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Tutorial 1
Informal Introduction to Methods of Proof
The purpose of this tutorial is to learn to read and write proofs in the format prescribed. It is rec-
ommended that you explore the available resources in the library and on the Internet to answer the
questions. This tutorial must be prepared in writing. Make two copies of your answers: one for you and
one for the tutor. Bring your lecture notes to the tutorial.
1. Who was Euclid? Find the names of two persons who have or could have met him.
2. Prove that the product of two odd natural numbers is an odd natural number.
3. Prove that 2
1 = (2
1) (

) for two natural numbers p and q.
4. Find a denition of a prime number (for natural numbers).
5. Prove that if 2
1 is prime, then n is prime for n being a natural number.
6. Find a proof by contradiction that there does not exist one largest prime natural number (larger
than all other prime natural numbers).
7. What is the sum of the rst n odd numbers? Find the expression. State the corresponding proposi-
tion. Prove it by induction. Suggest an algorithm for computing the square root of a perfect square
using multiplication, addition and subtraction only.

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