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Dear Chairman Mioduski and the fans of Legia Warsaw,

Firstly, congratulations on your victory against us in the Champions League qualifier. We were
comfortably outplayed.

Trust me, no one at Celtic- not the players, staff or supporters- believed that we deserved to go
through at your expense. We understand your frustration and anger directed towards UEFA. As
a club who, up until recent seasons, have had to play against a team who refused to pay the
appropriate taxes, and have throughout our history been subjected to sectarian bias against us,
we know what it feels like to be unjustly treated.

That is why the anti-UEFA banner in your Europa League qualifier match upset me. Please do
not associate Celtic with your anger at UEFA. I noticed that the word money was in the famous
green and white hoops. What little money Celtic have is through selling our best players and
sound management of the club, not through any form of corruption.

We are not your enemies, and we'll see you in the final of the Europa league.
Kind Regards,
Eoghan Michael Morgan

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