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Assessment Procedures in the DP Template

Subject: Group 6 - DP Theatre Arts

Assessment Criteria / Components

Criterion / Component Minimum Maximum Weighting
A Research Skills - Preparation/Process 1 7 25%
B Presentation of Portfolio Directorial Concept 1 7 25%
C Practical Skills - Devising/Directing/Producing/Performance 1 7 25%
D Theatre Presentation - Analysis, Reflection, Synthesis 1 7 25%

Description of Criteria / Components

Research Skills
Students are continually researching different theatre styles and practitioners throughout the course.
Students at HL and SL will undertake personal dramaturgical research into an unfamiliar theatrical practice
for the production of a play or theatre piece. Students at HL are also required to write a critique of the
sources used in the research investigation. Year 12 students are expected to write and present a final
Research Investigation at the end of their first year of IB Theatre Arts studies.

In each semester, an overall percentage is calculated, with appropriate weighting given to different tasks.
To arrive at an overall achievement grade, marks for all tasks are combined together and scaled to give a
mark out of 40 for HL and 30 for SL. The grade boundaries below are applied to give a 1-7 grade.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Standard 0-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-16 17-19 20-30
Higher 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-40

Presentation of Portfolio
Each semester will include units on design theatre elements. Students will be expected to understand
production through the directorial lens and write a rationale, outline and detailed description of a proposal
for staging a performance. Each assessment is targeted at different skills during the devising process from
script, research or stimulus to performance. Students will be evaluated on storyboards, planning, rationales,
written work and presentations that convey the essence of their proposed performance.

In each semester, an overall percentage is calculated, with appropriate weighting given to different tasks.
To arrive at an overall achievement grade, marks for all tasks are combined together and scaled to give a
mark out of 25 for both HL and SL. The grade boundaries below are applied to give a 1-7 grade.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Standard 0-1 2-2 3-4 5-8 9-13 14-17 18-25
Higher 0-2 3-4 5-8 9-12 13-15 16-19 20-25

Practical Skills
Throughout the two-year programme students will be planning, directing, performing and producing self-
devised pieces based on scripted and non-scripted work. Students will be expected to research social,
political, historical and socio-cultural events for their performances. Some performances are limited to
specific theatre styles and/or practitioners. Students will be expected to put into effect the skills and
elements learned from their research.

In each semester, an overall percentage is calculated, with appropriate weighting given to different tasks.
To arrive at an overall achievement grade, marks for all tasks are combined together and scaled to give a
mark out of 50 for HL and 40 for SL. The grade boundaries below are applied to give a 1-7 grade.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Standard 0-5 6-10 11-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-40
Higher 0-6 7-13 14-19 20-26 27-32 33-39 40-50

Theatre Presentation
Students are expected to keep an up-to-date progress log and reflective journal throughout the two years of
the DP Theatre Arts course. At the end of the two years, students will give an oral presentation on their
involvement in performance and production aspects of all areas of the core syllabus. Throughout the two
years, students will be assessed on written, oral and visual presentations that measure student
understanding on how the theoretical connects to the practical application of the course.

In each semester, an overall percentage is calculated, with appropriate weighting given to different tasks.
To arrive at an overall achievement grade, marks for all tasks are combined together and scaled to give a
mark out of 40 for HL and 30 for SL. The grade boundaries below are applied to give a 1-7 grade.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Standard 0-3 4-6 7-10 11-14 15-18 19-22 23-30
Higher 0-5 6-10 11-16 17-21 22-25 26-30 31-40

Method of Determining Overall Achievement Grade
All four components weigh in at 25% of the final grade. The grade boundaries below are applied to give a 1-
7 grade.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Standard 0-9 10-18 19-29 30-42 43-56 57-69 70-100
Higher 0-11 12-22 23-36 37-50 51-62 63-75 76-100

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