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Is India slowly and gradually moving towards the KPO regime? Well this is the buzz which is slowly making
wave this New Year
!"ter achieving success in BPO# India has taken a ste$ "orward to widen its success towards the KPO regime
KPO industry unlike BPO $rovides domain based $rocesses and business e%$ertise KPO is more like a challenge
as it demands advanced and e%$ertise skills on $art o" its em$loyees BPO on the other hand is more or less
like a commodity business which stretches more on in"ormation technology and its various sectors
BPO signi"icance
No matter KPO is a ste$ ahead o" BPO but this does not mean the end o" BPO &he BPO Industry will continue
to be success"ul in India BPO has its own way to solve a $articular $roblem &he BPO market is long term in
nature as com$ared to the KPO market With every $assing day the BPO market base is e%$anding and so is
the various $rocesses outsourced through it
BPO undertakes
'ata $rocessing
Basic data entry
(etting u$ o" a bank account
'e$artment Outsourcing
Provides technical su$$ort
Provides email su$$ort to its customers
)ven a"ter the entry o" KPO in the Indian market BPO will continue to derive higher revenues as com$ared to
the KPO industry &he BPO e%$orts will be as higher as *+, billion by the end o" +,-, By a recent study done
by e%$erts the BPO industry is e%$ected to grow globally at a .!/0 o" over +1 $ercent by +,-,
KPO (igni"icance
&here is no doubt that KPO will be the ne%t big thing a"ter BPO KPO unlike BPO is not 2ust restricted to
in"ormation technology It s$ecializes in various other challenging sectors namely business research# .linical
research# Intellectual $ro$erty research etc
&he KPO e%$orts are estimated to be around *-+ billion at the end o" +,-, &he "uture o" KPO a$$ears to be
bright and is e%$ected to achieve a high end o" BPO at the end o" +,-, &he KPO regime looks all set and
$oised to acce$t the new challenges o" high training cost and a much higher attrition rates &he shorter term
contracts will demand high 3uality work and skills on $art o" its workers KPO industry has acce$ted all these
challenges and is all set to leave a mark 2ust like the BPO brigade
Knowledge Process Outsourcing
&he evolution and maturity o" the Indian BPO sector has given birth to yet another wave in the global
outsourcing scene4 KPO or Knowledge Process Outsourcing &he success in outsourcing business $rocess
o$erations to India has encouraged many "irms to start outsourcing their high5end knowledge work as well
.ost savings# o$erational e""iciencies# access to a highly talented work"orce and im$roved 3uality are all
underlying e%$ectations in o""shoring high5end $rocesses to India
India's intellectual potential
&he myth that Indian com$anies can only $rovide 6so"tware coolies6 is soon changing to the reality o" Indian
com$anies being ca$able o" almost anything# even rocket science7 India has a large $ool o" knowledge workers
in various sectors ranging "rom Pharmacy# 8edicine# 9aw# Biotechnology# )ducation : &raining# )ngineering#
!nalytics# 'esign : !nimation# 0esearch : 'evelo$ment# Paralegal .ontent and even Intelligence services
&his talent is soon being discovered and ta$$ed by leading businesses across the globe resulting in the
outsourcing o" high5end $rocesses to low5wage destinations ;ence Knowledge Process Outsourcing involves
o""shoring o" knowledge intensive business $rocesses that re3uire s$ecialized domain e%$ertise
The future of KPO
!ccording to a re$ort by /lobal(ourcingNow# the /lobal Knowledge Process Outsourcing industry <KPO= is
e%$ected to reach >(' -? billion by +,-,# o" which >(' -+ billion would be outsourced to India In addition#
the Indian KPO sector is also e%$ected to em$loy more than +@,#,,, KPO $ro"essionals by +,-,# com$ared
with the current "igure o" +@#,,, em$loyees ! re$ort by )valueserve $redicts that India will ca$ture more than
?, $ercent o" the KPO sector by +,-, !$art "rom India# countries such as 0ussia# .hina# the .zech 0e$ublic#
Ireland# and Israel are also e%$ected to 2oin the KPO industry
.om$arison o" O$$ortunity in BPO and KPO markets
9ow5end outsourcing services have an e%$ected .umulative !nnual /rowth 0ate <.!/0= o" +1A by +,-, In
contrast# the global KPO market is $oised "or an e%$ected .!/0 o" B1A by +,-, &he "ollowing "igure
demonstrates the e%$ected growth in the BPO and KPO markets over the ne%t seven years
What high5end services can be outsourced to the Indian KPO sector?
;ere are some KPO services that can be outsourced to India 4
0esearch : 'evelo$ment
Business and &echnical !nalysis
9earning (olutions
!nimation : 'esign
Business : 8arket 0esearch
Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
8edical (ervices
Writing : .ontent 'evelo$ment
9egal (ervices
Intellectual Pro$erty <IP= 0esearch
'ata !nalytics
Network 8anagement
&raining : .onsultancy
The challenges in KPO
KPO delivers high value to organizations by $roviding domain5based $rocesses and business e%$ertise rather
than 2ust $rocess e%$ertise &hese $rocesses demand advanced analytical and s$ecialized skill o" knowledge
workers that have domain e%$erience to their credit &here"ore outsourcing o" knowledge $rocesses "ace more
challenges than BPO <Business Process Outsourcing= (ome o" the challenges involved in KPO will be
maintaining higher 3uality standards# investment in KPO in"rastructure# the lack o" talent $ool# re3uirement o"
higher level o" control# con"identiality and enhanced risk management
.om$aring these challenges with the Indian I& and I&)( service $roviders# it is not sur$rising that India has
been ranked the most $re"erred KPO destination owing to the countryCs large talent $ool# 3uality I& training#
"riendly government $olicies and low labor costs
India is well e3ui$$ed to meet this emerging sectorCs challenges and all set to be the global KPO hub7
KPO re"ers to knowledge5intensive work that involves s$ecialized domain e%$ertise ;igh value $rocesses that
"all into this realm4 valuationD researchD investment researchesD $atent "ilingD and legal and insurance claim
analysis &hat would certainly include customer analytics and related $rocesses
W;I9) O>&(O>0.IN/ is $resent in numerous business "unctions# including manu"acturing# legal# "inancial and
human resources# it is the term BPO <Business Process Outsourcing= that is largely in the news on a daily basis
IndiaCs ca$abilities in this area have been moving towards enhancing the nature o" the work done Erom mere
data entry kind o" work# the "osus has shi"ted to transaction $rocessing Now# there is a nascent move towards
knowledge $rocess outsourcing <KPO=
>nlike in BPO where the "ocus is on e%ecuting standardised routine $rocesses# KPO involves $rocesses that
demand advanced in"ormation search# analytical# inter$retation and technical skills as well as some 2udgment
and decision making )%am$les o" KPO "unctions are intellectual $ro$erty or $atent research# 0:' in
$harmaceuticals and biotechnology# data mining# database creation# and a range o" analytical services such as
e3uity research# com$etitive intelligence# industry re$orts and "inancial modelling 8any o" these activities lend
themselves to remote e%ecution "rom anywhere
&y$ical users o" KPO services include market research and consulting "irms# investment banks and "inancial
services institutions# industry associations# media# $ublishing and database "irms# and cor$orate $lanning
de$artments o" large Fortune 500 com$anies (everal global $layers such as 8cKinsey# /oldman (achs#
0euters# I8( ;ealth# ;arris Interactive# I$sos# 8aritz# !. Nielsen# &N,( and the WPP grou$ are already using
India as a remote base
&he KPO Falue .hain
&y$ically# the e%tent o" o""shoring is a "unction o" the degree o" e5enablement $ossible and the 3uality o" the
human ca$ital re3uired (ome activities such as $aralegal and medical transcri$tion re3uire low 3uality human
ca$ital as com$ared to activities such as data mining and analysis# engineering design and e5learning &he
latter are also highly amenable to I& enablement Other services such as legal consulting# intellectual $ro$erty
research and strategic consulting re3uire the highest level o" human ca$ital and are the least amenable to I&
! veritable gold mine
.om$anies in the KPO s$ace thus need to make the transition "rom o""ering services that re3uire low human
ca$ital 3uality and low I& enablement to those that re3uire a high degree o" human ca$ital and I& enablement
&he National !ssociation o" (o"tware and (ervice .om$anies $ro2ects that the total global o""shoring market
o$$ortunity by +,,G will touch *-B- billion O" this# data search# integration and management will account "or
*-G billion 8edical# legal content and associated services re$resent an o$$ortunity o" *+ billion ;owever#
(co$e e5Knowledge .enter estimates that only B@5@, $er cent <about *1@5?, billion= o" the total o""5shoring
o$$ortunity is likely to be realised even by +,-, !ccording to (co$e# the global o""shore BPO <non5I&= revenue
in "iscal +,,H was close to *I billion and this is e%$ected to grow by about H@ $er cent a year through +,,G
Business Process Outsourcing <BPO= is the leveraging o" technology or s$ecialist $rocess vendors to $rovide
and manage an organisationCs critical andJor non5critical enter$rise $rocesses and a$$lications &he most
common e%am$les o" BPO are call centres# human resources# accounting and $ayroll outsourcing Business
$rocess outsourcing may involve the use o" o""5shore resources
>se o" a BPO as o$$osed to an a$$lication service $rovider <!(P= usually also means that a certain amount o"
risk is trans"erred to the com$any that is running the $rocess elements on behal" o" the outsourcer BPO
includes the so"tware# the $rocess management# and the $eo$le to o$erate the service# while a ty$ical !(P
model includes only the $rovision o" access to "unctionalities and "eatures $rovided or Cserved u$C through the
use o" so"tware# usually via web browser to the customer

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