attck endurance +1% from Evil type, Angel type monster attack
can have Holy Water whe killing angel monster, and WaterOf Darkness from evil mo
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000 DEF : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A black cap with skull.
MATK + 2%.
If refined is over 5 ,add MATK + 3%, if refined is over 7 , add additional 3%.
You can reduce consumption of skill sp 3% once using with Elven Ears .
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mask used from a warrior which was called as Devil in Past.
ASPD + 1%, every 2sec, SP -1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000 DEF : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Middle-low ^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hat for hunter or adventure .
DEX + 2.
Increase critical damage 10% , addional damage 5% with sharp arrow, if hat refin
ed is over 7, can have additional 5%.
Class : ^777777head gear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Coif for important event in Catherdral.
Increase recovery effect 5% .
When using recovery kill to others, the effect increses 2% and if refined over 7
, can get additional 3%.
Class : ^777777head gear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Upper-mid ^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
a cute hairpin looks like blue butterfly.
Class : ^777777head gear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

The holy wing is gossiped about its godly power.
All Stats + 2.
Tolerance for all type of element by 5%.
Recover HP 2% and SP 1% in every 10 sec.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

. .
, , , 20% . ,
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A general's head gear who fight against dragons
MDEF + 3.
Increase physical ,magic damage 5% to dragon type monster.
Increase registance 5%.
can have treasure box at regular drop rate when hunting dragon monster.
Class : ^777777head gear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000Cannot be traded with others^000000
A glasses which proves the member of the Angel side.
All Stats + 1.
Able to receive the Hate Much in a certain rate from the messenger of the Devil.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Mid ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
^ff0000Cannot be traded with others^000000
A sunglasses which proves the member of the Devil side.
All Stats + 1.
Able to receive the Love Much in a certain rate from the messenger of the Angel.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000

Location : ^777777Mid ^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

CRI + 3.
HP .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

CRI + 2.
+ 5%.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A noble High quality hat made of luxury black cloth. Wihite feather make it more
reduce damage from human type monster 10%.
VIT + 2, MDEF + 3.
Class : ^777777Head-gear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

5% , SP 10% . , SP
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A festive cap for helpful adventurers
STR + 1, INT + 1, MDEF + 4.
Random chance of Green_Ale item drop when refine level over +7.

Class : ^777777HeadGear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Position : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777740^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
! .
ATK + 5, MATK + 5.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000

Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

. .
150 All Stats + 2.
,, ATK + 8%, , MATK + 8%, 7%,
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^777777^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^7777773^000000
6% , ( 6%)
7 2% .
MDEF + 2.
, , , , 2 ATK 1% .
, , , 2 MATK 1% .
, 1 1% .
[PC ]
All Stats + 1, 10% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

A berret decorated with white feather.

HIT + 20, MaxHP - 10%.
If refined to 5 or higher , HIT - 10, MaxHP + 10%, addtional refine by 2 levels
, HIT - 3, MaxHP + 3%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
The Helm of the Lord of Death
MDEF + 5. All Stats + 1
Increase Damage to Boss Type Monsters by 10%
Take 5% more damage from normal Monsters and Players.
For every upgrade 5 and higher add 1% more damage to Boss Class monsters.
^99FF66Set Bonus^000000
^00FF00Lord of the Dead Helm^000000
^00FF00Abysmal Knight Card^000000
Increase Damage to Boss Type Monster by additional 5%.
If Lord of the Dead Helm +11 negates the damage from normal Monsters and Players
^ff0000The Abysmal Knight Card effect is only effective once.^000000
Location : ^777777Upper Middle^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^777777100^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Suspicious box that has eyebrow
MDEF + 10.
When in close combat, a chance to auto cast a random skills.
Cannot be refined.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper-mid-low ^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
These large Earrings carry the balance between Yin and Yang.
Increase Damage of Raging Quadruple Blow by 10%
Increase Raging Trifecta Blow Damage by 5%
Increase Damage of Raging Thrust by 5%
Incrase Skill cost by 1 SP for Raging Quadruple Blow and Raging Thrust.
^99FF66Set Bonus^000000
^00FF00Yin Yang Earrings^000000
^00FF00Hot-blooded Headband^000000
Increase Damage of Raging Trifecta Blow and Raging Thrust by 5%.
Increase Damage of Glacier Fist and Chain Crush Combo by 3%.
Increases SP consumption of skills by 10 which reduces by 1 SP per refine level
up to +10
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
9 .
MDEF + 9.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777779^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000Not available for trade.^000000
A Crown woven from Yggdrasil's Branches which represents new life after a sacrif
MDEF + 3,
Increases the effectiveness of received healing 10%
Increases the effectiveness of healing skills by 2%
If refined by +7 or higher : +5% Healing effectiveness
If refined by +9 or higher : +3% Healing effectiveness
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A menacing blue Tiger's mask rumored to have belonged to a great warrior.
STR + 3
HP +100
Cannot be refined
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper & Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A lazy drooping blue kitty hat.
MDEF + 15
Adds 30% resistance to the Curse status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000

A lazy drooping brown kitty hat.

MDEF + 15
Adds 30% resistance to the Curse status.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy.
Your sexiness increases to 100%
VIT + 3, INT + 2, STR + 1
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%
If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy.
Your sexiness increases to 100%
VIT + 2, INT + 3, STR + 1
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%
If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy.
Your sexiness increases to 100%
VIT + 2, INT + 1, STR + 3.
If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%
If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairband that attracts men.
You can wear it when you want to look sexy.
Your sexiness increases to 100%

VIT + 1, INT + 3, STR + 2

If refined to 9, increase ATK and MATK by 2%
If refined to 12, reduce fix casting time by 10%
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^7777771^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A ripe strawberry shaped hat.
Drops Strawberry at a certain rate when killing monsters.
Increases the drop rate of Strawberry with each refine level and caps at level 1
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A hairband made with gold string
Decrease magic damage by 5% from Demon type monsters
increase registance by 5% from Demon type monsters
MDEF + 3.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Req Lev : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Glasses worn by true sophisticates.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job except Novice^000000
If refined to +7 or higher, has a 1% chance of activating +100 attack for 10 sec
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777750^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Enables the use of Level 3 Heaven's Drive.

Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Aspd +3%, Critical +3
If refined to +7 or higher, Aspd +2% and Critical +2.
If refined to +9 or higher, Aspd +2% and Critical +2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A creepy shaped mask that covers half of face. it seems that has no difficulties
on vision as it has hole on eye part.
All Stats + 2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
a cute beret that feels cat is wearing it because of its ear decoration.
ATK + 5%.
If it refined over 5, will give 1% bonus on physical attack to "Human" type and
receive less damage from "Human" type.
(This bonus would work up to +12, 7%)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
cute girl style red bread hat.
MATK + 5%, MDEF + 5.
If it refined over 5, will give 1% bonus on magical attack to "Human" type and r
eceive less damage from "Human" type.
(This bonus would work up to +12, 7%)
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A creepy shaped mask that covers half of face. it seems that has no difficulties
on vision as it has hole on eye part.
All Stats + 1.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Lv. : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

. /
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^77777745^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777^000000
. .
. 2%.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job Except Novice^000000
Dark-colored plastic framed glasses, great for looking retro and intelligent! IN
T + 1, MDEF +2.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000

Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear worn by a Warrior of a fighting order. These Warriors in White tend t
o be physical Combat Specialists.
STR + 2, Vit +2, LUK + 1
Cannot be Damaged
Slot : ^7777771^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A headgear worn by a teacher of a fighting order. These Warriors in Black tend t
o be Esoteric Combat Specialists.
INT + 2, DEX + 2, AGI + 1
Cannot be Damaged
Slot : ^7777771^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
This Spooky mask of Death. You are too freaked out to put it actually over your
face so for now you wear it as a hat.
Adds +3 to Flee while worn.
Slot : ^7777771^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
Your parents forgot to tell you that sticking your tongue out at people was rude
, and this is the result. Sometimes you just gotta be you!

Cannot be Damaged
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
Onigiri is a delicacy found only on the island nation of Amatsu. Various flavors
accentuate the slightly sweet rice.
Increases damage inflicted and decreases damage taken from monsters in the Amats
u area by 5%.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Look like a hunk o' burnin' love with this retro hairstyle wig.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777778^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
A bandana that can be worn to disguise yourself one of the common folk.
Has a chance of auto-casting Gank while physically attacking.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Except Novice^000000
An eyepatch for those who would not like to look lovelier than a pirate.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A gift given to you by Agent York which he retrieved from thugs in Geffen that u
sed this mask to disguise themselves while committing crimes and extorting citiz
^ff0000From August 16-September 13 special effect: 15% chance to resist Silence,

1% chance to reflect targeted magic, and 15% bonus to EXP from monsters.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A delectable frozen treat served with a cherry on top.
MaxHP +300
Enables use of Level 1 Frost Driver
If refined to +7 or higher, Enables use of level 5 Frost Driver
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A cute doll of a drooping Alicel from the Robot Factory.
Increases damage to Demi-Human and Demon monsters by 10%.
If refined to +7 or higher, has a low chance of adding 100% Aspd for 7 seconds.
^FF0000Created by Allysia^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777776^000000
Weight : ^77777750^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All except novice^000000

STR + 2, VIT + 1.
8 , .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777774^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
'RWC 2011 !!' .
, .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777775^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

A dark, mysterious power of a Witch is in this hat. In contrast, shiny orange co
loured pumpkin symbol makes the hat cute.
STR + 2, INT + 2.
Increase 15% of Magical Damage against Undead, Demon monsters. MDEF + 10.
There are surprising options when worn with some other masks.
^ff0000Will be deleted when the event is finished^000000
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Top ^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All jobs^000000
A bling hair decorate that is used to wear from a certain tribe.
AGI + 2
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^777777all^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
The hat is made with sunglasses, it will bring a cool look upon wear it.
INT + 3.
Series : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Level Requirement : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Job except Novice^000000
Biting the handkerchief with delicate and charming look.
Damage from Demi-Human -3%.
Series : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Lower^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Level Requirement : ^77777712^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Job^000000
A Christmas hairband. Rudolf's excited mind for christmas is dwelled on it.
During event period, on close combat, user will have a chance to feel like runni
ng faster.
Somehow, you will feel 'Carrot' is tasty on Christmas season.
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777730^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

A unique glasses. You will be a fashion leader
Flee + 2.
Cannot be refined
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Weight : ^77777740^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
//What the heck is item check?
A unique abacus.
item check LV 1' available
Cannot be refined
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Lower ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^77777720^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs except Novice^000000
An accessory attaching below eye
Class : ^777777Headgear^000000
Location : ^777777Middle ^000000
Defense : ^7777771^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777none^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Jobs^000000

Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777773^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
, .
LUK + 2, + 5.
, 6 HIT+30, 10Lv .
, 6 , 30% .
, .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

MaxHP + 15, MaxSP + 5.
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777772^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777720^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
All Stats + 1, 1 , ASPD + 1.
"^ff0000 (, ) .^00000
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
ATK + 5, MATK + 5.
/ 10% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
ATK + 10.
20% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.

MATK + 10.
20% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000
Type : ^777777Headgear^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777 ^000000
A brightly shining sun that floats above your head.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

Have the appearance of wearing the wings of a butterfly as your ears with this a
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
You can look like you just rolled off the assembly line with these bolt-on ear a
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Middle^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
A simple bird beak. Wearing this won't make you less fearful of things.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Lower^000000
Location : ^777777Lower ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A neatly trimmed mustache reminiscent of the style worn by an 'Old Timey' actor
from the past.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Lower ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A simple yellow hat with a long feather in it. Fashionistas wear it to the side
lest they be shunned.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Lower ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A newly hatched baby bird chirps it's tunes on a twig of dreams.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A roosters dignified comb. But don't be fooled while wearing this or the yolk's
on you!
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
Share your happiness with others with this brightly colored rainbow.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A dark thunder cloud that rivals the bolts created by Thor... well maybe not.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

When it rains it pours. Especially when it's only raining above your head.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A circular shaped bowler hat reminiscent of the style worn by an 'Old Timey' act
or from the past.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000
A mini red crown affixed to a headband and worn off to the side. Though not a tr
ue symbol of royalty, this crown does have a regal air about it.
^ff0000This item is account bound^000000
Class : ^777777Costume^000000
Location : ^777777Upper ^000000
Defense : ^7777770^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Every Job^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
AGI + 1 , VIT + 1
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
, .
ATK + 2, MATK + 2.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
. .
FLEE + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
DEX + 1
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
VIT + 1
1% .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
eight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
ATK + 1%, MATK + 1%, + 1%.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
STR + 1
1% .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
INT + 1
1% .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000

Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
All Stats + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
AGI + 1, FLEE + 2.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
HIT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

, .
, + 1%.
'' , '
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. . .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000

Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777730^000000
Required Level : ^7777770^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
''. .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
' ' . .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000


Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000


Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

. /
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000


Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000
Required Level : ^777777100^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
VIT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
INT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
STR + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
VIT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
AGI + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
. .
DEX + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

DEX + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
STR + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000

Location : ^777777 ^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
LUK + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
VIT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
STR + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000

Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

INT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
LUK + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
STR + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
INT + 1.
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777 ^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000

Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
! !
Type : ^777777Costume Equipment^000000
Location : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
/ 5% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777All Jobs^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
10% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^77777710^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class, Merchant Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
MDEF + 5.
10% .
25% .
Type : ^777777Garment^000000
Defense : ^7777775^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777/7Mage Class, Acolyte Class, Soul Linker^000000

1 ATK + 12 / MATK + 5 .
70 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 10 .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777150^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
Increase damage to Demi-Human by 80%, bypass DEF by 30%.
+6 , 40% .
+9 ,
, .
, 2 60% .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777260^000000
Weight : ^777777350^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
Effect applies only in WoE & PVP.
, HP 8% .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777100^000000
Weight : ^777777250^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777774^000000
Required Level : ^77777795^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000

1 ATK + 6 / MATK + 2 .
20 : BaseLv 10 ATK + 5 .
( BaseLv 120 )
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^77777795^000000
Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000
^ff0000This item is account bound.^000000
^000088Rental Item^000000
40% .
Type : ^777777Two-handed Sword^000000
Attack : ^777777150^000000

Weight : ^7777770^000000
Weapon Level : ^7777773^000000
Required Level : ^7777771^000000
Applicable Job : ^777777Swordsman Class^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Retribution Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Pixie Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000

^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Cri Cris Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Blood Pheonix Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Mini Pheonix Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Holy Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fairy Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Archangel Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Bloody Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Cotto Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Archangel Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Demon Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Dragonoid Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fairy Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Mini Cute Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000

^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Dragon Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Incubus Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Cat Tail Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Angelin Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Fairy Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Fairy Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Fairy Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Succubus Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000

Clase:^777777Ohng Toi Wings^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777Gotic Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777Arch Angel Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777Valkyrie Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777Devil Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777Ying Yang Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000

Clase:^777777Phoenix Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes 3D^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Pimp Hat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Black Helm^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Dragon Helm^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Dragon Hat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000

^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Machoman Cap^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Pink Goblin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Mask Of Maero^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Mask Of Dolor^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Mask Of Despero^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000

^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Lucifer Helm^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V3^000000
Clase:^777777Countess Power^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V3^000000
Clase:^777777Passionate Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V3^000000
Clase:^777777Butterfly Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V3^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
//Custom Weapons
// Espadas de 1 mano
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
// Espadas de 2 Manos
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000

^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada de 2 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
// Mazos
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000

^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000

^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
// Staff
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000

^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000

^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Wind^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fire^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000

^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Wind^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fire^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000

^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Earth^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fire^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Wind^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
// Arcos
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000

^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000

^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000

^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Neutral^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Agua^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Tierra^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Shadow^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000

^000088Elemento Fuego^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Viento^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Holy^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Undead^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Ghost^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
//Custom Armors
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Neutral 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Fuego 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Agua 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Viento 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Tierra 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Shadow 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000

^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Resistencia Holy 10%^000000
^000088+20 Vit^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
//Escudos Custom
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000

^000088+5 Resistencia a todos^000000

^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
//Custom Accesorio
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+40 Str^000000
^000088+40 Agi^000000
^000088+40 Vit^000000
^000088+40 Int^000000
^000088+40 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+40 Str^000000
^000088+40 Agi^000000
^000088+40 Vit^000000
^000088+40 Int^000000
^000088+40 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+40 Str^000000
^000088+40 Agi^000000
^000088+40 Vit^000000
^000088+40 Int^000000
^000088+40 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+40 Str^000000
^000088+40 Agi^000000
^000088+40 Vit^000000
^000088+40 Int^000000
^000088+40 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+40 Str^000000
^000088+40 Agi^000000
^000088+40 Vit^000000
^000088+40 Int^000000
^000088+40 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+40 Str^000000

^000088+40 Agi^000000
^000088+40 Vit^000000
^000088+40 Int^000000
^000088+40 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088Status 50 a todo^000000
^000088Critico Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Flee Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Perfec Dodge Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Velocidad de Atake 20%^000000
^000088Experiencia Aumenta 500%^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
Nivel Requerido:^8800001^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Str^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088Reflego a 100%^000000
^000088Status 50 a todo^000000
^000088Critico Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Flee Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Movimiento Aumenta 30%^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
Nivel Requerido:^8800001^000000
//Germent Custom
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000

^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000

^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 Resistencia a todos^000000
^000088Los Elementos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088Status 50 a todo^000000
^000088Critico Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Flee Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Perfec Dodge Aumenta 50%^000000
^000088Velocidad de Atake 20%^000000
^000088Experiencia Aumenta 500%^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
Nivel Requerido:^8800001^000000
//Tick Vip
^000088Xalapenio RO Tick^000000
Valor: ^7777775 Dolares^000000
Canjeable: ^880000Zona Vip^000000
//Custom Bullets

//Armas Custom
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada De 1 Mano^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Clase:^777777Espada De 2 Manos^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000

Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088Elemento Poison^000000
^000088+800 Atake^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
^000088+10 Agi^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
^000088+10 Luk^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+4000 Atak^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Audifonos Power^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Dragon Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V3^000000
Clase:^777777Eternity Wing^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V3^000000
Clase:^777777Guardian Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000#
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Evento^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Majestic Goat^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Marijuana Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777New Valkyrie^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Fallen Beret^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Darknes Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Robo Eye^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000

^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000

^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Creacion De La Zherlthsh^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+10 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Lente Vegueta^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000

^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000

^000088+5 Luk^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000

^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Purificadora^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000"
^000088+2000 Atak^000000"
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
20273#^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Lentes Cyclope^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Tela Poderosa^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+1000 MATK^000000
^000088+10 Hit^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 MATK^000000
^000088+20 Hit^000000
^000088+10 Vit^000000
^000088+10 Int^000000
^000088+10 Dex^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Event^000000
Clase:^777777Santa Porin^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000

^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Banda Kakashi^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Spirit Dark^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Spirit Fire^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Spirit Holy^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000

Clase:^777777Spirit Poison^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
Clase:^777777Spirit Water^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
Clase:^777777Dark Aura^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+2000 Atak^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777IKKI Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000

^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Hollow Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Black Musketer^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Blue Musketer^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000

^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Green Musketer^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Pink Musketer^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Red Musketer^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Yellow Musketer^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Yellow Helm^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Morrigan V2^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000

^000088+10 Critico^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+25 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Luk^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 Critico^000000
Clase:^777777Valkyrie Wings^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777ears of ifrit^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Ear Ice Feathers^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO Vip^000000
^000088+20 All Stats^000000
^000088+20 Agi^000000
^000088+20 Dex^000000
^000088+20 Str^000000
^000088+10 ASP^000000
Clase:^777777Power Of Thor^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000
^000088Xalapenio RO^000000
^000088+5 Str^000000
^000088+5 Agi^000000
^000088+5 Vit^000000
^000088+5 Int^000000
^000088+5 Luk^000000
Clase:^777777Ifrit Mask^000000
Equipable:^880000All Jobs^000000

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