Minister Calls For Revisions On Vietnam

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Minister calls for revisions on Vietnam's new north-

south flight path

Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang has asked the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) to revise its plan to launch a new flight
path designed to reduce travel time etween !anoi and !o Chi Minh City" Vn#$press reported%
The plan was initiated y Dr% Tran Dinh &a of the Vietnam #conomic Association in '()'" ut has een repeatedly re*ected y the
CAAV as unfeasile%
According to the plan" if the current !anoi+!CMC route is replaced y a straight+shot through Lao and Camodian airspace" planes
could cut travel time y ', minutes (assuming they used &oeing --- aircraft) and save more than ./01(( million in fuel and other
costs every year%
&a said the current north+south flight path causes huge losses to domestic air carriers every year%
&ut CAAV re*ected the plan as unfeasile" saying if airplanes must fly into Lao and Camodian airspace" the carriers will have to pay
transit and other fees%
2light safety management may also ecome an issue" the Authority said%
#arly this year" &a asked the government to consider his 3straight route4 idea in order to cut travel time and money to enefit oth
carriers and passengers%
Last week" Transport Minister Thang asked CAAV to start working on a plan for the new !anoi+!CMC route ased on &a5s idea%
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