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Name: haily

Science Article Report - Informative Text

1. Choose any informational, science article that you would like to read.
2. Read the article.
3. Answer the questions below.

Reading Questions:

1. What is the title of the article and who is the author? (1 sentence)

Ebola emerges in the Congo Janet Raloff

2. What is the thesis (main point) of the article? (1 sentence)

To inform people about the new disease that spreading called Ebola.

3. What type of scientists were discussed in this article? (1 sentence)

One were medecins which is the French name

4. What did you learn from the article? What do you want to remember? (4-5

I learn that a new disease called ebola and its spreading. I also learn that theres not cure yet but
there are working on it. Ebola aready killed a 1,000 people already so it dangerous.

5. How does the information in this article relate to something in your life? (3-5

Well I dont have anything that could relate

** Picture**

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