Science Article Report 1

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Name: Emma Kohlenberg

Science Article Report - Informative Text

1. Choose any informational, science article that you would like to read.
2. Read the article.
3. Answer the questions below.

Reading Questions:

1. What is the title of the article and who is the author? (1 sentence)

Saving the banana by:ALISON PEARCE STEVENS

2. What is the thesis (main point) of the article? (1 sentence)

Bananas are popular but they are indanger of TR4, various attemts are trying to save the banana

3. What type of scientists were discussed in this article? (1 sentence)

Farmers and scientists trying to save the banana (I think genetasists)

4. What did you learn from the article? What do you want to remember? (4-5

I learned that bananas dont grow on trees, but they grow on a very tall bush. Once the bush
stops giving fruit, they srivel into the grownd. The remains of the plant come back into a new
plant, like a cycle. Which is why the TR4 is such a problem. If the plant dies from that there will
be no cycle. I also learned that unlike other fruits only some kinds of bananas not the kind we
like. We like Cavendish.

5. How does the information in this article relate to something in your life? (3-5

I relly like bananas. I would relly hate if they disappeared. Im sure others feel this way too.

** Picture**

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