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Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 8:08 AM

Subject: Action-Items-CCXXII [Israel-Illegals]

The ideal way to illustrate the rectitude of prior assertions [particularly regarding Israel and Illegals] is to
juxtapose them with headlines that arose overnight; the way the Israeli-focus was portrayed in the most
recent Blast e-mail [by inserting corroborative-data] is replicated, and the inherent action-items are
articulated. Essentially, as was noted by a friend who analyzed what had been disseminated last night,
those Dems who are BHO-apologists must be confronted regarding BHOs pro-Hamas tilt; that includes
MontCos whos-who [Marcel Groen, Daylin Leach, Allyson Schwartz, Robert McCord, Josh Shapiro
and Marjorie Margolies (Mezvinsky)], recalling their gushing-support for BHO prior to the 12 election @
the infamous Keneseth Israel Synagogue rally [@ which Debbie Wasserman Schultz guest-starred and
from which most of the audience had departed prior to its conclusion]. Remaining of-concern, also, is
the potential for Comprehensive Immigration Reform to be achieved via a Reconciliation approach,
notwithstanding the back-slapping that occurred on Friday after passage of the dual-GOP House-bills;
thus [and I will try to raise this point @ 5:30 p.m. during the Heritage-Action Sentinal-Call for the third
straight-week] it will be necessary to exact pledges from the House-GOP [from Boehner down to
Fitzpatrick] that they will OPPOSE any bill that the Senate might expand from focusing solely on the
latest crisis [regarding unaccompanied minors from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador].

Therefore, after providing a more terse annotation of the prior editorialization, the
crisis at the border is addressed by noting how politicians are framing its import;
thereafter, miscellaneous items are provided that illustrate BHOs ongoing deceit.

Regarding Israel, BB continues to walk-a-tightrope between Pacifists [BHO, Kerry, Livni] and hard-liners
[Bennett, Danon, Feiglin], and it remains clear that the only major concern that will emerge post-war
domestically will be the apparent ignorance of the extent of the tunnel-risk; clearly, the Hamas leaders
should have been biding time for another month-plus [in their self-interest], prior to launching an
assault through them on Jews celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Thus, whether they stumbled upon rocketing
after the twin abduction-murders [3 Jews, one Arab] or whether they figured it was a natural outgrowth
of the ongoing shelling, either way BB was retroactively validated in launching an effort for quiet.

I was advised to emphasize the view that the brand of pacifism practiced by
BHO/Kerry is far worse than that which is espoused by Livni, although I believe I read
that Israels Minister of Justice [Tziporah Malkah "Tzipi" Livni Spitzer] still wants to have
some sort of Gazan settlement enacted that would empower Abbas and revive her goal
of a two-state solution; the possibility that other tunnels may have survived was also
raised, but I suspect that having been embarrassed by revelation of their sophistication
and extent will have *if nothing else+ ensured that BB/IDF wouldnt dare claim theyd
been wiped-out unless they were confident that they had been. This may also explain
why the IDF quietly carved-out a 1-3km security strip while pulling troops out of Gaza
[and declared unilaterally a humanitarian truce]. [Again, recall that all statements from
Israeli politicians are aimed initially @ affecting domestic opinion.]

Therefore, after having held the conversational-exchange with the USA [during which BB allegedly told
BHO never again to question his judgment], most observers would agree that BB need not abide by

pressure exerted by BHO/Kerry to achieve future cease-fires; indeed, he can function with abandon
[moving on the ground if desired, hanging around in newly-created buffer-zones when strategically
advantageous, coordinating anti-Brotherhood purging with al-Sisi if a common-threat is IDed, etc.+.
Indeed, because all missiles arrive with a return-address, he can respond accordingly, invoking
whatever prior evidence needed [snipers in hospitals, etc.] to prophylax against charges of
disproportionate civilian death.

I was advised to emphasize the view that a cease-fire can only transpire if both sides
are compliant; as has been noted on multiple platforms [e.g., 10 Myths and Facts about
the Gaza War], Hamas has not been an honest-broker across-the-board [contrasting
with BBs meticulous correlation of thoughts and actions]. This has not, BTW, inhibited
Dermer from delivering punishing-quotes [such as when he dissed Including Hamas in
any future Gazan Govt, noting that the Solution for Iraq is not to Include ISIS in Govt]
indeed, he wisely added, as might BB, a KO-punch [You have to fight terror. You cant
embrace terrorists. Thats unfortunately what President Abbas has done.+ Explicitly
referenced here was what Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) Told Kerry: Stop Partnering with
Qatar, Hamas Top Ally.

BB can sit-back and watch/monitor what power-shifts occur in Gaza, triggered by the failure of Hamas to
wreak more damage than having killed five-dozen Israelis; granted, this is a demonstrable loss within the
family residing in Eretz Yisrael, but this was a strategic war and, thus, neutralizing Gaza chronically will
free Israel to confront Iran. From the American perspective, he has demonstrated the limits of relying
upon negotiations, diplomacy, etc. [the mainstay of BHO/Kerry] and, thus, the advantages accrued to a
nation that has the ability to use its military properly; this is a microcosm for what BHO hasnt yet done
vis--vis the ISLAMIC-STATE, as it spearheads a massacre of Christians from Nigeria across Asia [for BHO
will prefer talking about NCAA-brackets instead of the 300-girls, playing golf rather than addressing the
purging of Mosul of 2K-years of adherents to Jesus].

I was advised to emphasize the view that Iran remains the central concern, although
BHO should be advocating aggressively opposing the Islamic State [IRAQI KURDS,
the UN observer mission failed in Syria; Islamic State seizes Iraq's biggest dam; Iran's
elite Guards join fight; Islamic State builds forces, targets for Baghdad bomb attacks;
Extreme Wahhabism on Display in Shrine Destruction in Mosul; and ISIL TARGETS SAUDI
INTELLIGENCE+; in this regard, it matters little that Assad has continued to misbehave
[Syrian troops backed by Hezbollah fighters have killed at least 50 jihadists from the
Islamic State and Al-Nusra Front groups near the border with Lebanon], a situation
comparable to why FDR had joined with Stalin to fight Hitler.

This may be a reason why BHO/Kerry had been clamoring to limit BBs activities, lest his success be seen
as contrasting with their acquiescence to Jihadists [of whatever ilk, Sunni and Shite+; of course, this is
amplified by their having been dissed repeatedly by Putin [both in word and in deed], despite the
airplane disaster [including being chased into Swedish airspace].

I was advised to emphasize the view that emanating from BHO are troubling quotes
THESE INNOCENT CHILDREN'] and histories [e.g., Obama's brother wears Hamas scarf
bearing anti-Israel slogans in photo], coupled with strange assertions from the DoS

[State Dept. condemned disgraceful shelling that wasnt a shelling and didnt hit UN
school and Jen Psaki Is 'Appalled'and Appalling] that inevitably raised a key-question:
Will Obama Continue Shielding Hamas??? Assuredly, efforts to mobilize the military will
be hampered by BHOs pacifism *e.g., Army to force 550 majors to leave service...Some
to get news while in Afghanistan], despite the fact that other arenas beckon for America
to fill the vacuum BHO has created via Americas neo-isolationism [e.g., the need to
oppose Putin, notwithstanding lefties such as the UK Union Leader who Backs Pro-Putin
Rebels in Ukraine]. Overall, although Obama may have Given Up on Democracy, his acts
remain reprehensible, for The New Nazism's First Victim has become Truth.

Challenges will arise within the discredited international community when BB restricts imports of
cement/steel [supported by al-Sisi] absent a mechanism being in-place [unlike what happened in
Lebanon] that would ensure enforcement of their not being used for tunnels/rockets; in the interim,
Gazans may be forced to live in huts, so there will be significant local-pressure on Hamas [reaching from
the local military wing exposed in Gaza to the diplomatic wing that hides in Qatar+ and/or any
successor-entity that might arise after a potential power-struggle [PA vs. Islamic Jihad vs. al-Qaeda] to
deliver some sort of accommodation with BB. Thus, to whatever degree BB will have to deal with
domestic-pressures, he will certainly not wish to be hit with the classic attack *Fool me once, shame on
you; fool me twice, shame on me+ that would arise.

I was advised to emphasize the view that Hamas is out-of-control [e.g., CRUZ: A tale of
two hospitals: One in Israel, one in Gaza] despite its PR-success [e.g., NYT on why it
hasnt shown photos of Hamas fighters: We dont have any]; although Hollywood Jews
& Israel: The Silence is Deafening, there are Conservatives in Hollywood evidenced when
Jon Voight slammed Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem over letter condemning Israel.
Others courgeously speak-out [Somalian Human Rights Activist Gives Her Take on Israel-
Hamas Conflict], sometimes @ their personal peril [VIDEO: PRO-ISRAEL MARINE CORP

Thus, not knowing anything about what will have been emerging from the Sunday talk-shows, it would
seem that BHO/Kerry have again been overshadowed, not by an adversary [from Russia or Iran] but by
an alleged-ally. BB has the support of Israelis if he needs to continue bombing, but he also is enough of a
leader to be able to explain to his public why he chooses to exhibit self-restraint, for he has learned
how to modulate/titrate *particularly with BHO+ while jealously guarding Israels still-fragile security.
And, in the process, myths must be debunked, such as dire depictions of Gazan-life.

I was advised to emphasize the view that Congress [mostly] remains pro-Israel, as was
manifest when the Senate unanimously passed $225 million to fund Israels Iron Dome
and the House passed the resolution 395-8; someone must explore why some people
voting against the measure for, although the Dems were predictable [Keith Ellison of
Minnesota, Zoe Lofgren of California, Beto O'Rourke of Texas and Jim Moran of Virginia],
the Republicans were not [Justin Amash of Michigan, Walter Jones of North Carolina,
Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Mark Sanford of South Carolina].

BB said in his press conference that IDF forces have "destroyed thousands of terror targets," and that
after the tunnels inside the Gaza Strip are destroyed, the IDF will continue in its mission to restore
security to Israel's citizens. "All the options are on the table to restore security." The prime minister said
Operation Protective Edge is complex, due to fighting in densely populated areas, and said Israel regrets

the death of every Palestinian civilian. Netanyahu also said the operation has the support of the United
States and of Europe. "The U.S. has been terrific and has given us tremendous support during the Gaza
crisis," Netanyahu said during the question time of the press conference. Finally, BB said "Hamas wants
the residents of Gaza to suffer and be hurt and thinks that the world will blame Israel for their suffering.
There are many people in the world who understand exactly what Hamas is, the same organization that,
together with Qatar, assured US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
regarding a ceasefire. It misled both of them."

I was advised to emphasize the view that Gaza fighting is a 'proxy war' for the entire
Mideast, as Israel and Sunni powers finally display convergent interests and openings
emerge upon which pro-Israelis can justifiably capitalize [Dubai Security Chief Slammed
Hamas Leaders Lavish Lifestyle in Qatar]. Illustrative of the work that must be done
within the Muslim community is the excoriation by Brigitte Gabriel of the silent-majority
of peaceful/moderate Muslims. Finally, regarding those who continue to second-guess
BBs judgment, know that the IDF recognizes the self-discipline that has been imposed,
thus-far [We could have taken Gaza in a week, but that wasnt our mission.].

Amnesty Researcher Admitted That Palestinian Eyewitnesses Often Lie.

Photo of Hamas Terrorist hanging two little children on a fence near a launching base
to prevent the Israeli forces from attacking the launching base.

Regarding the Illegals:
WH Sources: Obama Eying Exec Amnesty for Illegals 'Closely Related' to DREAMers
Conservatives Forced Leadership to Act on Immigration

The Wall Street Journal was upset that conservatives forced the House Republicans to stand up for a
secure border and American workers.
Obama: GOP 'Captive to the Nativist Elements in Its Party' on Amnesty

Regarding the implications in the realm of impeachment:
Five myths about impeachment
NYT's Ross Douthat: Obama's Immigration 'Caesarism' Crossing the Rubicon to Impeachment

Regarding BHOs failed domestic-agenda:
When BHO told reporters he would 'take a question,' he was manifesting a shifting media strategy that
is part of a new White House effort to jolt its communications operation, especially as Obama fights
weak poll numbers and wages an intense campaign to keep the Senate in Democratic control this
Obama Flip-Flopped on Export-Import Bank
Suddenly, Obamacare is more unpopular than ever, as the Aetna CEO Admitted Obamacare Customer
Numbers Worse Than Expected
Man Found 'Not Guilty' for Firing Warning Shot at Police Mistakenly Entering His Home
Obama claimed he Improved Every Economic Metric in America, but Obama Admitted 'Middle-Class and
Working-Class Families Are Stuck'

Regarding the Dems:
NY Post: Kennedys Push Warren to Challenge Hillary
Despite Sanctions, Democratic Donor Stays on Board of State-Owned Russian Firm - Democrat David
Bonderman has made $4 million in political donations

Regarding the GOPs Civil-War:
GOP-Establishment stalwart Steve LaTourette claimed there are two wings of the Republican Party [The
grifting wing v. the governing wing+, adding while the Tea Party is busy lining their pockets, the rest of
the Republicans are actually trying to get things done.
Marco Rubio signaled need to do immigration reform in stages, claiming "we will never have the votes
necessary to pass one bill" on reform issues; he side-stepped queries suggesting hed flip-flopped,
recalling that he had *belatedly+ come to realize that BHOs lawlessness precluded the Senate-Bill [that
he had aggressively championed, as a member of the Gang of Eight+.

Regarding the fact that the CIA-Director John Brennan lied regarding Senate Surveillance:
Saxby Chambliss called for CIA staffers to go, but he defended CIA Director John Brennan.
Rand Paul became the latest senator to call for CIA Director John Brennan to go.
Rogers 'cautious' to accuse CIA of 'culture of lawlessness'; he would be cautious to say that theyre
rotten to the core" despite a breach of trust.


The War on Smoking (Except Maybe Pot)
{This article is riddled with errors, but it makes good points.}


Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 2:57 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXIII [Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, Corbett, Politics, IIlegals, Guns]

As the data-accumulation process evolved, it seems its easier to tackle domestic issues and then Gaza;
here, trotted-out are perceptions regarding whats evolving *half-way through the Summer].

Yall should have listened to Ross Schriftman discuss ObamaDontCare as an expert in
the Insurance Business [and myriad additional topics, for he was on for 45-minutes,
spanning three segments leaving the fourth for routine editorialization, which cited
points he had justmade] on 1180-AM this Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. on "Its A New
Day." It was aired on, and one wonders if a podcast exists.

My blogging on three sites has been focused on defending BBs decision-making against critique from
the right-wing of Israeli politics [What Israel Can Expect After its Redeployment Outside Gaza], on
defending Boehners impending lawsuit against BHOs Imperialism as manifest via ObamaDontCares
Individual Mandate *PA-8: Fitzpatrick Defends Suing President on Party-line Vote], and on suggesting
Corbett has a chance [PA-Gov: Rothenberg Changes Race Rating to Democrat Favored+. Statewide,
Corbett remains focused on the pension-issue [Corbett not switching horses in PA pension debate so far
and Corbett and York County residents debate pension issue], although CORBETT and LAWMAKERS
CORBETT WITHIN SINGLE DIGITS, as there is greater recognition of trends prompting Public Sector
Unions to End Forced Dues Collection. An article quotes critics who complain the lobbying firm Long
Nyquist is much too close to its corridors of power, especially Senate Republicans; lets see if anyone
responds to my posting-challenge [This article fails to explain why some blame this lobbying entity for
the failures to achieve key-reforms in the GOP-controlled Senate; was it "rented" by the unions, or was
it insufficiently power to accomplish meaningful pension-reform, paycheck-protection, and/or liquor-
privatization?]. When Wolf allies blasted Corbett for mixing campaign and state meetings, my reaction
was both to note how flimsy evidence of such abuse-of-office actually is (compared, for example, with
BHO) and how the overall charge fails to ring-true because there have been NO SCANDALS during
Corbetts entire term.

Today, there will be a celebratory Signing Ceremony of the Mandatory Holocaust
Education Bill @ Phillys Federation Building; the invitation-list was controlled locally
[and not by Tricia Graham Harris, Deputy Director of the Governors Office of Public
Liaison, Phone: 717.772.9049 | Fax: 717.772.8284+. She wrote that this was a private
event, a concept that was later confirmed as comparable to when the Governor might
appear at a factory; thus, attention was directed to Ms. Robin Schatz [215.832.0500],
who admitted that my presence had explicitly been blackballed. She cited two reasons,
both of which were revealing as to what had been discerned in prior Blast e-mails;
essentially, the Federation has been trying to Declare Victory, here, and then to try
to forget what actually transpired *noting how much historical revisionism had to be
fixed [by moi] when articles were published in the house-organ, the Jewish Exponent.

She claimed that my involvement in this lobbying effort has been
disruptive, despite the fact that it dovetailed with that of Chuck
Feldman and Rhonda Fink-Whitman; it was clear that the Federation
wanted a voluntary level of school-board compliance, whereas we were
adamant in seeking mandatory instruction in this arena. I was the main
GOP-contact among this triumvirate, and I had tasked myself with
applying knowledge, training and experience to diagnose underlying
forcesand to act accordingly *often taking what might be termed the
low-road so as to engage in truth-telling, with abandon, as necessary.
I compiled these efforts in a tight e-mail [that perhaps might best be
skimmed by reading northward+ that chronicles what I knew and
when I learned it; anyone wishing a blow-by-blow description may call,
and Ill walk you through the saga of our -year battle with these guys.

I had been critical of both the stances adopted by the PA Jewish Federation and the
disingenuousness of its lobbying-effort; the depths to which Mr. Hank Butler functioned
*working with Ms. Schatz, Im told+ was appalling; I spent untold hours reformulating
how best to approach busy legislators [specifically, Sen. Rafferty and Rep. Vereb] who
politely accommodated my [sometimes nave] queries. My awareness of the legislative
process had been forged two decades ago [as Prez of the PA Society of Int. Med.] so,
mainly, I was filling-in-the-blanks as the players emerged. Throughout, we were as
transparent as they were devious, as morally-grounded as they were deceptive, and as
successful as they were PR-spinners [ultimately]. We enervated their efforts to maintain
a voluntary nature to the initiative via what may be termed a delayed mandate;
although both of their newspaper pieces [Debate Continues Over Holocaust Education
and Corbett Signs Holocaust Education Bill Into Law] had to be uploaded THRICE due to
the need to correct errors I had IDed *rather robustly communicating same to their
authors+, they ultimately buried the lede when admitting that a mandate will kick-in if
less than 90% of the schools dont comply by 2017.

A taste of the history may be noted in one piece *Jewish Federation
Now Behind Holocaust Education Mandate] that provides a snap-shot of
what was initially achieved by our core-group, and illustrates how we
were able to mesh our respective contacts, skills, and perspectives.
After I had helped to disabuse key-Republicans of the claim by Butler
that we wanted to impose an unfunded mandate upon government
[which Republicans would be anticipated to oppose], the bill we liked
was immediately passed unanimously by the Senate Appropriations
Committee [in December]. This shocked Butler/Schatz and others then
prevailed upon the local-Federation to flip our way [as per the article],
all the while ensuring that key-contacts were informed of our efforts.
This provided ANOTHER shock that ultimately led to a Board-ambush
[providing an off-agenda briefinga copy of which we were not
providedthat led to a flip-flop-flip a few months hence+. We did not
bite when proffered compromises, but we did reflexly endorse an
idea that we viewed as c/w common-ground. Ultimately, they caved.


In the process, I spoke once [via a speaker-phone+ with Miskin/Transue *staffers+ who
failed in their effort to sweet-talk me into endorsing their non-mandate; subsequently,
revealed was the fact that Transue had composed a faulty-memo and no further calls
were returned [with Miskin remitting an e-mail that covered for Transue]. This is pivotal
because the tale was spun that I had abused him, a charge that is chronologically
impossible because, as noted, the only time I spoke with him was during an amiable
get-to-know-you chat; that this charge was then articulated by Ms. Schatz reflects the
desperation these apologists later experienced due to our robust educational effort.
THEREFORE, my disruptiveness was shared by my colleagues and ultimately prevailed,
and any claim that I abused anyone in the process is, shall we say, totally-bogus. Thus,
that these two criteria were trotted-out as precluding a kumbaya moment is too-sad;
we got the job done and, as a result, both Chucks Museum and Rhondas video have
received greater visibility, a limelight that Federation covets and wishes to recapture.

*Unless anyone knows otherwise, I dont think I benefitted personally in
the process, other than to have gained the satisfaction of having
diagnosed/treated their treachery. This was a task from which Chuck
and Rhonda understandably recoiled, but which was necessary; because
of their other activities, they needed to maintain cordiality with Butler,
whereas I was properly positioned to expose his lobbying-misconduct.]

Candidly, Id pondered initiating an effort to inform Butlers clients of his mendacity but,
due to a desire to move-on, Id dropped the idea; now, however, the gloves are off.

Feds charged Fattah's son in $206K bank fraud scheme, prompting the Congressman to question the
fairness of the case against son; such is the state-of-affairs when egos drive politicians to excess. Also,
Feminists Got Obama to Sue Pennsylvania; a slightly lower pass rate for women on a physical fitness test
has prompted the Obama administration to sue the Pennsylvania State Police. *This lawsuit is obviously
demanded by the feminists, since their ideology is that, if women cannot do as well as men on a fitness
test for a job, that must be caused by discrimination and use of the test must stop.+ Also, following-up a
prior observation, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) accused Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) of sexism for telling
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), "Do the research, Madam Leader" after and 'Unhinged'
Pelosi chased him down and confronted him on the House floor last Friday evening..

The Cook Political Report changed its ratings in PA-6 and PA-8 from Leans Republican
to Likely Republican, shifting away from the Dem-candidates in PAs most competitive
House races. Democrat Manan Trivedi is competing with Republican Ryan Costello for
the PA-6 seat vacated by Republican Rep. Jim Gerlach, while Democrat Kevin Strouse is
battling Republican incumbent Mike Fitzpatrick for his seat in PA-8.

The GOPs Civil-War has three major manifestations exploding this week. First, Chris McDaniel claimed
he Beat Thad Cochran by 25,000 Votes, as per the Official Election Challenge that cites Alleged Voter
Fraud Evidence; six weeks after the primary runoff election, Mississippi State Sen. Chris McDaniel is
launching his formal legal challenge of the election results, saying the evidence is so conclusive that he
will be calling for courts to recognize him as the true victor of the race rather than calling for a new
election. Second, highly-energized Tea Party Milton Wolf, M.D. has Edged Closer to Establishment Pat
Roberts (R., Kan.) in Kansas Primary due perhaps to the incumbents unforced errors, for even the WaPo
[page A1, "Vulnerable Kansas senator leaves opening for tea party push"] views him as vulnerable; The

Senate Conservatives Fund spent $580,000 to back Mr. Wolf against Sen. Pat Roberts, 78 years old, the
most of any outside group in the state. Third, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.), the leading Tennessee
Republican for two generations, is defending his seat against Rep. Joe Carr; the incumbent has a
reputation as a Washington dealmaker [such as when he voted for the comprehensive immigration
package that passed the Senate last year].

Already noted was an essay by Former Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-Ohio) attacking the
political tea-party grafters who, allegedly, line their pockets while damaging the GOP.
"Political grifting is a lucrative business. Groups like the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks
and the Tea Party Patriots are run by men and women who have made millions by
playing on the fears and anger about the dysfunction in Washington. My former House
colleague Chris Chocola is pocketing a half-million dollars a year heading the Club for
Growth; same for Matt Kibbe heading up FreedomWorks (and I don't think Kibbe's
salary includes the infamous craft beer bar that FreedomWorks donors ended up paying
for). ... These people have lined their pockets by promising that if you send them
money, they will send men and women to Washington who can 'fix it.'

He elaborates on these points while impugning Cruz: "Of course, in the ultimate con,
the always extreme and often amateurish candidates these groups back either end up
losing to Democrats or they come to Washington and actually make the process even
more dysfunctional. Just look at what happened this past week, when hard-right House
members with extensive ties to these outside groups, egged on by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz,
snarled up a sensible effort to pass a bill that would at least begin to address the crisis of
undocumented children at the U.S.-Mexico border. It was an embarrassing display of
congressional dysfunction, and it showed that the grifting wing has learned nothing
from last fall's shutdown fiasco."

{Needless to write, I disagree with both the premise and the conclusions drawn in this
essay noting, for example, the only way anything passed the House was by the decision
of the establishment to defer to efforts to undermine BHOs DREAM-Act encyclical, and
this initiative was spearheaded by Cruz. The battle for the soul of the GOP is engrained.}

On the Dem-side, Hawaii will test Obama's pull in contested Dem-primaries. Obama, who grew up in
Hawaii, is backing appointed Sen. Brian Schatz and recorded a radio advertisement for Gov. Neil
Abercrombie - Democrats who face challenges from the Daniel Inouye wing of the state's party. Mr.
Inouye, who served in the Senate for 40 years before his death in 2012, made a deathbed wish for Rep.
Colleen Hanabusa to take his seat. Mr. Abercrombie instead picked Mr. Schatz, his lieutenant governor."

Noting increasingly poor prospects in the mid-terms, as the nation's midsection has
grown more conservative and Republican, Dems are scouring records for provocative
comments by Republicans to spook moderate or independent voters,. [Dems have
sometimes been forced to rest their hopes on well-positioned GOP contenders
imploding with their own ... statements, as occurred in 2012 when Republican
candidates in Indiana and Missouri blew winnable Senate races after provocative
comments on rape and abortion.] Party researchers are diligently scrubbing every
transcript and public comment for a hint of fringe language.


CAMPBELL BROWN, after years as a journalist steeped in notions of fairness and balance, has
transformed into an advocate, taking a very public side in one of the many contentious battles over
public education. Brown, 46, has become an articulate voice and recognizable face opposing tenure, the
century-old system of laws and contractual guarantees giving public-school teachers due-process rights
in layoffs and terminations. Brown founded the Partnership for Educational Justice to espouse the view
that tenure makes it difficult and expensive for school systems to remove underperforming teachers,
and it protects their jobs at the expense of their students. 'I'm a mom, and my view of public education
begins and ends with the fundamental question: Is this good for children?'" David Boies, the star trial
lawyer who helped lead the legal charge that overturned California's same-sex marriage ban, is
chairman of the board of this group that will pursue lawsuits challenging teacher tenure. Mr. Boies, the
son of two public schoolteachers, is a lifelong liberal who represented Al Gore in Bush v. Gore and
prosecuted Microsoft in the Clinton Administration's antitrust suit. In aligning himself with a cause that
is bitterly opposed by teachers' unions, he is emblematic of an increasingly fractured relationship
between Dems and the teachers' unions.

Other of-interest items:

Sarah Palin Slammed 'Jackass' Jesse Ventura for 'Shaking Down' Chris Kyle Widow
Entertainment Weekly Called Sarah Palin's Channel 'American Horror Story'

Megyn Kelly: Secret of her success
WSJ/NBC Poll Finds Widespread Economic Anxiety

Poll: Americans Want GOP in Charge of Congress
WSJ Poll: 76% of Americans Think Their Children's Lives Will Be Worse

Obama Admin Has Stonewalled Watchdogs in Its Own Agencies

The Truth About Obama's Executive Orders That Republicans Fail to Explain - Obama and his supporters
tout the fact that hes issued fewer executive orders than other recent presidents, suggesting
Republicans are pushing a non-issue; Republicans seem incompetent at explaining why the number is
irrelevant, for the problem is that Obamas orders are making and breaking the law.

MAG: If you like your Obamacare, you can pay a whole lot more
FLA Premiums Jump 13.2 Percent
Ohio schools to see rates balloon

Thomas Sowell defends DRUDGE in face of Geraldo's barbs regarding Gaza and Illegals

Buildup Makes Russian Army Battle-Ready for Ukraine

Pew Report: 75% of Illegals from Mexico Repeat Offenders; 97% Teenagers
Wall Street Journal Poll: Majority Want Illegals 'Returned Immediately'
WH Closing Facilities for Illegals on Military Base but Retains Lease on Property
Video Shows Border Patrol Agent Expressing Discontent That Citizenship No Longer Matters
SHOCK DOC: World Exploits Open Border; Illegals From 75 Countries Caught
Texas House Committee Asks How Many Migrant Minors Going to School, Recalls Katrina Kids

Nation's Largest Immigration Detention Center Proposed for West Texas
Illegal Aliens Suspected in Border Patrol Agent's Death
WH Used Wall Street Journal to Club Conservatives on Immigration
All Tennessee's Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Obama Eying Exec Amnesty for Illegals 'Closely Related' to DREAMers

Five Dead, Twenty-Eight Wounded in Chicago Violence
Accused Home Invader Chased Out of House 'Stark Naked' by Armed Teen
Pro-Gun Pushback Makes Moms Demand Action Ditch Illinois Event
Man Found 'Not Guilty' for Firing Warning Shot at Police Mistakenly Entering His Home
Children's Book Lets Families Study 2
Amendment, Carrying a Gun for Self-Defense

PBS Uses Breitbart Report on ISIS in Mosul
Rush Limbaugh on Breitbart Report: The Jokes We Told Are Coming True

The Guardian: Common Core 'Political Poison'

Obama: Change Will Come If Corporate Lobbyists Work Harder To Pass My Agenda [previously, he had
called upon the media to provide an assistas if it werent already pocketedin this regard]

Government Paralegals Paid to Do Nothing Rewarded with Bonuses - OIG: Pervasive waste at Patent
Trial and Appeal Board

John Kerry: Climate Change Will Make Combating World Hunger More Difficult

Eric Holder: I'm an Activist Attorney General and Proud of It
No wonder Eric Holder is failing; Napolitano slammed AGs activist self-description

University of Arkansas library backed down on Free Beacon ban on scrutinizing Clinton-data.

Pope Lifted Suspension of Leftist Priest Who Called Ronald Reagan a 'Butcher'
Pope Francis Declares 'Lenin Peace Prize' Winner Allowed to Resume Priesthood

'America' Bests Michael Moore's Anti-Capitalist Doc at Box Office


The Married Kama Sutra
Safe-for-work images that may make you never want to get married.


Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 5:10 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXIV [Islamism-Israel]

After having reviewed a few bullet-points, the focus again is upon Israel; clues as to what is occurring
among shifting-coalitions are emerging, even as BHO continues his passive/aggressive posturing. Thus,
emphasis must be trained upon the need to confront the Islamic State, as it spreads beyond borders and
extends from Lebanon to Mosul and eyes Saudi Arabia; BHO considers it a serious threat but, as usual,
he remains inert as Islamists massacre Christians and destroy Shiite mosques. If nothing else, these
events should settle the debate that BHO and BB tackled years ago [e.g., when BB lectured him about
the fallacy of focusing upon the settlements Israelis had built in Judea/Samaria+, namely, whether the
major destabilizing force in the Middle East was Israel vs. Islamism [manifest via Iran and/or al-Qaeda].
{In my spare time, Im going to contact the offices of the eight House members who voted against the
bill that replenished armaments for the Iron Dome program, including Jason Amash (who was just
renominated); inquiring minds want to know why anyone but radical lefties would oppose this effort.}
Know that, although Dan Rather feels its now Easier for White House to Hide Wrongdoings from Media,
Napolitano thinks BHO is both incompetent and lawless.

The Israeli-American Council (IAC) invites you to join:
Conference Call Briefing
w/ MK Yitzhak "Buji" Herzog
Head of the Labor Party, Opposition Leader
On the subject:
Operation Protective Edge:
Where do we go from here?
Join us for a special conference call briefing with MK Yitzhak "Buji" Herzog, head of the Israeli opposition
in the Knesset, for an insider's look at the situation in Israel and Gaza, where we are today, and the
challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Tomorrow (Wednesday Aug 6)
12:15pm EDT

Mr. Herzog's Biography:
MK Yitzhak "Buji" Herzog, son of the late Israeli President Chaim Herzog, was born in
Israel in 1960. He completed his army service with the rank of major (res.). He holds a
degree in law and is an attorney by profession. Mr. Herzog served as Secretary of the
Economic-Social Council (1988-1990), as Government Secretary (1999-2001), and as
Chairman of the Anti-Drug Authority (2000-2003). Elected to the 16
Knesset in 2003,
he has served as a member of the Knesset Finance, Internal Affairs and Environment,
and Anti-Drug Abuse Committees, as well as Israel Labor Party Parliamentary Group
Whip. He has chaired the Lobby for the War Against Drugs in Israel, the Lobby for
Tourism in Israel, the Lobby for Youth in Israel, and the Municipal Lobby, and is a
member of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the Environmental Lobby. He is also
Chairman of the Israel-Australia Parliamentary Friendship Union. Mr. Herzog served as
Minister of Housing and Construction from January to November 2005 when Labor

resigned from the government. After serving as Minister of Tourism from May 2006
until March 2007, he was appointed Minister of Welfare and Social Services, Minister of
the Diaspora, Society, and Fight Against Anti-Semitism, serving until March 2009. Mr.
Herzog served as Minister of Welfare and Social Services from March 2009 until his
resignation in January 2011. Mr. Herzog speaks Hebrew, English and Arabic, and has
published articles in Israeli and foreign press. He is married, and has three children.

A view of myriad issues from England:
Metropolitan Control-Freaks Are Putting the Future of the Conservative Party at Risk
Popular Gardening Show is Racist Because It Talks About 'Non-Native' Species, Says Academic

The situation is unnerving and, thus,
watch how A Drone Caught Muslims engaged in bestiality.

Foreign Policy:
AP revealed secret US program in Cuba; Used HIV workshop as front for espionage


Cornel West Called Obama a 'War Criminal' at Pro-Gaza Rally

The BDS Movement's History of Dishonesty

Iran looms
Under Gazas shadow, Islamic State advances
Amid Ethnic Cleansing of Christians, ISIS Now Massacres Iraq's Yezidi Minority
ISIS Seizes Major Dam, Could Now Flood Baghdad
The Islamic State Ends the Centuries-Old Christian Presence in Mosul, Iraq
Islamic State Now Controls Unmatched Resources and Territory - What was recently a ragtag cadre of
former al-Qaeda operatives has now morphed into a transnational, fully-militarized and very rich
operation said to control more than one-third of Syria's territory. The Islamic State controls a volume of
resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations, and experts estimate the
group is pocketing as much as $3 million per day in oil revenue.
Islamic State Seized Territory in Lebanon - Fighters from the extremist group Islamic State streamed
across the border from Syria into Lebanon on Sunday, taking over the city of Arsal after overrunning
police posts and a military barracks. In a coordinated response in Tripoli, Lebanon's second-largest city,
masked, armed men affiliated with the Islamic State whizzed by on motorbikes, attacking soldiers there.
Boko Haram Emptying Towns in Revenge for Vigilante Efforts against Them

Kurdnas- Eli-Qazi in Brussels Conference -Kurdnas
Kurdish troops declare ISIS counter-offensive

Events in Israel:
A Summary of War-related Events has been provided by the Jewish Policy Center
Suspect Who Reportedly Organized Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teenagers in Custody
Stories From The Battlefield: Hamas Tunnels Used To Target Israels Kindergartens
Indian TV Crew Caught Hamas Firing Rocket from Outside Their Hotel
Hamas assembles and fires a rocket at Israel from densely populated residential area captured by Indian
Hannity Explores Hamas Tunnel Into Israel
How Hamas Wields Gazas Casualties as Propaganda
Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields
Sundays Gaza school attack now appears to be staged
Death toll includes 900 terrorists
Hamas terrorist killed trying to infiltrate Kibbutz Nahal Oz
IPS foiled attempt by Islamic Jihad prisoners to tunnel out of Israeli jail
Palestinian Tractor Driver Killed One in Jerusalem Terror Attack
Israeli Military Withdraws Bulk of Troops from Gaza
Israeli Troops Leave Gaza - A cease-fire between Israel and Hamas meant to last at least three days and
end nearly a month of fighting went into effect in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday morning; the fighting has
killed 1,900 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and some 67 Israelis [Time Mag slips-in attack-phrasing.]
Israel, Hamas agree to 3-day truce
Israel Declared 7-Hour Humanitarian Cease-Fire Monday; Hamas Says It Will Not Hold Its Fire
Hamas Rocket Fire Continued
Hamas rejected receiving 3,000 units of blood for Palestinians in Gaza, donated by
Palestinians in west bank, just because the blood was delivered/transported by the Israelis.
Report is based on information given by official Israeli sources (Israelis don't lie as they know
it will be their last chance for confidence).
It was at the time that many Palestinians were wounded in Gaza.
Finally, yesterday, after 2 weeks, Hamas accept the delivery of the 3000 units of blood
just because it supposed to be delivered by the Israelis.
It showed that Hamas ideology and fundamentalist hatred is stronger than the basic
need of health care for their wounded people.
Hamas Lost Big Provoking Israel resulted in a calamity of unimaginable proportions. The operation has
shrunk Hamas to its proper dimensions. It has now been reduced to a terrorist organization whose
political wing has brought about destruction and ruin for its sympathizers.
Palestinian Official: "Another Month of War Will Put Gaza Back in the Dark Ages"
Senior IDF Official: We Left Hamas in Power - The IDF did not take over Gaza or completely destroy
Hamas in order to leave the organization in power, a senior IDF source said on Sunday. "There's an
Israeli interest to have one address in Gaza, we don't want a Somalization in the Strip, but rather one
group to enforce its control of the Strip. This is why the collapse of Hamas was not defined as one of the
objectives," the senior source said. "We wanted to have an address on the other side on the day after.
This address could be the enforcer against militants and take care of its citizens." He asserted that
Hamas wanted to stop the fighting and said the current operation in Gaza will lead to a "longer window
of security." "The objective is to change th reality from its very core, so we don't have mutual fire in two
months. We need to have a balance of hope in the Strip and a balance of security in Israel." Now that
"deterrence has been achieved," the source said he hopes the cease-fire agreement reached will be

different to ones signed previously.
This is no wholesale retreat; all options remain open after Hamas was dealt grievous blows both to its
rocket arsenals and tunnel projects

Overview of Israels Status:
Palestine and Double Standards - The world is outraged by Israeli self-defense but only 'concerned'
when Muslims kill Muslims
Israel is not violating international law in Gaza part 1 Principle of Distinction
Iran, Al Qaeda took note of curbs on IDF vanquishing Hamas, which now has core of a Palestinian army
Israeli Public Sees Gaza Operation as a "War of No Choice"
Israelis Regard Soldier Deaths in Gaza as a Price that Must Be Paid
The Gaza War Is Not a PR Battle - After more than 2,670 rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza in three
weeks, some of which misfired and killed Palestinians, Israel will exercise its right to defend its
citizens. Strategically and economically, the Palestinian people are far worse off now than they
were two decades ago when then Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation
Organization chairman Yasser Arafat signed the first Oslo accord in Washington in September
1993. The Palestinians acknowledged the State of Israel and pledged to reject violence, while
Israel recognized the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, to be a
partner in further negotiations for at least five years. Unfortunately, Arafat and Abbas passed up
their chances to accept bold compromise deals from subsequent Israeli leaders. Palestinians
must grasp the reality that, how ever many women and children Hamas sacrifices, Israel has the
might to defend itself. It is a proud nation, it is not going anywhere and nor should it. Hamas,
Hizbullah and other terrorists are in fantasy land if they imagine they can wipe it off the map,
which is their driving ambition.

The complex reality Israel faces
As truce holds, Israelis set to negotiate long-term solution
Truce means Hamas must shift from terror to governing
US and Qatar again working on alternative ceasefire
The IDF withdrew from Gaza because Hamas allegedly demanded it
Palestinians: United Against Israel
Demilitarization may depend on capitulation to the PAs demands
Israels Unilateral Move: Preferable to a Bad Agreement with a Terrorist Organization
Israel chose an alternative that, at least in the short term, places Hamas in a
difficult strategic position. Israel regained international legitimacy for its actions; Hamas
was again cast as a terrorist organization lacking all credibility that for the sixth time
violated a cease-fire that Egypt and the international community initiated and Israel
Israel decided to deny Hamas veto power over cease-fires and took the initiative
back into its own hands, clarifying that it was not negotiating with Hamas and not
granting it any achievement, neither in terms of a cease-fire nor in terms of an
By its action, Israel established four premises that present Hamas with a new
strategic situation:
1. The demands for which Hamas went to war are no longer on the table.
Hamas is left without the siege being lifted, without an airport or seaport,

without salaries, without prisoner releases, and without the reconstruction of
2. Hamas is left with a Gaza in ruins, a humanitarian crisis, hundreds of
dead, thousands of wounded, one-quarter of a million refugees - and no way to
deal with it.
3. If Hamas continues to fire at Israel, despite Israel's vastly superior
firepower, Israel will continue to pummel Hamas. Its political and military
leadership will continue to live in underground bunkers.
4. Unlike in previous rounds of fighting, Israel and Egypt will ensure that
Hamas will be unable to rebuild its force - Egypt by continuing to prevent
smuggling and Israel by the freedom of action it has reserved for itself to
prevent Hamas' force build-up.
Should Hamas continue the current level of rocket fire at Israel, this will force
the Israeli government to reconsider the option of expanding the military operation -
one that enjoyed a greater element of surprise, and was free of the need to deal with
the attack tunnels.
Should Hamas choose the "drizzle option," i.e., returning to the situation of limited fire on
the Israeli communities bordering Gaza, Israel will have to make it clear that the policy of
response preceding Operation Protective Edge is no longer valid and that any fire will be met
with an extreme response.
Israel Seeks to Gain Advantage by Reversing Course in Gaza
Israel Is Telling Hamas that They're Not Going to Get Anything
Divides in Gaza Leadership Hamper Lasting Truce
After the Unilateral Withdrawal, What's Next? - Reduction of forces in the field will continue until key
positions not far west of the border fence, within Palestinian territory, have been taken up, to retain an
asset that will exert pressure on Hamas to agree to a proper cease-fire.
Sisi: No Alternative to Egypt's Gaza Cease-Fire Initiative
pro-Hamas people who still believe in their actions and lies
Where is the Hamas Offensive?
Hamas initially rejected receiving 3,000 units of blood for Palestinians in Gaza, donated by Palestinians
in west bank, just because the blood was delivered/transported by the Israelis. Report is based on
information given by official Israeli sources. (Israelis don't lie as they know it will be their last chance for
confidence) It was at the time that many Palestinians were wounded in Gaza. Finally, yesterday, after 2
weeks, Hamas accept the delivery of the 3000 units of blood just because it supposed to be delivered by
the Israelis. It showed that Hamas ideology and fundamentalist hatred is stronger than the basic need of
health care for their wounded people.

International Forces:
Iran Admitted to Arming Hamas with Advanced Warheads
Medical Journal *The Lancet+ Resisted Publishing Pro-Israeli Rebuttal Letters to Gaza Piece
Gaza: Hamas Are the Terrorists
A letter by the former presidents of Peru (Alejandro Toledo), Uruguay (Luis Alberto
Lacalle), and former government officials in Europe opposes the actions of Chile,
Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil in recalling their ambassadors to Israel, saying "the
manipulation of information in Latin America regarding the current conflict in
Gaza...intoxicates the citizens" and "inspires wrong and reprehensible policies."
"Israel didn't start this war. The Jewish State is responding to the constant barrage of

rockets and mortars from Gaza falling in Israel." "Hamas is...a terrorist organization
designated as such by the U.S. State Department and the European Union and Hamas'
foundational charter...calls for the annihilation of the State of Israel and the death of al
"Any cease-fire that politically rewards Hamas' armed aggression is a strategic
mistake. If there's a real desire for peace, the terror infrastructure must be dismantled
in Gaza: Tunnels, rockets, weapons factories."
"It's an aberration to establish moral equivalence between the two contending
parties. Because, on the one hand is terror, the fanatical Islamist tyranny, and the cult of
death, while on the other hand is freedom, prosperity, and the defense of life.
Barbarism and civilization cannot be at the same level."

American Perspective and Media:
U.S. Diplomacy on Gaza Has Little Sway on Israel
They Condemn Israel because They Can
MSNBC Anchor [Joy Reid]: Israel Responsible for Deaths Equal to 'One-Hundred 9/11s' In Gaza

Ben Shapiro Blasts CNN Over Its Anti-Israel Coverage
CNN Has Two Israel Critics Debate Israel
CNN Can't Answer Criticism of Its Israel Coverage
CNN Mainstreamed the Terrorist Organization Hamas

Cease-Fire between Israel, Hamas Failed Because U.S. Misread Reality. It is Hamas' military wing - the
Boys in the Gaza Bunkers - not the politicians outside like Khaled Meshaal, who are calling the shots in
this war. These guys think they're winning; aren't ready to deescalate. U.S./UN mediators relied on
assurances from Qatar that Hamas agreed to the cease-fire when common sense and good analysis
argued otherwise. This effort at a cease-fire failed in large part because the U.S. misread reality. The
writer is vice president at the Wilson Center in Washington.

Jimmy Carter pushed US to recognize Hamas and slammed Israel in op-ed
Leftist Oz: 'Lose-lose situation for Israel'
Question 1: What would you do if your neighbor across the street sits down on the
balcony, puts his little boy on his lap and starts shooting machine gun fire into your
Question 2: What would you do if your neighbor across the street digs a tunnel from
his nursery to your nursery in order to blow up your home or in order to kidnap your
I am afraid that there can be no way in the world to avoid civilian casualties among
the Palestinian as long as the neighbor puts his child on the lap while shooting into your
This morning I read very carefully the charter of Hamas. It says that the Prophet
commands every Muslim to kill every Jew everywhere in the world. It quotes the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion [an anti-Semitic diatribe] and says that the Jews

controlled the world....So I hardly see a prospect for a compromise between Israel and
Hamas. I have been a man of compromise all my life. But even a man of compromise
cannot approach Hamas and say: "Maybe we meet halfway and Israel only exists on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."
Unlike European pacifists I never believed the ultimate evil in the world is war. In my
view the ultimate evil in the world is aggression, and the only way to repel aggression is
unfortunately by force. That is where the difference lies between a European pacifist
and an Israeli peacenik like myself. And if may add a little anecdote: A relative of mine
who survived the Nazi Holocaust in Theresienstadt always reminded her children and
her grandchildren that her life was saved in 1945 not by peace demonstrators with
placards and flowers but by Soviet soldiers and submachine guns.

MK Moshe Feiglin remits weekly newsletters;
he provides a useful [right-wing] perspective.


Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 11:34 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXV [Islamism, GOP-Primaries, Israel]

It is desirable to state-with-precision a reasonable perspective on the points made [exhaustively] via
recent Blast e-mails. First, down-the-street from the home in which I grew up, a Hotel plan for Elkins
Estate advanced [at the site of the old Dominican Retreat]. Second, it has been alleged that SENATE
I remain uneducated as to what impact this lobbying-firm has had on major Harrisburg issues, such as
Pension-Reform]. Third, Sestak said the VA has flaws, but it, not Congress, has been there for vets
[showing why he is so out-of-touch that he wont be the Dem-nominee against Toomey]. Fourth, Penn
State appealed to keep ag-ballots secret in disputed trustee election [showing why the Sandusky-issue
remains a potential-problem for Corbett, notwithstanding the KEYSTONE REPORT POLL SHOWING
CORBETT NARROWING-IN ON OPPONENTS LEAD]. Fifth, of overwhelming and urgent importance is the
fact that ISIL is Seizing Key Facilities in Iraq and Syria, as the World Ignores the Christian Exodus from the
Islamic World. Sixth, Ryan Howard led Phillies to win over Houston in 15 innings [suggesting a benching
may prove beneficial]. Seventh, the WSJ/NBC Poll showed Obama Approval Hit 40%, an All-Time Low
*and it couldnt have happened to a nicer guy!+.

In general, GOP primary-results were OK.

Kansas Sen. Pat ROBERTS, aided by national Republican forces, beat back a tea party
challenger - effectively thwarting conservatives' last, best hope to topple an incumbent
GOP senator this year [pending a Mississippi recount]. With 95% of precincts reporting,
Roberts led Milton Wolf, 48% to 41%; Roberts' margin was narrower than recent polls
that had showed him crushing Wolf, a radiologist who has attacked the incumbent from
the right. But assuming Lamar Alexander prevails on Thursday in Tennessee, this will be
the first cycle since 2008 when no incumbent Republican senator lost renomination.
{Wolf showed signs he might have ended-up emulating Akin/Murdoch, noting the
impact of his weird internet-upload.}

Dave Trott, with widespread backing from establishment Republicans and an aggressive,
well-financed campaign, defeated U.S. Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Milford, in Michigan's
Congressional District; Bentivolio, a former educator, National Guardsman and
reindeer rancher [who was 2012's so-called 'accidental congressman'] had been thrust
into the seat when former U.S. Rep. Thad McCotter abruptly resigned amid a scandal
involving fraudulent signatures on re-election petitions after the filing deadline.
{Bentivolio showed signs he might have ended-up emulating Akin/Murdoch, noting
the impact of his weird internet-upload.}

Kansas GOP Rep. Mike POMPEO easily repelled the man he succeeded in Congress,
former Rep. Todd Tiahrt, in the 4
Congressional District. With 52% of precincts
reporting, Pompeo led Tiahrt, 63% to 37%. Pompeo spent big and had the support of the
Club for Growth and the political action committee of Koch Industries which, like the

district, is based in Wichita. Tiahrt had relinquished the seat to mount an unsuccessful
Senate bid in 2010. {Thus, the more conservative candidate appears to have won.}

Rep. Tim HUELSKAMP claimed a narrow victory in the hard-fought 1
congressional race against Republican challenger Alan LaPolice. Huelskamp will face Jim
Sherow, a Kansas State University professor and former Manhattan mayor, in the
November election. Both candidates are conservative, but LaPolice pounded Huelskamp
over the congressman's dismissal from the influential House Agriculture Committee
after fighting with House Republican leaders and Huelskamp's opposition to a federal
farm bill. {This suggests he won after having adopted a fiscally-conservative posture
that even threatened farm subsidies!}

U.S. Rep. Justin AMASH's primary victory celebration quickly turned from appreciation
for his supporters to an attack on his GOP opponent and others who the two-term
congressman felt betrayed him: "Brian Ellis, you owe my family and this community an
apology. You had the audacity to try to call me today after running a campaign that was
called 'the nastiest in the country.' I ran for office to stop people like you." {Still
unhappy with why he opposed funding Israels Iron Dome last week ("I support Iron
Dome, but we're supposed to offset all new spending with cuts elsewhere. Congress
did so with the border bill (which is for our own country), but not with the additional
Iron Dome funding. Our debt is approaching $18 trillion. Even our own defense
spending is offset, so this was a clear violation of our rules.").}

John 'Jay' Ashcroft, a lawyer and son of former governor [U.S. attorney general] and
U.S. Sen. John D. Ashcroft, defeated attorney Jack Spooner and physician Robb Hicks for
the Republican nomination for a State Senate seat currently held by Sen. John Lamping,
R-Ladue; he will face current Rep. Jill Schupp, D-Creve Coeur.

Other national-news [compiled by Politico] seems c/w prior conclusions:

FreedomWorks responds to the former congressman's attack on the tea party: "I believe
this is what people in the psych biz call 'projection.' Former congressman, and current
transportation lobbyist, Steve LaTourette recently penned a column accusing the Tea
Party-of which I am a proud member-of 'lining its pockets while Republicans are actually
trying to get things done.' LaTourette is an established authority on the topic of lining
pockets in Washington, given that he has increased his personal wealth by 11,000
percent since 2004. The column, which sets up a ridiculous distinction between the
'grifting' and 'governing' wings of the Republican Party, is a rhetorical rant packed with
ad hominem attacks and Ronald Reagan name-drops, but lacking in any mention of the
Constitution or a solid policy agenda. Imagery without ideas. It's an out-of-touch
lobbyist charlatan's idea of what a libertarian populist is supposed to sound like. And as
a result, it reads about as authentic as Mitt Romney trying to sing 'Who Let the Dogs

RAND VS. RAND. Rand Paul's future is being chased by Rand Paul's past. Followers of the
Kentucky senator have noticed shifts in the way the libertarian-leaning Republican and
likely 2016 contender has positioned himself on a variety of hot-button topics - from aid

to Israel to immigration to the Civil Rights Act. Indeed, Paul today sounds different than
the Paul who ran for Senate in 2010. While Paul is not the first politician to 'evolve' on
issues, the contrast in tone shows the differences between mounting an anti-
establishment senatorial bid in a fiercely red state and being taken seriously as his party
decides its next nominee for president. {This was illustrated last night during his chat
with Greta, when he claimed he never targeted funding Israel; this is technically true,
but he has consistently opposed support for Israels militaryhighly problematic.-

When a self-described 'Dreamer' immigration activist introduced herself to Paul and
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), Paul made a hasty exit, leaving his half-eaten hamburger on
his plate and visibly chewing as he stood up; he said [to Greta] that he was complying
with a media-request for an interview, but Politico predictably suggested "The moment
underscored the difficulty that Paul and any other Republican presidential aspirant will
face in building a diverse national coalition to win a general election, while also
incorporating the party's more extreme elements."

ETHANOL is EXPLOSIVE ISSUE FOR Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Rand Paul (Ky.) in Iowa.
Both Republican senators have criticized federal subsidies for ethanol, which are
popular in Iowa, the state hosting the first Republican contest in the 2016 POTUS-race.
Iowa kingmakers in the party [such as Sen. Chuck Grassley] want the Republican
presidential nominee in 2016 to champion ethanol. That's a problem for Cruz and, to a
lesser extent, for Paul, who are both crisscrossing the state this week in advance of
possible campaigns for the presidency.

landmark congressional investigation into the CIA's use of torture rejected redactions
made by the Obama administration ahead of a planned public release of the politically
charged report. In the latest struggle between senator Dianne Feinstein [the California
Democrat who chairs the intelligence committee] and the CIA, Feinstein said she would
delay a heavily anticipated disclosure of portions of the report in an attempt to reverse
redactions that 'eliminate or obscure key facts that support the report's findings and
conclusions.' Another powerful senator and Obama ally, Carl Levin, the Michigan
Democrat who chairs the armed services committee and who spearheaded his own
investigation into US military torture, called the redactions 'totally unacceptable.'

Former Obama Aides [LaBolt and Gibbs] Broke With a Dem-Firm [and the American
Federation of Teachers] Over Anti-Teachers Union Project through their firm, The Incite
Agency; they support former CNN anchor Campbell Brown's fight against teacher
tenure. Gibbs and LaBolt had launched The Incite Agency in June 2013; it was housed
within New Partners, but had its own employees and clients. The partnership became
untenable and Gibbs refused to drop Brown as a client.

Levity: Before Hillary Clintons surprise appearance last night on "The Colbert Report,"
Stephen played audio of Clinton name-dropping the foreign leaders she met with as
Secretary. Then Hillary came out to chants of 'Hillary' from the audience. COLBERT:
'Hillary Clinton." HRC: 'NOW who's a name dropper, Stephen?' COLBERT: 'Oh, really?
Name dropper? That's not what my good friend Tom Hanks calls me when we're
hanging out at George Clooney's place.' HRC: 'Oh, I love George. I wish he could have

joined us when I had lunch with Meryl Streep and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.'
COLBERT: 'Oh, Rafi. He is such a cut-up, especially when we go camping with Oprah.'
HRC: 'O.' COLBERT: 'Does that surprise you?' HRC: 'No, 'O' is just what all her real friends
call Oprah.'


Regarding Gaza, I continued to blog in-favor of BB [Iran, Al Qaeda noted curbs on IDF vanquishing
Hamas, which now has core of a Palestinian army] as Israel reportedly 'initially accepted' 4 terms and
rejected 3 others in Palestinian paper [end offensive, lift blockade, grant fishing rights and release
prisoners]; the focus should be trained on ensuring Hamas cannot build rockets or dig tunnels with any
materiel that wouldnt be blockaded from Gaza. Netanyahu allegedly scared-off ministers to get Gaza
occupation off the table, as Ministers present at 'intimidation meeting' say they were told potential
long-term operation would cost hundreds of Israeli lives and billions of shekels [which seems on-point].
Meanwhile, Pastors [from 50 states plus D.C.] in Israel declared they Support Right to Defeat Hamas.

The Sacred War 2014 - The Sacred
War [Russian: Svyashchennaya Voyna, also known as ,
! "Arise, Great (Vast) Country!"] was one of the most
famous Soviet songs associated with the Second World War. It was written by request
of Joseph Stalin in 1941, shortly after the beginning of the German invasion of the Soviet
Union. The music is by Aleksandr Aleksandrov, founder of the Alexandrov Ensemble and
the music composer for the National Anthem of the Soviet Union. The lyrics are
by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. [lyrics]

Svyashennaya Voyna
Arise, great country,
Get up to mortal combat
With the dark fascist force
With a curse horde

Let noble fury
Effervescence, like a wave
The national war,

Black wings do not dare
Home to over fly
Its spacious field
Do not dare to trample the enemy

Roll Back the stranglers
All righteous ideas
Rapists, robbers,
Afflict people

Rotten fascist scum
Paddock bullet in the forehead

Scum of humanity
Put together a strong coffin

Come to ache all the energy
All our heart, soul
For our dear land
For our great Union

As two different poles
In all, we are hostile
For light and peace we fight
They are for the kingdom of darkness

Reportly, Hamas gave-in to Egypts dictate According to Egyptian reports, the cease-fire negotiations
now taking place in Cairo will see Hamas give in to Egyptian demands. ["Hamas suffered a blow to its
military, both its rockets and its tunnels, and (Hamas officials) arrived in Cairo to find none of their
demands on the agenda," one diplomatic official said.] This prompted Ted Belman to report he had been
told BB has two red-lines. 1) don't allow the peace process to be linked to the ceasefire negotiations,
and 2) don't allow any rebuilding until demilitarization is agreed to. It seems events are evolving well!

For example, if indeed Israel reportedly 'initially accepted' four terms in the Palestinian
paper [end offensive, lift blockade, grant fishing rights and release prisoners], it would
seem they arent crucial. The offensive could be initiated any time rockets again are shot
against Israel, the blockade can be lifted selectively and strategically [with inspections],
fishing-rights can be granted without precluding the blockade via that route, and the
arrest of the presumed leader of the kidnapping of the three teens removed the reason
why some of the prisoners released for Galid Shalit had been re-arrested.

All these points and more are corroborated in the 31 articles comprising todays Daily Alert.

Sydney Morning Herald Apologized for Vicious Gaza Cartoon


Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 7:42 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXVI [Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, Islamism, Corbett, Israel]

Enough distinctive data surfaced today to warrant distribution of a shorter Blast e-mail; ISLAMISM is
the acute issue, as other issues are increasingly chronic in character. Recalling yesterdays discussion
of the Federations private event celebrating the Mandatory Holocaust Education Law *and my having
been black-balled from being present], it seems that State Senator John Rafferty ensured that everyone
heard precisely what had happened in early-December; by-name, he said that I *Dr. Bob Sklaroff+ had
educated him regarding the essence of the bill [and he had functioned accordingly]. Thus, all the efforts
of the Federation-lobbyists to engage in self-congratulation [predictably] were dutifully satirized.

Report/Magellan Strategies Survey shows Corbett Within 7 Points, perhaps because of a surge of
Republicans remembering they are Republicans. Nationally, Ndesandjo Obama [BHOs half-brother]
disputed as inaccurate and a fabrication much of what Obama presented as his African roots in Dreams
from My Father; c/w BHOs goals, the Morale Lowest Since 2001 Among Generals in Aftermath of
General Assassination in Afghanistan, an event he even refrained from mentioning during his Press
Conference. {Reminiscing Watergate, Roger Stone feels, Its time for John Dean to tell the truth.-

Regarding Illegals:
Rep. Gutierrez: Obama Administration Failed on Comprehensive Immigration Reform
The Washington Post warned Obama not to shred the Constitution to enact more executive amnesty
Rand Paul: Rick Perrys Embrace of TX DREAM Act Lured Illegals Like Obamas Amnesty
[Ronan Farrow: Im a Rand Paul Fan]

Regarding guns:
Missouri Amended Constitution: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Questioned
North Carolina Sheriff: Arm Yourselves to Protect Your Families
Amendment Advocates: New CA Law Would Open Door to Broad Firearm Confiscation
Suspected burglar shot by female homeowner in Delaware

Regarding the GOPs Civil-War:
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has been seeking help from a federal lobbyist while putting together
his new staff, according to a Politico report. The report shows that John Feehery, aligned with the
lobbyist shop Quinn Gillespie & Associates, sat in on and participated in multiple official interviews with
job candidates, helping Scalise put together his press operation. Part of the old establishment, Feehery
managed communications for Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Whip Tom Delay. But Feehery has a
history of being critical if not outright hostile about the Tea Party. It is time to get rid of the Tea Party.
They are an embarrassment, he wrote in a January post titled, Tea Party Must be Crushed
Anti-Amnesty Candidate, Military Vet Siphoned Votes from Milton Wolf
Rep. Cotton: US Border in Chaos

Regarding Ebola:
UN: Ebola Outbreak Likely Caused by Bushmeat Scientists agree that consumption of bushmeata
collection of wild animal meat including rats and monkeystriggered the Ebola outbreak in Guinea.
That outbreak has since spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia, with fears of further contamination in
Nigeria. Despite the evidence, however, West Africans continue to believe bush meat is safe to eat, and
have expressed panic at the idea of changing their lifestyles and creating a livestock market.

Regarding Islamism:
Islamism Is the Nazism of Our Times, Says Swedish Party Leader
Indonesia Criminalizes Support for ISIS
Pakistan Braces for Wave of Protests, Army Secures Capital
Christian Leaders Call for Help As Islamic State Sweeps Sinjar
Fleeing ISIS Ethnic Cleansing, Thousands of Iraqi Yazidis Starving on Mountain

ISIS militant announced his marriage to terrified 7-year old in occupied city in Syria

Regarding Israel:
Herzogs presentation today was not newsworthy, as evidenced by his claim that the opposition to BB
manifest by himself [and other libs] was dwarfed by that manifest by Lieberman/Bennett [on the right].
The Gaza War Marked the End of the Two-State Solution: Heres Whats Next
Nicaragua Pres Says Israels Netanyahu Possessed by DevilStars Face New Hollywood Blacklist in War of
Words Over Israel
Tweet Delete Many celebrities have not been as careful as they should be. One Direction band
member Zane Malyk tweeted #FreePalestine, and the response was furious with some of his 13
million followers making death threats. A similar pro-Palestinian tweet from Rihanna, which was
removed only minutes after it was put up, received a barrage of irate responses.
japanese-have awesome/basic questions-for-palestine-supporters
Media Suddenly Discovered Hamas War Crimes
London Cinema Boycotts Jewish Film Festival Over Gaza War
Palestine Flag Flown by Another English Local Authority
[Conservative Party Left Wingers Use Gaza To Turn On Cameron]

Jimmy Carter: Israel Deliberately Started Gaza War to Obstruct Hamas Promising Moves Toward
Indirect Israel-Hamas Talks on Gaza Start in Cairo
Video: More Proof Hamas Shooting Rockets from Densely-Populated Areas

On August 5
, a 72 hour humanitarian cease-fire went into effect. This cease-fire is
particularly important in order to facilitate humanitarian efforts on the ground and enable
an assessment of infrastructural damage. As a result of the cease-fire the largest number of
trucks (243) since before the operation began entered into Gaza. Including 5 trucks
carrying new ambulances. The challenge of electricity, water and the number of
displaced people is still of immediate concern, and we are working with the different
parties to assist in the areas of urgent and immediate need.

State of Israel Ministry of Defense Coordination of
Government Activities in the Territories Daily Report:
Civilian Assistance to Gaza Operation Protective Edge
6/8/2014 10:00 AM 3,360 Rockets since July 8

32 Terror Tunnels Destroyed 73 Infrastructural repairs total 43 electrical
repairs. 17 water supply repairs. 6 sewage repairs. 7 communication repairs. Total
of 2,147 trucks entered via Kerem Shalom since July 8
. 4.44 million liters of diesel
for the power station, 731K liters for UNRWA. 3.86 M liters of fuel and 1.5 M liters of
benzene for transportation. 2,142 tons of gas for domestic use. Total Energy Import
to Gaza Erez Crossing 2,104 Total Entries into Israel 1,720 Total Exits to
Gaza The 72 hour cease-fire has created a window of opportunity to engage in
productive coordinated repairs on critical infrastructure in Gaza. 5 electrical feeder lines
from Israel into Gaza have been repaired and continue to hold. The more lines are
repaired, the steadier the network will be. Additionally, on the Gaza side, the water
authority was able to begin doing a survey to identify necessary repairs and commence
activity. In the event that the security situation continues to be quiet, more infrastructure
problems will be able to be addressed. 4,762 + Terror targets neutralized

The above word-cloud is from the PDF-version of the data
available at Operation Protective Edge by the Numbers


Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 8:02 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXVII [Islamism]
In many respects, the major-tasks chronicled for the past year via 3K pages of tight hyperlinks [in two
groups, anti-BHO and action-items+ have been articulated exhaustively, with the only major concern
being the need to awaken Americans to the urgency of mustering an immediate military initiative
against the Islamic State [in whatever form, invoking whatever nations, regardless of whatever a thinker
might devise an exit strategy to be+. Perhaps the alarum will sound after Wall St. continues to drop
but, somehow, someone will have to rouse BHO from his vay-kay @ Mahthahs Vinyahd to whisper into
his floppy-ears the suggestion that the form of the feared next 9-11 has taken-shape and emerged
over the corpse of his Iraqi Exit-Strategy. He will have to invoke a military with a morale that he killed
and a populace that he has sweet-talked [in between telling them lies] into absorbing his divisiveness.
Indeed, he is going to have to contend with the prospect of widespread domestic violence promulgated
[at least in-part] by terrorists he admitted via open-borders. Just as Hamas planned a gigantic attack on
Rosh Hashanah, he must recognize the prospect of worldwide conflagration, the creation of which hes
aided/abetted. And, just like BB, he must employ decisive military might to destroy both the enemy
everyone sees [metaphorically, the indiscriminate shelling of civilians throughout Israel, for years] and
the more heinous enemy that has been plotting silently [metaphorically, the tunnelers]. The former will
require an air-attack *risking civilian lives, the alleged reason why he didnt bomb columns of Islamists
during the past few months, in Iraq/Syria]; the latter will require a ground-attack [risking soldier-loss, for
the goal can be nothing less than victory]. Those worried about Stalin were still more scared of Hitler.
Just as BB defeated Hamas [to whatever degree a face-saving BHO permitted], BHO must now defeat
the Sunni-Islamists; if nothing else, overly-ample evidence of human rights violations has transpired.

Suddenly, the articles on the Internet that beckon to be disseminated [piquing myriad
interests, providing unusual angles] have plummeted; other than the back-and-forth
regarding a Hudna with Hamas, nothing seems to advance already-articulated argument
*dealing with issues from Common Core to political maneuvering+. Yall can read the
headlines from reliable sources [KeystoneReport, PoliticsPA, Drudge, Breitbart] as easily
as can I; and yall can recognize, for example, the scope/prospect of events in Cairo just
as astutely as can I. After the independent media continue to confirm Israels claims
[e.g., New York Times Photographer Confirms IDFs Claims as have other media] and
quality conclusions are drawn therefrom [e.g., Steadfast Support for Israel Is the
Only Solution because The U.S. cannot promote peace between Israel and the
Palestinians without first promoting truth], we can all follow credible reportage
emanating from reliable Israelis [For Cairo deal, Israel calls for ban in Gaza on all but
light arms, free hand against tunnels, rocket plants] even if Hamas claims to have a
finger on the trigger [An Israeli official said Israel will extend the truce under current
terms; Hamas officials say they will not extend cease-fire unless significant progress
made in negotiations and threaten to resume rocket fire.+ I dont know any more secrets
that have also been withheld globally from the public and, thus, future article-choice will
reflect baseline recognition that Good and Evil *not ethical-relativism] should guide
American foreign-policy, as applied to the Middle Eastand to everywhere else.

If any further evidence were needed as to how venal the Islamic State actually is, skim through the
latest emanations from Pamela Geller [having arrived on-time @ 2 a.m.]:

o Muslim Mob Abduct Christian Nurse From Her Home and Gang Rape Her Over And Over Agai,
o VIDEO: The Islamic State shoots teens in heads, dumps bodies
o Sharia UK: London Times rejects ad from Elie Wiesel, world-renowned Holocaust survivor and
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate the living face of the Holocaust
o Iranian Commander: We Will Hunt the Jews Down from House to House
o Dateline Israel: Code Red Sirens and terrorists tunneling into their dining room or their
childrens schools
o Sweden: Muslim politician quits after denouncing Jewish pigs
o Devout Muslim Group has forced 650,000 Nigerians from home #takeonhate
o Australia: Pro-Hamas Jew-haters storm school bus of Jewish children, threaten to slit their
throats: Heil Hitler Kill the Jews Palestine must kill you Jews
o Australian Muslim Leaders Incite To Jihad To Expel Jews From Israel And Jihad is a duty
decreed by Allah
o And now a word from your humble correspondent
o Hamas TV: Dress up like Jews and execute suicide bombings
o VIDEO: Religious Minority Member of Iraqi Parliament collapses in tears after calling upon
world to save her people from jihad, Iraqs religious minorities are being slaughtered as ISIS just
captured the last town giving them shelter
o Abbas adviser wont condemn jihad attacks from Gaza population centers

As usual, Israel [channeling almost 4K years of ancient/modern Jewry, forced to confront existential-risk]
showed why she feels the Deity designated Hebrews to be Chosen People, the avatar of rectitude;
although BHO cares not that NBCs Chuck Todd said Obamas Slump is Just Like Jimmy Carters Malaise,
someone must convince him to allow the Big Devil to emulate the Little Devil, per Irans nomenclature.
BB knows that being special does not mean being allowed to be aloof from the daily-grind; rather,
Hebrews find themselves tasked with the added responsibility to forge a pathway that Americans can
then follow, for the Arabists have yet to stop fighting the Crusades. Well just have to deal with the UNs
anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism later-on; even Putin is secondary [despite the fact that Russian
Strategic Bombers Conducted More Than 16 Incursions of U.S. Air Defense Zones], although admitting
the Ukraine into NATO [swapping-out Turkey?] remains urgent [as America were finally to arm Kiev].
Some fear its already too late to stop the Islamist juggernaut, but hope springs eternal.

Consider the wisdom that informs the following short-short story:

The Israelis and Arabs realized that, if they continued fighting, they would someday end
up destroying the whole world. So they decided to settle their dispute with an ancient
practice: a duel of two, like David and Goliath.

This "duel" would be a dog fight.

The negotiators agreed each side would take 5 years to develop the best fighting dog
they could. The dog that won the fight would earn its people the right to rule the
disputed areas. The losing side would have to... lay down its arms for good.

The Arabs found the biggest, meanest Dobermans and Rottweilers in the world. They
bred them together and then crossed their offspring with the meanest Siberian wolves.
They selected only the biggest, strongest puppy of each litter, fed it the best food and

killed all the other puppies. They used steroids and trainers in their quest for the perfect
killing machine. After the 5 years were up, they had a dog that needed steel prison bars
on its cage. Only expert trainers could handle this incredibly nasty and ferocious beast.

When the day of the big dog-fight finally arrived, the Israelis showed up with a very
strange-looking animal, a Dachshund that was 10 feet long! Everyone at the dogfight
arena felt sorry for the Israelis. No one there seriously thought this weird, odd-looking
animal stood any chance against the growling beast over in the Arab camp. All the
bookies took one look and predicted that the Arab dog would win in less than a minute.

As the cages were opened, the Dachshund slowly waddled toward the center of the
ring. The Arab dog leaped from its cage and charged the giant wiener-dog.

As he got to within an inch of the Israeli dog, the Dachshund opened its jaws and
swallowed the Arab beast whole in one bite. There was nothing left but a small puff of
fur from the Arab killer dog's tail floating to the ground.

The stunned crowd of international observers, bookies and media personnel let out a
collective gasp of disbelief and surprise.

The Arabs approached the Israelis, muttering and shaking their heads in disbelief. "We
do not understand," said their leader, "Our top scientists and breeders worked for 5
long years with the meanest, biggest Dobermans, Rottweilers and Siberian wolves, and
they developed an incredible killing machine of a dog!"

The Israelis replied. "Well, for 5 years, we have had a team of Jewish plastic surgeons
from Boca Raton working to make an alligator look like a Dachshund.

If you dont laugh, you cry.


Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 5:24 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXVIII [Kurdistan, Mandatory-Holocaust-Education, e-cigs, Rand-Paul]

BHO has so screwed-up Foreign Policy that he remains intransigent; he will only protect the Kurds if Erbil
is attacked. Having written about this issue for more than a half-decade [with Dr. Sherkoh Abbas], it is
astounding that he can continue to prioritize his ideological baseto the detriment of national security.

Recall that the most-recent essay [America Must Recognize Kurdistan] was the
culmination of others [starting with The Road To Iran Runs Through Kurdistan And
Starts In Syria that appeared on multiple platforms and were reprinted, continuing with
The Kurds can lead a reborn Syria, at peace with all of her neighbors]. They served as
the culmination of strenuous lobbying efforts [e.g., remitted to Rep. Royces staff while
Sherkoh was in D.C., hoping hed be interviewed+. Having been on-the-job-trained to
help disseminate this urgent message, feeling validated doesnt supplant emptiness of
ongoing worriment that BHO still doesnt get it.

Perhaps a recipient of this e-mail [such as Dems who lock-step support him] might finally experience an
attitudinal-readjustment, if for no other reason than to preserve self-interest. All the senate-punditry
will have to be recalculated in favor of the GOP in light of BHOs melt-down [e.g., NC SENATE: REPUB.
TILLIS SHOWS MOMENTUM AGAINST KAY HAGAN and WSJ/NBC Poll: In the 12 states with competitive
Senate elections, Obama's disapproval rating is at 58%]; the only caveat is awareness that the media still
try to equate disapproval of Congress *despite the Senates being Dem-controlled] to deflect attention
from BHOs failures *a point documented by Rush and OReilly+. Indeed, even before the recent events,
he was shell-shocked, and he must have silently contrasted the somber environment of that speech
[answering no questions] with the party for the African-leaders that he had hosted only one night prior
in that same dining-room [Obamas monsters ball: How the White House opened its doors to some of
Africas most evil dictators and homophobes and turned a blind eye to their human rights records ].

If that guy DARES to go on Vay-Kay.

Each story is sadder than its predecessor
9 Obama Foreign Policy Pronouncements That Now Look Especially Idiotic
200,000 Flee Northern Iraq Overnight as ISIS Overtakes Largest Christian Stronghold
Speeches and Protest Marches are Good for Nothing Says Iraqi Christian Leader
Obama Weighing Air Strikes Against ISIS, Humanitarian Aid for Iraq's Religious Minorities
White House: 'No Military Solution' to Crisis in Iraq
Never mind Gaza: What About the Yezidis?
U.N. Rescued Some of Iraq's Yazidis Who Have Been Stranded In the Mountains After Fleeing
ISIS Captures Largest Christian City in Iraq
Pulls down church crosses
Pope calls for action

Jets, explosions reported near Islamic State lines
Largest Dam Seized, Stoking Panic
"White Shrouds" Mobilize Against ISIS in Syria
as Islamism spreads
Boko Haram-Linked Militants Kill 10 in Northern Cameroon
and the media remain clueless
CNN Host Continues To Speak Out For Nice Guys in Iran
as the region disintegrates
US Pullout of Afghanistan May Lead to Lack of Electricity, Ensuing Taliban Power Grab
and Russia/China take advantage of BHOs ineptness
Russia Appears poised to Invade Ukraine, Threatening War
Russians mock Obama with banana birthday message...Video

China to build lighthouses on five isles in defiance of USA

In many respects, everything else pales in comparison: PSU is again in-the-news [NCAA
on-the-radio quoting a recent news-article to Dick Morris, so as to disabuse him of
worriment regarding the health effects of e-cigs [The E-Cigarette Gateway Myth]; and
WAS AT CENTER OF RACE-BAITING IN MS [buttressing efforts of McDaniel (vs. Thune)].

Also, it seems Hamas is intransigent [perhaps feeling emboldened by events in Iraq]:
Israelis Unhappy to See World-Class Military Surprised Again
Cairo Truce Talks Could Radically Reshuffle Hamas Deck
EU Powers Propose Gaza Reconstruction in Exchange for Hamas Disarmament
How Israel Sees the Aftermath of the Gaza War - Israel reiterated that Hamas' intransigence has cost it
dearly. It achieved after 1,800 dead in Gaza what it could have achieved after 200 dead. Defense officials
say Israel's insistence on the Egyptian channel has proved itself. The U.S. has stopped flirting with the
Qatari plan, and the clash between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Secretary of State Kerry has
prevented Washington from imposing an American diktat. Jerusalem has avoided an agreement that
wouldn't have let the army destroy all the tunnels. Israeli officials realize that no international force is
going to be stationed in Gaza to collect the rockets from Hamas storehouses, a was done with Syria's
chemical weapons. But they do plan for security coordination with Egypt to prevent the resumption of
weapons smuggling through the tunnels, and to take more care inspecting incoming materials that could
be used to make weapons. Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman, the head of Southern Command, said that, in any
agreement, Israel has to demand the right to deal with new tunnels, even if that means a raid inside
Israel Might Have Won; Hamas Certainly Lost
Hamas leader at Gaza rally: War not over yet
Hamas: Israel Must Lift Gaza Blockade or War Will Continue
Hamas Says Gaza War not Over Until Demands Met
Bummer for NY Mag: Israel Arrested Hamas Operative for Kidnapping and Murder of 3 Israeli Teens
weeks ago.
UK MP George Galloway Declares Town Of Bradford 'Israel Free Zone'


The sophistication, scope and nature of the offensive tunnel network is being copied by
Mexico-based Hezbollah agents along the Southern US border; tunnels in Southern
Lebanon, as in South US, are significantly more difficult to detect than those in the
sandy terrain of the Gaza Strip.

I heavily-critiqued the article regarding Mandatory Holocaust Education in the Jewish Exponent:

This piece is faulty for reasons that contravene the input of Ms. Goldman [who had
complained the piece didnt focus sufficiently on the survivors+, for she incompletely
cited the comments of State Senator John Rafferty; he explicitly told the ~100 attendees
that he received his enlightenment [flipping from ambivalence to leading-the-charge]
after a conversation with myself on the evening of December 4, 2013.

Specifically, I disabused him of the LIE that had been disseminated by Mr. Hank Butler,
the lobbyist for the PA Jewish Coalition, namely, that the effort to MANDATE Holocaust
Education would thrust an "unfunded mandate" upon government; this level of deceit
had been conjured to undermine the GOP's potential support, knowing the philosophy
of limited government that pervades Republican philosophy.

This piece is also faulty [including a typo of the word "Democratic"] because the lede
constitutes a cover-up; my presence @ this event was explicitly excluded by Ms. Robin
Schatz [during a conversation with Rep. Mike Vereb, who was explicitly aware of my
deep involvement in reaching the final law]. Thus, the self-congratulatory nature of this
"private" event was palpable throughout [according to what I was told by two
attendees], despite the fact that--absent our input, there would not have been enacted
the delayed-mandate component of the legislation.

In prior comments on this website, I detailed the blow-by-blow of what transpired,
much of which is recalled in the below-prcis; essentially, we "diagnosed" precisely and
"treated" effectively the impediments created by Mr. Butler and Ms. Schatz [both in
Harrisburg and in Philly], a tenacious process that consumed untold energies. The
bottom-line, here, is that the juvenile nature of the behavior of the Philly-Federation
[because it wants to "own" the outcome via historical revisionism] stands exposed.

Illustrative of how petty the organizers of this event revealed themselves to be,
notwithstanding the claim that "healing" had occurred, neither of my colleagues in this
effort which successfully overcame the Fedration [Ms. Fink-Whitman and Mr. Feldman]
was invited to provide remarks; thus, the way I was treated was symptomatic of the
elitism evinced by the Federation leadership, a posture that surely requires an

In recompense for having been excluded from attending this event, I will receive a gold-
embossed framed-copy of the originally-signed bill [c/o the Governor's Office, which
was powerless to contravene the actions of Ms. Schatz]; I suppose this will satirize the
charade being lionized in this piece; perhaps, someday, the "Exponent" will transcend its
role of being solely a Federation-booster, trashing journalistic standards in the process.

Issues related to the Illegals continue to fester:

Biden On Unaccompanied Minors: 'These Are Not Somebody Else's Kids, These Are Our
Biden Casts Americans as Adoptive Parents for Illegal Immigrants: 'These Are Our Kids'
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow urged President Barack Obama not to
grant temporary amnesty and work permits to millions more illegal immigrants via
executive action, asserting Obama's timing could not be any worse for American
workers, especially black Americans.
Poll: 63% Believe Illegals Burden US Economy; 70% Say Threaten US 'Beliefs & Customs'
Immigration Official Arrested for Illegally Bringing Immigrant from Ghana into U.S.
National Review: Jeff Sessions 'Worst Enemy' of 'Masters of the Universe' Amnesty
Washington Post: Obama Doesn't Have Right 'to Tear Up Constitution' for Exec Amnesty
Border Agent: Our Government Is Knowingly Releasing Murderers into America
Individuals and families immigrating to the U.S. legally are required to pay for and
undergo medical examinations by approved physicians; those who are deemed as
having "inadmissible health-related conditions" are not allowed into the country. But
the same standards are not applied to illegal immigrants, many of whom remain in the
U.S. despite testing positive for diseases that would prevent law-abiding migrants from
entering the country.
DOJ: Regions Near Mexico Border Most Crime Ridden in US
Illegal Aliens Tied to Border Patrol Agent Shooting Had Been Deported Several Times
Obama Has Failed on Immigration

Rand Paul is being targeted by DEMS, and OReilly Went After Rand Paul for Dodge on Israel Position;
the upcoming N.Y. Times Sunday Magazine will probe his prospects:

MAJOR THREAT: Rand Paul and the libertarians could win young voters for the G.O.P. - if
the party doesn't stop them ... Has the 'libertarian moment' finally arrived?" by Robert
Draper, a contributing writer for the magazine who's working on a book about race and
murder in Washington: "Last month I dropped by the Russell Senate Office Building to
talk to Paul about his libertarian-Republican tightrope walk. Paul, 51 and a native Texan,
possesses a supple mind and is a preternaturally confident speaker for someone who
has held office for only four years. ... Paul made a point of characterizing libertarianism
as being 'moderate' 'rather than liberal on social issues. Movement leaders would likely
object, but Paul's preoccupation is with swaying the center-right. 'The party can't
become the opposite of what it is,' he told me.

"'If you tell people from Alabama, Mississippi or Georgia, "You know what, guys, we've
been wrong, and we're gonna be the pro-gay-marriage party," they're either gonna stay
home or - I mean, many of these people joined the Republican Party because of these
social issues. So I don't think we can completely flip. But can we become, to use the
overused term, a bigger tent? I think we can and can agree to disagree on a lot of these
issues. I think the party will evolve. It'll either continue to lose, or it'll become a bigger
place where there's a mixture of opinions.'


"In effect, Paul was saying that the way for Republicans to win was to become more
libertarian - though only up to a point. ... Paul reminded me that he worked on his
father's 1988 Libertarian Party presidential campaign and felt a great deal of sympathy
for anyone trying to take on the major parties. ... But later, with an irritated edge to his
voice, Paul added: 'Some people are purists, and I get grief all the time - all these
libertarian websites hating on me because I'm not as pure as my dad."

Politically, BHOs cover-ups continue [DELETED: Obamacare Emails Sought By Congress and Issa said
More Than 20 Officials Have 'Lost or Destroyed' Evidence After Probes Launched]; perhaps this pattern
of corruption is what prompted JEFF BRIDGES to say AMERICANS MUST BE ENGAGED TO AVOID a
TOTALITARIAN STATE. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin continues to garner attention appropriately [Sarah Palin
Gives Conservative Response to Elizabeth Warren's Progressive Commandments and Sarah Palin: Help
Americans in Poverty Instead of Welcoming Illegals]. Regarding Education, Berkeley Math Professor
Ratner: Common Core 'Will Move U.S. Closer to Bottom in International Ranking'; regarding gun-control,
an Army Veteran was Shot and Killed While Riding a Bike in Chicago.

One hopes America will survive until 1/20/2017.


Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 5:18 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXIX [BHO's-Doctrine, Media, Kurdistan]

The theme here is to present the three ongoing-concerns that are being tracked, and then to provide
info that may have been overlooked regarding domestic/foreign affairs; input/critique is again invited.
The three personal-projects that pend are [1]creation of a statewide chapter of Log Cabin Republicans
[inviting the LGBTQ community into the GOP by emphasizing core principles]; [2]attempting to help
Alessio Lerro recant his anti-Semitic/anti-Zionist comments by leveraging Temple U. leadership; and
[3]ensuring implementation of the Holocaust Education [Delayed-]Mandate captures the key facets of
the envisioned Unit [Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violations]. Other personal-concerns that
are finally reaching the consciousness-level of others [particularly in the media] include the dire need for
America to help the Kurds, the importance of coalescing behind Cruz/Walker as the GOPs ticket in 16;
and the festering of ObamaDontCare. Other issues are cited as updates of previously-drawn policies.
WRONG WITH IT: Obama Talked to Thomas L. Friedman About Iraq, Putin and Israel}.

Disclaimers: Dire political implications abound for Dems [Daily Beast: Even Hawaii Hates
Obama Now; Dems Cursed With Flawed Candidates; SINGLE WOMEN, MILLENNIALS,
Fundraising Plans+. The GOPs fate after the contested primaries has been themed as
having constituted a defeat for conservatives, although Incumbents Shouldn't Feel Safe;
They might still be defeating their challengers, but the margins are slipping. One piece
prompted considerable personal blogging [Washington Post: Tea Party Power Not
Fading, Even After Primary Losses] themed on the need to prioritize defeat of Dems.

The need, first, is to discuss the subtleties of media-bias, citing the two stories aired on CNN [before and
after 8 a.m.+ to illustrate how the debate is framed in a faulty fashion; perhaps the videos will appear
on the website, but the essence of what was conveyed was, sadly, too-obvious. The first story cited the
fact that US-vets of the Iraq war were either upset that America couldnt have done more, or regretful
that America had become involved [with the one interviewed-soldier espousing this latter position].
Amazingly *or perhaps not so Amazingly+, no citation was provided of what must be the most obvious
concern of the vets, namely, that their labors/losses appear to have been squandered [Iraq & Vietnam:
Democrats Lose Won Wars; Holocaust to Follow, recalling inter alia the Cooper-Church Amendment].
The second story headlined the resumption of the Gaza-bombing in the typical faux-egalitarian fashion,
absent any reference to the fact that the cease-fire was admittedly broken by Hamas [Hamas: Israel
Must Lift Gaza Blockade or War Will Continue; Hamas Broke Cease Fire by Sending Rockets Into Israel
Again and Fighting Resumed; Hamas Is at War with Egypt More Than Israel; and Media Suddenly
Discovered Hamas War Crimes]. One could blame such misconduct on sloppiness [CNN Doesn't Know
Where Hong Kong Is] or ignorance [Anti-Semitism in Australia, Western Nations Reaching Fever Pitch
and The Guardian: Anti-Semitism in Europe Rising to the 'Worst Time Since the Nazis'], but lib-bias is
more likely, sadly [Ben Shapiro Blasted CNN Over Its Anti-Israel Coverage+. They cant rationalize-away
decisions not to cover key-data, for others [CBN] are [Gaza Archbishop: Hamas Fired Rockets from
Church and Shelter]. One story is required-reading, for it encompasses all of Hamass behavior ignored
by the media: New Details Surface in Hamas Murder of IDF Soldier Hadar Goldin. {A punch-line c/o FNC
is that media decide what stories to cover and what stories to cover-up; the latter are usually anti-BHO.}

This phenomenon was also apparent when what should have been an educational
retrospective [legacies of Watergate scandal] was corrupted by an infestation of digs @
contemporary conservatives, prompting this comment: This is a thinly-veiled attack on
the GOP, name-dropping Watergate vignettes and corrupting history in the process; for
example, Clinton was impeached for having lied under oath. The conservatives have
problems [e.g., Ann Coulter], but the libs appear coordinated [1,000-Member Secretive
Progressive Journalist Group Uncovered], well-funded [Leftist Billionaire Tom Steyer Is
Now America's Top Political Donor], and focused on entertainment value instead of
conveying true-conservatism [Palin-Basher Nicolle Wallace is Expected to Co-Host 'The
View,' noting that the former GOP consultant made a name for herself trashing Palin
and other conservatives, particularly on MSNBCs Morning Joe+.

The need, second, is to provide myriad articles. Guns are ubiquitous [2 to face charges after wife shot by
MISTAKE' OF BRINGING GUN INTO NJ; and Jury Rejected Self-Defense and Convicted White Homeowner
in Shooting Death of Black Teen [white Detroit-homeowner Theodore Wafer was found to be "guilty" of
manslaughter and second-degree murder in the shooting death of black, drunken 19-year old Renisha
McBride]. As far as Im concerned, these stories do not support the view that gun-control laws should be
strengthened in contravention of the 2
Amendment. Common Core was hijacked by the lefties,
illustrated by worrisome implementation [CA STATE SENATE PASSES BILL REQUIRING SCHOOLS TO
TEACH ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA], as these advocates are increasingly on the defensive as they admit
to fundamental flaws in what they promulgated [Lead Common Core Math Writers Defend Standards:
'Appropriately Rigorous'+. As far as Im concerned, these stories illustrate why states are increasingly
[wisely] abandoning Common Core involvement. BHOs Scandal-Sheet is exploding, as ongoing-efforts
to overcome abject obstructionism persist [Liberals Not Interested in Benghazi Answers+. As far as Im
concerned, BHOs corruption-revelations promise to be unleashed on multiple levels in September.

Dont forget Putins maneuver *RUSSIA CHASED-AWAY AMERICAN SUB and Russian
bombers increase flights near U.S. airspace], impact [Christians Help Jews in East
Ukraine] and intimidation [Russia Appears poised to Invade Ukraine, Threatening War].

The need, third, is to cite two major glitches in ObamaDontCare. Regarding pending litigation that
would bar subsidies in states without exchanges, GruberGate has been formatted in video *On at least
seven occasions, Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said states had to set up exchanges or subsidies
would stop flowing, threatening the law's effective existence. He now ridicules this position, which he
insists nobody ever believed]. Regarding enrollments [noting that HHS stopped doing monthly
enrollment updates in May], libs [CNBC] lamented the fact that HHS refused to answer key-questions:
[1]The "paid rate," or how many enrollees actually paid for their insurance when they
got their first month's bill, which is required for enrollment to be official; [2]A breakdown of how
many people enrolled with each insurer on; and [3]How many people have signed up
after the close of open enrollment, during the so-called special enrollment period that allows people
who have experienced events like divorce, marriage, a job loss or the birth of a child to buy insurance.

During the past two days, Rush has spent considerable time discussing why BHO felt it
was apt for the US to Deny Nigeria 'Premature' Ebola Drug and to Cut Resources in
Sierra Leone, inasmuch as This Ebola Outbreak Is Different; BHO averred [incorrectly]
they dont want it *rather than, for example, stating the highly-experimental serum

requires more expensive testing before its mass-manufacture and wide-dissemination.
Rush saw this politicization of what should be perceived as a public-health menace as
c/w BHOs elitism *paraphrased Americans merit it, while Africans can just eat bread].

The need, fourth, is to observe the level of logical-inconsistency being evinced regarding Illegals by BHO
[WH Spins: Dismal Approval Rating on Illegal Immigration 'Strengthens' Obama's Hand on Exec Amnesty]
and the compliant media [MSNBCs Chris Matthews: Obama Issuing Executive Order for Illegals is Like
Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation] to whatever degree it feigns interest [Jim Pinkerton: Liberal Media
Not Concerned with Border Crisis]; indeed the BHO is Preparing for Increase in Illegals 'As the Weather
Cools' and shrugs-off its implications [Rwandan Wanted for War Crimes Illegally Crosses U.S. Border].

Senator Ted Cruz has explained why The Obama-Clinton foreign policy is an absolute
failure. Know, also, that the reception from hundreds of attendees was far more
raucous for Cruz than for Perry @ the RedState Gathering, whom RedState founder
Erick Erickson introduced as the leader of the conservative movement in the United
States of America and who got a standing ovation before his speech even started. Cruz
also was later compared to all four Beatles rolled into one, and to one of Americas
Founding Fathers. He even watched as those gathered bowed their heads in prayer for

The need, fifth, is to congeal a few updates on the IS-scourge, all sadly-explanatory:
ISIS, the Caliphate, is Evil Incarnate
White House Defends Obama's 'Kobe Bryant' ISIS-Lakers Analogy
Effort Could Be 'Long-Term'
Blames bad intel for ISIS underestimation
Islamic State Advances Despite Airstrike - During the White House press briefing Friday, Press Secretary
Josh Earnest defended President Obama for suggesting that the Islamic State was simply a JV that was
trying to act like Kobe Bryant.
Rick Perry on ISIS: America Should Be the Hunter, Not the Hunted
Kurdish fighters, routed by better-armed extremists, may get US weapons after years of pleas
New York Times admits that the specter of Benghazi is what drove Obama to action
Daniel Pipes: Jihadist Recruitment of Western Women Will Grow
Analysis: Could Israel be Bombing Islamic State to Save Kurds?
The Obama Doctrine: Pretend to Give a DamnUntil You Don't Have To
Iraq Official: Islamic State Jihadists Hold Hundreds of Yazidi Women
Report Claims Turkey Vowed to 'Do Whatever Falls on its Shoulders' to Help Iraqi Kurds
550 ISIS Jihadists Killed in Mosul
ISIS Threatens to Bring Jihad to White House While Kurds Fight Back Near Erbil
Kurdish fighters, routed by better-armed extremists, may get US weapons after years of pleas
ISIS Advances Towards Kurdish Capital as Peshmerga Make Last Stand
White House: 'No Military Solution' to Crisis in Iraq
If Obama was actually following his own policy, the slaughter in Iraq would have been a front burner
issue for at least six months. We did not need to intervene militarily at first. If we had shown interest in
arming the Kurds and providing maximum support to the Iraqi government we could have prevented
much of the slaughter. But we didnt. Now we have a full blown campaign of ethnic cleansing and
extermination underway in ISIS controlled areas of Iraq. If Obamas foreign policy is anything more
substantial than a photo op for wealthy donors the must act and act decisively.


The United Nations "Human Rights" Council


Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:58 PM
Subject: Action-Items CCXXX [BHO-Interview-with-Tom-Friedman]

It is necessary to annotate the BHO-interview cited yesterday, for it revealed how very wrongheaded
he has been, is, and promises to be; this is whyeven after he dropped two 500-pound bombs on a
tank used by the IShis mindset continues to prompt people to worry if America will survive until
1/20/2015. Simply IDing his deft blame-game approach would ordinarily suffice, but it is also
possible to x-ruff his comments regarding his thinking in one theater to illustrate his faults in others;
he also commits numerous revelatory unforced errors that presume the listener/reader harbors no
independent knowledge-base. One must conclude that he assumes his departure on vacation will
somehow blunt reaction to his posturing, but thats why its vital to disseminate awareness of his
ideologically-driven misconceptions, for he can run, but he cannot hide from truth-tellers; if he has
begun to let adults in the room guide actions in Erbil, then hope-springs eternal that he will
entertain the urgent need to contravene everything he has been saying/doing in foreign policy [and,
ultimately, domestic policy as comparable proof of its preconceived fallacies and abject corruption
emerge] by whatever mechanisms, shrouded within whatever rationalizations [since 1/20/2009].

He refused to accept a premise that good can vanquish, instead dramatizing the rift
with BB that initially had been vigorously denied by his acolytes *friends can disagree+
but that continues haunting those who fear for Israels survival; further, he ignored
Putins aggressiveness, instead intransigently ascribing current problems to the actions
of others he was, alas, helpless to affect [starkly manifesting The Limbaugh Theorem,
namely, that hes a D.C. spectator and, thus, cannot be tagged by flawed outcomes+.
These quotes recall explanations by his Press-Flack [Josh Earnest] that, for example,
claim his having again been surprised by the IS-blitzkrieg was due to faulty intelligence;
that he defends the people [Brennan and Crapper] and the policies [deleting from the
lexicon both Islamism and Islamic terrorism+ portends ongoing adherence to the
prior errors that led to the current crises [causing people to become unnerved with the
prospect of the creation of a base from which a worldwide caliphate can be sought].

BHO revealed himself to be dangerous, ignoring American Exceptionalism to such a radical degree
that he would choose to risk its demise [along with the countrys] rather than challenge the veracity of
his ideology; one wonders if he plans to leverage any future domestic violence [such as @ malls] as an
opportunity to declare Martial Law [perhaps serving as this years imperialist October Surprise].

President Obamas hair is definitely grayer these days, and no doubt trying to manage foreign policy in a
world of increasing disorder accounts for at least half of those gray hairs. (The Tea Party can claim the
other half.) But having had a chance to spend an hour touring the horizon with him in the White House
Map Room late Friday afternoon, its clear that the president has a take on the world, born of many
lessons over the last six years, and he has feisty answers for all his foreign policy critics.

Perhaps the absence of humility despite so many unambiguous setbacks should be the
takeaway message; it seems hell continue to base his policies on disproven paradigms.

Obama made clear that he is only going to involve America more deeply in places like the Middle East to
the extent that the different communities there agree to an inclusive politics of no victor/no

vanquished. The United States is not going to be the air force of Iraqi Shiites or any other faction.
Despite Western sanctions, he cautioned, President Vladimir Putin of Russia could invade Ukraine at
any time, and, if he does, trying to find our way back to a cooperative functioning relationship with
Russia during the remainder of my term will be much more difficult. Intervening in Libya to prevent a
massacre was the right thing to do, Obama argued, but doing it without sufficient follow-up on the
ground to manage Libyas transition to more democratic politics is probably his biggest foreign policy

BHO refuses to accept the premise [validated inter alia when the Nazis were defeated]
that good must seek victory by vanquishing evil; his egalitarian approach thereby
relegates the Iraqi government to the status of a faction, trashing the blood/treasure
of Americans [initiated under Bush-43+ and blinding himself to formulating an outcome
that may deviate from his adamantly held belief-system. Such posturing prompts him to
forget [conveniently] that Putin has ALREADY invaded [and annexed part of] the Ukraine
[the Crimean Peninsula], so that prospect of dire consequences he avers [no business-
as-usual during the rest of his term] should long ago have been implemented; in the
process, he evades stating what he might do to PRECLUDE such an unjustifiable invasion
[e.g., endorsing NATO membership or instituting the Czech/Polish anti-missile system].
When he confesses not to have followed-up the removal of Gaddafi, he contradicts his
fervent attack on Bush-43 regarding nation-building; he apparently feels compelled to
act-out his abhorrence of the GOP [forgetting he was left stability in Iraq/Afghanistan],
thereby presaging another throwing-up-ones-arms reaction if/when Kabul falls.

At the end of the day, the president mused, the biggest threat to America the only force that can
really weaken us is us. We have so many things going for us right now as a country from new
energy resources to innovation to a growing economy but, he said, we will never realize our full
potential unless our two parties adopt the same outlook that were asking of Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds
or Israelis and Palestinians: No victor, no vanquished and work together.

He satirizes his I have a pen and a telephone absolutist posturing *ignoring the GOP+
when claiming its necessary for domestic cooperation to antedate achieving a positive
foreign policy; this exemplifies why the two are not mutually exclusive and, thus, why
global-failure reflects domestic-failure [for both are based upon a flawed mindset].
Culpability is not shared by the GOP, proven by recalling that Rush was vilified by Rs in
1/2009 when he expressed the hope that BHO wouldnt succeed; that ObamaDontCare
contains none of the GOPs ideas *remembering how BHO beat-up the Rs who were @
a daylong square-table discussion, when he muttered to McCain elections have
consequences+; and that mainstream Rs STILL give him the benefit-of-the-doubt
[recalling how Boehner has been and is constantly criticized for capitulating to BHO].

Our politics are dysfunctional, said the president, and we should heed the terrible divisions in the
Middle East as a warning to us: societies dont work if political factions take maximalist positions. And
the more diverse the country is, the less it can afford to take maximalist positions.

He projects upon others the major fault in his behavior, recalling his promise to heal.

While he blamed the rise of the Republican far right for extinguishing so many potential compromises,
Obama also acknowledged that gerrymandering, the Balkanization of the news media and uncontrolled

money in politics the guts of our political system today are sapping our ability to face big
challenges together, more than any foreign enemy. Increasingly politicians are rewarded for taking the
most extreme maximalist positions, he said, and sooner or later, that catches up with you.

He squelched compromise *and any effort to ID common ground+ and, fortunately,
now suffers the results of redistricting born of the state-level gains by the GOP in 10.
Furthermore, media are split because of the growth of alternatives to those who would
parrot libs [who, as regularly documented, behave aberrantly constantly because they
would confess the end justifies the means+. He again predicts what many hope will
become his personal fate, for he essentially laments inability to unify post-divisiveness.
Of course, its all the fault of the Republicans, sez he, as he avoids dealing with big issues
*while golfing+; he assiduously followed from behind throughout the past 5 years.

I began by asking whether if former Secretary of State Dean Acheson was present at the creation of
the post-World War II order, as he once wrote, did Obama feel present at the disintegration?

This serves as an overall indictment of BHOs worldview, for the global conflagrations
were avoidable; one sincerely hopes that he didnt wish these problems upon America,
recalling his anti-colonialism [as thoroughly documented inter alia by Dinesh DSouza+.

First of all, I think you cant generalize across the globe because there are a bunch of places where
good news keeps coming. Look at Asia, he said, countries like Indonesia, and many countries in Latin
America, like Chile. But I do believe, he added, that what were seeing in the Middle East and parts of
North Africa is an order that dates back to World War I starting to buckle.

Perhaps the absence of humility despite so many unambiguous setbacks should be the
takeaway message; it seems hell continue to base his policies on disproven paradigms.

But wouldnt things be better had we armed the secular Syrian rebels early or kept U.S. troops in Iraq?
The fact is, said the president, in Iraq a residual U.S. troop presence would never have been needed had
the Shiite majority there not squandered an opportunity to share power with Sunnis and Kurds. Had
the Shia majority seized the opportunity to reach out to the Sunnis and the Kurds in a more effective
way, [and not] passed legislation like de-Baathification, no outside troops would have been necessary.
Absent their will to do that, our troops sooner or later would have been caught in the crossfire, he

This sense of inevitability is countered by noting South Korea; there was no reason for a
hasty withdrawal, for it takes time for people to learn how to function democratically;
also, he witnessed what he decried [Iraq not reaching-out] without reacting accordingly,
for he must have recognized the fact that Iran was filling the vacuum hed left in Iraq.
Again, the Limbaugh Theory is manifest, for he externalizes his culpability by trying to
engage in punditry; he lost sway over al-Malaki after he withdrew all American troops.
{This point was made on CNN to Fareed Zakariawithout discussion of its importas
he spoke with experts @ 9 a.m. today during his Global Public Square pontification.-

With respect to Syria, said the president, the notion that arming the rebels would have made a
difference has always been a fantasy. This idea that we could provide some light arms or even more
sophisticated arms to what was essentially an opposition made up of former doctors, farmers,

pharmacists and so forth, and that they were going to be able to battle not only a well-armed state but
also a well-armed state backed by Russia, backed by Iran, a battle-hardened Hezbollah, that was never in
the cards.

Again, retroactive projection of negativity is to supplant any notion that he had a plan;
if indeed he saw this as the state-of-affairs, he remained inert for years rather than
attempting to ameliorate the humanitarian crisis. All along, he proclaimed he was
lending support to the rebels [even, allegedly, by relocating Libyan arms @ Benghazi],
thereby behaviorally having undermined what he now claims to have been his views.
The opposition obviously needed help, and the proper opposition [Kurds] STILL lacks
American support; this concept was screamed from the mountaintops by myself [and
others] during the past five-plus years, but Dr. Sherkoh Abbas reported our exhortations
fell upon deaf ears in D.C. Remember, this is the guy who predicted Assad wouldnt
survive this war [amplified by comparable projections by Hillary], and BHO is the guy
who created and then ignored a red line regarding WMD *ceding control to Putin+.

Even now, the president said, the administration has difficulty finding, training and arming a sufficient
cadre of secular Syrian rebels: Theres not as much capacity as you would hope.

If this be the case, then he has yet to explain *because he wasnt asked by lib-Tom] why
he continues to ignore the profound needs of the Kurds; even if they dont comply with
his desire for obeisance to Baghdad [justifiably, he would be forced to admit], he does
not want them to be independent [as manifest by his not having given them arms
directly, either in Iraq or in Syria]. This constitutes still another retroactive admission
that he had no clue as to what should be done during past years of strive/turmoil.

The broader point we need to stay focused on, he added, is what we have is a disaffected Sunni
minority in the case of Iraq, a majority in the case of Syria, stretching from essentially Baghdad to
Damascus. ... Unless we can give them a formula that speaks to the aspirations of that population, we
are inevitably going to have problems. ... Unfortunately, there was a period of time where the Shia
majority in Iraq didnt fully understand that. Theyre starting to understand it now. Unfortunately, we
still have ISIL [the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant], which has, I think, very little appeal to ordinary
Sunnis. But theyre filling a vacuum, and the question for us has to be not simply how we counteract
them militarily but how are we going to speak to a Sunni majority in that area ... that, right now, is
detached from the global economy.

Even if he has framed the key-question correctly, he neglects to provide an approach
towards answering it; again, hes a commentator rather than a leader [devoid of a
strategy] who cannot admit who created the vacuum he now laments. Actually, he has
validated the need for a military reaction [albeit not in isolation], but neglects to
articulate a cogent plan [with goals, exit strategies, etc.] as he accused Bush-43 of
having failed to do [despite the fact that his predecessor did so, even with regard to the
surge, and accomplished precisely what he had wanted to do [until 1/20/2009].

Is Iran being helpful? I think what the Iranians have done, said the president, is to finally realize that a
maximalist position by the Shias inside of Iraq is, over the long term, going to fail. And thats, by the way,
a broader lesson for every country: You want 100 percent, and the notion that the winner really does
take all, all the spoils. Sooner or later that governments going to break down.

He is so incorrect, for he ignores recognizing the fact that Iran has gained hegemony
over Iraq and, thus, has sway to function in whatever fashion its military desires [both in
Iraq and in Syria+; its absolutism may very well emerge dominant in the region, and his
dire sooner or later prediction will prove as correct as have its predecessors regarding
Assad and Ahmadinejad+; he cant even acknowledge Irans opposition to ISIS/ISIL/IS is
[for the moment] shared by America [assuming it is, which itself is belied by his acts].

The only states doing well, like Tunisia, Ive argued, have done so because their factions adopted the
principle of no victor, no vanquished. Once they did, they didnt need outside help.

This new principle of no victor, no vanquished contradicts all of history and any view
of American Exceptionalism; more than squelching Americas history of rescuing others
[modeling worldwide goodness], he attempts to be egalitarian when facing abject evil.

We cannot do for them what they are unwilling to do for themselves, said the president of the
factions in Iraq. Our military is so capable, that if we put everything we have into it, we can keep a lid
on a problem for a time. But for a society to function long term, the people themselves have to make
decisions about how they are going to live together, how they are going to accommodate each others
interests, how they are going to compromise. When it comes to things like corruption, the people and
their leaders have to hold themselves accountable for changing those cultures....We can help them and
partner with them every step of the way. But we cant do it for them.

We should only hope that the society can reach a long-term status; again, this sense
of negative-inevitability is manifest, precluding the ability to have prophylaxed when
facing such genocide as IS is promulgating. He covertly blames Iraqi corruption for the
fate befalling the country, again, neglecting to cite his complicity in allowing it to have
developed [to whatever degree it actually matters when noting the IS-led brutality].

So, I asked, explain your decision to use military force to protect the refugees from ISIL (which is also
known as ISIS) and Kurdistan, which is an island of real decency in Iraq?

This is the wrong question, for lib-Tom didnt ask him why he continued to withhold any
armaments from the Kurds [remembering that, as of Friday-p.m., none had been given];
also, he failed to inquire when did the realization finally set-in that Kurdistan was such a
positive force in the region, or is BHO still reticent to admit this [and, thereby, undercut
his prior stand-off-ish-ness]. And he failed to ask why BHO hadnt bombed columns of
IS-terrorists as they conducted their blitzkrieg across Iraq during recent months.

When you have a unique circumstance in which genocide is threatened, and a country is willing to have
us in there, you have a strong international consensus that these people need to be protected and we
have a capacity to do so, then we have an obligation to do so, said the president. But given the island of
decency the Kurds have built, we also have to ask, he added, not just how do we push back on ISIL, but
also how do we preserve the space for the best impulses inside of Iraq, that very much is on my mind,
that has been on my mind throughout.

Instead of creating a rescue-corridor for Yazidis, he should have aspired to help them
return to their homesby military force, if necessary; its grossly insufficient to claim

that such concerns are on my mind when he continues pondering *fiddling+ while the
region [Rome] erupts [burns]. He should be pushing-back on the IS until it is defeated,
for a subsequent determination can be made as to whether/how Iraq survives. [Thus,
his call for Baghdad reform should not be maintained as the antecedent for support,
posturing that he has maintained and Zakarias expert-guest has endorsed.]

I do think the Kurds used that time that was given by our troop sacrifices in Iraq, Obama added. They
used that time well, and the Kurdish region is functional the way we would like to see. It is tolerant of
other sects and other religions in a way that we would like to see elsewhere. So we do think its
important to make sure that that space is protected, but, more broadly, what Ive indicated is that I
dont want to be in the business of being the Iraqi air force. I dont want to get in the business for that
matter of being the Kurdish air force, in the absence of a commitment of the people on the ground to
get their act together and do whats necessary politically to start protecting themselves and to push
back against ISIL.

After just having acknowledged that the Kurds have indeed met his prerequisite that
there be a commitment on the ground, he STILL hasnt helped the Kurds; remember
that the Kurds hadnt asked him to function as their Air Force because the basic need
for armaments [and not just food-rations, as BHO graciously gave the Ukrainians] was
obviously transcendent. And if hes solely talking to Baghdad, then he stubbornly is
adhering to a policy that precludes supporting an entity that he has just praised.

The reason, the president added, that we did not just start taking a bunch of airstrikes all across Iraq as
soon as ISIL came in was because that would have taken the pressure off of [Prime Minister Nuri Kamal]
al-Maliki. That only would have encouraged, he said, Maliki and other Shiites to think: " We dont
actually have to make compromises. We dont have to make any decisions. We dont have to go through
the difficult process of figuring out what weve done wrong in the past. All we have to do is let the
Americans bail us out again. And we can go about business as usual.

His private frustrations have undermined the need to do what was correct; again, noting
that he had been responsible for decreasing American influence over Baghdad, he was
now lamenting the inability of Baghdad to do what he wanted [regardless of whatever
Iran was dictatingan effort supported by what Baghdad needed militarily+.

The president said that what he is telling every faction in Iraq is: We will be your partners, but we are
not going to do it for you. Were not sending a bunch of U.S. troops back on the ground to keep a lid on
things. Youre going to have to show us that you are willing and ready to try and maintain a unified Iraqi
government that is based on compromise. That you are willing to continue to build a nonsectarian,
functional security force that is answerable to a civilian government. ... We do have a strategic interest
in pushing back ISIL. Were not going to let them create some caliphate through Syria and Iraq, but we
can only do that if we know that weve got partners on the ground who are capable of filling the void. So
if were going to reach out to Sunni tribes, if were going to reach out to local governors and leaders,
theyve got to have some sense that theyre fighting for something. Otherwise, Obama said, We can
run *ISIL+ off for a certain period of time, but as soon as our planes are gone, theyre coming right back

After having drawn another red-line *Were not going to let them create some
caliphate through Syria and Iraq+, he then qualifies it *and, thus, punctures its impact+

by inserting a proviso he had previously acknowledged hadnt been met *we can only
do that if we know that weve got partners on the ground who are capable of filling the
void+. He allows for creation of the dreaded Caliphate that he said he doesnt want.
And he closes with the same self-fulfilling [negative] prophesy, without recognizing the
ability of a long-term presence to sap energy from the enemy he claims to oppose.

I asked the president whether he was worried about Israel.

Again, hes not asked whether hes worried about the Palestinian Arabs *Hamas, etc.+.

It is amazing to see what Israel has become over the last several decades, he answered. To have
scratched out of rock this incredibly vibrant, incredibly successful, wealthy and powerful country is a
testament to the ingenuity, energy and vision of the Jewish people. And because Israel is so capable
militarily, I dont worry about Israels survival. ... I think the question really is how does Israel survive.
And how can you create a State of Israel that maintains its democratic and civic traditions. How can you
preserve a Jewish state that is also reflective of the best values of those who founded Israel. And, in
order to do that, it has consistently been my belief that you have to find a way to live side by side in
peace with Palestinians. ... You have to recognize that they have legitimate claims, and this is their land
and neighborhood as well.

He demonstrates the canyon between his views and those of BB; most Israelis and Jews
are concerned about Israels survival. Instead, hes judgmental and uses this opportunity
to plug the [recently discredited] two-state solution; indeed, BB has already adhered to
this desire, albeit to no avail because the PA *partners allegedly+ has yet to agree that
Israel [as a Jewish state] has any right to exist. Thus, again, he bashes Israel instead of
providing even a gesture of recognition of the cost of this Gazan campaign; he does not
feel it necessary to recognize the need for millions of Israelis to huddle in bomb-shelters
and the loss of ~64 lives and the revelation of the plan for a Rosh Hashanah massacre
and the indiscriminate shelling of Israel and the use of civilians as human shields.

Asked whether he should be more vigorous in pressing Israels prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and
the Palestinian Authoritys president, Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, to reach a land-for-
peace deal, the president said, it has to start with them. Prime Minister Netanyahus poll numbers are a
lot higher than mine and were greatly boosted by the war in Gaza, Obama said. And so if he doesnt
feel some internal pressure, then its hard to see him being able to make some very difficult
compromises, including taking on the settler movement. Thats a tough thing to do. With respect to Abu
Mazen, its a slightly different problem. In some ways, Bibi is too strong *and+ in some ways Abu Mazen
is too weak to bring them together and make the kinds of bold decisions that Sadat or Begin or Rabin
were willing to make. Its going to require leadership among both the Palestinians and the Israelis to
look beyond tomorrow. ... And thats the hardest thing for politicians to do is to take the long view on

This is the most revelatory quote [along with the no-victory vow] in this interview; BHO
laments the fact that BB has felt insufficient internal pressure, as if the failure of
Kerrys gambit rests even partially upon BB *when it is clearper Martin Indykthat it
was Abbas who abandoned the effort after his trip to D.C. and return to Ramalah. Then,
he recalls the settle-movement with disdain, failing to note that it has been frozen since
the Oslo Accords were enacted two decades ago. Next, he laments his view that BB is

too strong and Abbas is too weak as if he would wish these statuses reversed.
Ultimately, he again blames BB for not demonstrating leadership, as he has himself
failed to exhibit in multiple worldwide arenas; such projection is pathological.

Clearly, a lot of the presidents attitudes on Iraq grow out the turmoil unleashed in Libya by NATOs
decision to topple Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, but not organize any sufficient international follow-on
assistance on the ground to help them build institutions. Whether it is getting back into Iraq or newly
into Syria, the question that Obama keeps coming back to is: Do I have the partners local and/or
international to make any improvements we engineer self-sustaining?

Any time someone writes clearly, it aint so clear; here BHOs attitude regarding Iraq is
predicated on abhorring any suggestion that he emulate anything done by Bush-43.
Indeed, he is forced to admit that he failed to follow-through in Libya, precisely the
charge BHO leveled [unfairly, incorrectly] @ Bush-43 *for not having an exit-plan].
Amazingly, he uses a phrase that is identical to his core-condemnation of the nation
building by Bush-43 *assistance on the ground to help them build institutions+.

Ill give you an example of a lesson I had to learn that still has ramifications to this day, said Obama.
And that is our participation in the coalition that overthrew Qaddafi in Libya. I absolutely believed that
it was the right thing to do. ... Had we not intervened, its likely that Libya would be Syria. ... And so
there would be more death, more disruption, more destruction. But what is also true is that I think we
*and+ our European partners underestimated the need to come in full force if youre going to do this.
Then its the day after Qaddafi is gone, when everybody is feeling good and everybody is holding up
posters saying, Thank you, America. At that moment, there has to be a much more aggressive effort to
rebuild societies that didnt have any civic traditions. ... So thats a lesson that I now apply every time I
ask the question, Should we intervene, militarily? Do we have an answer *for+ the day after?

The logic of this posture is too-easily punctured; he justifies intervening in Libya to avoid
its becoming Syria, but he has yet to intervene in Syria. Again, hes engaged in what
might be termed on-the-job-training, as if he suddenly discovered the need to have a
cogent plan to rebuild societies after he has bombed them for - year.

{The man is a walking/talking disaster, indicted by his own self-serving self-assessment.}


Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 6:19 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXI [Foreign-Policy, IS, Israel, Log-Cabin-GOP, Judaism]

You are cordially invited to hyperlink into my condemnation of BHOs interview regarding foreign policy
[viewed as An Essay in Impotence; suggestive to CHUCK TODD that OBAMA DOESNT HAVE A DOCTRINE;
felt to 'PUT THE SENATE AT RISK'; typically quoting Obama as blaming Bad Intelligence for ISIS
Underestimation; intransigently citing Obama as Vowing that the US Will Not Be 'Dragged' Into Another
ominously observing Obama Wants a Weaker Israel]; then allow yourself to be cleansed and somewhat-
entertained by a series of photos of Rednecks. Indeed, both require suspension of disbelief *quoting
Hillarys barb against Petraeus+ to let insights germinate, particularly those that may have been
unintended by those who generated the quotes/photos. {Also note that, for the first time, U.S. public
schools will enroll more minority students than non-Hispanic whites next month; that Dartmouth Will
Not Allow a Stalking Victim to Carry a Gun for Self-Defense; and that Josh First feels the Perry Co.
concealed-carry lawsuit lacks firepower.}

What had been envisioned as providing a few corroborative hyperlinks has blossomed
into an extensive review of domestic/foreign policies; for example, it is desirable to vet
cogently the policies promulgated by Log Cabin Republicans: Log Cabin Republicans
Statement on Sen. Susan Collins Support for Marriage Equality [anti-climactic, noting
recent federal court decisions based on last years SCOTUS decision+; Log Cabin
Republicans Endorse GOP Rep. Ellmers Ryan White Patient Equity & Choice Act [seems
to be a no-brainer, for its always desirable to track policy implementation+; and Log
Cabin Republicans Joined GOP Mayors in Support of ENDA [noting that disinterested
critique of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act does not include concern that
people would be viewed as guilty until proven innocent, which was my major concern
regarding the way Human Rights Commissions were envisioned in Abington & MontCo].
Thus, creating a PA-Chapter thereof is of-interest, pending input from Rep. Mike Vereb;
he has been immersed in Harrisburg politics, inasmuch as a LONG AGENDA AWAITS PA
LEGISLATORS AT SESSION'S END, noting these dueling articles [5 things Corbett should
do to win the gov race and 5 things Tom Wolf should do to win the governor's race].

While driving into my office this-a.m., I listened to the libs on CNN/MSNBC rationalize BHOs pacifism by
creating facts [Vietnamese were insufficiently motivated to win, despite the cut-off of American aid;
America has been aiding the Kurds for decades, despite the fact that nothing had been provided as per a
definitive statement this past Friday; bombing can help stop IS but, because bombing cant solve the
problem, its OK that BHO didnt do it, etc.+. ,On the domestic side, per MSNBCs Melissa Harris-Perry,
because SCOTUS-justices have lifetime appointments, they are insensitive to the fact that tenured
school-teachers are still subject to due-process if an effort is promulgated to fire incompetent ones.}
Inane pablum is being fed to innocent viewers of these two cable-stations, consistent with the opinion
of Sharyl Attkisson that Journalism Has 'Gone Backwards' Since Days of Woodward and Bernstein. {This
was themed on the 40
Anniversary of RMNs resignation; Id been a Watergate-freak but, due to BHO,
such affections have been trained upon the current POTUS *who is FAR WORSE in EVERY FASHION.-


A summary of the Sunday Talk-Shows [c/o The Hill] provided the typical R/D-split
regarding how to fight the IS; Dems were reticent [Durbin warned of limited support for
Iraq air strikes and, thus, reticence to escalate; Reed adjudged airstrikes targeting
artillery and communications to be very effective; Cardin mirrored BHOs claim that the
US will not be the 'Iraqi air force' because thats not going to solve the problem] while
Republicans were critical [McCain adjudged targeted airstrikes 'clearly ineffective' and
humanitarian aid 'far from sufficient'; Graham claimed Obama has 'no vision' and that
he is 'ignoring his national security team'; Peter King called for a massive air attack
because 'We should take nothing off the table']. Bridging-the gap but favoring the
Republican call for a more aggressive stance were retired general Carter Ham
[airstrikes were having effects, but that it would be difficult to achieve goals without
ground forces] and former Iraq ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad [the response to ISIS must
be 'Internationalized' because 'This is the moment' for Obama to exercise leadership].
{Also, Lindsey Graham said the American Homeland is the Next ISIS Target and a
Former UK Army Chief averred the West Must Intervene in Iraq.}

These reacted to the fact that thousands of displaced Iraqis escaped an Iraq mountain death trap, after
having been besieged by jihadists while Western powers ramped up efforts to save those still stranded;
three days after Obama ordered warplanes back in the skies over Iraq to avert what he said could be an
impending genocide, France and Britain joined the humanitarian response. The targets were Yazidis,
who mostly live in a cluster of villages near the Iraq-Syria border; they fled on Aug. 3 after hearing that
Islamic State militants were approaching, but they couldn't take the roads because the militants had
seized checkpoints once manned by Kurdish forces. They were among the 50,000 Yazidis that UNICEF
estimated had fled into the mountain chain. They were [belatedly] prescient because Iraq said the
Islamic State killed 500 Yazidis, buried some victims alive [including women and children] and kidnapped
300 women as slaves.

Thousands from Iraq minority fled to Syria. With shocked, sunburnt faces, men, women
and children in dirt-caked clothes limped into a camp for displaced Iraqis, finding safety
after harsh days of hiding on a blazing mountaintop after fleeing from the extremist
Islamic State group. Children who died of thirst were left behind; some exhausted
mothers abandoned living babies, as thousands of Yazidis trekked across a rocky
mountain chain in temperatures over 100 degrees. At least 56 children died in the
mountains. Other Yazidis have settled in refugee camps in Syria; so desperate is their
situation, they have sought safety in a country aflame in a civil war. [The airdrops]
seemed to barely dent the suffering of the Yazidis in the Bajid Kandala camp, for it was
already crammed with 30,000 people, squashed into tents lined over rolling hills.
Nearby, bulldozers were breaking earth to put up new tents. {These data undermine the
Dems who spoke of some success of the airdrops, corroborating the views of the GOP.}

These do not react to the fact that the Islamic State Captured the Largest Dam in Iraq near Mosul, and
too-near Irbil, the Kurdish regional capital; the dam, which sits on the Tigris River, provides electricity to
the city of Mosul and controls the water supply for a large amount of territory. In a statement, the
Islamic State vowed to continue its offensive. "Our Islamic State forces are still fighting in all directions,
and we will not step down until the project of the [Islamic] caliphate is established, with the will of God."
{Also, note that ISIS Moved on Lebanon.}


Another set of pro-BHO rationalizations [including moral equivalency] is inherent in the
claim that "It's hard to know what is left of the humanitarian responsibilities of the
international community. The age of intervention is over, killed in large part by the Iraq
war. But justifiable skepticism about the use of military force seems also to have killed
off the impulse to show solidarity with the helpless victims of atrocities in faraway
places. There's barely any public awareness of the unfolding disaster in northwestern
Iraq. Nothing that either side has done in that terrible conflict [Israel-Gaza] comes close
to the routine brutality of ISIS. [This latter assertion provides The Clearest Sign of Media
Bias in the Gazan Conflict, for it omits Hamas' goal to obliterate Israel; even friendly
media omit this glaring fact routinely, even when reporting Israelis and Palestinian Arabs
just Agreed to [another] 72-Hour Cease-Fire.]

What must be emphasized also is the way Islamism is being quietly
waged in multiple venues, beyond Holocaust Denial [recalling extensive
proof thereof in Hitler's Secret Archive]; for example, Catalonia has
offered Muslims, if they support Independence, a Mega-Mosque [to be
financed by Qatar, yielding the Third-Largest Mosque in the World].

BB said The Battle Against Islamic Militants "Will Soon Come to a Theater Near You"; it is real,
and will spread to other countries if the terrorists are not stopped. "This is a danger I've been
pointing to, it's not a spin, it's not a whim, it is a clinical diagnosis of a pathological movement
that is sweeping our area and it has to be stopped now." BB said the militants are under Iran's
"nuclear umbrella," adding, "If Iran itself can intimidate the U.S. with intercontinental ballistic
missiles carrying nuclear warheads, then we bring history into different threshold altogether."

Here are hot headlines that reflect how urgent these matters have suddenly been recognized to be:

Iraq down; Maliki in armed standoff in Baghdad
Massive security deployment around Baghdad 'green zone' Coup Rumblings in Iraq as PM Announces
Constitutional Complaint Against New President Iraq's embattled Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in a
surprise speech late Sunday, resisted calls for his resignation and accused the country's new president of
violating the constitution, plunging the government into a political crisis at a time it is battling advances
by Islamic State militants.


ISIS: 'We Are the Soldiers of the Caliphate State and We Are Coming'
FNC's Bolling to Jihadists: 'You Want a Holy War? We'll Give You One'
US Airstrikes Rain Down in Iraq, Provide Cover for Kurdish Fighters Battling Islamic State
Fighters ditch other groups to join Islamic State
'Become Muslims by noon today... or we kill all of you'
Militants tweet gruesome images of dead American soldiers
As bombs fall over Iraq, old emotions rise
BLITZ ISIS: Effort Could Be 'Long-Term'

CHENEY: 'Can't Blame George Bush Anymore'
Pope says violence offends God and humanity

Egypt Court Dissolved Muslim Brotherhood's Political Wing
Burned MB books

These Anti-Israel Celebrities Are the WORST
These Pro-Israel Celebrities Are the BEST

Here are Pamela Gellers articles, which dramatize key forces-at-play:
o Hamas savage: Anyone who has a knife, a club, a weapon, or a car, yet does not use it to run
over a Jew or a settler, and does not use it to kill dozens of Zionists, does not belong to
o After moving them there from Baghdad, U.S. now moving some staff out of consulate in Erbil
o Islamic State savages at Dutch-government approved protest scream Death to Jews
o TV Report Shows Islamic Jihad Missile-Launching Pads in Gaza Tunnels
o Non-Muslims Buried Alive: 500 Yazidis killed, buried in mass grave by the Islamic State
o Become Muslims by noon today or we kill all of you
o Muslims Flash Flag of Jihad in Front of White House, Threaten America
o Posters in Rome: Do not buy from Jews!
o Australian Ex-Army Chief: Well fight Islam for 100 years
o Video of UN Camps Showing Children Calling for Jihad
o Obama says it was not his decision to withdraw troops from Iraq
o NY: Jewish man arrested for playing Israeli music outside Brooklyn mosque

The Israel-Gaza conflict has sparked ongoing protests, primarily overseas [HEZBOLLAH & IRAN FLAGS,
but overt anti-Semitism appears to be rampant in America [Rabbi Fatally Shot While Walking to North
Miami Beach Synagogue]; the latter article recounts other local examples of this phenomenon. Thus, it
was timely for The WSJ to Republish an Op-Ed From 1968, for challenges faced by Jews and Israel then
are almost identical to those extant currently [The Jews Are a Peculiar People: Things Permitted to
Other Nations Are Forbidden to the Jews]; it was originally printed by the LA Times in 1968, by a non-
Jewish winner of the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, Eric Hoffer, who wrote of the condition and
treatment of the Jewish people and their struggle to defend Israel after Israels victory in the 1967 War:

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the
Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no
refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a
million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how
many Chinese and no one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel displaced
Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every
single Arab.

Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any
committed by the Nazis.

Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is
victorious, it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real
Christians in this world.


Other nations when they are defeated survive and recover, but should Israel be
defeated it would be destroyed. Had Nasser triumphed last June he would have wiped
Israel off the map and no one would have lifted a finger to save the Jews. No
commitment to the Jews by any government, including our own, is worth the paper it is
written on.

There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or when two
Negroes are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews no one
remonstrated with him. The Swedes, who are ready to break off diplomatic relations
with America because of what we did in Vietnam, did not let out a peep when Hitler was
slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice iron ore and ball bearings, and serviced his
troop trains to Norway.

The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives it will be solely because of Jewish
efforts. And Jewish resources. Yet at this moment Israel is our only reliable and
unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has
only to imagine what would have happened last summer had the Arabs and their
Russian backers won the war to realize how vital the survival of Israel is to American and
the West in general.

I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of
us. Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon us.

While BB carefully takes it day-by-day [as he maintains long-term principles throughout], it is desirable
to recognize the underlying Defense of Zionism that animates him. He challenges his leftie-critics [What
would you do if you were in Israel's shoes and Hamas was kidnapping and murdering teenagers, firing
rockets and mortars, and building tunnels for the commission of mass murder of Israelis during next
month's Jewish Holy Days?] who promulgate predictable peace-plans [Livni Presents Six-Point Plan for
Gaza Ceasefire], as others wonder, generically, What is Going to Become of Gaza? BB must take the
measure of myriad data, such as how Saudi Arabia reacted to this third Gaza War, although it seems that
Gaza Is Not About to Become an Islamic State, because the extreme Salafi-jihadi groups in Gaza exist at
the fringes of Palestinian society. They will find it far more difficult to seize power in the first place,
much less govern if in power, for these groups lack the grassroots political, charitable and social services
that are the backbone of Hamas. Gazan Salafi-jihadis are more concerned with violent methods of
establishing a transnational Islamic state, while Hamas has consciously focused its efforts on creating a
Palestinian state that is Islamist in nature, not a transnational caliphate. So long as Gaza is not left as a
festering wound and a political vacuum, there is no reason for hysterical predictions of an Islamic State
in Gaza. These views contravene those of U.S. Army Lt. General Michael Flynn, director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency, said, "If Hamas were destroyed and gone, we would probably end up with
something much worse." {In my opinion, the IS-movement is so potent that anything could happen.}

The Zionist passion to retain Judea/Samaria is fueled by archaeological discoveries, such
as two announced last week. A Stunning Mosaic was Found at an Ancient [5
B.C.E.] Galilee Synagogue [in the village of Huqoq] by a team headed by Jodi Magness
[professor of Early Judaism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]; it depicts
elephants. The first section of the mosaic floor [found in the summer of 2012] revealed
depictions of Samson setting the Philistine's fields ablaze with the aid of unfortunate
foxes; in 2013, a panel was revealed showing Samson carrying off the gates of Gaza.

Also, a 2,000-Year-Old Trove of Ancient Coins was Found in Israel; rare bronze coins
from the Second Temple period were discovered after pottery shards discovered several
months ago [during construction to widen the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway] prompted
more excavation. "The hoard, which appears to have been buried several months prior
to the fall of Jerusalem, provides a glimpse into the lives of Jews living on the outskirts
of Jerusalem at the end of the rebellion," said Israel Antiquities Authoritys excavation
directors [Pablo Betzer and Eyal Marco]. Inside a buried ceramic box researchers found
114 bronze coins dating to the fourth year of the Great Revolt by the Jews against the
Romans. The discovery was announced on the Ninth of Av, the Hebrew date where Jews
commemorate the destruction of the Second Temple.

Fortunately, BB need not weigh the equally-predictable claim by some Arabs that the War Stoppage
reflected a Hamas Victory Despite Destruction; indeed, they are thrilled that 23 Hamas Militants
Survived Weeks in a Collapsed Tunnel. Of greater import is the fact that the Hamas West Bank Head
was Indicted for Planning a Wave of Terror Attacks; meanwhile, Hamas executed a Former Leader [who
was instrumental in founding the group] for Spying for Egypt. This seems symptomatic of Gazan unrest.

Fortunately, when the question is posed whether the-us can still-be-a-leader-in-the-middle-east,
level-headed analysts conclude that steadfast-support-for-israel-is-the-only-solution, for the
U.S. Must Strongly Affirm Israel's Right of Self-Defense. Unfortunately, American Intervention in
the Gaza Conflict was difficult to understand. Washington acted against its own strategic
interests in prodding Israel to pull back from clubbing Hamas, and in involving Turkey and Qatar
[the lawyers and financiers of Hamas] in the ceasefire negotiations, while snubbing Egypt. The
Obama administration has failed to recognize the emergence, importance and opportunities
presented by an axis of moderate pro-American Middle East states that developed during the
recent crisis. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, many Gulf states (with the exception of Qatar), and
Israel all shared similar interests in this conflict, as did Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority.
They all sought the dramatic weakening of the radical Islamic, Iranian-backed Hamas. Yet
Washington declined to support this emerging bloc. U.S. behavior towards Egypt is worrying.
The Obama administration seems incapable of dealing squarely with Egyptian President Al-Sisi
because he deposed the Muslim Brotherhood government. Perhaps Washington was seized
with the thesis that views the Muslim Brotherhood as a pragmatic actor and a potential ally
against more extreme iterations of Islam. This could also explain the Obama administration's
misperception of the AKP, Turkey's ruling party, which is an offshoot of the Muslim
Brotherhood. Strangely, Obama befriends a rabidly anti-Western and openly anti-Semitic leader.
As a direct result of such machinations, although The Obama administration knew from
Palestinian contacts earlier this week that representatives of Israel, Egypt and the Palestinians
were working on a new cease-fire proposal, it didn't know details because they were left largely
out of the discussions; key American officials said they first heard about the breakthrough from
Twitter and the media, rather than from their Israeli or Egyptian counterparts.

Hamas' Psychological Military Strategies Against Israel is based in invoking The Media; the IDF has found
a Hamas training manual that advises its combatants to use civilian shields. Hamas' war strategy works
like this: 1. Attack Israel's civilians to provoke a counter-attack. 2. Hide behind Palestinian civilians while
forcing them to stay, guaranteeing that the return fire wounds or kills civilians. 3. Encourage Western
news media to play up the civilian suffering. 4. Conjure a firestorm of outrage around the world that
eventually pressures Israel into desisting from counteroffensive measures. The Hamas strategy is win-
win. If the Israelis abort a strike to avoid civilian casualties (as they often do), then Hamas is spared the

blow. If an Israeli strike cause civilian casualties, Hamas has dead babies to parade before the cameras.
Indeed, it matters not that the IDF Fulfilled All Ethical Requirements in Gaza, that IDF Tactics are on Solid
Legal Ground, or that Israel's Conduct in Gaza Is a Model for Other Nations.

In this regard, The UN Handmaiden of Hamas is the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA); it is one of the UN's most
perverse, destructive creations. In Gaza it essentially functions as Hamas' handmaiden.
During the clashes of recent weeks, as Israel sought to stop rocket attacks by Hamas and
to destroy its terror tunnels, UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl publicly
condemned Israel, accusing the Israelis of "serious violation of international law."
Hamas controls UNRWA's staff unions in Gaza, where in 2012 a Hamas-affiliate slate
swept 25 of 27 seats. The 30,000 staff on the payroll are almost all Palestinian. With a
budget topping $1 billion, the agency's welfare programs relieve Hamas of many of the
costs of servicing the enclave it controls as its launchpad for terror. In 2011 the agency
opened an office in Washington run by two former U.S. government insiders: Matthew
Reynolds, previously the State Department's assistant secretary for legislative affairs,
and Chris McGrath, previously a media-events director for Sen. Harry Reid. Thus, U.S.
tax dollars fund UNRWA officials now lobbying in Washington to obtain yet more money
for an agency entwined with the rocket-launching, tunnel-digging rulers of Gaza.

Examination of the Names of Palestinian Arabs Killed in the Gaza War revealed the fact that Half Were
Terrorists, but Hamas has disseminated Phony Statistics on Civilian Deaths [that are swallowed without
question by the lazy media] claiming close to 90% were civilians. Even the New York Times reported that
even a human rights group antagonistic to Israel acknowledged Hamas probably counts among the
"civilians killed by Israel" the following groups: Palestinians killed by Hamas as collaborators; Palestinians
killed through domestic violence; Palestinians killed by errant Hamas rockets or mortars; and
Palestinians who died naturally during the conflict. This partially-explains why the Ministry of the
Interior run by Hamas Warned Gazans not to Divulge Information about Fighters ["resistance"
casualties] Killed in Gaza War because Israel was allegedly collecting all the information and reports
[about casualties] and would use them as evidence to "justify its crimes against [Palestinian] civilians."

The ACCURATE Gaza Numbers Game reveals that 18% of the rockets fired by Hamas
[about 600 rockets] were fired from schools, hospitals, mosques, and cemeteries. 14%
of the rockets fired by Hamas [more than 450 rockets] actually fell inside Gaza. Thus,
before Israel is blamed for every bit of damage done inside Gaza by rocket fire, a
calculation must be made of the damage inflicted by Hamas itself.

Thus, Caution is Needed with Gaza Casualty Figures, for most news organizations have been quoting
Hamas-generated data [from the health ministry] on numbers of Palestinians killed that have been
filtered through the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Israeli attacks have
not been "indiscriminate," as the UN Human Rights Council says, because they have killed three times as
many civilian men as women. IDF Spokesman Capt. Eytan Buchman noted that "when militants are
brought to hospitals, they are brought in civilian clothing, obscuring terrorist affiliations." [He also noted
that, during Operation Cast Lead (in December 2008-January 2009), Hamas and Gaza-based
organizations claimed that only 50 combatants were killed, admitting years later the number was
between 600-700, a figure nearly identical to the figure claimed by the IDF. Thus, it is dangerous to trust
these data because Hamas-approved propaganda figures have proven to be extremely unreliable.


Illustrating the intransigence of the print-media is this pronouncement by the NYT's
Executive Editor regarding use of the word 'Torture'; it is interlaced with anti-Bush
innuendo: "Over the past few months, reporters and editors of The Times have debated
a subject that has come up regularly ever since the world learned of the C.I.A.'s brutal
questioning of terrorism suspects: whether to call the practices torture. When the first
revelations emerged a decade ago, the situation was murky. The Times described what
we knew of the program but avoided a label that was still in dispute, instead using terms
like harsh or brutal interrogation methods. [But now far] more is now understood, such
as that the C.I.A. inflicted the suffocation technique called waterboarding 183 times on a
single detainee. So from now on, The Times will use the word 'torture' to describe
incidents in which we know for sure that interrogators inflicted pain on a prisoner in an
effort to get information. {If memory serves, this was done on three [3] detainees, and
negative info acquired led (allegedly) to finding OBL in Pakistan.-

It seems a committed-leftie, Al Hunt, will bite the dust at Bloomberg
*although its unclear what will emerge thereafter+; his weekly public
affairs show 'Political Capital' was canceled, as the focus of all such
activities has been shifted from D.C. to N.Y.C.

Ads by a conservative anti-spending super PAC Hit Georgia Michelle Nunns Senate
Campaign for Calling Jews a Financial Opportunity; the goal is to diminish the Dems
Jewish support by citing a leaked memo from Nunns strategists that referred to the
Jewish community as a financial opportunity and suggested her position on Israel
would be contingent on her fundraising strategy.

Hillary recently Gave the White House a warning about an interview that reflected her effort to make a
more forceful attempt to highlight her differences with the (unpopular) president she ran against, and
then went on to serve; on a number of occasions, she conveyed the sense that this effort is already
underway. For example, she said Obama's foreign policy lacks organizing principles that great nations
promulgate; "Don't do stupid stuff" is not an organizing principle.' [Her organizing principle is "Peace,
progress, and prosperity.+

She softened the blow by noting that Obama was 'trying to communicate to the
American people that he's not going to do something crazy,' but she repeatedly
suggested that the U.S. sometimes appears to be withdrawing from the world stage.

She disagrees with the view that BHO believes the U.S. isnt so great and, therefore, the
USA shouldn't be telling people what to do." Instead, she lamented the fact that 'we
don't even tell our own story very well these days' [such as noting that 'defeating
fascism and communism is a pretty big deal'] 'Okay, I feel that this might be an old-
fashioned idea, but I'm about to find out, in more ways than one.' [The interviewer felt
this signaled that, yes, indeed, she's planning to run for president.]

She averred 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS. During a discussion
about the dangers of jihadism (a topic that has her 'hepped-up') and of the sort of
resurgent nationalism seen in Russia today, she argued "there is a happy medium
between bellicose posturing ... and its opposite, a focus on withdrawal.When you're
down on yourself, and when you are hunkering down and pulling back, you're not going

to make any better decisions than when you were aggressively, belligerently putting
yourself forward.'

Her subsequent quotes constituted truisms that wouldnt be easily challenged, focused on prosperity:

"People are not only turned off about being engaged in the world, they're pretty
discouraged about what's happening here at home. I think people want ... to make sure
our economic situation improves and that our political decision-making improves.
Whether they articulate it this way or not, I think people feel like we're facing really
important challenges here at home: The economy is not growing, the middle class is not
feeling like they are secure, and we are living in a time of gridlock and dysfunction that
is just frustrating and outraging.

"People assume that we're going to have to do what we do so long as it's not stupid, but
what people want us to focus on are problems here at home. If you were to scratch
below the surface on that-and I haven't looked at the research or the polling-but I think
people would say, first things first. Let's make sure we are taking care of our people and
we're doing it in a way that will bring rewards to those of us who work hard, play by the
rules, and yeah, we don't see the world go to hell in a handbasket, and they don't want
to see a resurgence of aggression by anybody."

"If we don't restore the American dream for Americans, then you can forget about any
kind of continuing leadership in the world. Americans deserve to feel secure in their
own lives, in their own middle-class aspirations, before you go to them and say, 'We're
going to have to enforce navigable sea lanes in the South China Sea.' You've got to take
care of your home first. That's another part of the political messaging that you have to
engage in right now. "

Drudge hyperlinked to unattractive photos: HILLARY BEACHED! Clinton as you've never seen her before.

The 13 Most Rabidly Leftist, Politically Correct Colleges For Dirty, Tree-Hugging Hippies

Jonah Goldbergs weekly e-mail mirrored prior observations herein, employing colorful lingo and similes:

Let us stipulate at least for the sake of argument that the First Cause of Iraq's
unraveling was the Iraq War. That doesn't change the fact that the second, third, fourth,
fifth, and nth causes of the chaos are the result, directly or indirectly, of President
Obama's decisions (or indecisions). Obama chose to pull troops out of Iraq as quickly as
possible. Obama chose to dismiss ISIS as the "jayvee squad" this year. Obama chose to
issue a "red line" ultimatum, then chose to say "never mind." The guy has been
president for five years. And yet to listen to him and his defenders he's been utterly
powerless to undo his predecessors' mistakes, real or alleged. It's like these people think
the twice-elected president of the United States is still new to the job.

All of that is irrelevant, too, at least when it comes to the question of what to do now.

Until this past week, Obama had done and said nothing to indicate that the U.S. would
actually do anything to help the Yazidis (just as Obama has done little to nothing to help

the slaughtered Shiites and Christians of Iraq, the rebels in Syria, the sovereign
government in Ukraine, et al). Now that events in Iraq have descended from "urgent" to
"Hieronymus Bosch," Obama has finally acted; let us send as much aid as we can to the
Yazidis and, if in the process, we kill a lot of ISIS fighters, that'll be a nice bonus.

Obama's foreign policy works on the assumption that global events are things that
happen out there. "The world stage" used to be a platform for U.S. leadership. For
Obama, the world stage is more like, well, a stage where other nations put on a show
for our benefit. There are plenty of good arguments for America to be more circumspect
internationally (and plenty of bad ones). But I don't think Obama and his supporters
fully recognize that when the lead actor on the world stage decides to walk off and sit in
the audience, it changes the performance and the roles of the other performers.

Box-Checking as Leadership

I will confess I never really appreciated the perfidy of the phrase "leading from behind"
until Wednesday's presidential press conference.

Earlier that day, the secretary of defense, who has been kept away from the press lest
the cameras remove all doubt about his incompetence, announced that 20,000 Russians
were massing on the Ukrainian border in what seemed like preparation for an invasion.

(I often hear this would be the first instance of a European nation invading another since
1939. I'm not sure that's exactly true from, say, the Georgian or Hungarian perspective.
But that's quibbling. Such a crime would be, in the parlance of international-relations
scholars, a huge frick'n deal.)

At the press conference, the president made no mention of this in his prepared remarks
about the Africa summit, which he read aloud with all of the passion of a DMV
bureaucrat explaining the different methods of payment for a parking ticket. He then
took questions. Chris Jansing of NBC asked whether the sanctions against Russia were
working. With his customary logic-chopping defensiveness, the president responded
that the sanctions were doing what they were intended to do, but it was unclear
whether they were actually working. This is like explaining that the pepper spray did
everything it was supposed to do but the bear is eating your face anyway.

It's also perfectly Obamaesque. I did exactly what I set out to do. If it's not working, it's
only because someone else isn't responding the way they're supposed to. I gave a
speech telling the oceans to stop rising, damn it! I even said "let me be clear."

The point of the sanctions isn't to prove that sanctions can cause "economic pain." The
point is to deter Vladimir Putin. And on that score, they clearly aren't working at all. It's
amazing to me how much Obama thinks and talks like a bureaucrat. I've checked my
box! I did my job! I've fulfilled my responsibilities. If the bear is eating your face, it must
be the fault of Jones in accounting. Hate that guy.

This has been Obama's standard response to problems around the globe. He did what
he was "supposed to do," and whenever the consequences of his actions create

problems, it's because others didn't do what they were supposed to do. I pulled troops
out of Iraq. I reneged on missile defense in Eastern Europe. I "reset" with Russia. I
intervened in Libya. I didn't intervene in Syria. I told Leon Panetta to deal with Benghazi.
I took the blue pill. The fact that the Iraqi pullout was destabilizing, that Putin saw his
moves as weakness, that Islamists took over Libya, that Assad stayed in power, that the
Matrix revealed itself anyway: These all reflect someone else's failures.

He was then asked if the 20,000 troops massed on the Ukrainian border might lead him
to "reconsider" sending lethal military aid to the Ukrainians. After prattling on about
how Ukraine doesn't need aid to beat the separatists, Obama added, "Now if you start
seeing an invasion by Russia, that's obviously a different set of questions. We're not
there yet."

Now, I don't want to go to war to defend Ukraine. I don't want Obama to say we would
go to war to defend Ukraine and not because I think that such a statement would
necessarily be irresponsible if it came from a different president. But I don't think Barack
Obama would go to war to defend Ukraine even if he said he would. As with his "red
line" debacle, the worst thing a president can do is vow to take a hard-line and then not
take it. But would it be too much to ask the president of the United States to
characterize a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine as outrageous?

Keep in mind that "outrageous" is safer than "unacceptable." The problem is that his use
of "unacceptable" is almost entirely ironic. He uses it like a theater critic saying a cast
change is "unacceptable" when it is obvious the critics' acceptance is irrelevant. His use
of "unacceptable" has been more promiscuous than Vizzini's use of "inconceivable" in
The Princess Bride. (How long has it been since Putin's annexation of the Crimea was

Leading from the Sidelines

In the best sense, "leading from behind" sounds like something a football coach does.
He can't be out on the field, but he coordinates, instructs, and inspires from the
sidelines. Among the myriad problems with this analogy is the simple fact that
international affairs isn't like a football game, where the coach can bench players for
failing to follow instructions or execute the plays. In Obama's version of leading from
behind, he's more like a football handicapper who has no control of events and merely
watches from the virtual sidelines as events transpire, adjusting the odds as they unfold.
This analogy fails, too, of course because the president of the United States isn't an

Obama is open to sending lethal aid it seems only if Ukraine is invaded. But
refusing to send lethal aid makes invasion all the more likely. I understand that the
president thinks he's very clever by seeing the guiding principle of his foreign policy as
"don't do stupid sh*t." But the real-world consequence of that principle is to let events
unfold and then whine about being neck-deep in sh*t you think you can blame on
others. It's not leading from behind, it's failing from behind.

Cuomo vs. Christie

I've been getting into fights with people about the discrepancy between media coverage
of Andrew Cuomo's troubles and coverage of Chris Christie's "bridgegate." Let me see if
I can lay out the case briefly here. Back during the feeding frenzy, I never said that the
Christie story wasn't legitimate news, just that it was being overdone by the national
media. In response, hysterical liberals insisted that I just didn't get it. Christie was an
important governor with presidential ambitions from an important state. Some more
sophisticated types pointed out that New Jersey is also very close to New York media
centers. The allegations supported the narrative that Christie is a bully.

Um, okay. Which of those doesn't apply to Cuomo? I'll take my answer off the air.

Now more serious people will make some valid analytical points. Christie had become a
presidential front-runner because of his Abbott and Costello routine with Obama. The
allegations were easy to understand and infuriating to normal people (i.e., He messed
with traffic!). These are all points with some merit. But they don't provide a rationale for
why the media should have gone crazy about the story. A bunch of people (including
MSM journalists) have e-mailed or tweeted at me that the media was right to get its
dress over its head because Christie was a potential Republican front-runner who could
beat Hillary. And they think this is a defense against the charge of media bias! I didn't go
to J-School, but I'm pretty sure "taking the Republican down a peg," is not a journalistic
principle. And if being the front-runner the run-away front-runner at that is
grounds for heightened journalistic scrutiny, then I am eager to see the coming media
tsunami crash down on Hillary Clinton. I am also eager to see a caveman fight a ninja.
I'm not holding my breath for either.

But fine. Let's say that Christie deserved more coverage than Cuomo. I'm open to that.
But how much more coverage? Twice as much? Three times? One hundred times? I'm
sure if I made the effort to count hours of network time, word counts in newspapers
etc., the ratio would be a lot closer to 1001 than 21, and such metrics can't account
for the poorly hidden passion of the reporters. And yet, no one seems willing to at least
admit that the Christie feeding frenzy was excessive.

Bulls-eyes for Me, But Not for Thee

Speaking of frenzies, there was a time when people who are supposed to be America's
top "thought-leaders" took seriously the idea that former Representative Gabby
Giffords was shot because of a map on Sarah Palin's Facebook showing targets on
various competitive congressional districts. It was a time worth remembering because it
gave at least a glimpse of what logic-bending, fact-free hysteria looks like. The notion
that our elites are immune to such hysteria is an obvious fiction that serves the interests
of elites. They get to decide what constitute real scandals and outrages and what are
merely paranoid delusions and ginned-up panics. If word got out that the people making
such decisions were just as susceptible to the mirages of the mob and the spirit of the
witch-hunt, that would do them no good at all. They need to maintain the exclusive
right to charge others with exhibiting the paranoid style in American politics.


It's difficult for me to express how much contempt I had for the entire elite media-
industrial complex back then (though I tried here). Anyway, I bring it up because here's
the Daily Beast if memory serves, a torch-carrier of the old mob against martial
metaphors and images putting Rand Paul in the center of a bull's eye. I don't for a
moment think this actually puts Rand Paul's life in danger. But it does help illuminate
the double standard.


Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:12 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXII [Guns, BHO, Hillary, ObamaDon'tCare, Illegals, Iraq, Syria, Israel]

A few updates can be provided regarding the Personal-Projects previously explored, adding a fourth
related to gun-free zones within the hospital setting; they are evolving incrementally. Regarding the
Holocaust minimalization quote from Temple U. Professor Alessio Lerro, I again left a v.m. with his
Department Chair [Louis Mangione, 215=204-8268] to encourage him to encourage the Adjunct-Prof.
simply to coadopt the second policy-statement issued by the University; he can gloss-over nuances by
claiming he was typing too-quickly and he can avoid having to confront other quotes regarding alleged
Jewish control over Academe and alleged human-rights violations by Israelis [perhaps] if he simply acts
to neutralize the anti-Holocaust tinge [and these other concerns can be confronted afterwards].
Regarding the effort to create a Pennsylvania Chapter of Log Cabin Republicans, the paperwork has been
completed [and Facebook and Twitter account will be opened]; how it will be rolled-out in MontCo
[locally] will be determined by Rep. Mike Vereb [who currently is hosting his annual Golf Outing] in
conjunction with D.C. [and other interested parties in PA]. Regarding Mandatory Holocaust Education,
efforts are ongoing to follow-up the curriculum content. {The articles related to foreign-affairs follow an
initial focus on domestic concerns; note that a piece [The Medias Anti-Israel Bias is Beyond All Shame]
was written by locals [Bender/Verlin].}

And regarding security @ Catholic Hospitals East *CHE+ of which Nazareth is related,
communications were held with those formulating a gun policy following the incident
@ Fitzgerald-Mercy *when a the gun-free zone was violated by a physician who used
his own firearm to quell a disturbance]; here, I attempted to enlarge the discussion by
raising the generic issue of hospitals being soft-targets for terrorists. Thus, I suggested
that people will feel safe if either they are able to defend themselves [2
or if no one with a weapon [as screened by metal-detectors] can enter the premises.
{Noting the race-riot after a policeman shot a teen, know that Bloomberg and Other
Gun Rights Opponents Targeted Milwaukee pro-gun Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. in Primary
and that Red State Democrats are Running from Their Gun-Control Votes.}

It is possible to provide a comprehensive follow-up of the days events in a shorter Blast e-mail simply
by grouping headlines from disparate sources; the fallout from the weekend interviews of BHO/Hillary,
predictably, has been huge, for the Divorce is final *Hillary is giving some liberals negative flashbacks
to 2008, WH's Response to Hillary Foreign Policy Criticism: 'She Was Fully On Board'; CNN's Keilar:
Hillarys Iraq Statement a 'Slam' of Obama, and Obama said Hillary's Syria criticism is 'horseshit'], despite
the fact that the Clintons and Obamas are Scheduled to Party Together at Martha's Vineyard.
Furthermore, we now have a POTUS who is such an avowed pacifist that he does not seek any military
victory for America in any venue, let alone the most savage [OBAMA: 'NO AMERICAN MILITARY
SOLUTION TO THE LARGER CRISIS IN IRAQ']. Even NBCs Todd and Mitchell Soured On Obama Over Iraq
Excuses: A Farce!, although Scarborough is 'Sick and Tired' of 'People Bitching and Moaning About'
Obama Inaction on ISIS. To BHOs residual defenders it matters not that Obama's Iraq narratives are
contradicted by the Pentagon, intelligence community, and Obama, nor are they apparently moved by a

Holding Severed Head: 'That Child Should Be In School'] or by increasing recognition that Psychopathic
Jihadists Betray An Evil not Seen Since Hitler.

Former CIA Chief: Underestimating ISIS a Policy, Not Intel, Failure: Monday on "CBS This
Morning," former CIA director Michael Morell [who last made the news regarding his
internally-contradictory version of BenghaziGate-generated messaging] contradicted
Obama's claim Saturday that bad "intelligence estimates" were the reason the
administration did not anticipate the speed in which ISIS would capture large portions of
Iraq. CBS's Norah O'Donnell asked, "The president himself admitted over the weekend
that this Islamist State militants advance is more rapid than intelligence estimates. Was
this an intelligence failure or a policy failure?" Morell replied, "So I don't think this was
an intelligence failure. This is a classic problem in the intelligence world. There's a
difference between strategic warning and tactical warning. There was strategic warning
here in the sense that the intelligence community was saying for over a year, year and a
half, two years that this group was getting stronger and stronger and stronger."

Indeed, as BHO parties on his vay-kay, he was even repudiated in his birthplace-state ['Historic Upset'
in Hawaii as Obama-Backed Dem loses]. Ron Fournier [no true-blood conservative] has declared to be
Obama the 'Underestimator-in-Chief' due to his serial miscalculations; even if HIS intelligence
community *purged by Arabist-Brennan of key vocabulary words that would depict Islamic terrorism+
missed the strength of the IS, pundits and academics didnt, and many people *including myself, on
multiple occasions during the past half-decade] were pleading with him to arm the Kurds [and, even
now, he is only giving them bombing-cover and small-arms]. Indeed, BHO is finally arming the Kurds
directly, but apparently he was vindictively and childishly withholding such aid until al-Maliki had been
shunted-aside *a process that may have been initiated on Monday, but which hes resisting+. Yet,
predictably running to his defense was the NYT, which Mocked Conservatives and Its Own [RINO]
Columnist for Concern about Obama's 'Caesarism.' The Deaf/Dumb/Blind lead the Deaf/Dumb/Blind,
flanked by fawning lefties. {These hyperlinks on Drudge individually/collectively characterize BHO in a
fashion he may not appreciate: EXPERT: President refuses to make decisions; MILBANK: He vacations
while the world burns; FLASHBACK: Promised No Vacations For Himself As President; VIDEO: 'Will not
rest until'; and Complained about cold water at Martha's Vineyard.]

ObamaDontCare Architect [Jonathan Gruber] Met with Obamacare Author [Health and
Human Services (HHS) Director Liz Fowler] the Afternoon Before His 'Typo.' Renaming
his error as a speako invokes a neologism suggesting this MIT economist and the chief
architect of Obamacare only misspoke *albeit serially, forcefully and unambiguously+
regarding the essence of the [then-proposed] legislation. The issue at the heart of the
latest ACA court cases is whether subsidies should only be available for state-run
insurance exchanges vs. whether they can also be paid as part of a federal exchange.
The SCOTUS will probably have ruled on this issue within a year. {Also note that British
Smokers are Being Denied Treatment by State-Run Healthcare Service.}

Regarding Illegals, hypocrisy abounds:
GOP Ads Go On Attack Over Border
'The border fence is a joke': Filmmaker crosses from US to Mexico dressed as Osama bin Laden as
Border Patrol says 'we can't be everywhere at once' [video]
James O'Keefe, known for guerrilla documentaries targeting liberals, says US Border Patrol was
nowhere to be seen when he crossed border twice

The conservative firebrand wore a bin Laden mask to show the national security implications of
unmonitored borders
A Border Patrol official said agents who ought to be on the 'front lines aren't even on the front
lines anymore'
Texas sheriff showed how a section of border fencing ends abruptly, providing easy access for
immigrants to sneak in from Mexico
Rick Santorum: Both Establishments Embrace Amnesty Because They Don't Care about American
RNC Chair Reince Priebus: 'I Don't Know' What GOP Should Do if Obama Enacts Executive Amnesty
Two Alaska GOP Senate Candidates Refused to Sign Anti-Amnesty Pledge
Feds Wanted to House Illegals in Empty Hotels and Stores in Wisconsin
In Iowa, Social Conservatives Cheered Tough Immigration Rhetoric
Left-Wing 'New York' Mag: We May Look Back on Obama's Executive Amnesty 'with Regret'
Washington Post: Less Amnesty, More Secure Borders Won't Deter Illegals
Nancy Pelosi Urges Obama to Enact 'Broadest Possible' Executive Amnesty
Department of Education: Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Minors 'Entitled to' Public Education
Huffington Post Lied About Border Poll Results - For a story about a poll that shows only 13% of
Americans want the children in this recent flood of illegals to be allowed to stay in America, The
Huffington Post wrote this headline: "Most Americans Believe Migrant Children Should Be Allowed To
Remain In U.S., Poll Shows."
Reuters Misleads About Results of Own Border Poll - Reuters commissioned a border poll and obviously
didn't care for the results. When you are Reuters, though, that's not a problem. You simply bury the
inconvenient numbers under a misleading headline that reads, "Obama vow to speed deportation of
children at odds with public opinion" -- even though the poll says nothing of the sort.
GOP Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Paul Ryan Works 'Every Day' toward Amnesty Bill
Illegal Alien Crime Victims Slam Boehner Absence At Border
Connecticut Diocese Praises Pro-Abortion U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney for Amnesty Support
DREAMers plan to occupy Ted Cruz office
PEW: More than 60% of Hondurans in USA Illegals

Regarding myriad major-issues, Conservatives appear to be trending well:

Rep. Steve King: Hillary Clinton Lied about Video Causing Benghazi Attacks
Obama hired about 70 previously registered lobbyists

Common Core's Growing Unpopularity
Hoosiers against Common Core: Indiana Education Manipulated by 'Czars'
Bobby Jindal Made Waves in Iowa on Anti-Common Core Platform
New Jersey Grassroots Group: 'No More Common Core'
Eight Most Despicable Attacks on Campbell Brown - Education reformer and former
CNN host Campbell Brown has had to deal with a series of vile Twitter attack from
teachers, trolls, and pornbots since launching her court challenge to teacher tenure.

The Culture-Wars also are raging, as intimidation sometimes is daunting:
Atheist Group Forces Diner to Stop Offering Discount for Praying

PUNT THE PRAYERS? Atheist group tells football team to sack game ritual
An obituary for Robin Williams in the form of his best scenes

Regarding events in PA:

Chaka Fattah Jr.'s former roommate pleads guilty in federal court [this portends problems]
Ostracized candidate Russ Diamond to Lebanon GOP: No, you should resign
Coal country Congressman to Obama: 'Get off of the back nine and come into the mines'
Baer: PA pols who don't belly up to the trough
Sen. Wagner: Prevailing wage law drives up school costs and taxes

Regarding Politics, conservatism appears to be on-the- rise:

Cruz: Americans have reason for optimism
Ted Cruz: ISIS is the Face of Evil
Ted Cruz Tests Waters, Meets with Iowa Grassroots Leaders
Ted Cruz: President Obama Should Spend Less Time Golfing, More Time Leading
'Conservatives Winning'
Al Franken Touted Collaboration WithTed Cruz?
Mexican Officials Will Speed Up 'The Beast' to Deter Illegals from hopping on and off.
[Ted Cruz hosted, on behalf of Americans for Prosperity, a quick chat about what YOU can do in
your community to fight back against the left's harmful, big-government policies.]
Christian conservatives/Evangelicals play big role in early races; Cruz, Perry well-liked

Libertarian on Kentucky Senate Ballot Could Hurt Mitch McConnell

One of five cities bidding for the Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia appears
to hold an early edge with a track record of hosting the major gathering - not to mention
that Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden have family ties to the state.
The original U.S. capital and now the nation's fifth largest city, Philadelphia touts its
historical significance. It has hosted the presidential nominating convention seven times
since 1856, most recently the Republican one in 2000.
Dems are confident they will hold the majority this fall

The GOPs Civil-War has not abated:
Chris McDaniels Attorney Is Contesting His Own Vote In Mississippis Run-Off [illustrating fraud]
Ken Cuccinelli: GOP Estab Race-Baiting in MS Cost Conservatives in Other States
'Tea Party Wave' Responsible for GOP Strength in the House

Dems are worried about the mid-terms:
Times reports on the intense battle in the state for party control. "It was over 100 degrees here

the other evening, but inside a buzzing office tucked away on a stretch of gun stores and
pornography shops, Democrats were staring into computer screens and talking urgently into
cellphones. The stakes were high: The Nevada Senate, which Democrats control by a single seat,
could very well shift into Republican hands after November....It is not only Nevada. Republicans,
who had appeared to hit a high-water mark in control of statehouses in recent years, are
seeking to pick off another half-dozen chambers this year, taking advantage of President
Obama's persistent unpopularity, anxiety about the economy, and a history of anemic turnout
among Democrats in nonpresidential election years.

Regarding the interaction of American/World politics:

Putin is upset:
Ukraine's Forces Close to Taking Rebel-Held Donetsk
NATO Sees High Probability of Russian Invasion
Ukraine: Russia Aid Can Enter with Red Cross Role
Ukraine says trucks carrying purported aid from Russia won't be allowed across border

Anti-Semitism is increased in the wake of Gaza War #3, both in America [House of Israel
Vandalized in San Diego and Swastika Found Carved in Riverdale, NY] and abroad [BRITISH
amazingly, J Street, a Fringe group, blamed Israel for the conflict and accused it of racism,
thereby Fanning Growing Flames of Anti-Semitism. {Recall that libs such as Reform Judaism
supported its membership on the Conference of Presidents of the Major American Jewish
Organizations, prompting one to probe the Psychopathology of Jew-Hating Jews.}

The Syria/Iraq conflict rages-on:
ISLAMIC MILITANT FORCES in northern Iraq appear to be shifting tactics in the face of the newly
launched US airstrike campaign, complicating the mission of the Obama administration.
Obama's mixed messages - US will not intervene overseas directly, except when it does [per lib-Politico]
Officials: Pentagon considering rescue mission for Iraqis trapped on mountain
Kurdish fighters hold off Islamic State, await more help from US, Baghdad
Iraq incumbent PM al-Maliki fights to stay on amid power struggle
Helicopter delivering aid to displaced Yazidis crashes in Iraq
VIDEO: ISIS responds to airstrikes
White House Cant Explain Iraq Objectives to Congress
Obama Took Credit for Iraq Troop Withdrawal Before Ducking Responsibility
Iraqi Prime Minister Nominee Gains Support
Baghdad Power Struggle Adds to Chaos in Iraq
Syrian Forces Advance on Aleppo; Rebels Fear Another Siege - Syrian government forces are advancing
on Aleppo, aiming to besiege the rebel-held city into submission in what would be the biggest blow yet
to the three-year uprising. The fall of Aleppo, Syria's largest city and economic hub before the fighting,
could also bolster the ranks of Islamic State militants who continue to make gains across the country, as
defeated rebels from the Western-backed Free Syrian Army switch to their side.
Islamic State Crucifies, Slaughters Civilians in East Syria
US Airstrikes in Iraq Have Had Minimal, 'Very Temporary' Effect Against Islamic State
Jihadi Accused of 2011 Sarajevo US Embassy Attack Killed Fighting In Iraq
Iraq's Maliki Tells Army to Keep out of Politics

U.S. Actions in Iraq Fueled Rise of a Rebel
ISIS Leader was Released from Detention Camp in 2009
Islamic State carves jihadist hub in heart of Middle East
Pentagon may send more 'advisers'
Aided by U.S. Airstrikes, Kurdish Forces Retook Gwer and Mahmour two strategic towns about 20 miles
from Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan region] from Islamic State.
John Oliver Skewered Obama Over Iraq Tone
David Gregory Slammed Obama: Big, Expansive Terrorist Threat Amassed On His Watch
U.S. Underestimated Urgency of Threat
The Islamic State (Part 1) was generated by a reporter who spent three weeks embedded with the
Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist
to document its inner workings; in part one, Dairieh heads to the frontline in Raqqa, where Islamic State
fighters are laying siege to the Syrian Army's division 17 base.

U.S. POLICY LIMITED WITH AIRSTRIKES IN IRAQ. The Wall Street Journal writes, "After
four days of pounding targets in northern Iraq, U.S. officials warned...the campaign was
unlikely to inflict serious damage to the militant group now controlling large parts of
Iraq and Syria. The airstrikes' modest impact poses a strategic conundrum for President
Barack Obama, who must decide whether to limit American military operations in Iraq
once his objectives are met or expand the U.S. role to defeat the Sunni extremist forces,
which have threatened to attack Americans."

"Already there are signs that the military involvement could expand. The U.S. is pursuing
an aggressive new strategy to directly arm Kurdish forces battling the Islamic State in
northern Iraq. Such a move could embolden the Kurds, who have long sought to break
away from Baghdad's influence, and further draw the U.S. into the fray... The U.S.
strategy is an outgrowth of dueling interests: The Obama administration wants to
confront the danger posed by the Islamic State militants and prevent Iraq from
fracturing without returning the U.S. to a costly, unpopular Middle East war."

Regarding Israel:
Israel is prepared to ease conditions in Gaza to reach truce
Gaza ceasefire talks: Easing of blockade, but no demilitarization
Israels Negotiation-Team includes: Maj. Gen. (res) Amos Gilad, Director of the Bureau
of Political-Military Affairs, Ministry of Defense; Shin Bet chief Yoram Cohen; Yitzhak
Molcho, lawyer and close confident of Netanyahu; Maj.-Gen. Nimrod Sheffer, head of
the IDFs Planning Directorate; and Yoav Mordechai, Coordinator of Government
Activities in the Territories.
The Keren Shalom crossing had to be shut down because of deliberate shelling of the
area by Hamas
Arlene Kushner avers Hamas and ISIS are one and the same; Obama cannot bomb ISIS in
Iraq and support Hamas as a legitimate entity in Gaza. If everyone doesnt wake up, the
US will have to contend with ISIS on its own shores. She notes the Israelis near Gaza will
not support anything short of demilitarization noting, for example, their shock when
they learned of the planned-massacre [via tunnels] on Rosh Hashanah.

From the Daily Alert [yesterday and today, the most fascinating articles]:

Hamas Executed Dozens of Tunnel Diggers - Hamas executed dozens of diggers responsible for
its extensive tunnel system in past weeks, fearing the workers would reveal the site locations to
Israel; the digging of tunnels began four years ago and has demanded 40% of Hamas' budget.

Video: Islamic Jihad Missile-Launching Pads in Gaza Tunnels - On Aug. 8, MayadeenTV (Lebanon)
aired a report on the military tunnels of Islamic Jihad in Gaza: Beneath Gaza City is another
complete, sprawling city whose roads, corridors, and rooms are known to the resistance fighters
only. This is a strategic tunnel used for launching long-range missiles. The missiles are stored
within the tunnel. This is one of the strategic launching pads. This missile is on the pad, ready to
be launched. All we need to do is open the hatch from underneath and the missile, which is
aimed in advance, will be launched. As you have seen, there are more missiles. After this missile
is launched, another is loaded to the same pad.

Foreign Reporters Condemn Hamas' Censorship Policy in Gaza - The Foreign Press Association
(FPA) released a statement Monday condemning censorship by Hamas in the Gaza war. "The FPA
protests in the strongest terms the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods
employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international
journalists in Gaza over the past month." Hamas pressured and threatened reporters, preventing
them from giving viewers and readers an "objective picture from the ground." After foreign
reporters exited Gaza, several reports have surfaced showing footage that they had been afraid
to show while in Gaza. See also Gaza War Media Coverage Lacked Reporting on Hamas Fighters -
Oren Kessler and Why Everything Reported from Gaza Is Crazy Twisted.

Head of New UN Gaza Inquiry Commission Called to Try Netanyahu at International Criminal
Court - The UN named 'Unbiased' William Schabas to chair an international commission of inquiry
into possible human rights violations and war crimes during the Gaza War. Schabas, a Canadian
professor of international criminal and human rights law, has previously stated he would like to
see Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "within the dock of the International Criminal Court." In
2011, Schabas co-sponsored a "Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity" conference in
Iran, which at the time was led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In response, Israel Foreign Ministry
spokesman Yigal Palmor said: "The appointment of the chairman of the panel, whose anti-Israel
bias and opinions are known to all, proves beyond any doubt that Israel cannot expect justice
from this body, whose report has already been written."

Gaza Construction Funding "Incorrectly" Handled, UN Report Finds - An internal UN audit report
reveals that a UN Development Program office that funds and monitors spending on construction
in Gaza allowed at least five non-staff contract employees to handle "core" procurement
processes that only staffers are supposed to handle, including those for ordering up "significant"
civil construction activities. Moreover, the report says the UNDP office: "was not monitoring and
recording actual work" performed by these individuals. Moreover, the Palestinian program office
was not properly keeping track of expenditures or receipts in the financial system. "This practice
increases the risk of paying for goods that are not delivered." The findings point to a possible
black hole in the supervision of civil construction, and perhaps other programs in Gaza. The
report adds credibility to Israeli accusations that internationally-managed relief supplies to Gaza
were diverted into construction of attack tunnels.

U.S. Intelligence Chief Warned: The Threat of Islamic Terrorism Is Spreading - The outgoing chief
of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, said in an interview:

In 2004, there were 21 Islamic terrorist groups spread out in 18 countries.
Today, there are 41 Islamic terrorist groups spread out in 24 countries. A lot of
these groups have the intention to attack Western interests, to include Western
embassies and in some cases Western countries. Some have both the intention
and some capability to attack the United States homeland.

Unfortunately the [al-Qaeda] core ideology and belief system [of
perpetual jihad] is spreading, not shrinking. Look at the unbelievably violent
videos [of beheadings, executions and the destruction of religious places]
coming out of Iraq just in recent days.

When Bin Laden was killed there was a general sense that maybe this threat
would go away. We all had those hopes, including me. But...we kept
decapitating the leadership of these groups, and more leaders would just
appear from the ranks to take their place. That's when I realized that
decapitation alone was a failed strategy.

IDF Detailed Hamas' Use of Civilian Areas as Missile Bases - Throughout the Gaza war, IDF maps,
graphics, and videos have illustrated Hamas' consistent transformation of civilian areas into
launch pads for some 3,000 rockets blasted wildly into Israel. The IDF also has informed the
world about its leaflets, phone calls, and text messages that urge Gazans to seek shelter before
Israel neutralizes Hamas' hostile-fire installations. The IDF now has created an outstanding
indictment of Hamas: "Hamas War Tactics: Attacks from Civilian Centers - Evidence of Hamas'
Violations of International Law through Use of Civilian Facilities and Densely Populated Areas for
Terror." It details Hamas rocket blasts from mosques, schools, power plants, and hospitals.

The Real "Siege" of Gaza is c/o Egypt; recent calls for lifting the "siege" on Gaza have ignored
that Hamas' main demand is that Egypt reopen the Rafah border crossing, the Palestinians' only
gateway to the Arab world. Even during the Gaza war, the Egyptians rejected demands to reopen
the Rafah terminal indefinitely. The Egyptians want the world to blame only Israel for the "siege"
on Gaza. According to Palestinian sources, the Egyptians are worried that the reopening of the
Rafah terminal would facilitate terrorist attacks by radical Islamist groups against Egyptian
targets, especially in Sinai.

Hamas Liaison for Murder of Three Israeli Teens Was Freed in Shalit Prisoner Exchange - The
Hamas liaison in Gaza for the cell that kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teens in the West
Bank was Mahmoud Qawasmeh, exiled to the Strip after the 2011 prisoner exchange that freed
captive soldier Gilad Shalit. Mahmoud Qawasmeh was responsible for transferring money from
Gaza to the West Bank to fund the June 12 kidnapping of Gilad Shaer, Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal
Yifrah. Qawasmeh was serving a 20-year sentence when he was released in 2011. The leader of
the cell was Mahmoud's brother Hussam, who was arrested by Israeli counterterroris police in
July. The two Palestinians who murdered the three teens, Marwan Qawasmeh, a third brother,
and Amer Abu Aisheh, are still at large.

Hamas Obtained Cash for Salaries in Gaza - Hamas has brought millions of dollars into Gaza to
pay the salaries of thousands of its workers, the Gaza-based Sawa news agenc reported on
Sunday, after two months in which no such payments were made. Payment of the salaries has
been one of the key demands by Hamas for a cease-fire.

Hamas Holds Body of IDF Soldier - Israel is utilizing diplomatic channels in hopes of retrieving the
body of Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul, a soldier declared killed in action in Gaza last month, Defense
Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Sunday. Ya'alon told the Shaul family that the soldier's body was in
the hands of Hamas, and that Israel will insist that the body be returned. "We are committed to
bringing Oron to burial here in Israel," he said. "We won't rest until this happens, and we are
dealing with this issue."

Israeli Poll regarding Goal in Gaza: 74% [Demilitarization under the supervision of an
international force]; 16% [replace Hamas with Abbas' government]; and 8% [just security quiet].

Standoff at Gaza Cease-Fire Talks in Cairo - At the Gaza cease-fire talks in Cairo, Israel and
Egypt are jointly determined not to give Hamas what it wants. There's an Israeli readiness to
ease border restrictions and to expand fishing rights off the Gaza coast, but nothing more than
that. Cairo, too, is emphasizing to Hamas that it can forget about a seaport or an airport unless
or until all of Gaza is demilitarized. For now, at least, Hamas wants to be seen as refusing to
capitulate. Hence its decision to allow others to fire rockets at Israel. Hamas hopes there'll be
enough pressure on Jerusalem to give it some kind of gain that would allow it to come out from
the corner it's painted itself into.

Amidror: Israel May Need to Retake Parts of Gaza - PA President Mahmoud Abbas is too weak to
regain control over Gaza, leaving Israel with the option of either recapturing part of the Strip or
learning to live with a low-level war of attrition, former Israeli national security adviser Maj.-Gen.
(ret.) Yaakov Amidror said Sunday. "The reoccupation of Gaza is on the table now more than
ever before," Amidror said. "The price which the Israeli public is willing to pay is much higher
than it was in previous operations in Lebanon and Gaza."

Israel Will Not Get Dragged into a War of Attrition - few days of patience may make it clear to
Hamas that continued rocket fire into Israel will cause more damage to its position in the
negotiations than improve it. Senior Israeli officials clarify that if the IDF detects the slightest
possibility that Israel is being dragged into a war of attrition, it will not hesitate to enter Gaza to
complete the disarming of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. In the current stage, the goal is to reach a
stable cease-fire, and to meet the basic needs of 250,000 people with no roof over their heads
and no clean drinking water. Yet Hamas is presenting exaggerated demands, betting that global

public opinion will allow aid to be brought in, and then the Egyptians will give i as well. Hamas is
gambling again, holding the civilian population hostage. Israel is seeking to demilitarize Gaza of
weapons and military infrastructure under international supervision in return for a large aid
package to rebuild the Strip. Demilitarization includes removing rockets and launching pads,
destroying launchers, and removing 160- and 120-mm. mortar shells. At the same time,
manufacturing will be supervised and the excavation of tunnels will be thwarted.

Hillary Clinton: "Israel Did What It Had to Do to Respond to the Rockets" - Hillary Clinton offered
a vociferous defense of Israel. This is noteworthy because, as secretary of state, she spent a lot
of time yelling at Netanyahu on the administration's behalf over Israel's West Bank settlement
policy. Now, she is leaving no daylight at all between the Israelis and herself. "I think Israel did
what it had to do to respond to the rockets.... Israel has a right to defend itself. There's no doubt
in my mind that Hamas initiated this conflict....So the ultimate responsibility has to rest on
Hamas and th decisions it made." "It is striking...that you have more than 170,000 people dead
in Syria...more than 1,000 people have been killed in Ukraine on both sides...and yet we do see
this enormous international reaction against Israel....This reaction is uncalled for and unfair."
Clinton also blamed Hamas for "stage-managing" the conflict. "What you see is largely what
Hamas invites and permits Western journalists to report on from Gaza. It's the old PR problem
that Israel has....The PR battle is one that is historically tilted against Israel."

Fighters Abandoning al-Qaeda Affiliates to Join Islamic State, U.S. Officials Say - "Small groups
from a number of al-Qaeda affiliates have defected to ISIS," or the Islamic State, as the group is
also known, said a U.S. official with access to classified intelligence assessments. "And this
problem will probably become more acute as ISIS continues to rack up victories" in Iraq and
Syria. The launching of U.S. airstrikes has raised new questions, including whether the bombings
will hurt the Islamic State's ability to draw recruits or elevate its status among jihadists. U.S
officials expressed concern that the Islamic State may now place greater emphasis on carrying
out attacks against the U.S. and its allies. U.S. officials estimate that the Islamic State has as
many as 10,000 fighters, including 3,000 to 5,000 from countries beyond its base in Iraq and
Syria. {This undermines the canard used by the libs to undermine Bush-43 regarding Iraq, when
it was claimed Americas presence enhanced recruitment; instead, their successes fuel their PR.}

U.S. Conducts New Iraq Airstrikes Against Islamic State Insurgents - U.S. fighter jets and drone
aircraft carried out a wave of airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq on Sunday,
targeting armed trucks and a mortar position, in the fourth set of U.S. airstrikes since President
Obama last week authorized the new campaign in Iraq. The U.S. is attempting to thwart the
Islamic State advance in northern Iraq that threatens to overrun Irbil, the capital of Iraq's semi-
autonomous Kurdish region.

Aided by U.S. Airstrikes, Kurdish Forces Retake 2 Towns from Islami State - With the support of
American airstrikes, Kurdish forces counterattacked against Sunni militants of the Islamic State in
northern Iraq on Sunday, regaining control of Gwer and Mahmour, two strategic towns about 20
miles from Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
The Betrayal of the Intellectual -
Too many American and European intellectuals have taken moral relativism to its absurd
extreme, falling back upon the "validity of every narrative" and repeating the mantra that "every
story has two sides." They treat those who have a clear moral stance as primitive. For them, if
you take a moral stand or choose a side in a conflict you must lack the necessary tolerance to
"see the other side."
Not long ago intellectuals did the exact opposite. They were the ones who helped us differentiate
between good and evil, between right and wrong, between justice and injustice. They didn't ask
whether the Germans felt a genuine sense of hardship. The debate wasn't over feelings but the
essence of truth.
During Israel's operation in Gaza, there should be no question as to who enlightened people
should support; on one side stands a Western democracy, which warns civilians before striking
legitimate terrorist targets. On the other side stands an Islamist terrorist organization,
homophobic and misogynistic, committed to killing Jews, which does all in its power to murder
innocent civilians.
When Hamas forces civilians to stand on the roof of a building which is used as a terrorist
command center despite knowing that the building will be attacked (and they know because we
warn them), who are we to hold responsible? When Hamas places rockets and explosives inside
UN schools and fires from within hospitals, who are we to hold responsible?

Hamas sees Western intellectuals who buy into their gruesome propaganda as a tool, to be used
and to be mocked.

From Pamela Gellers website:

o AFDI Rally: Support Israel and Persecuted Religious Minorities, Union Square, August 17th 4pm
o STOP THE ISLAMISATION OF AMERICA Trademark Battle Heads to Supreme Court
o Gaza Civilian Casualty Count Untrue and in Question
o Pamela Geller, WND Column: Israel: Struggle of good vs. evil
o Garnier Submits to Savages: Apologizes for IDF Photo @garnierUSA #BoycottGarnier
o Kosovo: 40 Muslims arrested for waging jihad in Iraq and Syria; mosques used for recruiting;
explosive devices, weapons and ammunition seized
o I will gladly cut the throats halal style of any aussie dogs that oppose Islam: Customer service
rep suspended after vile rant was posted on his Facebook account
o Thats my boy: Australian jihadist tweets photo of 7-year-old son holding severed head
Anglican Vicar of Baghdad: Child I baptised cut in half by ISIS


Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:48 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXIII [Israel, Islamism]

There will be a Monthly Meeting in 90 minutes of the Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots - Eastern MontCo
[@ 7 p.m.] @ the Willow Grove VFW [305 W. Moreland Rd.], across from the WG-Mall. In-attendance
will be Ross Schriftman [who merits accolades for his radio-interview last week, as per a prior discussion
of how he segued from ObamaDontCare to other items on the conservative agenda+; the guest
speaker *who really needs no intro+ will be Diana Reimer [Co-founder of Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots;
Regional Support Team, Atlantic Region; National and PA State Coordinator Tea Party Patriots;
Nationwide Local Group Coordinator].

The Republican Jewish Coalition is hosting two events [no charge to current RJC Leaders
and Members, but $20 for non-RJC Members]; RSVP to Scott Feigelstein
[ or 610-667-1263]:

Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick will provide a Congressional Update on Tuesday, August 26 @ 6:30
PM @ the Standard Club [127 E State Street, Doylestown, PA]; if you go, noting one-way
streets, as you enter Doylestown from the south, turn right a block early, overshoot, and
then loop-around [by making two left-turns] and you will find yourself in-front [it will be
on your right]. {If you ever were @ The Moose, this is the renamed entity.}

Aryeh Green, Director of MediaCentral in Israel, will assuredly provide inside-dope as to
what will next transpire, on Thursday, September 4 @ 8:00 A.M. [Registration starts @
7:30 A.M.] @ the Crowne Plaza - City Ave [4010 City Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131].


Some Say Jesus Wasn't Jewish - AWESOME Robin Williams Bit
Note this inspiring video about Jen Bricker narrated by Bernard Goldberg.

Regarding Philly:
Orchestra pre-Mann]
City of Philadelphia Sued over Civil Asset Forfeitures - Philadelphia's Civil Forfeiture Machine
Pope Francis Said He Will Visit Philly

Protesters Escorted From Philly Jewish Federation in Handcuffs

Regarding PA:
Battle in the States: NYT Documents Impending GOP Takeover of Statehouses Nationwide
Rep. Swanger blasted GOP Committee's request to Diamond
PLCB urged to boost markup on wine and liquor prices
PA Restaurant & Lodging Association appalled by PLCB memo to increase prices
Ex-PA lawmaker used per diem to buy house
Penn State Board of Trustees is endorsing the potential settlement to keep the 60 million dollar fine
over the Jerry Sandusky scandal within Pennsylvania.Education Dept ordered to release 644 pages of
emails on abuse at Penn State
Gov. Tom Corbett's administration hasn't decided whether to appeal an order that would reveal
hundreds of emails sent amid the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal.

SNOWDEN IS BACK ["The most wanted man in the world"]: Before he made off with the
documents, he tried to leave a trail of digital bread crumbs so investigators could
determine which documents he copied and took and which he just "touched." That way,
he hoped, the agency would see that his motive was whistle-blowing and not spying for
a foreign government. It would also give the government time to prepare for leaks in
the future, allowing it to change code words, revise operational plans, and take other
steps to mitigate damage. Snowden also was disturbed to discover a new, Strangelovian
cyberwarfare program in the works, codenamed MonsterMind. The program, disclosed
here for the first time, would automate the process of hunting for the beginnings of a
foreign cyberattack. Software would constantly be on the lookout for traffic patterns
indicating known or suspected attacks. When it detected an attack, MonsterMind would
automatically block it from entering the country-a 'kill' in cyber terminology. Programs
like this had existed for decades, but MonsterMind software would add a unique new
capability: Instead of simply detecting and killing the malware at the point of entry,
MonsterMind would automatically fire back, with no human involvement.

The Leftie-Media:

Shadow Campaign: Handful of Activists were Responsible for Anti-Limbaugh Crusade
CNN Producer Claimed House GOP Voted to Deport 600,000 DREAMers

Regarding Illegals:
Sessions: Amnesty Overreach Should Be Part of Boehner Lawsuit Against Obama
Leadership Failures Led to Release of Over 600 Criminal Illegal Immigrants Last Year
GOP Establishment: Ignore Voters, Go on Offense to Pass Amnesty
Maryland School Districts Advised of Responsibilities to Migrant Youths
Inability to Verify Obamacare Applicants Immigration Status Could Cost Billions
Sarah Palin: Exec Amnesty Betrays Minority Workers
Two Illegal Immigrants Dead After Trying to Cross Border in Car Trunk
Washington Post: Less Amnesty, More Secure Borders Won't Deter Illegals
Senate Dems to W.H.: Immigration's your call
Rancher Reports Immigrants Shifting East Because of Border Surge

Feds Won't Tell Texas School Districts How Many Unaccompanied Minors to Expect

Regarding Guns:
Gun Control v. Gun Rights Key in Connecticut Gubernatorial Rematch

Regarding Common Core:
New York GOP Gov Candidate Rob Astorino Submits 'Stop Common Core' Ballot Line Petition

Regarding Economy:
Facing an overvalued currency that is hurting corporate profits and slowing growth, China appears ready
to dump its $1.3 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds to drive U.S. interest rates up and strengthen the dollar.

Regarding POTUS-16 [both parties]:
Although Walker is running in a blue state, he has forced the conversation about his re-election back
onto his turf, to the point that his opponent is even unwilling to attack Walker on Act 10, which led to
the attempt to recall Walker in the first place. Walkers opponent, Mary Burke, is trying to beat Walker
by, well, out-Walkering him.
Tennessee's Bob Corker Won't Rule Out Presidential Bid
Anti-Israel Author Accuses Rand Paul of Selling Out to Israel Firsters
Elizabeth Warren Clams Up on Press When Asked About Foreign Travel

Regarding Senate-14:
Breakthrough In Republican Senate Hope Montana & Iowa
Hollywood pumps cash to save Senate majority for Democrats
Shaheen Under Fire for Taking J Street Money
Democrat Poll: McConnell Surges, Up 5 Over Grimes
Kentucky Tea Party Activist on Senate Race: 'Majority of Our Group Will Vote for the Libertarian'
Mary Landrieu Criticized for Spending Public Money on Private Flight - Dem's Campaign Claims Eight-
Month Lag to Repay Taxpayers for Charter Flight 'Mistake'
Despite Dem Frenzy, Numbers Show Koch Brothers Lag Far Behind Big Money on Left

Democrats Bet All Their Chips Well, Almost All on North Carolina
By Jim Geraghty

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee just committed more than $9 million
dollars to help Sen. Kay Hagan [a big, big sum for a national committee in one state] --
meaning she must need it. You don't spend a sum like that willy-nilly. The ad buy, the
largest so far in North Carolina, will be paid out through the end of the campaign. It
reflects both the outside interest in a race that will help decide control of the Senate
and, some say, concern about Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan.

Jennifer Duffy, an analyst with the Washington-based Cook Political
Report, said, "It tells me [1]that she really is in trouble, for they're not
going to spend that kind of money defending an incumbent who's in
reasonably good shape; and [2]they're going to do the negative ads
because I don't think her approval ratings can take any more hits."

Brad Dayspring, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial
Committee, said the buy signals that Democrats have hit the "panic
button."; he said, "The DSCC believes that, if Kay Hagan loses North
Carolina, their majority is gone."

Regarding BHO:
Terrorists Have Never Had It So Good: Mark Levin Blasted Truly Pathetic Commander-in-Chief
Obama blames others for abandoning Iraq
Actor Rob Lowe Takes Down Obamas Foreign Policy with One Tweet
French foreign minister: 'When people are dying, you must come back from vacation' [referenced on
MSNBCs Morning Joe+
CNN: 'Awkward,' 'Not Terrific' Optics for Obama to Golf as Chaos Consumes World
Bowe Bergdahl's Platoon Mates Look for Publishers for Tell-All Book and Movie
Publisher Passed on Bergdahl Book Because It Might Hurt Obama

Regarding Israel [in addition to data accrued @]:
Hotovely: Netanyahu Not Compromising Despite US Antics
US halted transfer of Hellfire missiles to Israel
U.S. Cleared Air Missiles Sales to Turks and U.S. Agreed to Send 5,000 More Hellfire Missiles to Iraq
Egypt Asked Russia for Anti-Tank Missiles, Warplanes
Israel Outflanked White House Over Gaza
Obama declares War on Israel
US livid with Israel? Hamas cant believe its luck
Israeli official confirms US nixed arms shipment
WSJ report of frayed relations between Washington and Jerusalem, including combative
Obama-Netanyahu phone call
Moral clarity in Gaza
Truce ended as Hamas fires rockets into Israel
Hamas Continuing to Produce Rockets that Reach Tel Aviv
Israel is Facing a War of Attrition against Hamas - Hamas feels it has nothing to lose and that it is
prepared to resume the armed conflict to force Egypt and Israel to hand it a significant achievement. At
the negotiations in Cairo, neither Egypt nor Israel is prepared to allow Hamas the semblance of success.
Hamas survived the IDF campaign, a fact that has strengthened it. Hamas did not lose the desire,
motivation, or ability to continue firing rockets and mortar shells at the Israeli home front. Its military
leadership was not damaged, nor was it deterred. In other words, Hamas is alive and kicking.
Potential cease-fire deal faces harsh criticism
Don't Count on Abbas in Gaza
IDF Operated Unmanned APC in Gaza
Netanyahu: The Moral Divide - Israel and the U.S. vs. ISIS and Hamas
Cornel West: Jews 'Landed on the Backs of Some Arabs in 1940s'
Media: Were Not Defending Hamas, But
South African Union Leader Calls for Attacks on Jews 'Everywhere'
Man arrested for carving swastika in neighbor's yard
Hamas Supporters Try to Blockade Israeli Ship in Long Beach

To the editor,

The Times gave but a paragraph to the appointment of the members of the United
Nations Human Rights Councils commission investigating events in the recent conflict
between Israel and Hamas [Human Rights Council Plans to Investigate Gaza
Conflict]. The investigation will be chaired by William Schabas who is already on record
as saying his favorite person to have in the dock before the International Criminal
Court would be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. By contrast, he refused to
even agree that he would examine charges of international law violations by Hamas in
an interview on Israeli television. Obviously, the Council has learned from its mistake in
creating the Goldstone Commission, whose chair, Richard Goldstone, subsequently
recanted key findings against Israel in the report that bore his name. This time they
have selected a chair already on record that Israel is guilty.
John R. Cohn
1015 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Set Restrictions on Hamas in Concrete Terms

Your July 16 editorial, A False Equivalency, noted that Hamas dug tunnels to smuggle
weapons rather than build bridges to economic opportunity. The tunnels were so
effective and so hard to destroy because they were reinforced with concrete. The
Washington Post last month noted that one particular tunnel alone required 800 tons of
concrete to build.

There was a time when Israel prohibited concrete from entering Gaza, on the grounds
that it could be used for legitimate purposes, such as construction, or it could be used
for deadly purposes, such as terror tunnels. But then the Obama administration, the
United Nations and the usual pundits began pressuring Israel to permit construction
materials, including concrete, to enter Gaza, on the grounds that the residents needed
to build houses. So Israel relented. Hamas took the concrete and used it for tunnels.

In the weeks and months ahead, critics of Israel will no doubt once again raise a hue and
cry about the cruelty of Israel's blockade and the need for construction materials in
Gaza. Friends of Israel need to mobilize against such pressure, and support Israels
prevention of concrete from reaching Gaza.

Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn
Board members, Religious Zionists of America | New York

Regarding Islamism:
"Integrated Muslims" are not Integrated
Minnesota first state to fall to Somali Muslims
Iraq's Maliki resigning after eight years in power [robbing BHO of his retroactive excuse for inaction]
Syrian Kurdish Fighters Rescue Yazidis Stranded on Sinjar Mountain
The Kurds Will Get Their Own State
Meet the Kurds, a Historically Oppressed People Who Will Get Their Own State

France to Supply Arms to Iraqi Kurds
UN: "Barbaric" Sexual Violence Perpetrated by Islamic State Militants in Iraq
The White House Doesn't Have a Game Plan
Obama weighs Iraq rescue mission but claims no 'combat role' for troops
Turkey's Border Towns, Once Islamic State Allies, Struggle to Keep Out Jihadists
Hitting ISIS Where It Hurts - ISIS currently brings in more than $1 million a day in revenue and is now the
richest terrorist group on the planet. Yet there are options for noncombat assistance that would help
degrade the group's finances. America could send expert teams to assist Iraqi and Kurdish forces in
developing the financial intelligence needed to plan military operations against key ISIS elements.
Targeting the terrorist group's bookkeepers, its oil business and its cash holdings could both disrupt ISIS'
financing and provide additional intelligence on its inner workings. Contrary to the common myth that
the group relies on wealthy donors abroad, ISISs money came mostly from protection rackets that
extorted the commercial, reconstruction, and oil sectors of northern Iraq's economy. The group also
made considerable money through war itself, plundering millions of dollars from local Christians and
Shiites. Iraqi and Kurdish forces should make it a priority to displace the group from oil wells in northern
Iraq, and to restrict its ability to process oil at its refining facilities in eastern Syria.
Islamic State Funds Caliphate with Mosul Dam Revenues
Vatican Calls on Muslims to Condemn 'Barbaric' Jihad in Iraq
ISIS Leaflets in London Encourage British Muslims to Join Jihad

Regarding Putin:
Russia began military exercises in the Kurile Islands -- parts of which are claimed by Japan -- in an
apparent effort to respond to Tokyo's sanctions on Moscow.
Vice, Salon Writer Works for Russian Gov Propaganda Arm

Regarding Iran:
No Iran Deal Is Better Than Any (Feasible) Deal
The Obama administration appears headed toward a nuclear agreement that will do little more
than memorialize the limited Iranian concessions made in last year's Joint Plan of Action (JPOA).
This is a bad deal for the U.S.
Almost any feasible formal agreement would represent a major defeat for the U.S. - in the
current global context, a JPOA-like deal would be seen as yielding to Iran and giving hostile
states more legitimacy. Moreover, such a deal would not much reduce the Iranian nuclear
With these problems in mind, the administration may want to consider another course of action
that does not depend on reaching a formal agreement. If the deadlock persists, Washington
should freeze the negotiations and keep existing sanctions at their current level.
The U.S. should lay out clear redlines for military action that would apply if Iran approaches a
nuclear weapons capability or blocks inspections. Moreover, the U.S. should cooperate with,
rather than attempt to rein in, Israel's deterrent threat. This includes providing more weapons
and systems to Israel that could facilitate a strike, and continuing the improvement of U.S.
military capabilities in the Persian Gulf, especially missile defense.
Central to this alternative is a U.S. commitment to use force if a red-line is crossed, or eventually face a
nuclear-armed Iran.

Morning Jolt *by Jim Geraghty]:
The Great Reset: Liberals Suddenly Realize Their Ideas Don't Work After All

Suddenly, we're experiencing the "Great Reset."

No, not this one . . .

We're experiencing the one where America's largely liberal political elites suddenly realize a lot of hard
truths that many voices on the right have been saying all along: A U.S. troop presence in Iraq could help
prevent chaos and genocide. Islamists want to reestablish a caliphate. Vladimir Putin is not a reasonable
guy. The United Nations is useless. The worldview and policy solutions expressed by Barack Obama
during his rise in 2007 and 2008 were hopelessly nave.

Any day now, they'll suddenly realize Iran wants nuclear weapons and isn't likely to give them up at the
negotiating table!

Doyle McManus of the Los Angeles Times breaks it to his readers that no, the Iraq War didn't really end;
it just went on hiatus, and the American sabbatical just ended:

The Obama Doctrine, which has evolved through painful trial and error (see Libya and
Syria), says the United States won't use military force except when vital U.S. interests
are threatened. But the "vital interest" exceptions Obama has cited include
international terrorism, other threats to U.S. citizens and genocide -- and all three are
present in Iraq . . .

Indeed, the stakes in this war are immeasurably larger than the safety of Americans in
Kurdistan (they could have been evacuated) or even the lives of thousands of Iraqi
Yazidis on a mountain (although, yes, they deserved rescue too) . . .

Even without American boots on the ground, Obama has entered the United States in its
fourth Iraq war. It won't be over quickly. As the president said, this is going to be a long-
term project.

So if a U.S. presence in Iraq does turn out to be vital to U.S. national security and basic human decency
requires us to do more than just stand by during a genocide . . . then maybe George W. Bush wasn't such
a crazed warmonger after all, huh, liberals?

Ali Khedery attempts a pep talk for the president:

As a U.S. official, and now as an executive doing business in the Middle East, I have
heard the same sentiment echoed privately by regional leaders for years. The reality is
that your intended policy of benign neglect has actually proven to be one of malignant
neglect and only strengthened our foes. But you still have 30 months left in office and

there are vital American interests that need to be safeguarded -- and not just on a
remote mountaintop filled with desperate, fleeing Yazidi civilians. It is time to put the
pivot to Asia on the backburner and to refocus on the unfinished business at hand. It is
time to reengage in the Middle East, lest its widening chaos destroy what is left of your
presidential legacy.

Here's the problem: the Democratic base is functionally isolationist. Large swaths of Democratic primary
voters do not want money spent overseas or troops deployed anywhere near Iraq. All of the Democratic
officeholders' opportunistic demonization of the Iraq War from 2003 to 2008 has caught up with them;
their base actually believed all of that stuff about neocons and oil companies and Halliburton and
"imperial hubris." For the better part of a decade, Democrats insisted U.S. troops could leave Iraq and
things would turn out fine for American interests.

As Ace put it, "Obama is essentially now in the position of fighting a war while pretending to not be
fighting a war, because of The Base. That should go well for all of us!"

Here are Khedery's comments to Jake Tapper:

They don't take the threat of transnational jihad seriously enough, as demonstrated by
President Obama's assessment of ISIS a few months ago, calling them the JV team," said
Ali Khedery, referring to comments Obama made to The New Yorker magazine,
comparing the militant group to a junior varsity basketball team.

"In reality, ISIS represents the most virulent form of Islamic jihad the planet has ever
seen. These folks are not Muslims, they are animals, frankly. They are a group that is so
vicious, and so blood-thirsty, and such a death cult, that even core al Qaeda leadership -
- bin Laden's successors namely -- have disavowed them," Khedery said in an interview
with CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper."

"And by doing nothing about it for months now, despite repeated warnings from the
American intelligence community, what's happened now is the cancer has metastasized,
and we have a major problem on our hands, a problem that threatens regional stability,
and thus threatens global stability," he says.

"You don't need access to CIA and NSA (intelligence) to know that they are coming, and
that another 9/11 is imminent unless we act decisively, quickly, and do it right now with
our allies," said Khedery.

Well . . . damn.

Oh, and even the French appear to be cracking jokes about Obama's vacations:

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has a message about Iraq for Barack Obama: Get back to the
White House and do something.

'I know it is the holiday period in our Western countries,' Fabius told a radio interviewer
Tuesday in France,' but when people are dying, you must come back from vacation.'


Full-time workers in France are guaranteed a whopping five weeks of paid vacation
every year, making his plea all the more urgent.

Obama is on a family and golfing holiday in a ritzy neighborhood of Martha's Vineyard
but says he will come back to Washington briefly on Tuesday before returning to fun,
sun, and more golf.


Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 3:52 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXIV [Illegals, Racism, Israel, Islamism, EMET, Abington, Compilation]

The focus, again, is on both the Middle East and the porous-border; the info gleaned from multiple
sources is again provided with attitude that is directly derivative of the database. Also cited is the
latest lib-argument against trusting the GOP, ultimately playing the trump-card, a SCOTUS-appointment;
thus, there are definable limits beyond which the die-hard Dems simply will not budge. One would think
that the accumulation of anti-BHO evidence should suffice to suggestat least for two yearsthe GOP
should be provided sway in both houses of Congress, but the most that can be coaxed out of these libs is
that BHO aids/abets evil but is not, himself, evil; trotting-out all the 30s-Nazi observations falls upon
deaf-ears, as a sense of deep-rooted neo-isolationism prevails *no matter what reasoning is invoked+.

The Endowment For Middle East Truth [EMET]
Invites you to a Phone Seminar:
Lessons from Israel's War in Gaza

Tuesday, August 19
, 2014
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Call-In Number: (712) 432-0075
Participant Code: 397784*
NO RSVP Required

Ambassador Yoram Ettinger

Brief mention is made of two flicks that have opened last week [A Most Wanted Man,
the last movie of Philip Seymour Hoffman for which he will be a good-bet to win a
posthumous Oscar] and this week [The Giver, which Opened Soft]; the former was
viewed on Friday and the latter will probably be viewed next weekend. After the movie,
a companion helped me appreciate the import of both the flick and the reviews thereof;
it was concluded that international espionage begets betrayal, despite the highest of
motives and careful execution. One review of THE GIVER' REVIEW was that of a MOVING
seems it depicts a dystopia+; the question has been raised as to Why Harvey Weinstein
is Backing this Pro-Life, Anti-Nanny State Film that has been praised by Laura Ingraham;
my guess is that people are increasingly incensed with how BHO grew Big Government
to 1984-like proportions [and inherent fears]. Here is another sorta-positive REVIEW:
This is a very respectable movie that teaches a lesson about how life, freedom, risk,
reward, and pain are inextricably linked and, if some allegedly benevolent dictatorship
comes up with a way to get rid of the pain, all the other things are erased,
too. Unfortunately, it's not as entertaining as the best of the young-adult fiction that
caught fire after this story was written.


Levity: American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter, Tina Cleveland, and
her fianc, Paul Sirimarco, had some fun in their car with a sing-a-long
dance party to Youre The One That I Want from the musical Grease.

It is alleged that the Abington Township, PA Police [where I live] conducted an unlawful
search: *NO WEAPONS FOUND* In the morning of August 16
, 2014, an Abington
police officer pulled-over a car in front of the house of the passenger in the rear seat.
The cop stated to them that he was going to search the vehicle and them without their
consent. After he told the officer he did not consent to a search, the guy with the
camera recorded the interaction. He was told to drop the camera; the officer turned it
off (as seen in video), claimed he had a weapon (despite the fact that he does not own
any weapons), tackled, handcuffed, and finally searched him (without consent).

Acuity Flagpole Project

To eliminate the risk of spamming those [gluttons-for-punishment] who might wish to read the backlog,
each compilation [< 2 megs] has been uploaded, yielding the entire set of Action-Items generated
XXIV, XXV, XXVI, and XXVII]; they can be searched for key-words, and appended is the incomplete-XXVIII.
{The prior six months entries *anti-BHO+ will be added *focusing on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the
effort to defund ObamaDontCare, spotlighting Cruz+.} More than 3000-pages have been composed
during the past year, and the reader is invited to ID any internal contradiction *for there arent any!+.

Last night, an update of the Senate-handicapping was completed with my son, starting
with the data available @ Real-Clear-Politics; to varying degrees, more recent data have
been factored-in [all of which appear to support R>D] citing Louisiana as an example
[High-Flying Landrieu Orders 'Review' of Her Taxpayer-Funded Chartered Flights and
Owner Of Charter Flight Company Won't Confirm Landrieu Claim]. Without expending
excess energies wandering to other sites [Nate Silver, WaPo, NYTimes, etc.], note that
the two R-seats coveted by Dems [Kentucky and Georgia] are increasingly safe for the
GOP and that, because this yields a total for the Rs of 48 seats, the Senate would be
flipped by winning three of the seven toss-up R-states: consider:

In Kentucky, PPD [Dem-financed] polled from 8/7-8/10 (recently) and
found McConnell +5.
In Georgia, InsiderAdvantage polled from 8/12-8/13 (very recently) and
found Perdue +7.
In Alaska, once Tuesdays unpredictable primary results are known, the
three candidates competing for the GOP-nod will coalesce, yielding
dominant support for the winner; during recent days, for example, Joe
Miller was endorsed by Sarah Palin and Mark Levin.
In Arkansas, PPD [Dem-financed] polled from 8/1-8/3 (recently) and
found Cotton +2.
In Colorado, CBS News/NYT/YouGov polled in the past, from 7/5-7/24,
and found Udall +4; yet, the same folk who tossed Dem-Senators who
voted for gun-laws will undoubtedly attempt to bring Colorado a more
conservative Senator.

In Iowa, CBS News/NYT/YouGov polled in the past, from 7/5-7/24, and
found Ernst +1.
In Louisiana, CBS News/NYT/YouGov polled in the past, from 7/5-7/24,
and found Cassidy +1.
In Michigan, Mitchell Research polled on 8/5 (recently) and found
Peters +1.
In North Carolina, Rasmussen Reports polled from 8/5-8/6 (recently)
and found Tillis +5.

Thus, if current trends continue and the nominally-blue states stay Dem while the red-
states *that mostly voted for Romney+ would flip to the Rs, yielding a 52-48 R-margin.

High-profile Dems [such as 'SNL' ALUM JOE PISCOPO] are PUBLICLY becoming Republicans] and Dems
are Trying to Break the GOP Wave in States because they are mostly-Repblican; Obama's dismal
approval ratings jeopardize Dem control of the Senate and destroyed any chance the party had of
reclaiming the House. If Obama's ratings remain at near-record lows, Dem hopes of clawing back some
of its 2010 losses in Governors' races could also be dashed. While almost all national attention is focused
on Congressional elections, some states have critical gubernatorial elections that will impact the 2016
landscape. {It would seem BHO is headed for another shellacking!- Invoking the Law and Order slogan
*popularized by RMN as he targeted burbs+ Could Help Republicans Win in Novemberand 2016.

This Poll encapsulates the atmosphere: Voters Most Interested in the Election Break for
GOP - A new Fox News poll finds Dems with a 7-point lead over Republicans in the
generic ballot. When asked which party they would vote for if Congressional elections
were held today, 46% of voters answer Democrat while 39% pick Republicans. Among
those voters interested in the upcoming election, however, Republicans edge Dems by a
single point, 45-44%. This 8 point swing towards the GOP is the "enthusiasm gap," on
which the November elections will turn.

This is why I have been laboring to establish ASAP a PA-Chapter [with selected county-level subchapters]
of the Log Cabin Republicans; even the WaPo recognized that Social conservatives are becoming
politically isolated, as the Republican Party increasingly is dominated by libertarians. Yet, as noted by
Jonah Goldberg, it is vital not to lose sight of the GOPs ethical moorings; as the partys tent is
enlarged, it must capture the thrust of the ideas of those who worry about societal disintegration.
Ultimately, however, the need for Big Government to become unobtrusive must be based on the intent
simply to exclude it from all rooms of a private home *including, in particular, the bedroom+.
Illustrative of this goal is citation of a topic thats near/dear to my heart *as an anti-tobacco activist since
AND 'HEALTH' CAMPAIGNERS. Thats why, for example, the Dems who are pushing to restrict e-cigs
[despite their only being hot steam-delivery devices, supplying nicotine without CO/tar] are public
health hazards.

Meanwhile, BHOs domestic-antics alienate everyone except for his loyal-base [Judge
Demanded Answers After IRS Contradicted Sworn Testimony and a PHOTOGRAPHER
'vacation from hell' went south; the plan to snag two weeks off in Marthas Vineyard
is an utter failure [justifiably] noting that, As the World Boils, Fingers Point at BHO. Yet,
A RINO lamented BHO Will Face '20-to-30 Years of Disparagement' from Ex-Staffers and

Obama claimed I'm Not That Powerful. Illustrative of his profound pacifism [detailed last
week] was his absence [along with that of Biden/Hagel] from this weeks funeral for
the highest-ranking officer killed in combat since Vietnam.

In PA, a few events suggest increasing hope that the GOP can right itself within the next three months
[AG KANE'S NEW PRESS SECRETARY CHANGED HIS MIND; Poll: Large majorities of PA voters support
increased investments in US energy infrastructure; and Chaka Fattah Jr. pled not guilty in fraud case]
while reminders abound regarding weaknesses within the GOP [Chairman: Liquor, wine prices not rising
in PA; and every time Penn State comes-up, in any context]. Some claim Corbett could still win, although
the best medicine may be humor [PA politicians raise $25K for charity with bad jokes; Bykofsky's
Comedy Night fundraiser surpasses half a mil; and Politicians Try Humor at Philly Charity Fundraiser].
Having attended this event twice in the past, it should be noted that a good, relaxing time is shared.

Regarding gun-laws, it was reported nationally that, in PHILLY, a Man got a loaded gun
into a federal building and an FBI office with a fake police badge; in the wake of protests
in Missouri, a Dem is pushing a Ferguson gun bill [prior to knowing the key-facts] while
Store Owners 'Use Their Own Guns' As Police Back Away In Ferguson. Meanwhile,
Giffords and Mark Kelly's Gun Control Group Now Pushes Temporary Gun Confiscation
and, illustrative why gun-control tends to empower the perp, note that Court Records
show that an Illegal Alien Had Girlfriend Buy Him a Handgun and that a Carjacker was
Shot and Killed After Throwing Female Driver to the Ground. Finally, know that
Billionaires, Millionaires 'Pouring Money' into Washington State Gun Control Initiative.
Just as I suggested hospitals either install metal-detectors or forego being gun-free,
note that looting should prompt reassessment of the appeal of 'gun free zones.''

Regarding the latest race-rioting, it seems the Dems are politicizing the idea that local police entities
shouldnt be so well armed *despite the fact that they were criticized years ago for over-dependence
upon state-intervention]; note how key-data are emerging:
Eyewitness: Michael Brown Ran from Cop Car, 'Doubled Back' and Charged at Officers
Obama Mentor Charles Ogletree: Arrest Cop Who Killed Michael Brown
Obama Mentor Charles Ogletree on 'Three Days of Rioting' in Ferguson: 'It's Just Starting'
Horowitz: On Ferguson, Libertarians Playing with Fire
high in unemployment. Must open opportunities, fix schools, or face more Fergusons.+
At Ferguson Rally Al Sharpton Says 'We Are Liberators,' Not Looters
CNN's Granderson, Wall Slam 'Charlatan' Al Sharpton
Upset with the Fox News Channels coverage of the Michael Brown shooting case, Alan Pyke [Deputy
Economic Policy Editor for ThinkProgress] wrote *I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon; the
evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual+ and then deleted
*Deleting my hateful Roger Ailes tweet from earlier. Hoping that another human being dies is a shitty
thing to do, and I'm sorry+ a tweet where he expressed hope that Roger Ailes would die a slow and
painful death. In the interim, Breitbart News had posted a story about his thoughts.
Rand Paul is staking out new ground talking about race and police brutality. [oops!]
Paul and Cruz weigh in on Ferguson

McCaskill: 'We need to demilitarize'; the response by law enforcement was the problem instead of the
Melissa Harris-Perry: America Treats Black Men Same as Dred Scott Days
Ingraham: Why Aren't There Protests Against Rahm Emanuel?
Krauthammer: Ferguson and Trayvon-type Incidents to Occur Until There's a Sense of 'Equal Justice'
CNN Anchor Don Lemon Downplayed Alleged Robbery Video to Perpetuate 'Gentle Giant' Myth
Breaking: Rioters Throw Molotov Cocktails at Police in Ferguson -- Again

Dem domestic -policies seem to be in turmoil:
MI District Forced to Hire Translators and Teachers for Arab Students in Dearborn
Fail: Common Core Test Results Show Most NYS Students Still Scoring Below Proficiency
Michcael Mann v Mark Steyn: If This Trial Ever Goes Ahead Global Warming Is Toast,
according to Steyns latest brief in his protracted court case with discredited climate
scientist Mann (who is suing him for libel)
Al Gore Sued AL JAZEERA for Fraud
Wind Farms Need 700 Times More Land to Produce Same Energy as Fracking
AG-Holder suffered a huge loss last week in his war on election integrity when a federal
judge refused to issue a preliminary injunction against North Carolinas omnibus
election reform law that includes voter ID, as well as measures such as the elimination
of same-day registration.

The Amnesty-for-Illegals crisis continues to fester, as BHOs passive-aggressive behavior is unmasked:
AZ Sheriff: ICE tells us to release illegals, 'treat them as any other citizen'
'Let as Many People Go as Possible'
Obama prepares schools for migrant kids
Classified as 'Homeless' to Avoid Enrollment Requirements
Second wave of 30,000 minors coming next month
Perry and FAA At Odds Over Requests To Fly Drones
Strange Bedfellows Unite Against Executive Amnesty
NBC Wishes 'Happy Birthday' to Obama's Policy of Not Deporting Illegal Aliens
New Media Pushing GOP Candidates to Campaign Against Amnesty
La Raza Pres Urges Obama to Expand Temp Amnesty Program
86% of Temporary Amnesty Applicants Approved
Illegal Aliens Saved from Death by Border Patrol Agents Near El Centro
Protest and Counter-Protest: Opposing Groups Protest at Sen. Cruz Office
Female Fugitive Arrested for Allegedly Torturing Adopted Central American Children
Local Residents Prevent Shelter for Illegals from Opening... In Mexico
Pro-Amnesty Groups to Senate Democrats, Obama: We've 'Waited Long Enough'

Tea Party Patriots: Help Jeff Sessions Stop Obama's Exec Amnesty
Chicago Tribune to Obama: Executive Amnesty Will Do More Harm Than Good

Politically, both parties are in turmoil and, just like in the world, it seems people are choosing-up-sides:

The GOPs Civil-War rages-on:
David Axelrod: 'Perry Indictment Looks Pretty Sketchy'
New Jersey Taxpayers Foot Christie's $6.5 Million Legal Bill after 'BridgeGate'

The Dems are erratic:
SOROS MADE BIG BET ON MARKET CRASH as Investment Outflow Hits Record
Hillarys reputation as a great friend of Israel is fraudulent
The Clinton Empire is expanding and radicalizing
Clinton suddenly liberal outcast
Turns to Castro
Ben Carson Overtook Hillary In Total Book Sales
NOONAN: '16 Battle Heat Up Already

A note from a self-described *reflecting my view+ incorrigible lib *annotated+:

Agreements on some topics will not move me to support "your" party. One cannot
count on the following election to get rid of those with whom you disagree after the
next one. Once ensconced, politicians are very hard to displace as you have seen with
so-called RINOs in many races.

This is true, particularly noting how dangerous BHO has proven himself
to be; but note two considerations. First, BHO is such a disaster that he
must be deprived of as many support-systems as possible, ASAP.
Second, in PA, each governor [after serving two terms] has been
replaced by one of the opposite party; this provides precedent.

There are considerations other than current foreign policy needs and immigration. Take,
for example, Supreme Court nominees or social welfare problems. If some social
programs move to the states as you would advocate, such a transition would destroy a
very robust federal safety net. That would happen under Rs, given likely Tea Party
opposition if for no other reason to cut budgets.

This presupposes that there is agreement BHO has been disastrous on current
foreign policy needs and immigration; the next task is to show that his
integrated pacifism infests all of his principles, but, regardless, the key-worry is
the SCOTUS [the major mechanism by which a POTUS leaves a legacy]. It must
be appreciated that the major motivation for moving most domestic programs
to the state-level is constitution-based; we are a half-century remote from when
Ike promoted the national highways as necessary were America to be prepared
for warfare. This is, indeed, c/w the philosophy of the TEA Party Movement.


And of course there is energy wasted, in my view, on discussing the supposed "rights" of
the unborn child; this is another view that will not change. Even if, as you suggest,
nothing is amended federally, things are happening in the states. Besides, it is a
significant distraction from other issues that matter, especially if you are correct that
policies won't change. While you may have views that I can tolerate in this regard, you
have not at all convinced me this is a majority opinion in your crowd. Further, I have no
reason to believe that early access to birth control - as opposed to ineffectual focus on
abstinence - would be advocated.

The recent WaPo article [vide supra] illustrates how, within the GOP,
the libertarians are dominating the social-conservatives; furthermore,
all SCOTUS-justices either voted for Casey v. Planned Parenthood or
pledged during confirmation-hearings that Roe is stare decisis
[settled law]. And if it is conceded that these issues will [properly] be
addressed on the state-level, there should not be a problem with the
senate flipping to the Rs. *This applies to all social-policy concerns,
notably abortion and gay marriage; the latter (except for one recent
decision) is trending towards liberality (as per the SCOTUS decision).+
Finally, to illustrate why this parameter should not be weighted, note
that the Church opposes Capital Punishment along with most libs/Dems
[again showing it is sympatico with the libs on seeking open borders].

And you will never get me to accept a gun in every household mentality.

This mentality doesnt exist within the GOP; everyone should be able to
exercise their second-amendment rights to engage in self-defense.

And you'll never get me to accept there is a terrorist on every corner. While it may be
nave, I will not live my life in fear. If we are so concerned about the potential for unrest,
actively support programs that address urban violence - that is a known and very clear
threat to our societal fabric. We have not found a solution to Black-on-Black crime, for
example. It may not be a federal problem to ultimately fix, but it is a federal imperative
to assess what works and what doesn't and to create support for model programs.

The two considerations are mutually-exclusive; your law-enforcement
model against Islamic Terrorism was disproven under Clinton [c/o Jamie
Gorelick], yielding 9-11; and note how well Rahm is doing in Chicago in
tackling your goal. They declared WAR on America, and we must act!

{Will provide follow-up after reactions to these rejoinders have been processed.}

Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?
the final installment of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged film trilogy
is set to hit theaters September 12

Putin was bellicose, as the Ukraine continued to hang-tough:
Poland puts on biggest military parade in years

Russian cruise missile violation of arms treaty a serious threat
Ukraine Destroyed Russian Military Vehicles That Entered in the East
Russia Lets Ukraine Inspect Aid Convoy - Russia let Ukrainian officials inspect an aid convoy on Friday
and agreed to let the Red Cross distribute the aid around the rebel-held city of Luhansk, easing tensions
and dispelling Ukrainian fears that the aid operation is a ruse to get military help to separatist rebels.
UN Says Ukraine Death Toll Doubled in 2 weeks
Rebels Shoot Down Ukrainian Fighter Jet Over East Ukraine
Heavy Shelling in Ukraine's Rebel-Held Donetsk Region
Respublica Nova: The New European Alliance in Need to Ward Off Putin - With the conflict in Ukraine
escalating, it is only a matter of time before Russia begins its energetic blackmail. This time not only
Ukraine or Poland will be held hostage, but even Germany might have the gas taps turned off. Gas is
after all Russia's main weapon when it comes to European politics.

Regarding Worldwide Islamism and anti-Semitism:
Schieffer: No Matter How Many Times You Say Bin Laden Is Dead, Terrorism Is Alive
Target: ISLAM - The world's safety requires the destruction of Islam's foundation.
Anti-Semitic Flyers Surface at Jewish-Owned Business Near UCLA
Arab Bank Called Hamas "Paymaster" as Trial Opens in New York
Britain's 'Murky Anti-Semitic Subculture'
Cameron: ISIS Are Extremists Abusing Islam
UK Supermarket Sainsbury's Removes UK-made Kosher Goods: 'We support Free Gaza'
Muhammed Is Britain's Most Popular Boys Name
Norway Reagan Fan Parliamentarian Gets Death Threats for Supporting Israel
Dutch Security Official: Islamic State Is a 'Plan by Zionists' to 'Blacken Islam's name'
Five-Year-Old Girl Banned from Eating Chicken Sandwich by Nursery 'Because It Was Not Halal'
Morocco Busted Jihadist Iraq and Syria Recruitment Network
Two UN Peacekeepers Killed in Mali Suicide Attack
7 Dead as Battle Erupts in Somali Capital
More Women and Girls 'Weaponized Themselves ' and assumed Role Of Suicide Bomber during the past
few months, and carried out suicide bomb attacks in Nigeria.
Pakistan Anti-Government Protestors Press Demands
Chinese Media: Is the Islamic State Targeting Us Next?
Europe's Jihadist Girls: Teen Rebellion That Kills
Hezbollah: Islamic State is a 'Monster' Threatening Gulf
Western Countries Struggle with Whether to Send Troops to Iraq - The Obama administration flip-
flopped on Wednesday on whether to send troops to Mount Sinjar in Iraq to save tens of thousands of
members of the ancient Yadizi sect. At first, the US said that 130 troops would be landing on Mount
Sinjar to aid the evacuation, but then late in the day said that troops would not be necessary since the
air strikes had been successful.
5 Muslims Brotherhood Supporters Dead in Violent Egyptian Riots
Egypt's Mubarak Denied Ordering Killing of Protesters
Yemen al-Qaeda Chief Praises Iraq Jihadists - An influential Al-Qaeda leader in Yemen has praised Islamic
State jihadists for their "victories in Iraq" but without pledging allegiance to their self-proclaimed
"caliph" or leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Libya's Parliament Calls for UN Aid to Quell Militia Fighting

Palestinian Authority: US Responsible for Creation of ISIS and for all Conflicts with Islamic Countries
Bing West: How to Defeat the Islamic State - By pulling our forces out of Iraq in 2011, Obama claimed,
he ended the war. Three years later, the winner of that war is a barbarous Islamist army that has
seized the northern half of Iraq, threatening both Kurdistan and Baghdad. An alarmed Iraqi parliament
has just elected a new prime minister, opening the door for American assistance.
Venzuelan President Nominates Chavez's Daughter as UN Ambassador - In a special event dedicated to
support for anti-Israeli elements in Gaza, the Venezuelan government announced that Mara Gabriela
Chvez, the daughter of late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chvez, would be making her political debut as
an ambassador to the United Nations shortly.
Malaysian Teen's Israel 'Like' on Facebook Prompts Death Threats, Sedition Charges

Regarding Lefties/Neo-Isolationists:
Ron Paul: US Should Get Out Iraq and 'Let Them Deal' with ISIS
American Muslim Organizations Pen Letter Against Surveillance of Islamist Groups
Glenn-Greenwald [the columnist famed for coming to the support of NSA leaker Edward Snowden]
Somehow-Blames-Israel-for-Ferguson-Riots; Greenwald cited an Iranian activist named Trita Parsi who
claimed that "excessive police violence" in Ferguson can be blamed on the fact that the county police
chief took a fact-finding trip to Israel in 2011. Parsi tweeted that St. Louis County Chief Timothy Fitch
studied counter-terrorism techniques in Israel in March of 2011.
Rob Reiner Likens Hamas to the Tea Party

Regarding Syria:
Islamic State Advances in Aleppo Threaten Assad and Anti-Assad Rebels - While much of the global
attention on the jihadist terror group Islamic State has focused on its genocidal attacks in Iraq, the
group's Syria wing has begun to advance through towns in Aleppo province, Syria, trapping more
moderate anti-Assad rebels between the Syrian military and the barbaric war tactics of the Islamic State.
Syrian Troops Seized Contested Damascus Suburb
Violent Protests by Turkish Locals Force Syrian Refugees Out
Syrian Rebels Demand US Airstrikes Against Islamic State

Regarding Iraq:
Maliki Steps Aside, Easing Iraq's Political Crisis
Limited U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq Impede Fight Against ISIL
Islamic State Now Threat to West, Says U.S.
UN Blacklisted Key Islamic State Members and Threatened Sanctions on Collaborators
Jihadists kill dozens in north Iraq 'massacre', officials say
Major anti-ISIS Rally Planned for London, Concerns over EDL, Islamist Attendance
Islamic State Jihadists: Once you've Beheaded Someone for Fun, Where Do You Stop?
'Very Good Chaps': Anjem Choudary admits pro-ISIS Pamphleteers are His Students
Iraq's al-Maliki Gave-up Post to Rival

THE ECONOMIST is again trying to cover for BHO, both in its cover-story and editorial,
claiming that, by going "Back to Iraq, the goal is Getting it right this time ... By combining
military force with political brinkmanship; it is claimed America is making some
headway" based on Obama's "judgment that the jihadists can be properly dealt with
only by creating long-term stability in Iraq. A similar situation exists in Syria. Yet the

president has long resisted intervening there ... [I]n the long run America is unlikely to
be able to destroy or even contain militant jihadism without involving itself in Syria. Mr.
Obama's new approach in Iraq seems to be working. But more decisive action against
the jihadists will be needed. The Americans are back on the ground, and they will be
there for a while." {Sounds a lot like what Bush-43 did, eh?-

Regarding Kurdistan:
Who Truly Deserves a State? The Kurds or the Palestinians?
U.S. Seeking European Arms and Ammunition for Kurds
Anti-ISIS Protests Outside London's Downing Street as Kurds Demand Action
Kurds Clashed With ISIS Supporters in SHEFFIELD, UK
Britain 'Favorably Considered' Supplying Kurds with Arms
EU Approved Arming Iraqi Kurdistan
Kurdish-Americans Demonstrated and Pled for U.S. Support for Kurds
Seeing Iraq Horror, Europe Pledged Aid and Arms - The European Union on Friday forged a unified
response to the rapid advance of Islamic militants in Iraq and the resulting refugee crisis, allowing direct
arms deliveries to Kurdish fighters battling the Sunni insurgents. Several EU nations pledged more
humanitarian aid.

Regarding the Middle East:
Tens of Thousands Protest Pakistan's Government

Regarding Israel/Gaza:
Israeli Settlements Poultry Products to EU banned
Israel Finds Silent Backing by Arab Nations Hostile to Hamas
Abbass Fatah Declared a Return to Terror Against Israel The terror wing of 'moderate' Abbas's Fatah
displayed massive arsenal in Gaza video after taking part in Hamas war, and vowed to increase attacks.
James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said the Likud charter contains a total claim for
the entire land of Israel without Palestinians present. Indeed, Netanyahus party platform *Likud+ flatly
rejects establishing a Palestinian state. Yet, he adopted the two-state-solution in deviation therefrom,
whereas Hamas has never deviated from its anti-Semitic, indeed genocidal Charter.
Report from the Gaza War: Palestinians Fired from Behind Children
Cease-Fire Holds in Gaza - A five-day truce, agreed upon by Israeli and Palestinian negotiators late
Wednesday, was largely holding Thursday. A rocket was fired from Gaza at 8:20 a.m. local time, but fell
short of Israeli territory, Israel's military said. The Egyptian-mediated talks in Cairo between Israel and
the Palestinians will resume on Monday. "The public in Gaza wants the war to stop, so any restart of
fighting is a burden for Hamas," said Ghassan Khatib, vice president of Bir Zeit University in the West
Bank city of Ramallah. "At the same time, its end without the accomplishment of any goals will be a
problem for Hamas."
Hamas inadvertently Admitted to Intimidating Foreign Press into Biased, Anti-Israel Reporting by using
force, intimidation tactics, and even death threats to coerce foreign journalists reporting in Gaza to
provide biased coverage that worked in favor of Hamas and obscured the international lens from seeing
the horrors of the group's operations out of the Gaza strip.
Hamas Admitted Deporting Foreign Journalists Who Filmed Rocket Launches
Hamas Rejected a comprehensive, 11-clause long-term 'Final' Ceasefire Proposal [c/o Egypt]: 'Death for
Allah is Our Most Exalted Wish.'
Palestinian officials: War behind us, Gaza ceasefire deal imminent

Egypts proposal, bad for both sides, means the conflict may end with no deal; Cairos terms would give
Hamas international legitimacy and the capacity to rearm (bad for Israel), no significant gains (bad for
Hamas), and an enhanced role for Abbas (bad for both).
Survey: 74 Percent of French Don't Take Sides in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The Three Terrors *spoof+
The Bolt Report [newscast]

Regarding BHOs inaction:
Spielberg Should Revoke Obama's Holocaust Award - Obama interrupted his posh vacation this week on
Martha's Vineyard to declare, essentially, "Mission Accomplished" in the belated effort to rescue the
Yazidis of Iraq from genocide at the hands of the Islamic State. The Yazidis saw things differently.

Regarding Yazidis:
US Strikes Near Mosul Dam, while Islamic State Massacres 80 Yazidi Men in Iraq - On Saturday, the US
struck the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq in an attempt to retake the Mosul dam. These strikes came a day
after IS massacred 80 Yazidi men and kidnapped over 100 women and girls in Kocho village in northern
Iraq. The terrorists rounded up the men who refused to convert to Islam and shot them.
Mission Accomplished? US Declares Victory on Mt Sinjar as UN Strikes Different Tone
Iraq Yazidis Say Neighbours Enabled Jihadist Attack
What Would Reagan Do? 'Destroy the Islamists'
Islamic State Sieges Threatening to Eliminate Aramaic, the Language of Jesus
Vian Dakhil, Iraq's Only Yazidi MP, Took to Mount Sinjar to Save Her People
UN, Relief Workers Contradict Obama: Yazidi Crisis Far from Over

Pamela Gellers Perspectives:
o Most top Islamic State jihadis were once held by U.S.
o UK Muslim explains that he is going to Iraq or Syria because Allah has commanded for the
Muslims to go and fight jihad
o Non-Muslim (Yezidi) Girls Raped by ISIS (Islamic State) Jump to their Death on Mount Shingal
o Hamas: We Deported Foreign Journalists for Filming Hamas Missile Launches
o Devout Muslim terrorists screaming Allahu akbar abduct schoolboys in Nigeria
o Pro-jihad terror petition to ban Joan Rivers UK tour: Will the Brits cave to Islamic supremacist
o Hundreds of non-Muslims, mostly children, died trapped by Islamic State (ISIS) on mountain
o Reporters notebook: Coming face to face with anti-Semites in Paris
o Car defaced with swastika at murdered rabbis Florida memorial service
o AFDI makes history in Union Square
o Israeli ship remains at sea as thousands of pro-terror protesters gather in Oakland
o Euro-Jihad: Muslims Brutally Attacking Christians in Refugee Centers in Denmark and Germany
o Yazidi Leader to Speak TODAY at Our AFDI Rally in Solidarity with Israel and All Persecuted
o Palestinian baby receives life-saving treatment from Israeli; mother says she wants him to be a
suicide bomber

Selected Daily Alert Articles:


Iran's Favorite Palestinian Terrorists - Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Revolutionary
Guards Quds Force who is known as the point man for Iran's military and covert operations
outside its borders, publicly pledged support for Palestinian fighters on July 30. Then he named
five specific groups. The Qassam Brigades are the military wing of Hamas. The Al-Quds Brigades
are the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The Nasser Salahuddin Brigades are a breakaway
faction from Fatah that refused to accept the Oslo Peace Agreement. The Al Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades are the official military wing of Fatah. The Abu Al Mustapha Brigades are the armed
wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). By spreading support across the
different groups, Iran's leaders may hope to incite a continued war of attrition against Israel.
Indeed, several reports suggest that the latest Gaza war did not begin with Hamas, but with
other groups firing rockets until Israel retaliated and Hamas was forced to join in.

Israeli Forces Praise UAVs in Gaza Op - The Gaza war marked the first time the soldier-launched
Skylark (SkyRider) mini-UAV was used in quantities for high-tempo support of ground forces,
said Brig. Gen. Roy Riftin, IDF chief artillery officer. "Every brigade - even the reserves - got at
least two air vehicles and flew them nonstop, at the same time," he said. Some 18 systems flew
hundreds of hours, generating intelligence and streaming target-acquisition data to myriad
shooters on the ground. "It was phenomenal; a real asset," Riftin said. They also "served up
targets of opportunity for Tammuz," the officer said of th electro-optic, precision strike system
operated by IDF gunners.

Hamas Cheerleaders: Professional Failures of the Western Media in Gaza - The continuous
dissemination of inaccurate data on civilian casualties by the Western media represents a major
professional failure. Interestingly, Chinese and Indian networks exposed the relevant context so
missing from the Western media coverage - the unprecedented Israeli efforts to minimize civilian
casualties and the systematic use of civilians as human shields by Hamas. Who would believe
that CCTV, the communist-run Chinese television network, would cover Gaza in a more balanced
way than the British BBC? This suggests that the Western media is biased against Israel.
The distorted and misleading coverage of the Gaza conflict contributed to the hasty calls made
by political leaders, UN officials and NGOs to prosecute Israel for war crimes. It also contributed
to the mass hate demonstrations in Europe and to the sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents. Given
the systematic, biased and inaccurate coverage of Gaza in the Guardian and the Independent, it
is not surprising that Britain has become the world center for hatred and anti-Israel
demonstrations and boycotts. The Western media betrayed their audiences who deserve to
receive accurate information on Gaza. They should be held accountable for skewed coverage.

Gaza and the Rise of Anti-Semitism - The board of London's Tricycle Theater delivered an
ultimatum to the organizers of the UK Jewish Film Festival, which it has hosted for the last eight
years: either cut your ties with the Israeli embassy or find another venue. The theater has made
a bad error of judgment. The Israeli embassy in London represents Israel itself, its society and its
people. It was this connection with Israel that the UK Jewish Film Festival refused to give up.
That reflects something crucial about contemporary Jewish identity: that most Jews feel bound up
with Israel. To demand that Jews surrender that connection is to tell Jews how they might - and
how they might not - live as Jews. Such demands have an ugl history. They are not the proper
business of any public institution, least of all a state-subsidized theater.

Also Note:

Combating Anti-Semitic Content on Internet Around the Clock!
It's our One Year Anniversary!

One year of activity, concentrating on Youtube anti-Semitic videos, Shows Incredible Results:
- More than 400 Anti-Semitic Youtube Account Terminated
- More than 15,800 (fifteen thousand eight hundred!!!) Anti-Semitic Videos Removed!
- A Facebook Community of More than 22,500 Responsible People

The month of July was not holiday for us in Israel!
With the war, and the rise of anti-Semitism on the internet,
we removed more the 3,000 videos in a single month!
Another phenomenon for this month of our first anniversary

is that 4,000 new people decided to be part of our Facebook Community!

Rationalize away this graphic, if you can.

NYT Published Bizarrely Despicable Cartoon regarding the plight of the Azidis [of
questionable taste and minimal sense? Absurd? Despicable? An esoteric commentary on
the idiocy of anti-Iraq-interventionists?]



Drawing Conclusions From the Myth of Middle East Moderates
By Jonathan S. Tobin

,This debunks the most cogent effort to rationalize BHOs Middle East Paradigm.-
In todays Washington Post, that inveterate peddler of foreign policy conventional
wisdom Fareed Zakaria tells a great truth about the myth of Arab moderation. That he
does so in order to cover up for the failures of President Obama and while also hedging
his bets about the Palestinians does not detract from the general truth of his thesis.
Zakaria is merely stating what has long been obvious to critics of the political culture of
the Arab and Muslim world. In that toxic environment, moderation is political poison
and extremism, especially of the Islamist variety has become mainstream. As Zakaria
rightly notes, the dynamic that has brought ISIS to the brink of overrunning Iraq has
been manifested throughout the Middle East over the last generation as Islamists have
become more powerful and their so-called moderate opponents have become less
moderate as well as unpopular.
The purpose of this Obama cheerleaders detour into reality is not, however, to debunk
the fantasy that Israel must make concessions to the Palestinians in order to strengthen
their moderates. Nor is he seeking to pour cold water on those promoting the delusion
that Irans leaders are becoming more moderate and that justifies American
appeasement of Tehrans nuclear ambitions. Those are two fallacies that Zakaria is
perfectly happy to continue promoting in his writing and on the bully pulpit he occupies
on CNN.
No, the only reason that Zakaria is interesting in shooting down the idea of Arab
moderation is because that is a convenient way to defend the Obama against the
criticisms lodged against him by Hillary Clinton last week in her Atlantic interview with
Jeffrey Goldberg. Clinton rightly noted that an early and vigorous Western intervention
in Syria would have probably toppled the brutal Assad regime. But even more
importantly, the chaos that stemmed from the protracted civil war there led to the rise
of ISIS, a vicious Islamist terror group that has overrun parts of Syria and much of Iraq.
But Zakaria is determined to absolve Obama and therefore declares that there were
never any real moderates in Syria and that any Western intervention would have been
in vain. Like the president, whose alibi for a record of almost unbroken foreign policy
failure during his time in office is that the world is a complicated and confusing place he
cant be expected to do much about, let alone fix, Zakarias response to Syria is to throw
up his hands and to say that nothing could be done.
To be fair, the Syrian opposition was never very impressive and is now totally
overshadowed by the extremists in the field against Assad. But to assert that inaction
was the only reasonable option in Syria is to promote a different kind of myth. History is
fluid, not set in stone. As uncertain as the situation in Syria was three years ago, theres
little doubt that Assad was on the ropes and, like Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, would
have fallen if Obama (who kept predicting the demise of that regime) had acted. While
it is possible the country would have descended to chaos as was the case in Libya where
the presidents lead from behind style led to disaster, could it have been worse than

what is happening now, with the country divided between Irans ally Assad and Islamists
who are also threatening to take over Iraq?
But even if we leave the Syria out of the discussion, whats most disappointing about
Zakarias truth-telling about the missing Muslim and Arab moderates is that even as he
tries to debunks Clintons criticisms of Obama, he refuses to connect the dots between
his thesis and the presidents Middle East policies that he has supported.
Zakaria insists that Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is a genuine moderate.
But, if he was being consistent or had a shred of intellectual integrity, he would note
that the same dynamic that has driven other moderate regimes to extremism has
applied to Abbas as well. Abbas talks like a moderate at times when speaking to
Westerners or left-wing Israelis. But his refusal to recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish
state no matter where its borders are drawn or to denounce Palestinian Islamists gives
the lie to the talk about his moderation, although even the Israeli government regards
him as a necessary evil these days.
Zakaria also distorts the truth when he says the reason why there have been no
Palestinian elections in recent years (Abbas is currently serving the 10
year of a four-
year presidential term) is that the Israelis and the West have postponed them. That is
nonsense even though hes right when he says there is good reason to believe the
Hamas terrorists might win. The autocratic and utterly corrupt Fatah run by Abbas
needs no prompting from the Israelis or the Americans to act to protect themselves
from the trappings of democracy.
But the main failing of Zakarias piece is that he refuses to draw the proper conclusion
from his correct diagnosis about the failure of Arab moderation. If it is a fantasy to
imagine that there are no moderates who can make peace with the Jewish state and live
with the West without resorting to terror or nuclear blackmail, then it behooves the U.S.
to stop trying to hammer the Israelis into making dangerous concessions that will only
strengthen Hamas in Gaza. It would also be good reason for Obama to sober up about
the prospects of dtente with Iran and to realize that rather than loosening sanctions on
Tehran, tougher ones along with a credible threat of force is the only way to avert the
nuclear threat.
For Zakaria, Arab and Muslim moderation is a myth. But only a myth when it serves the
purpose of absolving Obama from his responsibility to lead, not when it comes to
pressuring Israel or appeasing Iran.
Update: This afternoon, The Washington Post responded to complaints such as the one I
made about Zakarias wrongly blaming Israel for the failure to hold Palestinian elections.
It reads as follows:
An earlier version of this column erred in stating, the Israeli
government and the West have happily postponed elections in the West
Bank. The elections have been postponed by the Palestinian Authority.


Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 7:13 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXV [Race-Riots, Israel]

It was necessary to distribute the immediate-prior Blast e-mail because it was becoming unwieldy;
replete with info that appeared to be ignored elsewhere, it contained items with time-value [EMET] and
long-term import [the Tobin essay about Zakaria, as a BHO-apologist regarding all thats wrong with
Americas throw-up-your-hands posturing that is purported to emulate a decent Foreign Policy]. Also,
pivotal concerns of the GOP were explored [placing personal efforts to create a Log Cabin entity in PA
within an appropriate context], along with the ultimate nuclear option consideration that blocks Dems
to act against BHOs imperialism by supportingnominally, just in 14the GOPs effort to regain the
Senate Majority [SCOTUS appointments]; in that regard, handicapping was updated in a global fashion
[without trying to capture nuances among political seers] to support hope that BHO will be shellacked.
Why two must-see flicks have been praised was also captured [buried among customary Summer-fare];
ending with a wrongheaded graphic [please read through the terse annotation in conjunction therewith]
was intended to capture potency of lefties to amend lead-stories to befit their biases/prejudices.

Again, the backlog dating back to December 7, 13 has been compiled (each < 2 megs],
yielding the entire set of suggested Action-Items *I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII,
XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII]; once XXIX has reached ~ 2 megs, it will
be added. They can be searched for key-words; the prior six months entries *entitled
anti-BHO+ will be added *focusing on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and efforts to defund
ObamaDontCare, spotlighting Cruz+.} More than 3000-pages were composed during the
past year; the reader is invited to ID any internal contradiction *for there arent any!+.

Points made therein dealt with the fear that the GOPs POTUS could appoint the next SCOTUS-justice;
the need to peg BHOs behavior as evil *for its deceit is pervasive and it lacks any factual foundation
from Fathers/Founders; the need for the Log Cabin Republicans *LGBTQ+ ASAP; the depths of BHOs
pacifism*recalling BHOs interview with Jeff Goldberg of The Atlantic in which he eschewed leading the
government into the status of emerging victorious in any military conflict in any theater in the world];
the hope that Corbett can help people recognize the risk of electing a Dem who will increase taxation;
the reason why limits to gun ownership are both unconstitutional and dangerous [for people may wish
to be able to defend themselves], undermining the desire for Gun-free Zones to be maintained [even in
a hospital]; the need to withhold judgment regarding any justification for the police-shooting of an
unarmed perp [having just robbed a convenience store, until a quality investigation can be instituted];
the importance of Kurdistan and of supporting Israel; and the ongoing risk that the Senate will append
its prior Amnesty bill to the House-passed bill regarding Illegals (triggering the joint-conference
committee that could yield a reform passage, that Dems and Boehner could pass *ignoring, again the
Hastert Ryke], and that would then open floodgates for Illegals that would be impossible to reverse.

Insights into the USA-Israel relationship are contained herein, so scroll past what may
feel tiresome *although Goldbergs essay is hardly polemical+, but please dont ignore
the implications of what BHO is doing to Israel [summarized in two reprinted-essays].
Essentially, you are being provided raw-data from myriad sources that carry import;
here, no effort has been made to integrate viewpoints [beyond the obvious abandoning
of Israel, for the concept that friends can disagree has long since been forgotten+.

Although the info provided was cohesive, a major reason why the prior Blast e-mail was released
before the customary sources had been cited to-exhaustion was awareness that additional a-bit-lengthy
citations loomed [in addition to those already provided]; the first is the [Jonah] Goldberg File, which is
only available via Blast e-mail. It may be recalled that, after his Keynote address @ the PA Leadership
Conference four months ago, I mildly berated him for appearing reticent to cite the wisdom enshrined in
his tome Liberal Fascism; as will be quite apparent, he more-than-compensated in this weekly essay
*and careful listeners of FNCs All-Stars that starts @ 6:37 p.m. (e.d.t.) @ the end of Special Report
will note he has far more frequently conveyed awareness of the sweep of a given issue]. Note how he
carefully defines political philosophies and how he deftly fuses conservatism and libertarianism.

Ferguson Agonistes

I have to confess I am very late to the Ferguson story. I tend not to follow these kinds of
events too closely when they break, because they always seem to go the same way.
What am I supposed to say? If the cop did something wrong, he should be punished for
it. If he didn't, he shouldn't be.

But even if he did something wrong, rioting is almost never justified. It can be more or
less understandable depending on the circumstances, even forgivable I suppose. But
never justifiable, never mind permissible. Why should the crime -- real or alleged --
committed by person X make it okay for person Y to do harm to person(s) Z? No one has
ever been able to explain that to me.

And I grew up in New York City in the 1970s, when race riots were a thing -- though not
as much of a thing as they were in the 1960s. And that's part of the problem. In the
1960s, you could see the point of race riots (though less so in the North where they
were quite common). But by the 1970s, liberals had incorporated race riots into their
mythology as noble "happenings" even though the romance of rebellion had lost its
plausibility. And by the 1980s, tragedy had been fully swamped by farce. It is an
axiomatic truth going back to Socrates: Nothing can be wholly noble if Al Sharpton is
involved. Nonetheless, it was amazing to watch New York liberals act like battered
spouses as they tried to explain why blacks are right to loot while at the same time they
shouldn't do it.

I haven't followed the details well enough to have an informed opinion on what actually
happened. But, as far as I'm concerned, that's the easy part. I'm wholly with my NR
colleagues on this. There should be an honest investigation. If the officer unlawfully shot
an unarmed man, he should face the consequences. If he didn't, there should be no
(criminal) consequences. How this is a complicated issue intellectually is a mystery to
me. How this has become a complicated political problem, sadly, is not.

This Is Different

All of that said, I think the Ferguson story has become more interesting and significant
than the usual spectacle of this kind. The timing coincides with the ripening of an
argument on the right against the militarization of U.S. police forces (led by Radley Balko
as far as I can tell). It's funny how unaware so many liberals are that this conversation

was even taking place on the right. Liberals have been mocking libertarians for years as
paranoid lunatics. Oh you want to live without government? Move to Somalia! Oh wait,
when did the cops get tanks? (Some wag on Twitter made this point but I can't find it

It looks like the Missouri Governor made the right call bringing in the state police and
Captain Ron Johnson, an African American from Ferguson. I'm sure the guy is qualified
and he seemed pretty impressive from what I've seen and his decision to demilitarize
things as quickly as possible was inspired. But part of his success stems from the fact
he's black. And that's okay.

I think this should be an educational data point for those who think any nods towards
racial diversity are ideologically suspect. I am as against racial quotas as anyone, but the
idea that police forces shouldn't take into account the racial or ethnic make-up of their
communities when it comes to hiring has always struck me as bizarre. A Chinese-
American cop will probably have an easier time in Chinatown than a Norwegian-
American cop. A bilingual Hispanic cop will have similar advantages in a mostly Spanish-
speaking neighborhood. When my dad was a kid in the Bronx, it was not uncommon for
a cop to give a teenager a well-intentioned smack as a warning and leave it at that. But
forget the smack. Today, in many neighborhoods, if a white cop even talks harshly to a
black kid, it might immediately be seen as a racial thing. If a black cop said the exact
same things, it might be received differently.

One last thought. While some uncharitable folks might find a way to blame Obama
somehow for the chaos in Missouri, I don't think that would be fair. This sounds like a
local issue. But it has become nationalized by the media, and that's not good for Obama.
Chaos at the border, tear gas in the streets, crucifixions in the Middle East, ebola
scandals, a "booming" economy where no one feels the boom: These all contribute
mightily to the sense the planet is going ass over tea kettle and are not the sorts of
things that incline people to be happy with the status quo.

Libertarians in the Mist

My column today (well, tomorrow from where I am sitting) is on Robert Draper's New
York Times Magazine piece on the alleged "libertarian moment." Before I go on, I will
confess to a bit of embarrassing vanity here. I look fantastic in my Star Trek uniform. But

that's not important. I will admit I wish Draper had talked to me. I've been debating and
writing about libertarians and conservatives for almost 20 years. I've debated Nick
Gillespie and Matt Welch among others on the subject, and I'm at a loss to count
how many times I've written about it. All I know is that whatever the number is, it
passed the minimum threshold for my wife to make fun of me about my obsession
about a decade ago.

Random morning circa 2002:

Me: What should I write my column about?

The Fair Jessica: Hey, why don't you write about fusionism again while I
eat a bowl of broken glass?

There are so many things I couldn't get into in my column. So let me just rant about
them bullet-point style (it helps if you say "bullet-point style" like a badly dubbed
Shaolin monk in a Kung Fu movie "Oh, your bullet-point style is good, but mine is
bettah!"). Libertarianism is popular now because it is cool to say you're libertarian even
if indeed, especially if you are not libertarian. I've spoken at about 100 college
campuses and I've made this point almost every time. Libertarianism is a bigger threat
to conservatism among young people than liberalism is because given the culture today
libertarianism is easier than conservatism. To be a conservative you not only have to
judge people, you have to judge people out loud. And making judgments about right and
wrong is a sin in today's secular culture. A libertarian can argue with his poli-sci and
economics professors by day and be a party guy by night. "Socialism is stupid" in the
classroom and "Who's up for getting high?" in the dorm.

Perhaps the most annoying thing about libertarianism is its blind spot about the
importance of community. Ayn Rand and Barack Obama share the view that there are
only two important institutions: the individual and the state. The difference is Rand
thought the state is evil and Barack Obama thinks it is awesome. The truth is closer to
the middle. Well, let me modify that. The state in the Bismarckian/Wilsonian sense
sucks. But government is not evil. Oh, it can be. But it needn't be. Sure, semantically you
can make the case that it is a necessary evil, but I don't think that's entirely fair. Nothing
truly necessary can be evil. Gravity is not evil. Food and shelter are not evil. There are
things we need to do collectively. That's why the Founders wrote the Constitution. Its
genius lay in the fact that it understood that government is necessary but not sufficient
for a good life.

Let's talk foreign policy. Rand Paul's foreign policy isn't libertarian because there is no
such thing as libertarian foreign policy. Oh, sure, the majority of libertarians are either
non-interventionist or isolationist (more the former than the latter), but the reason we
call those ideas libertarian isn't because the internal logic of the philosophy requires
non-interventionism or isolationism. It's because that's where non-interventionists and
isolationists have found a home. This understandably will offend many libertarians who
are sincere non-interventionists. But the fact is that there is a very clear demarcation
between the international realm and the national realm. How we order our internal
arrangements must be different than how we order our external ones. Inside the

fortress we can believe in maximalist notions of individual liberty. But the Constitution
(libertarian-ly understood) by definition doesn't apply to individuals or nation-states
outside our borders. Contrary to the claims of many hawks and neoconservatives (not
the same thing!) as a matter of fact and logic no libertarian is an isolationist. Isolationists
do not believe in free trade or open borders. Q.E.D.

Non-interventionism's moment is probably starting to wind down. I'm pretty sure it
cannot withstand sustained news cycles of jihadists burying children alive and crucifying
Christians. Non-interventionism seems brilliant when intervention is or seems to be
a bad idea. Rand Paul has benefitted enormously from the relative calm we've been
living under for the last several years. As Seth Mandel explains in a really insightful post,
"A stable global order is a great time to be a noninterventionist."

Oh, for you constitutionalist libertarians, you might ponder the fact that the reason we
swapped out the Articles of Confederation for the Constitution was that the Barbary
pirates were getting all up in our business and we needed to pay for a navy to open a
can of whoop-ass on them.

When it comes to the federal government in the domestic sphere, I'm pretty damned
libertarian. But I am also damn near a hippy communitarian when it comes to
everything else. The libertarians in Draper's essay talk a great game about individual
liberty and there's no end of sneering at social conservatives. But in a truly free society
individuals would be free to live conservatively. Far more important: They would be free
to live conservatively in groups. We call these groups "communities." That means in a
free society some communities would be free to establish rules that other people would
find too constraining. What breaks my heart about Draper's essay is that it buys into
Obama's view of society: Individuals versus the state. Bollocks. In such a denuded
society the federal government will inexorably take charge of things it has no business
taking charge of. Too many liberals and libertarians share the view that the government
in Washington is the only government in the game. I agree entirely with libertarians that
the feds shouldn't be in the business of telling anybody how to live. But local
communities should have enormous though not unlimited latitude to organize
around principles that some libertarians, conservatives, and liberals don't like.

Another point (which I've made 8 trillion times). Liberals aren't libertarian about social
issues! Libertarians don't believe in speech codes. They don't believe in racial quotas.
They don't believe in cigarette bans. They don't believe private citizens should be forced
to do business with people they don't want to do business with. They don't believe in
socialized medicine or limits on soda sizes. I have contempt for both liberals who claim
they are libertarians and for libertarians who find common cause with liberals who
refuse to acknowledge this fact. Claiming to be socially liberal but fiscally conservative is
one of the great dodges in American politics. But it pales in comparison to claiming that
you're socially libertarian when you're in fact socially authoritarian.

One last point. Let's assume that Draper is right. This is the libertarians' moment. Well,
I've got bad news for my libertarian friends. That moment will last exactly as long as,
and no longer than, it takes for libertarians to actually take power. The instant there is a
libertarian president or a libertarian majority in Congress, liberals will immediately and

passionately denounce libertarianism as evil, cruel, sexist, and racist. This is the story of
progressivism and it will never change. Any non-progressive movement that gains
power becomes The Enemy. If Rand Paul is the nominee, I guarantee you people will
look back on Draper's piece as a set up. Liberals do this all the time. They designate out-
of-power factions as the good conservatives or good right-wingers, because that makes
them sound open-minded ("I don't hate all conservatives, just the ones in charge."). But
then once they have a chance of seeing their ideas implemented, the fearmongering
begins. If Rand Paul's the nominee, the New York Times will be bludgeoning us with
bones from his father's closet until Paul is a Klansman. Remember, this is the crowd that
told us Mitt Romney gave some woman cancer. People forget that liberals loved
neoconservatism in the 1990s when it was out of power. Once it was in power (or
perceived to be) under George W. Bush, it became foreign and scary and "Straussian."
Today green-eyeshade Republicanism of the Nixon-(Poppa) Bush variety is all the rage.
But when Nixon and Bush were president, liberals shrieked "Fascism!" Liberal nostalgia
for Reagan or Goldwater is remarkably hard to reconcile with the way liberals treated
Reagan and Goldwater when they were in power.

Progressivism, stripped of its philosophical flare is ultimately and irreducibly about
power. Any idea, movement, or politician that threatens the power of progressives and
the(ir) administrative state will be cast as the greatest evil in the land. Libertarians who
think otherwise are betraying their own anti-utopian creed.

Myriad Domestic Concerns
Obama's DOJ Silent as New Black Panthers Leader Incited Violence in Ferguson

Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama feud continues to bubble and froth
Clinton's lead over GOP candidates shrinking

"The Giver" relates a "haunting story that centers on Jonas (Brenton Thwaites), a young man who lives
in a seemingly ideal, if colorless world of conformity and contentment. Yet as he begins to spend time
with The Giver (Jeff Bridges), who is the sole keeper of the community's memories, Jonas quickly begins
to discover the dark and deadly truths of his community's secret past." [Trailer] An essay relating 'The
Giver' and the Totalitarian Instinct noted that the cast [that includes Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep and Katie
Holmes] of this powerful, dystopian story recalled communist Poland in the 1980s, when men such as
Pope John Paul II and Lech Walesa changed history.

On Iraq, Pope Francis' message of peace met the reality of war when, after he called on the international
community to find an efficient political solution that can stop these crimes, the Vatican also tried to
make peace with the idea that U.S. military strikes that began last week were necessary and working:
This is something that had to be done, otherwise (the Islamic State) could not be stopped, Archbishop
Giorgio Lingua, the Vaticans ambassador, or nuncio, to Iraq, told Vatican Radio.

At the The Judenrein Port of Oakland, a motley assortment of radical leftists, anarchists, fascists and
Islamists found common ground and banded together in a scheme to prevent an Israeli ship from
unloading its cargo at an Oakland port. The list of participating groups includes such lunatic outfits as
Queers Undermining Israeli Terror and Totally Radical Muslims. It makes no difference that, if given

the chance, members of the latter group would likely behead members of the former ISIS style to
shrieks of Allhuakbar. Nothing brings people of divergent viewpoints closer together than good old-
fashioned Jew-hatred. The communists and the fascists, the queers and the radical Islamists, have
temporarily put aside their squabbles to first deal with the greater evil those pesky Jews.

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) defeated Rep. Colleen Hanabusa (D-Hawaii) in the bitter Hawaii Senate
primary, nearly a week after voting first began. Schatz was appointed to the seat after the death of Sen.
Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), a local hero who had asked on his deathbed that Hanabusa replace him. But
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie (D) decided to go with Schatz, then his lieutenant governor, instead.
[Abercrombie was defeated by over 35 points in his own primary last week by state Sen. Dan Ige (D).]
Still, as Abercrombies popularity plummeted, Schatz was able to create some separation from the less-
than-beloved governor. Schatz outraised and outspent Hanabusa by a wide comfortable margin. While
EMILYs List spent a half-million dollars on the congresswomans behalf, Schatz received support from
liberal groups like the League of Conservation Voters and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee,
which has also worked to help Schatz this past week. The incumbent has also trumpeted an
endorsement from favorite son Obama, helping to boost his name identification following his
appointment. Hanabusa had the backing of Inouye's widow and family.


When A U.S. President IS Muslim Brotherhood
Truce terms solidified as Egyptian paper prints leaked ceasefire details
When all you seek is calm, while your adversary is committed to your total annihilation, what is
a reasonable compromise? That he only annihilate half of you?
There is no distinction between "anti-Zionists" and anti-Semites.
Jordan Doesn't Want More Palestinians
Sarah Palin vigorously defended Israel
Krugerplein, or Kruger Square, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is now the theatre of a series of
incidents, starting with a woman who hung an Israeli flag outside her window; Muslims
answered by displaying "Palestinian" flags. She received death threats, had stones thrown
through her windows, and had a Molotov-cocktail thrown at her home. The corporate owner of
her apartment ordered her to remove the flag. Israel's flag after all, is considered a
"provocation." Last week, there were seven "Palestinian" flags flags which are never
considered a provocation, of course.
Anti-Semitism is beginning to have a significant impact on Israels relations with other
democracies [By Caroline Glick, JPOST].

Whats Behind the Kerfuffle in the Administration on Israels Munitions Requests?

The 8/14/2014 Wall Street Journal had a front page article below the fold with the
headline, Gaza Crisis: Israel Outflanks the White House on Strategy. The theme of
the WSJ piece was somehow that Netanyahu had outfoxed the Obama West Wing in
obtaining ammunition for Operation Protective Edge through contacts in the Pentagon
in an existing munitions supply agreement. The WSJ article stoked the controversy with
these comments:

White House and State Department officials who were leading U.S.
efforts to rein in Israels military campaign in the Gaza Strip were caught
off guard last month when they learned that the Israeli military had
been quietly securing supplies of ammunition from the Pentagon
without their approval.
Since then the Obama administration has tightened its control on arms
transfers to Israel. But Israeli and U.S. officials say that the adroit
bureaucratic maneuvering made it plain how little influence the White
House and State Department have with the government of Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that both sides know it.
In addition, current and former American officials say, U.S.-Israel ties
have been hurt by leaks that they believe were meant to undercut the
administration's standing by mischaracterizing its position and delay a
cease-fire. The battles have driven U.S.-Israeli relations to the lowest
point since President Barack Obama took office.
Israel had obtained a shipment of 120 mm mortars and 40mm rounds in late July. But
then as the WSJ article reported, a request for Hellfire missiles was effectively put on
The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency, or DSCA, was
about to release an initial batch of the Hellfires, according to Israeli and
congressional officials. It was immediately put on hold by the Pentagon,
and top officials at the White House instructed the DSCA, the U.S.
military's European Command and other agencies to consult with policy
makers at the White House and the State Department before approving
any additional requests.
The impression is lent that the Administration had put on hold the IDF request for
additional Hellfire missiles on a special review rather than a so-called check the box
basis. Further, the WSJ article alleged that the reason Obama signed off on the
emergency $225 million appropriations for replenishment of Iron Dome Tamir missiles,
passed by Congress on the final day before the August recess ,was that it was defensive
in nature. The implication was this was a distinction to mollify the Democratic anti-war
base, and put a stop to Netanyahus alleged back channel efforts with both the
Congress and the US military.
Moreover, there are some defenders of Israel in the Congress who maintain that the
Administration is trying to use its executive powers to force Israel to accept the 2012
cease fire with Hamas, brokered by ousted President Mohammed Morsi, a former
leader of the now banned Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. That will never fly given
the implacable demands of Hamas. They include money to pay clerks, a seaport,
international airport and relaxing the chokehold by Egypt on the Rafah frontier and
Israels porous blockade of Gaza. We say porous, because throughout Operation
Protective Edge Israel has screened and permitted humanitarian deliveries of food,
construction materials and medicine through both the Erez and Keren Shalom
crossings. Further, Israel continued to provide gas, electricity and water to Gaza. Critics

of the Administration also point to the unusual 48 hour suspension by the FAA s of
flights to Israel by US air carriers. Allegedly, the FAA suspension was tied to a Hamas
rocket that fell damaging a house in Israel less than a mile from Ben Gurion Airport near
Tel Aviv. That may have been reinforced by concerns related to the missile attack in the
Ukraine that shot down Malaysian Air flight MH-17 killing 292 passengers and crew.
The New York Post cited Republican Long Island Congressman, Peter W. King saying:
The Obama people came into office with almost a chip on their shoulder
against Netanyahu. He was treated worse than most enemies are
treated. They were almost looking for a fight with Netanyahu and they
got it.
Steve Israel, a Democrat Long Island Congressman, who recently returned from Israel,
commented in the New York Post piece: I can tell you firsthand: When terrorists are
firing rockets, its no time for behind-the-scenes speculation.
Ms. Marie Harf, the Department of State spokesperson had this exchange in
yesterdays Daily Press Briefing:
QUESTION: There was a report in The Wall Street Journal this morning
that claimed that the White House intervened in a typical procedure of
delivering munitions to Israel during Operation Protective Edge. Do you
have a comment?
MS. HARF: I do. And I think some of that was the tone .. at wasnt
correct, and so let me go through a little bit of what our response would
be --
MS. HARF: -- and then Im sure there will be follow-ups. As you know
and as I have said many times, the United States has an unshakable
commitment to Israels security. No country has done more to support
their security than the United States. Just last week, the President
signed a bill providing Israel an additional $225 million in Iron Dome
funding during the Gaza crisis. We will continue to provide additional
security assistance to Israel going forward. And let me be clear: There
has been no change in policy, period.
Given the crisis in Gaza, its natural that agencies take additional care to
review deliveries as part of an interagency process. That is by no means
unusual and, again, does not indicate any change in policy, as I think
that story sort of alluded to. And its not a permanent change in
process. Again, it represents additional care that we would take in any
crisis, period.
An analysis in the Jewish Press, Obamas Campaign against Israel, suggests that there
may have been a purposeful leak to the WSJ by certain quarters in the Administration

seeking to mollify the left wing of the political base of the Democrat Party. The analysis
noted this about the alleged back door replenishment of munitions:
Israel was reordering ammunition under Foreign Military Sales cases for
which reordering is already authorized, without the need for renewed
approval. This is not uncommon with foreign military sales (and is
actually acknowledged later in the same article, as Jeff Dunetz points
out). Depicting a reorder of ammo as adroit bureaucratic
maneuvering is worse than tendentious, and can have only one
purpose. The purpose is clarified here:
But Israeli and U.S. officials say that the adroit
bureaucratic maneuvering made it plain how little
influence the White House and State Department have
with the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and that both sides know it.
The author of the JP analysis concluded:
The narrative crafted by this very tailored leak is perfectly designed to
appeal to those supporters, who at this point are virtually certain to be
disappointed in Israels outcome.
As to the relations between the two leaders, one only need refer to the overheard
remark between Obama and former French President Sarkozy over dinner in Cannes in
the midst of a G-20 meeting in November 2011:
"I can't stand him. He's a liar," Sarkozy said of Netanyahu, according to
the website.
Obama replied, "You're tired of him; what about me? I have to deal with
him every day," the site reported.
The WSJ article commented:
A top Israeli official said the rift runs deeper than that. "We've been
there before with a lot of tension with us and Washington. What we
have now, on top of that, is mistrust and a collision of different
perspectives on the Middle East," the official said. "It's become very

Richard Baehr [] compiled the following observations:

Do you remember when one ardent defender of the thesis: "Barack Obama is the best
President ever for Israel" would send out long checklists of all the great support on
national security the Administration was providing. A new list is forming: FAA bans on
travel to Israel, the harshest public criticism ever leveled at Israel (and that during a time

of war) regular dressing-downs of Israel's prime minister by President Obama and his
underlings, and now: letting Israel know that its weapons resupply is in danger of cutoff.
(Chicago politics at its best, if you are true a believer.)

Bob Dold, who is running for the 10
district House seat, issued a statement after the
report in the Wall Street Journal yesterday over the new military resupply arrangements
and attempted Administration high pressure tactics (akin to blackmail, I think).

"Leadership on foreign policy demands that we step forward and speak
out clearly when we see instances of Israel not being treated properly
by the United States. I was extremely disturbed by the front page
report in today's Wall Street Journal, which revealed recent actions and
policy changes by this Administration that undermine matters of
military-to-military cooperation between the United States and Israel. I
am greatly concerned that by now requiring specific White House
approval of once-routine munitions and weapons acquisitions by Israel -
which Israel urgently needs to protect its people against Hamas
terrorists - we are burdening Israel with needless delays and
complications at a time that demands we unequivocally have Israel's

This is not about politics; it's simply a matter of right vs. wrong. I
encourage Congress to step forward on a bipartisan basis and tell this
Administration it will not ignore these actions which weaken our
military-to-military relationship with Israel."

In this regard, I would note that some of our friends on the left have accused Bob of
turning Israel into a partisan football to Israels detriment. Nonsense. Bobs goal is to
forcefully and repeatedly advocate for a strong U.S. Israel relationship, which he has
done from his first days in Congress right up through today. Rather, our friends in the
Democratic party are trying to change the subject (a common rhetorical trick) to evade
responsibility for the fact that Democrats support for Israelas recently confirmed by
Pew (full report below) is at historic lows, and is barely more than half of what it is
among Republicans. Being bipartisan on Israel does not mean blindly supporting both
parties regardless of those parties relative support for Israelit must also mean holding
both parties fully accountable for their support for Israel. And, notably, it was the
Democrats who blocked the Menendez-Kirk sanctions bill. Where is the
accountability? Ignoring the problem, lying about it, or deflecting through cowardly
rhetorical tricks, only serves to harm Israel's interests. Voting records, party platforms,
and major polls like Pew and Gallup exist for a reason.

Below is the PEW Report, commentaries by Seth Mandel and David Horovitz, a Times of
Israel report confirming that missile shipments have ceased, and the original Wall Street
Journal Article for those of you without access.

Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
JULY 15, 2014


As violence between Israel and Hamas shows no signs of abating, the sympathies of the
American public continue to lie with Israel rather than the Palestinians. And dating back
to the late 1970s, the partisan gap in Mideast sympathies has never been wider.

Currently, 51% of Americans say that in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians,
they sympathize more with Israel. Just 14% sympathize more with the Palestinians,
while 15% volunteer that they sympathize with neither side and 3% sympathize with

These views are little changed from April, before the recent outbreak of Mideast
violence. However, the share of Republicans who sympathize more with Israel has risen
from 68% to 73%; 44% of Democrats express more sympathy for Israel than the
Palestinians, which is largely unchanged from April (46%). The share of independents
siding more with Israel than the Palestinians has slipped from 51% to 45%.

Just 17% of Democrats, 17% of independents and 6% of Republicans sympathize more
with the Palestinians than Israel. These numbers have changed little since April.


The new national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted July 8-14 among 1,805
adults, finds substantial age differences in opinions about the dispute in the Middle
East. Majorities of those 65 and older (60%) and 50-64 (56%) say they sympathize more
with Israel, compared with fewer than half of those 30-49 (47%) and under 30 (44%).
Those under 50 also are more likely than older Americans to sympathize more with the

White evangelical Protestants remain more likely than members of other religious
groups to sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians (70%). White evangelical
Protestants make up nearly a third of Republicans (31% of all Republicans and
Republican leaners), so this accounts for at least some of the partisan gap in sympathies.
However, even among Republicans who are not white evangelicals, two-thirds (66%)

sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians. This compares with 78% of white
evangelical Republicans.

Note that similar results can be seen in a recent Gallup poll.


The Last, Desperate Defense of Obama on Israel Just Evaporated
Seth Mandel - 08.14.2014 - 11:45 AM

There is much to say about the latest Wall Street Journal report, noted earlier by our
John Podhoretz, on the further deterioration of U.S.-Israel relations under President
Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahuand its worth noting that the Journal has really
been owning this ongoing story lately. But theres one aspect in particular that stands
out. And that is the fact that if the basic structure of arms transfers from the U.S. to
Israel is described accurately in the storyand it appears it isthe last refuge of Barack
Obamas defenders on his attitude toward Israel has evaporated.

Obama never hid his contempt for the Israeli government, its political class, or the
majority of Israels voters. Even as a candidate in 2008 he let loose, ranting about Likud
in a way that showed his lack of understanding of the basics of Israeli political life as well
as his desire to push back on Israels supporters in the U.S. When he became president,
only the most dedicated leftists were surprised when he, in entirely predictable fashion,
picked silly fights with Israel and tried to collapse its elected governing coalition.
(Though it can also be argued that those leftists were cheered by this course of action.)

There was always, however, one defense Obamas fanboys in the media would fall back
on: at least he is dedicated to ensuring Israel has what it needs to defend itself. This was
generally thought to be a fair point, though never as compelling as they hoped it would
be. After all, Obama hasnt abandoned Israel to a bloody genocide at the hands of its
neighbors is quite a low bar to clear. But the Journal story takes apart the idea that
Obama has always had Israels back when the chips were down:

White House and State Department officials who were leading U.S.
efforts to rein in Israels military campaign in the Gaza Strip were caught
off guard last month when they learned that the Israeli military had
been quietly securing supplies of ammunition from the Pentagon
without their approval.

Since then the Obama administration has tightened its control on arms
transfers to Israel. But Israeli and U.S. officials say that the adroit
bureaucratic maneuvering made it plain how little influence the White
House and State Department have with the government of Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that both sides know it.

The munitions surprise and previously unreported U.S. response added
to a string of slights and arguments that have bubbled behind the

scenes during the Gaza conflict, according to events related by senior
American, Palestinian and Israeli officials involved.

So the essential resupply was not approved by Obama, because it didnt have to be. Its
simply the default setting: the two countries defense departments have military
cooperation on autopilot. But when Obama found out, he put a stop to the automatic
resupply. In other words, Obama sought to downgrade the U.S.-Israel military

A general defense of Obama on Israels security goes something like this, from Obamas
dedicated press ally Jeffrey Goldberg: On matters of genuine security, Obama has been
a reliable ally, encouraging close military cooperation, helping maintain Israels
qualitative military edge over its regional rivals and, most important, promising that he
wont allow Iran to cross the nuclear-weapons threshold.

You tend to hear some variation on that theme from time to time, usually when Obama
is busy picking fights with Israeli leaders. Diplomatically, he may be consistently harsh
on Israel, so the thinking goes, but at least hes absolutely committed to Israels security.
(The Iran part of that Goldberg quote, by the way, is also up in the air, considering the
presidents consistent attempts to water down or derail sanctions on Iran and his
desperation for a deal that lets Iran drag out the process.)

But even that case has imploded. As the Journal explains:

On July 20, Israels defense ministry asked the U.S. military for a range
of munitions, including 120-mm mortar shells and 40-mm illuminating
rounds, which were already kept stored at a pre-positioned weapons
stockpile in Israel.

The request was approved through military channels three days later
but not made public. Under the terms of the deal, the Israelis used U.S.
financing to pay for $3 million in tank rounds. No presidential approval
or signoff by the secretary of state was required or sought, according to

A U.S. defense official said the standard review process was properly

Now, if that were all there was to the story, it would only partially demolish the flimsy
case for Obamas supposed dedication to Israels security. After all, just because Obama
wasnt involved in the resupply doesnt mean he opposed it.

But then we come back around to the Journal storys larger revelation, in which Obama
sought to put the brakes on the process. Obamas defenders have always had an uphill
climb because the presidents diplomatic hostility is not unconnected to Israels security.
But now we know that the president is not fully committed to Israels securityand,
since the general process of how Israel procures ammunition goes around the president,
the public is left to wonder if he ever was.


US livid with Israel? Hamas cant believe its luck

Op-Ed: Israel left Gaza in 2005 and now finds itself under relentless attack by the
terrorists who took over. It deserves international support; instead, its being

BY DAVID HOROVITZ August 14, 2014, 4:36 pm

After the abandonment of Israel by the UK, with its promise to limit arms sales to Israel
if Hamas restarts its attacks on our civilians, we now learn that the US
is already restricting arms sales to Israel, having halted a planned supply of the Hellfire
precision missiles that enable Israel to strike at the rocket launchers set up by Hamas in
the heart of Gazas residential areas.

While we seek to ascertain just how grave the crisis now is between Israel and its most
important ally is the case of the non-deliveredHellfires a procedural delay or the
beginning of an embargo? is the relationship between the Obama and Netanyahu
administrations ruptured or just very heavily strained? nobody is going to believe the
prime minister the next time he claims, as he did two weeks ago, that US support
throughout this campaign has been terrific.

It becomes ever harder to understand what the US administration thinks it is doing in
the Middle East. Its influence is waning across the region. It appears insufficiently robust
to put it mildly when dealing with the regions most dangerous regimes, notably
Iran. Its ill-judged lack of enthusiasm for Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi apparently blamed by
Washington for ending an elected Muslim Brotherhood presidency, even though
president Mohammed Morsi would likely have ensured no further elections is
pushing Egypt ever closer to Russia. And now ties with the regions only democracy are

Some in the administration appear to labor under the delusion that if only Benjamin
Netanyahu described by some US officials in Thursdays Wall Street Journal as
reckless and untrustworthy could be weakened and eased aside, Israelis might
elect a leadership more inclined to follow its thinking and consider territorial
compromise in the cause of a rejuvenated peace process with the Palestinians. The fact
is, of course, that an Israel attempting to de-fang Hamas, concerned at the possibility of
rising tensions in the West Bank, aware that Hezbollah in Lebanon is many times more
powerful than Hamas is, and watching Iran working to outwit the West on its route to
nuclear weapons, is as likely to veer left as Hamas is to voluntarily disarm. Far from
being the most obdurate prime minister, Netanyahu is the most moderate that Israel
can be expected to choose in the foreseeable future.

It is frankly astounding to the overwhelming majority of Israelis that Israel is being
blamed for and pressured to end a war it manifestly sought to avoid against a
terrorist-government sworn to its destruction that repeatedly breaches the ceasefire

efforts Israel consistently accepts. That the conflict is widely misrepresented, and that
hostile governments are critical, is bad enough for Israel. Far, far graver is that key allies,
to one degree or another, are turning upon it.

Hamas has fired more than 3,000 rockets into Israel. It exploited periods of calm in the
years since it violently seized control of Gaza to build a network of tunnels under the
border into Israel through which it planned major terrorist attacks.
It documentedly emplaced its war machine in the heart of Gazas residential
neighborhoods. It seeks to lift the siege of Gaza so that it can build a still more potent
offensive capability.

It should be blindingly obvious that Israel and Egypt do not impose the blockade as a
collective punishment or caprice. There was no blockade before Hamas seized power in
2007. Israel had unilaterally left Gaza two years earlier, and hoped to be rewarded with
tranquility. If Gaza was not run by a terrorist government, there would be no need for a
security blockade to prevent arms smuggling.

Rather than criticizing Israel for seeking to protect its civilians from Hamas, and moving
now to limit its capacity to do so, the US, UK and the rest of the international
community should be emphatically backing Israel in its struggle against the cynical
Hamas for the sake, too, of the civilians of Gaza. They should be insisting that Hamas
disarm. And they should be making clear that they share Israels and Egypts concern
that lifting the blockade is not tenable so long as any asing of restrictions would be
exploited by Hamas.

They would thus be underlining the message to Gazans that Hamas is not fighting for
their freedom, as it claims, but is, through its pursuit of war against Israel, denying them
their freedom.

They would also be giving Israel reason to believe that when it finds itself in crisis in
good part, it can be argued, because it undertook a territorial withdrawal widely urged
by the international community the world will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with it.
Right now, the sense in Israel is quite the reverse not support, but abandonment.
From Hamass point of view, it must be a source of immense delight to witness the
strains, and practical fallout, in the relationship between Washington and Jerusalem. It
wins an election in which the US insisted it be allowed to take part, even though it has
never renounced terrorism. It murders its way to control of Gaza. It diverts Gazas
resources to turn the Strip into one great big terrorist bunker. It hits Israel, over and
over and over again. It intimidates international journalists to not report on and film its
attack methods. And the international community condemns Israel, the UN sets up
inquiries into Israeli war crimes, and Israels allies limit its arms supplies.

All it needs to do, Hamas can only conclude, is keep firing at Israels towns and villages,
forcing Israel to respond, confident that this will bring still more criticism down on Israel
as well as growing restrictions on Israels ability to defend itself. Wow, the Hamas
leaders must be thinking, the free world is just so dumb.


Israeli official confirms US nixed arms shipment; pols argue over whos to blame

WSJ report of frayed relations between Washington and Jerusalem, including combative
Obama-Netanyahu phone call, sparks firestorm among Israeli politicians

BY MARISSA NEWMAN August 14, 2014, 1:31 pm

A senior Israeli official confirmed to Israeli media that the US had suspended a shipment
of Hellfire missiles to Israel amid worsening ties over fighting in Gaza.

The decision to hold off on the transfer was most likely on grounds of increased
diplomatic tension, the official said, corroborating a Wall Street Journal report earlier in
the day that claimed the White House and State Department had been angered by a
transfer of arms to Israel and had ordered greater oversight into future sales.

The report claimed that US-Israeli tensions are at a record high, with US President
Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said to hold a
particularly combative phone call on Wednesday and officials on both sides resorting
to name-calling.

The accounts sparked an internal debate between Israeli politicians.

An unnamed Israeli official lambasted the prime ministers conduct and had fierce
criticism for Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer as well, the Ynet news website

We all remember how they went behind the back of President Barack Obama to
support the *other+ candidates in the middle of the *US+ elections, he said. Netanyahu
is responsible for the situation.

Netanyahu made his preference for Obamas rival, Republican Mitt Romney, plain
during the 2012 US presidential campaign.

Reports of fraying relations with Washington were worrying, Finance
Minister Yair Lapid, a security cabinet member, said. This is a worrying trend and we
cannot allow it to continue. Our relations with the United States are a strategic asset
that must be maintained.

He added that he spoke with US Secretary of State John Kerry and Senate majority
leader Harry Reid last week to thank them for the emergency funds which they
transferred to Israel for the Iron Dome missile defense system. Sometimes we just
need to say thank you and ensure that our important relations with the United States
remain strong, Lapid asserted.

Likud MKs were harshly critical of the US decision to suspend the missile shipment and
rushed to Netanyahus defense following the report. MK Miri Regev said the move was
proof that we can only rely on ourselves and MK Tzipi Hotovely praised the prime
minister for taking a stand against the US pressure on Israeli security interests during

the operation. She added, however, that despite the rift, Israel and the US have shared

We must take into account that in two and a half years time, President Obama wont
be sitting in the White House, and we will remain here with the threats and the
challenges, said MK DannyDanon, who was fired by the prime minister during the
operation from his position as deputy defense minister.

Danons comments echoed that of unnamed Israeli officials who told The Wall Street
Journal that Netanyahu felt he could wait out Obamas last two years in office while
relying on firm support from Congress.

Other politicians attempted to patch up the divide.

Former Israeli ambassador Michael Oren told Israeli news site Ynet that Israeli-US
relations are a political Iron Dome.

Its true that occasionally there are disagreements, but its important to keep the
disputes behind the scenes and not air the dirty laundry. The relations between the
president and prime minister are critical, and its best to avoid harming the ties, he

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, while not addressing the report explicitly, thanked US
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel for the USs financial support for the Iron Dome system
on Thursday morning over the phone. The two agreed to continue to cooperate on the
broad range of security issues facing the United States and Israel, a statement from the
Defense Ministry said.

The Wall Street Journal report said the US had blocked the missile shipment approved
by the Pentagon, and would begin to monitor Israeli arms requests and have them
subject to White House and State Department approval.

The decision to evaluate every request by the Israeli military separately came after the
White House and State Department discovered last month that the Pentagon was
supplying Jerusalem with arms without their knowledge, the newspaper report said.

While one US diplomat described the American reaction to the arms transfer as a feeling
of being blindsided, another US defense official emphasized that the back channel
transfers were legitimate and did not require a sign-off from President Barack Obama or
the State Department.

There was no intent to blindside anyone. The process for this transfer was followed
precisely along the lines that it should have, a US defense official told the paper.

After learning of these transfers, the Obama administration, perturbed that much of the
ammunition was used by the IDF in its offensive in the Gaza Strip, revised the review
process in a move that is likely to limit or at least delay Israels requests for weapons.


A US administration official noted to The Wall Street Journal the sorry state of
diplomatic ties between the nations: The United States is their strongest friend. The
notion that they are playing the United States, or that theyre manipulating us publicly,
completely miscalculates their place in the world.

Numerous US officials say the Gaza violence has persuaded them that Mr. Netanyahu
and his national security team are both reckless and untrustworthy, the Wall Street
Journal reported.

For their part, Israeli officials consider the US view of the Middle East weak and naive,
the report indicated, pointing to Secretary of State John Kerrys collaboration with Qatar
and Turkey on a draft ceasefire in a move that infuriated Israeli officials. Kerry was
reportedly upset that the draft, which was intended for Netanyahus eyes and critique
only, was put to a cabinet vote, and its subsequent leak to the media put a strain on his
ties with the Israeli administration.

Today, many administration officials say the Gaza conflict the third between Israel
and Hamas in under six years has persuaded them that Mr. Netanyahu and his
national security team are both reckless and untrustworthy, the Journal report said.
Israeli officials, in turn, describe the Obama administration as weak and naive, and are
doing as much as they can to bypass the White House in favor of allies in Congress and
elsewhere in the administration.

An Israeli official said the tension had become very personal, and described it as
mistrust and a collision of different perspectives on the Middle East.

However, other officials said that Netanyahu is confident his supporters in Congress will
back Israel, and remains unconcerned that the sparring with Obama will have significant
adverse effects.



Gaza Crisis: Israel Outflanks the White House on Strategy
White House Now Scrutinizing Israeli Requests for Ammunition


Updated Aug. 14, 2014 1:14 p.m. ET

JERUSALEMWhite House and State Department officials who were leading U.S. efforts
to rein in Israel's military campaign in the Gaza Strip were caught off guard last month
when they learned that the Israeli military had been quietly securing supplies of
ammunition from the Pentagon without their approval.


Since then the Obama administration has tightened its control on arms transfers to
Israel. But Israeli and U.S. officials say that the adroit bureaucratic maneuvering made it
plain how little influence the White House and State Department have with the
government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that both sides know

The munitions surprise and previously unreported U.S. response added to a string of
slights and arguments that have bubbled behind the scenes during the Gaza conflict,
according to events related by senior American, Palestinian and Israeli officials involved.
In addition, current and former American officials say, U.S.-Israel ties have been hurt by
leaks that they believe were meant to undercut the administration's standing by
mischaracterizing its position and delay a cease-fire. The battles have driven U.S.-Israeli
relations to the lowest point since President Barack Obama took office.

Now, as Egyptian officials shuttle between representatives of Israel and Hamas seeking
a long-term deal to end the fighting, U.S. officials are bystanders instead of in their
historic role as mediators. The White House finds itself largely on the outside looking in.
U.S. officials said Mr. Obama had a particularly combative phone call on Wednesday
with Mr. Netanyahu, who they say has pushed the administration aside but wants it to
provide Israel with security assurances in exchange for signing onto a long-term deal.

As a 72-hour pause in the fighting expired at midnight Wednesday, a senior Hamas
official said negotiators agreed to another cease-fire, this one of five days. The cease-
fire was holding on Thursday.

The frayed relations raise questions about whether Mr. Obama and Mr. Netanyahu can
effectively work together. Relations between them have long been strained over other
issues, including Mr. Obama's outreach to Iran and U.S.-backed peace talks with the

Today, many administration officials say the Gaza conflictthe third between Israel and
Hamas in under six yearshas persuaded them that Mr. Netanyahu and his national
security team are both reckless and untrustworthy.

Israeli officials, in turn, describe the Obama administration as weak and naive, and are
doing as much as they can to bypass the White House in favor of allies in Congress and
elsewhere in the administration.

While Israeli officials have privately told their U.S. counterparts the poor state of
relations isn't in Israel's interest long term, they also said they believed Mr. Netanyahu
wasn't too worried about the tensions. The reason is that he can rely on the firmness of
Israeli support in Congress, even if he doesn't have the White House's full approval for
his policies. The prime minister thinks he can simply wait out the current administration,
they say.

"The allegations are unfounded," said Israel's ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer.
"Israel deeply appreciates the support we have received during the recent conflict in

Gaza from both the Obama administration and the Congress for Israel's right to defend
itself and for increased funding of Iron Dome."

A senior Obama administration official said the White House didn't intend to get into a
"tit for tat" with the Israelis when the war broke out in Gaza. "We have many, many
friends around the world. The United States is their strongest friend," the official said.
"The notion that they are playing the United States, or that they're manipulating us
publicly, completely miscalculates their place in the world."

American officials say they believe they have been able to exert at least some influence
over Mr. Netanyahu during the Gaza conflict. But they admit their influence has been
weakened as he has used his sway in Washington, from the Pentagon and Congress to
lobby groups, to defuse U.S. diplomatic pressure on his government over the past

Tensions really started to flare after Israel launched Gaza ground operations July 17 and
the civilian death toll started to rise sharply, prompting U.S. officials to complain that
Israel wasn't showing enough restraint. Israeli officials rejected that notion, saying
Hamas was using civilians as human shields.

U.S. officials say Mr. Netanyahu told them he was interested in a cease-fire from the
start, but the two sides clashed over the process of achieving one and the players who
would take part.

Bracing for a longer military campaign than expected, Israel approached the Defense
Department within days of the start of the ground fighting to request money for more
interceptors for the Iron Dome, which shoots down rockets aimed at population

After consulting with the White House, Defense Secretary Chuck Hageltold aides to
submit a proposal to Congress for $225 million.

Within the administration, the request was deemed noncontroversial because the Iron
Dome was defensive and couldn't be used in Gaza ground fighting, U.S. officials said.

In meetings at the Pentagon, the State Department and the White House, Israeli officials
told the Americans Israel had enough Iron Dome interceptors for the current Gaza
operation, but wanted to replenish its stocks, according to U.S. officials who attended.
So with Israel's consent, the administration didn't seek immediate emergency funding,
Pentagon officials said, adding that they expected Congress to approve the request
sometime in the fall.

Unknown to many policy makers, Israel was moving on separate tracks to replenish
supplies of lethal munitions being used in Gaza and to expedite approval of the Iron
Dome funds on Capitol Hill.


On July 20, Israel's defense ministry asked the U.S. military for a range of munitions,
including 120-mm mortar shells and 40-mm illuminating rounds, which were already
kept stored at a pre-positioned weapons stockpile in Israel.

The request was approved through military channels three days later but not made
public. Under the terms of the deal, the Israelis used U.S. financing to pay for $3 million
in tank rounds. No presidential approval or signoff by the secretary of state was
required or sought, according to officials.

A U.S. defense official said the standard review process was properly followed.

While the military-to-military relationship between Israel and the U.S. was operating
normally, ties on the diplomatic front were imploding. For the Americans, they
worsened dramatically on July 25, when aides to Secretary of State John Kerry sent a
draft of a confidential cease-fire paper to Mr. Netanyahu's advisers for feedback.

The Americans wanted the Israelis to propose changes. The U.S. didn't intend or expect
the draft paper to be presented to the Israeli cabinet, but that was what Mr. Netanyahu
did. U.S. officials say Mr. Netanyahu's office breached protocol by sending back no
comments and presenting the paper to the cabinet for a vote.

The paper was also leaked to the Israeli media. U.S. officials say they believe the Israeli
government publicly mischaracterized Mr. Kerry's ideas with the intent of buying more
time to prosecute the fight against Hamas because Israeli officials were angry over
outreach by Mr. Kerry to Qatar and Turkey.

Israel and Egypt had sought to sideline Qatar and Turkeytwo countries that backed
Hamasrather than increase their influence. U.S. officials say Mr. Kerry reached out to
the two because they had leverage with Hamas that would be critical to getting the
group to agree to another cease-fire.

From Israel's perspective, Mr. Kerry's cease-fire draft reflected an approach "completely
out of sync with Israel, not just on a governmental level but on a societal level," said
Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. under Mr. Netanyahu.

"The best thing that Kerry can do is stay out... We need time to do the job, we need to
inflict a painful and unequivocal blow on Hamas. Anything less would be a Hamas
victory," Mr. Oren said.

The watershed moment came in the early morning in Gaza July 30. An Israeli shell struck
a United Nations school in Jabaliya that sheltered about 3,000 people. Later that day, it
was reported in the U.S. that the 120-mm and 40-mm rounds had been released to the
Israeli military.

"We were blindsided," one U.S. diplomat said.


White House and State Department officials had already become increasingly disturbed
by what they saw as heavy-handed battlefield tactics that they believed risked a
humanitarian catastrophe capable of harming regional stability and Israel's interests.

They were especially concerned that Israel was using artillery, instead of more precision-
guided munitions, in densely populated areas. The realization that munitions transfers
had been made without their knowledge came as a shock.

"There was no intent to blindside anyone. The process for this transfer was followed
precisely along the lines that it should have," another U.S. defense official said.

Then the officials learned that, in addition to asking for tank shells and other munitions,
Israel had submitted a request through military-to-military channels for a large number
of Hellfire missiles, according to Israeli and American officials.

The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency, or DSCA, was about to release an
initial batch of the Hellfires, according to Israeli and congressional officials. It was
immediately put on hold by the Pentagon, and top officials at the White House
instructed the DSCA, the U.S. military's European Command and other agencies to
consult with policy makers at the White House and the State Department before
approving any additional requests.

A senior Obama administration official said the weapons transfers shouldn't have been a
routine "check-the-box approval" process, given the context. The official said the
decision to scrutinize future transfers at the highest levels amounted to "the United
States saying 'The buck stops here. Wait a secondIt's not OK anymore.' "

White House and State Department officials were worried about public reaction.

The Palestinians, in particular, were angry, according to U.S. diplomats.

"The U.S. is a partner in this crime," Jibril Rajoub, a leader in Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas's Western-backed Fatah party, said of the decision to
provide arms to Israel during the conflict.

Even as tensions with the White House and the State Department were spilling over,
Israeli officials worked to expedite the Iron Dome money on Capitol Hill.

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona said Israeli officials told lawmakers the money
was urgently needed because they were running out of interceptors and couldn't hold
out for a month or more.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said Congress's goal in approving the
money quickly on Aug. 1 was to send a message to the administration to stop calling
Israel out about civilian casualties.

A senior Republican congressional aide said Israeli officials told senators they wanted
the money sooner rather than later. He said Israel's main purpose in accelerating the

vote in Congress to before legislators' August recess was to provide an overwhelming
"show of support" for the military operation.

The last straw for many U.S. diplomats came on Aug. 2 when they say Israeli officials
leaked to the media that Mr. Netanyahu had told the U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan
Shapiro, that the Obama administration was "not to ever second-guess me again" about
how to deal with Hamas.

The White House and State Department have sought to regain greater control over U.S.-
Israeli policy. They decided to require White House and State Department approval for
even routine munitions requests by Israel, officials say.

Instead of being handled as a military-to-military matter, each case is now subject to
reviewslowing the approval process and signaling to Israel that military assistance
once taken for granted is now under closer scrutiny.

A senior U.S. official said the U.S. and Israel clashed mainly because the U.S. wanted a
cease-fire before Mr. Netanyahu was ready to accept one. "Now we both want one,"
one of the officials said.

A top Israeli official said the rift runs deeper than that. "We've been there before with a
lot of tension with us and Washington. What we have now, on top of that, is mistrust
and a collision of different perspectives on the Middle East," the official said. "It's
become very personal."


Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 7:14 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXVI [Ferguson, Israel, Kurdistan, BHO]

Anyone who has suffered-through reading 4K+ pages of hyperlinks during the past year-plus will recall
that the documentation-dominated approach, here, has relegated editorialization to provision of color-
commentary based upon individual experience [such as when a direct encounter with a personage has
been recounted+; the absence of new and/or unpredicted info during the past day *beyond whatever
might be acquired by skimming ubiquitous headlines] allows for the provision of a bit of perspective.
Therefore, key-points made repeatedly regarding particular concerns are invoked to undermine attacks
on those whose patriotism has been challenged whenever the POTUS has been [justifiably] savaged;
whenever the assertion has been made that just about everything he does *or doesnt do+ is flawed,
those who attempt to trot-out anything worthwhile can all-too-easily be rebuffed by citing little-known
observations regarding his heinous motives, his corrupt actions and/or his anti-American philosophy.
Rather than invoke overwhelming evidence of his unremitting-arrogance, reverse-racism and/or statism,
it is desirable to channel the perspective of the typical-thinking/feeling-conservative who hopes the USA
will survive intact until 1/20/2017 [and wants to change-course ASAP, rather than to fly-under-radar];
rather than wallow in awareness that America is moving in the wrong direction *shared by most
Americans, now, resembling the shared-experience during Carters 1979 summer-of-malaise], those
who continue to adhere to TEA *Taxed Enough Already+ Party Movement principles remain resolute.

It is not self-contradictory for those who fear BHOas do Ito hope he will be able to
see the light and reverse his errors successfully, even if the GOPs electoral prospects
are compromised in the process; simply put, we continue adhering to an old-fashioned
notion of American Exceptionalism, amplified by having forcibly-tasted its absence.

Consider, for example, the multiple references in Ferguson to the race-riots of the 60s *the devastating
effects of which I witnessed during three years as a resident @ Henry Ford Hospital a decade hence and
which were reinforced during a brief visit a few years ago and magnified after having read a recent piece
in the NY-Times Sunday-Mag]. It matters not to the Sharpton/Jackson/New-Black-Panther demagogues
that accumulating evidence [in the public realm] undermines their rabble-rousing; indeed, these
community-organizers revel in residing in a world in which facts dont matter *and are indeed ridiculed+.

Note myriad articles accrued by Drudge [More than dozen witnesses confirm Ferguson
cop's version of shooting, 'Michael Brown rushed officer'; Militant protesters growing in
number, many coming from out-of-state; 'BLACK POWER' ;BUCHANAN: 1960s-like Riots
Could Cause Voter Rebuke For Obama; KURTZ: Some Liberal Outlets Creating 'Almost
Lynch Mob Mentality'; MSNBC Crew Hit With Rocks During Live Coverage; Trayvon
Martin's Mom: 'We Will Make Them Feel Us'; and HOLDER TAKES OVER].

Then note the family-financed autopsy *showing all GSWs hit anteriorly,
undermining the inflammatory charge that had gone viral that hed
been shot-in-the-back; amazingly [perhaps not so surprisingly], this lie
persists [Michael Brown Attorneys Claim 'Execution,' 'Back-to-Front'
Bullet Wounds, Contradicting Autopsy Report which is c/w first one].


Finally note observations accrued by Breitbart [MICHAEL BROWN'S GRANDFATHER TO
opens door to re-examining military gear program for local police; CNN:
Lemon: 'I Feel Safe' in Ferguson Chaos Because of Strong Police Presence; leftie
Celebrities React to Ferguson Shooting and reflexly Decry 'Abuse of Power'; Obama: I
Understand the Anger Arising from Michael Brown's Death; POTUS Sending Eric Holder
to Ferguson; DOJ: Over 40 FBI Agents Investigating in Ferguson; POTUS Dodges When
Asked if He Will Go Himself; Krauthammer: Obama should condemn violence in
Ferguson; Valerie Jarrett: President Obama Viewing Ferguson Unrest from 'Perspective
of a Parent'; Obamas Enjoy Jazz Concert, Dinner as Ferguson Burns; Chris Christie
Defends Cops Against Racism Charges; Chicago 'Communist' Riling Citizens in Ferguson;
Ed Schultz: Missouri Governor Asking for Another Kent State; Chinese Media: Ferguson
Shows Americans Racist in 'Every Aspect' of Society; Unclassified: Army's Plan for Use of
Lethal Force in Riot Situations; Gutfeld: Media Exploiting Ferguson as a Story That
Carries 'a Bigger Social Impact'; County: Michael Brown Had Marijuana in System; Police,
protesters collide in Ferguson, a day after National Guard arrives in St. Louis suburb;
Police fire tear gas to disperse Ferguson protesters, while National Guard keeps their
distance; Missouri Governor: Police 'Attempting to Besmirch' Mike Brown; DEMOCRAT
Updates: Ferguson Mayhem Continues Without Curfew; Al Sharpton: Michael Brown
May Have Been Guilty of 'Shoplifting, Not Robbery'; Michael Brown Allegedly Attacked
Officer Before Fatal Shooting; Missouri GOP: Michael Brown Voting Registration Booths
'Disgusting'; Jesse Jackson Booed at Ferguson Rally After Fundraising from Podium; As
Ferguson Burns, Media Ignore 7 African-Americans Killed in Chicago and 29 Wounded;
FERGUSON OFFICER DARREN WILSON; and How the Obama Administration Threw Gas
on the Ferguson Fire].

Other domestic-issues fester, prominent among them the Illegals [Sessions Called Out Big Business for
Pushing Amnesty After Laying Off US Workers; New York Times Soured On Obama Executive Amnesty;
Report: After WH Meets with Big Biz, Obama May Use Exec Actions to Increase Guest-Worker Visas; and
22 Iowa County Jails to No Longer Honor ICE Detainers]; despite increasing state-level distaste, BHOs
efforts to institutionalize youth-indoctrination march-on [Gates-Funded Non-Profit to Oversee Common
Core-Aligned Curriculum]. And, noting ongoing loco-regional violence [Two arrestedand charged in
taped beating of Philadelphia park ranger and Teacher continues recovery as case of rock-throwing from
Pennsylvania overpass heads to court], gun-control efforts continue (justifiably) to be rebuffed [Moms
Demand Action Loses Again: Fred Meyer Supermarket Will Not Ban Guns]. The GOP may be flawed, but
its the only vehicle available that can be employed politically to forestall BHOs radical-transformation.

Its insufficient to repeatedly advocate opposition to all-things-BHO while highlighting
abuse-of-power that threatens to become both ubiquitous and institutionalized; those
sensing how profoundly BHO has deeply-polarized America must channel Peter Finch
in Network and scream Im as mad as hell and Im not going to take this anymore!


Thus, while BHO scans the worldwide devastation that his Foreign Policy has promulgated, BHO can
continue to claim faux-victories [Obama says Syria's declared chemical weapons stockpile eliminated];
meanwhile, it seems he can no longer ignore unnerving domestic drum-beats [Islamic State Message to
Americans: 'We Will Drown All of You in Blood'] that are increasingly international in scope [Islamic State
Kidnapped Japanese National in Syria], even when others (who should know better and who have a
major self-interest) equivocate [Vox Twists Pope's ISIS Statement: Claims Francis Announced 'Crusade'].
There is increasing awareness that BHOs pacifism endangers the homeland [American Colonel: Obama
Betrayal of Sunnis Sparked Rise of Islamic State], and it will be a long-way back if the Middle East is to be
reassembled to resemble its [relative] stability when he became the POTUS [absent an Islamic State that
aspires to create a global Caliphate+. One can only hope that he will not again snatch defeat from the
jaws of victory+ as last weeks NY-Times interview suggests he continues to want to do [paraphrased,
eschewed are both victors and vanquished when dealing with international conflict], noting that,
seemingly, he responded favorably to the realization that America is uniquely able to fight Islamists.

Kurdish and Iraqi forces, backed by U.S. airstrikes, launched a counter-offensive Sunday
night against Islamic State fighters who have held the strategic Mosul dam in northern
Iraq. An Iraqi military spokesman said the dam, which is the largest in Iraq, had been
"fully cleansed." However, Kurdish officials said pesh merga forces had not taken
complete control of the dam and journalists reported continued fighting. The United
States resumed targeted airstrikes on Friday. President Barack Obama said the
operations would be "limited in their scope and duration as necessary to support the
Iraqi forces." Britain has also increased its military involvement in Iraq in a campaign
that Secretary of Defense Michael Fallon stated, "is not simply a humanitarian mission"
and could last "weeks and months." Prime Minister David Cameron wrote that Britain
could not "turn a blind eye" and must use all its resources to achieve "true security."
However, he said Britain would not send ground forces.

An op-ed sketching the scope of whats at-stake [here, citing only the opener and the coda] emerged:

The Only Defense

07.01.14 - 12:00 AM | By David Hodges

After more than a decade of war, it is understandable that the United States would
continue the inward turn it began to take with the election of Barack Obama in 2008. It
is also reasonable for a nation sensing that it has spent too much and achieved too little
to conclude that it is better to husband its resources and focus on problems at home,
particularly in a time of economic anxiety. Without clear outcomes in Iraq and
Afghanistan, the postCold War confidence in democracys inexorable march has
eroded and given way to a weariness with the world, as reflected in our shrinking
military and the growing popularity of isolationism.

As a matter of national interest, deciding which conflicts require our involvement and
which resources are appropriate to invest requires prudence. Committing serious time
and attention to perennial conflicts such as the IsraeliPalestinian dispute or responding
to every provocation by third-rate powers will only drain our resources and cause us to
diffuse our focus. Similarly, recognizing that different problems require different
solutions ensures that diplomacy can be creative and responsive to various challenges.

Defending the liberal world order is a difficult and arduous task, and at times it seems
useless and hopeless. But as the last 12 months have shown, the alternativeceding
the future to the ascendent powersis strategically, tactically, politically, and morally

All these considerations are not lost on BB in Eretz Yisrael, prompting Israel to call for a regional
conference on Gaza rehabilitation; the Cairo draft accord seems deeply flawed, however, although
approval by the Security Cabinet pends *and isnt assured, noting Israeli losses during the past month+.
Arlene Kushner again provided both info and insights that have not been sufficiently disseminated
regarding the heinous Hamas plan to destroy Israel internally [comparable in scope and ambit to the
foiled Rosh Hashanah Plot, invoking the Gazan-tunnels]; it ended by noting [juggling sentences, a bit],
Every time you think Obama has stooped as low as he might, in seeking to block Israeli actions against
Hamas and protect Hamas, something else emerges; now, the US has offered to guarantee Israels
commitment to any signed agreement. [As Aaron Lerner of IMRA put it: US offers to guarantee that
Israel doesnt interfere with Hamas missile construction?] Steve Emerson, Executive Director of The
Investigative Project, is displeased. None of this should be forgotten.

Again, Pamela Geller encompassed many of these sources of [anti-Semitic] worriment in
her individual/aggregated observations:

o Islamic State message to America: we will drown all of you in blood
o Swedish Woman Viciously Beaten by Muslim Mob for Wearing Jewish Star Necklace
o Hamas-CAIR Exploits Race Card in Ferguson to Further Divide, Destroy
o VIDEO: Yazidi Leader Haider Elias, Worldwide Plea at AFDI Rally for Israel and
Persecuted Minorities Under Islam
o VIDEO: Robert Spencers Opening Remarks at AFDI Pro-Israel for Persecuted Minorities
o VIDEO: Pamela Geller Opening Remarks at AFDI Rally for Israel and Persecuted
Minorities Under Islamic Law
o VIDEO: CUFI Pastor Matthew Singh Speaks at AFDI Pro-Israel for Persecuted Minorities
Under Islam
o U.S. State Department warns against travel to Algeria
o Pamela Geller, WND Column: The Norming of Jihad
o Mosque-Goers Pledge Allegiance To Islamic State Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
Following Sermon In Al-Raqqah, Syria
o Islamic State slaughters 700 people from tribe that defied jihadist group, 600 civilians
o Huffington Post pimps for Islamic State and Hamas, defames their victims
o UK: Ancient hatred of anti-Semitism stalks the land once more
o UK: Supermarket giant Sainsbury strips kosher food from its shelves over fear of Hamas
pro-terror attacks
o UK: Boycott Israel Demonstrator Says, I Love Hitler

Note these raw-jottings from yesterdays three-hour monologue by Rush Limbaugh [c/o Charlie Shipp],
and appreciate their import regarding not just Fergusonbut also BHOs aspirations:

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 8/18/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: It is rare that a White cop shoots a Black kid.

Seg#1: Eric Holder requested the video be held back
The number of young Blacks killed in Chicago has reached over 40 on a weekend and it
is not covered in media because it doesnt further the Democrat Agenda.

BTW, in The New York Times, David Carr claimed that nobody knew until a hashtag on
Twitter let it out. That is bogus because we were talking about it for a week. Twitter is
news by consumers and that is not good for DbM.

Michael Brown is an 18-yr-old, exactly where he should be, walking down to his
grandmothers home. He was just days away from college classes. He encountered a
White cop who started firing on him even though he put up his hands in
surrender. [New York magazine]

No, he wasnt thinking about entering college, as he robbed a convenience store. There
were two reasons the video wasnt released sooner: (1) Eric Holder wanted that video
held back; (2) On the weekend the police chief said the officer didnt know there had
been a robbery.

The key: The cop didnt know, BUT THE GENTLE GIANT KNEW.

And his companion also knew. It goes to establishing attitude. He could have been
jaywalking and led to pulling him out of the street. So now there is controversy on
another video.
>>> First, the Benghazi video; Second, the Ferguson video.

Seg#3: This weekend, there were 32 shot in Chicago and five died
The myth is that cops are aligned with Republicans and shoot kids aligned with
Democrats, and that is why we need Al Sharpton, no matter how rare it is. It stays in
media until the point is made. The Democrat Party profits from racial strife. It is an
opportunity for Republicans, right before midterms.

Look at the phony complaints, Scott Walker, and now Rick Perry. Every leading story in
Liberal/main news is political to advance their Agenda! Over the weekend, there were
32 shot in Chicago and five died. Another report says there were 29 shot and seven died
but you get the point. Will that be highlighted?

The Black Panthers are in Missouri, coming in to claim control What if the looters are
from Oakland. There are so many lies in media.

Are you surprised DoJ (Eric Holder and Obama) wanted the video withheld because they
didnt want to enflame the population? Holder and Obama wanted the White cop
blamed for political purposes. The public is asking better questions than media
reporters. They are Tweet journalists.

Remember hearing, The Gentle Giant was running away and was shot in the
back? Turned out to not be trueno shots were in the back and The NYTimes was not
happy about that. Not to worry, Holder orders a third autopsy.
>>> Media set the Agenda without any concern for Facts.

Segment#4: Who are you going to believe?
((Montage: Protesters were outraged over the video; etc.; it escalated; it changed the
storyline.)) Why? The video shows the Gentle Giant was not that innocent.

More info was added; this causes looting and rioting?

Why? Because it destroyed the phony myth, thats why. I have no dog in the fight
Im like everyone else, trying to figure it out. But Im not going to try to understand
their rage: they are destroying property in the process.

The key thing: at the time, the cop didnt know, but the Gentle Giant did, and must
have thought the cop was coming after him.

I think releasing the video was to explain what happened [even though the police chief
at first said he was not commenting on resulting events.]

The attorney says it was to smear and assassinate his character.
>>> How do you further smear the character of a store robber?

Seg#5: Low-info people think they know so much;
>> And they are wrong on about 90% of everything.
Seg#6: Black reporter is approached by a policeman in a tense area
(Theme Music) CNN Poppy Harlow speaking to Morehouse College prof ((Clip-Mark-
Lamont-Hill: Out of towners from Oakland initiate the violence. I was here in the
parking lot and an officer pulled his gun. There was energy in the air.)) Why wouldnt
the police be intense? Private property is being destroyed.

The police chief of Detroit tells store owners to get guns to defend their stores.

MO governor Jay Nixon deploys the Missouri National Guard.

This just in from the Washington Examiner: Marijuana is found in the body of The
Gentle Giant. Oh, no! I have just participated in character assassination by mentioning
a fact. Toxic reports never come back that fast in TV:NCIS.

What do they say about marijuana behavior? Erratic?

Real reason David Gregory got fired? He got too supportive of Israel;
he turned on Hamas, and that didnt sit well with DbM management.

>>> Snerdley thought it was because of me talking about ratings.

Seg#7: Democrats spin everything and Republicans refuse to play
Caller: The family wants justice; Democrats want talking points.
You are falling into a trap; convicting the police when [probably innocent]. What have I
told everyone about not believing media headlines?

Democrats cant lose since they have already established the myth:
It happens all the time: White cops are shooting Blacks for no reason.

The reason Democrats can spin successfully, no matter what happens, is because
Republicans refuse to play. The Black community cant vote any greater for Democrats
than they already do. If there is a trial and the cop is convicted, Democrats will use that,
as not nearly enough.

Democrats have a political narrative no matter the outcome.
>>> Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want racial strife and chaos.
They want a continuing cause and dont want solutions.

In the third hour, Rush will cover the bogus and politically-motivated
charges against TX Gov Rich Perry, It isnt a joke and it isnt funny.
This is a smear and character assassination, by a Leftist attack group.
Texans for Public Justice did the same when George W Bush began.
They are not even from Texas, funded by G.Soros, not even for justice.
Closing: See you tomorrow, after a 21-hour show-prep break!
Distributor for Rush's radio show: Premiere (holding trademarks)
"The Rush Limbaugh Show" and "EIB, Excellence In Broadcasting".
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "The Superheroes"
A new battle has erupted in New York City. Superheroes are squaring off against police.
The Times Square area is flooded with people dressed up as characters, ranging from
Spiderman to Elmo. They work by allowing their pictures to be taken with tourists, in
exchange for tips.
Last month, Spiderman punched out a cop, after the cop caught him demanding a large
tip from a tourist. Since then, the police department has handed out flyers advising
tourists that tipping these characters is totally voluntary. And theres talk of new laws
requiring characters to get licenses.
In response, Elmo, Hello Kitty, and about 50 others had a sit-down with the activist
group La Fuente, to discuss forming a union. Claudia Arias, 22 -- a.k.a. Catwoman -- says
characters need to unite so people can see theyre legitimately supporting their families.
Yamil Morales, 37, complains, "People look at the flyers cops are handing out and treat
the characters like criminals." His costume is the Penguin, the criminal from Batman.

Jorge Luis, also 37, who pretends to be Batman, has complaints, too. He says: People
dont see us with respect. We support our families with the tips they give us. Not to
mention, from the tips that were extorted.
When these characters unionize, maybe the companies that legitimately own these
trademarked images will demand their cut, too. Or at least be asked for permission to
use them. Or would that be considered too mean-spirited? I wonder.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
New York Daily News: Times Square Costumed Characters Band Together with Goal of
Forming Labor Union [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"You should always suspect, with major network news, that there is a political agenda
attached to everything they do."
"The true definition of the Drive-By Media is they arrive on the scene of major breaking
news and they stir up emotions to a frenzied fever pitch. They spread lies, and then,
after a few hours or a few days when the real facts emerge, they're gone. They're down
the road doing it again on the next story, while everybody else is left in their wake with
a mess that real Americans have to clean up. And that is exactly what has happened in
Ferguson, Missouri."
"The news media is constantly searching for ways to prove they still have the ability to
move public opinion."
"Back when I started this program in 1988, you would not believe the pressures that
were on me to get involved in causes. The causes were always in protest of something,
and the purpose was to show the power of talk radio."
"I have never done causes. I resisted all of that because I have never viewed that being
the purpose of talk radio."
"Only one time have I urged people to make phone calls to Washington and that was to
show what would happen when I did."
"Isn't it amazing how somebody, with just the stroke of a pen, can change the
classification from illegal immigrant to homeless?"
"I play golf with people who slather so much damn sunscreen on they look like the
Invisible Man wrapped in white bandages."
"The media deal in rumors all the time, if they like what the rumor is."
"The people asking questions of the highway patrol captain Ron Johnson in Ferguson
were mad, and it's understandable. For the whole week, the people of that town have

believed the story that's been out there. People generally believe what's in the media,
sadly, and the narrative and template of this story is the narrative and template that
always accompanies an incident like this."
"All of this in Ferguson was so unnecessary, and all of it serves to make Americans think
their country is not so hot. What an absolute travesty this week has been."
"The media and the politicians and the agitators and the president didn't need to wait
for the facts in Ferguson, because everybody's prejudice had already told 'em what had
happened there and why it had happened and who was guilty and who was innocent
and all of that."
"Politicians never wait for the facts. They act on narrative to advance the agenda
whenever there is crisis on the scene."
"Do you know what Algore's Current TV was? Home videos! It was people sending in
their home videos as proof that the icebergs were melting or what have you. It was
"If you are qualified as homeless, you're not an illegal immigrant. You get many more
welfare benefits and you are not even called an illegal immigrant. You are just, sadly,
homeless -- and a remnant of the Bush administration, as an added bonus."
"When I was growing up, the people that made things safe and cared and wanted to
protect me from the things going on, that was my parents. Now, I realize that's terribly
insensitive, and it's not the way things are in America today, and I realize that I have
spoken out of turn."
I was asked to disseminate the following which, although devoid of hyperlinks, appears to update many
of the warnings that have been issued over the years regarding ObamaDontCare:
Medicare changes at 76 years of age & BEYOND
If you don't read this, and do nothing about it, don't complain when it affects you or
your loved ones!!!!! This is the second Judge to have read the Obama Care document
comments. More highlights of Nancy 's "pass it and Then find out what's in the
bill"!!!!!! Show this to everyone nearing the ripe old age of 76. These are just a few of
the things that we Seniors are going to have to deal with starting in 2014. Even far left
Democrats will not like these.
IS JUST THE BEGINNING......THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to
those over 75..... If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents....

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care.
You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If
you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where

hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just
wait to see what happens in this year and 2014!
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS... At age 76 when you most need it most, you are not
eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272. What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know
until after the health care bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill
so that we can see what's in it." Well, here it is.
Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number THE CARE BILL HB 3200 JUDGE KITHIL IS THE
Marble FallPage 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents,
even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank
account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union
members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now -ACORN)
Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.
(How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the
government will set all doctors' fees. This is what they do in Sweden too. I know
because Alf's daughter Ann is an OBGYN, and her husband, Thorsten, is a surgeon.........
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion;
however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations.
Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar
every five years. (Death counseling...)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life
HAD ENOUGH??? Judge Kathie then goes on to identify: "Finally, it is specifically stated
that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. No wonder they did not see the
need to read it....doesn't apply to them!!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP
TO WASHINGTON ..... I don't know if we can do anything, but awareness helps.

Winds Of Change -- Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a
minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
At least 20 if you can. It has to stop somewhere. In three days, most people in The
United States of America will have this message. This is one idea that really should be
passed around.

Finally, weigh whether this indictment of all-things-BHO resonates.
The Hell That is the Obama White House
By: David Horowitz (Diary) | August 18th, 2014 at 04:58 PM |
Let me begin by acknowledging that this inspirational title is lifted from a tweet by
screen actor James Woods. And now I will explicate his tweet.
Every sentient human being whose brain isnt stuffed with ideological fairy dust can see
that Obama is behind every major scandal of his administration from Benghazi to the
I.R.S. disgrace. How can one know this? Because the culprits havent been fired.
Moreover, if they are serial liars like Susan Rice, theyve actually been promoted to
posts where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief can do America and its citizens even
more damage, if that is possible.
A president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back would be
naturally furious at their misbehavior, and want heads to roll. This didnt happen in any
of these scandals because their point of origin was the White House itself. Promoting
the culprits is a way of keeping them quiet.
And what exactly is the I.R.S. scandal about to take just one case? Its a plan
unprecedented in modern American politics to push the political system towards a one-
party state by using the taxing authority of the government to cripple and destroy the
political opposition. The administrations campaign to promote voter fraud by opposing
measures to stop it (and defaming them as racist is guided by the same intentions and
And why shouldnt Obama want to destroy the two-party system since he is also in utter
contempt of the Constitutional framework, making law illegally, and defying an
impotent Congress to stop him? Of course every radical, like Obama, hates the
Constitutional framework because, as Madison explained in Federalist #10, it is designed
to thwart the wicked projects of the left to redistribute income and destroy the free
The same desire to overwhelm and permanently suppress the opposition drives the war
that Obama and the Democrats have conducted against Americas borders and
therefore American sovereignty. Their plan is too flood the country with illegals of
whatever stripe who will be grateful enough for the favor to win them elections and
create a permanent majority in their favor. The immediate result of these efforts is that
we have no secure southern border, and therefore no border; and therefore we have
effectively invited criminals and terrorists to come across and do Americans harm.
Which brings us to the deepest level of Obamas hell, which is his anti-American foreign
policy. When Obama was re-elected in 2012, the very first thought I had was this: A lot
of people are going to be dead because of this election. How disastrously right I was.
Since their assault on George Bush and their sabotage of the war in Iraq, Obama and the
Democrats have forged a power vacuum in Europe and even more dramatically in the
Middle East, which nasty characters have predictably entered with ominous implications
for the future security of all Americans.

Take one aspect of this epic default: Obamas lack of response to the slaughter of
Christians in Palestine, Egypt and Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been
slaughtered and driven from their homes in Iraq over half a million by some counts.
This is the oldest Christian community in the world dating back to the time of Christ.
What was Obamas response to this atrocity until a group of Yazvidi along with the
Christians were trapped on a mountain side, and politics dictated he had to make some
gesture? His response was to do and say nothing. Silence. Even his statement
announcing minimal action to save the Yazvidi and the Christians mentioned the
Christians once in passing while devoting a paragraph to the obscure Yazvidi.
What this unfeeling and cold response to the slaughter of Christians tells us is that
Obama is a pretend Christian just the way he is a pretend American. What he is instead
is a world class liar. That is because his real agendas are anti-American, anti-Christian,
and anti-Jewish, and obviously and consistently pro Americas third world adversaries to
whom he is always apologizing and whom he is always appeasing. Obama lies about his
intentions and policies because he couldnt survive politically if he told the truth,
The socialist plot against individual freedom called Obamacare was sold as a charitable
attempt to cover the uninsured (which it doesnt), to lower health insurance costs
(which it doesnt) and to allow patients to keep their doctor and their plan (which it
doesnt). What it actually does is to take away a major piece of the freedom that
Americans once enjoyed the freedom to choose their plan and their doctor, and not to
have the government control their health care or have easy access to all their financial
This devious, deceitful, power hungry administration is just as James Woods described
it. But it is also a mounting danger for all Americans. Thanks to his global retreat, the
terrorists Obama falsely claims are on the run are in fact gathering their strength and
their weapons of mass destruction until a day will come when they will cross our porous
borders and show us what the years of perfidy not only by Obama but by the whole
Democratic Party have wrought.

Wednesday Addams taught Lurch to dance
Complete 14 Batman Window Cameos
[a half-century ago]

Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 4:13 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXVII [Israel, Ettinger,-Ferguson, Rush, Senate]

The purpose here is twofold: [1]It is desirable to take-pause when strategizing what Israel should do,
and [2]It is desirable to update domestic political forces, particularly as influenced by BHO. The goal
here is twofold: [1]It is desirable for Israel to resist conceding to American pressure to liberalize the
world inhabited by Hamas (both in Gaza and in Judea/Samaria), and [2]It is desirable to recognize that
the odds the Senate will flip to the Rs seem to increase daily *regardless of what occurs in Alaska today+.

These two discussions are separated by an article that seems to mirror many others of
recent vintage [Obama Still Feeling Sorry for Himself] and that seems to transcend the
potential onset of a lame duck status. Its almost as if hes running-out-the-clock
before any pending scandal could directly impugn him, inasmuch as a SUIT was filed that
alleges the White House is Interfering With FOIA Requests. The bottom of this update
includes myriad databases that corroborate points made in the text. [BREAKING
REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket
During Mike Brown Attack; meanwhile, Original Witnesses' 'Hands Up' Brown Stories are
Falling Apart.]

Im hardly in a position to critique the deft wisdom being exhibited by BB, but todays Daily Alert
provides a few conversational-points that should be viewed within the context of the EMET-mediated
conference-call that has just been held with Ambassador Yoram Ettinger regarding Lessons from Israel's
War in Gaza *info about which Id disseminated a few days ago+. All of todays articles have been
juggled to relate with prior narratives/analyses, recognizing that HAMAS ROCKETS ARE FLYING AGAIN,
but that Israel and the US [reportedly] secretly agreed on gradual easing of Gaza blockade. In any case,
this overview is c/w my claim that they are still fighting the Crusades and, thus, so must those who wish
to preserve Western Civilization; unlike BHOs pronouncement, they must be vanquished and America
*plus allies+ must emerge victorious.

NEWS FLASH c/o jewish policy center [August-19
edition]: Three rockets from Gaza
landed in Israel on Tuesday, hours before the latest 24-hour ceasefire is set to expire.
The IDF began retaliatory airstrikes against the sites suspected of launching the missiles.
Since the end of Operation Protective Edge, Israel has agreed to two three-day
ceasefires and another five-day truce. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
announced Tuesday that he would withdraw the Israeli envoy from Cairo, where
officials had been conducting indirect talks with Palestinian officials representing both
Fatah and Hamas. Hamas called for the lifting of the Israeli blockade on Gaza, but
Jerusalem has yet to achieve any meaningful security concessions from Hamas. Some
restrictions, such as an extension of Gaza's six-mile fishing zone were up for negotiation,
but without a formal agreement, Israeli officials indicated only that "quiet will be met
with quiet." {The rest of the succinct report makes fascinating reading.}

Todays Daily Alert:

Islamic State Represents a Dangerous Turn in the Terror Threat

The threat from Islamic extremism has morphed into something new, more ambitious
and more dangerous. This threat represents a long-term danger to the U.S., but a more
immediate threat to America's friends and foes alike across the Middle East and even
Precisely because the threat from the extreme Islamist movement known as Islamic
State is so far-reaching, this movement cries out for a coordinated international
coalition to counter it.
"ISIS is not a shadowy terrorist cell; rather it is a proto-state that is testing the best ways
to get the world's attention and broader support from the Muslim community abroad,"
says a new analysis by the Institute for the Study of War.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi broadly defines the group's ambitions as well as its
enemies. The world, he says, now has divided into two camps, "the camp of Muslims
and the mujahidin everywhere, and the camp of the Jews, the crusaders, their allies, and
with them the rest of the nations and religions - all being led by America and Russia and
mobilized by the Jews."
Lest anyone doubt the expanse of ISIS' ambitions, the most recent edition of its
magazine Dabiq quotes from an Islamic tradition reflecting the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad: "You will invade the Arabian Peninsula, and Allah will enable you to
conquer it. You will then invade Persia, and Allah will enable you to conquer it. You will
then invade Rome, and Allah will enable you to conquer it."

Having shown how people/countries have been choosing-upsides during recent weeks/months, it is
now desirable for BHO to address the nation and explain why drastic action is needed [and we all know
that a Good War will initially enhance polling-data, so the Senate-Dems would predictably concur].
IS Militants Threatened to "Drown Americans in Blood" and the Islamic State Leader
Warned America that "Soon We Will Be in Direct Confrontation," assertions that are c/w
testimony on 2/5/2014 by U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Brett McGurk
(House Foreign Affairs Committee)
This presumably was activated when America helped Kurds retake the Mosul Dam;
attacks are now to occur "in any place" because U.S. airstrikes hit its militants after
BHO said the IS posed a threat to Iraq and the entire region.
This illustrates why it is necessary for Baghdad to be able to work with the USA.

Hizbullah Lowered Fighting Age as It Took-on Islamic State
As Hizbollah stretches its resources, this illustrates the delicacy of combating the IS
*Sunni Islamists+ who are also opposed by Irans allies *Shiite Islamists+; nevertheless,
just like Hitlers demise had to be prioritized, one can envision a division-of-labor that
would cede [for now] the ability of Iran to defend Baghdad [while helping Hizbollah in
Syria] while America strengthens the Kurds [now and, it is hoped, heretofore].

This illustrates why all fingers (here, of the Muslim Brotherhood) are connected to the same hand.

Hamas Seeks an Islamic Caliphate, Not an Independent Palestinian State
As an Islamic jihadi caliphate is strengthening its hold in the heart of the Middle East,
the West seems intent on venting its frustrations on Israel, which is defending itself
against Hamas, another radical Islamist group. Hamas was founded by Sheikh Ahmed

Yassin, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, with the express purpose of destroying
Israel and establishing an Islamic state on the ruins of the Jewish state. Unfortunately,
the West has yet to realize that Hamas is using the Palestinian problem and spouting
fake nationalistic slogans to further its aims. Yet Hamas does not speak of creating an
independent Palestinian state. Instead it says it is fighting "occupation," a word
encompassing Tel Aviv and the whole of Israel. Egypt is the last rampart of the Arab
world against the barbaric Islamic state taking shape, as Iraq and Syria are in disarray.

This captures the experience of Israelis forced into bomb-shelters [quoting a disinterested visitor].

What a Visit to Israel by a Tory-MP Taught about the War in Gaza
He spent time responding to sirens, running to bomb shelters and watching Hamas
rockets deliberately aimed at civilians being shot out of the sky by Israel's Iron Dome
missile defense system.
Israelis started almost every conversation with the question: "What
would you do, when facing an enemy whose founding principle is the
total destruction not only of your country but your entire people? He
noted Hamas used civilian locations to fire thousands of rockets at Israel
and dug tunnels into Israel so that it can murder Israelis en masse, while
describing large civilian deaths on its own side as an "effective strategy."
Balance in this debate has been lost. A terrorist network has been made to look like the
victim with some asking incredibly why Hamas isn't allowed a missile defense shield!
While Jews get attacked in the streets of Western Europe for simply being Jewish,
Hamas terrorists are relieved of the responsibility for the plight of their own people.

This illustrates the overall challenge faced by BB as he is forced to deal with BHO.

Israel Is Held to an Impossible Standard
Americans massacred as many as 500 unarmed Vietnamese civilians at My Lai in 1968.
Americans have killed children while attempting to kill their fathers and made all sorts
of mistakes in wartime, but none of this changed the nature of the society. We ought to
be measured by our intent, not by what went astray. The same holds for Israel. It is not
a child-murdering community, although Syria, next door, most certainly is.

These illustrate the overall challenge faced by BB as he is forced to deal with global fealty for BDS.

Israel Ended Export to EU of West Bank Dairy, Poultry Produce
This was triggered by the EUs BDS-type efforts ["the EU no longer recognized the
authority of the veterinary inspections services of Israel to approve the export of poultry
and (dairy products), the origin of which are in settlements"], but Israeli officials said the
move would have minimal economic effect as the produce affected would now be
channeled towards the local Israeli market.

U.S. Group Canceled Trip to Glasgow after City Council Flies Palestinian Flag
Plans to bring 600 U.S. visitors to Glasgow were abandoned because of the city council's
decision to fly the Palestinian flag to show solidarity with Gaza and to endorse Hamas
and its leadership [perhaps due many Muslims in this city].


Israel continues to max-out its ability to muster a strong military defense, on multiple planes.

Israel's First Christian-Arab Pre-Military Class Graduated

Israel Showed New Capabilities in Gaza War
On July 8, the first day of the Gaza war, five Hamas frogmen attempted an amphibious
assault on an Israeli military base bordering northern Gaza. They didn't get far. First,
they were spotted by a Navy coastal sensor, which streamed targeting data through the
Army's new command-and-control network to air, sea and ground forces. A Merkava
tank had them in its sights, as did Israeli Air Force unmanned aircraft. At the same time,
a Navy offshore patrol vessel equipped with Tammuz missiles was following the
frogmen. "In the end, everyone shot at the same time," said IDF chief signals officer
Brig. Gen Eyal Zelinger.

This illustrates why Israel mustnt be forced to trust intermediaries in the UN who have not proven
trustworthy recalling, for example, the failure of UNIFIL to forestall Hezbollahs rearmament in Lebanon
[indeed, some claim the UN facilitated it].

UN Offered to Monitor Gaza Construction Material
The goal would be to preclude its use to dig tunnels and/or to construct missiles.

This illustrates the extraordinary lengths to which BB is trying to accommodate BHO.

Gaza Cease-Fire Extended by 24 Hours
Israel announced it agreed to extend the temporary truce in Gaza for 24 hours while it
continued to negotiate a permanent agreement with the Palestinian delegation in Cairo.

This also illustrates why Israel mustnt be forced to trust intermediaries in the USA who could,
recalling how BHO abandoned Iraq, suddenly withdraw.

Kerry Declared Syrian Chemical Weapons Destroyed, "But Much More Work Must Be
Done," but the White House admitted Syria Must Still Destroy Chemical Weapons
Production Facilities.
It seems there are still "discrepancies and omissions related to Syria's chemical weapons
declaration," and BHO vowed to trust Syria: "Going forward, we will watch closely to see
that Syria fulfills its commitment to destroy its remaining declared chemical weapons
production facilities."

This illustrates why it remains dangerous to cede any potential military advantage to Hamas.

Israel Arrested 93 Hamas Men since May over Terror Network Targeting PA & Israel,
prompting Abbas to claim the Hamas Plot Against PA Threatened Unity Government;
this Coup Attempt in Judea/Samaria was Planned by a Hamas Official in Turkey.

The Israel Security Agency interrogated 46 Hamas operatives over the past three
months on suspicion of setting up a network of cells to commit attacks against Israel and
to carry out a coup against the Palestinian Authority. [In the process, the security
services seized NIS 600,000 shekels ($171,000); 24 rifles, mostly M-16s; six pistols; seven

rocket launchers; and a large quantity of ammunition.] The head of the network was
Riad Nasser, 38, of Deir Kadis near Ramallah, who did jail time in Israel in the past for his
Hamas activities. Nasser was recruited by Saleh Arori, who did 16 years in an IDF prison
and was subsequently deported and now lives in Turkey.

Ettingers comments [with 90 people on-line, including a member of the staff of Congresswoman

Hamas empowerment @ Gaza started when SoS Condoleezza Rice prevailed upon Israel
to allow Hamas to participate in the PA-elections; since that time, Hamas and the
Muslim Brotherhood have grown in strength, while America wrongly assumes al-Sisi is
secure in Egypt *recalling Mubaraks fate+. Thus, Israel is fighting Americas war *and
that of Western Democracies+ and Israels fate will determine Americas. This will also
affect Jordan and the other Arabian Peninsula countries, leading to their realization that
it would accrue to their benefit were Israel to remain predominant.

In Cairo, must not seek cease-fire; must win, as illustrated by recent arrests. Two-state
solution is dangerous, for PA is a one bullet regime *showing tenuous status of current
players]. Abbas speaks fluent Russian and is close to Americas enemies *Russia, China,
North Korea, Venezuela and Iran], and enhancing his influence would provide access to
the Mediterranian. Palestinians were allies of Nazis, Russians, bin-Laden, Iran, etc. and
now fight against American interests. Cannot reward PA, a regime that has chased-away
Christians [from Bethlehem, for example].

Lesson of Gaza: Land matters. We need protection of mountains. With due respect to
air forces, ground forces necessary to get to tunnels/launchers/underground-HQ. Thus,
need high-ground [Judea/Samaria] which happens to carry ancient significance.

Fortunately, BHO can be overcome by key-people in Congress [particularly Dems], such
as when [on 8/1/2014] $ was released for replenishing the Iron Dome armaments.
People increasingly recognize the importance of Israel to Americas interests *military,
economic, etc.]; Raytheon shares technology related to Iron Dome with America, data
that have helped other countries as well, such as South Korea and eastern-Europe.

Shamir had a more difficult time with Bush-41 than BB-BHO, but baseline achievements
have been maintained because of stalwart support from the American people. This was
contrasting with how America related with Saddam Hussein until the day-before the
Kuwait invasion; they got armaments that Israel was denied. Illustrating the dangers of
wishful-thinking *compounded by the fool me twice, shame on me adage+ was when
the US facilitated transfer of Iran from #1-friend to #1-enemy [via Jimmy Carter, Ramsay
Clark, etc.] by hoping the Ayatollah was focused primarily upon human rights.

He recalled the song of Randy Travis *C & W+ I have some ocean-front property in
Arizona to suggest that the goal must be to destroy entire missile-making machinery,
starting with decapitating Hamas leadership. He recalled that Arabs have used a
different dictionary for 1400 years, even contradictory impact; the classic is cease-fire
*a hudna is always a temporary phenomenon+. Agreements are written in ice rather

than carved in stone. Israel [also prepared for urban warfare] has helped train
Americans [@ special installations].

The goal has been expanded from anti-missile to anti-tunnel; we must remain stalwart
against terrorism and, thus, must try to destroy the infrastructure of Hamas. In Israel,
the center-of-gravity of media has shifted to the right. The educational race is not a
sprint; its a marathon. MSNBC/CNN will not change based upon reality, any time soon.
Being lenient on Hamas brings terrorism closer to Europeand to America [via sleeper-
cells, etc.+. America shouldnt fund Hamas *via the PA+. Ettinger is a truth-teller, and he
cares not the ripple-effect thereof.

Turkey has related with Israel, despite the ideological bent of Erdoan, but cannot be
depended upon longitudinally. European anti-Semitism is deep-rooted, and it extends to
England; educational responsibilities must be perceived as both acute *WAKE UP to
Islam expansion+ and chronic *confronting faulty attitudes+, lest demographics become
overwhelming. Mainstream EU attitudes are undermined in Marseilles and Oslo, and
these phenomena are coming to America [which is a planned phenomenon].

Obama Still Feeling Sorry for Himself

By Peter Wehner

08.17.2014 - 9:45 AM

Under a barrage of criticism for how hes mishandled American foreign policy, President
Obama is once again feeling sorry for himself.
Apparently, he said at a press conference earlier this month, people have forgotten
that America, as the most powerful country on earth, still does not control everything
around the world.
About this answer, Id say several things, starting with this one: When he ran for
president, he spoke as if America did control everything in the world and therefore that
everything that went wrong in the world was the fault of his predecessor. In other
words, Mr. Obama spoke in exactly the terms he now complains his critics do. Having
been humiliated by events, President Obama is now telling us that the world is a mighty
complicated place who knew? and American power is so darn limited. In other
words: Dont blame me. Im only the president. What on earth can I do?
Second, it wasnt Mr. Obamas critics, but Mr. Obama himself, who set the soaring
expectations of what would be achieved if he were elected president. It is Mr. Obama,
not others, who claimed his candidacy would ring out across this land as a hymn that
will heal this nation, repair this world, make this time different than all the rest. (Just in
case the point was lost on us, Mr. Obama ended by saying, Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes
we can.)
But thats not all.

Mr. Obama spoke about how his presidency would heal the planet and stop the rise of
the oceans. He would usher in unprecedentedly good relations with the world, including
the Arab and Islamic world. The president promised a new beginning based on
mutual respect with the Arab and Islamic world. There would be extraordinary strides
taken toward peace between Israel and Palestinians. Relations with Russia would be
reset. Hed successfully pivot to Asia. America would work cooperatively with China.
The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan would end responsibly. The tide of war would
recede. He would usher in an era of smart diplomacy. Apparently Mr. Obama has
forgotten he said all this. Well do him the favor of reminding him.
Mr. Obama, in his statement during the press conference earlier this month, is also
employing a favorite device of his: creating straw men as a way to discredit serious
criticisms of him. No one I know assumes the United States is omnipotent. As a friend of
mine put it, hes content to hold the president to a much more pedestrian standard: has
the actions Obama taken and, more importantly, the actions he has not taken, made the
challenges he faced worse or better? By that very modest standard, he told me, Mr.
Obama has utterly failed.
I certainly do not think President Obama is responsible for all of the world crises that
have taken place during his time in office, my former White House colleague William C.
Inboden, told the New York Times Peter Baker. But he is responsible for actions and
attitudes he took that have contributed to some of those crises and he is also
responsible for how he responds, or fails to respond.
Just so.
The president is desperately trying to escape blame for his failures. But those days are
long gone. I would hope that someone in the presidents inner circle, who has standing
in his life, would urge him to at least conduct himself in a manner that doesnt come
across as petulant, thin-skinned, and undignified. But that appears to be asking too
much of Mr. Obama. He is not emotionally equipped to handle failure with even
minimal grace.
His presidency is going down; and hes determined to look small-minded and bad-
tempered in the process.
The ordinarily-lib Politico appears to have captured a number of data-points that support the view
that the Dems will lose the Senateand that BHO may have become resigned to that fate:
Senate Dems [led by Joe Manchin of course] laid into the White House's disregard for
the Dems on Capitol Hill, a situation that has worsened since February.
Sen. Claire McCaskill wonders in the NYT story who, exactly,
congressional Dems thought they were electing president. "For him,
eating his spinach is schmoozing with elected officials ... This is not
something that he loves. He wasn't that kind of senator."
Regarding his relationship with the White House, Sen. Richard
Blumenthal has evolved; in February, he was sanguine ["I believe in a
peaceful solution in stopping a nuclear-armed Iran. We share that goal,

and I'm hopeful that the negotiations will succeed" ... On the subject of
the NSA, he added: "The term squeaky wheel implies contentiousness
or conflict. But it's been much more collaborative."], but he expressed
discomfiture in August *I can count them on both hands, and they're
big," ... referring to the number of times he has been to the White
House ..."It's more the interaction that I think has been somewhat
lacking - the personal."]
At a meeting in June at the White House between congressional leaders
and the White House, the NY-Times noted that Reid "wanted to press
another point. With Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, sitting a
few feet away, Mr. Reid complained that Senate Republicans were
spitefully blocking the confirmation of dozens of Mr. Obama's nominees
to serve as ambassadors. He expected that the president would back
him up and urge Mr. McConnell to relent. Mr. Obama quickly dismissed
the matter. 'You and Mitch work it out,' Mr. Obama said coolly, cutting
off any discussion. Mr. Reid seethed quietly for the rest of the meeting."
The White House fax regarding Illegals arrived at the Senate on July 22
... Days before, on July 17, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson
had met with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to discuss changes in law
sought by Obama to speed the deportation of unaccompanied child
migrants who had been crossing the Rio Grande from Central America in
record numbers ... The three and a half pages of draft legislation ...
represented the work of attorneys at the White House and Homeland
Security trying to answer her demands that the administration be more
specific. A month later, that single fax still stands out as the closest
Obama ever got to spelling out his legislative proposal. Repeated
requests by POLITICO to speak to the senator were rejected. Written
questions were submitted in advance and went unanswered. The
California Democrat, as chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, was said to be too focused on other matters.

Two very tough stories for Senate-Dems have emerged: Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu's
growing headaches over her airplane travel and questions surrounding Kentucky
Democratic Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes's use of a bus owned by her
father's company [vide infra]. A review of Landrieu's office expenditures and campaign
records reveals two trips from 2012 that may have been improperly billed to her Senate
office rather than her reelection campaign ... Landrieu is facing a barrage of bad press
over this issue. USA Today reported in July that she spent $47,000 last year on in-state
flights using her official Senate office to cover the cost."

News Flash: In new Montana Senate nominee, Democrats ditched red-
state pragmatism for a gun control-supporting vlogger.

Maine Independent Sen. Angus King is not backing Rep. Mike Michaud (D) in his bid to
take out beleaguered incumbent GOP Gov. Paul LePage. Instead he's supporting

Independent Eliot Cutler (again); this is sure to prompt more unfounded speculation
that King might switch caucuses next year. {No one is talking about this!}

These issues [Grimes & Ferguson] have been covered by NROs Jim Geraghty.
He discussed Grimes, a story that ought to trouble Kentucky voters, noting that Alison
Lundergan Grimes has barnstormed Kentucky in her 45-foot-long campaign bus, rolling
up to raucous campaign events and posing for photos next to the vehicle bearing an
oversize image of the Democratic Senate hopeful.
Grimes father's company acquired the bus just as the campaign got
underway last year - and is renting it to his daughter for a fraction of
what other companies would typically charge, according to a POLITICO
analysis. Federal campaign finance law bars a campaign from receiving
goods and services below the fair market value from a corporation,
regardless of whether it is owned by a family member.
Left unmentioned amid the hubbub is this: Her father's company
acquired the bus just as the campaign got under way last year -- and is
renting it to his daughter for a fraction of what other companies would
typically charge, according to a POLITICO analysis. Federal campaign
finance law bars a campaign from receiving goods and services below
the fair market value from a corporation, regardless of whether it is
owned by a family member.

A review of Federal Election Commission records shows Grimes paid less
than $11,000 through June to rent the bus for at least 24 days,
amounting to about $456 per day. Officials at four bus companies said
they typically charge $1,500 to $2,000 a day to rent a similarly sized bus,
and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign said it spent at
least $2,200 per day to rent essentially the same bus during a swing
earlier this month. That would amount to a savings of tens of thousands
of dollars for the Democrat's campaign.

The spending highlights the central role that Jerry Lundergan, a
gregarious former Kentucky Democratic Party chairman and state
lawmaker, is playing in his daughter's bid to unseat McConnell. Polls
show the GOP leader maintaining a very small lead in the race, one of
the most closely watched in the country this year.

He compared this with ludicrous overpayments to Hillary Clinton by corporations and
other entities, fearing the public would shrug and think this is how things work now.
Grimes' father covering the costs of her campaign bus is against FEC rules, whereas
everything given to Clinton is perfectly legal because she's not officially a candidate:

The fee for Hillary Clinton's upcoming $225,000 speaking gig at the
University of NevadaLas Vegas isn't the only exorbitant requirement
stipulated by the former secretary of state in her agreement to appear
at the school. Clinton's demands include her being transported in a

private jet and put up in a presidential suite at the hotel of her choice;
the only record of her remarks can be made by a personal stenographer,
to whom only Clinton will have access.

He also explored a rare moment of disagreement with the boss, Rich Lowry, when he
contended that militarization of police is relevant to the events in Ferguson.

It was ridiculous and wrong for police snipers to train their weapons on
peaceful protestors in Ferguson. But, when you get right down to it, the
militarization of police has had basically nothing to do with events
there, even though the Left and parts of the Right have wanted to make
that the main issue.

When Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, the officer was presumably
wearing a typical police uniform and driving a typical police car. He
either acted in entirely justifiable self-defense, made a catastrophic
misjudgment after an altercation, or (in the extreme version of the
protestors) shot Brown because he wanted to execute a black teenager.
None of these possibilities have anything to do with the militarization of
police one way or the other.

We've seen some witless heavy-handedness on the part of the cops, for instance the
arrests of a couple of reporters at the McDonald's last week. But some perspective:
Cops were perfectly capable of being heavy-handed long before anyone gave them
surplus military equipment. The scenario in that McDonald's would probably have been
exactly the same whether or not there were armored vehicles outside on the street.

Let's stipulate that the militarization of police didn't have much to do with the shooting
of Michael Brown, unless the trend in law enforcement in recent years contributed to
the officer's mentality that he is "at war" or "in a war zone," and thus more likely to use
deadly force than he otherwise would be . . .

But the militarization of the police sure as heck seemed to play a part in the
exacerbation of the circumstances afterwards. If a community is angry about a fatal
shooting, convinced that the local police authorities are an alien, outside entity,
determined to throw their weight around and impose their will upon the community
with the perpetual threat of deadly force . . . then showing up and setting up your rifle
and scope upon the community seems like just about the most incendiary approach the
police could take.

Everybody feeling calmer now?

I think I would ask because I genuinely don't know whether driving around in an
armored vehicle, wearing bulky body armor, having one's face obscured by a mask, and
carrying a rifle instead of the standard sidearm -- changes the mentality of a police
officer and how they see the people around them.


Also note that declaring "the Ferguson Police use their military-grade equipment in a
manner that exacerbates tensions with the community, instead of mitigating them" is
not the same as saying "all police forces use their military-grade equipment in a manner
that exacerbates tensions with the community, instead of mitigating them." We may be
watching a particularly troubled police force deal with this situation.

Rich begins, "It was ridiculous and wrong for police snipers to train their weapons on
peaceful protestors in Ferguson" . . . Doesn't that partially negate his following
sentence, "the militarization of police has had basically nothing to do with events

Doesn't it have at least a little to do with the events down there?

Liz Sheld focuses upon a fair question: How often should the cops point firearms at
civilians? Minimally, right?

The central issue here is: if or under what circumstances should the
capacity for force and intimidation be deployed against the public by
the state. And this becomes controversial when one wants to answer
that the capacity should be preventative rather than responsive.

Responsive force entails responding to a situation where public safety is
being threatened.

On the other hand, preventative force and intimidation is far more
problematic from a civil liberties perspective because it is the police
force themselves introducing the element of disruption into the civil
equation. When a massive force rolls into Ferguson during a peaceful
rally in the middle of the day, can we really say this doesn't result in
intimidation, at the least, and antagonism, at the worst? Does the
presence of intimidating MRAPs, military-esque rifles, costumed-up
police force have no effect on the public to which it is directed? And for
those inclined to say "yes" there is no effect, I respond: standard gun
safety rules dictate that you DO NOT point your gun at something you
are not prepared to shoot. Do you really think you have the right to
free-speech or free assembly when you are, literally, in the state's

Here are video hyperlinks from FNC, most of which focus on Ferguson:
Friend of Cop Alleges Brown 'Bum-Rushed' Officer Before Fatal Shots
Arrested Teens Planned 'Horrific' School Attack, Police Say
Fox News Reporter Hit With Tear Gas in Ferguson
Ingraham: Media Turning Ferguson Riots 'Into Its Own Reality Show'
Media Spotlights Ferguson, But What About All the Other Senseless Murders?
Megyn Kelly Presses Brown Family's Attorney on Autopsy Findings
Will Ferguson Police Officer Be Indicted for Michael Brown's Death?
'Somebody Needs to Be a Leader': Martha Challenges Beckel Over Obama Response to Ferguson

Autopsy Doctor: Marijuana May Have Made Michael Brown 'Act in a Crazy Way'
ISIS Outs Intelligence Agents, Wages Social Media War

Legendary Voice of 'SNL,' Don Pardo, Dead at 96

Here is Rushs rush-transcript:

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Tuesday, 8/16/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: Is it a time-warp: Look at the Democrat Gov.
Seg#1: Keywords
Nixon sends in the LA National Guard to put down a Black protest. Send to a grand
jury? What do you think they will do when they know their identities will be found
out? They are going to indict the cop! It is in the cards.

Take a moment to hear this: Tony Dungy and Phil Simms say they are not going to say
the name Redskins. When the team came out, fans sang as loud as they could, Hail to
the REDSKINS but the players come out with a raised hand, to pay tribute to The
Gentle Giant, shot with his hands raised.

Today, the National Journal accused me and Matt Drudge of character assassination
for pointing out the story that Michael Brown had marijuana in his system. But they
dont accuse the W-Post, the source of the story.

Try this: how many FBI agents investigated the IRS going after the Tea Party? How
many went at first to Benghazi? Again, none. There are 40 FBI agents sent to MO, led
by the US Attorney General Eric Holder. They decry the militarization of police dpts.
and they are the ones doing itleft-over equipment.

Obama wanted to have a difference in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, and this
is a time for them to make a difference. It is a time-warp. Democrats are using
Ferguson MO to ramp up Black voters and sympathizers. It is far from true that young
Blacks are gunned down every day.

The Ferguson chief of police got some flak for releasing the video of the store robbery,
but it was Eric Holder and the DoJ that had the video held back. They wanted protesters
to stay red hot. Voter registration booths are now set up.

Obama makes a little TV comment.

There are 12 eye-witnesses that confirm the cops story. An NPR reporterette tweeted
that and now gone underground; the rest of DbM are mad at her.

This is how Democrats do it: Top four GOP hopefuls embroiled in scandals.
>>> Whether true or not, they smear to eliminate political opposition.

Segment#2: Trial and sentencing in the Drive-by Media
((Reading: From several thousand miles away, the NFL Washington Redskins players ran
onto the field with their arms raised. Ferguson MO is where an unarmed Michael
Brown was gunned down by a White police officer. He was saying, Dont Shoot.)) The
politics of this is to convince as many people of their Agenda before the facts are known.
>>> That is so the facts will not matter. <<<

Seg#3: Keywords
St Louis Dispatch reported there were 12 eye-witnesses who support the version of the
cop. Tweet from Christine Byers:

The template-narrative is that had the kid been White,
he would never have been shot. He would be alive today.

kareem-abdul-jabbar said coming unrest will be more about class warfare, more than
race. Leftists, take him to the woodshed, since he doesnt support the race Agenda.

The myth is that the White cop always gets away with it.

In the 2008 campaign and election of Barack Obama, many believed that electing a
Black guy would fix everything. Now, we see it meant nothing. I was one of a few back
then that said race relations would only be worse no criticism permitted. Nobody
wants to be called a racist and shut up.

POTUS has had free reign.

We have a Republican Party afraid to push back on ANYTHING !

All of this has been for nothing since the Democrat Party is intent on pressing the
myths: America is unjust and the Constitution needs to be changed. To them, when this
is all over, America is still a Slave nation.
>>> This attitude helps fund their organization(s).
ferguson-opportunists: sharpton-gets-vote and jesse-jackson-asks-cash
Seg#4: Keywords
Caller: Sharptons and Jessie Jacksons are getting points at the expense of the family.
This is far bigger than Sharpton, who got booed. The president of the United
States leads what is happening. Not a single person involved in IRS Scandal or Benghazi
has been fired. They are doing what the WH wants done. People need to recognize.

When Van Jones was outed as a Communist, people said, How did he get past
vetting? Barack Obama hired the guy! There is no longer even a pretense with
executive orders. It is all about: wiping out any opposition.


Living by the Constitution is out the window. Every occurrence is Obama and the end is
the end to any opposition.
>>> The Regime wants total control of everything, and always has.

From Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Two Stars, No Shows"
Almost two weeks ago, the Washington Post ran a story with this headline: Obamas
Silence on Death of Major General Harold Greene Comes Under Fire.
General Greene, a two-star general, was killed during an ambush in Kabul, Afghanistan
that wounded at least 15 others. He was the highest-ranking American military officer
killed in a war zone since Vietnam. The Washington Post put it this way: The shooting
has been met with silence from another member of Greenes chain of command:
President Obama. The commander-in-chief has said nothing about the incident, leaving
it to the Defense Department and his own press secretary, Josh Earnest, to discuss it.
It wasnt that Obama wasnt available. The African summit was taking place and Obama
was buzzing all over town, making public appearances and voicing his opinions. On
things that mattered to him.
Fast-forward two weeks. This past Thursday, Major General Harold Greene was laid to
rest at Arlington National Cemetery. Some wondered why President Obama wasnt
there. Or, barring the presidents unavailability due to important events, why Vice
President Joe Bite Me didnt show up. And if Bite Me had other things on his calendar at
least maybe Secretary of State John Kerry, or even the Secretary of Defense, might be
there. According to news reports, all were no-shows.
We later learned where Obama was during the funeral of the highest-ranking military
officer killed in theater since Vietnam. At the Vineyard Golf Club. Dealing with what
matters. To him.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
Washington Post: Obamas Silence on Death of Major General Harold Greene
Comes Under Fire
Baltimore Sun: Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene laid to rest at Arlington National
Cemetery [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"If you're sitting out there thinking that this indictment of Rick Perry for exercising the
constitutional aspect of a veto is a farce and a joke, you need to stop, because it's
neither. It's not a farce, and it's not a joke, and isn't funny, especially for him."

"I've got no dog in the fight in Ferguson. I think I'm like anybody else. I hate seeing all it
is, but I'm not going to sit around here and join this chorus of people thinking, 'We've
got to understand the rage. We got to back off.'"
"So many myths, ladies and gentlemen, are on display each and every day in this
country, so many myths. And the myths are what make up the daily Drive-By news
agenda, and that is the daily news agenda of the Democrat Party."
"The attempt to criminalize the opposition has been a tactical effort of the Democrat
Party and the American left for the last 25 or 30 years. It is done in large part because
the left knows they cannot defeat conservatives and Republicans in a, quote, unquote,
fair fight in the arena of public ideas. They just can't do it."
"The cop just didn't randomly pull the gun and start firing, although the myth wants you
to believe that. The myth wants you to believe the cop, just because the suspect was
black and big, felt frightened, felt scared -- 'cause the cop's racist, don't you know?"
"The myth that is driving what happened in St. Louis is that white cops shoot black kids
all the time. That is the myth. That is the image being created. That is the purpose of all
the coverage. The truth of the matter is, it is rare."
"So after all of this talk about the police being too militarized, what does the governor
do? He calls out the National Guard. It's the military. And you know what else? He didn't
tell Obama. Nixon didn't tell Obama. Somehow that's big news."
"What's dead serious about this Rick Perry indictment is the Democrat Party and their
ongoing effort to criminalize political differences or opposition."
"Once again a video is being blamed for all the problems. First the video on Benghazi,
now a video in St. Louis."
"There are stages that you are going to go through with golf. There's the addict phase or
stage where you will play as often as you can, and you will take lessons and you will buy
clubs and you will do all this stuff. And you will get frustrated and you will get mad and
you will wonder why you're doing it and you'll think, 'They ought to punish prisoners by
making 'em play this game!' "


Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 11:58 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXVI [Islamism, Ferguson, Hillary, Zakaria]

After having distributed bulky *by necessity+ Blast e-mails, it is desirable to take-pause, if only to
ensure key-points have been digested; above-all, the need for BHO to sound the alarm against Islamism
[and to do something substantive about it, akin to how the Bushes organized coalitions-of-the-willing]
has grown [vide infra], noting ISIS Sleeper Cells are Allegedly Planning Large-Scale Terror Attacks On
Mainland America. Instead, true-to-form, Obama will Hold to Afghanistan Withdrawal Deadline,
rejecting a growing chorus of arguments in Washington that the chaos in Iraq should prompt him to
reconsider his timetable for withdrawing by the end of 2016.

Richard A. Baehr is the co-founder and chief political correspondent for the American
Thinker. [For his day job, he has been a health care consultant for many years doing
planning and financial analyses for providers.] His two recent columns should be
read/digested in-full [Foreign Policy may Be the Biggest Drag for Democrats This Year
and America's new toxic brew] for they never lose their focus while encompassing (and
articulating with aplomb) myriad fundamental forces-at-play, domestic & foreign.

BEHEADED-ISIS-VIDEO; and Threatened to kill another, with Fate depending on Obama's next move]
while Hamas missiles fly *Heavy barrage of rockets fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem; Tehran linked to
missile tech used against Israel; and Politicians across spectrum call for tougher response to rocket fire].
Curiously, Qatar threatened to expel Mashaal if Hamas okayed Egypt-proposed truce while it was
alleged that Israel leaders stubborn belief in Hamas' desire for war's end led the country back to war;
regardless, the jpost provides a LIVE-BLOG of Israels Operation-Protective-Edge-in-Gaza. {I continue to
trust BB will do-the-right-thing (particularly with regard to his dealings with BHO) noting, for now, the
fall-out of the Hamas plot against the PA hasnt yet played-out; libs seem to have no counter-narrative.}
Who Will Stand Up for the Christians? - Ronald S. Lauder (New York Times)
Why is the world silent while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa? The
UN focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against Hamas, the terrorist organization that
controls Gaza. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with
relative indifference.
The Middle East and parts of central Africa are losing entire Christian communities that have lived
in peace for centuries. Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out of Syria. Christians
have been persecuted and killed in countries from Lebanon to Sudan.
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is not a loose coalition of jihadist groups, but a real
military force that has managed to take over much of Iraq. Where it truly excels is in its carnage,
rivaling the death orgies of the Middle Ages. "They actually beheaded children and put their
heads on a stick," Chaldean-American businessman Mark Arabo told CNN, describing a scene in a
Mosul park. "More children are getting beheaded, mothers are getting raped and killed, and
fathers are being hung."
Just as I will not be silent in the face of the growing threat of anti-Semitism in Europe and in the
Middle East, I will not be indifferent to Christian suffering. Christians are dying because of their
beliefs, because they are defenseless and because the world is indifferent to their suffering.
Good people must join together and stop this revolting wave of violence. It's not as if we are
powerless. I write this as a citizen of the strongest military power on earth. I write this as a
Jewish leader who cares about my Christian brothers and sisters. The Jewish people understand
all too well what can happen when the world is silent. This campaign of death must be stopped.

BHO had a tart comeback to Senate-Dems regarding the suggestion that he should seek a vote from
Congress to authorize deepening American military involvement in Iraq [according to Senator Tim Kaine
of Virginia]: Guys, you can't have it both ways here. You can't be ducking and dodging and hiding under
the table when it comes time to vote, and then complain about the president not coming to you for
authorization. This is not about an imperial presidency. It's about a Congress that's reluctant to cast
tough votes on U.S. military action. [Flashback 9/10/2013: Congress dodged a politically perilous vote on
Syria - for now.]

Hillary Clinton went Anti-Israel In 'Hard Choices.' In the Middle East chapter of her book,
her statements at best could be considered insensitive to Israel, or at worst that were
clearly anti-Israel; this article resolutely parses the most onerous claims.

Meanwhile, functioning as a Rorschach Test that reveals more about the commentator than the issue,
events in Ferguson continue to dominate cable-news; Baehrs second essay discusses why, and the
following hyperlinks illustrate inter alia how BHO plans to maximize Black-GOTV [get-out-the-vote]
efforts by hoping this [and related] topics will change the subject from his multiple abject failures.
'ISIS Here': Ferguson Protester Holds Up Jihadist Sign
Eric Holder: Michael Brown Death Cause for 'Robust Action' to Increase Police Diversity
We Need Law and Order, Not Sympathy for Rioters
Looter: 'I'm Proud of Us. We Deserve This'
Police Militarization: It's Not About the Equipment, It's About Keeping the Peace
Al Sharpton Criticized Chris Christie, not Obama, for Partying During Ferguson Riots
*UPDATE* Christie Responds
Damned If They Do?: Tapper Rips Ferguson Police For Heavy Presence
St. Louis Police Shot Suspect Dead Near Protest Scene
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Used Shooting of Knife-Wielding Man by St. Louis Cops to Stir
Most Black Ferguson Residents Complaining of 'White Power Structure' Didn't Vote
Officer Darren Wilson Texted Pal: I 'Can't Go Out' Because I Fear for My Life
Larry Elder Blasts 'Odd Duck' Rand Paul for Telling Blacks Cops Are Out to Get Them
Justice Department officials were weighing whether to open a broader civil rights
investigation to look at Ferguson's police practices at large ... The issue came up after
news reports revealed a 2009 case in which a man said that four police officers beat
him, then charged him with damaging government property - by getting blood on their
uniforms. Under Mr. Holder, Justice has opened nearly two dozen such investigations
into police departments, more than twice as many as in the previous five years.
REV. AL SHARPTON will deliver eulogy at Michael Brown funeral, on Monday.
VALERIE JARRETT said the first African-American to run the country finds himself in the
tensest racial confrontation of his tenure but is constrained from addressing the nation's
original sin in anything but the loftiest, most dispassionate terms.

Domestically, Author Frank Miniter has explained why The Gun [is] Key to Freedom's Past, [and is]
Indispensable to Freedom's Future; also, studies have shown that it is 'Nearly Impossible to Predict
Which Individuals Will Commit Gun Violence.' That Dan Sullivan won Alaska GOP Senate race over Joe

Miller [40-32-+ completed the GOP-nomination process, with prognosticators now updating their views
[with fresh polling pending that will, presumably, encompass increased antipathy towards BHO].

Fareed Zakaria Faces New Plagiarism Accusations - The two anonymous plagiarism cops
at Our Bad Media, whose reporting resulted in the firing of BuzzFeed's Benny Johnson
last month, have published a new list of plagiarism charges, this time aimed at Fareed
Zakaria and three news outlets that publish his work: CNN, Time Magazine, and The
Washington Post.

The four personal-projects that pend are [1]creation of a statewide chapter of Log Cabin Republicans
[inviting the LGBTQ community into the GOP by emphasizing core principles]; [2]attempting to help
Alessio Lerro recant his anti-Semitic/anti-Zionist comments by leveraging Temple U. leadership; [3]
ensuring implementation of the Holocaust Education [Delayed-]Mandate captures the key facets of the
envisioned Unit [Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violations]; and [4]hoping that the new
policy to be adopted by Catholic Hospitals [including Nazareth+ will maximize the sense of safety
[taking into account the potential for terrorism to focus on soft-targets such as hospitals] by installing
metal-detectors [focused on guns, not knives]. Other personal-concerns that are finally reaching the
consciousness-level of others [particularly in the media] include the dire need for America to help the
Kurds, the importance of coalescing behind Cruz/Walker as the GOPs ticket in 16; and the festering of
ObamaDontCare. It is again advised that interviews of BHO/Hillary be scrutinized, for they prominently
continue to reverberate [as had been predicted promptly after their emergence].

ELIMINATION BILL and Trial for State Sen. Leanna Washington may be occur this fall.
[The former relates to efforts to help the legislature become productive, and the latter
relates to my (flawed) Harrisburg representative (arrogant, aloof, emulating BHO).]

It is advised that the following article be parsed in-full, for it recapitulates the worriment that pervaded
in the opening graph of this Blast e-mail

Gen. Flynn's Warning:
Americans are less safe now than they were prior to Sept. 11

By Clifford D. May [president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), a
policy institute focusing on national security.]

20 August 2014 - The Washington Times

Two recent interviews have been the topic of lively debate within the so-called foreign
policy community. First, President Obama told The New York Times Thomas Friedman
that he envisioned a world in which wars end with "no victor, no vanquished." Can you
imagine Franklin Roosevelt or Winston Churchill embracing such an idea? Even more
inconceivable: that those who proclaim themselves jihadis would do anything but laugh
their heads off (you should excuse the expression) if they heard it.

Next, Hillary Clinton told The Atlantics Jeffrey Goldberg that, Great nations need
organizing principles, and that Mr. Obamas motto, Dont do stupid stuff, is not an
organizing principle. A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton said that she and the president

would soon get together at the vacation resort of Marthas Vineyard and hug it out, a
means of resolving policy disagreements that Roosevelt and Churchill also would likely

Lost in the shuffle: a more substantive interview, conducted by veteran journalist James
Kitfield, in the online journal Defense One, with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, chief of the
Defense Intelligence Agency.

DIA directors tend to be taciturn. But Gen. Flynn is leaving his post and that appears to
have loosened his lips. He told Mr. Kitfield that the international environment has
become uncertain, chaotic and confused; that we have entered a very dangerous
era; and that we are in a period of conflict that may be both prolonged and
unprecedented. In other words: Hes trying to sound an alarm.

A quick tour d'horizon: In Syria and Iraq, jihadists who see themselves as Osama bin
Ladens heirs have been battling jihadists loyal to Irans theocrats and their client,
Bashar al Assad. Christians, Yazidis and other minorities are being butchered. Kurds,
with belated help from the Obama administration, are fighting back.

In Nigeria, self-styled soldiers of Allah are enslaving women and burning churches,
often with congregants inside. Islamist militias have collapsed Libyas fledgling post-
Kaddafi government. Jihadis also are active mainly killing Muslims viewed as apostates
in Mali, Somalia and Yemen.

Israel, the only nation in north Africa and the broader Middle East not ruled by Muslims,
is explicitly threatened with genocide by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Like the Kurds,
Israelis have been fighting back. The Obama administration has provided support not
without ambivalence.

According to Gen. Flynn, in 2004 there were 21 Islamic terrorist groups spread out in
18 countries. Today, by contrast, there are 41 Islamic terrorist groups spread out in 24
countries. The result, he said, is that Americans today are in more danger than they
were prior to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Its true that some jihadi groups are focused on local wars, but many if not most have
the intention to attack Western interests, to include Western embassies and in some
cases Western countries, Gen. Flynn said. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, self- declared himself
caliph of the Islamic State, has directly threatened Americans. Some of his warriors
have Western passports. That will make it easier for them to enter Europe and the
United States at a time of their choosing.

Underlying this global conflict, Gen. Flynn said, is a core ideology that is spreading,
not shrinking. Having interrogated combatants during the years he served as
intelligence chief for Joint Special Operations Command in Iraq and Afghanistan, he
concluded: These are people who have a very deeply-rooted belief system that is just
difficult for Americans to comprehend. Just think about the mindset of a suicide


Think, too, about the fact that those who postpone blowing themselves up are
developing new and improved martial skills. They write about and share Lessons
Learned all the time, Gen. Flynn said. He recalled that not long after 9/11/01, anthrax
was used in an act of terrorism that killed five people. If that anthrax had been
dispersed more efficiently, he said, it could have killed a quarter million people. Also
worth bearing in mind: Just eight years separates the first attack on New Yorks World
Trade Center in 1993, in which six people were killed, from the 2001 mass murders.

The 2011 death of Osama bin Laden led President Obama and many left-of-center
analysts to conclude that the tide of war is receding. According to Gen. Flynn, few in
the intelligence community shared that hopeful view. We saw all this connective tissue
developing between these [proliferating] terrorists groups. So when asked if the
terrorists were on the run, we couldnt respond with any answer but no. When asked if
the terrorists were defeated, we had to say no. Anyone who answers yes to either of
those questions either doesnt know what they are talking about, they are misinformed,
or they are flat out lying.

Such warnings from an outgoing DIA director should be attracting attention at least as
much as Mr. Obamas (John) Lennonist imaginings and Mrs. Clintons belated
recognition that she had spent four years helping sail a rudderless ship. Apparently,
however, few in the chattering classes agree.

At the end of the interview, Mr. Kitfield asked Gen. Flynn if there was any truth to
reports that he was being forced out of the DIA. He didnt quite deny it. Maybe it did
get to the point where I was a little too far out in front of my headlights, he replied. I
had a meeting with my boss and the message was its time for you to go, and my
reaction was to salute and say, Okay, no problem.

I fear that whoever is chosen to replace Gen. Flynn will decide its only prudent to tell
the president and his closest advisors what they want to hear rather than what they
need to know. Americans will then be in more danger. But we will have been warned.



Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 4:30 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXVII [Rush-Limbaugh]

For whatever reason, scribd was down until just-now and, thus, three accumulated Blast e-mails
are to be conveyed; they are initiated by the last four days summaries of Rush Limbaughs comments,
illustrating again how his impact is seminal. It is advised that an e-mail to the authors thereof will yield
direct input [although the preferred approach is to listen to his commentaries, of course]. Contact
Charlie Shipp [] for the {Also, a Special Noticeunrelated to
Rushhas been reprinted @ the end; its a bit off-color, but it does communicate a unique message.}

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 8/20/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: Did the waters part as Eric Holder went in?
Segment#1: Puppeteers decide to apply The Limbaugh Theorem
The president cant go there because it wouldnt help gives pause to ponder. It is
classic Limbaugh Theorem. It isnt even his decision. ((Reading The Hill: The
Whitehouse believes a trip by President Obama would do more harm than good.)) So
Top Cop Eric Holder goes in.

We are on the march to the biggest ism transformation of America, and the leader of
the march positions to not even go. Call it Socialism, Communism, or whatever ism
you want.

They want DA Bob McCulloch to quit and recuse himself. His police officer father was
killed in a line of duty. It is not about being fair but finding to support the Agenda of a
civil rights movement. It doesnt matter that he is a Democrat.

Everybody there is a buffoon and an idiot and have to go to the federal government and
Eric Holder to get it done right. There are so many messages here. Eric Holder is going
to make sure civil rights are protected, except for some.

Nixon is not stupid in his pandering. He isnt going to vigorously prosecute the
looters. You know what he means. They want the cop found guilty yesterday even
though not even charged yet.

To solve this is why the America people elected The Black President.

Anderson Cooper interviews. ((Clip-Spike-Lee: Many thought racism would
disappear; it hasnt.)) Obama so badly wants to go and not play golf in Marthas
Vineyard but the WH says it wouldnt help. CNN will set up a bureau there through the
November elections.

Don Lemon gives his phone number out to looters, If you need anything, let me know.

((Clip-on-Spike-Lee: Bring in Honore from Katrina effort; he could fix it.))

>>> This is something I predicted (clip).
The same way Honor came in with Katrina, he could do it again.

Seg#2: Governor turned it over to Highway Patrol leader Ron Johnson
Last Thursday, Highway Patrol leader, Ron Johnson, looked really good and could be the
next gov of Louisiana. Looters started and he had troops stand down and let it
happen. Now he wont be the governor.

If there is one guy that could talk to looters,
>>> it is Obama. Cant he use his persuasive power?

Seg#3: The myth was shown to be a political lie
So the only way to stop Black on Black violence is convict this cop. It did happen in the
South with Democrats in control in ages past. Rodney King happened over 20 years
ago. It is a total myth that this happens in our day.

Another example of a myth: a gentle giant was walking along and thinking about
entering college for the first time. Then he was struck down. Media had been
demanding the release of the store video and DoJ wanted it held back. What did the
video show? The gentle giant was not being gentle. From that moment on, violence

Why? The myth was totally nuked.

It wasnt made up; now it wasnt going to be easy to put the cop in jail. The cop was
roughed up, and may have eye socket damage. One of the ways to get back to their
myth is to go after the DA. All of a sudden Bob McCulloch is unqualified. He cant be
trusted to ignore all of the evidence. His mother was in a police dpt.

((Clip-McCulloch: We are going to proceed until the governor says differently. This
family deserves getting on with [the grand jury, today].))
>>> The governor and Claire McCaskill are pandering to Democrat voters.
90% of agitators/protestors are not from Ferguson.
Of all 78 arrests, only three were Ferguson residents.

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Gullibles Travels"
Many have long worried the American education system is dumbing down the
population. Heres a news item that validates that.
In 1988, The Onion began publishing parody news stories that were obvious satire.
They were so popular that the website became a staple of the parody news

The Onion reaches about 11 million people a month. A significant number of those visits
are from people who are driven there by Facebook. Apparently, a significant number of
these readers just dont get it. Because Facebook is testing a tag, a notice for their
users, to let them know that what reading from the Onion is satire. This became
necessary because so many gullible Facebook users believed the Onion stories were
For example, headlines like this: Busch Gardens Unveils New 9,600-Mile-Long
Endurance Roller Coaster. Many Facebook believed it.
Its not just young people on social media websites who are gullible. Millions believe
Republicans want to take Social Security from the elderly, take school lunches away
from students, or that theyre waging a war on women. Millions believe in the global
warming hoax despite reams of irrefutable evidence that researchers cooked the books.
So Facebook having to identify satire for the gullible doesnt surprise me. How could
it? Im the one who coined the phrase low-information voter (I did) to explain how
millions of the duped could re-elect the Regime. There are lots of gullible Americans out
there! Way too many.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
Forbes: Facebook Is Testing A 'Satire' Tag Since Users Think The Onion Articles Are True [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"There are now photos of a Democrat voter registration tent that has been set up in
Ferguson. The death of Michael Brown is being used to register Democrats in Ferguson,
Missouri, practically right next to the memorial for the kid."
"Sometimes I feel like I've fallen into a time warp here. A Democrat governor's just sent
in the National Guard to shut down a bunch of black protesters. The Democrats are
doing sit-ins in the offices of somebody named Nixon. I mean, if you stop and think
about it, if you're old enough, this is really uncanny."
"Amnesty is Democrat Party control for a generation. I mean, barring some unforeseen,
unpredictable event, you have to conclude, educated guess, that newly arrived poor,
uneducated, unskilled people equal Democrat voters."
"Yeah, you've got all these guys, Obama and Eric Holder and Governor Nixon, and
they're all running around decrying the militarization of police officers. They're the ones
that did it! What do you think the militarization equipment comes from for these police
departments? It comes from the US Department of Defense, the DOD."
"The media's going to be in Ferguson longer than CNN tried to find the missing
Malaysian jet."

"If Michael Brown had been 6'4; if he'd been 290 lbs; if he had just held up a
convenience store; if he was bull rushing the cop, everything the same, the cop would
not have pulled the trigger on a white guy. That's the left's story and they're going to
manufacture that. They don't care whether it's true."
"Some of the Ferguson protesters, like the New Black Panthers, are claiming to be the
new civil rights movement, which I guess is only natural. The civil rights era is the only
period in our nation's history that's glorified in the schools these days."
"We have the president of the United States, who cannot be criticized, cannot be
opposed, it is thought, by elected officials who otherwise would be opposing him
because they disagree with the policies and ideas. But they don't dare go there."
"We have a Republican Party afraid to push back on anything, 'cause they don't want to
be called racist."
"What do you bet that Obama extends the family vacation another week for total of
three, using this three-day break in Washington as an excuse or justification or whatever
for, 'Hey, he came back to work, so he's is going to be gone an additional week just to
make up for the time he lost'?"
"Leftists are singularly alike, and they have singular objectives. The problem is trying to
convince people of them. They sound so outrageous, most people will never believe any
of it."
"It's clear, ladies and gentlemen: Ferguson, Missouri, is attracting a lot of people who --
like Obama and Holder -- wish they had been alive during the civil rights movement in
the sixties, and that's another thing that's going on here. This is a flashback; this is not
"If Obama does this amnesty thing before the election, that's going to really tick many
people off and the Democrats are not going to be reelected. He doesn't care. I honestly
believe that."
"Modern Democrat politics is the fight between left-wing Alinskyites and even more
radical left-wing Alinskyites. There is no moderate center in the Democrat Party
"Remember, Obama's not here to transform the Democrat Party. He's here to transform
the country."

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 9/16/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Open: It takes DbM six years to see Obama as he is.

Seg#1: DbM is shocked that Obama doesnt seem to care.
WH hung a blue banner at the HS to make it look official; and after his pathetic
statement about the beheading of Jim Foley, the banner comes down and he changes
clothes to leave for golf in Marthas Vineyard.
Because of their own bias and bigotry, DbM wouldnt accept what I told them six years
ago. Obama doesnt seem to care and DbM is shocked. They had high hopes because
he is them.
Obama announces special forces went in rescue hostages including Jim Foley, but when
they got there, the hostages were not there. You never reveal the success or failures of
special ops, so why did they do it? They did it to cover up for Obamas weak
statement. ((Montage: He literally went from the podium to the first tee. . . . He is a
cold son of a bitch.))
((Clip-Karl-Rove: President Bush gave up golf for the rest of his presidency. [With
Obama] somebody made a mistake.)) How is it Obama escapes accountability for his
own actions?
With Greta VanSusteren ((Clip-John.Bolton: This is a stunning breach of [military
secrets]. The person that gave us the tip may be dead by now. You keep this secret for
50 years.)) Narcissists dont have time to care about others since they are too focused
about what people think about them.
They are busy waiting for love and adulation.
Obama telling special ops details is to show low-info voters that he cares.
((Clip: If an ISIS terrorist showed up at a NYC mall with AK-47s, I would not be
surprised.)) That is Mike Morrell.
In UK, among the most popular names given to newborn boys is Mohammad or
variations. Because of political correctness, England opened their borders and are being
overtaken by Muslims. The executioner of Tim Foley spoke with a British accent and is
nicknamed The Beatle.
>>> What about our own open southern border?
Segment#2: Progressive-Liberals are Liberals first
A funny eMail note from a friend, Even if they had listened to you, they still would have
elected Obama, twice. That is because they are Liberals first.
Well discuss in depth later. You have to understand what Obama has always
believed: the United States is the problem, and never the solution.
>>> This was not supposed to happen after he was elected.
News: Two USA doctors cured of Ebola, Please continue praying for Liberia.

Seg#3: What do you do when the Commander-In-Chief has no clue ?
Liberals are shocked, dismayed, and angry that Obama seemed to not care, changing
to golf clothes, laughing and yukking it up. It fuels the opinion of some that Obama has
checked out.
There are a couple of different ways to view this (1) how Obama was raised and taught
the United States is the reason there is anger. People on the Left see the US Military as
the center of evil. Flash back to the campaign of 2008, Those days will end with my
Obama made his speech in Berlin where he agrees with criticism of USA. Now, after his
election, the despots were supposed to stand down. Obama was raised with this
view. He got the full dose from his home and colleges: economic, social, political. This
is taught to our young in college. Obama arrived with these views and fit right in.
We have forced poverty in Gaza because we have been standing with Israel. It is not
fair. He was elected campaigning he could make the world love us. He brought it up in
his speech: This is not how things happen in the 21
Century when it clearly is !
His election was supposed to end hatred.
Can you imagine the shock? Obama thought his existence was unique and special. (2)
What if Obama is so shocked that he is paralyzed.
This is why he has checked out? Terrorists ratchets it up, even as Obama says we
ended Terrorism and bans the word. This was so we wouldnt provoke the bad guys.
Some in the Drive-bys think and say that Obama is shocked into paralysis.
Now what do we do? they ask.
>>> We started out with a guy that had no clue.
Segment#4: In God we trust!
Caller: Media is upset?
Peter Jennings was on the Committee to Protect Journalists. They wanted to bring
the truth to the American people about war-torn places of the world. Media loves
talking about themselves and how they do it. They love the self-praise.
The US doctor has been cured from Ebola and was totally devoted to God and
Christianity. It was Christian Missionary 101. Did you hear Bless You got a young
school girl kicked out?
>>> We are not going to have Godly talk in our class. (In Tennessee)

Segment#6: The aloof president
(Theme Music) Americas Real Anchorman, doctor of democracy. ((Reading: A high
school coed senior said, Bless you after her friend sneezed. I told the teacher I had a
Constitutional right.)) It happened and the school is backing up the suspension.
Do you know why it is said, Snerdley? In case you heart stops, a blessing will restart the
heart. People on the Left dont like that.
From the UK, the reporting of Obama leaving for golf is brutal.
'We will be relentless' (right after my vacation): Fury as Obama is seen fist-bumping,
high-fiving and laughing on the golf course just MINUTES after pledging justice for
journalist James Foley
>>> [UK reporting does the job USA reporting should do.]

Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Reiners Ultimate Solution"
Rob Reiner is one of Hollywoods institutional liberals. Every so often, he erupts, and
spews nonsense, then fades away until the next time.
Reiner was recently the guest on Larry Kings internet show. Which is why few people
actually saw the interview. But its getting some coverage due to the venom Reiner
unleashed at the Tea Party. According to Reiner, the Tea Party and the terrorist
organization Hamas are both extremists, and cannot be negotiated with. So the only
way to make them go away, Reiner says, is to eliminate them.
Reiners ultimate solution is based on his ridiculous belief that the Tea Party controls the
entire Congress. They supposedly have a stranglehold on Boehner, which is why nothing
gets done. Whats needed to break the logjam, says Reiner, is to eliminate them.
Reiner didnt go into the logistics of his ultimate solution. But he still says eliminate
Members of the Tea Party have as much right to participate in politics as anyone else.
They have a point of view. They want financial sanity restored, they want the
Constitution honored, the rule of law followed, and a country that is strong and
respected again.
But because they dont bow to the liberal Democrat agenda, they have been vilified by
the drive-by media, by elected Democrats, and subjected to hate speech from low-
information hacks like Rob Reiner, whose biggest claim to fame was playing
Meathead on TV a long, long, time ago.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
Newsbusters: Rob Reiner: Tea Party Should Be 'Eliminated' Like Hamas [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Every one of Obama's appearances is staged usually now in front of young, low-
information college students in a controlled environment, with Obama on the campaign
stage, campaigning for something, complaining about one of his own policies that the
audience doesn't realize is his own policy. But an environment like Ferguson, they
couldn't control."
"Snerdley is in there drinking a bottle of Two If By Tea, and he's just commenting on
how good it is. Thank you, Mr. Snerdley, I appreciate that. It's incredible. It is. It's the
best iced tea in the country."
"You're not watching news out of Ferguson. You're watching politics in action. They
don't find anybody who disagrees with the myth, not one person in that town, huh?"
"I'm wondering, did the waters of the Mississippi River part as Holder flew over the
Mississippi en route to Lambert-St. Louis International Airport? Have the lions laid down
with the lambs? Are the Crips making peace with the Bloods? Is it all better now
because Eric Holder has touched down?"
"It's something like 90% of the agitators and protesters are not from Ferguson. If that
weren't happening, if they weren't busing in New Black Panther Party members and
others from Oakland, who knows what might be going on there?"
"This Obama appearance of being disengaged and bored and having checked out from
the job -- not challenged, not interested in it anymore -- is the greatest cover for
political activism that you can imagine."
"If the truth behind any of the Democrat Party's policies is ever revealed, what
happens? Whoever reveals the truth becomes a target, and the nature of the evidence
and the truth is obliterated, nuked, and destroyed."
"A female Democrat Party activist and party member was on the grand jury that indicted
Rick Perry, and she's out singing a sweet song and just bragging about it, how cool it is."
"Obama called ISIS the JV team. So the JV team has beheaded an American reporter, a
photojournalist, actually, James Foley, beheaded on videotape. They're threatening to
behead yet another American journalist, the JV team."
"You notice how often Obama says he's powerless to do anything, even stop the rioting
in Ferguson. Powerless to do anything about Benghazi. He's just powerless to do

"The reporters on the ground in Ferguson are not standing there with notebooks and
cameras and microphones and recording what happens and then trying to be the first to
tell everybody. They are all trying to find things that will fit their version of the story that
already exists."
"I used to say back in the early days of this program, if you miss this program, you miss
this program. There's nowhere else you can go to hear what happened on this program.
But if you missed CBS, no big deal, watch ABC."
"In the current climate in the United States a black person can never be the oppressor,
and a white person can never be a victim."
"Students in the high school in Ferguson, Missouri -- still closed because of rioting -- are
not just missing classes. They are missing their free lunches. I kid you not. Students in
the high school, closed because of the rioting, aren't just missing classes. They are
missing their free lunches."
Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 9/16/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: Latest Democrat reason is silly
Seg#1: If we dont grant them Amnesty, they will become Terrorists
Chuck Hagel thinks that if they get mad, they will join ISIS *pronounce it eee-sis. The
first vowel should be pronounced like the y in city. + Its openline Friday and we will
cover the spectrum, not just Obama golfing and Ferguson.
The AP has a story that Immigration is a non-factor in the 2014 elections. You people
dont care about it. ((Reading-Daily-Caller: Pat Murphy said that if the underage
migrants arent given Amnesty, they could become terrorists. We need to make sure we
treat them like they are our children and grandchildren. (1) pathway w/education; (2)
Ensure they are not terrorists.)) He is a state rep in Iowa seeking a US House seat.
This is certifiable proof that some Liberal Democrats in Iowa are insane. How stupid
does he think his constituents are? We are the problem in the world and we had
better make amends. They want to come here so bad they ride on the top of trains
and if we dont be nice to them when they get here they are going to become
Rick Perry spoke at the Heritage Foundation yesterday and postulated that ISIS is
already in America now.
It was refreshing to see the missionary doctor back from Liberia giving praise to God. He
was out-front with it and there was no question he is a missionary.

Look at what happened in Tennessee: a coed sneezes, her friend says, God Bless You,
and gets suspended for the rest of the day. No pre-game prayers in some school
districts. Speech at graduations suppressed. There is absolute furry on Twitter against
Kent Brantley. His was a feel good story and not that long ago, his comments were
acceptable. Praising God has been under assault and intense attack for a decade as
everything is politicized.
Heres an idea: Walter Isaacson used to be managing editor of Times, and for a short
time ran CNN. Now he is with Aspen: he makes the case that privacy is different from
anonymity. He does not like anonymity in social media. You wouldnt say half of what
you say if you were not anonymous. He didnt propose the government get involved.
>> Privacy and anonymity are different, he believes and postulates.
Seg#2: Providers need to remove anonymity to bring back civility
On Twitter they call him douche-bag and that is minor compared to other anonymous
viciousness. There is absolute furry on Twitter against Kent Brantley.
On Uber, the passengers rate the drivers and they are more civil and polite. Character is
what you do when nobody is watching. It is traceable back to Plato.
>>> Morality is how you are in private moments, postulates Plato.
Seg#3: Liberals see their dreams crumbling while Obama twitters in golf
Not just Twitter and Facebook, the gutter-talk is expanding. It is also on Leftist
blogs. People ask, are they just this stupid and inconsiderate? Has it always been this
way? This poor doctor is being ripped to shreds just for thanking God that he is still
It is one thing to say you do not believe in God;
it is another thing to rip those that do.
A city board allowed a woman to rename her street, Redskin Drive. Drive-by Media
wants everyone that does not view things as they do, or you are odd and out of
step. They act all-knowing and perfect, and any disagreement is not allowed.
We now know why Obama went back to Washington ((Clip-Major-Garrett: It included
other parties and a bachelor party.)) Dashing back to the golf course in Left-
media. Obama represented their idealism. It was an added bonus he is [half] Black. In
all of the Liberal characteristics that matter to them, he was the whole package. For
the first two years they remained fully invested.
Hes just so far ahead of us intellectually, the job becomes boring to him. Instead of
reverence for the Oval Office, he doesnt even like going to the Oval Office and thinks it
is a prison. He is capable of so much more.

All of these invested people see their world crashing down on them.
Their liberal icon has failed to meet their expectations. He was supposed to bring the
Progressive-Communist-Liberal Utopia. We say goodbye to Global Warming and have
free Healthcare. The one man chosen by history and destiny cant get himself off the
damn golf course.
Do you know how much the Left hates golf? Rich 1% are out there in open space while
the 99% have to sweat to support them. Women were not allowed and the golf carts
are causing Global Warming.
>>> The Leftist Dream is falling apart and they are beside themselves.
Seg#4: Transforming America into a third-world nation
Ben White talks to Politico about Obama on the golf course ((Clip: Im not concerned
about the optic, Im concerned about what he does. There are Democrats quoted that
this was a bad move, and shows Obama checked out.)) I dont believe he has lost
interest in transforming the country. His deception is brilliant. He doesnt care about
Obamacarethat is beneath him.
He grew up being taught that the United States is the cause of every problem. He also
believed the silly notion that his election would solve everything. America has a
president that sees America like other leaders of the world do. Maybe Obama is now
in a state of shock.
>>> As a narcissist, he may be in denial and shock.
Seg#5: Liberals out of power are funny; in power, dangerous
It could be that Obama knows full well that his policies are failing.
That could make him double down He thinks others are stupid.
Barack Hussein Obama thinks others do not recognize his brilliance.
>>> You know how Liberals get when they are rejected.
[ED: Do you remember his real name? Did you buy DSouzas movie?+
Seg#6: The Limbaugh Theorem: Obama is above his destruction
Ben White talked about Obama yukking it up mere moments after talking about the
beheading by ISIS. Only Democrats can give correct criticism? Any Republican criticism
is automatically rejected, especially from Conservatives. No, it is the Leftist Obama

defenders that cannot be trusted. They support the Liberal Agenda and see Obama
playing on the damn golf course.
I know these Leftists better than they know themselves because I am honest, and they
deceive themselves. To them, it is bad enough that we are the lone superpower, we did
this with hard work. No, this game to them is rigged. They see ordinary people as just
not capable.
America was and is founded on the concept that government is subservient to the
citizens. To Leftists, that just is not acceptable. They want The Regime to control
everyone life and liberty.
Do not doubt me: there are people that believe this way, and Obama is one of
them; he had the messianic complex with his Greek towers and speaking around the
world. Now, as he sees himself rejected, things could get messy. He could double-
down for Justice for the world against America.
His policies failing doesnt matter to Obamahe will still transform America. He will still
fix the injustices. Obama doesnt not have to be fully immersed in the Oval Office. He
can keep the borders from the golf course.
>>> Let me reassure you Obama-supporters on the Left:
>>>> Obama can continue to destroy American traditions;
>>>>> He can do it and appear to have nothing to do with it.
Seg#7: Republicans tried to be color blind // but Democrats dont
We had a massive recording session; and yet, here I am as a professional.
Caller: Had it been a Black journalist would Obama have spoken more strongly?
Others are asking this, looking at Ferguson and the Agenda. What did George H W Bush
do during the Rodney King incident? He sent the DoJ quickly there to investigate and
pay special attention to any racial aspects. If things were the same, these questions
would not be raised about Obama/Holder/DoJ.
Republicans go out of their way to nominate great and qualified Black candidates to
positions, and what do they get? Democrats seek to destroy them. Not just their
positions but their lives.
>>> Why do we even have to ask if Obama views everything as political?
Seg#8: CNN is not succeeding in convicting the Ferguson cop
CNN is noticeably down today, and the reason can be seen in their headlines. The
MYTH in Ferguson is falling apart. They Myth was that The Gentle Giant was walking to

his grandmothers house, thinking about his first day at college. They he was accosted
by a cop who shot him in the back while he was raising his hands, which happens all too
often across America, all the time.
Now the grand jury begins to hear the facts.
Watching CNN you do not see their prior confidence. It started with one huge
flaw: White cops shot Black kids all the time. It is different from the days of Rodney
King. Myth-makers do not have free reign. They no longer get to dictate what is and is
not the news.
New Media challenges Drive-by Media at every turn. The Trayvon Martin was another
example of DbM taking it on the chin. Now there are people willing to stand up and
call them out with facts. They were not ready for pushback.
Young journalists rarely try to take out and destroy Democratsthey only seek to
destroy Conservative/Republicans.
Caller-Utah: Our school children love your Freedom/Liberty books.
An example of an Easter Egg in the pages, to be discovered, is a sentence delivered by
Steve Jobs in a commencement speech. The Liberty character has a lot of horse-sense
and well send her the audio versions:
>>> . . . read by me.
Seg#9: Thank our servicemen and our first responders
The talking horse Liberty is always dependable. Im thrilled caller picked it up.
Caller: I was on the streets of Ferguson for 30 yrs. My friend was knocked
down. Another was shot with his own gun.
You are seeing your hands tied, and forced into a defensive posture.
>>> You, in law enforcement, are taken for granted way too often.
Seg#10: There is one more hour of Broadcast Excellence
Harry Reid makes racial jokes at Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce.
>>> [ED: He said the wong thing and the wong time.]
Segment#11: Mankind is not part of Nature ?

Animal Rights movement, all of the movements, are Leftist. They disguise themselves as
being not political: You and Dad are destroying the polar bears after they photo-shop
floating ice pieces with a baby polar bear floating away.
Many Leftist environmentalists think the human race is a blight on the planet
Earth. Insects and plants are natural, but we are not. Im telling you what I read, Im
not making it up. Hetch Hetchy water is diverted to San Francisco; everybody else is
supposed to cut back, but not Leftists in San Francisco.
Because of the CA drought, the central valley farm lands have to cut back 15%. They
have to cut back their farmlands because of nature. We are never allowed to be
considered part of nature. Other parts of nature adapt. It is the way of nature that
species that dont adapt, die out.
I had an associate who thought dolphins were smarter than we are: if they had hands,
they could build hospitals. And if deer had shotguns, they could shoot back. ((Reading
from Sweden: We need to be careful inventing robots since if we are not careful, they
could decide the kindest thing would be to wipe us out.))
This woman, Nell Watson, thinks the chips could have the same intelligence as a
bumblebee. We deserve to be wiped out. We pollute the oceans. It will be pristine and
perfect once it is just dolphins and robots.
This engineers conference would have been parody a decade ago.
>>> Extreme idiocy has become mainstream thinking.
Seg#12: What is different between Reagan and Obama ?
Caller: Newt Gingrich put in a line-item veto. Reagan balanced the budget.
>>> Obama-puppeteers do not want to rile their core base.
Seg#13: LAPD in 1997 had to go to a local gun store to buy rifles
There are days I feel like I am starting all over again, and I love it. The point is, whether
you want to believe it or not, there are highly-respected engineers with kooky Leftist
One day your kid might come home and say the world would be better off without
humans, and you will say, What the HELL is going on in public education? These are
mainstream idealists like Paul Ehrlich saying we would have to start killing off large
swabs of people because there simply not enough resources. He is still at Stanford and
has influence among young minds.
It gives young lives meaning to think they can drive a golf cart to save the world. They
give their lives meaning by supporting The Regime. It may sound kooky to you but they
teach your kids this; then they become govt officals and teachers.

Liberals couch every belief in compassion. I explained it all 25 years ago. Who opposes
clean air and clean water? They mischaracterize their opponents. They have one
objective: Governments must be bigger; you cant decide for yourselves; you need to
be controlled, while they claim to look out for common people. In truth, they want you
to control as little as possible.
The people that create the problems set themselves up as the only people that can
rectify the messes they create.
Caller-cop-St.Louis: (1) In 1997, L.A. PD was held at bay for three hours with AU-47s and
military gear. The LAPD had to go to local gun stores to buy rifles since they didnt have
any; (2) 53 officers have been killed with their own guns. It only takes one good punch
and the officer is laid out and they have the gun.
I couldnt agree more. It is a total myth that you shoot Black kids. The police are
automatically on defense because of political correctly.
Is it true that you are automatically suspended when you discharge your weapon? [Yes,
training and review.] Why did you want to be a cop? [Help people, steady pay,
comradery, Im from the military.+
There were other witnesses
>>> and that is one reason the Myth is falling apart.
Segment#14: Seize the Day !
Caller: I appreciate what you do and why you do it. Media is embarrassed.
Caller: Who should own the future of the American people? People, or The Regime?

Caller: We need a Grand Strategy to simply fight for citizen survival.
>>> That movement is already on the move. Well discuss it later.
From Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Obamacare Audit"
AP is always reporting on events that unfold "unexpectedly." And now they reveal that,
according to a government audit, the Obamacare tax on medical devices isn't bringing in
as much money "as expected" because thousands of companies subject to the tax aren't
paying it. Unexpectedly.
The Treasury's Inspector General for Tax Administration, Russell George, conducted the
audit. He says the IRS had better step up its game in policing the tax, which took effect
in January of '13. But the agency can't even figure out which companies owe the money.

The IRS expected they'd rake in over $1 billion in new revenue within the first six
months, but it didn't happen. They fell short by 24 percent. The IRS expected they'd get
some 16,000 tax returns from medical device makers, but they barely got 5,000. So,
either the businesses don't know about the tax requirements or they're simply ignoring
A majority of Congress is in favor of repealing the medical device tax requirement. In
states with lots of medical device companies, like New York, California, and Minnesota,
even Democrats have gone on record saying they want it repealed. But it's still around.
Just as the majority of Americans didn't want Obamacare, and still don't want
Obamacare, but it's still around.
There's only one thing left in the IRS playbook to turn this situation around. And that is,
call Lois Lerner back to service and treat the medical device companies like they are the
Tea Party. Harass them until they squeeze every last dime out of them. And then put
them in jail. And then criminalize everything they do. And then throw away the key. And
then tell them to go to... just get rid of them!
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
FT: How the IRS Is Botching Obamacare Tax Collection
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Britain lost their immigration war a long time ago. There is no Great Britain as your
grandfather knew it. You know, in Great Britain, the most popular name for newborn
boys past three years, Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohamed. Top three."
"The Drive-Bys are shocked that Obama doesn't appear to care about Jim Foley. The
Drive-Bys are shocked that Obama would go play golf. But they had all these high hopes.
They bought into all of it because Obama's them, and they are Obama, same
generation, same worldview, same pedigree. And they all care."
"Narcissists don't have time to care about other people. They're too busy wondering
about everybody else caring about them. They're too busy expecting everybody to be
focused on them. Narcissists can't possibly be effusive or emotive, by clinical definition."
"Obama has always believed, the United States is the problem in the world. He was
raised, educated, and believes in his own self that the United States is the reason the
world is the way it is."
"'The White House'" made Obama play golf? One of our guys is saying this? So Obama
finishes his remarks about Jim Foley, and then he looks at his BlackBerry for instructions
from the White House, and on his BlackBerry it says: 'Hit first tee next'?"
"I got so excited to do these children's books on American history, to tell the truth at an
early age, in a fun way, so that kids learn historical truth and get a foundation of love
and respect for this country, despite our flaws -- and there are some."

"Tune into any cable news network or read any Drive-By website or newspaper. You will
have no problem coming across people shocked, surprised, angry, outraged, what have
you, that President Obama delivered a passionless, almost rote, because-he-had-to, set
of remarks on the beheading of American photojournalist James Foley -- and then, in 10
minutes, is spotted out there in the driver's seat of the presidential golf cart laughing
and yukking it up."
"This show is not some exercise in bashing Obama. I don't ever do that, just bash to
bash. Never, ever. I have a reason for doing everything here."
"The media loves nothing more than talking about themselves. And they love nothing
more than talking about what they do and how they do it."
"Jimmy Carter, the worst acknowledged president ever, and the Democrats elevate him
to emeritus status in order to save the party."
"So I think now, in the aftermath of the death of James Foley, the question, does Hillary
know how bad things are going to be get? I wonder if she knew how bad this ISIS
business was."
"When an officer tells you to lay down, you don't have to. You can rush the guy. What
are people thinking?"
"I'm sitting here wondering about this picture of Obama that ran New York Daily News, I
think. I mean, mere moments after he finishes his heartfelt slap at the JV team, he's out
there on the first tee. He's in the driver's seat of his golf cart, and he is smiling, and he is
just happy as he can be. I'm just wondering if the photographer who took that picture is
going to be forced to apologize."
"Nobody gets to tell anybody nothing. Nobody gets to tell anybody what to do. That's
what America 2014 is. Nobody gets to tell anybody anything!
Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 8/25/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: Is there looting in Napa CA? Earthquake!
Segment#1: Look at what Liberal media has done to us!
The lights were out; the electricity was off; you could just walk into stores. Was there
no injustice to cause looting? Listen to Martha MacCallum and Claudia Cowan.

They have identified Jihadist John from London; his dad is a Terrorist also, held in
prison in Manhattan for bombings.

Would it bother you that The New York Times attended the autopsy of The Gentle
Giant. The point of their story was it was not very professional in their view.

The 1960s movement is back; the New Black Panthers joins in. There are exceptions,
but the single most animating topic that excites sports media culture is race. They are

more intent than their buddies in Drive-by Media. A lot of the sports commentators are
young and were not tied to the Hippy movement.

Education does not honor American history. To public educators, Slavery can never be
erased. Obama came along to erase as much as possible. The Civil Acts of 1864
required Republicans to vote down Democrats. History has been rewritten. So
Ferguson offered an opportunity for the young to relive history.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want no change and race tensions to never go
away. ((Reading-Politico: Six years ago, Obama was going usher in etc., but that hasnt
happened. For him it is a constant lose-lose situation.))

Try this different thought experiment: Image in The Black President had been Dr Ben
Carson. Do you think The New York Times would praise him and say racial tension is
going to be over? HELL NO: they would write this is the worst possible disaster!

No criticism was allowed with Obama (you would be called racist.)
>>> Republicans were afraid to push back on anything.
>>>>>>> Obama/Democrats have had free reign.

Seg#2: Media creates the news they want to report on
For those that remember, it is a change to relive the 1960 Civil Rights, and for those who
are too young, they want to join in per what they have been taught.

There are questions about what the president should do. ((Clip: These young people
want to join the soap opera. Is that America? is being asked. We need to fix
that.)) Media is making the Agenda.
>>> You can see that media is in love with the event.

Seg#3: Most Americans are fed up with the outsiders coming in
((Clip: We like to cover it like a soap opera.)) Andrew McCarthy noted this. The news
now is the Leftist-Democrat Agenda. ((Clip-on: There is a new Civil Rights Movement
that has sprung up.)) What did I tell you? ((Clip-on: There is something we cant miss: it
feels different from Trayvon Martin and Rodney King.)) I wonder what is different(?)

((Clip-on: People are saying, Is that America?))
>>> No, they are saying they are fed up with this.

Seg#4: To understand Obamas ideology, understand his roots
Everybody thinks Obama has check out; but I dont: He is as cold and calculating as he
ever has been. His Agenda rolls on; he may want to appear as aloof for The Limbaugh
Theorem, but he is not. He is as intent as he has ever been.

>>> No one asked what Obama meant, remake America.


From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "The Poor Door"
One way big-city liberals exert power is by forcing real estate developers to jump
through hoops. Like developers must build affordable housing units in their upscale

One new luxury Manhattan skyscraper was forced to include affordable rental
apartments in order to qualify for government incentives. The upscale residents have
access to their condos from the front lobby. The rental tenants have a separate side
entrance. They call it the poor door.

In another building, upscale tenants can use a brand new gym for free but its off-limits
to their affordable, rent-regulated neighbors. This led to a complaint being filed with
New Yorks Human Rights Commission. Says renter Jean Green Dorsey: Nobody treats
me like a second-class citizen in my own home. She and the other rent-stabilized
tenants say theyre willing to pay a fee to use the gym, but it shouldnt be off-limits

The landlord of the building sees things differently, pointing out that rent-stabilized
tenants get valuable benefits of their very own, including much lower rent.

New York Mayor de Blasio recently weighed in: We believe there should be a much
more equal approach to all the residents, he said. When he was a mere Councilman, he
voted for the zoning code change that allows the unequal arrangements. But Mayor
de Blasio doesnt have to use the poor door anymore, so I guess things have changed
as he's gotten higher on the ladder.

Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
CBS: De Blasio On Poor Doors: Future Development Should Have Equal Approach
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Liberalism has been so good at disguising itself and trying to make itself look like it's
apolitical. I mean, what little kid would think an animal rights group has anything to do
with politics?"
"Have you heard the latest reason from a Democrat why we need to grant illegal
immigrants amnesty? I'm not kidding. If we don't, they'll become terrorists."
"This business of Obama making a really halfhearted statement about the beheading of
James Foley and then immediately dashing back to the golf course is causing a great
sense of panic among the Drive-By Media. So many of them had such lofty goals. So
many of them invested totally in Obama."
"So, Obama had to come back to Washington for a bachelor party. He left his own
vacation -- one set of parties and the golf course -- for another party. He didn't

announce that until after it was over, and even then it wasn't announced as a bachelor
"You don't know if social media is simply allowing the people who've always been this
way to finally come out and behave this way, or if it has creating this new level of uncivil
"A common tactic of the left is when they get behind a cause, they make it look like
everybody agrees with them, like they speak for everybody, and it creates this false
impression that there is no disagreement. So, if you do disagree, you're automatically
supposed to feel odd and weird and behind the times, unhip, uncool, whatever; the
world's passing you by."
"The media is starting to get really, really worried about Obama checking out, playing
golf, not being interested. They're really, really worried."
"We don't see public recognitions of and devotion to God, because it's laughed at and
mocked and made fun of. Even that's been politicized."
"If everybody who posted something on the Internet had to be identified by who they
really are... I'm not suggesting it, but I think the theory is true that if everybody had to
go by who they really are, their true identity, that you'd have a lot less of this."
"A common tactic of the left is when they get behind a cause, whatever it is, they make
it look like everybody agrees with them."
"Do you know how much the left hates golf? Do you know why the left hates golf?
Global warming! There's too much empty space out there. Look at all that green! Look
at all the water that's being used to keep that golf. For who? The top 1%!"
"Obama's an ideologue. He's going to keep transforming this country, and he's going to
maybe even speed it up 'cause people refuse to appreciate just how genius he is."
"CNN is noticeably down today, and you can see it, see the reason why in their own
headlines. It's starting to return to normal in Ferguson."

Finally a friend provided a copy of the following notice *with a related photo that, alas, wont be
circulated here because its X-Rated, although a copy is available upon requestand proof of age > 18+:

Don't forget to mark your calendars.

It is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked and if he
does, he must commit suicide. Therefore, next Saturday at 1:00 pm, all Australian
women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out any
neighborhood terrorists. It is recommended that they circle their block for one hour to
maximize this anti-terrorist effort.


All patriotic Australian men are advised to position themselves in lawn chairs in front
of their houses to demonstrate their support for the women and to prove that they
are not Muslim terrorist sympathizers. Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol,
placing a cold 6-pack at your side is further proof of your patriotism.

The Australian government appreciates such efforts to root-out terrorists and
applauds participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

P.S. If you don't send this to at least one person, you will be subject to the charge that
you are a terrorist-sympathizer and, possibly, are aiding and abetting Islamists.


Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXVIII [Domestic-Affairs]

It seems that people are beginning to recognize how bad BHO actually has always been [e.g., Cover
(BAM'S GOLF WAR: Prez tees off as Foley's parents grieve), Article (Obama blasted [by Liz Cheney and
French foreign minister] for golfing after tough speech on ISIS), and Editorial (Staying the course is not
an option. The President is obligated to vindicate the national honor while making mortally clear that an
attack on one U.S. citizen is an attack on all)]. Instead, BHO Leads by clich, for Inaction speaks more
softly than words and the White House Defends BHO by claiming Sports Help Clear Mind; this has not
President's Deepening Isolation; NYT: Terrorist Horror, Then Golf; Politico's White: Obama's Golfing Will
Hurt Senate Democrats; Levin: Obama is Addicted to Golf like a Drug Addict; Obama's Vacation Ends,
Criticism Does Not; and Karl: Has There Been Any Discussion About Obama Maybe Taking A Day Off
From Golfing?]. Although robustly defended on MSNBC as usual [SCARBOROUGH: OBAMA GOLF
OUTINGS SEND SCREW YOU MESSAGE TO TERRORISTS], Only 10% believe Obama has improved race
relations; also note that REAL HOUSEHOLD INCOMES FELL 5.9% UNDER OBAMA. {Know also that the
GAO determined Bergdahl Swap to have been Illegal, impugning the DoD.}

NBC News claimed November Elections 'May' Be a Referendum on Gun Control [Then
again, they may not.] {To me, it matters little whether the media downplay any one
issue as pivotal in the mid-terms, for the public supports the GOP on all of them
(ObamaDontCare, Illegals, Foreign Policy, etc.}

MAUREEN DOWD, "The Golf Address: A historic speech by a teed-off president at tee
time": "FORE! Score? And seven trillion rounds ago, our forecaddies brought forth on
this continent a new playground, conceived by Robert Trent Jones, and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal when it comes to spending as much time on
the links as possible - even when it seems totally inappropriate, like moments after
making a solemn statement condemning the grisly murder of a 40-year-old American
journalist beheaded by ISIL. I know reporters didn't get a chance to ask questions, but I
had to bounce. I had a 1 p.m. tee time at Vineyard Golf Club with Alonzo Mourning ...
Now we are engaged in a great civil divide in Ferguson ... We're stuck in the rough, going
to war all over again in Iraq and maybe striking Syria, too. ... If only I could just play
through the rest of my presidency. ... We here highly resolve that ... this nation, under
par, shall have a new birth of freedom to play the game that I have become unnaturally
obsessed with ... So help me Golf."


"Last Tango in Kabul: While war raged across Afghanistan, expats lived in a bubble of
good times and easy money. But as the U.S. withdraws, life has taken a deadly turn,":
"By 2010, the Surge was in full swing, and suddenly Kabul was the place where every
ambitious aid worker, war correspondent or diplomat wanted to be. ... But Kabul was a
magnet that attracted all sorts, including those on the delusional, egomaniacal quests
that America's crazies seem to have a near monopoly on. At a bookstore in Kabul, I met

a white-bearded Californian in his sixties who told me that he was trying to find a guide
to take him, for free, into Pakistan's tribal areas so he could capture Osama bin Laden. ...
The Taliban have outlasted the Surge, and are patiently waiting for the foreign troops to
leave. Condemned by our mistakes, we find ourselves in history's bind, too demoralized
to shape Afghanistan's fate, and yet complicit in it."


While The Middle East Burns, Obama Chooses to Lie to America; plays blame-game


Polls for Senate-Dems appear to be plummeting; Howard Dean considers it to be an
outlier *per yesterdays comments on MSNBCs Morning Joe+, but the latest from New
Hampshire shows Shaheen only up by 2% [46% vs. 44% for Brown], results characterized
thusly by Real Clear Politics: a wave election would be needed to drag Shaheen under,
but that might be where were headed. *The new WMUR poll found only 38 percent of
New Hampshire adults approve of the way President Obama was handling his job, a 7
percentage point drop from about a month earlier, while 55 percent disapprove.]

Although the Dems may hope a Libertarian could Spoil GOP Chances in North Carolina
and Libertarian Amanda Swafford Could Force Runoff in Georgia Senate Race, more
telling is an NRSC memo, "Polling Analysis Reveals Five Frightened Democratic Senators"
- "TO: Interested Parties ... FR: Brad Dayspring ... An analysis of polling information from
six years ago reveals that five Democratic incumbents [Landrieu, Hagan, Begich,
Shaheen, Udall] are in far BIGGER trouble today than they'd have you believe. ...
trailing in seven states and tied in four others. An additional four states will continue to
tighten, meaning that come mid-to-late September, Democrats will be on defense in
fourteen or fifteen races."

Also, the new Montana U.S. Sen. Candidate Mocked Gun Owners, Christianity, the Bible,
and the Family. And Republican Rod Blum, a businessman who is running to represent
Iowa's 1st Congressional District, challenged his opponent, Democrat Pat Murphy, to
explain why he thinks illegal immigrant juveniles from Central America will become
terrorists if they are not granted citizenship. Nevertheless, Large Dem-donors are trying
TO SAVE SENATE, as Dems' ads assailing The Kochs' are full of images designed to make
ordinary Americans bristle; as a barometer of growing discontent, Dem [Local Big city
mayors and blue-state governors] have gone rogue, defying BHO chiefly on social policy.
{Also note, Marijuana initiatives could keep Senate Democratic.}

Lest we forget another pro-GOP campaign issue, note that ObamaCare's Latest 'Accommodation' to the
Contraception *Hobby Lobby+ Mandate is an 'Insulting Accounting Gimmick': The latest revision of the
mandate requires nonprofit organizations to provide written notification to HHS to state their moral
objections to offering contraceptive coverage to employees. According to the rule, once it receives
notification, HHS will then arrange that coverage for the employees, without involving the employers.
,Heres another rendition of what occurred on Friday-p.m. when, presumably, no one was noticing:

Despite Supreme Courts Hobby Lobby Ruling Obama Administration Repackaged Abortion-Pill Mandate;
Obama is not going to let a mere Supreme Court decision get in the way of its radical pro-abortion
agenda. After losing major abortion-pill mandate litigation at the Supreme Court and then failing in an
attempt to ram a new abortion-pill mandate through Congress (where it couldnt even muster enough
votes in the pro-abortion Senate), the Obama Administration is back with two more attempts at the HHS
Mandate.} This overtly violates the Stupak-Pledge, but no one cares!

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Bilks Taxpayers out of Millions. Just over three
years ago, subsequent to the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill passing, the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau came into existence. As Elizabeth Warrens intellectual
baby, it should be no surprise to conservatives that the CFPB is an exercise in the biggest
kind of government. However, in the third year of the CFPBs existence, a bevy of stories
have broken that underline that the bureau really might just be one of historys greatest
illustrations of how big government fails to deliver on its promises, wastes money,
benefits not the most needy but rather an entrenched class of bureaucrats, and actually
does harm to people historically less advantaged in society. It is, in fact, a case study of
what not to do where government is concerned.

There have been numerous articles about Ezra Kleins Vox which illustrate the generic problem with
trusting the lib-media, particularly when it attempts to tell people what to think. Vox is a general
interest news site for the 21st century. Our mission is simple: Explain the news. Yet, there is a general
lack of understanding readers (and journalists!) about key-topics, and the ability to have this laid out for
us is a refreshing idea; unfortunately, Vox doesnt deliver.

Politico can be depended upon to convey info admixed with a lib-spin; for example, it is
clear that BHO has made his mark, noting that only 4 anti-Obamacare House Dems
remain; the dramatic downsize underscores how quickly moderate Democrats have
been eliminated. Furthermore, going nuclear unclogged the Senate, for it has been
approving judges that could shape the law for a generation.

On the other hand, it has highlighted a series of faulty RINO-memes regarding Illegals
[e.g., Immigration reform ignored in key House race and immigration reform is not a top
issue this cycle] and the GOP [the GOP Must Modernize to Win]. The former suggests
Amnesty Activists were Quiet in August despite numerous murmurings that they are
poised to RR-through Congress their brand of reform and despite the fact that Gallup
found that Immigration is More Important Than Obamacare to Republican Voters. The
latter recapitulates three defects as if they are immutable: [1]Republicans have come
to rely more and more on the votes of the elderly, the most government-dependent
segment of the population, a serious complication for a party committed to reducing
government ,thats because BHO gutted Medicare-; *2+The Republican donor class has
grown more ideologically extreme, encouraging congressional Republicans to embrace
ever more radical tactics ,thats because BHO is far more ideologically extreme-; and
[3]The party's internal processes have rigidified, in ways that dangerously inhibit its
ability to adapt to changing circumstances ,thats a false claim noting, for example, how
the 16-debates will be more tightly controlled by the party}.

The classic ploy of Moral Equivalence emerges when it condemns Congress as if it is
100% GOP-controlled; in the following quote, key-details are omitted: "We want our

politicians to act like LBJ. But not really. All three governors [Christie, Cuomo, Perry]
were doing exactly the thing Obama's Democratic detractors and sympathetic
commentators so often pound him for not doing - stretching the boundaries of your
authority to outmaneuver adversaries and ultimately get your way." There is no
evidence Christie knew of BridgeGate, Cuomo is a Dem, and Perry refused to fund a sot;
this contrasts with how BHO has greatly abused Executive Privilege [and secrecy].

Other political-news seems to portend another GOP wave election despite BHOs efforts to change
the subject; also, the POTUS-16 race is raging:

A Florida judge ruled Friday that the state's reconfigured congressional map will take
effect for the 2016 elections, a victory for Republicans that allows this year's races to
proceed under the existing lines.

Perry was indicted by a Grand Jury that contained one juror who Was an Active Dem
Party Delegate During Proceedings and, indeed, she went to an event with Sen. Kirk
Watson [who was a witness to the grand jury] while serving on the grand jury].

Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) named as one of his key foreign policy advisers a controversial
Russia policy expert with deep ties to the Kremlin.

Heritage-Action [Mondays @ 5:30-6:00 e.d.t.; @ Dial-in number: 1-800-757-3718] has highlighted the
Export-Import Bank reauthorization issue regularly, and it may soon become hot *noting it was BHOs
theme of todays radio-address+; partisan messaging has begun in earnest, and its curious to note the
ongoing impact of the Cruz initiative of a year ago against ObamaDontCare:

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "We now have it confirmed - electing a
Republican Senate majority would put us back on the road to another shutdown."
Leader Nancy Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill: "Republicans in Congress have yet to
learn from their temper tantrum that shut down the government for 16 days and cost
the American economy $24 billion last year in October." DSCC fundraising email #1:
"This morning, Mitch McConnell revealed that if Republicans take the Senate, he'll force
President Obama to bend to his will by shutting down the government -- AGAIN!" DSCC
fundraising email #2: "McConnell's plan? Give President Obama an ultimatum: either
sign off on extreme policies like repealing Obamacare or shut down the government."

Nope, it's the Dems fault: Rep. Paul Ryan preemptively reacted to Senate Democrats
who are mulling attaching something like, say, the Ex-Im Bank to a spending bill next
month. "We will pass a clean [continuing resolution], and if for some reason the
Democrats don't take that, then they will clearly have shut the government down ... it
will be patently obvious ... that they are playing politics with this, and trying to trigger a
shutdown so they can blame us, but we're really blameless in this particular situation."

Messaging is a challenge, and it is advised that this podcast be viewed as a media-achievement:

Ross Schriftmans 45-minute interview on WFYL was previously hyperlinked from the
radio stations website, but it has been isolated for easier-access; as previously hyped,
this was a model presentation, for he both conveyed key-points succinctly and was

equipped to elaborate philosophicallygentlywhen the opportunity was provided.
According to what he reported @ the Tea Party Patriots meeting a week ago, hes going
to be invited-back, perhaps in no small measure to his ability to frame conservatism in a
lingo that was felt to be palatable to an audience that, @ 9 a.m., was poised to listen to
Laura Ingraham. He didnt evade social-issues as he focused on BHOs Big Government.

meanwhile, promptly upon arrival, without detailing what he had done, potentially, to be provocative,
Holder recalled being hassled by cops. Amazingly [perhaps not so amazingly], Prosecutors Have
Not Spoken to Darren Wilson, Don Lemon Does Not Know The Difference Between A Semi-Automatic
BROWN, and Al Sharpton became Obamas go-to man on race. {Also, it has been alleged that AG-Holder
contributed funds to Fergusons gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area;
these angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the
intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.} Thus, Under Obama, Blacks are beginning to see
that there is racial hope but no change.

Meanwhile, culture-wars continued apace [High School Student Suspended For Saying
'Bless You' After Classmate Sneezed; PALIN RESPONDED TO DAWKINS' CALL TO ABORT
DOWN'S SYNDROME BABIES; and Federal judge struck-down Florida's ban on same-sex
marriage]. Finally, anyone who grew-up adoring SNL will want to check-out a BOOK that
cites revelations that [1]Obama Had Muslim-Themed 'SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE' Sketch
Killed, [2]an 'Entitled' Hillary Canceled Show at Last Minute [and was replaced by
BHO], and [3] Lorne Michaels is allegedly 'more conservative than he lets on.'

BHO also continues to fail to enforce the law [DREAMer Who Killed Two Girls In Hit And Run Won't Be
Deported] as the border remains unstable [Illegals Hiding from Border Patrol Started Massive Fire on
Texas Ranch] and DNC-Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz incredibly claims deporting children detained at
the border is sending them to certain death. Pressured, the TSA Admitted Illegal Aliens are Allowed to
Fly Without Verifiable ID and an Interactive Map depicts Where Feds Let Go Convicted Killer Illegals [as a
Group Identified Towns Associated with Releases of Immigrants Convicted of Homicide]; as Obama
weighs executive action to bring 800,000 foreign workers into USA, Perry Said Terrorists Could Enter
USA via Mexico. Note that Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review, denounced Republican elites and
their high-priced consultants in the permanent political class for pushing amnesty legislation by
perpetuating the myth that there are so many jobs that American workers won't do; also, Majority of
Likely Voters Say Illegal Migrants Should Not Enroll in Public School.

The following hyperlinks were provided by Tea Party Patriots, focused on Illegals:

Tea Party News Network: Paul Ryan 'the Betrayer'

74% Oppose Executive Amnesty, but White House Threatens Anyway; most Americans,
including key voters like independents and Hispanics, oppose the Presidents plan to
fundamentally transform immigration laws.


Obamas executive amnesty endgame has been elucidated by Tea Party Patriots co-
founder Jenny Beth Martin; she explored the hubris and strategy behind Obamas threat
to grant amnesty through unilateral executive action.

Second Illegal Immigrant Wave may soon Crash on Dems; over the last several months,
more than 60,000 children and 240,000 adults have entered the United States illegally,
causing an unprecedented strain on our borders resources *indeed, the entire USA+.

A Group without a Lobbyist is the American Worker; This Administration is actively
working against the interests of the American worker, thundered Senator Jeff Sessions
of Alabama.

Obama Administration was hit with transparency lawsuit; the most transparent
administration *10 cabinet agencies, the Internal Revenue Service and the White
House] was sued by the government watchdog group Cause of Action.

Obamacare Killing Enrollees, One Glitch at a Time; the goal of Nevadas healthcare
exchange, established under Obamacare, was to enroll 118,000 residents but, due to
unforeseen problems, only 38,000 enrolled.

Obama did not attend the funeral of Major General Harold Greene in Arlington National
Cemetery, who was killed in Kabul[2]; BHO played golf.

Big Government: Another Self Inflicted Wound for the GOP

Forbes: Tackling The Real Unemployment Rate: 12.6%

DC Examiner: Guatemala's human smuggling network is big business for 'coyotes'

Statewide, Corbett said he kept no-new tax pledge the 'best I can' and, noting the pension-debate,
LABOR DAY PARADE ORGANIZERS said CORBETT is NOT WELCOME; recognizing that Job #1 for next PA
governor is A huge budget gap, it was announced that the FIRST gubernatorial DEBATE is IN 1 MONTH.
Related to the pension-debate is the fact that Carbondale officials violated state law when they
encouraged four city police officers to retire last year by sweetening their pension benefits, as per state
Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, while Turzai is looking to House Dems for talks on pension reform;
related to internal GOP-strife is the fact that, Amid protests, the Lebanon GOP committee voted to
withhold spending in Diamond race.

Two crimes in Philly received national attention, noting that neither victim was armed:
a Violent, Unprovoked Attack Inside a Frankford Business, and a Violent Assault on a
Temple Univ. Jewish Student. Also, a Pittsburgh mom and her daughter were shot and a
Philly man gunned down a would-be thief, and a 73-Year-Old Woman Shot an Alleged
Burglar Through Bedroom Door, Chasing Him Out Of House. Meanwhile, Mayor
Emanuel claimed Chicago is not the murder capital because statistics that show that
violent crime is down in 2014.

These issues are of acute interest noting that Lee Stanley, Congregation
Rodeph Shaloms Unofficial Historian, was Murdered in his home on

Mole St. [a few yards east of Friends Select School, which I attended for
2-6 grades]; I grew-up with him, his father [Cantor Harry] tutored me
prior to my Bar Mitzvah, and Lee wouldnt have known how to hurt a
flylet alone defend himself from being beaten-to-death.

People must be allowed to have guns, as is noted by Chris Cheng [who explains how
sacrificing our privacy to government databases can be exploited and used for
discrimination, initiating his brief video by noting that Russians asked Jews to register
their firearms when they invaded East Ukraine] and by Colion Noir [who discussed how
he carries a weapon simply to protect himself, providing his brief video while sporting a
Phillies-Cap and claiming he likens being able to handle such contingencies just as he
carries Altoids in case he feels he has halitosis].

I continue to worry that Corbett remains vulnerable each/every time the Sandusky affair is viewed as
newsworthy; boosters can claim We are (still) Penn State [per Robert C. Jubelirer] and it can be
observed that a volcano threatened the UCF [Univ. of Central Florida] vs. Penn State opener in Ireland,
but legal maneuvers are now so secretive that No news is, well, no news. On the other hand, although
the Sandusky cover-up case is unusually shrouded, it was announced that lawyers for former Penn State
President Graham Spanier and top administrators Gary Schultz and Tim Curley maintain their clients are
innocent and were misled by then-university general counsel and former state Supreme Court Justice
Cynthia Baldwin about her role as legal adviser when they went before a state grand jury. I have been
blogging extensively regarding this electoral concern on PoliticsPA during the past two years and have
been attacking her because [reportedly] she also repeatedly misled the Board of Trustees during 2011
[denying there was a problem both to individuals and to the group, prior to 11/2011].

It is necessary to note the ethical problem that has arisen regarding Breitbarts Joel
Pollak, a problem that I sensed [and voiced contemporaneously] years ago when he
spoke @ a Republican Jewish Coalition meeting to promote one of his books; he would
not commit to confronting Iran militarily [during a chat over munchies @ a center-city
lawfirm], although he has been generally a good-guy; I subsequently sent him a few
typo-edits of his tome. Ryan has been a squish on Illegals and promoted a budget that
encompassed ObamaDontCare. Furthermore, in this instance, Pollak praised Ryan
without divulging his having supported Pollaks congressional campaign; note this letter:

Pollak was a Democrat until eight years ago and voted for Gore, Kerry
and B. Hussein Obama! "I was then a raving Democrat, he told me in a
telephone interviewPollak went to South Africa on a fellowship. He
stayed to tutor in the impoverished township of Khayelitsha, continuing
to believe that the role of government is to transform the lives of the
disadvantaged. He voted for Schakowsky, for Gore and Kerry for
president, and, in 2004, for Barack Obama for the Senate."

Paul Ryan was the "main attraction" at a fundraiser for Pollak's House
campaign! ["Paul Ryan fires up a packed Chicago Crowd for Joel Pollak"
"September 1, 2010" "Blogging from Chicago" "Wisconsin Congressman
Paul Ryan was the main attraction for 400 Joel Pollak supporters who
packed the Four Seasons Hotel Ballroom to financially support his
campaign for the 9th District congressional seat in Illinois." "Joel Pollak

was very pleased of the results of the fundraiser which netted over

Why shun Paul Ryan? Because he has sold out the Conservative base
to curry favor with Boehner and the rest of the Chamber of Commerce
shills. When you sell out the Middle Class by favoring cheap jobs for
illegals, you're done in my book. He talks about doing it to get workers
for Wisconsin dairy farms, yet we all know that the big money he is after
is not based on that. It's about cheap labor for Silicon Valley and
Chamber of Commerce crony capitalists. I guess he's just decided it's
comfortable to be one of them.

Noting that Ingraham said the Amnesty Push is 'The End of the Road' for Paul Ryan,
there is now a definable chink in the armor of Breitbart; lets see what happens next.

To close by addressing another journalism-problem, Politico's Dylan Byers Failed to Mention the Obvious
About Fareed Zakaria, alleged plagiarism in his best-selling book [constituting a third-round of issues].
{Also, Al Jazeera America Staffers are Rattled By Layoffs and Catastrophic Ratings.}

Continuing the process of providing extensive well-written and insightful memos which arent uploaded
onto the Internet, consider these excerpts from Jim Geraghty:

Look at the response from . . . Chris Matthews:

"I don't know why he used the word 'justice.' It's not appropriate here. This is an attack
on our country, we have to react to it," an upset Chris Matthews reacted to a video
excerpt of President Obama's statement today about the beheading by an ISIS member
of American freelance journalist James Foley.

"This is our country versus this group that's declared war on us. What's justice mean in
this con I don't know why the word's used, like we're going to go to the World Court
with this?!" Matthews sneered to guest Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post Media
Group on the August 20 edition of Hardball. Later in the segment, an irate Matthews
insisted "no American president can survive if he lets Americans be beheaded on
international television with impunity. Impunity! He has to strike back, as an American,
it's in our soul!"

Or Maureen Dowd, souring on Obama so thoroughly:
His circle keeps getting more inner. He golfs with aides and jocks, and he spent his one
evening back in Washington from Martha's Vineyard at a nearly five-hour dinner at the
home of a nutritional adviser and former White House assistant chef, Sam Kass . . .

The extraordinary candidate turns out to be the most ordinary of men, frittering away
precious time on the links. Unlike L.B.J., who devoured problems as though he were
being chased by demons, Obama's main galvanizing impulse was to get himself elected.
Almost everything else from an all-out push on gun control after the Newtown
massacre to going to see firsthand the Hispanic children thronging at the border to using
his special status to defuse racial tensions in Ferguson just seems like too much
The Constitution was premised on a system full of factions and polarization. If you're a
fastidious pol who deigns to heal and deal only in a holistic, romantic, unified utopia, the
Oval Office is the wrong job for you. The sad part is that this is an ugly, confusing and
frightening time at home and abroad, and the country needs its president to illuminate
and lead, not sink into some petulant expression of his aloofness, where he regards
himself as a party of his own and a victim of petty, needy, bickering egomaniacs.
I could quote Mollie Hemingway just about every day, but her thoughts on our response to the Foley
outrage are particularly good. I suspect she's way more skeptical and disinclined towards foreign military
actions than I am, but her "have we thought this through" points are always worth examining. And here
she perfectly isolates that section of Obama's soaring optimistic rhetoric that sets off the BS detector
deep within our brain stem:
That's why they say 3) unbelievably inane things such as, "you're on the wrong side of
history." Or "The future is always won by those who build, not destroy." That is literally
Mickey Mouse philosophy. And I don't mean that in a good way.
President Obama's utopian fantasy of "the future" "always" being "won by those who
build, not destroy" is just obviously and resoundingly false, for better or worse. I mean,
define "future." And define "winning" and "building vs. destroying." Tamerlane had
tremendous success destroying and slaughtering his enemies for most of a century.
And World War II didn't end by building up Nagasaki. There are good winners and bad
winners littered throughout history.
What's more, this "wrong side of history" nonsense is nothing more than a religious
belief in supernatural causality. It implies that history isn't shaped by men but, instead,
by outside inevitable forces that can always be counted on. If this were so, we wouldn't
need to work so hard to raise up good children and fight the evils all around us.
Obama's had this tic for a long time, and what's fascinating is that he clings to it -- bitterly? even after
five and a half years of being president. David Brooks, back in 2008:
Obama speeches almost always have the same narrative arc. Some problem threatens.
The odds are against the forces of righteousness. But then people of good faith unite
and walls come tumbling down. Obama used the word "walls" 16 times in the Berlin
speech, and in 11 of those cases, he was talking about walls coming down.
The Berlin blockade was thwarted because people came together. Apartheid ended
because people came together and walls tumbled. Winning the cold war was the same:
"People of the world," Obama declared, "look at Berlin, where a wall came down, a

continent came together and history proved there is no challenge too great for a world
that stands as one."
Representative Mike Pompeo, (R., Kan), a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, West
Point graduate, and former Army cavalry officer, is . . . somewhat less than inspired by the president's
response so far:
"The President is correct that terrorist groups like ISIS don't belong in the 21st Century
and that we must be relentless to see that justice is done. But there is another, even
greater reason the United States must take action: To prevent more Americans from
being killed. The President is wrong to continue to downplay this threat by saying that
ISIS is claiming to be at war with America merely out of expediency, or that ISIS is
motivated by sheer 'nihilism.' This is not a "J.V. team," as the President has put it. ISIS is
an army of cold-blooded killers motivated by radical Islam. They continue their march,
uninterrupted, to convert by the sword, kill Christians and other religious minorities,
and expand their control of the Middle East. The Iraqis have already demonstrated that
they cannot stop them on their own. The President's current path of action has been far
too limited to make a difference. We must do what is necessary to eliminate ISIS,
protect the innocent, and keep Americans safe."
Clip and save this comment from Peter Bergen, CNN terrorism analyst: "ISIS is surely a major problem
for Iraq, and its tactics and strategy are abhorrent, as demonstrated by the beheading of American
journalist James Foley, its use of crucifixions and its genocidal attacks on the small Yazidi minority. But
that doesn't mean it is a serious threat to the American homeland."
Maybe he's right.
Or maybe he's wrong.
President Obama Doesn't Care What We Think About His Golfing
After that brutal New York Daily News cover Thursday afternoon, hitting him for going golfing right after
his remarks about the beheading of an American, President Obama responded Thursday afternoon . . .
by going golfing.
President Obama doesn't care if the optics are bad. He doesn't care if there's an awful contrast because
U.K. prime minister David Cameron canceled his vacation plans. He doesn't care if he's getting grief from
once-stalwart fans like Chris Matthews and Maureen Dowd. He doesn't are if congressional Democrats
are openly griping about his lack of interest and disconnect in the New York Times, and he doesn't care if
senior Democrats are declaring that he's completely checked out of his presidency other than attending
He doesn't care what any of us think.
There are times when resisting the cries of the crowd can be an act of courage. It is brave to stay true to
your own conscience and judgment in the face of howls of outrage. Paraphrasing that old saying, "One
man with a conviction is a New Jersey Democrat majority."

But I'm not sure "I'm entitled to this time off, and I don't care what anybody says," is the right line to
draw in the sand. And we've already seen what happens to President Obama's other red lines.

(Speaking of red lines, next time you hear someone bragging that the U.S. forced Bashir Assad to destroy
all of his chemical weapons, remind them that they only gave up their illegal chemical weapons and that
there is such a thing as legal chemical weapons: "International weapons inspectors have issued
preliminary findings that chlorine gas was used in a 'systematic manner' in Syria this year, long after the
government of President Bashar al-Assad pledged to give up other toxic weapons such as sarin.")
It's not just the number of rounds of golf. It's that Obama's actions subsequent to his bold words
demonstrate that he doesn't really mean anything he's saying.
Back when I came up with the "All statements from Barack Obama come with an expiration date, all of
them" rule, my aim wasn't quite to say Obama is a pathological liar. (Admittedly, you're free to draw
that conclusion from the record.) In many cases, Obama probably meant what he said when he said it . .
. but then, at some future point, keeping his word became difficult. And he conveniently forgot about his
pledge. For example, Obama was probably perfectly fine with the idea of accepting public financing and
its attached spending limits in 2008 until the moment he realized or was informed he would be giving up
one of his campaign advantages. So he came up with some nonsense about how his campaign's
fundraising success amounts to a "parallel public financing structure" and thus he didn't need to accept
the spending limits.
Most of us look at that and say, "Hey, you broke your promise." Obama would pat us on the head and
tell us it's complicated. He likes to tell us, and probably himself, that he's a pragmatist. He's just looking
for what works, and keeping a promise that now looks disadvantageous just doesn't "work," or, to use
one of his hackneyed phrases, "just doesn't make sense." He's got a country to fundamentally
transform. Omelettes, broken eggs, etc. He hand-waves away the little detail that he's proven himself
someone willing to break his word in order to get what he wants and in fact is echoing all of the "cynical
voices" he campaigned against his whole life.
You recall Obama's exhausted "we will not rest" pledge, deployed after every crisis. Even when he gives
a decent delivery of his remarks, like he did Wednesday, talking about how relentless and determined
the U.S. government is . . . afterwards, it's back to the links. There's no action that follows; no
emergency meetings or summits, no new deployment of military resources to the region. Business as
usual. Does anyone really believe his pledges of relentlessness anymore? Does the Islamic State?
I suppose someone will say, "The president golfing shows the terrorists can't shake him out of his
routine." What's so vital about that routine that an interruption of it constitutes a terrorist victory?



Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXXXIX [Foreign-Affairs]

Regarding BHOs Foreign-Policy disasters, the news is repetitive and no major insights have emerged;
yet, key-points are worth re-emphasizing, if only to illustrate howjust as is occurring regarding his
domestic policyBHOs supporters are hiding. Illustrating again why BHO is following from behind are
events in the Ukraine that are being ignored; NATO noted an 'Alarming' build-up of Russian troops on
Ukraine border portending an 'Invasion'; after RUSSIA MOVED TRUCKS, TROOPS, ARTILLERY INTO
UKRAINE, now, Russia is firing artillery within Ukraine and, as a result, Romney Ripped Hillary's
'Embarrassing' Russia Reset. Just distilled is the The Truth about Ukraine.

UN: death toll from Syrian civil war topped 191,000" between March 2011 and April 2014.

Suddenly the US warns Islamic State is 'beyond anything' it has seen; General Martin Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the group 'has an apocalyptic end-of-days strategic vision that
will eventually have to be defeated.' Dempsey warned the jihadist vision of a wider Muslim caliphate
could 'fundamentally alter the face of the Middle East and create a security environment that would
certainly threaten us in many ways.' He spoke of a 'very long contest.' "The murder of Foley has stoked
fears in the West that the territory the militants have seized in Syria and northern Iraq could become a
launching pad for a new round of global terror attacks. And as part of that worrying trend, the US State
Department estimated that there were about 12,000 foreign fighters from at least 50 countries in Syria.
This is why the U.S. Eyes Wider Action on Militants, with the Killing of Journalist Fueling a Push for an
International Campaign; Officials now Say Syria Vital to Defeating Islamic State. Even the N.Y. Times
reported U.S. General Says Raiding Syria Is Key to Halting ISIS, for Airstrikes in Iraq Are Seen as
Inadequate to Defeat a Foe That Crosses Borders. And even USA headlined Returning Western militants
pose threat to homeland.

Lt. General McInerney Called for DEFCON 1 Over ISIS 9/11 Threat; after he discussed
border security, the threat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and the relation of the issues, he
issued a dire and frightening warning about an apparent imminent threat to the United
States. Citing an as-yet unpublished book by an unnamed major news network, the
General predicted an upcoming earth-shattering revelation that foreshadows a major
event ahead of or on September 11
of this year. {One wonders, if BHO is aware of this
prospect, whether he might want to invoke Martial Law prior to the mid-terms.- These
alarums were aired on Saturday-p.m. and again on Monday-a.m. c/o FNC.

Regarding the video of the beheading of an American Journalist, BHO decried it *but didnt discuss what
he would do to remedy the situation prior to returning to play golf (Fueling Critics)], JOHN KERRY
didnt discuss the implications of Islamism+, BIDEN ultimately claimed BHO WON'T CHANGE U.S.
APPROACH TO ISLAMIC STATE, and BHO leaked *to quell political critique+ the fact that U.S. Forces
Tried But Failed to Rescue U.S. Hostages in Syria. As some in England are seeking out the elusive
'Moderate Jihadist,' others [such as Farage] are advising that it would be apt to Strip Jihadists of British
Citizenship. One key-point that has been overlooked is the recognition that their best recruitment tool is

the perception of potential success; this undermines the Dems meme of years ago that anything
America did that might be perceivable as aggressive would enhance their ranks, for this assertion was
overtly intended to forestall America from acting in ways that would have stopped Islamism [including
the Islamic State] from achieving the status that has emerged during recent months. In any case, Critics
spent the past few days pillorying the president for appearing out of touch.

Here are more articles depicting the crisis:
SENATOR: ISIS developing plan to 'blow up' major U.S. city
'Most dangerous position we've ever been in'
FBI: Using Online Tactics To Radicalize, Recruit Americans
GENERAL: 'Destroy Islamic State Now'
GENERAL: 'Destroy Now'
HAGEL: GET READY, because ISIS is 'beyond anything that we've ever seen,' Hagel warns
Hagel defends disclosure of secret, failed raid to free US hostages in Syria
Hagel: ISIL 'beyond anything' we've seen; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant poses a greater
terrorism threat than Al Qaeda.
Our Jayvee President never saw the Islamic State coming.
ExclusiveObamas Reign of Error: How America Lost Its Way and Is Losing the War Against Jihad (Part 2)
Kristol: Obama's Response to ISIS Made Me Sick
White House: Could 'Pivot' to 9/11 Style Attack
Law enforcement intensifying efforts to identify sympathizers
FBI, 'Homeland Security' Warn Police To Be Alert
Jumped Mexican Border?
U.S. Isn't Sure Just How Much To Fear ISIS
British Prime Minister David Cameron op-ed in last Sunday's Telegraph stated: "Isil poses a direct and
deadly threat to Britain ... This is a clear danger to Europe and to our security."
ISIS and Saudi Arabia: How much difference?
McCain posed for pictures with ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq],
which is using those pictures as a campaign ad.
Bashar al-Assad is Obamas new ally, as Things seem to be on the verge of coming full circle in US
relations with Syria. Early in the Obama administration, the ever-sagacious Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton referred to Syrian President Bahar al-Assad as a reformer before demanding his ouster. Now it
seems that Obama has made the decision that the United States must cooperate with Syria to suppress
We have never been at war with Eastasia for, in the formulation used by Obama and Harf, it doesnt
matter what ISIS/ISIL says, never mind that they have something approaching 20,000 active fighters in
the field, have routed the Iraqi Army and announced a caliphate that extinguishes the national
boundaries set by the Sykes-Picot Agreement. Never mind that theyve announced the intention to bring
their violence to America. They cant be at war with us because we wont let them. Harf, in particular,
gives hardworking and diligent imbeciles everywhere a bad name. Just because they have declared war
on all manner of other people doesnt mean they cant declare war on us, too. I mean the Japanese and
Germans did that in 1939-41.
As the Obama administration flounders about in trying to come to a decision on how to deal with
ISIS/ISIL, the White Houses minions have been unleashed to blame Bush; the general line of attack is

that, had Bush not invaded Iraq or had done so differently, then the Child Emperor, the Lightworker,
would not be flopping about like a carp on the beach
There is no shock and awe that will compel Obama [and Christian leaders] to react to the Christian
genocide in Iraq and everywhere else, it seems.

Regarding Gaza, Hamas Fired Rockets at Off-Shore Israeli Gas Well and This eyeful delivered a mouthful,
as Caroline Glick lamented the fact that Israel is losing the information war; for perspective, listen to
Steve Mitchell read from Caroline Glick's breakthrough examination of a unique and fresh solution to
the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Next, note that BHO has not expressed to Turkey any concerns over
recent reports indicating that a senior Hamas operative operating in Turkey had been implicated in a
coup plot to overthrow the Palestinian government in the West Bank and wage war on Israel. Also note
that a declassified intelligence report released by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) this week showed
Hamas terrorists have been firing rockets at Israel from heavily populated civilian areas and, thus,
Details Hamas Responsibility for Destruction of Gaza Strip; surprisingly, Pressure is mounting on social
media for Qatari-Funded soccer superstar Leo Messi to publicly condemn the death of a four-year-old
Israeli child who was a fan of Messis before he was killed by Hamas rocket fire on Friday although, until
now, he Wont Acknowledge Death of Israeli Child. One wonders if Hamas will Be Held Accountable for
War Crimes.

Prodding activists while injecting defeatism into public-discourse, a long-term friend and
committed-Zionist continues to claim that all the logic and emotion supporting Israel
will not be effectively conveyed to the world until Hollywood Superstars Condemn
Hamas Ideology of Terror; thus, he should be thrilled that Celebrities penned a letter in
support of Israel.

A lengthy article about AIPAC in The New Yorker notes it may be losing
influence among Dems because it has consistently fought BHO; the
counterpoint is, naturally, that its efforts are justified but that BHO is
demonizing it among his cohorts. ,This articles lib-author showed her
true colors when she opened on graph with a phrase that belies the
fact that Israel has experienced existential-threats since its rebirth in 48
*Fifty years ago, before Israel became an undeclared nuclear power
and its existence was under threat.+ and when she telegraphed her
view that peace could be achieved without Israels Jewish character
being maintained *Netanyahu introduced a condition that could make
a final resolution impossiblethe demand that the Palestinians

recognize Israel as a Jewish state+; would it be that these Dems werent
so transparent!} The article contained a quote that reflects precisely
why Ive been supporting BBs approach towards Gaza * What matters
is that we continue to head straight toward our goal, even if one time
we walk right and another time walk left. + As a historical review,
despite being tainted politically [noting its soft-soaping of Goldstone, its
condemnation of Israels bombing of Gaza, etc.+, its a must-read.

The challenge facing Zionists [as Jewish professionals and as laypeople] seems
increasingly daunting, but the alternative is unspeakable.

Then note these two letters-to-the-editor:

To the editor:

Kenan Malik [Enough Hate for Everyone - Muslims and Jews Are Targets of Bigotry in
Europe] observes that European nations with the highest measures of public anti-
Semitism have the smallest Muslim populations, suggesting Muslims are not primarily at
fault. It is hard to disagree. Over 2000 years ago, well before the birth of Islam, Roman
legions destroyed the last Jewish state, sacking Jerusalem and renaming Judea Palestine
in an early act of anti-Jewish genocide. Europes history is filled with acts of violent anti-
Semitism having nothing to do with Islam. But it is hard to dispute Europeans dont like
Muslims either, and suggest that in those countries that have the fewest Muslims to
hate, bigots fall back on hating Jews. More inexplicable is the lack of European support
for themselves and fellow Christians throughout the Middle East, where the Christian
population went from 20% early in the last century to just 5%, today, while Israels
Christian population grew. Over Europeans objections, Israel is resisting Hamas, the
spiritual siblings of ISIS, while the Western response to these violent fundamentalists
has been largely feckless. But Israelis know bigots cannot be appeased when they are
out to get you, a lesson Europeans, perpetrators of so many Jewish murders in the last
2000 years, have ironically yet to learn.

John R. Cohn, M.D.
1015 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107


Wednesday, August 20, 2014 10:25 AM

To The Editor
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036

Re: WSJ Coverage Obscures Hamas Toll on Gazans


The WSJ front page article [A Secretive Army of Hamas Emerges, 8/20/2014], while
profiling the fallen Hamas fighters of the Qassem Brigade, eludes the context of the
terrorist groups toll on Gazans. Besides evidence uncovered by the IDF and other media
of using civilians as human shields, both children and adults were impressed by Hamas
into building the terror tunnels crossing the frontier into Israel. Further your article
provides no information on the Islamic theocratic tenets underlying the Charter of
Hamas preached by Imams in the Gaza mosques that these fallen Qassem Brigade
fighters follow to become shahids, martyrs for jihad.

Tablet Magazine cited a 2012 Report by The Institute of Palestine Studies
stating that At least 160 children have been killed excavating the tunnels, according to
Hamas officials.

Recently, The Algemeiner reported that Israels Walla news service revealed that Gazans
had been impressed by Hamas as tunnel excavators, with tens killed to keep that a
secret [Report: Tens of Terror-Tunnel Diggers Executed by Hamas]. It cited a Gazan
source saying: Anyone suspected of providing Israel with information is killed. They
killed several of the diggers because there were rumors that some of them work for
Israel or were in contact with Israeli civilians who they knew from their time as
construction workers in Israel. They were very cruel.

Then there was this from a Fox News report drawn from a smuggled letter written by a
30 year old Gazan man who described back-breaking labor performed in unventilated
shafts, with Hamas overseers screaming and even assaulting workers not deemed to be
working hard enough. In the end, after the workers were taken back home and paid
meager wages for their work. We didnt know where wed been, or what tunnel we
dug. More heart breaking was the death of the young mans father impressed by
Hamas into building rockets. He wrote: From that day, every morning an armed
Hamas member used to come to the shop and give us orders to make winged metal
pipes. Straight away I understood that they were used to launch rockets. One day a
pickup truck came and the Hamas members took my father from the shop. We never
saw him again. Later, I learned they killed him and threw his body into a pit.

Those fallen Hamas Qassem Brigade members the WSJ article profiled venerated the
precepts of the Hamas Charter of 1988 calling for the annihilation of the Jewish State of
Israel and Jews globally. The Charter cites this precept from the Quran: The prophet,
prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the
Jews; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew
hiding behind me, come on and kill him!

The WSJ owes its readers full and complete coverage of the Hamas war toll
on Gazans and Israelis.

Jerome B. Gordon []
Senior editor at the on-line webzine, The New English Review
Pensacola, Florida


Know also of the failure of an innovative manifestation of the anti-Semitic BDS-movement: Israeli Ship
Docked and Unloaded at Oakland Port, as Radical Activists Mourned.
Starbucks closed every store in Israel over 11 years ago and has recently issued a statement that they do
not support Israel in any way and will not in the future.
Israel Killed Top Hamas Commanders *Gordons color-commentary: Israel is not sightless in Gaza]
Hamas Wages "Collaborator" Execution Spree Following Attack on Leadership
The Leaders of Hamas Cannot Be Safe While They Target Innocent Civilians
Hamas Claims Responsibility for Kidnapping and Murder of Three Israeli Teens
Palestinians in Gaza Fire 168 Rockets at Israel on Wednesday
Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Returns to Armed Struggle and Terror

Todays Daily Alert cites 22 articles that, aggregated, reinforce the aforementioned:

Netanyahu: Israel Stands with the Civilized World Against Extremist Islam
Hamas, ISIS and the Nature of Terrorism
Israel Is in a War of Attrition

Ten Anti-Aircraft Missiles were Fired at Israeli Aircraft in Gaza War
Four-Year-Old Israeli Boy Killed by Palestinian Mortar while Running for Shelter
Three Israeli Arabs were Wounded by Gaza Mortar Attack
Five Rockets were Fired from Syria at Northern Golan Heights
Off-Duty Soldier was Critically Injured by Rocket
Gaza Rocket Hits Ashdod Synagogue, Injuring 3

Missile Strike Killed Hamas Official Handling Terror Funds
Palestinian Who Fired at Jewish Homes in Jerusalem was Shot by Police

Unlikely that Executed Palestinians Were Connected to Israel
Hamas claimed Executions "Create Deterrence, So People Would Not Try to Be Clever"
Palestinian Authority Condemned Hamas Executions
After Widespread Criticism, Hamas to Curb Public Executions
TIME Retracted IDF Organ Harvesting Charge

Europe's Slow Surrender to Intolerance

Palestinian Arabs will never have peace as long as they keep murdering anyone who wants it
Qatar: Club Med for Terrorists

Former CIA Chief: Matter of Time Before ISIS Tries to Attack West

Islamic State Captured Major Air Base in Syria
Hundreds Died in Battle for Syrian Air Base


Richard Baehrs gleanings:

1. Victor Davis Hanson found something original to say about Israel's campaign in
Gaza: link to Sherman's march through Georgia and the Carolinas

2. While the media obsession with Ferguson continues (please protect MSNBC's
insufferable Chris Hayes from the rocks thrown by angry people, all of whom he
empathizes with), you might have missed these two stories:
a. A non-white police officer kills a white person in questionable circumstances. So
far, no protests or riots.
b. This hideous story proved costly to McDonalds.
c. The Wall Street Journal's Jason Riley is a one man truth squad fighting the mass
squadron of victimization feeding journalists on the left.

3. It has become dangerous to be Jewish and live in Europe [Sweden, France,
Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany]; of course, almost all of the monsters who
threaten and commit violent acts against Jews belong to a group the governments and
media in these countries are afraid to single out.

4. Shmuel Rosner looked for an explanation of the U.S. cutoff of arms to Israel.

5. The Obama foreign policy melt-down in detail, by Bret Stephens.

6. Kirsten Powers is one of my two favorite liberal columnists. The other is William
Galston. As she has done many times before (e.g., exposing the Gosnell murder factory
in Philadelphia), Powers calls out her own side, when they are behaving very badly.

7. Three Hamas military commanders were killed by Israel.

8. When the left cannot defeat you at the ballot box, they indict you or investigate
you. This has become common practice of late; witness Chris Christie, Scott Walker and

now Rick Perry. Even when the investigations are concluded or the lawsuits are
dismissed, they serve to muddy the name of the targeted politicians, and to divert him
from his job, including of course, maybe seeking a new one. Liberals such as Jonathan
Chait and Alan Dershowitz have argued the Perry indictment is ridiculous. For the
record, how much have you read about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and his
corruption case in your newspaper?

9. Daniel Greenfield illuminated the damage done by Edward Said. Our current
President seems to have been a friend of Said, not surprising, given his ties with Rashid
Khalidi, Ali Abunimah and Bill Ayers. Of course, I recall major Jewish groups maintaining
there was nothing there in all this during the 2007-2008 Obama campaign, while Ed
Lasky continued to turn out evidence in the American Thinker that there really
was. Why should anyone be surprised that Obama has turned so hard against Israel?

10. Would it be too much to ask that left wing critics of Israel, for all the "damage it
has done in Gaza," pay some attention to real ethnic cleansing and genocide when it is
right in front of their eyes in Iraq? I do feel better that Obama took a break after the
front 9 to say a few words about the beheading of an American journalist
(deluded though he was, he did not deserve this). But it was back to golf after that.
Important for the president to keep his head (in the game):

Another Hanson article probes why no one cares about the invasion, occupation, ethnic
cleansing, destruction of cultural icons, and flaunting of international law by Turkey in
Cyprus? Easy, really. Turkey is a Muslim country, and it is not Israel. Turkey is also
Obama's favorite Muslim democracy.

11. evidence against the phony climate consensus.

Here is the input c/o Pamela Geller during recent days:

o ISIS developing means to blow up a US city
o VIDEO: Pamela Geller on WPIX TV Discussing Museum of Islam at Ground Zero
o The Islamic States control and sale of Iraqi oil could lead to global catastrophe
o VIDEO: Kurdish Spokesman Salar Motidi Speaks to AFDI Rally for Israel and Persecuted
Minorities Under Islam
o VIDEO: Palestinian Christian Speaks ar AFDI Rally for Israel and Persecuted Christians
Under Islam
o VIDEO: Arish Sahani of Indian American Intellectuals Forum Speaks at AFDI Rally for
Israel and Persecuted Minorities Under Islam
o American Muslim who murdered teen and three others says killings were an act of jihad
vengeance against US
o Report: U.S. Special Forces Rescue Attempt Of James Foley Failed Because Obama Kept
Dragging His Feet
o Islamic State will be trying to kill as many Americans as possible
o FBI director calls jihad killers of American journalist savages during Denver visit
o Foley first kidnapped by Obama-funded moderate Free Syrian Army group
o Islamic Jew-Hatred Flag Hung From Brooklyn Bridge

o VIDEO: Israel Scholar Dr Mordechai Kedar Speaks at AFDI Rally for Israel and Persecuted
Minorities Under Islam
o John Kerry: Islamic State is an ugly insult to the peaceful religion they violate every day
with their barbarity
Miami: Muslim funded by US government and hailed by Jewish leaders says US
contaminated by Jews
o Islamic State threatens jihad mass murder attack in Chicago
o The Hamas mortar that killed 4-year-old Daniel Tragerman today was fired from UN
o The Islamic State Tortured, Crucified Journalist James Foley to a Wall Because He Was
American and His Brother was US Soldier
o VIDEO: London Gaza Protests 2014 Vile Antisemitism and ignorance
o Footage of executed US journalist James Foley shown on giant TV in downtown Beijing
on repeat loop
o Hamas-CAIRs Nihad Awad: Israel is the biggest threat to world peace and security
o Australia: Muslim jailed for threatening to behead Commonwealth Officer
o Islamic State issues one-week deadline for Iraqi Christians to convert or face the
o Hamas Mortar Fire Kills 4-Year-Old Jewish Child
o Jewish school in Copenhagen vandalised, defaced with Islamic Jew-hatred
o Hamas Rockets Hit Synagogue, Kindergarten 70 rockets fired this morning
o After Friday Prayers, Hamas executes another 18 Palestinians suspected of working
with Israelis after Hamas leaders killed in airstrike
o U.K Muslim Leader Calls For Muslim Armies To Rise Against Their Governments
o Obama Administration Refuses to Equate the Islamic States Jihad with Hamass Jihad
o The Islamic State captures major military air base in Syria
o Libyan capital falls to jihadists
o Im ready to behead next enemy: Chilling message from British Muslim willing to kill
for jihad to establish Allahs empire
o 14-Year-Old Attempts Suicide Bombing For The Islamic State At Taqba Airbase
o China executes eight murdering jihadists in Beijing
o VIDEO: New York Mosque Leader Commands Muslims to Jihad at Friday Prayer
o VIDEO: Pamela Geller Closing Remarks at AFDI Rally for Israel and Persecuted Minorities
Under Islam
o Jihadists on the Rise in Austria
o Michigan imam wildly popular with Islamic State owes $250K for fraud, tax evasion,
money laundering
o Vermont Restaurant Removes Bacon Sign Because it Offended a Muslim
o Islamic State demanded Lady al-Qaeda in exchange for US hostages
o VIDEO: Closing songs by Beni Elbaz, Ron Eliran, Pamela Geller at AFDI Rally for Israel and
Persecuted Minorities Under Islam
o VIDEO: Reggae Rapper Performs at AFDI Rally in Support of Israel and Persecuted
o Devout Muslims from Gaza Fire Mortal Shell into Israel, Wounding Five
o VIDEO: IDF Soldier Speaks at AFDI Rally for Israel and Persecuted Minorities Under Islam


arlene kushner is confused by the pace-of-events in Gaza, joining the chorus supporting an invasion; yet,
recalling how BHO is limiting rearming Israel, BB truly isnt free to lash-out [even after the 4 y.o. died].

Lest the NY-Times be viewed suddenly as having seen-the-light, it again highlighted its Favorite [lib]
Rabbis; lest the attack on Israel by Hamas sway the libs who dominate Reform Judaism, note this
lamentation by Shimon Peres on the Futility of War. Lest there be any ambiguity about what the world
faces, note that EMET hosted Thomas Joscelyn, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of
Democracies and senior editor of the Long War Journal, who discussed recent events in Iraq, Syria, and
the (so-called) new Islamic State, and the growing threat of ISIS.

Lest there be any doubt about Israels humane-bombing policy, note [c/o imra]:

IDF Spokesperson Announcement - IDF Conveys Messages to Residents of Gaza
August 23, 2014
Location : Tel Aviv

Over the course of the day, the IDF has conveyed messages to the residents across the
Gaza Strip via text messages, recorded messages, and leaflets.

For your convenience, the following is the translated content of the leaflets dispersed

"To the residents of Gaza,

The IDF intends to attack terrorists and terror infrastructure across the
Gaza Strip.

Hamas leadership, while remaining in underground hiding, disregarding
the civilians' needs and wishes for tranquility, will be pursued.

Israel is currently attacking, and will continue to attack, every area from
which terror activities against Israel originate.

Every house from which militant activity is carried out, will be targeted.

For your own safety, prevent terrorists from utilizing your property for
terror agendas, and stay away from every site in which terrorist
organizations are operating.

The IDF calls you to distance yourselves from where fire was directed at

The IDF's campaign has not been concluded.


Israeli Defense Forces"


For your convenience, the following is the content of the recorded messages: "Hamas
leadership has decided to drag you to another battle. Prevent terrorists from utilizing
your property for terror agendas, and stay away from every site in which terrorist
organizations are operating."

Vladimir Putin's Russian forces remain poised for a possible takeover of neighboring Ukraine. Nuclear-
armed North Korea is ruled by an unstable, nihilistic dictator who constantly makes new threats against
American allies and the United States itself (along with some of its filmmakers). The Islamic State
terrorist group slaughters as many people who cross its path and poses a credible threat of genocide
against the ancient Yazidi people in Iraq. But, according to Nihad Awad, head of the supposedly
mainstream Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), those threats to global peace pale in
comparison with the real threat to world peace and security: Israel.


Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXL [Rush-Limbaugh, again]

In any effort to provide lengthy material not available on the Internet, segregated from the multitude of
hyperlinks otherwise compiled, again, note these cogent comments c/o Rush [and an essay about BHO]:
Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 8/25/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: Is there looting in Napa CA? Earthquake!
Segment#1: Look at what Liberal media has done to us!
The lights were out; the electricity was off; you could just walk into stores. Was there no injustice to
cause looting? [Martha MacCallum and Claudia Cowan]
They have identified Jihadist John from London; his dad is a Terrorist also, held in prison in Manhattan
for bombings.
Would it bother you that The New York Times attended the autopsy of The Gentle Giant. The point of
their story was it was not very professional in their view.
The 1960s movement is back; the New Black Panthers joins in. There are exceptions, but the single most
animating topic that excites sports media culture is race. They are more intent than their buddies in
Drive-by Media. A lot of the sports commentators are young and were not tied to the Hippy movement.
Education does not honor American history. To public educators, Slavery can never be erased. Obama
came along to erase as much as possible. The Civil Acts of 1864 required Republicans to vote down
Democrats. History has been rewritten. So Ferguson offered an opportunity for the young to relive
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton want no change and race tensions to never go away. ((Reading-
Politico: Six years ago, Obama was going usher in etc., but that hasnt happened. For him it is a
constant lose-lose situation.))
Try this different thought experiment: Image in The Black President had been Dr Ben Carson. Do you
think The New York Times would praise him and say racial tension is going to be over? HELL NO: they
would write this is the worst possible disaster!

No criticism was allowed with Obama (you would be called racist.)
>>> Republicans were afraid to push back on anything.
>>>>>>> Obama/Democrats have had free reign.

Seg#2: Media creates the news they want to report on
For those that remember, it is a change to relive the 1960 Civil Rights, and for those who are too young,
they want to join in per what they have been taught.
There are questions about what the president should do. ((Clip: These young people want to join the
soap opera. Is that America? is being asked. We need to fix that.)) Media is making the Agenda.
>>> You can see that media is in love with the event.

Seg#3: Most Americans are fed up with the outsiders coming in
((Clip: We like to cover it like a soap opera.)) Andrew McCarthy noted this. The news now is the
Leftist-Democrat Agenda. ((Clip-on: There is a new Civil Rights Movement that has sprung up.)) What
did I tell you? ((Clip-on: There is something we cant miss: it feels different from Trayvon Martin and
Rodney King.)) I wonder what is different(?)
((Clip-on: People are saying, Is that America?))
>>> No, they are saying they are fed up with this.

Seg#4: To understand Obamas ideology, understand his roots
Everybody thinks Obama has check out; but I dont: He is as cold and calculating as he ever has
been. His Agenda rolls on; he may want to appear as aloof for The Limbaugh Theorem, but he is
not. He is as intent as he has ever been.
>>> No one aFrom the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "The Poor Door"
One way big-city liberals exert power is by forcing real estate developers to jump through hoops. Like
developers must build affordable housing units in their upscale developments.
One new luxury Manhattan skyscraper was forced to include affordable rental apartments in order to
qualify for government incentives. The upscale residents have access to their condos from the front
lobby. The rental tenants have a separate side entrance. They call it the poor door.
In another building, upscale tenants can use a brand new gym for free but its off-limits to their
affordable, rent-regulated neighbors. This led to a complaint being filed with New Yorks Human
Rights Commission. Says renter Jean Green Dorsey: Nobody treats me like a second-class citizen in my
own home. She and the other rent-stabilized tenants say theyre willing to pay a fee to use the gym,
but it shouldnt be off-limits entirely.

The landlord of the building sees things differently, pointing out that rent-stabilized tenants get valuable
benefits of their very own, including much lower rent.
New York Mayor de Blasio recently weighed in: We believe there should be a much more equal
approach to all the residents, he said. When he was a mere Councilman, he voted for the zoning code
change that allows the unequal arrangements. But Mayor de Blasio doesnt have to use the poor
door anymore, so I guess things have changed as he's gotten higher on the ladder.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
CBS: De Blasio On Poor Doors: Future Development Should Have Equal Approach [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Liberalism has been so good at disguising itself and trying to make itself look like it's apolitical. I mean,
what little kid would think an animal rights group has anything to do with politics?"
"Have you heard the latest reason from a Democrat why we need to grant illegal immigrants amnesty?
I'm not kidding. If we don't, they'll become terrorists."
"This business of Obama making a really halfhearted statement about the beheading of James Foley and
then immediately dashing back to the golf course is causing a great sense of panic among the Drive-By
Media. So many of them had such lofty goals. So many of them invested totally in Obama."
"So, Obama had to come back to Washington for a bachelor party. He left his own vacation -- one set of
parties and the golf course -- for another party. He didn't announce that until after it was over, and even
then it wasn't announced as a bachelor party."
"You don't know if social media is simply allowing the people who've always been this way to finally
come out and behave this way, or if it has creating this new level of uncivil discourse."
"A common tactic of the left is when they get behind a cause, they make it look like everybody agrees
with them, like they speak for everybody, and it creates this false impression that there is no
disagreement. So, if you do disagree, you're automatically supposed to feel odd and weird and behind
the times, unhip, uncool, whatever; the world's passing you by."
"The media is starting to get really, really worried about Obama checking out, playing golf, not being
interested. They're really, really worried."
"We don't see public recognitions of and devotion to God, because it's laughed at and mocked and
made fun of. Even that's been politicized."
"If everybody who posted something on the Internet had to be identified by who they really are... I'm
not suggesting it, but I think the theory is true that if everybody had to go by who they really are, their
true identity, that you'd have a lot less of this."
"A common tactic of the left is when they get behind a cause, whatever it is, they make it look like
everybody agrees with them."

"Do you know how much the left hates golf? Do you know why the left hates golf? Global warming!
There's too much empty space out there. Look at all that green! Look at all the water that's being used
to keep that golf. For who? The top 1%!"
"Obama's an ideologue. He's going to keep transforming this country, and he's going to maybe even
speed it up 'cause people refuse to appreciate just how genius he is."
"CNN is noticeably down today, and you can see it, see the reason why in their own headlines. It's
starting to return to normal in Ferguson."

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Tuesday, 8/26/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: DbM wants more executive orders
Segment#1: The strategy to appear uninterested is in dispute
The picture of Obama yukking it up after announcing we will not allow Jihad terrorists to behead our
media over there, was from the Whitehouse. What is happening? Obama is not checked out but Drive-
by Media doesnt like the image that he appears to be.
Some Democrats dont like the Obama team strategy of appearing checked out because they may lose
Low-Information-Voters. Where is the polling data on top senate races? There isnt any! Why is that?
Did you hear about the boycott in Ferguson, reported by Heritage Foundation. People came over from
Napa CA and started looting in Ferguson? We are just learning that Bill Hennessy lead a group to shop
at small businesses in Ferguson.
The WH sent more people to the funeral of the Gentle Giant than to the Arlington cemetery for the four-
star general or for Margaret Thatcher.
>>> No one from the Whitehouse could drive across town to Arlington.
Seg#2: Marc Lamont Hill wants HRClinton to support their cause
Hillary Clinton ignored a question about Ferguson and it did not set well with Marc Lamont
Hill ((Archive-Clip-Hillary-in-Black-dialect: I dont feel no ways tird.))
>>> No, she doesnt have a gift of speaking in the dialect.
Seg#3: HRClinton shows her insincerity of the past
Why hasnt HRClinton jumped in? There has to be a reason. Obviously, they have polling data and it
shows the public is not all in with the anti-cop version.

Marc Lamont Hill is a college professor at Morehouse College and appears on FoxNews. He is
everywhere and is recognized as an authority on Black America. They play the video of HRClinton
blowing off the question about Ferguson. ((Clip-Marc: The Clintons have made so much of supporting
the Black community, in a mutually-beneficial game to them.)) He admits that the Clintons are gaming
the Black voters.
Hillary doesnt even recognize the question when asked; it is disrespectful.
((Clip-Marc: She puts on a fake accent and talks about going to Selma in 2007.)) You dont hear media
play that anymore. She is taking the Black vote for granted. Ive never heard HRClinton being called out
for faking. ((Clip-HRC: Nobody told me the road would be easy; I dont believe He brought me this far,
to leave me.)) They always looked the other way.
Look at how fragile their relationship it; it is not real. The one thing that unites them is their Liberal
ideology: they hate Conservative-Republicans, and they love Big-Government-Socialism. Bill Clinton is
a reprobate yet is loved on the Left.
My point is: this relationship is fragile and can be broken up.
((Clip-Marc: Real Black issues are on the table and the Clintons dont show up.))
You dont get wealthier or whiter than in the Hamptons, and HRClinton sits there signing a few books to
rescue sales; and ignores a reporter on Ferguson.
>>> I dont feel no-way tird; I have another book-signing next.
Seg#4: Mocking Hillarys fake dialect
It is the first time that a Black American has mocked Hillarys fake dialect. Remember 2007; this was the
run-up to her coronation. She had been faithful to her man. ((Clip-Hillary: I want Americans to feel that
when I am president, they have another Bill Clinton in the WH supporting you [Black community].))
Caller: I disagreeit is revenge to not go to Ferguson.
My theory is there is polling data. You think her nose is out of joint because African Americans didnt
vote for her and voted for the new kid on the block. Do you think politicians treat voters that way?
In 2016, Black voters will vote Democrat, no matter what.
>>> If Romney is the Democrat nominee, will they vote for him?
ED: Note how Rush Limbaugh combines humor from three ideas on the fly.
ED: We watched TV gala event for two minutes and saw Comedy Central receive an award; person
accepting credited their many writers.
Rush has one: himself. Sometimes Snerdley and staff make suggestions.
HOW news today: Over 1,400 died from Ebola and 200 workers are sick.

Segment#6: CNN tries to sustain the Myth
(Theme Music) CNN is all over the shots in Ferguson, and there is a report of an audio showing a gap in
the shots. Lets review: the Gentle Giant is walking down the street with his friend, thinking about
entering college. He is accosted by a White cop for no reason, running away with his hands up trying to

((CNN: We cannot say if the audio is authentic. [six shots; gap; four shots] We have reached out to the
FBI for confirmation.)) The guy at the computer isnt even phased as gun shots are fired. Then he waits
a week. How are they ever going to confirm this? To CNN, it is real, and What does it mean?
CNN is irresponsible.
There were ten shots and no eye-witnesses? People are dying in the street and this guy is absorbed in
talking to a babe. Anything to keep the case from slipping away from their Agenda.
There was a Ferguson-like shooting in Salt Lake City, other than White and Ive been waiting for details
appear, and it finally is reported in the Washington Times. ((Reading: Most people outside Utah dont
hear of Dillon Taylor. The officer who shot him was not White, and the youth was Hispanic. Why is his
story just a footnote?))
The myth is that White cops are shooting Black youth all the time.
There is no news in mediajust their Agenda. Who is surprised?
This is understandable and predictable.
>>> It is a sorry state of realitythe Watchdog of America gone mad.

Caller: If the Giant kept coming, the cop could resume firing.
Who knows? This is jury tampering 101.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Maybes"
I recently told you about the funeral services held at Arlington National Cemetery for Major General
Harold Greene. The two-star general was the highest-ranking military officer killed in a combat theatre
since Vietnam. Gen. Greene was murdered during an ambush in Afghanistan.
In the days after Greenes death, his Commander-in-Chief didnt bother to mention it, or offer public
condolences. Even the Obama-friendly Washington Post took him to task over his silence.
But that didnt prod Obama into sending anybody to Major General Greens funeral. So, Obama didnt
show. Neither did Vice President Bite Me. Nor did the Secretary of Defense. Nor did Secretary of State

John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, report for duty. We later learned what Obama was doing during
the funeral. He was on the golf course.
Well, youll be glad to learn President Obama has now displayed some sensitivity. He himself ordered
three officials from his Regime to attend the Ferguson, Missouri funeral of Michael Brown, the Gentle
Giant killed by a cop, after a struggle, and after Brown robbed a convenience store. The Regimes
presence at the Gentle Giants funeral follows the personal visit to Ferguson from Attorney General Eric
All we are left with are maybes. Maybe if Major General Greene had robbed a convenience store prior
to the ambush, or maybe if there were riots in his hometown, or maybe if someone had nicknamed him
the Gentle Giant the President would have sent someone to his funeral, too, but he went golfing. And
you know the Clintons didn't show up in Ferguson. The Funeral Crashers were nowhere to be seen, I
wonder what that's about.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
Washington Post: White House Officials to Attend Michael Browns Funeral
Washington Post: Obamas Silence on Death of Maj. Gen. Harold Greene Comes Under Fire [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Obama has appeared disengaged from the get-go. It's been part of a strategy to avoid accountability
for anything. This is the same guy he's always been."
"A student shouts, 'Bless you!' in a classroom when a fellow student sneezes, and that student is
suspended 'cause the teacher says, 'We're not going to have godly talk in my class!' That, Gwen Ifill, is
when I ask, 'Is this America?'"
"The civil rights era is where supposedly the nation for the first time in its history came together and did
something decent, and that's the way it's taught."
"Because of Sam's wonderful sack on Saturday night, he could be snapped up by anybody if the Rams try
to put him on the practice quad, which means the Rams can't put him on the practice squad. They're
going to have to keep him, and that's why it's the big story from this weekend."
"The views expressed by the host on this show are not necessarily the views of the staff, management,
sponsors of this station -- but they should be."
" In other earth-shattering news, it turns out that they have identified Jihadi John. Do you know who this
guy is? His father, Jihadi John, the guy that beheaded James Foley, his father is a terrorist from Egypt.
Who would have thought? Who would have ever guessed that Jihadi John's dad might be a terrorist as
"Let's imagine that the first African-American president was Dr. Benjamin Carson. Do you think they
would have even written stories about how this will put to bed all racial problems? Hell, no, they
wouldn't have even gotten close to that dream."

"Presidents are criticized all the time. They have to be. They're the most powerful people in the
"I'm saying, wait a minute. This is ass backwards. What you ought to do -- and I'm thinking of doing this -
- just make a video of writing a check to ALS and holding it up."
"We're on the verge of granting amnesty to how many millions of people crossing the border. The leftist
agenda is marching on. The Democrats may get wiped out in this election, but the leftist agenda is
marching on."
"When I saw the IRS specifically targeting conservative groups and denying them tax-exempt status --
when I saw the federal government being used as a weapon against a particular belief system -- I said, 'Is
that America?' That's when I asked, 'Is that America?'"
"A student shouts, 'Bless you!' in a classroom when a fellow student sneezes, and that student is
suspended 'cause the teacher says, 'We're not going to have godly talk in my class!' "

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 8/27/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Open: Can we call Douglas McCain, the Gentle Jihadist?
Will it be said that he was shot by a White soldier?
Segment#1: Republicans are poised to lose if they dont speak up !
No, Obama didnt check outhe is working on Universal Climate Change without checking
w/Congress. It will not save the planet from AGW because we cant. Here is Obama working with the
UN behind the backs of citizens and congress. He is working outside the treaty timeframes
Larry Sabato alarmed many on the Republican side: I dont see evidence of a Republican wave;
everybody assumes Obama/Democrats are so bad, they will vote Republican. Jim Geraghty then looks
for polling data and the media has stopped polling it.
Why would media not want to report polling data? It is against their Agenda.
Media polling is designed to lift up or depress the public views. Most of the media polling is to depress
you. Pew released a poll that says most Americans are not bothered at all that Obama plays too much
golf. This is to depress you and think your side has no chance.
If they did the poll on key Senate races, they dont want to report and uplift you and depress the
Democrat vote.

Republicans dont offer one ounce of push-back. I used to say, If Republicans dont do X, then Y will
happen. Now, I dont say that because we are living the results-Y of no push-back. Have you seen any
Republican messaging? [Only John Bolton eMail that impressed me.] Have you seen Republicans say,
We have got to stop the Tsunami at the border or anything against Obamacare? All they do is shut up
and let Democrats sink themselves.
Are Republicans weary/wary of presenting themselves?
Have you seen any national messaging? I havent; but I had to ask.
My sense is (from a lot of reading) I dont see anything out there that voters can consume: How will it
be better if Republicans are elected; what are WE going to do? Larry Sabato doesnt see a wave
>>> Where is the positive message of how Republicans will do better?
Seg#2: More analysis on the coming critical 2014 midterm elections
In the midterms of 2010, there was also no push-back; it was a total anti-Obama-Democrat vote. It just
happened due to the Tea Party and like-minded citizens.
Then, there was 1994 and the Contract wAmerica push-back against Bill Clinton. It was a massive
national campaign. Republicans swept and took the House back, the first time in 40 years.
There is still a lot of fear to speak against The First Black President.
Consider how the more Hillary talk, the less popular she is.
>>> What is the GOP leadership doing to garner votes?
Seg#3: Yellow Journalism at CNN
OK, the media stack: CNN thought they had discovered another tape. It was just a guy in his home
talking to a babe. Today, CNN is worried it was a hoax. We played the audio for you, and after the two-
second gap the guy is totally unfazed. Nobody at CNN noticed, because of their Agenda.
This guy and his computer is close enough to hear the shots but didnt know who to contact for a
week? CNN and other reporters were all over his area. We love Don Lemon, the CNN guy that
postulated the missing Malaysian airliner may have had dropped into a Black Hole.
Their hoax tape was the lead every hour on CNN. It was irresponsible. Now, it is a different day. A
hostette asks two law enforcement officers and they both tell her they think it was a hoax. But you see,
CNN got what they wanted. They gave the message to low-information audience.
Tom Jackson named Daren Wilson as the police officer and released the video of the Gentle Giant and
his friend robbing the convience store. Eric Holder had ordered them to not release the tape. ((Clip-
Don-Lemon: We in the media had heard rumors about that tape but could not authenticate it.))

>>> Really? But this hoax tape didnt need to be authenticated?
Seg#4: Can we have another Contract With America ?
CNN needs to have Anthony Weiner give his opinion. The babe never asks, Hey, whats with the gun
shots? Are you OK? They didnt even pause.
Caller-FL: I concur with your assessment. RINOs just want power and take Conservative voters for
granted. Romney advisors had him being cautious.
In the past, Republicans were not afraid to present a Conservative agenda, and they had people who
could do it well. They were public about what they intended to do.
Cristal Lizza writes about winning: projecting that you expect to win encourages the voters to vote for
Another writes that the electorate seems to be in the mindset of 2010.
Does the GOP think that speaking would upset the apple cart and so they choose to just shut up?
S#5: Both sides expect they can win the Senate
> Ill explain when I come back.
Radio News: An F-15C Eagle crashed on a training flight on the East coast.
Seg#6: Republicans should capitalize on what most Americans believe
(Theme Music) Wheres the positive message, We believe in lower taxes! I got eMail notes during the
break saying Democrats dont have a positive message either. Its true, other than the fact that they are
in power and are implementing their Agenda.
The true Democrat ideology is poison and cannot win, if presented honestly.
People need to know they are in the Majority with how they think. You would think Republicans would
capitalize on this. Instead, they listen too much to advisors and consultants.
61% of Republican-voting feel their party will do better. Only 32% of Democrats think they will clean
up. The expectation gap is very close to the 2010 midterm expectations. This is why polls are not
reported in DbM.
Its a shame and also outrageous that push-polls substitute for journalistic reporting. They wont report
polls that do not support the Leftist Agenda.
((Reading: Thinking you can win influences turnout, especially in midterms.))

Republicans could lose again by listening to consultants, Voters are scared when you talk against the
opposite side; Independent want to get along.
Watching the expectation gap could backfire and voters stay home. Doesnt there need to be a
positive message?
Republicans in 1994 they made the mistake that the country had been educated when they were
not. They needed to continue teaching and explaining. Democrats and media tore into Republicans and
said they wanted to starve school children. Republicans didnt know what hit them.
Six years into this mess, a clear and heartfelt message, well-articulated, would result in victory. I know
media would not report properly. Why say, We are not going to take the field; we will just let it play
out without messaging.
>>> Republicans are missing a golden opportunity.
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Get Away With It"
Item No. 1. Connecticut prosecutors will not pursue charges against state employees who fraudulently
applied for, and got, emergency food stamp benefits designated for victims of Tropical Storm Irene in
The Deputy Chief States Attorney said prosecutors dont have enough resources to handle all the
cases. Over 1,000 state employees filed for benefits they were not entitle to after the storm. The state
disciplined 170 for the fraud; 97 were fired.
Then, all but four of them had their terminations overturned by arbitrators. So, in the end, government
workers can commit fraud with impunity. And while the state has enough resources to pursue other
criminals, these chosen ones get away with it.
And speaking of chosen ones getting away with it...
Item No. 2. The Obama Regimes Treasury Department has concluded that the trip Jay-Z and his wife
Beyonce-Z made to Cuber, to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary, was legal.
The Inspector Generals office says that while Mr. and Mrs. Z were visiting the Communist paradise, they
stopped at an art school and a theatre group. That made the trip educational and legal. Despite travel
restrictions to Cuber for everyone else. Too bad the Zs didnt visit Club Gitmo while they were there,
they could have gotten a real education.
Look. Mr. and Mrs. Z are huge Obama donors. The rules dont apply to them. I wonder where theyll go
for their 6th anniversary! If they have one, have you heard about that?
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
Hartford Courant: State Workers Won't Be Charged In D-SNAP Fraud Case
CNN: Beyonce and Jay Z's 2013 Cuba Trip Declared Legal [[Heard AM on radio across America]]

Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"I think the Drive-Bys know Obama hasn't checked out, but they are tired of him looking like he has
because it isn't gonna look good and isn't gonna help the 2014 midterms. I think the media and the
Democrat Party are trying to ratchet up this criticism of Obama as a way of forcing him to get engaged
and to do some more executive orders. I think that's what this is all about."
"How are they ever gonna confirm this alleged audio of the Michael Brown shooting? But it doesn't
matter, because as far as CNN's concerned, it's real. And they've had expert after expert after expert,
audiologist, forensic audiologist after forensic audiologist on CNN all morning long analyzing it."
"You know that picture of Obama 10 minutes after the attempt at the solemn reaction to the murder of
James Foley? Yeah, the picture of him laughing and yukking it up on the golf course. That was not a
paparazzi picture. That was taken by the Regime. It was a picture the White House released."
"The IRS e-mails are backed up, but look at how specific these lies were that were told to explain why
those e-mails were gone."
"We have an entire media apparatus that is making it abundantly clear that they are more than willing
to create a total lie out of a circumstance like this tragic shooting in Ferguson, or they're more than
willing to go along with one. They're more than willing to help establish that something happened that
didn't happen. Now, why? Who benefits when a lie like this ends up being accepted?"
"The White House sent more people to the funeral of the gentle giant than they sent to the Arlington
National Cemetery funeral of a two-star general killed in Afghanistan recently named General Harold J.
Greene. They didn't send anybody. Not one representative from the Regime traveled across town in
Washington to attend his funeral at Arlington. The Regime sent more people to the funeral of the gentle
giant than they sent to the funeral of Margaret Thatcher."
"The feminists have their agenda, the global warmers have theirs, the civil rights guys have their agenda.
They're quite different, and sometimes it's a challenge to keep all those people unified."
"You don't get whiter than the Hamptons. You don't get whiter, you don't get more liberal, you don't get
wealthier than the Hamptons. Mrs. Clinton at a book signing in the Hamptons. Trying to reverse the ill
fortunes of her horrible book by sitting in a bookstore in the white liberal Hamptons selling 700 copies
trying to earn a profit."
"Count me a skeptic on this new tape. I don't know how they're ever going to confirm it. I mean, for
crying out loud, this guy doing his sex chat with his babe there could have had the TV on!"
"I don't think Obama cares about the problems with Obamacare, not the individual problems. He
doesn't care about that. All he cares is that it's the law of the land. That was his objective. He got it
passed and signed. That's the objective."
"If there are Michael Browns all over the country, where are the Drive-Bys gonna land next? Tell me,
what's the story? The only other comparable story they have is Salt Lake City, but it's reversed. It's a
white victim and an "other than white" cop."


Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Thursday, 8/28/14
Student NOTES from Institute seniors, not 'official'
Open: Amazing how script and formula cycles are predictable
Seg#1: DbM breathlessly awaits Obamas decision on ISIS (eeee-Sis)
Drive-by people have moved on from Ferguson and over to seeing if Obama will proceed with air-
strikes. One writes that Al-Qaeda/ISIS will outlast the Obama Adm. Or if he will take them
out. Really? Didnt he already get rid of them?
Meanwhile, Obama is off for another fund-raiser, between golf games.
Democrats try to goad Republicans into shutting down the government, since goading Republicans into
impeaching Obama didnt work. ((Reading: Can Democrats troll their way into saving the Senate. The
next shutdown time is December, goading Republicans with numerous executive orders, including
What is really behind this? You know Democrats never say what they are really doing. They have
Republicans scared to death over Amnesty. After all, what is the objective to Obama? To get as many
illegals in as possible. Getting Amnesty into his Legacy far outweighs Obamas desire to hold the Senate.
You never announce your business strategy, like telling Republicans you are goading them into
shutting down the government. It is based on the fact Democrats believe Republicans wont shut down
the government over funding Amnesty. ((Clip-Ball: It was a shame during the Affordable Healthcare
Act; we hope Republicans wont shut it down over a common-sense bipartisan solution to Amnesty.)) If
it were bipartisan, Obama wouldnt need an executive resolution.
This is Statism of The Regime; the Constitution is their obstacle.
Founding Fathers set up roadblocks for all three branches of the federal government; but Obama has no
respect for the Constitution. Respect for the rule of law is the glue that binds America together.
With the honor system, if one branch wants something and dont get it, they work for another way or a
compromise. With Democrats, it is always their way.
Democrats would love the scenario of Republicans shutting down the government; but that wont
happen. Democrats want Obama to wait on this till after the November elections. They also want him
to wait on UN initiatives for paying for Global Warming.
Two detailed reports, including one backed by Karl Rove, indicate female voters view the Republican
Party as unfriendly and living in the past.
>>> Why would operatives leak this unfavorable report to Politico?


Seg#2: Should Republicans just drift by? Shut up, go with the flow?
What should Republicans do? Do nothing and at least five million people get legalized. Obama will still
be ignoring the Constitution. You want to not stop Obama so you can win an election and continue to
not stop Obama?

>> This will help Republicans win in 2016? It isnt working to just sit by.

Seg#3: Progressive Liberal Democrats are in to win the long game !
Folks, let me explain the Rove/Politico report. People ask me about the Republican chances, and who
will be the next nominee. Winning in November and in 2016 is WAY short-sighted. Democrats are
trying to win the long game and toss the Constitution. The Republicans are trying to just get a first
We are nowhere near mid-field or getting a touchdown.
If the American people are so angered with Obama doing an executive order on Amnesty, you still have
11 million new Democrat voters. One third of Mexico would move here if they could. What signal
would Amnesty send?
Voters will start loving Republicans? They havent articulated a positive message of what they would
do. It would be an anti-Obama vote, but what would Republicans do? When you shut up, Democrats
will still be there.
We are beyond looking at this in traditional politics. If they win, well try again next time. We are hip-
deep in the transformation of this country: border, healthcare, foreign affairs, socialism. Voters can
throw Democrats out and still not like Mitch McConnell.
Republicans are playing a different game than Democrats. Their game is undisguised Socialism and
Big Government and eliminating the Constitution. What is the Republican agenda? Win the
Two Republican polls confirm what Democrats say about Republicans, and then leak it to
Politico. Women hate Republicans and are justified because Republicans hate them. But wait, that is
only half of it. It is not just single women but married women also.
Read deeper and you find out why: Tea Party social conservatism.
Social Conservatives are stuck in the past; and the only way the GOP can reach out to women, is to
sink social Conservatives; and the only way to reach out to Hispanics is to pass Amnesty. Just forget the
>>> We are not even on the same playing field as Democrats.

Seg#4: When you dont speak up, your political enemy has free reign
To illustrate the Democrat long-game: remember the Hippies? They raised their kids to be little social
robots and now they have grandkids, also Liberals. The Soviets didnt do anything in short election
Over 60% of people that voted blamed Bush for the Economy. On Fox Business Channel, Sandra Smith
turns to a pessimistic poll. ((Clip: 71% believed the recession has permanently damaged the
economy. Now it is 79%.)) And who do most people blame? They blame Bush because
Democrats/media set the Agenda.
Now after six years of Obama, it is still Bushs fault.
>>> Economy was damaged so bad that Obama couldnt fix it.
Segment#5: Obama isnt even mentioned in the poll.
>>> Bush is blamed and even Obama couldnt fix it.
Seg#6: Why is it so difficult to find candidates like Ronald Reagan ?
(Theme Music) Beyond winning an election, there is way more to do to get out of this. If we are serious
in rolling it back we need the right message. The way out is NOT to shut up. As our odds seem better,
Politico says Republicans are out of touch. Its fascinating.
Go back to the 1970s and the Jimmy Carter misery index. I was 28 when Reagan sought the
presidency. The Reagan landslide was totally not predicted.
We are up against some people that are very good at what they do; and they want to change
America. Plus, they have the media on their side. Why give up? The premise is bad that we can get
women and Hispanics back by being like Democrats.
Its a shame that there is only one guy we can point to: Ronald Reagan. Prior to Newt Gingrich being
speaker of the House, he stood up for Ronald Reagan and was fearless. Winning the presidency can be
another thing.
It can be done.
Media can be overcome. A famous friend of mine, not a politician, sent me a YouTube of Reagan being
funny and meaningful.
>>> Why is this so rare in politics?
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Power Drunk"

California governor just signed legislation requiring smartphone makers to install a so-called kill switch
on new devices. In theory, this switch would make stolen phones inoperable. The laws sponsor, state
senator Mark Leno, Democrat, San Francisco, says: California has just put smartphone thieves on
notice. No. You just put businesses on notice that liberals, who dont make anything but trouble, think
theyre smarter than those who actually create products.
The governor also signed a bill, that encourages schools to teach about the historical significance of
Barack Obama becoming the first African-American President. This indoctrination law was the
brainchild of Assemblyman Chris Holden, Democrat, Pasadena. No word whether kids will be required to
bow before Obamas picture.
But this next one takes the cake. The Democrat one-party-rule Assembly passed a bill allowing election
officials to count ballots received up to three days after elections. The late ballots dont need postmarks
on them. All they need is a voter signature dated before Election Day.
Not even during the height of Democrat-thug rule in Cook County, when the dead voted to ensure
Democrat victories, were they this brazen. Now theyre openly, in broad daylight, legalizing their voter
fraud schemes. They dont care who knows, or who objects.
So schools must glorify a Democrat President. Businesses must suffer Democrats designing their
products. And if you try to vote them out, theyll create the votes they need after the elections. This is
what being drunk with power, liberalism, looks like.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
Washington Times: California Law Presses Schools to Teach Significance of Obama
PCWorld: California Passes Law Mandating Smartphone Kill Switch
AP: Bill Allows Counting of Late Vote-by-Mail Ballots [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"Obama may go on vacation, but the Obama agenda never does. The Obama agenda doesn't ever slow
down. The Obama agenda doesn't really have anything in its way."
"Pretty soon we're going to get an audiotape of gunshots that wiped him out. CNN will have it."
"Six years into this mess, I think a very artful, honest, heartfelt explanation of who we are and what we
believe and what we want to do would result in its own landslide. I guess I'll just call him the gentle
jihadi, then. Is that the way this guy's being portrayed, nobody can understand it? The gentle jihadi?"
"There's still a lot of fear on the Republican side about saying anything against Obama no matter what."
"CNN jumped the gun on the audio from this guy sex-chatting in Ferguson on purpose. It's not
'unprofessional' It's not 'inexperience.' It's not 'youthful mistakes.' This is agenda-driven decision making
on the part of CNN to air this inauthentic or unauthenticated tape."

"Isn't it ironic? The GOP, despite everything, is still depending on the Tea Party for a huge wave victory."
"Back in the early nineties, when I would do this show, I would talk about the Democrats and liberalism,
and I would say to you in the audience, 'If we don't stop it, then X is going to happen.' It was always a
theoretical warning. It was always sounding the alarm. Well, we've ended up there. We're no longer
talking theory."
"There are 10 gunshots that the guy's computer clearly picks up (I mean, if it's real), and the babe
doesn't once ask, 'Hey, honeybunch, what's going on where you are? What's happening? Are you okay?'
I mean, if you were sex video chatting with a guy and you heard gunshots on his end of the connection,
would you would you react and ask, 'Hey, hey, hey! Are you okay out there?' But this guy's babe and this
guy (chuckles) didn't even pause. They did not have one shred of a reaction."
"The Democrat Party is poison. The Democrat Party could not win if they were up front about what they
intend to do. But they never are."
"Warren Buffett is investing in Burger King and they're merging with a fast food joint in Canada and
they're going to have their federal tax rate cut in half. It's amazing, Warren Buffett promoted Obama.
Warren Buffett made the case for tax increases on the rich to help Obama. Now Warren Buffett, when
it's him involved, does everything he can to pay as little in tax as possible."
"I can't wait for ESPN to report from the locker room at the next women's professional golf tournament.
Can you imagine sending a reporter in there and asking about the showering habits of some of the
female professionals on the LPGA circuit? I mean, they've broken new ground here, so we can look
forward to that."
"I think ESPN ought to go off the air for two days. I think if they're really going to be consistent here,
they don't allow their employees to apologize, they make 'em apologize, they kick 'em off the air for a
couple of days, a week. ESPN ought to suspend itself, just to be consistent."

By Mychal Massie, a respected Black writer and talk show host in Los Angeles.

The other evening on my twitter, a person asked me why I didn't like the Obama's. Specifically I was
asked: "I have to ask, why do you hate the Obama's? It seems personal, not policy related. You even
dissed (disrespect) their Christmas family picture."
The truth is I do not like the Obamas, what they represent, their ideology, and I certainly do not like his
policies and legislation. I've made no secret of my contempt for the Obamas. As I responded to the
person who asked me the aforementioned question, I don't like them because they are committed to
the fundamental change of my/our country into what can only be regarded as a Communist state.

I don't hate them per definition, but I condemn them because they are the worst kind of racialists, they
are elitist Leninists with contempt for traditional America . They display disrespect for the sanctity of the
office he holds, and for those who are willing to admit same, Michelle Obama's raw contempt for white
America is transpicuous.
I don't like them because they comport themselves as emperor and empress. I expect, no I demand
respect, for the Office of President, and a love of our country and her citizens, from the leader entrusted
with the governance of same. President and Mrs. Reagan displayed an unparalleled love for the country
and her people. The Reagan's made Americans feel good about themselves and about what we could
His arrogance by appointing 32 leftist czars and constantly bypassing congress is impeachable. Eric
Holder is probably the MOST incompetent and arrogant DOJ head to ever hold the job. Could you
envision President Reagan instructing his Justice Department to act like jack-booted thugs?
Presidents are politicians and all politicians are known and pretty much expected to manipulate the
truth, if not outright lie, but even using that low standard, the Obama's have taken lies, dishonesty,
deceit, mendacity, subterfuge and obfuscation to new depths. They are verbally abusive to the citizenry,
and they display an animus for civility.
I do not like them, because they both display bigotry overtly, as in the case of Harvard Professor Louis
Gates, when he accused the Cambridge Police of acting stupidly, and her code speak pursuant to now
being able to be proud of America. I view that statement and that Mind set as an insult to those who
died to provide a country where a Kenyan, his illegal alien relatives, and his alleged progeny, could come
and not only live freely, but rise to the highest, most powerful, position in the world.
Michelle Obama is free to hate and disparage whites because Americans of every description paid with
their blood to ensure her right to do that. I have a saying, that "the only reason a person hides things, is
because they have something to hide." No president in history has spent over a million dollars to keep
his records and his past sealed.
And what the two of them have shared has been proven to be lies. He lied about when and how they
met, he lied about his mother's death and problems with insurance, Michelle lied to a crowd pursuant to
nearly $500,000 bank stocks they inherited from his family. He has lied about his father's military
service, about the civil rights movement, ad nausea. He lied to the world about the Supreme Court in a
State of the Union address.
He berated and publicly insulted a sitting Congressman. He has surrounded himself with the most
rabidly, radical, socialist academicians today. He opposed rulings that protected women and children
that even Planned Parenthood did not seek to support. He is openly hostile to business and aggressively
hostile to Israel.
His wife treats being the First Lady as her personal American Express Black Card (arguably the most
prestigious credit card in the world). I condemn them because, as people are suffering, losing their
homes, their jobs, their retirements, he and his family are arrogantly showing off their life of entitlement
- as he goes about creating and fomenting class warfare.
I don't like them, and I neither apologize nor retreat from my public condemnation of them and of his
policies. We should condemn them for the disrespect they show our people, for his willful and

unconstitutional actions pursuant to obeying the Constitutional parameters he is bound by, and his
willful disregard for Congressional authority.
Dislike for them has nothing to do with the color of their skin; it has everything to do with their
character, behavior, attitudes, and policies. And I have open scorn for their constantly playing the race
I could go on, but let me conclude with this. I condemn in the strongest possible terms the media for
refusing to investigate them, as they did President Bush and President Clinton, and for refusing to label
them for what they truly are. There is no scenario known to man, whereby a white president and his
wife could ignore laws, flaunt their position, and lord over the people, as these two are permitted out of
fear for their color.
As I wrote in a syndicated column titled, "Nero In The White House" - "Never in my life, inside or outside
of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader.
He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of his
presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequaled. Using Obama as the
bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood.
Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was elected president, but instead,
they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life,
failed policies, intimidation, and a commonality hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his
wife view their life at our expense as an entitlement - while America 's people go homeless, hungry and


Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 5:03 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CCXLI [BHOs Disasters]

This Blast e-mail has appended a memo that includes three [Rush Limbaugh on page 2255 (CCXXXVI),
Domestic Affairs on page 2276 (CCXXXVII) and Foreign Affairs on page 2288 (CCXXXVIII)+ that werent
distributed over the weekend [for reasons that will be explained]; it is followed by four more summaries
of Rush (encompassing not only Ferguson, but also how the GOP must respond to BHOs arrogance).

During todays press-conference, a feckless BHO announced he is going to develop a
strategy to deal with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Islamic States outrages.
Again, hes acting as if he is discovering this potential misconduct for the first time;
again, one wonders how much more damage he will cause American Exceptionalism
[even just fundamental American interests] prior to 1/20/2017. And are there ANY
Dems who might speak-out against his abandonment of any military action, even arming
Ukraine or the Kurds, instead of adamantly exhibiting 100%-pacifism? {[(Pathetic.)]}

It was necessary to overcome a few glitches over the weekend, a triple-whammy. First, Scribd [which is
used to upload formatted Blast e-mails] was down until Monday-a.m.; after it was notified on
Sunday, an e-mail was received 24-hours later that confirmed a bug had been exterminated. Second,
Microsoft Outlook didnt recognize a never-changed password and, thus, repeated efforts to send e-
mails accumulated. Third, as a result, when Google determined the daily e-mail limit had been
exceeded, lock-out was imposed for a day [so Verizon/Google were used temporarily]. Nevertheless, all
the communications remained pertinent [and were transmitted via Facebook without problem]. {Levity:
Young buck attempts to mate with blonde teen and Dumb Blonde Moments.}

Tuesday night, Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick spoke in Doylestown, c/o the Republican
Jewish Coalition; one of his suggestions mirrors a point made herein repeatedly, when
he advised that Boehner should invite BB to provide another address to a Congressional
joint-session. It has been opined, here, that BHO is most angry @ BB because of his
military success; this stands as a demonstrative counterpoint to the entire approach
adopted by BHO *particularly his claim that he rejects IDing either victor/vanquished
when dealing with Middle East conflicts]. Thus, merely his appearance in that setting
[predictably again being interrupted ~28x during a half-hour speech] would suggest why
BHO should emulate *rather than shun+ BBs worldview *and associated actions+.

To eliminate the risk of spamming those [gluttons-for-punishment] who might wish to read the backlog,
each compilation [< 2 megs] has been uploaded, yielding the entire set of Action-Items generated
XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX]; they can be searched for key-words. ,The prior six months
entries *anti-BHO+ will be added *focusing on BHOs Scandal-Sheet and the effort to defund
ObamaDontCare, spotlighting Cruz+.- More than 3300-pages have been composed during the past year,
and the reader is invited to ID any internal contradiction [for there arent any!+.

In PA, Gleason again suggested PA should get out of booze business; AG-Kane defended
herself and Denied making a mistake at the Sandusky press conference in Harrisburg.

Illustrative why the gubernatorial race may soon continue to tighten, it is possible that
Wolf's progressive tax plan is unconstitutional; SCRANTON PENSION FUNDS TO BE
BROKE IN 3-5 YEARS, HHS Accepted Corbetts Medicaid Plan and PA voters vastly
underestimate education spending, with majority grading schools D or F. In Philly, EX-
FATTAH AIDE ADMITTED DIVERTING FUNDS, as Former aide's guilty plea raises
questions for Fattah; also, Police in Philadelphia are investigating the case of three
possible robberies that all ended with the victims being bound and gagged with duct
tape, then stabbed, and finally thrown in the Schuylkill River to drownwhile the third
victim escaped death and alerted police to the attacks.

Regarding BHOs Scandal-Sheet, Judicial Watch claimed a Federal Attorney Said Backup of Lois Lerner
Emails Exist and, thus, the DOJ could access the 'lost' Lerner emails [ignoring the claim that such a task
would be overly-onerous]. Also, Thomas Kane, deputy chief counsel for the IRS, admitted in a sworn
declaration that Lois Lerners Blackberry, which would have given Congress access to her emails in their
investigation, was intentionally destroyed after the congressional probe into the scandal began. And a
top IRS ethics lawyer is facing possible disbarment, accused of lying. Even CNN concluded that the Latest
Report on Obama's VA Is 'Damning' and 'Looks Pretty Bad' [although VA Whistleblowers Condemned IG
Report] and Maryland's Obamacare Exchange is Under Review For Possible Fraud. Meanwhile, the
White House Joked About Spying on Press... 'We are always watching' as GALLUP showed Obama
'Strong Disapproval' is Double 'Strong Approval.'

Democrats are Defensive and Furious Over Obama Vacation Debacle, although BHO has
been defended by BILL BURTON [Stop complaining about Obama golfing] and a Former
WH Official ['It's BS' to Say That Obama's Checked Out].

The fight for control over the Senate is unclear [A GOP Wave or a Wipeout?] although the first poll of
Alaskas Senate race since the August 19 GOP primary showed Republican Dan Sullivan with a 47% to
45% lead over the incumbent Dem Senator Mark Begich. Furthermore, North Carolina Dem Kay Hagan
had a tough decision regarding whether to appear with Obama because Hagan's Record With Veterans
was Under Microscope; Kay Hagan decided to Greet Obama Warmly On His Arrival in North Carolina,
noting that she supports [and Tillis opposes] the export-import bank. Poll: Arkansas Senate Race a Dead
Heat. [Meanwhile, the trial on Miss. election challenge [McDaniel v. Cochran] has been set for Sept. 15;
Chris McDaniel: People Need to See the Ugly Under Belly of Some Elements of the Republican Party.]
'VEHEMENTLY'; yet, although Capitol Hill insiders widely consider Obama's rumored plan to unilaterally
extend amnesty to as many as five million of illegal aliens to be political suicideessentially ceding
control of the Senate in a single acta key question has been whether elite Republicans are willing to
deploy the issue in weaponized form. Furthermore, to a Dem Strategist, Obama's Climate Plan Puts
Candidates 'in Front of the Firing Squad,' as OBAMA HOPES TO DODGE CONGRESS ON INTERNATIONAL
LAW']. Nevertheless, 'Personhood' Fight Could Hamper GOP Takeover of U.S. Senate. Here is The
Democrats Problem *BHO doesnt care+, and here is the GOPs problem [cronyism]; it is possible that
the bruising-primaries *GOPs Civil War+ have precluded the GOP from opening-up wide leads, as
widespread pessimism takes-hold.


Glenn Beck Ripped Conservatives While Trying to Get CNN Deal, noting that there has
been a Bloodbath at CNN and HLN [Axing of 550 Jobs 'Imminent']. Also note Glenn Beck
Excoriated Bachmann: Shame On You, Really, Really, Really Almost Dead To Me.

Regarding POTUS-16, In Iowa, Jim Webb Slammed Obama's Unprecedented Executive Actions and
Hillary's Foreign Policy; on the GOP-side, Mike Huckabee told Conservatives to 'Stop the Fight' over
Common Core, despite documentation of how it mauls American History [Common Core PARCC CEO
Acknowledged Goal of Assessments to Drive Curriculum, the College Board Politicized U.S. History,
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Sued Obama Administration over Common Core, First State to Implement
Common Core Accuses Sec. Arne Duncan of Violating the Law, and Florida Gov. Rick Scott Broke with Jeb
Bush to Review Common Core Standards and Tests]. Also, lest we ignore the prior GOP-ticket, the Tea
Party News Network [properly] portrayed Paul Ryan 'the Betrayer' and Romney seems interested in both
the POTUS position ['Circumstances Can Change'] and the VP spot ['HAPPY TO SERVE MY COUNTRY' IF
CALLED]. Surprisingly, Conservative-Bashers Steve Schmidt and Henry Barbour are Advising Rick Perry;
finally, if Mike Pence runs for president, he could be supported by the Koch brothers.


During the Fitzpatrick event [vide supra], his aide was again reminded that he should NOT support any
effort by Reid to attach the Senates Immigration reform bill to the House-passed $-bill for the influx
of Central-American children *of all ages+; whatever work-permits are needed should be provided via
existing law, for BHO cant handle the administration of people already here, let alone add to the load
by granting amnesty to millions-more. [The faux-meme there are jobs Americans wont doc/o the
U.S. Chamber of Commercehas been debunked (n.b., unemployment/underemployment of millions
has ballooned), but lives on among RINOs+. Also:
Texas Border Deployment of 1,000 National Guard Now Underway
Armed Gulf Cartel Gunmen Crossed Into Texas, According to Court Docs
WH Press Sec: 'We'll Probably Have Some News to Make on Immigration' at the End of Summer
The Latino Victory Project: Executive Action Can 'Refocus Efforts' on Immigration Reform in
Rubio Smashed Obama's Planned Executive Amnesty, Shifting From 'Comprehensive'
Immigration Reform
Groups Urge Obama to Expand Visas for Immigrant Workers
ISIS Coming Through the Mexican Border
Fmr. Homeland Security Adviser: Very, Very True ISIS May Have Crossed Border
Mexican President to CA Legislature: 'I Believe that Most of You Speak Spanish'
Mexico President Pena Nieto and Jerry Brown Demanded Justice for Illegal Immigrants
Mexican President Pea Nieto Declared United States 'the Other Mexico'

DOJ quietly opened new asylum gate for Guatemalans
La Raza: Five Million the 'Floor' of What We Want to See Obama Do
Jindal: Feds Dumped 'Over a Thousand' Illegals on My State
Feds Seek 'Transportation Services for Unaccompanied Children'
Gutirrez: Dems Werent True to Their Values in Not Passing Amnesty While in Majority
White House: Government Shutdown Won't Stop Obama on Executive Amnesty
Mexican Officials Yanking Illegals off 'The Beast'
Drug traffic explodes on border
One-third of Mexicans would come to the U.S. if they could
VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Storm Beach in San Diego
Town halls erupt over flood of child migrants
Obama plots bypass around Congress on amnesty...FLASHBACK: 'Essentially I would be ignoring
the law'
Godfather & Gutierrez: Chicago will play leading role in implementing
MAYOR: Adult illegals with 'graying' hair enrolling in public schools
375,000 pending immigration cases, Obama lawyers AWOL
Admin allowing deported illegals to return to USA

Ferguson/reverse-racism *fanned by Lefties+ wont cease; in addition to Rushs comments *vide infra]:
Rush Limbaugh: New Media Prevented Mainstream Media from Turning 'Gentle Giant'
into Rodney King
Kurtz: MSNBC 'Reeks'; A 'Travesty' to Allow Al Sharpton on Air
Cornel West: Al Sharpton Is 'Low-Quality' Leadership, Lacks Integrity
Al Sharpton Is Barack Obama's New Jeremiah Wright
Sad Liberals: Cornel West and a Salon Columnist Attempt to Talk Through Their Obama
Left Media Already Claiming Racism in Ferguson Grand Jury
Only 15% of White Americans Back Ferguson Protests
No media outcry after BLACK cop kills young WHITE man
Blacks Think Race Relations Worse Under Obama
When CNN first broadcast the unverified audio of the shooting of Michael Brown in
Ferguson, it was with all the sturm and drang of breathless breaking news. The audio led
almost every hour and was the biggest story of the day. What a difference a day makes.
The language coming from "New Day" anchor Michaela Pereira Wednesday morning is
much more cautious. "Do you think it's authentic?", she asked two law enforcement
experts, both of whom believe it is a hoax. [GUEST: NETWORK GOT PUNKED]
Megyn Kelly and OReilly Clashed Over White Privilege in Ferguson

The Mainstream-Media still adores BHO:
Morning Joes Mika Brzezinski Reacted To Video Parodying Her Obama Love
Scarborough Tore into GOP: Obamas Doing What You Want, But All You Do Is Criticize

Chuck Todd: Americans Who Don't Pay Income Tax Fund Gov't More than Rich by Playing
Lottery and Slots
MSNBC was made for a commentator like Professor Michael Eric Dyson; his flattering of Obama,
sanctimonious disdain for conservatives, rhythmic cadence, academic status and great
love for all things race-related have allowed him to be a regular guest on the liberal
network and a fill-in host for The Ed Show.
BuzzFeed Staffer Struggles to Justify His Bias

The New Media still despises BHO:
FOXNEWS Hit Ratings Highs, while MSNBC Sputtered in Summer's Busiest Week
Alveda King Called Trayvon Martins Death A Late Abortion
Hannity Fired Back at Russell Brand: Youre Kind of Dumb and Ignorant

Gun-Laws remain controversial:
WWII Veteran Grabs Robber's Gun, Pulls Own Weapon, Shoots Suspect Six Times
Home Invader Assaults Woman, 11-Year-Old Boy, Kills Family Dog, Gets Shot Dead
Federal Judge Strikes Down California's 10-Day Waiting Period On Gun Purchases
9-year-old girl at a shooting range outside Las Vegas accidentally killed an instructor on Monday
morning when she lost control of the Uzi
Man kills wife at N.J. hospital; son's body found at home [it may be recalled that I became aware
that the local group of Catholic hospitals [including Nazareth] are assessing these
policies, and I spoke to the administrator regarding instillation of metal-detectors [just
as exist in schools+ to maximize the sense of personal safety that is desired; it should
be noted that hospitals will become soft-targets for terrorism, too.

BHOs transforming the judiciary, primarily D.C.s Appellate Court:
Democracy Alliance Bankrolled Court-Packing Scheme
Reince Priebus: Leftist Money, Harry Reid Trying to Hijack 'Sanctity of the Independent Federal

Regarding Medicine:
Ebola Kills Liberian Doctor Despite Receiving ZMapp Drug

Regarding Religion:
Prof Threatens To Lower Students' Grades For Saying 'Bless You' After Sneezes In Class

Regarding BHOs Foreign Policy:
Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda Met with Tepid Applause at American Legion
Obamas Reign of Error: How America Lost Its Way and Is Losing the War against Jihad (part 1)
Obamas Reign of Error: How America Lost Its Way and Is Losing the War Against Jihad (part 2)
Obamas Reign of Error: How America Lost its Way and is Losing the War Against Jihad (part 3)

Regarding the Ukraine:
Russia is Now Invading a New Region of Ukraine

Ukraine Forces Clashed with Armored Convoy Crossing Russia Border
'Donetsk Died:' Rebels Parade Ukrainian POWs on Independence Day
Ukraine Celebrates 23 Years of Independence
Ukraine Claims Capture of 10 Russian Soldiers
Former NATO Supreme Commander: West Must Re-Arm to Stop Russia
Battle for Key Southeast Coast Heats Up in Ukraine
Armed 'Men in Green' with Russian Accents Popping Up in East Ukraine
Breach Border.
Begin fighting alongside rebels
Assaults intensify
Satellite Photos

Regarding China: Taiwan Scrambled Jets After Chinese Aircraft Enter Airspace

Obama Caused the Gaza War
As an addendum to a weekend column, Morsis guys finally figure out what happened:
Muslim Brotherhood Claims Interim Egyptian President Is Jewish
UPDATE: On the other hand, Egypts liberal papers have the real scoop: Morsi was a Zionist
Poll: 89 Percent of Palestinians Support Terror Attacks on Israel
Gaza Fighting Raged on as New Truce Talks Rumored
Colleges Recall Students from Israel as Conflict Rages
Israel and Hamas Agreed to Open-Ended Cease-Fire
Hamas's "Victory"
Palestinian Arabs never miss a chance to miss a chance for peace, updated [part 1]
Hamas Challenged PA with 'Victory' Rally in Bethlehem
Decimated Hamas Accepted Ceasefire and Claimed Victory
Palestinians pour into Gaza streets to celebrate
Israel Won the War but Lost the Peace [allegedly]
Coast Guard cutter fires warning shot at Iranian sailboat in brief altercation
Ayatollah: High speed internet immoral and inhumane
Connie Bruck Whitewashes Schakowskyand J Streeton Israel
Israel Found Hamas Training Manual in Gaza, supporting its case that Palestinian militants deliberately
use the cover of residential areas for combat operations.
The Gaza War, By the Numbers
New York Jewish Couple Attacked by Pro-Hamas Terror Gang
Gaza in Manhattan: Individual Jews Held Guilty and Attacked
New York Jewish Couple Assaulted by Gang Waving PLO Flags
Arlene Kushners past few columns are lamenting the cease-fire but, as previously discussed, BB must be
trusted, for he must contend with BHO; meanwhile, Military achievements [offense/defense] and new
relationships *especially with Egypt+ are beneficial, as is the ability to show the world how its done.
Remember that there has actually only been one war fought, a continuous conflict [with lulls] since
1947; seen within this context, therefore, the mistaken-effort to promote Israeli-Palestinian framing in
the media [instead of Arabs vs. Israel] allows for the Jews, a tiny minority in the Middle East, to be
depicted as the stronger party.

The latest meme from incorrigible Israeli-lefties is to try to woo Iran, Turkey, and Qatar into moderating
Hamas, altering the Israeli approach from conflict management to conflict resolution [fat chance!].
Hamas: Israel's Destruction Remains Ultimate Goal
Israeli drone shot down in Iraq...Third in week
Qatar to Fund New Gaza Flotilla
Qaeda Affiliate Seizes Crossing Point With Israel
Bibi cabinet in revolt over ceasefire
Former Diplomat [Indyk, who hates Israel]: Obama 'Enraged' by Israeli Moves
Obama delayed Foley rescue for a month for fear of bad optics
The Daily-Alerts for today and this past week [Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday] provide depth, particularly
the summary by BB of what was accomplished during the past 50 days; one might say that Israel
counted the omer via a time-shift.+
"Upon the establishment of the ceasefire, I can say that there is a major military achievement
here, as well as a major diplomatic achievement for the State of Israel. Hamas was hit hard and it did
not receive even a single one of the conditions that it set for a cease-fire."
"The goal was to strike hard at Hamas and the terrorist organizations and in so doing bring
prolonged quiet to all Israeli citizens."
"We carry out the humanitarian rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip, with supervisory
mechanisms and oversight abilities in our hands. This is in order to prevent the entry of weapons or
materials that could be used to produce weapons."
"Hamas is also isolated diplomatically. We received international legitimacy from the global
community. First of all, we received 50 days for very strong action against the terrorist organizations.
This was substantial. I think that we also instilled in the international community the fact that Hamas,
ISIS and al-Qaeda and other extremist Islamic terrorist organizations are members of the same family."
"We also instilled the understanding that the long-term goal is the demilitarization of Hamas
and the terrorist organizations, the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip."
"Will we achieve our goal for prolonged calm? I think it is still too early to say, but I can say
that the harsh blow that Hamas and the terrorist organizations have taken, as well as our
ability, via border controls, to prevent their rearming, increase the chances that this goal will
be achieved....If it resumes firing, we will not tolerate sporadic firing at any part of the State
of Israel."

Anti-Catholicism may be the last remaining acceptable prejudice, but in Europe anti-Semitism is making
a comeback.
Princeton Prof: Christian Persecution, Anti-Semitism Worsening
Kirsten Powers Asks Followers to Help Iraqi Christians
Leftist university professor Michael Boyle of La Salle University took to the pages of the New York Times
to condemn all of us who refer to ISIS as evil or a cancer; such terminology constitutes a disturbing
return of the moralistic language once used to describe Al Qaeda, and using such language is a moral
hazard. Instead he refers to ISIS as a successful insurgent group that wants a seat at that table.

On August 26 the U.S. Coast Guard fired at an Iranian fishing boat when the boat pointed a machine gun
at the Coast Guard vessel.
Iranian General Threatens Surprise Attack on Israel

According to the Daily Beast, President Obama wants to decide by the end of the week whether or not
his war in Iraq against the Islamic State will expand to the groups haven in eastern Syria.
'Cold War:' Egypt Kept Secret Strikes Against Libya from US Due to 'Deep Distrust of Obama
Egypt, UAE Carry Out Secret Airstrikes Against Libyan Rebels

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said two of the leading state-sponsors of the Muslim
Brotherhood terror group -- Qatar and Turkey -- have unloaded millions of dollars in expenditures to
incite upheaval in the Middle East.
Scandinavian Countries Talk Tough on Restricting Jihadi Defectors
Ban ISIS Symbols: Austrian Minister
Muslim Gang Rapists are Springing Up Everywhere
Over 100 Filipino Youngsters Recruited for Islamic State
Shock Poll: Almost 1 in 6 French Citizens Support Islamic State
Executions 'Common Spectacle' in Jihadist-Controlled Syria: UN
43 Kosovo Nationals Suspected of Islamic Radicalism Arrested Over 2-Day Span
Counter-Jihadist Chief Admits Half of UK Jihadists Have Evaded Police
UN Official: IS 'Killed Up To 670 Prisoners' In Mosul, 'Ruthlessly' Targeted Religious Minorities
McConnell: Obama Would Have 'Lot of Congressional Support' for ISIS Strike
'STEADILY STRENGTHENING': ISIS is a crisis 4 years in making
Ret Gen: ISIS Has 'the Ability to Attack Anywhere'
Bob Woodward: ISIS Has More Money and Anti-American Anger than Pre-9/11 al Qaeda
White House Claims Obama JV Gaffe Not About ISIS
White House Refuses to Say ISIS an 'Imminent Threat'
AQAP Announces Support for Islamic State
Princeton Professor Robert P. George Authors Bipartisan Petition Calling Upon Obama Admin to Destroy
[not stop, not contain] Islamic State; has been called by The New York Times the most influential
conservative Christian thinker in the United States.
FBI & DHS: Islamic State Poses No Credible Threat to US - Sec. Hagel Says Opposite
Boko Haram Declares 'Islamic State' in Northern Nigeria

A friend contacted me overnight [with whom I have spoken in decades] recalling my
effort to convince his father [a Turkey academician] that America should have created
Kurdistan in 1991; we had debated during a Seder that his family had hosted, as I argued
the no-fly-zone wouldnt be effective and Saddam should lose some territory following
his Kuwait invasion. Thus, I sent him hyperlinks to my oeuvre regarding this issue,
accrued during the past half-decade [America Must Recognize Kurdistan - Jewish
Policy Center; America Must Recognize Kurdistan - Daily Alert | Jerusalem ...; The Kurds
Can Lead a Reborn Syria, At Peace With ALL of Her Neighbors; and The Road To Iran
Runs Through Kurdistan ... - Israpundit, which had been written six years ago and was
reprinted last year by Ted Belman as if it had just been composed without my having
submitted it to him]. Now, note the repercussions of BHO having ignored us:
'Blame Baghdad:' Kurdish Commander Says Crucial Foreign Weapons Have Not Been
Iran is the first country supplied the Kurdish forces with arms: Barzani
Iraq Village Now Eerie Outpost for Kurdish Fighters
German Aid to Kurds: Burgers, Sausages and Granola Bars

Islamic State Executed Soldiers and took Hostages at Syria Base
US considering new Iraq relief mission for group under siege by ISIS
1400+ Children Abused, Raped, or Threatened by 'Mostly Pakistani Perpetrators' in UK Town
Labour Member of Parliament Yasmin Qureshi has caused outrage after comparing the idea of young
British Muslims joining ISIS to the idea of young Jewish Britons joining the Israel Defense Forces

Obama Struggles to Craft Message on Threat of Islamic State
Obama's blurry foreign policy vision has underscored claims by critics.
The shrinking defense industry is illustrated by the fact that the number of employees at the five largest
U.S. defense firms dropped 14 percent from 2008.
Austria is the Springboard for Global Jihad
Syrian Foreign Minister: We Will Join with U.S., U.K. to Fight IS
A Who's Who of the Good Guys and Bad Guys in the New Jihad
Al Qaeda magazine hinted of looming attack...Urged bombing of Vegas, military targets
ISIS stripped 250 Syrian soldiers and marched them to mass execution
American killed fighting Jihad [Father of 9 from Minneapolis]

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