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PRE-DURING-POST (PDP) Reading Task Approach

Key concept!this approach allows teachers to exploit a well-chosen text through crafted
PDP tasks which serve as the foundation for an entire lesson plan.
PRE-READING- Students are introduced to and become familiar with the topic, and
are exposed to target vocabulary related to understanding the text.

T activates schemata (connects students background knowledge and awareness
of topic) through use of topic related visuals, eliciting and prediction
T provides background and context related to text (T elicits vocabulary, concepts)
T pre-teaches or introduces key vocabulary/language structures essential to
understanding text

DURING READING Students read actively not passively, and re-read text several
times, each time gaining a more detailed understanding of the text.

Students read actively by highlighting, underlining or circling key vocabulary/
structures in the text or by using graphic organizers.
Students read (skim) text the first time for general understanding of text (gist)
or to identify and locate (scan) where key points within the text are located.
Students read text a second and third time for deeper understanding of text, to
identify specific information and for interactive tasks (e.g. summarize a portion of
the text or respond to questions in pair activity)
Each reading should provide for an interactive task requiring some kind of
response from students including communicative tasks.

POST READING Students understanding of the text is reinforced through expanding
on the text or personalizing the topic using other language skill areas (speaking or

Post reading tasks should allow students to reinforce the new vocabulary
words/language structures using other production skills (speaking or writing)

T provides tasks that require student to be creative (create poster or short
summary/ presentation, express opinion or defend a position) in order to expand
on the text or personalize the topic using other skills and cooperative learning
tasks (students work together towards a goal).

Development of critical thinking skills should be a consideration in post-reading
tasks, with objective that students can demonstrate a deeper understanding of text
through production of target vocabulary related to concepts from the text

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