Vocabulary Week 2 CH 10-17

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Curses and Smoke: A Novel of Pompeii

Week 2
Chapters 10-17

You must define each of the following words. The part of speech is listed to help
you select the correct definition. If two parts of speech are listed with one in
parentheses, the first is the POS for that word form, the second is where the
definition is likely to be found.

1. Iridescentadj.
2. Miasman.
3. Abrasionsn.
4. Linteln.
5. Corrodedvb.
6. Goadingn.
7. Odiousadj.
8. Frescon.
9. Tricliniumn.
10. Peristylen.
11. Sparringn.
12. Greaven.
13. Inscrutablen.
14. Anteroomn.
15. Ornateadj.

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