Ejercicio 38 Lic. Ruth Libro2

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EXERCISE 29: Comparisons.

Directions: For Sentence Completion items, mark the oval next to the answer choice that
correctly completes the sentence. For Error Identification items, put an X under the
underlined portion of the sentence that would not be considered correct.
. !he "merican and Canadian political systems are like in that both are dominated by
two ma#or parties.
$. %ild strawberries are &&&&&&&&&&&&&cultivated strawberries.
not sweeter
not as sweet as
less sweeter than
not sweet as
'. !he period is probably the most easiest punctuation mark
to use.
(. %hen metal replaced wood in the construction of ships) hulls, more stron* ships could be built.
+. Sea bass &&&&&&&&&&&&freshwater bass.
are lar*er than
the lar*er the
are as lar*e
than are lar*er
,. Charcoal is the more commonly used cookin* fuel in the world.
-. "utomobiles, airplanes, and buses use more ener*y per passen*er ........... &&&&&&&
as do trains
than trains do
trains do
like trains
$. Few "merican politicians have spoken more elo/uently as %illiam 0ennin*s
'.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!he lar*er a drop of water, free2in*
the hi*her its
its hi*her
hi*her than its
the hi*hest
3. &&&&&&&&&&& San 4ie*o and San Francisco, 5os "n*eles has no natural harbor.
. 4urin* a depression, economic conditions are far worst than they are durin* a
$. !he spinal column is alike the brain in that its main functions can be
classified as either sensory or motor functions.
'.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!he water of the 7reat Salt
5ake is ............ seawater.
saltier than that of
as salty as that of
saltier than
so salty as
(. Fun*i are the most important decomposers of forest soil, #ust like bacteria are the most
important decomposers of *rassland soil .
+. " psychosis is a severe mental disorder, a neurosis.
the most serious
as serious
more serious than
as thou*h serious

,. !he surfboards used thirty.five years a*o were more heavy than the ones used by
surfers today.
-. !he horse chestnut has a stron*er, bitter taste than other chestnuts.
8. !he social system of bumblebees is not as complex &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
o than honeybees
o as honeybees
o that honeybees are
o as that of honeybees
9. Chica*o)s Field :useum is one of the lar*est and better known natural history
museums in the 6nited States.
$3.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!he .administration of
private colle*es is nearly &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&that of public colle*es.
#ust as
the same as
$. ;f Canada)s ten provinces, <rince Edward Island is the less populous.
$$. ;ne of the most basic "merican contribution to technolo*y was the so.called
="merican system= of interchan*eable machine parts.
$'. !he cello is shorter and slender than the double bass.
$(. !he finback whale is the fastest of all whales, and only the blue whale is lar*est.
$+. " butterfly a moth in a number of ways.
is different
different from
the difference is
differs from
>o*ers, 1ruce. COMPLETE GUIDE to the TOEFL Test. 1oston, :a? @einle A @einle,
$33, pp. $88.$93
EXERCISE 29: Comparisons.
Directions: For Sentence Completion items, mark the oval next to the answer choice that
correctly completes the sentence. For Error Identification items, put an X under the
underlined portion of the sentence that would not be considered correct.
!he "merican and Canadian political systems are alike in that both are dominated by two
ma#or parties.
$%ild strawberries are &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&cultivated strawberries.
not sweeter
not as sweet as
less sweeter than
not sweet as
'. !he period is probably the easiest punctuation mark to use.
(%hen metal replaced wood in the construction of ships) hulls, stron*er ships could be built.
+ .Sea bass &&&&&&&&&&&&&freshwater bass.
are lar*er than
the lar*er the
are as lar*e
than are lar*er
,.Charcoal is the most commonly used cookin* fuel in the world.
-."utomobiles, airplanes, and buses use more ener*y per passen*er ........... &&&&&&&&
as do trains
than trains do
trains do
like trains
8.Few "merican politicians have spoken more elo/uently than %illiam 0ennin*s
9.!he lar*er a drop of water, &&&&&&&&&&&&&&free2in* temperature.
the hi*her its
its hi*her
hi*her than its
the hi*hest
3. &&&&&&&&&&& San 4ie*o and San Francisco, 5os "n*eles has no natural harbor.
. 4urin* a depression, economic conditions are far worse than they are durin* a
$.!he spinal column is like the brain in that its main functions can be
classified as either sensory or motor functions.
'.!he water of the 7reat Salt 5ake is ............ seawater.
saltier than that of
as salty as that of
saltier than
so salty as
(.Fun*i are the most important decomposers of forest soil, #ust as bacteria are the most
important decomposers of *rassland soil .
+. " psychosis is a severe mental disorder, a neurosis.
the most serious
as serious
more serious than
as thou*h serious

,.!he surfboards used thirty.five years a*o were heavier than the ones used by surfers
-.!he horse chestnut has a stron*er, more bitterBbitterer taste than other chestnuts.
8. !he social system of bumblebees is not as complex &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
o than honeybees
o as honeybees
o that honeybees are
o as that of honeybees
9.Chica*o)s Field :useum is one of the lar*est and best known natural history museums
in the 6nited States.
$3.!he .administration of private colle*es is nearly &&&&&&&&&&&&&&that of public colle*es.
#ust as
the same as
$.;f Canada)s ten provinces, <rince Edward Island is the least populous.
$$. ;ne of the most basic "merican contributions to technolo*y was the so.called
="merican system= of interchan*eable machine parts.
$'.!he cello is shorter and more slenderBslenderer than the double bass.
$(.!he finback whale is the fastest of all whales, and only the blue whale is lar*er.
$+. " butterfly a moth in a number of ways.
is different
different from
the difference is
differs from
>o*ers, 1ruce. COMPLETE GUIDE to the TOEFL Test. 1oston, :a? @einle A @einle,
$33, pp. $88.$93

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