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Script for the video:

Number of characters in the video: 2

Details of the characters:
An Employee whose name is Ram and working as Manager New Business Development
A 6 year old daughter whose name is Alia.
Situation: Ram has started working from home at 8:30 am. Looks quite focussed while working at
laptop. Around 9:30ish he started feeling uneasiness and headache
Self-Dialogue of Ram: Oh am feeling quite uncomfortable. Why am getting headache. Its bad. Let
me rest for sometime
Now Ram has lie down on bed and slept. In video, clock is showing where he has taken nap for
around 3 hours. Around 1:00 pm, his daughter Alia came in room.
Alia to Ram: Papa please get up I have got homework from school. Papa please get up
Ram got up (still yawning)
Ram to Alia: Ya Alia what happened, am not feeling well.
Alia: I need to write a paragraph on my values. Papa what I should write.
Ram: Let me think
Now Ram is thinking and he recalled PSI Values In video a picture of PSI Values will come to his
Ram to Alia: Alia you can write value called Honesty which means we act with integrity share what
we achieve and admit when we fail.
Alia to Ram: which means we need to be honest in all our actions? Then Papa why are you sleeping
today? Mom told me you are working from home.
This lead to self realization to Ram and he introspects what he is doing.
Self-Dialogue of Ram: Oh what am I doing? I should be honest at my work
Ram immediately picks his phone to give call to his Boss but due to network issue he was not able to
connect on call. (Show in video that he is calling BOSS but number is not reachable)
Then he said to himself: Let me send message to boss and apply sick leave online at iConnect
After few hours, his boss called and asked from him
Boss - I have got email to approve your sick leave today but yesterday you told me that you will be
working from home today.
Ram Ya Boss, in the morning I started working but felt uneasy and was having headache so I took
rest. Am sorry as I inform quite late today. Also your phone number was not reachable when I called
you during noon time.
Boss said in relief manner oh, its perfectly fine. I was occupied in the meetings at basement
conference hall and network connectivity is always an issue there. Please take rest and thank you for
living PSI Value
After the call, Ram felt really good and said to himself - yes I am and will always live PSI Values

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