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The functionalist perspective:

Functionalist view the society as consisting of a set of interdependent and related units. Society is
viewed as a system of interrelationships between people and various social institutions. The most basic
relationship between the parts is characterized by cooperation and harmony. As long as people are
socialized which is bound to consensus to societys common values, believed highly integrated society in
which social change is slow and quite stable. Violence is viewed dysfunctional or behavior of a group
activity that interferes the social system functions.
However, community violence according to this approach is seen when there is interruption between
the status of people and their role which is creating dysfunctional. And the social instiotutions are not
playing their due role which is causing disorganization in the community. Beside this the social
instituions have disequalibium in the manifest and latent functions due to the dominancy of atent
functions in the social institutions. Resultantly , the dysfunction is occurring and the result is community

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