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Benefit and challenges of Data-mining

Benefit of Data-mining:
1. Predict future trends, customer purchase habits
2. Help with decision making
3. Improve company revenue and lower costs
4. Market basket analysis
5. Fraud detection
Challenges of Data-mining:
1. User privacy/security
2. Amount of data is overwhelming
3. Great cost at implementation stage
4. Possible misuse of information
5. Possible in accuracy of data

2. Benefits and challenges of Data ware-house
Benefits of Data ware-house:
1. Potential high returns on investment
2. Competitive advantage
3. Increased productivity of corporate decision-makers
4. More cost-effective decision-making
5. Better enterprise intelligence.
Challenges of Data ware-house
1. Underestimation of resources of data loading
2. Hidden problems with source systems
3. Required data not captured
4. Increased end-user demands
5. Data homogenization
6. High demand for resources
7. Data ownership
8. High maintenance
9. Complexity of integration
10. Long-duration projects


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